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2.现代思想视域下回顾翻译家周痩鹃的历史贡献 [J], 王丽云;
3.现代思想视域下回顾翻译家周瘦鹃的历史贡献 [J], 王丽云
4.《邓小平文选》日译本的回顾与思考——著名翻译家吉田富夫先生访谈录 [J], 崔亚蕾
5.《邓小平文选》日译本的回顾与思考——著名翻译家吉田富夫先生访谈录 [J], 崔亚蕾


















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Advanced Materials 200517

Advanced Materials 200517

Adv.Mater.2005,17,2521www.advmat.de©2005WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co.KGaA,Weinheim2521How to contact us:Editorial Office:Telephone:(+49)6201606235/432Fax:(+49)6201606500E-mail:advmat@wiley-vch.de Reprints:Agnes PetersenTelephone:(+49)6201606218Fax:(+49)6201606500E-mail:advmat@wiley-vch.de Copyright Permission:Telephone:(+49)6201606280Fax:(+49)6201606332E-mail:rights@wiley-vch.de Subscriptions:Telephone:(+49)6201606400Fax:(+49)6201606184E-mail:service@wiley-vch.de Advertising:Fax:(+49)6201606500E-mail:advmat@wiley-vch.de Courier Services:Boschstrasse 12,69469Weinheim,GermanyRegular Mail:Postfach 101161,69451Weinheim,GermanyAdvanced Materials has been publishing the latest progress in materials science for more than 15years.With an indepen-dently assessed ISI Impact Factorof 8.079,Advanced Materials continues to deliver the highest quality research reports every two weeks.It containscarefully selected,top-quality reviews,communications,and research news at the cutting edge of the chemistry and physics of functional materials as well as book reviews,product information,interviews,and a conference calendar.From 2005our new sister journal‘Small ’,the ideal forum for presenting the very best experimental andtheoretical studies of fundamental and applied research at the micro and nano scales,is being delivered monthly with Advanced Materials .www.advmat.deCover:The automated synthesis and nano-mechanical characterization of discrete combinatorial arrays of polymersenables high-throughput discovery and analysis of compliant,functional materi-als,as shown by Van Vliet and co-work-ers on p.2599.The cover illustrates a triplicate array of 576polymers auto-matically printed on a glass microscope slide,where each spot represents a pair-wise,systematically varied composition among 24different monomers.Overlaid on the image of this triplicate array is a differential interference contrast image of a single nanoliter-scale polymer vol-ume.In less than twenty-four hours of synthesis and mechanical characteriza-tion,the stiffness of each polymer is de-termined and related to key monomer structures and volume fractions thereof.Inside Cover:Short,single-particle-wide chains and complex networks of interconnected chains are easily self-assembled from 13nm Au nanoparticles by inducing a surface electrostatic dipolar moment in a controlled manner.Mann andco-workers further demonstrate both experimentally and theoretically on p.2553that efficient surface plasmon coupling takes place in these extensive networks,thus opening a new bottom–up approach to subwavelength optical-waveguiding devices.The left panel in the image shows isolated 13nm Au nanoparticles;the back panel,short linear chains;the bottom panel,com-plex branched network of chains;and the right panel,a graphical rendering of optical spectroscopic properties during the self-assembly process.Editor:Esther Levy Deputy Editor:Karen Grieve Associate Editors:David Flanagan,Cara Mulcahy,Soraya ReidenbachAssistant Editors:Mary Farrell,Lisa WylieProduction:Agnes Petersen Administration:Ramona Nily,Melanie Schmitt,Susanne StollMarketing:Claudia Barzen Freelance Cartoonist:Philip Harms Editorial Office:Tel.(+49)6201606235/432Fax (+49)6021606500E-mail:advmat@wiley-vch.de Subscription Service:Tel.(+49)6201606400Fax (+49)6021606184E-mail:service@wiley-vch.de Order through your bookseller or directly at the Publisher:Wiley-VCH,P .O.Box 101161,D-69451Weinheim,Germany.Tel.(+49)6201606400Fax (+49)6201606184E-mail:service@wiley-vch.de Published 24times a year by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co.KGaAD-69469Weinheim,GermanyAdvisory Board P .M.Ajayan,Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst.P .Batail,Angers M.T.Bernius,DowP .W.M.Blom,GroningenP .D.Calvert,Univ.of Massachusetts J.Caro,HannoverJ.H.Fendler,Clarkson S.Forrest,Princeton R.H.Friend,Cambridge R.C.Haddon,UC Riverside P .T.Hammond,MIT A.Hirsch,Erlangen H.van Houten,Philips J.Hulliger,BernT.Hyeon,Seoul Natl.Univ.A.C.Jones,Inorgtech D.L.Kaplan,Tufts 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ImagingPublished Online:September 29,2005DOI:10.1002/adma.200501064X.Liu,J.Ly,S.Han,D.Zhang,A.Requicha,M.E.Thompson,C.Zhou*Synthesis and Electronic Properties of Individual Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube/Polypyrrole Composite NanocablesPublished Online:September 29,2005DOI:10.1002/adma.200501211S.W.Lee,R.G.Sanedrin,B.-K.Oh,C.A.Mirkin*Nanostructured Polyelectrolyte Mul-tilayer Organic Thin Films Generated via Parallel Dip-Pen Nanolithography Published Online:September 29,2005DOI:10.1002/adma.200501120N.Tétreault,G.von Freymann,M.Deubel,M.Hermatschweiler,F.Pérez-Willard,S.John,M.Wegener,G.A.Ozin*New Route to Three-Dimensional Photonic Bandgap Materials:Silicon Double Inversion of Polymer TemplatesPublished Online:September 26,2005DOI:10.1002/adma.200501674All our articles are available online in advance of print.The articles listed here have been judged by the referees or the editor to be either very important or very urgent and were immediately copyedited,proofread,and published online when the manuscript arrived in the editorial office in its final form.As long as there is no page number available,online manuscripts should be cited in the following manner:Authors,Adv.Mater.,online publication date,DOI.REVIEWNanocrystalsD.Kovalev,*M.Fujii ........2531–2544Silicon Nanocrystals:Photosensitizers for OxygenMoleculesThe features of nanoscale silicon that make it different from the bulk result in very efficient energy transfer from excitons confined in silicon nanocrystals to oxygen molecules following their activation to the highly reactive singlet state (see Figure).The mechanism for the photosensitization of oxygen molecules using silicon nanocrystals is reviewed.We discuss,in addition,the implications of these findings for physics,chemistry,biology,and medicine.COMMUNICATIONSMagnetic MaterialsC.Enkrich,F.Pérez-Willard,D.Gerthsen,J.F.Zhou,T.Koschny,C.M.Soukoulis,M.Wegener,S.Linden*...2547–2549Focused-Ion-Beam Nanofabrication of Near-Infrared MagneticMetamaterialsSplit-ring resonators with a magnetic resonance in the near-infrared have been fabricated using the rapid-prototyping capabilities of focused-ion-beam writing.By varying the design parameters,a continuous transition from a degenerate Mie resonance to a magnetic-dipole response is shown (see Figure).In particular,a negative magnetic permeability at a wavelength of 2.4 m and a negative magneticsusceptibility at a wavelength of 1.7 m are demonstrated.Organic SemiconductorsA.Brillante,*I.Bilotti,R.G.Della Valle,E.Venuti,M.Masino,A.Girlando...2549–2553 Characterization of Phase Purity in Organic Semiconductors by Lattice-Phonon Confocal Raman Mapping: Application toPentacene Lattice-phonon confocal Raman mapping is a powerful technique to probe the crystal structure of poly-morphs of organic semiconductors.This technique is fast,reliable,and capable of monitoring physical modifications and phase inhomogeneities in crystal do-mains at the micrometer scale.Applying the technique to pentacene crystals (see Figure)shows that phase inhomo-geneities are not confined to the crystal surface,but penetrate into the crystal.Nanoparticle AssemblyS.Lin,M.Li,E.Dujardin,*C.Girard,S.Mann*..........2553–2559 One-Dimensional Plasmon Coupling by Facile Self-Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles into Branched ChainNetworks Short chains and complex networks of interconnected Au nanoparticle chains (see Figure)are produced by a simple template-free approach.Optical spectroscopy and computer simulations show that surface plasmons from individual non-contacting nanoparticles are strongly coupled in the resulting1D superstructures.These chains may pro-vide a unique way to fabricate complex subwavelength optical waveguides.NanopatterningJ.H.Moon,S.G.Jang,J.-M.Lim,S.-M.Yang*.......................2559–2562 Multiscale Nanopatterns Templated from Two-Dimensional Assembliesof PhotoresistParticles Multiscale nanopatterns fabricated by colloidal lithography,using two-dimen-sional self-assemblies of photoresist particles as masks,are presented.The colloidal masks with features of multiple length scales are obtained by photolithography and used for con-structing submicrometer-hole arrays over large areas(see Figure).By depositing functional materials through these masks,nanopatterned substrates useful in a wide range of applications can be produced.NanostructuresC.Lu,L.Qi,*J.Yang,X.Wang,D.Zhang,J.Xie,J.Ma.....2562–2567 One-Pot Synthesis of Octahedral Cu2O Nanocages via a Catalytic SolutionRoute Unique single-crystalline octahedralCu2O nanocages(see Figure)are synthesized in solution by the catalytic reduction of copper tartrate complex into octahedral Cu2O nanocrystals and a subsequent spontaneous hollowing process.A wealth of colorful nanostruc-tures with widely tunable bandgaps in the range2.6–2.2eV are obtained.The obtained nanocages may find potential use in solar-energy conversion,catalysis, and as model systems for fundamental research.2524©2005WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim www.advmat.de Adv.Mater.2005,17,2523–2529Adv.Mater.2005,17,2523–2529www.advmat.de©2005WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co.KGaA,Weinheim2525PhotolithographyC.Sánchez,B.-J.de Gans,D.Kozodaev,A.Alexeev,M.J.Escuti,C.van Heesch,T.Bel,U.S.Schubert,C.W.M.Bastiaansen,*D.J.Broer ..........................2567–2571Photoembossing of Periodic Relief Structures Using Polymerization-Induced Diffusion:A CombinatorialStudyPhotoembossing is a solvent-free photo-lithographic technique for the produc-tion of polymeric relief microstructures (see Figure).A combinatorial method-ology to explore the influence of differ-ent parameters (e.g.,processing temper-ature,binder content,photoinitiator content)on the resultant relief structure is presented using an acrylate-based model system.Results are discussed in the framework of a diffusion-polymer-ization model.BiomineralizationM.Umetsu,M.Mizuta,K.Tsumoto,S.Ohara,S.Takami,H.Watanabe,I.Kumagai,T.Adschiri*..2571–2575Bioassisted Room-TemperatureImmobilization and Mineralization of Zinc Oxide—The Structural Ordering of ZnO Nanoparticles into a Flower-TypeMorphologyA peptide with an affinity for ZnO,selected by a phage-display system,pref-erentially immobilizes ZnO particles on a gold-coated polypropylene plate and assists in the homogeneous assembly of 10nm diameter ZnO nanoparticles into unique flower-like morphologies(see Figure).The peptide is selective in binding ZnO,but not ZnS or Eu 2O 3.This combinatorial library approach may yield new peptides used to create new structures via biomineralization.MicropatterningJ.Park,L.D.Fouché,P .T.Hammond*...............2575–2579Multicomponent Patterning of Layer-by-Layer Assembled Polyelectrolyte/Nanoparticle Composite Thin Films with ControlledAlignmentComposite thin films of polyelectrolytes and fluorescent nanoparticles can be directly transfer-printed onto various substrates including indium tin oxide coated poly(ethylene terephthalate).The sequential transfer printing of thin films with controlled alignment intro-duces multicomponent patterns onto substrates,demonstrating possible practical device fabrication using functional polyelectrolyte multilayer composite thin films (see Figure).Liquid CrystalsZ.An,J.Yu,S.C.Jones,S.Barlow,S.Yoo,B.Domercq,P .Prins,L.D.A.Siebbeles,B.Kippelen,S.R.Marder*....................2580–2583High Electron Mobility in Room-Temperature DiscoticLiquid-Crystalline Perylene DiimidesPerylene diimide discotic columnar liquid-crystalline mesophases (see Figure)can show very high electron mobilities under ambient conditions.While the mobilities are strongly dependent on sample morphology and processing conditions,mobilities as high as 1.3cm 2V –1s –1are measured,greater than that of amorphoussilicon.Self-Assembled MonolayersW.Eck,*A.Küller,M.Grunze,B.Völkel,A.Gölzhäuser..2583–2587 Freestanding Nanosheets from Crosslinked Biphenyl Self-AssembledMonolayers Freestanding nanosheets(see Figure) with the thickness of a single molecule and lateral dimensions in the microme-ter range have been obtained by the release of self-assembled monolayers from the underlying surface by dissolu-tion of the substrate or by scissionof the anchor group–substrate bonds. The self-assembled monolayers are composed of biphenyl units that are crosslinked by electron irradiation.Self-AssemblyH.Fan,*E.Leve,J.Gabaldon,A.Wright,R.E.Haddad,C.J.Brinker......................2587–2590 Ordered Two-and Three-Dimensional Arrays Self-Assembled fromWater-SolubleNanocrystal–Micelles Two-and three-dimensional,ordered nanocrystal arrays are formed fromthe self-assembly of water-soluble nanocrystal–micelles that are prepared using surfactant encapsulation tech-niques.This new method is simple, widely applicable,and can be usedto prepare water-soluble nanocrystals with different compositions and shapes, such as sphere,rod,and cube,as wellas their ordered arrays(see Figure).Ap-plications in fabrication of SERS-based sensor platforms are envisaged.Mesostructured MaterialsR.C.Hayward,B.F.Chmelka,E.J.Kramer*....................2591–2595 Crosslinked Poly(styrene)-block-Poly(2-vinylpyridine)Thin Filmsas Swellable Templates for Mesostructured Silica andTitania Mesostructured inorganic filmsare formed from pre-organizedblock-copolymer thin films.The diblock copolymer used,poly(d8-styrene)-block-poly(2-vinylpyridine),was first crosslinked,thus retaining its morphol-ogy.Silica and titania were incorporated into the structure and the polymer was subsequently removed,generating mesoporous inorganic films whose morphologies were directly related to those of the block-copolymer template films(see Figure).Y.Kubo,N.Yamada.........2596–2599 Synergistic Effect of Inorganic and Organic Components on SolidAcid/Base Properties of Organosilox-ane-Based Inorganic–Organic Hybrid Materials-C8H-C3H-C2H-CHSiOMOLiCaYAlTiNbSi-RInorganic componentsOrganicgroupsofsiloxane(-RSiorganic groups bonded to silicon inorganosiloxane networks are found tosynergistically affect the solid acid/baseproperties arising from inorganic com-ponents(see Figure).This synergisticeffect may result in innovative materialswith applications in fast proton conduc-tors,selective catalysts,efficientmembranes,high-sensitivity sensors,and selective absorbents.2526©2005WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim www.advmat.de Adv.Mater.2005,17,2523–2529Adv.Mater.2005,17,2523–2529www.advmat.de©2005WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co.KGaA,Weinheim2527Surface-Nucleated Assemblyof Fibrillar Extracellular Matricescollagen (COL),as shown in the Figure,and exhibit increased cell-proliferation rates.Organic TransistorsM.Shkunov,*R.Simms,M.Heeney,S.Tierney,I.McCulloch ...2608–2612Ambipolar Field-Effect Transistors Based on Solution-Processable Blends of Thieno[2,3-b ]thiophene Terthiophene Polymer and MethanofullerenesThin-film field-effect transistors showing n-and p-type conduction under different bias conditions are produced from solution-processable ambipolar blends ofthieno[2,3-b ]thiophene terthiophene polymer and phenyl C 61butyric acid methyl ester (see Figure).Balanced charge transport in this blend is achieved by treating the insulator interface with alkyl-chain plementary-like inverters have been fabricated ona single substrate,showing a maximum gain of 65.SSSSRR **nOOCH Tissue EngineeringH.-W.Jun,V .Yuwono,S.E.Paramonov,J.D.Hartgerink*...............2612–2617Enzyme-Mediated Degradation of Peptide-Amphiphile Nanofiber NetworksPeptide-amphiphile nanofibers are prepared that incorporate a peptide sequence permitting enzyme-mediated degradation (see Figure).Cleavage of the peptide sequence results in breakdown of the nanostructure and,consequently,the mechanical proper-ties.This novel elasticnanofibernetwork is able to encapsulate dental pulp cells,supporting their proliferation and migration,and mimics several key properties of natural extracellular matrix.Materials TestingC.A.Tweedie,D.G.Anderson,nger,K.J.Van Vliet*.................2599–2604Combinatorial Material Mechanics:High-Throughput Polymer Synthesis and Nanomechanical ScreeningCombinatorial materials sciencerequires parallel advances in materials characterization.A high-throughput nanoscale synthesis/nanomechanical profiling approach capable of accurately screening the mechanical properties of 1,700photopolymerizable materials (see Figure,scale bar:100 m)within a large,discrete polymer library ispresented.This approach enables rapid correlation of polymer composition,processing,and structure with mechanical performance metrics.2528©2005WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co.KGaA,Weinheimwww.advmat.deAdv.Mater.2005,17,2523–2529Substratetheir concentration is increased.Nanoporous MaterialsG.-D.Fu,Z.Shang,L.Hong,E.-T.Kang,*K.-G.Neoh ..2622–2626Nanoporous,Ultralow-Dielectric-Constant Fluoropolymer Films from Agglomerated and Crosslinked Hollow Nanospheres of Poly(pentafluorostyr-ene)-block -Poly(divinylbenzene)Nanoporous fluoropolymer films with dielectric constants below 2are prepared via consecutive surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerizations of pentafluo-rostyrene (PFS)and divinylbenzene (DVB)on silica nanospheres.After agglomera-tion of the nanospheres,crosslinking of the nanospheres by UV ,and removal of the silica cores (see Figure),a nanoporous fluoropolymer film with a dielectric constant as low as 1.7is formed.Metal NanowiresX.M.Sun,Y.D.Li*.........2626–2630Cylindrical Silver Nanowires:Preparation,Structure,and Optical PropertiesCylindrical and pentagonal Ag nano-wires (see Figure)are selectivelyprepared in amorphous carbonaceous sheaths via a controlled hydrothermal reaction.Results indicate that theamorphous coating layer is responsible for the cross-section symmetry selected synthesis.The distinctive optical proper-ties measured fit well with the theoreti-cal predictions,and applications in electronic nanodevices are envisaged.Polymer ElectrolytesA.J.Bhattacharyya,*J.Fleig,Y.-G.Guo,J.Maier ...........2630–2634Local Conductivity Effects in Polymer ElectrolytesRoom-temperature area mapping of polymer electrolyte films at thenanoscale reveals considerable hetero-geneity,with the positional ionicconductivity varying up to four orders of magnitude.Measurements indicate the presence of a bimodal conductivity distribution (see Figure),with highly conducting regions being amorphous but non-percolating at room tempera-ture.Adv.Mater.2005,17,2523–2529www.advmat.de©2005WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co.KGaA,Weinheim2529NanostructuresC.Ma,Z.L.Wang*..........2635–2639Road Map for the Controlled Synthesis of CdSe Nanowires,Nanobelts,and Nanosaws—AStep Towards NanomanufacturingThe first systematic study on the growth of one-dimensional CdSe nanostructures (see Figure)using a vapor–liquid–solid process by varying a wide range of experimental conditions is reported.The results yield a road map for the controlled growth of CdSe nanowires,nanobelts,and nanosaws,and it gives guidance for scaling up the synthesis of CdSe nanostructures.CONFERENCE CALENDAR.............................................2640–2642INDEX.............................................2643–2644。



Course DescriptionCourse Title: A Practical Course on EST Translation/ 《实用科技英语翻译》Hours/week: 2 sessions per weekStudents: Second-year students (A–level, Grade 2008)Instructor:Prof. Wei CHEN, Institute for Translation & Intercultural Studies (ITIS), School of Foreign Languages, WHUTReference books:1) Wuqiu FAN. Selections on Practical EST Translation. Foreign LanguagePublishing House. 2001./范武邱。




2) Zhijie FENG. Essentials for EST Translation. China Translation Publishing House. 2000./冯志杰。




3) Xianfa HUA. A New Practical Textbook of English-Chinese Translation. Hubei Education Press. 2001./华先发。




4) Chengzhang LIN. An Introduction to English Lexicology. Wuhan University Press.1996./林承璋。




Objectives:This course aims at training students to develop some elementary translation skills as capable EST translators or CIOs (Chief Information Officers) equipped with some knowledge of lexical and discourse features of EST genres, criteria of EST translation, and aware of the common grammatical mistakes or errors in EST translation, rhetoric devices and logics through translation theories study and translating practice.《实用科技英语翻译》是以科技英语文体的词汇语篇特征、科技英语翻译的标准、科技英语翻译的常见语法错误、修辞问题和逻辑问题为主要内容,以科技英语翻译理论为指导,在科技英语翻译实践的基础上,集多种教学模式和教学手段为一体的教学体系。



一年级推荐书目一、轻松读经典丛书(简写本)上海外语教育出版社1.The Turn of the Screw 螺丝在拧紧2.The Vicar of Wakefield 威克菲尔德牧师传3.Gulliver’s Travels 格列佛游记4.The Adventure of Tom Sawyer 汤姆历险记5.Tom Brown’s Schoolday 汤姆布朗的求学生涯6.Robinson Cruseo 鲁宾逊漂流记7.Four Shakespeare’s Commedies 莎士比亚四大喜剧8.Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿9.Twenty Thousand leagues Under the Sea. 海底两万里10.Tess of the D’Urbervilles 德伯家的苔丝11.Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 艾丽丝漫游奇境记12.Pride and prejudice 傲慢与偏见13.David Copperfield 大卫科波菲尔14.The Three Musketeers 三个火枪手15.The Mill on the Floss 费洛斯河上的磨房16.The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn 哈克贝里费恩历险记17.Three Shakespeare Tragedies 莎士比亚三个悲剧二、上海译文出版社1.King Solomon’s Mines 所罗门王的宝藏2.The Return of Sherlock Holmes 福尔摩斯归来记3.The Old man and the Sea 老人与海4.The Call of the wild 野性的呼唤三、杂志及报刊1.(English Salon, Reading) 英语沙龙阅读版2. 21st Century 21世纪3. English Square 英语广场四、其他1. 书虫系列·牛津英汉双语读物曼斯菲尔德著出版日期:2004-02-272. 外研社·DK英汉对照百科读物出版日期:2002-08-153. 英语习语与英美文化(跨文化交际丛书) 平洪张国扬4. 钱钟书英文文集2005年9月出版43.9元5. 西行漫记(英汉对照) 出版日期:2005-07-15 ¥68.006. 英语的变易出版日期:2005-07-08 26.97. 看!世界第1/2/3/4辑(英语精短时文译评)(《英语学习》系列丛书)8. 解读美国第1, 2, 3级出版日期:2005-06-139. 英语词汇轻松学习法出版日期:2005-06-0810. 林语堂英文作品选12. 词语的选择与效果蔡基刚出版日期:2005-03-0213. 外语学习策略与方法潘亚玲出版日期:2004-11-0414. 你永远记得……(英文版)裴杰斯著出版日期:2004-10-1015. 爱的风景(情爱卷)(《英语学习》四十年精选本)(第二辑)16. 美语走天下:语言文化篇约翰斯顿著出版日期:2004-04-1217. 美国风俗101则Harry Collis(美)编著出版日期:2004-03-16二年级推荐书目1.The Secret Garden 秘密花园2.Grimm’s Fairy Tales 格林童话集3.Hard Times 艰难时世4.The Call of the Wild 野性的呼唤5.Lady Camelli 茶花女6.The Black Tulip 黑郁金香7.Chicken Soul ----- 心灵鸡汤系列Teacher’s Soul, Volunteer’s Soul Traveler’s Soul8.Vanity Fair 名利场9.Pride and prejudice 傲慢与偏见10. Romeo and Juliet 罗密欧与朱丽叶11. Sense and Sensibility 理智与情感12. Jane Eyre 简爱13.Uncle Tom’s cabin 汤姆叔叔的小屋二、杂志及报刊1.English Language learning 英语学习2. Beijing Review 北京周报3. 21st century 21世纪三年级及以上推荐书目1.Wuthering heights呼啸山庄2.God Father 教父3.Gone with the wind飘4.The Thorn Birds荆棘鸟5.The Count of Monte Cristo基度山伯爵6.The Scarlet letter红字7.War and Peace战争与和平8.包法利夫人9. A Farewell to Arms永别了武10.Sister Carrie嘉莉妹妹11.A Tale of Two Cities双城记12.A Passage to India 印度之行13.Rebecca蝴蝶梦14.American Tragedy美国悲剧二、杂志及报刊1.English World英语世界2.China Daily中国日报美国文学类读物1、The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne 《红字》霍桑著胡允恒译人民文学出版社2、The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain 《哈克贝利.芬历险记》马克`吐温著许汝祉译译林出版社3、The Portrait of a Lady Henry James 《贵妇画像》亨利.詹姆斯著项星耀译外国文学出版社4.Moby Dick Herman Melville 《白鲸》麦尔维尔著成时译人民文学出版社5.Martin Eden Jack London 《马丁.伊登》杰克.伦敦著孙法理译译林出版社6.The Great Gatsby F.S. Fitzgerald 《了不起的盖茨比》菲茨杰拉德著姚乃强译人民文学出版社7.The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway 《老人与海》海明威著吴劳译上海译文出版社8.The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck 《愤怒的葡萄》斯坦贝克著9.The Sound and the Fury William Faulkner 《喧嚣与骚动》福克纳著李文俊译上海译文出版社10.Catch 22 Joseph Heller 《第二十二条军规》约瑟夫.海勒著扬下程爱民邹惠玲译译林出版社英国文学类读物1.Hamlet William Shakespeare 《哈姆雷特》莎士比亚著朱生豪译人民文学出版社2.Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe 《鲁宾逊漂流记》丹尼尔.笛福著徐霞村译人民文学出版社3.Gulliver’s Travels Jonathan Swift 《格列佛游记》斯威夫特著杨昊成译译林出版社4.Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen 《傲慢与偏见》简.奥斯汀著孙致理译译林出版社5.A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens 《双城记》查尔斯.狄更斯著张玲张扬译上海译文出版社6.Vanity Fair William Makepeace Thackeray 《名利场》萨克雷著杨宓译人民文学出版社7.Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte 《简.爱》夏洛蒂?勃朗特著吴钧燮译人民文学出版社8.Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte 《呼啸山庄》艾米莉.勃朗特著方平译上海译文出版社9.Tess of the D’urbervilles Thomas Hardy 《德伯家的苔丝》托马斯.哈代著张谷若译人民文学出版社10、The Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad 《黑暗的心》约瑟夫.康拉德著黄雨石译浙江文艺出版社翻译类读物1 汉英词语翻译探微杨全红汉语大词典出版社12.002 英汉汉英段落翻译与实践蔡基刚复旦大学出版社15.003 中级英语笔译模拟试题精解齐乃政中国对外翻译出版公司22.004 汉译英口译教程吴冰外语教学与研究出版社19.905 实用英汉翻译教程申雨平戴宁外语教学与研究出版社13.906 英美文化与英汉翻译汪福祥伏力外文出版社11.007 汉译英实用技能训练孙海晨外文出版社16.808 高级翻译评析王大伟孙艳上海交通大学出版社14.509 同声口译金话筒侯国金大连理工大学出版社12.0010 英汉口译实用教程宋天锡国防工业出版社26.0011 英汉翻译技巧示例毛荣贵范武邱上海交通大学出版社16.5012 实用英语口译(英汉)新编崔永禄等南开大学出版社10.0013 汉英时文翻译贾文波中国对外翻译出版公司11.0014 现代汉英翻译技巧王大伟世界图书出版公司21.6015 汉英语篇翻译强化训练居祖纯清华大学出版社14.0016 英语口译教程吴守谦哈尔滨工程大学出版社17.0017 按实例学英语刘慎军等北京工业大学出版社11.0018 汉英口译入门李长栓外语教学与研究出版社17.9019 中国时尚热点新词速译朱诗向对外经济贸易大学出版社20.0020 英汉翻译综合教程王宏印辽宁师范大学出版社19.0021 实用科技英语翻译讲评范武邱外文出版社13.0022 实用口译手册钟述孔中国对外翻译出版公司12.0023 英汉翻译基础古今明上海外语教育出版社16.5024 教你如何掌握汉译英技巧陈文伯世界知识出版社17.0025 英汉翻译手册惆西董乐山等商务印书馆国际有限公司18.0026 英汉同声传译张维为中国对外翻译出版公司12.0027 高级口译教程梅德明上海外语教育出版社26.3028 高级翻译教程孙万彪王恩铭上海外语教育出版社21.0029 常用英语习语翻译与应用李军韩晓玲青岛海洋大学出版社32.0030 研究生英语翻译陶友兰查国生复旦大学出版社28.0031 高级汉英/英汉口译教程(上下册)王桂珍华南理工大学出版社32 实用英语口译教程冯建忠译林出版社39.5033英汉口译实练冯建忠译林出版社37.0034汉翻译练习集(绝版)庄绎传中国对外翻译出版公司0.8035汉英政治经济词汇内部资料36新汉英外交政治词汇内部资料37汉翻译教程(自考教材)庄绎传外语教学与研究出版17.9038译与听力(自考教材)杨俊峰辽宁大学出版社13.0039互译实践与技巧许建平清华大学出版社20.0040汉英分类口译词典世界图书出版公司28.0041.外事工作人员英语常用分类词汇(绝版)北京出版社1.1042.汉英外事工作常用词汇外文出版社48.0043.汉英分类翻译词典大连理工大学出版社58.00基础英语类读物1 英语短文阅读精华张宜马鸿大连理工大学出版社18.002 英汉介词/副词搭配词典钱建立刘立群大连理工大学出版社26.003 现代英语佳作赏析(共四册)西安交通大学出版社45.004 中式英语之鉴JOAN PINKHAM 外语教学与研究出版社22.905 实用英语表达技巧方亚中武汉大学出版社17.006 全球热点话题英语选读木村哲也外文出版社14.007 实用分类英语惯用法刘学明湖南教育出版社15.208 英语听说诵读实用文选365篇周淑杰天津大学出版社20.00。

the case of Japanese marketing to China

the case of Japanese marketing to China

Product adoption and innovation diffusion:the case of Japanese marketing to ChinaS.A.Horn*Department of East Asian Studies,School of Modern Languages and Cultures,University of Leeds,Leeds LS29JT,UKAlong with the growing prominence of China in corporate strategy and decision-taking,Japanese firms are increasingly aligning their activities to accommodate the shift towards acustomer-led market environment and the advent of a major consumer market on Japan’sdoorstep.This study shows how Japanese firms adjust their marketing to changes inChinese consumption patterns and address the impact of geographical and socioeconomicvariables on innovation diffusion.By taking a fresh look at the marketing challengesamidst latent consumer ethnocentrism and cosmopolitanism,this study generates freshinsights into the reconfiguration of Japanese marketing and retailing activities in thisemergent market.Keywords:innovation diffusion;Japanese multinational enterprises;marketing inChinaIntroductionJapanese foreign direct investment (FDI)expanded substantially during the 1990s.A significant proportion of capital was directed towards China,which quickly emerged as the pre-eminent number one destination of Japanese trade and investment in Asia (JETRO 2007).In recent years,there has been a notable shift away from Japanese-owned,labour-intensive assembly production in China.Japanese multinational enterprises (MNEs)are increasingly active in localising their research and development (R&D),as well as their capital-intensive and knowledge-intensive production in China (NKS 2006a,p.4).While the first wave of Japanese FDI in the modern era (1991–1996)was manufacturing-/assembly-driven (reflecting the prominence of China in the international division of labour),a new wave of investment is well underway.Since China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO)in December 2001,investment in production for sale within China exceeds production for export (third-country,reversed imports),signalling a qualitative and quantitative change in investment strategies of Japanese firms.This is consistent with the view that Japanese affiliates in China have positioned themselves in order to not only use the country as a global workshop and export platform,but also increasingly as a target market.Literature review,theoretical perspectives and research frameworkFollowing the well-established effects of market liberalisation,1the Chinese marketing environment has indeed undergone dramatic changes.This shift is ultimately symbolized ISSN 1360-2381print/ISSN 1743-792X onlineq 2009Taylor &FrancisDOI:10.1080/13602380802667361*Email:s.horn@Asia Pacific Business ReviewVol.15,No.3,July 2009,389–409390S.A.Hornby the increasing centrality of consumption in individual lives and with it the emergence of a consumer society in China.Changes in demand are underpinned by a surge in the spending power of Chinese consumers:estimates predict that by2015more than80%of Chinese urban households will cross the US$3500annual income threshold,rising to90% by2025(Farrell et al.2006),and therefore can be categorized as affluent/aspirational. While regional contrasts in general and the urban-rural divide in particular remain, Japanese manufacturers and retailers are gradually building up the infrastructure in China, with a view to capitalizing on the advent of a large Chinese consumer market.The influx of Western-style shopping environments(‘retailtainment’)andflagship stores,the dramatic rise in advertising spending(China has surpassed Germany and the UK and is set to replace Japan as the world’s second largest advertising market after the US,according to NKS2006b,p.2)and the omnipresence of luxury brands(China has established itself as a major market for luxury brands,surpassing Japan as main market,Anon.2005a)all symbolise the advent of China’s market-led economy.Since2002,Japan’s FDI in production for sale within China exceeds export-oriented investments(JETRO2006).The shift from a production-orientation to a market-orientation is a key dimension of the reconfiguration of China’s position in the global strategies of Japanese corporations(Koˆ2000,p.242).With a saturated domestic market on the one hand,and the envisaged mass consumer market on their doorstep on the other, Japanese corporations are increasingly monitoring this future market.A recent survey among Japanese consumer goods manufacturers revealed thatfirms are cautiously planning to extend their operations to China despite the instable environment, counterfeiting2and anti-Japanese sentiments(NKS2005a,p.5,NKS2006c,p.13). In theory,a number of reasons should contribute to the future competitiveness and strong performance of Japanesefirms vis-a`-vis local and foreign competition in China: (1)traditional export-orientation;(2)advanced technology;(3)global distribution system;(4)established manufacturing bases in China itself;(5)experience with the local environment;(6)well-defined global brands;and(7)extensive global marketing competence.However,things are not so easy.Brand rankings are important indicators for both retailing forecasts(top-of-mind and loyalty,for example)and recruitment(employer attractiveness).In Chinese brand rankings,Japanese corporations are less prominent than other international brands.According to the Nomura Research Institute there are only two Japanese corporations listed in the top50valued brands in China:Sony is ranked26th and Matsushita46th(Konomoto2006,Nakajima2006,p.72).While advanced technology and quality of Japanese products are generally valued by Chinese consumers,the overall evaluation is poor.One explanation is that some Japanesefirms do not live up to their international marketing reputation.Japanese brands have consistently received much media coverage,reinforcing negative publicity.Further to this,a persistent anti-Japanese sentiment is prevalent.Public opinion hasflared up on several occasions,such as in the case of Japan’s bid to become a permanent member of the UN Security Council or when former Prime Minister Koizumi visited the Yasukuni shrine in2005.These issues shape the attitude of Chinese consumers towards Japanese corporations and brands(Ishii2005, p.35,Jin2006,p.67,NKS2006b,p.2,Kumon2006).Examples of direct consequences included mass demonstrations,consumer boycotts against Japanese goods and the banning of Japanese goods by local retailers.Doing business in China can be a thorny path for foreignfirms in general,but as the examples illustrate,for some Japanese corporations it seems thornier than for others.This is not to say that local business does not follow pragmatic rules,and obstacles are certainly not unique to Japanese corporations.Many Japanese corporations have in fact been veryAsia Pacific Business Review391 successful in learning how to adapt to the new rules of engagement in this emerging consumer market,as the following two examples demonstrate.(1)The premium brand Aupres was the key to success in the Chinese market for theJapanese cosmetic manufacturer Shiseido.While giving the brand an exclusive European connotation through the choice of the brand name,Shiseido was careful to use Chinese models and stress the fact that Aupres was developed specifically for Chinese women in its marketing.At the same time,the company used the well-known Shiseido corporate brand as an indicator of quality and exclusivity.Piggy-backing on the Aupres success,Shiseido introduced a range of medium-priced brands for the Chinese market.Retail channels are carefully chosen to reflect the brand appeal of each product line.While the Aupres brand and other high-end Shiseido lines are sold through specialty stores,flagship stores and upscale department stores,other product lines are available through department stores,supermarkets and convenience stores(Anon.2005a,NKS 2005b,p.9,Prasso2005).Currently the company is in the process of expanding its retail network and aims to be among the top three foreign manufacturers in the Chinese cosmetics market.(2)Mazda,the automobile manufacturer,has also successfully targeted Chineseluxury markets.Mass marketization and price wars with low-cost Chinese brands were avoided by concentrating on premium segments.On the basis of extensive consumer research the brand was carefully developed,after-sales services introduced(Shanghai Support Centre)and products tailored to the taste of customers.Retail sales per dealership in China are now among the highest in the whole Mazda network(NKS2005c,p.23).Currently the company is intensifying its engagement by localizing manufacturing(together with affiliated Hiroshima supply chain partners)to secure the highest quality for the Chinese market.As the above examples indicate,corporate strategies must match consumer profiles and reflect how and why new(product)ideas spread through cultures.The identification and targeting of early adopters(with the potential of trickle-down effects)is key to successful market entry and marketing in China,because they are the ones who select products and technologiesfirst,based on their openness to new ideas.In turn,early adopters act as agents and multiplicators for the majority and consumer laggards,resulting in a bell-curve shaped spread of innovation diffusion(Katz1957,Rogers2003,Katz and Lazarsfeld2005).Embedded within the question of opinion leadership,this study seeks to establish the fundamental forces now shaping the marketing reality for Japanese operations in China. The most essential aspects of contemporary China are the advent of consumerism and the influx of modern lifestyles via global brands(the particularly successful diffusion of Japanese premium luxury brands is a case in point).As a manifestation of Chinese consumer behaviour it is obvious that the attitude towards(non-Chinese)innovations,as symbolized by these global brands,is of particular relevance forfirms operating in China, including Japanese corporations.Following acculturation theory(Berry1980),reactions may range from open resistance to wholehearted integration into local life.However,the reality of China’s vast regional and socioeconomic differences begs the question whether product diffusion theoryfirmly established in a Western context can be applied to this emerging consumer market.This places this study in the context of Appadurai’s(1990) concept of global idea diffusion and extends the seminal work of Steenkamp et al.(1999) on the antecedents of international consumer innovativeness.With reference to the392S.A.Hornidiosyncrasies of the Chinese market,the review deals with the dynamics(and barriers)by which new products diffuse through the population.With their rapid product development strategies and speed-to-market approaches,Japanesefirms are particularly dependent on consumer acceptance and product adoption.This makes them an ideal showcase with regard to understanding the effects of cosmopolitanism and nascent ethnocentrism in China on corporate behaviour.By means of these two acculturation paths the study sheds light on how Japanesefirms enforce their Chinese market presence amidst the consumer poles of openness to,and rejection of,the influx of foreign brands.FindingsKeyfindings are discussed from two perspectives:the proclivity of Chinese consumers to (i)accept and(ii)reject Japanese brands.Consumscapes:adoption and product diffusionChina’s economy continues to grow into double-digitfigures.The increase in income and spending power signals the long-awaited advent of the ultimate mass market.Shifts in social status(and with it consumer lifestyles)have not gone unnoticed by Japanese retailers and consumer goods manufacturers,many of which are entering quickly to claim a stake in this highly lucrative market.The onset of a middle class with real spending power will change the global marketing map considerably(The Economist2006,O’Leary 2007).With its decisive role in product diffusion,Japanese manufacturers and retailers are now recognizing the importance of the dimension of innovativeness(openness and rejection to change as extreme poles).The attitude towards adoption/innovation directly impacts on the diffusion of leading-edge technology products in China.Due to their technology-intensive portfolio of products,the identification of socioeconomically innovative clusters(and potential barriers)is crucial for the successful marketing planning of Japanesefirms in China,as they seek control over diffusion patterns.To state the obvious:because of its diversity and size,China must be treated as a continental entity (with ramifications on integration and differentiation approaches).The Chinese consumer market is as heterogeneous as any other market in the world.It is highly diverse both in terms of socioeconomics and geography.Both emerge as key variables in the diffusion of innovation in their role as fundamental local lifestyle shapers in China. Socioeconomic demography in ChinaIn2007,the total population of China stood at1.321billion.Of course,lifestyles vary across the different age and gender brackets but there is a common thread of growing willingness to consume,which is detectable in the main demographic groups.It is important to note,however,that location is a key dimension of socioeconomic disparity. The trend of a rural-urban income divide(with an income difference of40%)is predicted to intensify exponentially in the next decade.High-income(more than US$10,000)and medium-income(US$2500–4000)households are primarily located in metropolitan areas (Anon.2005b).This coincides with the recent influx of Japanese convenience store formats,reflecting increases in disposable income paired with changes in urban lifestyles. Following deregulation,top Japanese franchise formats,such as convenience stores (7-Eleven,Lawson),fast food chains(Mos Food,Yoshinoya)and services(such as hair stylist Asakura)have heavily extended their presence in major conurbation areas(NKS 2004,p.4,NKS 2007b,p.4)and are currently planning to shift their focus to second-and third-tier regions (NKS 2006i,p.6).Even within metropolitan areas such as Beijing,stark income differences exist.Accordingly,the Japanese retail group Seven &I has developed its convenience store chain 7-Eleven in key areas of affluence (following a dominance strategy to take control of the market)as can be seen in Figure 1.China’s socio-demographic diversity translates into a fragmented and fluctuating consumer market with highly contrasting segments.The analysis and definition of target segments are the basics of marketing in any market,but Japanese firms show a particular strength in defining target segments and brand positioning.Their marketing apparatus is geared towards rapid product development,short product lifecycles and staccato product introduction.This speed-to-market approach is also key to their success in China.They pay meticulous attention to consumer innovativeness and rely on their ability to keep track of the fast-paced changes of Chinese consumers’lifestyles.Word-of-mouth communication plays a major role in their strategy and with it the identification of early adopter segments that have the ability to act as a carrier for product diffusion.While the goalposts of income threshold are being constantly moved in China,Japanese firms target wealthier segments that can afford their products in the hope of trickle-down effects.Generally,Japanese corporations divide the Chinese market into three consumer clusters:nouveaux riches,middle class and blue cated,in full employment and affluent (more than US$7000income),it is the first cluster and the upper echelon of the second cluster in particular that they target (Kwak 2004,p.224),leaving the mass market to domestic firms for the present.Due to the limited predictability of socio-demographic variables,Japanese market research companies that have followed Japanese business partners to China (NKS 2005d,p.9,NKS 2006d,p.4,NKS 2007a,p.2)enrich this with qualitative information around lifestyle,motivation and values (among others).Despite the level ofsocio-demographicFigure 1.7-Eleven and Itoˆ-Yo ˆkado ˆretail outlets in Beijing city centre:a stylised map.Source:Compiled from data available on the 7-Eleven homepage,China.Asia Pacific Business Review 393394S.A.Hornfragmentation,two major trends can be isolated in order to shed light on current consumer lifestyles that influence and determine innovativeness.These will for the time being be restricted to affluent urban areas,although trickle-down effects can be anticipated in other regions of(metropolitan)China.Me-ism and individuality.Young Chinese consumers have quickly shed communist thoughts of putting society and community before the self and individuality.With the advance of market-oriented work and life patterns,they are increasingly focused on self-satisfaction and on expressing their individuality.A longitudinal study conducted by the research organisation Gallup found that self-satisfaction has advanced to become the primary motivator for private consumption infirst-tier Chinese cities,while the number of respondents agreeing to statements such as‘work hard and get rich’and‘never think of self;give in service of society’has dropped quite sharply between1994and2004 (McEwen et al.2006).A recent study among women aged between20–49years in urban China mapped outfive segments and found the largest concentration of people(33%)in a cluster called‘life-seeker’,which depicts an individualistic and independent lifestyle (Anon.2005b).Thisfinding is further confirmed by a cluster analysis of changing lifestyles among Hong Kong women,who in this context can be seen as a role model for other Chinese women.The largest cluster in this study,dubbed‘individualist’,scored particularly high on socioeconomic independence and the pursuit of freedom from traditional Chinese values among respondents(Sin et al.2001).The trend towards a more individualistic society in China concerned increasingly with conveying individualism through consumption is a clear indication of the move towards consumerism that characterizes other,far more advanced,consumer societies like Japan or the US.From the perspective of innovation research,this trend is helping to establish the breeding ground for opinion leaders.Aspirations and preparation.Chinese consumers tend to save a disproportionally large part of their total income compared to other consumer societies(a trend that has accelerated due to changes in the welfare system).While this is partly in response to the necessity to build up resources for old age and illness,it also reflects a specific consumer lifestyle, which is generally more concerned with the future than the present.A comparative study by Hakuhoˆdoˆ(2003)found that in the Chinese cities surveyed,over81%of respondents would choose to prepare for the future instead of enjoying the here and now,whereas in Tokyo,52%were inclined to put pleasure in the presentfirst.However,the belief in savings for the future is set to change.With the rapid increase of disposable income,it is the younger generation that increasingly exhibits a tendency of openness to hedonistic lifestyles(Horn2005)and a readiness to spend money.Although,disposable income alone does not contribute to product diffusion,the increasing willingness to spend money is a vital stepping stone towards the manifestation of a consumer society.Embedded within these dynamics,sub-segments with the potential to kick-start new trends are emerging.(i)Children and young adults.Increases in disposable income in combination with effects of the one child policy has stimulated a spending boom for this age bracket.Related markets such as clothing,toys,fast food and so forth have consequently witnessed both increases in sales andfierce brand competition(NRS2004a,p.5).For example,by making use of local planning and design departments,the Japanese consumer electronic company Sony tailored its Walkman P series to Chinese consumers and launched it successfullyAsia Pacific Business Review395 to this target group(NKS2006e,p.13).The Japanese fashion brand Honey’s has also successfully targeted this young Chinese segment by developing sales outlets as part of a store-in-store strategy(NKS2006f,p.4).Local appeal is the key strategy of Kirin Beverages,which is also targeting young Chinese consumers.With TV commercials and promotional sales events,localized packaging and product adaptation,Kirin is currently focusing on the segment of urban adolescents(NSS2006a,p.24).Mirroring the enthusiasm for Japanese lifestyles in other Asian markets,this group is very open to Japanese brands.(ii)Young professionals.With the start into working life(depending on educational background),disposable income rises and with it the willingness to spend money.This age bracket is the breeding ground for new consumer trends(for example,males with regard to digital equipment,see NRS2004a,p.5).The general openness also extends to global brands in general and Western luxury brands,in particular.Japanesefirms such as Matsushita or Kanebo have identified this segment as the main driver of innovation(and therefore of brand diffusion)and have started to actively engage with this group(through market research,communication,tailoring products and so forth).The Japanese fashion brand Sanyo for example has identified female office clerks as their main target group in China.Next to its own brand‘Fragile’,Sanyo has licensed the Hong Kong based upscale designer brand Johanna Ho to reflect local consumer ing a store-in-store concept,Japanese department stores have been chosen as the main retail channel(NKS 2006g,p.20).With a view to loyalty,retention and brand diffusion relationship marketing are at the core of Sanyo’s China strategy.Some young professionals are key to a large number of consumer trends,appealing to this segment is crucial for Japanese corporations –even more so considering future possibilities(elevator brands)when this segment reaches a more mature age and thus the ability to access higher income levels.This segment already has considerable spending power,and the combination of relatively high first incomes on the one hand and few responsibilities,on the other,makes them extremely attractive to marketers.Moreover,in contrast to the overall inclination of Chinese consumers to save a large part of their income and worry about the future,this age group has started to mirror American consumer lifestyles by taking out loans in order tofinance their desires(Qiong2005).Combining both individuality and the willingness to consume, successful targeting of this group is central to the success of Japanesefirms in China.(iii)Middle-aged adults.With age rises income.Being the biggest consumer cluster in Chinese society middle-aged adults have attracted considerable attention lately. The economic situation of this demographic segment has been largely affected by recent improvements in the standard of living.Their disposable income has risen sharply.Three sub-groups stand out in particular:(1)Entrepreneurs:private enterprise owners and managers of state owned enterprises(SOEs)are the backbone of the rapid growth of the Chinese economy.Originating in many cases from rural provinces with little to no income, members of this socioeconomic cluster have climbed the social ladder through diligence and rigor leading to a high social status perception.Currently concentrated in the commercial centres of Shanghai and Guangzhou,the size of this group is set to increase in line with growing economic prosperity.Due to their role model function,members of this group are highly desirable targets from a product innovation perspective.They have the necessary means and motivation to become early adopters.Many of them may be considered as nouveaux riches who like to openly consume,with the potential of triggering informationflows.Additionally,this consumer cluster is arguably used to independent thinking and thus does not shy away from consumption experiences off the beaten track.(2)Experts:highly educated and(increasingly)well travelled,this segment396S.A.Hornuses specialist know-how to work at various government-funded institutions(professors, technicians,lawyers,etc.).As their skill profile is in high demand,their already well-established social status and image has further increased in recent years.Members of this group are carriers of foreign ideas and lifestyles,disseminating their overseas experience(which they have acquired during their education and profession)to the Chinese society as a whole.While only a relatively small socioeconomic segment,this cluster is key to innovation diffusion.It holds modern values and with their fundamentally positive attitude towards Western lifestyles and products,it has the potential to impact other segments.(3)Salarymen:ordinary office workers are a blueprint of the emerging middle class.Members of this group hold mid-and low-level positions in government organizations,private businesses or foreignfirms.This segment comprises both lower and higher socioeconomic strata and thus shows a certain inconsistency.While for some members it serves as an aspirational spring-board towards social‘white collar’status (in particular,rural migrants),for others it has become a symbol of increased competition and social downward mobility(in particular,early retirees in the context of restructuring of state-owned enterprises).With economic transition in full swing,this cluster is set to grow exponentially.Two scenarios are possible:either it develops into an undifferentiated super-cluster of the emerging Chinese middle class or–more likely–it fragments into a number of nuanced sub-segments with distinct values and lifestyles.While not innovators themselves,members of this group with their aspirational mindset may form the critical mass of mainstream and laggards in product diffusion in China.While not being as innovative as their younger counterparts,middle-aged Chinese consumers tend to be interested in upscale goods and services,tailored to their needs and lifestyle circumstances.Numerous Japanese brands have actively targeted this segment, including Yamanashi-based Hakubaku(the Japanese cereal manufacturer)who recently introduced a luxury dry noodle brand designed for Chinese consumers only(in the coastal regions).Produced under license near Beijing,the packaging and name,shang pin long xian(high sense,dragonflavour),reflects the local lifestyle demand(NKSCK2006,p.24). Japanese companies are also targeting middle-class households as in the case of KaneboˆCosmetics.Next to the export of its upmarket brands‘Impress’and‘Lunasol’,Kaneboˆspecifically developed the skincare brands‘Aqua’and‘Ex’for Chinese consumers, tailoring brand and packaging appeal to local tastes(NSS2006b,p.25,NKS2007c,p.30). It is important to note that many key workers and decision takers(managers,engineers, doctors and so forth),and therefore opinion leaders,can be found in this age bracket. While a general openness to foreign influences(and brands)can be assumed,this group will equally enjoy local products and services.Nissan is actively engaging with these target segments and hasfine-tuned its brand and corporate identity to local needs (for example,in respect of the design of dealerships and so forth).The Japanese car manufacturer takes great care in sales staff selection and training.Nissan perceives sales personnel as the company’s face to customers and goes to great lengths to influence word-of-mouth communication in China;for example,a contest for the best Nissan sales representative is aired on Guangzhou TV(NKS2006h,p.5).Geographic segmentationIf age has become a decisive factor in Chinese lifestyle consumption(as it is in other societies),the aforementioned location factors play an even bigger role in determining consumer behaviour.Recent lifestyle studies by Japanese advertising think tank Hakuhoˆdoˆattest vast regional value and lifestyle differences across China.From a product。

英文作文教本 葛

英文作文教本 葛

Unlocking the Potential of EnglishComposition: The葛ApproachIn the realm of education, the teaching of English composition often poses a challenge, especially when it comes to engaging students and fostering creativity. The traditional approach, often rooted in rote learning and机械translation, fails to ignite the spark of interest and curiosity that is crucial for effective learning. Enter the 葛approach, a revolutionary method that aims to transform the way we teach and learn English composition.The葛approach emphasizes the integration of real-world experiences and cultural insights into the composition process. It encourages students to draw from their own backgrounds and perspectives, allowing their unique voices to shine through. This approach recognizes that every student has a unique story to tell, and it provides them with the tools and encouragement to tell it effectively.One of the key features of the葛approach is its emphasis on critical thinking. Students are encouraged to analyze and evaluate various perspectives, rather than simply parroting information. This fosters a deeperunderstanding of the subject matter and cultivates a mindset that is open to diverse viewpoints.Moreover, the葛method incorporates the use of multimedia and technology to make learning more interactive and engaging. By leveraging digital tools, students can explore a wide range of resources, enhancing their understanding and appreciation of the English language.The implementation of the葛approach requires a shift in mindset among both teachers and students. Teachers need to embrace a more student-centered approach, fostering a learning environment that is conducive to creativity and exploration. Students, on the other hand, need to be open to trying new methods and embracing their own voices and perspectives.The benefits of adopting the葛approach are numerous. It not only improves students' English composition skills but also cultivates their critical thinking, creativity, and cultural awareness. By fostering a more inclusive and engaging learning environment, the葛method has the potential to revolutionize the way we teach and learn English composition.In conclusion, the葛approach offers a freshperspective on English composition teaching and learning.By integrating real-world experiences, fostering critical thinking, and leveraging technology, it has the potentialto transform the learning experience and foster a new generation of English composition students who are not only skilled writers but also critical thinkers and culturally aware individuals.**解锁英文作文的潜力:葛方法**在教育领域,英文作文的教学往往是一个挑战,尤其是当涉及到激发学生兴趣和培养创造力时。



















Value Engineering1工程概况浙江宁波某4层砌体结构建筑物,东西长21.6m 、南北进深8.7m ,共有宿舍40间,总建筑面积852m 2,建成于20世纪80年代、天然地基(地基为饱和软土)筏板基础。


采用了不入楼多路同步注浆顶升纠偏方案,先后布设32路顶升注浆管、总顶升纠偏注浆量248770L ,实现多路同步注浆顶升纠偏目标:最大抬升量196mm ;建筑物南北向倾斜率最大1.6‰,东西向最大2.6‰。


3原因分析根据地区经验,简要分析如下:①竖井开挖发现,筏板下为混合山砂、瓦砾的素填土,厚约0.8m ,缺失硬壳层,素填土下为饱和淤泥质粘土层,该层厚度超过10m ,该房屋南侧各房间均设有外挑阳台,导致房屋重心相对于形心南移,此为房屋整体向南倾斜的因素;②房屋西侧为混合道路,不乏载重车辆通行,由于缺失硬壳层,车辆通行的振动导致高灵敏度淤泥质粘土受到车辆通行扰动,此为房屋整体向西倾斜的因素;③天然地基的4层房屋,基底附加应力接近下卧层承载力,低渗透性、高压缩性的下卧层,在附加应力作用下缓慢固结,经年累月的固结沉降导致室内地坪低于室外,此为汛期浸水、地面返潮的因素;④宁波地处东南沿海,周期性的梅雨季,叠加房屋台汛期周期性浸水、返潮。





Aroma development from non-floral grape precursors by wine lactic acid bacteriaP.Hernandez-Orte a,*,M.Cersosimo b ,N.Loscos a ,J.Cacho a ,E.Garcia-Moruno b ,V.Ferreira aa Laboratory for Flavor Analysis and Enology,Department of Analytical Chemistry,Faculty of Sciences,University of Zaragoza,50009Zaragoza,Spain bCRA-Centro di Ricerca per L’Enologia,Via Pietro Micca,35.14100Asti,Italya r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 2October 2008Accepted 22February 2009Keywords:Wine aroma BacteriaMalolactic fermentation Oenococcus LactobacillusAroma precursors Grapea b s t r a c tA fraction of glycosidic precursors extracted from different non-floral grapes was reconstituted with a synthetic wine and was fermented by lactic acid bacteria belonging to different genera previously selected for their glycosidase activity (Oenococcus oeni,Lactobacillus brevis,Lactobacillus casei).Malolactic fermentation was allowed to take place for 45days,but was only complete for O.oeni .Wines were ana-lyzed by sensory analysis and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry in order to determine sensory descriptors and volatile composition.Both O.oeni and Lactobacillus strains were able to release,in the conditions tested (model wine),terpenes,norisoprenoids,phenols and vanillins.Although only small increments in the concentrations were observed,the presence of bacteria caused a broad change on the odour profile of the samples.Ó2009Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionGlycosidic precursors in grapes can be found as D -glucopyrano-sides in which the volatile aglycone is linked to a single D -glucopyr-anose by a b -glycoside bond.They can also occur as disaccharides,in which the D -glucopyranose is combined with a second sugar molecule such as a -L -arabinofuranose,a -L -rhamnopyranose or a -L -apiofuranose (Gunata,Bitteur,Brillouet,Bayonove,&Cordon-nier,1988;Williams,Strauss,Wilson,&Massy Westropp,1982a).These precursors constitute a reserve of potential active aroma molecules that can be released during the winemaking process or during wine aging,thus increasing wine complexity (Williams et al.,1982a ).Several procedures can be used to enhance wine aroma by releasing aroma compounds from glycosidic precursors,including the use of b -glycosidases or heat to accelerate acid hydrolysis.Both methods have important limitations to be applied at industrial mercial b -glycosidases enzymes can often show secondary activities than can have a negative effect on wine quality and fast acid hydrolysis can produce rearrangements in the aglycone struc-ture (Williams,Strauss,Wilson,&Massy Westropp,1982b ),to-gether with the formation of undesirable flavours.In previous papers (Hernández-Orte et al.,2008)the ability of several Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces yeasts to release ar-oma compounds from grape flavour precursors was been studied.Most of the strains tested had the ability to enhance varietal aroma of wine by hydrolysis of glycosides.Lactic acid bacteria (LAB)can also contribute significantly to the formation of wine aroma during the winemaking process.Malolac-tic fermentation (MLF)can be effected by several LAB genera such as Oenococcus ,Lactobacillus and Pediococcus (Bartowsky,2005;du Plessis,Dicks,Pretorius,Lambrechts,&du Toit,2004).However,in most cases,it is carried out by Oenococcus oeni species since they are the best adapted to the low pH and high ethanol concentration conditions of wine.Although some reports about b -glycosidase activity of LAB genera are available,data are in some cases contra-dictory.Grimaldi et al.(Grimaldi,Bartowsky,&Jiranek,2005;Grim-aldi,McLean,&Jiranek,2000)found that several O.oeni strains presented a significant glycosidase activity.Boido,Lloret,Medina,Carrau,and Dellacassa (2002),in spite of proving the b -glycosidic activity of O.oeni during malolactic fermentation of Tannat wines,only found a small increase in volatile compounds,which could be due to the stable association of volatile compounds with polysac-charide macromolecules produced by O.oeni .By contrast,Ugliano,Genovese,and Moio (2003)using a model wine containing a mixture of glycosides extracted from Muscat wine,found four commercial O.oeni strains able to release terpenic compounds from glycosidic precursors.Similarly,D’Incecco et al.(2004)found a significant release of several glycosidically bound aglycons dur-ing malolactic fermentation using one O.oeni strain in synthetic0963-9969/$-see front matter Ó2009Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2009.02.023Abbreviations:ANOVA,analysis of variance;PCA,principal component analysis;LAB,lactic acid bacteria;MLF,malolactic fermentation.*Corresponding author.Fax:+34976761292.E-mail address:puhernan@unizar.es (P.Hernandez-Orte).Food Research International 42(2009)773–781Contents lists available at ScienceDirectFood Research Internationalj o ur na l h om e pa ge :w w w.e ls e v ie r.c om /lo c at e /f oo dr esmedium containing a glycosidic extract of Chardonnay wine.Grim-aldi et al.(2005)have recently carried out a screening of the glyco-sidase activity of several Lactobacillus and Pediococcus strains.Such activity was measured using p-nitrophenyl-b-D-glucopyranoside (p-NPG)as substrate and the effect on the activity of variables such as pH,temperature,ethanol and sugar content was determined. However,there is not information about the ability of such strains to release volatile compounds from glycosidic precursors.The aim of this work is to assess the ability of several LAB to change the volatile fraction of wine by releasing aroma compounds (such as volatile phenols,terpenes,lactones,norisoprenoids and vanillins)from grapeflavour precursors.Data on the glycosidase activity of several LAB species of the genera Oenococcus,Lactobacil-lus and Pediococcus are presented in this study.The LAB have been inoculated in a model wine containing grapeflavour precursors previously extracted from several non-floral grapes.2.Material and methods2.1.Bacterial strains and the growth conditionsA total of10O.oeni strains(5001,5004,5005,5008,5011,5015, 5031,5106,5117,5120),8Lactobacillus strains(5032,5033,5034, 5185,5190,5197,5199,5200)and2Pediococcus parvulus strains (5173,5174)were studied(Table1).All belong to the collection of the CRA-Centro di Ricerca per l’Enologia in Asti and were origi-nally isolated from musts or wines from various wine-producing areas in Italy and other countries.O.oeni strains were cultured in de Man Rogosa Sharpe(MRS) broth(Merck,Darmstadt,Germany)at pH4.8.Strains of the genera Lactobacillus and Pediococcus were cultured in MRS broth at pH5.8. All bacteria were incubated at30°C.Cellular growth was moni-tored in all cases by the measure of absorbance at600nm.The relationship between cellular population and absorbance was established by preparing a standard curve of absorbance vs.cellu-lar population.One unit of absorbance at600nm corresponded to around2.5Â109cell/mL.Cultures were diluted(1/5)in distilled water before the absorbance ctobacillus and Pedio-coccus strains were cultured in the MRS medium for48h until pop-ulations were higher than109cells/mL.In the case of Oenococcus strains,similar populations were obtained after one week.These cultures were kept at4°C overnight until their use in the subse-quent experiments.2.2.Determination of b-glucosidase activitySuch activity was determined following the method proposed by Mateo and Di Stefano(1997)with some slight modifications. An aliquot of the cultures kept at4°C was inoculated into the ster-ile MRS medium contained in sterile50mL tubes and incubated at 30°C.When the culture reached an optical density equivalent to 50Â106cells/mL,20mL of the culture were centrifuged at 5000rpm for10min and the supernatant was discarded.The pellet obtained was washed with10mL of NaCl(0.9%;w/v),centrifuged and re-suspended in10mL of buffer(citrate/phosphate0.2M,pH 5).The mixture was then incubated at30°C for24h in order to avoid carbon catabolite repression of glycosidase enzymes(Ribé-reau-Gayon,Glories,Maujean,&Dubourdieu,2000).All these oper-ations were carried out under sterile conditions.After24h,inocula were centrifuged again,and pellets were re-suspended in2mL of a citrate/phosphate buffer(0.2M pH5)containing7mM of p-nitro-phenyl-b-D-glucopyranoside(p-PNG,Fluka,Buchs,Switzerland) and incubated at25°C for2h.The reaction was then stopped by adding2mL of Na2CO30.1M(pH10.2),the samples werefiltered (0.22l m)and their absorbance was read at400nm.All assays were performed in duplicate.The relative activity was calculated by normalizing the absorbance at400nm to the cellular popula-tion(cells/mL).2.3.Preparation of the precursor extractThe precursors were extracted from four different non-floral grape varieties(Verdejo,Chardonnay,Garnacha and Tempranillo) in order to obtain a complex‘‘multivarietal”pool of precursors. The procedure was based on that described by Ibarz,Ferreira,Her-nandez-Orte,Loscos,and Cacho(2006)with slight modifications. Grapes were treated in batches of500g of grapes of a single vari-ety,and were destemmed by hand and homogenized with an Ultra Turrax T25Basic mixer(Ika,Labortechnik)in the presence of 0.13M NaF and50mg/L ascorbic acid.The triturate was centri-fuged at4500rpm for15min at5°C to separate the must from the skins,followed by afiltration throughfilter paper.The mashes of skins obtained(around80g per batch)were suspended in 380mL of a buffer solution(0.1M Na2HPO4/NaH2PO4)at pH7 and13%(v/v)ethanol and allowed to macerate in the dark(36h, 20°C,nitrogen atmosphere)to extract the precursors.This solution was centrifuged at4500rpm for15min at20°C,and the superna-tant wasfiltered throughfilter paper.Ethanol was removed by vac-uum distillation at room temperature in a rotary evaporator.This solution(ca.260mL per batch)is the‘‘macerate”.The must(ca. 300mL per batch)and the macerate were percolated through two LiChrolut EN(1300mg,Merck,Darmstadt,Germany)resin beds(previously pre-conditioned with32mL of dichloromethane, 32mL of methanol and65mL of water).In both cases the column was washed with26mL of water,and then with40mL of a pen-tane:dichloromethane(2:1;v/v)mixture.The retained precursors werefinally eluted with50mL of an ethyl acetate:methanol(9:1 v/v)mixture(ethyl acetate extract).Three batches per variety were processed,and the corresponding ethyl acetate extracts were mixed and evaporated under vacuum to dryness.These dry ex-tracts were reconstituted in20mL of a50%ethanol solution.Final-ly,the macerate and must extracts for the4varieties were mixed to form the multivarietal mix used to spike the model wines.Table1Lactic acid bacteria strains used in this study.Distribution of b-glucosidase activityamong O.oeni,Lactobacillus and Pediococcus bacteria strains.Species Strain Relative activity a pH5Oenococcus oeniO5001+O5015+O5008+++O5005+++O5004+++O5011+O5031+O5102+++O5106+++O5117ÀLactobacillushilgardii L5034+L5032Àbrevis L5033ÀL5197+++paracasei L5185+L5190+casei L5199+++L5200+++Pediococcus parvulus P5173ÀP5174À(À)no detected;(+)relative activity<100;(++)relative activity between100and200;(+++)relative activity>200.a Relative activities were calculated normalizing absorbance at400nm to thecellular population(cells/mL)using this formula:(abs/cellular population)Â106774P.Hernandez-Orte et al./Food Research International42(2009)773–7812.4.Malolactic fermentation:media and fermentation conditionsMalolactic fermentation was carried out using a model wine consisting of11%(v/v)of ethanol,5g/L of tartaric acid,3g/L of L (+)malic acid,0.2g/L of acetic acid,2g/L of D-glucose,2g/L of D-fructose,0.2g/L of NaCl,1g/L of(NH4)2SO4,2g/L of K2HPO4, 0.2g/L of MgSO47ÁH2O,0.05g/L of MnSO4ÁH2O and2g/L of yeast extract.KOH1N was used to adjust pH to3.5.The composition of this growth medium was similar to that described by Ugliano et al.(2003),but the concentration of some constituents such as ethanol,malic acid and pH was modified.The medium was steril-ized byfiltration(0.22l m).Eight bacteria strains with the strongest b-glucosidase activity (Table1)were selected for malolactic fermentation.New cultures were prepared as described in Section2.1.Cultures kept at4°C were allowed to reach room temperature for1h and then an ali-quot to obtain106cells/mL was taken and sub-cultured at20°C in a1:1model wine dilution with sterile water in order to achieve a better adaptation of the bacteria to the alcoholic medium.O.oeni strains were incubated in the1:1model wine dilution for5days, while Lactobacillus strains were incubated for48h.Fermentations were carried out in duplicate using150mL-Erlenmeyerflasksfilled with100mL of the sterile model wine. The precursor extract was added to reach approximately the same precursor concentration in must(26mL of extract per L of model wine).Next,a volume of inocula(in the1:1model wine dilution) was added to the model wine to obtain108cells/mL.The Erlen-meyerflasks were incubated at20°C,without agitation and in ab-sence of oxygen.Several control samples were also prepared in duplicate and they were kept in the same conditions for the same period of time as the samples commented above.Control sample labelled as‘‘B prec”was the model wine supplemented with the precursor ex-tract(at the same concentration as above)and not inoculated.Con-trol sample labelled as‘‘O5106B”was the un-supplemented model wine inoculated with O.oeni5106bacteria.Finally,control sample labelled as‘‘L5199B”was the un-supplemented model wine inoc-ulated with Lactobacillus casei5199bacteria.Malolactic fermentation was monitored by the determination of malic acid every15days using HPLC(Cane,1990).Malic acid deg-radation curves can be seen in Fig.1.After45days of fermentation, wines were centrifuged and the supernatants were then bottled and kept for two days at4°C.After this time,samples were ana-lyzed by sensory analysis and volatile compounds were determined.2.5.Extraction and analysis of minor volatile compounds(SPE and GC–Ion Trap–MS analysis)This analysis was carried out using the method proposed and validated by López,Aznar,Cacho,and Ferreira(2002).The method was modified to use a smaller quantity of sample and also incorpo-rates an added washing step in order to improve the chromato-graphic resolution.In accordance with this method,15mL of wine,containing10l L of a surrogate standards solution(isopropyl propanoate,3-octanone,heptanoic acid and b-damascone, 2000l g/g in ethanol),was passed through a50mg LiChrolut EN cartridge previously pre-conditioned(2mL of dichloromethane, 2mL of methanol and2mL of a12%ethanol solution).The sorbent was washed with5mL of40%(v/v)methanol solution and dried by letting air pass through(À0.6bar,10min).Analytes were recov-ered by elution with600l L of dichloromethane.An internal stan-dard solution(4-methyl-4-pentanol,4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-pentanone and2-octanol,at a concentration of350,450and 500l g/g,respectively,in dichloromethane)was added to the eluted sample.The extract was then analyzed by GC with Ion Trap–MS detection under the conditions described below.2.6.Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry conditionsGas chromatographic analysis was performed with a CP-3800 chromatograph coupled to a Saturn2200ion trap mass spectro-metric detection system from Varian(Sunnyvale,CA,USA).A DB-WAXETR capillary column(J&W Scientific,Folsom,CA,USA) (60mÂ0.25mm I.D.,film thickness0.5l m)preceded by a 3mÂ0.25mm uncoated(deactivated,intermediate polarity)pre-column from Supelco(Bellefonte,PA,USA)was used.Helium was the carrier gas at aflow rate of1mL/min.The oven temperature program was3min at40°C,10°C/min up to90°C,2°C/min up to230°C andfinally held at this temperature for37min.Initially the injector was kept at35°C for0.3min and a pressure pulse of 25psi for2.60min was applied.The injector was then heated to 250°C at rate of200°C/min.The splitless time was2.60min.Silan-ized glass wood was used as a packing material in the insert.The injection volume was4l L.The global run time was recorded in full scan mode(40–220m/z mass range).The chromatographic data were analyzed by Varian Saturn GC–MS Version 6.3software (López et al.,2002).2.7.Sensory analysisThe sensory panel consisted of six females and two males,with ages ranging from25to50,all of them belonging to the laboratory staff and with considerable experience in sensory analysis.Sensory descriptive analysis was carried out using a non-structured scale developed in the CRA–Centro de Ricerca per l’Enologia,Asti(Cra-vero&Ubigli,2002).This scale consisted of an aroma wheel with as many radii(62mm long)as aroma descriptors which divided the wheel into equal sectors.All the aroma terms(see Figs.3a, 3b)were adapted from the aroma wheel developed by Noble et al.(1987)(the description of the sensory terms was reported right there).These aroma terms were identified in previous tas-tings as the most appropriate to describe the wines,following stan-dardized practices(ISO6564:1985and4121:1987).Wines were presented in coded,tulip-shaped glasses.Two sessions per day were performed,and six samples per session were presented to the panellists.Judges were asked to mark the perceived aroma term in the corresponding radius and to score its intensity accord-ing to the distance of the mark to the centre of the circle(the long-er the distance,the higher the intensity).Then,distances were measured and the average of the distances given by all judges was used.P.Hernandez-Orte et al./Food Research International42(2009)773–7817752.8.Statistical treatmentThe analysis of variance was carried out with the statistical pro-gramme Stat View (SAS Institute,Cary,NC,USA).Principal Compo-nent Analysis (PCA)was carried out using The Unscrambler (Camo Asa,Oslo,Norway)for windows,version 7.5.3.Results and discussion3.1.Study of the b -glycosidase activity of different lactic acid bacteria strainsThe glycosidase activities of 20lactic acid bacteria strains belonging to different genera were screened using p-NPG as sub-strate at pH 5.Results of this assay are presented in Table 1.As can be seen,eight strains showed a high hydrolytic activity and were selected for the subsequent study.Among these bacteria strains,there were five O.oeni strains,two L.casei strains and one Lactobacillus brevis strain.3.2.Role of bacteria in the release and formation of volatile compounds from grape precursorsFor this work,the bacteria showing highest glycosidase activity (O.oeni 5008,5005,5004,5102and 5106;L.casei 5199and 5200;and L.brevis L5197)in the previous study were selected.Such bac-teria were inoculated into a synthetic wine enriched also in glyco-sidic precursors extracted from grapes.It should be remarked that only O.oeni strains,out of the eight different strains tested,were able to carry out malolactic fermentation and that none of the Lac-tobacillus strains were able to transform malic acid in 45days (Fig.1).Thus,the changes caused in the odorant composition by Lactobacillus ,appear to be linked to the enzymatic activities rather than the bacterial metabolism associated with MLF.Results of the analysis of the volatile composition of the sam-ples after 45days incubation are presented in Table 2.The pres-ence of aroma compounds in the un-inoculated synthetic media with precursors (B prec)should be attributed exclusively to the natural acid hydrolysis of glycosides.While the presence of aroma compounds in the un-supplemented model wine (O5106B and L5199B)should be due to the metabolism of the bacteria.Only two pairs of these control samples were prepared,one inoculated with O.oeni 5106and the other inoculated with L.casei 5199.A rough indication of the changes in the precursor fraction induced by the presence of bacteria is given at the end of the Table 2by the ‘‘total sum”term.Such term represents the summation of all the volatiles found,and although it does not take into account the fact that some volatiles are actually found at lesser concentra-tions in the samples kept with bacteria,it can provide a first approximation to the intensity of the changes.As this indicator suggests,the changes are not very acute at least from the quantita-tive point of view,and the total mass of volatiles found in the dif-ferent samples is not very different to that found in the control (B prec).In fact,in the cases of L.brevis 5197and O.oeni 5106,this va-lue is nearly the same as that found in the control sample,while in the rest the content in total volatiles has just been increased by a meagre 20%.This could be due to the existence of some processes causing the partial loss of the volatile compound released by glyco-side hydrolysis,as previously reported by other authors (Boido et al.,2002;Ugliano &Moio,2006).According to this hypothesis,vol-atile compounds could be adsorbed on polysaccharides and pepti-doglycans produced by O.oeni during MLF.However,things are slightly different from the qualitative point of view,as it can be seen in Fig.2.This figure shows the projection of the different samples on the Principal Component planes ob-2,6-D i m e t h y l -1,7-o c t a d i e n -3,6-d i o l a0.15±0.080.14±0.060.15±0.020.15±0.010.07±0.020.10±0.030.11±0.020.18±0.080.09±0.02n dn dT e r p i n y l a c e t a t e a0.24±0.040.25±0.080.26±0.050.23±0.050.15±0.000.17±0.040.25±0.010.23±0.000.14±0.00n d n d 3,7-D i m e t h y l -1,5-o c t a d i e n -3,7-d i o l a1.45±0.221.54±0.281.54±0.061.64±0.211.74±0.061.20±0.051.63±0.201.54±0.111.11±0.15n dn dN e r i c a c i d a2.79±0.323.12±0.993.02±0.102.81±0.322.87±0.302.30±0.112.67±0.002.60±0.021.97±0.07n dn dS u m7.828.0610.810.910.96.6710.87.596.892.622.49M i s c e l l a n e o u s F u r f u r a l 0.95±0.090.83±0.170.67±0.050.67±0.020.70±0.080.66±0.120.77±0.200.72±0.070.90±0.060.74±0.090.71±0.09P a n t o l a c t o n e *2.08±0.152.24±0.072.20±0.082.66±0.292.52±0.032.10±0.122.26±0.151.81±0.141.92±0.182.05±0.061.94±0.07S u m2.912.922.873.363.172.872.982.712.882.792.64A c i d s I s o v a l e r i c a c i d 13.2±4.1014.1±0.8412.7±0.5014.5±1.3014.9±1.1215.8±0.5617.7±3.6015.4±0.7518.1±0.0817.3±1.6119.7±1.092-M e t h y l b u t y r i c a c i d4.08±1.504.65±0.214.05±0.284.71±0.434.81±0.345.06±0.085.78±1.554.92±0.115.74±0.075.66±0.596.19±0.63S u m 17.318.816.819.319.720.823.520.323.82,925.9eT o t a l s u m26326926225822922925226422997.2138n d :N o t d e t e c t e d .a C h e m i c a l s t a n d a r d n o t a v a i l a b l e .T e n t a t i v e l y i d e n t i fie d .D a t a a r e t h e r e l a t i v e a r e a s (t o 4-h y d r o x y -4-m e t h y l -2-p e n t a n o n e Â1000).b L a c t o b a c i l l u s s t r a i n s d i d n o t c o m p l e t e M L F ,b u t t h e y w e r e k e p t a t 20°C f o r 45d a y s i n c o n t a c t w i t h t h e p r e c u r s o r e x t r a c t .c B p r e c w a s t h e u n -i n o c u l a t e d s y n t h e t i c m e d i a w i t h p r e c u r s o r e x t r a c t k e p t a t 20°C f o r 45d a y s .d O 5106B a n d L 5199B :u n -s u p p l e m e n t e d m o d e l w i n e i n o c u l a t e d w i t h O 5106a n d L 5199,r e s p e c t i v e l y .e T o t a l s u m i s t h e s u m o f a l l a r o m a c o m p o u n d s .*S i g n i fic a n t d i f f e r e n c e s b e t w e e n b a c t e r i a l s t r a i n s a t p <0.05(f r o m t h e A N O V A s t u d y ,n o n e o f t h e c o n t r o l s a m p l e s w e r e i n c l u d e d ).P.Hernandez-Orte et al./Food Research International 42(2009)773–781777tained from data in Table2.The plots show that the presence of bacteria has a quite intense effect on the volatile composition of the samples.It can be seen that the samples not containing precur-sors(codes O5106B and L5199B)lie in the left part of the planes, that samples containing precursors but not bacteria(code B prec) are also in the negative quadrant of PC1and have a high(negative) score in the PC3,while nearly all the samples containing precursors and bacteria are in the positive quadrant of PC1.The variable load-ings are shown just as unlabelled points and,as can be seen,all of them have a positive loading on PC1(with the exception of those corresponding to2-methylbutyric acid,isovaleric acid and benzal-dehyde),which shows that,as expected,samples not containing precursors have minimal levels of volatiles,while samples contain-ing precursors and bacteria have maximal levels of nearly all the volatiles.The surprising effect caused by precursors on the levels of2-methylbutyric and isovaleric acids was previously observed with yeast(Loscos,Hernandez-Orte,Cacho,&Ferreira,2007).To the best of our knowledge,this is thefirst time that the ability of Lactobacillus to hydrolyze(and transform)aromatic compounds from grape precursors in model medium is studied.Similarly, although the ability of four commercial O.oeni strains to hydrolyze aroma compounds from grapes has been tested,the study only considered terpenes(Ugliano et al.,2003),while results presented in Table2and Fig.2clearly indicate that both genera are able to induce clear changes on the volatile profile derived from grapefla-vour precursors.Moreover,the fact that only O.oeni strains carried out MLF,indicates that changes on volatile composition occurring in the presence of the other bacteria are not related to malolactic fermentation metabolism.The PC1vs.PC3representation also revealed that the volatile profile is relatively dependent on the genus of bacteria.Samples inoculated with O.oeni bacteria contained the highest concentra-tions of some important wine aroma compounds such as Z-3-hex-en-1-ol,c-decalactone(except L.casei5199strain),vanillin,ethyl vanillate,acetovanillone,syringaldehyde,4-vinylphenol and dihy-dromethyleugenol than samples inoculated with Lactobacillus.This could be attributed to the lower glycosidase activities displayed by these strains in fermentation conditions(Boido et al.,2002;Grim-aldi et al.,2005)or to the fact that MLF fermentation did not take place.However,the close similarity of samples inoculated with the L.casei5199strain to those inoculated with some O.oeni strains suggests that malolactic fermentation metabolism may not be linked to the abilities of malolatic bacteria strains to hydrolyze and release glycosidically bound aroma compounds.Differences induced by the strain were not very strong but af-fect to a large number of compounds.An ANOVA study(control samples were not included)revealed that in24out of the43mea-sured compounds,the strain exerted a significant effect.The most different samples were those inoculated with O.oeni5008,which were the richest in some important aroma compounds such as o-cresol(only detected in these samples),Z-3-hexen-1-ol and euge-nol(twice the concentration in the rest of samples),guaiacol(only778P.Hernandez-Orte et al./Food Research International42(2009)773–781。



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1.对话翻译与小说人物形象的再现——兼评《傲慢与偏见》的三个中译本 [J], 纪晓斌;申迎丽
2.典籍英译中注释的文化信息传递功能\r——以《兰亭集序》三个译本中的文化负载词翻译为例 [J], 陈慕羽
3.典籍英译中注释的文化信息传递功能——以《兰亭集序》三个译本中的文化负载词翻译为例 [J], 陈慕羽;
[J], 宦一舟;邵华
5.多译本中文化意象的解读与翻译——以《汤姆叔叔的小屋》三个汉译本为例 [J], 何春霞






1.中华人民共和国行业标准《水泥机械设备安装工程施工及验收规范》进入外文翻译阶段 [J], ;
2.浅议我国林业工程建设标准化工作 [J], 张志东
3.浅议我国林业工程建设标准化工作 [J], 张志东
4.为企业"走出去"插上沟通的翅膀——记我国工程建设标准英文版翻译出版工作[J], 王庆; 蔡成军
5.为企业“走出去”插上沟通的翅膀——记我国工程建设标准英文版翻译出版工作[J], 王庆; 蔡成军






1.《哪吒之魔童降世》中挣脱刻板印象束缚的"三大利器" [J], 吴辻
2.挣脱束缚的木桩——关于考试焦虑个案的心理辅导 [J], 杨柳
3.挣脱题海束缚提高解题能力——高三数学复习课解题教学的经验总结 [J], 周燕华
4.挣脱教材束缚突破教学困境——农村小学作文教学方法一瞥 [J], 郭玉成
5.挣脱束缚、自由连接 ROG风行GO电竞耳机 [J], 吕震华(文/图)



Natasha Singer;左边




【作者】Natasha Singer;左边
1.公共计算机实验室与微格教学实验室建设与管理研究 [J], 姚宇江;黄晓洁
2.高师院校数字化微格教学实验室的建设和管理探究——以柳州师专数字化微格教学实验室建设为例 [J], 廖丹;樊艳花
3.莎士比亚《维纳斯与阿多尼斯》中的\"艺格符换\" [J], 张远帆;
4.莎士比亚《维纳斯与阿多尼斯》中的“艺格符换” [J], 张远帆
5.从建筑自治到集体价值——与伯格维施事务所关于瓦格尼斯阿特的对话 [J], 杨舢;朱天禹



中国名牌产品商标词译名分析及其翻译⽅法 万⽅数据 万⽅数据 万⽅数据 万⽅数据中国名牌产品商标词译名分析及其翻译⽅法作者:安亚平作者单位:浙江⼯商⼤学外国语学院,浙江,杭州,310035刊名:上海科技翻译英⽂刊名:SHANGHAI JOURNAL OF TRANSLATORS FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY年,卷(期):2004(4)被引⽤次数:34次参考⽂献(10条)1.肖辉;陶⽟康等效原则视⾓下的商标与⽂化联想 2000(11)2.朱凡英汉商标词翻译研究述评(1994-2001)[期刊论⽂]-上海科技翻译 2002(04)3.⾦隄等效翻译探索 19984.贺川⽣商标英语 19975.许⾦杞意美、⾳美、形美[期刊论⽂]-外语与外语教学 2002(11)6.梁志坚中⽂商标英译探微[期刊论⽂]-宁夏⼤学学报 2001(05)7.胡开宝英汉商标品牌名称对⽐研究 1999(03)8.胡开杰试论商标名称英汉互译⽂化意义的转换[期刊论⽂]-中国科技翻译 2001(04)9.任荣从语⾔经济价值⾓度谈英⽂商标词的设计原则[期刊论⽂]-外语教学 2002(09)10.彭⽟⽯汉字商标词的跨⽂化传统 2001(04)引证⽂献(34条)1.潘婉莹.刘改琳基于动态对等理论的中⽂商标翻译[期刊论⽂]-和⽥师范专科学校学报 2011(1)2.左义商标翻译的多元化标准体系的构建与质量评价——以"狗不理"的新译名"Go Believe"为例[期刊论⽂]-中国商贸 2010(22)3.吕拾元略谈中⽂商标英译策略[期刊论⽂]-语⽂学刊(外语教育教学) 2010(9)4.祝英⽟英语商标词的语⾔美学特征[期刊论⽂]-商业⽂化(下半⽉) 2010(7)5.韩敏⼴告牌中商标名称的英译探析[期刊论⽂]-陕西教育(⾼教) 2010(1)6.王瑾琼.彭⼩波功能⽬的论关照下的汽车品牌翻译[期刊论⽂]-考试周刊 2010(38)7.徐海静词汇学与商标构词及商标词翻译研究综述[期刊论⽂]-科技信息 2010(28)8.吕⾠明.宁⽉瑾瓶装⽔商标词翻译[期刊论⽂]-潍坊学院学报 2010(5)9.秦俊从⽬的论视⾓看商标翻译[期刊论⽂]-⽟林师范学院学报 2009(6)10.刘家凤中外英汉品牌名称翻译评价综述[期刊论⽂]-现代企业教育 2009(18)11.刘青.杨永和国际品牌名称翻译的优化策略[期刊论⽂]-商业时代 2009(28)12.刘家凤英汉品牌名称翻译理论与⽅法综述[期刊论⽂]-四川职业技术学院学报 2009(3)13.裘莹莹商标词中的模因[期刊论⽂]-南京⼯业职业技术学院学报 2009(3)14.徐赛颖.黄⼤⽹中国驰名商标英译类型的历时考察[期刊论⽂]-西安外国语⼤学学报 2009(2)15.徐巨成汉语商标英译的⽅法[期刊论⽂]-时代⽂学 2009(6)16.李东芹汉语商标翻译——⼀把打开世界⼤门的⾦钥匙[期刊论⽂]-怀化学院学报 2009(7)17.朱益平.王靖涵国内近⼗年商标翻译研究综述[期刊论⽂]-西北⼤学学报(哲学社会科学版) 2009(1)18.王才英泉州"中国驰名商标"拼⾳翻译缺陷及对策[期刊论⽂]-新疆⽯油教育学院学报 2009(5)19.蔡蓉蓉.顾飞荣我国商标词英译的问题及对策[期刊论⽂]-新余⾼专学报 2008(4)20.王欢探讨商标翻译的原则与⽅法[期刊论⽂]-考试周刊 2008(40)21.张虹然.徐婷婷遵守商标词的翻译原则谨防"⽂化陷阱"[期刊论⽂]-商场现代化 2008(8)22.⽥⽂军.胡汝昉对等翻译理论在商标词翻译中的应⽤[期刊论⽂]-语⾔与翻译(汉⽂版) 2007(4)23.李淑琴中国⼤陆英汉商标翻译研究综述[期刊论⽂]-上海翻译 2007(4)24.刘鹏.王培信从⽂化视⾓看商标词的等效翻译[期刊论⽂]-⼭东⾏政学院⼭东省经济管理⼲部学院学报 2007(5)25.史传龙⽬的论与商标联想翻译[期刊论⽂]-商场现代化 2007(28)26.李淑琴北京市出⼝产品商标翻译现状研究[期刊论⽂]-商场现代化 2007(24)27.袁志远.郭克玲商标翻译中的⽂化内涵[期刊论⽂]-商场现代化 2007(19)28.谢新云.周笃宝商标的联想及其翻译[期刊论⽂]-南华⼤学学报(社会科学版) 2007(4)29.康灿辉⽬的论观照下的英汉商标翻译技巧[期刊论⽂]-株洲师范⾼等专科学校学报 2007(1)30.王国桥.戴忠信英汉商标词的等效翻译策略[期刊论⽂]-长春师范学院学报(⼈⽂社会科学版) 2007(4)31.李⽟⾹从功能⽬的论看商标词的翻译[期刊论⽂]-同济⼤学学报(社会科学版) 2006(4)32.鞠蓓基于词汇七种意义理论的商标名分析[期刊论⽂]-江西科技师范学院学报 2006(6)33.王雪霜品牌翻译策略[学位论⽂]硕⼠ 200634.商标翻译要求国际化[期刊论⽂]-商场现代化 2005(28)本⽂链接:/doc/6f5654737.html/Periodical_shkjfy200404013.aspx。



葛浩文编辑Howard Goldblatt中文名是葛浩文,美国著名的汉学家,是2012年诺贝尔文学奖得主莫言作品的英文译者。





中文名葛浩文外文名Howard Goldblatt国籍美国出生日期1939年职业美国著名的汉学家主要成就英文世界地位最高的中国文学翻译家。

















2492020年51期总第543期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS英文翻译本土化道路探索文/王玮薇当改造,将西方的一些先进思想理念、科技成果等在我国进行传播,进而打造“吸收精华,弃其糟粕”的英文翻译生态,为新时代中国的发展提供便利。





其翻译最多的是英国哈葛德(Haggard)的作品《迦因小传》(Joan Haste )《鬼山狼侠传》等,以及其英国柯南道尔的《歇洛克奇案开场》(A Study in Scarlet )等。


除此之外,在英文翻译界具有里程碑式的人物朱生豪先生,其倾其一生精力翻译了莎士比亚(Shakespeare )的戏剧,并达到了优美、传神的审美高度。



例如,在读朱生豪版《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(Rpmeo and Juliet )一文时,我们能发现,其中具有很强的韵律、节奏性。








1.一语(L1)对英语语篇内人称指称习得的干扰--个案研究 [J], 陈晓湘
2.人称指称与英语语篇分析 [J], 李存
3.英语语篇中衔接语的翻译探究——基于《嘉莉妹妹》两个汉译本的研究 [J], 慕琳琳
4.人称指称在语篇中衔接方式的英汉对比分析 [J], 常玉洁
5.人称照应在英语语篇中的衔接功能研究 [J], 贾静

To Have An Axe To Grind

To Have An Axe To Grind

To Have An Axe To Grind李建华【期刊名称】《中学生英语:初中版》【年(卷),期】2002(000)013【摘要】To have an axe to grind原系英语,直译是“有把斧子要磨”,喻义是“怀有么心”,“有个人打算”等。

使人费解的是,“要磨的斧子(an axe to grind)究竟是如何与“私心”、“个人打算”联系起来的。

【总页数】1页(P9)【作者】李建华【作者单位】湖北省襄樊市化工学校【正文语种】中文【中图分类】G633.41【相关文献】1.Thermo-mechanical properties of bowl-shaped grinding wheel and machining error compensation for grinding indexable inserts [J], 张祥雷;姚斌;陈彬强;孙维方;王萌萌;罗琪2.Development of CAD/CAM system and profile measuring device for CNC grinding machine to obtain an optimal grinding speed [J], LIM Sang-Heon;KIM Jae-Hyun;LEE Choon-Man3.have an axe to grind的含义及其来源 [J], 黄河清;4.Thermo-mechanical properties of bowl-shaped grinding wheel and machining error compensation for grinding indexable inserts [J], 张祥雷;姚斌;陈彬强;孙维方;王萌萌;罗琪;5.An Axe To Organ Grind Dot-Com蓝调 [J],因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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《信息与计算科学》专业本科毕业论文外文资料翻译原文名称Accurate mobile malware detection and classification in the cloud原文作者Xiaolei WangEmail Yuexiang Yang and Yingzhi Zeng原文出版物Wang et al. SpringerPlus翻译内容页码Page1-Page6中文名称云端精确的手机恶意软件检测和分类学生姓名葛小刚专业信息与计算科学(嵌入式)班级学号0112南京工业大学数理科学学院2012年4月云端精确的手机恶意软件检测和分类摘要:作为智能手机操作系统市场的统治者,安卓吸引了大量恶意软件作者和相似的研究人员的注意力。



CuckooDroid能够使用Cuckoo Sandbox的特征并通过静态和动态分析来分析安卓恶意软件。






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