




























英文:In the Atlantic Ocean in 1912 in order to find the sunken Titanic and the ship's precious treasures - priceless "Haiyangzhixin" treasure explorer Block salvaged from the wreck on a rusty safe, but, only one well-preserved pieces of the sketch - wearing a diamond necklace, a young woman. This is television news caused the attention of a hundred years old woman, the elderly excited, then rushed by helicopter Block salvage ship. It turns out her name was Rose Dawson, is the portrait of the woman.Looked at portraits, scenes of past reappear in front of the elderly: April 12, 1912, for maiden voyage of the Titanic berthed at the port, the terminal is crowded with people competing to see human history, the largest and most luxurious ship . Rose, a beautiful but lack the temperament beautiful lady with her aristocratic mother and fiance - steel with large prince Karl Hawley boarded the first class. Meanwhile, another hero of the film - the young artist Jack Dawson street lucky by gambling to win third-class tickets, shouting "We are the luckiest ..." at the last moment, he boarded the ship. Titanic set sail, and the Atlantic Ocean early spring sunny, blue skies, Jack and his partner stood in front of the bow view, cheered, excited, as if this time the world has belonged to them.Rose in the upper circle of life, social communication, has long been tired of boring conversation nobles, feeling no different bird in cage, and she worried frown to the deck looks into the distance, distraction Melancholy. Jack saw Rose, he was attracted to her temperament. As night fell, and a false picture, the Rose of the future and marriage felt very helpless; she dashed to the deck, trying to jump into the sea end of life. Jack and at the critical moment to discover theirown true and unique sense of humor to convince Rose. Although Carl reluctantly, but for the answer Xie Jieke grace to rescue his wife, he had to invite Jack to dine in first class. Karl wanted to use the opportunity to shabby Jack about it, I did not expect the table in front of Jack in the words of sincere applause brought the house unexpectedly. Since both Jack and Rose met and began to understand each other, reveal their angst to Jack Rose: "I have found nothing more than that, as has been like living a lifetime. Countless banquets, parties, yacht race, horse game has access to are narrow-minded, Youkouwuxin people. I feel like standing on the edge, no one pulled me back, no one cares, or even left unattended. "enlighten and in the company of Jack, Rose, to find back long lost happiness, finally re-filled smile on her face.Karl Rose's fiance found between Jack and Rose, the heart is very unhappy, and he gave Rose a priceless diamond necklace, "Haiyangzhixin", and declare her intention to win his state of mind Rose's favor . However, in the eyes of Rose, Carl is a full snob, she do not want to marry him from the bottom of my heart. However, the pressure in the mother and her fiance, under Jack Rose had intended to avoid the feelings can be positive because Rose did not realize he has a deep love Jack.From friend to love, although only a few days time, Rose and Jack have been unable to separate. In the bedroom, Rose put on a "Haiyangzhixin," drawn by Jack that she will never forget the piece of the portrait. Rose decided to ignore the pressure of family and etiquette in the Titanic docked and Jack live together, happiness seems just minutes away from the couple.White Star Line Manager Bruce Ismay Titanic created to make the fastest Atlantic crossing record, regardless of the potential threat to the tip of Captain Smith suggested to improve boat speed. 14 at night, unusually calm sea, the Titanic is still full speed. Lookout found immediately after the tip in front of the cockpit and informed the officer, but the inertia was too late to avoid the great vessels, the boat is the tip of the right split, six compartments flooded. Known as the unsinkable Titanic sank in two hours. Only enough lifeboats on board at a time when half the passengers on board panicked.Unexpectedly, when Jack Hawley been planted in the name of the theft of diamonds framed and kept in the lower cabin. Rose know the truth with the crowd on deck with the waiting lifeboat, but she eventually believe Jack is innocent. Rose, desperate to return to the empty cabin to find Jack, and sent for rescue in a pinch ax rescued him. They came on deck, Rose persuaded the Jack on the lifeboat. Lifeboat slowly down, Rose trance when she gave up perhaps the last chance to jump back to the Titanic, the couple hugged each other tightly."Dream Boat" began to slowly sink the Titanic, the tragedy began to be staged. The dark ocean and the sky together into a ruthless and desperate passengers swallowed. Jack Rose went with the stern, climbed the railings (that is, they love the place to start) to the end, until the Titanic sank. Two full after struggling a huge whirlpool, Jack will push a piece of floating wood Rose, himself soaked in cold water.Several hours later, rescue boats rescued the dying Rose return, but this time Jack had been frozen Ice ruthless swallowed. Jack Rose to keep the promise, the courage to live.Eighty-four years later, Rose went to the place where the Titanic sank, the "Haiyangzhixin" into the sea, to tell Jack soul in heaven ... ...中文:为了寻找1912年在大西洋沉没的泰坦尼克号和船上的珍贵财宝-价值连城的“海洋之心”,寻宝探险家布洛克从沉船上打捞起一个锈迹斑斑的保险柜,不料其中只有一幅保存完好的素描-一位佩戴着钻石项链的年轻女子。



• 加拿大女歌手席琳· 迪翁 (Celine Dion)演唱的影片主 题歌“我心永恒---My Heart Will Go On”也正是影片音乐成 功之处的集中体现,此曲曾蝉 联全美告示牌(Billboard)排 行榜冠军宝座长达16周之久。
• 《泰坦尼克号》电影主题曲由好莱 坞主流电影著名作曲家詹姆斯· 霍纳 (James Horner)一手炮制,具有 浓烈民族韵味的苏格兰风笛在他的 精巧编排下,尽显悠扬婉转而又凄 美动人。歌曲的旋律从最初的平缓 到激昂,再到缠绵的高潮,一直到 最后荡气回肠的悲剧尾声,短短四 分钟的歌曲实际上是整部影片的浓 缩版本。
• 1912年4月14日,船上时 间夜里11点40分,泰坦 尼克号撞上冰山;4月15 日凌晨2点20分,船裂成 两半后沉入大西洋。泰 坦尼克号海难为和平时 期死伤人数最惨重的海 难之一。船上1500多人 丧生。2012年10月16日, 沉船遗物将以1.89亿美 元出
• 我心永恒—电影《泰 坦尼克号》的主题曲, 英文名为《My heart will go on》。
• 詹姆斯· 霍纳(James Horner)
• 1953年8月14日生于美国加利福尼亚州 洛杉矶市,但是在洛杉矶出生的他却在 英国成长,接受了很扎实的古典音乐教 育,然后进入皇家音乐学院攻读音乐作 曲,师从伦敦皇家音乐学院古典音乐大 师郭吉· 里盖蒂(Gyorgi Ligeti)。然 后再回到美国深造,先后在南加州大学 取得作曲学位,又转赴加州大学洛杉矶 分校取得音乐硕士和博士学位。
• 泰坦尼克号(RMS Titanic)是一艘奥 林匹克级邮轮,于1912年4月处女航时 撞上冰山后沉没。泰坦尼克号由位于爱 尔兰岛贝尔法斯特的哈兰德与沃尔夫造 船厂兴建,是当时最大的客运轮船。在 她的处女航中,泰坦尼克号从英国南安 普敦出发,途经法国瑟堡-奥克特维尔 以及爱尔兰昆士敦,计划中的目的地为 美国纽约。



《泰坦尼克号》剧情简介1912 年 4 月 10 日,号称“世界工业史上的奇迹”的豪华客轮泰坦尼克号开始了自己的处女航,从英国的南安普顿出发驶往美国纽约。




























英文:In the Atlantic Ocean in 1912 in order to find the sunken Titanic and the ship's precious treasures - priceless "Haiyangzhixin" treasure explorer Block salvaged from the wreck on a rusty safe, but, only one well-preserved pieces of the sketch - wearing a diamond necklace, a young woman. This is television news caused the attention of a hundred years old woman, the elderly excited, then rushed by helicopter Block salvage ship. It turns out her name was Rose Dawson, is the portrait of the woman.Looked at portraits, scenes of past reappear in front of the elderly: April 12, 1912, for maiden voyage of the Titanic berthed at the port, the terminal is crowded with people competing to see human history, the largest and most luxurious ship . Rose, a beautiful but lack the temperament beautiful lady with her aristocratic mother and fiance - steel with large prince Karl Hawley boarded the first class. Meanwhile, another hero of the film - the young artist Jack Dawson street lucky by gambling to win third-class tickets, shouting "We are the luckiest ..." at the last moment, he boarded the ship. Titanic set sail, and the Atlantic Ocean early spring sunny, blue skies, Jack and his partner stood in front of the bow view, cheered, excited, as if this time the world has belonged to them.Rose in the upper circle of life, social communication, has long been tired of boring conversation nobles, feeling no different bird in cage, and she worried frown to the deck looks into the distance, distraction Melancholy. Jack saw Rose, he was attracted to her temperament. As night fell, and a false picture, the Rose of the future and marriage felt very helpless; she dashed to the deck, trying to jump into the sea end of life. Jack and at the critical moment to discover their own true and unique sense of humor to convince Rose. Although Carl reluctantly, but for the answer Xie Jieke grace to rescue his wife, he had to invite Jack to dine in first class. Karl wanted to use the opportunity to shabby Jack about it, I did not expect the table in front of Jack in the words of sincere applause brought the house unexpectedly. Since both Jack and Rose met and began to understand each other, reveal their angst to Jack Rose: "I have found nothing more than that, as has been like living a lifetime. Countless banquets, parties, yacht race, horse game has access to are narrow-minded, Youkouwuxin people. I feel like standing on the edge, no one pulled me back, no one cares, or even left unattended. "enlighten and in the company of Jack, Rose, to find back long lost happiness, finally re-filled smile on her face.Karl Rose's fiance found between Jack and Rose, the heart is very unhappy, and he gave Rose a priceless diamond necklace, "Haiyangzhixin", and declare her intention to win his state of mind Rose's favor . However, in the eyes of Rose, Carl is a full snob, she do not want to marry him from the bottom of my heart. However, the pressure in the mother and her fiance, under Jack Rose had intended to avoid the feelings can be positive because Rose did not realize he has a deep love Jack.From friend to love, although only a few days time, Rose and Jack have been unable to separate. In the bedroom, Rose put on a "Haiyangzhixin," drawn by Jack that she will never forget the piece of the portrait. Rose decided to ignore the pressure of family and etiquette in the Titanic docked and Jack live together, happiness seems just minutes away from the couple.White Star Line Manager Bruce Ismay Titanic created to make the fastest Atlantic crossing record, regardless of the potential threat to the tip of Captain Smith suggested to improve boat speed. 14 at night, unusually calm sea, the Titanic is still full speed. Lookout found immediately after the tip in front of the cockpit and informed the officer, but the inertia was too late to avoid the great vessels, the boat is the tip of the right split, six compartments flooded. Known as the unsinkable Titanic sank in two hours. Only enough lifeboats on board at a time when half the passengers on board panicked.Unexpectedly, when Jack Hawley been planted in the name of the theft of diamonds framed and kept in the lower cabin. Rose know the truth with the crowd on deck with the waiting lifeboat, but she eventually believe Jack is innocent. Rose, desperate to return to the empty cabin to find Jack, and sent for rescue in a pinch ax rescued him. They came on deck, Rose persuaded the Jack on the lifeboat. Lifeboat slowly down, Rose trance when she gave up perhaps the last chance to jump back to the Titanic, the couple hugged each other tightly."Dream Boat" began to slowly sink the Titanic, the tragedy began to be staged. The dark ocean and the sky together into a ruthless and desperate passengers swallowed. Jack Rose went with the stern, climbed the railings (that is, they love the place to start) to the end, until the Titanic sank. Two full after struggling a huge whirlpool, Jack will push a piece of floating wood Rose, himself soaked in cold water.Several hours later, rescue boats rescued the dying Rose return, but this time Jack had been frozen Ice ruthless swallowed. Jack Rose to keep the promise, the courage to live.Eighty-four years later, Rose went to the place where the Titanic sank, the "Haiyangzhixin" into the sea, to tell Jack soul in heaven ... ...中文:为了寻找1912年在大西洋沉没的泰坦尼克号和船上的珍贵财宝-价值连城的“海洋之心”,寻宝探险家布洛克从沉船上打捞起一个锈迹斑斑的保险柜,不料其中只有一幅保存完好的素描-一位佩戴着钻石项链的年轻女子。



In the bedroom, Rose asked Jack to paint her portrait as a testimony to their love. However, something unfortunate happened. The Titanic hit the iceberg at a high speed. Jack and Rose planned to go back and tell those who didn't know about it. Unexpectedly, Jack was framed by Carl and put into the prison on ship.
That’s all. Thank you!
As Rose was about to board the lifeboat, Rose ran to save Jack. She still believed that Jack was innocent. She helped Jack escape from prison with a survival ax. When they got on deck, Carl and Jack both tried to persuade Rose to get into the lifeboat. But Rose gave up the chance and run to the deck to hug jc
In 1997, American 20th Century Fox and Paramount Pictures produced a love story, Titanic.
Set in 1912 when the liner, Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg on its maiden voyage, the film tells a touching story about a poor painters Jack and a noble woman Rose from different classes.



泰坦尼克号英文介绍The Titanic was a British passenger liner that sank in the North Atlantic Ocean on April 15, 1912, after colliding with an iceberg during its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City. It was one of the largest and most luxurious ships of its time, known for its advanced safety features and opulent amenities. The ship was built by the White Star Line and was designed to be the ultimate in luxury travel, catering to the wealthiest passengers of the era.The Titanic was constructed in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and was touted as unsinkable due to its watertight compartments and state-of-the-art safety features. However, the ship only carried enough lifeboats for about half ofits 2,224 passengers and crew, a decision that would prove fatal when disaster struck. The collision with the iceberg caused irreparable damage to the ship's hull, leading toits eventual sinking in the early hours of April 15.The sinking of the Titanic resulted in the deaths of over 1,500 people, making it one of the deadliest commercial peacetime maritime disasters in modern history. The tragedy sparked widespread outrage and led to significant changes in maritime safety regulations, including the requirement for all ships to carry enough lifeboats for all passengers and crew. The sinking of the Titanic also had a profound impact on popular culture, inspiring numerous books, films, and documentaries that continue to capture the public's imagination to this day.The Titanic's wreckage was discovered in 1985 by a team of explorers led by Dr. Robert Ballard, sparking renewed interest in the ship and its tragic fate. Over the years, numerous expeditions have been conducted to study the wreck and retrieve artifacts, shedding new light on the events leading up to the disaster. The Titanic remains a powerful symbol of human hubris and the consequences of overconfidence in the face of nature's forces, serving as a cautionary tale for future generations.In recent years, efforts have been made to preserve theTitanic's legacy and protect its remaining wreckage from further deterioration. The wreck site has been designated as a protected maritime memorial, allowing researchers to continue studying the ship's remains while honoring the memory of those who lost their lives. The story of the Titanic continues to fascinate and haunt the public imagination, serving as a reminder of the fragility of human life and the enduring power of tragedy.。


















【最新】泰坦尼克号简介-精选word文档 (8页)

【最新】泰坦尼克号简介-精选word文档 (8页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==泰坦尼克号简介篇一:泰坦尼克号中英文简介英文:In the Atlantic Ocean in 1912 in order to find the sunken Titanic and the ship's precious treasures - priceless "Haiyangzhixin" treasure explorer Block salvaged from the wreck on a rusty safe, but, only one well-preserved pieces of the sketch - wearing a diamond necklace, a young woman. This is television news caused the attention of a hundred years old woman, the elderly excited, then rushed by helicopter Block salvage ship. It turns out her name was Rose Dawson, is the portrait of the woman.Looked at portraits, scenes of past reappear in front of the elderly: April 12, 1912, for maiden voyage of the Titanic berthed at the port, the terminal is crowded with people competing to see human history, the largest and most luxurious ship . Rose, a beautiful but lack thetemperament beautiful lady with her aristocratic mother and fiance - steel with large prince Karl Hawley boarded the first class. Meanwhile, another hero of the film - the young artist Jack Dawson street lucky by gambling to win third-class tickets, shouting "We are the luckiest ..." at the last moment, he boarded the ship. Titanic set sail, and the Atlantic Ocean early spring sunny, blue skies, Jack and his partner stood in front of the bow view, cheered, excited, as if this time the world has belonged to them.Rose in the upper circle of life, social communication, has long been tired of boring conversation nobles, feeling no different bird in cage, and she worried frown to the deck looks into the distance, distraction Melancholy. Jack saw Rose, he was attracted to her temperament. As night fell, and a false picture, the Rose of the future and marriage felt very helpless; she dashed to the deck, trying to jump into the sea end of life. Jack and at the critical moment to discover their own true and unique sense of humor to convince Rose. Although Carl reluctantly, but for the answer Xie Jieke grace to rescue his wife, he had to invite Jack to dine in first class. Karl wanted to use the opportunity to shabby Jack about it, I did not expect the table in front of Jack in the words of sincere applause brought the houseunexpectedly. Since both Jack and Rose met and began to understand each other, reveal their angst to Jack Rose: "I have found nothing more than that, as has been like living a lifetime. Countless banquets, parties, yacht race, horse game has access to are narrow-minded, Youkouwuxin people. I feel like standing on the edge, no one pulled me back, no one cares, or even left unattended. "enlighten and in the company of Jack, Rose, to find back long lost happiness,finally re-filled smile on her face.Karl Rose's fiance found between Jack and Rose, the heart is very unhappy, and he gave Rose a priceless diamond necklace, "Haiyangzhixin", and declare her intention to win his state of mind Rose's favor . However, in the eyes of Rose, Carl is a full snob, she do not want to marry him from the bottom of my heart. However, the pressure in the mother and her fiance, under Jack Rose had intended to avoid the feelings can be positive because Rose did not realize he has a deep love Jack.From friend to love, although only a few days time, Rose and Jack have been unable to separate. In the bedroom, Rose put on a "Haiyangzhixin," drawn by Jack that she will never forget the piece of the portrait. Rose decided to ignore the pressure of family and etiquette in the Titanic docked and Jack live together, happiness seems just minutes away from the couple.White Star Line Manager Bruce Ismay Titanic created to make the fastest Atlantic crossing record, regardless of the potential threat to the tip of Captain Smith suggested to improve boat speed. 14 at night, unusually calm sea, the Titanic is still full speed. Lookout found immediately after the tip in front of the cockpit and informed the officer, but the inertia was too late to avoid the great vessels, the boat is the tip of the right split, six compartments flooded. Known as the unsinkable Titanic sank in two hours. Only enough lifeboats on board at a time when half the passengers on board panicked.Unexpectedly, when Jack Hawley been planted in the name of the theft of diamonds framed and kept in the lower cabin. Rose know the truth with the crowd on deck with the waiting lifeboat, but she eventually believe Jack is innocent. Rose, desperate to return to the empty cabin to find Jack, and sent for rescue in a pinch ax rescued him. They came on deck, Rose persuaded the Jack on the lifeboat. Lifeboat slowly down, Rose trance when she gave up perhaps the last chance to jump back to the Titanic, the couple hugged each other tightly."Dream Boat" began to slowly sink the Titanic, the tragedy began tobe staged. The dark ocean and the sky together into a ruthless and desperate passengers swallowed. Jack Rose went with the stern,climbed the railings (that is, they love the place to start) to the end, until the Titanic sank. Two full after struggling a huge whirlpool, Jack will push a piece of floating wood Rose, himself soaked in cold water.Several hours later, rescue boats rescued the dying Rose return, but this time Jack had been frozen Ice ruthless swallowed. Jack Rose to keep the promise, the courage to live.Eighty-four years later, Rose went to the place where the Titanic sank, the "Haiyangzhixin" into the sea, to tell Jack soul inheaven ... ...中文:为了寻找1912年在大西洋沉没的泰坦尼克号和船上的珍贵财宝-价值连城的“海洋之心”,寻宝探险家布洛克从沉船上打捞起一个锈迹斑斑的保险柜,不料其中只有一幅保存完好的素描-一位佩戴着钻石项链的年轻女子。























Titanic directed by James Cameron presents a love story.On April 10,1912,know as the “miracle on the industrial history”,the Titanic voyage from the United Kingdom to the United States.A rich girl called Rose got onto the ship with her mother and her fiancé Carl,Rose was asked to marry Carl because of her family,but Rose,from the bottom of her heart,was unwilling to marry such a aloof,arrogance and selfish businessman,she felt so hopeless that she decided to make suicide by jumping off the deck,but,just then,Jack appeared,Jack was a poor artist,he even got his ticket by winning a pocker game with his friend.Of cause,Rose was rescued by Jack,and after that,the two young often talk to each other,and soon they fall in love with each other,but,Rose’mother was very angry and againsted them strongly,one night,the two young stood on the top of theship ,enjoying the freedom and the beautiful sea view,that was really beautiful,but soon,the ship hit an iceburg and the big wonderful ship would sunk totally within only a few hours,Rose told this news to her mother and Carl,but in the other side,Carl ordered someone to lock Jack in a small room,Rose gave up the chance to get on a boat to survive,and turn to look for Jack,fortunately,she found him,but soon after the ship was totally sunk,Jack gave up the chance to survive and help Rose get on a board,but himself in the freezing cold water to dead.Many people are moved by this film,I think with the development of the society,more and more wonderful films will be on!that’s look forward to that day!。



泰坦尼克号10个不为人知的事实In the early hours of April 15, 1912, in the North Atlantic Ocean, 2,225 men, women and children found themselves in a nightmare beyond their imaginations. Some 107 hours after Titanic’s first transatlantic crossing began, an iceberg terminated the voyage about 400 miles southeast of Nova Scotia. About 160 minutes later, the world’s wonder ship disappeared into the depths, with the loss of 1,513 lives — two-thirds of all on board.1912年4月15日,北大西洋一艘邮轮上的2225名乘客遇上了惊天噩梦。



Titanic’s brief life has engendered hundreds of books and songs, more than a dozen films, countless television documentaries, an opera, a Broadway musical, nearly a dozen Titanic organizations on at least three continents, official investigations and courtroom battles, and safety regulations that make sea travel among the safest transportation modes.泰坦尼克号的短暂一生缔造了无数小说、歌曲、影视、纪录片、歌剧、百老汇音乐剧,还有遍布三大洲的各种机构、官方调查及法律纠纷。



泰坦尼克号简介泰坦尼克号(RMS Titanic)是一艘英国豪华邮轮,于20世纪初期建造,并于1912年4月10日首航。



建造背景泰坦尼克号是由英国船厂哈兰德和沃尔夫公司(Harland and Wolff)设计和建造的。




为了保证船舶的结构强度,泰坦尼克号采用了一种称为“长桁架”(longitudinal framing)的新技术,使得船体更加坚固。

















mottoIdeal is the beacon. Without ideal , there is no secure direction ; without direction , there is no life .( Leo Tolstoy ,Russian writer)理想是指路明灯。


(俄国作家托尔斯泰. L .)Titaniccharacters•Leonardo Wilelm DiCaprio---JACK •Kate Winslet —-ROSEthe brief introduction •Titanic directed by James Cameron presents a fictional love story on the historical setting of theTitanic. The plot is simple, noncomplicated, ornot for those who love plots that are twist andturn and keeps you in suspense. The end of themovie can be figured out within minutes of thestart of the film, but the love story is aninteresting one, however. Kate Winslett iswonderful as Rose, an aristocratic (贵族的)young lady betrothed (已订婚的)by Cal (BillyZane). Early on the voyage Rose meets Jack(Leonardo DiCaprio), a lower class artist on hisway to America after winning his ticket aboardTitanic in a poker game. If he wants something,he goes and gets it unlike the upper class whoare so concerned with their social worries. Thetwo fall in love and the audience sees thesinking of the Titanic primarily through their eye s.dialogueJACK: Don’t do it!杰克:你跳啥子跳。



• 11.We're women. Our choices are never easy. 我们是女人,我们的选择从来就不易。 • 12.Will you give us a chance to live? 能不能给我们留一条生路? • 13.God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death. Neither shall there be sorrow or dying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former world has passed away. 上帝擦去他们所有的眼泪。死亡不再有, 也不再有悲伤和生死 不再有痛苦,因往事已矣。
《Titanic》 Titanic》
《Titanic》 Titanic》
Drama introduction
Laughter Smile Jack savedmeet you NiceAnnoyed by accident Depressed to Rose
the sea stands for freedom.
• 5.A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets. 女人的心是一片秘密的深洋。 • 6.Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you... 赢到船票,坐上这艘船…是我一生最美好的事。 它让我能跟你相逢。 • 7.I will never let go,Jack, I’ll never let go. 我不会放弃的,杰克,我永远不会放弃。 • 8.All life is a game of luck. 生活本来就全靠运气。 • 9.I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what's going to happen, or who I'm going to meet, where I'm going to wind up. 我喜欢早上起来时一切都是未知的,不知会遇见什么人, 会有什么样的结局。



关于泰坦尼克号你不知道的10个事实In the early hours of April 15, 1912, in the North Atlantic Ocean, 2,225 men, women and children found themselves in a nightmare beyond their imaginations. Some 107 hours after Titanic’s first transatlantic crossing began, an iceberg terminated the voyage about 400 miles southeast of Nova Scotia. About 160 minutes later, the world’s wonder ship disappeared into the depths, with the loss of 1,513 lives —two-thirds of all on board.1912年4月15日,北大西洋一艘邮轮上的2225名乘客遇上了惊天噩梦。



Titanic’s brief life has engendered hundreds of books and songs, more than a dozen films, countless television documentaries, an opera, a Broadway musical, nearly a dozen Titanic organizations on at least three continents, official investigations and courtroom battles, and safety regulations that make sea travel among the safest transportation modes.泰坦尼克号的短暂一生缔造了无数小说、歌曲、影视、纪录片、歌剧、百老汇音乐剧,还有遍布三大洲的各种机构、官方调查及法律纠纷。



The End
• 最后片段,罗丝的生活照片,从罗丝生活照 片来看罗丝听从了杰克临死前的叮嘱,好 好活下去,影片结尾时,罗丝把“海洋之心” 抛入海中,以示在天之灵,最后罗丝在睡 梦中寿终正寝,回到与杰克约会的楼梯,在 楼梯周围鼓掌欢迎罗丝回来的人都是1912 年泰坦尼克号沉船时那些遇难的人, 墙上的 时间停留在沉船的那一刻,罗丝没有爽约, 她跟杰克在天堂相见了
The movie
• In order to find in the Atlantic in 1912, the sinking of the Titanic and the ship's precious treasures -very valuable " heart of the ocean " gem, treasure Explorer Bullock salvaged from the wreck on a rusty safe, but of which only a wellpreserved sketches - one wearing a diamond necklace of the young woman.为了寻找1912年 在大西洋沉没的泰坦尼克号和船上的珍贵财宝— —价值连城的“海洋之心”宝石,寻宝探险家布 洛克从沉船上打捞起一个锈迹斑斑的保险柜,不 料其中只有一幅保存完好的素描-一位佩戴着钻 石项链的年轻女子。
The story
• Rose in Titanic, because do not want to marry fiance Carle, so ready to jump into the sea by the Dutch act, just tickets, board the luxurious ship saved by Jack. Jack took her to the steerage party, to paint her ... The two of them soon fall in love, but the sweet love also before long, one of the most significant disaster in history, the sinking of the Titanic has made. Their burgeoning love seedlings through tests of life and death. Finally, Jack in order to save rose, to keep her warm, encourage her to survive, while they froze to death in the cold water. Rose was saved • , she never forget Jack, not only because they have a beautiful love, but also because Jack gave her a lot of happiness, also gave her a new hope and future ... ...




1. 泰坦尼克号沉没前一天有个救生演习,可惜被取消了。

2. 电影中船沉时小提琴手们一直演奏乐曲的事是真实发生的。

3. 好时巧克力的创始人本应在船上,幸运的是,他因为商务会议取消了行程。

4. 电影泰坦尼克的花费比泰坦尼克号沉没损失费用还要高。

5. 让泰坦尼克号沉没的冰山公元前1000前就存在了。

6. 本可以支援泰坦尼克号的船只,却因通讯延迟错过了。

7. 一名幸存者,幸运的他喝了很多酒,直至被救,这些酒帮助他抵御寒冷的海水2小时。

8. 泰坦尼克号是有史以来第一艘因冰山沉没的远洋航轮。

9. 大多数救生艇都没有满员,实际上还能就更多的人。

10. 如果30秒前船长做出正确的决定,船不会沉。







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3800米深处的大西洋海底打捞出的文物包括 精致的瓷器、银制餐具以及一个17吨重、带 完整舷窗的船身残骸。 作为“泰坦尼克”号邮轮沉没100周年纪念活 动的一部分,从该邮轮上打捞出来的一些无 价珍宝将首次大规模向公众开放参观。该展 览将于2012年11月16日,从美国亚特兰大市 开始进行巡回展览。

泰坦尼克号是人类的美好梦想达到顶峰时的产物,反映了 人类掌握世界的强大自信心。它的沉没,向人类展示了大自 然的神秘力量,以及命运的不可预测。到泰坦尼克号沉没那 天为止,西方世界的人们已经享受了100年的安稳和太平。 科技稳定地进步,工业迅速地发展,人们对未来信心十足。 泰坦尼克号的沉没惊醒了这一切。这艘“永不沉没的轮 船”——埃菲尔铁塔之后最大的人工钢铁构造物,工业时代 的伟大成就,因为对自然的威力掉以轻心,满不在乎,所以 在第一次处女航中就沉没了。泰坦尼克号将永远让人们牢记 人类的傲慢自信所付出的代价。人们永远也忘不了这幅画面: 泰坦尼克号在海底昂着头,残破和污迹也掩盖不了她的高贵。 这就是她的归宿。历史就这样演变成了传奇。 这场灾难震惊了国际社会。因为它向一些人证明了:人和 人们的技术成就无法与自然的力量相比。
外文名:RMS Titanic 舰宽:28.19米(92.50英尺) 吃水:10.54米(34.58英尺) 舰长:269.06米(882.75英尺) 锅炉:25个 烟囱:4个 主机功率:51000马力 最大时速:24节。(1节=1海里/小时=1.852 公里/小时 )
水密隔墙分为16个水密隔舱 其中任意两个隔舱灌满了水,她仍然能够行 驶,甚至四个隔舱灌满了水,也可以保持漂 浮状态。 称号:永不沉没之船
二等舱 三等舱) 船上配有室内游泳池、健身房、土耳其浴室、 图书馆、电梯和一个壁球室。 船上最为奢华之处是头等舱的大楼梯 。位于 第一和第二烟囱之间。配有橡木镶板以及镀 金栏杆的大楼梯一直延伸到E层甲板。 楼梯顶部的墙上镶有一盏钟,钟两侧雕刻着 象征高贵和荣誉的寓言人物。
冰山发生死亡之吻 。 右舷前部吃水线下被划擦出了一个约93米长 的大口,所有货舱和六号锅炉房开始汹涌地 涌入海水。 0点15分,泰坦尼克号发出了“CQD MGY” 的呼救信号。
0点45分,第一艘救生艇被放下。船上发射了第一 枚遇险火箭。 1点40分,最后一艘折叠救生艇被放下海面。 2点18分,伴随一阵巨大的断裂声,泰坦尼克号船 身从三、四号烟囱中间的地方断为两截。 船头部分沉入海中,后半截砸回海面,因为船尾进 水和船头的拉扯,船尾又快速翘了起来,和海面呈 90度。
相大银幕。导演詹姆斯-卡梅隆(James Cameron)透露了制作计划和五大看点。在3D 新片《阿凡达》(Avatar)的制作过程中,詹姆 斯-卡梅隆受到启发,决定用这一高科技手段 重新制作当年由凯特-温斯莱特(Kate Winslet) 和莱昂纳多-迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio) 主演,颇受赞誉的影片《泰坦尼克号》。

剧情:为了寻找1912年在大西洋沉没的泰坦尼克号 和船上的珍贵财宝——价值连城的“海洋之心”宝 石,寻宝探险家布洛克从沉船上打捞起一个锈迹斑 斑的保险柜,不料其中只有一幅保存完好的素描- 一位佩戴着钻石项链的年轻女子。这则电视新闻引 起了一位百岁老妇人的注意,老人激动不已,随即乘 直升飞机赶到布洛克的打捞船上。原来她名叫罗 丝· 道森,正是画像上的女子。她讲述了一段动人的 爱情故事 。
演讲:王苏龙 制作:第三组
导演:詹姆斯卡梅隆 上映时间:1997年12月19日
Titanic)是一艘奥林匹克 级游轮, 1912年4月14日,船上时间夜里11 点40分,泰坦尼克号撞上冰山;4月15日凌 晨2点20分,船裂成两半后沉入大西洋。船上 1500多人丧生。 2012年11月16日,沉船遗物将以1.89亿美元 出售。
王苏龙 2012年11月6日

尾分离,高速沉了下去。 船尾因为不断进水,垂直的插下海中,于2点 20分完完全全消失在大西洋的海面上。从撞 击冰山到完全沉没只花了2小时40分钟。【原 设想只有1小时50分钟】
赶到了出事现场。只有705人生还。 4月18日,卡帕西亚号抵达纽约港。经过自由 女神像时,上万人在曼哈顿岛的巴特雷海岸 观看。
23点40分,瞭望员弗雷德里克· 弗利特(后来
生还)发现远处有“两张桌子大小”的一块 黑影,以很快的速度变大。 接电话的六副穆迪通知了旁边的一副默多克。 默多克立刻下令打响车钟:“所有引擎减速! 左满舵!三号螺旋桨倒车!”在瞭望员发现 冰山到船头撞击冰山只经过了短短37秒。
美国 票 房:全球票房1 ,843,201,268美元 主题曲:My Heart Will Go On 主演:莱昂纳多· 迪卡普里奥,凯特· 温斯莱特
中国记忆:一个称霸十年的票房 永远的记忆
:My Heart Will Go On You jump,I jump:生死相随 I will never let it go,Jack, I’ll never let it go. 我不会放弃的,杰克,我永远不会放弃。
“永不沉没”的泰坦尼克号启程驶往纽约。 船长叫爱德华· 约翰· 史密斯 1912年4月14日,星期天晚上,一个风平浪 静的夜晚,甚至一点风都没有。如果有的话, 船员会发现波浪拍打在冰山上的点点鳞光。 泰坦尼克号以22.3节的速度在这片漆黑冰冷 的洋面上极速航行(极限航速24节)。