



商务英语培训计划书商务英语培训计划书Business English training proposal一.内容Content1.方式甲方到乙方所在地进行一对一授课Method Party A come to the place of Party B to have one-to-one classes2.人数一人 No. of students one3.计划每周上课2次,每次授课2小时,50周,共200小时甲方和乙方将会根据实际情况进步不确认上课次数及时间Plan Twice per week, 2 hours each time, 50 week, 200 hours in total Party A and Party B shall further negotiate to confirm the specific time4.目的提高学生的英语口语,阅读水平和信函阅读写作能力Purpose improve students’ spoken and comprehension English and letter readingand writing5.内容 1.英语口语能力:语法,词汇,发音,日常口语对话交流 2.英语阅读能力:原版英语文章,BBC,VOA 等基础性文章3.信函写作能力: e-mail 写作,报告的.写作方法及规格,书信,各种留言写作,具体教学大纲及计划安排由乙方在问卷调查后再根据实际情况制定6.形式采取模块教学Module teaching 量身定制针对性课程Customized courses二.服务Service1.前期准备1 对目标学员得英语水平进行评定Early method Level check for target students Preparations 1 1.笔试(约40分钟)Written test (about 40 minutes) 2.口试(一对一,约十分钟)Spoken test (one to one, about 10 minutes)2.前期准备2 培训需求调查分析Early method analysis of survey on training needs Preparations 2 针对个人Personal management3. 前期准备3 甲方根据乙方提供以下分析报告决定方案的选择Early method Party A chooses the program based on the Party B’s analysis report Preparations 3 1.测试和分析报告Assessment and analysis report2.培训方案合同Training program and contract4.实施过程 1. 组织和安排培训的实施 Organize and arrange the training Progress of 2.培训中反馈意见调查Implementation investigate the feedback from the training 3.根据调查分析做合适调整Make proper adjustment according to the investigation analysis 4.提供阶段性评估 Offer periodic assessment 5. 提供评估报告和建议Offer assessment report and advice三.费用 Quotation1.长度 200小时 Length 200 hours2.培训费 RMB Training fee3.资料费 RMB4.付费方式信用卡或现金Payment method Credit card and cash。











学习目标主要包括:1. 提高商务英语听力、口语、阅读和写作能力;2. 掌握商务英语常用词汇、短语、表达方式;3. 学习商务英语交际技巧,能够和外国人进行商务沟通;4. 熟练运用商务英语进行商务活动,如会议、商务谈判等;5. 提高商务英语报告撰写能力,能够用英语表达商务见解。

二、学习内容和方法1. 商务英语听力和口语学习内容:商务英语听力材料的听写、模仿和实际应用,口语练习以商务对话、商务电话沟通和商务谈判为主要内容。


2. 商务英语阅读和写作学习内容:商务英语阅读材料的理解和分析,商务英语写作练习包括商务邮件、商务报告、商务推广等方面的写作。


3. 商务英语交际技巧学习内容:商务英语交际技巧包括商务礼仪、商务沟通技巧、商务谈判技巧等方面的学习和实践。


4. 商务英语活动实践学习内容:商务英语会议、商务谈判、商务报告等商务活动的实际操作和表达能力。


5. 商务英语词汇和短语学习内容:商务英语常用词汇、短语、表达方式的学习和掌握。


三、学习计划1. 学习时间安排:每周学习4天,每天2小时,共计8小时。



企业商务英语培训方案目录1. 企业商务英语培训方案概述1.1 市场需求分析1.2 培训内容1.3 师资力量1.4 教学方法1.5 成果评估2. 适合对象分析2.1 不同行业人群2.2 各阶层职员2.3 学员需求调研3. 培训计划制定3.1 培训周期安排3.2 培训课程设置3.3 培训目标设定4. 教学资源及工具准备4.1 教材选择4.2 多媒体设备4.3 在线学习平台5. 学员管理和跟踪5.1 学员档案管理5.2 学习记录跟踪5.3 学员反馈收集6. 效果评估和调整6.1 学员评估6.2 培训效果评估6.3 培训方案调整7. 商务英语培训意义和价值7.1 提升员工综合素质7.2 拓展企业国际视野7.3 增强企业竞争力企业商务英语培训方案概述企业商务英语培训方案是针对企业员工提供的英语学习计划,通过系统化的课程安排、专业的师资力量和科学的教学方法,帮助员工提高商务英语水平,增强沟通能力和跨文化交流能力。














二、培训内容1.商务英语基础阶段(1)商务英语基础知识学习- 商务英语语法和语法知识- 商务英语词汇学习及常用短语和俚语- 商务英语听说读写训练(2)商务英语交际技能学习- 商务英语书面交际技能- 商务英语口头交际技能- 商务英语电话交际技能2.商务英语进阶阶段(1)商务文书写作- 商务邮件写作和商务函电写作- 商务报告、商务简报和商务策划书的写作技巧- 商务文件和合同的书写规范(2)商务英语听力和口语提升- 商务英语听力训练- 商务英语口语训练- 商务英语口语表达能力提升(3)商务英语阅读和写作能力提升- 商务英语阅读理解- 商务英语写作技巧- 商务英语作文和商务材料的写作能力3.商务英语进阶提升(1)商务英语翻译能力提升- 商务英语翻译技巧- 商务英语口译和笔译实践- 商务英语翻译案例分析和实战演练(2)商务英语应用实践- 商务英语商务谈判技巧- 商务英语商务会议技巧- 商务英语商务社交技能(3)商务英语跨文化交际- 跨文化交际概念和理论- 跨文化交际案例分析和实践- 跨文化交际技巧及应用三、培训方式1.课堂教学- 由资深商务英语专家授课,灵活运用多媒体教学手段,提供商务英语学习的实战案例和情境模拟。

2.实践演练- 通过商务英语实践活动,如商务角色扮演、商务谈判模拟、商务会议实践等,让学员在真实场景中运用商务英语知识和技能。

3.课外扩展- 提供商务英语学习资料,如商务英语教材、学习指导书、商务英语学习软件等,鼓励学员进行积极的自主学习。

四、培训评估1.学员学习成绩评估- 每学期进行商务英语基础知识、商务英语交际技能和商务英语应用实践的笔试、口试和实战演练评估,及时了解学员的学习进展和成绩表现。



企业英语培训经典教案第一章:商务英语沟通基础1.1 简介:介绍商务英语沟通的重要性和基础概念。

1.2 教学目标:理解商务英语沟通的基本原则和技巧。

1.3 教学内容:商务英语沟通的基本原则,包括清晰性、简洁性、礼貌性和专业性。

1.4 教学方法:小组讨论、案例分析和角色扮演。

1.5 教学评估:小组讨论的表现和角色扮演的演示。

第二章:商务电子邮件写作技巧2.1 简介:介绍商务电子邮件的重要性和基础概念。

2.2 教学目标:掌握商务电子邮件的写作技巧和格式。

2.3 教学内容:商务电子邮件的格式,包括邮件头、邮件和邮件尾。

2.4 教学方法:小组讨论、案例分析和写作练习。

2.5 教学评估:学生写的商务电子邮件的质量和准确性。

第三章:商务会议口语技巧3.1 简介:介绍商务会议口语的重要性和基础概念。

3.2 教学目标:掌握商务会议口语的技巧和表达方式。

3.3 教学内容:商务会议口语的常用表达方式和技巧。

3.4 教学方法:小组讨论、角色扮演和口语练习。

3.5 教学评估:学生在角色扮演中的表现和口语练习的准确性。

第四章:商务谈判英语技巧4.1 简介:介绍商务谈判英语的重要性和基础概念。

4.2 教学目标:掌握商务谈判英语的技巧和表达方式。

4.3 教学内容:商务谈判英语的常用表达方式和技巧。

4.4 教学方法:小组讨论、角色扮演和谈判练习。

4.5 教学评估:学生在角色扮演中的表现和谈判练习的准确性。

第五章:商务报告和演讲技巧5.1 简介:介绍商务报告和演讲的重要性和基础概念。

5.2 教学目标:掌握商务报告和演讲的技巧和表达方式。

5.3 教学内容:商务报告和演讲的技巧,包括结构设计、语言表达和演示技巧。

5.4 教学方法:小组讨论、角色扮演和演讲练习。

5.5 教学评估:学生在角色扮演中的表现和演讲练习的准确性。

第六章:国际贸易英语6.1 简介:介绍国际贸易英语的重要性和基础概念。

6.2 教学目标:理解国际贸易英语的专业术语和表达方式。



1. 商务沟通技巧:学习商务英语的基本词汇和表达方式,如电话沟通、会议交流、商务信函等。

2. 商务写作:学习商务英语的书面表达方式,包括商务报告、商务信函、商业合同等。

3. 商务演讲和演示:学习在商业场合进行演讲和演示的技巧,包括演讲稿的撰写、演讲技巧、演示工具的使用等。

4. 商务礼仪:学习在商业场合的礼仪规范,包括商务会议中的服装要求、礼仪规范等。

5. 商务文化:学习不同国家和地区的商务文化差异,了解如何适应不同文化背景下的商务环境。

6. 商务谈判技巧:学习在商务谈判中的技巧和策略,包括沟通技巧、洞察对方需求、磋商和协商等。

7. 商业法律知识:学习商业合同、商标法、知识产权等商业法律知识。

8. 商业英语阅读和听力:提高商务英语的阅读和听力能力,熟悉商业新闻、商业杂志和商业会议等材料。




商务英语培训计划方案1. IntroductionBusiness English is crucial for communication in the global business environment. In today's competitive world, having strong English communication skills is essential for professionals to succeed in their careers. This training program aims to provide participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively communicate in the business world.2. Training Objectives- Improve participants' English language proficiency, with a focus on business vocabulary, grammar, and writing skills.- Enhance participants' business communication skills, including speaking and presentation skills.- Provide participants with a solid understanding of business communication etiquette and cultural differences in the business environment.3. Target AudienceThis training program is designed for professionals who are seeking to enhance their English language and business communication skills. It is suitable for individuals who work in international business, sales and marketing, customer service, or any other business-related roles.4. Training MethodologyThe training program will be delivered through a combination of lectures, interactive activities, group discussions, and role-plays. Participants will also have the opportunity to practice their English communication skills through real-life business scenarios and case studies.5. Training ModulesThe training program will consist of the following modules:Module 1: Business English Fundamentals- Introduction to business English- Business vocabulary and grammar- Writing effective business emails and reportsModule 2: Business Communication Skills- Effective verbal communication in the business context- Presentation skills and public speaking- Negotiation and persuasion techniquesModule 3: Cross-Cultural Communication- Understanding cultural differences in business communication- Etiquette and protocols in different business cultures- Building relationships and networking in a global context6. Training ScheduleThe training program will be conducted over a period of 8 weeks, with each module taking 2 weeks to complete. Each week, participants will attend two 2-hour training sessions, totaling 16 hours of training for each module.Week 1-2: Business English FundamentalsWeek 3-4: Business Communication SkillsWeek 5-6: Cross-Cultural CommunicationWeek 7-8: Final Assessment and Graduation7. Assessment and CertificationAt the end of the training program, participants will be required to complete a final assessment to evaluate their learning outcomes. Upon successful completion of the assessment, participants will be awarded a certificate of completion.8. Training MaterialsParticipants will be provided with a set of training materials, including textbooks, workbooks, and online resources. They will also have access to learning materials such as audio and video recordings, case studies, and business articles.9. TrainersThe training program will be delivered by experienced and qualified trainers with expertise in business English and communication skills. The trainers will provide personalized feedback and support to participants throughout the program.10. Evaluation and FeedbackContinuous evaluation and feedback will be conducted to monitor the progress of participants and make adjustments to the training program if necessary. Participants will be encouraged to provide feedback on the training content and delivery to ensure the effectiveness of the program.11. ConclusionThis business English training program aims to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the global business environment. By enhancing their English language proficiency and business communication skills, participants will be able to effectively interact with clients, colleagues, and business partners, ultimately contributing to their professional success.。



商务英语培训计划书1. IntroductionIn today's globalized business environment, effective communication in English is vital for success. Many businesses require their employees to have a good command of English in order to communicate with clients, negotiate business deals, and participate in international conferences and events. Therefore, it is crucial for employees to improve their English language skills in a professional context.This training program proposal aims to improve the Business English proficiency of our employees, enabling them to communicate more effectively and confidently in English, thus enhancing the overall performance of our company.2. Training ObjectivesThe main objectives of the Business English training program are as follows:- To improve employees' Business English speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.- To enhance employees' Business English vocabulary and grammar.- To develop employees' confidence and skills in communicating effectively in various business situations, including presentations, negotiations, teleconferences, and written correspondence.- To improve employees' ability to understand and use business-related terminology and idiomatic expressions.3. Training ContentThe training program will cover the following areas:- Business English speaking and pronunciation: Focus on developing clear communication skills, effective public speaking, and the correct use of intonation and stress patterns in English.- Business English listening: Improve employees' ability to understand business conversations, instructions, presentations, and meetings in English.- Business English reading and writing: Develop employees' skills in reading and understanding business documents, reports, emails, and other written materials, as well as their ability to write effective business correspondence, reports, and proposals.- Business English vocabulary and grammar: Expand employees' business-related vocabulary and improve their grasp of English grammar, including tenses, sentence structure, and idiomatic expressions commonly used in business contexts.- Business communication skills: Train employees to communicate effectively in various business situations, including formal and informal meetings, negotiations, presentations, teleconferences, and networking events.4. Training MethodsThe training program will utilize a variety of methods to cater to different learning styles, including:- Classroom-based instruction: Engage employees in interactive classroom sessions that emphasize practical communication skills and real-life business scenarios.- Role-plays and simulations: Provide employees with opportunities to practice business English in simulated workplace situations, such as meetings, negotiations, and presentations.- Case studies and business simulations: Use real-life business case studies and simulations to improve employees' understanding of business concepts and terminology in English.- Language labs and self-study materials: Provide employees with access to language labs and self-study materials, such as online courses, podcasts, and videos, to reinforce their learning outside of the classroom.- Individual coaching and feedback: Offer personalized coaching and feedback to employees to address their specific language needs and challenges.5. Training ScheduleThe training program will be conducted over a period of six months, with a total of 80 hours of instruction. Sessions will be held twice a week, with each session lasting two hours. The schedule will be flexible to accommodate employees' work commitments and may include weekend sessions if necessary.6. Training MaterialsA variety of training materials and resources will be used, including textbooks, audiovisual materials, online resources, and self-study materials. These materials will be carefully selected to meet the specific needs and interests of our employees and to provide them with practical, relevant, and up-to-date content.7. Assessment and CertificationEmployees' progress will be regularly assessed through quizzes, tests, assignments, and oral presentations. At the end of the training program, employees who successfully complete the course will receive a certificate of achievement to recognize their efforts and accomplishments.8. TrainersExperienced and qualified trainers with expertise in Business English training will be selected to deliver the program. Trainers will be chosen based on their knowledge, skills, and experience in teaching Business English to professionals in a corporate environment.9. BudgetA budget will be allocated for the training program to cover the costs of instructors' fees, training materials, facilities, and any other related expenses. The budget will be carefully managed to ensure the effective use of resources and the successful implementation of the program.10. ConclusionIn conclusion, the Business English training program will provide our employees with the essential language skills and confidence they need to excel in today's competitive business world. By investing in this training program, we are investing in the professional development of our employees and the overall success of our company. We are confident that the program will yield positive results and contribute to our employees' growth and success in their careers. Thank you for considering this proposal, and we look forward to your support in implementing this important initiative.。












根据本次培训的经验和教训,制定未来培训的目标和计 划,包括培训内容、教师队伍、培训方式等方面。
积极寻求与其他机构、企业或学校的合作机会,开展更 为广泛的商务英语培训项目,提高培训质量和影响力。
不断更新培训内容和方法,引入新的教学技术和手段, 提高培训的针对性和实效性。同时加强与其他领域的交 流与合作,拓展商务英语的应用范围和领域。
增强学员在商务环 境中的应对能力和 自信心。
注重提高学员的口语表达能力和语音语调 。
培养学员快速阅读和理解商务材料的能力 。
加强学员对英语听力材料的理解和反应速 度。
帮助学员掌握商务信函、报告等写作技巧 。
熟悉和掌握商务场合常用的专业词 汇和短语。
精选商务英语相关学习资料,包括但不限于商务口语、写作 、阅读、听力等方面的学习资源,帮助学员全面提升商务英 语能力。
定期向学员推荐优质的商务英语学习资源,包括书籍、网站 、应用程序等,以保持学员的学习兴趣和动力。
建立线上或线下的学员交流与互动平台,让学员之间能够分享学习心得、交流学习经验,形成良好的 学习氛围。
明确培训效果评估的具体指标和重点 ,如提高语言水平、掌握商务知识、
确定评估时间节点、评估内容、评 估人员等,确保评估工作的有序进



企业商务英语培训方案企业商务英语培训方案:1. 需求分析:首先需要对企业员工的英语水平进行全面的评估,了解他们的英语能力和需求。


2. 制定培训目标:根据员工的英语水平和企业的需求,制定明确的培训目标。


3. 设计培训课程:根据培训目标,设计符合企业需求的培训课程。



4. 确定培训方式:根据企业的实际情况,确定培训的方式,可以选择线下培训、在线培训或混合培训。


5. 配置教材和资源:根据课程设计,选择合适的教材和学习资源,如教科书、学习软件、多媒体课件等。


6. 定期评估和反馈:在培训过程中,定期进行评估,检查员工的学习进展和培训效果。



7. 强化实践和应用:在培训过程中,注重实践和应用,提供实际场景的模拟和案例分析。


8. 培训效果评估:在培训结束后,进行培训效果评估,了解员工的英语水平提升情况,同时收集员工对培训的反馈和建议。


9. 持续跟进和支持:培训结束后,为员工提供持续的跟进和支持。


10. 评估效果和调整:定期评估培训效果,根据评估结果对培训方案进行调整和优化,确保培训的长期可持续发展。















商务英语培训学习计划I. IntroductionIn today’s global business environment, the ability to communicate effectively in English is essential for professionals across various industries. Whether it’s negotiating with international clients, giving presentations, or conducting meetings, having strong business English skills is crucial for success.This training program is designed to help participants improve their business English language skills and gain the confidence to communicate effectively in a professional setting. The program will focus on developing speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills, as well as building vocabulary and grammar knowledge specific to the business world.II. Goals and ObjectivesThe goals of this training program are to:1. Improv e participants’ business English language skills2. Enhance their ability to effectively communicate in a professional setting3. Build confidence in using English for business purposes4. Expand their business vocabulary and knowledge of business English grammar5. Provide practical language practice in various business scenariosIII. Training ModulesThe training program will cover the following modules:Module 1: Business Communication Skills- Developing effective communication skills in a business context- Practicing professional emailing and writing reports- Learning how to communicate persuasively and negotiate in EnglishModule 2: Business Vocabulary- Building a strong business vocabulary- Learning industry-specific terms and expressions- Identifying and using common business idioms and phrasal verbsModule 3: Presentation Skills- Developing effective presentation skills in English- Learning how to structure and deliver a compelling presentation- Practicing speaking with clarity and confidenceModule 4: Meetings and Discussions- Participating in and leading business meetings in English- Practicing active listening and effective communication in group discussions- Learning how to express opinions and ideas assertively in a team settingModule 5: Business Writing- Improving professional writing skills for business purposes- Practicing writing effective proposals, memos, and business letters- Learning how to compose clear and concise business documentsIV. Training MethodsThe training program will utilize a variety of methods to ensure a comprehensive learning experience, including:- Instructor-led classroom sessions- Interactive group discussions and activities- Role-playing and simulation exercises- Listening and speaking practice through audio and video materials- Writing and grammar exercises- Individual and group presentationsV. Training ScheduleThe training program will be conducted over a period of 12 weeks, with sessions held twice a week for 2 hours each. The schedule is as follows:Week 1-2: Business Communication SkillsWeek 3-4: Business VocabularyWeek 5-6: Presentation SkillsWeek 7-8: Meetings and DiscussionsWeek 9-10: Business WritingWeek 11-12: Review and PracticeVI. Evaluation and AssessmentParticipants will be evaluated through ongoing assessments, including:- Written assignments and tests- Oral presentations and group discussions- Role-playing and simulation exercises- Active participation in class activitiesVII. Training MaterialsParticipants will be provided with the following training materials:- Textbooks and workbooks focusing on business English- Audio and video materials for listening and speaking practice- Supplementary reading materials for vocabulary and grammar development- Business case studies and real-world examples for practical applicationVIII. ConclusionBy the end of this training program, participants will have developed strong business English language skills and the confidence to effectively use English in a professional setting. They will be able to communicate with clarity and professionalism, negotiate and persuade with confidence, and write with precision and impact. This training program will provide a solid foundation for success in the global business world and set participants apart as effective and proficient business English communicators.。



企业英文培训计划1. IntroductionIn today's globalized business world, the ability to communicate effectively in English is essential for success. As a result, many companies are investing in English language training for their employees. This training plan is designed to help employees at our company improve their English language skills, with a focus on business communication.2.ObjectivesThe primary objectives of this training plan are:- To improve employees' proficiency in English for business communication- To enhance employees' confidence in using English in professional settings- To provide employees with the language skills they need to communicate effectively with clients, suppliers, and colleagues from around the world- To support the company's international expansion and growth3. ContentThe training program will consist of the following modules:Module 1: Business English Fundamentals- Grammar and vocabulary for business communication- Common phrases and expressions used in business settings- Email writing and correspondenceModule 2: Speaking and Presentation Skills- Oral communication skills for meetings, negotiations, and presentations- Techniques for effective public speaking- Business etiquette and cultural awarenessModule 3: Writing and Documentation- Report writing and technical documentation- Formatting and structuring business documents- Editing and proofreadingModule 4: Business English for Specific Industries- Industry-specific vocabulary and terminology- Case studies and role-plays for real-world scenarios- Business simulations and exercisesModule 5: English for International Business- Cross-cultural communication and understanding- Negotiation skills and techniques- International business practices and protocols4. Training DeliveryThe training will be delivered through a combination of in-person classes, online modules, and self-study materials. Each module will be facilitated by experienced English language trainers, with a focus on practical skills and real-world application. The training will be interactive and engaging, with plenty of opportunities for participants to practice their English in a supportive environment.5. Assessment and EvaluationThroughout the training program, participants will be assessed on their progress through quizzes, assignments, and practical exercises. At the end of each module, participants will also receive feedback on their performance and areas for improvement. At the conclusion of the training, a final assessment will be conducted to measure the overall improvement in participants' English language skills.6. Implementation and TimelineThe training program will be rolled out in phases, with each module lasting approximately 4-6 weeks. Participants will be divided into small groups based on their current English proficiency level, to ensure that the training is tailored to their individual needs. The entire program is expected to take approximately 6-12 months to complete, depending on the participants' starting level and the pace of the training.7. Follow-Up and SupportAfter the completion of the training program, participants will be provided with ongoing support and resources to continue improving their English language skills. This may include access to additional materials, language exchange programs, and opportunities to practice their English in real business situations. The company will also continue to monitor and evaluate the impact of the training program on participants' performance and success.8. ConclusionBy investing in this comprehensive English language training program, our company aims to empower our employees with the language skills they need to thrive in today's global business environment. By improving their proficiency in English, we will be better positioned to communicate and collaborate with partners, customers, and colleagues from around the world, ultimately contributing to the success and growth of our company.In conclusion, the enterprise English training plan is a vital step toward achieving our company's international business objectives, and we are committed to providing our employees with the resources and support they need to succeed in this endeavor.。



企业英语培训工作计划1. IntroductionThe ability to communicate effectively in English is essential for many businesses in today's global economy. As a result, it is important for companies to provide their employees with the necessary language skills to succeed in an English-speaking work environment. This Enterprise English Training Work Plan aims to outline the steps and strategies for implementing a successful English training program within our company.2. Needs AnalysisBefore implementing any training program, it is important to conduct a thorough needs analysis to determine the specific language skills that employees need to develop. This can be done through surveys, interviews, and language assessments to gauge the current English proficiency levels of the employees. Based on the results of the needs analysis, the training program can be tailored to address the specific language needs of the employees.3. Program ObjectivesThe objectives of the English training program should be clearly defined so that both the trainers and the employees know what is expected from the program. The program objectives could include improving employees' speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in English, as well as developing their business communication skills. Additionally, the program should aim to increase employees' confidence and competence in using English in an international business setting.4. Program DesignThe program should be designed to be flexible and responsive to the needs of the employees. It could include a combination of classroom-based instruction, self-study materials, and online resources to accommodate different learning styles and schedules. The program should also incorporate real-life business scenarios and case studies to make the training relevant and practical for the employees.5. Curriculum DevelopmentBased on the needs analysis and program objectives, a comprehensive curriculum should be developed to guide the training program. The curriculum could include modules on business English vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, email and report writing, presentation skills, and negotiation strategies. The curriculum should be aligned with the specific language needs of the employees and the goals of the training program.6. Trainer Selection and TrainingExperienced and qualified trainers should be selected to deliver the English training program. The trainers should have a strong background in English language teaching and anunderstanding of the business context in which the employees operate. Additionally, the trainers could undergo a training program to familiarize themselves with the company's culture, values, and communication style.7. Training DeliveryThe training program could be delivered through a combination of in-person workshops, virtual classrooms, and one-on-one coaching sessions. The training sessions should be interactive and engaging, with plenty of opportunities for the employees to practice their language skills in a supportive environment. The training could also include activities such as role-plays, simulations, and group discussions to reinforce learning and encourage participation.8. Assessment and FeedbackRegular assessments should be conducted to measure the progress of the employees and to identify areas that need further improvement. The assessments could include quizzes, tests, and performance evaluations to gauge the employees' language proficiency and their ability to apply their language skills in a business context. Additionally, feedback from the employees should be solicited to ensure that the training program is meeting their needs and expectations.9. Monitoring and EvaluationThe training program should be monitored and evaluated to assess its effectiveness and impact on the employees' language skills and business communication abilities. The evaluation could include feedback from the employees, as well as observations of their language use in the workplace. Based on the evaluation, the training program could be adjusted and refined to better meet the needs of the employees.10. Sustainability and Continual ImprovementTo ensure the long-term success of the English training program, it is important to establish a sustainability plan that includes ongoing support for the employees to practice and improve their language skills. This could include access to language learning resources, opportunities for using English in the workplace, and periodic refresher courses. Additionally, feedback from the employees should be used to continually improve and update the training program to keep it relevant and effective.In conclusion, the Enterprise English Training Work Plan provides a roadmap for implementing a successful English training program within our company. By conducting a needs analysis, defining program objectives, designing a comprehensive curriculum, and delivering engaging and effective training, we can equip our employees with the language skills they need to thrive in an international business environment. Through ongoing monitoring and evaluation, as well as sustainability and continual improvement efforts, wecan ensure that the English training program remains relevant and beneficial to our employees in the long term.。



公司开展英语培训计划1. IntroductionIn today's globalized business environment, the ability to communicate effectively in English is essential for companies to compete and succeed. With English being the most widely spoken language in the world, it is crucial for employees to have a strong command of the language in order to facilitate communication with clients and colleagues from different countries. As such, our company has decided to launch an English training program to enhance the language proficiency of our employees. This training program aims to improve the English language skills of our staff, enabling them to better engage with international clients, negotiate deals, and collaborate with global teams.2. ObjectivesThe main objectives of the English training program are as follows:- To enhance the overall English language proficiency of employees- To improve verbal and written communication skills in English- To increase confidence in using English in professional settings- To develop the ability to understand and respond to English-speaking clients and colleagues- To increase awareness of cultural differences in communication and business practices 3. Target AudienceThe English training program is designed for employees of all levels, including executives, managers, and frontline staff. It is open to all employees who are willing to improve their English language skills, regardless of their current proficiency level. The program will be tailored to the specific needs and requirements of different departments within the company.4. Training ContentThe English training program will cover a range of topics to address the diverse needs of the employees. The content will be divided into different modules, each focusing on specific aspects of language learning. The modules will include the following:- Speaking and Listening: This module will focus on improving oral communication skills, including pronunciation, fluency, and comprehension. Exercises and activities will be designed to enhance speaking and listening abilities in various professional contexts, such as meetings, presentations, and negotiations.- Writing and Reading: This module will concentrate on developing writing skills and reading comprehension. Employees will learn how to write clear and concise emails, reports, and other business documents in English. They will also improve their ability to understand and analyze English-language texts related to their work.- Business English: This module will focus on the specific language and vocabulary used in business settings. Employees will learn how to use English effectively in various business scenarios, such as making sales pitches, conducting negotiations, and participating in conference calls.- Cultural Awareness: This module will provide insights into cultural differences in communication and business practices. Employees will learn about the customs and norms of English-speaking countries, as well as how to navigate cultural differences in professional relationships.5. Training DeliveryThe English training program will be delivered through a combination of methods, including classroom sessions, online modules, and one-on-one tutoring. The training will be conducted by experienced language instructors, who will utilize a variety of teaching techniques to engage and motivate the participants. The program will be flexible, allowing employees to choose the format and schedule that best suits their availability.6. Assessment and Progress MonitoringTo ensure the effectiveness of the training program, regular assessments and progress monitoring will be conducted. Employees will be evaluated on their language skills at the beginning of the program, and their progress will be measured at regular intervals throughout the training. This will allow us to track the improvement of each participant and tailor the training to their individual needs.7. BenefitsBy participating in the English training program, employees will gain the following benefits: - Improved confidence and proficiency in using English in professional settings- Enhanced communication skills for better interaction with international clients and colleagues- Increased ability to understand and respond to English-language business documents- Better adaptability to cultural differences in communication and business practices- Improved career prospects and opportunities for international assignments8. ConclusionThe English training program will be a valuable investment for our company, as it will equip our employees with the language skills necessary to thrive in the global business landscape. By enhancing their English proficiency, employees will be better equipped to communicate effectively, build successful business relationships, and contribute to the international growth and success of the company. We are confident that the English training program will have a positive impact on the professional development of our employees and the overall competitiveness of the company.。



企业培训英语活动方案策划第一部分:活动概述1. 活动名称:企业培训英语活动2. 活动目标:提高员工英语能力,增强沟通能力和职场竞争力3. 活动对象:公司全体员工4. 活动内容:培训课程、角色扮演、团队活动等5. 活动时间:连续三个月,每周一次,共12次课程第二部分:活动细节1. 活动课程安排:第一课:英语基础知识复习第二课:商务英语沟通技巧第三课:英语面试技巧第四课:英语演讲技巧第五课:团队合作与协作第六课:跨文化沟通技巧第七课:领导力与团队管理第八课:项目管理与英语报告第九课:英语写作技巧第十课:英语听力与口语训练第十一课:英语阅读与理解第十二课:提升自信,应对英语挑战2. 活动讲师安排:聘请具有相关教学经验和企业背景的外教和专业讲师进行授课,确保培训质量和实效性。

3. 活动场地安排:选择公司内部会议室或外部租赁场地进行培训,确保学员有一个舒适、安静的学习环境。

4. 活动时间安排:每次培训课程安排在工作日的下午,避免对员工工作的干扰。

5. 活动形式安排:(1) 课堂教学:通过讲解、示范和讨论,向学员传授相关知识和技能。

(2) 互动角色扮演:根据实际工作场景,组织学员进行角色扮演,提供实践机会和反馈。

(3) 小组讨论与合作:分组讨论和合作,提供团队合作和协作的机会。

(4) 案例分析与分享:根据实际案例,进行分析和分享,帮助学员理解和应用所学内容。

(5) 个人作业与评审:布置个人作业,进行评审和反馈,督促学员的学习进度和质量。

6. 活动材料准备:为每位学员准备学习材料包括课件、练习册等,提供学习的参考和辅助资料。

7. 活动评估与总结:每次课程结束后,通过问卷调查和讲师反馈,评估学员的学习效果,并进行总结和改进。

第三部分:活动预算1. 活动预算项目:(1) 讲师费用:根据讲师的水平和工作时间计算费用,共计X元。

(2) 场地租赁费用:根据场地的大小和租赁时间计算费用,共计X元。

(3) 活动材料费用:根据材料的种类和数量计算费用,共计X元。







计划内容1. 基础培训阶段•课程安排:每周至少安排一次英语课程,包括听说读写综合训练。


2. 实战提升阶段•对话练习:模拟商务场景进行角色扮演对话练习,提升员工实际应用能力。


3. 考核评估阶段•定期进行英语水平考核,根据考核结果调整培训计划,确保培训效果。














二、课程目标1. 培养学员具备扎实的商务英语听说读写能力;2. 提升学员在国际商务环境中的沟通与交流能力;3. 帮助学员掌握商务英语写作技巧,提高商务文书撰写水平;4. 深入了解国际商务规则与礼仪,提升商务素养。

三、课程内容1. 基础英语- 语音语调训练- 语法知识讲解- 词汇积累与应用2. 商务英语口语- 商务场景模拟- 商务谈判技巧- 商务电话沟通- 商务会议技巧- 商务演讲技巧3. 商务英语写作- 商务邮件撰写- 商务报告撰写- 合同条款撰写- 商务信函撰写4. 商务英语听力- 商务场景听力训练- 商务谈判听力训练- 商务会议听力训练5. 商务知识- 国际商务规则与礼仪- 国际贸易实务- 国际金融- 市场营销6. 商务英语翻译- 英译中- 中译英- 翻译技巧四、课程安排1. 课程周期:共分为四个阶段,每个阶段为期12周,共计48周。

2. 每周课程安排:- 周一至周五:每天2课时,共10课时;- 周六:全天课程,共8课时。

3. 课程形式:- 理论讲解:教师讲解商务英语知识,包括语法、词汇、商务知识等; - 案例分析:通过实际案例,分析商务英语在职场中的应用;- 角色扮演:模拟商务场景,提高学员的实战能力;- 小组讨论:分组讨论商务问题,培养团队合作精神;- 口语练习:进行口语交流,提高学员的口语表达能力。

五、师资力量1. 拥有丰富商务英语教学经验的教师;2. 具备实际商务工作经验的外教;3. 定期邀请商务专家进行专题讲座。

六、课程评估1. 期中、期末考试:检验学员对商务英语知识的掌握程度;2. 平时作业:检查学员的商务英语写作能力;3. 商务英语口语测试:评估学员的商务英语口语水平;4. 商务英语综合能力测试:综合评估学员的商务英语应用能力。

七、课程反馈与改进1. 定期收集学员反馈,了解课程优缺点;2. 根据学员需求,调整课程内容与教学方法;3. 邀请学员参加课程评价,持续改进课程质量。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。





1 1.1 公司介绍、个人信息、介绍他人、公司业绩(公司的结
1.2 书面评估目前学员的英语沟通表达能力(第一次评估)

2 日程安排、会议安排、确认会议、接受邀请等
3 电话沟通、处理投诉、电话留言、请求许可、提出建议要求
4 赞成与反对、职业变化、电子邮件与工作进展报告的写作(内部交流、业绩与计划、谈论成果、商谈银行贷款等)
5 商务旅行(航班问题、旅行安排、酒店设施与服务、预订等)
6 产品与服务(顾客的服务问卷调查)、订单与合同(形状与尺寸、下订单、服务供应商、更换供应商等)
7 问题与解决办法(讨论问题、解决问题、道歉信写作)、健康与安全(标识、参观工厂、报告事故、安全建议等);
8 组织会议(邀请函写作、预算、建议、回复邀请)、工作满意度、工作中出现的问题解决等;
9 结业测试(书面测试+口头表达)(第二次测试);





2.1 外部教师(九江环球英语教育或九江丹尼英语)(商务英语);
2.2 内部讲师(何国用主要讲授钨粉及合金产品、公司主体设备的专用词汇等)
1.1 根据本公司实际产品特点,结合外部讲师的优秀课件,整理出本次培训班专用教材(供随时学习与查阅);
2.1 考虑到培训时间对生产的影响等因素。


2.2 6-9月份,总计约32课时。

3.1 外聘英语培训机构老师,按800元/课时,累计培训32课时,费用约25600元;
3.2 内部讲师何国用协助,约2000元;培训教材1000元
3.3 本共计培训费用28600元。

1.1 确保培训时间和培训对象的人数,保证培训效果;
1.2 每期培训效果不低于下表要求:
1 商务英语班(正式学员)60 10 1
2.1 根据既定的培训内容进行前期准备,包括整理培训内容、制作课件、通知培训对象、准备场地以及过程管控;
2.2 培训过程须进行有效的记录,包括签到、照片和视频记录等。

3.1 为保证培训效果,达到预期目的,培训完成后须进行考核评估;
3.2 考核方式分为口语、笔试。

3.3 考核评估须双向进行,培训学员需对培训讲师进行评价,填写《讲师评价表》;
4.1 培训专员负责整理培训结果,包括培训对象出勤情况统计、培训对象考核结果整理和分析、编制培训总结;
4.2 讲师负责整理培训文件,包括培训课件、考核试卷、培训总结等;
4.3 一个培训流程结束后,培训专员负责归档保存全部培训文件,并推进下一培训流程。

