这台是在卡坛上卖的,价格:78000中道1000卡座sony ka7es / Nakamichi zx9 / REVOX / STUDER卡座好SONY TC-KA7ES 机芯SONY TC-K555ESJTC-K555ESJ黑色(2600)SONY银色重量级落地窗卡座TC-K777玩卡座最好不要两头的,不要双卡的,不要双向的。
狗仔的931是其顶级原装日产机A&D公司的前身是AKAI(赤井电机)87年AKAI和diatone(三菱电机的子公司的专业做音箱的)合拼于是成立了新的牌子由AKAI变为A&D.因为营销操作的关系,在海外市场牌子仍然是AKAI.而在日本销售的牌子是A&D91009100EV9100EX9100EX9100机芯AKAI机芯的局部加油有关卡座的评测1、akai gx-9100ex是93年stereo sound 排行榜的老二,第一是sony 的555esg2、9100及9100EX,差别的确只是在电源部份作了加强而已,就是供电走线要比9100好一些,所以交流噪声要小点。
4、磁头信号放大电路也不同:9100/9100EX放音部分为分立件非对称非平衡放大电路+MITSUBISHI M5238(J-FET输入)双运放放大,放音声场透明度高,细节丰富;9100EV放音部分为分立件全对称平衡放大电路MITSUBISHI M5238P(J-FET输入)双运放放大,其音频电路及排版与前面两者几乎完全不同。
95MKII放音部分也是平衡放大电路,但其核心元件只是两只JRC NJM4580DD双运放。
5、 9100是110V的,但改220V很容易,只要调换一下接线位置就行;9100是AKAI的顶级机,但555ESL上面的机器还有一大摞6、答案早就有了:9100EX>9100>9100EV但是9100EV的杜比芯片较新,性能好些。
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ADAM Audio团队目录页祝贺您! 1目录 21. 重要安全说明 32. T系列简介 53. 优化放置您的监听音箱 74. 后面板特性 115. 音响设备的连接和级别设置 126. 在后面板上使用HF和LF开关 137. 故障排除 158. 维护保养 169. 运输 1610. 环境信息 1711. E U符合性声明 1712. 保修条款 1813. 技术数据 19在安装设置您的音箱系统前,请阅读以下安全须知,并把这些安全须知作为您以后使用的参考依据。
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Airport Handling ManualEffective 1 January—31 December 201838NOTICEDISCLAIMER. The information contained in thispublication is subject to constant review in the lightof changing government requirements and regula-tions. No subscriber or other reader should act onthe basis of any such information without referringto applicable laws and regulations and/or withouttak ing appropriate professional advice. Althoughevery effort has been made to ensure accuracy, theInternational Air Transport Association shall not beheld responsible for any loss or damage caused byerrors, omissions, misprints or misinterpretation ofthe contents hereof. Furthermore, the InternationalAir Transport Association expressly disclaims anyand all liability to any person or entity, whether apurchaser of this publication or not, in respect ofanything done or omitted, and the consequencesof anything done or omitted, by any such person orentity in reliance on the contents of this publication.Opinions expressed in advertisements appearing inthis publication are the advertiser’s opinions and donot necessarily reflect those of IATA. The mentionof specific companies or products in advertisementdoes not imply that they are endorsed or recom-mended by IATA in preference to others of a simi-lar nature which are not mentioned or advertised.© International Air Transport Association. AllRights Reserved. No part of this publication maybe reproduced, recast, reformatted or trans-mitted in any form by any means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopying, record-ing or any information storage and retrieval sys-tem, without the prior written permission from:Senior Vice PresidentAirport, Passenger, Cargo and SecurityInternational Air Transport Association800 Place VictoriaP.O. Box 113Montreal, QuebecCANADA H4Z 1M1Airport Handling ManualMaterial No.: 9343-38ISBN 978-92-9229-505-9© 2017 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved.TABLE OF CONTENTSPage Preface (xv)Introduction (xvii)General (1)AHM001Chapter0—Record of Revisions (1)AHM011Standard Classification and Numbering for Members Airport Handling Manuals (2)AHM012Office Function Designators for Airport Passenger and Baggage Handling (30)AHM020Guidelines for the Establishment of Airline Operators Committees (31)AHM021Guidelines for Establishing Aircraft Ground Times (34)AHM050Aircraft Emergency Procedures (35)AHM070E-Invoicing Standards (53)Chapter1—PASSENGER HANDLING (91)AHM100Chapter1—Record of Revisions (91)AHM110Involuntary Change of Carrier,Routing,Class or Type of Fare (92)AHM112Denied Boarding Compensation (98)AHM120Inadmissible Passengers and Deportees (99)AHM140Items Removed from a Passenger's Possession by Security Personnel (101)AHM141Hold Loading of Duty-Free Goods (102)AHM170Dangerous Goods in Passenger Baggage (103)AHM176Recommendations for the Handling of Passengers with Reduced Mobility(PRM) (105)AHM176A Acceptance and Carriage of Passengers with Reduced Mobility(PRM) (106)AHM180Carriage of Passengers with Communicable Diseases (114)AHM181General Guidelines for Passenger Agents in Case of SuspectedCommunicable Disease (115)Chapter2—BAGGAGE HANDLING (117)AHM200Chapter2—Record of Revisions (117)AHM210Local Baggage Committees (118)AHM211Airport Operating Rules (124)Airport Handling ManualPageChapter2—BAGGAGE HANDLING(continued)AHM212Interline Connecting Time Intervals—Passenger and Checked Baggage (126)AHM213Form of Interline Baggage Tags (128)AHM214Use of the10Digit Licence Plate (135)AHM215Found and Unclaimed Checked Baggage (136)AHM216On-Hand Baggage Summary Tag (138)AHM217Forwarding Mishandled Baggage (139)AHM218Dangerous Goods in Passengers'Baggage (141)AHM219Acceptance of Firearms and Other Weapons and Small Calibre Ammunition (142)AHM221Acceptance of Power Driven Wheelchairs or Other Battery Powered Mobility Aidsas Checked Baggage (143)AHM222Passenger/Baggage Reconciliation Procedures (144)AHM223Licence Plate Fallback Sortation Tags (151)AHM224Baggage Taken in Error (154)AHM225Baggage Irregularity Report (156)AHM226Tracing Unchecked Baggage and Handling Damage to Checked and UncheckedBaggage (159)AHM230Baggage Theft and Pilferage Prevention (161)AHM231Carriage of Carry-On Baggage (164)AHM232Handling of Security Removed Items (168)AHM240Baggage Codes for Identifying ULD Contents and/or Bulk-Loaded Baggage (169)Chapter3—CARGO/MAIL HANDLING (171)AHM300Chapter3—Record of Revisions (171)AHM310Preparation for Loading of Cargo (172)AHM311Securing of Load (174)AHM312Collection Sacks and Bags (177)AHM320Handling of Damaged Cargo (178)AHM321Handling of Pilfered Cargo (179)AHM322Handling Wet Cargo (180)AHM330Handling Perishable Cargo (182)AHM331Handling and Protection of Valuable Cargo (184)AHM332Handling and Stowage of Live Animals (188)AHM333Handling of Human Remains (190)Table of ContentsPageChapter3—CARGO/MAIL HANDLING(continued)AHM340Acceptance Standards for the Interchange of Transferred Unit Load Devices (191)AHM345Handling of Battery Operated Wheelchairs/Mobility AIDS as Checked Baggage (197)AHM350Mail Handling (199)AHM351Mail Documents (203)AHM353Handling of Found Mail (218)AHM354Handling of Damaged Mail (219)AHM355Mail Security (220)AHM356Mail Safety (221)AHM357Mail Irregularity Message (222)AHM360Company Mail (224)AHM380Aircraft Documents Stowage (225)AHM381Special Load—Notification to Captain(General) (226)AHM382Special Load—Notification to Captain(EDP Format and NOTOC Service) (231)AHM383Special Load—Notification to Captain(EDP NOTOC Summary) (243)AHM384NOTOC Message(NTM) (246)Chapter4—AIRCRAFT HANDLING AND LOADING (251)AHM400Chapter4—Record of Revisions (251)AHM411Provision and Carriage of Loading Accessories (252)AHM420Tagging of Unit Load Devices (253)AHM421Storage of Unit Load Devices (263)AHM422Control of Transferred Unit Load Devices (268)AHM423Unit Load Device Stock Check Message (273)AHM424Unit Load Device Control Message (275)AHM425Continued Airworthiness of Unit Load Devices (279)AHM426ULD Buildup and Breakdown (283)AHM427ULD Transportation (292)AHM430Operating of Aircraft Doors (295)AHM431Aircraft Ground Stability—Tipping (296)AHM440Potable Water Servicing (297)AHM441Aircraft Toilet Servicing (309)Airport Handling ManualPageChapter4—AIRCRAFT HANDLING AND LOADING(continued)AHM450Standardisation of Gravity Forces against which Load must be Restrained (310)AHM451Technical Malfunctions Limiting Load on Aircraft (311)AHM453Handling/Bulk Loading of Heavy Items (312)AHM454Handling and Loading of Big Overhang Items (313)AHM455Non CLS Restrained ULD (316)AHM460Guidelines for Turnround Plan (323)AHM462Safe Operating Practices in Aircraft Handling (324)AHM463Safety Considerations for Aircraft Movement Operations (337)AHM465Foreign Object Damage(FOD)Prevention Program (340)Chapter5—LOAD CONTROL (343)AHM500Chapter5—Record of Revisions (343)AHM501Terms and Definitions (345)AHM503Recommended Requirements for a New Departure Control System (351)AHM504Departure Control System Evaluation Checklist (356)AHM505Designation of Aircraft Holds,Compartments,Bays and Cabin (362)AHM510Handling/Load Information Codes to be Used on Traffic Documents and Messages (368)AHM513Aircraft Structural Loading Limitations (377)AHM514EDP Loading Instruction/Report (388)AHM515Manual Loading Instruction/Report (404)AHM516Manual Loadsheet (416)AHM517EDP Loadsheet (430)AHM518ACARS Transmitted Loadsheet (439)AHM519Balance Calculation Methods (446)AHM520Aircraft Equipped with a CG Targeting System (451)AHM530Weights for Passengers and Baggage (452)AHM531Procedure for Establishing Standard Weights for Passengers and Baggage (453)AHM533Passengers Occupying Crew Seats (459)AHM534Weight Control of Load (460)AHM536Equipment in Compartments Procedure (461)AHM537Ballast (466)Table of ContentsPageChapter5—LOAD CONTROL(continued)AHM540Aircraft Unit Load Device—Weight and Balance Control (467)AHM550Pilot in Command's Approval of the Loadsheet (468)AHM551Last Minute Changes on Loadsheet (469)AHM561Departure Control System,Carrier's Approval Procedures (471)AHM562Semi-Permanent Data Exchange Message(DEM) (473)AHM564Migration from AHM560to AHM565 (480)AHM565EDP Semi-Permanent Data Exchange for New Generation Departure Control Systems (500)AHM570Automated Information Exchange between Check-in and Load Control Systems (602)AHM571Passenger and Baggage Details for Weight and Balance Report(PWR) (608)AHM580Unit Load Device/Bulk Load Weight Statement (613)AHM581Unit Load Device/Bulk Load Weight Signal (615)AHM583Loadmessage (619)AHM587Container/Pallet Distribution Message (623)AHM588Statistical Load Summary (628)AHM590Load Control Procedures and Loading Supervision Responsibilities (631)AHM591Weight and Balance Load Control and Loading Supervision Training and Qualifications (635)Chapter6—MANAGEMENT AND SAFETY (641)AHM600Chapter6—Record of Revisions (641)AHM610Guidelines for a Safety Management System (642)AHM611Airside Personnel:Responsibilities,Training and Qualifications (657)AHM612Airside Performance Evaluation Program (664)AHM615Quality Management System (683)AHM616Human Factors Program (715)AHM619Guidelines for Producing Emergency Response Plan(s) (731)AHM620Guidelines for an Emergency Management System (733)AHM621Security Management (736)AHM633Guidelines for the Handling of Emergencies Requiring the Evacuation of an Aircraft During Ground Handling (743)AHM650Ramp Incident/Accident Reporting (745)AHM652Recommendations for Airside Safety Investigations (750)AHM660Carrier Guidelines for Calculating Aircraft Ground Accident Costs (759)Airport Handling ManualChapter7—AIRCRAFT MOVEMENT CONTROL (761)AHM700Chapter7—Record of Revisions (761)AHM710Standards for Message Formats (762)AHM711Standards for Message Corrections (764)AHM730Codes to be Used in Aircraft Movement and Diversion Messages (765)AHM731Enhanced Reporting on ATFM Delays by the Use of Sub Codes (771)AHM780Aircraft Movement Message (774)AHM781Aircraft Diversion Message (786)AHM782Fuel Monitoring Message (790)AHM783Request Information Message (795)AHM784Gate Message (797)AHM785Aircraft Initiated Movement Message(MVA) (802)AHM790Operational Aircraft Registration(OAR)Message (807)Chapter8—GROUND HANDLING AGREEMENTS (811)AHM800Chapter8—Record of Revisions (811)AHM801Introduction to and Comments on IATA Standard Ground Handling Agreement(SGHA) (812)AHM803Service Level Agreement Example (817)AHM810IATA Standard Ground Handling Agreement (828)AHM811Yellow Pages (871)AHM813Truck Handling (872)AHM815Standard Transportation Documents Service Main Agreement (873)AHM817Standard Training Agreement (887)AHM830Ground Handling Charge Note (891)AHM840Model Agreement for Electronic Data Interchange(EDI) (894)Chapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS (911)AHM900Chapter9—Record of Revisions (911)AHM901Functional Specifications (914)AHM904Aircraft Servicing Points and System Requirements (915)AIRBUS A300B2320-/B4/C4 (917)A300F4-600/-600C4 (920)A310–200/200C/300 (926)A318 (930)A319 (933)Table of ContentsPageChapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS(continued) AHM904Aircraft Doors,Servicing Points and System Requirements for the Use of Ground Support Equipment(continued)A320 (936)A321 (940)A330-200F (943)A330-300 (948)A340-200 (951)A340-300 (955)A340-500 (959)A340-600 (962)Airbus350900passenger (965)AIRBUS A380-800/-800F (996)ATR42100/200 (999)ATR72 (1000)AVRO RJ70 (1001)AVRO RJ85 (1002)AVRO RJ100 (1003)B727-200 (1004)B737–200/200C (1008)B737-300,400,-500 (1010)B737-400 (1013)B737-500 (1015)B737-600,-700,-700C (1017)B737-700 (1020)B737-800 (1022)B737-900 (1026)B747–100SF/200C/200F (1028)B747–400/400C (1030)B757–200 (1038)B757–300 (1040)Airport Handling ManualPageChapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS(continued) AHM904Aircraft Doors,Servicing Points and System Requirements for the Use of Ground Support Equipment(continued)B767—200/200ER (1041)B767—300/300ER (1044)B767—400ER (1048)B777–200/200LR (1051)B777–300/300ER (1055)Boeing787800passenger (1059)BAe ATP(J61) (1067)Bombardier CS100 (1068)Bombardier CS300 (1072)CL-65(CRJ100/200) (1076)DC8–40/50F SERIES (1077)DC8–61/61F (1079)DC8–62/62F (1081)DC8–63/63F (1083)DC9–15/21 (1085)DC9–32 (1086)DC9–41 (1087)DC9–51 (1088)DC10–10/10CF (1089)DC10–30/40,30/40CF (1091)EMBRAER EMB-135Regional Models (1092)EMBRAER EMB-145Regional Models (1094)Embraer170 (1096)Embraer175 (1098)Embraer190 (1100)Embraer195 (1102)FOKKER50(F27Mk050) (1104)FOKKER50(F27Mk0502) (1106)Chapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS(continued) AHM904Aircraft Doors,Servicing Points and System Requirements for the Use of Ground Support Equipment(continued)FOKKER70(F28Mk0070) (1108)FOKKER100(F28Mk0100) (1110)FOKKER100(F28Mk0100) (1112)IL-76T (1114)MD-11 (1116)MD–80SERIES (1118)SAAB2000 (1119)SAAB SF-340 (1120)TU-204 (1122)AHM905Reference Material for Civil Aircraft Ground Support Equipment (1125)AHM905A Cross Reference of IATA Documents with SAE,CEN,and ISO (1129)AHM909Summary of Unit Load Device Capacity and Dimensions (1131)AHM910Basic Requirements for Aircraft Ground Support Equipment (1132)AHM911Ground Support Equipment Requirements for Compatibility with Aircraft Unit Load Devices (1136)AHM912Standard Forklift Pockets Dimensions and Characteristics for Forkliftable General Support Equipment (1138)AHM913Basic Safety Requirements for Aircraft Ground Support Equipment (1140)AHM914Compatibility of Ground Support Equipment with Aircraft Types (1145)AHM915Standard Controls (1147)AHM916Basic Requirements for Towing Vehicle Interface(HITCH) (1161)AHM917Basic Minimum Preventive Maintenance Program/Schedule (1162)AHM920Functional Specification for Self-Propelled Telescopic Passenger Stairs (1164)AHM920A Functional Specification for Towed Passenger Stairs (1167)AHM921Functional Specification for Boarding/De-Boarding Vehicle for Passengers withReduced Mobility(PRM) (1169)AHM922Basic Requirements for Passenger Boarding Bridge Aircraft Interface (1174)AHM923Functional Specification for Elevating Passenger Transfer Vehicle (1180)AHM924Functional Specification for Heavy Item Lift Platform (1183)AHM925Functional Specification for a Self-Propelled Conveyor-Belt Loader (1184)AHM925A Functional Specification for a Self-Propelled Ground Based in-Plane LoadingSystem for Bulk Cargo (1187)Chapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS(continued) AHM925B Functional Specification for a Towed Conveyor-Belt Loader (1190)AHM926Functional Specification for Upper Deck Catering Vehicle (1193)AHM927Functional Specification for Main Deck Catering Vehicle (1197)AHM930Functional Specification for an Upper Deck Container/Pallet Loader (1201)AHM931Functional Specification for Lower Deck Container/Pallet Loader (1203)AHM932Functional Specification for a Main Deck Container/Pallet Loader (1206)AHM933Functional Specification of a Powered Extension Platform to Lower Deck/Container/ Pallet Loader (1209)AHM934Functional Specification for a Narrow Body Lower Deck Single Platform Loader (1211)AHM934A Functional Specification for a Single Platform Slave Loader Bed for Lower DeckLoading Operations (1213)AHM936Functional Specification for a Container Loader Transporter (1215)AHM938Functional Specification for a Large Capacity Freighter and Combi Aircraft TailStanchion (1218)AHM939Functional Specification for a Transfer Platform Lift (1220)AHM941Functional Specification for Equipment Used for Establishing the Weight of aULD/BULK Load (1222)AHM942Functional Specification for Storage Equipment Used for Unit Load Devices (1224)AHM950Functional Specification for an Airport Passenger Bus (1225)AHM951Functional Specification for a Crew Transportation Vehicle (1227)AHM953Functional Specifications for a Valuable Cargo Vehicle (1229)AHM954Functional Specification for an Aircraft Washing Machine (1230)AHM955Functional Specification for an Aircraft Nose Gear Towbar Tractor (1232)AHM956Functional Specification for Main Gear Towbarless Tractor (1235)AHM957Functional Specification for Nose Gear Towbarless Tractor (1237)AHM958Functional Specification for an Aircraft Towbar (1240)AHM960Functional Specification for Unit Load Device Transport Vehicle (1242)AHM961Functional Specification for a Roller System for Unit Load Device Transportation on Trucks (1245)AHM962Functional Specification for a Rollerised Platform for the Transportation of Twenty Foot Unit Load Devices that Interfaces with Trucks Equipped to Accept Freight ContainersComplying with ISO668:1988 (1247)AHM963Functional Specification for a Baggage/Cargo Cart (1249)AHM965Functional Specification for a Lower Deck Container Turntable Dolly (1250)AHM966Functional Specification for a Pallet Dolly (1252)Chapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS(continued) AHM967Functional Specification for a Twenty Foot Unit Load Device Dolly (1254)AHM968Functional Specification for Ramp Equipment Tractors (1256)AHM969Functional Specification for a Pallet/Container Transporter (1257)AHM970Functional Specification for a Self-Propelled Potable Water Vehicle with Rear orFront Servicing (1259)AHM971Functional Specification for a Self-Propelled Lavatory Service Vehicle with Rear orFront Servicing (1262)AHM972Functional Specifications for a Ground Power Unit for Aircraft Electrical System (1265)AHM973Functional Specification for a Towed Aircraft Ground Heater (1269)AHM974Functional Specification for Aircraft Air Conditioning(Cooling)Unit (1272)AHM975Functional Specifications for Self-Propelled Aircraft De-Icing/Anti-Icing Unit (1274)AHM976Functional Specifications for an Air Start Unit (1278)AHM977Functional Specification for a Towed De-Icing/Anti-Icing Unit (1280)AHM978Functional Specification for a Towed Lavatory Service Cart (1283)AHM979Functional Specification for a Towed Boarding/De-Boarding Device for Passengers with Reduced Mobility(PRM)for Commuter-Type Aircraft (1285)AHM980Functional Specification for a Self-Propelled Petrol/Diesel Refueling Vehicle forGround Support Equipment (1287)AHM981Functional Specification for a Towed Potable Water Service Cart (1289)AHM990Guidelines for Preventative Maintenance of Aircraft Towbars (1291)AHM994Criteria for Consideration of the Investment in Ground Support Equipment (1292)AHM995Basic Unit Load Device Handling System Requirements (1296)AHM997Functional Specification for Sub-Freezing Aircraft Air Conditioning Unit (1298)Chapter10—ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR GROUND HANDLING OPERATIONS (1301)AHM1000Chapter10—Record of Revisions (1301)AHM1001Environmental Specifications for Ground Handling Operations (1302)AHM1002Environmental Impact on the Use of Ground Support Equipment (1303)AHM1003GSE Environmental Quality Audit (1305)AHM1004Guidelines for Calculating GSE Exhaust Emissions (1307)AHM1005Guidelines for an Environmental Management System (1308)Chapter11—GROUND OPERATIONS TRAINING PROGRAM (1311)AHM1100Chapter11—Record of Revisions (1311)AHM1110Ground Operations Training Program (1312)Appendix A—References (1347)Appendix B—Glossary (1379)Alphabetical List of AHM Titles (1387)IATA Strategic Partners..............................................................................................................................SP–1。
Typical Applications• Off-road, Construction/Agricultural vehicles • Material handling equipment • Articulating, scissor, and bucket lift controls• Outdoor industrial equipment• Lift gate controlsSpecificationsUL ELECTRICAL RATINGS: UL 61058-1MAINTAINED FUNCTIONS: 15A GP, 277VAC 50/60Hz T85 15(4)A, 277VAC 50/60Hz T85 1/2 hp, 125VAC 50/60Hz T85 1 hp, 250VAC 50/60Hz T85MOMENTARY FUNCTIONS: 10A GP, 277VAC 50/60Hz T85 10(4)A, 277VAC 50/60Hz T85 1/4hp, 125VAC 50/60Hz T85 1/2 hp, 250VAC 50/60Hz T85ELECTRICAL LIFE: 10,000 cycles DC ELECTRICAL RATINGS: Resistive Loads ALL FUNCTIONS: Up to 25A, 24VDC 0.75A, 125VDC0.5A, 250VDC MAINTAINED FUNCTIONS: 15A, 28VDC MOMENTARY FUNCTIONS: 10A, 28VDCDIELECTRIC STRENGTH: 2500V min. initial (terminal to toggle)INSULATION RESISTANCE: 1000 MΩ min. initialCONTACT RESISTANCE: 50 mΩ max. initial(terminal to toggle)OPERATING AND STORAGE TEMPERATURE: -40°C to +85°C IP RATINGS: IP66/IP68 VersatileTogglePT SeriesSealed Power Toggle SwitchFeatures/Benefits • IP66/IP68 versatile rating to withstand harsh outdoor environments, intense, wet weather, wind blown rain, dirt• U L 61058-1 certified has global acceptancewith no additional testing needed• Integrated panel seal for extraprotection• Superior oil and fuel resistance• High strength, heat resistant housingdesigned for demanding applications subject-ed to vibration and harsh conditions MaterialsCASE: Thermoset ACTUATOR: Stainless Steel PIVOT PIN: Stainless Steel BUSHING: Zinc Die Cast SEAL: SiliconeMOVEABLE CONTACT(S): Copper alloy, silver plated BUTTON: Silver CadmiumTERMINALS: Brass for Quick connect, silver platedbrass for solder and screw terminalsHARDWARE: Hex nut & locking ring: brass, nickel plated Screws: brass Lock washer: brass, nickel plated PACKAGING: TraysBuild-A-SwitchTo order, simply select desired option from each category and place in the appropriate box. Available options areshown and described on pages F-53 thru F-56. For additional options not shown in catalog, consult Customer Service Center.N E WT o g g l eDimensions are shown: mmSpecifications and dimensions subject to change22 Mar 2210FLATS21.324.332.315PT SeriesSealed Power Toggle SwitchE WToggleDimensions are shown: Inches (mm)Specifications and dimensions subject to change22 Mar 22PT SeriesSealed Power Toggle SwitchS STANDARDTERMINALSS SCREW TERMINALQ QUICK CONNECTE WT o g gleDimensions are shown: Inches (mm)Specifications and dimensions subject to change22 Mar 22PT SeriesSealed Power Toggle SwitchesZSOLDER TERMINAL SPE WMOUNTING HARDWAREPART NO.700302202 NIICKEL PLATED Note: Standard hardware shipped with each switch is 1 pc eachPART NO.707100201 NIICKEL PLATED PART NO.707200201 NIICKEL PLATED WITH KEYWAY。
YAMAHA S500音色和伴奏中英文对照表面板音色一览表Piano(钢琴)001. Live! Grand Piano 现场大钢琴002. Bright Piano 亮音钢琴003. Live! WarmGrand 现场温暖华丽004. Harpsichord 拨弦古钢琴005. GrandHarpsi 豪华古钢琴006. HonkyTonk 酒吧钢琴007. MidiGrand 华丽mini008. Oct.Piano1 八度音钢琴1009. Oct.Piano2 八度音钢琴2010. CP80 击弦电拾音钢琴E.Piano(电钢琴)001. Cool! GalaxyEP 超酷银河电钢琴002. Cool! SuitcaseEP 超酷便携电钢琴003. PolarisEP 北极星电钢琴004. JazzChorus 叠奏爵士005. HyperTines 超级泰因键盘006. Cool! E.Piano 超酷电钢琴007. PhaseEP 逐级电钢琴008. NewTines 新泰因键盘009. FunkEP 抑郁电钢琴010. DX Modern dx摩登电钢琴011. VintageEP 最佳电钢琴012. VenusEP 维纳斯电钢琴013. ModernEP 温和电钢琴014. TremoloEP 颤音电钢琴015. SuperDX 超级dx016. StageEP 舞台电钢琴017. Clavi 电翼琴018. WahClavi 沃尔电翼琴Organ(风琴)001. Cool! Organ 超酷风琴002. Cool! JazzOrgan 超酷爵士风琴003. Cool! RotorOrgan 超酷电驱风琴004. Cool! FullRocker 超酷醇厚摇滚风琴005. StadiumOrg 运动场风琴006. RotaryDrive 转风琴007. RockOrgan1 摇滚风琴008. DanceOrgan 跳跃风琴009. JazzOrgan1 爵士风琴1 010. PurpleOrg 紫风琴011. an 电子风琴012. DrawbarOrg 拉杆风琴013. JazzOrgan2 爵士风琴2 014. RockOrgan2 摇滚风琴2 015. ClickOrgan 旷音风琴016. GospelOrg 福音风琴017. MellowDraw 圆润拉杆风琴018. BrightDraw 明亮拉杆风琴019. 60'sOrgan 60年代风琴020. JazzOrgan3 爵士风琴3 021. Tibia 16+4 16+4笛022. Tibia Full 醇厚的笛023. ChapelOrgn1 教堂风琴1 024. ChapelOrgn2 教堂风琴2 025. ChapelOrgn3 教堂风琴3 026. PipeOrgan管风琴027. ReedOrgan 簧片风琴Strings(弦乐)001. Live! Strings 现场弦乐002. Live! Orchestra 现场管弦乐队003. Allegro Strings 快速弦乐004. Symphon.Str 交响乐005. Sweet! Violin 甜美小提琴006. Strings 弦乐007. OrchStrings 管弦乐队008. AnalogStrs 模拟弦乐009. ChamberStrs 室内弦乐010. BowStrings 弓弦乐011. SlowStrings 慢速弦乐012. TremoloStrs 颤音弦乐013. MarcatoStrs 强劲弦乐014. SynStrings1 合成弦乐1 015. PizzStrings 披萨弦乐016. Viola 中提琴017. Cello 大提琴018. Contrabass 低音大提琴019. Harp 竖琴020. Hackbrett 大洋琴021. Fiddle 小提琴022. Banjo 斑鸠五弦琴023. Sitar 印度西塔琴024. Koto 十三弦日本古筝025. Shamisen 日本三味线026. SoloViolin 独奏小提琴027. Orch.Hit 管弦乐齐奏Choir(合唱)001. AirChoir 气息合唱002. GothicVox 哥特式唱音003. SweetHeaven 甜美空灵004. DreamHeaven 梦幻空灵005. Choir 合唱006. VoxHumana 深情的唱音Brass(铜管乐)001. Live! PopBrass 现场流行铜管乐002. Hyper Brass 超级铜管乐003. OctaveBrass 八度音铜管乐004. Live! FrenchHorns 现场法国号005. BrassCombo 管乐合奏006. BrassSection 管乐齐奏007. Sforzando 强劲的008. BigBrass 大号009. BallroomBrs 大舞厅铜管乐010. BrightBrass 亮音铜管乐011. Mellow Brass 圆润铜管乐012. 80'sBrass 80年代铜管乐013. SoftBrass 轻柔铜管乐014. FullHorns 醇厚的号015. SmoothTromb 平滑的长号016. HighBrass 激昂铜管乐017. OberBrass 奥伯铜管乐018. TrumpetEns 英国小号019. Mellow Horns 圆润的号020. BigBandBrs 管乐团021. PopBrass 流行铜管乐022. AnalogBrs 模拟管乐023. Trb.Section 部分管乐组合024. SmallBrass 小型铜管乐025. SoftAnalog 模拟轻柔020. FunkyAnalog 模拟暗淡027. TechnoBrass 扩音快节奏铜管乐028. SynthBrass 管乐组合Trumpet(小号)001. Sweet! Trumpet 甜美小号002. Sweet! Trombone 甜美长号003. JazzTrumpet 爵士小号004. SoloTrumpet 独奏小号005. FlugelHorn 粗管短号006. Trombone 长号007. SoftTromb 轻柔的长号008. SoloTromb 独奏长号009. MellowTromb 圆润长号010. MutedTrump 弱音小号011. BaritonHorn 中音号012. BaritonHit 中音齐奏013. Tuba 大号014. AlpBass 力度低音号Saxophone(萨克斯)001. Sweet! TenorSax 甜美次中音萨克斯002. Sweet! AltoSax 甜美中音萨克斯003. Sweet! SopranoSax 甜美高音萨克斯004. GrowlSax 轰鸣的萨克斯005. BaritoneSax 上低音萨克斯006. SopranoSax 高音萨克斯007. TenorSax 次中音萨克斯008. AltoSax 中音萨克斯009. WoodwindEns 英国木管乐器Flute/Clarinet(长笛和单簧管)001. Sweet! Flute 甜美长笛002. Sweet! Clarinet 甜美单簧管003. Sweet! PanFlute 甜美排萧004. EnglishHorn 英国号005. Bassoon 巴松管006. Class.Flute 高品级长笛007. Piccolo 短笛008. Clarinet 单簧管009. Oboe 双簧管010. Flute 长笛011. PanFlute 排萧012. Whistle 口哨013. EthnicFlute 牧笛014. Shakuhachi 尺八(日本5孔竹笛) 015. Recorder 竖笛(舌簧八孔直笛) 016. Ocarina 奥卡里那埙(陶制的卵形笛)017. Bagpipe 苏格兰风笛Guitar(吉他)001. Dynamic Nylon 尼龙弦活力吉他002. Steel Guitar 钢弦吉他003. Cool! JazzGuitar 超酷爵士吉他004. Cool! Elec.Gtr 超酷电吉他005. Sweet! Mandolin 甜美曼陀林006. Dyno Steel 倍音钢弦007. Cool! Stratsphere 超酷滑音效果008. Cool! VintageLead 超酷典型主音009. 12Strings Guitar 12弦吉他010. Cool! PowerLead 超酷大功率主音011. Dynamic Steel 活力钢弦012. Cool! BluesGuitar 超酷布鲁斯吉他013. Cool! CleanGuitar 超酷纯音吉他014. Classic Guitar 古典吉他015. PedalSteel 踏板钢弦016. RockGuitar 摇滚吉他017. VintageStrum 最佳弹拨乐器018. PowerChord 力度弦019. 60'sClean 60年代纯音020. SmoothLead 平滑主音021. VintageAmp 最佳电吉他022. CrunchGtr 嘎吱吉他023. CampfireGtr 营火会吉他024. SolidGuitar 硬吉他025. VintageOpen 最佳空旷音026. VintageMute 最佳哑音020. LeadGuitar 主音吉他028. ChorusGtr 叠奏吉他029. VintageTrem 最佳颤音030. OctaveGtr 8度音吉他031. DeepChorus 深沉的叠奏032. TremoloGtr 颤音吉他033. HeavyStack 迟重的齐奏034. WahGuitar 沃尔吉它035. Distortion 失真036. Elec.12Str 12弦电吉它037. FeedbackGtr 回音吉他038. MutedGuitar 弱音吉他039. FunkGuitar 抑郁吉他040. VodooLead Vodoo主音041. FolkGuitar 民间吉他042. Overdrive 夸张弹奏Bass(贝司)001. Cool! FingerBass 超酷指弹贝司002. Aco.Bass 和谐贝司003. PickBass 弹拨贝司004. Cool! Fretless 超酷无品贝司005. SlapBass 打弦贝司006 SubBass 潜音贝司007. HardBass 坚实的贝司008. ResoBass 背景贝司009. SuperFretles 超级无品贝司010. FusionBass 混合贝司011. Bass&Cymbal 铙钹贝司012. AnalogBass 模拟贝司013. DrySynBass 干音复合贝司014. 80'sSynBass 80年代复合贝司015. HiQBass Hi-Q贝司016. FunkBass 抑郁贝司017. ClickBass 和音贝司018. MellowFinger 圆润的手法Perc./Drum kit(鼓组)001. Vibraphone 电颤琴002. JazzVibes 爵士电颤琴003. Marimba 马林巴琴004. Xylophone 木琴005. SteelDrums 钢鼓006. Celesta 钢片琴007. Glocken 钟琴008. MusicBox 音乐盒009. TubularBell 管钟010. Kalimba 非洲克林巴琴011. Dulcimer 德西马琴012. Timpani 定音鼓013. StandardKit1 标准组1014. StandardKit2 标准组2015. JazzKit 爵士组016. BrushKit 轻触组017. RoomKit 室内组018. RockKit 摇滚组019. ElectroKit 数码组020. AnalogKit 模拟组021. DanceKit 跳跃组022. SymphonyKit 交响组023. CubanKit 古巴组024. PopLatinKit 流行拉丁组025. ArabicKit 阿拉伯组026. SFXKit1 特技效果组1027. SFXKit2 特技效果组2Accordion(手风琴)001. Musette 缪赛特手风琴002. Steirisch 施蒂里亚手风琴003. TuttiAccrd 手风琴齐奏004. SmallAccrd 小室内手风琴005. Accordion 手风琴006. TangoAccrd 探戈手风琴007. Bandoneon 班多钮手风琴008. SoftAccrd 轻柔的手风琴009. ModernHarp 现代竖琴010. BluesHarp 蓝调竖琴Pad(长音)001. Insomnia 无眠002. NeoWarmPad 古典温情的长音003. CyberPad 电子长音004. Wave2001 波浪2001005. Atmosphere 大气圈006. XenonPad 氙气长音007. Equinox 春的气息008. Fantasia 幻想009. DX Pad DX长音010. Symbiont 共生011. Stargate 星辰012. Area51 领域51013. DarkMoon 昏暗的月球014. Ionosphere 电离层015. GoldenAge 金色年华016. Solaris 沐浴阳光017. Millennium 太平盛世018. Dunes 沙滩Synth(合成器)001. Oxygen 氧气002. Matrix 派生003. WireLead 无线电004. HipLead 嘻皮主奏005. HopLead 跳跃主奏006. FireWire 火线007. Analogon 模拟008. Blaster 爆破009. Skyline 地平线010. SquareLead 方波主奏011. Saw.Lead 锯齿波主奏012. TinyLead 微小波主奏013. FunkyLead 暗淡主奏014. Paraglide 滑翔015. Portatone 轻音色016. BigLead 大主奏017. Warp 变形018. Fargo 远去019. Adrenaline 兴奋020. Stardust 星辰021. AeroLead 飞行主奏022. MiniLead 小型主奏023. Impact 冲击024. SunBell 阳光地带025. UnderHeim 在家里026. HiBias 夏威夷声线027. Vinylead 从生主奏XGlite音色/XGlite可选音色*一览表(Piano &E. Piano钢琴和电钢琴)001. Grand Piano 大钢琴002. Grand Piano KSP 大钢琴ksp003. Piano Strings 钢琴弦乐004. Dream 梦幻般美妙005. Bright Piano 明亮钢琴006. Bright Piano KSP 明亮钢琴ksp007. Electric Grand Piano 电子大钢琴008. Electric Grand Piano KSP 电子大钢琴ksp 009. Detuned CP80 简化击弦电拾音钢琴010. Honky-tonk Piano 夜总会钢琴011. Honky-tonk Piano KSP 夜总会钢琴ksp 012. Electric Piano 1 电钢琴013. Electric Piano 1 KSP 电钢琴ksp014. Chorus Electric Piano 1 叠奏电钢琴015. Electric Piano 2 电钢琴2016. Electric Piano 2 KSP 电钢琴ksp017. Chorus Electric Piano 2 叠奏电钢琴2018. DX + Analog Electric Piano dx+模拟电钢琴019. Harpsichord 拨弦古钢琴020. Harpsichord KSP 拨弦古钢琴ksp021. Harpsichord 2 拨弦古钢琴2022. Clavi 翼琴023. Clavi KSP 翼琴ksp024. Celesta 钢片琴025. Glockenspiel 钟琴026. Music Box 音乐盒(Orgel风琴)027. Orgel 风琴028. Vibraphone 电颤琴029. Vibraphone KSP 电颤琴ksp030. Marimba 马林巴琴031. Marimba KSP 马林巴琴ksp032. Sine Marimba 正弦马林巴033. Balimba 巴林巴琴034. Log Drums 木鼓035. Xylophone 木琴036. Tubular Bells 管钟037. Church Bells 教堂钟038. Carillon 大钟琴039. Dulcimer 杜西码琴040. Dulcimer 2 杜西码琴2041. Cimbalom 钦巴龙琴042. Santur 山特琴043. Drawbar Organ 拉杆风琴044. Detuned Drawbar Organ 简化拉杆风琴045. 60's Drawbar Organ 1 60年代拉杆风琴1 046. 60's Drawbar Organ 2 60年代拉杆风琴2 047. 70's Drawbar Organ 1 70年代拉杆风琴1 048. 60's Drawbar Organ 3 60年代拉杆风琴3 049. 16+2'2/3050. Organ Bass 低音风琴051. 70's Drawbar Organ 2 70年代拉杆风琴2 052. Cheezy Organ 尺泽风琴053 Drawbar Organ 2 拉杆风琴2054. Percussive Organ 打击风琴055. 70's Percussive Organ 70年代打击风琴056. Percussive Organ 简化打击风琴057. Light Organ 亮音风琴058. Percussive Organ 2 打击风琴2059. Rock Organ 摇滚风琴060. Rotary Organ 转风琴061. Slow Rotary 慢转风琴062. Fast Rotary 快转风琴063. Church Organ 教堂风琴064. Church Organ 3 教堂风琴3065. Church Organ 2 教堂风琴2066. Notre Dame 圣母玛丽亚067. Organ Flute 长笛风琴068. Tremolo Organ Flute 颤音长笛风琴069. Reed Organ 簧片风琴070. Puff Organ 吹气风琴070. Accordion 手风琴072. Harmonica 口琴073. Harmonica 2 口琴2074. Tango Accordion 探戈手风琴075. Tango Accordion 2 探戈手风琴2(Guitar吉他)076. Nylon Guitar 尼龙弦吉他077.Velocity Guitar Harmonics 力度吉他和声078. Ukulele 尤克里里四弦琴079. Steel Guitar 钢弦吉他080. 12-string Guitar 12弦吉他081. Nylon & Steel Guitar 尼龙弦和钢弦吉他082. Steel Guitar with Body Sound 主音钢弦吉他083 Mandolin 曼陀林琴084 Jazz Guitar 爵士吉他085 Jazz Amp 爵士电吉他086 Clean Guitar 纯音吉他087 Chorus Guitar 叠奏吉他088 Muted Guitar 弱音吉他089 Funk Guitar 抑郁吉他090 Muted Steel Guitar 弱音钢弦吉他091 Jazz Man 爵士音乐家092. Overdriven Guitar 夸张吉他093. Guitar Pinch 吉他基音094. Distortion Guitar 失真吉他095. Feedback Guitar 回音吉他1096. Feedback Guitar 2 回音吉他2097. Guitar Harmonics 吉他和声098 .Guitar Feedback 吉他回声099. Guitar Harmonics 2 吉他和声2(Bass贝司)100. Acoustic Bass 原音贝司101. Jazz Rhythm 爵士韵律102. Velocity Crossfade Upright Bass力度垂直转换贝司103. Finger Bass 指弹贝司104. Finger Dark 指弹沉音105. Bass & Distorted Electric Guitar贝司和失真电吉他106. Finger Slap Bass 指弹击弦贝司107. Finger Bass 2 指弹贝司2108. Modulated Bass 移调贝司109. Pick Bass 拨片贝司110. Muted Pick Bass 弱音拨片贝司111. Fretless Bass 无品贝司112. Fretless Bass 2 无品贝司2113. Fretless Bass 3 无品贝司3114. Fretless Bass 4 无品贝司4115. Slap Bass 1 击弦贝司1116. Punch Thumb Bass 拇指弹拨贝司117. Slap Bass 2 击弦贝司2118. Velocity Switch Slap 快速掌击119. Synth Bass 1 合成贝司1120. Techno Synth Bass 电子合成贝司121. Synth Bass 2 合成贝司2122. Mellow Synth Bass 圆润合成贝司123. Sequenced Bass 时序贝司124. Click Synth Bass 融洽的合成贝司125. Synth Bass 2 Dark 深沉的合成贝司*126. Modular Synth Bass 标准合成贝司127. DX Bass DX贝司(Strings 弦乐)128. Violin 小提琴129. Slow Violin 慢速小提琴130. Viola 中提琴131. Cello 大提琴132. Contrabass 低音大提琴133. Tremolo Strings 颤音弦乐134. Slow Tremolo Strings 慢速颤音弦乐135. 45 Suspense Strings 含糊的弦乐136. Pizzicato Strings 拨奏弦乐137. Orchestral Harp 竖琴弦乐138. Yang Chin 扬琴139. Timpani 定音鼓140. Strings 1 弦乐1141. Stereo Strings 立体声弦乐142. Slow Strings 慢速弦乐143. 60's Strings 60年代弦乐144. Orchestra 管弦乐队145. Orchestra 2 管弦乐队2146. Tremolo Orchestra 颤音管弦乐147. Velocity Strings 力度弦乐148. Strings 2 弦乐2149. Stereo Slow Strings 立体声慢速弦乐150. Legato Strings 弦乐联奏151. Warm Strings 温和的弦乐152. Kingdom 极品153. Synth Strings 1 合成弦乐1154. Synth Strings 2 合成弦乐2(Choral) 合唱155. Choir Aahs 啊唱音156. Stereo Choir 立体声唱乐157. Mellow Choir 圆润的唱乐158. Choir Strings 唱音弦乐159. Voice Oohs 嗓音160. Synth Voice 合成嗓音161. Synth Voice 2 合成嗓音2162. Choral 合唱163. Analog Voice 模拟嗓音(Brass 铜管乐)164. Orchestra Hit 管弦乐齐奏165. Orchestra Hit 2 管弦乐齐奏2166. Impact 冲击167. Trumpet小号168. Warm Trumpet 温暖的小号169. Trombone 长号170. Trombone 2 长号2171. Tuba 大号172. Muted Trumpet 弱音小号173. French Horn 法国号174. French Horn Solo 独奏法国号175. French Horn 2 法国号2176. Horn Orchestra 号角管弦乐队177. Brass Section 铜管乐器组合178. Trumpet & Trombone Section 小号长号组合179. Synth Brass 1 合成铜管乐1180. Resonant Synth Brass 共鸣合成铜管乐181. Synth Brass 2 合成铜管乐2182. Soft Brass 轻柔的铜管乐183. Choir Brass 教堂铜管乐(Saxophone 萨克斯)184. Soprano Sax高音萨克斯185. Alto.Sax 中音萨克斯186. Sax Section 组合萨克斯187. Tenor Sax 次中音萨克斯188. Breathy Tenor Sax 喘息次中音萨克斯189. Baritone Sax 中音萨克斯(Clarine 管乐)190. Oboe 双簧管191. English Horn 英国号192. Bassoon 巴松管193. Clarinet 单簧管194. Piccolo 短笛195. Flute 长笛196. Recorder 竖笛197. Pan Flute 排萧198. Blown Bottle 吹瓶199. Shakuhachi 尺八200. Whistle 口哨201. Ocarina 奥卡里那埙(Synth 合成器)202. Square Lead 方波主奏203. Square Lead 2 方波主奏2204. LM Square LM方波205. Hollow 空洞音206. Shroud 恐怖笼罩音207. Mellow 柔和音208. Solo Sine 正弦独奏209. Sine Lead 正弦主奏210. Sawtooth Lead 锯齿波主奏211. Sawtooth Lead 2 锯齿波主奏2 212. Thick Sawtooth 厚重的锯齿波213. Dynamic Sawtooth 动态锯齿波214. Digital Sawtooth 数字锯齿波215. Big Lead 大主奏216. Sequenced Analog 音序模拟器217. Calliope Lead 汽笛风琴主奏218. Pure Lead 纯拍击主奏219. Chiff Lead 雪纺主奏220. Charang Lead 沙朗主奏221. Distorted Lead 失真主奏222. Voice Lead 嗓音223. Fifths Lead 五度音224. Big Five 大五度225. Bass & Lead 低音和主音226. Big & Low 高音和低音227. Fat & Perky 丰满活泼228. Soft Whirl 轻柔委婉229. New Age Pad新世纪长音230. Fantasy 幻觉231. Warm Pad 温暖长音232. Poly Synth Pad 多合成长音233. Choir Pad 唱音234. Itopia 埃特皮亚235. Bowed Pad 弯曲长音236. Metallic Pad 金属长音237. Halo Pad 光环长音238. Sweep Pad 掠过长音(Analog 模拟音)239. Rain 雨240. African Wind 非洲风241. Carib 加勒比242. Sound Track 脚步声243. Prologue 序幕244. Crystal 水晶245. Synth Drum Comp 合成排鼓246. Popcorn 爆玉米花247. Tiny Bells 小铃248. Round Glockenspiel 钟琴249. Glockenspiel Chimes 编钟250. Clear Bells 响亮的钟251. Chorus Bells 叠奏钟252. Soft Crystal 悦耳的水晶253. Air Bells 悠扬的钟声254. Bell Harp 竖琴和铃255. Gamelimba 木琴256. Atmosphere 大气层257. Warm Atmosphere 温暖的大气258 .Hollow Release 沉闷的虚空259. Nylon Electric Piano 尼龙弦钢琴260. Nylon Harp 尼龙弦竖琴261. Harp Vox 竖琴声262. Atmosphere Pad 大气长音263. Brightness 明亮264. Goblins 小妖265. Goblins Synth 合成小妖266. Creeper 曼草267. Ritual 宗教仪式268. To Heaven 向往天堂269. Night 黄昏270. Glisten 闪光271. Bell Choir 教堂钟272. Echoes 回声273. Sci-Fi 科幻274. Sitar 西塔琴275. Detuned Sitar 消音西塔琴276. Sitar 2 西塔琴2277. Tamboura 鼓278. Banjo 斑鸠琴279. Muted Banjo 弱音斑鸠琴280. Rabab 拉博281. Gopichant 歌尚282. Oud 乌德琴283. Shamisen 沙玛什284. Koto 日本筝285. Taisho-kin 小泰首286. Kanoon 卡农琴287. Kalimba 卡林巴琴288. Bagpipe 苏格兰风笛289. Fiddle 小提琴290. Shanai 山奈291. Tinkle Bell 电话铃292. Bonang 波南293. Altair 祈祷294. Gamelan Gongs 加麦兰锣295. Stereo Gamelan Gongs 立体声加麦兰锣296. Rama Cymbal 罗摩钹297. Agogo 阿果果298. Steel Drums 钢鼓299. Glass Percussion 玻璃打击乐300. Thai Bells 泰国钟301. Woodblock 木鱼302. Castanets 响板303. Taiko Drum 泰柯鼓304. Gran Cassa 葛兰卡萨305. Melodic Tom 旋律鼓306. Melodic Tom 2 旋律鼓2307. Real Tom 实心鼓308. Rock Tom 摇滚鼓309. Synth Drum 合成鼓310. Analog Tom 模拟鼓311. Electronic Percussion 电子打击乐器312. Reverse Cymbal 背钹313. Fret Noise 急促的噪声314. Breath Noise 呼吸音315. Seashore 海滨316. Bird Tweet 鸟鸣317. Telephone Ring 电话铃318. Helicopter 直升机319. Applause 鼓掌320. Gunshot 枪声321. Cutting Noise 切割声322. Cutting Noise 2切割声323. String Slap 击弦324. Flute Key Click 鸣笛325. Shower 阵雨326. Thunder 雷鸣327. Wind 风声328. Stream 河流329. Bubble 冒水泡330. Feed 输送331. Dog 犬332. Horse 马333. Bird Tweet 2 鸟鸣2334. Maou 猫335. Phone Call 大声打电话336. Door Squeak 门轴吱嘎声337. Door Slam 关门声338. Scratch Cut 刮擦声339. Scratch Split 劈裂声340. Wind Chime 风铃341. Telephone Ring 2 电话2342. Car Engine Ignition 发动汽车343. Car Tires Squeal 尖厉的车胎噪音344. Car Passing 汽车经过345. Car Crash 撞车346. Siren 警报器347. Train 火车348. Jet Plane 喷气式飞机349. Starship 宇宙飞船350. Burst 爆炸351. Roller Coaster 船轴352. Submarine 潜水艇353. Laugh 笑声354. Scream 尖叫声355. Punch 冲压机356. Heartbeat 心跳357. Footsteps 脚步358. Machine Gun 机关枪359. Laser Gun 雷射枪360. Explosion 爆破361. Firework 焰火带星号(*)的音色编号是XGlite可选音色。
Yealink SIP-T20(P)中文说明书-V50.0
感谢您选择我们的产品。这款入门级 IP 电话是针对办公环境下用户设计的,外形时尚圆润,有着丰 富的电话功能,广泛的互操作性和流行的第三方 VoIP 功能。它从企业和 ITSP 的需求出发,来满 足 VoIP 的发展需求。 通过该使用手册,用户可以找到所需要的一切资料,可以马上了解使用该 IP 电话。请务必与您的系 统管理员联系确认您的网络是否允许配置 IP 电话。同时,请务必先阅读本指南中的包装清单和注意 事项,然后再配置使用该话机。
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我 还 特 地 为 乐 神 5 换 上 以 低 频 厚 重 有 力 着 称 ,A类 结 号 构 , 1 O 输 出功 率 的放 大器 。 这 一 换 ,原 本 听 起来 已经 非 常 OW
庞 大 的 音 像 ,顿 时 又壮 硕 了 不 少 , 尤其 是 低 频 的丰 沛 量 感 ,收
放 自如 的 弹性 与 控 制 力 ,在 播 放 吉 它 、 大 提 琴 、 小 提 琴 、 钢 琴 、 胡 琴 等 有 共 鸣 腔 的 乐器 时 ,能 发 出 既饱 满又 清 晰 , 既响 亮
气动 高 音 的一 对 落地 式 音 箱 。 所 以 ,无 论 是 音 响 玩 家 ,还 是 想
证 明 乐 神 5 是 偏 向 监 听 性 格 的 音 箱 。 乐 神 5 所 呈 号 号 } 大 、精 准 , 尤其 中频 人 声 , 既宽 松 又 能 兼 顾 厚 度 , 庞
折 叠 结 构 的 振 膜 尺 寸 是 宽 2 mm , 长 6 mm。 展 开 后 的 振 膜 尺 寸 是 宽 5 O 15 O mm ,长 6 mm。 它 的振 膜 以特 殊 的硅 化 物 手 工 制 作 ,振 膜 表 面 并 覆 着 一 O 层 按 一定 走 向 排 列 的 铝 箔 线 圈 ,当 电流 通 过 时 , 振 膜 的每 一 个 相 邻 面 在 高 密
AS 3 1 O A T 0 3 。 另 外 ,乐 神 5 采 用 的AC 3 / C 5 C中 音 单 元 和 T 0O 和 S 3 10 号 1 0D 2 S
AC 0 / C O 2 低 音 单 元 也 是 金 琅 最 新 开 发 的 产 品 。AS 2 6 气 动 高 音 的 2 OD 5 C C T50
色 中性 ,信源判断力强 ,所以一换上大功率放大器 后,立刻感
CHI MEI PA-765B E56070 元件说明书
•Component •元件UL file numberUL档案号Part number型号Remark备注Vendor供应商•FRONT CASE•前身E56070 PA-765B CHI MEI•TOP CASE•上身E56070 PA-765B CHI MEI•BOTTOM CASE•下身E56070 PA-765B CHI MEI•Batterycompartment•电池箱E207780 PC945(GG) QMFZ2 SABIC JAPAN L L C•Transformercover•火牛上盖E50075 LV2250V TEIJIN•TransformerHousing 火牛下盖E50075 LV2250V TEIJIN•Aux foam pad•Aux盖E257267 E50A-60 ZHI JIN•Side plate•侧盖E56070 PA-765B CHI MEI•Battery BayRubber Cover•电池箱盖E257267 E50A-60 ZHI JIN•batterydoors•电池盖E56070 PA-765B CHI MEI•AAA batterycover•3A 电池门E56070 PA-765B CHI MEI•Light guide•导光片E54705 CL PMMA SUMIPEX•Frontcontrolpanel 显示压件E248280 PC+ABS Jacobson•Strainrelief•线卡E107293 6P-4 晋煜•Power cord •电源线E137516 SJTW ZJCZ 利源電業製品廠有限公司LEE YUEN ELECTRICAL MFY LTD. E143681 LY-13B ELBZ7•Lead wire •引线E244721 UL 1007 20AWGL=330mmAVLV2 惠州市远达电业五金制品有限公司HUI ZHOU YUEN DA ELECTRONIC & HARDWARECO.,LTDE329541 UL 1007 18AWGVH3.96-H-2PVH3.96-TL=186mmZPFW2 深圳艾格科技有限公司Shenzhen Aiger Technology Co.,LtdE330646 UL 1007#24 XH-TXH-4P L=140mmAVLV2 深圳市展旺连接器有限公司Shen Zhen Zhan Wang Linker CO.,LTDE330646 UL 1007#24 XH-TXH-2P L=260mmAVLV2E330646 UL 2547#28 PH-TPH-3P L=260mmAVLV2E330646 UL 2547#28 PH-TPH-3P L=220mmAVLV2E330646 UL 1185 22AWG XH-T XH-2P L=150mmAVLV2•Integralfuse •保险丝E340427 SFC0800A(800mA/250V FastActing Glass TubeFuse)JDYX 瑞卓电子(东莞)有限公司Dongguan Reomax Electronics Co., LTD•Fuse Holder •保险丝座E239034 H3(10A/250V)IZLT2 惠州市海牛電子有限公司HUIZHOU HINEW ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO.,LTD.变压器材料清單/ MATERIAL LISTNO. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Ul file MANUFACTURERS / SUPPLIERS1. 膠芯/Bobbin 最小0.71mm厚尼龍66 101(r9)一層minimum 0.71mm thick PA66101(r9) one layerUL:E41938 杜邦/E I Dupont De Nemours & Co Inc2 膠套/Shroud 最小0.50mm厚尼龍66 101(r9)一層minimum 0.50mm thick PA66101(r9) one layerUL:E41938 杜邦/E I Dupont De Nemours & Co Inc3 初級線圈PrimaryWinding 聚氨酯漆包線MW75C(130℃) 或Polyurethane Wire,MW75C(130℃)UL:E258125 河源天裕電子塑膠有限公司He Yuan Sky Wealth Electronic And PlasticCo Ltd.4 初級跨線絕緣Pri. windingcrossoverinsulation CT25聚脂膠紙/CT-25 Polyestertape厚度:0.05mm*2 層/Thickness:0.05mm*2 layersUL:E165111 靖江亞華壓敏黏膠有限公司Jingjiang Yahua Pressure Sensitive Glue COLTD5 溫度保險Thermal Fuse Type: A4-F130 Deg.C ( 250V/2A)UL:E140847 雅寶電子有限公司/Aupo Electronics Inc.6 初級引線Primary Leads UL-1672 AWG #22 VW-1 300V105Deg.CUL:E191230UL:E189674UL:E211048UL:E214859恒輝(香港)發展有限公司Ever Bright (Hongkong) development CompanyLimited.深圳东聚Shenzhen Dong Ju Wire & CableCo.,Ltd.琦富瑞Qifurui Electronics co阳泰氟电线电缆YANGTAI WIRE & CABLE CO LTD7 初級引線Primary Leads 聚氨酯漆包線MW75C(130℃) 或Polyurethane Wire,MW75C(130℃)or聚氨酯漆包線MW79C(155℃)Polyurethane Wire,MW79C(155℃)UL:E258125UL:E201757河源天裕電子塑膠有限公司He Yuan Sky Wealth Electronic And PlasticCo Ltd.太平洋電線電纜深圳公司Pacific ElectricWire&Cable(shenzhen)Co.,Ltd.8 次級引線SecondaryLeads UL-1015 AWG #20 VW-1 600V105Deg.CUL:E191230UL:E189674UL:E211048UL:E214859恒輝(香港)發展有限公司Ever Bright(Hongkong) development Company Limited.深圳东聚Shenzhen Dong Ju Wire & CableCo.,Ltd.琦富瑞Qifurui Electronics co阳泰氟电线电缆YANGTAI WIRE & CABLE CO LTD9 次級引線SecondaryLeads CT25聚脂膠紙/CT-25 Polyestertape厚度:0.05mm*3 層/UL:E165111 靖江亞華壓敏黏膠有限公司Jingjiang Yahua Pressure Sensitive Glue COLTD.Thickness:0.05mm*3 layers聚酯膠片型號:MYLAR EL21 0.25mm厚PET film Type:MYLAR EL21 0.25mmThickUL:E93687 杜邦帝人/ Dupont Teijin Films U S L P10 外層絕緣Outinsulation CT25聚脂膠紙/CT-25 Polyestertape厚度:0.05mm*3 層/Thickness:0.05mm*3 layers聚酯膠片型號:MYLAR EL21 0.25mm厚PET film Type:MYLAR EL21 0.25mmThickUL:E165111UL:E93687靖江亞華壓敏黏膠有限公司Jingjiang Yahua Pressure Sensitive Glue COLTD.杜邦帝人/ Dupont Teijin Films U S L P11 鐵芯片LaminationCore EI-57 硅鋼片(H18 黑) 片厚0.50,疊厚35.3+/-0.5mmEI-57 silicon steel sheet(H18black), thickness:0.50mm,depth thickness:35.3+/-0.5mmN/A 東莞東駿電器有限公司Dongguan Dongjun Electrical Appliances Co.,Ltd.12 安裝架/Bracket 冷軋板鍍鋅Cold rolled Steel with Zinc-coatedN/A 東莞駿豐五金製品廠Dongguan JunFeng MetalManufactory13 屏蔽殼/Endbell 冷軋板鍍鋅Cold rolled Steel with Zinc-coatedN/A 東莞駿豐五金製品廠Dongguan JunFeng MetalManufactory14 次級連接器Secondaryconnector Housing: JS-1121-02 & Terminal:JS-1121-THousing: A3963H-2P & Terminal:A3963-TPUL: E113875UL: E326732喬訊電子有限公司Chyao shiunn electronicIndustrial Ltd.長江連接器有限公司ChangJiang Connectors CoLtd15 浸漬/Impregnation Insulating Varnish/絕緣油Type: 8562/C, class FUL:E200154 恒昌化學塗料公司HANG CHEUNG PETROCHEMICALLTD。
1. 学生已经掌握了哪些相关知识:学生在之前的英语学习过程中,已经掌握了基本的英语语音、词汇和语法知识,能够进行简单的英语听、说、读、写操作。此外,他们还了解了一些日常生活中的英语表达方式和交际策略。
2. 学生的学习兴趣、能力和学习风格:学生对英语听力有一定的兴趣,尤其是对于贴近生活的听力材料。他们的听力能力有待提高,尤其是在听力技巧和信息获取方面。学生的学习风格各异,有的喜欢通过视觉学习,有的喜欢通过听觉学习,还有的喜欢通过实践操作学习。
ell, thanks. I'm just a little busy with my homework.
Male: That's too bad. Why don't you take a break and play some music to relax?
本章节内容主要包括四个部分:Section A、Section B、Section C和Section D。Section A和Section B通过短对话和长对话的形式,训练学生在日常生活中运用英语进行交流的能力;Section C则通过短文理解,提升学生的听力技巧和信息获取能力;Section D则为综合任务,要求学生在理解材料的基础上,进行一定的判断和推理。
问题:What do some people prefer to visit when they travel?
A. Cities
B. Natural attractions
C. Both A and B
5. 题目:听对话,回答问题。
Male: Hi, how was your day?
(2)在线课程:推荐一些优质的在线英语听力课程,如BBC Learning English、VOA Learning English等,以提高学生的听力技能。
All ADCsAD79998140kSPS14MHz4(Vref) p-p; Uni (Vre AD74688200kSPS 3.2MHz1Uni (Vref)AD78198200kSPS n/a1Uni (Vref)AD78238200kSPS n/a1(Vref) p-p; Uni (Vre AD747881MSPS 6.5MHz1Uni VddAD782181MSPS100kHz1Bip (Vref); Uni (Vre AD782781MSPS n/a1Uni 2.0V; Uni 2.5V AD790481MSPS8.2MHz4Uni (Vref); Uni (Vre AD790881MSPS8.2MHz8Uni (Vref); Uni (Vre AD7478A8 1.2MSPS13.5MHz1Uni VddAD733982MSPS 1.024MHz1 2 V p-pAD782282MSPS10MHz1 2 V p-p; 2.5V p-p AD782582MSPS n/a4 2 V p-p; 2.5V p-p AD7829-182MSPS10MHz8 2 V p-p; 2.5V p-p; U AD727883MSPS74MHz1Uni VddAD775820MSPS n/a1 2 V p-pAD9281828MSPS245MHz2(Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p; AD9280832MSPS300MHz1 1 V p-p; 2 V p-pAD9057-40840MSPS120MHz1 1 V p-pAD9288-40840MSPS475MHz2 1 V p-pAD9283-50850MSPS475MHz1 1 V p-pAD9057-60860MSPS120MHz1 1 V p-pAD9059860MSPS120MHz2 1 V p-pAD9289865MSPS400MHz4 1 V p-p; 2 V p-pAD9288-80880MSPS475MHz2 1 V p-pAD9057-80880MSPS120MHz1 1 V p-pAD9288-1008100MSPS475MHz2 1 V p-pAD9283-1008100MSPS475MHz1 1 V p-pAD92878100MSPS295MHz4 2 V p-pAD9483-1008100MSPS330MHz3 1 V p-pAD9054A-1358135MSPS350MHz1 1 V p-pAD9483-1408140MSPS330MHz3 1 V p-pAD9054A-2008200MSPS350MHz1 1 V p-pAD94808250MSPS750MHz1 1 V p-pAD94818250MSPS750MHz1(Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD79971079kSPS-8Uni (Vref)AD799510140kSPS14MHz4(Vref) p-p; Uni (Vre AD799310188kSPS11MHz4Uni (Vref)AD746710200kSPS 3.2MHz1Uni VddAD791010250kSPS13.5MHz1Uni VddAD791110250kSPS8.5MHz2Uni VddAD781010350kSPS n/a1(Vref) p-pAD781110350kSPS n/a4(Vref) p-p; Uni (Vre AD781210350kSPS n/a8(Vref) p-p; Uni (Vre AD781310400kSPS n/a1Uni (Vref)AD7440101MSPS20MHz1(2Vref) p-pAD7441101MSPS20MHz1(2Vref) p-pAD7477101MSPS 6.5MHz1Uni VddAD7477A101MSPS 6.5MHz1Uni VddAD7912101MSPS13.5MHz2Uni VddAD7914101MSPS8.2MHz4Uni (Vref); Uni (Vre AD7918101MSPS8.2MHz8Uni (Vref); Uni (Vre AD793310 1.5MSPS20MHz4(2Vref) p-p; 5V p-p; AD793910 1.5MSPS20MHz8(2Vref) p-p; 5V p-p; AD747010 1.75MSPS20MHz1Uni (Vref)AD7273103MSPS-1(Vref) p-p; Uni (Vre AD7277103MSPS74MHz1Uni VddAD9609-201020MSPS700MHz1 2 V p-pAD8761020MSPS150MHz1 2 V p-pAD92001020MSPS300MHz1 1 V p-p; 2 V p-p; Un AD92011020MSPS245MHz2 1 V p-p; 2 V p-pAD9609-401040MSPS700MHz1 2 V p-pAD9212-401040MSPS325MHz8(2Vref) p-p; 2 V p-p AD9218-401040MSPS300MHz2 1 V p-p; 2 V p-pAD9219-401040MSPS315MHz4(2Vref) p-p; 2 V p-p AD92031040MSPS350MHz1 1 V p-p; 2 V p-p; Un AD9861-501050MSPS30MHz2 2 V p-pAD90511060MSPS130MHz1 1.25 V p-p; 2 V p-p AD98601064MSPS140MHz2 1 V p-p; 2 V p-pAD9609-651065MSPS700MHz1 2 V p-pAD9212-651065MSPS325MHz8(2Vref) p-p; 2 V p-p AD9216-651065MSPS300MHz2(2Vref) p-p; (Vref) p AD9219-651065MSPS315MHz4(2Vref) p-p; 2 V p-p AD9214-651065MSPS300MHz1 1 V p-p; 2 V p-pAD9215-651065MSPS300MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD9609-801080MSPS700MHz1 2 V p-pAD9861-801080MSPS30MHz2 2 V p-pAD98651080MSPS53MHz1 6.3 V p-p; 8 mV p-p AD98681080MSPS n/a1 6.3 V p-pAD9216-10510105MSPS300MHz2(2Vref) p-p; (Vref) p AD9218-10510105MSPS300MHz2 1 V p-pAD9600-10510105MSPS650MHz2(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD9214-10510105MSPS300MHz1 1 V p-p; 2 V p-pAD9215-10510105MSPS300MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD9600-15010150MSPS650MHz2(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD941110170MSPS700MHz1 1.5 V p-pAD9211-20010200MSPS700MHz1 1.25 V p-pAD9601-20010200MSPS700MHz1 1 V p-p; 1.25 V p-p; AD941010210MSPS500MHz1 1.5 V p-pAD9601-25010250MSPS700MHz1 1 V p-p; 1.25 V p-p; AD9211-30010300MSPS700MHz1 1.25 V p-pAD78611128.6kSPS n/a7Uni (Vref) x 2; Uni 5 AD66001120MSPS450MHz2 2 V p-pAD9627-11-10511105MSPS650MHz2(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD9627-11-15011150MSPS650MHz2(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD9230-1111200MSPS700MHz1 1.25 V p-pAD715612100SPS n/a20.5 pF; 1 pF; 2 pF; AD715112100SPS n/a10.5 pF; 1 pF; 2 pF; AD717012125SPS n/a1 2 V p-pAD715012200SPS n/a20.5 pF; 1 pF; 2 pF; AD715212200SPS n/a2±0.25 pF to ±2 pF D AD715312200SPS n/a1±0.25 pF to ±2 pF D AD72911222.2kSPS-8Uni (Vref)AD78801266kSPS n/a1Bip (Vref); Uni (Vre AD79921279kSPS-2Uni (Vref); Uni Vdd AD79981279kSPS-8Uni (Vref)AD745712100kSPS20MHz1(Vref) p-pAD7853L12100kSPS n/a1(Vref) p-p; Uni (Vre AD7854L12100kSPS n/a1(Vref) p-pAD7858L12100kSPS n/a8(Vref) p-p; Uni (Vre AD7859L12100kSPS n/a8(Vref) p-p; Uni (Vre AD789612100kSPS n/a1Uni VddAD788912105kSPS n/a6Uni VddAD787912105kSPS n/a6Uni VddAD789012117kSPS n/a8Bip 10V; Uni 2.5V; AD789312117kSPS n/a1Bip (Vref); Bip (Vref AD784312125kSPS n/a4Uni (Vref)AD787312125kSPS n/a6Uni (Vref); Uni 2.5V AD787712125kSPS n/a9Uni (Vref); Uni 2.5V AD788712125kSPS 2.5MHz2Uni (Vref)AD788812125kSPS 2.5MHz8Uni (Vref); Uni 2.5V AD799112140kSPS 3.4MHz4Uni (Vref); Uni Vdd AD799412188kSPS11MHz4Uni (Vref)AD789512192kSPS n/a1Bip (Vref); Bip (Vref AD729412200kSPS-9(Vref) p-p; 2 V p-p; AD746612200kSPS 3.2MHz1Uni (Vref)AD7853B12200kSPS n/a1(Vref) p-p; Uni (Vre AD7854B12200kSPS n/a1(Vref) p-pAD7858B12200kSPS n/a8(Vref) p-p; Uni (Vre AD7859B12200kSPS n/a8(Vref) p-p; Uni (Vre AD792312200kSPS8.2MHz4Uni (Vref); Uni (Vre AD792712200kSPS8.2MHz8Uni (Vref); Uni (Vre AD789812220kSPS 4.7MHz1Bip (Vref); Bip (Vref AD765812250kSPS12MHz6Bip (Vref) x 2; Bip (V AD786212250kSPS3MHz4Bip 10V; Bip 2.5V; U AD792012250kSPS13.5MHz1Uni VddAD792112250kSPS13.5MHz2Uni VddAD7658-112250kSPS 4.5MHz610V p-p; 20 V p-p; B AD7492-412400kSPS10MHz1Uni 2.5VAD7892-212500kSPS n/a1Uni 2.5VAD7262-512500kSPS 1.7MHz2(2Vref) p-p; 5V p-p AD7366-512500kSPS35MHz2Bip 10V; Bip 5.0V; U AD789112500kSPS n/a8Bip 10V; Bip 2.5V; B AD7892-112500kSPS n/a1Bip 10V; Bip 5.0V AD786412520kSPS3MHz4Bip 10V; Bip 2.5V; B AD745212555kSPS20MHz1(2Vref) p-pAD745312555kSPS20MHz1(2Vref) p-pAD7892-312600kSPS n/a1Bip 2.5VAD7934-612625kSPS-4Uni (Vref); Uni (Vre AD7938-612625kSPS-8Uni (Vref); Uni (Vre AD5590121MSPS8.2MHz16(2Vref) p-p; (Vref) p AD7280121MSPS-12-AD7262121MSPS 1.7MHz2(2Vref) p-p; 5V p-p AD7265121MSPS33MHz12Uni (Vref); Uni (Vre AD7366121MSPS35MHz4Bip (Vref) x 2; Bip (V AD7450121MSPS20MHz1(2Vref) p-pAD7450A121MSPS20MHz1(2Vref) p-pAD7451121MSPS20MHz1(2Vref) p-pAD7475121MSPS8.3MHz1Uni (Vref)AD7476121MSPS 6.5MHz1Uni VddAD7476A121MSPS13.5MHz1Uni VddAD7490121MSPS1MHz16Uni (Vref); Uni (Vre AD7492121MSPS10MHz1Uni 2.5VAD7495121MSPS8.3MHz1Uni 2.5VAD7866121MSPS12MHz4Uni (Vref); Uni (Vre AD7922121MSPS13.5MHz2Uni VddAD7924121MSPS8.2MHz4Uni (Vref); Uni (Vre AD7928121MSPS8.2MHz8Uni (Vref); Uni (Vre AD7492-512 1.25MSPS10MHz1Uni 2.5VAD747212 1.5MSPS20MHz1Uni (Vref)AD793412 1.5MSPS20MHz4(2Vref) p-p; 5V p-p; AD793812 1.5MSPS20MHz8(2Vref) p-p; 5V p-p; AD922112 1.5MSPS25MHz1 2 V p-p; 5V p-pAD7266122MSPS33MHz12(2Vref) p-p; (Vref) p AD7352123MSPS110MHz2(Vref) p-p; 2.048 V AD7274123MSPS-1(Vref) p-p; Uni (Vre AD7276123MSPS55MHz1Uni VddAD7482123MSPS40MHz1Uni 2.5VAD9223123MSPS40MHz1 2 V p-p; 5V p-pAD7356125MSPS110MHz2(Vref) p-p; 2.048 V AD92201210MSPS60MHz1 2 V p-p; 5V p-pAD9629-201220MSPS700MHz1 2 V p-pAD9238-201220MSPS500MHz2(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD9235-201220MSPS500MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD9237-201220MSPS n/a1 1 V p-p; 2 V p-p; 4 V AD9273-251225MSPS70MHz8367 mV p-p; 550 m AD9271-251225MSPS n/a80.25 V p-p; 0.32 V p AD92251225MSPS105MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 2 V p-p AD98781229MSPS85MHz4 2 V p-pAD98791229MSPS n/a5 2 V p-pAD99691229MSPS-3 2 V p-pAD9629-401240MSPS700MHz1 2 V p-pAD9271-401240MSPS n/a80.25 V p-p; 0.32 V p AD9273-401240MSPS70MHz8367 mV p-p; 550 m AD9272-401240MSPS100MHz8367 mV p-p; 550 m AD9222-401240MSPS325MHz8 2 V p-pAD9228-401240MSPS315MHz4 2 V p-pAD102421240MSPS60MHz2Bip 0.5V; Bip 1.0V;AD92241240MSPS120MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 2 V p-p AD98631250MSPS n/a2 2 V p-pAD9273-501250MSPS70MHz8367 mV p-p; 550 m AD9271-501250MSPS n/a80.25 V p-p; 0.32 V p AD9229-501250MSPS400MHz4 1 V p-p; 2 V p-pAD98621264MSPS140MHz2 2 V p-pAD9629-651265MSPS700MHz1 2 V p-pAD9272-651265MSPS100MHz8367 mV p-p; 550 m AD9228-651265MSPS315MHz4 2 V p-pAD9229-651265MSPS400MHz4 1 V p-p; 2 V p-pAD9238-651265MSPS500MHz2(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD66401265MSPS300MHz1 2 V p-pAD9222-651265MSPS325MHz8 2 V p-pAD92261265MSPS750MHz1(Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p; AD9235-651265MSPS500MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD9237-651265MSPS n/a1 1 V p-p; 2 V p-p; 4 V AD92761280MSPS n/a8 2 V p-pAD9629-801280MSPS700MHz1 2 V p-pAD9272-801280MSPS100MHz8367 mV p-p; 550 m AD9627-801280MSPS650MHz2(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD98661280MSPS53MHz1 6.3 V p-p; 8 mV p-p AD98691280MSPS53MHz1-AD132801280MSPS50MHz2 1 V p-p; Bip 0.5V; B AD92361280MSPS n/a1(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD9432-801280MSPS500MHz1 2 V p-pAD1020012105MSPS250MHz2 2.048 V p-pAD9233-10512105MSPS650MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 2 V p-p AD9432-10512105MSPS500MHz1 2 V p-pAD9433-10512105MSPS750MHz1 2 V p-pAD9233-12512125MSPS650MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 2 V p-p AD9433-12512125MSPS750MHz1 2 V p-pAD9627-15012150MSPS650MHz2(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD9239-17012170MSPS780MHz4 1.25 V p-pAD9230-17012170MSPS700MHz1 1.25 V p-pAD9430-17012170MSPS700MHz1 1.5 V p-pAD9626-17012170MSPS700MHz1 1 V p-p; 1.25 V p-p; AD9239-21012210MSPS780MHz4 1.25 V p-pAD9430-21012210MSPS700MHz1 1.5 V p-pAD9239-25012250MSPS780MHz4 1.25 V p-pAD9230-25012250MSPS700MHz1 1.25 V p-pAD9626-25012250MSPS700MHz1 1 V p-p; 1.25 V p-p; AD1240112400MSPS480MHz1 1.6 V p-p; 3.2 V p-p AD732113500kSPS22MHz2Bip 10V; Bip 2.5V; B AD732313500kSPS22MHz4Bip 10V; Bip 2.5V; B AD732713500kSPS22MHz8Bip 10V; Bip 2.5V; B AD7322131MSPS22MHz2Bip (Vref); Bip (Vref AD7324131MSPS22MHz4Bip (Vref); Bip (Vref AD7328131MSPS22MHz8Bip (Vref); Bip (Vref AD7329131MSPS20MHz8Bip (Vref); Bip (Vref AD665414-270MHz1-AD794014100kSPS7MHz1Uni VddAD786314175kSPS7MHz4Bip 10V; Bip 2.5V; U AD760714200kSPS-8Bip 10V; Bip 5.0V AD789414200kSPS7.5MHz1Bip (Vref); Bip (Vref AD794914250kSPS 1.7MHz8-AD7657-114250kSPS 4.5MHz610V p-p; 20 V p-p; B AD765714250kSPS12MHz6Bip (Vref) x 2; Bip (V AD794214250kSPS2MHz1(Vref) p-p; Uni (Vre AD7851K14285kSPS20MHz1(Vref) p-p; Uni (Vre AD785614285kSPS n/a8(Vref) p-p; Uni (Vre AD7851A14333kSPS20MHz1(Vref) p-p; Uni (Vre AD786514350kSPS3MHz4Bip 10V; Bip 2.5V; B AD789914400kSPS 4.5MHz1Bip (Vref); Bip (Vref AD7367-514500kSPS35MHz2Bip 10V; Bip 5.0V; U AD794614500kSPS9MHz1(Vref) p-pAD726414500kSPS 1.7MHz2(2Vref) p-p; 5V p-p AD7264-5141MSPS 1.7MHz2(2Vref) p-p; 5V p-p AD7367141MSPS35MHz4Bip (Vref) x 2; Bip (V AD7485141MSPS40MHz1Uni 2.5VAD7951141MSPS45MHz1Bip 10V; Bip 5.0V; U AD7952141MSPS45MHz110V p-p; 20 V p-p; 4 AD924114 1.25MSPS25MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 2 V p-p AD7484143MSPS40MHz1Uni 2.5VAD9243143MSPS40MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 2 V p-p AD735714 4.25MSPS110MHz2Vcm ± Vref/2AD92401410MSPS70MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 2 V p-p AD9649-201420MSPS700MHz1 2 V p-pAD9251-201420MSPS700MHz2(2Vref) p-p; 2 V p-p AD9248-201420MSPS500MHz2 1 V p-p; 2 V p-p; Un AD9649-401440MSPS700MHz1 2 V p-pAD9251-401440MSPS700MHz2(2Vref) p-p; 2 V p-p AD6644-401440MSPS250MHz1 2.2 V p-pAD9244-401440MSPS750MHz1(Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p; AD92521450MSPS325MHz8(2Vref) p-p; 2 V p-p AD92591450MSPS315MHz4(2Vref) p-p; 2 V p-p AD9649-651465MSPS700MHz1 2 V p-pAD9251-651465MSPS700MHz2(2Vref) p-p; 2 V p-p AD9248-651465MSPS500MHz2 1 V p-p; 2 V p-p; Un AD104651465MSPS100MHz2Bip 0.5V; Bip 1.0V; AD6644-651465MSPS250MHz1 2.2 V p-pAD9244-651465MSPS750MHz1(Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p; AD9255-801480MSPS650MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD9649-801480MSPS700MHz1 2 V p-pAD9258-801480MSPS650MHz2(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD9251-801480MSPS700MHz2(2Vref) p-p; 2 V p-p AD9640-801480MSPS650MHz2 1 V p-p; 2 V p-pAD6645-MIL1480MSPS n/a10.4 V p-pAD6645-801480MSPS270MHz1 2.2 V p-pAD92451480MSPS500MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD94441480MSPS650MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD9255-10514105MSPS650MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD9246-8014105MSPS650MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-pAD9640-10514105MSPS650MHz2 1 V p-p; 2 V p-pAD9246-10514105MSPS650MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD6645-10514105MSPS270MHz1 2.2 V p-pAD9445-10514105MSPS615MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 2 V p-p AD9255-12514125MSPS650MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD9258-10514125MSPS650MHz2(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD9640-12514125MSPS650MHz2 1 V p-p; 2 V p-pAD9258-12514125MSPS650MHz2(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD9246-12514125MSPS650MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD9445-12514125MSPS615MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 2 V p-p AD9640-15014150MSPS650MHz2 1 V p-p; 2 V p-pAD925414150MSPS650MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD772415250kSPS94.3kHz2 2.5V p-p; Uni 2.5V AD772915270.8kSPS96kHz2(2Vref) p-pAD926716n/a10MHz2 2 V p-pAD7148164SPS n/a8 ± 8 pF (Delta C) AD77881616.6SPS n/a1(2Vref) p-pAD71421627.8SPS n/a14± 2 pF (Delta C) AD71431643.5SPS n/a8± 2 pF (Delta C) AD770916105SPS25Hz4(2Vref/PGA Gain) p AD714716111SPS n/a13 ± 8 pF (Delta C) AD7147A16111SPS n/a13 ± 8 pF (Delta C) AD779016120SPS28Hz1(2Vref/PGA Gain) p AD779616123SPS n/a1± (Vref/128)AD717116125SPS n/a1(2Vref) p-pAD779216470SPS n/a3(2Vref/PGA Gain) p AD779516470SPS n/a6(2Vref/PGA Gain) p AD779816470SPS n/a3(2Vref/PGA Gain) p AD770516500SPS131Hz2Bip (Vref)/(PGA Ga AD770616500SPS131Hz3Bip (Vref)/(PGA Ga AD770716500SPS131Hz3Bip (Vref)/(PGA Ga AD771516500SPS200Hz1(Vref/PGA Gain) p-AD770816 1.365kSPS300Hz10(2Vref/PGA Gain) p AD7701164kSPS n/a1Bip 2.5V; Uni 2.5V AD733601664kSPS4kHz6 1.6 V p-p; 3.2 V p-p AD73360L1664kSPS4kHz6 1.6 V p-pAD734601664kSPS2kHz6 1.6 V p-pAD67616100kSPS1MHz1Bip (Vref)AD67716100kSPS1MHz1Bip (Vref)AD765116100kSPS800kHz1Uni (Vref); Uni 2.5V AD766016100kSPS820kHz1(Vref) p-pAD766116100kSPS820kHz1(Vref) p-p; 2.5V p-p AD767516100kSPS 3.9MHz1(2Vref) p-pAD768016100kSPS8MHz1Uni VddAD768316100kSPS n/a1(Vref) p-p; Uni (Vre AD768416100kSPS-1(2Vref) p-pAD97616100kSPS700kHz1Bip 10VAD97716100kSPS 1.5kHz1Bip 10V; Bip 3.0V; B AD772216195.3kSPS90.6kHz1(Vref) p-p; 2.5V p-p AD760616200kSPS-8Bip 10V; Bip 5.0V AD7606-416200kSPS-4Bip 10V; Bip 5.0VAD7606-616200kSPS-6Bip 10V; Bip 5.0V AD97416200kSPS1MHz4Bip 10V; Uni 4.0V; AD976A16200kSPS1MHz1Bip 10VAD977A16200kSPS1MHz1Bip 10V; Bip 3.0V; B AD768216250kSPS 1.7MHz4Bip (Vref) x 0.5; Un AD768916250kSPS 1.7MHz8(Vref) p-p; Bip (Vref AD7656-116250kSPS 4.5MHz610V p-p; 20 V p-p; B AD761016250kSPS650kHz1Bip 10V; Bip 5.0V; U AD765616250kSPS12MHz6Bip (Vref) x 2; Bip (V AD766316250kSPS800kHz1Bip (Vref); Bip (Vref AD768516250kSPS2MHz1(Vref) p-pAD768716250kSPS2MHz1(2Vref) p-pAD769416250kSPS9MHz1(Vref) p-p; Uni (Vre AD772116468.75kSPS229.2kHz1(Vref) p-p; Uni (Vre AD769916500kSPS14MHz8(Vref) p-p; 4 V p-p; AD765216500kSPS12MHz1Uni (Vref); Uni 2.5V AD765416500kSPS10MHz4Uni (Vref) x 2; Uni 5 AD766616500kSPS12MHz1(Vref) p-p; 2.5V p-p AD767616500kSPS 3.9MHz1(2Vref) p-pAD768616500kSPS9MHz1(Vref) p-pAD768816500kSPS9MHz1(2Vref) p-pAD769316500kSPS9MHz1(2Vref) p-p; Bip (Vre AD765016570kSPS18MHz1Uni (Vref)AD766416570kSPS18MHz1(Vref) p-p; Uni (Vre AD766516570kSPS 3.6MHz1Bip (Vref); Bip (Vref AD761216750kSPS45MHz1Bip 10V; Bip 5.0V; U AD772516900kSPS350kHz1 4 V p-p; Uni 4.0V AD7653161MSPS12MHz1Uni (Vref); Uni 2.5V AD7655161MSPS10MHz4Uni (Vref) x 2AD7667161MSPS13MHz1(Vref) p-p; 2.5V p-p AD7671161MSPS9.6MHz1Bip (Vref); Bip (Vref AD7677161MSPS15.8MHz1(2Vref) p-pAD7980161MSPS10MHz1Uni (Vref)AD772316 1.2MSPS460kHz1 4 V p-p; Uni 4.0V AD762316 1.33MSPS50MHz1(2Vref) p-pAD798316 1.33MSPS n/a1Uni (Vref)AD7622162MSPS50MHz1(2Vref) p-pAD798516 2.5MSPS19MHz1(Vref) p-p; Uni (Vre AD926016 2.5MSPS1MHz1 4 V p-pAD7621163MSPS50MHz1(2Vref) p-pAD7625166MSPS100MHz1Bip 4.096VAD76261610MSPS95MHz1(2Vref) p-pAD74001610MSPS n/a1± 0.2 V Diff; 0.4 V p AD7400A1610MSPS n/a10.5 V p-p; 0.64 V p-AD77201612.5MSPS90.6kHz1(Vref) p-p; 2.5V p-p AD9266-201620MSPS-1 1 V p-p; 2 V p-pAD9269-201620MSPS700MHz2 2 V p-pAD7401A1620MSPS n/a10.32 V p-pAD74011620MSPS n/a10.4 V p-pAD9266-401640MSPS-1 1 V p-p; 2 V p-pAD9269-401640MSPS700MHz2 2 V p-pAD9266-651665MSPS-1 1 V p-p; 2 V p-pAD9269-651665MSPS700MHz2 2 V p-pAD106771665MSPS210MHz1 2.15 V p-pAD9265-801680MSPS650MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD9266-801680MSPS-1 1 V p-p; 2 V p-pAD9269-801680MSPS700MHz2 2 V p-pAD9268-801680MSPS-2(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD9446-801680MSPS325MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 2 V p-p AD9460-801680MSPS615MHz1(2Vref) p-p; (Vref) p AD9446-10016100MSPS540MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 2 V p-p AD9265-10516105MSPS650MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD9460-10516105MSPS615MHz1(2Vref) p-p; (Vref) p AD9265-12516125MSPS650MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD9268-12516125MSPS-2(2Vref) p-p; 1 V p-p AD946116130MSPS615MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 2 V p-p AD9261-1016160MSPS10MHz1 2 V p-pAD9262-1016160MSPS10MHz2 2 V p-pAD767818100kSPS900kHz1(2Vref) p-p; 4 V p-p AD763118250kSPS45MHz110V p-p; 20 V p-p; 4 AD769118250kSPS n/a1(2Vref) p-pAD769018400kSPS9MHz1(2Vref) p-pAD767918570kSPS26MHz1(2Vref) p-p; 4 V p-p AD763418670kSPS45MHz110V p-p; 20 V p-p; 4 AD767418800kSPS26MHz1(2Vref) p-pAD7982181MSPS10MHz1(2Vref) p-pAD764318 1.25MSPS50MHz1(2Vref) p-pAD798418 1.33MSPS n/a1(2Vref) p-pAD7986182MSPS19MHz1(2Vref) p-pAD7641182MSPS50MHz1(2Vref) p-pAD77812016.7SPS n/a1± (Vref/Gain) ; 10V AD778520470SPS n/a3± (Vref/Gain)AD7703204kSPS n/a1Bip 2.5V; Uni 2.5V AD771622 2.2kSPS584Hz4Bip 2.5VAD77892416.6SPS n/a1(2Vref) p-pAD77822419.79SPS n/a20.32 V p-p; 5.12 V p AD77832419.79SPS n/a10.32 V p-p; 5.12 V p AD77472445.5SPS n/a1 ± 8 pF (Delta C) ; ( AD77452490SPS n/a1(2Vref) p-p; ± 4 pF AD77462490SPS n/a2(2Vref) p-p; ± 4 pF AD771924105SPS25Hz6(2Vref) p-p; (2Vref/P AD719124120SPS n/a3Bip (Vref)/(PGA Ga AD778724120SPS28Hz2(2Vref) p-p; (Vref) p AD779124120SPS28Hz1(2Vref) p-pAD779724123SPS n/a1± (Vref/128)AD771324205SPS53Hz3(2Vref/PGA Gain) p AD779324470SPS n/a3(2Vref/PGA Gain) p AD779424470SPS n/a6(2Vref/PGA Gain) p AD779924470SPS n/a3(2Vref/PGA Gain) p AD7730L24600SPS23.4Hz2(2Vref/PGA Gain) p AD7711A241kSPS262Hz2Bip (Vref)/(PGA Ga AD7714241kSPS262Hz5(2Vref/PGA Gain) pAD771024 1.028kSPS269Hz2Bip (Vref)/(PGA Ga AD771124 1.028kSPS269Hz2Bip (Vref)/(PGA Ga AD771224 1.028kSPS269Hz2Bip (Vref) x 4; Bip (V AD773024 1.2kSPS46.8kHz2Uni (Vref)/(PGA Ga AD771824 1.365kSPS300Hz10(2Vref/PGA Gain) p AD719324 4.8kSPS n/a4± (Vref/Gain)AD719424 4.8kSPS n/a8(2Vref/PGA Gain) p AD719524 4.8kSPS n/a4(2Vref/PGA Gain) p AD719224 4.8kSPS n/a4± (Vref/Gain)AD719024 4.8kSPS n/a5(2Vref/PGA Gain) p AD773124 6.4kSPS31.6Hz3(2Vref/PGA Gain) p AD77392415.1kSPS29kHz8Bip 0.625; Bip 1.25 AD77322415.4kSPS14kHz2Bip 10V; Bip 5.0V; U AD77342415.4kSPS14kHz4Bip 10V; Bip 5.0V; U AD77382415.4kSPS14kHz8Bip 0.625; Bip 1.25 AD15552416kSPS5kHz2Bip 2.25V/(PGA Ga AD15562416kSPS5kHz2Bip 2.25V/(PGA Ga AD776624128kSPS n/a1(2Vref) p-pAD776724128kSPS-1(2Vref) p-pAD776524156kSPS n/a1 6.5 V p-pAD776424312kSPS n/a1 6.5 V p-pAD986424375kSPS n/a1-AD987424541.5kSPS-1-AD776224625kSPS250kHz1(1.6Vref) p-p; 4 V p AD776324625kSPS n/a1 4 V p-p; 6.5 V p-p AD6650241MSPS n/a2 2 V p-pAD776024 2.5MSPS 1.35MHz1 4 V p-p; 6.5 V p-p4.7mW-40 to +125SOT$1.35 Single(+2.7 to +5.5)Single(+1.8); Single0.57mW-40 to +85SOP; SOT$1.1617.5mW-40 to +105DIP; SOIC; SOP$2.18 Single(+3); Single(+17.5mW-40 to +125DIP; SOIC; SOP$2.18 Single(+3); Single(+17.5mW-55 to +125SOT$0.96 Single(+3); Single(+Dual(+5, -5); Single100.5mW-55 to +125DIP; LCC; SOIC$9.16Single(+3); Single(+50mW-40 to +85DIP; SOIC$2.6313.5mW-40 to +85SOP$1.57 Single(+3); Single(+13.5mW-40 to +85SOP$1.87 Single(+3); Single(+Single(+2.5); Single17.5mW-40 to +85SC70; SOP$0.96Single(+5)225mW-40 to +85QFP$7.9460mW-40 to +85DIP; SOIC; SOP$3.29 Single(+3); Single(+36mW-40 to +85DIP; SOIC; SOP$3.44 Single(+3); Single(+36mW-40 to +85SOIC; SOP$3.74 Single(+2.7 to +5.5)Single(+2.5); Single19.8mW-40 to +85SOP; SOT$1.65Single(+5)85mW0 to +70SOIC**260mW-40 to +85SOP$3.91 Single(+3); Single(+110mW-40 to +85SOP$2.18 Single(+3); Single(+Single(+5)192mW-40 to +85SOP$2.56156mW-40 to +85QFP$3.44 Single(+3); Single(+100mW-25 to +85SOP$2.53 Single(+3); Single(+Single(+5)205mW-40 to +85SOP$2.56Single(+5)505mW-40 to +85SOP$13.23550mW-40 to +85CSP$10.52 Single(+3); Single(+171mW-40 to +85QFP$3.44 Single(+3); Single(+Single(+5)220mW-40 to +85SOP$2.56180mW-40 to +85QFP$3.44 Single(+3); Single(+Single(+3)120mW-25 to +85SOP$2.53562mW-40 to +85CSP$14.17 Multi(+1.8Anlg, +1.8Single(+5) 1.3W0 to +85QFP$19.78Single(+5)700mW-40 to +85QFP$18.51Single(+5) 1.3W0 to +85QFP$19.78Single(+5)781mW-40 to +85QFP$18.51Single(+3.3)698mW-40 to +85QFP$18.20Single(+3.3)618.8mW-40 to +85QFP$16.197mW-40 to +85SOP$2.13 Single(+3); Single(+4.4mW-40 to +125SOT$1.80 Single(+2.7 to +5.5)Single(+3); Single(+6mW-40 to +85SOP$1.91Single(+1.8); Single0.63mW-40 to +85SOP; SOT$1.92Single(+2.5); Single15mW-40 to +85SC70; SOP$1.77Single(+2.5); Single20mW-40 to +85SOP; SOT$2.0217.5mW-40 to +105DIP; SOIC; SOP$2.73 Single(+3); Single(+10.5mW-40 to +105DIP; SOIC; SOP$2.93 Single(+3); Single(+10.5mW-40 to +105DIP; SOIC; SOP$3.34 Single(+3); Single(+17.5mW-40 to +105DIP; SOIC; SOP$2.84 Single(+3); Single(+9mW-40 to +85SOT$2.53 Single(+3); Single(+9.3mW-40 to +85SOP; SOT$2.53 Single(+3); Single(+17.5mW-55 to +125SOT$2.52 Single(+3); Single(+Single(+2.5); Single17.5mW-40 to +85SC70; SOP$2.53 Single(+2.5); Single15mW-40 to +85SOP; SOT$2.7813.5mW-40 to +85SOP$3.04 Single(+3); Single(+13.5mW-40 to +85SOP$3.29 Single(+3); Single(+16mW-40 to +85SOP$3.54 Single(+3); Single(+16mW-40 to +85CSP; QFP$3.80 Single(+3); Single(+12mW-40 to +85SOP$3.04 Single(+3); Single(+Single(+2.5); Single--40 to +85SOP; SOT$3.80 Single(+2.5); Single19.8mW-40 to +125SOP; SOT$1.75 Single(+1.8)53.1mW-40 to +85CSP$3.50 Single(+5)190mW-40 to +85QFP; SOIC; SOP$3.35 100mW-40 to +85QFP; SOP$2.53 Single(+3); Single(+245mW-40 to +85SOP$5.01 Single(+3); Single(+Single(+1.8)67mW-40 to +85CSP$3.50 Single(+1.8)542mW-40 to +85CSP$28.34 340mW-40 to +85QFP$9.11 Single(+3); Single(+313mW-40 to +85CSP$14.17 Multi(+1.8Anlg, +1.8108mW-40 to +85SOP$3.80 Single(+3); Single(+--40 to +85CSP$10.84 Single(+3); Single(+Single(+5)315mW-40 to +85SOP$6.96 Single(+3.3) 1.42W-QFP$13.90 Single(+1.8)88.6mW-40 to +85CSP$3.50 Single(+1.8)800mW-40 to +85CSP$28.34 Single(+3)240mW-40 to +85CSP$7.59 408mW-40 to +85CSP$14.17 Multi(+1.8Anlg, +1.8220mW-40 to +85SOP$6.33 Single(+3); Single(+Single(+3)114mW-40 to +85CSP; SOP$5.06 Single(+1.8)89.5mW-40 to +85CSP$3.50 --40 to +85CSP$10.84 Single(+3); Single(+Single(+3.3)475mW-40 to +85CSP$10.07 Multi(+3.3Anlg, +3.31.57W-40 to +85CSP** Single(+3)330mW-40 to +85CSP$7.59 565mW-40 to +85QFP$9.11 Single(+3); Single(+890mW-40 to +85CSP$11.40 Multi(+1.8Anlg, +1.8325mW-40 to +85SOP$6.33 Single(+3); Single(+Single(+3)145mW-40 to +85CSP; SOP$5.06 Multi(+1.8Anlg, +1.8990mW-40 to +85CSP$11.401.43W-40 to +85QFP$36.38 Single(+3); Single(+356mW-40 to +85CSP$32.38 Multi(+1.8Anlg, +1.8Multi(+1.8Anlg, +1.8344mW-40 to +85CSP$32.38 Multi(+3.3, +5) 2.4W-40 to +85QFP$53.10 344mW-40 to +85CSP$32.38 Multi(+1.8Anlg, +1.8Multi(+1.8Anlg, +1.8468mW-40 to +85CSP$32.38 Single(+5)50mW-40 to +85LCC$12.75 976mW-40 to +85QFP$38.96 Multi(+3.3, +5); SingSingle(+1.8)650mW-40 to +85CSP$24.95 Single(+1.8)890mW-40 to +85CSP$24.95 400mW-40 to +85CSP$36.43 Multi(+1.8Anlg, +1.8Single(+1.8); Single306µW-40 to +85CSP$1.250.3mW-40 to +85SOP$1.37 Single(+2.7 to +3.6)675µW-40 to +105CSP$0.95 Single(+2.7 to +5.25Single(+2.7 to +3.6)0.43mW-40 to +85SOP$1.37432µW-40 to +85SOP$1.97 Single(+2.7 to +3.6)432µW-40 to +85SOP$1.77 Single(+2.7 to +3.6)--40 to +125CSP** Single(+3); Single(+Single(+5)37.5mW-40 to +85DIP; SOIC$16.03 --40 to +85SOP$3.04 Single(+3); Single(+--25 to +85SOP$3.54 Single(+3); Single(+3mW-40 to +85SOT$2.07 Single(+3); Single(+Single(+3.3); Single33mW-40 to +85DIP; SOIC; SOP$6.50 Single(+3.3); Single10mW-55 to +125DIP; SOIC; SOP$6.02 Single(+3.3); Single10.5mW-40 to +85DIP; SOIC; SOP$7.01 Single(+3.3); Single10mW-25 to +85QFP$6.8810.8mW-55 to +125DIP; SOIC$4.07 Single(+3); Single(+2.3mW-40 to +85WLCSP$1.69 Single(+1.6 to +3.6VSingle(+1.6 to +3.6V2.3mW-40 to +85CSP; WLCSP$1.69 Single(+5)50mW-55 to +125DIP; SOIC$10.32 Single(+5)45mW-55 to +125DIP; SOIC$10.02 Single(+3); Single(+1.4mW-40 to +85SOP$1.161.4mW-40 to +85CSP; SOP$1.95 Single(+3); Single(+3.2mW-40 to +85CSP$2.15 Single(+3); Single(+3.5mW-40 to +125SOIC; SOP$3.09 Single(+3); Single(+3.5mW-40 to +105SOIC; SOP$3.90 Single(+3); Single(+4.68mW-40 to +125SOT$3.22 Single(+2.7 to +5.256mW-40 to +85SOP$3.29 Single(+3); Single(+Single(+5)20mW-40 to +125DIP; SOIC$5.01 Multiple + Supplies--CSP$9.83 Single(+1.8); Single0.9mW-40 to +85SOP; SOT$2.38 Single(+3.3); Single33mW-40 to +85DIP; SOIC$6.50 Single(+3.3); Single30mW-55 to +125DIP; SOIC; SOP$6.02 Single(+3.3); Single33mW-40 to +85DIP; SOIC$7.01 Single(+3.3); Single30mW-25 to +85LCC; QFP$6.887.5mW-40 to +85SOP$2.58 Single(+3); Single(+7.5mW-40 to +85SOP$2.83 Single(+3); Single(+Single(+5)22.5mW-40 to +85SOIC$5.03 Multi(±12, +5); Mult143mW-40 to +85QFP$10.73 Single(+5)75mW-40 to +85DIP; SOIC; SOP$11.13 Single(+2.5); Single15mW-40 to +85SC70; SOP$2.07 Single(+2.5); Single20mW-40 to +85SOP; SOT$2.33 (±15, +5An, +5Dig, 140mW-40 to +125QFP$11.60 Single(+5)15mW-40 to +85SOIC; SOP$6.97 Single(+5)60mW-40 to +85DIP; SOIC$14.20 175mW-40 to +105CSP; QFP$4.10 (+5An, +5Dig, +3.0DMulti(±12, +5); Mult54.5mW-40 to +85SOP$5.09 Single(+5)100mW-40 to +105LCC; QFP$14.93 Single(+5)90mW-40 to +85DIP; SOIC$14.20 Single(+5)120mW-40 to +85QFP$13.81 Single(+3); Single(+7.25mW-40 to +85SOT$2.997.25mW-40 to +85SOT$2.99 Single(+3); Single(+Single(+5)90mW-40 to +85DIP; SOIC$14.20 Single(+2.5); Single--40 to +85SOP$4.66 Single(+2.5); Single--40 to +85CSP; QFP$4.91 Single(+5)42.3mW-40 to +85CSP$19.50 Multi(+7.5-30&+2.7300mW-40 to +105CSP; QFP**120mW-40 to +105CSP; QFP$4.10 (+5An, +5Dig, +3.0D21mW-40 to +125CSP; QFP$3.30 Single(+2.7 to +5.25Multi(±12, +5); Mult88.8mW-40 to +85SOP$5.99 9mW-40 to +85SOIC; SOP$4.05 Single(+3); Single(+9mW-40 to +85SOP; SOT$4.40 Single(+3); Single(+Multi(+3, +5)9.25mW-40 to +85SOP; SOT$4.3010.5mW-40 to +85SOIC; SOP$4.30 Single(+2.7 to +5.2517.5mW-55 to +125SOT$4.05 Single(+3); Single(+Single(+2.5); Single17.5mW-55 to +125SC70; SOP$4.0512.5mW-40 to +85CSP; SOP$6.02 Single(+3); Single(+Single(+5)15mW-40 to +85SOIC; SOP$6.97 Single(+3); Single(+13mW-40 to +85SOIC; SOP$5.2524mW-40 to +85SOP$6.02 Single(+3); Single(+Single(+2.5); Single15mW-40 to +85SOP; SOT$4.3013.5mW-40 to +85SOP$4.55 Single(+3); Single(+13.5mW-40 to +85SOP$4.81 Single(+3); Single(+Single(+5)16.5mW-40 to +85SOIC; SOP$6.97 12mW-40 to +85SOIC; SOP$6.33 Single(+3); Single(+16mW-40 to +85SOP$7.19 Single(+3); Single(+Single(+3); Single(+16mW-40 to +85CSP; QFP$7.44 Single(+5)70mW-40 to +85SOIC; SOP$7.7433.6mW-40 to +125CSP; QFP$4.90 Single(+2.7 to +5.25Multi(+2.5, +3); Mul45mW-40 to +125SOP$5.50 Single(+2.5); Single--40 to +85SOP; SOT$6.58 Single(+2.5); Single19.8mW-40 to +125SOP; SOT$1.85 Single(+5)90mW-40 to +85QFP$7.03 Single(+5)130mW-40 to +85SOIC; SOP$7.74 Multi(+2.5, +3); Mul59mW-40 to +125SOP$7.89 Single(+5)310mW-40 to +85SOIC; SOP$6.12 Single(+1.8)53.7mW-40 to +85CSP$5.25 212mW-40 to +85CSP; QFP$11.13 Single(+3); Single(+110mW-40 to +85CSP; SOP$7.08 Single(+3); Single(+Single(+3)120mW-40 to +85CSP$7.50 Multi(+1.8An,+3An,819mW-40 to +85BGA; QFP$51.00 Single(+1.8) 1.1W-40 to +85QFP$40.48 Single(+5)383mW-40 to +85SOIC; SOP$14.47 Single(+3.3)673.2mW-40 to +85QFP$13.68 Single(+3.3)587.4mW-40 to +85QFP$12.12 Single(+3.3)-0 to +70QFP$14.42 Single(+1.8)71.7mW-40 to +85CSP$5.25 Single(+1.8) 1.19W-40 to +85QFP$40.48 Multi(+1.8An,+3An,873mW-40 to +85BGA; QFP$51.00 Multi(+1.8An,+3An,1.56W-40 to +85QFP$54.00 700mW-40 to +85CSP$40.48 Multi(+1.8Anlg, +1.8510mW-40 to +85CSP$20.24 Multi(+1.8Anlg, +1.82W-55 to +125LCC** Dual(+5, -5); Multi(±。
1. What time is it now?A. 10:00.B. 9:10.C. 9:50.2. What does the woman think of the weather?A. It’s nice.B. It’s cold.C. It’s warm.3. What will the man do?A. Give a lecture.B. Leave his office.C. Attend a meeting.4. What is the woman’s opinion about the course?A. Very easy.B. Too hard.C. Worth taking.5. What does the woman want the man to do?A. Turn off the radio.B. Apologize to her.C. Speak louder.其次节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面5 段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。
听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。
6. How long did Michael stay in China?A. One week.B. Two weeks.C. Five days.7. Where did Michael go last year?A. India.B. Norway.C. Russia.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。
XB6 系列_ EtherNet IP_插片式 I O 用户手册说明书
命名规则 .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
EtherNet/IP XB6 系列插片式 I/O 用户手册
版权所有 © 南京实点电子科技有限公司 2023。保留一切权利。 非经本公司书面许可,任何单位和个人不得擅自摘抄、复制本文档内容的部分或全部,并不得以任何形式传播。 商标声明
和其它实点商标均为南京实点电子科技有限公司的商标。 本文档提及的其它所有商标或注册商标,由各自的所有人拥有。 注意 您购买的产品、服务或特性等应受实点公司商业合同和条款的约束,本文档中描述的全部或部分产品、服务或特性可 能不在您的购买或使用范围之内。除非合同另有约定,实点公司对本文档内容不做任何明示或默示的声明或保证。 由于产品版本升级或其他原因,本文档内容会不定期进行更新。除非另有约定,本文档仅作为使用指导,本文档中的 所有陈述、信息和建议不构成任何明示或暗示的担保。
接口参数 .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
安装拆卸步骤 .............................................................................................................................................. 19
LG HX996TS 蓝光3D组合音响 使用说明书
yy 预先录制的 DVD 被自动设定为这些标 准。 可录制光碟格式有许多不同类 型(包括含有 MP3 或 WMA 文件的 CD-R),需要具备特定的前提条件才能 确保兼容的播放。
yy 用户应注意,若要从互联网下载 MP3/ WMA 文件和音乐,您需要获得许可。本 公司不负责此类许可。您可以从版权所 有者那里获得下载 MP3 文件的许可。
开始 9
10 开始
类型 /
光碟、 USB
“.avi”、 “.divx”、 “.mpg”、 “.mpeg”、 “.mkv”、 “.mp4”、 “.asf”、 “.wmv”、 “.m4v” (DRM free)
三角形内的惊叹号提醒用户,随 设备一起提供的印刷品中包含重 要的操作和维护(维修)指南。
警告:为了减少火灾或电击的危险,请勿使此 产品淋雨或暴露在潮湿的空气中。 警告:不要将此设备安装在狭窄的空间中, 例如书柜或类似的空间。 小心:不要挡住任何通风孔。 按照制造商的使用说明进行安装。机壳上的槽 和开孔供通风之用,以确保产品能够可靠工作 并防止内部过热。请不要将此产品放置在床 上、沙发上、地毯或其它类似物品上,以免堵 住通风孔。此产品不能采用内置式安装,如安 装在书架或其它架子上,除非能够充分通风或 者制造商的说明书中允许这样安装。
歌林 KCD-W7080 说明书
目錄(一)本機特點及緊急處理方法&警告 (2)(二)安全注意事項 (3)(三)外型及各部位名稱 (4)(四)安裝方法 (5)(五)功能操作 (6)功能選擇 (6)音量調整 (6)調諧電台 (6)CD唱片的使用 (7)CD唱片的播放 (7)搜尋特定樂曲 (7)低音加強功能 (7)重複播放 (8)隨機播放 (8)程序播放記憶 (8)耳機使用 (8)(六)保養 (9)(七)故障排除 (10)(八)規格 (10)1˙HI/FI立體聲˙可播放CD/收音機功能˙AM(MONO)/FM立體聲收音˙具有耳機插孔˙CD 20首曲目編輯˙CD重複播放及單曲重複播放功能2在使用本機之前,應仔細閱讀下列事項及使用說明,閱後並請妥為收存,以備將來參考:1.本機請勿置於雨中、濕氣中或避免陽光直射及遠離其他會產生熱能的裝置。
2.本機放置位置請勿太靠近電視、電腦、錄影機及手機,以免遭受干擾,產生誤 動作。
7.請勿擅自拆下任何蓋子、內部裝置或調校內部裝置,請交由本公司專業人員進 行維修。
Power Supply General Operation/ RadioUsing AC power1Check if the power voltage,as shown on the type plate located on thebottom of the set,corresponds to yourlocal power supply.If it does not,consultyour dealer or service center.2If your set is equipped with a voltage selector,adjust the selector so that itmatches with the local mains.3Connect the power cord to the ACINPUT inlet and the wall socket.The power cord is now connected and ready for use.4T o switch the set off completely,withdraw the power cord from the wall socket.5Install the unit near the AC outlet and where the AC power plug can be easily reached.•Disconnect the mains lead from the wall socket to protect your set during heavythunderstorms.Children could seriouslyinjure themselves as the free end of thecable may still be live if only the connector is removed from the MAINS socket at the back of the unit.Helpful hints :T o avoid unnecessary energy consumption,always adjust the Sourceselector to TAPE(OFF)after using theset.Also check that the tape deck keys arereleased.The type plate is located on the bottom of the set.General operationSwitching on and off and selectingfunctions1T o switch on,push the Source selector slider to TAPE or RADIO as desired.2T o switch off,push the Source selector to TAPE/OFF and check the cassette keysare released.Helpful hints:–To change from T APE to RADIO,or when you are switching off the set:first make sure you press the STOP•EJECT9/key to end playback and all the cassette keys are released.Adjusting volume•Adjust the volume with the VOLUME control.Radio reception1Adjust the Source selector to RADIO. 2Adjust the Band selector to select your desired waveband,MW,SW1,SW2or FM. 3Turn TUNING to tune to a station.-FM STEREO lights up when receivingstereo FM reception.-When receiving SW,you may also useFINE TUNING rotary to fine tune to astation.4T o switch off the radio,adjust the Source selector to TAPE(OFF)position.To improve radio reception:•For FM,SW2,extend and turn the tele-scopic antenna for best reception.Reduce its length if the signal is too strong.•For MW,SW1,the set uses a built-in antenna.Direct this antenna for best recep-tion by turning the whole set.T ape operation/recordingPlaying a tape (Cassette A or B)1Push the Source selector to TAPE2Press STOP•EJECT9/to open the cassette holder and insert a cassette and close the deck.3Press PLAY 1to start playback.4T o pause playback press PAUSE;.T o resume,press the key again.5By pressing F.F/REW5 or6,fast forwading/ rewinding of the tape ispossible in both directions.T o stop fastwinding,press 9//.6T o stop the tape,press 9//.Helpful hints:–During playback,the keys are automatically released at the end of a tape and the set isswitched off (unless PAUSE;mode has been activated.)–During fast forwarding/rewinding,the keys will not be released at the end of a tape.To switchoff the set,make sure the cassette keys arealso released.Non-stop playback from Cassette A to Cassette B1Push the Source selector to TAPE2Insert a cassette tape in both Cassette A and Cassette B,then close both decks.3Press PLAY 1on Cassette A to start play-back.4Press PLAY 1on Cassette B.•Cassette B is in standby for playback.5Cassette B playback will auto start when Cassette A comes to the end of the tape.•The playback will auto stop until the end of tape B.General information on recording •Recording is permissible insofar as copyright or.other rights of third parties are notinfringed.•For recording,use only NORMAL type cas-settes (IEC type I) on which the tabs havenot yet been broken.This deck is not suitedfor recording on CHROME (IEC II)orMETAL (IEC IV) type cassettes.•The best recording level is set automatically.Altering the VOLUME will not affect therecording.•T o protect a tape from accidental erasure, break out the tabs.If you wish to record again, cover the tabs with a piece of adhesive tape.Recording from the Radio(Cassette B only)1Select RADIO source.2T une to the desired radio station (see Radio reception).3Press9//on the Cassette B to open the cassette holder.Insert a blank tape and close the deck.4Press REC0to start recording.5For brief interruptions press ;.T o resume recording,press ;again.6T o stop recording,press 9//.Helpful hints:–When recording from radio stations,adjust DUBBING/BEAT CUT on the top panel to 1 or2,if necessary,to reduce interference.。
Audix HT5 专业头戴型电容麦克风说明书
HT5OVERVIEWThe HT5 is a professional pre-polarized headworn condenser microphone designed for stage, presentation and broadcast applications. T he HT5 is known for its excellent sonic characteristics, intelligibility, low profi le, high sensitivity and comfort. Designed primarily for use with Audix wireless systems, the HT5 may also be used as a wired mic. Simply order the APS910 or APS911 phantom power adapter for use with a standard mic cable.Characterized with a uniformly controlled omni-directional polar pattern, the HT5 is designed to capture vocals from a comfortable distance of 2”-3” off axis. With a wide frequency range of 20 Hz - 20 kHz, the HT5 will handle high sound pressure levels of ≥140 dB without distortion.The HT5 is easy to position, lightweight and manufactured with high standards and tight tolerances. Roadworthy construction includes a rubber coated steel alloy frame, a high performance 5 mm capsule, black or beige fi nish, and a 3’ high quality cable terminating in a mini 3-pin XLRf connector.MODEL VARIATIONSHT5 - Black headset mic only with a 3’ cable terminating with 3-pin mini XLR for use with Audix wireless systems HT5BG - Same as HT5 in beigeHT54PIN - Same as HT5 with 4-pin mini-XLR HT5BG4PIN - Same as HT54PIN in BeigeSUPPLIED ACCESSORIES3’ integrated mic cable with mini 3-pin XLRf connectorWindscreen - external foam windscreen for reducing wind, sibilance and pop noise MCL5 - lapel clip/cable holderOPTIONAL ACCESSORIESAPS910 - 48 V phantom power adapter for use with electret condenser microphones.APS911 - Optional phantom power adapter for use with electret condenser microphones. Runs on AA batteries when phantom power is not available. Features on/off switch and bass roll-off fi LIPBE - Collar clip beige CCLIPBL - Collar clip blackCondenser Headworn MicrophoneHT5FEATURES·Hands free, headworn presentation microphone ·Optimized for clear, accurate speech ·Lightweight and low profile ·Available in black and beige · 3 year warrantyAPPLICATIONS·Speech ·Presentation ·Vocal solos ·Videography·Broadcast ·Violin, fluteMCL 5APS910APS911HiLoFREQUENCY RESPONSEPOLAR PATTERNSARCHITECT AND ENGINEER SPECIFICATIONSThe microphone shall be a back plate pre-polarized condenser with an omni-directional polar pattern. The microphone shall operate on 5-52 Volts biased from a wireless bodypack or phantom power and the nominal output impedance shall be equal to 2000 ohms at 1 kHz. The microphone shall have a sensitivity of 12 mV / Pa at 1 kHz. The microphone shall have a maximum SPL level of 140 dB with a THD of 0.5%. The headset shall be made of flexible steel alloy with steel coiled gooseneck supporting the microphone element.OPERATION AND MAINTENANCEThe HT5 microphone is designed for use with the Audix wireless bodypack. The HT5 may be used with other brands of wireless bodypacks, however, the connector and wiring will most likely have to be modified in order to match the specs of the system being used.Using the HT5 as a wired mic: The HT5 can be used as a wired microphone with the addition of either the APS910 or APS911 phantom power adapter. The HT5 will not operate without phantom power voltage (minimum of 5 volts) which is available on most professional mic preamps and mixing devices. It phantom power is not available on your equipment, you may use the APS911 in the “battery powered” mode. Avoid plugging or unplugging the microphone from a PA system unless the channel is muted or the volume of the system is turned down. Failure to do so may result in a loud “popping” noise which could seriously damage the speakers in the PA system.The HT5 is manufactured to exacting specs with roadworthy construction. However, t he c apsule i s h ighly s ensitive a nd s hould b e h andled w ith c are. A void extreme temperatures and be sure to store your microphone in the pouch provided when not in use. Moisture of any kind can adversely affect the sound and performance of your microphone.USER TIPSThe HT5 is designed so that the headband is worn around the back of the head with the curved ear pieces resting lightly around both ears. If the user has long hair, the back of the headset will be completely hidden. The dual ear system keeps the headset stable once it is in the desired position. The microphone is at the very end of the flexible boom and should be positioned on the user’s left side of the cheek just off the corner of the mouth. T he flexible steel cage can be adjusted to fit your head comfortably by either opening or closing the cage. For optimum sound and performance, DO NOT place the microphone directly in front of the mouth or in the airflow path of the nose.Further miking techniques may be found at .ALL SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.503.682.6933 Fax: 503.682.7114Audix Corporation 9400 SW Barber St. Wilsonville, OR 97070ver 4.2PRODUCT REGISTRATION: Please register your product online at /docs_12/about/product_registration.shtml .SERVICE AND WARRANTY: This microphone is under warranty for a period of 3 years to be free of defects in material and workmanship. In the event of a product failure due to materials or workmanship, Audix will repair or replace said product at no charge with proof of purchase. Audix does not pay or reimburse shipping costs for warranty repairs or returns. T he warranty excludes any causes other than manufacturing defects, such as normal wear, abuse, environmental damage, shipping damage or failure to use or maintain the product per the supplied instructions. No Implied W arranties: All implied warranties, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are hereby excluded. T he liability of Audix, if any, for damages relating to allegedly defective products shall be limited to the actual price paid by Dealer for such products and shall in no event include incidental or consequential damages of any kind. Should your microphone fail in any way, please contact the Audix Service department at 503.682.6933. A Return Authorization is required before returning any product. OTHER T HAN THIS WARRANTY, AUDIX MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCTS, THE USE OF THE PRODUCTS, THE PERFORMANCE OF THE PRODUCTS. AUDIX SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT OR SIMILAR DAMAGES ARISING FROM OR BASED ON T HE SALE, USE, STORAGE OR DISPOSAL OF T HE PRODUCTS, AUDIX’S SERVICE W ORK, BREACH OF W ARRANTY, BREACH OF CONTRACT. NEGLIGENCE, OR ANY OTHER T HEORY OF LIABILITY, EVEN IF AUDIX HAS BEEN ADVISED OF T HE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.SPECIFICATIONS H T5。
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