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*new years resolution 新年的决心

The New Year is coming! It’s time to make a list of new years resolutions!

I think the most popular New Years resolution is always lose weight!

I think people make New Years resolutions to improve themselves and to even learn something new.

*acronyms 缩写

FYI=For Your Information 让你知道一下

Just an FYI, I’ll be out of town next week. 让你知道一下,我下周不在

Uh..hey..FYI…You have something on your face!

FYI, the party starts at 8 tonight!

TMI=Too Much Information 你说太多了

I am stinky! Time for a shower! 我有点臭!该洗个澡了!

白洁!TMI!! Just go take a shower!

This food got moldy.. Ew..look! smell it! 这个食物发霉了。你看,闻一下!!Just throw it away! 快把它扔掉吧!BRB=Be Right Back 马上回来!

I gotta go to the store! BRB! 我去超市下,马上回来!

BRB! I’m gunna go pick up some pizza for dinner! 一会回来!我现在去拿一些比萨作晚饭

Ok, I’ll go make some coffee for the meeting. BRB!

LOL=Laugh Out Loud 大声笑

LOL! That guy looks so funny!哈哈!这个家伙看起来很好笑!

LOL! That puppy is so cute! 哈哈,这只小狗这么可爱!

You look so funny in those glasses! LOL! 你戴这个眼镜看起来很好笑!哈哈!

*spring festival 春节

Chinese New Year 中国春节

Spring Festival Travel春运

Over 2 million people are expected to take the train over this year’s Spring Festival. That’s the biggest movement of humanity in the world! 今年春节,大约2亿多人将坐火车回家过年!是世界上最大规模的周期性短期人口迁移!

Red envelope! 红包

The red color of 红包symbolizes good luck. How much money is usually in a red envelope?


I hope you strike it rich! Come get your red envelope! 恭喜发财,红包拿来!

I wish you good fortune and wish you all the best in the New Year! 恭喜发财,万事如意!

Set off fireworks 放烟火

I had so much fun celebrating Spring Festival in Beijing in 2007. The best part was setting off fireworks with my classmates!

Eat dumplings! 吃饺子

Legend has it that the more dumplings you eat during Spring Festival the more money you’ll make in the New Year. because dumplings look like little baby gold bags! 传说饺子像元宝,多吃新年将会多赚钱!

I’d like to wish all OMG!美语fans a peaceful home, a happy New Year, a merry life, and a peaceful world. Happy New Year! 白洁想祝所有OMG粉丝一家和和睦睦,一年开开心心,一生快快乐乐,一世平平安安。新年快乐!

*love is blind 爱情使人盲目

Why does Melissa even like that guy? He’s so mean! And he’s not even that cute.


I guess love is blind!

Love to death 很喜欢

Anne is such a sweet person! Everybody in the office loves her to death! Anne很善良,全办公室的人都很喜欢她!Love handles 腰部的赘肉

I ate too many chocolates on Valentine’s Day! I think I have love handles now!

Puppy love 早年初恋

My cousin is 12 years old and she says she has a crush on her classmate! Puppy love is so cute!


*sky-high 高得上天

These prices are sky-high. Let’s go somewhere else to buy shoes.

OMG! The temperature is sky-high! It’s so hot today! 现在的温度很高,今天太热啦!

Sky’s the limit 毫无限制,没有上限

You can do anything you put your mind to! The sky’s the limit! 有志竟成,完全没有上限!

Reach for the sky 达成的天空,立志做某事

Reach for the sky! Because if you miss. You’ll still be among the stars!


*go on vacation 去旅行,放假

I’m going on vacation tomorrow! I’m so excited! 我明天要放假了,我很兴奋!

更口语的说法是:go on a vacay. vacay=vacation(旅行,放假)

I’m going on vacay! I’m so stoked! 我明天要放假了,我很兴奋!

Oh, I’m going on vacay, won’t you go with me?

Beach bum 经常泡在沙滩上的人

I’m g unna be such a beach bum on vacation! I’m gunna spend all my time laying on the beach!


Get my tan on 日光浴

It’s going to feel so good to spend some time in the sun, relax on the beach and get my tan on!


*can’t stand 受不了

I can’t stand Kyle! He never stops talking!

I can’t stand Keha! Her music is so annoying!

Not a fan 不喜欢,不是某事的粉丝

I am not a fan of these shoes! They really hurt my feet!

I am not a fan of scary movies, scary movies give me nightmares! 我不喜欢恐怖片,我会做恶梦。

I hate 不喜欢,讨厌

I hate doing homework! I just wanna chill and watch a movie. 我讨厌做功课!我只想休息一下,看电影!

Not on board 不喜欢

Do you like watching Glee? / I am not on board with Glee, it’s so cheesy! 我不喜欢看Glee!太俗气了!

I think we should get a cat! What do you think? / I am not on board with cats! They’ll scratch and bite you! 它们会抓咬你。
