PhoneGap 技术可行性分析1 移动应用现状. ++ 的 Symbian、使用 Object C 的 iOS 和使用 Java 的 Android 应用开发技术,几乎是完全无法融合的. PhoneGap跨平台移动应用开发框架正是应运而生.我们需要搞清楚几个概念:Web App,Native App,Hybird App移动平台Application几个概念:Web App:这个主要是采用统一的标准的HTML,,缺点是这些基于浏览器的应用无法调用系统API来实现一些高级功能,也不适合高性能要求的场合。
Native App:,在性能上也是最好的。
Hybird App:;其次,相同的代码只需针对不同平台进行编译就能实现在多平台的分发,大大提高了多平台开发的效率;而相较于web App,开发者可以通过包装好的接口,调用大部分常用的系统API。
而PhoneGap正是Hybird APP目前框架中集大成者。
2 phonegap简介phoneGap是Nitobi开发的一个免费开源的开发框架,,用来构建跨平台的使用HTML,CSS和JavaScript的应用程序。
以written once, run everywhere一次编译到处运行而受欢迎,只需要改动少量代码而实现跨平台。
phonegap 简单来说是一个中间件,为移动前端提供访问移动终端设备及资源的接口。
2011年10月4日Adobe宣布收购了创建了HTML5移动应用框架PhoneGap 和PhoneGap Build的新创公司Nitobi Software。
基于 P h o n e Ga 叶 陈 琳 讯 作 剖 董启标
( 江苏师范大学 教育研究院 ,江苏徐州 2 2 1 1 1 6 )
摘要 : 文章从 文献分析入手 , 分析 了目前跨平 台移动学 习资源的研究现状 , 慨述 了主流跨平 台开发 工具 P h o n e Ga p 的运行机制 ,并 总结 了跨平 台移动 学习资源 的设计要 点。最后通过具体 案例详 细阐述 了跨平 台移动学 习资源的 开发过程 ,以期为后来的研究者提供指导和借鉴。 关键字 :P h o n e Ga p ;跨平 台;移动学 习;移动学 习资源设计 ;移动学 习资源开发
l 0 0
表1 各核 心期刊 与“ 跨 平台移动学 习资源” 相 关的学术论 文数 量分布情况
期 刊 名 称 电 育 化 研 教 究 国 巴 鹊 毫 虐 易 硪 毒 巍 参 | | 蟊 ’ 程 教 毫 j 育 现 1 技 蘩 术 一 露 褶 葱 器 究 | 蔼 中 激 国 远
系统 之 间 互不 兼 容 ,没有 统 一 的应用 开 发 接 口和语 言 ,给 应 用程 序 类 型 的 移 动学 习资 源 的 发 展 带 来 一 定 的阻 碍 :从应 用 开 发 的 角度 来 说 ,同样 的程 序 逻辑 不得 不 在 多 个平 台 使 用 问 的语 言 重 复编 码 ;从 代码 维 护 的角 度来 说 ,同一 个项 目需要 维 护 多份 代 码 , 一旦程 序 逻 辑 发 生变 化 ,将 导 致大 规 模 的代 码 修 改 ;从 经 济 角度 来 说 ,要 同时 开 发 多个 平 台 的应 用 程 序 ,将 耗 费 巨大 的人 力 和 物 力 …。 因此 ,解 决 应 用 程序 类 型 的移 动学 习 资源 跨 平 台运 行 的 问题 显得
英语作文手机依赖症In the modern era, the smartphone has become an indispensable part of our lives, offering a plethora of functionalitiesthat range from communication to entertainment. However, this convenience comes at a cost, as an increasing number of individuals find themselves overly reliant on their mobile devices, a condition that has been termed "smartphone dependency."The prevalence of smartphone dependency is evident in various aspects of daily life. People of all ages, from students to professionals, are spending an alarming amount of time on their phones, often at the expense of face-to-face interactions and other essential activities. This essay aims to explore the causes and consequences of smartphone dependency and suggest potential solutions to mitigate its impact.Causes of Smartphone Dependency1. Accessibility of Information: The internet, social media, and a myriad of applications provide instant access to information, leading to a constant need for connectivity.2. Social Networking: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have revolutionized the way we communicate, making it easier to stay in touch but also fostering a fear of missing out (FOMO).3. Entertainment: Mobile games, streaming services, and otherdigital entertainment are highly addictive, contributing to prolonged screen time.4. Work and Productivity Tools: The professional use of smartphones for emails, meetings, and project managementblurs the line between work and personal life.Consequences of Smartphone Dependency1. Health Issues: Prolonged use can lead to physical problems such as eye strain, poor posture, and even conditions like "text neck."2. Mental Health: Dependency can result in anxiety, depression, and a constant state of being "plugged in," which can be detrimental to mental well-being.3. Social Isolation: Despite being connected digitally, individuals may experience a sense of loneliness andisolation due to a lack of real-world social interactions. 4. Diminished Attention Span: The constant barrage of notifications and the habit of multitasking can lead to a shorter attention span and reduced ability to focus.Potential Solutions1. Digital Detox: Regular periods of abstaining from digital devices can help reset the balance and reduce dependency.2. Mindful Usage: Being aware of the time spent on smartphones and setting limits can prevent overuse.3. Physical Activities: Engaging in sports, hobbies, or simply going for a walk can provide a healthy distraction from the allure of smartphones.4. Education and Awareness: Schools, workplaces, andcommunities should promote the understanding of the risks associated with smartphone dependency.In conclusion, while smartphones are a remarkable technological achievement, it is crucial to recognize the potential for dependency and take proactive steps to ensure a healthy relationship with these devices. By understanding the causes and consequences, and by implementing strategies to manage usage, we can continue to enjoy the benefits of smartphones without becoming their captives.。
解决大学手机干扰问题英语作文The ubiquity of mobile phones has become a double-edged sword in the context of university education. While these devices have undoubtedly enhanced communication and access to information, they have also emerged as a significant source of distraction and disruption in the academic setting. As universities strive to create an environment conducive to learning and intellectual discourse, the challenge of managing the impact of mobile phones has become increasingly pressing. In this essay, we will explore various strategies and solutions to address the problem of mobile phone interference in university settings.One of the primary concerns regarding mobile phone usage in universities is the impact on classroom dynamics and academic performance. The constant temptation to check social media, respond to messages, or engage in other non-academic activities can significantly hinder a student's ability to focus and absorb the material being presented. This disruption not only affects the individual student but also has the potential to disrupt the entire class, as the incessant sounds and visual distractions can bedistracting to others around them.To mitigate this issue, universities should consider implementing clear and enforceable policies regarding the use of mobile phones in the classroom. These policies could include restrictions on the use of phones during lectures, tutorials, and examinations, with clear consequences for non-compliance. Additionally, universities could explore the possibility of designating specific "no-phone zones" within the campus, where the use of mobile devices is strictly prohibited. This approach would create a dedicated space for uninterrupted learning and discussion, allowing students to fully immerse themselves in the academic experience.Another significant concern related to mobile phone usage in universities is the potential for academic dishonesty and cheating. With the advent of advanced features like high-quality cameras and internet connectivity, students may be tempted to use their phones to access unauthorized information during exams, share answers with peers, or engage in other forms of academic misconduct. This not only undermines the integrity of the educational system but also compromises the fairness and credibility of the assessment process.To address this challenge, universities should implement robust anti-cheating measures, including the use of technology-based solutions. For instance, universities could explore the use of signal-blockingdevices or Faraday cages in examination halls, effectively preventing students from accessing their phones during tests. Additionally, universities could consider the implementation of strict policies that prohibit the possession of mobile devices during exams, with severe consequences for any violations.Furthermore, universities should invest in educating students on the ethical use of technology and the importance of academic integrity. This could involve workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns that emphasize the consequences of academic dishonesty and the importance of maintaining the highest standards of academic conduct. By fostering a culture of integrity and responsibility, universities can empower students to make informed choices and resist the temptation of using mobile phones for unethical purposes.Beyond the classroom and examination settings, mobile phone usage in universities can also have a significant impact on the overall campus environment. The constant ringing of phones, the intrusive nature of ringtones and notifications, and the potential for disruption in shared spaces, such as libraries and study areas, can create an atmosphere that is not conducive to learning and intellectual exploration.To address this challenge, universities should consider implementing designated "quiet zones" or "silent areas" within the campus, wherethe use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited. These zones could include libraries, study halls, and other areas dedicated to focused learning and research. Additionally, universities could explore the possibility of providing designated phone-friendly areas, where students can engage in conversations and use their devices without disrupting the surrounding environment.Furthermore, universities should consider investing in infrastructure and technology solutions that can help mitigate the impact of mobile phone usage on the campus environment. This could include the installation of sound-absorbing materials, the use of white noise generators, or the implementation of mobile device management systems that allow for the controlled and regulated use of phones in certain areas.It is important to note that while addressing the issue of mobile phone interference in universities is crucial, it should be done in a manner that balances the needs of students and the academic community. Universities should strive to find a middle ground that acknowledges the importance of mobile technology in modern life while also ensuring that the academic environment remains focused and conducive to learning.In conclusion, the challenge of managing mobile phone interference in universities is a multifaceted one that requires a comprehensiveand strategic approach. By implementing clear policies, leveraging technology-based solutions, fostering a culture of academic integrity, and creating a balanced campus environment, universities can effectively address this issue and ensure that students can thrive in a distraction-free, academically-focused setting. As technology continues to evolve and become increasingly integrated into our lives, universities must remain proactive and adaptable in their approach to maintaining a productive and enriching educational experience for all.。
解决大学手机干扰问题英语作文English:To solve the problem of mobile phone interference in universities, several measures can be implemented. Firstly, educational institutions can establish designated areas where students can use their phones freely during designated break times. This can help create a balance between the need for communication and the necessity of maintaining a focused learning environment. Secondly, universities can implement stricter policies regarding the use of mobile phones during class hours. Professors can enforce rules that require students to keep their phones on silent mode or even collect them before the start of the class. Moreover, educational institutions can organize informative workshops or seminars that highlight the negative impacts of excessive phone use and the benefits of disconnecting during study time. These sessions can raise awareness amongst students about the importance of managing their phone use during academic hours. Additionally, universities can introduce technological measures such as signal jammers or special phone blockers in classrooms, libraries, and exam halls. These devices can restrict mobile phone signals within designated areas, minimizingdistractions during study or examination periods. Lastly, universities can collaborate with telecommunication companies to develop special apps or features in smartphones that automatically disable certain functionalities during class hours. This can help students resist the temptation to use their phones during learning sessions. Overall, a combination of establishing designated areas, implementing stricter policies, organizing informative workshops, implementing technology measures, and collaborating with telecommunication companies can effectively tackle the problem of mobile phone interference in universities.中文翻译:为了解决大学中手机干扰问题,可以采取几项措施。
基于PhoneGap的校园移动应用的设计与实现周帆;凌力【摘要】随着智能手机的逐渐普及,越来越多的用户习惯于能够无时无刻获取到自己所需要的信息.但是在校园生活中,这样的需求显然很难得到满足,因为,没有一个能够综合各种信息然后个性化展现给用户的移动应用.另外,现在各大主流的移动平台之间互不兼容,如果想开发一套原生的应用,必须在每个平台调用各自原生的API.这样会让程序开发人员耗费更多的人力物力,维护成本也直线上升.为此,作者设计了一种基于PhoneGap的校园移动应用,旨在为用户快速获取到日常校园生活中需要的信息.该文阐述了系统的组成结构,并进行了硬件上和软件上的设计.项目结果证明该系统具有可行性和实用性.【期刊名称】《微型电脑应用》【年(卷),期】2014(030)009【总页数】3页(P38-40)【关键词】PhoneGap;移动互联网;校园生活;云计算【作者】周帆;凌力【作者单位】复旦大学通信科学与工程系,上海,200433;复旦大学通信科学与工程系,上海,200433【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP3110 引言随着智能手机的逐渐普及,越来越多的开发者加入到移动应用开发的队伍当中。
PhoneGap是一款开源的开发框架,旨在让开发者使用HTML、CSS、JavaScript 等WEB APIs开发跨平台的移动应用程序,如图1所示:图1 PhoneGap框架图解通过PhoneGap框架提供的接口,开发者可以以非常简单的方式调用移动设备的核心功能,包括地理位置、摄像头、加速器、通讯录、多媒体、文件和网络等功能。
借助PhoneGap,开发者完全可以使用熟悉的Web开发技术写出移动Native App,并发布到Apple Store、Google Play等各平台应用商店中[1]。
手机产生代沟英语作文高中Title: Generation Gap Caused by Smartphones。
In contemporary society, smartphones have become an indispensable part of our lives, especially for younger generations. While these devices offer numerous benefits in terms of communication, entertainment, and information access, they also contribute significantly to the generation gap. The generational disparity caused by smartphones manifests in various aspects, including communication styles, social interaction, and worldview. This essay aims to explore the impact of smartphones on the generation gap and propose possible solutions to bridgethis divide.Firstly, smartphones have revolutionized the way people communicate, leading to differences in communication styles between generations. Older individuals often prefer face-to-face or phone conversations for meaningful interactions, emphasizing personal connection and emotional expression.In contrast, younger generations heavily rely on messaging apps and social media platforms for communication, prioritizing convenience and brevity over depth of conversation. This disparity in communication preferences can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts between generations, exacerbating the generation gap.Moreover, smartphones have transformed social interactions, particularly among younger people,contributing to the widening generation gap. With the prevalence of social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, younger individuals spend asignificant amount of time engaging in virtualsocialization rather than face-to-face interactions. This digital-centric socialization diminishes the importance of traditional social skills such as empathy, active listening, and non-verbal communication, further alienating younger generations from their elders.Furthermore, smartphones shape individuals' worldviews and perspectives, influencing their values, beliefs, and attitudes towards various issues. The constant exposure tocurated content on social media platforms creates echo chambers, where individuals are only exposed to information that aligns with their existing beliefs and opinions. This phenomenon, known as algorithmic bias, reinforces ideological polarization and hampers intergenerational understanding and empathy. Additionally, the addictive nature of smartphones, characterized by endless scrolling and instant gratification, fosters a culture of instant gratification and impatience among younger generations, which clashes with the traditional values of perseverance and delayed gratification upheld by older generations.To bridge the generation gap caused by smartphones, concerted efforts are needed from individuals, families, educational institutions, and society as a whole. Firstly, fostering open and honest communication between generations is crucial for understanding each other's perspectives and bridging the gap. Encouraging face-to-face interactions and minimizing smartphone usage during family gatherings can facilitate meaningful connections and strengthen familial bonds. Additionally, educational institutions should incorporate digital literacy and critical thinking skillsinto their curriculum to equip younger generations with the necessary tools to navigate the digital landscape responsibly.Moreover, society should promote intergenerational dialogue and collaboration through community-basedinitiatives and programs. Intergenerational mentorship programs, where older adults mentor younger individuals in areas such as career development, life skills, andemotional intelligence, can facilitate mutual understanding and respect between generations. Furthermore, fostering a culture of empathy and tolerance towards differing viewpoints is essential for bridging the ideological divide perpetuated by smartphones.In conclusion, while smartphones offer numerousbenefits in terms of communication, entertainment, and information access, they also contribute significantly to the generation gap. The differences in communication styles, social interaction, and worldview between generations are exacerbated by the prevalence of smartphones in contemporary society. However, through open communication,education, and community-based initiatives, it is possible to bridge the generation gap and foster greater understanding and empathy between generations in the digital age.。
英语作文手机影响交流Nowadays, mobile phones play a significant role in our daily communication. People rely heavily on their phones to stay connected with friends and family. Text messages, phone calls, and social media apps have made communication more convenient and accessible.However, the overuse of mobile phones can also have a negative impact on face-to-face communication. People tend to spend more time on their phones, scrolling throughsocial media feeds or playing games, rather than engaging in real conversations with those around them.Moreover, the constant notifications and alerts from our phones can be distracting and disruptive. It can be challenging to have a meaningful conversation when someone is constantly checking their phone or responding to messages.On the other hand, mobile phones have alsorevolutionized the way we communicate in emergencies. With just a few taps on a screen, we can quickly reach out for help or alert authorities in case of an emergency.In conclusion, while mobile phones have undoubtedly changed the way we communicate, it is essential to strike a balance between virtual and real-life interactions. It is crucial to be mindful of our phone usage and prioritize meaningful connections with those around us.。
解决大学课堂的手机分心问题英语作文{z}Document Title: Addressing the Issue of Cellphone Distractions in University ClassesIntroduction:The widespread use of smartphones has become a significant source of distraction for students in university classrooms.These devices, intended to enhance communication and access to information, have ironically hindered academic performance and focus.This essay will explore the causes and consequences of cellphone distractions and propose effective strategies to mitigate this growing issue.Causes of Cellphone Distractions:The allure of cellphones in university classrooms is multifaceted.Firstly, the constant notification of social media, emails, and messaging apps create a strong pull on the student"s attention.Secondly, the temptation to use smartphones as a source of entertainment during lectures is hard to resist, with games, videos, and endless streams of content readily stly, the illusion of multitasking, where students believe they can listen to lectures while engaging with their phones, only fragments their focus and weakens their understanding of the material.Consequences of Cellphone Distractions:The impact of cellphone distractions on students is profound.Firstly,it hampers their ability to concentrate, resulting in reduced retention and comprehension of the course material.Secondly, it disrupts the learning environment, as the constant buzz of notifications can distract not only the individual user but also their stly, excessive phone use can lead to feelings of guilt and shame, as students become aware of their diminished productivity and engagement.Strategies to Address Cellphone Distractions:To tackle this issue, a multi-pronged approach is necessary.Firstly, universities should invest in technologies and platforms that facilitate digital learning and engagement, making the use of smartphones an integral part of the educational process rather than a source of distraction.Secondly, professors should adopt teaching methods that actively involve students, such as group discussions and interactive quizzes, to maintain their interest and involvement in the stly, students themselves must cultivate self-discipline and adopt practices such as setting phone usage limits during study hours and using applications that block distracting websites and apps.Conclusion:The issue of cellphone distractions in university classrooms is a pressing one that requires immediate attention.By addressing the root causes, implementing effective strategies, and fostering a culture of responsible phone use, we can ensure that smartphones become tools ofeducation rather than obstacles to learning.。
英语作文手机影响交流Nowadays, with the prevalence of smartphones, communication has become more convenient and efficient. People can easily keep in touch with others through various social media platforms and messaging apps. It has greatly facilitated our daily communication and interaction with others.However, the excessive use of smartphones has also had a negative impact on face-to-face communication. When people are engrossed in their phones, they may ignore the people around them, leading to a lack of real-time, in-person communication and connection.Moreover, the constant notifications and distractions from smartphones can disrupt conversations and hinder deep and meaningful communication. It's common to see people checking their phones during conversations, which can be seen as rude and disrespectful.On the other hand, smartphones have also expanded the scope of communication. People can easily connect with others from different parts of the world through videocalls and messaging apps. This has made long-distance communication more accessible and affordable.Despite the drawbacks, it's undeniable that smartphones have revolutionized the way we communicate. They have made it easier for us to stay connected with others, but it's important to find a balance and not let them hinder ourreal-life interactions.。
智能手机导致人们缺少沟通的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1With the rapid development of technology, smartphones have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. People rely on smartphones for communication, entertainment, information, and much more. However, the prevalence of smartphones has also led to some negative consequences, one of which is the impact on human communication.Firstly, smartphones have brought convenience to communication. With just a few taps on the screen, we can send messages, make calls, and even video chat with people from all over the world. This has made it easier for us to stay connected with our friends and family, especially those who are far away. However, this convenience has also made us rely too heavily on our phones for communication. Instead of having face-to-face conversations or making phone calls, people have started to communicate more through text messages and social media, which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings and lack of emotional connection.Secondly, smartphones have led to a decrease in the quality of communication. With the rise of social media platforms and messaging apps, people are more focused on their digital interactions rather than on their real-life interactions. This has resulted in a decline in social skills and the ability to engage in meaningful conversations. People are more likely to check their phones during face-to-face interactions, which can be rude and disrespectful to the other person.Moreover, smartphones have also contributed to a decrease in the frequency of face-to-face communication. People are spending more time on their phones, scrolling through social media feeds or playing games, rather than engaging in real-life conversations with those around them. This can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, as well as a lack of connection with others.In conclusion, while smartphones have revolutionized the way we communicate, they have also had a negative impact on human interaction. It is important for us to be mindful of how we use our phones and to make an effort to engage in meaningful, face-to-face conversations with those around us. Only by doing so can we foster strong relationships and prevent the negative consequences of smartphone use on communication.篇2Title: How Smartphones are Causing People to Lack Communication SkillsIn today's digital age, smartphones have become an integral part of people's lives. From communication to entertainment, smartphones provide a plethora of services that make our lives easier. However, with the rise of smartphones, there has been a noticeable decline in face-to-face communication skills among individuals. This essay aims to explore how smartphones have led to a lack of communication skills among people.One of the main reasons why smartphones have caused a decline in communication skills is the prevalence of social media apps. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter allow people to interact with each other without having to engage in real-life conversations. Instead of meeting up with friends and family members to catch up, people prefer to communicate through social media platforms. This has made face-to-face communication less common, leading to a deterioration in communication skills.Another factor contributing to the lack of communication skills is the use of messaging apps. With the advent of messagingapps like WhatsApp and Messenger, people can easily communicate with each other without having to speak. This has resulted in a decrease in verbal communication skills as people rely more on text messages to communicate. This has also led to misunderstandings and misinterpretations as tone and body language cannot be conveyed through text messages.Furthermore, the constant use of smartphones has led to a decrease in attention spans. With smartphones providing a constant source of entertainment and distraction, people find it difficult to focus on conversations and engage in meaningful discussions. This has made it challenging for individuals to communicate effectively and connect with others on a deeper level.Moreover, smartphones have also impacted non-verbal communication skills. Body language plays a crucial role in communication, as it helps convey emotions and intentions. However, with the reliance on smartphones for communication, people have become less adept at reading and interpreting body language cues. This has led to a lack of empathy and understanding in interpersonal interactions.In conclusion, smartphones have undoubtedly revolutionized the way we communicate and interact with others.However, the overreliance on smartphones has resulted in a decline in communication skills among individuals. To mitigate this issue, it is essential for people to limit their smartphone usage and prioritize face-to-face interactions. By doing so, we can foster better communication skills and strengthen relationships with others.篇3The Impact of Smartphones on CommunicationIn today's digital age, smartphones have become an essential part of our daily lives. We use them for communication, entertainment, and various other purposes. While smartphones have certainly made our lives more convenient, there is also a downside to their widespread use. One of the negative impacts of smartphones is that they have led to a decrease inface-to-face communication and interpersonal skills.One of the main reasons why smartphones have led to a decrease in face-to-face communication is the prevalence of texting and social media. Many people now prefer to communicate through text messages or social media platforms rather than having a conversation in person. This has led to adecrease in meaningful interactions and has made it harder for people to develop strong relationships with others.Additionally, the constant use of smartphones has led to a decrease in the quality of communication. People often multitask while using their smartphones, which can lead to distractions and misunderstandings. This can result in poor communication and can hinder the development of effective communication skills.Another impact of smartphones on communication is that they have made it easier for people to avoid face-to-face interactions. With the rise of social media and messaging apps, people can now communicate with others without ever having to meet them in person. This can lead to a lack of social skills and can make it harder for people to form meaningful connections with others.Furthermore, smartphones have also led to a decrease in the amount of time that people spend engaging in face-to-face communication. Many people now spend hours each day on their smartphones, checking social media, playing games, or watching videos. This can lead to a decrease in the amount of time that people spend interacting with others in person, whichcan have a negative impact on their social skills and relationships.In conclusion, while smartphones have certainly made our lives more convenient, they have also had a negative impact on communication. The prevalence of texting and social media has led to a decrease in face-to-face communication and interpersonal skills. Additionally, the constant use of smartphones has made it harder for people to develop strong relationships with others. It is important for us to be mindful of the impact that smartphones have on our communication skills and to make an effort to engage in meaningful face-to-face interactions.。
关于手机使用的矛盾冲突英语作文In the modern era, smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, yet they also present a paradox. They connect us to the world, yet often isolate us from the people around us.The convenience of mobile devices cannot be overstated. With a simple tap, we can communicate with friends across the globe, access vast libraries of knowledge, and even control our homes. But this ubiquity comes at a cost, as face-to-face interactions are increasingly replaced by digital exchanges.The younger generation, particularly, finds itself in a tug of war. While they are the most adept at navigating the digital landscape, they also crave the human connection that is often overshadowed by the glow of a screen. The allure of social media, with its instant gratification and validation, can overshadow the need for genuine, in-person relationships.Parents, too, face a dilemma. They want to keep their children safe and connected, but the very devices that offer protection can also expose them to dangers. The line between monitoring and invading privacy is often blurred, leading to a delicate balance of trust and control.Moreover, the professional world is not immune to this conflict. The expectation to be constantly reachable can blur the lines between work and personal life, leading to aperpetual state of availability that can be both a blessing and a curse.The resolution to this paradox is not a simple one. It requires a conscious effort to find a balance, to use technology as a tool for connection rather than a substitute for it. By setting boundaries and prioritizing real-world interactions, we can mitigate the negative impacts whilestill enjoying the benefits that smartphones offer.In conclusion, the conflict surrounding smartphone usage is a reflection of a broader societal challenge. It is a call to action for all of us to be mindful of how we integrate technology into our lives, ensuring that it enhances rather than detracts from our human experiences.。
手机产生代沟英语作文初三Generation Gap Caused by Mobile Phones。
With the rapid development of technology, mobile phones have become an indispensable part of people's daily life. However, the use of mobile phones has also caused a generation gap between the older and younger generations.There are several reasons why mobile phones have caused a generation gap. Firstly, the older generation often struggles to understand the younger generation's obsession with mobile phones. They grew up in a time when mobile phones did not exist, so they find it difficult to comprehend why young people are constantly glued to their screens. This lack of understanding can lead to communication barriers and misunderstandings between the two generations.Secondly, mobile phones have changed the way people communicate. With the advent of texting and social media,young people often prefer to communicate through their phones rather than face-to-face. This can lead to a lack of interpersonal skills and the older generation may feel that the younger generation is becoming increasingly isolated and disconnected from the real world.Furthermore, the use of mobile phones has also impacted the way people spend their time. Young people spend a significant amount of time on their phones, whether it's playing games, browsing social media, or watching videos. This can lead to a lack of interaction between the older and younger generations, as young people may be more interested in their phones than in spending time with their elders.In order to bridge the generation gap caused by mobile phones, it is important for both the older and younger generations to make an effort to understand each other's perspectives. The older generation should try to embrace technology and understand the benefits of mobile phones, while the younger generation should make an effort to engage in face-to-face communication and spend quality timewith their elders.Additionally, both generations should set boundariesfor mobile phone use. Young people should be encouraged to limit their screen time and engage in other activities, such as hobbies or sports. Similarly, the older generation should also make an effort to put down their phones and engage in meaningful conversations with the younger generation.Ultimately, it is important for both generations tofind a balance when it comes to mobile phone use. By understanding and respecting each other's perspectives, the generation gap caused by mobile phones can be bridged, and both generations can learn from each other and grow together.。
手机与代沟的英语作文In the modern era, the advent of mobile phones has revolutionized the way we communicate and interact with one another. However, this technological marvel has also contributed to the widening of generational gaps. Thefollowing essay explores the impact of mobile phones on the relationships between different generations.Firstly, mobile phones have become a significant source of information and entertainment for the younger generation.They are accustomed to instant access to the internet, social media, and various applications that cater to their interests. This constant connectivity has shaped their communication style, making it more digital and less personal. As a result, they may find it challenging to engage in traditional face-to-face conversations with older generations who are not as tech-savvy.Secondly, the use of mobile phones has led to a decrease inthe quality time spent between family members. Young people often get engrossed in their devices, which can lead to alack of meaningful interaction with their elders. This can result in older family members feeling isolated and disconnected from the younger generation.Thirdly, the language barrier created by mobile phones is another factor contributing to the generational gap. The younger generation often uses slang and abbreviations thatare prevalent in digital communication. This can be confusing and alienating to older generations who are not familiar with such language.However, mobile phones can also serve as a bridge to connect generations. They can be used to facilitate intergenerational learning, where the younger generation can teach their elders about technology, while the older generation can share their wisdom and life experiences. This exchange can foster understanding and respect between the generations.In conclusion, while mobile phones have undoubtedly contributed to the generational gap, they also offer opportunities for bridging this divide. It is essential for both generations to make an effort to understand and adapt to each other's communication styles and preferences. By doing so, we can leverage the power of mobile technology to enhance rather than hinder our relationships.。
高校学生过度使用手机的问题英语作文The Problem of Excessive Smartphone Use Among College StudentsIntroductionWith the rapid development of technology, smartphones have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. However, the overuse of smartphones among college students has become a concerning issue. This essay aims to explore the reasons behind this phenomenon, its consequences, and possible solutions to address this problem.Reasons for Excessive Smartphone UseThere are several reasons why college students tend to use their smartphones excessively. Firstly, smartphones offer a wide range of entertainment options such as social media, games, and streaming services. These apps are designed to be addictive, keeping users glued to their screens for extended periods of time. Additionally, smartphones provide easy access to information and communication, making it tempting for students to check their phones frequently. Peer pressure also plays a role, as students may feel the need to keep up with theirfriends and classmates who are also constantly using their phones.Consequences of Excessive Smartphone UseThe overuse of smartphones has negative consequences on the physical, mental, and academic well-being of college students. Excessive screen time can lead to physical problems such as eyestrain, headaches, and neck pain. It can also affect sleep quality, as the blue light emitted by smartphones interferes with the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. From a mental health perspective, smartphone addiction has been linked to feelings of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Academic performance may also suffer, as students who spend too much time on their phones may procrastinate on their studies, resulting in lower grades.Solutions to Address the ProblemTo tackle the issue of excessive smartphone use among college students, several solutions can be implemented. Firstly, colleges and universities can raise awareness about the negative effects of smartphone addiction through workshops, seminars, and campaigns. Students should be educated about the importance of limiting their screen time and developing healthy digital habits. Additionally, professors can incorporate policiesthat restrict smartphone use in classrooms to minimize distractions and improve focus during lectures. Universities can also provide resources such as counseling services for students who are struggling with smartphone addiction.ConclusionIn conclusion, the problem of excessive smartphone use among college students is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed. By understanding the reasons behind this behavior, acknowledging its consequences, and implementing effective solutions, we can help students develop a healthy relationship with their smartphones and improve their overall well-being. It is essential for both students and institutions to work together to create a balanced and productive environment that promotes academic success and mental health.。
关于人们过度依赖手机沟通的问题英语作文Our society today is facing a growing problem of over-reliance on smartphones for communication. With the convenience and accessibility of smartphones, people have become increasingly dependent on them for staying connected with others. This over-dependence on smartphones for communication has led to various negative consequences, both on an individual and societal level.Firstly, over-reliance on smartphones for communication has led to a decline in face-to-face interactions. People are more inclined to communicate through text messages, social media, and other digital platforms rather than having actual conversations in person. This has resulted in a lack of meaningful connections and interpersonal relationships. As a result, individuals may feel isolated and disconnected from others, leading to feelings of loneliness and social anxiety.Moreover, the constant use of smartphones for communication has also led to a decrease in the quality of communication. With the prevalence of shorthand and emojis,the art of effective communication has been compromised. People have become accustomed to conveying their thoughts and emotions through brief, often ambiguous messages, rather than engaging in thoughtful and articulate conversations. This has hindered the development of strong communication skills, which are essential for building successful personal and professional relationships.Furthermore, over-reliance on smartphones for communication has also resulted in a decrease in productivity and focus. With the constant notifications and distractions from incoming messages, individuals may findit difficult to concentrate on important tasks and responsibilities. This has negative implications for academic and professional performance, as well as overall well-being. Additionally, the overuse of smartphones for communication has also raised concerns about privacy and security, as sensitive information may be at risk of being compromised through digital channels.In conclusion, the over-reliance on smartphones for communication has had detrimental effects on our society.It has led to a decline in face-to-face interactions, adecrease in the quality of communication, and a reductionin productivity and focus. It is important for individualsto recognize the negative impact of this over-dependenceand to make a conscious effort to strike a balance between digital and real-world communication. By fostering meaningful connections and engaging in thoughtful conversations, we can work towards mitigating the adverse effects of excessive smartphone use.关于人们过度依赖手机沟通的问题,现代社会面临着一个日益严重的问题。
过度使用手机对人际交往的影响英语作文The Impact of Excessive Smartphone Usage on Interpersonal RelationshipsIn today's digital age, smartphones have become an integral part of our daily lives. They have revolutionized the way we communicate, access information, and entertain ourselves. However, the widespread and often excessive use of these devices has had a significant impact on our interpersonal relationships. This essay will explore the ways in which the overuse of smartphones can negatively affect our ability to engage in meaningful social interactions.One of the primary concerns with excessive smartphone usage is the way it can disrupt face-to-face communication. When individuals are constantly glued to their screens, they are less present and attentive to the people around them. This can lead to a sense of disconnection and a lack of genuine interaction. Studies have shown that even the mere presence of a smartphone during a conversation can reduce the quality of the interaction, as individuals tend to be less engaged and more distracted.Moreover, the constant need to check notifications, respond tomessages, and scroll through social media can create a sense of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). This can lead to a situation where individuals are more focused on their digital lives than their real-life relationships. They may find themselves constantly comparing their experiences to those of their peers on social media, leading to feelings of inadequacy and a diminished sense of self-worth.Another significant impact of excessive smartphone usage on interpersonal relationships is the way it can interfere with the development of empathy and emotional intelligence. When individuals are constantly immersed in their digital devices, they have fewer opportunities to engage in face-to-face interactions, which are essential for developing these crucial social skills. The ability to read nonverbal cues, such as body language and facial expressions, is crucial for building strong and meaningful connections with others. However, this skill can be compromised when individuals spend more time interacting with their devices than with real people.Furthermore, the overuse of smartphones can also lead to a decrease in the quality of our in-person interactions. When individuals are constantly distracted by their devices, they may struggle to fully engage with the people they are with, leading to a lack of depth and intimacy in their relationships. This can be particularly problematic in romantic relationships, where the ability to be present and attentive is essential for building and maintaining a strong emotionalconnection.Additionally, the use of smartphones can also contribute to the development of social isolation and loneliness. While social media platforms and messaging apps may create the illusion of being connected, they can also lead to a sense of disconnection and a lack of meaningful interaction. Individuals may find themselves spending more time interacting with their digital devices than with real people, leading to a decrease in the quality and quantity of their face-to-face interactions.Another concerning aspect of excessive smartphone usage is its impact on the development of interpersonal skills, particularly in younger generations. As children and adolescents spend more time on their devices, they may have fewer opportunities to practice and develop the social skills necessary for successful interpersonal relationships. This can lead to difficulties in forming and maintaining friendships, as well as challenges in navigating the complexities of social interactions.Moreover, the overuse of smartphones can also have negative consequences on physical health, which can indirectly impact interpersonal relationships. For example, the sedentary nature of smartphone usage can contribute to a decrease in physical activity, which can lead to a range of health problems, including obesity,cardiovascular disease, and mental health issues. These physical and mental health challenges can, in turn, affect an individual's ability to engage in and maintain healthy relationships.In conclusion, the excessive use of smartphones can have a significant impact on our interpersonal relationships. By reducing face-to-face communication, fostering a sense of disconnection, and interfering with the development of empathy and emotional intelligence, the overuse of these devices can undermine our ability to form and maintain meaningful relationships. To address this issue, it is essential for individuals to develop a healthy and balanced relationship with their smartphones, prioritizing in-person interactions and focusing on building strong, authentic connections with the people in their lives. Only then can we truly harness the benefits of technology while preserving the richness and depth of our human relationships.。
有关现代人依赖手机,沟通变少的英语作文The Rise of the Smartphone and the Decline of Human InteractionIn the modern era, smartphones have become an integral part of our daily lives. These pocket-sized devices have revolutionized the way we communicate, access information, and navigate the world around us. While the convenience and connectivity offered by smartphones are undeniable, there is a growing concern that our reliance on these technologies has led to a decline in face-to-face communication and meaningful human interactions.One of the most significant impacts of the smartphone revolution is the way it has changed the way we communicate with one another. In the past, people would often engage in lengthy conversations, either in person or over the telephone, to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. However, with the advent of text messaging, email, and instant messaging, much of our communication has become more concise and impersonal. Instead of engaging in a back-and-forth dialogue, we often find ourselves exchanging brief messages or responding to notifications on ourphones, without the nuance and depth of a face-to-face interaction.This shift in communication patterns has had a profound impact on our social relationships. As we become more accustomed to communicating through screens, we may find it increasingly difficult to engage in meaningful conversations and develop deep connections with the people in our lives. The lack of nonverbal cues, such as body language and facial expressions, can make it challenging to fully understand and empathize with others, leading to a sense of disconnection and isolation.Moreover, the constant presence of smartphones in our lives has led to a phenomenon known as "phubbing," or the act of snubbing someone in favor of our phones. This behavior can be particularly damaging in social settings, where it can be perceived as rude or disrespectful, and can undermine the quality of our interactions with others.Another concerning aspect of our smartphone dependence is the impact it has on our attention spans and cognitive abilities. The constant stream of notifications, alerts, and digital distractions can make it increasingly difficult to focus on a single task or engage in deep, sustained thought. This can have negative consequences for our productivity, creativity, and overall mental well-being.Furthermore, the constant use of smartphones can also have physical consequences, such as neck and back pain, eye strain, and disrupted sleep patterns. The blue light emitted by smartphone screens has been shown to disrupt the body's natural circadian rhythms, leading to difficulties falling asleep and reduced sleep quality.Despite these concerns, it is important to recognize that smartphones are not inherently bad or harmful. In fact, they have brought many benefits to our lives, such as improved access to information, the ability to stay connected with loved ones, and the convenience of having a powerful computing device in our pockets. The key is to find a healthy balance in our use of these technologies, and to prioritize face-to-face interactions and offline activities that promote meaningful human connection.One potential solution to this challenge is to be more mindful of our smartphone usage and to set boundaries around when and how we use these devices. This might involve setting aside dedicated "no-phone" times during the day, such as during meals or family gatherings, or making a conscious effort to leave our phones behind when engaging in certain activities, such as going for a walk or spending time with friends.Another approach is to actively cultivate and prioritize our in-person social interactions. This might involve scheduling regular meetupswith friends, joining community groups or clubs, or engaging in hobbies and activities that bring us into contact with other people. By prioritizing these face-to-face interactions, we can help to counterbalance the isolating effects of our smartphone-centric lives.Ultimately, the challenge of balancing our reliance on smartphones with the need for meaningful human connection is one that we will continue to grapple with as technology continues to evolve. However, by being mindful of our usage patterns, setting boundaries, and prioritizing in-person interactions, we can work to ensure that our smartphones enhance, rather than detract from, the quality of our lives and our relationships.。
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作者签名:日期:目录1.绪论 (2)1.1课题研究背景 (2)1.2 国内外研究现状 (3)1.3 研究内容 (4)2. PhoneGap开源平台研究 (4)2.1 PhoneGap总体分析 (5)2.1.1 PhoneGap的设计模式 (5)2.1.2 PhoneGap的类关系 (5)2.2 PhoneGap启动调用过程分析 (6)2.3 PhoneGap的Javascript调用API过程分析 (7)2.4 PhoneGap的Javascript接口分析(PhoneGap.js) (9)3. 基于PhoneGap的rss阅读器系统系统分析 (10)3.1 所用技术需求分析 (10)3.1.2 HTML5技术 (11)3.1.3 JavaScript介绍 (13)3.1.4 CSS技术介绍 (13)3.2 系统功能分析 (14)3.2.1 首页展示模块功能分析 (14)3.2.2 设置模块功能分析 (15)3.2.3 新闻阅读模块功能分析 (16)4.系统设计与实现 (17)4.1 开发平台搭建 (17)4.2 首页模块设计与实现 (18)4.3 设置模块设计与实现 (19)4.4 新闻阅读模块设计与实现 (20)5.系统展示 (23)5.1 首页展示 (23)5.2 管理界面展示 (24)5.3 新闻阅读展示 (27)参考文献 (29)6.总结与展望............................ 错误!未定义书签。
6.1 总结.................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
6.2 展望.................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
基于Android平台的PhoneGap研究尤新媛南京信息工程大学滨江学院计算机系,南京 210044摘要:针对现有移动应用开发平台开发的应用可移植性差等问题,本文提出了利用跨平台开发工具PhoneGap,开发实现一款基于Android平台的PhoneGap应用。
关键词:Android;PhoneGap;应用Study of Phonegap based on Android platformYouxinyuanDepartmnet of Computer,Binjiang College,NUIST,Nanjing 210044,ChinaAbstract:For the application of existing mobile application development platform for the development of poor portability, using a cross platform development tool phonegap, to develop and implement a phonegap application based on the Android platform is put forward in this paper. The research of this thesis is the functional properties of Android platform based on PhoneGap technology, the basic principle and its disadvantages. Researches on the design of these characteristics on the basis of a reader, to achieve on the phone subscription Netease and Sohu RSS news, to mobile clients personalized subscription management, the user can according to their own interests and hobbies to choose to subscribe to the news and unsubscribe from them, to a great extent to meet user's personalized reading needs.Key words:Android; PhoneGap; application1绪论1.1课题研究背景由于移动设备的普及,很多的商家看到了移动终端设备的发展前景。
特别是3G、4G 的发展,移动设备硬件的升级,对于智能终端的消费有了质的提升,并且有与普通PC“一比高下”的趋势。
其中Nokia 的Symbian、Apple 的iOS、Google 的Android、RIM 的BlackBerry、微软的WindowsPhone 等占了大部门智能平台的市场份额。
但是它们的所占的比例每年都在变化中,由于UI 设计美观性和系统的可操作性,iOS 和Android 正在蚕食其它智能平台。
例如,Symbian 使用C/C++、iOS 使用Object C、Android 使用Java、BlackBerry 使用Java(与Android 的接口不一样)、Windows Phone 使用C#,它们近乎是没有办法两者融合的,如果都采用Java 接口的BlackBerry 和Android,它们的API 接口也不相同,要是想开创出一套新型的应用,必须在每个平台调用各自的原生API。
据今年年初的报告,Android 应用商店的软件数量达到45 万款,可是还是落后于苹果应用商店的50 万款。
全世界每天都会激活近85万部安卓设备,使得Android 应用每月的下载量突破10 亿,我们可以设想一下这会是一个多么庞大的数字,全球Android 设备总数居然就高达 3 亿。
而iOS 设备已经超过 3.3 亿部。
由于平台如此之多,如果没有跨平台的应用开发工具,那工程量得多大呢?很多中间件厂商为此不断努力,突发奇想出了跨平台概念,例如REXSEE 公司首先使用HTML5 + JavaScript +CSS3 ,制造出的移动中间件产品EMS 正在尝试着进入市场。
1.2 国内外研究现状PhoneGap 是在2009 年由加拿大的Nitobi 公司首先开发,而它的1.0 版本是在2011年发布,因此对于PhoneGap 的研究,国内外研究较少。
因此国内外对于PhoneGap 的研究状况主要是从官方主页和一些网站中获取。
从概念上说,PhoneGap 是一个快速开发平台,它基于HTML,CSS,JavaScript,为移动应用程序的创建提供开发平台。
开发人员可以使用该框架,在此基础上采用传统的Web 开发技术(HTML+CSS+JavaScript),完成一系列UI和正在开发的应用的程序逻辑。
它使开发者能够利用iPhone,Android,Palm,Symbian,WP7,WP8,Bada和Blackberry智能手机的核心功能,这些功能非常广泛大至定位功能,小至手机通讯录,闹铃,音乐等,除此之外PhoneGap 还拥有许多的插件,根据开发者的个人需要可以进行调用。
目前,PhoneGap 为许多的移动平台提供了技术上的支持,不过如图1-1 所示,但是由于当前技术有限和竞争的影响,PhoneGap 并不能够覆盖移动平台上所有的功能点,在这一方面有待于开发者的不断改进和完善。
图1.1 PhoneGap 框架对当前主流移动平台的支持细节目前PhoneGap 在应用体验方面还有诸多不足。
下面列出它的几点不足:A. 在它的性能上,进行正常操作时反应速度平稳,但进行复杂而反复的操作时,它的响应会变慢。
B. 在它性能的稳定性,资源的占用方面,如果开发者频繁的进行手动操作会导致phonegap响应速度变慢,内部不能处理好释放内存的问题,内存容量不断增大,甚至会引起应用的Crash。
C. 对于多媒体应用接口不足,对于本地和网络多媒体播放还没有形成一个雏形。
1.3 研究内容本项目的是研究基于Android平台上的PhoneGap的功能特性,基本技术原理以及它的缺点,并在此基础上设计和实现手机订阅网易以及搜狐等门户网站的RSS新闻,达成移动客户端多样化订阅项管理,使用者们各有喜好,他们完全根据自己的兴趣爱好自由的订阅新闻及退订,这样的一个新闻阅读器能够满足使用者的个性化阅读需求。
2. PhoneGap开源平台研究对于Nitobi 公司开发的PhoneGap 移动跨平台开发工具框架,并不是唯一的一种跨平台框架。
由于PhoneGap 采用标准的HTML、Javascript 和CSS,以及它是开源的,可以实现跨平台的操作,因此本论文才以PhoneGap 为基础开发多媒体扩展框架,研究并制作出跨移动平台的媒体扩展的Javascript 接口。