维萨拉工业测量产品手册湿度 | 温度 | 露点 | 二氧化碳 | 沼气 | 油中水分 | 连续监测系统 |溶解气体分析系统 | 过氧化氢 | 压力 | 气象 | 服务支持观测让世界更美好维萨拉的工业测量业务领域产品能够帮助客户了解工艺过程。
如需更多信息,请通过以下方式联系我们:销售热线:400 810 0126电子邮箱:**********************公司网址:扫描二维码,关注维萨拉企业微信3目 录Indigo系列变送器Indigo200系列数据处理单元 (7)Indigo300数据处理单元 (9)Indigo510数据处理单元 (12)Indigo520数据处理单元 (15)用于抽检和校准的手持设备Indigo80手持式显示表头 (18)HMP80系列手持式湿度和温度探头 (21)DMP80系列手持式露点和温度探头 (23)HM70手持式湿度和温度仪 (26)HUMICAP® 手持式湿度温度仪表HM40系列 (29)DM70手持式露点仪 (33)MM70适用于现场检测的手持式油中微量水分和温度测试仪 (36)湿度和温度用于测量相对湿度的维萨拉HUMICAP® 传感器 (38)如何为高湿度应用选择合适的湿度仪表 (40)Insight PC机软件 (44)HMP1墙面式温湿度探头 (46)HMP3一般用途湿度和温度探头 (48)HMP4相对湿度和温度探头 (51)HMP5相对湿度和温度探头 (54)HMP7相对湿度和温度探头 (57)HMP8相对湿度和温度探头 (60)HMP9紧凑型湿度和温度探头 (63)TMP1温度探头 (66)适用于苛刻环境中湿度测量的HMT330系列温湿度变送器 (68)HMT370EX系列本安型温湿度变送器 (78)HMT310温湿度变送器 (84)HUMICAP® 温湿度变送器HMT120和HMT130 (87)适用于高性能暖通空调应用的HMW90系列湿度与温度变送器 (90)HMD60系列湿度和温度变送器 (92)HMD110/112和HMW110/112湿度和温度变送器 (96)适用于楼宇自动化高精度室外测量的HMS110系列温湿度变送器 (99)HMDW80系列温湿度变送器 (101)适用于楼宇自动化应用室外测量的HMS80系列温湿度变送器 (105)HMM100湿度模块 (107)适用于OEM应用的HMM105数字湿度模块 (109)HMM170温湿度模块 (111)INTERCAP® 温湿度探头HMP60 (113)4INTERCAP® 温湿度探头HMP63 (115)HUMICAP® 温湿度探头HMP110 (117)HUMICAP® 温湿度探头HMP113 (120)SHM40结构湿度测量套件 (122)HMK15湿度校准仪 (125)DTR500太阳辐射和雨水防护罩 (127)HMT330MIK气象安装套件 (129)适用于动力汽轮机进气测量的HMT300TMK汽轮机安装组件 (131)露点Vaisala DRYCAP® 传感器用于测量干燥过程中的湿度 (133)DMP5露点和温度探头 (135)DMP6露点探头 (138)DMP7露点和温度探头 (140)DMP8露点和温度探头 (142)DMT340系列露点和温度变送器 (145)适用于高温应用的DMT345和DMT346露点变送器 (151)DMT152露点变送器 (155)DMT143露点变送器 (157)DMT143L露点变送器 (160)用于冷冻干燥机的DMT132露点变送器 (162)DM70用DSS70A便携式采样系统和采样室 (164)DPT146露点和气压变送器 (166)DPT145多参数变送器 (168)二氧化碳适用于苛刻环境的维萨拉CARBOCAP® 测量传感器 (171)GMP343二氧化碳探头 (173)适用于CO2恒温箱的GMP231二氧化碳探头 (176)GMP251二氧化碳探头 (178)GMP252二氧化碳探头 (181)GM70手持式二氧化碳测试仪 (184)适用于苛刻通风要求应用的GMW90系列二氧化碳及温湿度变送器 (187)适用于智能控制通风系统 (DCV) 的GMW80系列二氧化碳、湿度和温度一体变送器 (190)按需控制通风系统中的GMD20系列二氧化碳变送器 (193)GMD110管道安装式二氧化碳变送器 (195)沼气MGP261多气体探头 (197)MGP262多气体探头 (199)油中水用于测量油中微水的维萨拉HUMICAP® 传感器 (201)MMP8油中水分探头 (203)MMT330系列油中微量水分与温度变送器 (205)5MMT310系列油中微量水分与温度变送器 (209)MMT162油中微量水分和温度变送器 (211)连续监测系统维萨拉viewLinc企业版服务器版本5.1 (213)AP10 VaiNet无线接入点 (215)用于连续监测系统的RFL100无线数据记录仪 (218)HMP115温湿度探头 (223)TMP115宽范围温度探头 (225)维萨拉温度与相对湿度数据记录仪系列DL2000 (227)维萨拉通用输入数据记录仪系列DL4000 (229)维萨拉多应用温度数据记录仪DL1016/1416 (231)维萨拉热电偶数据记录仪系列DL1700 (233)维萨拉中端温度、湿度及触点通道数据记录仪 (235)维萨拉vNet以太网供电数据记录仪接口 (238)溶解气体分析OPT100 Optimus™ 溶解气体分析(DGA)监测系统 (240)MHT410变压器油中微量水分、氢气和温度分析仪 (244)过氧化氢用于测量汽化过氧化氢、相对饱和度和相对湿度的维萨拉PEROXCAP® 传感器 (246)用于过氧化氢、湿度和温度测量的HPP270系列探头 (249)压力用于测量压力的维萨拉BAROCAP® 传感器 (253)PTU300气压、湿度和温度一体变送器 (255)适用于专业气象、航空与工业用户的PTB330数字式气压计 (260)气压传递标准PTB330TS (262)PTB210数字气压计 (265)PTB110气压计 (267)将风引起误差降低的SPH10/20静压头 (269)气象Vaisala用于工业应用测量的风和气象传感器技术 (271)风测量装置WA15 (273)WINDCAP® 超声波风传感器WMT700系列 (276)气象变送器WXT530系列 (278)服务支持面向仪表全生命周期服务 (280)67功能•数据处理单元 USB-C 端口支持使用通用 USB 电缆连接到维萨拉Insight PC 软件•数字和图形彩色显示屏(针对模拟型号提供可选的不带显示屏的款式)•IP65 外壳•24 V AC/DC 电源输入•Indigo201:3 个模拟输出(mA 或 V)•Indigo202:RS-485,带有Modbus ® RTU•2 个可配置的继电器维萨拉 Indigo200 系列数据处理单元是一种主机设备,它显示来自维萨拉 Indigo 兼容探头的测量值,同时也可通过模拟信号、Modbus RTU 通信或继电器将这些测量值传输到自动化系统。
上海 上海市松 智能温控仪表,PID调节器, 江区 明中路 手操器,流量,巡检仪
徐汇区上海市 漕宝路103号 2310室
微电脑温度控制器,计时 器,计数器,转速,SCR功 率调节器,SSR及,电流监 控器,温度传感
上海市奉贤县 江海树浜村
温度自动调节器,电箱开关 箱,仪表,冷作钣金,金属 切削
中国 上海 上 海市闵行区 上 海闵行区光华 路18号莎海商 务大厦3楼
接触器,断路器,变频器, 交流器,可控硅,调功器, 控制仪,调节器,可编程控 制器,温度控制仪
上海柏吉电气自动 化设备有限公司
上海泓晋自动化仪 表有限公司
万兴鸿电子(深 圳)有限公司
上海肯创仪表有限 公司
中国 上海 上 仪器,仪表,罗斯蒙特1151
海市 浦东新区 压力,压差变送器,罗斯蒙
中国 上海市黄 浦区 北京东路 668号G570
温度控制调节器,航空接 头,电动工具,气动工具, 电热管,电烙铁,焊锡条, 云母
上海德利克工控仪 表有限公司
台湾泛达仪控有限 公司上海分公司
上海都窗机电设备 有限公司
上海赫明电气有限 公司
中山市东凤镇柏林 顿电子电器厂上海 上海 办
上海丹旭机电有限 公司
赛米控丹佛斯 SEMITRANS 全碳化硅功率模块 SKM260MB170SCH17 数据表
© by SEMIKRONRev. 1.0–04.11.20201SEMITRANS ®3SiC MOSFET ModuleSKM260MB170SCH17Features*•Full Silicon Carbide (SiC) power module•High reliability 2nd Generation SiC MOSFETs•Optimized for fast switching and lowest power losses•External SiC Schottky Barrier Diode embedded•Insulated copper baseplate using DBC technology (Direct Bonded Copper)•Improved thermal performances with Aluminum Nitride (AlN) substrate •UL recognized, file no. E63532Typical Applications•High frequency power supplies •AC inverters •Traction APU •EV Chargers•Industrial Test SystemsRemarks•Case temperature limited to T C = 125°C max.•Recommended T jop = -40 ... +150°C •Gate-Source SURGE VOLTAGE(t surge <300ns), V GS_surge = -10V ... +26VAbsolute Maximum Ratings SymbolConditions Values UnitMOSFET V DSS T j =25°C 1700VI D T j =175°CT c =25°C 378 A T c =80°C301 A I DMPW ≤ 10µs, Duty cycle ≤ 1%980A I DM,repetitive790A V GS -6...22V T j-40 (175)°CAbsolute Maximum Ratings SymbolConditionsValuesUnitInverse diodeV RRM T j =25°C 1700V I F T j =175°CT c =25°C 552A T c =80°C428A I Fnom 300A I FRM 900A I FSM t p =10ms, sin 180°, T j =150°C, including body diode2030A T j-40 (175)°CAbsolute Maximum Ratings SymbolConditions Values UnitModule I t(RMS)500A T stg module without TIM -40...125°C V isolAC sinus 50 Hz, t =1min4000V2Rev. 1.0–04.11.2020© by SEMIKRONSEMITRANS ®3SiC MOSFET ModuleSKM260MB170SCH17Features*•Full Silicon Carbide (SiC) power module•High reliability 2nd Generation SiC MOSFETs•Optimized for fast switching and lowest power losses•External SiC Schottky Barrier Diode embedded•Insulated copper baseplate using DBC technology (Direct Bonded Copper)•Improved thermal performances with Aluminum Nitride (AlN) substrate •UL recognized, file no. E63532Typical Applications•High frequency power supplies •AC inverters •Traction APU •EV Chargers•Industrial Test SystemsRemarks•Case temperature limited to T C = 125°C max.•Recommended T jop = -40 ... +150°C •Gate-Source SURGE VOLTAGE(t surge <300ns), V GS_surge = -10V ... +26VMOSFET V (BR)DSS V GS =0V,I D =1mA, T j =25°C 1700V V GS(th)V DS =V GS , I D =57.75mA1.62.84V I DSS V GS =0V,V DS =1700V, T j =25°C 1.8mA I GSS V GS =22V,V DS =0V 700nA R DS(on)V GS =18V I D =161AchiplevelT j =25°C 8.110m ΩT j =150°C 14m ΩC iss V GS =0V V DS =800Vf =1MHzT j =25°C 27nF C oss T j =25°C 0.88nF C rss T j =25°C0.105nF R Gint T j =25°C2.1ΩQ G V DD =1000V, V GS =-5 ... 20V, I D =300A 1470nC t d(on)V DD =900V I D =300A V GS =-5 / +20VR Gon =0.7ΩR Goff =0.7Ωdi/dt on =12kA/µs di/dt off =9.5kA/µsdv/dt off =22kV/µs T j =150°C 64ns t r T j =150°C 60ns t d(off)T j =150°C162ns t f T j =150°C 32ns E on T j =150°C 7.59mJ E off T j =150°C6.21mJ R th(j-c)per MOSFET0.065K/W R th(c-s)per MOSFET (λgrease =0.81 W/(m*K))0.03K/WCharacteristics SymbolConditionsmin.typ.max.UnitInverse diodeV F = V SD I F =300A chiplevel T j =25°C 1.65 1.95V T j =150°C 2.51 2.86V V F0chiplevel T j =25°C 1.00 1.10V T j =150°C 0.860.96V r F chiplevelT j =25°C2.2 2.8m ΩT j =150°C5.56.3m ΩC j parallel to C oss , f =1MHz, V R =1700V, T j =25°C1.026nF Q c V R =800V, di/dt off =500A/µs, T j =25°C 0.95µCR th(j-c)per diode0.056K/W R th(c-s)per diode (λgrease =0.81 W/(m*K))0.027K/W© by SEMIKRONRev. 1.0–04.11.20203SEMITRANS ®3SiC MOSFET ModuleSKM260MB170SCH17Features*•Full Silicon Carbide (SiC) power module•High reliability 2nd Generation SiC MOSFETs•Optimized for fast switching and lowest power losses•External SiC Schottky Barrier Diode embedded•Insulated copper baseplate using DBC technology (Direct Bonded Copper)•Improved thermal performances with Aluminum Nitride (AlN) substrate •UL recognized, file no. E63532Typical Applications•High frequency power supplies •AC inverters •Traction APU •EV Chargers•Industrial Test SystemsRemarks•Case temperature limited to T C = 125°C max.•Recommended T jop = -40 ... +150°C •Gate-Source SURGE VOLTAGE(t surge <300ns), V GS_surge = -10V ... +26VModule L DS 15nH R DD'+SS'measured per switchT C =25°C0.55m ΩT C =125°C0.85m ΩR th(c-s)1calculated without thermal coupling (λgrease =0.81 W/(m*K))0.008K/W R th(c-s)2including thermal coupling, T s underneath module (λgrease =0.81 W/(m*K))0.013K/W M s to heat sink M635Nm M tto terminals M62.55Nm Nmw325g4Rev. 1.0–04.11.2020© by SEMIKRON© by SEMIKRON Rev. 1.0–04.11.202056Rev. 1.0–04.11.2020© by SEMIKRON© by SEMIKRON Rev. 1.0–04.11.20207This is an electrostatic discharge sensitive device (ESDS) due to international standard IEC 61340.*IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND WARNINGSThe specifications of SEMIKRON products may not be considered as guarantee or assurance of product characteristics ("Beschaffenheitsgarantie"). The specifications of SEMIKRON products describe only the usual characteristics of products to be expected in typical applications, which may still vary depending on the specific application. Therefore, products must be tested for the respective application in advance. Application adjustments may be necessary. The user of SEMIKRON products is responsible for the safety of their applications embedding SEMIKRON products and must take adequate safety measures to prevent the applications from causing a physical injury, fire or other problem if any of SEMIKRON products become faulty. The user is responsible to make sure that the application design is compliant with all applicable laws, regulations, norms and standards. Except as otherwise explicitly approved by SEMIKRON in a written document signed by authorized representatives of SEMIKRON, SEMIKRON products may not be used in any applications where a failure of the product or any consequences of the use thereof can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed with respect to the accuracy, completeness and/or use of any information herein, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. SEMIKRON does not assume any liability arising out of the applications or use of any product; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights, nor the rights of others. SEMIKRON makes no representation or warranty of non-infringement or alleged non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party which may arise from applications. Due to technical requirements our products may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact the nearest SEMIKRON sales office. This document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied and may be superseded by updates. SEMIKRON reserves the right to make changes.8。
主要的稳压方式有两种:(1)线性稳压 - 由工作在线性状态的三极管构成可变电阻对负载进行恒流控制,得到稳定的电压输出。
(2)开关稳压 - 由工作在开关模式的三极管和储能的电感以及平滑纹波的电容构成,以PWM或PFM的方式得到稳定的输出电压。
78xx得到的是对地正电压,79xx得到的是对地负电压,除此之外跟78xx一样;3.LM317/LM117上面的78xx和79xx的器件输出电压是固定的,不可调整,LM317则是输出电压可以调节的线性稳压器,也有不同的封装支持不同的电流输出,最大输出电路可以高达 1.5A;也要求2.5v以上的压差才能正常稳压工作,也具备78xx一样的优点和缺点;4. 1117系列非常经典的LDO线性稳压器,相比于78xx和LM317系列的器件,它要求的输入电压和输出电压的差值为1.2V,因此可以广泛用在电池供电的便携式系统里面,比如通过4节1.25V 的电池(满电量的时候达到5V),电量不足到4.5V电压的时候依然能够通过1117-3.3得到3.3V的稳压输出供板子上的3.3V电路工作。
模块支持带电插拔,更换模块时无需中断系统运行,新模块将会自动进行数据的初始化设置,并快速与CPU建立通信 模块智能化程度高,可实现强大的自诊断功能(诊断至通道),简化了用户的故障判断 编程软件符合IEC61131-3国际标准,具有LD、IL、FBD、ST、SFC和CFC六种编程语言 灵活的SD存储卡,可进行工程恢复及备份复制,使系统维护更加方便、快捷 背板上设计有防混销,以避免插错模块 外形小巧,易于安装,既可分散,也可集中
CPU模块面板上设有后备电池和SD存储卡的插槽 后备电池供电的掉电保持存储器(SRAM),用于存储运行过程中的实时数据、并且在系统
掉电后还能保存,掉电保持时间为6个月 后备电池电力不足时,状态指示灯BAT会有报警显示。使用时应及时检查并定期更换电池,确
LK大型可编程控制器(PLC)是和利时公司在总结十多年的控制系统设计和几千套工程项目实施 经验基础上推出的适用于中、高性能控制领域的产品。相对传统PLC而言,LK可编程控制器充分融合 了DCS和PLC的优点,采用了高性能的模拟量处理技术,小型化的结构设计,开放的工业标准,通用的 系统平台,使产品不仅具有强大的功能和卓越的性能,而且具有更高的可靠性,更佳的开放性和易用 性。
含义 用户程序处于运行状态(主机) 用户程序处于运行状态(从机),闪烁频率为4Hz 用户程序处于运行状态(单机),闪烁频率为1Hz 用户程序处于停止状态(主机) 用户程序处于停止状态(从机),闪烁频率为4Hz 用户程序处于停止状态(单机),闪烁频率为1Hz 硬件故障 上电或重启,初始化中,闪烁频率为4Hz 没有用户程序,闪烁频率为1Hz 控制器正常运行 正在下装用户程序 控制器正常运行,但没有下装符号表(一个用于定义周期数据通讯的表) 没有给控制器配置I/O 控制器和一个或多个I/O正常通信(主机) 控制器没有和任何I/O正常通信(主机) 控制器配置一个或多个I/O(从机) 没有强制数据 有强制数据 禁止输出 使能输出 控制器正在初始化,闪烁频率4Hz 电池电量充足,工作正常 电池没安装或电池电量低于额定值的95%,需要更换
FAQ 04/2016Working with the 3SK2 diagnostic displayEasy diagnosis and transferring of safety programS i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dThis entry is from the Siemens Industry Online Support. The general terms of use (/terms_of_use ) apply.Security informa-tionSiemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the secure operation of plants, solutions, machines, equipment and/or networks. They are important components in a holistic industrial securityconcept. With this in mind, Siemens’ products and solutions undergo continuous development. Siemens recommends strongly that you regularly check for product updates.For the secure operation of Siemens products and solutions, it is necessary to take suitable preventive action (e.g. cell protection concept) and integrate each component into a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept. Third-party products that may be in use should also be considered. For more information about industrial security, visit /industrialsecurity . To stay informed about product updates as they occur, sign up for a product-specific newsletter. For more information, visit .Table of contents1 Product overview ............................................................................................... 5 2Controlling and monitoring .............................................................................. 6 2.1 Preparation in the software .................................................................. 8 2.1.1 Filling in of project information ............................................................. 8 2.1.2 Preparation for detailed status information ........................................ 10 2.2 Displaying of plant information ........................................................... 11 2.2.1 Reading out of project information ..................................................... 11 2.2.2 Reading out of status information ...................................................... 12 2.3 Fault diagnostic .................................................................................. 14 3Transferring of projects by the help of the diagnostic display (15)3.1 Preconditions ...................................................................................... 15 3.2 Procedure ........................................................................................... 17 3.3 Use cases ........................................................................................... 20 3.3.1 Fast device exchange ........................................................................ 20 3.3.2 Fast commissioning of same application . (21)4 Contact/Support (22)S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dQuestionWhich functionality can be realized by the 3SK2 diagnostic display (MLFB 3SK2611-3AA00)?S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dAnswerThe diagnostic display offers easy fault location without PC/PG. It supports fast problem solution by detailed fault messages. There is no engineering in advance in the basic module necessary to connect the display. The connection outside of the control cabinet allows easy access.Furthermore with two integrated memory slots you can use the diagnostic display for saving and transferring of projects. This simplifies commissioning of identical machinery and allows quick device exchange in case of fault. It is especially helpful by use of the 22,5 mm width basic module which has no exchangeable memory module.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d1Product overviewBeside the 3SK2 diagnostic display (MLFB 3SK2611-3AA00) the 3RK3 diagnostic display (MLFB 3RK3611-3AA00) still exists. The following table shows an overview of compatibility and functionality.Table 1: Compatibility diagnostic display 3SK2 and 3RK3It is not possible to transfer projects with the 3RK3 diagnostic display.For both displays you need a connection cable, which is available in different lengths and flat and round version: MLFB 3UF793*-0*A00-0.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d2Controlling and monitoringBesides the fault detection via monitoring function within the software, the diagnostic display helps for easy problem analysis without connection of PC or PG by detailed error messages. Even in case of no failure project and status information are helpful which are available at the display.In the following image you can see a simplified menu overview of the diagnostic display.Figure 1: Menu structure diagnostic displayS i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dMenu items have no fixed numbering and can be hidden in the display depending on the connected device and current status. The menu items …Status Info“, …Status“ and …Configuration Transmission “ are shown in detail as they are more relevant for this FAQ.In the menu item …Status “ the state of all in- and outputs can be read out (e.g. “Switching output Switching ON Condition not satisfied ”). Comprehensive project information (e.g. Config-CRC, Project Engineer) can be found in the menu item …System Configuration “. In case of troubleshooting the menu item …Status Info “ is helpful. Here you can see detailed error messages and warnings. All status information which are available in Safety ES can be shown at the display. If no errors are present the menu item is empty.By means of an example with guard door monitoring and emergency stop theeasy diagnose in case of fault and no fault will be shown subsequently.Figure 2: Logic plan application exampleS i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d2.1 Preparation in the softwareThere is no previous engineering of the diagnosis display in the software necessary. The display can be plugged in without any effort in advance.For easy error tracking it is helpful to assign informative names to the function elements which will be shown in the diagnostic display. Furthermore all added project / hardware information can be read out in the display.2.1.1 Filling in of project informationIn …Identification“ and …Configuration“ information regarding project and hardware configuration can be filled in.Figure 3: Filling in of project informationS i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dFigure 4: Filling in of hardware informationIn the main system the diagnostic display can be added on system slot 1 optionally. This is only for documentation purpose and is not mandatory. All project information can be found in the diagnostic display in the menu item …System C onfiguration“.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d2.1.2 Preparation for detailed status informationFor easy diagnose it is advisable to name the function elements.Figure 5: Naming of function elementsBy double-clicking on the respective function element a symbolic name can be assigned in the window …properties“. T his name is displayed as further information in the diagnostic display. It is helpful to assign names for all input elements (e.g. “Emergency Stop”) as well for all output elements (e.g. “F -output”).S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d2.2Displaying of plant informationTo read out information at the diagnostic display an active connection to the energised basic module must be established. There mustn’t be any additional connection from the PCs/PGs via the diagnostic display to basic module. In this case the display is locked.2.2.1Reading out of project informationInformation regarding the project or hardware can be found in the menu item …System Configuration “. In the menu item …Project“ details regarding Config- CRC, Time Stamp, Release and Project Engineer are listed. Certain information are provided automatically from the system. Other information like …Project Engineer “ are only available if the corresponding fields were filled in in thesoftware (see chapter 2.1.1 Filling in of project information).In the menu item …Slot 3“ details regarding the used basic module can be found.Table 1: Project- and HardwareinformationS i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d2.2.2 Reading out of status informationThe full information concerning input and output elements can be found in the menu item …Status“.The elements are displayed as follows:Figure 6: Displaying of status/status infoFor this example the guard door is opened, the Emergency Stop was pushed and released but not acknowledged yet. Thus the output is not activated. These information can be read out in …Status / Input Elements “ as well …Status / Output Elements “.E-Stop 1 (symbolic name of the element),S i e m e nsA G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dProtective Door (type of function element)You can read out status information which are available as element status in the Safety ES (e.g. …Timer running “, …Wa iting for Start“).S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d2.3Fault diagnosticTroubleshooting with the help of the diagnostic display will be explained by means of the application example of figure 2. There is a cross circuit between input 1 and input 2 of the emergency stop with element number 1.In case of fault detailed information can be found in the menu item “Status Info “. According to the default setting of the display the status info will be directly shown on the start screen in case of a fault (Setting adjustable in …Display Settings/ Statu s Info“)Table 2: Error messages in case of Cross-CircuitThe same procedure applies to other faults like discrepancy fault or fault within the feedback circuit. Below the element you find then the error message ‚Dis crepancy violated ‘ or ‚Feedback Circuit invalid ‘. All element messages which are available in Safety ES can be shown on the diagnostic display as well.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d3Transferring of projects by the help of the diagnostic displayThe 3SK2 diagnostic display (MLFB: 3SK2611-3AA00) has two internal memory slots at which Safety ES projects can be stored.NoteThis functionality is only available for the diagnostic display 3SK2611-3AA00. The 3RK3 diagnostic display (MLFB: 3RK3611-3AA00) has no internal memory slots and it is not possible to connect it to the 3SK2.3.1PreconditionsTo be able to transfer Safety ES projects from or to the display an activeconnection to the running basic module must be established. Furthermore it is not possible to have an additional connection from the basic module to the PG/PC via the diagnostic display. In this case the display is locked. Transferring of projects is possible with both types of 3SK2 basic modules (3SK2112, 22,5mm width/ 3SK2122, 45 mm width) as well as with the 3RK3 Advanced and 3RK3 ASIsafe.Preconditions for saving projects in the diagnostic display/ reading configurations from the deviceTo save projects within the diagnostic display 2 memory slots are available. If a project was already stored on the selected memory slot and you read out a new configuration on the same memory slot, the old one will be replaced. There are no restrictions for reading out configurations. It is possible to read out not approved and approved configurations. The device can be in configuration or safety mode. If the protection level ‚write protection‘ was selected by password for the project which will be read out from the basic module, the protection level will be copied to the configuration in the display as well.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dHinweisThe protection level ‚Read Protection ‘ should not be activated in the basicmodule (3SK“/3RK3). In this case it is not possible to read out any configuration. Thus it is not possible to copy a project with Read Protection. This can be set after download via the Safety ES Tool.Preconditions for transferring of projects to the basic module It is possible to transmit a project to the device on condition that: - Device is running in configuring mode. - No password for device access is set.- The configuration on the basic module is not approved or there is no configuration on the basic moduleIf one of these conditions is not fulfilled the download of the project fails. In case that the download fails it is possible to download the project by resetting thebasic module to factory settings via reset button (See manual 3SK2 chapter 8.1/ manual 3RK3 chapter Afterwards the device runs up in configuring mode and the project can be downloaded.DANGERAccidentally start possibleThe operator has to ensure that the configuration is downloaded to the correct machine, otherwise it can lead to a dangerous situation.NoteThe menu …factory settings“ in the diagnostic display refers only to the diagnostic display and not to the basic module. By executing the command the configurations in the diagnostic display among others will be deleted.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d3.2 ProcedureFor reading out a configuration from the basic module an active connection to it is necessary. Downloading a project from Safety ES to the diagnostic display is not possible without the basic module.Saving a configuration in the diagnostic displaySelect the favoured Memory Slot e.g.Table 3: Backup of a projectThe project is now saved in the selected memory slot in the diagnostic display.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dThe project information of the saved project (Name, Project Engineer, Company, Config-CRC, Time Stamp, Approval, Cycle Time …) can be read out in the corresponding memory slot.Transmission of a configuration from the diagnostic display to the basic moduleTable 4 Write project to deviceThe configuration is now saved in the basic module.The project information of the downloaded project (Name, Project Engineer, Company, Config-CRC, Time Stamp, Approval, Cycle Time …) can be read out in “System Configuration/ Project”.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e dNoteWhen downloading an approved configuration to the basic module the device first stays in configuring mode. To change to safety mode turn off and on the basic module. After running up, the device changes automatically to safety mode.S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d3.3Use cases3.3.1 Fast device exchangeIn case of a faulty basic module the approved configuration can be transferred fast and easily to the new basic module by the help of the diagnostic display. Thus the plant operation can continue quickly.Figure 7: Fast device exchange NoteBack up the Safety ES project straight after successful commissioning of the safety application to the diagnostic display.3 Transferring of projects by the help of the diagnostic displayWorking with the 3SK2 Diagnostic displayEntry-ID: 109482844, V1.0, 04/201621S i e m e n s A G 2016 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d3.3.2 Fast commissioning of same applicationBy help of the possibility to download projects from the diagnostic display the commissioning of identical machinery can be sped up. After successful function test and approving once the safety program can be downloaded to the other machinery.Figure 8: Fast commissioning of identical machinery4 Contact/SupportWorking with the 3SK2 Diagnostic displayEntry-ID: 109482844, V1.0, 04/201622Si emensA G2016Al lrigh tsr ese rv ed4 Contact/SupportSiemens AGTechnical AssistanceTel: +49 (911) 895-5900Fax : +49 (911) 895-5907Mail: ******************************** Internet:。
2.23防护: ≥IP66。
3.1≥200万1/2.7” CMOS 超宽动态ICR日夜型半球型网络摄像机;
11.1 六类工程级网线、水晶头、桥架、镀锌管、标签、供电设备等配套辅料。
1.17供电方式: DC:12 V ± 25%,支持防反接保护;PoE:802.3af,Class 3;
1.18电流及功耗: DC:12 V,0.54 A,最大功耗:6.5 W;PoE:(802.3af,36 V~57 V), 0.20 A ~0.13 A,最大功耗:7.5 W;
1.19防护: ≥IP66。
2.1≥400万1/2.7”CMOS ICR红外阵列防油污简型网络摄像机;
2.4最高分辨率可达≥2688 × 1520 @30 fps,在该分辨率下可输出实时图像;
2.5支持背光补偿,强光抑制,透雾、3D数字降噪,≥120 dB宽动态,适应不同监控环境;
1.1≥400万星光级1/2.7”CMOS ICR或同等级日夜型半球型网络摄像机;
1.3最低照度: 彩色:≤0.005 Lux @(F1.2,AGC ON),黑白:0 Lux with IR;
ALPS 27型金属轴电位器RK271系列选型手册
Time (s)
焊接次数 2 time max.
2 time
系列名称 RK119
2 min.
4 min.
2 time max.
1. 本产品 , 在只有红外线的回流焊接炉中 , 有焊接不附着的可能 , 所以请使用温风回流焊接炉 , 或红外线 + 温风回流焊接炉。 2. 上图所示温度是采用温风回流焊接方式时的电位器端子部的最高温度。因为根据电路板的材质 , 大小 , 厚度等的不同 , 电路板温
附属零部件 P.320 关于产品列表以外的其他产品订购 P.322
27 型金属轴型电位器 关于产品列表以外的其他产品订购
若产品列表中没有记载的产品 , 请参考下例进行指定。
旋转电位器 滑动电位器
RK2 7 1 1 2A0
˙■ 产品系列一览
型 系列
16 型金属轴 RK163
20 型金属轴 RK203/EC20A
27 型金属轴 RK271
50 型金属轴 RK501
旋转型马达驱动 RK168
旋转电位器 滑动电位器
科亚电子 KYDAS48300-1E 低压交流伺服驱动器 使用手册说明书
※多功能低压交流伺服驱动器※KYDAS48300-1E使用手册(V2.0)济南科亚电子科技有限公司目录一.概述 (4)1、型号说明 (4)2、产品规格 (5)3、技术参数 (6)二.安装尺寸图 (7)1、平板散热 (7)2、风冷散热 (8)三.端口接线说明 (9)(1)、接线定义 (9)(2)、接口说明 (10)(3)、接线图 (12)(4)、配套线束(长0.5m) (12)四.操作说明 (13)1.上位机软件说明 (13)1.1.配置说明 (13)1.2.软件使用说明 (13)1.3.参数功能说明 (15)2.指示灯说明 (17)2.1.状态指示灯(蓝色) (17)2.2.故障指示灯(红色) (17)3.CAN指令说明 (18)3.1.通用配置 (18)3.2.指令说明 (19)3.3.CAN总线控制示例 (21)4.串口指令说明 (24)4.1.通用配置 (24)4.2.控制格式 (24)4.3.查询格式 (25)4.4.串口心跳数据 (28)五.故障保护与复位 (29)1.故障保护依据 (29)2.故障信息列表 (29)使用警告:1、初次使用应先进行相位DANGER确认,待确认相序无误后才能进行正常操作。
三.端口接线说明(1)、接线定义35PIN 定义1S3S32S1S13TMP-MI电机温度4+5V5Vout5F/R换向6EN使能7FLASH程序短接点8R2R29RC RC信号输入10RX-SA232—RX11JUP1120R+12CAN-L CAN-L端13编码器A-增量编码器A-14编码器B+增量编码器B+ 15编码器Z-增量编码器Z-16霍尔V+霍尔信号V+(HB+) 17SIN模拟量信号输入18GND0V19S4S420R1R121TX-SA232—TX22JUP2120R-23CAN-H CAN-H端24编码器A+增量编码器A+ 25编码器B-增量编码器B-26编码器Z+增量编码器Z+ 27霍尔U+霍尔信号U+(HA+) 28霍尔W+霍尔信号W+(HC+) 29GND0V30S2S231+5V5Vout32GND0V33+5V1RC电源34OUT数字输出35I5GND信号地(RC、232)(2)、接口说明①、TX-SA,RX-SA,I5GND:RS232通讯接口,实现指令控制,以及参数设置、运行状态调测等;另7脚FLASH与GND短接后,可用此接口烧写程序;②、CAN-H,CAN-L:CAN2.0通讯接口∙ 当11(JUP1)和22(JUP2)外部短接时,内部120R终端电阻接通;③、SIN:模拟输入接口。
NO.2 主回路和功能卡11 标准技术规格.13H1系列规格.NO.1 产品介绍NO.4 键盘说明产品机型(H1系列)定制机型号S/T:单相/三相 2/4:220/380V功率:kW前三位:小数点前后一位:小数点后例:0007:0.75kWB:内置制动单元 X:无制动动单元T:内置STO电路 X:无STO电路H1 00 S2 0007 B T 00:无内置电抗器内置直流电抗器1:2:内置交流电抗器3:内置直流、交流电抗器12H1系列命名方式.ENT ER NH1系列结构尺寸表W(宽)H(高)D(深)尺寸(mm)框架号A B d17012467.3158585F119413385184597F22371471122235126F32981601542836168F43551771833386198F54.1 键盘外观及按键说明图4-1H1 系列键盘DHWABd序号结构功能说明123ENT ER56791011N48编程模式下,数值变更非编程模式下,递增递减(UP/DOWN)选择键见参数P01.63,P02.03,P02.04键显示编程/退出键状态显示界面为状态切换键;其他界面为左移位键预留键运行键电位器:见参数P01.63确认键停止/复位键客户定制键指示灯功能说明RUNREVREMALMM亮/闪亮亮亮亮正在运行/减速正在反转远程启停故障指示客户定制指示,默认报警指示4.2 指示灯功能说明4.3 显示项目说明监控项显示项目说明输出频率输出电流输出电压直流母线电压显示值1(由P01.68选择)显示值2(由P01.69选择)当前报警当前故障NO.5 功能·参数简表0:正常操作1:参数初始化,初始化除P01.XX之外参数通常情况,请使用模式1初始化2:初始化全部参数0:键盘1:多段速2:AI13:AI25:通信-1020.000Hz~1020.000Hz解释:电机运行频率上限0~11111111个位:S1十位:S2百位:S3千...* P00.15:多段速来源,选择相应外部端子,多段速0~7参见P00.16~P00.23。
两线无源 I / V 转换隔离变送器 IC
两线制无源型 4-20mA 转电压信号隔离转换器:ISO 4-20mA-O 系列
● 独有高效信号回路窃电技术,无须外接工作电源 ● 两线制 4-20mA 标准模拟量输入,隔离放大转换成:
SunYuan ISO 4-20mA-O 是顺源新开发的业界最小体积(12 脚单列直插 IC 封装 SIP12 Pin)低成本无源型两 线制 4-20mA 转电压信号隔离转换器 IC,它可以将输入有源 4-20mA 的电流信号隔离转换成电压信号输出。该 IC 采用两线制输入回路供电方式,独有高效信号回路窃电发明专利技术,无须外接工作电源则大大简化了用户的设计 工艺,降低现场布线成本。该模块内部包含有电流信号调制解调电路、信号耦合隔离变换电路、电源逆变电路、减 法电路,缓冲处理输出电路等。很小的输入等效电阻,使该 IC 能够从传感器信号输出回路中采集电流信号,并能 达到输入 20mA 信号时电压降 ≤10V。以满足用户无需外接辅助电源而实现信号远距离、无失真传输变换的需要。
Page 4 of 10
ISO Series Micro 2-wire I/V signal Converter IC 多路 DIN35 导轨安装方式 4-20mA 转电压信号隔离转换器简介(DIN 1X1 / 2X2 / 3X3 / 16X16)
SunYuan I 型导标准 DIN35 导轨安装多路两线制无源型 4-20mA 转电压信号隔离转换器,内部采用安装多
个 ISO 4-20mA-O 系列集成模块, 产品无须供电即可实现一进一出(DIN1X1)、二进二出(DIN2X2)、三进三出 (DIN3X3)等多路两线制无源电流转电压的隔离转换功能。产品满足输入输出及各通道之间 3000VDC 隔离,无需 零点和满度调节。内部增加防浪涌抑制保护电路,使产品使用更加方便、更加安全可靠。
智能电保护开关、控制 方式:多功能卡(通过电脑软件远程控制,支持灵星雨/诺瓦/卡莱特/仰邦等各种多功能卡) 多组输出,每组可 以独立控制,支持多种外部控制方式,具备分布延时功 能。
B和网口IP接口控制,大型屏体可级联拼接带载级 联多台进行统一控制;
8.具备优秀画中画播放、切换功能;提供无缝快切、淡 入淡出特效,16个用户场景任意切换等
多画面 拼接处 理器
1.独立外置型显示屏控制器,具备显示屏控制及前端视 频处理功能纯数字信号输入;
3.该设备具备拼接模式和切换台模式,即具备控台模式 和普通的拼接带载模式;
10)为保证显示屏长期亮色度均匀,控制系统必须支持 逐点亮色度校正功能;
11)支持接收卡预存画面和保留最后一帧设置; 控制方式:同步控制、与计算机点点对应、实时显示 具有色度逐点校正,自检功能,控制系统具有集群播放的 功能。
SK6812RGBW集成光源智能控制芯片顶贴式SMD LED说明书
Dongguang Factory : Side of fast in the east, Yucai Road, Dongshan Country, Qishi Town, Dongguan City.Dongguan Tel: (769)82632725 Dongguan Fax: (769)82632735INTEGRATED LIGHT SOURCE INTELLIGENT CONTROLOF CHIP-ON-TOP SMD TYPE LEDModel: SK6812RGBW1.Product Overview :SK6812RGBW is a smart LED control circuit and light emitting circuit in one controlled LED source, which has the shape of a 5050 LED chip. Each lighting element is a pixel, and the intensities of the pixels are contained within the intelligent digital interface input. The output is driven by patented PWM technology, which effectively guarantees high consistency of the color of the pixels. The controlcircuit consists of a signal shaping amplification circuit, a built-in constant current circuit, and a high precision RC oscillator.The data protocol being used is unipolar NRZ communication mode. The 32-bit data is transmitted from the controller to DIN of the first element, and if it is accepted it is extracted pixel to pixel. After an internal data latch, the remaining data is passed through the internal amplification circuit and sent out on the DO port to the remaining pixels. The pixel is reset after the end of DIN. Using automatic shaping forwarding technology makes the number of cascaded pixels without signal transmission only limited by signal transmission speed.The LED has a low driving voltage (which allows for environmental protection and energy saving), high brightness, scattering angle, good consistency, low power, and long life. The control circuit is integrated in the LED above.2.Main Application Field:●Full color LED string light, LED full color module, LED super hard and soft lights, LED guardrail tube, LED appearance / scene lighting●LED point light, LED pixel screen, LED shaped screen, a variety of electronic products, electrical equipment etc..3.Description:●Top SMD internal integrated high quality external control line serial cascade constant current IC;●control circuit and the chip in SMD 5050 components, to form a complete control of pixel, color mixing uniformity and consistency;●built-in data shaping circuit, a pixel signal is received after wave shaping and output waveform distortion will not guarantee a line;●The built-in power on reset and reset circuit, the power does not work;●gray level adjusting circuit (256 level gray scale adjustable);●red drive special treatment, color balance;●line data transmission;●plastic forward strengthening technology, the transmission distance between two points over 10M;●Using a typical data transmission frequency of 800 Kbps, when the refresh rate of 30 frames per sec4.Mechanical Dimensions:Notes:1. All dimensions are in millimeters.2. Tolerance is ±0.1mm unless otherwise notedSymbol Function description VDD Power supply LED DOUT Control data signal output VSS GroundDIN Control data signal inputDongguang Factory : Side of fast in the east, Yucai Road, Dongshan Country, Qishi Town, Dongguan City.Dongguan Tel: (769)82632725 Dongguan Fax: (769)826327357.Absolute Maximum Ratings(Ta=25℃,VSS=0V):Parameter Symbol Range UnitPower supply voltage VDD+3.5~+5.5VLogic input voltage VIN-0.5~VDD+0.5V Working temperature Topt-40~+85℃Storage temperature Tstg-50~+150℃ESD pressure VESD4K V8.The electrical parameters (unless otherwise specified, TA=-20 ~ +70 ℃, VDD=4.5 ~ 5.5V, VSS=0V):Parmeter Symbol Min Typical Max Unit Test conditionsThe chipsupply voltage VDD--- 5.2---V---R/G/B port pressure VDS,MAX------26V---DOUT drive capability IDOH---49---mADOUT conect ground,the maximum drivecurrentIDOL----50---mA DOUT conect +, thelargest currentThe signal input flip threshold VIH 3.4------VVDD=5.0V VIL------ 1.6VThe frequencyof PWM FPWM--- 1.2---KHZ---Static powerconsumption IDD---1---mA---9.The dynamic parameters (Ta=25 ℃):Parameter Symbol Min Typical Max Unit Test conditionsThe speed of datatransmission fDIN---800---KHZ The duty ratio of 67%(data 1)DOUT transmissiondelay TPLH------500nsDIN→DOUT TPHL------500nsIOUT Rise/DropTime Tr------40ns VDS=1.5IOUT=9mA Tf------80ns10.The data transmission time (TH+TL=1.25µs±600ns):T0H0code, high level time0.3µs±0.15µsT0L0code, low level time0.9µs±0.15µsT1H 1 code, high level time0.6µs±0.15µs Input code:12.The method of data transmission:Note: the D1 sends data for MCU, D2, D3, D4 for data forwarding automatic shaping cascade circuit.Dongguang Factory : Side of fast in the east, Yucai Road, Dongshan Country, Qishi Town, Dongguan City.Dongguan Tel: (769)82632725 Dongguan Fax: (769)8263273513. The data structure of 32bit:Note: high starting, in order to send data (R7 -R6 -...... ..W0)14. The typical application circuit:W7W6W5W4W3W2W1W0ANSI Blue White Color bin structuresDongguang Factory : Side of fast in the east, Yucai Road, Dongshan Country, Qishi Town, Dongguan City.Dongguan Tel: (769)82632725 Dongguan Fax: (769)826327350.330.340.350.360.370.380.390.400.410.420.430.350.360.370.380.390.400.410.420.43Y X OPSCO Natural White Graph4500K3500KF4G1G2G7G3G4F7F3G6G84000KH6H2H1H5F6F2G5F1F5F8C.A X Y C.A X Y C.A X Y C.A X Y 0.35300.35970.35480.37360.36410.38040.36150.36590.36150.36590.36410.38040.37360.38740.37020.37220.35900.35210.36150.36590.37020.37220.36700.35780.35120.34650.35300.35970.36150.36590.35900.35210.35120.34650.35710.39070.36680.39570.3590.35210.3590.35210.36680.39570.37710.40340.3670.35780.35670.33890.36410.38040.37360.38740.3640.3440.34950.33390.35480.37360.36410.38040.35670.33890.3670.35780.37020.37220.38250.37980.37830.36460.37020.37220.37360.38740.38690.39580.38250.37980.38250.37980.38690.39580.40060.40440.3950.38750.37830.36460.38250.37980.3950.38750.38980.37160.3670.35780.37710.40340.39160.41270.37830.36460.37830.36460.39160.41270.40640.42210.38980.37160.37430.35020.38690.39580.40060.40440.38480.35650.3640.3440.37360.38740.38690.39580.37430.35020.40540.41910.39410.38480.38890.3690.38890.3690.42170.42730.39960.40150.39410.38480.40170.37510.41460.40890.41460.40890.4080.39160.39570.35960.39960.40150.4080.39160.40170.37510.3840.354H6H2H1H5G5G6G7G8G1G2G3G4F5F6F7F8F1F2F3F4CIE chromaticity coordinates (ANSI Natural white)ANSI Natural White Color bin structuresANSI Warm White Color bin structuresDongguang Factory : Side of fast in the east, Yucai Road, Dongshan Country, Qishi Town, Dongguan City.Dongguan Tel: (769)82632725 Dongguan Fax: (769)8263273516.Standard LED Performance Graph:1020%0.0040%60%80%100%120%Forward Current(mA) Voltage(V) Tj=25 °CN o r m a l i z e d L u m i n o u s F l u xF o r w a r d C u r r e n t (m A )Typical Relative Luminous Flux vs. Forward CurrentForward Voltage vs. Forward Current4.012040608010020%0.0040%60%80%100%120%Thermal Pad Temperature (T=25°C)N o r m a l i z e d L u m i n o u s F l u xThermal Pad Temperature vs. Relative Light Output12045040050055060065020%0.0040%60%80%100%Wavelength (nm)R e l a t i v e E m i s s i o n D i s t r i b u t i o nWavelength Characteristics7007508007590604530150. 1.030°60°90°Typical Radiation Pattern 120°Radiation Angle1020150150.02050150BWNW GREENBLUE 150% 5.0200406080100F o r w a r d C u r r e n t (m A )Thermal Pad Temperature vs. Forward Current20406080100Thermal Pad Temperature (°C)120WS REDREDBLUE\GREENBLUE\GREENREDREDBLUE/GREENDongguang Factory : Side of fast in the east, Yucai Road, Dongshan Country, Qishi Town, Dongguan City.Dongguan Tel: (769)82632725 Dongguan Fax: (769)8263273517. Packaging Standard:C A T H ODE ID E N T IF IC A T IO NC O V E R T A P EC A R R IE R T A P ER E E L (178x 12m m )E S D P O L Y E T H Y L E N E B A GT A P E F E E D D IR E C T IO NL A B E L S K E T C H IN GS M DP R O D U C T N O.: S K 6812R G B W -W SQ U A N T IT Y.: 1000 P C S L o t N o.: L W 2015070902-10W S : 2700-3200K D A T E :2015-08-04C A RD B O A R D (IN NE R 45 B A G M A X.)S K 6812R G B W -X X(IN N E R 1000p c s L E D M A X )The reel pack is applied in SMD LED. The LEDs are packed in cardboard boxes after packaging in normal or anti-electrostatic bags. cardboard boxes will be used to protect the LEDs from mechanical shocks during transportation. The boxes are not water resistant and therefore must be kept away from water and moisture.Dongguang Factory : Side of fast in the east, Yucai Road, Dongshan Country, Qishi Town, Dongguan City.Dongguan Tel: (769)82632725 Dongguan Fax: (769)82632735TOP SMD LED Application Notes1. FeaturesThe Purposes of making OPSCO’s customers and users to have a clear understanding on the ways how touse the LED.2. DescriptionGenerally. The LED can be used the same way as other general purposed semiconductors. When using OPSCO’s TOP SMD LED, the following precautions must be taken to protect the LED.3. Cautions3.1. Dust & CleaningThis emitter has a silicone surface, There are many benefits to the silicone surface in terms of optical properties and improved reliability. However, silicone is a softer material and prone to attract dust. While a minimal amount of dust and debris on the LED will not cause significant reduction in illumination, steps should be taken to keep the emitter free of dust.These include keeping the LEDs in the manufacturer’s package prior to assembly and storing assemblies in an enclosed area after installing the emitters.Surface condition of this device may change when organic solvents such as trichloroethylene or acetone were applied.Avoid using organic solvent, it is recommended that isopropyl be used as a solvent for cleaning the LEDs.When using other solvents, it should be confirmed beforehand whether the solvents will dissolve the package and the resin of not.Do not clean the LEDs by the ultrasonic. When it is absolutely necessary, the influence as ultrasoniccleaning on the LEDs depends on factors such as ultrasonic power. Baking time and assembledcondition. Before cleaning, a pre-test should be done to confirm whether any damage to the LEDs will occur.3.2. Moisture Proof PackageIn order to avoid the absorption of moisture during transportation and storage, LED are packed in the aluminum envelop, A desiccant is included in the aluminum envelop as it absorbs moisture.Whenmoisture is absorbed into the AMT package it may vaporize and expand during soldering. There is a possibility that this can cause exfoliation of the contacts and damage to the optical characteristics of the LEDs. For this reason, the moisture proof package is used to keep moisture to a minimum in the package.3.3. StorageIn order to avoid the absorption of moisture, It is recommended to store SMD LED (in bulk or taped) in the dry box (or the desiccator) with a desiccant, Otherwise to store them in the following environment as recommended.a.Temperature: 5℃~30℃b. Humidity: 60% RH MaxIt is recommended to solder the LED as soon as possible after unpacking the aluminum envelop, But in case that the LED have to be left unused after unpacking envelop again is requested.The LED should be soldering within 1hours after opening the package.If baking is required, A baking treatment should be performed as follows:70℃±5℃for more than 24hours.Dongguang Factory : Side of fast in the east, Yucai Road, Dongshan Country, Qishi Town, Dongguan City.Dongguan Tel: (769)82632725 Dongguan Fax: (769)826327353.4. Reflow Soldering CharacteristicsIn testing, OPSCO has found S50 LEDs to be compatible with JEDEC J-STD-020C,using the parameters listed below. As a general guideline OPSCO recommends that users follow the recommended soldering profile provided by the manufacturer of solder paste used.Note that this general guideline is offered as a starting point and may require adjustment for certain PCB designs and Configurations of reflow soldering equipment.T e m p e r a t u r e (°C )Timests (Preheat)LLs maxMINT 25°C to Peakamp-upC ritical Zone T L to T PRamp downProfile FeatureLead-Based Solder Lead-Free Solder Average Ramp-Up Rate (Ts max to Tp )3℃/second max.3℃/second max.Preheat: Temperature Min (Ts min )100℃150℃Preheat: Temperature Min (Ts max )150℃200℃Preheat: Time ( ts min to ts max )60-120 seconds60-180 secondsTime Maintained Above: Temperature (T L )183 ℃217 ℃Time Maintained Above: Time (t L )60-150 seconds60-150 secondsPeak/Classification Temperature (T P )215 ℃255 ℃Time Within 5℃of Actual Peak Temperature ( tp)<10 seconds <10 seconds Ramp-Down Rate6℃/second max.6℃/second max.Time 25 ℃to Peak Temperature<6 minutes max.<6 minutes max.Note: All temperatures refer to topside of the package, measured on the package body surface.Dongguang Factory : Side of fast in the east, Yucai Road, Dongshan Country, Qishi Town, Dongguan City.Dongguan Tel: (769)82632725 Dongguan Fax: (769)826327353.5 Heat Generation:Thermal design of the end product is of paramount importance. Please consider the heat generation of theLED when making the system design. The coefficient of temperature increase per input electric power isaffected by the thermal resistance of the circuit board and density of LED placement on the board, as well as components. It is necessary to avoid in tense heat generation and operate within the maximum rating given inthis specification. The operating current should be decided after considering the ambient maximumtemperature of LEDs3.6 Electrostatic Discharge & Surge Current :Electrostatic discharge (ESD) or surge current (EOS)may damage LED.Precautions such as ESD wrist strap, ESD shoe strap or antistatic gloves must be worn whenever handling of LED.All devices, equipment and machinery must be properly grounded.It is recommended to perform electrical test to screen out ESD failures at final inspection.It is important to eliminate the possibility of surge current during circuitry design.3.7 Moisture Proof PackageCannot take any responsibility for any trouble that are caused by using the LEDs at conditions exceedingour specifications.The LED light output is strong enough to injure human eyes. Precautions must be taken to prevent lookingdirectly at the LEDs with unaided eyes for more than a few seconds.The formal specification must be exchanged and signed by both parties before large volume purchase begins.The appearance and specifications of the product may be modified for improvement without notice.Dongguang Factory : Side of fast in the east, Yucai Road, Dongshan Country, Qishi Town, Dongguan City.Dongguan Tel: (769)82632725 Dongguan Fax: (769)82632735Change HistoryFCN No.Date Rev. No.Changes/Reason of changes2015-07-3101Initial DocumentNote Items Signatures DatePrepared by Kevin Zhu2015-07-31Checked byApproved byFCN#。
z 输入通道间相互影响: -130dB@1kHz z 内部采样时钟:12.8MHz
精度:好于±100ppm z 输入阻抗:1 MΩ; z 信号藕合方式:DC z 抗振(工作状态):
随机IEC60068-2-64 5grms,10~500Hz 正弦IEC60068-2-6 5g, 10 ~ 500Hz z 工作温度-40 ~ 70℃,存储-40 ~ 85℃
幅值匹配:0.015dB@1kHz 相位匹配:0.02°/kHz(典型);0.04°/kHz(最大) 输入通道间的相互影响: -105dB@1kHz 相位线性度:±0.05°@20Hz ~ 46.4kHz 转速测量:任何一个测量通道都可接入转速脉冲,进行转速测量。 工作温度: -30℃ ~ 70℃、湿度:0 ~ 95%(非凝结) 安全符合:IEC 61010-1, EN 61010-1、UL 61010-1, CSA 61010-1 电磁兼容符合:EN 61326-2-1 (IEC 61326-2-1): Class A emissions;Basic immunity、EN 55011 (CISPR 11): Group 1, Class A emissions、AS/NZS CISPR 11: Group 1, Class A emissions
典型:0.05 dB (±0.5%) @25℃±5℃ 最大:0.03 dB (±0.34%) @-40 ~ 70℃ z 通道一致性: 幅值匹配: 0.01dB(典型);0.01dB(最大)
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Typical Applications* *
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Fig. 4L Power dissipation of three modules vs. direct and rms current
Fig. 4R Power dissipation of three modules vs. case temp.
Fig. 5 Recovered charge vs. current decrease
06-05-2008 GIL
Fig. 1L Power dissipation per thyristor vs. on-state current
Fig. 1R Power dissipation per thyristor vs. ambient temp.
Fig. 2L Power dissipation per module vs. rms current
Fig. 2R Power dissipation per module vs. case temp.
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Fig. 9 Gate trigger characteristics
Dimensions in mm
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* The specifications of our components may not be considered as an assurance of component characteristics. Components have to be tested for the respective application. Adjustments may be necessary. The use of SEMIKRON products in life support appliances and systems is subject to prior specification and written approval by SEMIKRON. We
@ @ 1 1 A C C =C 1=C C 1 1 <=G <=G <=G <=G ; ; 1J M M = @
SEMIPACK® 3 Thyristor / Diode Modules
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Fig. 3L Power dissipation of two modules vs. direct current
Fig. 3R Power dissipation of two modules vs. case temp.
06-05-2008 GIL
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Fig. 6 Transient thermal impedance vs. time
Fig. 7 On-state characteristics
Fig. 8 Surge overload current vs. time
06-05-2008 GIL
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therefore strongly recommend prior consultation of our personal.
06-05-2008 GIL