•Verb+Adverb form The number of XXX +increase/jump/rise/decrease/drop/fall/fluctuate...
Where to start?
What kind of Chart?
Pie Chart
Bar Chart / Graph
line chart
What Is the Chart about?
Dynamic or static?
柱图主要是陈列的数据比较多,不能将所 有的信息写出,只能抓住重点(zhòngdiǎn)与关键
点来写(这些点可以是最大、小值;最高、 低值;差距最大最小点等等)都需要结合 题目来分析,对于一些点的特征具有相似 性应该采用统一合并的方法,不能每项都 列出。
peak in,at
---reach a lowest point/the bottom/ bottom out
轻微 ----slightly, slowly(速度), steadily(平缓)
+in the number of XXX
How to write a technical report如何写一篇技术性报告
How to write a technical reportKevin Boone, Principal Instructor, Sun Microsystems UKVersion 1.03, January 2003SummaryThis article gives some general guidelines on writing a technical or scientific report. It describes the `standard model' of report writing, and some alternatives. The article is intended for students who are currently undertaking undergraduate or master's degree projects, or expect to do so in the near future.ContentsSummaryContents1 Introduction2 Fundamentals3 The standard model4 Alternatives to the standard model5 Language, style and presentation6 Visual material7 Things to avoid8 General guidelinesBibliography1 IntroductionThe ability to write clear, concise reports is an asset to almost any professional. In this article I offer some general guidelines on report writing, focusing particularly on something I call the `standard model'. This `standard model' is a formalisation of the way that scientific reports have usually been written over the last fifty years or so. While the standard model has its detractors, and is often used inappropriately, it still has a lot to recommend it. I normally suggest to students who don't have much writing experience that they follow this model unless they have good reasons not to. In thisarticle I will also try to explain why we recommend that reports are written in a particular way.2 FundamentalsThe main purpose of a technical report is to convey information. The report should place as few hindrances as possible between the mind of the writer and the mind of the reader. A secondary function is to stimulate and entertain. There are people -- a tiny minority -- who can inform and entertain at the same time. If, like most people, you have to make a choice between the two, you should try to inform rather than to entertain. Of course, if you were writing a novel the priorities would be reversed; but in report writing it is the information that is paramount.A good report needs careful planning. As part of the planning stage you should try to answer the following questions.•What is the report about? What are you trying to say? You should arrange things so that they key facts and conclusions are very accessible. Not everyone will read the whole report, so ensure that your message will get across even ifa person only skims the document. I have been told -- and tend to believe --that senior managers have an attention span of about four minutes. Thissuggests that if you are writing with these people as your audience, your report should start with a summary that can be read in a few minutes. In fact, this is a good idea whatever the audience.•Who are you writing for? It is simply impossible to write a technical document that will be equally easy for everybody to read: the level of explanation youneed for an expert audience is totally different from that needed for readerswho are unfamiliar with the subject. It is absolutely essential that you identify the potential readers -- the professional group, not the individuals -- beforeyou start work. In the university environment your report will probably beread by lecturers. These people will have a good knowledge of their subject in general, but will probably not know much about the precise field of yourreport. You should always bear this in mind. If you are writing for computerscientists you don't need to explain, for example, what a modem is, nor theWorld-Wide Web, but you will need to explain what phase modulation is, and what `CGI' stands for.•How long can the report be? It's difficult to predict in advance exactly how long a report will be, but you should be able to decide whether you will bewriting 2,000 words or 20,000 words. It's generally harder to write a shortreport than a long one, because it requires much better organisation. In theuniversity environment there may be official limitations on the size of thereport.3 The standard modelThe `standard model' of report writing is a style and structure that has been widely used in the western world for about 50 years. It is the reporting method that is usually taught in schools. Contrary to what we are taught in schools, however, it is not the only accepted way to write in science. Nevertheless, it is the way that most professional scientists and engineers choose to write. The main features of a report that follows the `standard model' are as follows.•The first major section is an introduction; the last is a conclusion. The conclusion answers questions posed -- explicitly or otherwise -- in theintroduction.•Factual material and measurements are kept completely separate from opinion and interpretation, often in different chapters or sections.•Formal, and rather impersonal, language is used.•The report usually refers quite extensively to the work of other individuals.•The sections of the report are numbered.Most `standard model' reports will contain some or all of the following sections, usually in this order. Each of these sections will be discussed in more detail below.•`Abstract' or `summary'.•`Acknowledgements'.•`Introduction'.•`Objectives'.•`Theory'.•`Method' or `methodology' or `procedures'.•`Results'.•`Discussion' or `interpretation'.•`Conclusion'.•`Recommendations'.•`References' and/or `bibliography'.•`Appendices'.A `standard model' report will probably also contain a table of contents, a list of abbreviations and technical terms, and perhaps an index if the document is long.3.1 Abstract or summaryAn abstract or summary (they mean essentially the same thing) should contain a brief overview of the report, including its conclusions and recommendations if there are any. A good length for an abstract is 300 words; some scientific journals actually specify this number of words explicitly. The abstract of a scientific paper or report is considered to be capable of `standing alone' and being published separately. For this reason the heading `abstract' in a report is usually not numbered. Numbering usually starts with the introduction.3.2 IntroductionThe introduction sets out what the report is about, and what its role is in relation to other work in the field. If describing experiments, the introduction will usually summarise other related experiments, and show how the work to be described extends or supersedes these earlier studies. If the report is about development (e.g., software development) the introduction will often set out what the purpose of the development is, who will benefit, and how it will be used. If the report is a review, it will usuallyjust state the scope of the report and the readership for which it is intended.In most technical reports, the introduction will say something about the context of the report, that is, how the work it describes forms part of the overall body of work in that subject area. When describing an investigation, the introduction will usually state explicitly what the investigators set out to find.My approach is to finish the introduction with a list of the questions I set out to answer, and give the answers to these questions in the conclusions. I like to be quite explicit about this, and even label the questions `question 1', `question 2', etc. Whether you do this or not, the reader should be able to look at the conclusion of your report and verify that you have found out what you claimed you would find out.3.3 ObjectivesThis section, if present, states what the work being reported was expected to achieve, why it was undertaken, and at whose instigation. I usually prefer to put this information at the end of the introduction, but this is just a matter of taste.3.4 AcknowledgementsIt is polite to give a brief note of thanks to those people who have helped directly in the work the report describes. In a novel, the authors often thank their friends and family; most scientists and engineers consider it slightly pretentious to do this in a technical report. In the last few weeks I have read technical reports that acknowledged the invaluable assistance of the late Princess of Wales, Jesus, and the author's pet dog.I would like to know in particular the role played by the dog.If the report is destined for publication, and describes work supported by a grant, the grant-awarding body may insist that it be acknowledged. It seems reasonable to me to do this.3.5 TheoryThe theory section, if used, describes any background theory needed for the reader to understand the report. Such a section is usually found only in reports that use mathematics that the typical reader cannot be expected to know in advance.3.6 MethodIn the `method' section you should describe the way the work was carried out, what equipment you used, and any particular problems that had to be overcome. If thereport is describing a survey, you should say how you chose your subjects, how you checked for bias, and how you analysed the results.3.7 ResultsIn the standard model, results are usually given as plainly as possible, and without any comment. It is often difficult to know how much data to put into this section. My feeling is that you should include enough data to enable to reader to be confident that you have done what you said you would do, and that your conclusions will be trustworthy. This certainly does not mean that you should include reams of print-outs and copies of questionnaire returns. I try to summarise the results into a few tables and graphs.Most readers that are used to reading scientific reports will become uncomfortable if you call a section `results' and put anything in it apart from plain results.3.8 DiscussionIn this section the author provides an interpretation of the results, compares them with other published findings -- if there are any -- and points out any potential shortcomings in the work.The `discussion' section of a traditional report is the place where the author is allowed to be less objective than usual. In this section it is acceptable to mention opinions, and speculate slightly about the significance of the work.In particular, if your findings are unusual, or very much at odds with other people's conclusions, you should explain why you think this might be. Otherwise the reader will probably assume you have just made a mistake.3.9 ConclusionThe conclusion gives the overall findings of the study. It is important to realise that`conclusion' does not just mean `the last bit of the report'. Your conclusions should really be statements that can be concluded from the rest of the work. A conclusion is not a summary. (You can include a summary as well, if you like). When I mark students' reports, one of the questions I ask about them is `do the conclusions follow from the body of the report?'3.10 RecommendationsIn this section the author normally includes any advice he or she wishes to offer thereader. If the report is about making some sort of business decision, the appropriate course of action will usually be recommended here. Some people use the recommendations sections for suggestions of further work, which seems reasonable to me.3.11 References and bibliographyThe purpose of citing references is to allow the reader to follow up your work, and perhaps check that the conclusions you draw really follow from the sources you cite. References are not, as many students appear to think, a method for convincing the examiner that you have read a lot. You should give enough detail that if the reader wanted to follow up your references, he or she would be able to do so. For books, you should give the authors, year, edition (if there's more than one), publisher's name and publisher's location. For articles in journals give the authors, year, name of the publication, volume and page numbers. If you can't give all these details, you probably don't have a proper reference.The rise in Web-based publishing has created its own citation problems. The same basic principle applies, however, as it does to citing printed works: the citation must be sufficient to allow the reader to follow up the reference. If possible, you should cite a URL that will take the reader directly to the document you cite. Giving the URL for a `home' or `welcome' page is generally not helpful. As a matter of good style, you should give the names of the authors and the publication date, if you are able to determine them.Although it is not peculiar to Web-based publication, authors should be aware of the problem that not all references have equal weight. References to articles in peer-reviewed journals will be more convincing than references to non-reviewed sources. Since anyone can publish anything on a Web site, there is a real risk of citing something that is not very authoratitive.Many students seem not to know the difference between `references' and`bibliography'. The bibliography is the set of publications that the authors referred to in a general sense in writing the report or carrying out the work it describes. These publications will not usually be cited explicitly in the text. References, on the other hand, are given in support of some specific assertion, and are always mentioned explicitly in the text. Normally this citation would be given after the statement the author wants to support. A common method is to give the authors and year in the text,e.g, (Bloggs, 1995), and the full details at the end of the report or in a footnote.In scientific writing, if you make any statement that is not one of plain fact or measurement, you must justify it, or refer the reader to another publication where it is justified. The making of unjustified assertions is probably the single most common criticism leveled at students' writing.If you use another person's words directly, you must be clear about this and give a full reference. If you use more than a few words, or a picture, or results, you should seek the author's permission first, and state in your report that you obtained such permission. If you don't do this you're probably breaking the law, as well as being unprofessional.3.12 AppendicesThe appendices are where the author will usually place any material that is not directly relevant to the report, and will only be read by small number of people. I usually use appendices for mathematical proofs, electrical circuit diagrams and sections of computer programs.3.13 Numbering and structureIt is common to number each section of the report. Usually numbering starts at the introduction, which has number `1', and continues until the references. Because they are in a sense independent of the body of the report, the abstract and references are not usually numbered. Most people number sub-sections as well. So, for example, in section one, sub-section two would be numbered `1.2'. Other people prefer to use numbers and letters, e.g., 1A, 1B... This is fine as well. The advantage of using a hierarchical numbering scheme like this is that it helps to orient the reader. It allows the most important section divisions to be identified at a glance.3.14 When should you use the standard model?In my opinion, writers of technical reports should use the standard model, or something close to it, unless there is a sound reason not to. Why? First, and most important, its use is so widespread that the reader will know exactly what to expect in each section. Moreover, if the reader needs to refer to your report quickly he or she will know immediately which section to turn to. Second, it is well `signposted'; even people who are not familiar with this type of report will find the clear section divisions useful in their understanding. Third, the rigid organisation of the report willhelp the novice writer organise his or her thoughts when writing.There are times when the standard model will be a hindrance, rather than a help. In these cases you should cheerfully abandon it and adopt something else. In particular, you don't need to include all the sections. A `results' section, for example, is only useful if you are reporting results or measurements.4 Alternatives to the standard modelHere are a few suggestions of other ways to organise a technical report.4.1 The `segmented' standard modelIf a report describes a set of investigations with a common purpose, but different methodologies, it can be rather difficult to use the standard model, even if each individual investigation could be reported that way. In this case it is quite useful to give each experiment its own `segment', with a `method' and `results' section, but use single overall `introduction' and `discussion' sections. In the `segments', one does not necessarily need to use explicit sub-sections for method and results, as long as the reader is clear where the boundaries are.4.2 The `assertion' modelThis is quite unusual in a report (it is widely used in presentations and posters) but in some circumstances it can be very effective. In this type of report, rather than using very passive section titles like `Introduction', the author uses very active, direct statements, like `the new protocol improves communications efficiency by 23%'. The headings together make up a summary of the report. Of course, if you make an assertion you then have to go on to defend it. The great advantage of this type of presentation is that the reader can get an overall idea of what the report says simply by reading the headings at the top of each section.4.3 The `conclusion first' modelIn this type of report, the conclusions are presented towards the beginning, perhaps directly after the introduction. In my opinion one should re-state or summarise the conclusions at the end as well, otherwise the report ends abruptly. The advantage of placing the conclusion at the beginning is that it is more likely to be read. It also allows the reader to have the conclusions in mind while reading the rest of the report.I don't use this method myself; I prefer to put a short summary of the conclusions in the abstract.4.4 The `topic' modelIn this type of report, each section of the report is on a particular topic or subject, but there will probably be a common introduction and conclusion. This structure is appropriate for review or instructional articles, but is probably not very useful for scientific reports. The problem here is that it does not lend itself to the division between methodology, results and interpretation that most readers will expect.5 Language, style and presentationIf your message is one of profound importance, it will be communicated rapidly even if presented badly. On the whole, however, few scientific and technical reports contain ground-breaking findings. In this case the author must pay more attention to issues of communication to encourage people to read the report.5.1 Grammar and spellingMost academics and scientists, and many businesspeople, are relatively fussy about grammar and spelling. This is probably because such people read a great deal, and have learned to extract as much information from a document as possible in a limited time. This is only possible if everyone follows very similar standards of grammar and spelling. Whatever the reason, the only way the author can be sure that no reader is likely to be alienated by inadequate grammar and spelling is to ensure that they are impeccable.If your grammar and spelling are not particularly good, it is vital that you have your work read by someone else before you decide that it's finished (I think that everyone should do this anyway). At the very least you should get a printed copy of your document (not on a computer screen) and check it very thoroughly yourself.5.2 StyleMost technical documents are written in a rather formal style. Some readers get upset when they have to read reports that are written informally, but I don't mind this. However, what does annoy me as a reader is sudden changes from formal to informal writing. For example, if the author adopts a impersonal, formal style (using phrases like `at this point the operator should click on the button labelled ``start''...') andsuddenly switches to an informal, personal form (`now you should click on ``start''...'), it can be very confusing.In the UK, technical writing is usually dominated by `passive voice' expressions, where the author tries to avoid using the word `I'. Personally, I am inclined to use the word `I' whenever I think it is appropriate to do so. If you prefer not to, that's fine. However, you should avoid writing very ugly phrases just to avoid the word `I'. For example, a phrase commonly used in scientific articles is `It is the opinion of the author that...' This means exactly the same as `I think...' but has four times as many words. Lawyers tend to write `It is submitted that...' which is even worse. Submitted by whom exactly? Another error is to use the word `we' when `I' is correct. For example, to say `we sent questionnaires to 500 middle managers' is incorrect if it was just the author that did this (of course it is correct if there was more than one person involved). The worst affront to the language of this type is the double passive. An example I saw recently was this: `It is regretted that transparencies are not able to be accepted'. What the author meant was: `Sorry, we don't accept transparencies'. Authors must make up their own minds about the good points and bad points of these different styles, but should do so after careful consideration, rather than according to dogma.The use of passive-voice expressions has probably derived from authors' attempts to give the impression of impartiality when reporting scientific findings. I don't think anyone will be fooled into thinking than if you sound impartial, you are impartial. But that's just my opinion.In general, I think appropriate humour is fine in a technical report. The problem is this: if your report is about, say, theorem proving methods, what sort of humour is likely to be appropriate? Many attempted jokes detract badly from the message the author wants to convey. Nevertheless, occasionally it works.On the whole you should probably not write the way you speak, for two reasons. First, you probably use colloquial and ungrammatical expressions in your speech that the reader will not understand (I'm sure I do). The reader cannot stop you and ask for an explanation. Second, in writing you don't have access to the differences in emphasis and tone of voice that help spoken communication. As you have to rely entirely on the words themselves, you need to choose them with some care. My favourite example of an inappropriate colloquialism occurred in the discussion section of a report I read on Web-based learing. In doubting the validity of some statement orother, it said ``there's a great big question mark hanging over this''. In speech this would have been fine, because the speaker's tone of voice would have indicated that he did not intend the statement to be taken literally. In the report however, where everything else was written in a formal way, it immediately brought to mind an image of a flying question mark.5.3 PresentationGood presentation is, I venture to suggest, less important than sound technical content. However, that does not mean that it is unimportant: the decision about how much time a potential reader is prepared to spend looking at your report will be based to a large extent on the first impression made by the presentation.With modern computer software, it is relatively easy to prepare well-presented documents. One area that such software does not offer much help with is that of consistency. A document is consistent if, for example, it always uses the same typeface for headings and for captions, if all lines have the same spacing, if all pictures are centred on the page, and so on. The simple solution to this problem is to print the document and have it looked at by an impartial, critical person.The final part of report preparation is usually binding. It doesn't cost very much to have a report spiral-bound, and it will be much easier to read than if it is stapled or ring-bound. Hot glue binding can be very effective (and cheap) for thin documents. Unless there are rules to the contrary, it is probably not worth the effort and expense of hard binding a report. I like to receive reports that are glue-bound in plastic covers so I can read them in the bath without getting wet fingerprints on the pages.6 Visual materialVery few technical reports consists only of text; it is usual to include graphs, photographs, or charts as well. Here are a few hints on including such material; these should all be quite obvious, but sometimes people forget.•Label everything. All charts and graphs should have a caption and perhaps a number (`figure 1'). Check that when you refer to figures in the text, thesereferences are correct. It commonly happens that people add or removefigures, then forget to update all the cross-references.•If you prepare graphs in colour, then print them on a monochrome printer, they may become unreadable. For example, it will not be possible todistinguish between a line that was originally back and one that was blue.Some computer software automatically converts graphs to use dotted anddashed lines on a printer, but most does not.•Photographs do not usually photocopy very well. You may need to get extra prints made of photographs so that you can include prints with each copy ofthe report.•Unlike in an advertising or promotional brochure, colour presentation is not usually worth the extra effort in a technical document (except in certainsubjects, like computer graphics and multimedia). Many scientific journals do not print in colour, or will only do so if given a financial incentive. It's worthchecking this before starting work on the report.•Computer software that is designed for producing slide presentations will often not use sensible type sizes when used for producing diagrams forprinting on paper. A good size for text labels on a diagram is 12-14 points.7 Things to avoidHere, in no particular order, are some suggestions of things to avoid in a technical report. Note that I am not saying they should be avoided in all types of writing; but a technical report has a particular function and audience, and the writing should reflect this. Naturally this section describes things that I particularly dislike; it does not necessarily follow that everyone else will feel the same.•Avoid clichés and stock phrases. Clichés are phrases that were probably witty and stylish when introduced, but their very appeal has made them so over-used that they are likely to annoy the reader. Remember that the readers of technical reports probably read a lot. They will be quite likely to have seen the samecliché used several times that day. Here are some particularly commonexamples: `at the end of the day...', `explore every avenue', `not to put too finea point on it...', `going foward, we will...'Stock phrases are slightly different from clichés; they are phrases that。
report英文作文范文英文:Report Writing。
Writing a report is an important skill that is required in many academic and professional fields. It is a way of presenting information and analysis in a clear and concise manner. In this report, I will be discussing the key elements of report writing and how to write an effective report.Firstly, it is important to understand the purpose of the report. Is it to inform, persuade, or recommend? Once you have identified the purpose, you can then determine the audience and tailor your report accordingly. For example, if you are writing a report for your boss, you would want to use a more formal tone and provide detailed analysis and recommendations.Secondly, the structure of the report is important. A typical report includes an introduction, main body, and conclusion. The introduction should provide background information and state the purpose of the report. The main body should include the analysis and findings, and the conclusion should summarize the key points and provide recommendations.Thirdly, the language used in the report should be clear and concise. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may not be understood by the audience. Use simple language and avoid complex sentences.Lastly, it is important to proofread and edit the report before submitting it. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and ensure that the report is well-organized and easy to read.中文:报告写作。
❖ Useful expressions for the middle part:
❖ According to ❖ Jo describes… ❖ Jo believes that ❖ The author presented… ❖ As the author states…
❖ d. Jot down in brief notes the main points: the
subject, the title, and the details which are essential or important.
(2) Writing
❖ a. A summary should usually be about one-
e. Summary writing is an exercise in compression.
❖ In writing a summary, one may: ❖ ---Omit the details. Only the important points should be
included in the summary. ❖ ---Reduce the examples. ❖ ---Simplify the descriptions ❖ ---Eliminate all repetition. ❖ ---Compress wordy sentences and change clauses or
❖ (3) Revision
❖ Revise your draft. Compare it carefully with the original to see that you have included all the important points. If it is too long, further compress it by omitting unnecessary words and phrases or by remodeling sentences. Correct all mistakes in spelling, grammar and idiom, and see it is properly punctuated. Make the language simple and direct.
英语报道作文模板开头How to Write a Report。
Writing a report can be a challenging task, but with the right approach, it can also be a rewarding experience. Whether you are a student, a professional, or simply someone who needs to communicate information in a clear and concise manner, knowing how to write a report is an important skill to have. In this article, we will discuss the key components of a well-written report and provide some tips for creating a report that effectively conveys your message.1. Understand the Purpose of the Report。
Before you begin writing, it is important to have a clear understanding of the purpose of the report. Are you providing an analysis of a specific topic? Are you presenting the findings of a research project? Are you making recommendations based on your findings? By understanding the purpose of the report, you can ensure that your writing is focused and relevant.2. Gather and Organize Your Information。
Once you are clear about the purpose of your report, you need to begin to gather relevant information. Your information may come from a variety of sources, but how much information you will need will depend on how much
something , to answer a question , or to offer a solution to a problem .
One important advantage that a report has over other written communication is that it follows a standardized format . This enables readers to find and focus on specific pieces of information.
•Cover sheet ——full title of the report; your name ;the name of the unit of which the
project is a part ; the name of the institution ;the date •Title page ——full title of the report ; your name •Acknowledgements ——to thank the people who help
写报告的英文作文英文:Writing a report is an essential skill that everyone should have. Whether you are a student or a professional, being able to write a clear and concise report is crucial. In this report, I will discuss the importance of writing reports and provide some tips on how to write an effective report.Firstly, writing reports is important because it helps to communicate information in a clear and concise manner. Reports are usually written to convey important information to a specific audience, such as a boss or a professor. By writing a report, you can ensure that the information is presented in a way that is easy to understand and digest.Secondly, writing reports can also help you to organize your thoughts and ideas. When you are writing a report, you need to think about the structure of the report and how youwill present the information. This can help you to clarify your thoughts and ensure that you have a clear understanding of the topic.Finally, writing reports can also help you to develop your writing skills. The more you write, the better you will become at expressing yourself in writing. This can be useful in many areas of life, such as when writing emails or reports at work.In conclusion, writing reports is an important skill that everyone should have. It can help you to communicate information effectively, organize your thoughts and ideas, and develop your writing skills. By following the tips provided in this report, you can write an effective report that will impress your audience.中文:写报告是每个人都应该具备的必要技能。
英语写作how to write a guidebook
英语写作how to write a guidebook How to Write a Book ReportTo write a book report, you are expected to do two things:1. Summarize the material.2. Detail your reaction to it.读书报告包括两大部分:1. 总结2. 感想Part 1 of a Report: A Summary of the Work第一部分作品总结To develop the first part of report, do the following:1. Identify the author and title of the work, and include in parentheses the publisher and publication date. With magazine, give the date of publication.标明作者名和作品名,出版信息在括号内注明。
2. Write an informative summary of the material. Condense the content of the work by highlighting its main points and key supporting points.总结作品的要点Tips:1. Do not discuss in great detail any single aspect of the work while neglecting to mention other equally important points. Summarize the material so that the reader gets a general sense of all key aspects of theo riginal work.2. Also, keep the summary objective and factual. Do not include in the first part of the paper your personal reaction to the work.Part 2 of a Report: Your Reaction to the Work第二部分你的感想To develop the second part of a report, do the following:1. Focus on any or all of the questions below.a. How is the work related to problems in our present-day world?作品是如何与现实世界联系的?b. How is the work related to your life, experiences, feelings, and ideas? For instance, what emotion did it arouse in you? Did it increase our understanding of an issueor change your perspective.作品是如何与你个人生活,经历,感受相联系的?2. Evaluate the merit of the work: the importance of its points; its accuracy,completeness, and organization; and so on. You should also indicate here whether you would recommend the work to others, and why.。
How to write a bookreport
Perhaps your teacher has assigned a specific book for you to read. If you are able to pick the book of your choice you must first decide whether you want to read fiction or non-fiction. Do you love reading history books, or do you prefer novel reading? This is an important question to ask yourself. If you do a book report on a book which you dislike several problems arise. Firstly, you are not going to enjoy writing a report on such a book. Secondly, your report is going to be almost entirely negative. Whether this is an accurate reflection of the book or not the reader of your report will probably be turned off by your attitude. There is nothing wrong with selective criticism, but a book report which criticizes the author and his work at every turn is self defeating. So, choose your book carefully. The result will be more pleasureable, both for yourself and for whoever reads your report.
课题作文---How to write a news report
假设你是一名记者,请根据以下提示用英语为China Daily写一篇有关玉树大地震的当日报道。
时间:2010年4月14日 震级:7. 1 级 (Magnitude 7. 1) 损失:到处一片废墟;许多人失去生命和家园;许多孩 子失去父母。 救援:1) 政府正积极采取有效措施营救生还者;
①标题:A terrible earthquake struck Yushu ②导语:第一段 ③主体:第二段(损失情况);第三段(救援现状) ④结束语
二、写作关键: 遣词造句
【重点词汇 】
①(疾病、灾难等)侵袭,爆发 hit (hit, hit)或strike(struck, stricken) ②玉树县 Yushu county ③尽力去做某事try one’s best to do something ④医疗队medical teams ⑤治疗treat ⑥伤员 the injured ⑦给某人提供某物 offer sb. sth. / offer sth. to sb. ⑧在……的帮助下With the help of ⑨克服 overcome
China Daily写一篇有关台湾大地震的报道。
时间:1999年9月21日凌晨1时47分 震级:7.6级 人员损失:到当晚22时,已有1670人死亡,3924人 受伤,2000多人被困,数百人失踪,许多人无家可归。 设施破坏:停电,房屋桥梁倒塌,交通受阻。
严重性:是台湾百年未遇的强烈地震。 注意:1.词数100左右。 2.生词提示:magnitude7.6 7.6 级
HOW TO WRITE A SURVEY REPORTA survey report is a formal piece of writing based on research. The whole group works together to write up a survey report on the Internet usage among students in Xidian University. You can refer to the following outline while writing your report: I Structure:IntroductionState the purpose/aim of the report, when and how the information was gathered. Main BodyAll the information collected and analyzed is presented clearly and in detail (break down the respondents into groups according to sex, age etc.). Subheadings, numbers or letters can be used to separate each piece of information.ConclusionSum up the points mentioned above. If necessary a recommendation can be included as well (one way of summing up is making some general comments).II Useful hints and phrases:Present/past Tenses, Reported Speech and an impersonal style should be used in survey reports. Use a variety of reporting verbs such as claim, state, report, agree, complain, suggest, show, demonstrate, etc.When reporting the results of a survey, the figures gathered should be given in the form of percentages and proportions. Expressions such as “one in four” or “six out of ten” can be used, or exact percentages e.g.25% of the people questioned, 68% of those who filled in the questionnaire, etc. Less exact expressions such as: the majority of those questioned, a large proportion of, a significant number of, etc. can also be used.III Useful language for reports:To introduce:The purpose/aim of this report, As requested, This survey was carried out/ conducted by means of…,the questionnaire consisted of etc.To generalize:In general, generally, on the whole, etc.To refer to a fact:The fact is that…, In fact, In practice, etc.To conclude/ summarize:In conclusion, All things considered, To sum up, All in all,It is not easy to reach any definite conclusions, If any conclusions may be drawn from the data, It is clear that, The survey shows/indicates/demonstrates, etc.IV A Sample Survey ReportGroup members:Responsibilities:Survey of Academic and General Reading in EnglishOn 8th February 1999, a survey was conducted among 16 overseas postgraduate students at the University of England. The purpose of the survey was to discover the reading habits in English of the students.The survey was conducted by means of a questionnaire given to the students to complete. The first part of the questionnaire dealt with the type of reading and its frequency. The second section was concerned with newspapers: the type of items read and those that were read first.From the table of data, the most significant items are as follows. In the first section 81% of the students regularly read academic books" while 44% regularly read academic journals. Nothing else is read regularly or often by 40% or more of the students. The following comments can be made about the reading of newspapers, magazines and fiction. 75% sometimes read regional or local newspapers, 69% sometimes read books of fiction, 62% sometimes read general magazines, and 56% sometimes read national daily newspapers. On the other hand, 37% never read Sunday newspapers and 31% never read fiction.In the second section, not surprisingly, 100% read news about their own country in newspapers and 56% read this first. 94% read international news,25% read this first. 81% read about Britain and look at radio and TV information. The only other item that is usually read by more than 50% of the students is current affairs (read by 56%).If any conclusions may be drawn from the data, they are, perhaps, as follows. Overseas students presumably have little time for general reading: most of their reading time is spent on books and journals on their own subject. Outside their studies, apart from reading news about their own country, international news, and news about Britain, they probably spend most time watching TV and listening to the radio.。
Teachers love to assign book reports. Did you ever wonder why? Sure, you could think of it as a cruel attempt to force you to read. But it might be a little more than that!Your teacher's goal is to broaden your understanding of the world and society. That is what good books do!What Is Included in a Book Report?Book report content will vary according to grade level. Middlegrade-level book reports will provide the basic details about a book, a summary of the plot, and some comments regarding the student's opinions and impressions.As students mature and advance, the book reports should include a little more.As students enter high school and higher grades, they will start to explain and explore the messages that are contained inbooks--messages about life and its important experiences. Students will begin to share their own opinions about these messages (themes) contained in books.Your Book Report IntroductionThe introduction segment of your book report provides an opportunity to make a good first impression!You should try to write a strong introductory sentence that grabs your reader's attention. Somewhere in your first paragraph, you should also state the book's title (italicized), the topic, and the author's name.High school-level papers should include publication information as well as brief statements about the book's angle, the genre, the theme, and a hint about the writer's feelings in the introduction.First Paragraph Example: Middle School Level:The Red Badge of Courage, by Stephen Crane, is a book about a young man growing up during the Civil War. Henry Fleming is the main character of the book. As Henry watches and experiences the tragic events of the war, he grows up and changes his attitudes aboutlife.First Paragraph Example: High School Level:Can you identify one experience that changed your entire view of the world around you? Henry Fleming, the main character in The Red Badge of Courage, begins his life-changing adventure as a naive young man, eager to experience the glory of war. He soon faces the truth about life, war, and his own self-identity on the battlefield, however. The Red Badge of Courage, by Stephen Crane, is a coming of age novel, published by D. Appleton and Company in 1895, about thirty years after the Civil War ended. In this book, the author reveals the ugliness of war, and examines its relationship to the pain of growing up.BodyBefore you get started on the body of the report, take a few minutes to jot down some helpful information by considering the following points.Did you enjoy the book?Was it well written?What was the genre?(fiction) Which characters play important roles that relate to the overall theme?Did you notice reoccurring symbols?Is this book a part of a series?(nonfiction) Can you identify the writer's thesis?What is the writing style?Did you notice a tone?Was there an obvious slant or bias?In the body of your book report, you will use your notes to guide you through an extended summary of the book. You will weave your own thoughts and impressions into the plot summary.ConclusionAs you lead to your final paragraph, consider some additional impressions and opinions:Was the ending satisfactory (for fiction)?Was the thesis supported by strong evidence (for non-ficton)? What interesting or notable facts do you know about the author? Would you recommend this book?Conclude your report with a paragraph or two that covers these additional points. Some teachers prefer that you re-state the name and author of the book in the concluding paragraph. As always, consult your specific assignment guide.Book reports can help learners improve their reading comprehension and enhance their ability to analyze the story and the characters. Generally speaking, a book report is usually composed of three major parts. They are:information about the writer (his name, the books he has published, the years of his birth and death, the publisher of the book)a summary of the book (the story and main characters)some comments on the book (personal interpretation of the meaning of the book)When giving the information about the writer, the learner writershould include some historical and social background to which the book is related. To make things clear, the learner writer should read some reference materials, such as biographies of the writer and histories of the period in which the book was written.A book report should contain a summary of the book under discussion. The summary should be concise, clear and easy to understand. The learner writer should make sure that the summary be subjective and center on the major theme of the book. As for the tense of the book report, it depends on the subject matter of the book. If it is a novel or a play or a science fiction, the present tense is more appropriate while the past tense is required for nonfiction such as history books.The third part and also the most important part of a book report is the comment. In this part, the learner writer's job is to evaluate the book according to his or her own personal interpretation and discuss the merits (优点) and demerits (缺点) of the book, the social and/or historical significance of the book. If the learner writer is competent enough to discuss the writing style of the author, he or she should feel free to do so._________________A SampleSons and Lovers is a novel written by David Herbert Lawrence and it was first published in 1913 in London by Wyman & Sons.D. H. Lawrence was born at Eastwood, Notts, on September 11, 1885, the fourth child of a miner who had been employed at Brinsley Collier (转载自中国教育文摘,请保留此标记。
如何写英文作文reportHow to Write an English Report。
Writing a report in English can be a challenging task, especially if you are not familiar with the language. However, with some guidance and practice, you can learn to write an effective report that will impress your readers. In this article, we will provide you with some tips on how to write an English report.1. Understand the Purpose of the Report。
Before you start writing your report, it is important to understand its purpose. A report is a document that presents information in a structured format, usually with the aim of informing or persuading its readers. The purpose of your report will depend on the context and the audience. For example, you may be writing a report to:Inform your boss about the progress of a project。
Analyze the results of a survey。
Evaluate the performance of a product。
How to Write a News Report
How to Write a News ReportBy its definition news is immediate. Facts unfold as you gather them. You want to be accurate rather than sensational, telling the truth not opinion, no matter how strong your beliefs are. I've written for newspapers and television, both very different animals. Here are some pointers:∙Step 1First collect your facts. Ask the classic questions: Who, What, Why, When, Where and How. As a story progresses you might have to run with information before every scrap of news is in, but your audience or readers have come to expect that you acknowledge these points even if what you know now is deficient. If after a bad accident you don't know the cause include that information.∙Step 2Start with a strong lead. Hook your viewers or readers with the most intriguing aspect of a story up front, otherwise they won't bother reading the rest of it. I recently wrote and produced an Earth Day television package on solar power. Since sun power itself, is no longer news, I reminded viewers that it was Earth Day, then asked if they would be interested in free electricity. It was a good hook in days of rising energy costs.Newspaper articles usually employ the classic inverted pyramid style where all of the five W's and H that I mentioned earlier are handled in a single paragraph long sentence. In contrast, television news is more conversational. There the lead is usually delivered on camera prior to going to video, which is a major part of the story.∙Step 3Shun the passive voice. Use simple declarative sentences with a lot of vivid action verbs. Eschew words like "eschew." Don't try to impress people with how intelligent you are. Write simply and actively as if you're trying to reach a best friend and tell her the latest that happened today. Don't write, "Paris Hilton was taken into custody." Write "Sheriff deputies took a sobbing Paris Hilton back to jail." Remember to eliminate needless words.∙Step 4Find the telling detail. In the example above, it was the word "sobbing."∙Step 5Be conversational without being ungrammatical. Makes sure that you write in sentences and not in phrases with gerunds that go nowhere. Don't get lazy. Use adverbs when appropriate. "Whom" is a perfectly good word. It's theobjective, not the pretentious form of the pronoun "who." Know what the subjunctive is and use it. It's right to write "If I were a rich man..." not "If I was homeward bound." Please check to make sure that your subjects and verbs agree. Dependent clauses can easily throw this match off. It's "A group of people protests for better wages," because "group" not "people" is the subject. If we in the media don't use good grammar, who will?Step 6Study good examples. Here are a few of my own favorite leads:"A horrific bombing in Baghdad has renewed fears of a civil war in Iraq." "Hurricane Katrina has strengthened over the Gulf of Mexico and is now packing winds of 160 miles per hour.""Our eye on the universe has gone blind," is how I opened a story on the Hubble Space Telescope.When you watch news or read it in the newspaper, note which stories grab you and emulate their style.。
How to write a Physics Lab reportFor each lab, each group is required to produce a technical report in English and print out your report as a PDF and submit the PDF within two weeks of you completing the experiment.(If you undertake the experiment on Monday, then you must submit your assignment by the week after the next Monday). The assessment of your report will primarily be on the technical content rather than your written English. However if you do not explain clearly what you mean then you will loose marks. Nevertheless, the intention is that you obtain some practice in the concise and accurate style of writing that engineers use. This is an essential skill for a engineering graduate.To gain an idea of the structure of a scientific paper, it is recommended you visit some physics journal WebPages and look at recently published papers.The following is the general structure of a paper, but as you will find from browsing the published literature there are variations that depend on the content of the paper. However, use the following as a basis from which to work.Cover (5%)At the beginning of the lab report, you should provide a cover page containing the lab title, team members names, the data, and the name of your lab instructor.Introduction (20%)This section is where the paper starts and includes some background or history to the area of research. It is very rare for an idea to arise by itself since there is always some precedent that has led to the ideas being tested in an experiment. It might also include some application of the principle behind the experiment. For example, say the experiment was about the sign of the charge carriers in a semiconductor. One application is a magnetic field sensor that uses the Hall Effect. Finally, some motivation is required for conducting this experiment. Why would anyone want to conduct this experiment? What did you test or examine? That is, give the reader a “road-map” about where you are headed.If there is some background mathematical theory or qualitative ideas that need to be introduced so that the experimental results can be understood, then this is the place to do it. In fact, you will find it missing in some papers because there was no background theory to discuss. In many cases the theory is not extensive enough to place it in a dedicated section and is simply incorporated in the Introduction.Experimental Setup and Procedure (15%)Since the paper is about an experiment, then there must be some description of the apparatus used. A reader can only gain confidence in the results if they are confident that you had appropriate apparatus and were able to describe its function and limitations (every piece of apparatus has its limitations, no matter how expensive it is!). In many cases you need to describe in some detail those parts of the apparatus that are critical to the understanding of the experimental results. A diagram goes a long way in helping the reader understand your description of the setup. If more than one apparatus was used then you can use subsections. Although the procedure section of your lab handout may be very long and detailed, the procedure section of your report should be concise and only include the major parts of the procedure. You should summarize each of the major parts of the procedure in your own words. You can write this in paragraph form or in list format. You do not have to include all the detailed instructions - for those the reader can be referred to the lab handout. Include the procedure of any exercises that are requested at the end of the lab handout. Remember to use past tense since you are reporting on the procedure you followed.Results and Discussion (40%)In this section you will take the reader, in a logical order, through all the results obtained. A written commentary should take the reader through all the tables of results and figures that are included in this section (referring to figure and table numbers) with comments on key aspects. You must mention every figure and table somewhere in the text. This section must contain the results in a form that will be most useful to the reader, which usually means the final results as graphs or tables. Graphs should show all experimental data points clearly. Don’t jus t use the default Excel graph appearance – make it look professional.This section also includes an analysis of the results. The results of your experimental work need to be discussed and explain what they mean. This is the most important part of the work and must be the result of careful thought and analysis. You should discuss whether or not your result agrees with the engineering theory. If they do not you should try to explain why, you should include an analysis of errors; a statement like “results ag reed within the limits of experimental error” is meaningless without this analysis. Do not propose impossible explanations for the difference between theory and experiment. Always try to quantify the effect and see whether it is at least possible. Suggest ways in which the experiment could be improved.Conclusions (20%)A conclusion IS NOT a place where you say “… therefore, I conclude that I have discovered the following new physical principles …” It is nothing more than a summary of what the experiment was about, the results, and what they mean. It should show how far the object of the experiment has been achieved. Quite often people skip reading the paper and go straight to the conclusion to save some time. This section is usually the weakest part of most student reports since they just want the report to be over and done with. Try to spend some time on this section.Common mistakes and helpful hints• Remember to write in the correct tense. You have already completed the experiments that you are reporting about. So they WERE done –they are NOT being now as you write the report. They are NOT going to be done as the reader reads further into the report. For example, the experiment WAS carried out and the results ARE presented in Fig. XX.• Do not w rite instructions as if you are writing a laboratory manual.• Do not write in dot point format. The writing must be in a narrative style.• Do not do join-the-dots plots for your graphs. They do not convey any extra information. However, if you have more than one plot on the same graph and the points are scattered and interleaved, then it is legitimate to join the points simply to distinguish the points that belong to the same plot.• Explain how you determined your errors. There must always be a reason fo r an error estimate. • Always compare experimental and accepted values.• Express discrepancies in terms of errors, not as small, large or 5%!• Use Origin/Excel routines to determine errors in fitted parameters, but be aware of their limitations.• Exclude any waffle when trying to explain discrepancies – show physical insight.。
How to Write a Reading Report of a BookWriting reading reports can help learners improve their reading comprehension(理解) and enhance(提高)their ability to analyze the story and the characters. Generally speaking, a book report is usually composed(组成)of three major parts.They are:1. Information about the writer (his name, the years of his birth and death, the books he has published, comments on him and his books, etc.)2. A summary(概要)of the book (the story and main characters)3.“My favorite…”(what impresses the learner writer most)4.Some comments(评论)on the book (personal interpretation of the meaning of the book)When giving the information about the writer, the learner writer should include some historical and social background to which the book is related. To make things clear, the learner writer should read some reference(参考)materials, such as biographies(传记)of the writer and histories of the period in which the book was written.A reading report should contain a summary of the book under discussion. The summary should be concise, clear and easy to understand. Try to tell the main points/plots in a short paragraph of 8-10 sentences. (Note: Do not copy or translate!) The learner writer should make sure that the summary be subjective (主观)and center on the major theme of the book. As for the tense(时态)of the book report, it depends on the subject(主题)matter of the book. If it is a novel or a play or a science fiction, the present tense is more appropriate while the past tense is required for nonfiction such as history books.The third part and also the most important part of a reading report is what the book impresses the learner writer most. It is better to focus on one matter: theme, character, scene, plot, or language.At last, in comment(评论)part, the learner writer's job is to evaluate thebook according to his or her own personal interpretation(解释)and discuss the merits (优点) and demerits (缺点) of the book, the social and/or historical significance of the book. If the learner writer is competent enough to discuss the writing style of the author, he or she should feel free to do so. Don’t be too simple as to say: “It’s really a good book”, or “The hero of the novel is a very good man”.Sample:(Information about the author)The book In Contempt was written by Christopher A. Darden. Chris Darden is famous for being one of the prosecuting attorneys in the court case The People vs. Simpson. He has worked hard his whole life to reach the status he has now achieved. He proved to America that even though he wasn't a high-priced private lawyer that he could present a well-thought out and planned case under the tremendous pressure he and the other prosecutors had to endure during the Simpson case.(Summary)As one may expect, the majority of this book is taken up with the Simpson case. Chapter one details his life from birth, his childhood in a working class district of Richmond, California and his becoming a district attorney of Los Angeles in 1981. Chapters two and three mostly consist of stories of him and his brother, Michael, stealing from local stores or his brothers’ drug deals. When Michael hit his mid-teens he started selling marijuana off the front porch of the house and Chris was his lookout. In return, he was told that he would be cut in on the action but never was. No matter what, Michael always told Chris never to use drugs. Throughout the book Chris Darden refers to his brother as a good role model for him no matter what he did. (“My favorite…” : can be shorter and more focused )I found this book to be very well thought out and well written. Most people would assume that this book was written with the intentions of making a quick-buck off the misfortune of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. I, however, do not believe this to be true. The way that the author speaks of the victims in the book and the way he spoke of them before, and after the trial shows that he really cared about the lives of these people that he didn't even know. He even went as far as to say in the book that this was the first case that affected him personally and emotionally.This book is funny and at other times the mood is more serious. The few chapters in the beginning were the funny ones. In these chapters he writes about his childhood and works his way forward to when he starts to work in the District Attorney's Office. Specifically he tells about how he was caught stealing a Hostess Fruit pie at the corner store, sneaking crackers from his house pantry, and being teased about having false teeth as a child. As he writes and talks about when he gets older the mood changes and gets more serious.He writes a lot about his brother who was a big influence on him when he was young. Darden retells stories of how he and his brother, Michael, would salvage old, broken radios from the trash and repair them and then sit on Saturday nights listening to the local R and B station. His brother would always comment on how the Temptations were the best band ever. Also, he tells of the time when his brother was smoking a joint in their bedroom when their father came bursting into the room. Thinking quickly, Chris' brother swallowed the still lit joint. His father smelled the marijuana but never found any evidence of the joint.As he tells about his childhood, he remembers how his grandmother would ask him what he wanted to be when he grew up and as far back as he could remember he would say that he wanted to be a lawyer. Christopher Darden grew up like a lot of black families of that time period, poor. They did have enough money to buy a 30,000 house and they always had a pantry full of food. Not many people from his neighborhood ever made much of themselves but he always believed in himself and his grandmother always believed that he could do anything that he put his mind to. She was the only person that believed he could be a lawyer and always introduced him as a future lawyer.In high school Chris followed in his brother's footsteps and joined the track team. This would be his ticket to a scholarship at Berkeley University, and the start to his law career. After completing college, he applied for a job in the District Attorney's Office, and surprisingly got the job at the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office in 1981. Through the years, he worked his way up through the ranks of the D. A. s' Office and became a very prominent lawyer. He worked for 14 years before the Simpson case was brought before him. He never expected to work the case but sometimes strange things happen. He worked hard to prove that Simpson was guilty but justice was never found.Out of the 20 murder cases that Darden had worked, the Simpson case was the only one he lost. After he lost, he vowed never to work in law again.(Conclusion/ comments)I didn't find this book particularly useful, but it was a very good book to read and it gave me more insight as to what has happened in Chris Darden's life and what he went through during the Simpson case. When I got the book I approached it like most students do when they have a book report to write. I didn't want to read the book but had to in order to get a good grade. As I started to read the first chapter, which was about the Simpson case I realized that the book wasn't just the boring drivel you would expect from a lawyer. It was intelligently written and had amusing stories from his childhood and fraternity days. Although I didn't want to read it' it wasn't as bad as I had expected, and I found it to be enjoyable and informative.。
怎么用英语写工作总结报告Title: How to Write a Work Summary Report in English。
Writing a work summary report is an essential skill for professionals in any field. It allows you to reflect on your accomplishments, identify areas for improvement, and communicate your progress to your superiors. In this article, we will discuss the key elements of a work summary report and provide tips on how to write an effective one in English.1. Introduction: Start your work summary report with a brief introduction, including the period covered by the report and the purpose of the report. For example, "This work summary report covers the period from January to June 2021 and aims to provide an overview of my accomplishments and challenges during this time."2. Accomplishments: The next section should focus on your accomplishments during the reporting period. Be specific and provide concrete examples of projects completed, goals achieved, and any recognition or awards received. Use action verbs and quantify your achievements whenever possible. For instance, "I successfully led a team of five in completing a major project ahead of schedule, resulting in a 20% increase in client satisfaction."3. Challenges: It is important to acknowledge any challenges or obstacles you faced during the reporting period. This demonstrates your ability to overcome adversity and adapt to changing circumstances. Discuss the specific challenges you encountered and how you addressed them. For example, "I faced significant budget constraints, but I was able to negotiate cost-saving measures with our vendors, resulting in a 10% reduction in project expenses."4. Lessons Learned: Reflect on the lessons you have learned from your experiences during the reporting period. This could include new skills acquired, insights gained, or areas for improvement. Discuss how you plan to apply these lessons in your future work.For instance, "I learned the importance of effective time management and plan to implement a new scheduling system to improve efficiency in my future projects."5. Conclusion: Conclude your work summary report with a summary of your key accomplishments, challenges, and lessons learned. Express your gratitude for the opportunities you have had and your commitment to continuous improvement. For example, "I am proud of my achievements during this reporting period and am committed to further developing my skills and contributing to the success of our team."In conclusion, writing a work summary report in English requires careful reflection and effective communication of your accomplishments, challenges, and lessons learned. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can create a comprehensive and impactful report that demonstrates your professionalism and dedication to your work.。
How to write a travel report
上周末我和妈妈参观了黔灵公园,请按要求 写一篇旅游报告。要求用到5个重点表达。 字数100左右。 1. 看了各种动物 2. 去了弘福寺烧香 3. 在湖上划船。 提示:烧香(light incense) 划船(go boating)
1. 结构是否为3段式,是否符合每段要求。 2. 时态是否正确。 3. 5个表达是否都用到。
3. be located in… 黔灵公园位于市中心。
Qianling Park is located in the center of the city. 4. be known for… 因…而出名
黔灵公园因各种动物和古树而出名。 Qianling Park is known for all kinds of animals and old trees. 5. The trip to…impressed me greatly. 去…的旅游让我印象非常深刻。
3 parts: Part 1---who, when, where, how Part 2---Route (go where, see what…) Part 3---Feeling
Part 1&2---一般过去为主 Part 3--- 一般现在或将来。
How to write a travel report?
1.弄清旅游报告的结构 2. 根据要求写一篇旅游报告 3. 用到以下5个表达:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. pay (paid) a visit to It took sb. +时间+ to go to … be located in… be known for… The trip to…impressed me greatly.
How to Write a Work Summary ReportA work summary report is a document that summarizes your work activities, achievements, and goals achieved within a specific period. This report is essential for assessing your performance and for providing feedback to your superiors. A well-written work summary report can also be used to showcase your accomplishments and highlight your strengths.In this article, we will provide tips on how to write a work summary report that effectively captures your performance.Step 1: Gather InformationBefore you start writing your report, collect all the necessary information regarding your work activities. This includes:•Projects and tasks completed during the period in review•Key accomplishments and milestones achieved•Challenges encountered and how you addressed them•Feedback and recognition received from your superiors or colleagues•Goals set for the next period and plans to achieve them It’s essential to have this information well-organized to ensure that you don’t miss any critical details.Step 2: Establish a StructureA well-structured work summary report is easy to read and understand. Common sections in a work summary report include:1.Introduction - a brief overview of the period in review and thepurpose of the report.2.Achievements - a detailed description of the projects and taskscompleted, highlighting the key accomplishments and milestones achieved.3.Challenges - a summary of the challenges encountered and how youaddressed them.4.Feedback - a summary of the feedback and recognition received,including any areas for improvement.5.Goals - a description of the goals set for the next period and plans toachieve them.6.Conclusion - a summary of the overall performance and any finalthoughts.Step 3: Write Clearly and ConciselyWh en writing a work summary report, it’s important to be clear and concise. Use simple language and avoid jargon or technical terms that may not be understood by your audience.Additionally, make sure your report is well-organized and easy to read. Use headings, bullet points, and numbered lists to break up content and make it more digestible.Step 4: Proofread and EditBefore submitting your work summary report, proofread and edit it thoroughly. Check for spelling and grammatical errors, and ensure that the report is consistent in terms of tone and formatting.Additionally, ensure that you’ve covered all the relevant details and that your report addresses all the required sections.ConclusionWriting a work summary report is an excellent way to showcase your accomplishments and demonstrate your value to your organization. By following these tips, you’ll be able to create a report that effectively captures your performance and highlights your strengths.。
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How to Write A ReportIt is usual to answer MSc Marketing Management examinations in REPORT FORMAT.The format is as follows:From : Marketing Co-ordinatorTo: Board of DirectorsTopic : Characteristics of ServicesIntroductionThe introduction introduces the reader to the subject: it is usual to précis the question from the key words, with some reference to the context in which it is place. So for example:“As the Marketing Co-ordinator of a chain of restaurants, you have been asked to produce a report for the Board of Directors which considers the effect that the characteristics of services may have on your business. Illustrate and explain how each of the characteristics of services may apply to your business”The KEY WORDS are “characteristics of services”The CONTEXT is “a chain of restaurants”The Introduction would look likeThis report identifies the characteristics of services and explains how they differ from products. It concludes with an example of how these impact our Restaurant business.“TopicThis covers the theory of the subject, in outline. For example“The characteristics of services vis a vis product are:Services are∙Heterogeneous : the service varies between staff and from day to day. Because service is so heavily dependent on people, we need tom find a way to ensure a consistency of servicedelivery; of ambiance, and atmosphere∙Intangible: the food is tangible, but the service, which constitutes 80% of our restaurant brand values, as the atmosphere, ambience and service are not. They cannot be touched, felt or sensed before the restaurant is entered by the customer.”∙Inseparable> the service is delivered at the same time as the meal is served. This means that we create the service especially for the customer. It therefore has to be right first timebecause we can’t change it if the customer doesn’t like it.∙Perishable: the service if not used is lost. We need to consider a change in our marketing mix to make sure that our tables are fully used at all times. It may be that considering a time ofday segmentation would help.∙Ownership: the customer can’t own the service delivery; they can only rent the time and space for the period which it is being delivered.ConsiderationsAt this point we write out how the restaurants have to considered how to manage with these constraints.We know about the 3 Ps we need to add to the 4Ps to get the extended marketing mix; you could tie each HIIPO factor to one of the Ps: you could start to discuss the implementation of RATER factors, this section givers you much room to show off. Always tie it back to the problem of showing how it affects your restaurant business.The application of these factors requires an extension to the standard 4P marketing mix; that of Proof; people and Process.Product: the product that we sell is the whole experience it ms made up of both the tangible,. The food, and the intangibles, the service elements. We will be judged on both of these factors, so the food quality must meet the customer expectations: we could emphasise the local nature of our meat; the organic sources of our vegetables. We could use Price to signal this quality, and also as a measure of helping overcome the perishable nature of our business; perhaps we could offer an offpeak rate for a suitably reduced menu; or offer retired people a special rate on special days. The restaurant also is part of the place; either they buy here or over the internet from home delivery; either way we need a consistence of delivery; we need to create the ambience of the restaurant at the customer’s home.Our People need to be made tangible: to show our Chef was trained by Gordon Ramsey, as part of the Proof for this we need to display his awards and photograph with Chef Ramsey in the waiting area, our staff need to be identified appropriately, the wine waiter should be carrying his corkscrew; the junior waiters should be seen to be being supervised. Lastly we need a Process for each part of the delivery service, so that the waiters learn appropriately and each waiter delivers to a fixed and recognised standard.ConclusionThis is a short paragraph synthesizing the body of the report.We understand that service is a critical factor – and one most likely to give rise to inconstancy and therefore damage our brand image, and should be considered in 3 new areas as an extension to the 4Ps we traditionally think of in marketing.。