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Ant colonies have elaborate social structures in which the various activities necessary for the feeding, shelter, and reproduction of the colony are divided among specially adapted individuals. Ants belong to an order of insects called the Hymenoptera, a group that also includes bees, wasps, and sawflies. Some species of wasps and bees resemble ants in that they live in colonies and are therefore said to be social, but ants are the only hymenopterans in which every species is social. Ants are distinguished from other hymenopterans in that they have bent, or elbowed, antennae and an indented abdomen that forms a narrow waist.

o elaborate [i5lAbErEt] adj. 复杂的

o shelter [5FeltE] n. 遮蔽处

o adapted [E5dAptid] adj. 适合的

o h ymenoptera [7haimi5nCptErE] n. 膜翅目

o sawfly [5sR:flai] n. 叶蜂

o resemble [ri5zembl] v. 类似

o in that [in] [TAt]conj. 因为

o distinguish [dis5tiN^wiF] v. 区别

o bent [bent] adj. 弯曲的

o elbowed [5elbEud] adj. 像肘一样弯曲的

o antenna [An5tenE] n. 触须

o indented [in5dentid] adj. 锯齿状的

o abdomen [5AbdEmEn] n. 腹部

o waist [weist] n. 昆虫腹部的较窄部位


Members of an ant colony typically fall into categories known as castes, each with a different role. The majority of colony members are female worker ants that are unable to mate. Worker ants do not have wings and perform most of the work of the colony, including searching for food,

nursing young, and defending the colony against ants from other colonies. Queens are larger than worker ants and are the only females of the colony capable of mating. Queens are born with wings, which they break off after mating. They mate with winged male ants, later using the sperm from the mating to produce fertilized eggs, which hatch to produce more worker ants and a new generation of queens.

o caste [kB:st] n. 有社会组织的昆虫的阶级

o mate [meit] v. 交配,繁殖

o perform [pE5fC:m] v. 执行

o nurse [nE:s] v. 看护

o capable of [5keipEbl] [Ev]adj. 有能力

o sperm [spE:m] n. 精子

o fertilized egg [5fE:tElaizd] n. 受精卵

o hatch [hAtF] v. 孵化


Insects and diseases are a continuing menace to forests. Various insects, such as the gypsy moth, the tussock moth, and the spruce budworm, devastate extensive areas by defoliation. Other insects serve as carriers for the causative agents of diseases that destroy trees. Parasitic tree diseases may be caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, and nematodes, or by such parasitic plants as the mistletoe or dodder. Noninfectious diseases of trees include sunscald; drought injury; root drowning, or suffocation; nutritional excesses or deficiencies; winter injury; and injury from smoke, gases, and fumes.

o menace [5menEs] n. 威胁

o gypsy moth [5dVipsi] [mCW]n. 舞毒蛾

o tussock moth [5tQsEk] [mCW]n. 毒蛾

o spruce budworm [spru:s] [5bQdwE:m]n. 云杉蚜虫

o devastate [5devEsteit] v. 糟蹋

o defoliation [7di:fEuli5eiFEn] n. 落叶

o causative agent [5kC:zEtiv] [5eidVEnt]n. 病原体

o bacteria [bAk5tiEriE] n. 细菌

o fungi [5fQndVai] n. 真菌

o virus [5vaiErEs] n. 病毒

o nematode [5nemEtEud] n. 线虫

o mistletoe [5misltEu] n. 槲寄生,一种欧亚寄生灌木

o dodder [5dCdE] n. 菟丝子

o sunscald [5sQnskR:ld] n. 日灼病

o drought injury [draut] n. 旱害

o root drowning [ru:t] [5drauniN]n. 根部溺死
