A3 BAP64-03 Phi I SOD323 3 GHz pin diodeA3 HSMS-2803 HP D SOT23 HP2800 ser pairA3 MMBD1005 Mot A SOT23 dual ca Si diode low leakage A3 BAS16 Zet C Si sw 75V 100mAA3 BAT17 Phi C SOT23 BA481A3p BAT17 Phi C SOT23 BA481A3t BAT17 Phi C SOT23 BA481A3 MBT3906DW Mot N SOT363 dual 2N3906A3X MMBD2835 Mot A SOT23 dual ca sw 35V 100 mA 15nS A4 HSMS-2804 HP B SOT23 dual cc HP2800 schottkyA4s BAV70W Sie B SOT323 dual cc BAW62A4s BAV70 Sie B SOT23 dual cc BAW62A4s BAV70TSie B SOT416 dual cc BAW62_________________A4s BAV70U Sie B SC74 dual cc BAW62BAV70W Phi B SOT323 dual cc BAW62A4 qA4p BAV70 Phi B SOT23 dual cc BAW62A4t BAV70 Phi B SOT23 dual cc BAW62A4t BAV70 Phi B SOT363 dual cc BAW62A4X MBAV70 Mot B dittoA5 BAP51-03 Phi I SOD323 GP RF pin diodeA5p BRY61 Phi SOT143A5t BRY61 Phi SOT143A5 nHSMS-2805 HP S SOT143 dual HP2800 schottkyA5 MMBD1010 Mot B SOT23 dual cc Si diodesA5 MMBD2837 Mot B SOT23 dual cc diodes 30V 150mAA6s BAS16W Sie C SOT323 BAW62 (1N4148)A6s BAS16 Sie C SOT23 BAW62 (1N4148)A6s BAS16U Sie C SC74 BAW62 (1N4148)A6 BAS16W Phi C SOT323 BAW62 (1N4148)A6p BAS16 Phi C SOT23 BAW62 (1N4148)A6t BAS16 Phi C SOT23 BAW62 (1N4148)A6 BAS16T Phi C SOT416 BAW62 (1N4148)A6 BAS216 Phi I SOD110 BAW62 (1N4148)A6p BAS316 Phi I SOD323 BAW62 (1N4148)A6 MMBD2836 Mot B SOT23 dual sw diode cc 75V A6A MMUN2111 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 1Ok+1OkA6B MMUN2112 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 22k+22kA6C MMUN2113 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 47k+47kA6D MMUN2114 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 100k+100kA6E MMUN2115 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr R1 10kA6F MMUN2116 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr R1 4k7A6G MMUN2130 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 1k0+1k0A6H MMUN2131 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 2k2+2k2A6J MMUN2132 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 4k7+4k7Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 4k7+47kA6K MMUN2133_________________A6L MMUN2134 Mot N SOT23 pnp dtr 22k+47kA6X MMBD2838 Mot B SOT23 dual sw 50 V 100mAA7s BAV99 Sie D SOT23 dual ser BAW92A7s BAV99W Sie D SOT323 dual ser BAW92A7s BAV99T Sie D SC75 dual ser BAW92A7s BAV99U Sie D SC74 dual ser BAW92A7 BAV99W Phi D SOT323 dual ser BAW92A7 BAV99 Phi D SOT23 dual ser BAW92A7 HSMS-2807 HP RQ SOT143 HP2800 ring quadA8 nHSMS-2808 HP BQ SOT143 HP2800 bridge quadA8 BAP50-03 Phi I SOD323 GP RF pin diodeA8 BAS19 Phi C SOT23 BAV19A8 SI2308DS Sil M SOT23 N-ch mosfet, 60 V 0.1A A8A MMUN2211 Mot N SOT23 npn dtr 10k +10kA8B MMUN2212 Mot N SOT23 npn dtr 22k +22kA8C MMUN2213 Mot N SOT23 npn dtr 47k+47kA8D MMUN2214 Mot N SOT23 npn dtr 100k+100kA8E MMUN2215 Mot N SOT23 npn dtr R1 10kA8F MMUN2216 Mot N SOT23 npn dtr R1 4k7A8G MMUN2230 Mot N SOT23 npn dtr 1k0 +1k0A8H MMUN2231 Mot N SOT23 npn dtr 2k2+2k2A8J MMUN2232 Mot N SOT23 npn dtr 4k7+4k7A8K MMUN2233 Mot N SOT23 npn dtr 4k7+47kA8L MMUN2234 Mot N SOT23 npn dtr 22k+47kA9 SI2309DS Sil M SOT23 P-ch mosfet, 60V 0.1AA11 MMBD1501A Fch C SOT23 180V 200mA diodeA13 MMBD1503A Fch D SOT23 180V 200mA dual diode seriesA14 MMBD1504A Fch B SOT23 180V 200mA dual diode ccA15 MMBD1505A Fch A SOT23 180V 200mA dual diode caA16 ZC934A Zet C SOT23 25-95pF hyperabrupt varicapA17 ZC933A Zet C SOT23 12-42pF hyperabrupt varicapA51 BRY62 Phi SOT143A81 BAS20 Phi C SOT23 BAV20A82 BAS21 Phi C SOT23 BAV21A91 BAS17 Phi C SOT23 BA314AA BCX51 Sie P SOT89 pnp 45V audio comp BCX54AA BCW60A TT N SOT23 BCY58-viiAA ZMV829A Zet I SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 8.2pF@2V AAs BCW60A Sie N SOT23 BCY58-viiAAA MMBF4856 Mot F SOT23 2N4856 n-ch chopper jfetAAG MMBR951AL Mot N SOT23 npn RF 8GHzAAH MAX6326_R22-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 2.200V AAI MAX6327 R22-T Max ZB SC70 microproc +ve reset gen 2.200V AAJ MAX6328 R22-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 2.200V AAN MAX809LXR Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 5.0VAAO MAX809MXR Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 5.0VAAP MAX809TXR Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 3.3VAAQ MAX809SXR Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 3.3VAAR MAX809RXR Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 3.0VAAS MAX803ZXR Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 2.5VAAU MAX810MXR Max ZB SC70 microproc +-ve reset gen 5.0V AAV MAX810TXR Max ZB SC70 microproc +ve reset gen 3.3V AAW MAX810RXR Max ZB SC70 microproc +ve reset gen 3.0VAAX MAX810SXR Max ZB SC70 microproc +ve reset gen 3.3VAAY MAX810ZXR Max ZB SC70 microproc +ve reset gen 2.5VAAZ MAX803LXR Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 5.0VAB BCW60B ITT N SOT23 BCY58-viiiAB ZMV830A Zet I SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 10pF@2V ABs BCW60B Sie N SOT23 BCY58-viiiABp BCW60B Phi N SOT23 BCY58-viiiABt BCW60B Phi N SOT23 BCY58-viiiABA MAX803TXR Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 5.0VABB MAX803MXR Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 3.3VABC MAX803SXR Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 3.3VABD MAX803RXR Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 3.0VABE MAX803ZXR Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 2.5VABF LM4041AIX3-1.2 Max L SC70 1.225V 0.1% shu nt V refABG LM4041BIX3-1.2 Max L SC70 1.225V 0.2% shu nt V refABH LM4041DIX3-1.2 Max L SC70 1.225V 0.5% shu nt V refABI LM4041DIX3-1.2 Max L SC70 1.225V 1.5% shu nt V refABJ LM4040AIX3-2.1 Max L SC70 2.048V 0.1% shu nt V refABK LM4040BIX3-2.1 Max L SC70 2.048V 0.2% shu nt V refABL LM4040CIX3-2.1 Max L SC70 2.048V 0.5% shu nt V refABM LM4040DIX3-2.1 Max L SC70 2.048V 1% shu nt V refABN LM4040AIX3-2.5 Max L SC70 2.5001% shu nt V refABO LM4040BIX3-2.5 Max L SC70 2.500V 0.2% shu nt V refABP LM4040CIX3-2.5 Max L SC70 2.500V 0.5% shu nt V refABQ LM4040DIX3-2.5 Max L SC70 2.500V 1% shu nt V refABR LM4040AIX3-3.0 Max L SC70 3.000V 0.1% shu nt V refABS LM4040BIX3-3.0 Max SC70 3.000V 0.2% shu nt V refABT LM4040CIX3-3.0 Max L SC70 3.000V 0.5% shu nt V refABU LM4040DIX3-3.0 Max L SC70 3.000V 1% shu nt V refABV LM4040AIX3-4.1 Max L SC70 4.096V 0.1% shu nt V refABW LM4040BIX3-4.1 Max L SC70 4.096V 0.2% shu nt V refABX LM4040CIX3-4.1 Max L SC70 4.096V 0.5% shu nt V refABY LM4040DIX3-4.1 Max L SC70 4.096V 1% shu nt V refABZ LM4040AIX3-5.0 Max J SC70 5.000V 0.1% shu nt V refAC BCX51-100 Sie P SOT89 45V pnp audio hfe 100AC BCX51-10 Phi P SOT89 45V pnp audio hfe 100AC BCW60C Phi N SOT23 BCY58-ixAC ZMV831A Zet I SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 15pF@2V ACs BCW60C Sie N SOT23 BCY58-ixACp BCW60C Phi N SOT23 BCY58-ixACt BCW60C Phi N SOT23 BCY58-ixACA LM4040BIX3-5.0_________________Max L SC70 5.000V 0.2% shu nt V refACB LM4040CIX3-5.0 Max L SC70 5.000V 0.5% shu nt V refACC LM4040DIX3-5.0 Max L SC70 5.000V 1% shu nt V refACE MAX6326_R31-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 3.080V ACF MAX6347_R46-T Max ZB SC70 microproc +ve reset gen 4.630V ACH MAX6326_R23-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 2.320V ACI MAX6326_R26-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 2.630V ACJ MAX6328_R26-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 2.630V ACK MAX6346_R44-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 4.380V ACL MAX6347_R44-T Max ZB SC70 microproc +ve reset gen 4.380V ACM MAX6348_R46-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 4.630V ACN MAX6348_R44-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 4.380V ACO MAX6346 R46-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 4.630V ACP MAX6326_R29-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 2.930V ACQ MAX6327_R23-T Max ZB SC70 microproc +ve reset gen 2.320VACR MAX6327 R26-T—Max ZB SC70 microproc +ve reset gen 2.630V ACS MAX6327 R29-T Max ZB SC70 microproc +ve reset gen 2.930V ACT MAX6327_R31-T Max ZB SC70 microproc +ve reset gen 3.080VACU MAX6328 R23-T—Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 2.320VACV MAX6328 R29-T—Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 2.930VACW MAX6326_R31-T Max ZB SC70 microproc -ve reset gen 3.080V AD BCX51-160 Sie P SOT89 45V pnp audio hfe 160AD BCX51-16 Phi P SOT89 45V pnp audio hfe 160AD BCW60D Phi N SOT23 BCY58-XAD ZMV832A Zet J SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 22pF@2V ADs BCW60D Sie N SOT23 BCY58-XADp BCW60D Phi N SOT23 BCY58-XADt BCW60D Ph N SOT23 BCY58-XADN 2SC3838K Roh N npn 11V 3.2GHz TV tunersAE BCX52 Sie P SOT89 pnp 60V audio comp BCX55AE ZMV833A Zet I SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 33pF@2V AEN 2SC3839K Roh N npn 20V 2.0GHz TV tun ersAF ZMV834AZet I SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 47pF@2V _________________AFs BCW60FF Sie N SOT23 BCY58ZMV835A Zet I SOD323 varicap hyperabrupt 28V 68pF@2V AG qAG BCX70G Phi N SOT23 BCY59-vii BC107AGs BCX70G Sie N SOT23 BCY59-vii BC107AGp BCX70G Phi N SOT23 BCY59-vii BC107AGt BCX70G Phi N SOT23 BCY59-vii BC107AG BCX52-10 Sie P SOT89 60V pnp BCX52 hfe 100AH BCX70H Phi N SOT23 BCY59-viii BC107BAHs BCX70H Sie N SOT23 BCY59-viii BC107BAHp BCX70H Phi N SOT23 BCY59-viii BC107BAHt BCX70H Phi N SOT23 BCY59-viii BC107BAH BCP53 Mot P SOT223 pnp amp 80V 150mAAH BCX53 Sie P SOT89 pnp 80V audio comp BCX56AH ZMV930 Zet I SOD323 2.9-8.3pF hyperabrupt varicapAJ BCX70J Phi N SOT23 BCY59-ix BC107AJ s BCX70J Sie N SOT23 BCY59-ix BC107AJp BCX70J Phi N SOT23 BCY59-ix BC107AJt BCX70J Phi N SOT23 BCY59-ix BC107AJ ZMV931 Zet I SOD323 4 -13.5pF hyperabrupt varicapAK BCX70K Phi N SOT23 BCY59-X BC107AK ZMV932 Zet I SOD323 5.5-17pF hyperabrupt varicap AKs BCX70K Sie N SOT23 BCY59-X BC107AKp BCX70K Phi N SOT23 BCY59-X BC107AKp BCX70K Phi N SOT23 BCY59-X BC107AK BCX53-10 Sie P SOT89 pnp 80V BCX53 hfe 100AL BCX53-16 Sie P SOT89 80V pnp BCX53 hfe 100AL MMBTA55L Mot N SOT23 pnp 25V (MPSA55)AL ZMV933 Zet I SOD323 12-42pF hyperabrupt varicap ALs BFP405 Sie MQ SOT343AM MMBT3904W Mot N SOT323 2N3904AM BCX52-16 Sie P SOT89 pnp 60V BCX52 hfe 160Sie MQ SOT343 npn fT 25GHz 4.5V 35mAAMs BFP420_________________AM BSS64 Mot N SOT23 npn 80V 0.1A fT 60MHzAMs BSS64 Sie N SOT23 npn 80V 0.1A fT 60MHzAMp BSS64 Phi N SOT23 npn 80V 0.1A fT 60MHzAMt BSS64 Phi N SOT23 npn 80V 0.1A fT 60MHzAM ZMV933A Zet I SOD323 12-42pF hyperabrupt varicap AN BCW60FN Sie N SOT23 gp npn 35V 0.2AANs BFP450 Sie MQ SOT343 npn fT 25GHz 4.5V 100mAAN ZMV934 Zet I SOD323 25-95pF hyperabrupt varicap AO BCW60AR ITT R SOT23 R BCY58-viiAO nZMV934A Zet I SOD323 25-95pF hyperabrupt varicap AP BCW60BR ITT R SOT23 R BCY58-viiiAPs BFP520 Sie MQ SOT343 npn fT 40GHz 2.5V 40mAA-Q 2PD1820AQ Phi N SOT323 gp sw amp 50V npn hfe 85-170 AtQ 2PD1820AQ Phi N SOT323 gp sw amp 50V npn hfe 85-170 AR BCW60CR ITT R SOT23 R BCY58-ixAR MSD709R Mot N pnp gp 25VAR1 BSR40 Phi P SOT89 npn 70V 1A 1.35W hfe 40-120 AR2 BSR41 Phi P SOT89 npn 70V 1A 1.35W hfe 100-300 AR3 BSR42 Phi P SOT89 npn 90V 1A 1.35W hfe 40-120AR4 BSR43 Phi P SOT89 npn 90V 1A 1.35W hfe 100-300 A-Q 2PD1820AR Phi N SOT323 gp sw amp 50V npn hfe 120-240 AtQ 2PD1820AR Phi N SOT323 gp sw amp 50V npn hfe 120-240 A-S 2PD1820AS Phi N SOT323 gp sw amp 50V npn hfe 170-340 AtS 2PD1820AS Phi N SOT323 gp sw amp 50V npn hfe 170-340 AS BCW60DR ITT R SOT23 R BCY58-XAS MSD709S Mot N pnp gp 25VASs BAT18-05 Sie B SOT23 dual BAT18 RF pinAS1 BST50 Mot P SOT89 npn darli ngto n 0.5A 60VAS2 BST51 Mot P SOT89 npn darlington 0.5A 80VAS3 BST52 Mot P SOT89 npn darli ngto n 0.5A 90VAS3 BSP52 Mot P SOT223 npn darlington 0.5A hfe 2000 ATs BAT18-06 Sie A SOT23 dual ca BAT18 RF pinATs BFP540 Sie MQ SOT343 npn microwaveAUs BAT18-04 Sie D _ ,SOT23dual BAT18 RF pinAU BCW60GR ITT R SOT23 R BCY58AV DAN212K Roh C 80V 100mA swAW BCW60HR ITT R SOT23 R BCY58AX BCX70JR ITT R SOT23 R BCY59-ixAY BCX70KR ITT R SOT23 R BCY59-XAY MMBD1000 Mot C SOT23 Si sw diode 30V 0.2A补充:元器件标示代号封装形式实际元件型号制造工厂替换型号2 SCD-80 BA892 IFA 2SOD-323 BA597 IF4 105-P MSA-1105 AV4 HPAC-100X HXTR-3104 HP 2N6839a 4 nRadial-4B NE329S01 NEA* 4 |1412 MGA-725M4 AVA* 6 JLPCC-6 ALM-1106 AVA## 30402 VMMK-1225 AV A -Q 3 SOT-323 2PD1820AQ PHA -R 3 SOT-323 2PD1820AR PHA -S 3 SOT-323 2PD1820AS PHAO 3 SOT-23 HSMS-2800 HP 5082-28003 SOT-323 HSMS-280B AV Avt0706AO** 5 SOT-23 /5 TC1014-4.0VCT713 MIAOOA 5 SOT-23 /5 LMC7101AIM5 NS LMC7101AIN AOOB 5 SOT-23 /5 LMC7101BIM5 NS LMC7101BIN AO1 4 86-P MSA-0186 HPAO1B 5 SOT-23 /5 LMC7111BIM5 NS LMC7111BIN A02 4 86-P MSA-0286 AV HPA02A 5 SOT-23 /5 LM7131ACM5 NS LM7131ACN A02B 5 SOT-23 /5 LM7131BCM5 NS LM7131BCN A03 4 86-P MSA-0386 AVA03* 4 SOT-143 MSA-0311 AVA04 4 86-P MSA-0486 AV HPA04A5SOT-23 /5 LM7301IM5 NS LM7121INA052SOD-6 SMBYW02-50 ST BYW02-50A06 4 86-P MSA-0686 AV HPA06* 4 SOT-143 MSA-0611 AVA074 86-P MSA-0786 AV HP8 MSOP-8 LMC272CMM NS LMC272CN A07* 4 SOT-143 MSA-0711 AVA08 4 86-P MSA-0886 AV HPA09 4 86-P MSA-0986 AV2 SOD-11O BAS240 PHA1 2 SOD-123F BAS16H PH2 SOD-323 BA591 PH2 SOD-523 BB208-02 PH2 SOD-882 BZX884-B2V4 PH3 SC-75 2SJ243 NE3 SOT-23 BAW56 MO NSVAL 2x BAW62 3 SOT-23 HSMS-2801 HP 5082-2800 3 SOT-323 BAW56W PH3 SOT-416 BAW56T PH4SOT-343R BGA2001 PH5 SOT-665 PESD5V0L4UW PHA1** 5 SOT-23 /5 TC1014-2.5VCT713 MIA10 2 SOD-6 SMBYW02-100 ST BYW02-100 A113 SOT-23 MMBD1501A NS5 SOT-23 /5 MIC6211BM5 MRA12 5 SC-70/5 LMV321M7 NSA13 3 SC-59 1SS220 NE 3 SOT-23 MMBD1503A NS 5 SOT-23 /5 LMV321M5 NSA14 3 SC-59 1SS221 NE 3 SC-70 1SS305 NE 3 SOT-23 MMBD1504A NSA152 SOD-6 SMBYW02-150 ST BYW02-1503 SOT-23 MMBD1505A NSA16 3 SOT-23 ZC934A ZEA17 3 SOT-23 ZC933A ZEA1p3 SOT-23 BAW56 PH 2x BAW624 SOT-343R BFG310W/XR PHA1s 3 SOT-23 BAW56 SM 3 SOT-323 BAW56W IF 6 SC-74 BAW56U IF 6 SOT-363 BAW56S IFAlt3 SOT-23 BAW56 PH6 SOT-363 BAW56S PH A1W 3 SOT-23 BAW56 PHA2 2 SOD-323 BB208-03 PH2 SOD-523 BB184 PH2 SOD-882 BZX884-B2V7 PH3 SOT-23 BAT18 PH TH VAL BA4823 SOT-23 FMMD2836 ZE3 SOT-23 HSMS-2802 HP 2x 5082-2800 3 SOT-23 ZC833 FER3 SOT-323 HSMS-280C AV4SOT-143 CFY30 SM5 SOT-665 PESD3V3L4UW PHA2** 5 SOT-23 /5 TC1014-2.7VCT713 MIA202 SOD-6 SMBYW02-200 ST BYW02-2004 86-P MSA-2086 AVA20* 4 SOT-143 MSA-2011 AVA21* 4 SOT-143 MSA-2111 AVA27 3 SOT-89 PXTA27 PHA2p3 SOT-23 BAT18 PH BA4826 SOT-363 BGA2022 PHA2s 3 SOT-23 BAT18 IFA3 2 SOD-323 BAP64-03 PH2 SOD-882 BZX884-B3V0 PH3 SC-59 1S2835 NE3 SOT-23 BAS16 FER3 SOT-23 BAT17 TH VAL BA480, BA481 3 SOT-23 HSMS-2803 HP 2x 5082-28003 SOT-323 HSMS-280E AV4 SOT-343R BGA2003 PHA3** 5 SOT-23 /5 TC1014-3.0VCT713 MIA3 - 6 SOT-363 BGA2031/1 PHA31 4 86-P MSA-3186 AVA31* 4 SOT-143 MSA-3111 AVA3p 3 SOT-23 BAT17 PH BA480 A3t 3 SOT-23 BAT17 PHA3W 3 SOT-23 BAT17 PHA4 2 SOD-323 BAT760 PH2 SOD-882 BZX884-B3V3 PH3 SC-59 1S2836 NE3 SC-70 1SS303 NE3 SC-75 KA4A4M NE3 SOT-23 BAV70 MO NS SM VAL 2x BAW623 SOT-23 HSMS-2804 HP 2x 5082-2800 3 SOT-323 BAV70W PH3SOT-323 HSMS-280F AV3 SOT-416 BAV70T PH4 SOT-343R BFU540 PHA46 3 SOT-23 BAR46A STA4p 3 SOT-23 BAV70 PH 2x BAW62A4s 3 SC-75 BAV70T IF3SOT-23 BAV70 IF SM 3SOT-323 BAV70W IF6 SC-74 BAV70U IF6 SOT-363 BAV70S IFA4t3 SOT-23 BAV70 PH6 SOT-363 BAV70S PHA4W 3 SOT-23 BAV70 PH2 SOD-323 BAP51-03 PH2 SOD-882 BZX884-B3V6 PH3 SC-59 1S2837 NEA5 3 SOT-23 BRY61 VAL BRY563 SOT-23 FMMD2837 ZE4 SOT-143 HSMS-2805 HP 2x 5082-28004 SOT-343R BFU510 PHA5** 5 SOT-23 /5 TC1014-3.3VCT713 MIA5 - 6 SOT-363 BGA2011 PHA51 4 SOT-143 BRY62 PH VAL BRY394 SOT-143B BRY62 PH BRY395 SOT-23 /5 MIC6251BM5 MRA52 5 SOT-23 /5 MIC6252BM5 MRA5p 3 SOT-23 BRY61 PH BRY56 A5t 3 SOT-23 BRY61 PH BRY56A6 2 SOD-110 BAS216 PH2 SOD-323 BAS316 PH2 SOD-882 BZX884-B3V9 PH3 SC-59 1S2838 NE3 SC-70 1SS304 NE3 SOT-23 BAS16 MO NS ZE BAW623 SOT-23 FMMD2838 ZE3 SOT-323 BAS16W PH3 SOT-416 BAS16T PH4 SOT-343R BGU2003 PHA6 - 6 SOT-363 BGA2012 PHA61 4 SOT-143 BAS28 PH VAL 2x BAW62 A6A3 SC-59 MMUN2111 MO3 SOT-23 MMUN2111L MOA6B3 SC-59 MMUN2112 MO3 SOT-23 MMUN2112L MOA6C3 SC-59 MMUN2113 MO3 SOT-23 MMUN2113L MOA6D3 SC-59 MMUN2114 MO3 SOT-23 MMUN2114L MOA6E 3 SOT-23 MMUN2115L MOA6F 3 SOT-23 MMUN2116L MOA6G 3 SOT-23 MMUN2130L MOA6H 3 SOT-23 MMUN2131L MOA6J 3 SOT-23 MMUN2132L MOA6K 3 SOT-23 MMUN2133L MOA6L 3 SOT-23 MMUN2134L MOA6p 3 SOT-23 BAS16 PH BAW62A6s 3 SOT-23 BAS16 SM 3 SOT-323 BAS16W IF 6SC-74 BAS16U IF 6SOT-363 BAS16S IFA6t 3 SOT-23 BAS16 PH BAW62 A6W 3 SOT-23 BAS16 PH BAW62A7 2 SOD-323 BAS321 PH2 SOD-882 BZX884-B4V3 PH3 SC-59 1SS123 NE3 SC-75 KN4A4M NE3 SOT-23 BAV99 MO NS SM VAL 2x BAW62 3 SOT-323 BAV99W PH4 SOT-143 HSMS-2807 HP A7**5 SOT-23 /5 TC1014-5.0VCT713 MI A7p 3 SOT-23 BAV99 PHA7s 3 SC-75 BAV99T IF 3 SOT-323 BAV99W IF 6 SC-74 BAV99U IF 6 SOT-363 BAV99S IFA7t3 SOT-23 BAV99 PH6 SOT-363 BAV756S PH A7W 3 SOT-23 BAV99 PHA8 2 SOD-323 BAP50-03 PH2 SOD-882 BZX884-B4V7 PH3 SOT-23 BAS19 FER VAL ZE BAV194 SOT-143 HSMS-2808 HP 4x 5082-2800A8** 5 SOT-23 /5 TC1014-2.85VCT713 MIA81 3 SOT-23 BAS20 FER NS VAL ZE BAV20 A82 3 SOT-23 BAS21 NS VAL ZE BAV21 A85 3 SOT-23 MMBD1701A NSA87 3 SOT-23 MMBD1703A NSA88 3 SOT-23 MMBD1704A NSA89 3 SOT-23 MMBD1705A NSA8A 3 SC-59 MMUN2211 MOA8B 3 SC-59 MMUN2212 MOA8C 3 SC-59 MMUN2213 MOA8D 3 SC-59 MMUN2214 MOA8p 4 SOT-343R BFG325W/XR PHA9 2 SOD-323 BAP70-03 PH2 SOD-882 BZX884-B5V1 PH3 SOT-23 FMMD2835 FER ZEA9** 5SOT-23 /5 TC1014-3.6VCT713 MIA91 3SOT-23 BAS17 PH VAL BA314。
OPA2107AP,OPA2107AU,OPA2107AU 2K5,OPA2107AU 2K5E4,OPA2107APG4,OPA2107AUE4, 规格书,Datasheet 资料
Precision Dual Difet ® Operational Amplifier
q Very Low Noise: 8nV/√Hz at 10kHz q Low VOS: 1mV max q Low Drift: 10µV/°C max q Low IB: 10pA max q Fast Settling Time: 2µs to 0.01% q Unity-Gain Stable
–25°C to +85°C
–25°C to +85°C
NOTE: (1) For the most current specifications and package information, refer to our web site at .
Top View
Out A 1 –In A 2 +In A 3
–VS 4
8 +VS 7 Out B 6 –In B 5 +In B
s Operates from Single +5V Power Supply (+5V and +12V – SP239A)s Meets All RS-232D and V.28 Specifications s ±9V Output Swing with +5V Supply s Improved Driver Output Capacity for Mouse Applicationss Low Power Shutdown – 1µAs WakeUp Feature in Shutdown Mode s 3–State TTL/CMOS Receiver Outputs s ±30V Receiver Input Levelss Low Power CMOS – 5mA Operation s Wide Charge Pump Capacitor Value Range – 1-10µF DESCRIPTION…The SP230A Series are multi–channel RS-232 line drivers/receivers that provide a variety of configurations to fit most communication needs, especially where ±12V is not available. Some models feature a shutdown mode to conserve power in battery-powered systems. Some require no external components. All, except one model, feature a built-in charge pump voltage converter, allowing them to operate from a single +5V power supply. All drivers and receivers meet all EIA RS-232D and CCITT V.28 requirements. The Series is available in plastic and ceramic DIP and SOIC packages.SELECTION TABLEABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operation sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods of time may affect reliability.VCC ...............................................................................................................................................................+6VV+...................................................................................................................(Vcc–0.3V) to +13.2V V–.............................................................................................................................................................13.2V Input Voltages:T IN .......................................................................................................................–0.3 to (Vcc +0.3V)RIN ............................................................................................................................................................±30VOutput Voltages:TOUT.................................................................................................(V+, +0.3V) to (V–, –0.3V)ROUT..............................................................................................................–0.3V to (Vcc +0.3V)Short Circuit Duration:TOUT.........................................................................................................................................ContinuousPower Dissipation:CERDIP..............................................................................675mW(derate 9.5mW/°C above +70°C)Plastic DIP..........................................................................375mW(derate 7mW/°C above +70°C)Small Outline......................................................................375mW(derate 7mW/°C above +70°C)SPECIFICATIONS0V 5V 0V5V 0V0VT INT INT OUTT OUTR L = 3k Ω, C L = 2,500pFNo loadTransmitter Propagation DelayTransmitter Output WaveformsReceiver Output WaveformShutdown to V+, V– Rise TimeInOut5V 0V 0VSDV +V –Rise TimeR L = 3k Ω; C L = 2,500pF All inputs = 20kHzT INT OUTT INT OUTFall TimeR L = 3k Ω; C L = 2,500pFReceiver Propagation DelayRIN 5V 0VR OUT5V 0VR IN5V 0VR OUTPINOUTFall Time Rise TimeReceiver Output Enable/Disable TimesDisable5V 0V5V 0VEN INR OUTEnable5V 0V5V 0VEN INR OUTPINOUTFEATURES…The multi–channel RS-232 line drivers/receivers pro-vides a variety of configurations to fit most communi-cation needs, especially those applications where ±12V is not available. The SP230A, SP235A/B, SP236A/B, SP240A/B, and SP241A/B feature ashutdown mode which reduces device power dissipa-tion to less than 5µW. All feature low power CMOS operation, which is particularly beneficial in battery-powered systems. The SP235A/B use no external components and are ideally suited where printed circuit board space is limited.All products in the Series, except the S P239A, includetwo charge pump voltage converters which allowthem to operate from a single +5V supply. These converters convert the +5V input power to the ±10V needed to generate the RS-232 output levels. The SP239A is designed to operate from +5V and +12V supplies. An internal charge pump converter produces the necessary –12V supply. All drivers and receivers meet all EIA RS-232D and CCITT V.28 specifications.The Series are available for use over the commer-cial, industrial and military temperature ranges. They are packaged in plastic and ceramic DIP, and SOIC packages. For product processed and screened to MIL–M–38510 and MIL–STD–883C requirements, please consult the factory.THEORY OF OPERATIONThe SP230A/B–241A/B series devices are made up of t hree b asic c ircuit b locks –1) t ransmitter, 2) r eceiver and 3) charge pump. Each model within the series incorporates variations of these circuits to achieve the desired configuration and performance.Driver/TransmitterThe drivers are inverting transmitters, which accept TTL or CMOS inputs and output the RS-232 signals with an inverted sense relative to the input logic levels. Typically the RS-232 output voltage swing is ±9V. Even under worst-case loading conditions of 3kΩ and 2500pF, the output is guaranteed to be ±5V, which is consistent with the RS-232 standard specifications. The transmitter outputs are protected against infi-nite short-circuits to ground without degradation in reliability.The drivers of the SP230A, SP235A/B, SP236A/B, SP240A/B and SP241A/B can be tri-stated by using the SHUTDOWN function. In this “power-off” state, the output impedance will remain greater than 300 Ohms, again satisfying the RS-232 specifications. Should the input of the driver be left open, an internal 400kΩ pull–up resistor to VCCforces the input high, thus committing the output to a low state.The slew rate of the transmitter output is internally limited to a maximum of 30V/µs in order to meet theTable 1. EIA Standards DefinitionCharge Pump Output Loading versus VCC; a) V+; b) V–ENABLE Input (EN)The SP235A/B , SP236A/B , SP239A, SP240A/B, and SP241A/B all feature an enable input (EN), which allows the receiver outputs to be either tri–stated or enabled. The enable input is receiver outputs. This can be especially useful when the receiver is tied directly to a micropro-cessor data bus.Protection From Shorts to >±15VThe driver outputs are protected against shorts to ground, other driver outputs, and V + or V -.For protection against voltages exceeding ±15V,two back–to–back zener diodes connected to clamp the outputs to an acceptable voltage level are recommended. (Refer to Figure 3.)Improved Drive Capability for Mouse ApplicationsEach of the devices in this data sheet have improved drive capability for non-standard ap-plications. Although the EIA RS-232D stan-dards specify the maximum loading to be 3k Ωand 2500pF, the SP230A , SP234A , SP235A/B ,SP236A/B , SP237A , SP238A , SP239, SP240A/B, and SP241A/B can typically drive loads as low as 1k Ω and still maintain ±5V outputs. This feature is especially useful when the serial port is intended to be used for a “self-powered”mouse. In this case the voltage necessary to operate the circuits in the mouse can be derived from the RS-232 driver output as long as the loading is ≥1k Ω (refer to Figure 4). For applica-tions which even exceed this requirement, driv-ers can be connected in parallel, increasing the drive capability to 750Ω, while maintaining the ±5V V OH and V OL levels (refer to Figure 5).Figure 3. High Voltage Short Circuit ProtectionFigure 2. Charge Pump Voltage Inverter output impedance of V + and V -, which will degrade V OH and V OL . Capacitor values can be as low as 1.0µF.Shutdown (SD)The SP230A , SP235A/B , SP236A/B ,SP240A/B and SP241A/B all feature a control input which will disable the part and reduce V CC current typically to less than 5µA, which is especially useful to designers of battery–pow-ered systems. In the “power–off” mode the receiver and transmitter will both be tri-stated.V + will discharge to V CC , and V - will discharge to ground.For complete shutdown to occur and the 10µA current drain to be realized, the following con-ditions must be met:• +5.00V must be applied to the SD pin;• ENABLE must either 0V, +5.0V or not connected;• the transmitter inputs must be either +5.0V or not connected;• V CC must be +5V;• Receiver inputs must be >0V and <+5VPlease note that for proper operation, the SD input pin must never be left floating.Table 2. Wake–Up Truth TableFigure 4. Mouse Application Drive Capability 109876543210V O L /V O H (V o l t s )246810121820I OL /I OH (mA)161422V OL vs I OLV OH vs I OHFigure 5. Parallel DriversWake-Up FeatureThe SP235B , SP236B , SP240B and SP241B have a wake-up feature that keeps all receivers in an enabled state when the device is in the shutdown mode. Table 2 defines the truth table for the wake-up function. Timing for the wake-up function is shown in Figure 6.If the SP235B , SP236B , SP240B and SP241B are powered up in the shutdown state (SD driven high during V CC power up), the part must remain in a powered on state for a minimum of 3ms before the wake-up function can be used. After the 3ms wait time, there is a 2ms delay time before data is valid for both enable and disableFigure 6. Wake–Up and Shutdown Timingof the charge pump. If the SP2XXB is powered up with SD low, then only the 2ms delay time will apply (refer to Figure 6). Under normal operation, both the wait time and delay time should be transparent to the user.With only the receivers activated, the device typically draws less than 5µA (10µA max) sup-ply current. In the case of a modem interfaced to a computer in power-down mode, the RI (ring indicator) signal from the modem would be used to “wake up” the computer, allowing it to accept the data transmission.After the ring indicator signal has propagated through the SP2XXB receiver, it can be used to trigger the power management circuitry of the computer to power up the microprocessor and bring the SD pin to the SP2XXB low, taking it out of shutdown. The receiver propagation de-lay is typically 1µs. The enable time for V+ and V- is typically 2ms. After V+ and V- have settled to their final values, a signal can be sent back to the modem on the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) pin signifying that the computer is ready to accept and transmit data.All receivers that are active during shutdown maintain 500mV (typ.) of hysteresis.Varying Capacitor ValuesAs stated earlier, the capacitor values are some-what non-critical. Since they are an actual compo-nent of the charge pump circuitry, their value will affect its performance, which in turn affects the V OH and V OL levels. There is no upper limit for the value of any of the four capacitors; lower values will impact performance. C 1 and C 2 are respon-sible for the charge accumulation and can be reduced to 1µF; this will increase the output im-pedance of V + and V –. Reducing these capacitor values will limit the ability of the SP2XXA/B to maintain the dc voltages needed to generate the RS-232 output levels. Capacitors C 3 and C 4 can also be reduced to 1µF; doing so will increase the ripple on V + and V–.Typically each driver will require 1µF of capaci-tance as a minimum to operate within all specified parameters; if five drivers are active in the circuit,then C 3 and C 4 should be 5µF. In order to operateat these minimum values, the supply voltage must be maintained at +5.0V ±5%. Also, the ambient operating temperature must be less than 60°C.The capacitor values must be chosen to suit the particular application. The designer must bal-ance board space, cost and performance to maxi-mize the design. The capacitors can be polarized or non–polarized, axial-leaded or surface-mount.As the size and value decrease, so does the cost;however, the value should be chosen to accom-modate worst-case load conditions.IBM Modem Port InterconnectionsINTERFACE EXAMPLE – A MODEM ON THE IBM PC SERIAL PORTThe RS-232 standard defines 22 serial interface signals. These signals consist of ground lines,timing, data, control and test signals, plus a set of signals rarely used for a second data channel.Many of these signal lines are not used in typical RS-232 applications; in fact, the IBM ® PC serial port is implemented using only nine pins.For example, consider the case of a PC using this nine pin port to communicate with a peripheral device such as a modem. We see the following activity on each of the RS-232 lines as the computer and modem are activated and commu-nicate with each other as well as the remote modem at the other end of the phone line.Signal Ground (GND)The Signal Ground pin acts as a reference for all the other signals. This pin is simply maintained at a 0V level to serve as a level to which all other signals are referenced. Both the PC and the modem will have this line connected to their respective internal ground lines.Data Terminal Ready (DTR)This is the pin the computer uses to tell periph-eral devices that it is on–line and ready to communicate.Data Set Ready (DSR)Peripheral devices use this line to tell the com-puter that they are on–line and ready to commu-nicate. When the modem is turned on and has completed its self–test routine (assuming it does one), it will send a signal to the PC by asserting this line.Request To Send (RTS)The computer activates this line to notify the peripheral device that it is ready to send data. In this example, the computer notifies the modem that it is ready to send data to be transmitted by the modem.Clear To Send (CTS)This is the line on which the peripheral device tells the computer that it is ready to receive data from the computer. If the modem was not ready, i.e. it was performing a loop–back self–test, for example, it would not assert this line. Once the modem was ready to receive data from the PC, it would assert this line. When it receives the CTS signal from the modem, the PC knows that a data transmission path has been established between itself and the modem.Transmitted Data (TD or TX)This is the pin on which the computer sends the actual data signal to be transmitted, i.e. a posi-tive voltage (+3V to +15V) to represent a logic “0”, and a negative voltage (–3V to –15V) to represent a logic “1”. The PC would send the data on this line to be transmitted by the modem. Ring Indicator (RI)This line is used by the peripheral device to tell the computer that a remote device wants to start communicating. The modem would activate the RI line to tell the computer that the remote modem was calling, i.e. the phone is ringing. Data Carrier Detect (DCD)This line is used by the modem to tell the computer that it has completed a transmission path with the remote modem, and to expect to start receiving data at any time.Received Data (RD or RX)This is the pin on which the modem sends the computer the incoming data signal, i.e. a posi-tive voltage (+3V to +15V) to represent a logic “0”, and a negative voltage (-3V to -15V) to represent a logic “1”.INTERFACE EXAMPLE – A PRINTER ON THE IBM PC SERIAL PORTThe RS-232 standard defines 22 serial interface signals. These signals consist of ground lines, timing, data, control and test signals, plus a set of signals rarely used for a second data channel. Many of these signal lines are not used in typical RS-232 applications; in fact, the IBM® PC serial port is implemented using only nine pins.For example, consider the case of a PC using this nine pin port to communicate with a peripheral device such as a printer. We see the following activity on each of the RS-232 lines as the com-puter and printer are activated and communicate. Signal Ground (GND)The Signal Ground pin acts as a reference for all the other signals. This pin is simply maintained at a 0V level to serve as a level to which all other signals are referenced. Both the PC and the printer will have this line connected to their respective internal ground lines.Data Terminal Ready (DTR)This is the pin the computer uses to tell peripheral devices that it is on–line and ready to communi-IBM Printer Port Interconnectionscate. Once the computer is powered–up and ready, it will send out a signal on the DTR to inform the printer that it is powered–up and ready to go. The printer really doesn’t care, since it will simply print data as it is received. Accordingly, this pin is not needed at the printer.Data Set Ready (DSR)Peripheral devices use this line to tell the computer that they are on–line and ready to communicate. When the printer is turned on and has completed its self–test routine (assuming it does one), it will send a signal to the PC by asserting this line. Request To Send (RTS)The computer activates this line to notify the peripheral device that it is ready to send data. In this example, the computer notifies the printer that it is ready to send data to be printed by the printer. Clear To Send (CTS)This is the line on which the peripheral device tells the computer that it is ready to receive data from the computer. If the printer was not ready, i.e. it was out of paper, for example, it would not assert this line. Once the printer was ready to receive data from the PC, it would assert this line. When it receives the CTS signal from the printer, the PC knows that a data transmission path has been established between itself and the printer. Transmitted Data (TD or TX)This is the pin on which the computer sends the actual data signal representing the actual informa-tion to be printed, i.e. a positive voltage (+3V to +15V) to represent a logic “0”, and a negative voltage (-3V to -15V) to represent a logic “1”. Ring Indicator (RI)This line is used by the peripheral device to tell the computer that a remote device wants to start com-municating. A modem would activate the RI line to tell the computer that a remote modem was calling, i.e. the phone is ringing. In the case of a printer, this line is unused.Data Carrier Detect (DCD)This line is used by a peripheral device to tell the computer to expect to start receiving data at any time. Since the printer would not be sending data to the PC in this case this line is not needed.Received Data (RD or RX)This is the pin on which the computer receives the incoming data signal, i.e. a positive voltage (+3V to +15V) to represent a logic “0”, and a negative voltage (-3V to -15V) to represent a logic “1”. Again, in this instance, since the printer will not be sending the PC any data, this line is not needed.ORDERING INFORMATION Model.......................................................................................Temperature Range....................................................................PackageSP230ACP.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C.....................................................................20–pin Plastic DIP SP230ACT.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C..............................................................................20–pin SOIC SP230ACX.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C............................................................................................Dice SP230AEP...................................................................................–40°C to +85°C...................................................................20–pin Plastic DIP SP230AET...................................................................................–40°C to +85°C............................................................................20–pin SOIC SP234ACP.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C.....................................................................16–pin Plastic DIP SP234ACT.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C..............................................................................16–pin SOIC SP234ACX.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C............................................................................................Dice SP234AEP...................................................................................–40°C to +85°C...................................................................16–pin Plastic DIP SP234AET...................................................................................–40°C to +85°C............................................................................16–pin SOIC SP235ACP.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C.............................................24–pin Plastic Double–width DIP SP235AEP...................................................................................–40°C to +85°C...........................................24–pin Plastic Double–width DIP SP235BCP.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C.............................................24–pin Plastic Double–width DIP SP235BEP...................................................................................–40°C to +85°C...........................................24–pin Plastic Double–width DIP SP236ACS.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C.....................................................................24–pin Plastic DIP SP236ACT.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C..............................................................................24–pin SOIC SP236ACX.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C............................................................................................Dice SP236AES...................................................................................–40°C to +85°C...................................................................24–pin Plastic DIP SP236AET...................................................................................–40°C to +85°C............................................................................24–pin SOIC SP236BCS.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C.................................................................... 24–pin Plastic DIP SP236BCT.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C..............................................................................24–pin SOIC SP236BCX.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C............................................................................................Dice SP236BES...................................................................................–40°C to +85°C...................................................................24–pin Plastic DIP SP236BET...................................................................................–40°C to +85°C............................................................................24–pin SOIC SP237ACS.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C.....................................................................24–pin Plastic DIP SP237ACT.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C..............................................................................24–pin SOIC SP237ACX.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C............................................................................................Dice SP237AES...................................................................................–40°C to +85°C...................................................................24–pin Plastic DIP SP237AET...................................................................................–40°C to +85°C............................................................................24–pin SOIC SP238ACS.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C.....................................................................24–pin Plastic DIP SP238ACT.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C..............................................................................24–pin SOIC SP238ACX.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C............................................................................................Dice SP238AES...................................................................................–40°C to +85°C...................................................................24–pin Plastic DIP SP238AET...................................................................................–40°C to +85°C............................................................................24–pin SOIC SP239ACS.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C.....................................................................24–pin Plastic DIP SP239ACT.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C..............................................................................24–pin SOIC SP239ACX.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C............................................................................................Dice SP239AES...................................................................................–40°C to +85°C...................................................................24–pin Plastic DIP SP239AET...................................................................................–40°C to +85°C............................................................................24–pin SOIC SP240ACF.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C...............................................................44–pin Quad Flatpack SP240BCF.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C.............................................................. 44–pin Quad Flatpack SP241ACT.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C..............................................................................28–pin SOIC SP241AET...................................................................................–40°C to +85°C............................................................................28–pin SOIC SP241BCT.....................................................................................0°C to +70°C..............................................................................28–pin SOIC SP241BET...................................................................................–40°C to +85°C............................................................................28–pin SOICSome –CT and –ET packages available Tape–on–Reel; please consult the factory.。
低功耗型运算放大器——型号列表制造商 产品类别 产品型号 产品描述AD708JN 精密高性能双运放 ADI 公司低功耗型运算放大器OP200GP 双OP07运放OPA2244PA 双路,低成本,微功耗单电源供电运放 OPA2244UA 双路,低成本,微功耗单电源供电运放 OPA2334AIDGST 单电源供电, 零漂移CMOS 运放 OPA2336PA 单电源供电,微功耗CMOS 运放 OPA2338UA 小尺寸单电源CMOS 运放 OPA2347UA 微功耗满幅运放OPA2348AID 宽带宽,微功耗,单电源供电,满幅输入输出 OPA2348AIDCNT 宽带宽,微功耗,单电源供电,满幅输入输出 OPA2349EA/250双路,微功耗,单电源供电,满幅输入输出运放OPA2349UA双路,微功耗,单电源供电,满幅输入输出运放OPA237NA/250 低电压,低功耗,单电源运放 OPA380AID 单路,高带宽满幅输出运放 OPA4244EA/250 四路,微功耗,单电源运放 OPA561PWP 电流输出为1A.宽电源电压 TLC1079CD 四组微功率高精度低压运放 TLC2252AID 双路,满电源幅度,微功耗运放 TLC2252AIDR 双路,满电源幅度,微功耗运放 TLC2252CD 双路,满电源幅度,微功耗运放 TLC2252CDR 双路,满电源幅度,微功耗运放 TLC2252CP 双路,满电源幅度,微功耗运放 TLC2252CPWR 双路,满电源幅度,微功耗运放 TLC2252ID 双路,满电源幅度,微功耗运放 TLC2254AID 四路,满电源幅度,微功耗运放 TLC2254CD 四路,满电源幅度,微功耗运放 TLC2254CDR 四路,满电源幅度,微功耗运放 TLC2254CN 四路,满电源幅度,微功耗运放 TLC2254CPW 四路,满电源幅度,微功耗运放 TLC2254CPWR 四路,满电源幅度,微功耗运放 TLC2254IN 四路,满电源幅度,微功耗运放 TI 公司低功耗型运算放大器TLC2262AID双路先进的CMOS,满电源幅度运放TLC2262AIDR 双路先进的CMOS,满电源幅度运放TLC2262CD 双路先进的CMOS,满电源幅度运放TLC2262CDR 双路先进的CMOS,满电源幅度运放TLC2262CP 双路先进的CMOS,满电源幅度运放TLC2262IP 双路先进的CMOS,满电源幅度运放TLC2264AID 四路先进的CMOS,满电源幅度运放TLC2264CD 四路先进的CMOS,满电源幅度运放TLC2264CDR 四路先进的CMOS,满电源幅度运放TLC2264CN 四路先进的CMOS,满电源幅度运放TLC2264ID 四路先进的CMOS,满电源幅度运放TLC27L2BCP 微功耗,单电源CMOS,通用运放TLC27L2CD 微功耗,单电源CMOS,通用运放TLC27L2CDR 微功耗,单电源CMOS,通用运放TLC27L2CP 微功耗,单电源CMOS,通用运放TLC27L2ID 微功耗,单电源CMOS,通用运放TLC27L2IDR 微功耗,单电源CMOS,通用运放TLC27L4CD 微功耗,单电源CMOS,通用运放TLC27L4CDR 微功耗,单电源CMOS,通用运放TLC27L4CN 微功耗,单电源CMOS,通用运放TLC27L4ID 微功耗,单电源CMOS,通用运放TLC27L4IDR 微功耗,单电源CMOS,通用运放TLC27L7CP 微功耗,单电源TLC27L7ID 微功耗,单电源TLC27L9CN 微功耗,单电源, CMOS,低输入失调,通用运放TLC27M2CP 低功耗,单电源, CMOS通用运放TLC27M2ID 低功耗,单电源,CMOS通用运放TLE2022ACDR 双路精密型,低功耗,单电源运放TLE2061CP JFET输入,高输出驱动,微功耗运放TLE2062CP 双路JFET输入,高输出驱动,微功耗运放 TLE2064CN JFET输入,高输出驱动,微功耗运放TLE2064IN JFET输入,高输出驱动,微功耗运放TLV2241CD 单路,满幅,微功耗单电源运放TLV2241ID 单路,满幅,微功耗单电源运放TLV2241IDBVT 单路,满幅,微功耗单电源运放TLV2241IP 单路,满幅,微功耗单电源运放TLV2242CD 双路,满幅,微功耗单电源运放TLV2242ID 双路,满幅,微功耗单电源运放TLV2242IDGK 双路,满幅,微功耗单电源运放TLV2242IP 双路,满幅,微功耗单电源运放TLV2244CD 四路,满幅,微功耗单电源运放TLV2244ID 四路,满幅,微功耗单电源运放TLV2244IN 四路,满幅,微功耗单电源运放TLV2244IPW 四路,满幅,微功耗单电源运放TLV2252AID 双路,低电压,微功耗TLV2252AIP 双路,低电压,微功耗TLV2252AIPW 双路,低电压,微功耗TLV2254AID 四路满电源幅度,低压微功耗运放TLV2254AIPW 四路满电源幅度,低压微功耗运放TLV2254AIPWR 四路满电源幅度,低压微功耗运放TLV2262ID 双路,低功耗,低噪声运放TLV2262IDR 双路,低功耗,低噪声运放TLV2262IP 双路,低电压,微功耗TLV2264AID 双路,低电压,微功耗TLV2322ID 双路,低电压,微功耗TLV2322IP 双路,低电压,微功耗TLV2324ID 四路,低电压,微功耗TLV2324IN 四路,低电压,微功耗TLV2332IP 双路,低电压,低功耗TLV2334IN 四路,低电压,低功耗TLV2401IP 单路,低功耗满幅运放TLV2402ID 双路,低功耗满幅运放TLV2402IP 双路,低功耗满幅运放TLV2404IN 四路,低功耗满幅运放TLV2404IPW 四路,低功耗满幅运放TLV2422CD 先进的LINCMOS满量程输出,微功耗双路运放TLV2452CD 满幅度输入/输出双运放TLV2454CN 满幅度输入/输出四运放TLV2455CPW 具有关断功能的满幅度输入/输出运放 TLV2455IPW 具有关断功能的满幅度输入/输出运放 TLV2711CDBVT 单路,5脚封装,微功耗TLV2721CDBVR 单路,5脚封装,低功耗,中速TLV2721CDBVT 单路,5脚封装,低功耗,中速TLV2721IDBVT 单路,5脚封装,低功耗,中速TLV2761ID 单路低功耗满幅运放TLV2762ID 双路1.8V,微功耗,低偏置电流运放 TLV2762IP 双路1.9V,微功耗,低偏置电流运放 TLV2780ID 单路,1.8V,微功耗,低偏置电流运放TLV2783ID 双路,1.10V,微功耗,低偏置电流运放 TLV2783IN 双路,1.11V,微功耗,低偏置电流运放 TLV2785ID 四路,1.12V,微功耗,低偏置电流运放 TLV2785IN 四路,1.13V,微功耗,低偏置电流运放MICROCHIP 公司 低功耗型运算放大器。
OPA277UA2K5,OPA277UA2K5,OPA2277UAK5,OPA2277UAK5,OPA2277UA2K5, 规格书,Datasheet 资料
High PrecisionOPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERSOPA277OPA2277OPA4277SBOS079A – MARCH 1999 – REVISED APRIL 2005PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.Products conform to specifications per the terms of Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters.Copyright © 1999-2005, Texas Instruments IncorporatedPlease be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.DESCRIPTIONThe OPA277 series precision op amps replace the industry standard OP-177. They offer improved noise, wider output voltage swing, and are twice as fast with half the quiescent current. Features include ultra low offset voltage and drift, low bias current, high common-mode rejection, and high power supply rejection. Single, dual, and quad versions have identical specifications for maximum design flexibility.OPA277 series op amps operate from ±2V to ±18V supplies with excellent performance. Unlike most op amps which are specified at only one supply voltage, the OPA277 series is specified for real-world applications; a single limit applies over the ±5V to ±15V supply range. High performance is maintained as the amplifiers swing to their specified limits. Because the initial offset voltage (±20µV max) is so low, user adjustment is usually not required. However, the single version (OPA277) provides exter-nal trim pins for special applications.OPA277 op amps are easy to use and free from phase inversion and overload problems found in some other op amps. They are stable in unity gain and provide excellent dynamic behavior over a wide range of load conditions. Dual and quad versions feature completely independent circuitry for lowest crosstalk and free-dom from interaction, even when overdriven or overloaded.Single (OPA277) and dual (OPA2277) versions are available in DIP-8, SO-8, and DFN-8 (4mm x 4mm) packages. The quad (OPA4277) comes in DIP-14 and SO-14 surface-mount pack-ages. All are fully specified from –40°C to +85°C and operate from –55°C to +125°C.FEATURESq ULTRA LOW OFFSET VOLTAGE: 10µV q ULTRA LOW DRIFT: ±0.1µV/°C q HIGH OPEN-LOOP GAIN: 134dBq HIGH COMMON-MODE REJECTION: 140dB q HIGH POWER SUPPLY REJECTION: 130dB q LOW BIAS CURRENT: 1nA maxq WIDE SUPPLY RANGE: ±2V to ±18Vq LOW QUIESCENT CURRENT: 800µA/amplifier q SINGLE, DUAL, AND QUAD VERSIONS q REPLACES OP-07, OP-77, OP-1771234567141312111098Out D –In D +In D V –+In C –In C Out COut A –In A +In A V++In B–In B Out BOPA427714-Pin DIP, SO-14ADBC12348765V+Out B –In B +In BOut A –In A +In A V –OPA22778-Pin DIP, SO-8ABAPPLICATIONSq TRANSDUCER AMPLIFIER q BRIDGE AMPLIFIERq TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS q STRAIN GAGE AMPLIFIER q PRECISION INTEGRATORq BATTERY POWERED INSTRUMENTS q TEST EQUIPMENT12348765Offset Trim V+Output NCOffset Trim–In +In V –OPA2778-Pin DIP, SO-8Offset Trim −In +In V −OPA277AIDRM(Connect to V −)Out A −In A+In AV −OPA2277AIDRM(Connect to V −)NC = No connection.OFFSET OFFSETVOLTAGE VOLTAGE DRIFT PRODUCT max, µV max, µV/°CPACKAGE-LEAD SingleOPA277PA ±50±1DIP-8OPA277P ±20±0.15DIP-8OPA277UA ±50±1SO-8 Surface Mount OPA277U±20±0.15SO-8 Surface Mount OPA277AIDRM ±100±1DFN-8 (4mm x 4mm)DualOPA2277PA ±50±1DIP-8OPA2277P ±25±0.25DIP-8OPA2277UA ±50±1SO-8 Surface Mount OPA2277U±25±0.25SO-8 Surface Mount OPA2277AIDRM ±100±1DFN-8 (4mm x 4mm)QuadOPA4277PA ±50±1DIP-14OPA4277UA±50±1SO-14 Surface MountNOTE: (1) For the most current package and ordering information, see the Package Option Addendum located at the end of this data sheet or visit the TI web site at .ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (1)Supply Voltage ....................................................................................36V Input Voltage .....................................................(V –) –0.7V to (V+) +0.7V Output Short-Circuit (2)..............................................................Continuous Operating Temperature ..................................................–55°C to +125°C Storage Temperature .....................................................–55°C to +125°C Junction Temperature......................................................................150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s).................................................300°C ESD Rating (Human Body Model).. (2000V)(Machine Model)...........................................................100V NOTE: (1) Stresses above these rating may cause permanent damage.Exposure to absolute maximum conditions for extended periods may degrade device reliability. (2) Short-circuit to ground, one amplifier per package.PACKAGE/ORDERING INFORMATION (1)PIN DESCRIPTIONSELECTROSTATICDISCHARGE SENSITIVITYThis integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instru-ments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage.ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: V S = ±5V to V S = ±15VAt T A = +25°C, and R L = 2kΩ, unless otherwise noted.Boldface limits apply over the specified temperature range, –40°C to +85°C.OPA277PA, UAOPA277P, U OPA2277PA, UA OPA277AIDRM,OPA2277P, U OPA4277PA, UA OPA2277AIDRMPARAMETER CONDITION MIN TYP(1)MAX MIN TYP(1)MAX MIN TYP(1)MAX UNITSOFFSET VOLTAGEInput Offset Voltage:V OSOPA277P, U (high grade, single)±10±20µV OPA2277P, U (high grade, dual)±10±25µV All PA, UA, Versions±20±50µV AIDRM Versions±35±100µV Input Offset Voltage Over TemperatureOPA277P, U (high grade, single)T A = –40°C to +85°C±30µV OPA2277P, U (high grade, dual)T A = –40°C to +85°C±50µV All PA, UA, Versions T A = –40°C to +85°C±100µV AIDRM Versions T A = –40°C to +85°C±165µV Input Offset Voltage Drift dV OS/dTOPA277P, U (high grade, single)T A = –40°C to +85°C±0.1±0.15µV/°C OPA2277P, U (high grade, dual)T A = –40°C to +85°C±0.1±0.25µV/°C All PA, UA, AIDRM Versions T A = –40°C to +85°C±0.15±1±0.15±1µV/°C Input Offset Voltage: (all models)vs Time0.2✻✻µV/mo vs Power Supply PSRR V S = ±2V to ±18V±0.3±0.5✻±1✻±1µV/V T A = –40°C to +85°C V S = ±2V to ±18V±0.5±1±1µV/V Channel Separation (dual, quad)dc0.1✻✻µV/V INPUT BIAS CURRENTInput Bias Current I B±0.5±1✻±2.8±2.8nA T A = –40°C to +85°C±2±4±4nA Input Offset Current I OS±0.5±1✻±2.8±2.8nA T A = –40°C to +85°C±2±4±4nA NOISEInput Voltage Noise, f = 0.1 to 10Hz0.22✻✻µV PP0.035✻✻µVrms Input Voltage Noise Density, f = 10Hz e n12✻✻nV/√Hzf = 100Hz8✻✻nV/√Hzf = 1kHz8✻✻nV/√Hzf = 10kHz8✻✻nV/√Hz Current Noise Density, f = 1kHz i n0.2✻✻pA/√HzINPUT VOLTAGE RANGECommon-Mode Voltage Range V CM(V–) +2(V+) –2✻✻✻✻V Common-Mode Rejection CMRR V CM = (V–) +2V to (V+) –2V130140115✻115✻dB T A = –40°C to +85°C V CM = (V–) +2V to (V+) –2V128115115dB INPUT IMPEDANCEDifferential100 || 3✻✻MΩ || pF Common-Mode V CM = (V–) +2V to (V+) –2V250 || 3✻✻GΩ || pFOPEN-LOOP GAINOpen-Loop Voltage Gain A OL V O = (V–)+0.5V to(V+)–1.2V, R L = 10kΩ140✻✻dBV O = (V–)+1.5V to(V+)–1.5V, R L = 2kΩ126134✻✻✻✻dBT A = –40°C to +85°C V O = (V–)+1.5V to(V+)–1.5V, R L = 2kΩ126✻✻dBFREQUENCY RESPONSEGain-Bandwidth Product GBW1✻✻MHz Slew Rate SR0.8✻✻V/µs Settling Time, 0.1%V S = ±15V, G = 1, 10V Step14✻✻µs0.01%V S = ±15V, G = 1, 10V Step16✻✻µs Overload Recovery Time V IN• G = V S3✻✻µs Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise THD+N1kHz, G = 1, V O = 3.5Vrms0.002✻✻%✻ Specifications same as OPA277P, U.NOTE: (1) V S = ±15V.OPA277, OPA2277, OPA42773 SBOS079A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: V S = ±5V to V S = ±15V (CONT) At T A = +25°C, and R L = 2kΩ, unless otherwise noted.Boldface limits apply over the specified temperature range, –40°C to +85°C.✻ Specifications same as OPA277P, U.NOTES:(1) V S = ±15V.(2) Thermal pad soldered to printed circuit board (PCB).OPA277, OPA2277, OPA42775SBOS079ATYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSAt T A = +25°C, V S = ±15V, and R L = 2k Ω, unless otherwise noted.101001k10k100kFrequency (Hz)CHANNEL SEPARATION vs FREQUENCY1M140120100806040C h a n n e l S e p a r a t i o n (d B)101001k 10k100k10.10.010.001T H D +N o i s e (%)Frequency (Hz)TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION + NOISEvs FREQUENCY1101001k10k1000100101V o l t a g e N o i s e (n V/√H z )C u r r e n t N o i s e (f A /√H z )Frequency (Hz)INPUT NOISE AND CURRENT NOISE SPECTRAL DENSITY vs FREQUENCY0.11101001k10k100k1M10M 140120100806040200–20A O L (dB )0–30–60–90–120–150–180P h a s e (°)Frequency (Hz)OPEN-LOOP GAIN/PHASEvs FREQUENCY0.11101001k 10k 100k 1M140120100806040200P S R , C M R (d B )Frequency (Hz)POWER SUPPLY AND COMMON-MODEREJECTION vs FREQUENCY1s/divINPUT NOISE VOLTAGE vs TIME50n V /d i vNoise signal is bandwidth limited to lie between 0.1Hz and 10Hz.TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (CONT)At T A = +25°C, V S = ±15V, and R L = 2k Ω, unless otherwise noted.OFFSET VOLTAGE PRODUCTION DISTRIBUTIONP e r c e n t o f A m p l i f i e r s (%)Offset Voltage (µV)16141210864203210–1–2–3O f f s e t V o l t a g e C h a n g e (µV )306090120Time from Power Supply Turn-On (s)WARM-UP OFFSET VOLTAGE DRIFT154575105OFFSET VOLTAGE DRIFT PRODUCTION DISTRIBUTIONP e r c e n t o f Am p l i f i e r s (%)Offset Voltage (µV/°C) 1.035302520151050INPUT BIAS CURRENT vs TEMPERATURE125Temperature (°C)–75–50–25255075100543210–1–2–3–4–5I n p u t B i a s C u r r e n t (n A )–75–50–250255075100125160150140130120110100A O L , C M R , P S R (dB )Temperature (°C)A OL , CMR, PSR vs TEMPERATURE–75–50–252550751001251000950900850800750700650600550500Q u i e s c e n t C u r r e n t (µA )1009080706050403020100S h o r t -C i r c u i t C u r r e n t (m A )Temperature (°C)QUIESCENT CURRENT ANDSHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT vs TEMPERATUREOPA277, OPA2277, OPA42777SBOS079ATYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (CONT)At T A = +25°C, V S = ±15V, and R L = 2k Ω, unless otherwise noted.CHANGE IN INPUT BIAS CURRENT vs POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE40Supply Voltage (V)51015202530352.–0.5–1.0–1.5–2.0∆I B (n A )CHANGE IN INPUT BIAS CURRENT vs COMMON-MODE VOLTAGE15Common-Mode Voltage (V)–15–10–505102.–0.5–1.0–1.5–2.0∆I B (n A)OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING vs OUTPUT CURRENT(V+) –(V+) –(V+) –(V+) –(V+) –(V –(V –(V –(V –(V –(V –0±5±10±15±20±25±30Output Current (mA)O u t p u t V o l t a g e S w i n g (V )1000900800700600500Q u i e s c e n t C ur r e n t (µA )±5±10±15±20Supply Voltage (V)QUIESCENT CURRENT vs SUPPLY VOLTAGEper amplifier100102050S e t t l i n g T i m e (µs )±1±10±100Gain (V/V)SETTLING TIME vs CLOSED-LOOP GAIN MAXIMUM OUTPUT VOLTAGEvs FREQUENCY1MFrequency (Hz)1k10k100k302520151050O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V P P )TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (CONT)At T A = +25°C, V S = ±15V, and R L = 2k Ω, unless otherwise noted.SMALL-SIGNAL OVERSHOOT vs LOAD CAPACITANCE1k1001010k100kLoad Capacitance (pF)6050403020100O v e r s h o o t (%)10µs/divLARGE-SIGNAL STEP RESPONSE G = +1, CL = 1500pF, V S = +15V2V /d i v1µs/divSMALL-SIGNAL STEP RESPONSEG = +1, CL = 0, V S = ±15V20m V /d i v1µs/divSMALL-SIGNAL STEP RESPONSE G = +1, C L = 1500pF, V S = ±15V20m V /d i vAPPLICATIONS INFORMATION The OPA277 series is unity-gain stable and free from unex-pected output phase reversal, making it easy to use in a wide range of applications. Applications with noisy or high imped-ance power supplies may require decoupling capacitors connecting a potentiometer as shown in Figure 1. This adjustment should be used only to null the offset of the op amp. This adjustment should not be used to compensate for offsets created elsewhere in a system since this can intro-duce additional temperature drift.FIGURE 2. Input Bias Current Cancellation.OPA277, OPA2277, OPA42779 SBOS079A FIGURE 3. Load Cell Amplifier.FIGURE 4. Thermocouple Low Offset, Low Drift Loop Measurement with Diode Cold Junction Compensation.DFN PACKAGEThe OPA277 series uses the 8-lead DFN (also known as SON), which is a QFN package with contacts on only two sides of the package bottom. This leadless, near-chip-scale package maximizes board space and enhances thermal and electrical characteristics through an exposed pad.DFN packages are physically small, have a smaller routing area, improved thermal performance, and improved electrical parasitics, with a pinout scheme that is consistent with other commonly-used packages, such as SO and MSOP. Addition-ally, the absence of external leads eliminates bent-lead issues.The DFN package can be easily mounted using standard printed circuit board (PCB) assembly techniques. See Appli-cation Note, QFN/SON PCB Attachment (SLUA271) and Application Report, Quad Flatpack No-Lead Logic Packages (SCBA017), both available for download at . The exposed leadframe die pad on the bottom of the package should be connected to V–.LAYOUT GUIDELINESThe leadframe die pad should be soldered to a thermal pad on the PCB. Mechanical drawings located at the end of this data sheet list the physical dimensions for the package and pad.Soldering the exposed pad significantly improves board-level reliability during temperature cycling, key push, package shear, and similar board-level tests. Even with applications that have low-power dissipation, the exposed pad must be soldered to the PCB to provide structural integrity and long-term reliability.Addendum-Page 1PACKAGING INFORMATIONOrderable Device Status(1)Package Type PackageDrawingPins Package QtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp(3)Samples (Requires Login)OPA2277AIDRMT ACTIVE VSON DRM 8250Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM OPA2277AIDRMTG4ACTIVE VSON DRM 8250Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM OPA2277P ACTIVE PDIP P 850Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type OPA2277PA ACTIVE PDIP P 850Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type OPA2277PAG4ACTIVE PDIP P 850Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type OPA2277PG4ACTIVE PDIP P 850Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type OPA2277U ACTIVE SOIC D 875Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)Call TI Level-3-260C-168 HR OPA2277U/2K5ACTIVE SOIC D 82500Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)Call TI Level-3-260C-168 HR OPA2277U/2K5G4ACTIVE SOIC D 82500Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)Call TI Level-3-260C-168 HR OPA2277UA ACTIVE SOIC D 875Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)Call TILevel-3-260C-168 HROPA2277UA/2K5ACTIVE SOIC D 82500Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR OPA2277UA/2K5E4ACTIVE SOIC D 82500Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR OPA2277UAE4ACTIVE SOIC D 875Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)Call TI Level-3-260C-168 HR OPA2277UAG4ACTIVE SOIC D 875Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)Call TI Level-3-260C-168 HR OPA2277UG4ACTIVE SOIC D 875Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)Call TILevel-3-260C-168 HROPA277AIDRMR ACTIVE VSON DRM 83000Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM OPA277AIDRMRG4ACTIVEVSONDRM83000Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM芯天下--/Addendum-Page 2Orderable Device Status(1)Package Type PackageDrawingPins Package QtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp(3)Samples (Requires Login)OPA277AIDRMT ACTIVE VSON DRM 8250Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM OPA277AIDRMTG4ACTIVE VSON DRM 8250Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM OPA277P ACTIVE PDIP P 850Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type OPA277PA ACTIVE PDIP P 850Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type OPA277PAG4ACTIVE PDIP P 850Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type OPA277PG4ACTIVE PDIP P 850Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type OPA277U ACTIVE SOIC D 875Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR OPA277U/2K5ACTIVE SOIC D 82500Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR OPA277U/2K5G4ACTIVE SOIC D 82500Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR OPA277UA ACTIVE SOIC D 875Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR OPA277UA/2K5ACTIVE SOIC D 82500Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR OPA277UA/2K5E4ACTIVE SOIC D 82500Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR OPA277UAE4ACTIVE SOIC D 875Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR OPA277UAG4ACTIVE SOIC D 875Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR OPA277UG4ACTIVE SOIC D 875Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR OPA4277PA ACTIVE PDIP N 1425Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type OPA4277PAG4ACTIVE PDIP N 1425Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU N / A for Pkg Type OPA4277UAACTIVESOICD1450Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR芯天下--/Addendum-Page 3Orderable Device Status(1)Package Type PackageDrawingPins Package QtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp(3)Samples (Requires Login)OPA4277UA/2K5ACTIVE SOIC D 142500Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR OPA4277UA/2K5E4ACTIVE SOIC D 142500Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR OPA4277UAE4ACTIVE SOIC D 1450Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR OPA4277UAG4ACTIVESOICD1450Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-3-260C-168 HR(1)The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2)Eco Plan - The planned eco-friendly classification: Pb-Free (RoHS), Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt), or Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) - please check /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.TBD: The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free (RoHS): TI's terms "Lead-Free" or "Pb-Free" mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all 6 substances, including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt): This component has a RoHS exemption for either 1) lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and package, or 2) lead-based die adhesive used between the die and leadframe. The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free (RoHS compatible) as defined above.Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br): TI defines "Green" to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible), and free of Bromine (Br) and Antimony (Sb) based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous material)(3)MSL, Peak Temp. -- The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder temperature.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties. TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals.TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s) at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.芯天下--/TAPE AND REEL INFORMATION*All dimensions are nominalDevicePackage Type Package Drawing Pins SPQReel Diameter (mm)Reel Width W1(mm)A0(mm)B0(mm)K0(mm)P1(mm)W (mm)Pin1Quadrant OPA2277AIDRMT VSON DRM 8250180.012.4 4.25 4.25 D 82500330.012.4 6.4 5.2 D 82500330.012.4 6.4 5.2 VSON DRM 83000330.012.4 4.25 4.25 VSON DRM 8250180.012.4 4.25 4.25 D 82500330.012.4 6.4 5.2 D 82500330.012.4 6.4 5.2*All dimensions are nominalDevice Package Type Package Drawing Pins SPQ Length(mm)Width(mm)Height(mm) OPA2277AIDRMT VSON DRM8250210.0185.035.0 OPA2277U/2K5SOIC D8*******.0367.035.0 OPA2277UA/2K5SOIC D8*******.0367.035.0 OPA277AIDRMR VSON DRM83000367.0367.035.0 OPA277AIDRMT VSON DRM8250210.0185.035.0 OPA277U/2K5SOIC D8*******.0367.035.0 OPA277UA/2K5SOIC D8*******.0367.035.0OPA4277UA/2K5SOIC D142500367.0367.038.0IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries(TI)reserve the right to make corrections,enhancements,improvements and other changes to its semiconductor products and services per JESD46C and to discontinue any product or service per JESD48B.Buyers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.All semiconductor products(also referred to herein as“components”)are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its components to the specifications applicable at the time of sale,in accordance with the warranty in TI’s terms and conditions of sale of semiconductor products.Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty.Except where mandated by applicable law,testing of all parameters of each component is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or the design of Buyers’products.Buyers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components.To minimize the risks associated with Buyers’products and applications,Buyers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license,either express or implied,is granted under any patent right,copyright,mask work right,or other intellectual property right relating to any combination,machine,or process in which TI components or services are rmation published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement e of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party,or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of significant portions of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties,conditions,limitations,and notices.TI is not responsible or liable for such altered rmation of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions.Resale of TI components or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that component or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI component or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements.Buyer acknowledges and agrees that it is solely responsible for compliance with all legal,regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning its products,and any use of TI components in its applications,notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI.Buyer represents and agrees that it has all the necessary expertise to create and implement safeguards which anticipate dangerous consequences of failures,monitor failures and their consequences,lessen the likelihood of failures that might cause harm and take appropriate remedial actions.Buyer will fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of any TI components in safety-critical applications.In some cases,TI components may be promoted specifically to facilitate safety-related applications.With such components,TI’s goal is to help enable customers to design and create their own end-product solutions that meet applicable functional safety standards and requirements.Nonetheless,such components are subject to these terms.No TI components are authorized for use in FDA Class III(or similar life-critical medical equipment)unless authorized officers of the parties have executed a special agreement specifically governing such use.Only those TI components which TI has specifically designated as military grade or“enhanced plastic”are designed and intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments.Buyer acknowledges and agrees that any military or aerospace use of TI components which have not been so designated is solely at the Buyer's risk,and that Buyer is solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use.TI has specifically designated certain components which meet ISO/TS16949requirements,mainly for automotive ponents which have not been so designated are neither designed nor intended for automotive use;and TI will not be responsible for any failure of such components to meet such requirements.Products ApplicationsAudio /audio Automotive and Transportation /automotiveAmplifiers Communications and Telecom /communicationsData Converters Computers and Peripherals /computersDLP®Products Consumer Electronics /consumer-appsDSP Energy and Lighting /energyClocks and Timers /clocks Industrial /industrialInterface Medical /medicalLogic Security /securityPower Mgmt Space,Avionics and Defense /space-avionics-defense Microcontrollers Video and Imaging /videoRFID OMAP Mobile Processors /omap TI E2E Community Wireless Connectivity /wirelessconnectivityMailing Address:Texas Instruments,Post Office Box655303,Dallas,Texas75265Copyright©2012,Texas Instruments Incorporated。
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SBOS0572®OPA237, 2237, 4237The information provided herein is believed to be reliable; however, BURR-BROWN assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions. BURR-BROWN assumes no responsibility for the use of this information, and all use of such information shall be entirely at the user’s own risk. Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. No patent rights or licenses to any of the circuits described herein are implied or granted to any third party. BURR-BROWN does not authorize or warrantany BURR-BROWN product for use in life support devices and/or systems.SPECIFICATIONS: V S = +5VAt T A = +25°C, V S = +5V, R L = 10k Ω connected to V S /2, unless otherwise noted.NOTES: (1) Guaranteed by wafer-level test to 95% confidence. (2) Positive conventional current flows into the input terminals.SPECIFICATIONS: V S = +2.7VAt T A = +25°C, V S = +2.7V, R L = 10kΩ connected to V S/2, unless otherwise noted.NOTES: (1) Guaranteed by wafer-level test to 95% confidence. (2) Positive conventional current flows into the input terminals.®3OPA237, 2237, 42374®OPA237, 2237, 4237SPECIFICATIONS: V S = ±15VAt T A = +25°C, V S = ±15V, R L = 10k Ω connected to V S /2, unless otherwise noted.NOTES: (1) Guaranteed by wafer-level test to 95% confidence. (2) Positive conventional current flows into the input terminals.5OPA237, 2237, 4237®PACKAGE DRAWING TEMPERATUREPACKAGE ORDERING PRODUCT PACKAGE NUMBER (1)RANGE MARKING NUMBER (2)SingleOPA237NA5-Lead SOT-23-5331–40°C to +85°CA37AOPA237NA-250"""""OPA237NA-3K OPA237UA SO-8 Surface-Mount 182–40°C to +85°C OPA237UA OPA237UA DualOPA2237EAMSOP-8 Surface-Mount337–40°C to +85°CB37AOPA2237EA-250"""""OPA2237EA-2500OPA2237UA SO-8 Surface-Mount 182–40°C to +85°C OPA2237UA OPA2237UA QuadOPA4237UASSOP-16 Surface-Mount322–40°C to +85°COPA4237UAOPA4237UA-250"""""OPA4237UA-2500NOTE: (1) For detailed drawing and dimension table, please see end of data sheet, or Appendix C of Burr-Brown IC Data Book. (2) Models with -250, -2500, and -3K are available only in Tape and Reel in the quantity indicated (e.g., -250 indicates 250 devices per reel). Ordering 3000 pieces of “OPA237NA-3K” will get a single 3000 piece Tape and Reel. SO-8 models are available in tubes or Tape and Reel. For detailed Tape and Reel mechanical information, refer to Appendix B of Burr-Brown IC Data Book.This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Burr-Brown recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage.ESD damage can range from subtle performance degrada-tion to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications.Supply Voltage, V+ to V–.....................................................................36V Input Voltage.......................................................(V–) –0.7V to (V+) +0.7V Output Short-Circuit (1).......................................................................................Continuous Operating Temperature...................................................–40°C to +125°C Storage Temperature......................................................–55°C to +125°C Junction Temperature ....................................................................+150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s)..................................................300°C NOTE: (1) Short circuit to ground, one amplifier per package.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSPACKAGE/ORDERING INFORMATION6®OPA237, 2237, 4237INPUT BIAS CURRENTvs INPUT COMMON-MODE VOLTAGE–12 –11–10 –9 –8 –7 –6I n p u t B i a s C u r r e n t (n A )Common-Mode Voltage (V)–15–10–5051015TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVESAt T A = +25°C and R L = 10k Ω, unless otherwise noted.POWER SUPPLY and COMMON-MODE REJECTIONvs FREQUENCY12010080 60 40 20 0P S R , C M R (d B )Frequency (Hz)101001k10k100k1M10MINPUT NOISE AND CURRENT NOISE SPECTRAL DENSITY vs FREQUENCY11k10010V o l t a g e N o i s e (n V /√H z )C u r r e n t N o i s e (f A /√H z )Frequency (Hz)101001k10k100kOPEN-LOOP GAIN/PHASE vs FREQUENCY1100 8060 40 20 0 –20V o l t a g e G a i n (d B )0 –45 –90 –135 –180P h a s e (°)Frequency (Hz)101001k10k100k1M10MCHANNEL SEPARATION vs FREQUENCYFrequency (Hz)C h a n n e l S e p a r a t i o n (d B )1301201101009080101001k 10k100kINPUT BIAS CURRENT vs TEMPERATURETemperature (°C)I n p u t B i a s C u r r e n t (n A )1412 10864–75–50–252550751001257OPA237, 2237, 4237®TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (CONT)At T A = +25°C and R L = 10k Ω, unless otherwise noted.OFFSET VOLTAGE DRIFT PRODUCTION DISTRIBUTIONP e r c e n t o f A m p l i f i e r s (%)Offset Voltage Drift (µV/°C) 15 10 5 0OFFSET VOLTAGE DRIFT PRODUCTION DISTRIBUTION P e r c e n t o f A m p l i f i e r s (%)Offset Voltage Drift (µV/°C)16 1412 10 8 6 4 2 00.51.52133.52.544.555.566.5787.5OFFSET VOLTAGE DRIFT PRODUCTION DISTRIBUTIONP e r c e n t o f A m p l i f i e r s (%)Offset Voltage Drift (µV/°C)1210 8 6 4 2 00.51.52133.52.544.555.566.5787.5A, CMR, PSR vs TEMPERATURE Temperature (°C)A O L , C M R , P S R (dB )120 110100 90 80 70 60–75–50–250255075100125OFFSET VOLTAGEPRODUCTION DISTRIBUTIONP e r c e n t o f A m p l i f i e r s (%)Offset Voltage (µV)–750–650–550–450–350–250–150–50501502503504505506507512.510 7.552.50OFFSET VOLTAGEPRODUCTION DISTRIBUTIONP e r c e n t o f A m p l i f i e r s (%)Offset Voltage (µV)–950–850–750–650–550–450–350–250–150–50501502503504505506507508509509 87 6 5 4 3 2 1 0®OPA237, 2237, 423770605040302010101001k10kLoad Capacitance (pF)Overshoot(%)SMALL-SIGNAL OVERSHOOTvs LOAD CAPACITANCETYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (CONT)At T A = +25°C and R L = 10kΩ, unless otherwise noted.LARGE-SIGNAL STEP RESPONSEG = 1, C L = 100pF, V S = +5V10µs/div1V/divSMALL-SIGNAL STEP RESPONSEG = 1, C L = 100pF, V S = +5V2mV/div1µs/divSMALL-SIGNAL STEP RESPONSEG = 1, C L = 220pF, V S = +5V2mV/div2µs/divOUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING vs OUTPUT CURRENT012345Output Current (mA)OutputVoltageSwing(V)SETTLING TIME vs GAINGain (V/V)SettlingTime(µs)100101–1–10–10089OPA237, 2237, 4237®TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (CONT)At T A = +25°C and R L = 10k Ω, unless otherwise noted.MAXIMUM OUTPUT VOLTAGEvs FREQUENCY1M100kFrequency (Hz)1k10k30 2520 15 10 5 0O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V p -p )QUIESCENT CURRENT vs TEMPERATURETemperature (°C)Q u i e s c e n t C u r r e n t (µA )30025020015010050–75–50–25255075100125SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT vs TEMPERATURETemperature (°C)S h o r t -C i r c u i t C u r r e n t (m A )12 10 8 6 4 2 0–75–50–252550SC _SC+7510012510®OPA237, 2237, 4237APPLICATIONS INFORMATIONOPA237 series op amps are unity-gain stable and suitable for a wide range of general-purpose applications. Power supply pins should be bypassed with 10nF ceramic capaci-tors.OPERATING VOLTAGEOPA237 series op amps operate from single (+2.7V to +36V) or dual (±1.35V to ±18V) supplies with excellent performance. Most behavior remains unchanged through-out the full operating voltage range. Parameters which vary significantly with operating voltage are shown in typical performance curves. Specifications are production tested with +2.7V, +5V, and ±15V supplies.OUTPUT CURRENT AND STABILITYOPA237 series op amps can drive large capacitive loads.However, under certain limited output conditions any op amp may become unstable. Figure 1 shows the region where the OPA237 has a potential for instability. These load conditions are rarely encountered, especially for single supply applications. For example, take the case when a+5V supply with a 10k Ω load to V S /2 is used. OPA237series op amps remain stable with capacitive loads up to 4,000pF, if sinking current and up to 10,000pF, if sourcing current. Furthermore, in single supply applications where the load is connected to ground, the op amp is only sourcing current, and as shown in Figure 1, can drive 10,000pF with output currents up to 1.5mA.FIGURE 1. Stability-Capacitive Load vs Output Current.FIGURE 2. Low and High-Side Battery Current Sensing.PACKAGING INFORMATIONORDERABLE DEVICE STATUS(1)PACKAGE TYPEPACKAGE DRAWINGPINS PACKAGE QTYOPA2237EA/250ACTIVE VSSOP DGK 8250OPA2237EA/2K5ACTIVE VSSOP DGK 82500OPA2237UA ACTIVE SOIC D 8100OPA2237UA/2K5ACTIVE SOIC D 82500OPA237NA/250ACTIVE SOP DBV 5250OPA237NA/3K ACTIVE SOP DBV53000OPA237UA ACTIVE SOIC D 8100OPA237UA/2K5ACTIVE SOIC D 82500OPA4237UA/250OBSOLETE SSOP DBQ 16OPA4237UA/2K5OBSOLETESSOPDBQ16(1)The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE:Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY:TI has announced that the device will be discontinued,and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND:Not recommended for new designs.Device is in production to support existing customers,but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW:Device has been announced but is not in production.Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE:TI has discontinued the production of the device.PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM3-Oct-2003IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any TI patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI products or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation.Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements. Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions:Products ApplicationsAmplifiers Audio /audioData Converters Automotive /automotiveDSP Broadband /broadbandInterface Digital Control /digitalcontrolLogic Military /militaryPower Mgmt Optical Networking /opticalnetwork Microcontrollers Security /securityTelephony /telephonyVideo & Imaging /videoWireless /wirelessMailing Address:Texas InstrumentsPost Office Box 655303 Dallas, Texas 75265Copyright 2003, Texas Instruments Incorporated。
(IC = 10 mA, VCE = 5.0 V, f = 100 MHz)
Collector–Base Capacitance (VCB = 10 V, IC = 0, f = 1.0 MHz) Emitter–Base Capacitance (VEB = 0.5 V, IC = 0, f = 1.0 MHz) Noise Figure (IC = 0.2 mA, VCE = 5.0 V, RS = 2.0 kΩ, f = 1.0 kHz)
120 0.1
0.3 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 IC, COLLECTOR CURRENT (mAdc)
Figure 5. Base Spreading Resistance
Motorola Small–Signal Transistors, FETs and Diodes Device Data
(IC = 2.0 mA, VCE = 5.0 V)
(IC = 100 mA, VCE = 5.0 V)
Collector – Emitter On Voltage (IC = 10 mA, IB = 0.5 mA) (IC = 100 mA, IB = 5.0 mA) Base – Emitter Saturation Voltage (IC = 10 mA, IB = 0.5 mA) (IC = 100 mA, IB = 5.0 mA) Base–Emitter On Voltage (IC = 100 µA, VCE = 5.0 V) (IC = 2.0 mA, VCE = 5.0 V) (IC = 100 mA, VCE = 5.0 V)
BC237,A,B,C BC238B,C BC239,C
用户可以根据需要连接CD 播放器、电视、电脑等音频设备,实现音频信号的输入和输出。
五、功能特点1. 支持多种音效调节:敦美A238功放机内置了多种音效调节模式,如纯音乐、摇滚、流行等,用户可以根据不同的音乐类型选择合适的音效模式,获得更好的音乐体验。
2. 支持音量记忆功能:功放机具有音量记忆功能,当重新开机时,会自动恢复上一次使用时的音量大小,方便用户使用。
3. 自动静音功能:当功放机开机或切换输入源时,会自动进行静音处理,避免产生不必要的噪音。
4. 超低功耗待机模式:功放机在长时间不使用时,会自动进入超低功耗待机模式,节省能源。
5. 过热保护功能:当功放机温度过高时,会自动启动过热保护功能,保护设备和音箱的安全。
六、其他参数1. 电源要求:AC 220V/50Hz2. 功放机芯片:TDA7498E3. 颜色选择:黑色、银色4. 包装清单:功放机主机、遥控器、电源线、说明书总结:敦美A238功放机是一款外观简约、性能出色的功放设备。
查看文章常用集成电路型号功能说明2007-07-20 20:33型号----------------------功能ACP2371NI ---多制式数字音频信号处理电路ACVP2205--- 梳状滤波、视频信号处理电路AN5071 -----波段转换控制电路AN5195K -----子图像信号处理电路AN5265 ----伴音功率放大电路AN5274 ----伴音功率放大电路AN5285K ----伴音前置放大电路AN5342K---- 图像水平轮廓校正、扫描速度调制电路AN5348K ----AI信号处理电路AN5521 ---场扫描输出电路AN5551----- 枕形失真校正电路AN5560 ---50/60Hz场频自动识别电路AN5612 ----色差、基色信号变换电路AN5836 ---双声道前置放大及控制电路AN5858K TV/A V----切换电路AN5862K(AN5862S) ---视频模拟开关AN5891K ----音频信号处理电路AT24C02 ---2线电可擦、可编程只读存储器AT24C04 ---2线电可擦、可编程只读存储器AT24C08 ---2线电可擦、可编程只读存储器ATQ203 ----扬声器切换继电器电路BA3880S ----高分辨率音频信号处理电路BA3884S ----高分辨率音频信号处理电路BA4558N ----双运算放大器BA7604N ----梳状切换开关电路BU9252S 8bitA/D----转换电路CA T24C16 ----2线电可擦、可编程只读存储器CCU-FDTV ---微处理器CCU-FDTV-06 ----微处理器CD54573A/CD54573CS ---波段转换控制电路CH0403-5H61 ----微处理器CH04801-5F43 ---微处理器CH05001(PCA84C841) ----微处理器CH05002--- 微处理器CH7001C ---数字NTSC/PAL编码电路CHT0406 ----微处理器CHT0803(TMP87CP38N*) ---8bit微处理器CHT0807(TMP87CP38N) --8bit微处理器CHT0808(TMP87CP38N) --8bit微处理器CHT0818 ---微处理器CKP1003C ---微处理器CKP1004S(TMP87CK38N) ---微处理器CKP1006S(TMP87CH38N) ----微处理器CKP1008S(TMP87CK38N/F) ---微处理器CKP1009S(TMP87CH38N) ---微处理器CKP1105S(Z90231) ---微处理器CKP1301S(TMP87CH38N) ---微处理器CKP1403S ----微处理器CM0006CF---- 数字会聚校正电路CNX62A ---光电耦合器CNX82A ----光电耦合器CPF8598 ----存储器CTV222S.PRC1.2 ----微处理器CTV225S-PRC1 ---微处理器CTV591S.GW3---- 微处理器CXA1545AS TV/A V----多路切换电路CXA1642P -----背景歌声消除电路CXA1686M -----时钟信号发生器CXA1779P ----基色信号处理电路CXP1103S-9919EP ----微处理器CXP750096 ----微处理器CXP85332-108A---- 微处理器DM8361 ----单片集成TV小信号处理电路DPU2553/DPU2554 ----偏转信号处理电路DTI2251----- 数字色信号过渡特性改善电路GAL16V8C ----同步信号变换电路GD74LS10 -----三组3输入与非门GD74LS393 -----双4位二进制计数器GD74LS74A ----双D触发器GM99200B ----微处理器HA11508----- 图像及伴音信号转换控制电路HCF4046B ----低功耗通用锁相环电路HCF4052B ----双4选1模拟开关HCF4053BE 三组2路模拟开关HCT157 VGA信号与TV/A V同步信号切换电路HCT4046AD ----低功耗通用锁相环电路HD14066 ----四组双向模拟开关HD14066B---- 四组双向模拟开关HD14066BP -----四组双向模拟开关HEF4052 -----双4选1模拟开关HEF4053 ----三组2路模拟开关HEF4094 8级移位-存储总线寄存器HIC1015 ---开关电源稳压控制及保护电路HIC1016 ----开关电源稳压控制及保护电路HIC1026 -----保护模块HM4864P-12 -----随机存取存储器HPD6325C D/A-----转换电路HS0038 ----遥控信号接收电路IX0823GE -----微处理器IX1763CEN1 ----单片集成TV小信号处理电路JLC1562BF ----总线控制输入/输出口扩展电路K6274K/D ----图像中频带通滤波器K9450M---- 伴音第一中频带通滤波器KA2107 ---音频控制电路KA2500 ----宽带视频放大电路KA3S0680R ----开关电源专用厚膜电路KA3S0880RFB ---开关电源专用厚膜电路KA7630--- 多路稳压输出电路KB2511B ---数字偏转电路KONKA266(P83C266) ---微处理器KS88C3216 ---微处理器KS88C8324---- 微处理器L7805 5V---固定正稳压器L7808 8V---固定正稳压器L7812 12V----固定正稳压器L78LR05/L78LR05D/L78LR50-MA/L78M05F/L78M05FA/L78MR05/L78MR05FA 5V稳压复位电路L78OSO5FA 5V---可控稳压电路L7912 9V---定负稳压器L7918 18V---固定负稳压器LA2785 杜比逻辑处理电路LA4225 5W----音频功率放大电路LA4261 ---立体声功率放大电路LA4270 6W×2---音频功率放大电路LA4280 10W×2----音频功率放大电路LA4282 10W×2---音频功率放大电路LA4445 ---双声道音频功率放大电路M32L1632512A 同步图形存储器M34300N-587SP 微处理器M34300N4-555SP 微处理器M37210M3-508SP 微处理器M37210M3-800SP 多制式数字音频信号处理电路M37210M3-902SP 微处理器M37210M4-705SP 微处理器M37211M2-609SP 微处理器M37220M3 微处理器M37221M6-065SP 微处理器M37222M6-084SP 微处理器M37225 微处理器M37270MF-168SP 微处理器M37271MP-209SP 微处理器M37274EFSP 微处理器M37280 微处理器M37551MA-0545SP 微处理器M50436-688SP 微处理器M51131L 话筒演唱及混响音量控制电路M5218AP 双运算放大器M52340SP 单片集成TV小信号处理电路M52470AP 三通道4输入模拟开关M54573L 波段转换控制电路M62354FP 六通道8bitD/A转换电路M62438FP SRSM65839SP 数字式卡拉OK信号处理电路M66312P PIP控制电路M6M80011P 存储器M6M80041P 存储器MALF24C01 存储器MALF24C02 存储器MB3110A 超低音频信号处理电路MB81461-12RS 动态随机存储器MC14066BCP 四组双向模拟开关MC141625A 梳状滤波器MC141628 前置亮、色信号分离梳状滤波器MC144110P D/A转换电路MC14577C 双视频放大电路MC33064D5 复位用欠压检测电路MC44608 开关稳压电源电压模式控制器MC68HC16R1(SC43402CFC) 微处理器MCM6206BBE 32K×8bit快速静态随机存取存储器MCU2600 时钟信号发生器MM1031XS 宽带视频放大电路MM1053XS 多路信号高速切换电路MM1113XS 多路信号高速切换电路MM1495XD A/V切换电路MN1515TWE/TWP 微处理器MN152810TTD5 微处理器MN152811TIX 微处理器MN15282 微处理器MN1871675T6S 微处理器MN1871675T7M 微处理器MN1872432TWI 微处理器MN187-681 微处理器MN3868 1H基带延迟线电路MSP3410 多制式丽音解码电路MSP3410B 多制式丽音解码电路MSP3410D 多制式丽音解码电路MSP3410D-52 多制式丽音解码电路MSP3410D-CS 多制式丽音解码电路MSP3410D-PP-B4 多制式丽音解码电路MSP3410D-P0-B4 多制式丽音解码电路MSP3415D-AI I*IC总线控制多制式音频处理电路MSP3463G 音频信号处理电路NE5532N 内部补偿低噪声双运算放大器NE/SE567 音调与频率解码、锁相环电路NE567N 音调与频率解码、锁相环电路NJM2234L 伴音声道控制开关NJM2700L WOW音频处理电路NJW1103 杜比定向逻辑和音色选择电路NJW1132AL 伴音BBE处理电路NM24C04EN 存储器NN5099K/NN5199K 单片集成多制式TV小信号处理电路NP83C266BRNA 微处理器NV320P 数字视频信号处理电路NVM3060 存储器OM8361 单片集成TV小信号处理电路OM8361-VS0469 单片集成TV小信号处理电路OM8839 I*IC总线控制单片集成TV小信号处理电路OM8839PS I*IC总线控制单片集成TV小信号处理电路OM8839PS-K9G216 I*IC总线控制单片集成TV小信号处理电路ONWA KWEC42.2ONWA KWEC44.1OTT531 5V稳压复位电路P83C266BDR 微处理器P87C766 微处理器P87C766BDR(CKP1401S) 微处理器P87C766DT 微处理器PC74HT241P 线性驱动数据缓冲电路PC713F6 光耦合器PCA841P-177 微处理器PCA84C122/PCA84C222/PCA84C422/PCA84C622/ PCA84C822 PCA84C440P/401 微处理器PCA84C641 微处理器PCA84C840P-054 微处理器PCA8516 字符形成电路PCA8521 遥控编码发射电路PCA8521BT 遥控编码发射电路PCF8581P 存储器PCF8582 存储器PCF8589C-2 存储器PCF8594C-2 存储器PCF8598 E2PROM存储器PCF8598C-2 E2PROM存储器PCF8598E E2PROM存储器PCX8598X-2 E2PROM存储器PIP2250 PIP信号处理电路PQ05RF 受控5V稳压器PQ09RD11(78HR09) 受控9V稳压器PQ12RF 受控12V稳压器PQ12RF2 受控12V稳压器S24C08A 存储器SAA3010T 遥控信号发射电路SAA4955TJ 场存储器SAA4955TS 数字式场存储器SAA4956TJ 具有降噪功能的场存储器SAA4961 PAL/NTSC兼容梳状滤波器SAA4977H 倍场频处理电路SAA4981 单片集成16:9压缩处理电路SAA4991WP 运动估算和补偿、降低行间闪烁、变焦和降噪电路。
引脚接线图图1. 8引脚MSOP 封装图2. 8引脚LFCSP 封装图3. 输出电压(V OH )至供电轨与负载电流的关系One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.Tel: 781.329.4700 ©2013 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.Technical Support Rev. 0Document FeedbackInformation furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However , no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Speci cations subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. T rademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.ADI 中文版数据手册是英文版数据手册的译文,敬请谅解翻译中可能存在的语言组织或翻译错误,ADI 不对翻译中存在的差异或由此产生的错误负责。
如需确认任何词语的准确性,请参考ADI 提供的最新英文版数据手册。
2®OPA237, 2237, 4237The information provided herein is believed to be reliable; however, BURR-BROWN assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions. BURR-BROWN assumes no responsibility for the use of this information, and all use of such information shall be entirely at the user’s own risk. Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. No patent rights or licenses to any of the circuits described herein are implied or granted to any third party. BURR-BROWN does not authorize or warrantany BURR-BROWN product for use in life support devices and/or systems.SPECIFICATIONS: V S = +5VAt T A = +25°C, V S = +5V, R L = 10k Ω connected to V S /2, unless otherwise noted.NOTES: (1) Guaranteed by wafer-level test to 95% confidence. (2) Positive conventional current flows into the input terminals.SPECIFICATIONS: V S = +2.7VAt T A = +25°C, V S = +2.7V, R L = 10kΩ connected to V S/2, unless otherwise noted.NOTES: (1) Guaranteed by wafer-level test to 95% confidence. (2) Positive conventional current flows into the input terminals.®3OPA237, 2237, 42374®OPA237, 2237, 4237SPECIFICATIONS: V S = ±15VAt T A = +25°C, V S = ±15V, R L = 10k Ω connected to V S /2, unless otherwise noted.NOTES: (1) Guaranteed by wafer-level test to 95% confidence. (2) Positive conventional current flows into the input terminals.5OPA237, 2237, 4237®PACKAGE DRAWING TEMPERATUREPACKAGE ORDERING PRODUCT PACKAGE NUMBER (1)RANGE MARKING NUMBER (2)SingleOPA237NA5-Lead SOT-23-5331–40°C to +85°CA37AOPA237NA-250"""""OPA237NA-3K OPA237UA SO-8 Surface-Mount 182–40°C to +85°C OPA237UA OPA237UA DualOPA2237EAMSOP-8 Surface-Mount337–40°C to +85°CB37AOPA2237EA-250"""""OPA2237EA-2500OPA2237UA SO-8 Surface-Mount 182–40°C to +85°C OPA2237UA OPA2237UA QuadOPA4237UASSOP-16 Surface-Mount322–40°C to +85°COPA4237UAOPA4237UA-250"""""OPA4237UA-2500NOTE: (1) For detailed drawing and dimension table, please see end of data sheet, or Appendix C of Burr-Brown IC Data Book. (2) Models with -250, -2500, and -3K are available only in Tape and Reel in the quantity indicated (e.g., -250 indicates 250 devices per reel). Ordering 3000 pieces of “OPA237NA-3K” will get a single 3000 piece Tape and Reel. SO-8 models are available in tubes or Tape and Reel. For detailed Tape and Reel mechanical information, refer to Appendix B of Burr-Brown IC Data Book.This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Burr-Brown recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage.ESD damage can range from subtle performance degrada-tion to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications.Supply Voltage, V+ to V–.....................................................................36V Input Voltage.......................................................(V–) –0.7V to (V+) +0.7V Output Short-Circuit (1).......................................................................................Continuous Operating Temperature...................................................–40°C to +125°C Storage Temperature......................................................–55°C to +125°C Junction Temperature ....................................................................+150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s)..................................................300°C NOTE: (1) Short circuit to ground, one amplifier per package.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSPACKAGE/ORDERING INFORMATION6®OPA237, 2237, 4237INPUT BIAS CURRENTvs INPUT COMMON-MODE VOLTAGE–12 –11–10 –9 –8 –7 –6I n p u t B i a s C u r r e n t (n A )Common-Mode Voltage (V)–15–10–5051015TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVESAt T A = +25°C and R L = 10k Ω, unless otherwise noted.POWER SUPPLY and COMMON-MODE REJECTIONvs FREQUENCY12010080 60 40 20 0P S R , C M R (d B )Frequency (Hz)101001k10k100k1M10MINPUT NOISE AND CURRENT NOISE SPECTRAL DENSITY vs FREQUENCY11k10010V o l t a g e N o i s e (n V /√H z )C u r r e n t N o i s e (f A /√H z )Frequency (Hz)101001k10k100kOPEN-LOOP GAIN/PHASE vs FREQUENCY1100 8060 40 20 0 –20V o l t a g e G a i n (d B )0 –45 –90 –135 –180P h a s e (°)Frequency (Hz)101001k10k100k1M10MCHANNEL SEPARATION vs FREQUENCYFrequency (Hz)C h a n n e l S e p a r a t i o n (d B )1301201101009080101001k 10k100kINPUT BIAS CURRENT vs TEMPERATURETemperature (°C)I n p u t B i a s C u r r e n t (n A )1412 10864–75–50–252550751001257OPA237, 2237, 4237®TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (CONT)At T A = +25°C and R L = 10k Ω, unless otherwise noted.OFFSET VOLTAGE DRIFT PRODUCTION DISTRIBUTIONP e r c e n t o f A m p l i f i e r s (%)Offset Voltage Drift (µV/°C) 15 10 5 0OFFSET VOLTAGE DRIFT PRODUCTION DISTRIBUTION P e r c e n t o f A m p l i f i e r s (%)Offset Voltage Drift (µV/°C)16 1412 10 8 6 4 2 00.51.52133.52.544.555.566.5787.5OFFSET VOLTAGE DRIFT PRODUCTION DISTRIBUTIONP e r c e n t o f A m p l i f i e r s (%)Offset Voltage Drift (µV/°C)1210 8 6 4 2 00.51.52133.52.544.555.566.5787.5A, CMR, PSR vs TEMPERATURE Temperature (°C)A O L , C M R , P S R (dB )120 110100 90 80 70 60–75–50–250255075100125OFFSET VOLTAGEPRODUCTION DISTRIBUTIONP e r c e n t o f A m p l i f i e r s (%)Offset Voltage (µV)–750–650–550–450–350–250–150–50501502503504505506507512.510 7.552.50OFFSET VOLTAGEPRODUCTION DISTRIBUTIONP e r c e n t o f A m p l i f i e r s (%)Offset Voltage (µV)–950–850–750–650–550–450–350–250–150–50501502503504505506507508509509 87 6 5 4 3 2 1 0®OPA237, 2237, 423770605040302010101001k10kLoad Capacitance (pF)Overshoot(%)SMALL-SIGNAL OVERSHOOTvs LOAD CAPACITANCETYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (CONT)At T A = +25°C and R L = 10kΩ, unless otherwise noted.LARGE-SIGNAL STEP RESPONSEG = 1, C L = 100pF, V S = +5V10µs/div1V/divSMALL-SIGNAL STEP RESPONSEG = 1, C L = 100pF, V S = +5V2mV/div1µs/divSMALL-SIGNAL STEP RESPONSEG = 1, C L = 220pF, V S = +5V2mV/div2µs/divOUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING vs OUTPUT CURRENT012345Output Current (mA)OutputVoltageSwing(V)SETTLING TIME vs GAINGain (V/V)SettlingTime(µs)100101–1–10–10089OPA237, 2237, 4237®TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (CONT)At T A = +25°C and R L = 10k Ω, unless otherwise noted.MAXIMUM OUTPUT VOLTAGEvs FREQUENCY1M100kFrequency (Hz)1k10k30 2520 15 10 5 0O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V p -p )QUIESCENT CURRENT vs TEMPERATURETemperature (°C)Q u i e s c e n t C u r r e n t (µA )30025020015010050–75–50–25255075100125SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT vs TEMPERATURETemperature (°C)S h o r t -C i r c u i t C u r r e n t (m A )12 10 8 6 4 2 0–75–50–252550SC _SC+7510012510®OPA237, 2237, 4237APPLICATIONS INFORMATIONOPA237 series op amps are unity-gain stable and suitable for a wide range of general-purpose applications. Power supply pins should be bypassed with 10nF ceramic capaci-tors.OPERATING VOLTAGEOPA237 series op amps operate from single (+2.7V to +36V) or dual (±1.35V to ±18V) supplies with excellent performance. Most behavior remains unchanged through-out the full operating voltage range. Parameters which vary significantly with operating voltage are shown in typical performance curves. Specifications are production tested with +2.7V, +5V, and ±15V supplies.OUTPUT CURRENT AND STABILITYOPA237 series op amps can drive large capacitive loads.However, under certain limited output conditions any op amp may become unstable. Figure 1 shows the region where the OPA237 has a potential for instability. These load conditions are rarely encountered, especially for single supply applications. For example, take the case when a+5V supply with a 10k Ω load to V S /2 is used. OPA237series op amps remain stable with capacitive loads up to 4,000pF, if sinking current and up to 10,000pF, if sourcing current. Furthermore, in single supply applications where the load is connected to ground, the op amp is only sourcing current, and as shown in Figure 1, can drive 10,000pF with output currents up to 1.5mA.FIGURE 1. Stability-Capacitive Load vs Output Current.FIGURE 2. Low and High-Side Battery Current Sensing.。
PADAUK Technology Co. Ltd PMC232 PMS232系列 12位ADC双核
PMC232/PMS232系列带12位ADC、采用FPPA TM技术双核心8位单片机数据手册第0.03版2017年3月27日Copyright 2017 by PADAUK Technology Co., Ltd., all rights reserved10F-2, No. 1, Sec. 2, Dong-Da Road, Hsin-Chu 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.重要声明应广科技保留权利在任何时候变更或终止产品,建议客户在使用或下单前与应广科技或代理商联系以取得最新、最正确的产品信息。
目录1. 单片机特点 (8)1.1. 系列特点 (8)1.2. 高性能RISC CPU架构 (8)1.3. 系统功能 (8)1.4. 封装信息 (9)2. 系统概述和方框图 (10)3. PMC232系列引脚功能描述 (11)4. PMS232系列引脚功能描述 (12)5. 器件电气特性 (15)5.1. 直流/交流特性 (15)5.2. 最大范围 (17)5.3. ILRC频率与VDD、温度关系的曲线图 (18)5.4. IHRC频率与VDD、温度关系的曲线图 (19)5.5. 工作电流量测值@系统时钟=ILRC÷N (20)5.6. 工作电流量测值@系统时钟=IHRC÷N (20)5.7. 工作电流量测值@系统时钟=4MH Z晶振EOSC÷N (21)5.8. 工作电流量测值@系统时钟=32K H Z晶振EOSC÷N (21)5.9. IO引脚输出驱动电流(I OH)和灌电流(I OL)曲线图 (22)5.10. 测量的IO输入阈值电压(V IH/V IL) (22)5.11. IO引脚拉高阻抗曲线图 (22)5.12. 输出(VDD/2)偏置电压与VDD关系的曲线图 (23)5.13. 开机时序图 (23)6. 功能概述 (24)6.1. 处理单元 (24)6.1.1程序计数器 (25)6.1.2 堆栈指针 (25)6.1.3 一个处理单元工作模式 (26)6.2. OTP程序存储器 (27)6.2.1 程序存储器分配 (27)6.2.2 两个处理单元工作模式下程序存储器分配例子 (27)6.2.3 一个处理单元工作模式下程序存储器分配例子 (28)6.3 程序结构 (29)6.3.1 两个处理单元工作模式下程序结构 (29)6.3.2 一个处理单元工作模式下程序结构 (29)6.4 启动程序 (30)6.5 数据存储器 (31)6.6 算术和逻辑单元 (31)6.7 振荡器和时钟 (32)6.7.1 内部高频振荡器(IHRC)和低频振荡器(ILRC) (32)6.7.2 单片机校准 (32)6.7.3 IHRC频率校准和系统时钟 (32)6.7.4 晶体振荡器 (34)6.7.5 系统时钟和LVR水平 (35)6.7.6 系统时钟切换 (36)6.8 16位定时器(T IMER16) (37)6.9 8位PWM定时器(T IMER2) (39)6.9.1 使用Timer2产生定期波形 (40)6.9.2 使用Timer2产生8位PWM波形 (41)6.9.3 使用Timer2产生6位PWM波形 (43)6.10 看门狗定时器 (44)6.11 中断 (45)6.12 掉电模式 (47)6.12.1 省电模式(stopexe) (47)6.12.2 掉电模式(stopsys) (48)6.12.3 唤醒 (49)6.13 IO端口 (50)6.14 复位和LVR (51)6.14.1 复位 (51)6.14.2 LVR (51)6.15 VDD/2偏置电压 (51)6.16 数字转换(ADC)模块 (52)6.16.1 AD转换的输入要求 (53)6.16.2 ADC分辨率选择 (54)6.16.3 ADC 时钟选择 (54)6.16.4 AD转换 (54)6.16.5 模拟引脚的配置 (54)6.16.6 使用ADC (54)7. IO寄存器 (55)7.1 算术逻辑状态寄存器(FLAG),IO地址=0X00 (55)7.2 FPP单元允许寄存器(FPPEN),IO地址=0X01 (55)7.3 堆栈指针寄存器(SP),IO地址=0X02 (55)7.4 时钟控制寄存器(CLKMD),IO地址=0X03 (56)7.5 中断允许寄存器(INTEN),IO地址=0X04 (56)7.6 中断请求寄存器(INTRQ),IO地址=0X05 (56)7.7 T IMER16控制寄存器(T16M),IO地址=0X06 (57)7.8 通用数据输入/输出寄存器(GDIO),IO地址=0X07 (57)7.9 外部晶体振荡器控制寄存器(EOSCR),IO地址=0X0A (57)7.10 内部高频RC振荡器控制寄存器(IHRCR,只写),IO地址=0X0B (58)7.11 中断边沿选择寄存器(INTEGS,只写),IO地址=0X0C (58)7.12 端口A数字输入禁止寄存器(PADIER,只写),IO地址=0X0D (58)7.13 端口B数字输入禁止寄存器(PBDIER,只写),IO地址=0X0E (59)7.14 端口A数据寄存器(PA),IO地址=0X10 (59)7.15 端口A控制寄存器(PAC),IO地址=0X11 (59)7.16 端口A上拉控制寄存器(PAPH),IO地址=0X12 (59)7.17端口B数据寄存器(PB),IO地址=0X14 (59)7.18端口B控制寄存器(PBC),IO地址=0X15 (59)7.19 端口B上拉控制寄存器(PBPH),IO地址=0X16 (60)7.20 端口C数据寄存器(PC),IO地址=0X17 (60)7.21 端口C控制寄存器(PCC),IO地址=0X18 (60)7.22 端口C上拉控制寄存器(PCPH),IO地址=0X19 (60)7.23 ADC控制寄存器(ADCC),IO地址=0X20 (60)7.24 ADC模式控制寄存器(ADCM,只写),IO地址=0X21 (61)7.25 ADC数据高位寄存器(ADCRH,只读),IO地址=0X22 (61)7.26 ADC数据低位寄存器(ADCRL,只读),IO地址=0X23 (61)7.27 杂项寄存器(MISC),IO地址=0X3B (62)7.28 T IMER2控制寄存器(TM2C),IO地址=0X3C (63)7.29 T IMER2计数寄存器(TM2CT),IO地址=0X3D (63)7.30 T IMER2分频器寄存器(TM2S),IO地址=0X37 (63)7.31 T IMER2上限寄存器(TM2B),IO地址=0X09 (64)8. 指令 (65)8.1 数据传输类指令 (65)8.2 算术运算类指令 (69)8.3 移位运算类指令 (71)8.4 逻辑运算类指令 (72)8.5 位运算类指令 (74)8.6 条件运算类指令 (75)8.7 系统控制类指令 (77)8.8 指令执行周期综述 (79)8.9 指令影响标志的综述 (80)9. 特别注意事项 (81)9.1 警告 (81)9.2 使用IC时 (81)9.2.1 IO使用与设定 (81)9.2.2 中断 (82)9.2.3 切换系统时钟 (82)9.2.4 掉电模式、唤醒以及看门狗 (83)9.2.5 TIMER溢出时间 (84)9.2.6 ADC使用注意事项 (84)9.2.7 LVR (84)9.2.8 IHRC (84)9.2.9 单/双核模式下指令周期差异 (85)9.3 使用ICE时 (85)9.3.1 PMC232/PMS232系列于仿真器PDK3S-I-001/002/003上仿真时 (85)9.3.2 使用PDK3S-I-001/002/003仿真PMC232/PMS232系列功能時注意事項 (86)修订历史:修订日期描述0.01 2015/8/1 初版。
OFFSET VOLTAGE Input Offset Voltage
vs Temperature(1) vs Power Supply (PSRR) Channel Separation (dual and quad)
INPUT VOLTAGE RANGE Common-Mode Voltage Range Common-Mode Rejection
INPUT IMPEDANCE Differential Common-Mode
OPEN-LOOP GAIN Open-Loop Voltage Gain
FREQUENCY RESPONSE Gain-Bandwidth Product Slew Rate Settling Time: 0.1%
© 1996 Burr-Brown Corporation
Printed in U.S.A. October, 1996
At TA = +25°C, VS = +5V, RL = 10kΩ connected to VS/2, unless otherwise noted.
200 150 150 150
NOTES: (1) Guaranteed by wafer-level test to 95% confidence. (2) Positive conventional current flows into the input terminals.
常用集成块常用集成电路的型号和功能说明常用集成块常用集成电路的型号和功能说明型号功能资料ACP2371NI 多制式数字音频信号处理电路ACVP2205 梳状滤波、视频信号处理电路AN5071 波段转换控制电路AN5195K 子图像信号处理电路AN5265 伴音功率放大电路AN5274 伴音功率放大电路AN5285K 伴音前置放大电路AN5342K 图像水平轮廓校正、扫描速度调制电路AN5348K AI信号处理电路AN5521 场扫描输出电路AN5551 枕形失真校正电路AN5560 50/60Hz场频自动识别电路AN5612 色差、基色信号变换电路AN5836 双声道前置放大及控制电路AN5858K TV/AV切换电路AN5862K(AN5862S) 视频模拟开关AN5891K 音频信号处理电路AT24C02 2线电可擦、可编程只读存储器AT24C04 2线电可擦、可编程只读存储器AT24C08 2线电可擦、可编程只读存储器ATQ203 扬声器切换继电器电路BA3880S 高分辨率音频信号处理电路BA3884S 高分辨率音频信号处理电路BA4558N 双运算放大器BA7604N 梳状切换开关电路BU9252S 8bitA/D转换电路CAT24C16 2线电可擦、可编程只读存储器CCU-FDTV 微处理器CCU-FDTV-06 微处理器CD54573A/CD54573CS 波段转换控制电路CH0403-5H61 微处理器CH04801-5F43 微处理器CH05001(PCA84C841) 微处理器CH05002 微处理器CH7001C 数字NTSC/PAL编码电路CHT0406 微处理器CHT0803(TMP87CP38N*) 8bit微处理器CHT0807(TMP87CP38N) 8bit微处理器CHT0808(TMP87CP38N) 8bit微处理器CHT0818 微处理器CKP1003C 微处理器CKP1004S(TMP87CK38N) 微处理器CKP1006S(TMP87CH38N) 微处理器CKP1008S(TMP87CK38N/F) 微处理器CKP1009S(TMP87CH38N) 微处理器CKP1105S(Z90231) 微处理器CKP1301S(TMP87CH38N) 微处理器CKP1403S 微处理器CM0006CF 数字会聚校正电路CNX62A 光电耦合器CNX82A 光电耦合器CPF8598 存储器CTV222S.PRC1.2 微处理器CTV225S-PRC1 微处理器CTV591S.GW3 微处理器CXA1545AS TV/AV多路切换电路CXA1642P 背景歌声消除电路CXA1686M 时钟信号发生器CXA1779P 基色信号处理电路CXP1103S-9919EP 微处理器CXP750096 微处理器CXP85332-108A 微处理器DM8361 单片集成TV小信号处理电路DPU2553/DPU2554 偏转信号处理电路DTI2251 数字色信号过渡特性改善电路GAL16V8C 同步信号变换电路GD74LS10 三组3输入与非门GD74LS393 双4位二进制计数器GD74LS74A 双D触发器GM99200B 微处理器HA11508 图像及伴音信号转换控制电路HCF4046B 低功耗通用锁相环电路HCF4052B 双4选1模拟开关HCF4053BE 三组2路模拟开关HCT157 VGA信号与TV/AV同步信号切换电路HCT4046AD 低功耗通用锁相环电路HD14066 四组双向模拟开关HD14066B 四组双向模拟开关HD14066BP 四组双向模拟开关HEF4052 双4选1模拟开关HEF4053 三组2路模拟开关HEF4094 8级移位-存储总线寄存器HIC1015 开关电源稳压控制及保护电路HIC1016 开关电源稳压控制及保护电路HIC1026 保护模块HM4864P-12 随机存取存储器HPD6325C D/A转换电路HS0038 遥控信号接收电路IX0823GE 微处理器IX1763CEN1 单片集成TV小信号处理电路JLC1562BF 总线控制输入/输出口扩展电路K6274K/D 图像中频带通滤波器K9450M 伴音第一中频带通滤波器KA2107 音频控制电路KA2500 宽带视频放大电路KA3S0680R 开关电源专用厚膜电路KA3S0880RFB 开关电源专用厚膜电路KA7630 多路稳压输出电路KB2511B 数字偏转电路KONKA266(P83C266) 微处理器KS88C3216 微处理器KS88C8324 微处理器L7805 5V固定正稳压器L7808 8V固定正稳压器L7812 12V固定正稳压器L78LR05/L78LR05D/L78LR50-MA/L78M05F/L78M05FA/L78MR05/L78MR05FA 5V稳压复位电路L78OSO5FA 5V可控稳压电路L7912 9V固定负稳压器L7918 18V固定负稳压器LA2785 杜比逻辑处理电路LA4225 5W音频功率放大电路LA4261 立体声功率放大电路LA4270 6W×2音频功率放大电路LA4280 10W×2音频功率放大电路LA4282 10W×2音频功率放大电路LA4445 双声道音频功率放大电路LA6358 双运算放大器LA7016 电子开关LA7210 同步检测电路LA7222 二回路、二接点电子开关LA7406 画中画接口电路LA7575 图像中频放大电路LA76810 TV小信号处理电路LA76832N TV小信号处理电路LA7685 中频及图像信号处理电路LA7838 场扫描电路LA7840 场扫描输出电路LA7841 场扫描输出电路LA7845 场扫描输出电路LA7845N 场扫描输出电路LA7846N 场扫描输出电路LA7910 波段转换控制电路LA7950 场频识别控制电路LA7954 视频转换电路LC344250Z 多端动态存储器LC74401E 画中画(PIP)控制电路LC78815M 双通道16bitD/A变换电路LC863316A 微处理器LC863320A 微处理器LC863328A 微处理器LC863348A 微处理器LC864512 微处理器LC864512V-5D18 微处理器LC864512V-5C77 微处理器LC864525 微处理器LC864916A 微处理器LM317 稳压器LM324 四运算放大器LM358 双运算放大器LM567 锁相环电路LUKS-5140-M2 微处理器LV1010N 杜比逻辑处理电路 M32L1632512A 同步图形存储器M34300N-587SP 微处理器M34300N4-555SP 微处理器M37210M3-508SP 微处理器M37210M3-800SP 多制式数字音频信号处理电路M37210M3-902SP 微处理器M37210M4-705SP 微处理器M37211M2-609SP 微处理器M37220M3 微处理器M37221M6-065SP 微处理器M37222M6-084SP 微处理器M37225 微处理器M37270MF-168SP 微处理器M37271MP-209SP 微处理器M37274EFSP 微处理器M37280 微处理器M37551MA-0545SP 微处理器M50436-688SP 微处理器M51131L 话筒演唱及混响音量控制电路M5218AP 双运算放大器M52340SP 单片集成TV小信号处理电路M52470AP 三通道4输入模拟开关M54573L 波段转换控制电路M62354FP 六通道8bitD/A转换电路M62438FP SRSM65839SP 数字式卡拉OK信号处理电路M66312P PIP控制电路M6M80011P 存储器M6M80041P 存储器MALF24C01 存储器MALF24C02 存储器MB3110A 超低音频信号处理电路MB81461-12RS 动态随机存储器MC14066BCP 四组双向模拟开关MC141625A 梳状滤波器MC141628 前置亮、色信号分离梳状滤波器MC144110P D/A转换电路MC14577C 双视频放大电路MC33064D5 复位用欠压检测电路MC44608 开关稳压电源电压模式控制器MC68HC16R1(SC43402CFC) 微处理器MCM6206BBE 32K×8bit快速静态随机存取存储器MCU2600 时钟信号发生器MM1031XS 宽带视频放大电路MM1053XS 多路信号高速切换电路MM1113XS 多路信号高速切换电路MM1495XD A/V切换电路MN1515TWE/TWP 微处理器MN152810TTD5 微处理器MN152811TIX 微处理器MN15282 微处理器MN1871675T6S 微处理器MN1871675T7M 微处理器MN1872432TWI 微处理器MN187-681 微处理器MN3868 1H基带延迟线电路MSP3410 多制式丽音解码电路MSP3410B 多制式丽音解码电路MSP3410D 多制式丽音解码电路MSP3410D-52 多制式丽音解码电路MSP3410D-CS 多制式丽音解码电路MSP3410D-PP-B4 多制式丽音解码电路MSP3410D-P0-B4 多制式丽音解码电路MSP3415D-AI I*IC总线控制多制式音频处理电路MSP3463G 音频信号处理电路NE5532N 内部补偿低噪声双运算放大器NE/SE567 音调与频率解码、锁相环电路NE567N 音调与频率解码、锁相环电路NJM2234L 伴音声道控制开关NJM2700L WOW音频处理电路NJW1103 杜比定向逻辑和音色选择电路NJW1132AL 伴音BBE处理电路NM24C04EN 存储器NN5099K/NN5199K 单片集成多制式TV小信号处理电路NP83C266BRNA 微处理器NV320P 数字视频信号处理电路NVM3060 存储器OM8361 单片集成TV小信号处理电路OM8361-VS0469 单片集成TV小信号处理电路OM8839 I*IC总线控制单片集成TV小信号处理电路OM8839PS I*IC总线控制单片集成TV小信号处理电路OM8839PS-K9G216 I*IC总线控制单片集成TV小信号处理电路ONWA KWEC42.2ONWA KWEC44.1OTT531 +5V稳压复位电路P83C266BDR 微处理器P87C766 微处理器P87C766BDR(CKP1401S) 微处理器P87C766DT 微处理器PC74HT241P 线性驱动数据缓冲电路PC713F6 光耦合器PCA841P-177 微处理器PCA84C122/PCA84C222/PCA84C422/PCA84C622/ PCA84C822PCA84C440P/401 微处理器PCA84C641 微处理器PCA84C840P-054 微处理器PCA8516 字符形成电路PCA8521 遥控编码发射电路PCA8521BT 遥控编码发射电路PCF8581P 存储器PCF8582 存储器PCF8589C-2 存储器PCF8594C-2 存储器PCF8598 E2PROM存储器PCF8598C-2 E2PROM存储器PCF8598E E2PROM存储器PCX8598X-2 E2PROM存储器PIP2250 PIP信号处理电路PQ05RF 受控+5V稳压器PQ09RD11(78HR09) 受控+9V稳压器PQ12RF 受控+12V稳压器PQ12RF2 受控+12V稳压器S24C08A 存储器SAA3010T 遥控信号发射电路SAA4955TJ 场存储器SAA4955TS 数字式场存储器SAA4956TJ 具有降噪功能的场存储器SAA4961 PAL/NTSC兼容梳状滤波器SAA4977H 倍场频处理电路SAA4981 单片集成16:9压缩处理电路SAA4991WP 运动估算和补偿、降低行间闪烁、变焦和降噪电路SAA5284 多媒体视频数据捕获电路SAA5700GP 汉字系统图文电视(CCST)解码电路SAA7280P 丽音信号处理电路SAA7283ZP 丽音解调解码电路SAB9077H PIP控制电路SBX1765-01 数字梳状滤波器SDA9187 PIPSDA9187-2X PIPSDA9189X 1/4屏幕多画面PIP处理电路SDA9205 三路8bitA/D转换电路SDA9220 存储同步控制电路SDA9251 存储器SDA9257 时钟同步发生器SDA9280 显示信号处理电路SDA9288 PIP/POP信号处理电路SDA9288X PIP/POP信号处理电路SDA9290 数字图像处理电路SDA9361 DDC-PLUS偏转控制电路SDA9362 扫描小信号处理电路SDA9400 扫描变换处理电路SE110N 开关电源误差信号放大电路SE116E 开关电源误差信号放大电路SE140N/SE145N 开关电源误差信号放大电路SECL810 音频信号控制电路SID2500-DOBO R、G、B混合处理电路SKW011-829A2202 微处理器SMM-201N 微处理器ST24C02 2线电可擦、可编程只读存储器ST24C04 2线电可擦、可编程只读存储器ST63156 微处理器ST6367B1/FEJ 微处理器ST92196 微处理器STK392-040 三通道会聚校正放大电路STK392-110 三通道会聚校正放大电路STR-6658B 开关电源厚膜电路STR-D1005T 开关电源厚膜电路STR-F6454 开关电源厚膜电路STR-F6653 开关电源厚膜电路STR-F6654 开关电源厚膜电路STR-F6656 开关电源厚膜电路STR-F6658B 开关电源厚膜电路STR-F6707 开关电源厚膜电路STR-G8656 开关电源厚膜电路STR-M6529F04 开关电源厚膜电路STR-M6833BF04 开关电源厚膜电路STR-S5941 开关电源厚膜电路STR-S6308 开关电源厚膜电路STR-S6309 开关电源厚膜电路STR-S6709 开关电源厚膜电路STR-S6709A 开关电源厚膜电路STR-S6709AN 开关电源厚膜电路STR-Z3202 开关电源厚膜电路STR-Z4302 开关电源厚膜电路STR-Z4479 开关电源厚膜电路STV2116 视频解码电路STV2246 I*IC总线控制单片集成TV小信号处理电路STV2248 I*IC总线控制单片集成TV小信号处理电路STV5111 R、G、B高压视频放大电路STV5112 R、G、B高压视频放大电路STV9306 场扫描输出电路STV9379 场扫描输出电路T7808CT 8V固定正稳压器TA1216AN 三通道音频信号处理电路TA1218AN AV/TV切换电路TA1219AN AV/TV切换电路TA1219N AV/TV切换电路TA1222AN 多制式视频、色度、同步、偏转信号处理电路TA1222BN 多制式视频、色度、同步、偏转信号处理电路TA1226N 亮度信号瞬态校正电路TA1229N SECAM制解码电路TA1270BF PAL/NTSC视频和色信号处理电路TA1316AN 逐行扫描倍场频画质增强电路TA1318N 多制式扫描行场振荡电路TA2009P 数字信号滤波电路TA2047N 丽音系统模拟滤波电路TA2136F/N 声音重演信号(SRS)处理电路TA24C04/TA24C08/TL24C04 2线电可擦、可编程只读存储器TA7347P S端子切换电路TA7439 三波段数字控制音频信号切换及处理电路TA7508P 四运算放大器TA75393S 双电压比较器TA75458P 双运算放大器TA7555F/P 时间延时器TA75558P 双运算放大器TA75559P 双运算放大器TA7809S 9V固定正稳压器TA78L09AP 9V固定正稳压器TA8173AP 双声道立体环绕声处理电路TA8200AH 双声道音频功率放大电路TA8211AH 双声道音频功率放大电路TA8213K 重低音功率放大电路TA8218AH 音频功率放大电路TA8256H 6W×3通道音频功率放大电路TA8256HV 三通道音频功率放大电路TA8258H 双通道音频功率放大电路TA8403K 场扫描输出电路TA8427K 场扫描输出电路TA8445K 场扫描输出电路TA8615N 制式转换电路TA8628N 带电子音量控制的AV/TV开关电路TA8659BN 多制式视频、偏转、文字显示信号处理及制式转换电路TA8710S 伴音中频转换电路TA8720AN TV/AV(S-VHS)切换电路TA8765N SECAM解码电路TA8772AN PAL/NTSC/SECAM基带1H延迟电路TA8772CN PAL/NTSC/SECAM基带1H延迟电路TA8776N 环绕声信号处理电路TA8777NFA-1 PIP画面视频信号选择开关TA8795AF PIP画面多制式亮度、色度、同步信号处理电路TA8814N 彩色瞬态特性改善电路TA8815BN 模拟视频信号选择开关TA8851AN 双极型I*IC总线控制AV开关TA8851BN 双极型I*IC总线控制AV开关TA8851CN 双极型I*IC总线控制AV开关TA8859CP 枕形失真校正电路TA8859P 枕形失真校正电路TA8880CN 视频、色度、同步信号处理电路TA8889P I*IC总线控制白平衡调整电路TAIF24C04 存储器TB1204N 丽音信号处理电路TB1212N 丽音信号处理电路TB1227AN PAL/NTSC/SECAM视频、色度、扫描小信号处理电路TB1227N PAL/NTSC/SECAM视频、色度、扫描小信号处理电路TB1227 PAL/NTSC/SECAM视频、色度、扫描小信号处理电路TB1231N 视频、色度、扫描小信号处理电路TB1238AN 视频、色度、扫描小信号处理电路TB1238N 视频、色度、扫描小信号处理电路TB1240N I*IC总线控制TV信号处理电路TB1240AN I*IC总线控制TV信号处理电路TBA2800 遥控信号接收电路TC4052 双4选1模拟开关TC4052B 双4选1模拟开关TC4052BP 双4选1模拟开关TC4053 三组2路双向模拟开关TC4053AP/TC4053BP 三组2路双向模拟开关TC4066AF 四组双向模拟开关TC4094BP 端口扩展电路TC74HC4053AP 三组2路双向模拟开关TC74HC4066AF 四组双向模拟开关TC9028F 遥控信号发射电路TC9083F/P 单片PIP控制电路TC9089 数字Y/C信号分离电路TC9090AN 多制式3行数字Y/C信号分离电路TC9090CN 多制式3行数字Y/C信号分离电路TC9090N/F 多制式3行数字Y/C信号分离电路TC9097F 彩色信号处理电路TC90A49P 多制式3行数字Y/C信号分离电路TC9415N 数字卡拉OK电路TDA1521 双通道伴音功率放大电路TDA1521A 双通道伴音功率放大电路TDA1524A 立体声(音量/音调)控制电路TDA1543 数控变换电路TDA16846 开关电源厚膜电路TDA2007 6W×2音频功率放大电路TDA2007A 6W×2音频功率放大电路TDA2009A 10W×2双路音频功率放大电路TDA2030 14WTDA2595 行、场扫描及同步脉冲发生器TDA2616 带静音功能的12W×2TDA3504 视频控制、矩阵电路TDA3654 场扫描输出电路TDA3857 准分离伴音解码电路TDA4472 TV信号前置处理电路TDA4505 彩色电视小信号处理电路TDA4555 多制式色度解码电路TDA4565 亮度延迟、彩色暂态特性改善电路TDA4601 开关电源厚膜电路TDA4605 开关电源厚膜电路TDA4605-3 开关电源厚膜电路TDA4665 基带彩色信号延迟电路TDA4671 彩色瞬态改善(CTI)电路TDA4681 矩阵变换及亮度控制电路TDA4780 视频信号处理电路TDA4853/TDA4854 I*IC总线自同步偏转控制电路TDA5112 单片视频放大输出电路TDA5330T 高频调谐器专用贴片电路TDA6101Q 视频放大输出电路TDA6103Q 视频放大输出电路TDA6107Q 视频放大输出电路TDA6108JF 单片视频放大输出电路TDA6110Q 视频放大输出电路TDA6111Q 视频放大输出电路TDA6120Q 宽带视频放大输出电路TDA6151 卫星电视接收视频处理电路TDA7056A/TDA7056B 超重低音功率放大电路TDA7057AQ 双声道音频功率放大电路TDA7265 双通道音频功率放大电路TDA7297 双声道功率放大电路TDA7429S 立体声信号切换、处理电路TDA7496 带直流音量控制的双通道音频功率放大电路TDA8133 具有“禁止”和复位功能的+5.1V、+8V稳压器TDA8139 具有CPU复位功能的稳压电路TDA8145 光栅东/西失真校正电路TDA8170 场扫描输出电路TDA8172 场扫描输出电路TDA8177F 场扫描输出电路TDA8179 场扫描输出电路TDA8219 色度信号解码电路TDA8305A 图像中放电路TDA8310 PIPTDA8310A PIP全制式色度信号处理电路TDA8341 内载波中频信号处理电路TDA8350Q 直流耦合场偏转和东/西枕校输出电路TDA8351 场扫描输出电路TDA8351AQ 场扫描输出电路TDA8354 宽范围场扫描输出电路TDA8361 PAL/NTSC单片集成TV小信号处理电路TDA8362 单片集成全制式TV小信号处理电路TDA8366N3D 单片集成TV小信号处理电路TDA8376A I*IC总线控制多制式TV小信号处理电路TDA8395 SECAM色度解码电路TDA8425 Hi-Fi音频信号处理电路TDA8540 视频4×4开关矩阵切换电路TDA8732 丽音信号处理电路TDA8814N 亮度、色度信号处理电路TDA8838 I*IC总线控制单片集成TV小信号处理电路TDA8839 I*IC总线控制单片集成TV小信号处理电路TDA8841 I*IC总线控制多制式TV小信号处理电路TDA8843 I*IC总线控制PAL/NTSC制单片集成TV小信号处理电路TDA8844 I*IC总线控制多制式单片集成TV小信号处理电路TDA8944J Hi-Hi立体声功率放大电路TDA8945J 音频功率放大电路TDA9111 行、场扫描信号处理电路TDA9143 解码/同步信号处理电路TDA9151B 可编程扫描控制电路TDA9160 多制式解码/同步信号处理电路TDA9170 亮度改善和色度信号校正处理电路TDA9177 亮度、色差信号瞬态校正电路TDA9178 YUV画质改善处理电路TDA9181 多制式集成梳状滤波器TDA9302H 场扫描输出电路TDA9321 I*IC总线控制TV小信号处理电路TDA9321H 主画面TV信号处理电路TDA9332H I*IC总线控制TV显示处理电路TDA9370 CPU+TV超级电视信号处理电路TDA9380 MCU+VCD超级芯片电视信号处理电路TDA9383 CPU+TV超级电视信号处理电路TDA9429S 音频信号切换及处理电路TDA9801 中频锁相环解调和鉴频器TDA9808 准声像分离,PLL鉴频中频处理电路TDA9808T 准声像分离,PLL鉴频中频处理电路TDA9815 多路中频信号处理电路TDA9859 Hi-Fi音频信号处理电路TDA9860 Hi-Fi音频信号处理电路TDA9874A 数字伴音解调和解码电路TEA2014A 视频信号切换开关TEA5114A 视频信号切换开关TEA5170 同步、稳压电源电路TEA6415B I*IC总线控制视频矩阵开关TEA6415C I*IC总线控制视频矩阵开关TEA6420 I*IC总线控制音频矩阵开关TEA6430 I*IC总线控制音频矩阵开关TLC29321PWL 高效锁相环电路TLP621 光电耦合器TMP83C266BDR-100 微处理器TMP87CH33N 微处理器TMP87CH36 微处理器TMP87CH38N 微处理器TMP87CK38N-3644 微处理器TMP87CM36N 微处理器TMP87CM38N 微处理器TMP87CP38N 微处理器TMP87CS38N 微处理器TMP87PM36N-R0605 微处理器TMP87PS38N 微处理器TMS73C45TKY2 A1检测(模糊逻辑)电路TNY254P 5V待机电路TPU2735 图文电视处理电路TVSM5218L 双声道音频功率放大电路VCT3803A/01A CPU+TV超级电视信号处理电路VCU2133 视频A/D与D/A编解码电路VCU2136 数字视频信号处理电路VDP3108A 数字视频及偏转信号处理电路VDP3120C 数字视频、显示及偏转信号处理电路VPC3215C 数字视频信号处理电路VSP2860 数字视频及同步信号处理电路WH2000(WUHAN2000) 微处理器WH2000C 微处理器XR1075 BBE音响增强处理电路Z86227 微处理器Z90361 微处理器μPC1830GT 视频、色度及扫描小信号处理电路μPC1853 移相矩阵环绕声处理电路μPC1853-01 移相矩阵环绕声处理电路μPC1891Y/A 矩阵环绕声信号处理电路μPC2412HF +12V稳压电路μPD6124 红外线遥控发射电路μPD6325C 6位D/A转换电路μPD6336C 6位D/A转换电路μPD6375 D/A转换电路μPD6376 D/A转换电路10K2 SRS音效处理器14577B 双通道带宽放大电路24C08 存储器24C04-4A99A819 存储器24WC16P 存储器4052 双4选1模拟开关47-00001-42(29022306) 微处理器47C1638AU353 微处理器47C834N-RB11 微处理器74HC86/74HCT86 四组2输入异或门74HC157/74HCT157 四组2选1数据选择器74HC573D 三态输出8位透明D型锁存器74HC4046A/74HCT4046A 低功耗锁相环VCO电路74HC4066 双向模拟电子开关74HC4538D/74HCT4538D 双路可重新触发单稳态多谐振荡器74HCT241N 线性驱动数据缓冲器74LS9D 六路施密特触发倒向器74LS10 三组3输入与非门74LS74 双D触发器(带置位、复位、正触发)74LS393 双4位二进制计数器。
BC237A NPN 晶体管说明书
Maximum Ratings
x Operating temperature : -55к to +150к x Storage temperature : -55к to +150к
Packing Ammo Packing: 20Kpcs/Carton
Bulk: 100Kpcs/Carton
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AM FM CD marine 接收器 MCD237BT 产品说明书
INSTALLATION/OWNER'S MANUALAM/FM/CD Marine ReceiverMCD237BTMCD237BT INSTALLATIONPreparationPlease read entire manual before installation.Before You Start• D isconnect negative battery terminal. Consult a qualified technician for instructions.• A void installing the unit where it would be subject to high temperatures, such as from direct sunlight, or where it would be subject to dust, dirt or excessive vibration. Getting Started• Remove trim ring from unit.• Remove 2 transit screws located on top of the unit.• Insert the supplied keys into the slots as shown, and slide the unit out of the mounting sleeve.• Install mounting sleeve into opening, bending tabs to secure.• Connect wiring harness and antenna. Consult a qualified technician if you are unsure.• Certain vehicles may require an installation kit and/or wiringharness adapter (sold separately).• Test for correct operation and slide into mounting sleeve to secure.• Snap trim ring into place.TYPICAL FRONT-LOAD DIN MOUNTING METHODMCD237BT INSTALLATIONWiring DiagramFUSEWhen replacing the fuse, make sure new fuse is the correct type and amperage. Using an incorrect fuse could damage the radio. The 10 amp AGC fuse located beside the wiringconnector.unit uses one AntennaPreset 5 / Folder Down Preset 4 / Play / Pause Preset 3 / Intro Preset 2 / Random Preset 1 / Repeat Display ModeTune / Track Up Tune / Track DownRelease Band / Go Back Power / Mute Bluetooth Talk Volume Knob Audio / Menu Eject USB Port Auxiliary Input Preset 6 / Folder UpMCD237BTOPERATIONRemote Control478910141516Tune / Track DownMode Volume Up Power SelectTune / Track Up Volume Down Band / Go Back Preset 3 / Intro Preset 2 / Random1MCD237BT OPERATIONPress or any other button (except EJECT ) to turn the unit on. Press to turn the unit off.Press MODE to select between AM/FM, CD player, Bluetooth, auxiliary and USB. Modes of operation are shown in the display.NOTE : CD and USB modes will not appear unless a CD is inserted or USB device is connected.The MCD237BT offers a 3.5 mm auxiliary input port on the front panel of the unit for connecting an audio device, MP3 player, etc. Press MODE to select auxiliary input mode. Adjust volume using volume knob (00-46).Press DISP to show the clock. During playback of MP3/files, ID3 tag information, elapsed time, track number and file/folder names will automatically rotate on the display.Press RESET upon initial installation or if abnormal operation occurs.With the unit on, press and hold DISP until the clock begins to flash, then release. Turn the volume knob to the right to adjust the hours or to the left to adjust the minutes.The clock will display 12-hour AM/PM time in USA frequency spacing mode (PM 10:00). In European frequency spacing mode, the clock will display 24-hour time (22:00).Press and hold AUDIO for more than 3 seconds to access the setup menu. Press AUDIO momentarily to select between the menu functions and rotate the volume knob left/right to adjust or activate the desired function.Power On/OffModeAuxiliary InputVolume DisplayResetSet the Clock12/24-hour Clock Setup MenuGeneral OperationMCD237BT OPERATION General Operation - Setup MenuMCD237BT OPERATIONGeneral OperationMCD237BT OPERATIONMCD237BT OPERATIONInsert CDEject CDTrack Select Fast Forward/ReversePauseIntroRepeatRandomCD-R/CD-RW Compatibility With the label facing up, insert a standard size CD into the CD slot. The CD will automatically begin playback.Press EJECT to eject the CD. The unit will change to previous mode of operation. If the disc is not removed within 10 seconds, the unit will reload the disc. The unit does not have to be turned on to eject CD.Press TRACK ll to skip to the beginning of the next track. Press TRACK nn to return to the beginning of the current track. Pressing TRACK nn again skips to the beginning of the previous track.Press and hold TRACK ll or TRACK nn on the remote control to fast forward or reverse a track. Press l/II to temporarily stop CD playback. Press l/II again to resume playback.Press INT to enter the Intro menu, then turn the volume knob to select one of the following options:• OFF - Cancels the INT function.• ALL - Plays the first 10 seconds of each track.Press RPT to enter the Repeat menu, then turn the volume knob to select one of the following options:• ALL - Plays all tracks on CD.• TRACK - Continuously repeats selected track.Press RDM to enter the Random menu, then turn the volume knob to select one of the following options:• OFF - Cancels the RDM function.• ALL- Plays all tracks in random order.Some CD-Rs and CD-RWs may be incompatible with this unit, depending on media type and recording method. In addition, the following CDs may be incompatible with this unit:CDs exposed to extreme temperatures or direct sunlight for extended periods of time, CDs recorded in which a recording session failed or a re-recording was attempted and, or encrypted or copy-protected CDs which do not conform to the audio CD-DA red book recording standard.CD Player OperationCD Player Operation - MP3 FilesPlaying an MP3 CD Displaying InformationTitle IconArtist IconFolder IconFile Icon Character Support When an MP3 encoded disc is first inserted,“DISC READ" will appear in the display. Depending on the number of files and folders, this may take several seconds.Press DISP to select between song title, artist, file name, folder name, track number, and clock/elapsed time.“NO ARTIST” or "NO TITLE" will be displayed if the MP3 file contains no ID3 tag information.“ROOT” will be displayed if the directory name of a root folder is not labeled.This icon will illuminate when the song title is displayed.This icon will illuminate when the artist name is displayed.This icon will illuminate when the folder name is displayed.This icon will illuminate when the file name is displayed.Maximum character display information• Track name – 32 character maximum• Directory name – 32 character maximum• *Song title – 32 character maximum• *Artist name – 32 character maximum*Song title and Artist Name will only be displayed if included with the MP3 file.When referring to MP3 playback, the following termsare synonymous:• File name and track name• Folder name and directory nameCD Player Operation - MP3 FilesThe following types of discs/files are compatible:• CD-ROM (ISO), CD-R, CD-RW • CD-DA • MP3 dataThe following types of discs/files are not compatible:• Discs recorded with Track At Once or packet writing • MP3 PRO format • MP3 playlists • WAV formatMP3 playback sequence is based on recorded order of files and begins in the root folder of the disc. Any empty folders or folders that do not include MP3 files are skipped. This unit may not play files in the order they were recorded in. Refer to your recording software’s user’s manual for more information.• ISO9660 level 1• ISO9660 level 2• Yellow Book MODE 1• Yellow Book MODE 2 FORM 1• Multi session • Maximum files - 999• Maximum folders - 255• Maximum folder levels - 8• MPEG-1/2/2.5 Audio Layer-3ISO9660 standards:• Maximum nested folder depth is 8 (including the root folder).• Valid characters for folder/file names are letters A-Z (all caps), numbers 0-9, and “_” (underscore). Some characters may not be displayed correctly, depending on the character type.• This device can play back discs in Joliet, Romeo, and other standards that conform to ISO9660. MP3 written in the formats other than the above may not play and/or their file names or folder names may not be displayedproperly.Media Compatibility Playback Order Compatible Recording FormatsCD Player Operation - MP3 FilesAn internal buffer provides ESP (Electronic Skip Protection) to virtually eliminate skipping.When playing a disc recorded with regular audio files(CD-DA or .WAV) and MP3 files, the unit will play theMP3 files only.Only MP3 files with filename extension (.mp3) can beplayed.Do not attempt to play discs which contain non-MP3files with the MP3 extension.8kHz ~ 48kHz 32kbps ~ 320kbps constantVariable bit ratesNote : Some files may not play or be displayed correctly,depending on sampling rates and bit rates.ID3 tags Version 1.0 to 2.4.This model will not display ID3 Version 2.4 or greater tags.For best results, use the following settings when burning anMP3 disc:128kbps or higher constant bit rate44.1kHz or higher sampling frequencyAdditional MP3Information Sampling Frequency RatesMP3Transfer Bit ratesMP3MP3 Tag DisplayRecommended SettingsUSB Operation To play MP3 files from most USB mass storage devices, line up the USB connector and insert the USB device into the unit's USB port.When a USB device is first connected, “USB READ” will appear in the display and playback will begin momentarily. Depending on the number of files and folders, it may take several seconds for the device to begin playing. If no valid MP3 files are detected, “NO FILE” will be displayed and the last mode will be resumed.Press TRACK ll to skip to the beginning of the next track. Press TRACK nn to return to the beginning of the current track. Pressing TRACK nnagain skips to the beginning of the previous track.Press and hold TRACK ll or TRACK nn on the remote control to fast forward or reverse a track. Press l / II to temporarily stop USB playback.Press l/ II again to resume playback.Press SELECT to enter the file/folder search mode. A list of all the folders from the USB device will be displayed.Note: Any files located in the root directory will be located in the folder named "ROOT". Press SELECT to view the files on the root folder.Turn the volume knob to cycle through all the folders on the device and press SELECT to choose the desired folder. The list of files in the selected folder will be displayed. Turn the volume knob to cycle through the list of files.Note: Pressing GO BACK when viewing the contents of a folder will return to the list of folders on the USB device.Press GO BACK again to exit the search menu.Once the desired song is displayed, press SELECT to begin playback of the desired song.Note: Due to differences in USB device transfer speeds, it is recommended to limit each folder to less than 30 songs.Connecting a USB Device (sold separately)Playing Music Track Select Fast Forward and ReversePauseFile Search Step 1Step 2Step 3USB Operation USB OperationCharacter SupportMedia CompatibilityPlayback OrderPlayback Capacity USB Device Compatibility Maximum character display information• Track name – 32 character maximum• Directory name – 32 character maximum• *Song title – 32 character maximum• *Artist name – 32 character maximum*Song title and artist name will only be displayed if included with the MP3 file.The following types of files are compatible:• MP3 dataThe following types of files are not compatible:• MP3 PRO format• MP3 playlists• WAV formatMP3 playback sequence is based on order the filesare copied to the USB device and begins in the root folder. Any empty folders or folders that do not include MP3files are skipped. Depending on your software, the playback order may vary.• Maximum number of files: 999• Maximum number of folders: 255 plus the root directory • Maximum number of files in each folder and root: 999Note: If the number of files/folders exceeds the maximum outlined above, the additional files/folders will be ignored. Note: Devices that exceed the maximum number of files or folders may not function properly.Due to the differences of USB devices, some devices may not be compatible. USB devices must be ‘mass storage class’ and formatted to the FAT or FAT32 file system in order to ensure compatibility.USB Operation Only MP3 files with filename extension (.mp3) can be played. Do not attempt to play non-MP3 files with the MP3 extension.8kHz ~ 48kHz 32kbps ~ 320kbps constant Variable bit ratesNote: Some files may not play or be displayed correctly,depending on sampling rates and bit rates.ID3 tags Version 1.0 to 2.4Note : If an invalid ID3 tag version is detected, "NO SUPPORT" will scroll on the display.Additional MP3Information Sampling Frequency Rates MP3Transfer Bit rates MP3MP3 Tag DisplayBluetooth® OperationBluetooth® OperationStreaming Audio OperationThe unit supports A2DP (advanced audio distribution profile) wireless streaming audio from your Bluetooth mobile device directly to your head unit. You can also control your music from the front panel of the head unit using AVRCP (audio video remote control profile).Notes:• To stream music to your head unit, your mobile device must support the A2DP and AVRCP Bluetooth profiles. Check the owner's manual of your mobile device for details.• Streaming audio must be enabled from your mobile device. This option will varydepending on the device. Some devices allow streaming audio to be disabled.After pairing, connecting and enabling streaming audio from a compatible mobile device, begin playing music using the music player on your mobile device. Once the music is playing, the following functions can be used to control the music:• The ll button will skip to the next available audio track.• The nn button will skip to the previous audio track.• The l/II button will toggle between play and pause during playback.Note: Some Bluetooth devices may not fully support these commands.MCD237BT OPERATION Troubleshooting MCD237BT OPERATIONLimited One Year WarrantyThis warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights which vary from state to state.Dual Electronics Corp. warrants this product to the original purchaser to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of the original purchase.Dual Electronics Corp. agrees, at our option, during the warranty period,to repair any defect in material or workmanship or to furnish an equal new, renewed or comparable product (whichever is deemed necessary) in exchange without charges, subject to verification of the defect or malfunction and proof of the date of purchase. Subsequent replacement products are warranted for the balance of the original warranty period. Who is covered? This warranty is extended to the original retail purchaser for products purchased from an authorized Dual dealer and used in the U.S.A.What is covered? This warranty covers all defects in material and workmanship in this product. The following are not covered: software, installation/removal costs, damage resulting from accident, misuse, abuse, neglect, product modification, improper installation, incorrect line voltage, unauthorized repair or failureto follow instructions supplied with the product, or damage occurring during return shipment of the product. Specific license conditions and copyright notices for the software can be found via www.dualav. com.What to do?1. Before you call for service, check the troubleshooting guide in your owner’s manual. A slight adjustment of any custom controls may save you a service call.2. If you require service during the warranty period, you must carefully pack the product (preferably in the original package) and ship it by prepaid transportation with a copy of the original receipt from the retailer to an authorized service center.3. Please describe your problem in writing and include your name, a return UPS shipping address (P.O. Box not acceptable), and a daytime phone number with your shipment.4. For more information and for the location of the nearest authorized service center please contact us by one of the following methods:• Call us toll-free at 1-866-382-5476•*********************** Exclusion of Certain Damages: This warranty is exclusive and in lieu of any and all other warranties, expressed or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and any obligation, liability, right, claim or remedy in contract or tort, whether or not arising from the company’s negligence, actualor imputed. No person or representative is authorized to assume for the company any other liability in connection with the sale of this product. In no event shall the company be liable for indirect, incidental or consequential damages.MCD237BT OPERATIONFCC ComplianceThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.MCD237BT OPERATIONSpecificationsFrequency response: 20Hz-20kHzChannel separation @ 1kHz: >60dBD/A converter: 1 BitTuning range: 87.5MHz-107.9MHzUsable sensitivity: 8.5dBf50dB quieting sensitivity: 10dBfStereo separation @ 1kHz: >30dBFrequency response: 30Hz-13kHzTuning range: 530kHz-1710kHzUsable sensitivity: <42dBuFrequency response: 30Hz-2.2kHzUSB Charge: 1ASpeaker output impedance: 4~8 ohmsLine output voltage: 1.2 Volts RMSDimensions: 7" x 7" x 2" (178 x 178 x 50 mm)Design and specifications subject to change without notice.CD Player FM Tuner AM Tuner GeneralNotes。
CSC-237A 数字式电动机综合保护测控装置说明书
CSC 237A数字式电动机综合保护测控装置1装置简介本装置适用于10kV及以下各种中性点非直接接地系统,作为大中型异步电动机(数百千瓦以上) 相间故障、过负荷、堵转等综合保护。
2 主要功能及技术参能2.1 保护功能⏹反应相间故障的速断保护⏹反应堵转的过电流保护⏹过负荷保护(可选择跳闸或仅告警发信)⏹长起动保护⏹过热保护(过热跳闸、过热告警、热积累记忆功能)⏹不平衡保护(断相/反相,负序过流保护,可选择定时限或反时限)⏹接地保护(零序过流保护,可选择跳闸或仅告警发信)⏹低电压保护⏹F-C过流闭锁⏹非电量保护2.2 测控功能⏹15路开入遥信采集、装置遥信变位、事故遥信⏹正常断路器遥控分合⏹Ua、Ub、Uc、Ia、Ic、P、Q、COSф等模拟量的遥测⏹各种事件SOE等2.3 技术参数3 保护元件3.1 长起动保护装置测量电动机起动时间Tstart的方法:当电动机的最大相电流从零突变到10%Ie时开始计时,直到起动电流过峰值后下降到120%Ie时为止,之间的历时称为Tstart。
图1 异步电动机起动电流特性为了降低起动电流,减少对电网的无功冲击,大型的异步电动机常常串联电抗器或者电阻,以实现降压起动;起动完毕后短接串联电抗器或者电阻。
为了试验方便,当CSC 237保护装置检测到电动机在“起动过程中”时(即上图中的Tstart时段),面板MMI最下一指示绿灯(备用)点亮。
3.2 过热保护过热保护综合考虑了电动机正序、负序电流所产生的热效应,为电动机各种过负荷引起的过热提供保护,也作为电动机短路、起动时间过长、堵转等的后备。
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237 OPA4237
Boldface limits apply over the specified temperature range, TA = −40°C to +85°C.
SOT23−5 OPA4237 Out A OPA237 NC − In +In V− 1 2 3 4 SO−8 8 7 6 5 NC V+ Output NC OPA2237 Out A − In A +In A V− 1 2 3 4 SO−8, MSOP−8 NC 8 SSOP−16 9 NC A B 8 7 6 5 V+ Out B − In B +In B − In A +In A V+ +In B − In B Out B 1 2 A 3 4 5 B 6 7 C 11 10 D 14 13 12 +In D V− +In C − In C Out C 16 15 Out D − In D
OPA237 Out V− +In 1 2 3 4 − In 5 V+
− Single: SOT23-5, SO-8 − Dual: MSOP-8, SO-8 − Quad: SSOP-16 (Obsolete) LOW OFFSET VOLTAGE: 750µV max − Single Supply: +2.7V to +36V − Dual Supply: +1.35V to +18V LOW QUIESCENT CURRENT: 350µV max WIDE BANDWIDTH: 1.5MHz
Supply Voltage, V+ to V− . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36V Input Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (V−) −0.7V to (V+) +0.7V Output Short-Circuit(2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continuous Operating Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −55°C to +125°C Storage Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −55°C to +125°C Junction Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +150°C
Copyright 1996-2007, Texas Instruments Incorporated
OPA237 OPA2237 OPA4237
SO−8 Single/Dual SSOP−16 Quad (Obsolete) SOT−23−5 Single MSOP Dual
OPA237 OPA2237 OPA4237
Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. MicroAmplifier is a trademark of Texas Instruments. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
(1) Stresses above these ratings may cause permanent damage. Exposure to absolute maximum conditions for extended periods may degrade device reliability. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those specified is not implied. (2) Short circuit to ground, one amplifier per package.
This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage. ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications.
PRODUCT Single OPA237NA OPA237UA Dual OPA2237EA OPA2237UA Quad(2) OPA4237UA SSOP-16 DBQ OPA4237UA (1) For the most current package and ordering information, see the Package Option Addendum at the end of this document, or see the TI website at . (2) Quad version is obsolete. MSOP-8 SO-8 DGK D B37A OPA2237UA SOT23-5 SO-8 DBV D A37A OPA237UA PACKAGE−LEAD PACKAGE DRAWING PACKAGE MARKING
PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications per the terms of Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters.
The OPA237 op amp family is one of Texas Instruments’ MicroAmplifier series of miniature products. In addition to small size, these devices feature low offset voltage, low quiescent current, low bias current, and a wide supply range. Single, dual, and quad versions have identical specifications for maximum design flexibility. They are ideal for single-supply, battery-operated, and space-limited applications, such as PCMCIA cards and other portable instruments. OPA237 series op amps can operate from either single or dual supplies. When operated from a single supply, the input common-mode range extends below ground and the output can swing to within 10mV of ground. Dual and quad designs feature completely independent circuitry for lowest crosstalk and freedom from interaction. Single, dual, and quad are offered in space-saving surface-mount packages. The single version is available in the ultra-miniature 5-lead SOT23-5 and SO-8 surface-mount. The dual version comes in a miniature MSOP-8 and SO-8 surface-mount. The quad version is obsolete. MSOP-8 has the same lead count as a SO-8 but half the size. The SOT23-5 is even smaller at one-fourth the size of an SO-8. All are specified for −40°C to +85°C operation. A macromodel is available for design analysis.