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OMG 美语


1) still hurting 心痛

As you all know ,my BF broke up with me last week.

I 'm not over it yet . I 'm still huring. 我还没有走出这段感情,我的心还是有点痛。

2) the one 命中注定的那个人

I thought he was the one. 我以为他是我命中注定的那个人。

3) funk 忧郁, 绝望的

4) rebound 分手后随便找个人约会,用来疗伤,忘记以前恋情

My friends say I need to get out of this funk and find a rebound date. 我的朋友告诉我打起精神来,随便先找个人约会。

5) pick up 找个新帅歌/ 美女

6) not my style 不是我的风格

My friends tell me to find a new guy ,but that 'snot my style.

7) ask someone out 邀请某人出去

A guy I met on the metro asked me out for coffee. 我在地铁站认识的男孩请我去喝咖啡。

8) too soon 太早

9) date 约会

I 'm not going to go.It 's too soon. I don 't think I 'm ready to date. 我不想去,这太快了,我还没有准备好再开始约会。


1) Get in shape 健身,恢复体型

2) Getting a little soft 变得有点胖

I have to get in shape,I 'm getting a litte soft.. 我必须恢复体形,我变得有点胖了。

3) Cardio 锻炼心肺功能的运动

4) Tone up 加强锻炼

I do lots of cardio like running to tone up. 为了加强锻炼,我做很多心肺功能的运动,比如跑步。

5) Lift weights 举重

6) Work out 锻炼

I lift weights when I work out. 我锻炼身体时喜欢举重。

7) Yoga 瑜珈

People who do yoga are really fit.. 做瑜伽的人都很健康。

8) Jiggly 胖胖的

My arms get jiggly. 我的手臂有点粗了。

9) Muffin top 腰部赘肉

10) Badonkadonk 大屁股

She stopped working out and she got a little jiggly. I hear she has a muffin top and a big bado nkad onk.她停止锻炼之后变得有点胖,而且我还听说她现在有很多赘肉,屁股也大了。

11) sit-ups 仰卧起坐

12) push-ups 俯卧撑

13) squats 蹲坐

I do lots of sit-ups,push-ups,squats.So I don 'get a big bad on kado nk.我不要大屁股啦。【Fashion Week 衣服/穿得迷死人:Dressed to kill 】

1) decked out /dressed to kill 盛装打扮

Melissa came to the party dressed to kill/all decked out. Melissa 盛装打扮来参加派对。

2) burn a hole in one 's pocket 花钱如流水,存不住钱,有钱就花

Having a cat is expensive .I have to buy so many toys and treats for him. It 's burning a hole in my pocket. 养猫很贵的,要给它买很多玩具和吃的,我的钱肯定会被花光的。

3) fly by the seat of your pants 凭感觉,碰运气,自由发挥

We had never seen a situation like this ,so we were flying by the seat of our pants. 我们谁也没有遇到过这种情况,所以只有凭感觉了。

4) hand-me-down 用旧的东西全给其他人用

The shirt is a hand-me-down from my older sister. 这件衬衫是我姐姐不要了给我的。

【你最喜欢哪部电影?What's your favorite movie? 】

1) What's your favorite type/kind of movie? 你最喜欢哪种电影?

My favorite movies are adventure movies/comedies. 我最喜欢冒险片/喜剧片。

2) The movie takes place in.. 这个电影的故事发生在..

3) The movie is set in.. 这部电影以(什么时间)为背景

The movie is set in pre-war London. 这部电影以战前的伦敦为背景。

4) starring 由谁主演

‘Salt'starring Angelina Jolie. ‘Salt '特工少特这个电影由Angelina Jolie 主演。

5) what 's that movie about ? 这部电影讲的是什么?

6) box office 票房

That movie topped the box office last weekend. 这个电影票房上周高居榜首。

【sick 生病】

1) sick 生病

I feel sick. 我感觉不舒服。

2) sick as a dog 病得厉害。

Andrew is sick as a dog. I 'm going to make him some soup.

Andrew 病得厉害,我去给他煮点汤。

2) call in sick 打电话请病假

I don't feel good ,I 'm going to call in sick and take the day off. 我感觉不舒服了,待会去打电话请病假,今天在家休息了。

3) sick in bed 卧病在床

Bob is sick in bed with the flu. Bob 得了流感,现在卧病在床。

4) worried sick 担心得要命

Thaks heavens you're alright. I was worried sick! 谢天谢地你没有事,我担心得要命。


1) taste 尝尝

Taste this!It's really good !尝尝这个,非常好吃!

2) nibble 一点点咬,小口吃

nibble on 吃一点

nibble on a chip

I wasn 't hungry at lunch. So I just nibbled on my sandwich. 我午饭时不是很饿,所以我只吃一点三文治。
