Global Bus Design of a Bus-Based COMA Multiprocessor DICE
Globalization and the Coca-Cola CompanyIntroductionToday, Coca-Cola is one of most well-known brands in the world. This company hascontinued to gain momentum and growth, capitalizing on the rapidly expandingbeverage industry and ranking as the largest beverage company in the world. With its push for global market share, Coca-Cola now operates in over 200 countries with over 84,000 suppliers. Currently, over 70% of Coca Co la’s business i ncome is generatedfrom non-US sources (Coca-Cola Company, 2012). In over a century, Coca-Cola hasgrown the company into a multi-million dollar business.However, the road to success has not always been easy for Coca-Cola. Many countries have banned the use of Coca-Cola products, claiming that these products are“threatening public health” and “encouraging obesity.” Many labor practice suits havebeen filed against the mega beverage company with accusations of “child laborsweatshops” and “discrimination in providing health care benefits to workers.” Inaddition, the beverage industry has been flooded with competitors introducing new soft drink products, such as Pepsi, along with soft drink alternatives, such as Gatorade,bottled water, fruit juice, and energy drinks. Coca-Cola has faced the challenge byintroducing new beverage brands including Sprite, Fanta, Minute Maid, Simply Orange, Fresca, Vitamin Water, Smart Water, Odwalla, and Powerade.In light of the obstacles Coca-Cola has overcome, the company has remained true to its commitment to provide quality, refreshing, and satisfying products to consumers. Inorder to ensure each product tastes the same across the globe, Coca-Cola continues to keep the beverage recipes secret with tightly controlled manufacturing facilities. Coca-Cola has never lost sight of its goal to be the best beverage company in the world. Now, let us take a closer look at Coca Cola’s journey to globalization.Coca-Cola’s Journey to GlobalizationFounded back in the 1880’s, Coca-Cola was developed by John Pemberton as anAmerican iconic brand known for high quality and consistency. During this period inhistory, storekeepers demanded pre-packaged products with brand name recognition.Coca-Cola met these demands with its iconic red and white logo and brand marketing to instill confidence in the consumer that the Coca-Cola product would taste the sameeverywhere it was purchased. These strategies soon became the foundation for Coca- Cola’s plan to e xpand globally.In the early 1900’s, C oca-Cola started to globalize. Bottling plants were initially built in Cuba and Panama as the US military spread to these regions, causing a rise in demand for the Coca-Cola brand. These plants proved to be successful, reducing shipping and delivery costs typical in these regions. Soon after, additional bottling plants opened inHawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. These efforts launched Coca-Cola’sSaylor URL: /bus208#2.5.6investment in testing foreign markets for future expansion opportunities. By 1926, Coca-Cola had established foreign relationships and plants around the world in support of its newly created center of global operations.Coca-Cola continued on its path of mass production and rapid expansion for the nextseveral decades. Local branches along with local partnerships to produce and distribute the signature Coca-Cola products were established throughout the world. The ending of World War II and the Cold War marked the signature period in which Coca-Cola hadestablished itself as a true global corporation known for its efficiency and worldwidecapabilities.Next, let us take a look at three key strategies employed by Coca-Cola to support rapid growth and expansion across the globe: global marketing strategies, productdifferentiation, and technology.Global Marketing StrategiesCoca-Cola’s marketing strategies played a significant role in success fully globalizing the company. The company’s popular advertising slogans and catchy jingles played into the hearts and minds of people around the world. Some of the most rememberedadvertising slogans include:∙“Drink Coca-Cola.”∙“Things go better with Coke.”∙“Good ‘til the last drop.”∙“It’s the real thing.”∙“Always Coca-Cola.”∙“Enjoy.”∙“Life tastes goo d.”Coupled with these slogans, songs were used to have consumers remember the brand.One of the company’s most popular jingles wa s known as “I want to buy the world acoke,” produced in 1971 by Billy Davis. The commercial featuring this song portrayed a world of hope and love produced by a group of multicultural teenagers on top of a hill.This commercial went down in history as one of the most well-known commercials of all time.In addition to Coca-Cola’s advertising efforts, Coca-Cola became the first commercial sponsor of the Olympic Games in Amsterdam in 1928. Coca-Cola continues to be anOlympic Games sponsor today. Coca-Cola has also sponsored many other sportingevents such as the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA), NationalHockey League (NHL), National Basketball Association (NBA), National FootballAssociation (NFL), Major League Baseball (MLB), NASCAR, and Cricket World Cup. Saylor URL: /bus208#2.5.6Product DifferentiationAnother key factor that has supported Coc a Cola’s globalization vision is the company’s ability to customize the product to meet the needs and wants of individual markets. For example, Coca-Cola has been able to tailor its product line to meet the needs of theyounger consumer by offering Powerade and flavored Coke products, such as Cherry Coke and Vanilla Coke. Additionally, the company is meeting the needs of the healthconscious, older consumer with Diet Coke, Vitamin Water, and Odwalla products. Coca-Cola has invested significant time and money into researching and understandingdifferent marketing segments based on lifestyle, age, and income in order to accurately develop and market its products.Packaging differentiation has also played a key role in how adaptable the Coca-Colaproduct is to various market segments. Functional packaging has been used to make the products available in different sizes and forms, including glass and plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and fountain drink dispensers. The company considers various shapes and sizes of the bottles and cans to ensure easy stacking and vending machinedispensing. To promote the company’s commitment to environmental sustainability, all packaging materials are designed to be recyclable and labeled accordingly for easyconsumer identification.TechnologyTechnology advances contributed to Coca-Cola’s ability to globalize rapidly throughout the 20th century. Product transportation became more efficient and cost effective withthe development of bigger and faster semi-trucks, cargo ships, jet aircraft, and trains.Coca-Cola was able to manufacture and ship products quicker and farther to marketsegments that were unreachable before these transportation improvements. In addition, technology advances became the driving force behind the ease and speed at whichinformation was available. Distributors and warehouses were able to more accuratelytrack inventory levels and fill order shipments, resulting in lower overall operating costs.Computerization also led to slashed product costs and improved efficiencies.Computerized and automated manufacturing equipment increased the speed andvolume in which products were produced. These technological advances enabled Coca Cola to compete on a global scale, selling the well-known brand of products across the world at competitive prices.Summary:∙Coca-Cola is one of the most well-known brands in the world, operating in over 200 countries.∙While the global marketplace has presented numerous opportunities for Coca-Cola, the company has also encountered global attacks on the nutritional valueof its products, along with unfair labor practice accusations.Saylor URL: /bus208#2.5.6∙Founded in 1880, Coca-Co la began its journey toward becoming the world’s best and largest beverage company.∙Coca-Cola’s American iconic logo, brand recognition, convenient packaging, and consistent product manufacturing became the foundation for the company’s planto expand globally.∙ A pioneer in globalization, Coca-Cola began expanding bottling andmanufacturing facilities back in the early 1900’s, establishing key foreignpartnerships.∙Coca-Cola’s marketing strategies, including memorable advertising slogans, catchy jingles, and sporting event sponsorships, played a significant role inwinning the hearts and minds of consumers globally.∙Product differentiation, such as offering different beverages in flexible packaging options, allowed Coca-Cola to customize the product for different marketsegments.∙Technology advances, including product transportation, telecommunication, and computerization, became the driving force behind Coca-Cola’s ability to capitalizeon the rapidly expanding marketplace across the globe.References:Coca-Cola Company (2012). Wikinvest. Retrieved December 11, 2012./stock/Coca-Cola_Company_(KO)Saylor URL: /bus208#2.5.6。
十六节点的阶层构造COMA 协议设计计算机应用技术COMA 简介【1】:COMA 是并行机结构体系中的一种,它的全称是Cache Only Memory Architecture ,它是NUMA 模型的一种特例,它利用各节点的高速缓存构成全局地址空间。
16结点的COMA 结构如图1所示。
由图可以看出,COMA 是由阶层BUS 构成的,其中P 指的是各个结点的Processor ,M 指的是各个结点的Memory ,D 指的是目录Directory 。
COMA 模型的各处理器结点中没有存储层次结构,全部的Memory 组成了全局地址空间。
而各个Memory 由上层的目录Directory 管理。
Directory 在结构上也是Memory ,但其中存储的不是数据而是某一页内容的位置信息。
图1 16结点COMA 型并行机 在开始时,COMA 使用特别的OS ,将所需的数据分配给各个Memory ,初始状态下每页只有一份,而Directory 中记录着哪些数据存在哪里。
P 使用某页时先向本Memory申请,若本Memory 无此页则向上一层Directory 申请,直到找到该页,将此页拷贝至本结点的Memory 。
这样系统将各个Memory 用作Cache ,运行一段时间后形成数据的最优配置。
因此,各个结点中的Memory 实际上是另外一种意义上的高速缓存Cache ,并且此Cache 的容量一般都大于2级Cache 的容量。
为了不在下文中引起不必要的误解,因此在下文中各节点的Memory 统一成为Cache 。
由于数据会在各个Cache 之间传递,因此某些数据就会在不止一个的Cache 中出现,这就会涉及到了Cache 一致性的问题。
本文基于16结点的COMA 并行机设计了一种Cache 一致性的方法。
本文所设计的COMA 并行机如图1所示,此模型共有三级目录结构,第一级的目录记录在其目录下的二个结点的Cache 中所存储的每一页的数据驻留在Cache 中的信息,包括每一页的位置及状态,第二级的目录记录了三级目录下的所有页的信息。
收稿日期:20201215基金项目:中铁工程设计咨询集团有限公司科技开发课题(单轨-研2020-3-11)㊂作者简介:岳文豪(1991 ),男,2014年毕业于英国曼彻斯特大学建筑与城市化专业,文学硕士,工程师㊂文章编号:16727479(2021)03012806跨座式单轨交通高架换乘车站方案设计岳文豪(中铁工程设计咨询集团有限公司,北京㊀100055)㊀㊀摘㊀要:跨座式单轨是一种以高架敷设为主的中运量轨道交通制式,其换乘车站多采用高架形式设置在公共空间之中,对城市景观影响较大㊂为优化跨座式高架换乘车站的功能流线布置,减小车站体量,实现标准化㊁轻量化设计目标,从跨座式单轨制式独有的灵活度高㊁适应性强的特点出发,采用总结归纳法和案例分析法进行深入研究㊂首先,对跨座式高架换乘车站设计的影响因素进行分析,并对常用的高架车站换乘方式进行归纳;再结合近期项目实例,对同车站换乘车站及通道换乘车站的方案演变㊁优劣比选㊁适用范围进行研究,并对跨座式高架换乘车站的设计原则进行总结归纳㊂在统一设计原则的指导下,通过合理的车站站型选取以及因地制宜的周边分析,最大程度地实现了跨座式高架换乘车站的设计目标㊂关键词:跨座式单轨;高架换乘车站;同车站换乘;通道式换乘;方案研究中图分类号:TU248.1;U232㊀㊀文献标识码:ADOI:10.19630/ki.tdkc.202012150001开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):Design of Elevated Transfer Station of Straddle MonorailYue Wenhao(China Railway Engineering Design and Consulting Group Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100055,China)Abstract :The straddle monorail system is a medium volume rail transit system which mainly laid overhead.Its transfer stations are mostly set in the urban public space with an elevated mode,which has a great impact on the urban landscape.In order to optimize functional streamline,reduce station volume and achieve standardization and lightweight,the method of summary induction and case analysis were adopted based on thecharacteristics of straddle monorail system including high flexibility and strong adaptability.Firstly,theinfluence factors of straddle elevated transfer station were analyzed,and the commonly used transfer methods were summarized.Moreover,combined with project cases,the evolution,quality comparison,scopeapplication of the one-station transfer mode and channel transfer mode were studied,and the design principles of straddle elevated transfer station were summarized.Under the guidance of unified design principle,thedesign goal of straddle elevated transfer station can be achieved to the greatest extent through reasonableselection of station type and peripheral analysis according to local conditions.Key words :straddle monorail;elevated transfer station;one-station transfer;channel transfer;schematicdesign㊀1㊀研究背景及方法1.1㊀研究背景及意义换乘车站作为轨道交通线网各条线路的交汇节点,是轨道交通系统的重要组成部分㊂随着城市轨道交通的逐步发展,换乘站发挥的中转换乘作用愈发重要,目前各大轨道交通成网的城市,换乘站客流占全网的50%以上[1]㊂换乘车站往往位于城市重要节点位置,周边环境复杂,人流量大,控制因素多㊂尤其对于高架设置的换乘车站,其庞大的建筑体量会对城市空间和道路景观造成较大影响㊂如何在满足车站日常使用功能的同时,体现人性化设计理念[2],提升旅客换乘体验,并优化车站景观效果,是高架换乘车站设计中需要解决的主要矛盾㊂目前,关于轨道交通换乘车站的研究成果主要集中在传统钢轮钢轨制式领域,张丙昌对地下车站之间的换乘方案进行研究[3];陈小飞探讨了高架车站与地下车站之间的换乘关系[4];罗景华对高架车站与周边的建筑和环境的有效融合进行研究[5],刘宝对岛式与侧式车站换乘设计进行探讨[6]㊂然而,对于高架式换乘车站设计方案的系统性研究相对较少,亟待进行系统性总结㊂1.2㊀研究方法及目标在既有研究成果的基础上,从跨座式单轨制式的独有特点出发,结合近期的众多设计实践,以总结归纳和案例分析作为主要研究方法,对换乘车站的设置原则㊁制约因素㊁换乘方案㊁车站布局进行系统性研究,并对车站与城市空间的结合方式进行探索,以期达到跨座式换乘车站使用功能便捷化㊁车站体量轻量化㊁周边结合紧密化的设计目标[7-10]㊂2㊀高架换乘车站影响因素分析高架换乘车站设置于地面以上城市空间之中,其影响因素也有别于传统制式地下换乘车站,主要体现在如下几个方面㊂2.1㊀线位方案在工程设计中,轨道线路和换乘车站为 线 和点 的关系㊂根据线路交汇方案不同,车站可分为平行式和垂直式两种,具体布置形式如图1㊁图2所示㊂图1㊀双线平行式布置㊀图2㊀双线垂直式布置㊀当两线平行敷设时,两车站可在相同高度贴临或结合一体;当两线呈垂直交叉时,若线路存在高度跨越关系,两车站可分别独立设置于路口一侧,再通过换乘通道㊁连桥等形式连接㊂2.2㊀建设时序轨道交通工程建设投资大㊁周期长,普遍存在规划㊁建设分期实施的情况㊂对于建设时序不同的项目,应采取不同设计策略㊂同期建设的换乘车站,应优先考虑双线车站的一体化设计实施,从而最大程度方便旅客乘降及换乘㊂对于不能同期实施的换乘车站,在考虑换乘便捷性的基础上,需要结合分期建设的建设时序㊁投资分匹㊁接口预留等因素综合考虑,因地制宜地选择换乘方案㊂2.3㊀客流组织换乘车站多位于城市重要节点,周边客流规模较大,容易造成拥堵㊂在车站内,对旅客通行影响较大的站台宽度㊁换乘通道宽度㊁进出站闸机数量㊁扶梯数量等指标,应按照远期高峰小时最大客流量进行测算,以满足旅客使用需求㊂换乘车站内部各类人群相互汇集,在设计中应充分考虑不同类型人流走行路线的独立性,确保进出站流线,换乘流线,商业开发㊁工作人员流线均相互独立,以减少干扰㊂2.4㊀周边环境及规划换乘车站多数设置在城市核心区域,此类车站周边环境复杂,建筑密集,人流量大㊂车站设置应符合城市规划对周边地块的相关上位条件及指标,并满足车站与周边建筑的消防㊁节能㊁日照等相关距离要求㊂换乘车站设站方案应与市政道路和周边环境统一考虑,并着重考虑车站及天桥与人行道㊁车行道㊁周边建构筑物的相对关系,出入口应尽量靠近周边主要客流集散点,以减少旅客进出站走行距离㊂条件允许时,车站主体及出入口应与周边地块综合开发有机结合,为旅客带来便捷乘降体验,以及为周边区域注入活力㊂3㊀高架换乘车站的设计分类结合上文所述,高架换乘车站的受控因素存在多样性㊂在设计过程中,对于不同的及边界条件,也应采取相应的换乘方案设计策略[11-13]㊂根据划分标准不同,高架换乘车站的换乘方案主要分为如下几类㊂3.1㊀按照换乘部位分类按换乘部位分类,换乘方案分为非付费区换乘和付费区换乘两种㊂非付费区换乘多用于不同制式及票制的轨道交通之间换乘,在同制式轨道交通中,多采用付费区换乘的形式㊂付费区换乘又细分为站台换乘㊁站厅换乘和通道换乘㊂站台换乘最为便捷,站厅换乘次之,在两线同期实施并满足其他外部条件的情况下,应优先考虑站台㊁站厅相结合的换乘方式㊂通道式换乘设置灵活,适用于两线车站站位距离较远或分期建设的情况,当采用通道换乘时,应合理布置换乘线路,避免流线过长引起旅客通行不便㊂3.2㊀按照车站类型分类根据车站相对关系不同,高架换乘可分为同车站换乘和通道式换乘两大类㊂根据线路高差关系㊁换乘方式㊁车站布置的差异,又可细分为如图3所示多种类型㊂图3㊀换乘车站站型分类4㊀同车站换乘方案比选在两线同步实施,且周边环境及线路走向条件允许的情况下,应优先考虑双线并站的同车站换乘方案㊂车站合二为一能够最大程度方便乘客换乘,便于日常运营维护管理[14-15]㊂根据线路关系不同,该类车站又细分为一岛两侧车站㊁双岛车站和叠岛车站3种㊂4.1㊀一岛两侧车站当两条线路在同一高程,平行且不交叉敷设时,可采用一岛两侧车站形式㊂该站型设置1座岛式站台和2座侧式站台,站台下方设置共用站厅层㊂该站型换乘部位属于站厅与站台结合式,其中一个方向可实现同站台换乘,其他方向需通过站厅层进行换乘,剖面布置如图4所示㊂该站型多见于传统钢轮钢轨制式换乘车站设计中㊂主要优点为换乘流线较短,站厅集中设置,便于换乘㊁乘降和运营管理㊂车站两侧区间线路平顺无交叉,墩柱布置较为规整,景观效果较好,车站及两侧区间布置如图5所示㊂该方案不足之处在于车站宽度较大,需占用较多道路及路侧空间,且需根据市政道路宽度及线路敷设位置综合确定车站布局和柱位布置㊂图4㊀一岛两侧车站剖面示意㊀图5㊀一岛两侧车站鸟瞰示意㊀4.2㊀双岛车站当两条线路在同一高程,平行且局部交叉敷设时,可采用双岛车站形式㊂该站型同高程设置2座岛式站台,站台下设置共用站厅层㊂该站型换乘部位属于站厅与站台结合式,其中2个方向可实现同站台换乘,其他方向需通过站厅层进行换乘,剖面布置如图6所示㊂图6㊀双岛车站剖面示意㊀该站型换乘流线最短,乘客换乘与乘降最为便捷㊂然而,车站两侧区间线路存在交叉跨越,墩柱布置不规则,景观效果不佳;车站宽度相对较大且需占用较多道路及路侧空间(见图7)㊂4.3㊀叠岛车站当道路宽度条件受限时,可充分利用跨座式单轨爬坡性能优良的特点,将两条线路在不同高程敷设,此图7㊀双岛车站鸟瞰㊀时换乘车站采用叠岛车站形式㊂该站型上下设置2座岛式站台,站台下设置共用站厅层㊂该站型换乘部位属于站厅与站台结合式,其中2个方向可实现同站台换乘,其他方向需楼扶梯及站厅层进行换乘,其剖面布置如图8所示㊂图8㊀叠岛车站剖面示意㊀该站型能够有效减少车站宽度,占地面积较小,且换乘流线较短便于旅客乘降及换乘㊂然而由于站台上下布置,换乘流线与进出站流线相互交叉,容易造成楼扶梯处人流拥堵;且车站两侧区间在两个不同高程敷设,墩柱设置复杂,实施难度大,车站及区间效果如图9所示㊂图9㊀叠岛车站鸟瞰㊀5㊀通道式换乘车站方案比选虽然同车站换乘方案有诸多优点,但其受到外部条件制约因素较多,存在车站体量大,用地要求高㊁车站需同期实施等问题㊂当要求无法满足时,应考虑选择通道式换乘车站方案㊂通道式换乘车站的优点是两换乘车站相互独立,互不干扰,车站通过付费区换乘天桥进行连接,从而实现换乘功能㊂在建设过程中,可先期实施近期车站,并预留换乘通道接入条件,可有效减少工程投资和建设规模㊂根据线路关系不同,通道换乘车站分为双线平行通道换乘和双线垂直通道换乘两种类型,具体站型分类如下㊂5.1㊀双线平行式通道换乘双线平行式通道换乘车站主要适用于两条线路平行敷设的情况,根据两车站相对位置关系的差异,又分平行交错式通道换乘和平行并列式通道换乘㊂(1)平行交错式通道换乘车站该站型双线车站交错布置,通过端部换乘通道连接两车站付费区,从而实现站厅层换乘㊂平行交错式通道换乘车站常用于线路平行设置且道路条件较为狭窄的情况,可最大程度减少换乘站所占用的用地宽度㊂图10为淮南轨道交通淮南站,为1号线/4号线换乘站㊂该站所在位置市政道路狭窄,红线宽度仅35m,周边建筑拆迁困难㊂为最大程度压缩所占道路宽度,车站采用平行交错式通道换乘方案,在两站站厅层端部的付费区通过换乘通道相互连接,从而实现换乘功能,换乘距离仅为15m,平面布置如图11所示㊂图10㊀平行交错式通道换乘车站鸟瞰㊀图11㊀平行交错式通道换乘车站平面示意㊀(2)平行并列式通道换乘车站平行并列式通道换乘车站常用于线路平行设置且两线间距较大的情况㊂该站型两线车站并列布置,通过换乘通道将两车站站厅层付费区相连,从而实现站厅换乘㊂此种布置方式在保证两车站的相互独立性同时,又将换乘距离压缩至较短的范围内,如图12㊁图13所示㊂图12㊀平行并列式通道换乘车站鸟瞰㊀图13㊀平行并列式通道换乘车站平面示意5.2㊀双线垂直式通道换乘当线路交叉布置时,可采用双线垂直式通道换乘㊂为满足线路互相跨越时的高差要求,需将2个车站的轨道梁和站台设置在不同的高度上,根据车站相对位置及轨道梁高度不同,可细分为三㊁四层车站通道换乘;站厅站台上下交错式通道换乘;二㊁三层车站通道换乘等三种形式㊂(1)路中三㊁四层车站通道换乘跨座式单轨路中高架车站一般为三层布局,即架空层㊁站厅层及站台层,当两线路交叉时,可通过增加换乘层的方法抬升其中一座车站,从而满足线路的高差要求,形成三㊁四层车站通道换乘㊂以淮南轨道交通洞山路换乘站为例,2号线车站为路中高架三层站,由下至上为架空层㊁站厅层㊁站台层,1号线车站为路中高架四层站,由下至上分别为架空层㊁换乘层㊁站厅层㊁站台层㊂付费区换乘通道连接1号线换乘层和2号线站厅层,1号线换乘乘客需经站台下至换乘层后再经由换乘通道行至2号线站厅层,如图14㊁图15所示㊂图14㊀路中三㊁四层站通道换乘方案剖面㊀图15㊀三㊁四层站通道换乘方案㊀此换乘方案的换乘通道可实现无高差设置,换乘相对便捷,然而,换乘层的设置会导致车站体量增大,高度提高,投资也相应增加㊂(2)路中厅台交错式车站通道换乘当换乘车站设置在路中时,为避免车站高度过高,也可通过站厅层与站台层倒置的方法来满足线路高差要求,即站厅站台上下交错式通道换乘㊂仍以洞山路换乘站为例,1号线/2号线洞山路站均为路中高架三层车站,其中,1号线车站站厅层位于二层,站台层位于三层;2号线车站站台层位于二层,站厅层位于三层㊂两车站站厅层通过付费区换乘通道连接,通道高差为7m,具体布置如图16所示㊂图16㊀站厅站台上下交错式通道换乘方案剖面㊀该换乘方案两个车站建筑体量与标准站一致,建筑高度统一㊂但2号线车站站厅站台倒置,容易造成旅客流线迂回曲折,不利于日常使用及紧急疏散㊂且换乘通道存在高差需额外加设楼扶梯,会对乘客换乘带来不便㊂(3)二㊁三层车站通道换乘当通道换乘车站的其中一座有条件设置于路侧空地时,可采用二㊁三层通道换乘方案,并考虑与周边地块综合开发进行结合,在缩短换乘距离的同时为路侧地块引入活力㊂以德州轨道交通恒大站为例,1号线为路中高架三层站,3号车站为路侧高架二层站㊂两车站站厅层通过付费区换乘通道相连,从而实现换乘,剖面布置如图17所示㊂其中3号线车站与地块内的商业综合体结合设计,并设置连桥相连接,从而最大程度地提升地块的经济价值,周边开发效果如图18所示㊂图17㊀二㊁三层车站通道换乘方案剖面图18㊀二㊁三层车站通道换乘方案鸟瞰㊀6㊀结论跨座式单轨具有爬坡能力强,转弯半径小,车站体量小等特点,故跨座式高架换乘车站布置方案相较于传统钢轮钢轨制式有更高的灵活性和适应性㊂当换乘车站并站统一设置时,可结合周边城市空间和道路条件,灵活地选择一岛两侧㊁双岛或叠岛换乘方案㊂当换乘车站分站设置或分期实施时,应综合考虑上文所述限制因素及工程实际条件,选择最匹配的通道换乘方案㊂在跨座式高架换乘车站深化设计过程中,应遵循如下原则㊂(1)车站方案设计应着重考虑缩短旅客换乘走行距离,减少换乘高差,条件允许时应优先采用同车站换乘方式㊂(2)换乘旅客流线应与进㊁出站旅客流线分开设置,避免相互交叉干扰㊂(3)车站需分期实施时,应在满足近期车站使用需求及远期加建可实施性的基础上,尽量缩小近期建设规模和投资㊂(4)车站方案设计应与周边规划㊁市政道路紧密结合,合理确定出入口及换乘通道的布置㊂(5)条件允许情况下,应优先考虑将换乘车站与周边综合开发结合设置,为周边城市空间注入活力㊂参考文献[1]㊀罗小峰.枢纽型高架车站设计方案研究[J].智能建筑与智慧城市,2020(1):68-70.[2]㊀李玉书,孙越,万衡,等.城市轨道交通车站换乘通道客流压力的评估方法[J].城市轨道交通研究,2020,23(1):106-109,144.[3]㊀张丙昌.地铁车站换乘形式的设计研究[J].建材与装饰,2019(2):247-248.[4]㊀陈小飞.谈换乘方式之高架站与地下站换乘[J].设备管理与维修,2019(3):119-120.[5]㊀罗景华.高架车站建筑设计思路的研究[J].建筑技术开发,2020,47(9):15-16.[6]㊀刘宝,张小燕.岛式与侧式车站换乘建筑设计探讨[J].低碳世界,2018(2):272-273.[7]㊀赵薇.城市密集区多线换乘车站设计探索 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Collaborative Research: Cyber-Enabled Demand-Interactive Transit (CREDIT) for SustainableTransportation合作研究:基于互联网的已知需求的可持续定制公交1 IntroductionThe auto-dependent surface transportation system in the U.S. has not only created chronic traffic congestion that costs over $ 100 billion per year [109], but also severely limited mobility options, especially for those who have no access to private autos. Such a system also exacerbates the environment impacts of travel. In the US, transportation consumes 27.8% ofall energy, of which 92.8% come from petroleum use; it also contributes 32.7% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions[47].在美国路面上对于汽车的过度依赖的交通系统不仅造成了每年耗费1000亿美元的交通拥挤,而且严重的限制了群众出行的选择,尤其是对于那些还没有私家车的群众。
Promoting transit, or public transportation, is widely regarded an important measure in the transition to be more efficient, equitable and sustainable transportation [121].振兴交通,或者公共交通,被广泛的视为是实现有效、平等和可持续交通的重要措施。
74 | China Book International"It has been three or four decades since I had the dream of compiling a history of literature from the Ming Dynasty at the age of 40." In 1999, Mr. Xu Shuofang (1923-- 2007), who was nearly eighty years old, recalled his memories like this in the preface to of Literature in the Ming Dynasty . Seven years later, History of Literature in the Ming Dynasty Mr. Xu and his student Sun Qiuke, was fi However, Mr. Xu had never expected that the writings condensing his lifelong efforts would remain popular today and be widely spread overseas.These days, the English version of A History of Literature in the Ming Dynasty was jointly published by Zhejiang University Press and Springer Nature Group and released to the world on the Springer Link platform. The export of this book also means that more overseas readers will be introduced to the literature of Ming Dynasty China.Xu Shuofang, a scholar of ancient Chinese literature and senior professor at the School of Humanities, Zhejiang UniversityThe English Version of A History of Literature in the Ming Dynasty A “Window”Zhejiang is a window that shows us China and Chinese characteristics. With its rich cultural heritage and time-honored history, Zhejiang acts as an important platform for international academic and cultural exchanges. The Implementation Plan of Zhejiang's High-qualityLatest English version of A History of Literature in the Ming DynastyCopyright ©博看网News Reportsabout Publishinghistory more deeply in more aspects.It is reported that A History of Literature in the Ming Dynasty is one of the works published by Zhejiang University in response to the "Academic Classics Going Abroad" program within the Chinese-English translation project and one of the outcomes in its first phase.The "Academic Classics Going Abroad" program, launched in 2019, was set up by Zhejiang Universityto promote the research results of humanities and social sciences of the university to the world. It aims to publish a number of academic classics that can represent Chinese academic standards, reflect the essence of Chinese culture, and show Chinese academic frontiers. This program falls into the Chinese-English translation program for Chinese academic classics and the funding program for English academic publications.At present, 16 kinds of works on the research of humanities and social sciences authored by well-known scholars at Zhejiang University have been selected by the Chinese-English translation program. Besides A History of Literature in the Ming Dynasty (English version), General Theory of Dunhuang Studies (English version) and General Theory of Ancient Chinese (English version) will soon be released. In the next three years, sixteen categories of books will be translated and published under this program.Translation of Classical Literary WorksA "Barrier"Translation comes across as a barrier when academic classics, especially literary works, are "going global".In translatology, there is a saying: There are always untranslatable things in literary works. That's because literature is the art of language, in which lie the individual wills of works and the differences in cultural context.Mo Yan, the famous Nobel Prize winner, said, "Translation is tougher than creation." It took him only 43 days to finish the first draft of Life and Death are Wearing Me Out, while it took Anna Gustafsson Chen, a Swedish sinologist, a good six years to translate this book.Then, what are the difficulties in translating Chinese classics? "It was difficult, at multiple levels," said Ma Li, the translator of A History of Literature in the Ming Dynasty and a professor at East China University of Political Science and Law, to the journalist on the phone. As a 30-year experienced translator, she was outspoken about the difficulties of translating A History of Literature in the Ming Dynasty.In this book, a study is made by three genres: novels, operas, and poems. It contains not only the author's views, but also citations of expressions in many literary works from the Ming Dynasty. In the translation process, all these contents need to be represented as "intact" as possible.There are many difficulties in this process. For example, it is difficult to find the corresponding pronunciationsin English for some onomatopoeia words in ancient Chinese poetry. As some dramas are uncommon, no one has translated them yet. The first translator is sureto face many challenges. In the translation of ancient Chinese works, compared with vernacular works, cultural differences should be considered. In addition, the "rhyme" unique in traditional Chinese culture should be conveyed to overseas readers as much as possible.In the translation process, Ma Li used to peruse the original work repeatedly, combining the author's pointof view, language features, and the differences between Chinese and foreign cultures. "There is neither shortcut nor end to translation," said Ma Li. She believed that good translation was cultivated day after day.The translation and publication of literary works carry the heavy responsibility of bringing Chinese culture abroad. For more overseas readers, the launch of the English version of A History of Literature in the Ming Dynasty means that the study of literature of the Ming Dynasty becomes more accessible. Ma Li is very proud of it. "It is much more difficult and rewarding than translating best sellers."Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.76 | China Book International。
中考英语交通工具改进单选题50题1. We need to improve the ____ of our cars to reduce fuel consumption.A. speedB. performanceC. sizeD. color答案:B。
2. The new technology can greatly enhance the ____ of the buses.A. safetyB. comfortC. beautyD. cost答案:A。
3. To make the trains more efficient, we should focus on improving their ____.A. enginesC. seatsD. lights答案:A。
4. The improvement of the ____ can make the planes fly longer distances.A. wingsB. cabinsC. enginesD. pilots答案:C。
Strategies • Comprehensive English Assessment and
Introduction to
01 Comprehensive English
The Definition of Comprehensive English
Authentic Materials
Textbooks often include authentic materials, such as articles, dialogues, and readings, to provide students with exposure to natural language use in real world contexts
• Communicative teaching method: student-centered, emphasizing the practical use of language, emphasizing the practice of listening and speaking, and encouraging students to actively participate in classroom activities.
Learner centered
The current design is learner centered, focusing on the needs and interests of learners and providing opportunities for active participation and self directed learning
关键词:多网融合;都市圈;客运系统;轨道交通文献标识码:A文章编号:1004-9746(2021)02-0042-05Development of Metropolitan Area Passenger Transportation System with Multi-network IntegrationZHOU Yuting1,DAI Xinliu2,SUN Hongtao3,MA Botao4(1China Railway Economic and Planning Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Research Intern,Beijing100038,China;2China Railway Economic and Planning Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Division Chief and Researcher,Beijing100038,China;3China Railway Economic and Planning Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Associate Researcher,Beijing100038,China;4China Railway Economic and Planning Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Researcher,Beijing100038,China)Abstract:With the conduction of major strategies such as Regional Coordinated Development,a new pattern of metropolitan area development centering on mega-cities has gradually formed.The new spatial concept of metropolitan area and the people's yearning for better travel have put forward new requirements for the interconnection of transportation infrastructure.Different transports should be further effectively connected.A multi-network integrated metropolitan area passenger transportation system with the four-network integrated rail transit as the main framework,supplemented with bus system,and fully connected with civil aviation,private cars,and non-motorized traffic should be constructed,so as to meet the demand of passengers at different levels.At the same time,attention should also be paid to controlling the pace of passenger transportation infrastructure construction in the central and western metropolitan areas that are not yet developed and with low traffic demand.This article introduces the background of the passenger transportation system in the metropolitan area under multi-network integration.Taking Tokyo as an example,it introduces the structural characteristics and operation mode of the passenger transportation system under the multi-network integration in the mature metropolitan area, clarifies the hierarchical structure of the metropolitan passenger transportation system,and finally puts forward the development method of the passenger transportation system in Chinese metropolitan area.Key words:multi-network integration;metropolitan area;passenger transportation system;rail transit1多网融合下的都市圈客运系统发展背景随着经济社会的快速发展,城市、城镇之间人口、商品、资源的流动进一步加强,逐步形成了一体化发展的新格局#以北京、上海、杭州等特大城市、大城市为核心的都市圈结构日渐成熟,这些都市圈中人们的出行需求越来越多元,尤其是都市圈内部通学、通勤、就医的短途出行需求快速攀升,在都市圈核心城市就业,周边节点城市居住的“双城生活”现象越来越多,传统的铁路、城轨、公交各自发展的国铁集团科研开发计划课题:"四网融合"背景下的市域(郊)铁路发展研究(J2020Z403)多网融合下的都市圈容运系统发展思路周予婷.戴新鎏.孙洪涛.马波涛格局已经不再能适应今后一体化发展趋势。
口译词汇学杂费school sundry fee助学金student grant失学少年返校基金back-to-school fund勤工俭学to work for study贫困学生needy student生源地助学贷款locally-granted student loan义务教学obligatory tutorship义务教师obligatory tutor代课老师supply teacher高考移民NCEE migrants (National College Entrance Examination) 前沿科技frontier technology自主创新self-driven innovation硕博连读successive postgraduate and doctoral programs of study 保研undergraduate recommendation家长会parent-teacher meeting人才库talent pool学位点degree program开卷考open-book examination胎儿教育prenatal instruction边缘科学cutting-edge science学科discipline复合型人才interdisciplinary talents大专生junior-college student大专院校three-year colleges高职院校higher vocational school学生会Students’ Union宣传周publicity week上大学难、上大学贵difficult and expensive access to university在职培训on-the-job training体罚corporal punishment寄宿制学校residential school寄宿制学生board student配音演员 a voice actor大片big-budged movie贺岁片New Year Celebration Movie本土电影home-grown film票房冠军top-grossing movie上座率seat occupancy爆满full-house客串演出cameo appearance颁奖小姐medal ceremony hostess真人秀reality show新闻娱乐化infortainment黄河大合唱The Yellow River Cantata合唱团choir爱乐乐团philharmonic orchestra交响乐团symphony orchestra小提琴协奏曲“梁山伯与祝英台”The Violin Concerto” Butterfly Lovers”收视率audience rating假唱lip singing短信投票text-message voting小品comic play群发mass texting双簧mimic哑剧pantomime电视台名嘴chatterati首飞maiden flight首航maiden voyage宣誓仪式oath-taking ceremony剪彩仪式ribbon-cutting ceremony奠基仪式ground-breaking ceremony毕业典礼graduation ceremony签字仪式signing ceremony颁奖仪式awarding ceremony经济适用房affordable housing保障性住房government-subsidized housing闲置地产vacant property现房complete apartment政策性住房policy-related housing廉租房low-rent housing活动板房prefabricated housing二手房pre-owned housing办公用房office accommodation简易棚makeshift shelter拆迁to relocate住房交易税housing transaction taxes and fees棚户区shanty town旧区改造urban upgrading刚性需求rigid demand容积率lot ratio入住率occupancy rate建筑面积floor area房屋中介letting agency烂尾工程half-finished project囤地land reserves / to reserve land户籍制度household register system检察官prosecutor司法部门judiciary department假释parole判决书verdict亲子鉴定paternity testing打、砸、抢、烧assult, vandalism, looting, arson精心策划mastermind绑架老板bossnapping挪用公款embezzle / embezzlement虚报开支expense padding贪污graft渎职dereliction of duty小金库 a private coffer / secret money耍花招monkey business防卫过当excessive defence惩罚措施punitive measure实弹演习real-combat drill取缔to clampdown特警special police防暴警riot police武警armed police弹药ammunition劳动改造to reform through labor绳之以法to bring sb. to justice网络审查internet censorship淫秽色情短信obscene and pornographic massage创业板growth enterprise market / board ( GEM )股指期货stock index futures trading融资融券margin trading债权国creditor银行lenders / lending institution / banks / banking institutions 证监会CSRC (China Securities Regulatory Commission)银监会CBRC (China Banking Regulatory Commission)保监会CIRC (China Insurance Regulatory Commission)监督机构 a watch-dog committee信用调查所(美)credit bureau / credit reference agency (英)信用度credit worthiness举债消费debt-fueled consumption债券bond国债treasury bond三年期国债three-year-maturity treasury bond争购to snap up消费性国家nation of spenders免除债务to waive debts强弱排名pecking order主权财富基金sovereignty wealth fund开放式基金open-end fund交易性开放式基金Exchange Traded Fund (ETF)认可本地机构投资者机制QDII (qualified domestic institutional investor) 合格的境外机构投资者QFII (qualified foreign institutional investor)准备金利率bank reserve ratio经济师economic engineer微调政策a fine-tune policy抄底to fish the bottom抄底者bottom-fisher挤兑run on bank (bank-on-run)内幕交易inside trading潜规则hidden rule / unwritten rule业内人士insider价格操纵price rigging监管不力lax supervisionCPI (Consumer Price Index) 消费价格指数PPI (Producer Price Index) 产品价格指数PMI (Purchase Management Index) 采购经理指数跨国并购transnational / cross-border mergers and acquisitions海外/境外投资out-bound investment动用外汇储备to tap the foreign exchange reserve文化搭台,经济唱戏to use culture to set up the stage and the economy toput on a show春运高峰peak travel season / Chun Yun年夜饭traditional family reunion feast年货festival necessities家常便饭potluck对联couplet放鞭炮to set off crackers节日festival / gala / carnival网上拜年online greeting临时客车temporary train软座soft seat硬座hard seat软卧soft-berth sleeper硬卧hard-berth sleeper预售火车票pre-sale train ticket退票ticket refund预购pre-order阶梯定价机制progressive pricing mechanism单一票制flat fare分段票制sectional fare大规模公交集散中心 a large-scale transport-switching hub公交快速转乘系统 a bus-rapid-transit system城市轨道交通网urban rail transportation net四纵三横一环(地铁)four North-South lines, three East-West lines and onering line双层车double-decker一卡通Shanghai Transportation Card地铁车厢car, carriage, compartment洋山深水港Yangshan Deep-Water Port天桥overpass地下通道underpass高架道路overhead highway, viaduct, elevated highway上匝道up-ramp下匝道down-ramp配套实施supporting facility步行街traffic-free / pedestrians street / section专用道(通向与公路不邻接的房屋或地界) accommodation road盲道eyesight-disability-friendly track无障碍设施barrier-free facilities / wheel-chair accessible老弱病残孕专座courtesy seat电子眼road camera公务车state-financed vehicle包车chartered bus交通协管员traffic warden交通拥堵费traffic jam fee低排量轿车low-emission sedan开慢车的人 a Sunday driver酒后驾车driving after drinking醉酒驾车drunk driving疲劳驾车driving when fatigue交通事故traffic / road / car accident飙车drag racing车牌license plate起步价(出租车)flag fall城管urban management officer打黑gang crackdown钓鱼执法entrapment黑车illegal cab市场细化market segmentation市场价market price实际价real price标价to tag price基准价basic / ground price最高限价price ceiling最底限价price floor拍卖成交价hammer price追星族star-fans新潮族fashion-riders上班族commuters工薪族salary-owners本本族driving license holders with no car持卡族card-holders减肥族weight-watchers装嫩族grups (grown-ups)月光族thorough-spenders回巢族boomerangs急婚族marriage-rushers啃老族NEET (no education, employment and training) 波波族Bobo (Bourgeois-Bohemian)个性化personalize / customize女人气的男青年 a pansy婚纱照pre-wedding photo征婚者marriage-seeker外来媳妇out-of-town wife大龄青年the age-disadvantaged youth万人迷Mack Daddy变性人transgender创作型歌手singer-composer义工welfare worker司仪master of ceremonies酒店服务员attendant公益大使charity ambassador大学生村官little village official人口功能区functional population zone限制区restriction zone疏散区disperse zone稳定区stable zone聚居区accumulation zone主体功能区development priority zone自由贸易区free trade zone欧元区euro zone (16国)应急办公室emergency response office咨询热线counseling hotline实地考察fact-finding tour民怨social grievances应急预案contingency plan预警机制an early-warning mechanism紧急预案an emergency response plan群体性事件mass incident触电死亡electrocute受灾地区disaster-hit area赈灾catastrophe-reduction里氏…(震级)on… Richter scale / in…magnitude 暴雨torrential rain山体滑坡landslide泥石流mudslide救济品reliefs报废卫星defunct satellite高分辨率卫星high-resolution satellite高清播放high-definition broadcasting火箭launch vehicle /中国宇航员Taikonaut遥感卫星remote-sensing satellite / Yao Gan satellite 导航navigation宇航服space-suit太空行走space walk载人航天飞行manned spaceflight试生产trial production试运行pilot operation试改革pilot reform试点计划pilot program试验品guinea pig健身health-building太太团(体育)wives and girlfriends ( WAG )抢跑(田径比赛)false-start双人跳水synchronized diving花样游泳synchronized swimming抢七局(网球)tie-break set五局三胜best of five总比分aggregate score并列第五to be placed joint fifth蝉联冠军championship in a row全民健身万里行national fitness hiking体育事业physical culture体育场所sports venue体育彩票sports lottery世界大学生运动会Universiade发展体育运动,增强人民体质The development of sport to enhance thepeople's health康乐结合、享受竞技、快乐体育to combine health building and recreation,enjoy athletics and happy sports医疗事业medical-care development / undertaking护理人员(救护车上)paramedic定点医院designated hospital医院护工hospital helper医托hospital-scalpers产前检查pre-natal examination优生优育to improve the prenatal and postnatal care高原反应altitude sickness工伤work-related injury住院部in-patient department门诊部out-patient department住院be hospitalized in出院be discharged from隔离be quarantined聚集性爆发cluster outbreak常规体检routine check-up消毒(前)sterilize(后)disinfect昏迷coma (go into a coma)植物人vegetable中暑sun-stroke剖腹产Caesarean operation心肺复苏 C.P.R. (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)CT (Computed Tomography)核磁共振Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)老年性疾病senile disease慢性疾病chronic disease急性病acute diseases退行性疾病(随着年龄趋老,体内器官功能衰弱而引发的慢性疾病)degenerative disease骨髓移植marrow transplant干细胞stem cell角膜移植cornea transplant看病难、看病贵difficult and expensive access to hospital春困spring fever现任总统sitting president当选总统president-elect候任总统waiting-for president代总统acting president已故总统late president前总统former / ex-president社会消费品零售总额the total retail sales of consumer goods家电以旧换新trade in sth. for a new sth传销pyramid sale专卖店exclusive / authorized shop特许商品licensed goods找回有问题的汽车to recall flawed autos“走出去”战略the strategy of going global冠名赞助商title sponsor一次性产品disposable / throwaway / non-returnable product吊带裙spaghetti-skirt低腰裤hip-huggers / hipsters / low-slung jeans耐用品durables防水风衣oilskin coat购物券shopping coucher开瓶费corkage fee快递公司courier手机套餐payment schemes中华老字号China’s Time-Honored Brand为产品造势to create product buzz上门服务visiting service充值卡prepaid phone card / rechargeable card品牌知名度brand awareness / visibility / popularity电视(广播)广告spot ad.平面广告print ad.软广告blind ad.活广告walking ad.隐形广告recessive ad.分类广告classified ad.植入式广告product placement (指将产品或品牌及代表性视觉符号融入电影和电视节目)广告赠品missionware名牌代言人brand spokesman大型采购团 a procurement mission超市宣传品flyer / flier自研产品home-grown product性价比excellent price versus performance ratio保修期内under warranty水货grey imports山寨(复制)copycatting山寨(假冒)fake product试商用pre-commercial service外包outsourcing石油oil / petroleum / crude oil / black gold / fossil oil中石油PetroChina中石化Sinopec人才市场job fair人脉资源friendsourcing裁员job cut无固定期限合同open-ended contract平等协商equal-footed consultation工资指导价income benchmark绩效工资merit pay / pay-for-performance低保minimum living subsidy / subsistence allowance公益性就业岗位government-funded jobs in public service工资上限income cap养老保险endowment insurance慈善餐会giveaway buffet肥差 a plum job到基层工作to go to and work at grass-roots level事业单位institutions居委会neighborhood office权宜之计half-measure / expedient measure遏制政策containment policy强硬立场hard-line stance温和立场soft-line stance缩小规模to downsize唱高调to make high-sounding talk渔政船fishery patrol vessel邮轮cruise ship游艇yacht / pleasure-boat巴拿马籍货轮Panama-registered freighter(指能通过巴拿马运河吨位的货轮) 散装船bulk carrier群英会the grand gathering of achievers2009年中国最感动的人物people who moved China in 2009 观光厅observation deck群众欢庆游行mass pageant人工消雨artificial rain reduction / precipitation秋老虎Indian summer宜居城市livable city农家乐agritainment / agritourism居家度假staycation利用假期上网的人cybertourist畅享性自助餐厅all-you-can-eat restaurant餐饮业catering团游group tour自助游free tour出入境旅游in-and out-bound travel人次visits / person-trips评级机构rating agency星级饭店star-rated hotel彩车float旅游节tourism festival / gala旅游购物狂transumer (transient and consumer)卢沟桥Marco Polo Bridge低调keep a low profile on …乐观进取的精神optimism and pioneering spirit偷拍sneak shot摇钱树cash cow上班上网做私事的人cyberslacker妻管严hen-pecked husbands家人般的朋友framily家政domestic help牛饮to drink like a fish海选first / initial audition中头彩(彩票)to hit the Jackpot兑奖to claim the prize恶搞spoof / send-ups乱收费random charging炒作to play up / sensationalize / exaggerate黄牛ticket-scalper耐力stamina / endurance候鸟migratory bird省钱、省力、省心to ensure / make …money-saving, effort-saving andworry-free权所民所用,情为民所系,利为民所谋。
【工程学科英语(整合第二稿)】 参考答案
Unit OneTask 1⑩④⑧③⑥⑦②⑤①⑨Task 2① be consistent with他说,未来的改革必须符合自由贸易和开放投资的原则。
② specialize in启动成本较低,因为每个企业都可以只专门从事一个很窄的领域。
③ d erive from以上这些能力都源自一种叫机器学习的东西,它在许多现代人工智能应用中都处于核心地位。
④ A range of创业公司和成熟品牌推出的一系列穿戴式产品让人们欢欣鼓舞,跃跃欲试。
⑤ date back to置身硅谷的我们时常淹没在各种"新新"方式之中,我们常常忘记了,我们只是在重新发现一些可追溯至涉及商业根本的朴素教训。
Task 3T F F T FTask 4The most common viewThe principle task of engineering: To take into account the customers ‘ needs and to find the appropriate technical means to accommodate these needs.Commonly accepted claims:Technology tries to find appropriate means for given ends or desires;Technology is applied science;Technology is the aggregate of all technological artifacts;Technology is the total of all actions and institutions required to create artefacts or products and the total of all actions which make use of these artefacts or products.The author’s opinion: it is a viewpoint with flaws.Arguments: It must of course be taken for granted that the given simplified view of engineers with regard to technology has taken a turn within the last few decades. Observable changes: In many technical universities, the inter‐disciplinary courses arealready inherent parts of the curriculum.Task 5① 工程师对于自己的职业行为最常见的观点是:他们是通过应用科学结论来计划、开发、设计和推出技术产品的。
Global Bus Environment
学术报告型公选课学生作业格式学生姓名黄泽敏学号121051069 专业年级2012行政管理课程名称欧美管理思想盛宴讲座名称Global Business Environment全球商务环境主讲人Edward Eric Goold教授讲座时间10月19日14:30—17:00本次作业中心论点:List and define some of the environmental issues Multinational Corporations will face as they do business across international borders(请学生围绕中心,作出开门见山式的回答):First, Language difference ,language is the expression of people thinking, namely inherent human culture. Language is an important tool for people to communicate, communication and enterprise management one of the main function. In multinational company, how to overcome language barriers to accurate communication is quite important question. As a multinational company based in California, has a manufacturing unit in Canada, is a joint venture in Taiwan, in India, Japan and other countries have several sales branches, so that the company needs a lot of cross-language communication, including the management of communication, parent and subsidiary, the parent company with foreign partners to communicate, the parent company to communicate with foreign consumers and sellers, and the company and the local government at all levels of communication.Second the difference of religious beliefDifferent countries have different religious beliefs. Religion can affect people's life in many ways, such as working hours, holidays, rituals, food, etc. For enterprises, and, more importantly, religious beliefs affect grasp the business opportunities, the arrangement of the production and sales of the product. At the same time, the enterprise on the religion of the mistakes made by is not tolerated by the locals, therefore multinational companies must pay attention to these religious factors, complete each plan arrangement, thus for effective management.Third the values differencesDifferent countries and social values have very big difference, in treating nature, humanity and people, people and society, on the attitude of multinational companies must attach great importance to the differences of the effects of operation of enterprises management. For example, in the society that human goodness, easy to form a good atmosphere of cooperation and to participate in this. Another example, some social interpersonal relationship is a kind of linear relation, authority based on hierarchy, which to a certain extent, affect the enterprise's organizational structure.。
英特诺斯 回声 + mbus mbus 帧描述说明书
INTELIS / ECHODIS+ MBUSMBUS Frame DescriptionDate: 16/10/2014Distribution (Check all appropriate):[X] Sales Department[X] Local Partner[ ] Final Customer[X] Itron Internal Department:- Product Management- Support Services- System Deployment Team[ ] Others:Availability:[ ] Public (No restriction)[ ] Controlled[X] Confidential[ ] ClassifiedNOTICE OF PROPRIETARY INFORMATIONInformation contained herein is proprietary and is property of © Itron where furnished with a proposal, the recipient shall use it solely to evaluate the proposal. Where furnished to a customer it shall be used solely for the purposes of inspection, installation, or maintenance. Where furnished to a supplier, it shall be used solely in the performance of work contracted for this company. The information shall not be used or disclosed by the recipient for any other purpose whatsoever.Table des matières1INTRODUCTION (3)1.1Purpose of the document (3)2COMMON FEATURES TO ALL VERSIONS (3)2.1MBUS Hardware features (3)2.2MBUS protocol/standard (3)2.3MBUS Format/Unit (4)2.4Standard command/request (5)3M-BUS FRAMES OF STANDARD VERSION (6)3.1Overview (6)3.2M-Bus Configuration Tool (6)4ANNEX 1: DIB DESCRIPTION (9)5ANNEX 2: VIB DESCRIPTION (9)6ANNEX 3: FRAMES DESCRIPTION (10)6.1The default frames (10)6.2Alarms description. (11)6.3Fixed date reading frames (FDR) (12)7ANNEX 4: DETAIL OF DIF/VIF FOR DEFAULT FRAME (13)8ANNEX 5: DETAIL OF DIF/VIF FOR FDR FRAME (15)8.1Default Frame (15)8.2FDR Frame (16)9CHANGE LOG (20)1 INTRODUCTION1.1 Purpose of the documentThe purpose of this document is described from a high-level point of view the M-Buscommunications features of the M-Bus Product.2 COMMON FEATURES TO ALL VERSIONSThe M-Bus product embeds a new concept of Itron M-Bus product that allows a fullcustomization of the content of the M-Bus frames.This is achieved using definition of Block of data that are configurable in 16 differentframes.This is described in the second part of this document.The first part is dedicated to the description of the standard product as it is delivered fromfactory if no specific configuration has been required.2.1 MBUS Hardware featuresThe Physical layer of M-Bus product is fully compliant with the EN13757-2Standard, M-bus connection is non-polarized and the Unit Load (UL) requestedon the bus is 1,5UL.The Baudrate is by default selected from factory to 2400 Bds but can be set to300Bds.2.2 MBUS protocol/standardThe M-bus communication protocol implemented in M-Bus product is compliantwith last MBUS standard EN13757-3 version 2013.2.3 MBUS Format/Unit2.3.1 MBUS FormatThe product can manage few different non metrics Units:- Cubic meter (M3) for Volume Index, and Liter /hour (L/h) for Flow- Imperial Gallon for Volume Index, and Imperial Gallon / Min forFlow- US Gallon for Volume Index, and US Gallon / Min for Flow- Cubic Feet for Volume Index, and Cubic Feet / Min for FlowThis is possible during manufacturing and is done only for personalized version2.3.2 MBUS UnitsThe product uses a basic rule for volume index format and unit transmitted inthe M-bus frame, it uses the same unit as for the LCD Display. That means, forinstance, that if the display is set to 5/3, (5 digit before the coma, and 3 after),meaning a display in Cubic meters but with 3 decimals, then last digit=Liters.The unit used for the transmission of the index, backflow, FDR in all M-busframes will be liters (VIF 13)If the Display is 6/2, then last digit = 10liters, so the M-Bus format will be 10 ofliters (VIF 14)In the following tables this is mentioned as VIF 12-14.The choice can be done only during manufacturing and can’t be changed onfield.The possibilities according to the format (see previous chapter) areFor cubic meters:- 0, 0001 m3, 0,001m3, 0,001m3, 0,1 m3 => VIF Values from 12 to15Or for Imperial Gallons:- 0,01 Imp Gallon, 0, 1 Imp Gallon => VIF Values FC/74/04/”laGi”,FC/75/04/”laGi”Or for US gallons:- 0,01 US Gallon, 0,1 US Gallon (91/3D, 92/3D)Or for Cubic Feet:- 0,001 CuFt, 0,01cuFt, 0,1 CuFt, (FC/73/04/”tFuC”,FC/74/04/”tFuC”,FB/21)Note that for the flow rate, the unit are fixed, whatever the display and aretransmitted accordingly in:- Liter per hour- Imp Gallon /Min- US Gallon /Min- Cubic Feet /Min2.4 Standard command/requestThe M-bus product can manage the following command or request- Addressingo Primary addressingo Secondary addressing (SelectionC=SND_UD=43h/53h/63h/73h, CI = 52h)o Extended secondary addressing (selection with Customer Id) - Requesto Frame request (C= REQ_UD2=4Bh/5Bh/6Bh/7Bh )o Status request (C= REQ_SKE=49h)- Command (C Codes)o Application Reset (SND_NKE, C= 40h)o Baud Rate Change (C= BBh : 2400 Bds, C= B8h : 300 Bds)o Frame Selection (C = SND UD, CI =50 )o Primary address Modification (C = SND UD,CI =51, DIF/VIF=01h/7Ah)o Secondary Address Modification (C = SND UD,CI =51, DIF/VIF=0Ch/79h)or (C = SND UD, CI =51, DIF/VIF= 07h/79h)o Date and time setting▪Date and date setting Using CI=6Ch command▪Date and Time Adjustment using CI=6Dh Command▪Date and time setting using (C = SND UD,CI =51 DIF/VIF=04h/6Dh)3 M-BUS FRAMES OF STANDARD VERSION3.1 OverviewThe Product in standard configuration has 5 different frames (0 to 4) accessible using theselection frame command.The frame 00, so called Default frame, is normally the frame requested on a regular basisto get all the main information from the meterThe other are used to get more advanced featuresNote that, due to the big number of values using the same DIF and VIF, the Storagenumber is used to distinguish the nature of the value. This can be useful to parse andfilter data, if they are all received in the same buffer and not managed in real time.Here below is the table containing the Frame numbers and their designation:NAME DesignationFrame 0 Default FrameFrame 4 Fixed date reading (FDR)3.2 M-Bus Configuration Tool3.2.1 Global StrategyThe configuration tool allows the following actions:- Visualization and demo of all the standard M-Buscapabilities of the product- Highlight all the features of the product (Metering, waterintelligence, alarm…)- Display and modification of the parameters- Reading of advanced values- Basic M-Bus setting modification (Address, Date & Time…)- Parameterization of the advanced functions (Threshold...)- On field investigation in case of problem- Frame configurationTo have a complete view of the features of this M-Bus Field tool application,please refer to the user manual.This Software “M-Bus Configuration Tool” is protected by a license attached tothe machine.3.2.2 ConnectionThe field tool, based on configuration, can communicate with to the product usinga M-Bus to USB (or RS232) converter.It can be used:- Point to point in broadcast mode- In addressed mode, for instance if you are connected on field to an existing Bus.3.2.3 ScreenshotHere below are few screen shot of this application3.2.4 Frame configurationIn order to use the new concept of configuration frame, this application has a specific screen in order to allow this function.3.2.5 List of blocksBelow is the list of possible blocks you can use in a frame2 rules are applied by the application- the size maximum of the payload cannot exceed 215 bytes (This isshown with the bar graph)(the size of each block is calculated according to the unit, for instance“Imp Gallon” are the bigger one)- It’s not possible to set more than one manufacturer bloc in a frame4 ANNEX 1: DIB DESCRIPTIONINT4 = 4 Bytes Integer (Lsb first)INT2 = 2 Bytes IntegerBIN4 = 4 bytes Binary (Lsb First)BCD8 = 8 Digit BCD Lsb FirstBCD4 = 8 Digit BCD Lsb First5 ANNEX 2: VIB DESCRIPTION6 ANNEX 3: FRAMES DESCRIPTION6.1 The default framesThe default frame is the frame with Number Identification “00” read on REQ-UD2 afterApplication Reset or if the frame selection 00 is used.It contains the main information of the meter, and is composed of the blocks: 0, 1,2,4,5,12, 13, 16Designation U T S Data Value Fct. VIBS/N # 000BCD8 14000046 Inst. Fabrication Number Volume index 000INT4 0 Inst. Volume in 0, 1 l/ 1l/ 10 l/ 100l Date & Time 000INT4 17.09.2014 13:02 Inst. Time Point [Date+Time] Meter Identification 000Var. I14VB004788 Inst. Enhanced Identification Alarm Flags 000BIN4 0 Inst. Error Flags (binary)Backflow Index 000INT4 0 Inst. Volume in 0, 1 l/ 1l/ 10 l/ 100l => Accumulation of Abs. Valueonly if Neg. Contrib.Billing date 0045 INT2 01.12.2000 Inst. Time Point [Date]Billing Index 0045 INT4 0 Inst. Volume 0, 1 l/ 1l/ 10 l/ 100l [l] Flow 000INT3 0 Err. Volume Flow [l/h] Temperature 000INT2 0 Err. Flow Temperature 100 [m°C] (U= Unit, T=Tariff, S= Storage, Fct. = Function, VIB = Variable Information Block)6.2 Alarms description.The alarm Block is composed of 4 bytes containing 32 flags of alarm.These flags can be simple warnings or alarmsThey can be temporary (real time or cyclic i.e. daily for instance) or permanent(memorized).In case of permanents flags, only a configuration tool can remove themByte 0 (Lsb) is received first in the frame and Byte 3 (MsB) is the lastBit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Byte 3 A32 A31 A30 A29 A28 A27 A26 A25 Byte 2 A24 A23 A22 A21 A20 A19 A18 A17 Byte 1 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 Byte 0 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1Designation DesignationA1 Daily volume Above threshold A17 Meter StoppedA2 Yearly volume Above threshold A18 Reversed meterA3 Daily volume below threshold A19 Broken Pipe AlarmA4 Yearly volume below threshold A20 Manufacturer specific 1A5 Daily Water temp Above alarm A21 Date and time reconfigurationA6 Monthly Water temp Above alarm A22 Manufacturer specific 2A7 Daily Water temp Below alarm A23 Deb Battery AlarmA8 Monthly Water temp Below alarm A24 Daily leakageA9 Monthly leakage A25 Manufacturer specific 3A10 PKF_Daily_Alarm A26 BatteryA11 PKF_Month_Alarm A27 Memorized removalA12 Daily backflow A28 Manufacturer specific 4A13 D-1 Daily backflow A29 Real time removalA14 Monthly backflow A30 Manufacturer specific 5A15 Daily Air in pipe A31 Manufacturer specific 6A16 Monthly Air in pipe A32 Reconfiguration6.3 Fixed date reading frames (FDR)The Fixed Date Reading frame so called FDR frame, is the frame with NumberIdentification “04” read on REQ-UD2 after frame selection 04 is used.It contains the information related to the monthly indexes of the latest 13 months.It is composed of the blocs: 0, 1, 4, 7Note that Blocks 0, 1, 4 (Index, D&T, and Alarms) are duplicated in this frameDesignation U T S Data Value Fct. VIB S/N # 0 0 0 BCD8 14000046 Inst. Fabrication Number Volume index 0 0 0 INT4 0 Inst. Volume 10 [l]Date & Time 0 0 0 INT4 17.09.2014 13:04 Inst. Time Point [Date+Time] Alarm Flags 0 0 0 INT4 0 Inst. Error Flags (binary) Size of the table Storage 0 0 16 INT1 13 Inst. Size of Storage Storage interval(Month) 0 0 16 INT1 1 Inst. Storage Interval [months] Date of last storage 0 0 28 INT2 31.08.2014 Inst. Time Point [Date] Index Month -13 0 0 16 INT4 0 Err. Volume 10 [l]Index Month -12 0 0 17 INT4 0 Err. Volume 10 [l]Index Month -11 0 0 18 INT4 0 Err. Volume 10 [l]Index Month -10 0 0 19 INT4 0 Err. Volume 10 [l]Index Month -9 0 0 20 INT4 0 Err. Volume 10 [l]Index Month -8 0 0 21 INT4 0 Err. Volume 10 [l]Index Month -7 0 0 22 INT4 0 Err. Volume 10 [l]Index Month -6 0 0 23 INT4 0 Err. Volume 10 [l]Index Month -5 0 0 24 INT4 0 Err. Volume 10 [l]Index Month -4 0 0 25 INT4 0 Err. Volume 10 [l]Index Month -3 0 0 26 INT4 0 Err. Volume 10 [l]Index Month -2 0 0 27 INT4 0 Err. Volume 10 [l]Index Month -1 0 0 28 INT4 0 Err. Volume 10 [l]8 ANNEX 5: DETAIL OF DIF/VIF FOR FDR FRAME8.1 Default Frame8.2 FDR Frame1 Slave primary addressAddr Address of slaveFDh Primary Address in case of secondary addressingFEh Broadcast address with responseFFh Broadcast address without response2 Meter statusbit 0 Unused (always 0)bit 1 Unused (always 0)bit 2 Unused (always 0)bit 3 Permanent Error ( Us asic)bit 4 Temporary Error ( Backflow, air in pipe, Overflow, Dirty deposit) bit 5 Unused (always 0)bit 6 Unused (always 0)bit 7 Unused (always 0)3 No frame to follow/Frame to follow Only if manufacturer specific is needed(0F) or if there is a 1F)4 Volume12h unit : 0,1 L13h unit : 1L14h unit : 10 L15h unit : 100 L 5 Backflow Volume92h unit : 0,1 L93h unit : 1L94h unit : 10 L95h unit : 100 L9 CHANGE LOGDate Issue Author Status Comments18/09/2014 0.1 E Frotey Draft For internal diffusion to core team30/09/2014 0.2 E Frotey Draft Including core team correction08/07/2015 0.3 E Frotey Draft Add Detail DIF/VIF for customer(Annex 5)20/01/2017 0.4 E Frotey Draft Version for Adewa07/08/2017 0.5 E Frotey Draft Typo correction08/08/2017 0.6 E Frotey Draft Error correction in sample frame table 24/06/2020 0.7 A Laurens Released。
1铁路工程基本术语标准2铁路线路设计规范3铁路车站及枢纽设计规范4铁路工程抗震设计规范5铁路工程结构可靠度设计统一标准6铁路旅客车站建筑设计规范7工业企业标准轨距铁路设计规范8铁路无人值守机房环境远程监控系统工程设计规范9交流电气化铁路对有线广播线路干扰防护设计规范10铁路工程制图标准11铁路工程制图图形符号标准12铁路光伏发电系统技术规范13铁路工程地质勘察监理规程14铁路路基设计规范15铁路桥涵设计基本规范16铁路桥梁钢结构设计规范17路桥涵钢筋混凝土和预应力混凝土结构设计规范18铁路桥涵混凝土和砌体结构设计规范19铁路桥涵地基和基础设计规范20铁路隧道设计规范21铁路机务设备设计规范22铁路交输通信设计规范23铁路信号设计规范24铁路电力设计规范25铁路电力牵引供电设计规范26铁路给水排水设计规范27铁路房屋建筑设计标准28铁路工程地质勘察规范29铁路工程物理勘探规程30铁路工程地质钻探规则31铁路工程节能设计规范32铁路工程水文勘测设计规范33铁路工程地质原位测试规程34铁路路基支挡结构设计规范35铁路光(电)缆传输工程设计规范36铁路工程不良地质勘察规程37铁路客车车辆设备设计规范38铁路货车车辆设备设计规范39铁路特殊路基设计规范40铁路时分数字程控电子交换工程设计规范41铁路工程特殊岩土勘察规程42铁路备用柴油发电站设计规范43铁路工程地质遥感技术规程44铁路工程设计CAD技术规范45铁路工程水文地质勘察规程46新建铁路摄影测量规范47全球定位系统(GPS)铁路测量规程48铁路房屋暖通空调设计标准49铁路车辆安全监控系统设计规范50铁路数字微波通信工程设计规范Code for Design on Digital Microwave Communication Engineering of Railway51铁路工程劳动安全卫生设计规范52铁路驼峰及调车场设计规范53铁路工程设计防火规范54铁路站场道路和排水设计规范55铁路站场客货运设备设计规范56铁路隧道运营通风设计规范57铁路驼峰信号设计规范58铁路信号站内联锁设计规范59铁路通信电源设计规范60铁路通信用户接入网设计规范61铁路旅客车站客运信息系统设计规范62铁路电力牵引供电隧道内接触网设计规范63铁路枢纽电力牵引供电设计规范64铁路工程岩土分类标准65铁路工业站、港湾站设计规范66铁路生产污水处理设计规范67铁路电力牵引变电所用电系统设计规范68铁路运输管理信息系统设计规范(试行)69铁路轨道设计规范70铁路旅客车站无障碍设计规范71铁路天然建筑材料工程地质勘察规程72铁路图像通信设计规范73铁路数字调度通信系统计专用无线通信系统设计规范74铁路数据网工程设计规范75铁路工程测量规范76铁路工程土工试验规程77铁路工程岩土化学分析规程78铁路工程水质分析规程79改建铁路工程测量规范80铁路隧道辅助坑道技术规范81铁路电力牵引供电自耦变压器方式技术规范82粉体喷搅法加固软弱土层技术规范83铁路工程岩石试验规程84铁路桥梁抗震鉴定与加固技术规范85铁路供电调度系统设计规范86铁路路基土工合成材料应用设计规范87铁路瓦斯隧道技术规范88铁路隧道监控量测技术规程89铁路路堑边坡光面(预裂)爆破技术规程90铁路混凝土与砌体工程施工规范91铁路钢桥制造规范92客运专线铁路信号工程室外设备安装规程93铁路工程基桩检测技术规程94铁路驼峰信号施工规范95铁路隧道衬砌质量无损检测规程96铁路工程基本作业施工安全技术规程97铁路路基工程施工安全技术规程98铁路桥涵工程施工安全技术规程99铁路隧道工程施工安全技术规程100铁路轨道工程施工安全技术规程101铁路通信、信号、电力、电力牵引供电工程施工安全技术规程102铁路建设工程监理规范103铁路轨道工程施工质量验收标准104铁路路基工程施工质量验收标准105铁路桥涵工程施工质量验收标准106铁路隧道工程施工质量验收标准107铁路运输通信工程施工质量验收标准108铁路信号工程施工质量验收标准109铁路电力工程施工质量验收标准110铁路电力牵引供电工程施工质量验收标准111铁路给水排水工程施工质量验收标准112铁路站场工程施工质量验收标准113铁路混凝土与砌体工程施工质量验收标准114铁路混凝土强度检验评定标准115铁路工程结构混凝土强度检测规程116铁路建设项目现场管理规范117铁路建设项目工程试验室管理标准118铁路工程环境保护设计规范119铁路工程建设项目环境影响评价技术标准120铁路工程建设项目水土保持方案技术标准121铁路建设项目预可行性研究、可行性研究和设计文件编制办法122. 髙速铁路工程测量规范123高速铁路设计规范(试行)124铁路钢桥高强度螺栓连接施工规定125铁路结合梁设计规定126铁路避难线设计规则127客货共线铁路电力牵引供电工程施工技术指南128客货共线铁路轨道工程施工技术指南129客货共线铁路路基工程施工技术指南130客货共线铁路桥涵工程施工技术指南131铁路隧道工程施工技术指南132铁路通信工程施工技术指南133客货共线铁路信号工程施工技术指南134铁路电力工程施工技术指南135、客运专线铁路电力牵引供电施工技术指南136铁路给水排水施工技术指南137铁路混凝土工程施工技术指南138客运专线铁路轨道工程施工技术指南139客运专线铁路路基工程施工技术指南140客运专线铁路桥涵工程施工技术指南141客运专线无砟轨道铁路工程施工技术指南142客运专线铁路信号施工技术指南143铁路电力牵引供电接触网支柱施工作业指南144铁路后张法混凝土梁预制场建设技术指南145铁路隧道防排水施工技术指南146铁路GSM-R数字移动通信工程施工技术指南147铁路军事设施设计规定148铁路桥隧守护设施设计规范149青藏铁路髙原多年冻土区铁路工程勘察规程暂行规定(试行)150青藏铁路高原多年冻土区隧道工程质量检验评定及验收标准(试行)151青藏铁路高原多年冻土区路基工程质量检验评定及验收标准(试行)152青藏铁路髙原多年冻土区桥涵工程质量检验评定及验收标准(试行)153青藏铁路高原多年冻土区给水排水及房屋建筑工程质量验收评定及验收标准(试行)154铁路工程命名规范155青藏铁路髙原多年冻土区工程设计暂行规定(下册)InterimProvisionsforEngineeringDesign ofQinghai-TibetRailwayinPermafrostRegion(Part156铁路路基边坡绿色防护技术暂行规定157青藏铁路高原多年冻土区工程施工暂行规定(上册)158青藏铁路高原多年冻土区工程设计暂行规定(上册)159新建铁路桥上无缝线路设计暂行规定160新建时速200公里客货共线铁路工程施工质量验收暂行标准161青藏铁路高原多年冻土区房屋建筑保温和防水工程质量验收标准162青藏铁路高原多年冻土区工程施工暂行规定(下册)163青藏铁路髙原多年冻土区工程施工质量验收暂行标准(下册)164新建时速200公里客货共线铁路设计暂行规定165客运专线250km/h和350km/h钢轨检验和验收暂行标准166新建时速200~250公里客运专线铁路设计暂行规定167铁路混凝土工程施工质量验收补充标准168客运专线铁路轨道工程施工质量验收暂行标准169客运专线铁路路基工程施工质量验收暂行标准170客运专线铁路桥涵工程施工质量验收暂行标准171客运专线铁路隧道工程施工质量验收暂行标准172铁路混凝土结构耐久性设计暂行规定173变形模量EV2检测规程(试行)174客运专线铁路无砟轨道铺设条件评估技术指南TechnicalGuide forEvaluation ofConditions forLaying ofBallastlessTrack ofPassenger-dedicated175客运专线铁路电力牵引供电工程施工质量验收暂行标准176铁路架桥机架梁暂行规程177铁路防雷、电磁兼容及接地工程技术暂行规定178客运专线无砟轨道铁路工程施工质量验收暂行标准179铁路动车组设备设计暂行规定180铁路GSM-R数字移动通信系统工程设计暂行规定181铁路隧道全断面岩石掘进机法技术指南182铁路CTCS:2级列车运行控制系统应答器工程技术暂行规定183铁路CTCS-2级列车运行控制系统列控中心及列控车载设备工程施工质量验收暂行标准184铁路大断面隧道三台阶七步开挖法施工作业指南(试行)185铁路GSM-R数字移动通信工程施工质量验收暂行标准186铁路隧道风险评估与管理暂行规定187铁路列车调度指挥及调度集中系统设计暂行规定188客运专线铁路信号工程施工质量验收暂行标准189客运专线铁路通信工程施工质量验收暂行标准190客运专线铁路工程竣工验收动态检测指导意见191改建既有线和增建第二线铁路工程施工技术暂行规定192铁路货运中心设计暂行规定193铁路隧道施工机械配置指导意见194客运共线铁路工程竣工验收动态检测指导意见195铁路隧道超前地质预报技术指南196铁路大型临时工程和过渡工程设计暂行规定197铁路工程试验表格198铁路建设项目现场安全文明标志199新建铁路工程项目用地指标200铁路工程施工作业要点示范卡片Key Point Demonstration Card for Railway Construction Operation201高速铁路无砟轨道工程施工精调作业指南202客运专线铁路无砟轨道充填层施工质量验收补充标准203铁路工程建设原材料质量控制标准条文汇编204有砟轨道铁路铺砟整道施工作业指南205铁路边坡防护及防排水工程管理补充规定206铁路边坡防护及防排水工程设计补充规定207铁路边坡防护及防排水工程施工质量验收补充规定208客运专线铁路工程静态验收指导意见209客运专线铁路无砟轨道充填层施工技术指南210高速铁路CRTS II型板式无砟轨道施工质量验收暂行标准Standard for Basic Terms of Railway EngineeringCode for Design of Railway RouteCode for Design of Railway Stations and TerminalsCode for Seismic Design of Railway EngineeringUnified Standard for Reliability Design of Railway Engineering StructuresCode for Design of Railway Passenger Station BuildingsCode for Design of Normal Gauge Railway for Industrial EnterpriseCode for Design of Remote Monitoring System for Unattended Railway Equipment RoomCode for Design of Wired Broadcast Against Interference from AC Electrified RailwayStandard for Railway Engineering DrawingStandard for Graphical Symbols of Railway Engineering DrawingTechnical Code for Photovoltaic Power Generating System of RailwaySpecification for Geological Investigation and Supervision of Railway EngineeringCode for Design of Railway SubgradeBasic Code for Design of Railway Bridge and CulvertCode for Design on Steel Structure of Railway BridgeCode for Design on Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structure of Railway Bridge and CulvertCode for Design on Concrete and Masonry Structure of Railway Bridge and CulvertCode for Design on Subsoil and Foundation of Railway Bridge and CulvertCode for Design of Railway TunnelCode for Design of Railway Locomotive FacilitiesCode for Design of Railway Transportation CommunicationCode for Design of Railway SignalCode for Design of Railway Electric PowerCode for Design on Electric Traction Power Supply of RailwayCode for Design on Water Supply and Drainage of RailwayStandard for Design of Railway Building ConstructionCode for Geological Investigation of Railway EngineeringSpecification for Physical Exploration of Railway EngineeringRule for Geological Drilling of Railway EngineeringCode for Design on Energy - saving of Railway EngineeringCode for Design on Hydrology Investigation of Railway EngineeringSpecification for Geological in Situ Test of Railway EngineeringCode for Design on Retaining Structure of Railway SubgradeCode for Design on Railway Optical (Electric) Cable Transmission EngineeringSpecification for Unfavorable Geological Condition Investigation of Railway EngineeringCode for Design of Facilities for Passenger TrainCode for Design of Facilities for Freight TrainCode for Design on Special Subgrade of Railway EngineeringCode for Design of Railway Time Digital Program - controlled Telephone of Switching EngineeringSpecification for Special Rock and Soil Investigation of Railway Engineering Code for Design on Standby Diesel Power Station of RailwayTechnical Specification for Geological Remote Sensing of Railway EngineeringTechnical Code for CAD on Railway EngineeringSpecification for Hydrogeological Investigation of Railway EngineeringCode for Photographic Survey of New Railway ProjectSpecification for Global Positioning System ( GPS) of Railway SurveyStandard for Design of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning in Railway BuildingCode for Design on Safety Monitoring System of Railway Rolling StockCode for Design on Labor Safety and Hygiene of Railway EngineeringCode for Design on Hump and Shunting Yard of RailwayCode for Fire Precaution of Railway EngineeringCode for Design on Road and Drainage of Railway Station - yardCode for Design on Passenger and Freight Facilities of Railway Station - yard Code for Design on Operation Ventilation of Railway TunnelCode for Design of Railway Hump SignalCode for Design on Signal Interlocking of Railway StationCode for Design of Railway Communication Power SupplyCode for Design on Subscriber Access Network (AN) of Railway CommunicationCode for Design on Passenger Traffic Information System of Railway StationCode for Design on Overhead Contact line System (OCS) in Tunnel of Railway Electric Traction Power SupplyCode for Design on Electric Traction Power Supply of Railway TerminalStandard for Rock and Soil Classification of Railway EngineeringCode for Design of Railway Industrial Station and Harbor StationCode for Design of Sewage Treatment Produced During Railway OperationCode for Design on Power Supply System of Railway Electric Traction Substation Code for Design on Railway Transportation Management Information System (TMIS)Code for Design of Railway TrackCode for Barrier Free Design of Railway Passenger StationSpecification for Engineering Geological Investigation of Natural Construction Materials for RailwayCode for Design on Image Communication of RailwayCode for Design on Dedicated Wireless Communication System for Railway Digital Dispatching Communication SystemCode for Design on Railway Data Network EngineeringCode for Railway Engineering SurveySpecification for Soil Test of Railway EngineeringSpecification for Rock and Soil Chemical Analysis of Railway EngineeringSpecification for Water Analysis of Railway EngineeringCode for Engineering Survey of Railway Reconstruction ProjectTechnical Code for Service Gallery of Railway TunnelTechnical Code for Auto Transformer (AT) Power Supply of Railway Electric TractionTechnical Code for Powder Jet Mixing Method to Stabilizing Soft Soil I-ay6rSpecification for Rock Test of Railway EngineeringTechnical Code for Seismic Appraisal and Reinforcement of Railway BridgeCode for Design of Railway Power Supply Dispatching SystemCode for Design on Geosynthetics Application of Railway SubgradeTechnical Code for Railway Tunnel with GasTechnical Specification for Monitoring Measurement of Railway TunnelTechnical Specification for Smooth (presplitting) Blasting of Railway Cutting SlopeCode for Construction on Concrete and Masonry Works of RailwayCode for Railway Steel Bridge ManufactureSpecification for Installation of Outdoor Signal Equipment for Passenger Dedicated LineTechnical Specification for Foundation Pile Test of Railway EngineeringCode for Construction of Railway Hump SignalSpecification for Non - destructive Test on Lining Quality of Railway TunnelTechnical Specification for Basic Operation Safety of Railway EngineeringTechnical Specification for Construction Safety of Railway SubgradeTechnical Specification for Construction Safety of Railway Bridge and CulvertTechnical Specification for Construction Safety of Railway TunnelTechnical Specification for Construction Safety of Railway TrackTechnical Specification for Construction Safety of Railway Telecommunication,Signaling, Electric Power and Electric Traction & Feeding EngineeringCode for Construction Supervision of Railway ProjectStandard for Quality Acceptance of Railway Track EngineeringStandard for Quality Acceptance of Railway Subgrade EngineeringStandard for Quality Acceptance of Railway Bridge and Culvert EngineeringStandard for Quality Acceptance of Railway Tunnel EngineeringStandard for Quality Acceptance of Railway Communication EngineeringStandard for Quality Acceptance of Railway Signaling EngineeringStandard for Quality Acceptance of Railway Electric Power EngineeringStandard for Quality Acceptance of Railway Electric Traction and FeedingStandard for Quality Acceptance of Railway Water Supply and Sewerage Engineering Standard for Quality Acceptance of Railway Station and Yard WorksStandard for Quality Acceptance of Railway Concrete and Masonry EngineeringStandard for Inspection and Evaluation on Concrete Strength of Railway EngineeringSpecification for Inspection on Structural Concrete Strength of Railway EngineeringCode for Site Management of Railway Construction ProjectStandard for Engineering Laboratory Management of Railway ProjectCode for Design of Environmental Protection of Railway ProjectTechnical Standard for Environmental Impact Assessment of Railway ProjectTechnical Standard for Soil and Water Conservation Program of Railway ProjectA Guide for Preparation of Prefeasibility Study, Feasibility Study and Design DocumentationCode for Engineering Survey of High - speed RailwayCode for Design on High - speed Railway (Trial)Provisions on High Strength Bolting Engineering of Railway Si eel BridgeProvisions on Design of Railway Composite BeamRegulations for Design on Refuge Siding of RailwayTechnical Guide for Construction of Electric Traction and Feeding Works of Passenger - freight RailwayTechnical Guide for Construction of Track Works of Passenger - freight RailwayTechnical Guide for Construction of Subgrade Works of Passenger - freight RailwayTechnical Guide for Construction of Bridge and Culvert of Passenger - freight RailwayTechnical Guide for Construction of Railway TunnelTechnical Guide for Construction of Communication Works of RailwayTechnical Guide for Construction of Signaling Works of Passenger - freight RailwayTechnical Guide for Construction of Electric Power Works of RailwayTechnical Guide for Construction of Electric Traction and Feeding Works of Passenger - dedicated RailwayTechnical Guide for Construction of Water Supply and Sewerage Works of Railway Technical Guide for Construction of Railway Concrete WorksTechnical Guide for Construction of Track Works of Passenger - dedicated RailwayTechnical Guide for Construction of Subgrade Works of Passenger - dedicated RailwayTechnical Guide for Construction of Bridge and Culvert Works of Passenger -dedicated RailwayTechnical Guide for Construction of Ballastless Track Works of Passenger -dedicated RailwayTechnical Guide for Construction of Signaling Works of Passenger - dedicated RailwayTechnical Guide for Construction of Catenary Mast of Electric traction and Feeding of RailwayTechnical Guide for Construction of Precast Yard for Post - tensioned Concrete Beam of RailwayTechnical Guide for Construction of Waterproofing and Drainage Works of Railway TunnelTechnical Guide for Construction of GSM - R Digital Mobile Communication Works of RailwayProvisions on Design of Military Transport Facilities of RailwayCode for Design of Protection Facilities of Railway Bridge and TunnelInterim Provisions of Specifications for Engineering Investigation of Qinghai -Tibet Railway in Permafrost Region (Trial)Standard for Quality Inspection, Assessment and Acceptance of Tunnel Engineering of Qinghai - Tibet Railway in Permafrost Region ( Trial)Standard for Quality Inspection, Assessment and Acceptance of Subgrade Engineering of Qinghai - Tibet Railway in Permafrost Region (Trial)Standard for Quality Inspection,Assessment and Acceptance of Bridge arid Culvert Engineering of Qinghai -Tibet Railway in Permafrost Region (Trial)Standard for Quality Inspection, Assessment and Acceptance of Water Supply and Drainage, and Building Construction of Qinghai -Tibet Railway in Permafrost Region (Trial)Code for Naming of Railway WorksInterim Provisions for Greening Technology for Subgrade Slope Protection of RailwayInterim Provisions for Construction of Qinghai - Tibet Railway in Permafrost region ( Part I )Interim Provisions for Engineering Design of Qinghai - Tibet Railway in Permafrost Region (Part I)Interim Provisions for Design of Seamless Track over Bridge of New Railway ProjectInterim Standard for Quality Acceptance of New Passenger - freight Railway with a Speed of 200 km/hStandard for Quality Acceptance of Heat Insulating and Water Proof Works for Building Construction of Qinghai - Tibet Railway in Permafrost RegionInterim Provisions for Construction of Qinghai - Tibet Railway in Permafrost Region (Part II)Interim Standard for Quality Acceptance of Qinghai - Tibet Railway in Permafrost Region (Part II)Interim Provisions for Design on New Passenger - freight Railway with a Speed of 200 km/hInterim Standard for Inspection and Acceptance of Steel Rail for Passenger -dedicated Railway with a Speed of 250 km/h and 350 km/hInterim Provisions for Design of New Passenger - dedicated Railway with a Speed of 200 - 250 km/hSupplementary Standard for Quality Acceptance of Concrete Works of RailwayInterim Standard for Quality Acceptance of Track Works of Passenger - dedicated RailwayInterim Standard for Quality Acceptance of Subgrade Works of Passenger -dedicated RailwayInterim Standard for Quality Acceptance of Bridge and Culvert Works of Passenger - dedicated RailwayInterim Standard for Quality Acceptance of Tunnel Works of Passenger - dedicated RailwayInterim Provisions for Durability Design of Concrete Structures of RailwaySpecification for Test of Deformation Modulus EV2 ( Trial)Interim Standard for Quality Acceptance of Electric Traction and Feeding Works of Passenger - dedicated RailwayInterim Specification for Beam Erection o^ Railway Bridge Erecting MachineInterim Provisions for Lightening Protection, Electromagnetic Compatibility and Earthing Works of RailwayInterim Standard for Quality Acceptance of Ballastless Track Works of Passenger - dedicated RailwayInterim Provisions for Design of Multiple Unit Equipment of RailwayInterim Provisions for Design on GSM - R Digital Mobile Communication System of RailwayTechnical Guide for Full - face TBM Method of Railway TunnelingInterim Provisions for Balise Engineering Technology of CTCS - 2 Train Operation Control SystemInterim Standard for Quality Acceptance of Train Control Center and on - board Equipment of CTCS - 2 Train Operation Control SystemA Guide for Large Cross - section Railway Tunnel Excavation by Three - bench and Seven - step Method (Trail)Interim Standard for Quality Acceptance of GSM - R Digital Mobile Communication WorksInterim Provisions for Risk Evaluation and Management of Railway TunnelInterim Provisions for Design of Train Dispatching and Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) SystemInterim Standard for Quality Acceptance of Signaling Works of Passenger -dedicated RailwayInterim Standard for Quality Acceptance of Communication Works of Passenger -dedicated RailwayGuiding Opinions on Dynamic Inspection of Completion Acceptance of Passenger -dedicated Railway ProjectInterim Provisions for Construction Technology of Existing Line Renovation and Double - track Railway WorksInterim Provisions for Design on Railway Freight CenterGuiding Opinions on Railway Tunnel Construction Machinery ConfigurationGuiding Opinions on Dynamic Inspection for Completion Acceptance of Passenger -freight Railway ProjectTechnical Guide for Geological Forecast of Railway TunnelInterim Provisions for Design of Large - scale Temporary and Transitional Works of RailwayTesting Tables of Railway WorksSafety Signs for Railway Construction SiteLand Use Index for New Railway ProjectGuide for Fine Adjustment Operation of Ballastless Track Works of High - speed RailwaySupplementary Standard for Quality Acceptance of Filling Layer Construction of BallasLless Track of Passenger - dedicated RailwayA Collection of Standard for Quality Control of Raw Material for Railway ConstructionA Guide for Ballast Laying and Regulating Operation of RailwaySupplementary Provisions for Management of Slope Protection and Waterproofing & Drainage Works of RailwaySupplementary Provisions for Design on Slope Protection and Waterproofing & Drainage Works of RailwaySupplementary Provisions for Quality Acceptance of Slope Protection and Waterproofing & Drainage Works of RailwayGuiding Opinion on Static Inspection and Acceptance of Passenger - dedicated Railway WorksTechnical Guide for Filling Layer Construction of Ballastless Track of Passenger - dedicated RailwayInterim Standard for Quality Acceptance of CRTS II Ballastless Slab Track of High - speed Railway。
URBAN RAIL TRANSIT城市轨道交通信号电源子系统不对称双母线冗余方案探讨谢 桥(南宁轨道交通运营有限公司,南宁 530025)摘要:城市轨道交通信号系统可以确保行车安全、提高运输效率、改善工作环境、促进管理现代化,因此配备一套稳定可靠的电源子系统来确保信号系统稳定可靠工作至关重要。
关键词:信号系统;电源子系统;不对称双母线中图分类号:U284.8 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-4440(2023)12-0093-06Discussion on Asymmetric Double Bus Redundancy Scheme ofSignal Power Subsystem for Urban Rail TransitXie Qiao(Nanning Rail Transit Operation Co., Ltd., Nanning 530025, China)Abstract: The signal system for urban rail transit can ensure train operation safety, increase transportation efficiency, improve the working environment, and promote management modernization. Therefore, a stable and reliable power subsystem is crucial for the stable and reliable working of the signal system. This paper analyzes the structure schemes of the signal power subsystems of Nanning Rail Transit Line 1 to Line 5. By summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of different structure schemes, and considering the actual situation at the site, it puts forward the asymmetric double bus redundancy scheme, to improve the stability, safety and reliability of the power subsystem, so as to meet the power supply needs of the signal system for urban rail transit.Keywords: signal system; power subsystem; asymmetric double busDOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-4440.2023.12.017收稿日期:2022-08-10;修回日期:2023-11-20作者简介:谢桥(1991—),男,工程师,本科,主要研究方向:城市轨道交通信号系统工程,邮箱:****************。
2021 年 2 月第2期总第579期水运工程Port & Waterway EngineeringFeb. 2021No. 2 Serial No. 579跨海通道影响下大连湾水域规划调整方案比选董丽红,钟政(大连理工大学土木建筑设计研究院有限公司,辽宁大连116042)摘要:介绍了受大连湾跨海交通工程影响而开展的大连湾水域规划调整方案比选研究过程。
针对大连湾内水域通航环 境,分析了港口及相关产业的发展趋势,综合预测了各港区通航代表船型。
关键词:跨海交通工程;大连湾;航道;锚地中图分类号:U 642文献标志码:A文章编号:1002-4972(2021)02-0093-06Adjustment plan of Dalian Bay water area under influence of cross-sea traffic projectDONG Li-hong, ZHONG Zheng( The Design Institute of Civil Engineering & Architecture Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116042, China)Abstract : The research process of the adjustment plan of the Dalian Bay water area under the influence of across-sea traffic project was introduced in this paper. According to the navigation environment in the Dalian Baywater area, the development trend of the port and related industries was analyzed and the representative ship types of navigation in each port area were predicted. Using the design scheme of the north bridge and south tunnel of theDalian Bay cross-sea traffic project as boundary conditions, according to the conditions and navigation requirements of the bay waters, the safe distances between bridge and anchorage, bridge and channel boundary were reasonablydetermined by introducing the factor of representative navigation vessel length with certain assurance rate. Three solutions for the adjustment plan were given and compared. Issues that needed to be paid attention to during the subsequent implementation stage were put forward.Keywords : cross-sea traffic project; the Dalian Bay; channel; anchorage随着港珠澳大桥的建成及顺利通车,国内多个沿海城市借鉴项目的成功经验,将“岛隧结合”的跨海通道建设方案应用到提升地区海陆交通上来⑴。
组织一场和城市交通有关的辩论的英语作文Organizing a Debate on Urban TransportationIn today's rapidly growing cities, the issue of urban transportation has become increasingly complex and multifaceted. As populations expand and reliance on personal vehicles increases, cities around the world are grappling with challenges such as traffic congestion, air pollution, and the need for sustainable mobility solutions. Organizing a debate on this topic presents an excellent opportunity to engage the community, explore different perspectives, and work towards finding effective strategies to address these pressing concerns.The first step in organizing a successful debate on urban transportation would be to assemble a diverse panel of experts and stakeholders. This could include city planners, transportation engineers, environmental advocates, public transit authorities, and representatives from the business community and local government. By bringing together individuals with different areas of expertise and varying interests, the debate can cover a wide range of issues and provide a comprehensive understanding of the complexities involved.One of the key aspects to address would be the role of public transportation in alleviating traffic congestion and reducing carbon emissions. Proponents of improved public transit systems could argue that investing in reliable and accessible bus, train, and light rail networks can encourage more people to leave their personal vehicles at home, leading to reduced traffic and improved air quality. They could highlight successful case studies from cities that have implemented comprehensive public transportation systems, such as London's expansive underground network or the extensive light rail system in Portland, Oregon.On the other hand, opponents of this approach may contend that public transportation is not a one-size-fits-all solution and that it may not be practical or cost-effective in all urban settings. They could argue that the high initial investment required to build and maintain public transit infrastructure may not be justified in smaller or more spread-out cities, where the demand for such services may be lower. Additionally, they could emphasize the importance of individual freedom and the convenience of personal vehicles, suggesting that policies aimed at discouraging car use may be met with public resistance.Another crucial aspect to consider would be the role of active transportation, such as walking and cycling, in promoting sustainableand healthy urban mobility. Advocates for pedestrian and bicycle-friendly infrastructure could argue that by creating safer and more inviting environments for non-motorized modes of transportation, cities can reduce their reliance on cars, improve public health, and foster a greater sense of community. They could highlight examples of cities like Copenhagen and Amsterdam, where extensive bike lane networks and pedestrian-oriented urban design have led to a significant shift away from car-centric transportation.Opponents of this approach, however, may argue that active transportation is not a feasible solution for all urban residents, particularly those with mobility challenges or who live in areas with challenging topography. They could also raise concerns about the potential conflicts between pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists, and the need for robust safety measures to ensure the well-being of all road users.The debate could also explore the role of emerging technologies, such as electric vehicles, autonomous cars, and ride-sharing services, in shaping the future of urban transportation. Proponents of these technologies could argue that they have the potential to reduce emissions, improve traffic flow, and provide more equitable access to mobility. They could point to the success of electric vehicle adoption in cities like Oslo, Norway, and the potential benefits of autonomous vehicles in reducing accidents and providing transportation optionsfor the elderly and disabled.Opponents, on the other hand, may express concerns about the potential job losses associated with the automation of transportation, the high costs of implementing new technologies, and the potential privacy and security risks associated with the collection and use of data by these systems.Ultimately, the goal of the debate would be to encourage a thoughtful and nuanced discussion on the complex challenges facing urban transportation, and to work towards identifying sustainable and equitable solutions that address the needs of all stakeholders. By bringing together diverse perspectives and encouraging open dialogue, the debate can serve as a catalyst for policy changes, community engagement, and the development of innovative transportation strategies that can improve the quality of life for urban residents.。
在1985件参选作品中,境外作品有200余件, 但最后入围十件作品中,境外只有一件作品,并且 也是由华人设计;按照外国公司设计水平和国内设 计水平比较来看,这是不成百分比,林家阳透漏了 个中奥秘。他说,像类似奥运会这种标志设计,首 先考虑是要有强烈民族色彩,有了民族个性才有世 界性.国外设计公司即使设计技巧很成熟,也理解 一些代表中国设计元素,但他们不也许深刻地理解 积淀几千年中国文化,更体会不到浓浓民族感情, 因此往往以失败告终。
北京奥运会会徽成功设计也有巨大商业价值。由于公 司界对赞助奥运会积极性很高,北京奥运会会徽(中国印)使 用权发售额收入将突破两亿美元。这些经费除少部分用于暂 时场馆和场馆内暂时设施修建外,大部分将用于奥运会运营。
1、美术作品中思想与情感 下面让我们来欣赏著名画家王式廊著名素描作品《血衣》 192×345厘米.(见图3-15) then let’s us enjoy the drawing work “Blood Clothes” of the famous artist Wang Shilang.(192*345centmeters)
In 1973, he drew it as an oil painting to Gong town of HeNan to live the life collected sources, he went into the country, water conservancy place to sketch and when he worked, he always forgot to eat and sleep. In his short 29 days, he drew 74 pictures. For his great art career, he devoted all his life. Because he knew that he had lost lots of time during the cultural evelution, so he should catch all minutes and seconds. According to people’s memory, on the 22th may 1973, in the afternoon, when he was drawing a farmer’s head, his face was sweating, his hands were shaking and then went to coma. And he hadn’t never waken from now on. Like this, he devoted his dear life ---62 years old, for his great art career.
英国公共交通知识点总结IntroductionPublic transport is an essential part of daily life for many people in the UK. Whether it's to get to work, run errands, or go out for leisure activities, there are various modes of public transport available to cater to different needs. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the different types of public transport in the UK, as well as the key information and tips for using them effectively.Modes of Public Transport1. BusBuses are one of the most popular modes of public transport in the UK. They operate in most towns and cities, providing a convenient and affordable way to get around. The bus network is extensive, with frequent services running throughout the day and into the evening. Many bus operators offer smart card payment options, making it easy for commuters to pay for their fare without the need for cash. Additionally, buses are often equipped with accessibility features such as ramps and priority seating for those with mobility issues.2. TrainTrains are a key mode of public transport for longer journeys, connecting different cities and regions across the UK. The rail network is operated by several companies, with a wide range of services available, from local and regional trains to high-speed intercity services. Passengers can benefit from amenities such as Wi-Fi, refreshments, and comfortable seating, making train travel a popular choice for commuters and leisure travelers alike. It's important to note that purchasing tickets in advance can help save money, and many rail operators offer discounts for students, seniors, and frequent travelers.3. Tube and TramIn London, the underground rail system, known as the Tube, and the tram network provide efficient and reliable public transport options for residents and visitors. The Tube serves the Greater London area, with multiple lines connecting various parts of the city. Trams, on the other hand, operate in South London, providing an alternative mode of transport for those living or working in the area. Both the Tube and tram network offer frequent services, step-free access, and interconnected routes, making it easy to navigate around the city.4. CyclingCycling has become increasingly popular as a mode of public transport in the UK. Many towns and cities have implemented dedicated cycle lanes and bike-sharing schemes, making it easier for people to get around on two wheels. Cycling offers numerous benefits, including improved health and fitness, reduced environmental impact, and cost savings on transportexpenses. It's important for cyclists to familiarize themselves with local traffic laws and safety guidelines, as well as invest in proper safety equipment such as helmets and reflective gear.Key Information and Tips for Using Public Transport1. Planning Your JourneyBefore using public transport, it's essential to plan your journey in advance. This includes familiarizing yourself with the routes, schedules, and fare options available for the mode of transport you intend to use. Many transportation providers offer online journey planners and mobile apps that provide real-time information on services, as well as the ability to purchase tickets and manage bookings. Planning ahead can help ensure a smooth and efficient travel experience.2. Paying for Your FareThe methods of paying for public transport vary depending on the mode of transportation. For buses and trams, cashless payment options such as smart cards or contactless payment are widely accepted. Train and underground services typically offer ticket machines at the stations, as well as online booking and e-ticketing options. It's important to check the fare prices and any available discounts or concessions for specific passenger categories, such as students, seniors, and disabled travelers.3. Getting Around With AccessibilityPublic transport in the UK strives to be accessible to all passengers, including those with mobility, visual, or hearing impairments. Many buses and trains are equipped with accessibility features such as ramps, priority seating, and audio announcements for the benefit of passengers with disabilities. Additionally, there are designated assistance services available for those who require extra support when using public transport. It's recommended to inform transport staff in advance if special assistance is needed, to ensurea comfortable and seamless journey.4. Traveling During Peak HoursPeak hours, typically during the morning and evening rush, are times when public transport services experience high demand. As a result, trains and buses may be crowded, and there could be longer wait times for services. To avoid the peak hour rush, consider traveling during off-peak times if possible, especially for leisure or non-time-sensitive journeys. If commuting during peak hours is unavoidable, it's advisable to plan extra time for the journey and be prepared for potential delays.5. Safety and SecurityWhile public transport in the UK is generally safe, it's important for passengers to be mindful of their surroundings and take precautions when traveling. This includes keepingpersonal belongings secure, especially in crowded areas, and being aware of emergency procedures and safety information provided by transport operators. In the event of an emergency or if you feel unsafe, there are emergency help points and staff available to assist passengers at stations and on board vehicles.ConclusionPublic transport plays a vital role in the daily lives of people in the UK, providing a convenient, efficient, and sustainable way to travel. By understanding the different modes of public transport available, as well as the key information and tips for using them effectively, individuals can make informed choices about their travel needs. Whether it's commuting to work, exploring new destinations, or simply getting around town, public transport offers a flexible and accessible means of transportation for everyone.。
2022年考研考博-考博英语-河北工业大学考试全真模拟易错、难点剖析AB卷(带答案)一.综合题(共15题)1.翻译题Science and technological advances are enabling us to comprehend the furthest reaches of the cosmos, the most basic constituents of matter, and the miracle of life.At the same time, today, the actions, and inaction, of human beings imperil not only life on the planet, but the very life of the planet.Globalization is making the world smaller, faster and richer. Still, 911 and avian flu remind us that a smaller, faster world is not necessarily a safer world.Our world is bursting with knowledge—but desperately in need of wisdom. Now, when sound bites are getting shorter, when instant messages crowd our essays, and when individual lives grow more crazy, college graduates capable of deep reflection are what our world needs.For all these reasons I believe—and I believe even more strongly today—in the unique and irreplaceable mission of universities.【答案】科技的进步使我们能够了解宇宙的最远端、物质最基本的成分以及生命的奇迹。
端口可能分为三类:1:公认端口(well known ports):从0-1023,他们是绑定于一些效劳。
2:注册端口(registrerd ports):从1024-49151,他们松散的绑定于一些效劳也确实是说有许多效劳绑定于这些端口,这些端口一样用于许多其他目的。
3:动态或私有端口(dynamic and/or private ports):从49512-65535,理论上不该该为效劳分派这些端口。
0 通经常使用于分析操作系统。
1 tcpmux 这显示有人在寻觅SGI Irix机械。
Iris 机械在发布时含有几个缺省的无密码的帐户,如lp, guest, uucp, nuucp, demos, tutor, diag, EZsetup, OutOfBox, 和4Dgifts。
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Global Bus Design ofa Bus-Based COMA Multiprocessor DICEGyungho Lee,Bland Quattlebaum,Sangyeun Cho ,and Larry KinneyDept.of Electrical EngineeringDept.of Computer Science University of Minnesota Minneapolis,MN 55455E-mail:ghlee@To appear in Proceedings of International Conference on Com-puter Design,Austin,Texas,October 1996.AbstractDICE is a shared-bus multiprocessor based on a dis-tributed shared-memory architecture,known as Cache-Only Memory Architecture (COMA).Unlike previous COMA pro-posals for large-scale multiprocessing,DICE utilizes the COMA to effectively decrease the gap between modern high-performance microprocessors and the bus.As micro-processors become faster and demand more bandwidth,the already limited scalability of a shared bus decreases even further.DICE tries to optimize the COMA for a shared-bus medium,in particular to reduce detrimental effects of the cache coherence and the “last memory block”problem on replacement.In this paper,we present a global bus design for a bus-based COMA multiprocessor using the IEEE Fu-turebus+standard backplane bus and the Texas Instruments chip-set.Our design demonstrates that necessary bus trans-actions for DICE can be done efficiently with existing stan-dard bus signals.Considering the benefits of the COMA and the little design complexity it adds to the conventional shared-bus multiprocessor design,a bus-based COMA mul-tiprocessor such as DICE can become a viable candidate for future shared-bus multiprocessor designs.1IntroductionShared-bus SMPs (Symmetric Multi-Processors)such as the Sequent Symmetry [14]or the SGI Challenge [3]rep-resent the mainstream of accepted and commercially vi-able computer systems.However,as microprocessors be-come faster and demand more bandwidth,the already lim-ited scalability of the shared bus decreases even further,andthe ill-effect of a cache miss penalty becomes even worse.Even with clustering of having several processors per a pro-cessor board,the effective machine size for shared-bus mul-tiprocessors is fairly limited.Further,a cache miss can cost up to a few hundred processor cycles for recent high-performance microprocessors.To bridge the gap between high-performance microprocessors and a backplane bus,it is important to reduce global bus traffic and to increase lo-cal memory utilization,together with efforts to develop a high-speed wide data-path backplane bus.The DICE (Direct Interconnection of Computing Ele-ments)project at the University of Minnesota utilizes the Cache-Only Memory Architecture (COMA)to bridge the gap.The COMA improves the utilization of local mem-ory by decoupling the address of a datum from its phys-ical location,allowing the data to move dynamically be-yond the level provided by traditional caches.This decou-pling is achieved by treating the memory local to each node,called attraction memory (AM),as a cache to the shared address space without providing traditional physical main memory [5].Unlike the previous examples of scalable COMA ma-chines,including the DDM of the Swedish Institute of Com-puter Science [5]and the KSR-1of the Kendall Square Re-search [23],DICE focuses on the efficient realization of the COMA as a shared-bus SMP with little provision for scal-ability for larger-scale multiprocessing.While we expect many problems associated with scalable COMA machines to become less serious with a shared-bus medium,shared-bus multiprocessors benefit from the COMA in three ways:(i)less bus contention due to lower global traffic;(ii)shorter average memory latency due to higher local memory utiliza-tion;and (iii)more processors in the machine due to less bandwidth requirement on the bus.This paper presents a global bus design of DICE.TheFigure1:A bus-based COMA multiprocessor main contribution of this paper is in demonstrating the feasi-bility of an efficient implementation of a bus-based COMA multiprocessor.Especially,we focus on how the imple-mentation handles the coherence enforcement and the re-placement problem,which can cause significant overheads in scalable COMA machines[7,9].Our design employs the IEEE Futurebus+standard backplane bus[22]and the Texas Instruments chip-set[21].The rest of this paper is organized in the following man-ner.Section2gives a brief background necessary for our discussions.Section3describes the coherence and replace-ment protocol of the DICE multiprocessor.A global bus implementation is given in Section4,and Section5will summarize the paper.2Background2.1Why bus-based COMA?Shared bus design has been popular in small-scale com-mercial SMPs.A commercial SMP typically runs a single instance of an operating system with a shared real address main memory,and supports hardware cache coherence con-trol.Among recent machines are the SGI Challenge[3]and the Sun Microsystems Ultra X000Servers[24].Although the shared-bus SMP is a widely accepted architecture,its scalability is severely hurt due to the limited bandwidth of the bus.As microprocessors become faster and demand more bandwidth,the shared bus becomes an even more se-rious bottleneck in such systems.If the last ten-year history is any indication for future,then one should expect that the bottleneck will become even worse.For example as noted in [6],with16processors,a block size of64Bytes,and a64-KB data cache,the total bandwidth demand for some par-allel benchmark programs ranges from almost500MB/sec (for Barnes in SPLASH-2[20])to over9400MB/sec(for Ocean),assuming a processor that issues a data referenceFigure2:Block diagram of a DICE nodeevery5ns.In comparison,the Gigaplane bus of the Ultra X000Servers,one of the highest bandwidth bus systems, provides2500MB of bandwidth[24].Handling the problem of the shared-bus bottleneck can be done in three complementary approaches.Firstly,a faster and wider bus needs to be developed.This can be achieved by developing low voltage-swing bus transceivers, high density packaging,effective grounding to reduce noise interference,and more effective line termination.Secondly, smart bus protocols such as more aggressive pipelining are needed.Thirdly,memory requests should be serviced lo-cally.This end can be met by having larger caches(of multi-level structure)or large shared caches together with“clus-tering”[16].Taking this to an extreme,a DSM(Distributed Shared Memory)architecture,especially the COMA,be-comes attractive.The COMA improves the utilization of local memory by decoupling the address of a datum from its physical loca-tion,allowing the data to move dynamically beyond the level provided by traditional caches.With dynamic repli-cation and migration of data through the AMs,a COMA machine seems to be able to provide higher utilization of local memory than is otherwise possible,which may result in low average memory access latency and low network traf-fic.As the processor technology is progressing much faster than the bus or interconnection network technology,this po-tential reduction in latency and bandwidth requirement can be a crucial advantage.2.2Bus-based COMA multiprocessorsFigure1shows a high-level structure of a bus-based COMA multiprocessor.A processor node(dashed box)is composed of a high-performance microprocessor,two lev-els of cache memory,and the local memory managed as the AM.The local memory tag,which includes‘state’informa-tion and uses fast SRAMs,is duplicated so that local tag access and global bus snooping will not conflict too often(b) 16-processorsADM ARC2D DYFESM FLO52Q MDG OCEAN QCD2TRACK TRFDADM ARC2D DYFESMFLO52QMDGOCEANQCD2TRACK TRFDFigure 3:Global bus utilization (memory pressure =60%)Data Traffic Rate Replacement Traffic Rate Coherence Traffic Rate (b) 16-processors(a) 8-processorsA D MR C 2DF E S MO 52QM D GC E A NQ C D 2R A C KT R F DA D MR C 2DF E S MO 52QM D GE A NQ C D 2A C KT R F DA D MA R C 2DD Y FE S MF L O 52QM D GO C E A NQ C D 2T R A C KT R F DA D MR C 2DF E S ML O 52QM D GC E A NQ C D 2R A C K T R F DD MC 2DS M52QD GA NC D 2C K R FD A D MA R C 2DD Y FE S MF L O 52QM D GO C E A NQ C D 2T R A C KT R F DFigure 4:Bus traf fic rate per reference (memory pressure =60%)at the tag.The inclusion property [1]is maintained in thememory hierarchy.Figure 2gives a block diagram for a DICE node.As in a traditional shared-bus machine,every node snoops all global bus traf fic.In dealing with large AM,it can be challenging to have a snoop control logic that can keep up with a modern backplane bus with a high clock fre-quency,especially if the memory access model is based on the sequential consistency [10].For example,with the SGI POWERpath-2[3],each bus transaction takes five clock cy-cles of the 47.6MHz clock,and the snooper has about 35ns (less than two cycles)to search the state and tag for its AM and then update the state if necessary.With the fast SRAMs currently available,the snooper has little dif ficulty in keeping the AMs of the COMA coherent.However,if the snooper cannot keep up with the fast clock of the back-plane bus,one can adopt relaxed memory models such as the release consistency [4]in order to perform the snoop-ing asynchronously and delay the coherence actions.Note that recent high-performance microprocessors support the relaxed memory models [6].A major overhead involved in the COMA is additional extra memory.One source of this need for extra memory isthe state and tag memory for the AM.While it is not sig-ni ficant in terms of the amount of space,the state and tag memory can be a signi ficant overhead in terms of cost.Ex-tra memory is also needed for the unallocated space,which has been reported to be essential for good performance of the COMA.Since the unallocated space is necessary mostly for shared variables,its amount can be kept reasonably small [7,8,9],especially when the set-associativity for the AM is four or higher.2.3Potential performanceTo gauge the potential performance advantage of a bus-based COMA multiprocessor over the traditional bus-based SMPs,we have simulated a “scaled-down ”DICE machine labeled DICE in Figure 3and a traditional shared-bus mul-tiprocessor modeled after the SGI Challenge [3]labeled SMP .The effects of contention at the processor cache,at the local memory,and at the shared bus are re flected in our simulation results.A detailed description of our simulation environment and results are found in [13].Figure 3and 4show the bus utilization and traf fic rate per reference for the studied architectures respectively.ForLocal EventBus-Induced EventReplace-Related Event Figure5:DICE write-invalidate coherence protocol(PR: Processor Read,PW:Processor Write,NR:Network Read, NW:Network Write,NI:Network Invalidation,NTO:Net-work Transfer of Ownership,NNOC:Network No Other Copy)the nine programs from the Perfect Club Benchmark[2], our simulation results show significant bus traffic reduc-tion.DICE generated slightly more traffic for replacement and coherence for some programs.The results are consis-tent with the results of our previous study[12].A recent study[11]on a bus-based COMA multiprocessor reports a similarly significant reduction in bus traffic:a traffic re-duction of up to70%,with an average of46%,for the six SPLASH benchmark[19]programs.3Coherence and ReplacementIn this section,we outline the coherence and replace-ment protocol for the DICE multiprocessor.More details of our coherence and replacement protocol are found in[13]. We discuss major aspects of the protocol,which is different from the one for traditional SMPs.Figure5shows the four-state write-invalidate coherence protocol for DICE.An AM block can be in any one of the four states:Invalid(INV),Shared Non-owner(SHN), Shared Owner(SHO),and Exclusive(EXL).The SHN state is a non-owner state and guarantees that the block in this state is not the only copy in the system.The SHO state is an owner state and carries an ambiguity–there may or may not be other copies.The EXL state guarantees that the block is the only copy in the system,and ownership is implicit.The SHO and EXL states indicate the responsibility of supply-ing data when a read or write request for the block is seen on the bus.Ownership removes the ambiguity in responding to bus transactions(e.g.,on an AM miss)and reduces the traffic re-lated to memory block replacement,which poses a unique problem in COMA multiprocessors.A falling-off block due to replacement,if it has ownership,needs to transfer its ownership to a shared copy if any,or relocate to a remote node if it is the“last copy”of the memory block.Although the cache-like local memory can be backed up by system disk(s)on replacement,its tremendous overhead prohibits such operations.On a reference miss,a(victim)block in the set to which the reference maps has to be selected to receive the incom-ing data.Unlike LRU or random selection in traditional caches,the states of the blocks are used to choose the vic-tim prioritized in the following order:INV,SHN,SHO, EXL.The INV and SHN states do not incur the relocation process.Figure6shows the results of this priority-based selection for several cases assuming4-way set-associative AMs.Victim candidates after the priority-based selection are marked with a darker block,and the victim is selected randomly should there be more than one candidate.If the selected victim is in the SHO or EXL state,it needs to be re-located.A priority scheme is used in choosing which node to accommodate the block to be relocated.Figure7briefly demonstrates our priority scheme.A node with a shared copy of the replaced block is given the highest priority.It is clear that this case is possible only when a block in the SHO state is replaced.Ownership transfer without an AM update suffices in this case.The second priority is given to the node with a block in the INV state and no shared copy of the replaced block.The data will be stored in the block frame,and the resulting state is EXL regardless of the state that the original replaced block had.Next priority is given to a node with a SHN block which is not identical to the replaced block.The lowest priority is given to a node with blocks all having ownership.To avoid the chain of relo-cation,a processor node which originates relocation can ac-quire ownership of the incoming data,so that the block to be relocated may not go down to the lowest priority case[13]. It may seem that relocation to the node with a block in the INV state is preferable to the node having a shared copy of the replaced block.However,our scheme favors a node with a shared copy because(i)relocation incurs ownership transfer only,and(ii)better performance can be achieved from the efficient use of memory space[7].4A Global Bus DesignWe present in this section a global bus design for DICE based on our previous discussions.A complete description of this section can be found in[17]and[18].Our design uses the IEEE Futurebus+standard bus.The implemen-tation presented here is one of many possible implemen-tations.Although the design described in[17,18]usesState Block BxBxFigure 6:Victim block selection (B x :incoming block to satisfy a miss)a write-update policy,our discussion is limited to the one with a write-invalidate policy.4.1FB+backgroundWe chose the Futurebus+(FB+)[22]for our global bus implementation.In the discussions which follow,the imple-mentation uses the B-pro file speci fication detailed in IEEE 896.2for a couple of reasons.The pro file B supports a dis-tributed arbitration protocol,which is desirable not only to remove the poor system scaling associated with a central arbitration but also for the replacement and relocation al-gorithm.Moreover,several companies including Mupac,Schroff,and Texas Instruments (TI)[21],offer pro file B compliant chip-sets,backplanes,and Eurocard enclosures.This greatly simpli fies the bus interface design by providing a proven implementation of the pro file.Table 1shows the transaction mapping between those proposed to support the DICE multiprocessor and those pro-vided by the FB+.To enhance the capabilities of the ba-sic bus transactions,the IEEE 896.1speci fication provides eight user-de fined signal lines,TAG[7:0].In addition,two modes of data transfer are provided on the bus,namely packet mode and compelled mode .The first allows up to a 64-contiguous-byte transfer using only the address of the first word.The compelled mode on the other hand requires a handshake for each data transfer.The Read/Write Un-locked transactions may be used in the packet or compelled mode for any transactions which are 8,16,32,or 64bytes in length.The Read/Write Partial transactions are to transfer 7bytes or less and are restricted to the compelled mode.The FB+is basically comprised of two individual global buses.The AD[63:0]bus is a multiplexed address/data 64-bit path that is responsible for all address and data trans-fers.The second bus is thearbitration bus.Arbitration mes-Figure 7:Selecting a remote AM for relocationsages are interrupts and general system information that can be transferred throughout the system in parallel with data bus activity.In addition,this bus can provide arbitration for a bus master-elect while another bus device is the current bus master.This provides the ability to hide some of the latency associated with a distributed arbitration protocol for gaining global bus access.Basic read or write transactions are conducted in three separate phases.The first phase is called connection phase and is initiated by the bus master.During this phase the master drives the AD[63:0]bus with the address to read from or write to.In addition,signal lines are driven to indi-cate the phase of the transaction,the transaction type and the style of transfer,packet or compelled.In data phase ,which is the second phase,data is transferred via packet or com-pelled mode over the AD[63:0]bus.The last phase in the transaction is disconnection phase and is used to terminate the FB+transaction.The master can issue another transac-tion (bus park ),or release the bus tenure to the master-elect waiting to carry out a transaction.Arbitration in FB+can be initiated any time,regardless of the state of an ongoing bus transaction.The only de-pendence on the address bus is AS*(Address Sync)which indicates to the system that the bus master is terminating its tenure and the bus will be available.Depending on bus traf fic,the arbitration latency can be completely hidden.We use the TI chip-set [21]for our design,which is comprised of three chips,the TFB2010arbiter,the SN54-FB/SN74FB 2032competition transceiver,and the SN54FB/SN74FB 2040TTL-BTL transceiver.The TFB2010design greatly simpli fies the task of system mes-Read Unlocked+-M Miss (B)-I Invalidate (B)-C Copy NoneRead Unlocked 0000100Write Unlocked 0100000Write PartialRead Partial or Read Unlocked Write Partial or Write Unlocked Write Unlocked -M Miss (B)COMA TransactionsBasicTag[7:0]TransactionsVariationB: Block Transfer P: Partial TransferFuturebus+ B-Profile-H Hit (P, B)Write Partial or Write Unlocked 0001000TASREP WRRD0010000-U Uncached(P, B)-U Uncached(P, B)-R Relocate -Rp Relocate Read Unlocked 000000100000000000010000000000100001000000Read Unlocked Read Unlocked Table 1:Transaction mappingsages and FB+arbitration.Programming and normal con-trol of the arbitration process is accomplished through the CSR (Command and Status Register)bus.CS registers in-side the TFB2010may be written to or read from in order to set arbitration priorities,con figure operations,send mes-sages,obtain interrupts,and observe the TFB2010status.The CS registers together with the distributed arbitration are important features that make our implementation ef ficient.Some backplane buses without such features may necessi-tate a certain COMA transaction such as replacement to be implemented in more than one bus transactions.In the remainder of this section,we summarize the im-plementation of each transaction.Also,we describe how re-placement in local memory can be handled with little over-head.4.2RD -M,-U,and -I:Read RequestThe RD (ReaD request)transaction is made up of three distinct modes of operation.Two of the modes,-M (Miss)and -I (Invalidate),support the DICE architecture while the -U (Uncached)mode helps to maintain 896.2Pro file B com-pliance,which is necessary to incorporate ‘third-vendor ’I/O boards.4.2.1RD -MWhen a read request issued by a processor misses in the local memory,an RD -M transaction will be issued on the global bus.The transaction will always operate on a com-plete memory block and use the packet mode of data trans-fer.4.2.2RD -UThe RD -U is a read transaction that will not be cached by the recipient of the data.In addition,the slave node sup-plying data will not alter the coherence state in the local memory.Unlike the RD -M transaction,RD -U can transfer a byte,word,double word,or even multiple blocks of data using the compelled mode or packet mode of data trans-fer.An uncacheable read transaction helps to meet two of the implementation goals for the DICE project,archi-tecture support and speci fication adherence.By providing an uncached transaction,a node can conduct transactions to I/O devices and other resources that are not included in the cacheable shared memory space of the system.Also,RD -U provides direct support for memory references signaled as non-cacheable by the CPU.The second goal of adhering to a speci fication will allow the design to take advantage of industry standard system support devices such as DMA,bus bridges,and networking support.4.2.3RD -IRD -I is one of the transactions unique to a bus-based COMA.In traditional systems,memory recovery and page write-backs to disk are an ongoing process.With respect to main memory storage,these actions are governed solely by the operating system.In the DICE multiprocessor main memory is not only distributed but also of a cache structure.Consequently,sim-ply altering a page table entry and writing back a “copy ”of a page to disk is insuf ficient to provide data integrity and co-herence.For example,if a page is written back to disk and copies are left in the local memories of processing nodes,regardless of what occurs in the L1and L2caches,when the page frame is re-allocated by the operating system there will be two different sets of data available.When the RD -I transaction is used to write a page back to disk,the actual page transfer is most commonly handled by a DMA device,independent of the processor(s).During the connection phase of the transaction all nodes snoop the address.Those with SHN coherence state invalidate their copies.The sole node in EXL or SHO state will complete the transaction by first sourcing the RD -I transaction with the requested block then invalidate its own copy.In addition,each node with a valid copy will also invalidate the L2cache which will in turn invalidate the L1cache.Although this problem hap-pens also in a traditional SMP with copy-back cache,the problem is more extended in the COMA and fairly compli-cated due to the relocation process to handle the last mem-ory block problem.4.3WR-M,-H,and-U:Write RequestThe WR(Write Request)transaction is also comprised of three modes of operation.An uncached(WR-U)opera-tion is again defined to support the B-profile.4.3.1WR-MThe DICE architecture assumes a write-allocate policy, however,revising this to no-allocate or allocate-on-demand should not be difficult.To allocate a block to the local memory,WR-M transaction turns to a RD-M transaction with a different TAG[7:0],which signals invalidation of other copies,if they exist in the system.To support write-invalidate policy for coherence,any write reference to a block in the SHN or SHO state will also incur a WR-M transaction.A WR-M transaction is similar to RD-I trans-action,but potential initiating source can be different.By implementing WR-M as a simple transaction the latency seen by the initiating CPU and the length of the global bus tenure can be minimized.4.3.2WR-HWR-H is a write partial transaction used to update remote copies for processor write memory references which hit in local memory on the SHN or SHO states.The TAG[7:0]set-ting separates it from the partial write of the WR-U transac-tion.In addition,TAG[0]is used to indicate to the mastering node the presence of any remote copies.If the transaction completes and TAG[0]is asserted then there exists at least a shared copy in the system.However,if the transaction com-pletes with TAG[0]unasserted then the mastering node is able to update a SHN copy to EXL.With a write-invalidate policy,the WR-H transaction is not necessary.However, the WR-H transaction can be useful to optimize DICE fur-ther than presented here,which is beyond the scope of this paper.4.3.3WR-UThe WR-U is a write transaction that will not be cached by any recipient of the data.Similar to RD-U,WR-U can transfer a byte,word,double word,or even multiple blocks of data using the compelled or packet mode of data transfer.4.4REP-C,-R,and-Rp:Replacement and Relo-cationREP(Replacement)-C(Copy),REP-R(Relocate),and REP-Rp(Relocate page)are related with the replacement protocol described in Section3.Figure8:Block relocation mechanism4.4.1Relocation mechanismFigure8conceptually demonstrates how this replacement and relocation is handled in a processor node.On a ref-erence miss,the node decides whether relocation is neces-sary(1a).It sends a data request on the bus while fetching the replaced data from the local memory(2a).It puts the fetched data into the relocation buffer along with the state (3a).Upon the arrival of missing data,it begins the relocate transaction,and the processor now can resume its execution (4a).From the viewpoint of a remote node,when a relocate transaction is seen on the bus,the node buffers the data with its address and state(1r).The node looks up the AM state and tag memory to decide its priority in accepting the block it has just received(2r).Based on the result of the state and tag look-up,it generates and sends to the arbiter a priority vector,which is the2-bit priority concatenated with its node ID(3r).In case of a tie in the2-bit priority,the node ID,the lower bits in the vector,will help decide the winner.After arbitration,the result will be passed back to the controller, which will either update the AM and the tag,or discard the buffered data(4r).The distributed arbitration determines the unique winner which will accommodate the block,and all other nodes will discard the block,thereby achieving our goal.4.4.2REP-CThe REP-C transaction is always performed on non-page fault generated replacements.It is responsible for obtaining a copy of the block that contains the reference missed in the local memory.Although the-C transaction is an unlocked block read as RD-M,following every REP-C,without loss of tenure,is an REP-R transaction.REP-C is very similar to the transfer mechanism of the RD-M transaction.A global request is issued and the nodewith ownership responds by supplying the data.In addition to the data requested,the mastering node also takes over the ownership attribute for the block.This is done to ensure that a location will exist for the relocation transaction following the REP-C.A more complete description and an example of the ownership transfer(and ownership relinquish)is given in[13].4.4.3REP-RWhen REP-C completes the CPU request can be satisfied and allowed to execute the next instruction.However,the issue of relocating the block which initially occupied the local memory,causing the collision,still remains.The REP -R transaction utilizes the arbitration protocol of the FB+ previously described to accomplish relocation.Without loss of the bus tenure,the REP-R transaction is initiated imme-diately after a REP-C completes.The transaction is com-pletely controlled by the GBTC(Global Bus Transaction Controller,in Figure2)and does not involve the LBTC. This allows the LBTC(Local Bus Transaction Controller) to service the CPU for accesses to the local memory.The GBTC controls the HOST bus and places a block transfer write request to the address of the block needed to be relocated.The global bus interface views this as a packet mode transfer of the number of bytes equal to a block size. Each remote node will search their local memory tags as in previous transactions,however,the response of each node depends on the state of all the blocks in the set to which the address maps.In addition,remote nodes do not simply handshake with the FB+communication protocol but par-ticipate in an arbitration for the block being relocated.Once nodes have determined their priorities using the scheme outlined in Section3,each arbitrates using the FB+ arbitration protocol.The arbitration priority of the relo-cation algorithm is such that master-elect preemption will take place and that only nodes participating in the arbitra-tion have the opportunity to win.When the arbitration completes,the winner will be the node which takes the block being relocated.The priority of the node winning the arbitration determines what state the block will be placed in.If an INV block or an SHN block not of the same address wins,then the block can be placed in local memory in the EXL state.As in the WR -H transaction,TAG[0]is used to remove the ambiguity of relocation.When a SHN state node of the same address wins the arbitration,TAG[0]is used to determine if the state should be EXL or SHO.4.4.4REP-RpIn a bus-based COMA multiprocessor,page faults must be managed differently from conventional SMPs.The primary reason is that the local memories of the system are caches to the entire shared address space.Local memories are-way set-associative and therefore have locations per node where a page may be located.Also,a page fault in a tradi-tional system generally has no need to alter the location of data already in the system unless memory is full.However, a page fault in a COMA system can result in a significant redistribution of data due to a collision with the incoming page.This can occur if the incoming page maps to a loca-tion in local memory which is occupied by block(s)of data in the EXL or SHO state.When a page fault occurs in DICE,a page frame of mem-ory must be guaranteed to exist which maps to the incoming page.With sufficient unallocated memory,there exists such a page frame[8].However,guaranteeing available space somewhere in the system does not guarantee available space in a specific node,nor does it guarantee that the available space is contiguous.Since the concept of locality suggests that it would be highly beneficial if the node originating the page fault should also be the recipient of the incom-ing page[15],clearing specific locations for the incoming page may become necessary.Clearing a page of data in the local memory may only require reserving space if no EXL or SHO attributes currently exist.In the case where all the blocks are not in the INV or SHN state,a relocation trans-action becomes necessary for each of those blocks.When a page fault occurs,the GBTC on the node will begin processing contiguous range of memory associated with the page.The GBTC will go through each block ad-dress in the page range and mark INV and SHN copies with the Occupied tag status.Blocks in the EXL or SHO state must be relocated as described in Section4.4.3with the ex-ception of the relocation buffer,it is not necessary in this case since there is currently not a collision.Once an EXL or SHO block has been relocated the block frame is marked with the Occupied state.When the last block address in the page range reached,the page fault support by the GBTC is complete.Note that blocks coming in from disk and block relocation due to the REP-Rp can be intermixed because of the priority assigned to the REP-Rp transaction and the lower priority of the DMA device when performing the WR -U transaction to move the page into memory.This is fully supported by the FB+arbitration protocol and the round robin fairness mechanism.4.5Synchronization,I/O transactions,and inter-rupt supportThe TAS transaction is defined(in Table1)as a read block followed by a write partial to implement synchro-nization instructions such as test-and-set.The memory lo-cation being accessed must remain under the control of a single processor for the duration of the read-modify-write cycle.In order to implement this on the TI chip-set two。