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Philip: And give her a teaspoon of the medicine after every meal. Don't worry. She'll be fine. You're welcome. Good-bye.

Ellen: How are you?

Philip: I'm tired and hungry.

Ellen: Well, Marilyn and Richard called. They'll be here soon, and then we'll eat. Philip: All right. Is ... is Susan coming?

Ellen: Well, she'll be here later. She has to work late tonight.

Philip: And what's Robbie cooking for dinner?

Ellen: It's a surprise.

Philip: I hope it's pasta.

Philip: Robbie, the dinner was terrific.

Susan: Yes, it was delicious.

Marilyn: What's for dessert ?

Robbie: Oh, I forgot dessert.

Philip: Robbie!

Ellen: Don't worry. We've got lots of ice cream.

Richard: Oh, I'd love some ice cream.

Ellen: Well, there's chocolate and coffee and a little vanilla.

Robbie: I'll have vanilla. Is that all right with everyone?

Philip: I'll have chocolate.

Marilyn: Me, too.

Richard: Uh, one scoop of coffee and one scoop of chocolate for me.

Ellen: Robbie, will you help me serve ?


1. And give her a teaspoon of the medicine after every meal.


2. Well, she'll be here later. She has to work late tonight.

Later是“随后,稍后”的意思。Late 则是指“迟的,晚的”

3. Don't worry. We've got lots of ice cream.


We've got... 是“我们有...”的意思。这里的have got表示“拥有,具有”,可以用have 替换。

用来安慰别人的时候,我们可以说"Don't worry. ",相当于汉语中的“别担心,甭急,没什么”。又如,在电话中安慰病人的家属时,Philip说"Don't worry. She'll be fine."(别着急,她很快就会好的。)

4. Well, there's chocolate and coffee and a little vanilla.

有巧克力的,咖啡的,还有一点儿香草的(冰淇淋)。这里的"vanilla, chocolate, coffee"都是指冰淇淋的口味。

5. I'll have vanilla. Is that all right with everyone?

Robbie在抢着要只剩下一点的香草冰淇淋,“我要香草的。大家不反对吧?” Robbie做了很美味的pasta(意大利通心粉),但却忘了做甜食。他是晚饭的厨师,但他首先抢着要只剩下一点的香草冰淇淋。这些幽默的小细节也体现了美国人的富于诙谐的性格。

6. Me, too.

我也要。在本情景中是"I'll also have chocolate ice cream."的省略。日常生活用语中,常用这样的省略句。

Richard: I keep thinking about that bag of film. Eight rolls. A whole day's work. And good stuff, too.

Ellen: Don't worry, Richard. Someone will find it.

Robbie: I'll get it. Hello.

Alexandra: Hello. Does Richard Stewart live here?

Robbie: Yes, he's my brother. I'm Robbie... Robbie, Stewart.

Alexandra: I'm Alexandra Pappas. How do you do? Your brother left his bag of film on the ferry boat. I found it.

Robbie: I'm really glad to see you. I mean... my brother'll be really glad to see you!

Ellen: Robbie ! Who is it?

Robbie: It's Richard's film! I mean, Alexandra Pappas. Come in, please. Richard: Alexandra!

Alexandra: Hello, Richard. I found your bag!

Richard: Oh, thank you! Thank you!


1. I keep thinking about that bag of film.

我一直在想着那包胶卷。Keep doing...的意思是“一直在做...”

2. good stuff



3. How do you do?


4. I'm really glad to see you. I mean... my brother'll be really glad to see you!

当我们需要纠正我们的口误时,可以使用"I mean..."(我是说)

Robbie遇到美丽的Alexandra时,显然有些语无伦次,把哥哥说成了自己-"I'm really glad to see you."(我见到你真是高兴。)于是马上改口-"I mean... my brother'll be really glad to see you!"(我是说...我哥哥见到你一定会很高兴!)
