公共英语五级分类模拟题Job and OccupationUnit 1Part IWorkplace EthicsIntegrity is priceless. So many have proffered various definitions for integrity but for the purpose of clarity and simplicity, I will adopt the Advanced Oxford Dictionary deflnition, which describes integrity as the n quality of being whole and undivided". In other words, this means you are who you are anytime, anywhere regardless of who is watching you or not. Integrity means you do not need the presence of your boss to get you to do what you should do. You only need the presence of your conscience. Integrity means you can work with little or no supervision. Integrity means your word is your bond. The workplace would definitely be more productive if everyone kept to his or her word. Your inconsistency at keeping your word in no time earns you a negative reputation in the workplace.One vital fact we cannot afford to miss out when discussing integrity, is integrity to self. Unless I am able to meet the commitments I make to myself, it would only amount to self-deceit to think I can make external commitments. If I cannot will myself to write that document at the exact time I said I would, there is every likelihood I would not make the meeting at the time I said I would. Integrity must be from within. I must be able to will what I do and do what I will. The standard is as declared by Benjamin Franklin, H Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.H This is integrity; the foundation of sound ethics.We shall continue to dissect some basic principles on ethics and how they affect your place in the workplace and your ultimate fulHllment in life.The pursuit for success, the craving for wealth, the riotous desire for fame and popularity, the quest for control and power are the forces that have long controlled the thoughts and actions of men. A new generation arises, another fades away, but not without passing on the baton as the rat race continues. The memory of the former evaporates with their pursuits, some linger for a while but are soon lost in the busyness of another generation. The state of man and our brief sojourn on the earth were aptly captured in the words of a sage, "men live like they will never die and die like they never lived". However, in all this, I have found few wise men who have permanently etched their marks in the hearts of men and even when we feign ignorance, history reminds us of their achievements and contributions. Generations yet unborn will be reminded of this select few. Some call it leaving a legacy. I call it living forever.Some of us are determined, goal oriented and focused, some just drift along hoping it all goes well. Whichever our stance may be, let us remember that in no time we will fade away amidst our pursuits and after we are gone the evidence that we ever lived will be determined by the amount of impact we were able to make on our society, and the service we were able to render to humanity. As you go about your work today, hold nothing back, give your all, appreciate your boss and colleagues, do not withhold a kind word, continue to exude encouragement, forgive freely, let no issue go unresolved, strive towards peace with yourself and your fellow man. This is the attitude that made the greats live forever, imbibe them and you would too.Handle slow times effectively. Every now and then, you will get the opportunity to3 WhichA.ItB.ItC.It It Questionswords . true?in life. MORE THAN threebe ahead of your schedule. No new deadlines to meet, all reports have been made and filed and you have little work and a lot of time. The way you handle such times will reveal a lot about your character. More often than not, what most employees would rather do at such downtimes is quite predictable. Some would choose to play a game of poker on the computer, read a novel or spend time chatting on the phone or the internet.It takes an exceptional employee to make prudent use of slow times and light workload situations. Ethics demand we not only use such times for our own personal improvement and fulfillment but also look out for more ways to be effective on the job. Start something, develop a new idea, reach beyond you confinements to other units that may need an extra help. However, carefully looking at it, there will never be a time when you have nothing to do. The workplace is never dormant; there would most likely be something you have deferred until a later date. Little details such as cleaning out your drawer, return a call, and writing a memo could take such times. Here are some ways you can make good use of light workload situations. When our workload is lighter, it is an opportunity for us to dig in a little deeper and come up with new ideas. It is a chance to conduct a personal systems review, to evaluate our performance and if possible increase the standard. We can make an inventory of our talents and gifts and focus on how best we can maximize our potential. We can begin to spend time updating official records, go through our desks, clean out and organise all those old files. One may be surprised at the amount of information contained in them.ComprehensionQuestions 1--3 Choose the best answer.1、The word integrity is more about .A.the consistency of one1s behaviors in the workplaceB.the positive attitude toward one1s work under direct supervisionC• the workplace productivityD・ one's reputation in the society2、 One strong indicator of integrity isA.working out documents by the deadlines B• to do what one would like to doC• the combination of resolution and the ability to fulfill it D• to meet the required standard in the workplaceof the following statements about ethics is NOT isclosely related to integrity.may determine one1s place in the workplace•may have something to do with one1s fulfillment islargely need-driven.4--7 Answer the following questions by using NO4、What are the things that human beings have never stopped pursuing?5、What are the reasons why those great figures in history would never fade away with time?6、What can prove our existence in this world after we have passed away?7、What can we do to die without being forgotten?Questions 8- -11 Complete the following sentences with NO MORE THAN three words for each blank.8^ One' s character can be reflected in the way he .9、Only those who are can make good use of their time when they are ahead of their schedule.10> When in , we can further explore our potential.Old files may have a lot of .Exercise 1 Use of EnglishRead the following text and fill each of the numbered spaces with ONE suitable word.Karoshi -- Worked to DeathJapan 1s rise from the devastation of World War II to economic prominence between 1945 and 1975 was not without human cost • People cannot work for ten or twelve hours a day six and seven days a week, year after year, 12 suffering physically as well as mentally.But during the first three postwar decades no one 13 any special attention to the 14 than usual number of men in their 40s and 50s who died of brain and heart ailments, most often 15 acute cardiac insufficiency and subarachnoid hemorrhage.It was not 16 the latter part of the 1980s, when several high-ranking business executives who were still in their prime 17 suddenly died without any previous 18 of illness, that the news media began picking up on what appeared to be a new 19 .This new phenomenon was quickly labeled karoshi , 20 "death from overwork", and once it had a 21 and its symptoms were broadcast far and wide, it quickly became obvious that 22 was experiencing a virtual epidemic•According to Labor Ministry 23 there had been only twenty-one cases of 24 in 1987, twenty-nine cases in 1988 and thirty cases in 1989. But a liaison council of attorneys established in 1988 to monitor 25 from overwork estimated in 1990 that over 10,000 people were 26 each year from karoshi •Most of the 27 of death from overwork had been putting in more than one hundred hours of overtime each. The victims did not receive 28 overtime pay for their 29 work. After years of such intense overwork, most of them find that they cannot rest even when they do take time 30 . They are 31 wound up that not working leaves them disoriented and suffering from serious stress.Exercise 2 SpeakingTopic: Determinants of a successful careerHere is a list of determinants of a successful career• What do you think are the most crucial ones? Choose three from the list and discuss why. You may add your own ideas that are not listed here • 32、be a continuous learnerbe adaptable to work environmentamiable personalityenthusiasmsocial contactsadvanced professional skillsambitionExercise 3 WritingYou are expected to write at least 250 words about the following topic. 33> Itis highly suggested by many people that China needs to postpone the retirement age, to deal with the aging of the population. But still many others countered that the problem of unemp 1 oyment will get worse if the policy is put into practice. What is your opinion on that?Unit 2Part IMyth & RealityForget all the talk of equal opportunity. European women can have a job — but notHere's a pop quiz on gender equality. In which part of the world are women most likely to reach the highest rungs of power? Choice A offers new moms 12weeks of maternity leave, almost no subsidized child care, no paid paternity leave and has a notoriously hard-driving business culture. Choice B gives them five months to three years of paid time off from their jobs after having kids. Millions put their offspring into state-sponsored day-care centers for several hours a day. Government agencies, full of female directors and parliamentarians, protect workers at the expense of business and favor a kinder, gentler corporate culture. So which place is better for women who want to make it to the top? If you guessed A, the United States, you'd be right. If you chose B, Europe, think again.It sounds impossible, but it's true. For all the myths of equality that Europe tells itself, the Continent is by and large a woeful place for a woman who aspires to lead. According to a paper published by the International Labor Organization this past June, women account for 45 percent of high-level decision makers in America, including legislators, senior offlcials and managers across all types of businesses. In the U.K., women hold 33 percent of those jobs. In Sweden — supposedly the very model of global gender equality - they hold 29 percent.Germany comes in at just under 27 percent, and Italian women hold a pathetic 18 percent of power jobs. These sad statistics say as much about Europe's labor markets, lingering welfare state policies and corporate leadership as they do about its attitudes toward women. Ifs not that European women are stuck in the house. The real problem is that Europe has been consistently unable to tap the highest potential of its female workers, who represent half of college graduates in most countries. Women, it seems, can have a job — but not a high-powered career.Why is this? Simply put, Europe is killing its women with kindness ― enshrined, ironically, in cushy welfare policies that were created to help them. By offering women extremely long work leaves after children, then pushing them to take the full complement via tax policies that discourage a second income, coupled with subsidies that serve to keep them at home, Europe is essentially squandering its female talent Not only do women get off track for long periods, many simply never get back on. Nor have European corporations adapted to changing times. Few offer the flextime that makes it easier for women to both work and manage their families. Instead, women tend to get shuffled into part- time work, which is less respected and poorly paid. Those who want to fight discrimination find themselves hamstrung by laws favoring employers.Among Europe's myriad problems, this one is huge — with ramifications way beyond gender relations. In fact, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that Europe's future hinges on it. n We have got to get more women into the labor market/* says Vladi mir Spidla, the EU commissioner of Employment and Social Affairs. Declining birthrates and aging populations threaten the financial stability of almost all European nations, he explains. With a massive skills gap and pension crisis looming, the Continent must bring in more high-level workers. Immigration ― the main solution thus far- presents obvious cultural challenges. Taking better advantage of existing female populations is an obvious answer.Yet consider the "female friendly" policies touted by many Europeans as solutions to the work-life dilemma, among them those legendary maternity leaves. Any number of studies, including some by the OECD and the ILO, has shown how excessively long leaves can derail women's career prospects, often permanently. Employers areunderstandably reluctant to hire and promote someone who may absent herself for years on end, often more than once. n Being a potential mother becomes an obstacle for women in certain types of jobs, and that is the case all over Europe/1says ILO labor sociologist Manuela Tomei. Removing one's wedding ring for job interviews has thus become commonplace. So have probing questions. "Your family plans come up at every single job interview/1says Sasha Buehler, a Munich film buyer. 'Tve had to promise potential employers that I won't get pregnant." While questions like this might elicit a lawsuit in the United States, European women are less likely to fight back. Europe doesn't allow class-action suits and, outside of the public sector, the burden of proof in a discrimination cage still falls on the individual rather than the corporation, making it incredibly difficult for a single person to initiate and win a case.Add to this the fact that Europe's business culture is still more hierarchical and less flexible than America's. Women tend to thrive in less formal, more entrepreneurial environments where they can help set the rules, as in the United States. If Europe is to tap into the full potential of its underemployed female work force, says Valerie Gauthier, associate dean of the HEC School of Management, a business - school in Paris, it will have to similarly modernize its labor markets: "The government should support more entrepreneurs and encourage them to set their own work environments, creating situations better suited to the needs of women."ComprehensionQuestions 1--3 Choose the best answer.34、In Europe .A.it1 s particularly difficult for those women who are in their progress to senior positionsB.women are kindly treated in enterprises when they are trying to get back to regular job after having kidsC.it1 s a long-established tradition that men and women are equally paid D •it1 s more likely for women to reach high positions in government agenciesthan it is in America 35> The statistics f rom the paper publ i shed byInternational Labor Organization suggest that •A. Europe is the not the right place for professional women to start their careerB . America leads the charge in the number of women who are high-level decision makersC.Sweden sets the model of being a country where men and women are equally treated in the job marketD.among all the countries surveyed, the percentage of career women in Italy is the lowest36> According to the paper by Internationa1 Labor Organization z the real challenge European women have is that _____________________ .A.they can11 get substantial help from government in career developmentB.the social attitudes toward them is unfavorableC.the welfare policies there are not satisfactoryD.good intention of government reflected in its welfare policies actually discourage them in career developmentQuestions 4--7 Answer the following questions by using NO MORE THAN three words . 37> What effect do European welfare policies have on its female population? 38、What do the corporation practices in Europe really mean, which make it difficult for women to get back to full-time job after long absence?3 9、What is the problem Europe has which undermines its financial stability?40、What remains the main concern in bringing more high-level workers from abroad? Questions 8- -12 Complete the following sentences with NO MORE THAN three words for each blank.41、Europeans suppose that could help women work and manage their familiesas well.42^ Businesses wouldn 11 want to employ women because they can not work when theyare .43、It would be much easier for women to initiate a discrimination case in Europeif it changes it1s legal system and permits .44、The of Europe is more rigid and puts more emphasis on classes.45、In order to take better advantage of its female talent, Europe should learnfrom the United States and .Part IIExercise 1 Multiple MatchingAnswer questions 1- -10 by referring to the following passages • Answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D.(Note: When more than one answer is required, these may be given in any order• Some choices may be required more than once•)A = ARTICLE 1B = ARTICLE 2C = ARTICLE 3Which articledifferentiates two different forms of document, both of which give information about the tasks of a role, only that one is more detailed than another?explains what necessitate(s) job analysis?points out that job descriptions for organizations of different size could be different?elaborates the preparatory activity of a good job description?states that job descriptions could fail to function as planned unless it1s carefully worded?indicates that job descriptions can not only commit one to a role but may also allow him to negotiate with his supervisor about his job responsibilities?observes that efficiency of a small business is largely based on an accurate job analysis?gives the longest list of the functions of job descriptions?defines different terms involved in job description development?says that a proper job analysis and a good job description can protect small business from potential problems?1. _____2. . _____7.8.9.10.A ARTICLE 1First, let1s look at some terms. A job is a collection of tasks andresponsibilities that an employee is responsible to conduct . Jobs have titles . A task is typically defined as a unit of work, that is, a set of activities needed to produce some result, e . g. , vacuuming a carpet, writing a memo, sorting the mail, etc . Complex positions in the organization may include a large number of tasks, which are sometimes referred to as functions• Job descriptions are lists of the general tasks, or functions, and responsibilities of a position. Typically, theyalso include to whom the position reports, specifications such as the qualifications needed by the person in the job, salary range for the position, etc• Jobdescriptions are usually developed by conducting a job analysis, which includes examining the tasks and sequences of tasks necessary to perform the job. Theanalysis looks at the areas of knowledge and skills needed by the job. Note that a role is the set of responsibilities or expected results associated with a job• A jobusually includes several roles.Typically, job descriptions are used especially for advertising to fill an open position, determining compensation and as a basis for performance reviews. Not everyone believes that job descriptions are highly useful. Dr• John Sullivan points out numerous concerns about job descriptions that many other people have as well, including, e.g•, that too often job descriptions are not worded in a manner such that the employee 1 s performance can be measured, they end up serving as the basis for evaluation rather than performance, etc.B ARTICLE 2The cornerstone to any employment decision begins with job analysis. Job analysis is the most basic activity in human resource management. Accurate information on all jobs is necessary to efficiently direct and/or control the operations of a small business . Competition and equal employment opportunity legislation has made job analysis a mandatory organizational consideration for small businesses. Because human resources represent the largest cost item for most small businesses, managers must have current and systematized information on all jobs in order to produce products and services efficiently. The myriad of laws, guidelines, and court decisions concerning equal employment opportunity make job analysis necessary. Small businesses have been quite vulnerable on the issue of discrimination in employment practices. One way to defend employment practices is to conduct job analysis and prepare job descriptions • Job descriptions are the most visible output from job analysis - Comprehensive j ob descriptions developed from j ob analysis are used in selection, training, performance appraisal, and compensation. There are many formats used in preparing job descriptions.Job analysis is an in-depth study of a job and provides information for job descriptions. The job analyst will gather information about jobs through interviewing employees, observing performance of certain tasks, asking employees to fill out questionnaires and worksheets, and collecting information about a job from secondary sources such as the Dictionary of Occupational Titles ・The job analyst will write down the results of the analysis and review themwith the job incumbent. The documentation is then presented to the incumbent * s supervisor for review (often the incumbent's supervisor is the job analyst). The supervisor may add, delete or modify duties, knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics. After supervisory approval is obtained, the documentation is forwarded through channels for final approval. A signed and dated job description is then prepared. This job description becomes the official record for this particular job.C ARTICLE 3Job descriptions are essential• Job descriptions are required for recruitmentso that you and the applicants can understand the role. Job descriptions arenecessary for all people in work. A job description defines a person1 s role and accountability. Without a job description it is not possible for a person toproperly commit to, or be held accountable for, a role • As an employee you may have or be given the opportunity to take responsibility for your job description. Itallows you to clarify expectations with your employer and your boss.The process of writing job descriptions is actually quite easy and straight-forward. Many people tend to start off with a list of 20〜30 tasks, which is okay as a start, but this needs refining to far fewer points, around 8〜12 is the ideal. Smaller organizations commonly require staff and managers to cover a wider or more mixed range of responsibilities than in larger organizations (for example, the H of f ice manager11role can comprise financial, HR, stock-control, scheduling and other duties)• Therefore in smaller organisations, job descriptions might necessarily contain a greater number of listed responsibilities, perhaps 15~16 . However, whatever the circumstances, the number of responsibilities should not exceed this, or the job description becomes unwieldy and ineffective.Any job description containing 20〜30 tasks is actually more like a part of an operational manual, which serves a different purpose. Job descriptions should refer to the operational manual z or to n agreed procedures11, rather than include the detail of the tasks in the job description. If you include task detail in a job description you will need to change it when the task detail changes, as it will often do. What would you rather change, 100 job descriptions or one operational manual?Exercise 2 SpeakingFor each of the following topics, you will have two minutes to prepare and then give a two-minute presentation.56、Exercise 3 WritingYou are expected to write at least 250 words about the following topic. 57> Competition in China f s job market has become increasingly intense especially forc ollege graduates. Many of them have to stay jobless after graduation • Many people attributed it to the expansion of university enrollment. Do you agree or disagree with this point of view?答案:Unit 1Part I1、AParagraph 1: In other words, this metals you are who you are anytime, anywhere regardless of who is watching you or not • 选项A中consistency一词与U匕句中anytime 与anywhere两词表达的意义相符。
国家开放大学电大一网一平台《管理英语2》一体化考试机考形考任务5-7题库答案形考任务5题库一、选择填空:阅读下面的对话或句子,从 A、B、 C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。
试题 1—What s your view on our questionnaire?选择一项:Al'd like to go there.B.With my pleasure.C. First of all.We' d better change our question order.试题2—Twice a week选择一项:A.How often do you use our company' s productB.When did you buy our productsC.What did you buy in our company试题3—Would you mind filling the questionnaire for me?选择一项:A.No problem. Just give me your questionnaire.B.Sorry,I can' t go there.C.Ireally appreciate that.试题4You need to those questionnaire papers for your company.选择一项:A.hand outB.hand inC.hand on试题50Questionnaires are easy to选择一项:1A.analyzedB.analyzeC.be analyzed试题6二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、 C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。
Questionnaires can be a simple way to get to know your audience' s opinions. Though it is easy to write a questionnaire,you need a lot of skill and experience to write a good one. Luckily.good design skills can be learned in a short time.Keep your questionnaire simple and visually attractiveKeep your questionnaire short and simple.A short and simple questionnaire is more likely to be completed and returned. It is also important to make your questionnaire as attractive as possible.You should keep the following design elements in mind:Text: Choose a font style that is easy to read, and make sure the font size is large enough for your respondents to read.Paragraphs: Long paragraphs can be daunting for readers, so try to keep your blocks of text to a handful of lines.White space: Ensure that there is space between questions and sections and don' t make margins too small.Keep questions brief and easy to understandBe brief and direct with your questions. Do not use any unnecessary words and phrases. Brief questions that use simple language are easy to read and understand, so the participants won't find it dificult to fill in the questionnaire.Make sure questions are in the right orderYou should start your questionnaire with general questions and then move to specific ones.Try to avoid jumping back and forth between general and specific questions.Use open-ended questions properlyOpen-ended questions mean respondents can answer freely using their own words. They can provide more detailed information, but they take more time and effort to answer and can be more difficult to analyze. You should not use too many open-ended questions in one questionnaire.In a word, taking the time to develop a well-designed and participant-friendly questionnaire will give you useful data that can help you make the right decisions.1.The questionnaire contains following elements except?()A.Test.B.Paragraph.C.Address2.In order to keep your questionnaire visually attractive, you should()A.Choose different font styles in a questionnaire.B.Write long paragraphs instead of short ones.C. Leave enough space between questions and sections.3. You should start your questionnaire with questions and then move too nes.()A.general, specificB. specific,generalC.short, long4.What could be the best title for this passage?()A.Designing an Effective Questionnaire.B.Questionnaire is the best way to collect data from many people.C.Questionnaire benefits our life.5.Which of the following statements is NOT correct?()A.Questionnaire design skills can be learned in a short time.B.Open-ended questions cannot provide more detailed information, so you' d better notuse too many open-ended questions in one questionnaire.C.It's worth taking the time to develop a well-designed and participant-friendly questionnaire,一、选择填空:阅读下面的对话或句子,从 A、B、 C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。
多项选择题答案欧阳歌谷(2021.02.01)Lesson 1: bcbdc adbac ccLesson 2: cdcca bbadc dbLesson 3: cacac bccba bbLesson 4: dbabb acbca ccLesson 5: cadbc dabcb bdLesson 6: dacdd adaba daLesson 7: bccda cdacb abLesson 8: dbbac cbbad bbLesson 9: cbdaa bbdbb dcLesson 10: addcb cacac caLesson 11: bbbab ccacc bdLesson 12: ccadd adacd aaLesson : 13 bdbca bbcaa adLesson 14: bcacd bcbcb bbLesson 15: dbcbc dadcc cbLesson 16: aadab adadd daLesson 17: dbbdc cbaac adLesson18 : Bdbdb cdcac cbLesson 19: Adccd bcbca ccLesson 20: Bcbbc bcacc daLesson 22: dbddb dacda bb Lesson 23: aaacc addbb ad Lesson 24: baaca acccb ab Lesson 25: cbbab cdbaa da Lesson 26: adcbc ddabd bd Lesson 27: dcddd baddc cc Lesson 28: cdbbc dbdcd ba Lesson 29: bccbd babbb cb Lesson 30: aadab cccda dd Lesson 31: dbaca adabc ac Lesson 32: cccbb cadad bc Lesson 33: dbdac bbccc ac Lesson 34: dabca dcbcb ca Lesson 35: adadd adaba dd Lesson 36: addcd ccbad cc Lesson 37: cbbbb dacdb ba Lesson 38: bcaac bddba dd Lesson 39: dacdd abacc ab Lesson 40: ccbca acbbb bd Lesson 41: aacdc bbada cb Lesson 42: dddbb cddac da Lesson 43: bbaad daccd acLesson 45: bdabb dcbcb db Lesson 46: acdda cbcad ca Lesson 47: dabad aaddc ac Lesson 48: cbcba cbbda bc Lesson 49: dabab ccacc aa Lesson 50: dbacc aadbb cd Lesson 51: bcddd adcad db Lesson 52: bccab dcbac bd Lesson 53: cdacc cdcda cc Lesson 54: dbdbd badcb dd Lesson 55: aabda acabd ab Lesson 56: cacca cabbc cc Lesson 57: abbbb dcdcb da Lesson 58: bdaac bdcad bd Lesson 59: dbddd abada ab Lesson 60: bacbc babac ad Lesson 61: bacca dcabb dd Lesson 62: addcd ccbda db Lesson 63: dbaab ddacd ca Lesson 64: ccccb bccab bb Lesson 65: adbbc aadcc bd Lesson 66: cbaad aabab baLesson 68: bbcdb bbccc aa Lesson 69: abcbb ddaab cd Lesson 70: dbccd bcacd dc Lesson 71: bdbbc cdbbc ba Lesson 72: acadb accdb ad Lesson 73: cadac dadaa db Lesson 74: baccd cacbc ab Lesson 75: cabdb abbdd cc Lesson 76: dbdaa bbacb dd Lesson 77: acabc dddaa ba Lesson 78: acbbc acbab ca Lesson 79: bdcca dbada ac Lesson 80: cbdad cadcc db Lesson 81: daadb bdcbd bd Lesson 82: abadc cdaac bd Lesson 83: bacca bcbcd ab Lesson 84: ccabd cccda cd Lesson 85: ddbab abdbb dc Lesson 86: bcabb bdcab bc Lesson 87: cdcda ccada ad Lesson 88: cbbcc abbcc cb Lesson 89: aadad dadbd dbLesson 91: dbcbc dbbcb cb Lesson 92: bcdcb abbad ca Lesson 93: cdbac ccdcb db Lesson 94: abcba dacda bc Lesson 95: dabad cdcac dc Leson 96:dccba dcdab cb。
1. a device can be assigned an IP address,with the mask being FalseFalse2.an ospf hello message carries a list of known neighborsTrue FalseTrue3.only router-LSAs and Network-LSAs are involved in intra-area route calculationsTrue FalseTrue4.only one BGP process can be configured on a routerTrue FalseTrue5.an ip-prefix-filter is used to filter ip prefixes and data packetsTrue FalseFalse6.RSTP has all functions that STP has and it is backward compatible with STP.True FalseTrue7.TO enable an eudemon in routing mode to work like a router,you need to assign ip addressesto interfaces and enable dynamic or static routing protocols on the eudemon.True FalseTrue8.The eudemon that is working in transparent mode detects processes data at layer 2.Itsinterfaces are not configured with ip addresses.True FalseTrue9.When an eudemon is working in composite mode,some of its interfaces are configured withip addresses (Layer 3 interfaces) and the other interfaces are not configured with ip addresses(Layer 2 interafces). To enable dual-system hot backup on an eudemon,you can configure the eudemon to work in composite mode.True FalseTrue10.Two Eudemons in dual-system hot backup can be working in active-active mode oractive-standby mode.True FalseTrue11.The eudemon supports load balancing between multiple uplinks.True FalseTrue12.Different virtual firewall instances on an Eudemon must be configured with the same securitypolicy.True FalseFalse13.The firewall can be working in routing mode, transparent mode,or composite mode. Thedefault mode is the composite mode.True FalseFalse14.Virtual firewalls on the Eudemon are not allowed to access each other by default unless asecurity policy is specified.True FalseTrue15.IP addresses added to the blacklist of the Eudemon cannot be deleted.True FalseFalse16.You cannot set an aging time for the blacklist of the Eudemon.True FalseFalse17.The Eudemon generates a blacklist upon detecting an attack.True FalseFalse18.The Eudemon can control traffic and connections based on IP addresses.True FalseTrue19.The firewall does not use security rules to filter packets exchanged between interfaces in thesame zone.True FalseTruework address translation (NAT) translates only IP address information.True FalseFalse21.IP unnumbered is to borrow an IP address from an interface.If an interface has multiple IPaddresses,all its IP addresses will be borrowed and the primary address will continue after these IP addresses are borrowed.True FalseFalse22.When two Eudemon are working in dual-system hot backup mode,their session tables arebacked up in real time.True FalseTrue23.After an interface on a firewall is added to a zone, the interface belongs to the zone.True FalseTrue24.Status detection is an advanced communication filtering mechanism.It checks the applicationlayer protocol and monitors the status of the connection-based application layer protocol.For all connections,the status information about each connection is maintained by ASPF and is used to dynamically determine whether to permit or deny data packets to firewalls.True FalseTrue25.The NAT multi-instance function on the Eudemon independently maintains a NAT table foreach instance to provide address translation services for instances.True FalseTrue26.The IPSec function on the Eudemon supports NAT traversal.True FalseTrue27.The NAT function enabled on the Eudemon does not greatly affect system performance.True FalseTrue28.The Eudemon does not support port mapping.True FalseFalse29.In a Land attack,the source address and destination address of an SYN packet are both the IPaddress of the attacked object or a loopback address.True FalseTrue30.The association between the IDS and firewall requires that the IDS be directly connected tothe firewall.True FalseFalse31.Security policies for the firewall are applied to interzones but not to interfaces.True FalseTrue32.The multi-channel protocol is used to establish at least two channels(sessions) forcommunications or services.True FalseTrue33.ICMP packets are sent in a smurf attack and UDP packets are sent in a Fraggle attack.True FalseTrun34.The urgent pointer in the flag field of an IPv4 packet header is generally used for 00B datatransmission.True FalseTrue35.A firewall filters packets exchanged between zones but does not filter packets exchangedbetween intefaces in the same zone.True FalseTrue36.Two Eudemon in dual-system hot backup mode can be working in active-active mode oractive-standby mode.True FalseTrue37.Two Eudemon in dual-system hot backup mode use Huawei Redundancy Protocol(HRP) toback up key information (such as configuration commands and session status) between the active and standby devices.True FalseTrue38.The Eudemon uses the blacklist technology to associate with an NIP IDS.True FalseTrue39.Qos provides services of different qualities to meet various applicationrequirements,including dedicated bandwidth, decreased packet loss ratio,short packet transmission delay, and decreased delay and jitter.True FalseTrue40.In traffic shaping,the packet whose transmission rate exceeds the rate limit will be discardedor re-markedTrue FalseFalse41.WFQ can effectively control the delay and jitter by means of configuring weights for differentservices.True FalseTrue42.Congestion occurs when a link or node is carrying so much data that its quality of servicedeteriorates.True FalseTrue43.Most fields in IP headers of packets in the same data flow are identical,You can compressthese fields to improve the link transmission.True FalseTrue44.The variation in packet delay is called jitter.True FalseTrue45.The end-to-end delay is the sum of transmission delays,processing delays,and queuing delaysalong the packet forwarding path.True FalseTrue46.The data transmission rate depends on the bandwidth.True FalseTrue47.Packet loss occurs only on the packet receiverTrue FalseFalse48.Based on specific rules,traffic classification identifies packets having the same characteristics,Traffic classification is the prerequisite and basis for differentiated services.True FalseTrue49.Congestion management provides means to manage and control traffic when trafficcongestion occurs.True FalseTrue50.The traditional packet loss policy uses the Tail-Drop method.True FalseTrue51.The IP packet has a special field to mark the Qos. For example,the last 6 bits in the Tos field ofan IPv4 packet mark the DSCP value.True FalseFalse52.In traffic shaping, the packet whose transmission rate exceeds the rate limit will be discardedor re-marked.True FalseFalse53.WFQ can effectively control the delay and jitter by means of configuring weights for differentservices.True FalseTrue54.Congestion occurs when a link or node is carrying so much data that its quality of servicedeteriorates.True FalseTrue55.Most fields in IP headers of packets in the same data flow are identical. You can compressthese fields to improve the link transmission efficiency.True FalseTrueplex traffic classification matches packets with rules and then takes actions to matchingpackets.True FalseTrue57.Traffic shaping usually buffers packets that need to be dropped by traffic policing by means ofbuffer and token bucket.True FalseTrue58.In traffic policing using two token buckets,tokens are put into the CBS bucket at thecommitted information rate(CIR),The peak burst size(PBS) bucket is filled in only after the CBS bucket is full.True FalseTrue59.The interface IP address and virtual IP address configured for VRRP must not be identical.True FalseFalse60.A VRRP virtual router can have one or more IP addresses.True FalseTrue61.The virtual router uses a virtual MAC address but not the actual MAC address of the interfaceto respond to an ARP request.True FalseTrue62.A VRRP backup group is able to track the status of an interface. If the interface configuredwith a VRRP backup group fails or any interface on the router fails,the VRRP backup group providesTrue FalseTrue63.By using VRRP, the backup router in a VRRP backup group immediately becomes the masterrouter after detecting a fault and instructs its attached hosts to perform a master/slave switchover accordingly. This ensures that services will recover within a short period of time.True FalseFalse64.The reliability of a product or a system is generally evaluated with the two indicators of Meantime to repair (MTTR) and mean time between failures(MTBF).True FalseTrue65.BFD detects the link status immediately after a BFD session is set up .if BFD parameters aremodified or deleted at one end of the BFD session,the other end will consider such a modification or deletion as a fault and services will be then affected, Therefore,exercise caution when modifying or deleting BFD parameters.True FalseFalse66.One CV packet per second is generated on the ingress LSR of the LSP and receivd by theegress LSR, this generation rate is low and allows no adjustment,hence,the CV packet is usually used for checking the availability of a common LSP.True FalseTrue67.BFD packets are classified into control packets and echo packets.True FalseTrue68.A BFD session is set up following the three-way handshake during which parameters for theBFD session are negotiated. After the BFD session is set up,modifying the detection time parameters does not take effect.True FalseFalse69.The NSF function takes effect only after the GR function is enabled on two directly connectedrouters that use static routes for communication between users in different network segments.True FalseFalse70.During the GR of dynamic routing protocols(such as OSPF and BGP)neighbor relationshipsremain unchanged.True FalseFalse71.BFD is a common fast detection technology,It implements the fast switchover function onlywhen collaborating with other fast switchoverTrue FalseTrue72.BFD (a fast detection technology) enabled on a device quickly identifies a fault and reportsthe fault to the appropriate protocol modele after detecting a master/slave switchover on the neighboring devic,this causes the protocol module to quit the GR. AS such,BFD and GR cannot be used together.True FalseFalse73.In OSPF,the process of calculating shortest path tree can be divided into two phases,calculatetransit node first,then calculate stub network.True FalseFalse74.In the process of calculating SPF tree,the cost from a node to root node equals to metriclisted in the Router LSA generated by the node.True FalseFalse75.BGP is an exterior gateway protocol,which runs among Ass,It focuses on routes control andselection of optimal routes rather than discovery and calculation of routes.True FalseTrue76.OSPF supports the combination of a group of network segments.Such a group is also calledan area.In other words,an area is a set of network segments.True FalseTrue77.The value of ospf dr-priority ranges from 0 to 255 and the default value is 64.True FalseFalse78.A broadcast and an NBMA network.each having two or more routers,must both have a DRand a BDR.True FalseFalse79.The vlink-peer command is used to specify a peer IP address for setting up a virtual link.True FalseFalse80.Different types of networks cannot establish an adjacency in the Full state.True FalseFalse81.Different network segments can be in the same OSPF area and the same network segmentcan be in different OSPF areas.True FalseFalse82.OSPF supports two authentication modes:area authentication and interfaceauthentication.The two authentication modes cannot be configured at the same time.True FalseFalse83.Each router running OSPF has a router ID,A router ID is a 32-bit integer and uniquelyidentifies a router,Hence,even of routers in different Ass,the router IDs must be different.True FalseFalse84.The most remarkable characteristic of OSPF is that OSPF supports the link-state algorithm.True FalseTrue85.OSPF directly runs over the IP protocol,Its IP protocol number is 89True FalseTrue86.If the Router Priority of a router is set to 0,this router cannot be elected as a DR or a BDR.True FalseTrue87.On a non-broadcast network,OSPF has two operating modes:NBMA and P2MPTrue FalseTrue88.By default,the cost of an OSPF interface is related to interface bandwidth.The algorithm forcalculating the cost is:True FalseTrue89.On a broadcast network or an NBMA network,not all neighbors need to set upadjacencies.Therefore,the concept about the adjacency is applicable to only the broadcast network or the NBMA network.True FalseFalse90.The NBMA mode requires all the routers in the network to be fully connected:otherwise,itdoes not function.True FalseFalse91.When two routers exchange LSDB information by exchanging DD packets,a master/slaverelationship is established between the two routers,The router with a larger router ID is the master.True FalseTrue92.If both the ospf cost and bandwidth-reference commands are configured on an interface.thevalue set in the ospf cost command is used as the cost of the interface.True FalseFalse93.The bandwidth-reference parameter is measured in Mbit/sTrue FalseTrue94.The asbr-summary command only contains the not-advertise parameter but not theadvertise parameter.True FalseTrue95.Each DD packet has a DD sequence number for packet acknowledgment.A DD sequencenumber is two-byte long.True FalseTrue96.On a broadcast network or an NBMA network,a router with a higher Router Priority is electedas a DR.True FalseFalse97.The LS Sequence Number field is used to detect expired and duplicate LSAs,This field is asigned 32-bit integer and therefore the minimum LS Sequence Number is 0x80000000True FalseFalse98.The LSAs with the same LS Sequence Number and LS age are the same LSA.True FalseFalse99.ABRs of a Stub area do not flood type-5 and type-4 LSAs to the stub area.Therefore,the stubarea does not have the external AS routing capability.ABRs of the stub area advertise a default route to the stub area to guide packet forwarding to the external of the AS.True FalseTrue100.The ABR in a Totally Stubby area will not advertise Type-3,Type-4,and Type-5 LSAs to the Totally Stubby area.Instead,the ABR will advertise a default route to the Totally Stubby area to guide forwarding of packets destined for other areas.True FalseTrue101.The ABR of an NSSA will not advertise Type-4 and Type-5 LSAs to an NSSA but can import external routes into the NSSA.True FalseTrue102.Different from a Stub area,an NSSA supports Type-5 LSAs.True FalseFalse103.ABRs advertise link status information about connected non-backbone areas to the backbone area.The backbone area then advertises the routing information about the backbone area cannot be advertised to non-backbone ares.True FalseFalse104.Type 2-external routes always take precedence over type 1-external routes True FalseFalse105.The import-route limit command is used to set the maximum number of external routers that can be imported into an OSPF process.True FalseTrue106.An Autonomous System (AS) is a set of routers under a single technical administration,using the same routing policy.True FalseTrue107.BGP peers are automatically discovered by exchanging multicast packets.True FalseFalse108.The router ID configured in the system view takes precedence over the router ID configured in the BGP view.True FalseFalse109.A failure in establishing a BGP peer relationship can be addressed by checking the TCP connectivity and BGP peer configurations.True FalseTrue110.In BGP,performing MD5 authentication between BGP peers can protect them from Dos attacks.True FalseTrue111.In the VRP,by default,the routes imported by BGP are not automatically summarized.True FalseTrue112.Based on BGP route selection rules,a local route that is automatically summarized takes precedence over a local route that is manually summarized.True FalseFalse113.Once a BGP connection is established,a BGP speaker advertises all the optimal routes in the BGP routing table to its BGP peer.True FalseTrue114.Whatever changes occur in the BGP routing table,a BGP speaker advertises all the optimal routes in the BGP routing table to its BGP peerTrue FalseFalse115.In the VRP,by default,a BGP router automatically retransmits an Update packet to its BGP peer after the outbound routing policy of the BGP peer changes.True FalseTrue116.IGP routes can be installed into the BGP routing table by running either the network or import-route command.True FalseTrue117.In the VRP,by default,a BGP router does not automatically send a Refresh to request its BGP peer to retransmit an Update packet after the inbound routing policy of the BGP peer changes.True FalseFalseing the peer connect-interface command to establish multiple peer relationships between two routers connected through multiple links is recommended.True FalseTrue119.Based on BGP route selection rules,the route with the lowest local-preference is preferred.True FalseFalse120.Based on BGP route selection rules,the route with the smallest MED value is preferred.True FalseTrue121.The origin attribute of the BGP route that is imported by using the network command is IGP True FalseTrue122.The BGP community attribute is a well-known mandatory attribute.True FalseFalse123.An ACL is used to match routing information or data packet addresses so as to filter out the unmatched routing information or data packets.True FalseTrue124.The system can perform ACL rule matching only based on the configuration order of rules.True FalseFalse125.Generally,the performance of an IP-prefix-filter is higher than that of an ACL.True FalseTrue126.An AS-path-filter is used to filter as-path attributes of BGP routes.The as-path attribute is actually a character string defined by using a regular expression.True FalseTrue127.Default routes between routers are a low-cost solution.this is because using default routes requires less system resources than maintaining a complete routing table.True FalseTrue128.An AS-path-filter uses the regular expression[0-9]+$ to indicate all as-path attributes.True FalseFalse129.Regular expressions can be used in both the community-filter and AS-path-filter to define the attribute mode used for route filteringTrue FalseTrue130.Route filtering can filter not only routing information but also link-status information.True FalseFalse131.For link-status routing protocols,filtering routes in the inbound direction actually cannot block the transmission of link-status information.the filtering effect is that routes cannot be injected into the local routing table but neighbors can still receive complete route status information and calculate complete routes.True FalseTrue132.All routing protocols can deliver default routes,supporting both forcible delivery and non-forcible delivery.True FalseFalse133.IF different routing protocols run on different networks and these networks need to share routing information,route importing can be usedTrue FalseTrue134.The route selection tool route-policy can filter and set BGP attributes based on pre-defined conditions.therefore,this tool is commonly used to define policies for BGP peers and often used in routeTrue FalseTrue135.When importing routes discovered by other routing protocols,a routing protocol may need to import only the routes that meet the conditions and set attributes of the imported routes to meet the requirement of the protocol,In such a case,a route-policy can be created.True FalseTrue136.Policy-based routing and routing policy affect the forwarding of data packets in different ways:A routing policy mainly controls packet forwarding,According to the routing policy,packets can be forwarded with no need to use a routing table:policy-based routing mainly controls the importing,advertising,and receiving of routing information so as to affect the forwarding of data packets.True FalseFalse137.The unicast and multicast technologies are both outstanding in solving the problem of one source and multiple destinations for efficient P2MP data transmission.True FalseFalse138.The IGMP protocol runs between a host and its directly connected multicast router.True FalseTrueyer 3 switch has layer 2 capability as well as layer 3 routing capabilityTrue FalseTrue140.STP distributes configuration message by sending BPDU packet to each other True FalseTrue141.A switching network has been enabled with STP protocol.To provide fast access speed to the file server for most of the users,the switch that is directly connected with file server is configured as the root bridgeTrue FalseTrue142.IF loop exists and STP is not enabled,the switch will not operate normally True FalseTrue143.RSTP adopts fast convergence mechanism,So,there is no forward delay interval in RSTP True FalseFalse144.Two switches are directly connected to each other and they are working in full duplex mode.By default,RSTP will consider the link between the switches as point-to-point linkTrue FalseTrue145.In RSTP network environment,a port can be set as edge port when it is directly connected with terminalTrue FalseTrue146.In a switching network that runs RSTP,the topology change notification message will not be sent when the switch detects that the Alternate port is faile.True FalseTrue147.VLANs isolate broadcast domains,eliminates broadcast storms,and enhances information securityTrue FalseTrue148.Before establishing a network,we must create VLANs,the users that do not need to communicate with each other should be added to the same VLAN for isolationTrue FalseFalse149.The port isolation function can isolate the ports on the same switchTrue FalseTrue150.When configuring VLAN mapping,you must set the priority of outer VLAN ID True FalseFalse151.On a switch running GVRP,each interface is considered as a participant.the participants can exchange informationTrue FalseTrue152.A switching network has been enabled with STP protocol,To provide fast access speed to the file server for most of the users,the switch that is directly connected with file server isconfigured as the root bridgeTrue FalseTrue153.When configuring VLAN mapping,you must set the priority of outer VLAN ID True FalseFalse154.QinQ provides a simplified layer 2 VPN tunnelTrue FalseTrue155.The STP protocol cannot prevent MAC address table flapping caused by loops on the layer 2 networkTrue FalseFalse156.According to the MSTP protocol,each MST instance calculates an independent spanning tree by using the RSTP algorithmTrue FalseTrue157.The traditional antivirus system prevents viruese on each node separately and may fail to prevent many security threatsTrue FalseTrue158.NAC is an end-to-end security solution.it protects network security from user terminals instead of network devicesTrue FalseTrue159.If 802.1x authentication is enabled on an interface,MAC address authentication (enabled by the mac-authen enable command) and direct authentication(enabled by the direct-authen enable command) cannot be enabled on the interfaceTrue FalseTrue160.The option field in DHCP messages uses the CLV modeTrue FalseTrue161.The option field in DHCP messages has a fixed length of four bytesTrue FalseFalse162.If only some devices on a network run MPLS (MPLS domain is encapsulated in the IP packet header),labels are generated only for direct routes of devices running bels are not generated for the routes originated from other devices running IP protocolsTrue FalseTrue163.The core of the MPLS technology is label switching.True FalseTrue164.In MPLS VPN configuration,you can choose from various types of routing protocols to configure between PEs and CEs.any type of routes can be imported to a VPN instance by using the import commandTrue FalseTrue165.VRF refers to VPN instance.It is an entity that a PE maintains for its directly connected site True FalseTrue166.On an MPLS VPN network,CEs and PEs can use the same routing protocol or different routing protocols to exchange routing information,the routing protocols are independent from one anotherTrue FalseTrue。
第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题—How is everything going?,we've been quite busy this month and there's been quite a lot of progress since the last inspection.[答案]B.As you can see—I'd like to take a look first at those structural support beams that were going to be put in place on the second floor.——,here's your jacket and helmet,and you'd better put on these boots as well-it's our site policy.[ 答案]C .Certainlyabout it now?—Every time a customer has complained we've followed our store policy and offered them an exchange or a full refund.[答案]C.What's being done—I suggest you offer affected customers a discount on their next store purchase,explain the situation and apologize to them.—Right,of course.[答案]A.I'll get on it right away.—What's the latest situation with all these customer complaints we've been receiving?the quality of the material has not always been up to standard.[答案]B.I'm afraid从下列选择题库中抽3个小题A Chinese company is going to over the well-known Japanese company TOSHIBA Corporation.[答案]B.takeApple almost lost its dominance in the smartphone market i t became clear that it was difficult to make a callusing the much expected iPhone 4.[答案]A.whenI'm going to have a w ith Mark about this issue tomorrow.[答案]C.wordLet's go the reports on the latest work.[答案]A.overNot only m any cars built in the 1970s ugly and poorly designed,they also became very unreliable after 40-50 thousand miles.[答案]C.wereOur new school building is construction.[答案]A.underProper controls that should. d eveloped as part of routine safety procedures were not in place. [答案]B.have beenThe products of this company are always to standard,they have very strict quality control process. [答案]C.upThen the situation worse by human error because of the lack of proper training.[答案]B.was madeUnluckily ,some Quality Management System failures headlines.[答案]A.do make第二大题:阅读理解选择、判断、翻译等(共50分)从下列带★题库中抽其中1个试题!!!★翻律为下面的句子选择正确的翻译(每题10分)。
大学英语精读第三版第二册Book2 Unit10答案上海外语教育出版社董亚芬主编1) hostess2) god3) prince4) aunt5) nephew6) cow7) girl student8) lady9) lion10) policewoman11) hero12) actress1) like2) as3) like4) like5) as6) like7) As8) Like1) reluctant2) fished out3) ignored4) nothing but5) made out6) only too7) much of an8) quit9) exhausting10) measure11) rewarding12) brief13) dramatically1) criticized2) profits3) live on4) alert5) passed on6) investment8) appreciate9) routine10) shrugged off/ignored11) discouraged12) comment13) complicated14)consistent1) Heavy smokers generally shrug off the warning that smoking is harmful to health.2) Pleased with his students' progress, Professor Tyler gave them a pat on the back on more than one occasion.3) We have come to know it is important to apply theory to practice.4) When first learning to speak Spanish, I was often embarrassed at my errors in pronunciation.5) The prospect of working under a conceited man made him reluctant to take the job.6) Have you any idea of how the management reacted to Sam's suggestions for improvement?1) pressure2) illness3) preparedness4) boldness5) effectiveness6) departure7) willingness8) carelessness9) hopelessness10) exposure11) darkness12) friendliness13) coldness14) frankness15) pleasure16) nervousness17) greatness18) cold-bloodedness1) darkness2 ) pleasure3) carelessness4) coldness5) pressure6) departure8) hopelessness9) effectiveness10) exposure1) the productive forces2) protective measures3) constructive criticisms4) instinctive fear/ instinctive dread5) large, expressive eyes6) an impressive movie/ an impressive film7) creative work8) a decisive victory9) defensive arms/ defensive weapons10) an explosive situation1) at fault2) was to blame3) were blamed for4) fault5) blamed for6) fault7) was to blame8) at fault1) It is a pity that he did not come earlier.2) It's a well-known fact that smoking can cause lung cancer.3) It is true that I encouraged him, but didn't actually help him.4) It didn't seem likely that they would ever keep their promise.5) It was hard to understand why Prof. Hardy had singled out Mary for criticism.6) It's unfair that most women do not earn equal pay for equal work.1) Instead of criticizing Susan for what she has done, we ought to praise her for it.2) Instead of going straight home after school, Helen went to work as a waitress in a restaurant.3) Instead of sending the book to Allan by post, I'm going to take it to him myself.4) Instead of going to New York yesterday to attend his daughter's wedding, Dr. Wilson flew to Florida for an emergency case.5) Instead of using oil lamps, the villagers have electric lights now.6) Instead of disturbing Cathy, the news had a strangely calming effect on her mind.1) much bigger2) a little more difficult3) slightly more encouraging4) far more constructive5) considerably more efficient6) 25 per cent higher1) profits2) comments3) quit4) appreciated5) ignored6) pat on the back7) discouraged8) routine1) out2) her3) talked4) and5) with6) could7) in8) quietly9) things10) strike11) with12) wonder13) opinion14) everything15) true16) other17) as18) surprise19) were20) change21) could22) For23) picture1) draw2) known as3) pursuing4) a cow with wings5) whisper6) fan7) With her continuing support8) sincere9) oxygen10) powerful deeds of kindness翻译1) 作者想通过这篇文章向读者传达她对赞扬与批评的看法。
多选题1.Which of the following are characteristics of a high availability network?A Faults seldom occur.B Services can be quickly restored when a fault occurs.C Faults never occur.D Services can only be manually restored when a fault occurs.AB2.Which of the following statements about BFD control packets are true?A BFD control packet is encapsulated in a UDP packet for transmission.B BFD detection is not available in VRP 5.7C Echo packets use UDP destination port number 3784.D Echo packets use UDP destination port number 3785.ABC3.Which of the following statements about the BFD asynchronous mode are true?A The local system regularly send BFD control packets,and the remote system detects theBFD control packets sent from the local system.B The local system detects the BFD control packets sent by itself.C If one system does not receive any BFD packets from its peer within a detection period,itadvertises a session down event.D Each system confirms its connections with other systems in a particular method.After aBFD seeion is set up, BFD control packets are no longer sent .AC4.Which of the following statements about the BFD demand mode are true?A The local system regularly send BFD control packets,and the remote system detects theBFD control packets sent from the local systemB The local system detects the BFD control packets sent by itself.C If one system does not receive any BFD packets from its peer within a detection period,itadvertises a session down event.D Each system confirms its connections with other systems in a particular method.After aBFD seeion is set up, BFD control packets are no longer sent .BD5.Which of the following statements about the BFD echo function are true?A The local system sends a series of BFD Echo packets,and the remote system loops thepackets back through its forwarding channel.B If the local system does not receive several consecutive Echo packets,it advertises asession down event.C The echo function can work together with the asynchronous or demand detection mode.D The echo function can take the place of fault detection by sending BFD control packets. ABCD6.Which of the following statements about a smart link group are true?A Smart link group consists of a maximum of two interfaces,where there are twointerfaces,one is an active interface,and the other a standby interface.B Of the two interface in a smart link group,one is active,and the other is standby.C when an active interface goes down,the Smart link group automatically blocks it andchanges the status of the standby interface to active.D when an active interface recovers,the standby interface is blocked and traffic is switchedback to the active interface.ABC7.Which of the following statements about Flush packets in a smart link group are true?A A smart link group sends flush packets to instruct other devices to update the addresstable.B Flush packets use IEEE 802.3 encapsulation.C The destination MAC address of Fulsh packets is an unknown unicast address,which isused to distinguish protocols.D The destination MAC address of flush packets is a special multicast address,which is usedto distinguish protocols.ABC8.When links are switched in a smart link group, which of the following mechanisms can beused to refresh MAC and ARP entries?A MAC and ARP entries are refreshed automatically with respect to traffic.B The smart link group uses a new link to send flush packets.C MAC entries are refreshed after the aging time expires.D ARP entries are refreshed after the aging time expires.ABC9.Which of the following statements about link aggregation are true?A link aggregation binds a group of physical interfaces together as a logical interface toincrease the bandwidth and reliability.B Link aggregation complies with IEEE 802.3ah.C The logical link formed by bundling multiple physical links together is called a linkaggregation group (LAG) or a trunk.D Active and inactive interfaces exist in link aggregation,Active interfaces forward data,whereas inactive interfaces do not.ABCD10.Which of the following statements about link aggregation are true?A Link aggregation can be performed in manual load balancing or LACP mode.in manualloading balancing mode,LACP is disabled:in LACP mode,LACP is enabled.B In manual load balancing mode,all active member interfaces forward data and performload balancing.C In static LACP mode,the creation of the Eth-Trunk and the addition of member interfacesto the Eth-Trunk are perfaormed pared with link aggregation in manual load balancing mode,active interfaces in static LACP mode are seleted by sending LACP data units(LACPDUs).D Indynamic LACP mode,the creation of the Eth-Trunk,the addition of memberinterfaces,and the selection of active interfaces are performed based on LACP negotiation. ABCD11.Which of the following statements about LACP are true?A It complies with IEEE 802.3ad.B A device enabled with LACP exchanges link Aggregation Control protocol data Units(LACPDUs) with its peer.C Devices at both ends determine the active interface according to the interface priority ofthe active device.ABC12.Which of the following reliability designs are related to routers?A Reliability design of the system and hardwareB Reliability design of the softwareC Reliability test authenticationD Reliability design of the IP networkABCD13.Which of the following can speed up OSPF fast convergence?A Configuring dynamic BFD for OSPFB Adjusting the interval at which OSPF calculation is performedC Configuring the interval at which an LSA are retransmittedD Configuring the maximum number of external LSAs in the LSDBAB14.Which of the following statements about the reliability requirement level are true?A Faults seldom occur in the system software or hardware.B System functions are not affected by faults.C System functions are affected by faults but can rapidly recover.D System functions can be ensured by using redundancy design,switchover policy,and highsuccess rate in switchover.ABCD15.Which of the following are end-to-end link protection modes?A 1:1B M:NC N:1D 1+1ABD16.On a BGP/MPLS IPv4 VPN,OSPF,LDP,and static routes are configured.which of the followingprotocols need to be enabled with GR to achieve NSF on PEs?A OSPFB MPLS LDPC BGPD Static routesABC17.Which of the following statements about BFD are true?A It cannot be used to detect MPLS networks.B It provides low-load and short-duration detection for paths between adjacent forwardingengines.C It provides a unified mechanism for detecting all types of media and BFD-supportingprotocols.D It is a bidirectional detection mechanism.BCD18.Which of the following statements about the setup of a BFD session are true?A A BFD session can be set up in either static or dynamic mode.B A static BFD session is set up by manually configuring BFD session parameters anddelivering requests for setting up a BFD session. BFD session parameters include the local and remote discriminators.C A dynamic BFD session is set up by dynamically allocating local discriminators.D Static and dynamic BFD session are not differentiated.ABC19.Which of the following statements are correct regarding OSPF Router LSA?A Every router running OSPF must generate Router LSA.B In broadcast and NBMA network,only DROther generates Router LSA.C Router LSA describes link states of the router in area.D Router LSA is flooded in the whole AS.AC20.Which of the following statements are correct regarding Network LSA in OSPF network?A Network LSA is generated by ABR.B only the router which connects NBMA or Broadcast Network may generate network LSA.C DR uses network LSA to describe routers that have established adjacency relation with itin the network.D Network LSA is flooded in the whole AS.BC21.Which type of LSA is only used to calculate external route?A Type 1B Type 2C Type 3D Type 4E Type 5DE22.Which of the following are OSPF packet type?A LSAB LS requestC LSPD LS UpdateE LS ackBDE23.Which of the following elements together uniquely identify a LSA?A LS typeB Link state IDC Advertising RouterD LS Sequence numberABC24.Which of the following statements are correct regarding how OSPF detects old and duplicateLSAs?A The smaller the sequence number,the more recent the LSA,B The smaller the LS age,the more recent the LSA.C When router generates a new LSA at the first time,it will use 0x80000001 as thesequence number.D An LSA can be flushed from routing domain by setting its LSA age to Maxage.BCD25.Which of the following statements are correct regarding intra-area route calculation of OSPF?A Every OSPF router only uses one Router LSA to describe local active link state for onearea.B Every OSPF uses more than one Router LSA to describe local active link state for one area.C One Router LSA Only describes one linkD One Router LSA describes more than one linkAD26.In OSPF protocol,which of the following elements are used to describe one link?A Link IDB DataC TypeD MetricABCD27.In OSPF protocol,which of the following elements are used by network LSA to describebroadcast network segment or NBMA network segment?A LINK IDB Net maskC Attached Router listD MetricABC28.Which of the connection types that Router LSA can describe?A Point-to-pointB StubC transitD Virtual linkABCD29.In OSPF, which of the following statements are incorrect regarding Router LSA generated byRouter A?A In point-to-point link type, Data is set to the interface IP address of RouterA.B In TransNet link type,Data is set to the interface IP address of RouterA.C In StubNet link type,Data is set to the interface IP address of RouterA.D In Virtual link type,Data is set to the Router ID of RouterA.CD30.In OSPF protocol,which of the following elements are used by network LSA to describebroadcast network segment or NBMA network segment?A Link IDB Net maskC Attached Router listD MetricABC31.Which of the connection types that Router LSA can describe?A Point-to-pointB StubC TransitD Virtual linkABCD32.In OSPF area,RTA and RTB interconnect through FE interface.which of the followingcommands can be used to configure the link cost between RTA and RTB as 10?A Use commed ospf cost 10 on two routersB Use commed ospf cost 5 on two routersC Use commed bandwidth-reference 500 on two routers to change bandwidth-referencevalueD use command bandwidth-reference 1000 on two routers to change bandwidth-reference AD33.In OSPF protocol,which of the following statements are incorrect regarding link ID of RouterLSA?A in point-to-point link type,link ID is the neighbor’s interface IP address.B In TransNet link type,link ID is the network address of TransNet network segment.C In StubNet link type,link ID is the network address of Stub network.D In virtual link typemlink ID is the neighbor’s Router ID of virtual link.AB34.Which of the following statements are correct regarding how OSPF detects old and duplicateLSAs?A The smaller the sequence number,the more recent the LSA.B The smaller the LS age,the more recent the LSA.C When router generates a new LSA at the first time.it will use 0x80000001 as thesequence number.D An LSA can be flushed from routing domain by setting its LSA age to Maxage.BCD35.OSPF uses SPF algorithm to calculate SPF tree according to topology.which of the followingstatements are correct regarding SPF tree node?A The node on SPF tree indicates router and port.B There are two types of SPF tree node; Transit node and Stub node.C The router node on SPF tree is one type of Stub nodes.D The router node on SPF tree is one type of Transit nodes.BD36.What kind of the BGP attributes does AS-Path attribute belong to ?A MandatoryB TransitiveC OptionalD Non-transitiveAB37.Which of the following statements are correct regarding BGP attribute?A Till now,there are 16 BGP attributesB BGP attribute can be extended to 256 typesC Well-know discretionary attribute may not be included in each BGP update message,suchas Origin attributeD AS_PATH is an Optional Transitive attributeAB38.Which of the following statements belong to BGP COMMUNTY attribute?A NO_EXPORTB NO_ADVIERTISEC LOCAL_EXPORT_SUBCONFEDD NO_BROADCASTABC39.Which of the BGP attributes are Well-known mandatory attributes?A ORIGINB AS_PATHC NEXT_HOPD MEDE LOCAL_PREFF COMMUNITYABC40.Which of the attributes must exist in the BGP Update messages?A LOCAL_PREFB NEXT-HOPC ORIGIND AS_PATHBCD41.Which of the attributes may affect BGP Route Selection?A NEXT_HOPB AS_PATHC LOCAL_PREFD CLUSTER_IDABCD42.Which of the following can be used for BGP route selection?A ACLB IP-PREFIXC AS-PATH-FILTERD COMMUNITY-FILTERABCD43.Which of the following statements about comparison between ACL and IP-PREFIX are true?A Both ACL and IP-PREFIX can be used for route filteringB Both ACL and IP-PREFIX can be used for data packet filteringC ACL can be used for data packet filtering and route filtering,but IP-PREFIX can only beused for route filteringD IP-PREFIX can be used for data packet filtering and route filtering,but ACL can only beused for route filteringAC44.Which of the following statements about ACL type are true?A ACL consists of basic ACL,advanced ACL and interface-based ACLB ACL ranging from 2000 to 2999 belongs to advanced ACLC ACL ranging from 3000 to 3999 belongs to advanced ACLD Advanced ACL can be used to match either destination address or source addressACD45.Which of the following can only be used for BGP route selection?A ACLB IP-PREFIXC AS-PATH-FILTERD COMMUNITY-FILTERCD46.Which of the following statements about VLSM characteristics are true?A VLSM supports both IPv4 and IPv6B VLSM supports overlapped address ranges.C VLSM provides more proper route summarization information in the routing table.D VLSM allows a subnet to be divided into smaller subnets.CD47.Which of the following IP address are network addresses?A are the advantages of subnet division?A Isolating broadcast trafficB Improving network QosC Increasing the IP address usageD Improving network reliabilityAC49.Assume that the subnet mask is,which of the following addresses are validhost addresses?A of the following addresses can be used on a public network?A of the following rules should a network administrator obey when the networkadministrator uses the VLSM technology to plan subnets?A A subnet is composed of all summarized routes.B A subnet can address a host or be further subnetted.C The update message of a routing protocol in use must carry subnet mask information.D The summarized networks must have the same high-order bit.BCD52.Which of the following statements about OSPF authentication are false?A Entering a password in cipher text is allowedB The ospf authentication-mode md5 1 huawei command and the ospfauthentication-mode md5 1 plain Huawei command have the same function.C If passwords are configured for both an area and an interface,the password configuredfor the area is used.D The ospf authentication-mode simple Huawei command and the ospfauthentication-mode simple plain Huawei command have the same function.BC53.Which of the following statements about route summary are true?A advertise is the default parameter of the abr-summary comman,IF neither advertise nornot-advertise is specified in the abr-summary command,advertise is used.B not-advertise is the default parameter of the abr-summary command,If neither advertisenor not-advertise is specified in the abr-summary command,not-advertise is used.C The abr-summary command is run in the OSPF viewD The asbr-summary command is run in the OSPF view.AD54.What are the OSPF message types?A HelloB Database DescriptionC Link state RequestD Link state UpdateE Link state AckABCDE55.What are possible causes for a failure in the establishment of an OSPF neighbor relationship?A Router IDs conflictB Area IDs are mismatchedC Network masks are inconsistentD Authentication types and authentication passwords are inconsistentABCD56.Which statements about OSPF packets are true?A Hello packets can be sent after OSPF is enabled on an interface.B LS Request packets are sent only after an adjacency is established.C LS Update packets contain detailed LSA information for LSDB synchronization.D LS Update packets are sent only after an adjacency is established.ABC57.Which of the following statements about state transition are true?A The neighbor state machine transitions from the loading state to the full state if aloadingdone event occursB The neighbor state machine transitions from the Exstart state to the Full state if aNegotiationdone event occursC The neighbor state machine transitions from the Exchange state to the full state if anExchangedone event occursD The neighbor state machine transitions from the Exchange state to the loading state if anExchangedone event occurs.ACD58.Which of the following statements are true?A The neighbor state machine can transition from the Down state to the attempt stateB The neighbor state machine can transition from the Down state to the init stateC The neighbor state machine can transition from the init state to the Exstart stateD The neighbor state machine can transition from the init state to the 2-way stateABCD59.Which of the following LSAs are flooded within a single area?A Router LSAB Network LSAC Summary LSAD AS External LSAABC60.Which of the following statements about an AS-External-LSA are true?A The Link State ID field specifies the network segment address for an advertiseddestination.B The Advertising Router field specifies the Router ID of an ASBR.C The Net mask field specifies the network mask of an advertised.D The link state ID and Advertising Router fields are used together to uniquely identify anAS-External-LSA.ABC61.Which of the following statements are true?A An LSDB uses a directed graph to show a network topology.The graph contains threeelements:routers,Stub networks,and transit network.B A broadcast network or an NBMA network,each having two or more routers,is a Transitnetwork.C The default value of bandwidth-reference is 10M.D The cost of the route from a Transit network to an attached router is 0.ABD62.Which of the following statements are false?A An ASBR-Summary-LSA describes the route to an ASBR and is flooded within an AS.B An ASE-LSA describes the route to an external AS and is flooded to an external ASC An AS-External-LSA does not belong to any specific area.D The metric of a Type-1 external route is the AS external metric only.ABD63.Which parameters are optional for configuring a BGP peer?A IP addressB DescriptionC PasswordD AS-numberBC64.Which types of packets are supported by BGP?A HelloB NotificationC UpdateD Route-refreshBCD65.Which methods can be used to import local routes to BGP?A Run the network commandB Receive routes from peersC Run the summary automatic commandD Run the import command.AD66.BGP is an inter-AS routing protocol,which statements about BGP are true?A BGP adopts a reliable transmission protocol.B BGP supports automatic peer discovery.C BGP supports incremental route update.D BGP supports various routing policies.ACD67.Which statements about prerequisites to establishing a BGP peer relationship are true?A BGP peers have been manually configured.B A TCP connection has been established between two neighboring routers.C BGP peers have exchanged routing information.D MD5 authentication has been configured on BGP peers.AB68.Which statements about BGP route advertisement are true?A ALL BGP routes learned from BGP peers are advertised to other BGP peers.B Only the routes learned from an IGP are advertised to other BGP peers.C By default,the routes learned from IBGP peers are not advertised to other IBGP peers.D Only the optimal routes are advertised to other BGP peers.CD69.Which of the following conditions must be met for importing routes to BGP by using thenetwork command?A The routes are optimal in the ip routing table.B The routes do not need to match the specified mask length.C The routes match the specified mask lengthD The routes are IGP routes.AC70.Which statements about the AS number range are true?A If 2-byte AS numbers are supported,a private AS number ranges from 32768 to 65535.B IF 2-byte AS numbers are supported,a private AS number ranges from 64512 to 65535.C IF 2-byte AS numbers are supported,an AS number ranges from 1 to 65535.D If 4-byte AS numbers are supported.a 4-byte AS number is in the X.Y format.Here”X”and“y” are integers ranging from 1 to 65535 and 0 to 65535 respectively.BCD71.A notification message with Error Code 2 indicates an error OPEN message.which of thefollowing error sub-codes can be contained in this OPEN message?A 1: indicates that the version number is not supported.B 2: indicates that the AS of the peer is incorrect.C 3: indicates that the BGP identifier is incorrect.D 4: indicates that the Optional parameters filed is not supported.ABCD72.Which parameters are carried in a BGP Open message?A Local AS numberB BGP IDC Keepalive timerD Holder timerE Current peer statusABD73.Which commands are relevant to a BGP route reflector?A peer reflect-clientB reflect between-clientsC reflector cluster-idD rr-filterABCD74.Which statements about the process of establishing a BGP peer relationship are true?A There may by two TCP connections during the establishment of the BGP peerrelationship.B IF two TCP connections are established between BGP peers,one connection functions asthe primary connection,and the other as the backup connection.C IF two TCP connections are established between BGP peers,one TCP connection is torndown.D IF there are multiple TCP connections between BGP peers,BGP keeps the TCP connectioninitiated by the peer with a greater BGP router ID.ACD75.Which statements about BGP route reflection are true?A IBGP peers must be fully connected in absence of a route reflector(RR),The BGP routereflection mechanism is introduced to lower the requirement.B After learning routes from a non-client,a route reflector(RR) advertises these routes to allclients.C After learning routes from a client,an RR advertises these routes to all clients andnon-clients.D After learning routes from an EBGP peer,an RR advertises these routes to all clients andnon-clients.ABCD76.In a route-policy,which BGP attributes can be invoked by if-match clauses?A Local-PreferenceB AS-PathC MEDD CommunityBCD77.In a route-policy,which BGP attributes can be used to define apply clauses?A Local-PreferenceB TagC OriginD AS-PathACD78.Which BGP attributes are optional in a BGP update packet?A OriginB NexthopC Local-PreferenceD MEDCD79.Which statements about BGP well-known mandatory attributes are true?A Well-known mandatory attributes must be identified by all BGP routers.B Well-known mandatory attributes must be transmitted between BGP peers.C Well-known mandatory attributes are optional in an Update packet,and can be carried inan Update packet as needed.D Well-known mandatory attributes must be carried in an Update packet.ABD80.in OSPF,which of the following statements are incorrect regarding Router LSA generated byRouter A?A In point-to-point link type,data is set to the interface IP address of RouterA.B In transNet link type, data is set to the interface IP address of RouterA.C In StubNet link type,data is set to the interface IP address of RouterA.D In Virtual link type, data is set to the Router ID of RouterA.CD81.which attributes are well-known community attributes?A NO_EXPORT (0xFFFFFF01)B NO_ADVERTISE(0xFFFFFF02)C NO_EXPORT_SUBCONFEDD AS(2Byte):Number(2Byte)ABC82.which statements about BGP route selection rules are true?A BGP first ignores routes with unreachable next hops.B A summarized route takes precedence over a non-summarized route.C EBGP routes take precedence over IBGP routes.D IF other conditions of routes are the same,the route with the shortest cluster_list ispreferred.ABCD83.which BGP attributes can be used to prevent routing loops?A originator_IDB AggregatorC Cluster_listD AS-PathACD84.which of the following BGP routing policies can be used to filter routes?A ip-prefixB route-policyC as-path-filerD community-filterABCD85.which attributes meet the following two conditions:(1)A BGP router (Router A)can choosewhether to carry this attribute in an update packet.(2) If a receiving router(Router B )cannot identify this attribute,this router can advertise this attribute to another BGP router (RouterC).Router C may be able to identify and use this attribute.A AggregatorB Local_prefC multi_exit_discD CommunityAD86.which of the following route selection tools can be used only in BGP?A Route-policyB IP-prefixC AS-path-filterD Community-filterCD87.which of the following routing protocols support import-route?A OSPFB RIPC BGPABC88.which of the following routes match this ACL filter? Acl number 2001 rule 0 permit source1.1.1.0 of the following route prefixes match this IP-prefix-filter? IP ip-prefix test index 10permit 16 greater-equal 24 less-equal 28A route selection tool may have several Items defined,to which of following tools will thesystem automatically add a deny-any item following all the configured items?A ACLB IP-prefixC AS-path-filterD community-filterABCD91.which of the following methods are supported by OSPF for delivering default routes?A Delivery by an ABRB Delivery by an ASBRC Forcible deliveryD Non-forcible deliveryABCD92.which of the following scenarios can an AS-path-filter be used for?A Filtering the routes received from a BGP peer based on the as-path attributes of theroutes,for example,peer X.X.X.X as-path-filter importB Filtering the routes sent to a BGP peer based on the as-path attributes of the routes,forexample,peer X.X.X.X as-path-filter exportC Apply clauses in a route-policyD IF-match clauses in a route-policyABD93.which of the following protocols support default route advertisement by using commands?A RIPB OSPFC BGPABC94.which of the following as-path attributes match this AS-path-filter? Ip AS-path-filter 1permit 100$|400$A 100B 3100C 1234 1400D 300 400ABCD。
试題1—I' m afraid the goods we received yesterday are short of weight.选择一项:A.I* m afraid we really couldn' t accept that.B.I suggest maybe should check it again.C.I' m sorry to say the shipment didn' t turn out to be satisfactory.试題2—So could you make an exception and accept D/P?选择一项:A.I shall tell you frankly it would drastically increase our risk.B.Thanks, we are inclined to accept your price.C.We have already tried our best.试题3—We regret we cannot review your weight-shortage claim as it really has nothing to do withus.选择一项:A.The weight of the cargo on loading «as supervised by the manager.B.But 15 tons of goods can' t simply disappear into thin air.C.I think there must be some mi sunderstandi ng.试题4Consuuption and investment, meanwhile, accounted for 4.5 and 1.2 percentage points of first-quarter growth .选择一项:A.respectfulB.respectableC.respectively试题5We won' t entertain your claim the inspection certification from the Commodity Inspection Bureau.选择一项:A.unless you will haveB.unless you don' t haveC.unless you have试題6二、翻译:从以下A、B、C三个选项中选出与英文最适合的中文翻译。
1.what is the maximum bits of a class c address can be used for subnet?A 6B 8C 12D 14A2.what is the function of the peer ignore command?A deletes a BGP peerB retains all configurations of the peer,and maintains the BGP peer relationship with thepeer,but does not receive the routes sent from the peer.C retains all configurations of the peer,and maintains the BGP peer relationship with thepeer,but does not advertise routes to the peer.D retains all configurations of the peer,interrupts the BGP peer relationship with thepeer,and clears all related routing information.D3.which following BGP attribute can used to define a set of prefixes with the samecharacteristics?A OriginB NexthopC CommunityD MEDC4.which of the following character strings matches the regular expression 100$?A 3100B 100C 1008D 100 200B5._ _ _ _ IN IPv4,which of the following is the SSM address range allocated by the IANA?A of the following technologies can reduce the scale of broadcast domain?A VLANB TRUNKC RARPD STPA7.Which statement about the trunk interface is true?A A trunk interface is always connected to hosts.B Multiple VLAN IDs can be set on a trunk interface.The VLAN IDs can be the same as ordifferent from the PVID.C The trunk interface cannot have a PVID.D IF the trunk interface receives a packet with a VLAN not in the allowed VLAN list, thetrunk interface broadcast the packet in the VLAN.B8.What is the legal virtual MAC address in VRRP?A 01-01-5E-00-01-01B 01-00-5E-00-01-00C 00-00-5E-00-01-01D 01-01-5E-00-01-01C9.Which of the following statements are correct regarding priority in VRRP?A The ip address owner always uses 255 as its priority regardless its config priority.B The ip address owner always uses 0 as its priority regardless its config priority.C We can configure the priority as 0 to make the router never attend the Master election.D If a VRRP router changes from Master to Slave,it will send out a VRRP message withpriority 0 in the network.A10.Which of the following statements are correct regarding VRRP?A Only Master can process the data packets sending to virtual router.B Only Slave can process the data packets sending to virtual router.C Both Master and Slave can process the data packets sending to the same virtual router torealize load balance.D By default,only Master can process the data packets sending to virtual router:but we cando some configuration to make the Slave Process the data packets sending to virtual router. A11.Which of the following statements are correct regarding the function of VRRP?A VRRP can improve the reliability of default gateway.B VRRP increase the convergence speed of routing protocol.C VRRP is mainly used for traffic balance.D VRRP can provide one default gateway for diffenrent network segments,it simplifies thegateway configuration for PC.A12.Which of the following statements are correct regarding default gateway of PC in thenetwork running VRRP?A Configure only one gateway for the PC which is the IP address of Master.B Configure only one gateway for the PC which is the IP address of virtual router.C Configure two gateways for the PC which are the IP addresses of Master and Slave.D Configure three gateways for the PC which are the IP addresses of Master,Slave andvirtual router.B13.RTA connected to a LAN by e0/0 whose IP address is and network mask is255.255.255.0 .Now create a virtual router with ID 1 and virtual IP address on RTA.which of the following commands are correct?A [RTA-ethernet0/0]vrrp vrid 1 virtual-ip [RTA]vrrp vrid 1 virtual-ip [RTA-ethernet0/0]vrrp vrid 1 virtual-ip mask [RTA]vrrp vrid 1 virtual-ip mask of the following statements rae correct regarding VRRP advertisement message?A VRRP has two kinds of advertisement message,one is sent by master,the other is sent byslave.B VRRP has two kinds of advertisement message which is sent by masterC VRRP has two kinds of advertisement message which is sent by slaveD VRRP has two kinds of advertisement message,one is used for master election,the otherone is used in stable network after master election.B15.which of the following firewalls is the most popular?A packet filtering firewallB Stateful firewallC proxy firewallD Anti-virus firewallB16.How many user-defined security zones at most are configured on an Eudemon?A 3B 4C 5D 6A17.The TCP SYN flood attack usually occurs during the TCP handshake process. How manyhandshakes are required to set up a TCP connection?A 1B 2C 3D 4C18.How many default zones does the Eudemon supporting multi-instance have?A TwoB ThreeC FourD FiveC19.Which of the following is the priority value of the DMZ on the Eudemon?A 10B 50C 75D 85B20.What is the maximum number of security zones supported by the Eudemon?A 256B 128C 32D 16D21.Which of the following indicators are performance indicators of the Eudemon?A Throughput of large-sized or small-sized packets.B Number of new connections and concurrent connections per secondC VPN performanceD MTU checkB22.In the scenario where packets are sent and received along different paths,which of thefollowing functions needs to be disabled on the firewall?A Status detectionB Attack defenseC Packet filteringD Status backupA23.Assume that the traceroute test is used to detect the packet forwarding path and tracertpackets have passed through the firewall.which of the following attack protection functions needs to be disabled to normally display the tracert result?A ICMP-redirectB ICMP-unreachableC TracertD SmurfC24.What is the recommended minimum delay for HRP preemption on the Eudemon?A 120SB 60SC 10SD 5SB25.Which of the following commands is used to display the detailed information about theEudemon?A display firewall statistic systemB display firewall session table raw both-directionC display firewall session table verboseD display firewall session table detailC26.To provide services of different qualities,you can classify services based on such packetinformation as the packet priority, source IP address,destination IP address,and port number.Which of the following Qos technology can be used to service classification?A Traffic policingB Traffic shapingC Complex traffic classificationD Congestion managementC27.Qos in best-effort service mode uses which of the following queue scheduling technologyA FIFOB WFQC PQD RRA28.Which of the following statement about Qos in diffserv mode is false?A The parameter field in the IP packet header informs devices on the network of the Qosrequirements of the application.B Every device on the packet transmission paths can learn the service request types byanalyzing the IP packet header.C Before sending Packets, the application program needs to confirm that the network hasreserved resources for packet transmission.D DiffServ is a Qos solution based on packets.C29.Which of the following statement about packet marking is false?A Compared with traffic policing, traffic shaping is advanced in terms of caching bursttraffic.B with traffic shaping, packets can be transmitted at an even rate.C Caching packets in the queue increases the packet delay in case of congestion.D In case of congestion, traffic shaping causes the packet loss ratio to increase.D30.Which of the following information in a packet can be marked or re-marked?A IP DSCP,IP precedence, and 802.1P informationB IP source and destination addressesC MAC addressD Any information in the packetA31.Simple traffic classification can be performed based on which of the following information invlan packets?A DSCPB IP precedenceC MPLX EXPD 802.1pD32.Based on the DSCP field (first 6 bits of the Tos field),pakcets can be classified into how manytypes?A 4B 8C 16D 64D33.In addition to traffic rate limit, the CAR can mark packets with colors. If one token bucketone-rate is used in traffic policing and the number of tokens is insufficient, packets are marked with which of the following color?A RedB GressC YellowD BlueA34.In traffic policing using two token buckets two-rate,when the CIR is set to 1 Mbit/s and thePIR is set to 2 Mbit/s, what is the maximum transmission rate for the traffic in green?A 1 Mbit/sB 2 Mbit/sC 3 Mbit/sD 4 Mbit/sA35.Assume that there are four flows a.b.c,and d,the transmission rate of each flow is 50Mbit/s,and the total bandwidth of the interface for flow transmission is 100 Mbit/s,In the case of congestion,WFQ is available for flows a,b,c,and d,with the weight proportion being 1:2:3:4,which of the following statement about the interface bandwidth allocated to each flow is true?A Interface bandwidths allocated to flows a,b,c and d are 10 Mbit/s,20 Mbit/s,30 Mbit/s,and 40 Mbit/s respectively.B Interface bandwidths allocated to flows a,b,c and d are 50 Mbit/s, 50 Mbit/s, 0 Mbit/s,and 0 Mbit/s respectively.C Interface bandwidths allocated to flows a,b,c and d are 40 Mbit/s, 30 Mbit/s, 20 Mbit/s,and 10 Mbit/s respectively.D Flows a,b,c and d are discarded.A36.Assume that congestion occurs on the outbound interface,packet A is cached in the PQ,andpacket B is cached in the WFQ,which of the following statement about packet scheduling is true?A Packet A is scheduled first.B Packet B is scheduled first.C Packets A and B are scheduled at the same time.D Packets A and B are discarded.A37.Assume that the following WRED polcies are used in QoS : The length of the queue for savingDSCP packets with the priority being AF21 ranges from 35 to 40. The length of the queue for saving DSCP packets with the priority being AF22 ranges from 30 to 40. The length of the queue for saving DSCP packets with the priority being AF23 ranges from 25 to 40. In the case of congestion,DSCP packets with which of the following priority value will be discarded first?A AF21B AF22C AF23D ALL the sameC38.Which of the following statements about the device state change is correct after failure inthe intermediate link for transmitting VRRP heartbeats?A The status of the master and salve devices remains unchanged.B Both the master and slave devices enter the Master state.C Both the master and slave devices enter the Slave state.D Both the master and slave devices enter the Initial state.B39.Which of the following statements about the VRRP working process is false?A The router with the highest priority is elected as the master router.B The master router sends gratuitous ARP packets to inform connected devices or hosts ofits virtual MAC address.C IF the master router fails,the backup router witth the highest priority is elected as thenew master router.D To ensure fast convergence,a backup router immediately becomes the master router ifthe priority of the backup router is higher than the priority of the master router.Drouter is, which of the following addresses is the virtual MAC address of the virtual router?A 00-00-5E-00-01-64B 00-00-5E-00-01-01C 01-00-5E-00-01-64D 01-00-5E-00-01-01A41.Which of the following addresses is the destination address of VRRP packets?A of the following numbers is the protocol number of VRRP packets?A 112B 113C 114D 115A43.Which of the following statements about the VRRP authentication is false?A VRRP provides no authentication.B VRRP provides the simple text authentication.C VRRP provides the MD5 authenticationD VRRP provides the pre-shared key authentication.D44.Which of the following is not the BFD fault detection mode?A Asynchronous modeB Demand modeC Echo modeD Peer modeDrouter is,which of the following addresses is the virtual MAC address of the virtual router?A 00-00-5E-00-01-64B 00-00-5E-00-01-01C 01-00-5E-00-01-64D 01-00-5E-00-01-61A46.Which LSA is used by OSPF to implement GR?A Type-3 LSAB Type=5 LSAC Type-9 LSAD Type-10 LSAC47.BFD control packets are encapsulated in UDP packets for transmission.which of the followingis the destination port number for single-hop BFD control packets?A 3784B 4784C 5784D 6784A48.Which of the following BFD versions is supported in VRP 5.7?A version 0B version 1C version 2D version 3B49.Which of the following statements about different detection intervals at both ends of a BFDsession is true?A The BFD session can be set up and the greater detection interval is used afternegotiation.B The BFD session can be set up and the smaller detection interval is used afternegotiation.C The BFD session can be set up and each end sends detection packets at ist own interval.D The BFD session cannot be set up.A50.Which of the following statements about the refreshing mechanism in the case of linkswitchover in a Smart link group is false?A MAC and ARP entries are refreshed automatically against traffic.B The Smart link group uses a new link to send Flush packets.C When the active link recovers from a fault, Flush packets are sent to refresh entries.D When recovering from a fault,the active link remains blocked and traffic is not switchedback to it, In this way,traffic keeps stable.C51.Which of the following statements about the monitor link group is false?A A monitor link group has uplink and downlink interfaces.B A monitor link group has one uplink interface and several downlink interfaces.C In a monitor link group.the status of the downlink interface changes in accordance withthe status of the uplink interface.D The smart link group can only serve as a downlink interface.D52.Which of the following modes is selected to associate BFD with TE hot-standby in VRP 5.7?A single-hop BFDB BFD for CR-LSRC BFD for LSPD BFD for TEB53.Which of the following statements about the smart link group is false?A A smart link group has two interfaces at most,the two interfaces if configured are anactive interface and a standby interface.B Among the two interface in a smart link group,one is in the active state and the other onein the standby state in normal situations.C when the active interface goes down,the Smart link group automatically blocks it andchanges the status of the standby interface to avtive.D when the active interface recovers from a fault,traffic will be switched back to itimmediately.D54.How many hosts are available per subnet if apply a/21 mask to the class B network?A 510B 512C 1022D 2046D55.For a network like,the mask value is?A Different based on the address typeB56.The network without any subnet can support( )hosts?A 254B 1024C 65534D 16777206C57.One class B network,the mask is then subnet quantity availableis ( ),the host quantity in every subnet at most is ( )A 512 126B 1024 64C 1024 62D 256 256E 192 254C58.For network segment,how many hosts it can hold at most?A 16B 8C 15D 14E 7D59.The IP address indicates( )A Network addressB Broadcast address of specially designated network segmentC ALL networksD Broadcast address of all nodes of local network segmentC60.What is the network address for of the following address types are reserved for multicast use?A Class AB Class BC Class CD Class DD62.Which is the default network mask length of 8B 16C 24D 32C63.What is the maximum bits of a class B address can be used for subnet?A 8B 14C 16D 22B64.The subnet mask of a class A address is,how many bits are used to dividesubnet?A 4B 5C 9D 12D65.What is the maximum bits of a Class C address can be used for subnet?A 6B 8C 12D 14A66.OSPF uses SPF algorithm to calculate SPF tree according to topology.what is the node of theSPF tree?A RouterB Router and network segmentC Port and network segmentD Router and portB67.In transit AS,why do core routers run BGP?A Eliminate route loopsB Ensure data packets can be transmitted to the external destination addressesC Optimize network within an ASD Ensure only one exportB68.Which method is used to establish session between the BGP peers?A TelnetB Send Hello packetC UDPD TCPD69.Which one of the statements describes the relationship between BGP and AS correctly?A BGP only runs between Ass, and can not run within an AS.B BGP is an EGP running between Ass,and IGP runs within an AS such as OSPF,RIP and IS-IS.C BGP builds up network topology by exchanging link-state information among Ass.D BGP can not run between ass.B70.What is private AS number?A 65410-65535B 1-64511C 64512-65535D 64511-65535C71.which TCP port is used by BGP?A 520B 89C 179D 180C72.which of the statements describes the way BGP update routes?A Broadcasts all of the routes periodicallyB Update all of the routes using multicast address periodicallyC Only undate the changed routes and the new routesD Upadate routes when BGP peer requestsC73.which of the following is used to avoid route loops in BGP?A Use ORIGIN attribute to record route originB Use AS_PATH attribute to record all Ass during a route passing from the local area to thedestination in a certain orderC Use NEXT_HOP attribute to record next hop of the routeD Use MED attribute to influence export selection of other ASB74.what is the function of well-known community attribute NO-EXPORT in BGP?A Routes received carrying this value cannot be advertised outside the confederationB Routes received carrying this value cannot be advertised to any BGP peersC Routes recived carrying this value cannot be advertised to any EBGP peersD All above statements are wrongA75.what is the function of well-known community attribute NO_EXPORT_SUBCONFED in BGP?A Routes received carrying this value cannot be advertised outside the confederationB Routes received carrying this value cannot be advertised to any BGP peersC Routes received carrying this value cannot be advertised to any EBGP PeersD ALL above statements are wrongC76.Which of the BGP attributes is Optional transitive attribute?A ORIGINB AS_PATHC NEXT_HOPD MEDE LOCAL_PREFF COMMUNITYF77.Which of the BGP attributes will not be advertised to other neighbor AS?A LOCAL_PREFB AS_PATHC COMMUNITYD ORIGINA78.By default,what are the LOCAL_PREF and PREFERRED-VALUE in VRP system?A 0,32768B 100,0C 255,100D 32768,0B79.How many multicast IP addresses can be represented by the same multicast MAC address?A 1B 23C 32D 24C80.How many bits of the multicast MAC address are used for multicast IP address mapping?A 24B 22C 25D 23D81.Which of the following commands is used to display check information of IGMP enabledinterface?A [Quidway]show ip igmp interfaceB [Quidway]display igmp interfaceC [Quidway]show ip igmpD [Quidway]display ip interfaceB82.Which of the following commands is used to display the IGMP routing table?A display igmp groupB display igmp interfaceC display igmp routing-tableD display igmpC83.Which of the following is the multicast distribution tree maintained by PIM-DM?A SPTB CBTC RPTD STPA84.How many class C networks does the summarized route cover?A 2B 4C 8D 16B85.A router receives a data packet,with the destination address being which subnetis this address in ?A address space is currently used,If the subnet mask isused to divide this address space into several suebnets serving WAN links,how many subnet in tonal can the address space be divided into?A 30B 64C 126D 254B87.A Class C network needs to be divided into five subnets and each subnet needs to contain amaximum of 20 hosts,which of the following subnet masks is used?A network administrator needs to construct a small-scale network containing only 22 hostsand the ISP assigns only public IP address as the egress address.which of the following address can be used by the network administrator to plan the network?A of the following network or link type is not the basic network or link type defined inOSPF?A P2PB P2MPC BroadcastD Virtual linkD90.Which of the following statements about a neighbor state machine is true?A The attempt state appears only on an NBMA network or a broadcast network.B The Attempt state appears only on an NBMA network or a P2MP network.C LSR packets can be sent in the Exchange state.D The full state indicates that LSDB synchronization is complete,No LSDB information willbe exchanged.C91.Which statement about OSPF is false?A The router with a higher Router priority also has a higher DR election priority.B When two routers have the same Router Priorities,the router with a larger Router ID hasa higher DR election priority.C If a DR fails,the BDR automatically takes over as the DR and a new BDR is elected.D If a BDR fails,the DR will not take over as the BDR and awaits the fault recovery of theBDR,No new BDR will be elected.D92.Which statement about OSPF is false?A Hello packets are used to discover and maintain neighbor relationships.Ona broadcastnetwork or an NBMA network,Hello packets can also be used to elect a DR and a BDRB DD packets describe summary LSDB information by carrying LSA headers.C The intervals at which two routers send Hello packets must be consistent;otherwise,aneighbor relationship cannot be established between them.D DD packets contain headers of all LSAs for periodic LSDB synchronization between OSPFneighbors.D93.Which of the following statements about stub area is false?A An AS-external-LSA cannot be advertised to a stub area.B The ABR in the stub area generates a default route to guide forwarding of packetsdestined for other areas.C A Transit area cannot be configured as a stub area.D Any area can be configured as a stub area.D94.Which of the following statements about Stub areas is false?A The difference between a stub area and a Totally stubby area is that the Totally Stubbyarea cannot contain summary-LSAs.B The ABR in the Stub area generates a default route to guide forwarding of packetdestined for other area.C A Transit area cannot be configured as a Stub area.D Any Stub area can be configured as a Totally Stubby area.AA A Router-LSA is used to describe the local link status information of a router.B A Network-LSA is used to describe the link status information of a broadcast network oran NBMA network segment.C A virtual link is a virtual adjacency in the backbone area(Area 0).D An AS-External-LSA describes how to reach an ASBR.D96.Which of the following statements is false?A An ABR maintains an LSDB for each area.There are many LSDBs on an ABR.B The metric of an ASE LSA can be specified when an external route is imported.The defaultvalue is 1.C The external routing information carries a Tag label for transmitting additionalinformation of the route.It is commonly used in a routing policy.The default value of the Tag label is 0.D The link state ID in an ASBR-Summary-LSA is the Router ID of the ASBR.C97.Which of the following statements about NSSA commands is false?A If the default-route-advertise parameter is set,a Type-7 default route is generated.B The no-import-route parameter is used to prevent the importing of AS external routes inthe form of Type-7 LSAs into an NSSA.C The no-summary parameter is used to prevent the advertisement of Type-3 and Type-4LSAs in an area.D The set-n-bit parameter indicates that an N-bit will be set in a DD packet.A98.Which of the following statements is false?A Each OSPF router uses only one Router-LSA to describe the status of local links in an ares.B Link types described by a Router-LSA include P2P,P2MP,TransNet,and StubNet.C A Network-summary-LSA describes the metric of the route from an ABR to a destinationnetwork segment.D Routing information can be exchanged between a backbone area and a non-backbonearea but cannot be exchanged between two non-backbone ares.B99.What is the link ID of an ASBR-Summary-LSA?A OSPF Router ID of an LSA’s originatorB Port IP address of the DR on the described network segmentC Address of the destination network segmentD Router ID of the destination ASBRDA The Network Mask field in a received Hello packet must be consistent with the networkmask of the interface receiving the Hello packet.B The HelloInterval field in a received Hello packet must be the same as the Hello intervalconfigured on the interface receiving the Hello packet.C The RouterDeadInterval field in a reveived Hello packet must be the same as theRouterDead interval configured on the interface receiving the Hello packet.D The E-bit in the Options field in a received Hello packet must be the same as the E-bitconfigured for the local OSPF area.A101.Which statement about the OSPF LSA format is false?A The LS age field indicates the time that an LSA has been active,in seconds.B The LS type field indicates the format and function of an LSA.RFC 2328 defines five typesof LSAs.C The Advertising Router field represents the OSPF Router ID of an LSA’s originator.D The LS sequence number field helps determine whether an LSA is a new LSA.D102.Which of the following statements is false?A The metric of a Type-1 external route is the sum of the AS internal metric (metric to reachan ASBR) and the AS external metric (metric from the ASBR to the destination network)B The metric of a Type-2 external route is only the AS external metric.C The metric of an external route is the sum of the AS external metric and the AS internalmetric.D The prerequisite for setting Forwarding Address to a non-zero value is that the next hopof the external route imported into OSPF is within the OSPF routing area.C103.In BGP,which type of message is periodically exchanged between BGP peers to maintain a BGP peer relationship?A OpenB HelloC Route-refreshD KeepaliveD104.In which state have BGP peers not established any connection and not initiated a connection request?A EstablishedB OpenSentC ActiveD IdleD。
1.what is the maximum bits of a class c address can be used for subnet?A 6B 8C 12D 14A2.what is the function of the peer ignore command?A deletes a BGP peerB retains all configurations of the peer,and maintains the BGP peer relationship with thepeer,but does not receive the routes sent from the peer.C retains all configurations of the peer,and maintains the BGP peer relationship with thepeer,but does not advertise routes to the peer.D retains all configurations of the peer,interrupts the BGP peer relationship with thepeer,and clears all related routing information.D3. a notification message with Error code 2 indicates an error open message.which of thefollowing error sub-codes can be contained in this open message?A 1:indicates that the version number is not supported.B 2:indicates that the AS of the peer is incorrectC 3:indicates that the BGP identifier is incorrectD 4:indicates that the optional parameters filed is not supportedABCD4.which following BGP attribute can used to define a set of prefixes with the samecharacteristics?A OriginB NexthopC CommunityD MEDC5.which of the following character strings matches the regular expression 100$?A 3100B 100C 1008D 100 200B6.which of the following as-path attributes match this as-path-filter?_ _ ip as-path-filter 1permit 100$|400$?A 100B 3100C 1234 1400D 300 400ABCD7._ _ _ _ IN IPv4,which of the following is the SSM address range allocated by the IANA?A _ _ _ _ which of the following configurations can be performed to implement fast failuredetection on a network?A Reduce the holdtime of Join/Prune messagesB Reduce the interval for an interface to send Hello messages.C Set up a PIM BFD session between network segment neighbors.D Reduce the interval for sending Join/Prune messages.BC9.which of the following technologies can reduce the scale of broadcast domain?A VLANB TRUNKC RARPD STPA10.Which statement about the trunk interface is true?A A trunk interface is always connected to hosts.B Multiple VLAN IDs can be set on a trunk interface.The VLAN IDs can be the same as ordifferent from the PVID.C The trunk interface cannot have a PVID.D IF the trunk interface receives a packet with a VLAN not in the allowed VLAN list, thetrunk interface broadcast the packet in the VLAN.B11.Which of the following are factors that affect QOS?A BandwidthB DelayC JitterD Loss of packetABCD12.IP network can provide various packet forwording service,the service demands that userscare during packet forwarding include.A ThroughputB DelayC JitterD Loss of packetABCD13.IP Oos models include:A Best-EffortB Integrated ServiceC Differentiated ServiceD FIFO ServiceABC14.Qos can provide different quality of service according to different demands,which of thefollowing are functions of Qos?A Providing private bandwidth for usersB Reducing loss of packetC Congestion management and avoidanceD Specifying priority of packetsABCD15.What is the legal virtual MAC address in VRRP?A 01-01-5E-00-01-01B 01-00-5E-00-01-00C 00-00-5E-00-01-01D 01-01-5E-00-01-01C16.Which of the following statements are correct regarding Master in VRRP?A The router with highest priority will become Master.B The router with smallest priority will become Slave.C The router with highest priority may not always be Master.D The router with smallest priority may not always be Slave.CD17.Which of the following statements are correct regarding priority in VRRP?A The ip address owner always uses 255 as its priority regardless its config priority.B The ip address owner always uses 0 as its priority regardless its config priority.C We can configure the priority as 0 to make the router never attend the Master election.D If a VRRP router changes from Master to Slave,it will send out a VRRP message withpriority 0 in the network.A18.Which of the following statements are correct regarding VRRP?A Only Master can process the data packets sending to virtual router.B Only Slave can process the data packets sending to virtual router.C Both Master and Slave can process the data packets sending to the same virtual router torealize load balance.D By default,only Master can process the data packets sending to virtual router:but we cando some configuration to make the Slave Process the data packets sending to virtual router. A19.Which of the following statements are correct regarding the function of VRRP?A VRRP can improve the reliability of default gateway.B VRRP increase the convergence speed of routing protocol.C VRRP is mainly used for traffic balance.D VRRP can provide one default gateway for diffenrent network segments,it simplifies thegateway configuration for PC.A20.Which of the following statements are correct regarding default gateway of PC in thenetwork running VRRP?A Configure only one gateway for the PC which is the IP address of Master.B Configure only one gateway for the PC which is the IP address of virtual router.C Configure two gateways for the PC which are the IP addresses of Master and Slave.D Configure three gateways for the PC which are the IP addresses of Master,Slave andvirtual router.B21.Which of the following authentication modes does VRRP use?A No authenticationB Simple text passwordC MD5D CHAPABC22.Which of the following statements are correct regarding MAC address of VRRP packet?A The destination MAC is broadcast MAC addressB The destination MAC is multicast MAC addressC The source address is virtual MAC address.D The source address is physical MAC address of Master.BC23.RTA connected to a LAN by e0/0 whose IP address is and network mask is255.255.255.0 .Now create a virtual router with ID 1 and virtual IP address on RTA.which of the following commands are correct?A [RTA-ethernet0/0]vrrp vrid 1 virtual-ip [RTA]vrrp vrid 1 virtual-ip [RTA-ethernet0/0]vrrp vrid 1 virtual-ip mask [RTA]vrrp vrid 1 virtual-ip mask of the following statements rae correct regarding VRRP advertisement message?A VRRP has two kinds of advertisement message,one is sent by master,the other is sent byslave.B VRRP has two kinds of advertisement message which is sent by masterC VRRP has two kinds of advertisement message which is sent by slaveD VRRP has two kinds of advertisement message,one is used for master election,the otherone is used in stable network after master election.B25.Int which of the following modes can the eudemon be working?A Routing modeB Transparent modeC Composite modeD Transfer modeABC26.What are the types of firewalls developed so far?A packet filtering firewallB proxy firewallC Anti-virus firewallD Stateful firewallABD27.which of the following firewalls is the most popular?A packet filtering firewallB Stateful firewallC proxy firewallD Anti-virus firewallB28.How many user-defined security zones at most are configured on an Eudemon?A 3B 4C 5D 6A29.The TCP SYN flood attack usually occurs during the TCP handshake process. How manyhandshakes are required to set up a TCP connection?A 1B 2C 3D 4C30.How many default zones does the Eudemon supporting multi-instance have?A TwoB ThreeC FourD FiveC31.Which of the following is the priority value of the DMZ on the Eudemon?A 10B 50C 75D 85B32.What is the maximum number of security zones supported by the Eudemon?A 256B 128C 32D 161633.Which of the following statements about the security policies for the Eudemon are true?A By default, a user in the Local zone can access other zones.B By default, a user in the Trust zone can access the DMZ.C By default, a user in the Untrust zone cannot access the Trust zone.D By default, a user in a zone of the firewall cannot access any other zone of the firewall. CD34.Which of the following statements about the zone priorities of the Eudemon are true?A The priority of the Local zone is 100B The priority of the Trust zone is 80C The priority of the Untrust zone is 5.D The priority of the DMZ is 50.ACD35.Which of the following statements about the firewall technology are true?A The network gateway of the application layer checks application-layer data carried inpackets passing through the gateway.B The network gateway for session status detection checks session information carried inpackets only at the session layer.C During packet filtering,the session status is checked and the whole data stream isanalyzed.D Address proxy replaces IP addresses and port numbers of hosts within the network withthe IP address and port number of the proxy device or routerABD36.Which of the following data traffic is incoming data traffic on the Eudemon?A Data traffic from a Trust zone to a demilitarized zone (DMZ)B Data traffic from an Untrust zone to a DMZC Data traffic from a Local zone to a Trust zoneD Data traffic from an Untrust zone to a Local zoneBD37.Which of the following attacks are prevented after an IP address and MAC address are boundon the Eudemon?A IP address spoofingB MAC address spoofingC Dos attackD DDos attackAB38.Which of the following solutions effectively defend against ARP attacks?A Binding a MAC address and an IP addressB Enabling the ARP attack protection function on a Huawei switching deviceC Adding network segments to different VLANs on a switchD Enabling IP packet filteringABC39.Which of the following indicators are performance indicators of the Eudemon?A Throughput of large-sized or small-sized packets.B Number of new connections and concurrent connections per secondC VPN performanceD MTU checkB40.In the scenario where packets are sent and received along different paths,which of thefollowing functions needs to be disabled on the firewall?A Status detectionB Attack defenseC Packet filteringD Status backupA41.Assume that the traceroute test is used to detect the packet forwarding path and tracertpackets have passed through the firewall.which of the following attack protection functions needs to be disabled to normally display the tracert result?A ICMP-redirectB ICMP-unreachableC TracertD SmurfC42.What is the recommended minimum delay for HRP preemption on the Eudemon?A 120SB 60SC 10SD 5SB43.Which of the following commands is used to display the detailed information about theEudemon?A display firewall statistic systemB display firewall session table raw both-directionC display firewall session table verboseD display firewall session table detailC44.Which of the following technologies does the Eudemon use to defense against anti-DDosattacks?A TCP agentB Source authentication and detectionC Standard protocol stack identificationD Fingerprint identification(characteristics detection)E Abnormal session detectionF Traffic controlABCDEF45.What are the types of DDos attacks?A Attacks by special packetsB Scanning attackC traffic attackD Application-layer attackABCD46.Which of the following attacks are DDos attacks?A SYN floodB SYB/ACK floodC UDP floodD CC attackE HTTP get floodABCDE47.Which of the following options are performance parameters of the firewall?A ThroughputB Maximum number of connectionsC Number of new connections per secondD Process delayABCD48.By which can an IP-based advanced ACL filter packets?A Soure IP address and its subnet maskB Destination IP address and its subnet maskC Protocol typeD TCP or UDP port numberE Priority of the data packetF Service type of the data packetABCDEF49.Which of the following statements about NAT are true?A NAT is short “network address translation”B Nat,also called address proxy,is used for translation between private and public networkaddresses.C Hosts within the intranet can access the extranet without using NAT.D NAT can effectively resolve the problem of IP address shortage.ABD50.Which of the following NAT functions are supported by the Eudemon?A NAT/PATB NAT ALGC Bidirectional NATD NAT serverABCD51.Which of the following attacks can Eudemon defend against?A SYN-FloodB UDP FloodC Port SeanD Ping-DeathABCD52.Which of the following routing technologies are supported by the Eudemon 200E?A static routeB Policy-based routingC Routing policyD Route iterationABCD53.Which of the following DDos attacks can the Eudemon 1000E defend against?A SYN floodB UDP floodC ICMP flood54.Which of the following high availability (HA) features are supported by the Eudemon 1000E?A Dual-system hot backupB Multi-system hot backupC Dual-system load balancingD Multi-system load balancingAC55.To provide services of different qualities,you can classify services based on such packetinformation as the packet priority, source IP address,destination IP address,and port number.Which of the following Qos technology can be used to service classification?A Traffic policingB Traffic shapingC Complex traffic classificationD Congestion managementC56.Qos in best-effort service mode uses which of the following queue scheduling technologyA FIFOB WFQC PQD RRA57.Which of the following technologies are available for traffic shaping?A GTSB LRC CARD WREDAB58.To provide services of different qualities, you can classify services based on such packetinformation as the packet priority, source IP address, destination IP address, and port number.Which of the following Qos technology can be used to service classification?A Traffic policingB Traffic shapingC Complex traffic classificationD Congestion management59.In case of congestion, which of the following indexes will affect Qos?A Transmission delayB Transmission jitterC Packet loss ratioD Transmission distanceABC60.Which of the following statement about the jitter and delay is falseA The jitter depends on the delayB The variation in packet delay is called jitterC The lower the delay is,the less the jitter is.D The jitter is independent of the delay61.Which of the following statement about Qos in diffserv mode is false?A The parameter field in the IP packet header informs devices on the network of the Qosrequirements of the application.B Every device on the packet transmission paths can learn the service request types byanalyzing the IP packet header.C Before sending Packets, the application program needs to confirm that the network hasreserved resources for packet transmission.D DiffServ is a Qos solution based on packets.C62.Which of the following statement about packet marking is false?A Compared with traffic policing, traffic shaping is advanced in terms of caching bursttraffic.B with traffic shaping, packets can be transmitted at an even rate.C Caching packets in the queue increases the packet delay in case of congestion.D In case of congestion, traffic shaping causes the packet loss ratio to increase.D63.Which of the following information in a packet can be marked or re-marked?A IP DSCP,IP precedence, and 802.1P informationB IP source and destination addressesC MAC addressD Any information in the packetA64.Simple traffic classification can be performed based on which of the following information invlan packets?A DSCPB IP precedenceC MPLX EXPD 802.1pD65.Qos includes which of the following aspects?A Transmission bandwidthB Transmission delay and jitterC Packet loss ratioD Network securityABC66.Qos can be performed in which of the following modes?A Best-effort serviceB Integrated serviceC Differentiated serviceD Assured forwarding serviceABC67.Based on classification rules,traffic classification can be divided into which of the followingtypes?A Simple traffic classificationB Complex traffic classificationC On-demand traffic classificationD Service traffic classificationAB68.Which of the following congestion avoidance mechanisms can be used to avoid global TCPsynchronization?A REDB WREDC FIFOD WFQAB69.Which of the following are popular link efficiency mechanisms?A IPHCB LFIC HDLCD PPPAB70.Based on the DSCP field (first 6 bits of the Tos field),pakcets can be classified into how manytypes?A 4B 8C 16D 64D71.In addition to traffic rate limit, the CAR can mark packets with colors. If one token bucketone-rate is used in traffic policing and the number of tokens is insufficient, packets are marked with which of the following color?A RedB GressC YellowD BlueA72.In traffic policing using two token buckets two-rate,when the CIR is set to 1 Mbit/s and thePIR is set to 2 Mbit/s, what is the maximum transmission rate for the traffic in green?A 1 Mbit/sB 2 Mbit/sC 3 Mbit/sD 4 Mbit/sAplex traffic classification can be performed based on which of the following packetinformation?A packet priorityB source and destination addressesC protocol numberD source and destination port numbersABCD74.Assume that there are four flows a.b.c,and d,the transmission rate of each flow is 50Mbit/s,and the total bandwidth of the interface for flow transmission is 100 Mbit/s,In the case of congestion,WFQ is available for flows a,b,c,and d,with the weight proportion being 1:2:3:4,which of the following statement about the interface bandwidth allocated to each flow is true?A Interface bandwidths allocated to flows a,b,c and d are 10 Mbit/s,20 Mbit/s,30 Mbit/s,and 40 Mbit/s respectively.B Interface bandwidths allocated to flows a,b,c and d are 50 Mbit/s, 50 Mbit/s, 0 Mbit/s,and 0 Mbit/s respectively.C Interface bandwidths allocated to flows a,b,c and d are 40 Mbit/s, 30 Mbit/s, 20 Mbit/s,and 10 Mbit/s respectively.D Flows a,b,c and d are discarded.A75.Assume that congestion occurs on the outbound interface,packet A is cached in the PQ,andpacket B is cached in the WFQ,which of the following statement about packet scheduling is true?A Packet A is scheduled first.B Packet B is scheduled first.C Packets A and B are scheduled at the same time.D Packets A and B are discarded.A76.Assume that the following WRED polcies are used in QoS : The length of the queue for savingDSCP packets with the priority being AF21 ranges from 35 to 40. The length of the queue for saving DSCP packets with the priority being AF22 ranges from 30 to 40. The length of the queue for saving DSCP packets with the priority being AF23 ranges from 25 to 40. In the case of congestion,DSCP packets with which of the following priority value will be discarded first?A AF21B AF22C AF23D ALL the sameC77.Which of the following link efficiency mechanism can be used to compress RTP and TCPpacket headers?A IPHCB LFIC PPPD All of the above78.In traffic policing using two token buckets two-rate. The number of tokens in bucket C is TCand the number of tokens in bucket P is TB. When a packet with the length being B enters,which of the following statements are true?A If TP –B >0 and TC – B>0,the packet is marked green.B If TP – B >0 and TC – B<0,the packet is marked yellow.C If TP – B <0 and TC – B<0,the packet is marked red.D If TP – B >0 and TC – B<0,the packet is marked greenABC79.Assume that there are four flows a,b,c,and d, the transmission rate of each flow is 50Mbit/s,and the total bandwidth of the interface for flow transmission is 100 Mbit/s. In the case of congestion, PQ is available for flow a. WFQ is available for flows b,c,and d, with the weight proportion being 1:2:3:4. Which of the following statement about the interface bandwidth allocated to each flow is true?A The interface bandwidth allocated to flow a is 100 Mbit/s.B The interface bandwidth allocated to flow a is 50 Mbit/sC The interface bandwidth allocated to flows b is 10 Mbit/s and interface bandwidthsallocated to flows c and d are 20 Mbit/s each.D The interface bandwidth allocated to flows b is 25 Mbit/s and interface bandwidthsallocated to flows c and d are 12.5 Mbit/s each.BC80.Assume that the WRED policy for packets with the priority of AF21 is that: the length of thequeue for saving packets ranges from 35 to 40. And the discarding percentage is 50%,when a packet with the priority being AF21 arrives,which of the following statements are true?A IF the average length of the queue is smaller than 35,the packet is added to the queue.B IF the length of the queue ranges between 35 and 40,the packet may be discarded with apossibility of 50%.C IF the average length of the queue is greater than 40, the packet is added to the queue.D IF the average length of the queue is greater than 40,the packet is discarded.ABD81.Which of the following statements about the jitter and delay are true?A The end-to-end delay is the sum of transmission delays,processing delays,and queuingdelays along the packet forwarding path.B The variation in packet delay is called jitter.C The jitter depends on the delay. The lower the delay,the less the jitter.D The jitter is independent of the delay.ABC82.Which of the following PHB types are defined in IETF DiffServ?A Default PHB Class-Selector PHBC Expedited Forwarding PHBD Assured Forwarding PHBABCD83.Which of the following statements about differences among GTS. LR and CAR technologiesare true?A in traffic policing, the CAR technology drops packets that do not comply with specificrules.B In traffic policing, the GTS technology caches packets that do not comply with specificrules in the GTS queue.C In traffic policing, the LR technology caches packets that do not comply with specific rulesin the Qos queue.D GTS, LR, and CAR technologies use the token bucket for traffic policing.ABCD84.Which of the following are queue scheduling technologies?A FIFO:First in first outB RR: Round RobinC WRR: Weighted round robinD PQ: Priority QueuingE CQ:Custom QueuingF. WFQ:weighted fair QueuingABCDEF85.Which of the following are disadvantages of the traditional tail drop mechanism?A TCP global synchronizationB TCP starvationC High delay and high jitterD Packet drop is not based on prioritiedABCD86.Which of the following packet drop policies can be applied to the congestion avoidancemechanism?A Tail-dropB REDC WREDD WFQABC87.Which of the following statements about the device state change is correct after failure inthe intermediate link for transmitting VRRP heartbeats?A The status of the master and salve devices remains unchanged.B Both the master and slave devices enter the Master state.C Both the master and slave devices enter the Slave state.D Both the master and slave devices enter the Initial state.B88.Which of the following statements about the VRRP working process is false?A The router with the highest priority is elected as the master router.B The master router sends gratuitous ARP packets to inform connected devices or hosts ofits virtual MAC address.C IF the master router fails,the backup router witth the highest priority is elected as thenew master router.D To ensure fast convergence,a backup router immediately becomes the master router ifthe priority of the backup router is higher than the priority of the master router.D89.Assume that the VRID of a VRRP virtual router is 100 and the virtual IP address of the virtualrouter is, which of the following addresses is the virtual MAC address of the virtual router?A 00-00-5E-00-01-64B 00-00-5E-00-01-01C 01-00-5E-00-01-64D 01-00-5E-00-01-01A90.Which of the following addresses is the destination address of VRRP packets?A of the following numbers is the protocol number of VRRP packets?A 112B 113C 114D 115A92.Which of the following statements about the VRRP authentication is false?A VRRP provides no authentication.B VRRP provides the simple text authentication.C VRRP provides the MD5 authenticationD VRRP provides the pre-shared key authentication.D93.Which of the following statements about VRRP load balancing is false?A Multiple VRRP backup groups can be created routers on an interface of a router.Therouter can serve as the master router in one VRRP backup group and the backup router in other VRRP backup groups.B VRRP local balancing requires that at least two virtual routers transmit services at thesame time.C To implement load local balancing requires that at least two virtual routers transmitservices at the same time.D When configuring priorities,ensure that the same router serves as the master router inthree VRRP backup groups.ABCD94.Which of the following statements about VRRP are true?A VRRP is a redundancy protocol designed for a multicast- or broadcast-capable LAN suchas the Ethernet. VRRP ensures that traffic is switched to another router when the next-hop router for a host on the LAN fails. This guarantees the reliability and non-stop forwarding of services.B In VRRP,a virtual router ID and a virtual IP address need to be configured on a router togenerate a virtual MAC address. A virtual router is formed.C Hosts on a network can communication with a virtual router without knowing anyinformation about physical routers on the network.D A virtual router consists of a master router and several backup routers.The master routerforwards packets. When the master router fails.a backup router takes over as the master router.ABCD95.Which of the following statements about VRRP are true?A VRRP determines the roles of routers (master or backup) in a virtual router based on theirpriorities.B IF a backup router works in non-preemption mode and has a higher priority than themaster router,it will not become the master router unless the master router fails.C After a backup router in preemption mode receives a VRRP packet from the master router.It compares its priority with the priority carried in the VRRP packet.IF its priority is higher than the priority of the master router,it preempts to be the master router: if not,it remains in the backup state.D If two routers competing for the master router have the same priority,the router with ahigher interface IP address becomes the master router.ABCD96.Which of the following statements about the master router in a VRRP backup group are true?A It regularly sends VRRP packets.B It uses a virtual MAC address to respond to ARP requests sent from a virtual IP address.C It forwards an IP packet whose destination MAC address is a virtual MAC address.D It changes to the Backup state if the priority carried in the received packet is greater thanits own priority.ABCD97.Which of the following statements about a backup router in a VRRP backup group are true?A It receives VRRP packets from the master router and determines whether the masterrouter is functioning properly.B It does not respond to the ARP requests sent from a virtual IP address.C It discards an IP packet whose destination MAC address is a virtual MAC addressD It discards an IP packet whose destination IP address is a virtual IP address.。
英语交际多选练习题### English Communication Multiple Choice Questions1. Understanding Greetings:- Question: What is the most appropriate response when someone greets you with "Good morning"?- A. "Good evening."- B. "Good night."- C. "Good morning."- D. "Hello."Answer: C. "Good morning."2. Apologizing:- Question: If you accidentally spill someone's drink, what is the best way to apologize?- A. "I'm sorry, let me pay for it."- B. "Oops, that's what happens."- C. "No worries, it's just a drink."- D. "Sorry, I didn't see it."Answer: A. "I'm sorry, let me pay for it."3. Making Invitations:- Question: You want to invite a friend to a party. Which of the following is the most polite way to do so?- A. "Hey, there's a party tonight, you should come." - B. "Would you like to join us for a party tonight?"- C. "You have to come to the party tonight."- D. "The party will be boring without you."Answer: B. "Would you like to join us for a party tonight?"4. Offering Help:- Question: You see a colleague struggling with a heavy box. What is the most helpful thing to say?- A. "Do you want a hand with that?"- B. "Looks heavy, isn't it?"- C. "I can't believe you're carrying that alone."- D. "I've got my hands full, sorry."Answer: A. "Do you want a hand with that?"5. Expressing Agreement:- Question: In a meeting, how can you show agreement with a speaker's point?- A. "I completely disagree."- B. "That's an interesting point."- C. "Absolutely, I couldn't agree more."- D. "I have a different perspective."Answer: C. "Absolutely, I couldn't agree more."6. Showing Disagreement Politely:- Question: How can you disagree with someone without being rude?- A. "You're completely wrong."- B. "I see where you're coming from, but..."- C. "No, that's not right."- D. "I don't think that's correct."Answer: B. "I see where you're coming from, but..."7. Asking for Clarification:- Question: You didn't understand something in a conversation. What is the best way to ask for clarification? - A. "What did you just say?"- B. "Could you repeat that, please?"- C. "I didn't catch that, can you explain it again?" - D. "I'm confused."Answer: C. "I didn't catch that, can you explain it again?"8. Making Suggestions:- Question: How can you make a suggestion in a constructive manner?- A. "You should do it this way."- B. "How about trying this approach?"- C. "This is the only way to do it."- D. "If I were you, I'd do it like this."Answer: B. "How about trying this approach?"9. Ending a Conversation:- Question: How can you politely end a conversation when you need to leave?- A. "I have to go now."- B. "It was nice talking to you, but I have to run."- C. "I don't have time for this."- D. "I'm leaving."Answer: B. "It was nice talking to you, but I have to run."10. Expressing Gratitude:- Question: What is the most appropriate response when someone thanks you?- A. "No problem."- B. "You're welcome."- C. "I didn't do anything."- D. "I insist you thank me."Answer: B. "You're welcome."This set of multiple-choice questions is designed to help learners practice their English communication skills in various social contexts. Each question provides a scenario and four possible responses, with the correct answer indicated for clarity and learning purposes.。
试题1—It might be a good idea to read some simplified books first.选择一项:A.Have the books been sold out?B.What is about this one?C.What books would you recommend?试题2—In total,it should be about15,000RMB for the three-daytraining.选择一项:A.How much have you budgeted for the training?B.How long will the training last?C.How much has the training cost?试题3—Everything is going smoothly.选择一项:A.Is everything terrible?B.What do you think of everything?C.How is everything going?试题4Anyone who has worked here for over three years is for sick pay.选择一项:A.veteranB.eligibleC.similar试题5you prepare cross training plans,you need to consider both the company benefits and the employee benefits.选择一项:A.AlthoughB.Even ifC.As试题6二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。
Passage OneIn the doctor's waiting room, people are sitting on their chairs. Bob, a schoolboy is among them. They all look very sad except Bob. He is reading an exciting story in a magazine. The doctor called "The next ! " and Bob runs into the doctor's waiting room. "What's your trouble?" says the doctor. Before Bob says a word, the doctor makes him lie down on a bed, " Now, let me listen to your heart. "Bob tries to speak, but the doctor tells him not to say anything. '61'II take your temperature. " Bob tries to sit up, but the doctor stops him. After a moment, the doctor says, "Well, boy, you don't have a fever. In fact there's nothing wrong with you. ""I know there isn't. " says Bob. "I just come here to get some medicine for my father. "1. Bob sits in the waiting room to _________________. [单选题] *A. see the doctor(正确答案)B. wait for his fatherC. read his magazineD. buy some medicine2. All the sick people look sad except Bob because ___________________________ . [单选题] *A. Bob was too young to worry about anything(正确答案)B. his father isn't very illC. he is reading the magazineD. there's nothing wrong with him3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? [单选题] *A. The doctor is careless.(正确答案)B. There is no nurse in doctor's room.C. The doctor is warm-hearted.D. The doctor takes Bob for a sick person.4. When examining Bob, the doctor might think that__________________. [单选题] *A Bob is funny(正确答案)B. Bob is naughtyC. Bob is foolishD. Bob is very ill5.What did the doctor say about Bob? [单选题] *A.Bob was not ill at all.(正确答案)B.Bob was wrong。
以下是一些练习题的答案,供学生参考:1. 填空题:- 题目:Please fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb.- 答案:The manager directs the team to complete theproject on time.2. 选择题:- 题目:What is the best way to improve your English for professional purposes?A. Watch English movies without subtitles.B. Read English newspapers daily.C. Both A and B.D. None of the above.- 答案:C. Both A and B.3. 改错题:- 题目:There are many mistake in this sentence. Please correct it.- 答案:There are many mistakes in this sentence. Please correct them.4. 阅读理解题:- 题目:Read the following passage and answer the question. - Passage: "In the modern workplace, communication iskey. Effective communication can lead to better collaboration and higher productivity."- 问题:What is the main idea of the passage?- 答案:The main idea of the passage is the importance of effective communication in the workplace for better collaboration and productivity.5. 翻译题:- 题目:请将以下句子从中文翻译成英文。
英语互动测试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is the correct spelling?A. seperateB. separateC. seprateD. seperat答案:B2. Fill in the blank with the correct preposition.I will call you _______ the phone.A. byB. onC. inD. at答案:B3. Choose the correct phrase to complete the sentence. She is always _______ her sister's advice.A. ignoringB. ignoring ofC. ignoring toD. ignoring at答案:A4. Identify the correct usage of the verb tense.He _______ the book last week.A. finishedB. finishesC. finishingD. will finish答案:A5. Select the correct word to complete the dialogue.- Do you have any brothers or sisters?- Yes, I have one _______.A. brotherB. sisterC. parentD. uncle答案:A6. Choose the correct comparative form of the adjective. She is _______ than her sister.A. more tallerB. more tallC. tallerD. tall答案:C7. Fill in the blank with the correct conjunction.He wanted to go to the party, _______ he was too tired.A. andC. orD. so答案:B8. Select the correct pronoun to replace the noun phrase. The book is too heavy for the children to carry _______.A. itB. themC. theyD. their答案:B9. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.She is not only beautiful but also _______.A. cleverB. more cleverC. clevererD. the cleverest答案:A10. Identify the correct usage of the verb form.I _______ you to tell me the truth.A. wantB. wantedC. wantingD. wants二、阅读理解题(每题3分,共15分)Read the following passage and answer the questions.Passage:(Passage content is omitted for brevity.)11. What is the main idea of the passage?A. The importance of educationB. The benefits of technologyC. The impact of climate changeD. The role of government答案:C12. According to the passage, which of the following is a consequence of climate change?A. Increased crop yieldsB. More frequent natural disastersC. Improved air qualityD. A stable ecosystem答案:B13. What does the author suggest as a solution to the problem?A. Reducing carbon emissionsB. Planting more treesC. Building more damsD. Relocating populations14. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. The effects of deforestationB. The role of renewable energyC. The economic impact of climate changeD. The political implications of climate change答案:D15. What is the tone of the passage?A. OptimisticB. InformativeC. PersuasiveD. Descriptive答案:B三、完形填空题(每题2分,共20分)(Passage content and blanks are omitted for brevity.)16. A. opportunity17. B. challenges18. C. overcome19. D. resources20. A. effectively21. B. collaboration22. C. potential23. D. committed24. A. innovative25. B. solutions四、翻译题(每题5分,共10分)26. Translate the following sentence into English.“教育是社会发展的基石。
BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷100(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. PART ONE 2. PART TWO 3. PART THREEPART ONE听力原文:You will hear a chairman delivering a report at an annual conference which will be allowed to read online.As you listen, for questions 1 to 12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number.After you have listened once, replay the recording.You now have 45 seconds to read through the questions.[pause]Now listen, and complete the notes.[pause]Woman:Hello Members! The first Board meeting of the current Board took place in late December and I am happy to report that Executives were returned to their previous roles. For the benefit of all members, I will list the current Board of Directors as well as our Senior Management Team. That will be posted on the company’s website. One thing, is worth your attention, well, we have a new HR Manager Hannah Eddy. I believe that she will enhance our administration in the following hard days. The coming year presents both ongoing and new challenges to the Management team on a number of fronts. These challenges include the continued implementation by the government of legislation directly affecting the day-to-day operations of the club. Obviously the introduction of plastic glasses appears not far from the horizon and yet again community clubs are being lumped into the same basket as night clubs operating until the early morning hours. The implementation of a new driver’s license(Smart Card)and the issues that this will raise in relation to their use as a form of identification will need addressing. The final recommendations of the Productivity Commission from its inquiry into gambling and what impact these have if they are adopted. As I have raised previously the results of the Productivity Commission are the most eagerly awaited as they have the potential to change the way the Club operates as well as our continued support of the community in general. Our courtesy bus service began operating in early December and has proven to be very popular with members. The implementation of this service has not been without complaint. The major complaint has related to the area the service covers. All complaints have been recorded and a review of the operation of this service is being undertaken to determine where and how to operate this service in the most efficient way, although any solution that is implemented will not be able to meet the needs of every member. Our General Manager Tony and his assistant Steve have purchased 37 additional Gaming Machine licenses from another club and in the coming weeks will see the addition of new and updated product to the gaming floor. Whilst we have received approval for an additional 60 machines, these will not all be installed immediately. It is hoped the additional machines will meet the need during our busier periods. “The happiest people don’t necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.” Have a fantastic Easter everyone and we look forward to seeing you in the club.[pause]Now listen to the recording again.[pause]That is the end of Part One. You now have 20 seconds to check youranswers.[pause]You will hear a chairman delivering a report at an annual conference which will be allowed to read online. As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number. After you have listened once, replay the recording.New administration staff【L1】The current Board of Directors and______will be listed on this report.【L2】They will be happy to have Hannah Eddy as their______Ongoing and new challenges【L3】The government would continually______legislation directly affecting the day-to-day operations of the club.【L4】Community clubs are being______into the same basket as night clubs’operation.【L5】The use of driver’s license(Smart Card)and the issues could be regard as a sign of______Daily operation need【L6】Productivity Commission recommend from its______into gambling.【L7】Productivity Commission are the most eagerly awaited as they have the______to change the way the club operates.【L8】The courtesy bus service has received______【L9】A review of the operation of this service is being done to make the service operated______The future【L10】Our General Manager and his assistant have purchased 37 additional______licenses.【L11】Although we have received approval for an additional______machines, these will not all be installed immediately.【L12】The additional machines are expected to meet the need during our______periods.1.【L1】正确答案:SENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAM解析:根据提供的信息以及其中“Board of Directors and…”这几个词,可判断这里是“高级管理团队”,结合上述关键句,此处应填写这个词。
高职高专版第三版unit10答案1、判断题:He hasn't finished reading the novel. 句中reading the novel是宾语。
选项:A: 正确B: 错误答案:【正确】2、判断题:Tom's job is teaching. 句中teaching是宾语。
选项:A: 正确B: 错误答案:【错误】3、判断题:It is a swimming pool. 句中swimming是表语。
选项:A: 正确B: 错误答案:【错误】10-1视频测验1、单选题:What trouble did Xiaoli meet?选项:A: She didn't know how to book the right hotel.B: She didn't know how to book the right restaurant.C: She didn't know how to book the right flight ticket.D: She didn't know how to book the right cinema ticket.:案: 【 She didn't know how to book the right hotel.】2、多选题:What are the skills of choosing a hotel?选项:A: Consider price and fancinessB: Consider locationC: Consider locationD: Consider services:案: 【 Consider price and fanciness;Consider location;Consider location;Consider services】3、多选题:What are the money-saving skills of choosing a hotel?选项:A: Booking Hotels at the Right TimeB: Joining loyalty programsC: Using Shopping SitesD: Keeping an eye out for deals and coupons:案: 【 Booking Hotels at the Right Time;Joining loyalty programs;Keeping an eye out for deals and coupons】10-2视频测验1、单选题:What type of room did Dalong reserve?选项:A: A single room. B: A double room.C: A standard room.D: A suite:案: 【 A double room. 】2、单选题:For how many nights did Dalong reserve?选项:A: One night. B: Two nights.C: Three nights.D: Four night:答案: 【 Three nights.】3、单选题:What room service did Xiaoli need?选项:A: She needed slippers.B: She needed hot water.C: She needed quilt.D: She needed Wi-F:答案: 【 She needed hot water.】4、单选题:What did Dalong return to the cashier when checking out?选项:A: The room key.B: The empty flask.C: The deposit.D: His passpo答案: 【 The room key. 】10-3视频测验1、判断题:In a backpacker hotel, travelers have to share room with others.选项:A: 正确B::错误答案: 【正确】2、判断题:Camping is certainly free. 选项:A: 正确:: 错误答案: 【错误】。
全国技工院校公共课教材英语习题册第二册第三版的答案1、90.—I want to go to different places, but I don’t know the ________. —A map is helpful, I think. [单选题] *A.price(正确答案)B.timeC.wayD.ticket2、7.—I've got some ________.—Great! I'd like to write with it. [单选题] *A.funB.chalk(正确答案)C.waterD.time3、Every means _____ but it's not so effective. [单选题] *A. have been triedB. has been tried(正确答案)C. have triedD. has tried4、29.______ my free time, I like listening to music. [单选题] *A.AtB.OnC.In(正确答案)D.About5、—Does your grandpa live ______ in the country?—Yes. So I often go to visit him so that he won’t feel ______. ()[单选题] *A. alone; aloneB. lonely; lonelyC. lonely; aloneD. alone; lonely(正确答案)6、Galileo was ____ Italian physicist and astronomer who invented _____ telescope. [单选题] *A. a, aB. the, theC. an, aD. an, the(正确答案)7、( ) What other books have you read___ this English novel? [单选题] *A. besides(正确答案)B. exceptC.inD. about8、The organization came into being in 1 [单选题] *A. 开始策划B. 进行改组C. 解散D. 成立于(正确答案)9、25.A watch is important in our life. It is used for ______ the time. [单选题] * A.telling (正确答案)B.sayingC.speakingD.holding10、You must pay more attention to your pronunciation. [单选题] *A. 词汇B. 拼写C. 发音(正确答案)D. 语法11、How can I _______ the nearest supermarket? [单选题] *A. get offB. get upC. get to(正确答案)D. get on12、—Where did you get the book?—From my friend. I ______ it three days ago. ()[单选题] *A. lentB. borrowed(正确答案)C. keptD. returned13、—Judging from ____ number of bikes, there are not many people in the party.—I think so. People would rather stay at home in such _____ weather. [单选题] *A. the, aB. a, /C. the, /(正确答案)D. a, a14、Which do you enjoy to spend your weekend, fishing or shopping? [单选题] *China'shigh-speed railways _________ from 9,000 to 25,000 kilometers in the past fewyears.A. are growing(正确答案)B. have grownC. will growD. had grown15、52.I'm happy to ________ a birthday card from an old friend. [单选题] *A.buyB.makeC.loseD.receive(正确答案)16、At nine yesterday morning, I ______ an English class while they ______ a PE class.()[单选题] *A. was having; were having(正确答案)B. had; hadC. was having; hadD. had; were having17、This kind of work _______ skills and speed. [单选题] *A. looks forB. waits forC. calls for(正确答案)D. cares for18、______! It’s not the end of the world. Let’s try it again.()[单选题] *A. Put upB. Set upC. Cheer up(正确答案)D. Pick up19、He _______ walks to school, because he lives near school. [单选题] *A. sometimes(正确答案)B. neverC. doesn’tD. don’t20、There _______ some milk in the glass. [单选题] *A. is(正确答案)B. areC. haveD. has21、8.—Will she have a picnic next week?—________. And she is ready. [单选题] * A.Yes, she doesB.No, she doesn'tC.Yes, she will(正确答案)D.No, she won't22、My friend and classmate Selina()running in her spare time. [单选题] *A.likeB. likes (正确答案)C. is likedD. is liking23、I hope Tom will arrive _______ to attend the meeting. [单选题] *A. in timesB. on time(正确答案)C. at timesD. from time to time24、35.Everyone in China ______ Mid-Autumn Day. [单选题] *A.likes(正确答案)B.likeC.is likingD.are like25、( ) The salesgirls in Xiushui Market have set a good example______us in learning English. [单选题] *A. to(正确答案)B. forC. withD. on26、Patrick bought her two handbags as gifts,but _____ of them was her style. [单选题] *A. eitherB. noneC. neither(正确答案)D. all27、Where have you _______ these days? [单选题] *A. been(正确答案)B. beC. isD. are28、It’s very hot. Please _______ your coat. [单选题] *A. look afterB. take off(正确答案)C. take onD. put on29、She _______ be here. [单选题] *A. is gladB. is so glad to(正确答案)C. am gladD. is to30、75.Why not________ for a walk? [单选题] * A.go out(正确答案)B.to go outC.going out D.goes out。
第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列题库中抽2个小题—Do you know where I can repair my motorcar?[答案]B.Around the street corner.—Haven't seen you forages.What are you busy doing now?[答案]C.I am working part time in a bookstore.—I think I have made a great mistake.[答案]C.I don't think so.It's not your fault._Over -the-top?You mean…[答案]A.Well,sometimes your co-workers feel that you are too loud.—Why didn't you come to my birthday party yesterday?[答案]B.Sorry,but my wife had a car accident.从下列选择题库中抽3个小题A child's character is greatly influenced by his home[答案]B.environmentAt a rough ,we will take another four weeks to finish this plan.[答案]A.estimateGood work good pay[答案]A.deservesLinda walked at the head, by her colleagues.[答案]A.followedMy leather shoes cost me _the last pairs I bought.[答案]C.three times as much asPlease ask the solicitor what his w ould be to take the case to court.[答案]B.feeThe workmen want to the number of working hours and to increase pay.[答案]B.decreaseThey have come to the conclusion this winter will be even colder than before.[答案]A.thatWendy suggests that we t omorrow.[答案]B.should goWithout his assistance.I the research last month.[答案]A.would not have completed第二大题:完形填空(阅读理解选择、判断、听力理解等)(共50分)从下列带★题库中抽其中1个试题!! !★阅读理解:根据文章内容,判断正误(共50分)。
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多选题1.Which of the following are characteristics of a high availability network?A Faults seldom occur.B Services can be quickly restored when a fault occurs.C Faults never occur.D Services can only be manually restored when a fault occurs.AB2.Which of the following statements about BFD control packets are true?A BFD control packet is encapsulated in a UDP packet for transmission.B BFD detection is not available in VRP 5.7C Echo packets use UDP destination port number 3784.D Echo packets use UDP destination port number 3785.ABC3.Which of the following statements about the BFD asynchronous mode are true?A The local system regularly send BFD control packets,and the remote system detects theBFD control packets sent from the local system.B The local system detects the BFD control packets sent by itself.C If one system does not receive any BFD packets from its peer within a detection period,itadvertises a session down event.D Each system confirms its connections with other systems in a particular method.After aBFD seeion is set up, BFD control packets are no longer sent .AC4.Which of the following statements about the BFD demand mode are true?A The local system regularly send BFD control packets,and the remote system detects theBFD control packets sent from the local systemB The local system detects the BFD control packets sent by itself.C If one system does not receive any BFD packets from its peer within a detection period,itadvertises a session down event.D Each system confirms its connections with other systems in a particular method.After aBFD seeion is set up, BFD control packets are no longer sent .BD5.Which of the following statements about the BFD echo function are true?A The local system sends a series of BFD Echo packets,and the remote system loops thepackets back through its forwarding channel.B If the local system does not receive several consecutive Echo packets,it advertises asession down event.C The echo function can work together with the asynchronous or demand detection mode.D The echo function can take the place of fault detection by sending BFD control packets. ABCD6.Which of the following statements about a smart link group are true?A Smart link group consists of a maximum of two interfaces,where there are twointerfaces,one is an active interface,and the other a standby interface.B Of the two interface in a smart link group,one is active,and the other is standby.C when an active interface goes down,the Smart link group automatically blocks it andchanges the status of the standby interface to active.D when an active interface recovers,the standby interface is blocked and traffic is switchedback to the active interface.ABC7.Which of the following statements about Flush packets in a smart link group are true?A A smart link group sends flush packets to instruct other devices to update the addresstable.B Flush packets use IEEE 802.3 encapsulation.C The destination MAC address of Fulsh packets is an unknown unicast address,which isused to distinguish protocols.D The destination MAC address of flush packets is a special multicast address,which is usedto distinguish protocols.ABC8.When links are switched in a smart link group, which of the following mechanisms can beused to refresh MAC and ARP entries?A MAC and ARP entries are refreshed automatically with respect to traffic.B The smart link group uses a new link to send flush packets.C MAC entries are refreshed after the aging time expires.D ARP entries are refreshed after the aging time expires.ABC9.Which of the following statements about link aggregation are true?A link aggregation binds a group of physical interfaces together as a logical interface toincrease the bandwidth and reliability.B Link aggregation complies with IEEE 802.3ah.C The logical link formed by bundling multiple physical links together is called a linkaggregation group (LAG) or a trunk.D Active and inactive interfaces exist in link aggregation,Active interfaces forward data,whereas inactive interfaces do not.ABCD10.Which of the following statements about link aggregation are true?A Link aggregation can be performed in manual load balancing or LACP mode.in manualloading balancing mode,LACP is disabled:in LACP mode,LACP is enabled.B In manual load balancing mode,all active member interfaces forward data and performload balancing.C In static LACP mode,the creation of the Eth-Trunk and the addition of member interfacesto the Eth-Trunk are perfaormed pared with link aggregation in manual load balancing mode,active interfaces in static LACP mode are seleted by sending LACP data units(LACPDUs).D Indynamic LACP mode,the creation of the Eth-Trunk,the addition of memberinterfaces,and the selection of active interfaces are performed based on LACP negotiation. ABCD11.Which of the following statements about LACP are true?A It complies with IEEE 802.3ad.B A device enabled with LACP exchanges link Aggregation Control protocol data Units(LACPDUs) with its peer.C Devices at both ends determine the active interface according to the interface priority ofthe active device.ABC12.Which of the following reliability designs are related to routers?A Reliability design of the system and hardwareB Reliability design of the softwareC Reliability test authenticationD Reliability design of the IP networkABCD13.Which of the following can speed up OSPF fast convergence?A Configuring dynamic BFD for OSPFB Adjusting the interval at which OSPF calculation is performedC Configuring the interval at which an LSA are retransmittedD Configuring the maximum number of external LSAs in the LSDBAB14.When the GR restarter performs the active/standby switchover, the neighbor performs whichof the following perations when detecting that a TCP disconnection?A Keeping the routing tables of various address families advertised by the GR Restarterduring negotiation,marking entries in these tables with stale tags,and starting a stale timer.B Starting a restart timer.C Clearing all routing entries and forwarding entries related to the GR restarter if the GRrestarter fails to re-establish the BGP connection with the neighbor after the restart timer expires.D Remaining the neighbor relationship unchanged.15.Which of the following statements about the reliability requirement level are true?A Faults seldom occur in the system software or hardware.B System functions are not affected by faults.C System functions are affected by faults but can rapidly recover.D System functions can be ensured by using redundancy design,switchover policy,and highsuccess rate in switchover.ABCD16.Which of the following are end-to-end link protection modes?A 1:1B M:NC N:1D 1+1ABD17.On a BGP/MPLS IPv4 VPN,OSPF,LDP,and static routes are configured.which of the followingprotocols need to be enabled with GR to achieve NSF on PEs?A OSPFB MPLS LDPC BGPD Static routesABC18.Which of the following statements about BFD are true?A It cannot be used to detect MPLS networks.B It provides low-load and short-duration detection for paths between adjacent forwardingengines.C It provides a unified mechanism for detecting all types of media and BFD-supportingprotocols.D It is a bidirectional detection mechanism.BCD19.Which of the following statements about the setup of a BFD session are true?A A BFD session can be set up in either static or dynamic mode.B A static BFD session is set up by manually configuring BFD session parameters anddelivering requests for setting up a BFD session. BFD session parameters include the local and remote discriminators.C A dynamic BFD session is set up by dynamically allocating local discriminators.D Static and dynamic BFD session are not differentiated.ABC20.Which of the following statements are correct regarding OSPF Router LSA?A Every router running OSPF must generate Router LSA.B In broadcast and NBMA network,only DROther generates Router LSA.C Router LSA describes link states of the router in area.D Router LSA is flooded in the whole AS.AC21.Which of the following statements are correct regarding Network LSA in OSPF network?A Network LSA is generated by ABR.B only the router which connects NBMA or Broadcast Network may generate network LSA.C DR uses network LSA to describe routers that have established adjacency relation with itin the network.D Network LSA is flooded in the whole AS.BC22.Which type of LSA is only used to calculate external route?A Type 1B Type 2C Type 3D Type 4E Type 5DE23.Which of the following are OSPF packet type?A LSAB LS requestC LSPD LS UpdateE LS ackBDE24.Which of the following elements together uniquely identify a LSA?A LS typeB Link state IDC Advertising RouterD LS Sequence numberABC25.Which of the following statements are correct regarding how OSPF detects old and duplicateLSAs?A The smaller the sequence number,the more recent the LSA,B The smaller the LS age,the more recent the LSA.C When router generates a new LSA at the first time,it will use 0x80000001 as thesequence number.D An LSA can be flushed from routing domain by setting its LSA age to Maxage.BCD26.Which of the following statements are correct regarding intra-area route calculation of OSPF?A Every OSPF router only uses one Router LSA to describe local active link state for onearea.B Every OSPF uses more than one Router LSA to describe local active link state for one area.C One Router LSA Only describes one linkD One Router LSA describes more than one linkAD27.In OSPF protocol,which of the following elements are used to describe one link?A Link IDB DataC TypeD MetricABCD28.In OSPF protocol,which of the following elements are used by network LSA to describebroadcast network segment or NBMA network segment?A LINK IDB Net maskC Attached Router listD MetricABC29.Which of the connection types that Router LSA can describe?A Point-to-pointB StubC transitD Virtual linkABCD30.In OSPF, which of the following statements are incorrect regarding Router LSA generated byRouter A?A In point-to-point link type, Data is set to the interface IP address of RouterA.B In TransNet link type,Data is set to the interface IP address of RouterA.C In StubNet link type,Data is set to the interface IP address of RouterA.D In Virtual link type,Data is set to the Router ID of RouterA.CD31.In OSPF protocol,which of the following elements are used by network LSA to describebroadcast network segment or NBMA network segment?A Link IDB Net maskC Attached Router listD MetricABC32.Which of the connection types that Router LSA can describe?A Point-to-pointB StubC TransitD Virtual linkABCD33.In OSPF area,RTA and RTB interconnect through FE interface.which of the followingcommands can be used to configure the link cost between RTA and RTB as 10?A Use commed ospf cost 10 on two routersB Use commed ospf cost 5 on two routersC Use commed bandwidth-reference 500 on two routers to change bandwidth-referencevalueD use command bandwidth-reference 1000 on two routers to change bandwidth-reference AD34.In OSPF protocol,which of the following statements are incorrect regarding link ID of RouterLSA?A in point-to-point link type,link ID is the neighbor’s interface IP address.B In TransNet link type,link ID is the network address of TransNet network segment.C In StubNet link type,link ID is the network address of Stub network.D In virtual link typemlink ID is the neighbor’s Router ID of virtual link.AB35.Which of the following statements are correct regarding how OSPF detects old and duplicateLSAs?A The smaller the sequence number,the more recent the LSA.B The smaller the LS age,the more recent the LSA.C When router generates a new LSA at the first time.it will use 0x80000001 as thesequence number.D An LSA can be flushed from routing domain by setting its LSA age to Maxage.BCD36.OSPF uses SPF algorithm to calculate SPF tree according to topology.which of the followingstatements are correct regarding SPF tree node?A The node on SPF tree indicates router and port.B There are two types of SPF tree node; Transit node and Stub node.C The router node on SPF tree is one type of Stub nodes.D The router node on SPF tree is one type of Transit nodes.BD37.What kind of the BGP attributes does AS-Path attribute belong to ?A MandatoryB TransitiveC OptionalD Non-transitiveAB38.Which of the following statements are correct regarding BGP attribute?A Till now,there are 16 BGP attributesB BGP attribute can be extended to 256 typesC Well-know discretionary attribute may not be included in each BGP update message,suchas Origin attributeD AS_PATH is an Optional Transitive attributeAB39.Which of the following statements belong to BGP COMMUNTY attribute?A NO_EXPORTB NO_ADVIERTISEC LOCAL_EXPORT_SUBCONFEDD NO_BROADCASTABC40.Which of the BGP attributes are Well-known mandatory attributes?A ORIGINB AS_PATHC NEXT_HOPD MEDE LOCAL_PREFF COMMUNITYABC41.Which of the attributes must exist in the BGP Update messages?A LOCAL_PREFB NEXT-HOPC ORIGIND AS_PATHBCD42.Which of the attributes may affect BGP Route Selection?A NEXT_HOPB AS_PATHC LOCAL_PREFD CLUSTER_IDABCD43.Which of the following can be used for BGP route selection?A ACLB IP-PREFIXC AS-PATH-FILTERD COMMUNITY-FILTERABCD44.Which of the following statements about comparison between ACL and IP-PREFIX are true?A Both ACL and IP-PREFIX can be used for route filteringB Both ACL and IP-PREFIX can be used for data packet filteringC ACL can be used for data packet filtering and route filtering,but IP-PREFIX can only beused for route filteringD IP-PREFIX can be used for data packet filtering and route filtering,but ACL can only beused for route filteringAC45.Which of the following statements about ACL type are true?A ACL consists of basic ACL,advanced ACL and interface-based ACLB ACL ranging from 2000 to 2999 belongs to advanced ACLC ACL ranging from 3000 to 3999 belongs to advanced ACLD Advanced ACL can be used to match either destination address or source addressACD46.Which of the following can only be used for BGP route selection?A ACLB IP-PREFIXC AS-PATH-FILTERD COMMUNITY-FILTERCD47.Which of the following statements about VLSM characteristics are true?A VLSM supports both IPv4 and IPv6B VLSM supports overlapped address ranges.C VLSM provides more proper route summarization information in the routing table.D VLSM allows a subnet to be divided into smaller subnets.CD48.Which of the following IP address are network addresses?A are the advantages of subnet division?A Isolating broadcast trafficB Improving network QosC Increasing the IP address usageD Improving network reliabilityAC50.Assume that the subnet mask is,which of the following addresses are validhost addresses?A of the following addresses can be used on a public network?A of the following rules should a network administrator obey when the networkadministrator uses the VLSM technology to plan subnets?A A subnet is composed of all summarized routes.B A subnet can address a host or be further subnetted.C The update message of a routing protocol in use must carry subnet mask information.D The summarized networks must have the same high-order bit.BCD53.Which of the following statements about OSPF authentication are false?A Entering a password in cipher text is allowedB The ospf authentication-mode md5 1 huawei command and the ospfauthentication-mode md5 1 plain Huawei command have the same function.C If passwords are configured for both an area and an interface,the password configuredfor the area is used.D The ospf authentication-mode simple Huawei command and the ospfauthentication-mode simple plain Huawei command have the same function.BC54.Which of the following statements about route summary are true?A advertise is the default parameter of the abr-summary comman,IF neither advertise nornot-advertise is specified in the abr-summary command,advertise is used.B not-advertise is the default parameter of the abr-summary command,If neither advertisenor not-advertise is specified in the abr-summary command,not-advertise is used.C The abr-summary command is run in the OSPF viewD The asbr-summary command is run in the OSPF view.AD55.What are the OSPF message types?A HelloB Database DescriptionC Link state RequestD Link state UpdateE Link state AckABCDE56.What are possible causes for a failure in the establishment of an OSPF neighbor relationship?A Router IDs conflictB Area IDs are mismatchedC Network masks are inconsistentD Authentication types and authentication passwords are inconsistentABCD57.Which statements about OSPF packets are true?A Hello packets can be sent after OSPF is enabled on an interface.B LS Request packets are sent only after an adjacency is established.C LS Update packets contain detailed LSA information for LSDB synchronization.D LS Update packets are sent only after an adjacency is established.ABC58.Which of the following statements about state transition are true?A The neighbor state machine transitions from the loading state to the full state if aloadingdone event occursB The neighbor state machine transitions from the Exstart state to the Full state if aNegotiationdone event occursC The neighbor state machine transitions from the Exchange state to the full state if anExchangedone event occursD The neighbor state machine transitions from the Exchange state to the loading state if anExchangedone event occurs.ACD59.Which of the following statements are true?A The neighbor state machine can transition from the Down state to the attempt stateB The neighbor state machine can transition from the Down state to the init stateC The neighbor state machine can transition from the init state to the Exstart stateD The neighbor state machine can transition from the init state to the 2-way stateABCD60.Which of the following LSAs are flooded within a single area?A Router LSAB Network LSAC Summary LSAD AS External LSAABC61.Which of the following statements about an AS-External-LSA are true?A The Link State ID field specifies the network segment address for an advertiseddestination.B The Advertising Router field specifies the Router ID of an ASBR.C The Net mask field specifies the network mask of an advertised.D The link state ID and Advertising Router fields are used together to uniquely identify anAS-External-LSA.ABC62.Which of the following statements are true?A An LSDB uses a directed graph to show a network topology.The graph contains threeelements:routers,Stub networks,and transit network.B A broadcast network or an NBMA network,each having two or more routers,is a Transitnetwork.C The default value of bandwidth-reference is 10M.D The cost of the route from a Transit network to an attached router is 0.ABD63.Which of the following statements are false?A An ASBR-Summary-LSA describes the route to an ASBR and is flooded within an AS.B An ASE-LSA describes the route to an external AS and is flooded to an external ASC An AS-External-LSA does not belong to any specific area.D The metric of a Type-1 external route is the AS external metric only.ABD64.Which parameters are optional for configuring a BGP peer?A IP addressB DescriptionC PasswordD AS-numberBC65.Which types of packets are supported by BGP?A HelloB NotificationC UpdateD Route-refreshBCD66.Which methods can be used to import local routes to BGP?A Run the network commandB Receive routes from peersC Run the summary automatic commandD Run the import command.AD67.BGP is an inter-AS routing protocol,which statements about BGP are true?A BGP adopts a reliable transmission protocol.B BGP supports automatic peer discovery.C BGP supports incremental route update.D BGP supports various routing policies.ACD68.Which statements about prerequisites to establishing a BGP peer relationship are true?A BGP peers have been manually configured.B A TCP connection has been established between two neighboring routers.C BGP peers have exchanged routing information.D MD5 authentication has been configured on BGP peers.AB69.Which statements about BGP route advertisement are true?A ALL BGP routes learned from BGP peers are advertised to other BGP peers.B Only the routes learned from an IGP are advertised to other BGP peers.C By default,the routes learned from IBGP peers are not advertised to other IBGP peers.D Only the optimal routes are advertised to other BGP peers.CD70.Which of the following conditions must be met for importing routes to BGP by using thenetwork command?A The routes are optimal in the ip routing table.B The routes do not need to match the specified mask length.C The routes match the specified mask lengthD The routes are IGP routes.AC71.Which statements about the AS number range are true?A If 2-byte AS numbers are supported,a private AS number ranges from 32768 to 65535.B IF 2-byte AS numbers are supported,a private AS number ranges from 64512 to 65535.C IF 2-byte AS numbers are supported,an AS number ranges from 1 to 65535.D If 4-byte AS numbers are supported.a 4-byte AS number is in the X.Y format.Here”X”and“y” are integers ranging from 1 to 65535 and 0 to 65535 respectively.BCD72.A notification message with Error Code 2 indicates an error OPEN message.which of thefollowing error sub-codes can be contained in this OPEN message?A 1: indicates that the version number is not supported.B 2: indicates that the AS of the peer is incorrect.C 3: indicates that the BGP identifier is incorrect.D 4: indicates that the Optional parameters filed is not supported.ABCD73.Which parameters are carried in a BGP Open message?A Local AS numberB BGP IDC Keepalive timerD Holder timerE Current peer statusABD74.Which commands are relevant to a BGP route reflector?A peer reflect-clientB reflect between-clientsC reflector cluster-idD rr-filterABCD75.Which statements about the process of establishing a BGP peer relationship are true?A There may by two TCP connections during the establishment of the BGP peerrelationship.B IF two TCP connections are established between BGP peers,one connection functions asthe primary connection,and the other as the backup connection.C IF two TCP connections are established between BGP peers,one TCP connection is torndown.D IF there are multiple TCP connections between BGP peers,BGP keeps the TCP connectioninitiated by the peer with a greater BGP router ID.ACD76.Which statements about BGP route reflection are true?A IBGP peers must be fully connected in absence of a route reflector(RR),The BGP routereflection mechanism is introduced to lower the requirement.B After learning routes from a non-client,a route reflector(RR) advertises these routes to allclients.C After learning routes from a client,an RR advertises these routes to all clients andnon-clients.D After learning routes from an EBGP peer,an RR advertises these routes to all clients andnon-clients.ABCD77.In a route-policy,which BGP attributes can be invoked by if-match clauses?A Local-PreferenceB AS-PathC MEDD CommunityBCD78.In a route-policy,which BGP attributes can be used to define apply clauses?A Local-PreferenceB TagC OriginD AS-PathACD79.Which BGP attributes are optional in a BGP update packet?A OriginB NexthopC Local-PreferenceD MEDCD80.Which statements about BGP well-known mandatory attributes are true?A Well-known mandatory attributes must be identified by all BGP routers.B Well-known mandatory attributes must be transmitted between BGP peers.C Well-known mandatory attributes are optional in an Update packet,and can be carried inan Update packet as needed.D Well-known mandatory attributes must be carried in an Update packet.ABD81.in OSPF,which of the following statements are incorrect regarding Router LSA generated byRouter A?A In point-to-point link type,data is set to the interface IP address of RouterA.B In transNet link type, data is set to the interface IP address of RouterA.C In StubNet link type,data is set to the interface IP address of RouterA.D In Virtual link type, data is set to the Router ID of RouterA.CD82.which attributes are well-known community attributes?A NO_EXPORT (0xFFFFFF01)B NO_ADVERTISE(0xFFFFFF02)C NO_EXPORT_SUBCONFEDD AS(2Byte):Number(2Byte)ABC83.which statements about BGP route selection rules are true?A BGP first ignores routes with unreachable next hops.B A summarized route takes precedence over a non-summarized route.C EBGP routes take precedence over IBGP routes.D IF other conditions of routes are the same,the route with the shortest cluster_list ispreferred.ABCD84.which BGP attributes can be used to prevent routing loops?A originator_IDB AggregatorC Cluster_listD AS-PathACD85.which of the following BGP routing policies can be used to filter routes?A ip-prefixB route-policyC as-path-filerD community-filterABCD86.which attributes meet the following two conditions:(1)A BGP router (Router A)can choosewhether to carry this attribute in an update packet.(2) If a receiving router(Router B )cannot identify this attribute,this router can advertise this attribute to another BGP router (RouterC).Router C may be able to identify and use this attribute.A AggregatorB Local_prefC multi_exit_discD CommunityAD87.which of the following route selection tools can be used only in BGP?A Route-policyB IP-prefixC AS-path-filterD Community-filterCD88.which of the following routing protocols support import-route?A OSPFB RIPC BGPABC89.which of the following routes match this ACL filter? Acl number 2001 rule 0 permit source1.1.1.0 of the following route prefixes match this IP-prefix-filter? IP ip-prefix test index 10permit 16 greater-equal 24 less-equal 28A route selection tool may have several Items defined,to which of following tools will thesystem automatically add a deny-any item following all the configured items?A ACLB IP-prefixC AS-path-filterD community-filterABCD92.which of the following as-path attributes does not match this AS-path-filter? IpAS-path-filter 1 permit 100(_100)*(_400)*$A 100B 100 200 400C 100 400D 100 400 400 400B93.which of the following methods are supported by OSPF for delivering default routes?A Delivery by an ABRB Delivery by an ASBRC Forcible deliveryD Non-forcible deliveryABCD94.which of the following scenarios can an AS-path-filter be used for?A Filtering the routes received from a BGP peer based on the as-path attributes of theroutes,for example,peer X.X.X.X as-path-filter importB Filtering the routes sent to a BGP peer based on the as-path attributes of the routes,forexample,peer X.X.X.X as-path-filter exportC Apply clauses in a route-policyD IF-match clauses in a route-policyABD95.which of the following protocols support default route advertisement by using commands?A RIPB OSPFC BGP。