tumor blood vessels weeks

[Abstract] Objective To analyze the CT characteristics of children with retroperitoneal neuroblastoma and to evaluate the diagnostic value of CT. Methods The CT imaging materials of 25 cases by surgery, biopsy and pathology for children with retroperitoneal neuroblastoma were analysised retrospectively. Results Tumor in the right side in 11 cases, left in 14 cases, including the primary in the adrenal gland in 19 cases,paravertebral sympathetic chain of 6 cases, Tumor growth of 18 cases across the midline; Mostly large irregular tumor mass, A few were class / oval. Scan: 22 cases of tumor density uneven, commonly found in necrosis, cystic areas, calcification within the tumor of which 18 cases; 3 tumors of uniform density. Enhanced: tumor heterogeneity mostly mild - moderate strengthening. Embedding a large retroperitoneal tumor blood vessels in 20 cases, retroperitoneal lymph nodes in 17 cases, 1 case of liver metastasis. Conclusion CT not only shows retroperitoneal neuroblastoma location, size, shape, density and the surrounding abuse, metastasis, and can show early lymph node metastasis,. Diagnosis of tumors, differential diagnosis,development of treatment and prognosis plays an important role.[Key words] Retroperitoneal; Neuroblastoma; Tomography; X-ray computed; Children神经母细胞瘤是小儿最常见的腹膜后肿瘤之一,仅次于肾母细胞瘤,居第2位[1],本病好发于2~3岁,男女发病无明显差异,临床表现复杂,就诊时多有转移[2];如果早期诊断和早期治疗,能提高患者生存质量。

探讨小肠淋巴瘤与小肠腺癌的多层螺旋CT诊断及鉴别诊断李丽【摘要】Objective To study and analyze the clinical diagnosis effect of multi slice spiral CT in patients with small intestinal lymphoma and small intestinal adenocarcinoma. Methods 15 cases of small intestinal lymphoma and 12 cases of small intestinal adenocarcinoma in our hospital were selected and analyzed.ResultsIntestinal adenocarcinoma occurs in the proximal small intestine, the incidence range limitations, mainly involving the intestinal wall and intestinal annular cavity soft tissue nodules lesion enhancement pattern as "rapid rise platform", with liver metastasis and lymph node lesions around the small, pancreatic invasion, intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile duct and dilatation of the pancreatic duct, the three-dimensional angiography (CTA) examination showed"signs of tumorstaining", small intestinal lymphoma occurs in the distal small intestine, the incidence of a wide range of lesion enhancement pattern for "slow rise", with mesentery or retroperitoneal lymph nodes, by angiography (CTA) examination showed the apparent "tumor blood vessels"phenomenon; there are some differences between the test results of two groups (P<0.05), with statistical signiifcance.Conclusion Clinical diagnosis significance of multislice spiral CT scan on cause and condition analysis of small intestinal lymphoma and adenocarcinoma of the small intestine development, and for the characteristics of both in CT and CTA under the change, can be used for clinical diagnosis.%目的:研究分析多层螺旋CT对小肠淋巴瘤以及小肠腺癌患者的临床诊断效果。

【关键词】卵巢癌;血小板增多症Abstract:Ovarian cancer is the fifth largest disease cancer death in women,has a high mortality rate,the characteristics of easy recurrence,metastasis,no more than 40% of the patients with ovarian cancer can cure.Studies have found that platelets and malignant tumor are closely related,in recent years,studies have reported that platelet associated with ovarian cancer growth,invasion and metastasis. Platelets may promote the growth of tumor blood vessels and protectcells escape immune function.Platelets may be a new target for the treatment of ovarian cancer.Key Words:Ovarian Cancer;Thrombocytosis前言血小板作为血液中第二丰富的细胞类型,在止血、保护血管完整、炎症反应、固有免疫、伤口愈合等方面均有重要生理作用,近年有研究显示在肿瘤微环境发现血小板并且在有刺激肿瘤生长的作用,发现多种癌症均出现血小板增多症,常见于消化道肿瘤、肺癌、乳腺癌、卵巢癌[1]。

Dr.Folkman's War:-Angiogenesis and the struggle to de eat cancer
恶性肿瘤治疗的新药物-·肿瘤细胞凋亡诱导药-·肿瘤细胞诱导分化药-如维A酸-新生血管生成抑制药Avasti ,04-02-26-·抗肿瘤侵袭及转移药-生物反应调节药(如干扰素、Gleevec-肿瘤耐药性逆转药-纳米 物(抗体包衣、高分子包裹、磁性)
一细胞增殖类群-1.增殖细胞群:按指数分裂繁殖-增殖期细胞数-增长比率=-GF》-总细胞数-GF大:对化疗 物敏感-GF小:对化疗药物不敏感-2.非增殖细胞群-对药物不太敏感,是复发根源-G期
周期特异性药物-抗代谢药-长春碱类药物-S期39%-G2期-无增殖力-19%-DNA合成-细胞-周期非特异 药物-合成后期-烷化剂-M期2%-死亡-抗癌抗-生素-G期40%-DNA合成前期-静止期-增殖细胞群-非增 细胞群-使肿瘤增大-肿瘤复发根源-对药物敏感-对药物不敏感-图49-2-细胞增殖周期及药物作用示意图
Cdc2/CycB-Cdk4,6/CycD-Animal-G-cell-Restriction-point Cdk2/CycA-Cdk2/CycE
Chemicaphysica-virus-抑癌及分化基因被关闭或-tumor suppressor gen -抑制-Genes-增殖基因被开启或激活-Oncogene-无限增殖状态
化疗适应证-造血系统恶性肿瘤:白血病、多发性骨髓瘤、恶性淋-巴瘤-·某些化疗效果好的实体瘤:皮肤癌、绒癌、 性葡萄-胎、睾丸癌、小细胞肺癌-实体瘤术后或放疗后的巩固治疗,或有复发和播散者-·实体瘤已有广泛转移,不适 手术或放疗者

嗜铬细胞瘤目录嗜铬细胞瘤 (1)注意事项 (1)How common is condition? (2)Medication (3)嗜铬细胞瘤会持续或间断地释放大量的儿茶酚胺,引起持续性或阵发性高血压和多个器官功能衰竭。
2)如何使用在用β受体拮抗剂之前,必须先用α受体拮抗剂!推荐使用α受体拮抗剂至少3-4 天后再开始使用β受体拮抗剂。
A tumor originating in cells of the adrenal gland that causes overproduction of certain hormones.How common is condition?Very rare (Fewer than 20,000 cases per year in US)Often requires lab test or imagingTreatment from medical professional advisedCan last several years or be lifelongPheochromocytomas are largely familial. They are associated with genetic mutations and syndromes. High blood pressure, sweating, rapid heartbeat and difficulty in breathing are some of the symptoms. Treatment involves surgery to remove the tumor.Most cases of pheochromocytoma arise sporadically, and the exact cause isunknownFamilial pheochromocytoma may be present as part of a genetic syndrome, or show isolated occurrences (isolated familial pheochromocytoma)Syndromes which show pheochromocytoma as a symptom include:Multiple endocrine neoplasia types 2a and 2bVon Hippel- Lindau syndromeNeurofibromatosisFamilial paraganglioma syndromes types 1, 2, 3 and 4Mutations in the following genes are associated with pheochromocytoma: RET, NF1, MEN2, SDHSurgical removal of the tumor is the first choice. Other treatments may be required based on the nature of the tumor (malignant or benign). Medication may be needed to manage symptoms.MedicationAlpha blockers: To keep the small blood vessels relaxed.Phenoxybenzamine ·DoxazosinBeta blockers: To open up the blood vessels.Atenolol ·MetoprololChemotherapy: Used to treat malignant pheochromocytomas.Cyclophosphamide/Vincristine/Dacarbazine。

Tumor cells detach from the primary tuber and enter the bloodstream or lymphatic system
Linear metastasis
Cancer cells spread through the linear system to linear nodes and other issues
Site specific metathesis: Some tutor cells have the ability to preferentially identify specific organizations or issues, often related to their issues of origin
English version of tumor metastasis
Overview of Tumor MetastasisThe mechanism of tuber metastasisDiagnosis and monitoring of tuber metastasisTreatment of tuber metastasisPrevention and control of tuber metastasis
The mechanism of tuber metastasisBiblioteka CATALOGUE02
Self renew
Tumor cells have the ability to replicate and form new Tumor cells
Tumor cells can invade surrounding issues and migrate to other parts of the body

滋养细胞肿瘤英语Nurturing Cellular Tumors in EnglishCellular tumors, a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, have long been a subject of intense scientific scrutiny and medical exploration. These aberrant growths, characterized by the uncontrolled proliferation of cells, pose a significant challenge to the healthcare community, as they can have profound implications for an individual's well-being and quality of life. In this essay, we will delve into the intricate world of cellular tumors, examining their underlying mechanisms, the factors that contribute to their development, and the ongoing efforts to understand and manage this perplexing medical condition.At the heart of cellular tumors lies a fundamental disruption in the delicate balance of cellular growth and division. Under normal circumstances, cells within the human body undergo a tightly regulated process of replication, differentiation, and apoptosis (programmed cell death), ensuring the maintenance of healthy tissues and organ function. However, in the case of cellular tumors, this intricate system is thrown into disarray, leading to the uncontrolled proliferation of cells.The root cause of this disruption can be traced back to genetic and epigenetic factors. Mutations in key genes responsible for regulating cell growth, division, and programmed cell death can result in the emergence of cancerous cells. These genetic alterations can be inherited or acquired through environmental exposures, such as radiation, carcinogens, or viral infections. Furthermore, epigenetic changes, which involve modifications in gene expression without altering the underlying DNA sequence, can also contribute to the development of cellular tumors.Alongside genetic and epigenetic factors, the tumor microenvironment plays a crucial role in the nurturing and progression of cellular tumors. This complex network of cells, signaling molecules, and extracellular matrix components can either promote or inhibit the growth and spread of tumors. For instance, the presence of certain immune cells, such as cytotoxic T cells and natural killer cells, can help to suppress tumor growth by recognizing and eliminating malignant cells. Conversely, the recruitment of pro-inflammatory cells, such as tumor-associated macrophages, can create a favorable environment for tumor proliferation and metastasis.The biological hallmarks of cellular tumors are diverse and multifaceted. These include sustained proliferative signaling, evasionof growth suppressors, resistance to cell death, induction of angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels to supply the tumor), and the ability to invade and metastasize to distant sites within the body. Each of these hallmarks represents a key challenge in the effective management and treatment of cellular tumors.In recent years, significant advancements have been made in the field of cellular tumor research and treatment. Innovative diagnostic techniques, such as advanced imaging modalities and molecular profiling, have enabled more accurate and earlier detection of these malignancies. Additionally, the development of targeted therapies, which exploit the unique vulnerabilities of cancer cells, has revolutionized the approach to cancer treatment. These targeted therapies, which may include small-molecule inhibitors, monoclonal antibodies, and immunotherapies, aim to selectively disrupt the pathways that drive tumor growth and survival, while minimizing the collateral damage to healthy cells.Furthermore, the field of regenerative medicine has also contributed to the understanding and management of cellular tumors. Stem cell-based therapies, which harness the remarkable regenerative capabilities of these cells, have shown promise in addressing the underlying causes of certain types of cellular tumors. By modulating the tumor microenvironment or targeting the cancer stem cell population, these innovative approaches hold the potential totransform the way we approach the treatment of these complex diseases.Despite the significant progress made in the understanding and management of cellular tumors, there remain numerous challenges and areas for further exploration. The inherent complexity and heterogeneity of these malignancies, coupled with the ability of cancer cells to adapt and develop resistance to various therapies, necessitate a continued and concerted effort from the scientific and medical communities.In conclusion, the nurturing of cellular tumors is a multifaceted and intricate process, involving a complex interplay of genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors. As our understanding of these aberrant growths continues to evolve, the development of more effective diagnostic tools, targeted therapies, and personalized treatment approaches holds the promise of improving patient outcomes and ultimately, transforming the landscape of cancer care.。

方法选取我院胃肠外科经手术和病理证实的48例胃癌患者的病理组织石蜡包块标本,采用免疫荧光双标记定位方法检测胃癌标本中FSHR 及GnRHR的定位及分布。
Abstract:Objective To investigate the distribution of follicle-stimulating hormone receptor(FSHR)and gonadotropin releasing horm- one receptor (GnRHR)colocalization with at the gastric cancer. Methods Using the immunity fluorescence double mark localization method to examine in 48 example stomach cancer specimen FSHR and the GnRHR localization and the distribution.Results FSHR and GnRHR organize in the cell cytoblastema at the stomach cancer to have the distribution,the immunity fluorescence responded the masculine material distributes in the cytoplasm,the cell nucleus assumes the negative reaction,the two distributed pattern is same. Conclusion FSHR and GnRHR organize the distribution at the stomach cancer to have the coexistence,it is suggested that it may have an important effect on the pathogenesis of gastric cancer.Key words:Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor;Gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor;Immune fluorescence;Gastric cancer卵泡刺激素(follicle-stimulating hormone,FSH)是由腺垂体分泌的性激素,属于G蛋白偶联受体超家族的跨膜糖蛋白,通过与其受体卵泡刺激素受体(follicle-stimulating hormone receptor,FSHR)结合后具有促进排卵和精子的生成作用。

3、Colds are infectious, and so are some eye diseases.
1、The thermometer recorded 4 0 ℃.
1、You have caught a cold and bronchitis as well.
2. If you would leave off smoking, your bronchitis would much improve.
3、Most of the supermarkets such as Walmart and Kmart and drug stores have a pharmacy counter.
side effects
3、A body part analogous to the armpit, such as the hollow under a bird's wing.
1、milk fermented by bacteria; used to treat gastrointestinal disorders

of postintensive care syndrome identified in surgical ICU survivors after implementation of a multidisciplinary clinic [J].J Trauma Acute Care Surg,2021,91(2):406-412.[15]Cao Y ,Wang YJ,he QY ,et al.Study on the correlation between diabe-tes and cognitive dysfunction based on the comprehensive assess-ment of elderly health [J].Chin Gen Prac,2020,23(33):4252-4255.曹颖,王意君,贺清悦,等.基于老年健康综合评估探讨糖尿病与认知功能障碍的相关性研究[J].中国全科医学,2020,23(33):4252-4255.[16]Hastings SN,Mahanna EP,Berkowitz TSZ,et al.Video-enhancedcare management for medically complex older adults with cognitive impairment [J].J Am Geriatr Soc,2021,69(1):77-84.[17]Li J,Wang L,Zhao FX,et al.The current situation and correlation be-tween dyskinesia syndrome and Mild cognitive impairment in the el-derly in the community [J].J Xinxiang Med Coll,2022,39(7):617-621.李洁,王岚,赵丰雪,等.社区老年人运动障碍综合征与轻度认知障碍发生现状及其相关性[J].新乡医学院学报,2022,39(7):617-621.[18]Tierney SM,Woods SP,Sheppard D,et al.Extrapyramidal motorsigns in older adults with HIV disease:frequency,1-year course,and associations with activities of daily living and quality of life [J].J Neurovirol,2021,25(2):162-173.(收稿日期:2023-08-10)血管生成素-2诱导动脉粥样硬化斑块进展的潜在机制文姣姣1,杨学远1综述赵永超1,2,马懿1审校遵义医科大学附属医院心血管内科1、科研部2,贵州遵义563000【摘要】在动脉粥样硬化(atherosclerosis ,AS)病理过程中,斑块内不成熟血管形成和(或)破裂出血、内皮功能障碍是冠脉疾病进展的重要原因,尽管治疗斑块进展的药物和非药物取得了一定成效、早期挽救了生命,但患者的预后并不乐观,因此迫切需要一种干预斑块进展的治疗。

医学常用病理学名词英文翻译Medical Terminology Translation in PathologyIntroduction:Medical terminology plays a crucial role in the field of pathology, allowing healthcare professionals to communicate accurately and efficiently. This article aims to provide a translation guide for commonly used pathology terms from Chinese to English, facilitating better understanding and communication in the medical community.1. Tissue:Tissue - 组织Epithelial tissue - 上皮组织Connective tissue - 结缔组织Muscle tissue - 肌组织Nervous tissue - 神经组织2. Cells:Cell - 细胞Red blood cell - 红细胞White blood cell - 白细胞Platelet - 血小板Neuron - 神经元Cancer cell - 癌细胞3. Diseases:Disease - 疾病Cancer - 癌症Infection - 感染Inflammation - 炎症Tumor - 肿瘤Lesion - 病变4. Diagnostic Tests:Biopsy - 活检Blood test - 血液检测Imaging - 影像检查Histopathology - 组织病理学Cytology - 细胞学5. Organs:Organ - 器官Heart - 心脏Liver - 肝脏Lung - 肺Kidney - 肾脏Brain - 大脑6. Pathological Processes: Metastasis - 转移Necrosis - 坏死Apoptosis - 细胞凋亡Hyperplasia -增生Hypertrophy - 肥大7. Treatment Modalities: Surgery - 手术Chemotherapy - 化疗Radiation therapy - 放疗Targeted therapy - 靶向治疗Immunotherapy - 免疫治疗8. Medical Professionals: Pathologist - 病理学家Oncologist - 肿瘤学家Surgeon - 外科医生Radiologist - 放射科医生Microbiologist - 微生物学家Conclusion:Accurate translation of medical terminology is essential for effective communication in the field of pathology. By providing an English translation guide for commonly used pathology terms, this article aims to enhance understanding and facilitate communication among healthcare professionals. Familiarity with these translated terms will contribute to more efficient diagnoses, treatment plans, and collaborations within the medical community.。

胰腺多期CT增强扫描对胰腺癌的诊断价值摘要】目的探讨胰腺多期CT增强扫描对胰腺癌的诊断价值,分析胰腺癌的CT 影像学特点,提高诊断准确率。
结果 26例胰腺癌CT 平扫肿块呈低密度。
26例中,肿块直径3~6cm 22例、1~3cm 4例;动脉期扫描有不均匀强化,另有胰周脂肪层消失、胰管和胆管扩张、胆总管阻塞、合并胰腺囊肿、肿瘤侵及血管、腹膜的淋巴结转移等征象。
【关键词】胰腺癌螺旋CT 多期扫描Diagnosis Value of Pancreas Multi-phase Enhanced CT scan on Pancreatic Cancer GAO Xiang (Department of Radiology , Yinchuan No. 1 People's Hospital, Yinchuan 750001,China)【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the diagnosis value of pancreas enhanced multi-phase CT scanning on pancreatic cancer, analyze the CT imaging features of pancreatic cancer, and improve the diagnostic accuracy. Methods 16-row spiral CT data of 26 cases of solid space-occupying pancreatic cancer confirmed by surgery and pathology were retrospectively analyzed, summarized the imaging characteristics. Results 26 cases of pancreatic cancer CT scan showed low density mass. Enhanced CT imaging features were distinguished, and isopycnic density and low-density tumors were all displayed. Among 26 cases, the tumor diameter of 3 ~ 6cm was 22 cases , 1 ~ 3cm 4 cases; arterial phase scans had uneven reinforced, also had signs of peripancreatic fat layer disappeared, pancreatic duct and bile duct dilatation, bile duct obstruction, combined pancreatic cyst, tumor invasion blood vessels, peritoneal and lymph node metastasis. Conclusion Multi-slice spiral CT scans of pancreatic cancer can detect of cancer early, has a significant value on the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.【Key words】 Pancreatic cancer Spiral CT Multi-phase scan近年来,胰腺癌发病率有逐渐上升的趋势。

中英对照医疗用语● 医药MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY过敏Allergy健康诊断General Check-up Physical Examination 检查Examination住院Admission to Hospital出院Discharge from Hospital症状Symptom检查Nutrition病历Clinical History诊断Diagnosis治疗Treatment预防Prevention呼吸Respiration通便Bowel Movement粪便Stool血液Blood脉搏Pulse, Pulsation尿Urine脉搏数Pulse Rate血型Blood Type血压Blood Pressure麻醉Anesthesia麻醉全身General Anesthesia静脉麻醉Intravenous Anesthesia 脊柱麻醉Spinal Anesthesia局部麻醉Local Anesthesia手术Operation切除Resection副作用Side Effect洗淨Irrigation注射InjectionX透视X-Ray红外线Ultra Red-Ray慢性的Chronic急性的Acute体格Build亲戚Relative遗传Heredity免疫Immunity血清Serum流行性的Epidemic潜伏期Incubation Period过滤性病毒Virus消毒Sterilization抗生素Antibiotic脑波图EEG洗肠Enema结核反应Tuberculin Reaction 华氏Fahrenheit摄氏Celsius, Centigrade● 药品 MEDICINE冰袋Ice Bag药Medicine (drug)绷带Bandage胶带Adhesive Tape剪刀Scissors体温计Thermometer拴剂Suppository药丸Tablet, Pill舌下锭Sublingual Tablet胶囊Capsules软膏Ointment眼药Eye Medicine止咳药Cough Medicine阿斯匹灵Aspirin止痛药Pain Killer药方Presecription● 症状及名称 SYMPTOMS发烧Fever高烧Hay Fever发冷Chills发汗Sweats盗汗Night Sweats倦怠Tiredness失眠Insomnia肩头髮硬Stiffness in Shoulder 打喷嚏Sneeze打嗝Hiccup发痒Itch腰痛Low Back Pain头痛Headache疼痛Pain (Ache)急性疼痛Acute Pain激痛Severe Pain钝痛Dull Pain压痛Pressing Pain刺痛Sharp Pain戮痛Piercing Pain一跳一跳的痛 Throbbing Pain针扎似的痛 Prickling Pain烧痛Burning Pain烈痛Tearing Pain持续痛Continuous Pain不舒服Unfortable继续痛Pain Comes at Intervals 绞痛Colic放射痛Radiating Pain溃烂痛Sore Pain痉挛痛Cramp Pain顽痛(持续痛)Persistent Pain轻痛Slight Pain血尿Blood Urine脓尿Pyuria粘液便Mucous Stool粘土样便Clay-colored Stool验血Blood Analysis红血球Red Cell白血球White Cell血小板Blood Platelet呼吸数Respiration Rate呼气Expiration吸气Inspiration呼吸困难Difficulty in Breathing 不规则脉Irregular Pulse心搏徐缓Bradycardia心搏急促Rapid Pulse尿混浊Cloudy Urine尿蛋白Albuminuria糖尿Glycosuria瘦Thin, Skinny肥Fat● 一般健康检查血液检验◆血清油脂检验胆固醇Cholesterol高密度脂蛋白HDL(High Densit Lipoprotein)低密度脂蛋白LDL(Low Density Lipoprotein)三酸甘油脂(Triglycrides)◆肝功能检验检验血清中蛋白质总量硷性去磷含量(Alkaline Phosphatase)胆红素 (Bilirubin)白蛋白 (Albumin)球蛋白 (Globulin)天门冬胺酸转胺酸素Aspartate Transaminase, AST (SGOT) or Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase (SGOT) or Alanine Transaminase, ALT (SGPT) or Serum Glutamic Pyruvic transaminase (SGPT).丙麸胺酸转胺 (Gama Glutamyl transpeptidase)肝血液凝固时间(Prothrombin Time)◆肾功能检验尿素氮 (BUN, Blood Urea Nitrogen)肌氨酸 Creatine尿酸 Uric Acid◆心脏功能检验乳酸去氨酸素Lactic dehydrogenase, LDH肌酸刺激CPK (Creatine Phosphokinase)◆其它特别项目的检验铁质 Iron电解质检验 Electrolytes钠离子 Sodium钾离子 Potassium氯离子 Chloride二氧化碳 Carbon Dioxide CO2摄护腺特异抗原 PSA(Prostae Specific Antigen)四典甲状腺素T4 (Thyroxine)血糖Serum Glucose (GTT, Glucose Tolerance Test)糖尿病 Diabetes◆血球数目检定CBC(Complete Blood Count)红血球RBC (Red Blood Cell)白血球WBC (White Blood Cell)血色素Hgb (Hemoglobin)红血球在血液中所佔比率HCT (Hematocrit)血小板数目Platelet Count● 泌尿科URINARY SYSTEM肾脏Kidney肾上腺Adrenal Gland膀胱Bladder尿道Urethra睾丸Testicles阴茎Penis前列腺Prostate小便时疼痛 Pain on Urination尿量多Polyuria尿量少Ollguria尿急Uninary Urgency小便困难Dysuria糖尿Glycosuria小便失禁Urinary Incontinence阳萎Impotence睾丸肿大Testicle Swelling肾盂Pelvis of The Kidney导尿Catheterize尿毒症Uremia肾炎Nephritis肾萎缩Nephrosis肾结石Nephrolith, Rental (Stones)肾盂炎Pyelonephritis膀胱炎Cystitis尿道炎Urethritis结石Calculus (Stones)包皮Phimosis早洩Premature Ejaculation淋病Gonorrhea肾结核Tuberculosis of The Kidney肾瘤Tumor of The Kidney前列腺肥大 Hypertrophy of The Prostate ● 外科SURGERY出血Bleeding内出血Internal Bleeding出血斑Petechiae炎症Inflammation腐烂Erosion手术Operation切除Resection移植Transplantation畸形Malformation Deformation疤痕Scar粘著Adhesion麻醉Anesthesia镇痛剂Painkiller瘀伤Bruise斜颈Wryneck, Torticollis O型脚BowelggedX型脚Knock-kneed扁平足Flatfoot外伤Injury割伤Cut刺伤Puncture骨折Fracture捻挫Torsion脱臼Dislocation撞伤Contusion抓伤Scratches脓Pus疖子Furuncle颈扭伤Whiplash Injury虫咬伤Insect Bites烫伤Bums脓肿Abscess冻伤Frost Bites疝脱Hernia骨膜炎Periostitis骨髓炎Osteomyelitis关节炎Arthritis关节水肿Joint Hydropsy五十肩Frozen Shoulder指扭伤Sprained Finger淋巴腺炎Lymphadentitis溃疡Ulcer坏疸Gangrene颅内出血Intracranial Hemorrhage 脑挫伤Cerebral Contusion乳腺炎Mastitis乳腺症Mastopathy腱鞘炎Tendovaginitis● 内科 INTERNAL MEDICINE◆呼吸系统RESPIRATORSYSTEM气管Bronchus肺Lung咳嗽Cough乾咳Dry Cough有痰咳Moist Cough气喘性咳Wheezing Stridor哮喘Wheeze痰Sputum吐血Blood-spitting咯血Hemoplysis背痛Back Pain胸痛Chest Pain气喘Asthma沙哑Hoarseness声音粗嘎Huskiness感冒Common Cold支气管炎Bronchitis支气管气喘 Bronchial Asthma肺炎Pneumonia肺结核Pulmonary Tuberculosis 胸膜炎Pleurisy肺气肿Plumonary Emphysema肺癌Lung Cancer◆循环系统CIRCULATORY SYSTEM心脏Heart血管Blood Vessels淋巴腺Lymph心室Ventricle心房Atrium动脉Artery静脉Vein心悸Palpitation不能呼吸Short of Breath 心髒病Heart Attack脸色苍白Pallor of Face 贫血Anemia水肿Puffy, Edema发绀Cyanosis瓣性心内膜炎Valvular Insufficiency 瓣膜性回流Valvular Regurgitation狭心症Angina心肌梗塞Myocardial Infarction动脉硬化症 Arteriosclerosis心脏喘息Cardiac Asthma血栓症Thrormbosis先天性心髒病 Congenital Heart Disease 心脏衰弱Heart Failure心内膜炎Endocarditis心肌炎Myoccarditis心脏神经症 Cardiac Neurosis高血压Hypertension低血压Hypotension动脉瘤Aneurysm◆消化系统DIGESTIVE SYSTEM腹Abdomen食道Esophagus胃Stomach十二指肠Duodenum大肠Large Intestine小肠Small Intestine直肠Rectum肛门Anus肝脏Liver胰脏Pancreas胆囊Gall Bladder盲肠Appendix食慾Appetite口渴Thirsty噁心Nausea呕吐Emesis心口灼热Heartburn呕吐Vomiting压迫感Sense of Pressure全腹痛General Abdominal Pain吞嚥困难Difficulty in Swallowing 吐血Hematemesis便秘Constipation腹泻Diarrhea肠鸣Rumbling Sound放屁Pass Gas软便Loose Stool血便Bloody Stool食慾不振Anorexia腹部膨胀Abdominal Enlargement 食道癌Cancer of The Esophagus 胃炎Gastritis胃溃疡Gastric Ulcer胃酸过多症 Hyperacidity胃癌Stomach Cancer十二指肠溃疡 Duodenal Ulcer肠粘膜炎Intestinal Catarrh肠结核Intestinal Tuberculosis 肠捻转Volvulus盲肠炎Appendicitis大肠炎Colitis腹膜炎Peritonistis痔疮Hemorrhoids (Piles)痔漏Anus Fistula肝硬化Cirrhosis of The Liver胆结石症Gall Stones胆炎Cholecytitis小肠癌Cancer of Intestine肠套肠Intussusceptions直肠癌Rectal Cancer肛门周围脓疮 Perianal Abscess 肝炎Hepatitis肝癌Cancer of The Liver黄疸Jaundice胰脏炎Pancreatitis◆神经系统NERVIYS SYSTEM脑Brain大脑Cerebrum小脑Cerebellum脊椎Soinal Cord神经Nerve眼花Dizziness轻度头痛Light Headaches抽筋Convulsion麻木Numbness手抖Tremor晕倒Syncope (Swooning)意识丧失Unconsciousness错乱Confused or Confusion意识朦胧Dazed Condition兴奋状态Excited Condition昏沉Drowsy幻觉Illusion感觉麻痺Hypoesthesia四肢麻痺Paralysis语言障碍Disturbance of Speech 视觉障碍Disturbance of Vision 昏迷Coma神志恍惚Delirium失眠Insomnia紧张Nervous神经炎Neuritis颜面神经麻痺 Facial Palsy神经痛Neuralgia助间神经痛 Intercostals坐骨神经痛 Sciatica脑膜炎Meningitis脑缺血Cerebral Ischemia脑出血Apoplexy脑血栓Crerbral Thormbosis脑炎Encephalitis瘫痪Epllepsy歇斯底里症 Hysteria脑中风Stroke脑瘤Brain Tumor帕金森症Parkinson's Disease蛛网膜下出血 Bleeding● 皮肤科 DERMATOLOGY皮肤炎Dermatitis接触性皮肤炎 Contact Dermatits 湿疹Eczema小儿湿疹Infantile Eczema脂漏性湿疹 Seborrheic Eczema 发疹Exanthema, Rash药疹Drug eruption乾燥皮肤Dry Skin风疹Urticaria狼疮Lupus晒伤Sunburn鸡眼Corn雀斑Freckle皮肤癌Skin Cancer疣Wart胎记、痣Birthmark, Nevus黑痣Mole狐臭Hircismus, Osmidrosis Axillae 脱毛症、秃 Baldness, Alopecia黄癣Favus, Ringworm香港脚Athletes Foot牛皮癣Psoriasos钱癣Ringworm, Tinea红疹Red Rash瘀伤Bruise脱毛Falling Out of Hair玫瑰疹Roseola● 肿瘤 TUMOR良性瘤Benign Tumors恶性肿瘤Malignant Tumors Malignancy 转移Metastasis癌Cancer肉瘤Sara● 耳鼻喉科OTOLARYNGOLOGY鼻腔Nasal Cavity扁桃腺Tonsil咽喉Pharyngeal Tonsil小舌Uvula舌Tongue声带Vocal Cord外耳External Ear内耳Internal Ear中耳Middle Ear三半规管Semicircular Canal鼓膜Ear Drum流鼻血Nasal Bleeding流鼻涕Running Nose鼻涕Nasal Discharge鼻塞Stuffed Nose喉咙痛Sore Throat喉咙痒Throat Itchy声音沙哑Hoarse Voice失声Loss of Voice嗅觉不灵Can't Distinguish Smells 耳分泌物Ear Discharge耳痛Earache耳鸣Ringing of The Ear, Tinnitus 听力困难Difficulty in hearing● 眼科OPHTHALMOLOGY眼球Eye Ball眼角膜Comea巩膜Sclear虹彩Iris水晶体Lens瞳孔Pupil网膜Retina视力Visual Activity视力障碍Visual disturbance 视力不良Poor vision複视Diplopia眼睛分泌物 Eye Discharge眼泪Tear眼脸炎Blepharitis针眼Sly倒睫Trichiasis激管炎Lacrimal Duct砂眼Trachoma网膜炎Retinitis网膜剥离Retina Detachment 青光眼Glaua白内障Cataract色盲Color Blindness结膜炎Conjunctivitis色膜炎Keratitis视神经炎Optic Neuritis鼻泪管狭窄 Obstruction of The Nose 斜视Squint, Cross-Eyed怕光Photophobia视力模糊Blurred Vision眼内异物Foreign Body in The Eyes ● 牙科 DENTIST齿石Calculus矫正Orthodontics假牙Denture环镶Veneer Crown神经治疗Root-Canal Treatment牙套Crown金牙套Gold Crown磁牙套Ceramic Crown填补Filling门牙Incisor犬齿Canine臼齿Molar牙龈Gum● 妇产科 OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY子宫Uterus子宫口Cervix阴道Vagina月经Menstruation (Periods)下腹部痛Low Abdominal Pain阴道分泌物 Vaginal Discharge月经週期Menstrual Cycle月经痛Dysmenorrhea无月经Amenorrhea更年期症状 Menopause Syndrome怀孕Pregnancy预产期Date of Delivery, Date Due害喜Moming Sickness胎儿心声Fetal Heart Sounds流产Miscarriage堕胎Abortion破水The Show (Mucus-Like) Membrane Rupture or Water Show阵痛Labor Pains早期破水Premature Rupture脚抽筋Leg Cramp排卵Ovulation受精(胎)Conception著床Implantation胎儿Fetus胎动Fetal Movement Quickening静脉瘤Varicose Vein怀孕妊娠纹 Striations of Pregnancy蛋白尿症Albuminuria尿道发炎Urinary Tract Infection子痫Eclampsia羊水过多Polyhydramnion胞状奇胎Hydatid Mole子宫外孕Ectopic Pregnancy卵管怀孕Tubal Pregnancy产道Birth Canal直肠检查Rectal Examination阴道检查Internal (Vaginal) Examination 分娩Delivery生产第一期 First Stage of Labor生产第二期Second Stage of Labor生产第三期 Third Stage of Labor子宫收缩Contraction会阴切开Episiotomy会阴缝合Perineorrhahy Stitch产后After Birth脐带Umbilical Cord胎盘Placenta恶露Lochia早产Premature Birth死产Stillbirth双胞、多胎 Twins, Multiple Birth一卵双胞胎 Identical Twins二卵性双胞胎 Fraternal Twins胎盘分离Separation of the Placenta前置胎盘Placenta Praevia盘捲脐带Coiling of The Umbilical Cord 狭骨盘Narrow Pelvic胎盘附著Adherence of The Placenta卵管破裂Tubal Rupture子宫破裂Uterine Rupture会阴裂伤Laceration of The Perineum 产褥热Puerperal Fever剖腹生产Caesarean Section钳子分娩Forcepts Delivery喂养母乳Breast Feeding人工喂养Bottle Feeding初乳Colostrums新生儿Newborn Baby怀孕中毒症 Toxemia of Pregnancy● 精神科 PSYCHIATRY精神病 Mental disorder, Psychosis 遗传性精神病 Hereditary Psychosis 健忘症Amnesia白痴Idiocy狂燥Mania忧鬱症Depression燥鬱症Maniac Depressive精神分裂症 Schizophrenia精神官能症 Neurosis神经衰弱 Neurasthenia● 小儿科 PEDIATRICS早产儿Premature Baby, Immature Infant 新生儿黑粪 Melena of The Newborn脱脐Umbilical Hemia新生儿黄疸 Jaundice of Newborn肠炎Stomach Virus腹股沟疝脱 Inguinal Hernia脑炎Encephalitis脱水Dehydration脑膜炎Meningitis夜尿症Nocturnal Enuresis白喉Diphtheria百日咳Pertussis破伤风Tetanus小儿麻痺Poliomyelitis脑炎Hemophilus Influenza 'B'麻疹Measles腮腺炎Mumps德国麻疹RubellaB型肝炎Hepatitis B Vaccine ● 传染病 EPIDEMICS流行性感冒 Influenza, Flu 黄热病Yellow Fever狂犬病Rabies麻疹Measles德国麻疹German Measles天花Smallpox水痘Chickenpox伤寒Typhoid fever霍乱Cholera百日咳Whopping Cough鼠疫Plaque猩红热Scarlet Fever白喉Diphtheria破伤风Tetanus赤痢Dysentery● 寄生虫 PARASITE钩虫病Hookworm Disease蛲虫病pinworm蛔虫病ascariasis条虫病tapeworm Infestation ● 其他 OTHER贫血Anemia白血病Leukemia紫斑病Purpura血友病Hemophilia甲状腺肿大 Boiter末端肥大症 Acromegaly巨大症Gigantism克兴式病Cushing's Disease 蒙古症Mongolism阿狄森式病 Addison disease 脚气病Beri-Beri坏血病Scurvy糖尿病Diabetes Mellitus痛风Gout风湿病Rheumatic Fever风湿Rheumatism中毒Poisoning酒精中毒Alcoholism一氧化碳Carbon Monoxide特异体质Idiosyncrasy中暑Heat Stroke晕船症Motion Sickness高山症Mountain Sickness花粉症Hay Fever血清病Serum Disease● 医院费用名称初诊挂号First Visit Registration 住院处Admission出院处Discharge收费处Cashier预约门诊Appointment急诊室费Emergency Room住院费Room Charges检验费Laboratory ExamX光费X-Ray材料费Material治疗费Treatment手术费Operation麻醉费Anesthesia诊断费Diagnosis注射费Injection护理费Nursing Care特别护士费 Special Nurses助理医师费 Assistant Doctor 会诊费Consultation手术房费Operating Room救护车费Ambulance心电图E.K.G.脑波图E.E.G.输血Blood Transfusion血液分析费 Hemodialysis健康检查费 Physical Exam病理检查费 Pathology Exam复健费Rehabilitation Therapy 诊断证明Certificate代收费Item Collected for其他Miscellaneous● 针灸 ACUPUNCTURE针灸Acupuncture针灸师Acupuncturist针Needle穴道Vital point艾灸Moxibustion灸法Cauterizing薰法Fumigation推拿Chiropractor揉捏法Kneading火针术Ignipuncture毫针Fine Needle绽针Shih Needle耳针Ear Acupuncture Needle三棱针Triangular Needle皮肉针Staving Needle梅花针Plum-Flower NeedleAiden爸爸80后,美宝爸爸。

[Abstract] Glioblastoma is one of the most common primary malignant tumors in the central nervous system of adults. Angiogenesis is one of the most important hallmarks of glioblastoma,and vascular endothelial growth factor plays a key role in this process. Bevacizumab is a monoclonal antibody that can specifically prevent the combination of vascular endothelial growth factor and its receptor,thereby inhibiting the formation of tumor blood vessels and normalizing the tumor blood vessels to achieve anti-tumor effect. However,the effects of Bevacizumab in newly diagnosed and recurrent glioblastoma are not as satisfied as expected,furthermore,some cases occurred resistance. This paper reviews the research progress of the mechanism of angiogenesis,mechanism of Bevacizumab and its clinical trails and resistance mechanism in recent years,hoping to summarize the research achievements of anti-vascular therapy,and predict the next research direction.[Key words] Glioblastoma;Bevacizumab;Angiogenesis;Anti-angiogenesis;Vascular endothelial growth factor;Resistance膠质母细胞瘤是成人中枢神经系统最常见、最致命的原发性恶性肿瘤[1-2]。
组织学 肿瘤区域 英语

组织学肿瘤区域英语Histology of Tumor RegionsThe study of tissue structure and organization, known as histology, plays a crucial role in understanding the complexities of tumor development and progression. Tumors, which are abnormal growths of cells, exhibit distinct histological features that can provide valuable insights into their biological behavior and clinical implications. In this essay, we will explore the histological characteristics of different regions within a tumor, highlighting the significance of these observations in the field of oncology.At the core of a solid tumor, the central region often exhibits a hypoxic (low-oxygen) environment due to the rapid proliferation of cancer cells and the inadequate blood supply. This hypoxic core is typically characterized by the presence of necrotic (dead) cells, which have undergone programmed cell death or have been deprived of essential nutrients and oxygen. The necrotic areas within the tumor core can appear as irregular, amorphous masses with a loss of cellular architecture and cellular debris. Surrounding the necrotic core, there is often a region of actively proliferating cancer cells, which are rapidly dividing and expanding the tumor mass.Moving outward from the central region, the peripheral area of the tumor is typically more well-vascularized, with a relatively higher oxygen and nutrient supply. This region is characterized by the presence of actively dividing and migrating cancer cells, which exhibit a more organized and cohesive histological appearance. These peripheral cancer cells may display a variety of morphological features, such as increased nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratios, irregular nuclear shapes, and prominent nucleoli, which are indicators of their high metabolic activity and rapid cell division.Interestingly, the tumor periphery is not only characterized by the presence of cancer cells but also by the host's immune response to the malignant growth. In this region, one may observe the infiltration of various immune cells, such as lymphocytes, macrophages, and natural killer cells, which have been recruited to the site of the tumor in an attempt to mount an anti-tumor immune response. The presence and distribution of these immune cells within the tumor microenvironment can provide valuable information about the host's immune system and its interaction with the cancer cells.Furthermore, the histological analysis of the tumor-stromal interface, the region where the cancer cells interface with the surrounding normal tissue, can reveal important insights into the process of tumor invasion and metastasis. At this interface, one may observethe disruption of the normal tissue architecture, the degradation of the extracellular matrix, and the active migration of cancer cells into the surrounding healthy tissue. These histological features can help identify the level of tumor invasiveness and the potential for metastatic spread to distant sites.In addition to the examination of the tumor core, periphery, and stromal interface, the histological analysis of the tumor vasculature can also yield valuable information. Tumor blood vessels often exhibit structural and functional abnormalities, such as tortuous and dilated morphology, irregular branching patterns, and increased permeability, which can contribute to the heterogeneous distribution of oxygen and nutrients within the tumor. These vascular characteristics can have significant implications for the delivery of therapeutic agents and the overall response to cancer treatments.Histological analysis of tumor regions is not only crucial for diagnostic purposes but also plays a vital role in the development and evaluation of novel cancer therapies. By understanding the unique histological features of different tumor regions, researchers and clinicians can design more targeted and personalized treatment strategies. For example, the identification of hypoxic regions within a tumor may inform the use of hypoxia-activated prodrugs or the implementation of strategies to improve tumor oxygenation, while the understanding of the tumor-stromal interface can guide thedevelopment of therapies aimed at disrupting the tumor-host interactions and limiting metastatic spread.In conclusion, the histological examination of tumor regions provides a comprehensive understanding of the complex and dynamic nature of cancer. By analyzing the distinct features of the tumor core, periphery, stromal interface, and vasculature, researchers and clinicians can gain valuable insights into the biological behavior of tumors, the host's immune response, and the potential targets for personalized cancer treatment. This multifaceted approach to histological analysis is crucial for advancing our understanding of cancer and improving patient outcomes.。

关键词:肿瘤微环境;免疫细胞;预后;巨噬细胞;T细胞亚群Abstract:Tumor microenvironment, composed by various cells and molecules that interact with tumor cells, is a complex system in which immune cells play an important roleand directly or indirectly impact the growth, metastasis and prognosis of tumors. This paper analyzes the relationship between immune cells, tumor cells and different cytokines in the tumor microenvironment of tumor patients to study the impact of immune cells on the prognosis of patients. The results show that the abundance of M2 macrophages and Tregs in the tumor microenvironment is associated with poor prognosis, while the abundance of CD8+T cells, NK cells and inflammatory cells is associated with good prognosis. In addition, we found that the interaction between T cell subsets and cell factors expressed in the microenvironment is also related to the prognosis of tumor patients, such as PD-L1 expression is negatively associated with the prognosis of tumor patients. This paper provides a new perspective and theoretical support for tumor treatment and prognosis evaluation by exploring the role of immune cells in the tumor microenvironment and its correlation with the prognosis of tumors.Keywords: tumor microenvironment, immune cells, prognosis, macrophages, T cell subsets。

双肺下叶灌注不均ct影像诊断标准英文回答:The CT imaging findings of uneven perfusion in the lower lobes of both lungs can be indicative of various conditions. One possible diagnosis is pulmonary embolism, which occurs when a blood clot blocks one of the pulmonary arteries. This can lead to decreased blood flow to the affected lung segments, resulting in uneven perfusion on CT imaging. Other potential causes include pneumonia, atelectasis, or lung tumors.In the case of pulmonary embolism, the blood clot typically originates from deep vein thrombosis in the lower extremities. The clot then travels through the bloodstream and lodges in the pulmonary artery, obstructing blood flow. This can lead to symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, and coughing up blood. CT angiography is often performed to confirm the diagnosis, as it can visualize the clot within the pulmonary vasculature.Another condition that can cause uneven perfusion on CT imaging is pneumonia. In this case, the infection leads to inflammation and consolidation of lung tissue, which can affect the distribution of blood flow within the lungs. CT imaging may reveal areas of decreased perfusion corresponding to the affected lung segments. Symptoms of pneumonia include fever, cough, and sputum production.Atelectasis, or collapsed lung, can also result in uneven perfusion on CT imaging. This occurs when a portion of the lung becomes airless and collapses, leading to decreased blood flow to that area. Causes of atelectasis include airway obstruction, compression of lung tissue, or inadequate expansion of the lungs. CT imaging may show decreased perfusion in the collapsed lung segments.Lastly, lung tumors can also cause uneven perfusion on CT imaging. Tumors can obstruct blood vessels or cause compression of adjacent lung tissue, leading to altered blood flow. CT imaging can reveal areas of decreased perfusion corresponding to the tumor location. Symptoms oflung tumors vary depending on the type and stage of the tumor.中文回答:双肺下叶灌注不均的CT影像诊断标准可以提示多种疾病。

甲状腺癌包膜外侵犯标准英文回答:Thyroid cancer is a type of cancer that affects the thyroid gland, which is located in the front of the neck. When diagnosing and staging thyroid cancer, one important factor to consider is whether the cancer has invaded the surrounding tissues beyond the thyroid gland itself. This is known as extrathyroidal extension or capsule invasion.The standard criteria for determining whether there is extrathyroidal extension vary slightly depending on the specific type of thyroid cancer. However, in general, the presence of extrathyroidal extension is determined by the involvement of certain structures adjacent to the thyroid gland, such as the trachea, esophagus, or blood vessels.For example, in papillary thyroid cancer, the most common type of thyroid cancer, extrathyroidal extension is typically defined by the invasion of the tumor into thesurrounding tissues or structures. This can be seen on imaging studies, such as ultrasound or computed tomography (CT) scans, or confirmed during surgery when the tumor is removed.In my case, when I was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer, the doctors performed an ultrasound and found that the tumor had invaded the capsule surrounding the thyroid gland. This meant that the cancer had spread beyond the thyroid and had the potential to affect nearby structures. As a result, I needed to undergo a more extensive surgeryto remove not only the thyroid gland but also any affected tissues or structures.It is important to note that the presence of extrathyroidal extension is considered a poor prognostic factor for thyroid cancer. This means that it is associated with a higher risk of cancer recurrence and poorer outcomes. However, the extent of extrathyroidal extension can vary from minimal invasion to more extensive involvement of nearby structures. The specific extent of extrathyroidal extension is taken into account when determining the stageof the cancer and planning the appropriate treatment.In conclusion, the standard criteria for determining extrathyroidal extension in thyroid cancer involve the invasion of the tumor into surrounding tissues or structures. This can be assessed through imaging studies or confirmed during surgery. The presence of extrathyroidal extension is associated with a higher risk of cancer recurrence and poorer outcomes. Each individual case may vary in terms of the extent of extrathyroidal extension and the required treatment.中文回答:甲状腺癌是一种影响甲状腺的癌症,位于颈部前方。

盆腔及会阴区侵袭性血管黏液瘤的MRI特征及病理学基础孙孟言1,王曼頔1,王悦1,吴焕文2,陆菁菁1*,钟定荣21.中国医学科学院北京协和医院放射科,北京 100730;2.中国医学科学院北京协和医院病理科,北京 100730; *通讯作者陆菁菁 **********************.com【摘要】目的总结发生于盆腔及会阴区侵袭性血管黏液瘤(AAM)的临床特征、MRI表现及病理特点。
结果MRI表现:7例均为单发,最大径为5.9~15.7 cm;6例形态不规则,无包膜,与邻近组织或器官分界不清;1例呈长柱形,边界清楚,可见假包膜。
【关键词】黏液瘤;盆腔肿瘤;会阴;磁共振成像;病理学,外科;女(雌)性【中图分类号】R445.2;R730.262 【DOI】10.3969/j.issn.1005-5185.2018.04.013MRI Features and Pathological Basis of Aggressive Angiomyxoma in Pelvic and Perineal AreasSUN Mengyan1, WANG Mandi1, WANG Yue1, WU Huanwen2, LU Jingjing1*, ZHONG Dingrong2Department of Radiology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Beijing 100730, China; *Address Correspondence to: LU Jingjing E-mail:**********************.com【Abstract】Purpose To summarize the clinical features, MRI features and pathological features of aggressive angiomyxoma (AAM) occurring in pelvic and perineal areas. Materials and Methods The clinical, MR and pathological data of 7 patients with AAM pathologically confirmed were retrospectively analyzed. Results Seven cases of AAM were all females, aged from 12 to 45 years old. Among them, 5 cases were treated due to perineal area tumors, and 2 cases due to relapses after surgical treatment of perineal area AAM in other hospitals. MRI findings: 7 cases were single occurrence with the maximum diameter of 5.9-15.7 cm; 6 cases were in irregular shape, with no envelope and unclear borders with adjacent tissues or organs; 1 case was in long column shape with clear boundary and pseudocapsule visible. On T1WI, AAM showed equal signal (4/7) or equal, low mixed signal (3/7). On T2WI, AAM showed high and low mixed signals with 5 cases of "vortex sign". 5 cases underwent routine enhancement examinations, all demonstrating significant enhancement, 4 cases of which displayed heterogeneous enhancement ("vortex sign" was detected in 2 cases) and 1 case homogeneous enhancement. On diffusion weighted imaging, AAM manifested as homogeneous (3/7) or heterogeneous (4/7) high signal. Pathological examination showed that a large amount of mucin-like matrix was contained in AAM, and there were scattered fusiform and astral tumor cells and abundant arterial and venous blood vessels seen locally. Tumor cells infiltrated the peripheral fat or muscle tissues at the border. Conclusion The characteristic MRI of AAM is manifested as “vortex sign”, which corresponds to its pathological features such as sparse tumor cells, mucin-like matrix in large amount, and locally rich blood vessels, suggesting great significance for imaging diagnosis.【Key words】Myxoma; Pelvic neoplasms; Perineum; Magnetic resonance imaging; Pathology, surgical; FemaleChinese Journal of Medical Imaging, 2018, 26 (4): 290-293侵袭性血管黏液瘤(aggressive angiomyxoma,AAM)是一种罕见的间叶组织肿瘤,好发于育龄期女性,多位于盆腔及会阴区,由Steeper等[1]于1983年首次作为一个独立的疾病提出。

肿瘤与力学微环境的交互作用2.华北理工大学建筑工程学院河北唐山 063210摘要:肿瘤的微环境不同于正常组织的微环境,表现在血管和淋巴管的异常结构和功能、异常的代谢微环境、间质高压以及致密的间隙基质。
1. 肿瘤区域力学微环境概述实体肿瘤是由普通宿主细胞与肿瘤细胞构成的,在细胞周围存在细胞间质。
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其它免疫组化结果:Melanoma(Pan)(+) 、vimentin( + /-) 、
Des局灶阳性、 S-100 蛋白( - / + ) 、CD1a ( - / + ) ;CK、 AE1/AE3、 EMA、 Myosin、KP21、PG-M1 、lysozyme、 CD34 、CD31 、CgA、Syn、CD117、AAT均(+)。
hemangiopericytoma 血管外皮瘤
glomus tumor 血管球瘤 Myopericytoma 肌周细胞瘤 myofibroma/myofibromatosis type “so-called” infantile hemangiopericytoma vascular leiomyoma glomangiopericytoma type Myopericytoma
16q23; 17p11.2-p13; 19p11-p13.3; 19p11-p13.4; 20q11.2-q13.2; 22q11.1-q13
4q24-q26; 5p15.1-p15.3; 5q14-31
16p11-p13.1; 17q11-q12; 18p11.2p11.3; 19; 20q11.1-q13.2 1p36.3; 16p11.1-p13.3; 17p11.1-p12; 17q11.1-q21; 17q25; 18p11.2p11.3; 19
1p36.1-p36.3; 16p11-p13.1
1p36.1-p36.3; 16p11.2-p13.1; 17p12p11.3; 18p11.2-p11.3; 19 Nil
3p12-p13; q13.1-q13.3; 4p13-p15.1; 5p14-p15.2; 5q13-15; 7p21; 7q31-q32; 8q13-q23; 11q14-p21; 12q13-q21; 14q12-q24.2; 18p11.2-p11.3; Xp11.2-p22.1; Xq13-28
1p22; 2q23; 2q31-q34; 3p11-p13; 3q11.1-q27; 4p11-p15.3; 4q11-q28; 5q11.2-q12; 5q14-q31; 6q13-q14; 16q22; 7q11.2-q22; 7q31-q32; 8q12-q21.3; 8q22-q23; 10q21-q22; 11p13-p14; 12q13-q21; 13q21-q31; 14q13-q21
具有血管周上皮样细 胞分化的肿瘤
Neoplasms with perivascular epithelioid cell
differentiation (PEComas)
肿瘤大小(>8cm) 核分裂(>1/50HPF) 坏死 浸润性生长 细胞密度高 核异型性明显
一、 PEComas与传统意义的血管 周细胞肿瘤(Pericytoma)
(clear cell myomelanocytic tumours of the falciform ligament/ligamentum teres,CCMMT) PEComa NOS (PEComa not otherwise specified )
1. PEComas 的认识过程 1880 年文献中就有了肾脏 “瘤样畸形”的报道。 1904 年文献认为是一种错构瘤。 1951 年采用血管平滑肌脂肪瘤(angiomyolipoma) 的 名称。 1974 发现AML与LAM相关性。
The common losses were found on chromosome 19 (8 cases), 16p (6 cases), 17p (6 cases), 1p (5 cases), and 18p (4 cases). Common chromosomal gains were found on X (6 cases), 12q (6 cases), 3q (5 cases), 5 (4 cases), and 2q (4 cases). The losses on 16p involved the TSC2 locus (16p13) in all cases. In the TSC case, the conventional AML (6A) showed much fewer imbalances than the epithelioid AML (6B). This case did not reveal detectible gross imbalance on chromosome 16.
Chromosomal losses 1p36.1-p36.3; 16p11-p13.1; 17p13; 17p19 19q13.1
1p31; 2q22-q24; 5q21-q23; 6q15q-22; 7q31; 8q22-q23; 12q14-q22;
13q21q-31; 20p12; Xp21-p22.1; Xq21-26
恶性黑色素瘤 透明细胞肿瘤 上皮样平滑肌肉瘤 胃肠道间质瘤 子宫内膜间质肿瘤
1. 一般资料
多发生于女性,男:女约为1:5。根据 有无结节性硬化症分为两类,第Ⅰ类为合 并结节性硬化症者,约占所有病例的20 %~40 % 。 常单侧单发,伴有腰腹部肿块、疼痛和 泌尿系统症状。部分病例可无明显的临床 表现。
3. PEComas
多发于中年人,平均年龄37岁。明显的 女性多发, 90%的PEComas见于女性,男 性仅占10%。 多表现为无痛性肿块。 最多见于肾脏,其次为肝脏。前列腺、 空肠、乳腺、胰腺、直肠、阴道、子宫、 宫颈、心隔膜、肺等器官均有报道。 与TSC关系密切。
4. PEComas 的病理学一般特点
结节性硬化 (tuberous sclerosis) 又称Bournerille 病,常染色体显性遗传病。 为可累及大脑、肾、皮肤、心、眼、肺、肝、脾、 肠道、骨骼等多器官的综合征。 68 %的病例是由于新的基因突变引起,因此临 床上有家 族史者不到1/ 3,2/ 3 为散发病例,其中75 %是 由于TSC2 基因突变所致。 AML与LAM 合并结节性硬化较为常见, PEComa NOS 合并结节性硬化相对较少,约6%。
巨检: 常为单发结节,从数厘米到 20cm。一般无包膜,切面为黄色 或灰黄色,常有灶性出血。也可 为多中心性,肾脏、腹膜、淋巴 结同时受累。
由不同比例的畸形血管、脂肪、平滑肌样 细胞构成,而肌样细胞又分为上皮样、中间型 及梭形。 中间细胞呈椭圆形或短梭形,细胞质淡染, 排列成束状。 梭形细胞胞质淡染,呈长梭形。肌样细胞 均有不同程度多形性。易误诊为肉瘤。 上皮样细胞呈大而圆形或多边形,细胞核 位于中央,细胞质呈空泡状或透明,也可见嗜 酸性颗粒。易误诊为肾癌。
2. PEComas 的定义
In the WHO soft tissue volume: PEComas are defined as "mesenchymal tumors composed of histologically and immunohistochemically distinctive perivascular epithelioid cells"
肿瘤内有出血及微囊形成,坏死 少见。
5. PEComas 的免疫组化及组织化学
据一组37例随访资料: 25例(68%)为完全良性进程,随访6周-22年。 12例发生复发或转移 (32%),其中4例死于本 病。称之为“non-benign cases”。
细胞异型性 出血坏死 高细胞增殖活性 肿瘤的浸润性 富于细胞 肿瘤大小
8. PEComas 的伴发疾病
6. PEComas 的超微结构
瘤细胞内有成束的微丝、糖原、发育好的 粗面内质网、大量线粒体、不连续的基膜。 类似于心肌与骨骼肌Z线的致密体。 类似黑色素小体的结构及致密颗粒。这些 发现,支持瘤细胞含有黑色素小体前身物并 能合成黑色素。
7. PEComas 的良恶性鉴别
Members of the PEComa family that were recognized include AML, CCST, lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM), clear cell myomelanocytic tumor (CCMMT) of the falciform ligament/ ligamentum teres and a heterogeneous group of other "unusual clear cell tumors" at various anatomic sites
NO 1
Chromosomal gains 2q21; 2q23; 2q32; 3p12-p13; 3q13.3-q21; 3q23-q26.1; 5q21-q23; 6q14-p21; 12q21; 13q21-q31; Xq12-q23; Xq27 3p12; 10p15; 12p11.2-p12; 12q21