七宗罪英文电影赏析 ppt课件
这是两个典型的警察形象:年轻的警察血气方刚,冲 动易怒,老警察沉着稳重,机智耐心,而且孜孜以求, 心地善良。他们之间从抵触,到理解,再到互相关爱, 属于一条温馨的线索。年轻的布拉德皮特就像一个冲 动小野兽一样,他自尊自信,不容许别人怀疑他。他 有着美好的愿望,于是他和他的美丽妻子来到了这个 危险的地区。老警察摩根弗里曼是一个经验老到的长 者,他关爱年轻人就像自己的孩子。我很高兴的看着 这两个人一起研究案情的样子,更像是父亲带着儿子 一起走向成功的终点。他们本身的正义感驱使他们发 挥出所有的能力,于是他们可以在第一次合作就这样 默契。人与人之间的感情,越是在这种关键的时刻, 越是可以完美地发挥出来。
当密尔斯得知自己 妻子已有身孕,但 却已被杀死。威 廉·沙摩塞对他说: “如果你杀死他, 他就赢了。”密尔 斯依然一脸痛苦地 开枪了。
这是我看过最经典的心理影片,片中的凶手的 作案动机,作案手法都让我大为惊叹。影片中 本来与案件毫无关系的密尔斯的妻子,竟然成 为了第六宗罪的源头,剧情的发展也让我叹为 观止。而密尔斯和沙摩塞之间或友或父的感情 也让我深为感动。
暴吃、淫荡、贪婪、懒惰、高傲、嫉妒、愤 怒——这就是七宗原罪。影片中的罪犯在前半 段一直没有露面,但是他作案的手法确实已经 让所有的人感到震惊。他可以强迫一个人吃到 胃涨裂和内出血;他可以花一年的时间精心养 育他的受害人;为了完美的犯罪过程,他把自 己手指头的皮肤剥去,以免日后留下指纹。全 部的过程都在在这个罪犯的掌握之下,一步一 步,我们随着罪犯的带领下,欣赏这他引以为 豪的犯罪过程。
On Thursday, a prostitute dead in bed.
On Friday, a woman suicides for disfigurement.
On Saturday, a homicide appeared because of envy.
end !
Plot summary
While the police at a loss, the murderer miracle give himself up.And this time the perpetrator of the "seven sins" is still two, I wonder if he will stop there? Why did he will surrender? The perpetrator claim to the "great masterpiece" will be completed in the tight custody of the police, the difficult position murderer can do it again? The outcome of people far beyond the expected.
On Sunday, a policeman stayed in prison for murder.
Our opinion
This is an outstanding moviefect, and Mills ls actually had a lot to do with this movie's success outside of his acting. He forced the studio to keep the original ending, and he forced them to shell out the money to get John. It is fortunate that he did, as those two elements are central to the movie's greatness. John played the killer so chillingly that it makes his message seem all the more unnerving and, perhaps, correct. The uncompromising ending leaves the viewer shocked and reeling.
Seven(七宗罪)1995David Fincher's classic tale of inventive serial killing and urban degredation, with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman on excellent formWho'd have thought? An absurd-sounding tale of a serial killer basing his crimes around the seven deadly sins, directed by the man behind the mess that was Alien3, turning out to be one of the most chilling and original thrillers of the 1990s.From the outset, through the film's brilliantly designed deliberate under-lighting - we see very little blood and guts - and muffled sound, the audience is encouraged to lean towards the screen, immerse itself in the film's unbearably grim world.Pitt is in career-making form as Mills, a simple cop moving with his sweet young wife (Paltrow) to a grim, anonymous city, determined to make a difference, to do some good. He is assigned to track down a vengeful killer, and works alongside Somerset (Freeman), a jaded, wise policeman on the verge of retirement.The two are that modern movie cliché -the mismatched pair thrown together by circumstance, who gradually learn mutual respect. But Fincher and Walker take these hackneyed ingredients, play with them in the context of a brilliantly cohesive plot, and present something consistently fresh - the police finding themselves with too much evidence, the premature unmasking of the killer - and very, very dark.1。
“暴食”、“贪婪”、“懒惰”、“嫉妒”、“骄 傲”、“淫欲”、 “愤怒”,这是天主教教义所指的人性七宗罪。城 市 中发生的连坏杀人案,死者恰好都是犯有这些教义 的人。凶手故弄玄虚的作案手法,令资深冷静的警 员沙摩塞(摩根•弗里曼 饰)和血气方刚的新扎警员 米尔斯(布拉德•皮特 饰)都陷入了破案的谜团中。 他们去图书馆研读但丁的《神曲》,企图从人间地 狱的描绘中找到线索,最后从宗教文学哲学的世界 中找到了凶手作案计划和手段的蛛丝马迹。凶手前 来投案自首,这令众人都松了一口气,以为案件就 此结束,怎料还是逃不出七宗罪的杀人逻辑,这次 凶手瞄准的目标,是那个犯了“愤怒”罪的人……
• 影片中的罪犯在前半段一直没有露面,但是他作 案的手法确实已经让所有的人感到震惊。他可以 强迫一个人吃到胃涨裂和内出血;他可以花一年 的时间精心折磨他的受害人;为了完美的犯罪过 程,他把自己手指头的皮肤剥去,以免日后留下 指纹。全部的过程都在在这个罪犯的掌握之下, 一步一步,我们随着罪犯的带领下,欣赏这他引 以为豪的犯罪过程。每天都有人因为贪婪而死, 因为嫉妒而死,因为愤怒而死……我们天才的导 演大卫芬奇也许就是想告诉我们:在这个物欲横 流的世界上,太多的人已经迷失了自己。就连那 个身为警察的米尔斯,最后也因为爱妻被害而失 去理智,开枪杀死了罪犯。事实上,这也是我们 自身无法控制的,也是我们无法抵抗的,这个完 美强大的罪犯,已经把这些寓意都展现给我们。 看着他心平气和得到警察局里自首的时候,我就 知道这一切,刚刚开始……
摩根· 弗里曼
代表作:《七宗罪》 《冒牌天神》 《肖申克的救赎》 《遗愿清单》
1990年第47届美国电影金球奖最佳男主角歌舞/喜剧类获奖 《为戴茜小姐开车》 2004年第77届奥斯卡金像奖最佳男配角获奖《百万美元宝 贝》 2005年第八届上海国际电影节终身成就奖 2012年摩根.弗里曼获得第69届美国电影电视金球奖终身成 就奖。
• Kitchen Sink Film(Social Realist Film) 现实片
• Melodrama 情节片、家庭情节剧 • Morality Play 道德剧、伦理片 • Musical Film 歌舞片、音乐剧 • Opera Film (Film Opera) 歌剧片 • Preteen Film 儿童片 • Propaganda Film 宣传(煽动)片 • Realist Film现实片、现实主义电影 • Revisionist Film 修正主义电影 • Revolutionary Film (激进)革命电影 • Situation Comedy 情景喜剧 • Soap Opera肥皂剧、连续剧 • Surrealist Film超现实主义电影 • 3-D Film 三维(立体)电影 • Whodunit推理片,神秘惊悚片
Romance/ Romantic Film(浪漫片)
It is a sub-type of dramatic film which dwells on the elements of romantic love.
Thriller Film( 惊悚片、悬疑片)
•A kind of movie which is intended to provoke excitement and/or nervous tension into audience.
Slapstick (Classical Comedy) 丑角喜剧、经典喜剧
•It is a type of comedy involving exaggerated physical violence or activities which exceed the boundaries of common sense,
大学英语PPT 七宗罪.ppt
![大学英语PPT 七宗罪.ppt](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c88f1ba16edb6f1afe001f75.png)
Somerset VS Mills
—— two policemen
David Mills is a freshman, hotblooded,easily angered.
Willian Somerset
is a old spy,experienced, as cool as cucumber(黄瓜), look on coldly.
Morgan Freeman (摩根·弗里曼)
Kevin Spacey (凯文 • The character analysis (人物分析) • Religious Affiliation(宗教背景) • The Supernatural seven(神秘的“七”) • Social Base(社会基础) • Specific Aim(现实针对性) • Readers Thingking(读者思考)
My name: 张XX(F10814???) My major: Chinese Language and Leterature
the crime and punishment in the
• name:se7en(or the seven deadly sins)
• mian actor:Brad Pitt (布拉德皮特)
synopsis (剧情简介)
At the beginning of the movie,Somerset ,an experienced detective ,will retire after seven days. And young policeman Mills is his last partner. A fantastic case happened at this moment,which a tub of lard(大 胖子)is forced to eat until belly bursted(胀破肚皮). And the murderer leaves the word gluttony (饕餮)there. Later, A lawyer is killed in his office when the two policemen have no way to solve the fat's case. Similarly,the word greed (贪婪)is left . The two policemen start to think about Seven in the Holy Bible after these two crazy cases.
七宗罪 影视鉴赏 英语论文
![七宗罪 影视鉴赏 英语论文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3fd7f3d0a58da0116d174907.png)
The Dark Style of Se7enAbstractThis paper centers on the dark style of the film Se7en,which is christened as “film noir”.What Se7en interests and impresses me most is its film noir characters, surreal,nightmarish atmasphere and its disturbing visual style.This paper introduces some basic knowledge of film noir and emphasizes on the analysis of the dark style of Se7en from several aspects,including lighting,setting, and angle.Key Wordsfilm onir;dark; unease1.IntroductionSe7en, a dark, grisly, horrifying and intelligent thriller, may be too disturbing for many people, I imagine. But if you can bear to watch it, you will see filmmaking of a high order. It tells the story of two detectives - one ready to retire, the other at the start of his career - and their attempts to capture a perverted serial killer who is using the Seven Deadly Sins as his scenario. Director David Fincher doesn't want his audience to be comfortable for a moment while watching "Seven." Shaky camera shots, dark sets and a disturbing script that takes its characters to the extremes of emotion all contribute to the film creating a unsettled feeling that stays with you for a couple hours after the credits roll.2.literature reviewThe concept of film noir first emerged in 1940s France.Having been deprived of Hollywood films during the Germa occupation,French critics were finally able to see an numble of Hollywood films that had been made during the war years.The group of films that they saw shared a common visual style and a mood of cynicism,pessimism,and darkness,and they christened them “film noir”.Film noir characters are morally ambivalent,that is to say ,it is often impossible to draw clear lines between the “good” and the “bad”,and the traditional distinctions(cops=good/criminals=bad)no longer apply.Police and law enforcers arefrequently corrupt,or at least corruptible; criminals and lawbreakers may emerge as sympathetic figures;and victims are often themselves also villains.The protagonist is no hero;instead,he is an all-too-human figure who may both perpetrate(as well as suffer)some appalling abuse in the course of the film.A surreal,nightmarish atmasphere characterizes film noir film.This mood is fostered by unexplained motives and confusing plot twists.It is often difficult to establish motives for characters’actions,and equally difficult to predict in which direction the plot will spin. The audience experiences the kind of uncertainty and disorientation,feeling in a dream.The overriding theme of film noir is a fear of the future..The mood of film noir is that of loss,nostalgia,and trepidation.3.Own analysisMuch of the distinctiveness of Se7en can be attributed to its skillful adaption of the conventions of film noir to the contemporary world.There is a common moral ambiguity,which casts heroes as potential villains and villains as potential heroes;a trepidation about the future and nostalgia for a more civilized world that exists only in the imagination;a puzzling and disturding narrative which andermines one’s expectations;and the characteristic noir style of perpetual rainfall,low-key lighting,and a subdued colour palette dominated by dullish grays,murky browns,and putrid.It is a classic film noir,but with a twist—a serial-killer narrative that raises import contemporary questions about the respective roles of morality,culture,and the media in our postmodern urban world.A central feature of most film noir and neo-noir is moral contradiction.It is frequently difficult to draw clear lines between good and bad,or state with certainty who it is that occupies the high maral ground.This is certainly the case with Se7en,in that neither Mills nor Somerset demonstrates unimpeachable standards.In their professional lives,for example,both are prepared to take immoral (and even illegal)measures to achieve their goal of arresting and prosecuting John Doe.Somerset bribes an associate in the FBI for access to the library records of borrowers—of course,the fact that the FBI even keeps such records is of questionable legality—and together they use this illegally gathered information to find out Doe’s address.When they reach his apartment,Mills simply kicksopen the door,rather than follow the correct and legal procedures,and first get hold of a search warrant.Aware that illegally gathered information would be invalid in a court of law,they then proceed to bribe an poor local resident to make up a story that will exculpate them.The victims of Doe’s cruel crimes are definitely no better.The obscenely fat man is an insult to human dignity;the greed of Elias Gould is fed by the money earned from defending rapists and murderers in court;Theodore Allen,punished for sloth,is actually a drug dealer and maker of horrific sexual crimes;the blonde woman is a prostitute in a seedy sex club;and the model was so vain that she could not live without her good looks.“The over-riding noir theme is a passion for the past and the present,but also a fear of the future.The noir hero dreads to look ahead,but instead tries to survive by theday,and if unseccessful at that,he retreats to the past.Thus film noir’s techniques emphasize loss,nostalgia,lack of clear priorities,insecurity;then submerge these self-doubts in mannerism and style.In such a world style becomes paramount;it is all that separates one from meaninglessness.”(Schrader,Paul.1999.Notes on Film Noir.) Se7en employs many of the classic film noir/neo-noir techniques to create its disturbing visual style.The main techniques and their effects are shown below.The look of "Seven" is crucial to its effect. This is a very dark film, the gloom often penetrated only by the flashlights of the detectives. Even when all the lights are turned on in the apartments of the victims, they cast only wan, hopeless pools of light. Gary Wissner, the art director, goes for dark blacks and browns, deep shadows, lights of deep yellow, and a lot of dark wood furniture. Film noir/neo-noir relies on the play of light and darkness for its characteristically oppressive mood,and se7en is no exception.To increase the luminosity of light tones and the density of the darks,director of photography for se7en,Darius Khondji,employed the seldom-used method of silver retention.The contrast is further exaggerated by the use of mise-en-scene:shadows,silhouettes,and flashlights probing into the envenoping darkness are the visual hallmarks of the film.Darkness thus becomes a symbol of that which is hidden beneath the surface;as Amy Taubin remarks,the film’s visuals”literalize the struggle of bringing things to light”.Yet while film noir/neo-noir tends to use darkness to create its sense of unease,this is not inevitably the case.In the final sequence,se7en relies not on darkness but on brightness—the scorching light of the desert—to induce asense of fearful anticipation.Khondji puts it this way,”For me,when I read the script,scary had to do with darkness.But it’s not always the case,sometimes it’s to do with a lot of light and no shadow at all```I thought that the scariest thing to suggest would be that there’s nowhere to hide.”As in most film noir/neo-noir,the setting is the city.Even when,in the final sequence,Mills and Somerset drive out into the desert,the city and its objects are never far away—it is theere in the pylons that ferry electricity to and fro,and it is there in the helicopter circling overhead.Scenes are generally filmed either indarkly lit interiors,or outside when it is raining.This predilection for city settings and dark interiors contributes to the prevailing mood of claustrophobia and entrapment.The low-angle shot is employed with great regularity,and has the effect of making buildings,ceilings,and human figures seem to loom down on the camera(and audience) in a sinister,theatening manner.Wide-angle lenses exaggerate this effect still further by distorting lines of positionally,lines are used to split the screen diagonally;they are used most prominently in this way in the final desert sequence where the electricity cables crisscross the screen.Se7en breaks the 189-degree rule in the scene in which Somerset and Mills drive Doe into the desert.One minute the camera is filming from the left,the next from the right,then from the back towards the front,and then from the front towards the back.This creates an effects of dislocation and visual confusion that is part of the overall sense of unease of film noir.“Even in close-ups,fencher keeps an uneasy distance(he favours low-angled shots,rather than eye-of-God overheads).The camera sometimes seems tofloat,sometimes seems dragged as if by sn undertow.The extremely shallow focus is a way of controlling the view’s eye,making you look at waht you don’t want to see an d suggesting that there;s something worse that you just can’t get a grip on lurking on the periphery.”(Taubin,Amy.2000.The Allure of Decay.)4.ConclusionAll in all,Se7en deserves all the reputation it has received.It gives us such a shock by successfully employing many of the classic film noir/neo-noir techniques.Its lighting,settings,shotting and scenes all together make the film worthy of the name of perfection.Bibliography[1]Schrader,Paul. Notes on FilmNoir.Shanhai: Shanhai Foreign Language Education Press,1999[2]Taubin,Amy.The Allure of Decay.Shanhai: Shanhai Foreign Language Education Press,2000[3] 马爱英(Ma Aiying).《中英文化翻译》.北京:科学出版社,2006。
English Presentation--favorite movie--Seven七宗罪
![English Presentation--favorite movie--Seven七宗罪](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ec20351c03d8ce2f006623c2.png)
Brief introduction
• newly-transferred David Mills (Pitt) • 新转来 • soon-to-retire William Somerset (Freeman) 即将退休 • detectives 侦探 • a sadistic serial killer 残忍的系列杀人犯 • meticulously-planned 精心计划的
representing --
A set of fingerprints found at the scene of the "Greed" murder, the fatal bloodlettingof a rich attorney, leads them to an apartment where they find an emaciated man strapped to a bed. Though he initially appears to be dead, it soon is discovered that the man has been kept alive and entirely immobile by the killer for exactly one year to the day; a drug dealer and child molester before his captivity, this victim represents "Sloth", and dies soon after from shock.
• With the sun setting over the desert, Somerset quotes Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls: "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for.' I agree with the second part."
IntroductionSomerset is a senior detective, who will soon retire. Mills is new to this place, Monday, a fat man was fed to death at home, the killer left the word "gluttony" behind the refrigerator .Tuesday, a lawyer was bled to death, live the word "greed", then the lazy and the proud.Catholic Church made it clear that gluttony, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and wrath are seven deadly sins. Every victim died in one of them. Somerset did not want to take the cases because he would retire, he had lived in the city for a long time, got used to looking at things coldly. Finally, he stayed to help Mills. After tireless efforts, they finally found the clue. After five murders, who is the next target? No one can foresee. At this point, the killer Surrendered unexpectedly, when there are still two of the “Seven”. Why would he walk into? Perpetrators claimed that his "great masterpiece" still would be completed .What would he do next?The outcome is far beyond people's expectations. The murderer elected energetic impulsive Mills as the last of the seven deadly sins - wrath. The killer envied of Mills’ happy family and his ordinary life, so he killed his beautiful pregnant wife to anger him. With the gunfire, we know John won the game, he managed to let himself to be envy, so Mills , who would have to face the trial, became the wrath.Comments"Seven" really gave me a deep impression and reflection. As far as I am concerned, Seven itself and Mills’ shooting at the end of the film are the most attractive part in the movie.In fact, each of us can commit the seven in daily life, the extent is different. Appropriate envy is our motivation, proper rest is helpful to adjusting ourselves, proper eating can add energy. But when they are excessive, they will change into the Seven.Although the criminal was cruel, indeed he was exhorting people in an abnormal way. At the end Somerset said: Hemingway wrote: This world is a good place, it is worth fighting for it. The last part I agree. It shows the change of cold Somerset .Also the movie want to tell us, first, recognize the world, then jump out from the negative, to strive.Mills did not control his wrath, he shot, let the criminal win the game, and he would face the trial because of that. But I support his shot, after all, there is something precious than the reason. Even if he held back, wouldn’t he regretwhen it was over? The tragic lens and ending touched me deeply, and tell me to cherish something I have overlooked previously.CultureThe film describes a very religious philosophical crime story, so that we know the Western religious culture from another point of view.Seven, the name of the movie is significant. Chinese and Western culture seems to have completely different message to the figure. In Chinese culture, "seven" represents light, luck and joy. While in the West, "seven" is related t o religions and human sin, very mysterious and even secretive. Gluttony, greed, sloth, lust, pride, envy and wrath, was seven deadly sins considered by the Catholic.In the movie, 7 sins, 7 penalties, 7 rain, the story took place in 7 days, and even the ending was determined by the criminal, seven days at 7 pm. Just implie that: Seven is the crime and punishment of the fate. And let us know the power of religion.。
SEVEN attract and shocked me deeply.Moreover, I admire Brad Pitt in the extreme.As a result,I have a mind to write my feelings.Seven,the eerie new homicide thriller, has a tantalizingly morbid atmosphere of unease. Early on, a couple of cops -- Morgan Freeman as a veteran on the brink of retirement, and Brad Pitt as his new, hotshot partner -- wander into an abandoned shack and find the corpse of an obese shut-in, his legs bound to a chair, his face smooshed down in a plate of spaghetti. (Apparently, he was force-fed to death.) The scene practically reeks of depravity and rot. In Seven, just about every setting (alleyways, apartments, even a public library) is squalid and cluttered and muffled in shadow, and the streets are drenched in a continual brackish rainfall. The visual moodiness is matched by aural moodiness: The characters' words emerge quietly, from a soundtrack thick with cacophonous murk. We're never quite sure what city we're in -- is it Philadelphia? one of New York's outer boroughs? -- and this casual dislocation enhances our free-floating sense of dread.In nowhere city, a serial killer is slaughtering people according to a playfully fiendish pattern: He commits one murder for each of the seven deadly sins, each victim offered as a hideous ''atonement.'' The fat guy was, of course, killed for gluttony. A rich lawyer dies for greed. And so on. The movie's perverse hook is the gruesomely clever way in which the style of each murder matches the sin (by the time the killer gets to lust, you may be lowering your eyes in shock). Since the mystery psycho is, naturally, a mastermind, he toys with the cops, leaving clues on purpose and, at one point, staging a trick so ghoulish -- a''corpse'' starts to cough -- that it leaves the audience laughing with fright. The killer also has a literary turn of mind. Inspired by Dante, Shakespeare, and other navigators of man's eternal fall, he creates a private liturgical fantasy out of the scrunginess of the human race. Everyone's a sinner! The world must be punished!Seven is a heebie-jeebies thriller, the kind people will go to for a good, cathartic creep-out. The credits sequence, with its jumpy frames andnear-subliminal flashes of psycho paraphernalia, is a small masterpiece of dementia -- the film itself seems to be breaking down in terror. Fincher has lifted a lot of tricks from Manhunter, but the canniest was to reveal just enough clinical carnage so that we re-create the details of the killings in our heads. Balancing out the sleek horror are Freeman and Pitt, who, within a stock old cop-young cop routine, spark each other. Freeman plays nearly every scene in a doleful hush; he makes you lean in to hear his words, to ferret out the hints of anger and regret that haunt this weary knight. It's Pitt's job to blow his cool, which he does with energized grunge charisma, and to act as comic relief (I actually believed his hilarious mispronunciation of the Marquis de Sade).Eventually we meet the killer, whose plan is even fancier than we suspected. This is the most grandiose part of Seven, and it might have been a leap into suspense-movie banality were the killer not played by Kevin Spacey, adevious ham who uses his aging little-boy face to hypnotic deadpan effect. He's like the world's most demonic sissy. The climactic sequence is powered by a visual coup -- Fincher takes the movie out of gloomsville and into a sun-dappled field of electric wires -- but mostly by Spacey's mischievous core of masochism. It's Seven's nastiest stroke of wit that, by the end, what he wants and what the audience wants turn out to be one and the same.。
Act II Act III
Point of no return
Turning point 2 Climax Resolution
Discovery of John Doe
John Doe turns himself in Mills realized the murder of his wife by John and killed him Somerset draw a conclusion
Good VS Evil Guilty VS Innocent Moral Ambiguity Apathy
About the Movie
• Written by Andrew Kevin Walker, directed
by David Fincher, starring Morgan Freeman,
Brubaker (1980)黑狱风云 Unforgiven (1992)杀无赦 The Shawshank Redemption (1994)肖申克的救赎 Seven (1995)七宗罪 Million Dollar Baby (2004)百万宝贝 10 Items or Less(2005)十件或更少 Driving Miss Daisy (1989)为戴茜小姐开车
David Fincher
Born in Denver, Colorado on August 28, 1962, David Leo Fincher is an American film and music video director known for his dark and stylish portraits of the human experience. 杀人十二星座Zodiac ------- (2007) 战栗空间/房不胜防 Panic Room ------- (2002) 格斗俱乐部 Fight Club ------- (1999) 致命游戏 The Game ------- (1997) 七宗罪/火线追缉令 Se7en ------- (1995) 异形3 Alien³ ------- (1992)
基英Unit 7 The chaser PPT课件
![基英Unit 7 The chaser PPT课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/81d7f3a82af90242a995e55b.png)
• He is famous for his bounty to the poor. • 他因对穷人慷慨相助而出名。
Detachment n. the state of not reaching in an emotional way, so that you can do your job properly or make the right decisions
• 老乔睡地板睡腻了,就用多年积蓄买了一 张真正的床。
Reach for sth 伸手拿
• A brawny blacksmith made a reach for him. • 一个强壮的铁匠伸手过来抓他。
• The teacher set the papers he was marking on one side and reach for his cigarette.
Paragraph 14 - 17
• "I am glad to hear that," said Alan. "I look at it like this," said the old man. "Please a customer with one article, and he will come back when he needs another. Even if it is more costly. He will save up for it, if necessary.“
• "Oh dear, no," said the old man. "It would be no good charging that sort of price for a love potion, for example. Young people who need a love potion very seldom have five thousand dollars. Otherwise they would not need a love potion."
The main performer: Morgan Freeman Brad Pitt Gwyneth Paltrow) Kevin Spacey John C. McGinley R. Lee Ermey Charles Dutton)
About the Director-David Fincher(1)
About the main actors- Brad Pitt(1)
Brad Pitt... Detective David Mills Date of Birth 18 December 1963, Shawnee, Oklahoma, USA Birth Name William Bradley Pitt Height 5' 10¾" (1.80 m) Mini Biography Brad Pitt was born in 1963 in Oklahoma and raised in Springfield, Missouri. His mother's name is Jane Etta Hillhouse. His father, William (Bill) Pitt, worked in management at a trucking firm in Springfield. He has a younger brother, Douglas (Doug) Pitt and a younger sister Julie Neal Pitt. At Kickapoo High School, Pitt was involved in sports, debating, student government and school musicals. Pitt attended the University of Missouri, where he majored in journalism with a focus on advertising. He occasionally acted in fraternity shows. He left college two credits short of graduating to move to California. Before he became successful at acting, Pitt supported himself by driving strippers in limos, moving refrigerators and dressing as a giant chicken while working for "el Pollo Loco."
• 懒惰-懒惰及浪费 时间。(懒惰被宣 告为有罪是因为: 其他人需更努力工 作以填补缺失,因 应该的事情还没有 做好,对自己是百 害而无一利)
• 贝露菲格露 (Belphegor): 懒惰(Sloth)(原为 亚述的魔神之一)
The seven deadly sins
By Sarah
The origine of The seven d不合法礼的性欲, 例如通奸。(但丁的标准 是“过分爱慕对方”,而 这样便会贬低了神对人们 的爱)
• 阿斯蒙蒂斯 (Asmodeus):淫欲 (Lust) (激怒或是欲望的 魔神的始祖)
• 暴食-浪费食物,或是过度 放纵食欲、酗酒或屯积过量 的食物。(但丁的观点是 “过份贪图逸乐”)
• 贝露赛布布(别西卜) (Beelzebub):暴食 (Gluttony) (苍蝇君主,圣 经中以“鬼王”相称呼)
• 贪婪-希望占有比所需更多为之贪婪。(或是以但丁的观 点,贪婪是“过度热衷于寻求金钱上或权力上的优越”)
• 愤怒-源自憎恨而起 的不适当(邪恶的) 感觉,复仇或否定他 人,在律法所赋与的 权力以外,行使惩罚 他人的意欲亦被归作 愤怒。(但丁描述为
撒旦(Satan)“:l暴ov怒e(Worfatjhu)s(ti愤ce怒的化身) perverted to revenge and spite”) {译: 对正义的爱 堕落为复仇和怨恨。}
• 利维坦 (Leviathan):妒 忌(Envy) (象征邪 恶的一种海怪)
• 骄傲-期望他人注视自己或过度爱好 自己。(因拥有而感到比其他人优越) (holding self out of proper position toward God or fellows; Dante‘s definition was “love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for one’s neighbor”){译:把自己相对于上帝或 FELLOWS的位置放在错误的地方; Dante的定义是“对自己的爱堕落为 对身边的人的憎恨与轻视”}
The Seven Deadly Sins
星期一,一 个胖子被撑 死了。
•Gluttony :['glʌt(ə)nɪ]
• n. 暴食,暴饮暴食;贪食, 贪吃
• 暴食-浪费食物,或是过度 放纵食欲、酗酒或屯积过量 的食物。(但丁的观点是 “过份贪图逸乐”)
星期二,一名律师被 割肉,死亡。
Greed :[griːd]
thriller :['θrɪlɚ]
n. 惊险小说;使人毛骨悚然的东西; 使人毛骨悚然的小说
The Seven Deadly Sins
注: deadly:[‘dɛdli] adj. 致命的;非常的;死一般的 Sin:[sɪn] n. 罪恶;罪孽;过失
七宗罪 Se7en (1995)
• 导演: 大卫·芬奇 编剧: 安德鲁·凯文·沃克 主演: 布拉德·皮特 / 摩 根·弗里曼 / 凯文·史派西 / 格温妮斯·帕特洛 / 李·厄 米 / 查尔斯·达顿 类型: 剧情 / 悬疑 / 惊悚 / 犯罪
感谢您的下载! 快乐分享,知识无限!
n. 贪婪,贪心
贪婪-希望占有比所需更多为之贪婪。 (或是以但丁的观点,贪婪是“过度热
星期三,发现一具毒 贩的尸体。
星期四,一名妓 女死在床上。
Lust: [lʌst]
n. 性欲;强烈的欲望
• 好色-不合法礼的性 欲,例如通奸。(但 丁的标准是“过分爱 慕对方”,而这样便 会贬低了神对人们的 爱)
星期五,一位女明 星因为过于骄傲而 死。
pride :[praɪd]
n. 自豪;骄傲;自尊心
星期六、这个连环 杀人凶手又因为嫉 妒杀了男主角的妻 子
老:Get out of the van! 从车里出来!Out ! 出来!递:Jesus Christ, man. Don’t shoot me. 天哪,老兄。
老:Step away. 离车远点。
Turn around. Put your hands on your head. 转过去,手抱头。
(飞:What the hell is going on? 到底发生了什么?)老:Why and what are you doing here? 你为什么来这里?递:I’m delivering a package man. 我只是送快递而已。
I got a package for this guy, David. 我有个快递要送给戴维。
Detective... 警探David Mills. 戴维•米尔斯老:Get it. Slowly. 拿过来。
(飞:He’s opening the back of van. 他正在打开火车的后备箱。
We’ve got him in sight. 我们瞄准他了。
)递:This guy paid me ﹩500 to bing it out here, man.有人出500块让我把它带过来。
He said he wanted it here at exactly 7 o’clock.他让我在7点钟准时送到。
老:Put it down. 放下来。
We got a box 我们有个盒子。
(飞:We got a box . Call the bomb squad. 有一个盒子,快找拆弹组。
Bomb squad . We got a box . 拆弹组,我们这有个盒子。
)老:Face the van. 面朝货车。
Hands up. 举起手来。
Turn around . 转过来。
Okay. Go. 好的,快走。
Off you go. Go . 快离开这里。
I’m sending the driver out on foot . 我让司机跑着离开了。
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Movi e
The Hook: tension between M and S
The 1st victim: Monday : Gluttony
The 2nd victim: Tuesday : Greedy
Turning Point 1 Discovery of pattern to murders: a serial killing
Байду номын сангаас
OLD VETERAN KNOWLEDGABLE CALM SENSITIVE MODEST Love his job but hate the cruel world
Character comparison
Like greed, envy may be characterized by an insatiable desire; they differ, however, for two main reasons. First, greed is largely associated with material goods, whereas envy may apply more generally. Second, those who commit the sin of envy resent that another person has something they perceive themselves as lacking, and wish the other person to be deprived of it.
More than other sins, the definition of sloth has changed considerably since its original inclusion among the seven deadly sins. In fact it was first called the sin of sadness or despair.
Dire ctor
Actor 7Sins
Movi e
Seven (sometimes stylized as Se7en) is a 1995 American thriller film written by Andrew Kevin Walker, directed by David Fincher, and distributed by New Line Cinema. It stars Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman, with Gwyneth Paltrow, R. Lee Ermey, and Kevin Spacey in supporting roles. The newly transferred David Mills (Pitt) and the soon-to-retire William Somerset (Freeman) are homicide detectives who become deeply involved in the case of a sadistic serial killer whose meticulously planned murders correspond to the seven deadly sins: gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, pride, lust, and envy. The film was released in the United States on September 22, 1995. Grossing $327 million at the box office internationally, Seven was a commercial success, and received positive reviews from most critics. Nominated in the Oscar Award
Lust (or lechery) is usually thought of as excessive thoughts or desires of a sexual nature. Giving in to lusts can lead to sexual or sociological compulsions and/or transgressions including (but not limited to) sexual addiction, fornication, adultery, bestiality, rape, perversion, and incest.
In almost every list, pride (or hubris or "vanity") is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins, and indeed the ultimate source from which the others arise. It is identified as a desire to be more important or attractive than others, failing to acknow-ledge the good work of others, and excessive love of self (especially holding self out of proper position toward God).
Dire ctor
David Andrew Leo Fincher (born August 28, 1962) is an American film and music video director who is known for his dark and stylish thrillers, such as Alien 3 (1992), Seven (1995), The Game (1997), Fight Club (1999), Panic Room (2002), and Zodiac (2007). Fincher received Academy Award nominations for Best Director for his 2008 film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and his 2010 film The Social Network, which also won him the Golden Globe and the BAFTA for Best Director. His most recent film is 2011's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, an English-language adaptation of Stieg Larsson's novel of the same name.
Wrath (or anger or "Rage") may be described as inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger. These feelings can manifest as vehement denial of the truth, both to others and in the form of self-denial, impatience with the procedure of law, and the desire to seek revenge outside of the workings of the justice system and generally wishing to do evil or harm to others.
Morgan Freeman[1] (born June 1, 1937) is an American actor, film director, and narrator. Freeman has received Academy Award nominations for his performances in Street Smart, Driving Miss Daisy, The Shawshank Redemption and Invictus and won in 2005 for Million Dollar Baby. He has also won a Golden Globe Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award. Freeman has appeared in many other box office hits, including Unforgiven, Glory, Seven, Deep Impact, The Sum of All Fears, Bruce Almighty, The Dark Knight Trilogy, and March of the Penguins.
Greed (or avarice, covetousness) is, like lust and gluttony, a sin of excess. However, greed (as seen by the church) is applied to the acquisition of wealth in particular. St. Thomas Aquinas wrote that greed was "a sin against God, just as all mortal sins, in as much as man condemns things eternal for the sake of temporal things."