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Honey,it's time to get up.宝贝,该起床了。

Wake up,sleepyhead.起床,小懒鬼

Time to get going.出发的时间到了。

We need to get moving.我们得赶快行动。

It's already late.已经迟了。

Are you still lazing around?你还在赖床啊?

Rise and shine!快起床吧!

It's time to get dressed.该穿衣服了。

Hurry up,we don't have much time left.快点吧,没有多少时间了。Your school bus is coming.校车就要来了。


Mummy:Sweety,it's time to get up.甜心,该起床了。

Baby:Ten more minutes,Mum.妈妈,再睡十分钟吧。

Mummy:What time is it now?现在几点了?

Baby:It's already 8 o'clock.已经八点了

Mummy:Well,honey,wake up or you will be late school.好了啦,宝贝,快起来吧否则你上学要迟到了。

Now put on your sweater/coat. 现在穿上你的羊毛衫/外套

Put your clothes on./Get dressed. 穿上衣服

First put your arm through the sleeve,now put your head through. 先把你的胳膊伸进袖子,现在把你的脑袋钻出来

Your sweater is on backwards./ You have your sweater on backwards.你的羊毛衫穿反了

You have your sweater on inside你把羊毛衫里朝外穿了

Put your hand through the sleeve. Now the other one. 把你的手穿过袖子。现在过另外一只

Your right arm goes in the right sleeve. 你的右手放到右边的袖子里Now put your other arm in the other sleeve. 现在把你的另一个胳膊放到另一只袖子里

Your little finger is stuck in the sleeve; let me get it out. 你的小手指卡在袖子里了,让我帮你弄出来

Take your clothes off./Take off your clothes. 脱衣服


Mummy:Take off your pajamas.脱掉睡衣。Baby:What should I wear today?今天我穿什么衣服?

Mummy:It's chilly outside.So don't forget to put on your jacket.外面冷,别忘了穿夹克。

Baby:How's the shirt? 这件衬衣我穿上怎么样?

Mummy:Son,it looks great on you.儿子,你看上去帅极了。

That’s a good/great idea. 那真是个好主意。Super/Perfect/Marvelous! 棒极了!

You are smart/clever! 你真聪明!

You are beautiful! 你真漂亮!

You’re the best. 你是最好的。

You’re tops! 你是最棒的!

Top girl/boy! 棒女孩/男孩!

What a champ! 胜利了!

Great!/Good!/OK! 好!

Very nice! 非常好!

Wonderful! 太棒了!

You are the winner! 你是胜利者!

You are the first! 你是第一名!

Nice girl/boy. 好女孩/男孩。

You are so sweet. 你真可爱。
