2007 Service-Oriented Smart-Home Architecture Based on OSGi and Mobile-Agent Technology




(E)メールmail(゗ンゲー)ネット(inter)net(゗ンゲー)ネット・ゞプ(inter)net cafe(パラメーゲーの)受け渡しturn over (parameters)(フゔ゗ルを)作成するcreate (a file)(メモリーの)解放free (memory)(メモリーの)解放free (memory)...のいずれでもOK.Netドットネット[゙゜ッゴ]゙゗ンド゙の表示[ワーアオートの分析]ツールバーの[削除済みゕ゗テム]フ゜ルコを空に○印で表示した属性10進表記decimal notation10進法decimal10進数decimal numeral16bit/ゴャンネル16進表記hexadecimal notation16進法hexadecimal16進数hexadecimal numeral180°1ァゟヘルツ1つずつ取り出し1バ゗トsingle byte1バ゗トウード体系SBCS(Single Byte Code System)1週間用2000年問題2次゠ャッオュsecondary cache2次記憶secondary storage2階調化2進表記binary notation2進法binary2進化10進数BCD (Binary Coded Decimal)2進数binary numeral2進数字binary digit2値論理two valued logic3Dトランガフ゜ーム3D trance form3D画像three-dimension image3D枠691 ゗ンゲフューガInterface8bit/ゴャンネル90°(反時計回り)90°(時計回り)abstract アラガAbstractClassADCゴ゚ッアプロィラムADCcheckprogramADSG Application Development Standard GuideADSL Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber LoopAD値AI artificial intelligenceAlt゠ーAPI Application Programming InterfaceARP Address Resolution ProtocolASCII American Standard Code for Information InterchangeASP Application Specific Integrated CircuitAT&T AT&TATM Automatic Teller MachineB2B Business to BusinessB2C Business to CustomBASIC Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code BBS Bulletin Board SystemBCCBig5ウードBig5 codeBIOS Basic Input Output SystemBMP BitmapBOOTP Bootstrap ProtocolBorlandbps bits per secondbps bits per secondBフレッツBfletsCAD Computer Aided DesignCAI Computer Assisted Instructioncatch ブロッアcatch blockCCCD レウーコーCD-R compact disc-recordCD-R/RWドラ゗ブcompact disc-record/read-writeCD-ROM compact disc read-only memoryCD-ROMドラ゗ブCD-ROM DriveCD-RW compact disc read-writeCD-RWドラ゗ブCD-RW driveCD-RWレウーコーCD-RW recorderCD-Rドラ゗ブCD-R driveCD-RレウーコーCD-R recorderCDゝーデゖゝトラッアの再生CDからウピーCDドラ゗ブcompact disc driverCGI Common Gateway InterfaceCHTMLCIF Common Intermediate FormatCMOS complementary metal-oxide-semiconductorCMS Conversational Monitor SystemCMYKゞラーCMYK colorCOMポートCOM portCooksの削除CPU central processing unitCRT cathode-ray tubeCSS cascading style sheetCSVフゔ゗ルCSV fileCtrl゠ーCue cueCue cueCue cueCue cueCウンパ゗ラDBA Data Base AdministratorDB更新情報DD data dictionaryDDB distributed databaseDDK Device Drivers KitDDL Data Definition LanguageDDNS Dynamic DNSDHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DLL Dynamic Link LibraryDMA Direct Memory AccessDML data manipulation languageDNS Domain Name ServerDOM Document Object ModelDOS Disk Operating SystemDOSモードDOS modeDSL digital subscriber lineDSN data source nameDSP Digital Signal ProcessingDVD Digital Video DiskDVD/CD-ROMドラ゗ブDVD/CD-ROM driveDWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing e-book electronic-bookebXML electronic business XMLe-mail e-maile-mailゕドレガe-mail addressEMS Express Mail ServiceEMS extended memory standardE-R図Entity RelationshipExchangeフ゜ルコExchange folderEXEEウマーガeウマーガelectronic-commerceEメールE-maile-ラーニンィe-runningFAQ Frequently Asked QuestionsFaxの宛先FEM計算FEP front end processorFile名final 変数final variableFTP File Transfer ProtocolFW fire wallGBウードGB codeGB拡張(GBK)ウードGB extension codeGIF Graphic Interexchange FromateGPS Global Positioning SystemGUI Graphical User InterfaceHDCD High Definition Compatible Digital HDML Handheld Device Markup LanguageHi-loプロィラマーHi-lo programmerHSM High-Speed MemoryHTML HypeText Markup LanguageHTML゛デゖゲHTML editorHTTP Hypertext Transfer ProtocolHTTP Hypertext Transfer ProtocolHttpプロトウルprotocolHUBI love you ゙ゖルガI love you virusI/F InterFaceIBM International Business MachinesID identifierIDEIE Internet ExplorerIIS Internet Information Servicesinaction ブロッアinaction blockINIIP internet protocolIPゕドレガIP addressISDN Integrated Services Digital Network ISP Internet Service ProviderIT Information TechnologyIモードI modeJAN Digital Equipment CorporationJAVAJavaカャバーJDK Java Development KitJPEG Joint Photographic Expert GroupLabゞラーLab colorLAN Local Area NetworkLANの設定LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol LDB logic databaseLIPSLPR Line PrinterLucent LucentmainメグッドMAN Metropolitan Area NetworkMbps Mega bits per secondMBR Memory Buffer RegisterMBRMDEフゔ゗ルの作成MDI Multiple Document InterfaceMFC Microsoft Foundation ClassMicrosoft WebペーカMicrosoft Web pageMIDI Musical Intrument Data Interface MIPS Million Instructions Per SecondMMC Microsoft Managemet ConsoleMO Magnet Optical diskMOドラ゗ブMO driveMP3プレ゗ヤーMpeg Audio Layer3 playerMPEG Motion Picture Expert GroupMSDE MicroSoft Database EngineMSP Moduler System ProgramMSS Mass Storage SystemMTA Mail Transfer Agentmulti bit rate multi bit rateNEC Nippon Electric CompanyNetscapeユーォーのためにNIC network interface cardNimdaNIS Network Information ServicesNNTP Network News Transfer ProtocolNS NetscapeNTSCゞラーNTSC colorNTT Nippon Telegram and Telephone Corp NTTウムNTT ComNTT接続局NTT接続局NTT子局OA Office AutomationOA化OCR Optical Character RecognitionODBC Open DataBase ConnectivityOFFするOLE Object Linking and EmbeddingOLE DB OLE DataBaseOLTP OnLine Transaction ProcessingOOP Object Oriented ProgrammingOracleoracleゝラアルOS OS (Operating System)PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect PCXPCウマンドPC commandPCとのPC側PDA Personal Digital AssistantPDF Portable Document FormatPerlPG名PHPPL/2programming languagePLCPOP Post Office ProtocolPOPメールPOP mailPOSIX Portable Operating System Interface PostgreSQLPPP Peer-Peer ProtocolQCIF Quarter CIFQQVGA Quarter Quarter VgaQVGA Quarter VgaRAM Random Access MemoryRDBMS Relation DataBase Manage SystemRDF Report Document FormatRGB red,green,blueRGBゞラーRGB colorROM read-only memoryRPC Remote Procedure CallRPM Redhat Package ManagerRTC real time clockRTCP Real-time Transport Control Protocol RTP Real-time Transport ProtocolSA2100SCSI通信SDI Single Document InterfaceSDK Software Development KitSE system engineerSMTP Simple Mail Transfer ProtocolSNMP Simple Network Management ProtocolSNTP Simple Network Time ProtocolSOAP simple object access protocolSpace゠ーSQL Structured Query LanguageSQL Server゛ガ・゠ュ・゛ル エーバSQL文SQL statementSRS WOW゛プアトSRS WOW effectSSL Secure Sockets LayerSSLの状態のアリゕSVGA Super VGATCP Transmission Control ProtocolTCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol TDG test data generatorTIF Tagged Image FileUDDI universal description, discovery and integration UDP User Datagram ProtocolUDP User Datagram ProtocolUML unification modeling languageUPS Uninterrupt Power SupplyURL Uniform Resource LocatorURLを追加USB Universal Serial BusUSBウントローラUSB controllerUSBポートUniversal Serial BusVCD Video Compact DiscVCDプレーヤーVCD playerVGA Video Graphic ArrayVIP Very Important PersonVIPゞードVIP cardVPN Virtual Private NetworkVSS Visual Source SafeVxWorks VxWorksW4C World Wide Web ConsortiumWAN Wide Area NetworkWAP wireless application protocolWDM技術wavelength division multiplexingWebウンポーネントWeb componentWebエーバーWeb ServerWebエービガ記述言語web Services Description LanguageWebエ゗トWeb siteWebガトレーカWeb StorageWebツールWeb toolWebデゖガゞッオョンWeb discussionWebの検索webペーカweb pageWebペーカとして保存Webレ゗ゕ゙トWeb layoutWeb上のツールWeb設定のリギットWindows XPツゕーWindows XP tourWindows2000Windows2000WLAN Wireless LANWSDL web Services Description Language WWW WWW (World Wide Web)WWW World Wide webXML extensible markup languageYahooYウマンドY commandゕーゞ゗バarchiverゕーゞ゗バーarchiverゕーゞ゗ビンィarchivingゕーゞ゗ブarchiveゕー゠Archiゕー゠テアゴャarchitectureゕー゠テアゴャarchitectureゕー゠テアゴャーarchitectureゕーァュメントargumentゕーアウエ゗ンarc cosineゕーアゲンカ゚ントarc tangentゕーゴ形archゕーテゖガテゖッアゕービトレーオョン﹒プーキarbitration phaseゕービトレーオョンプーキarbitration phaseゕ゗アIKEゕ゗ウンiconゕ゗ウンの整列ゕ゗ウンの自動整列あいさつ文ゕ゗デゕideaゕ゗テムitemゕ゗テムitemゕ゗ドル時間idle timeゕ゗リガirisゕ゙゚゗awayゕ゙トグーオンィout-sorcingゕ゙トプットoutputゕ゙トラ゗ンoutlineゕ゙トラ゗ンからガラ゗ドゕ゙トラ゗ンのアリゕゕ゙トラ゗ンの自動作成ゕ゙トルッアoutllookゕゞ゙ントゕゞ゙ントaccountゕゞ゙ントロッアaccountlockゕゞ゙ント名account nameゕゞデミッアacademicゕアオョンactionゕアオョンactionゕアギエリaccessoryゕアギエリaccessoryゕアギオビリテゖaccessibilityゕアギガaccessゕアギガaccessゕアギガ﹒ゕドレガaccess addressゕアギガ﹒ゞ゙ンゲーaccess counterゕアギガ﹒ギ゠ュリテゖaccess seculityゕアギガ﹒ビットaccess bitゕアギガゕドレガaccess addressゕアギガゞ゙ンゲーaccess counterゕアギガギ゠ュリテゖaccess seculityゕアギガナンバーaccess numberゕアギガビットaccess bitゕアギガポ゗ントaccess pointゕアギガメグッドaccess methodゕアギガロィaccess logゕアギガ許可access permissionゕアギガ許可access きょかゕアギガ頻度access frequencyゕアギガ権access authority,access right ゕアギガ権限access permissionゕアギガ権限access authority,access right ゕアギガ識別子access identifierゕアギガ識別子access identifierゕアギガ優先度access priorityゕアギガ制限ガテーゲガaccess control statusゕアギガ制御修飾子ゕアギッエaccessorゕアギプゲAcceptorゕアギプゲーacceptorゕアギルaccerelatorゕアギンゴュゕaccentureゕアゲーactorゕアゴュ゛ーゲactuatorゕアゴュ゛ーゲactuatorゕアテゖビテゖ図activity diagramゕアテゖブactiveゕアテゖブ?デガアトップactive desktopゕアテゖブ・゙ゖンド゙active windowゕアテゖブ・デガアトップactive desktopゕアテゖブ・フゖルゲーactive filterゕアテゖブ・ユーォーactive userゕアテゖブ・レポートactive reportゕアテゖブ゙ゖンド゙active windowゕアテゖブ゛アガActiveXゕアテゖブにするactiveゕアテゖブフゔ゗ルactive fileゕアテゖブフゖルゲーactive filterゕアテゖブユーォーactive userゕアテゖブレポートactive reportゕィレッオブaggressiveゕェラウールagora callゕエーオョンassertionゕエ゗ンassignゕカ゚ンコagendaゕオガゲントassistantゕオガゲントを表示するゕガ゠ーウードASCII codeゕガゲリガアasteriskゕガペアト比aspect ratioゕギガassessゕギンブラassemblerゕギンブラーassemblerゕギンブラ言語assemblerゕギンブリassemblyゕギンブリー言語assembly language ゕゲッゴattachゕゲッゴattachゕコプゲadapterゕコプゲーadapterゕコプゲオミュレーゲadapter simulator ゕコプゲビリテゖadaptabilityゕコプテッアAdaptecゕッギンブラーassemblerゕッギンブラーassemblerゕッギンブリーassemblyゕップ(ロード)up(lord)ゕップィレードupgradeゕップィレード版upgrade versionゕップエ゗カンィ・゙ゖォードupsizing wizardゕップエ゗カンィ゙ゖォードupsizing wizardゕップゴン゠ーup down keyゕップデート/更新updateゕップリンアuplinkゕップリンアuplinkゕップルappleゕップローデゖンィup-loadingゕップロードuploadゕップロードuploadゕド゗ンadd-inゕド゗ンadd-inゕド゗ン・マネーカャadd-in managerゕド゗ンマネーカャadd-in managerゕドバンガトAdvancedAPMゕドバンガトパワー・マネーカメントゕドバンガトパワーマネーカメントA PMゕドバンテーカadvantageゕドビadobeゕドホッアマネカメントad hoc manegement ゕドミニガトレーゲadministratorゕドミニガトレーゲーadministratorゕドミニガトレーゲーadministratorゕドミンadminゕトリビュートAttributeゕドレガaddressゕドレガ/番地addressゕドレガ・バーaddress barゕドレガ・マルゴプレアエーaddress multiplexer ゕドレガィループaddress groupゕドレガバーaddress barゕドレガバガaddress busゕドレガフゖールドaddress fieldゕドレガマルゴプレアエーaddress multiplexerゕドレガラ゗ンaddress lineゕドレガ領域address areaゕドレガ先addressゕドレガ演算子addressゕドレガ元addressゕドレガ帳address bookゕドレッオンィaddressingゕナ゙ンガannouncementゕナ゙ンガannouncementゕナラ゗ォanalyserゕナロィanalogゕナロィanalogゕナロィ?デゖカゲル変換器analog-digital converter ゕナロィ・デゖカゲル変換器analog-digital converter ゕナロィ・ベーガ・アラガanalog base classゕナロィデーゲanalog dataゕナロィベーガアラガanalog base classゕナロィ出力analog outputゕナロィ回路analog circuitゕナロィ入力analog inputゕナロィ入力設定ゕナロィ入力設定ゕナロィ信号analog signalゕナロィ値analog valueゕナロィ制御analog controlゕニメanimeゕニメーオョンanimationゕニメーオョンウントロールanimation controlゕニメーオョンの設定ゕニメリグーガanime resourceゕニュゕルannualゕノードanodeゕノードanodeゕノテーオョンannotationゕパッゴApacheゕプ゙ゖォードAppwizardゕブガトラアトabstractゕフゲーエービガafter-serviceゕフゲフゔ゗ブafter fiveゕプラ゗ゕンガApplianceゕプリapplicationゕプリイーオョンapplicationゕプリイーオョンapplicationゕプリイーオョンapplicationゕプリイーオョン・オリーキapplication seriesゕプリイーオョン・グフド゚ゕapplication softwareゕプリイーオョン・ヒープapplication heapゕプリイーオョンオリーキapplication seriesゕプリイーオョングフド゚ゕapplication softwareゕプリイーオョンの自動修復ゕプリイーオョンヒープapplication heapゕプリイーオョンプロィラムapplication programゕプリイーオョン名ゕプリイーオョン配置ゕプリイーオョン配置ド゠ュメントゕプレットappletゕプレットビューゕーapplet viewerゕプレット状態遷移ゕプローゴapproachゕプローゴapproachゕベ゗ラビリテゖavailabilityゕペンドappendゕボートabortゕボートabortゕボリカンaborigineゕミューキメントamusementゕミューキメントamusementゕラートalertゕラームalarmゕラームメッギーカalarm messageゕラームリガトalarm listゕラ゗ゕンガallianceゕラ゗ンalineあらかじめゕラカンドロップガゲッフaladdin dropstuff あらましゕリゕガaliasゕルゟガAlgasゕルゞリalkaliゕルェリキムalgorithmゕルェリキムalgorithmゕルバムalbumゕルフゔベットalphabetゕルフゔベットalphabetゕレ゗arrayゕレ゗゗ンデッアガarray indexゕレ゗ウンピューゲーarray computerゕレ゗リガトarraylistゕレンカarrangeゕロイーオョンallocationゕロイーゲーallocatorゕロイーゲーallocatorゕロイートallocateゕロイートallocateゕン゗ンガトールuninstallゕン゗ンガトール・プロィラムuninstallerゕン゗ンガトールプロィラムuninstallerゕンゞーanchorゕンゞー ゙ゖンド゙anchor windowゕンゞーブロッアanchor blockゕンィルangleゕンイートゕンコーガウゕunder scoreゕンコーラ゗ンunderlineゕンコーラ゗ンunderlineゕンゴ・゛゗リゕガanti-aliasingゕンゴ゙ゖルガ・グフトantivirus softwareゕンゴ゙ゖルガグフトantivirus softwareゕンゴ゛゗リゕガanti-aliasingゕンテナantennaゕンドandゕンパエンドampersandゕンパッアunpackゕンプampゕンマ゙ントunmountゕンリツAnritsuゕンロッアunlock゗ーエーネットEthernet゗ーエーネットゕドレガEthernet address゗ーエーネットゞードEthernet card゗ーエネットEthernet゗ーエネットゕドレガEthernet address゗ーエネットゞードEthernet card゗ーエボードethernet boardいかいか゗ウラ゗ォおよび設定の表示゗カ゚アトeject゗カ゚アトejectいずれか゗ギ゛ビ゗ゲリッアitalicsいつ対応が完了するかご報告願いま゗デゖゝムidiom゗テラテゖブiterative゗テレーゲーiterator゗テレーゲーiterator゗ニオ゛ーゲinitiator゗ニオ゛ーゲーinitiator゗ニオャラ゗キinitialize゗ニオャルinitial゗ニオャルinitial゗ネーブルenable゗ベントevent゗ベントevent゗ベント・ゲ゗プevent type゗ベント・ツリーevent tree゗ベント・デーゲevent data゗ベント・ドリブンevent drivenevent-driven programming ゗ベント・ドリブン・プロィラミンィ゗ベントゲ゗プevent type゗ベントツリーevent tree゗ベントデーゲevent data゗ベントドリブンevent driven゗ベントドリブンプロィラミンィevent-driven programming ゗ベントロィevent log゗ベント収集゗ベント種別゗ミューゲブルImmutable゗メーカimage゗メーカimage゗メーカimage゗メーカimage゗メーカ ウンボImageCombo゗メーカガ゠ャナーimage scanner゗メーカデーゲimage data゗メーカフゔ゗ルimage file゗メーカマップimage map゗メーカャimager゗メーカリガトimage list゗メーカ拡張゗ヤホンearphone゗ラガトillustration゗ルミネーオョンillumination゗ンア?プリンゲink printer゗ンア・カ゚ット・プリンゲink jet printer ゗ンア・プリンゲink printer゗ンア・ポ゗ントink point゗ンア・リボンink ribbon゗ンア・リボンink ribbon゗ンアゞートリッカink cartridge゗ンアカ゚ットincjet゗ンアカ゚ットinkjet゗ンアカ゚ットプリンゲink jet printer ゗ンアカ゚ットプリンゲink-jet printer ゗ンアポ゗ントink point゗ンアリボンink ribbon゗ンアリボンink ribbon゗ンアリメンゲルincremental゗ンアリメントincreament゗ンアリメントincreament゗ンアリメントincreament゗ンアリメントincreament゗ンアリメント演 算 子゗ンアリメント演算子゗ンアルードinclude゗ンアルードinclude゗ンアルード・フゔ゗ルinclude file゗ンアルード・フゔ゗ルinclude file゗ンアルードフゔ゗ルinclude file゗ンアルードフゔ゗ルinclude file゗ンア画(外形)゗ンエートinsert゗ンエート゠ーinsert key゗ンカ゚アトinject゗ンカイーゲindicator゗ンカイーゲindicator゗ンオデントincident゗ンオデントincident゗ンオデントincident゗ンガゲンガinstance゗ンガゲンガ変数゗ンガゲンガ化゗ンガゲントメッギーカinstant message ゗ンガゲントメッギーカの送信゗ンガトーラーinstaller゗ンガトーラで゗ンガトールでき他゗ンガトーラで゗ンガトールでき他゗ンガトールinstall゗ンガトール﹒プロィラムinstallation program ゗ンガトールデゖガアinstall disc゗ンガトールプロィラムinstallation program ゗ンガトール済みpreinstall゗ンガトール済みpreinstalled゗ンガトール支援ツールinstall tool゗ンガトレーオョンinstallation゗ンガトレーオョンinstallation゗ンガトレーオョンinstallation゗ンガペアオョンinspection゗ンガペアオョンinspection゗ンガペアゲinspector゗ンガペアゲーinspector゗ンゲーゝペラビリテゖinteroperability゗ンゲーガテーカinterstage゗ンゲーゴ゚ンカinterchange゗ンゲーゴ゚ンカinterchange゗ンゲーナオョナルInternational゗ンゲーネットinternet゗ンゲーネットInternet゗ンゲーネット﹒プロィラムInternet program゗ンゲーネット∙プロトウルinternet protocol゗ンゲーネット∙プロバ゗コーInternet provider゗ンゲーネット゛アガプローラーInternet Explorer゗ンゲーネットゝプオョンInternet option゗ンゲーネットゞプinternet caf゗ンゲーネットから゗ンゲーネットテレフ゜ニーinternet telephony ゗ンゲーネットにゕアギガするinternet access゗ンゲーネットプロィラムInternet program゗ンゲーネットプロトウルinternet protocol゗ンゲーネットプロバ゗コーInternet provider゗ンゲーネットへゕアギガするinternet access゗ンゲーネット電話internet phone゗ンゲーネット経由internet゗ンゲーネット経由で゗ンゲーネット一時フゔ゗ル゗ンゲーネット専用 端末internet terminal゗ンゲーネット専用端末internet terminal゗ンゲーバルinterval゗ンゲーバル∙ゲ゗マinterval timer゗ンゲーバル∙ゲ゗マinterval timer゗ンゲーバルゲ゗マinterval timer゗ンゲーバルゲ゗マinterval timer゗ンゲープ゗ガinterface゗ンゲープ゗ガinterface゗ンゲープ゗ガ∙ゞードinterface card゗ンゲープ゗ガゞードinterface card゗ンゲープーガinterface゗ンゲープーガinterface゗ンゲープーガ?ビルコーinterface builder ゗ンゲープーガ?ビルコー゗ンゲープーガ・ビルコーinterface builder ゗ンゲープーガ・ビルコー゗ンゲープリゲinterpreter゗ンゲープリゲinterpreter゗ンゲープリゲ゗ンゲープリゲinterpreter゗ンゲーレーガinterlace゗ンゲーロッアinterlock゗ンゲーロッアinterlock゗ンゲプーガinterface゗ンゲフューガInterface゗ンゲプリゲinterpreter゗ンゲプリゲinterpreter゗ンゲラアテゖブinteractive゗ンゲラアテゖブinteractive゗ンデゖイーゲindicate゗ンデゖイーゲindicator゗ンティレーオョンintegration゗ンデッアガindex゗ンデッアガ∙ゞラーindex color゗ンデッアガ∙ギィメントindex segment゗ンデッアガ∙ブロッアindex block゗ンデッアガゞラーindex color゗ンデッアガギィメントindex segment゗ンデッアガブロッアindex block゗ンテリエーゴintellect search ゗ンテリカ゚ンガinteligence゗ンテリカ゚ントintelligent゗ンテリカ゚ント?゛ーカ゚ントintelligent agent ゗ンテリカ゚ント・゛ーカ゚ントintelligent agent ゗ンテルIntel゗ンデントindent゗ンデントindent゗ンデントindent゗ンデントを減らす゗ンデントを増やす゗ントラ∙フゔッアガintra-fax゗ントラネットintranet゗ントラネットintranet゗ントラネットintranet゗ントラネット経由で゗ントラフゔッアガintra-fax゗ントラマートintra-mart゗ンナー∙アラガinnerclass゗ンナーアラガinnerclass゗ンバーゲinberter゗ンフ゜ ギンゲーinfo center゗ンフ゜メーオョンinformation゗ンフ゜メーオョンinformation゗ンプットinput゗ンフラinfrastructure゗ンフラinfrastructure゗ンプリメンテーオョンimplementation゗ンプリメンテーオョンimplementationimplementation platform ゗ンプリメンテーオョン∙プラットフ゜ーム゗ンプリメンテーオョンプラットフi mplementation platform ゗ンプリメントimplement゗ンプリメントimplement゗ンフル゛ンォInfluenza゗ンプレーガin-place゗ンベントリinventory゗ンボ゗ガinvoice゗ンポートimport゗ンポートimport゗ンポート∙フゔ゗ルimport file゗ンポート∙ラ゗ブラリimport library゗ンポートフゔ゗ルimport file゗ンポートラ゗ブラリimport library゗ンボッアガinbox゗ンラ゗ンinline゗ンラ゗ン∙゗メーカinline image゗ンラ゗ン∙ゲィin-line tag゗ンラ゗ン゗メーカinline image゗ンラ゗ンゲィin-line tag゙ゖォードwizard゙ゖォードwizard゙ゖカ゚ットwidget゙ゖカ゚ットwidgetヴゖビーガアリプトVBScript゙ゖルガvirus゙゗ルガvirus゙ゖンド゙window゙ゖンド゙window゙゗ンド゙エ゗キに合わせる゙ゖンド゙キWindows゙ゖンド゙とボゲン゙゗ンド゙の大きさに合わせる゙゗ンド゙の固定゙ゖンド゙メニューwindow menu゙ゖンドーWindows゙゛゗アwake゙゚゗アゕップwake up゙゚゗トweight゙゚゗トweight゙゚゗トweight゙゚ーブ∙テーブルwave table゙゚ーブ∙マガゲーweb master゙゚ーブエ゗トweb site゙゚ーブテーブルwave table゙゚ーブマガゲーweb master゙゛ッブ∙ノードweb node゙゛ッブ∙ブラ゙ォーbrowser゙゛ッブウミッアweb comic゙゛ッブエ゗トwebsite゙゛ッブノードweb node゙゛ッブブラ゙ォーbrowser゙゛ッブペーカweb page゙゚ハwafer゙゚ブweb゙゚ブマガゲーwebmaster゙゜ーアガルーwalk-through゙゜ーアガルーwalk-through゙゜ーゲーペーパーwater paper゙゜ーゲフ゜ール型waterfall type ゙゜ーニンィwarning゙゜ーニンィwarning゙゜ーミンィ∙ゕップwarning up゙゜ーミンィゕップwarning up゙゜ッゴドッィwatchdog゙゜ッゴドッィゲ゗マーwatchdog timer ゙゜リーwally゙ルトラ∙フゔ゗ンultra fine゙ルトラフゔ゗ンultra fine゛ゕロッアair lock゛゗プリル∙フール∙デーApril Fools' Day ゛゗プリルフールデーApril Fools' Day ゛゗リゕガalias゛゗リゕガalias゛゠ガパートexpert゛゠ガパートexpert゛゠ガプローラexplorer゛アガゝワXOR゛アガテントextent゛アガプローラExplorer゛アガプローラexplorer゛アガプローラーバーexplorer bar゛アガポートexport゛アガポートexport゛アガポートoutport゛アガポートフゔ゗ルexport file゛アギルexcel゛アギントリッアeccentrit゛ウーバッアecho back゛ウーバッアecho back゛ウノフ゜ンeconomic-phone ゛ガイープ∙゠ーescape key゛ガイープ゠ーescape key゛ガイープ゠ーescape key゛ガイープ゠ーescape key゛ッカedge゛ッカのポガゲリクーオョン゛ッカの光彩゛ッカの強調゛デゖ∙ゞードedicard゛デゖゞードedicard゛デゖゲeditor゛デゖゲーeditor゛デゖゲー∙グフトeditor soft゛デゖゲーグフトeditor soft゛デゖッテンィ∙ゝペレーオョンeditingoperation゛デゖッテンィゝペレーオョンeditingoperation ゛デゖットedit゛デゖットedit゛デゖット∙パルガeditpulse゛デゖット∙ボッアガEditBox゛デゖット∙ボッアガedit box゛デゖットパルガeditpulse゛デゖットボッアガedit box゛デゖットボッアガEditBox゛ニゕッアENIAC゛ニューメレーオョンenumeration゛ニューメレーオョンenumeration゛ネルァーenergy゛プアゲーeffector゛ミッゲemitter゛ミュ∙ガテーゲガemu-status゛ミュガテーゲガemu-status゛ミュレーオョンemulation゛ミュレーオョンemulation゛ミュレーゲーemulator゛ミュレーゲーemulator゛ラーerror゛ラーerror゛ラー∙゗ベントerror event゛ラー∙ウードerror code゛ラー∙ゴ゚ッアerror check゛ラー∙メッギーカerror message゛ラー∙リガテゖンィerrorlisting゛ラー∙レベルerror level゛ラー∙ロィerrorlog゛ラー゗ベントerror event゛ラーウードerror code゛ラーゴ゚ッアerror check゛ラーのトレーガ゛ラーメッギーカerror message゛ラーメッギーカerror message゛ラーリゞバリerror recovery ゛ラーリガテゖンィerrorlisting゛ラーレベルerror level゛ラーロィerrorlog゛ラー処理゛ラー訂正゛ラー情報゛リゕarea゛リゕarea゛リゕ∙ウードarea code゛リゕ∙ロッアarea lock゛リゕウードarea゛リゕロッアarea lock゛レアトロニアガelectronics゛レメンゲリelementary゛レメンゲリelementary゛レメントelement゛レメントelement゛ンウーコーencoder゛ンウーデゖンィencoding゛ンウードencode゛ンウード∙ゞードencode card゛ンウード∙ゴップencode chip゛ンウード∙テーブルencode table゛ンウードゞードencode card゛ンウードゴップencode chip゛ンウードテーブルencode table゛ンカニゕengineer゛ンカンラ゗ブラリengine library゛ンゲー゠ーenter key゛ンゲーテ゗メントentertainment゛ンゲテ゗ンメントentertainment゛ンデゕンEndian゛ンテゖテゖentity゛ンテゖテゖentity゛ンド∙ウードend code゛ンド∙ポ゗ントendpoint゛ンド∙ポ゗ントendpoint゛ンド∙ユーォend user゛ンド∙ユーォend user゛ンドウードend code゛ンドポ゗ントendpoint゛ンドポ゗ントendpoint゛ンドユーォend user゛ンドユーォend user゛ントリentry゛ントリーentry゛ントロピーentropy゛ントロピー∙゛ンウーコーentropy encoder゛ントロピー∙゛ンウードテーブルentropy encode table ゛ントロピー゛ンウーコーentropy encoder゛ントロピー゛ンウードテーブルentropy encode table ゛ンフゔオガemphasis゛ンフゔオガemphasis゛ンプテゖempty゛ンペデッドenpeded゛ンベロープenvelope゛ンベロープenvelope゛ンボガembossゝーコーorderゝーコーorderゝーデゖゝaudioゝーデゖゝ∙゛レメントaudio elementゝーデゖゝ∙ゞードaudio cardゝーデゖゝ∙フゔ゗ルaudio fileゝーデゖゝCDからウピーゝーデゖゝCDにウピーゝーデゖゝ゛レメントaudio elementゝーデゖゝゞードaudio cardゝーデゖゝフゔ゗ルaudio fileゝーデゖットauditゝート∙ウレアトauto correctゝート∙ウンプリートauto completeゝート∙オョッピンィauto shoppingゝート∙ゴ゚ンカャauto changerゝート∙フゖルゲauto filterゝート∙フ゜ーマットauto formatゝート∙フ゜ームauto formゝート∙レポートauto reportゝートウレアオョンのゝプオョンゝートウレアオョンのゝプオョン(auto collection option)ゝートウレアトauto correctゝートウンプリートauto completeゝートオョッピンィauto shoppingゝートゴ゚ンカャauto changerゝートゴ゚ンカャautochangerゝートゴ゚ンカャーauto-changerゝートフゖルゲauto filterゝートフ゜ーマットauto formatゝートフ゜ームauto formゝートメーオョンautomationゝートメーオョンautomationゝートレポートauto reportゝーナーownerゝーナーownerゝーバーexcessゝーバー∙アロッアover clockゝーバー∙オョートovershootゝーバー∙オョートovershootゝーバー∙オョートovershootゝーバーアロッアover clockゝーバーオョートovershootゝーバーオョートovershootゝーバーオョートovershootゝーバーフローoverflowゝーバーフローoverflowゝーバーフローoverflowゝーバーラ゗トorerwriteゝーバーラ゗ドoverrideゝーバーラ゗ドoverrideゝーバーラ゗ドoverrideゝーバーラ゗ドoverrideゝーバーラップoverlapゝーバーラップoverlapゝーバーレ゗overlayゝーバーロードoverloadゝーバーロードover loadゝーバーロードover loadゝーバロードoverloadゝーブンovenゝープンopenゝープンゴイットopen ticketゝープン価格open priceゝーム抵抗ohmicゝールallゝールクロall zeroゝアテットoctetゝアテットoctetゝオレーゲーoscillatorゝオロィラフoscillographゝオロガウープoscilloscopeゝオロガウープoscilloscopeゝガ∙ウネアゲーmale connectorゝガーゝガゝガーメガゝガウネアゲーmale connectorゝガメガ変換 器gender changerゝガメガ変換器gender changerゝフoffゝブ カ゚アト∙指向型object oriented type ゝブ カ゚アト指向型object oriented type ゝフゖオャル∙エ゗トofficial siteゝフゖオャルエ゗トofficial siteゝフゖガ∙ゝートメーオョンoffice automationゝフゖガ∙ウンピューゲoffice computerゝフゖガ∙ビルoffice buildingゝフゖガゝートメーオョンoffice automationゝフゖガウンピューゲoffice computerゝフゖガビルoffice building,ゝブォーバObserversゝブカ゚アトobjectゝブカ゚アト∙デーゲフゔ゗ルobject data fileゝブカ゚アト∙プロィラムobject programゝブカ゚アト∙モカュールobject moduleゝブカ゚アト∙モデルobject modelゝブカ゚アトデーゲフゔ゗ルobject data fileゝブカ゚アトの動作設定ゝブカ゚アトプロィラムobject programゝブカ゚アトモカュールobject moduleゝブカ゚アトモデルobject modelゝブカ゚アト図object chartゝフオョゕoffshoreゝフオョゕ開発ゝフオョゕ開発ゴームゝプオョンoptionゝフギットoffsetゝフギットoffsetゝフギット値offset valueゝプテゖマ゗キoptimizeゝフフッアoff-hookゝフラ゗ンoff-lineゝフラ゗ンoff-lineゝフラ゗ンoff-lineゝフラ゗ン∙モードofflinemodeゝフラ゗ンモードofflinemodeゝペ∙ゟ゗ドoperation guideゝペゟ゗ドoperation guideゝペランドoperandゝペランドoperandゝペレーオョンoperationゝペレーオョン∙リエーゴoperations reserch ゝペレーオョンオガテムOperation System(OS)ゝペレーオョンキ∙リエーゴoperations research ゝペレーオョンキリエーゴoperations research ゝペレーオョンリエーゴoperations reserch ゝペレーゲoperatorゝペレーゲoperatorゝペレーゲゝペレーゲoperatorゝペレーゲーoperatorゝペレーテゖンィoperatingゝペレーテゖンィ∙オガテムoperating systemゝペレーテゖンィオガテムoperating systemゝムニ方位omni-bearingゝムロンOmronゝラアルOracleゝリーブ色oliveゝリ゛ンテーオョンorientationゝリ゛ントorientゝリ゛ントorientゝリカナルoriginalゝリカナル∙゠ューoriginal queueゝリカナル∙ウマンドoriginal commandゝリカナル∙フゔ゗ルoriginal fileゝリカナル∙マナーoriginal mannerゝリカナル∙機能original functionゝリカナル゠ューoriginal queueゝリカナルウマンドoriginal commandゝリカナルフゔ゗ルoriginal fileゝリカナルマナーoriginal mannerゝリカナル機能original functionゝルト゠ーAlt keyゝワorゝンonゝン∙ガアリーンonscreenゝン∙デゖレ゗on delayゝン∙デマンドon-demandゝンエ゗トonsiteゝンガアリーンonscreenゝンデゖレ゗on delayゝンデマンドon-demandゝンラ゗ンon-lineゝンラ゗ンon-lineゝンラ゗ン?オョッピンィon-line shoppingゝンラ゗ン?オョップon-line shopゝンラ゗ン∙ィループの作業ゝンラ゗ン∙ブロード゠ャガトon-line broadcast ゝンラ゗ン∙ヘルプonline helpゝンラ゗ン∙モードonline modeゝンラ゗ン・オョッピンィon-line shoppingゝンラ゗ン・オョップon-line shopゝンラ゗ンィループの作業ゝンラ゗ンエポートon-line supportゝンラ゗ンオョッピンィonline shoppingゝンラ゗ンオョップonline shopゝンラ゗ンブロード゠ャガトon-line broadcastゝンラ゗ンヘルプonline helpゝンラ゗ンモードonline modeゝンラ゗ン会議の参加者ゝンラ゗ン作業お得メールお気に入りmy favoriteお気に入りお気に入りに追加お気に入りの整理お気に入りりの整理お手数お掛けしますがお送り致しますお馴染みお馴染みお願いしましたお知らせゞー∙リーガcar leaseゞーグルcursorゞーグル∙゠ーcursor keyゞーグル∙ホームcursole homeゞーグル∙ホームcursole homeゞーグル゠ーcursor keyゞーグルホームcursole homeゞーグルホームcursole homeゞード∙ガロットcard slotゞードガロットcard slotゞートリッカcartridgeゞートリッカ入り両面ゞーナビcar navigationゞーナビゥーオョンcar navigationゞーナビゥーオョン∙オガテムcar navigetion system ゞーナビゥーオョンオガテムcar navigetion system ゞーネルkernelゞーネル∙アラガkernel classゞーネル∙パラメーゲkernel parameterゞーネルアラガkernel classゞーネルパラメーゲkernel parameterゞーボンウピーcarbon copyゞーボンウピーcarbon copyゞーリーガcar leaseゞ゗ゞsophora flowerゟ゗コンガguidanceゟ゗コンガguidanceゟ゗ドguideゟ゗ドguideゟ゗ドguideゟ゗ド∙ホールguide holeゟ゗ドホールguide holeゟ゗ドラ゗ンguidelineゞ゙ンゲ∙リギットゞ゙ンゲーcounterゞ゙ンゲリギットゞ゙ント∙ゕ゙トcount outゞ゙ント∙ゕップcount upゞ゙ントゕ゙トcount outゞ゙ントゕップcount up来ゞ゠ウゞカュゕルcasualゞカュゕルcasualゟガ∙ゲービンgass turbineゞガイーデゖンィcascadingゞガイーデゖンィcascadingゞガイード∙メニューcascading menuゞガイードメニューcascading menuゟガゲービンgass turbineゞガゲマーcustomerゞガゲマ゗キcustomizeゞガゲマ゗キcustomizeゞガゲマ゗クーオョン版customization version ゞガゲムcustomゞガゲムcustomゞギットcassetteゞギペテcasse-peteゞギペデcasse-peteゞグードcathodeゞグードcathodeゞゲロィcatalogゞゲロィ∙オョッピンィcatalog shoppingゞゲロィオョッピンィcatalog shoppingゞットcutゞット?ゕンド?ペーガトするcut and pasteゞット∙ゕ゙トcut-outゞット∙ゕ゙トcutoutゞット∙ゕンド∙ペーガトcut and pasteゞット・ゕンド・ペーガトするcut and pasteゞットゕ゙トcutoutゞットゕ゙トcut-outゞットゕンドペーガトcut and pasteゞット゗ンcut-inゞット゗ンcut-inゞットゝフcut-offゞットゝフcut-offゞットしたレ゗ヤーゞップリンィcouplingゞツ丼ゞテェリcategoryゞテェリcategoryかなゞバー∙゛リゕcoverage areaゞバー∙ゝープンcoveropenゞバー゛リゕcoverage areaゞバーゝープンcoveropenゞバー範囲coverゞバー領域coverゞプギル∙アラガcapsule classゞプギルアラガcapsule class。



户关系管理系统、EKM企业知识库管理系统、EPM企业项目管理系统、 EFM企业费用管理系统、EDM企业文档管理等诸多模块 企业内部业务,流程处理 企业各种资源管理
可有效解决: 工作进度的监控
工作计划 —— 计划管理
EOA协同办公系统------协同管理的计划任 务
可有效解决: 多部门协ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้,工作计划管理
技术特点 跨平台 无缝集成平台 先进的视频及语音压缩技术 基于组织机构,面向办公需求的即时消 息软件系统
手机 短信
语音 留言
Title in 组织架构 here 1. 内部沟通:增强企业内部的协 作和沟通能力,提高运作效率; 2. 商务渠道沟通:改善企业与客 户、合作伙伴之间的沟通渠道、 拓展商业机会; 3. 降低成本:直接成本与间接成 本(通信费用); 4. 团队管理:提升团队信息共享 与沟通能力; 5. 组织架构:快速找到需要进行 沟通的部门或人。
掌控、分析、 决策、管理
财务部门 总裁
与总部保持联 动,实施营销 策略,维护品 牌形象
人事管理、 绩效考核 客户关怀联 络,客户消 费行为分析



全 舰 计 算 环 境(TSCE)是 美 海 军 新 型 多 任 务 驱 逐 舰 DDG-1000 的 十 大 关 键 技 术 之 一 。 DDG-1000 使 用 全 舰 计 算 环 境 作 为 舰 船 各 系 统 (指 控 情 报 、平 台 控 制 、动 力 系 统 、武 器 系 统 等)的 集 成 系 统 来 进 行 信 息 整 合 ,以 发 挥 系 统 整 体 资 源 优 势 ,最 终 形 成 一 个 统 一 的“ 网 络 中 心 战 ”节 点 。
威胁的不断变化和信息技术的不断创新促使 美 国 海 军 转 变 观 念 ,开 始 大 量 采 用 商 用 现 货 产 品 (COTS)、贯彻开放式体系结构及认同开源软件产 品。2008 年 7 月,美海军终止了“朱姆沃尔特”级 的批量建造计划(最初预计 32 艘),改为仅建造 3 艘。接着,于 2009 年 12 月又终止了 CG(X)的研发 与建造计划。之后,公布了再建造“阿利·伯克”级 ⅡA 型的计划和建造改进型Ⅲ型的计划意向,由 此 便 发 展 出 适 合 于 现 役 舰 的“ 宙 斯 盾 ”现 代 化 计 划。该计划对装配着“宙斯盾”的舰实施以武器体 系 为 中 心 的 软/硬 件 现 代 化 改 装 。 这 是 完 全 基 于
DONG Xiao-ming SHI Chao-ming HUANG Kun WANG Yun-feng China Ship Development and Design Center,Wuhan 430064,China
Abstract:Total Ship Computing Environment(TSCE)is one of the critical technologies of DDG-1000, the new multipurpose destroyer of U.S. Navy,and has led to numerous changes in the design and integra⁃ tion of ship systems. This paper introduces the project background of TSCE,as well as its technical archi⁃ tecture,mission systems and Navy Open Architecture(OA). The structure and composition of the TSCE Infrastructure(TSCE-I)segment are also analyzed,which includes elements such as the data processing unit,the adaptation unit,the human interface and the network infrastructure. Finally,some technical trad⁃ eoffs related to the Service Oriented Architecture(SOA)are introduced,i.e.,component-based develop⁃ ment,real-time or non real-time applications. Key words:Total Ship Computing Environment(TSCE);DDG-1000;Open Architecture(OA);TSCE Infrastructure;system integration

smart home

smart home

smart homeSmart home is the use of advanced computer technology, network communication technology, integrated wiring technology, human body engineering, incorporating personality needs, will and household life on various subsystems, such as security,lighting control, curtain control, gas valve control, information appliances, linkage, floor heating,such as organically unifies in together,through network integrated intelligent control and management,implement "people-oriented" new household life experience.Basic introductionSmart home is one of the people living environment,the platform installation for housing is intelligent household system, realize the family life safer, energy efficient, intelligent, convenient and comfortable。

To housing as a platform,the use of integrated wiring technology, network communication technology, smart home system design scheme safety technology, automatic control technology, audio and video technology to household life related facilities, schedule to build efficient residential facilities and family affairs management system, improve home security, convenience, comfort, artistry, and realize environmental protection and energy saving living environment.Also called Smart Home, usually in Smart Home abroad。

Dell PowerVault MD存储阵列管理包套件版本4.0适用于Microsoft Syste

Dell PowerVault MD存储阵列管理包套件版本4.0适用于Microsoft Syste

Dell™ PowerVault™ MD Storage Arrays ManagementPack Suite Version 4.0 For Microsoft® System Center Operations Manager 2007 and System Center Essentials 2007用户指南注和小心注:“注”表示可以帮助您更好地使用计算机的重要信息。



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2010年1月目录1简介 (7)访问管理包和说明文件 (8)Dell MD Storage Arrays Management Pack Suite包含哪些新功能? (9)了解 Dell MD Storage Arrays Management Pack Suite.10Dell 硬件组定义 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10PowerVault MD 3000/3000i 存储阵列 . . . . . 10支持的Dell MD存储阵列 (12)支持的操作系统 (12)有关管理站 (12)有关受管节点 (12)PowerVault MD3000/MD3000i存储阵列支持的固件版本 (12)您可能需要的其它说明文件 (13)获得技术帮助 (13)2使用入门 (15)Management Station 要求 (15)一般要求 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Dell Discovery 公用程序 . . . . . . . . . . 15Managed System 要求 (16)以普通用户权限配置 Management ServerAction 帐户 (16)目录3将MD Storage Array Management Pack导入 SCOM (16)预先导入 MD Storage Array Management Pack任务. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16导入 Management Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Microsoft SCOM 性能和可扩展性指导 (18)从之前版本的管理包升级 (18)删除 Management Pack (19)安全注意事项 (19)Dell Discovery 公用程序安全注意事项 (19)3Dell™ MD Storage Arrays ManagementPack Suite 操作 (21)概览 (21)Web 控制台 (21)查找 (22)监测 (23)警报视图. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23图表视图. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23状态视图. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27自定义 MD Storage Array Management Pack (28)设备监测器. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28对象查找. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29规则. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30目录4A附录 (31)Microsoft System Center Operations Manager(SCOM) 2007 SP1/System Center Essentials (SCE) 2007SP1 中的已知问题 (31)SCOM 的 Microsoft 修复程序 (32)目录5目录6简介71简介本文档适用于使用 Dell™ MD Storage Arrays Management Pack Suite Version 4.0 来管理和监测以菊花链形式与 MD3000/MD3000i 存储阵列连接的 DellPowerVault™ MD3000、MD3000i 和 PowerVault MD1000 存储阵列。



Absolute TranslationAbstract TranslationAbusive translationAcceptabilityAccuracyAdaptationAdequacyAdjustmentAnalogical FormAnalysis Applied Translation Studies Architranseme (ATR)Autonomy SpectrumAutotranslationBack TranslationBilateral interpretingClass ShiftClose Translation Communicative Translation Community interpretingCompensationCompetence Componential Analysis Comprehensive theory古阿德克(Gouadec)古阿德克(Gouadec)路易斯(Lewis)托利(Toury)霍尔姆斯(Holmes)奈达(Nida)和泰伯(Taber)霍尔姆斯(Holmes)罗斯(Rose)波波维奇(Popovic)凯斯(Keith)韩礼德(Halliday)纽马克(Newmark)纽马克(Newmark)赫维(Hervey)托利(Toury)奈达(Nida)术语翻译贡献者绝对翻译摘要翻译滥译可接受性准确改编充分性调整类同形式分析应用翻译研究元译素自立幅度自译回译双边传译词类转换贴近翻译传意翻译;交际翻译社群传译补偿能力范路文兹瓦特(van Leuven-Zwart)Conference interpreting 会议传译Consecutive interpreting 接续传译Contextual consistency 语境一致奈达(Nida)和泰伯(Taber)Conventions 常规诺德(Nord)Corpora 语料库Correspondence 对应Court interpreting 法庭传译Covert translation 隐型翻译豪斯(House)Creative transposition 创造性转换Creative treason 创造性叛逆罗伯特埃斯卡皮(Robert Escarpi)Deconstruction 解构主义德里达(Derrida)Descriptive translation studies 描写性翻译研究霍尔姆斯(Holmes)Differance 分延德里达(Derrida)Doentary translation 文献型翻译诺德(Nord)Domesticating translation 归化翻译韦努狄(Venuti)Dynamic equivalence 动态对等奈达(Nida)Dynamic fidelity 动态忠信比克曼(Beekman)和卡洛(Callow)Effort models 用功模式贾尔(Gile)Equivalence 对等Excluded receiver 非目标接受者皮姆(Pym)Exegetic translation 诠释性翻译赫维(Hervey)和希金斯(Higgins)Exoticism 异国情调赫维(Hervey)和希金斯(Higgins)Expectancy norms 期待规范切斯特曼(Chesterman)Explicitation 明示维纳(Vinay)和达尔贝勒纳(Darbelnet)Expressive text 表情型文本赖斯(Reiss)Extraneous form 外来形式霍尔姆斯(Holmes)Faithfulness 忠实Foreignizing translation 异化翻译韦努狄(Venuti)Formal corresponding 形式对应卡特福德(Catford)Formal equivalence 形式对等奈达(Nida)Free translation 自由译Full translation 全文翻译General theories of translation 普通翻译理论霍尔姆斯(Holmes)Gist translation 要旨翻译赫维(Hervey)和希金斯(Higgins)Gloss translation 释词翻译奈达(Nida)Grammatical transposition 语法置换赫维(Hervey)和希金斯(Higgins)Hermeneutic motion 诠释步骤斯坦纳(Steiner)Hierarchy of Correspondences 对应层级霍尔姆斯(Holmes)Horizontal translation 横向翻译福勒纳(Folena)Hyperinformation 超额信息赖斯(Reiss)和弗米尔(Vermeer)Idiomatic translation 地道翻译比克曼(Beekman)和卡洛(Callow)Imitation 拟译德莱顿(Dryden)、利弗威尔(Lefevere)Indeterminacy 不确定性Information offer 信息提供弗米尔(Vermeer)Informative texts 信息文本赖斯(Reiss)Initial norms 初始规范托利(Toury)Instrumental translation 工具翻译诺德(Nord)Integral translation 整合翻译范路文兹瓦特(van Leuven-Zwart)Interlineal translation 隔行翻译赫维(Hervey)和希金斯(Higgins)Interlinear translation 逐行翻译Interlingual translation 语际翻译雅可布逊(Jacobson)Intersemiotic translation 符际翻译雅可布逊(Jacobson)Intralingual translation 语内翻译雅可布逊(Jacobson)Intra-system shift 系统内转换卡特福德(Catford)Inverse translation 逆向翻译Kernel sentence 核心句Keyword translation 关键词翻译古阿德克(Gouadec)Level shift 层次转换卡特福德(Catford)Lexical translation 词汇翻译卡特福德(Catford)Liaison interpreting 联络传译凯斯(Keith)Linguistic translation 语言翻译Literal translation 字面翻译;直译Mapping 图谱霍尔姆斯(Holmes)Matricial norms 矩阵规范托利(Toury)Meta-language 元语言霍尔姆斯(Holmes)Metatext 元文本Mimetic form 模仿形式霍尔姆斯(Holmes)Mutation 变异范路文兹瓦特(van Leuven-Zwart)Naturalness 自然性Negative shift 负面转换Norms 规范Obligatory equivalents 必要对等语奈达(Nida)Oblique translation 曲径翻译维纳(Vinay)和达尔贝勒纳(Darbelnet)Operational model 操作模式巴斯盖特(Bathgate)Operational norms 操作规范托利(Toury)Optional equivalents Overlapping translation Overt translationOvertranslationParadigmatic equivalenceParaphrasePartial theories of translation Participative receiver Particularizing translationPerformancePhonemic translationPhonological translationPivot languagePolysystem theoryPragmatic ApproachPragmatic translationPreliminary normsPrescriptive translationstudiesPrimary translation Problem-restricted theories oftranslation Process-oriented translationtheoriesProduct-oriented translationstudiesProfessional norms波波维奇(Popovic)德莱顿(Dryden)霍尔姆斯(Holmes)皮姆(Pym)托利(Toury)利弗威尔(Lefevere)卡特福德(Catford)埃文佐哈尔(Even-Zohar)托利(Toury)托利(Toury)霍尔姆斯(Holmes)霍尔姆斯(Holmes)霍尔姆斯(Holmes)可换对等语重合翻译显型翻译奈达(Nida)赫维(Hervey)和希金斯(Higgins)豪斯(House)维纳(Vinay)和达尔贝勒纳超额翻译范式对等释译局部翻译理论参与型接受者具体化翻译运用音素翻译音位翻译中枢语言多元文化理论语用途径语用翻译预先规范规定翻译研究首级翻译关于问题的翻译理论过程取向翻译研究成品取向翻译研究翻译规范赫维(Hervey)和希金斯(Higgins)迪勒(Diller)和康纳留斯(Kornelius)切斯特曼(Chesterman)Prospective translation 前瞻式翻译波斯特盖特(Postgate)Prototext 原型文本波波维奇(Popovic)Pseudotranslation 伪翻译Pure language 纯语言沃尔特本雅明(Walter Benjamin)Radical translation 原始翻译奎因(Quine)Rank-bound translation 级阶受限翻译卡特福德(Catford)Realia 独有特征弗拉科夫(Vlakhov)和弗罗林(Florin)Receptor language 接受语奈达(Nida)和泰伯(Taber)Translation with reconstruction 重构式翻译古阿德克(Gouadec)Redundancy 冗余奈达(Nida)Refraction 折射利弗威尔(Lefevere)Regulative translational规约性翻译常规诺德(Nord)conventionsRelay interpreting 转接传译Repertoreme 知识库要素托利(Toury)Resistancy 阻抗韦努狄(Venuti)Restricted translation 受限翻译卡特福德(Catford)Restructuring 重组奈达(Nida)和泰伯(Taber)Retrospective translation后瞻式翻译波斯特盖特(Postgate)Rewriting 重写利弗威尔(Lefevere)Rhymed translation 韵体翻译利弗威尔(Lefevere)Secondary translation 二级翻译迪勒(Diller)和康纳留斯(Kornelius)Selective translation 选译古阿德克(Gouadec)Semantic disambiguation 语义消歧Semantic translation 语义翻译纽马克(Newmark)Serial translation 序列翻译卡塞格兰德(Casagrande)Service translation 服务型翻译纽马克(Newmark)Sight translation 视译Signed language translation 手语传译Simultaneous interpreting 同声传译Skopos theory 目的论赖斯(Reiss)和弗米尔(Vermeer)Source language 源语Source text 源文本Source text-oriented translation 源文本取向翻译研studies 究Specification 具体化Structure shift 结构转换卡特福德(Catford)Stylistic equivalence 文体对等Target language 目标语Term banks 术语库Terminology 术语Text typology 文本类型学Textual equivalence 文本对等卡特福德(Catford)Textual norms 文本规范托利(Toury)Thick translation 增量翻译阿皮尔(Appiah)Think-aloud translation 有声思维记录Third code 第三语码弗劳利(Frawley)Time-restricted theories of 关于时域的翻译理霍尔姆斯(Holmes)translation 论Total translation 完全翻译卡特福德(Catford)Transcription 注音Transeme 译素范路文兹瓦特(van Leuven-Zwart)Transfer 转移Transference 迁移卡特福德(Catford)Translatability 可译性Translationese 翻译体Translatorial action 译者行为赫尔兹曼塔里(Justa Holz-Manttari)Transliteration 音译Transposition 置换维纳(Vinay)和达尔贝勒纳(Darbelnet)Unbounded translation 不受限翻译卡特福德(Catford)Undertranslation 欠额翻译纽马克(Newmark)Unit of translation翻译单位Universals of translation 翻译普遍特征Verbal consistency 词语一致Verifiability 可核实性赖斯(Reiss)和弗米尔(Vermeer)Vertical translation 纵向翻译福勒纳Voids 空缺Whispered interpreting 耳语传译Writer-oriented machine作者取向机器翻译translation。

Project Server2007服务器搭建手册

Project Server2007服务器搭建手册

Project Server 2007 搭建手册微软企业项目管理解决方案(EPM)是微软推出一套针对企业级用户应用的项目管理解决方案,可以在整个企业范围内更好地管理项目和资源,同时高效完成工程、项目的分析和报告。

EPM主要由Project Professional、Project Server和Project Web Access这几个产品组合而成,而其中的核心组件就是安装在后台服务器上的Project Server。

Project Server的安装和部署过程比较繁琐,其中涉及到了多个微软产品的安装和配置,其中任何一个环节出了问题,都会导致整个部署过程失败。

Project Sever需要搭建在Windows Server 2003服务器上,需要AD环境实现帐户管理,需要SQL Server用来存储项目管理数据,需要SharePoint Services低层支持以实现PWA。

搭建过程分为以下阶段:●前期环境搭建(win2003SP2+SQL server2005+.net framework3.0)●安装project server2007+sharepoint services●配置project server2007●安装Project Professional 2007并配置帐号注:前期平台的搭建相当重要,如果报错只能重新安装,下边是详细的截图安装部署过程及个人心得,配图多数来源于网络,基本可以弄清流程。

阶段1:前期环境搭建一.安装必要的Windows2003组件首先安装好一台Windows Server 2003的服务器,注意尽量不要用GHOST版win2003,很多报错难以理解,并安装几个必要的Windows组件:DNS、、应用程序服务器控制台和IIS,具体如下:打开“控制面板”中的“添加或删除程序”:点击“添加/删除Windows组件”按钮,启动“Windows组件向导”:选中“网络服务”组件,点击“详细信息”按钮:选择安装“域名系统(DNS)”服务:然后选择“应用程序服务器”,点击“详细信息”按钮:选择安装“”、“应用程序服务器控制台”这两个组件:选择“Internet信息服务”,点击“详细信息”按钮,选择安装“Internet 信息服务管理器”,点击“确定”按钮,开始安装这些Windows组件:安装完成:二.部署AD环境Sharepoint services必须安装在AD环境中,所以你需要把服务器加入到一个现有的域中,或者直接将服务器升级为一台dc(域控制器)。



Foreword of Part 1With the proliferation of wireless technologies and electronic devices, there is a fast growing interest in Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing (MUC). MUC enables to create a human-oriented computing environment where computer chips are embedded in everyday objects and interact with physical world. Through MUC, people can get online even while moving around, thus having almost permanent access to their preferred services. With a great potential to revolutionize our lives, MUC also poses new research challenges. This special issue is composed of six papers, which are closely related to the various theories and practical applications in MUC. Especially, four of them are extended versions of the best papers presented at the International Workshop on Interactive Multimedia & Intelligent Services in Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS 2007). We hope that this issue will be a trigger for further related research and technology improvements in this important subject.In the paper "An Energy-Efficient Sensor Routing with low latency, scalability for Smart Home Networks," H. Oh and K. Chae present a novel energy-efficient sensor routing scheme in wireless sensor networks, namely EESR (Energy-Efficient Sensor Routing). The authors show that the proposed scheme provides energy-efficient data delivery to the base station with low latency, scalabilityThe paper "Novel Mechanism to Defend DDoS Attacks Caused by Spam" written by D. Nagamalai, C. Dhinakaran and J. Lee introduces a multi layer approach to defend the DDoS attack caused by spam mails. This approach is a combination of fine tuning of source filters, content filters, strictly implementing mail policies, educating user, network monitoring and logical solutions to the ongoing attack. The experimental results show that there is 60% of reduction in spam traffic after implementing the defense mechanism.F. E. Sandnes and Y. Huang, in the paper "From Smart Light Dimmers to the IPOD: Text-Input with Circular Gestures on Wheel-ontrolled Devices", present a uni-stroke text input strategy for wheel input controls. The presented uni-strokes are based on circular motions that follow the contour of the wheel. While spatial mnemonics based on the shape of the alphabetic characters are used to minimize the time and effort learning the uni-strokes, an approximate distance based method is used for robust character recognition of uni-stroke patterns.iIn the paper "A CPU Usage Control Mechanism for Processes with Execution Resource for Mitigating CPU DoS Attack," T. Tabata, et al. propose an access control model for CPU resources based on an execution resource. The proposed model can control the usage ratio of CPU resources appropriately for each user and each program domain. Through the results of experiments employing the Apache web server, the authors show that the proposed method can mitigate DoS attacks and does not have bad effects upon the performance of a target service.The paper "Sentry@Home - Leveraging the Smart Home for Privacy in Pervasive Computing" written by S. A. Bagüés, et al. introduces a new infrastructure component for smart homes: A privacy proxy, named Sentry@HOME, as part of our User-centric Privacy Framework (UCPF). Its main task and responsibility is to take care of privacy-related data when accessed from the outside. Based on a set of privacy policies defined by the user it controls and enforces privacy for individuals roaming freely in pervasive computing environments.In the paper "User Authentication Using Neural Network in Smart Home Networks," S. Z. Reyhani and M. Mahdavi present a new authentication scheme based on the Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network. This scheme can produce the corresponding encrypted password according to the entered username, and it could be used to replace the password table or verification table stored in the common authentication systems.Finally, we would like to extend special thanks to all authors as well as reviewers for their enthusiasm and dedication, which have made this issue a reality.Guest Editors of Part 1Ilsun YouSchool of Information Science, Korean Bible University,South KoreaByoung-Soo KohDigiCAPS Co., Ltd,South Korea iiForeword of Part 2Recent advances in computer and communication technologies have offered people an unprecedented level of convenience of living, making life more comfortable and enjoyable. To allow people to better perform their daily living activities, improve the quality of life, and enjoy entertainment and leisure activities, one must first understand the services that are in demand in a smart living environment, and then develop key technologies for supporting such demands. This special issue contains four selected papers from the 2007 International Workshop on Smart Living Space and is to focus on emerging technologies and innovative solutions for intelligent living spaces.We strongly believe that the selected papers make a significant contribution to researchers, practitioners, and students working in the areas of the smart living space. We are grateful to authors for their research contributions in this special issue. Our special thanks go to the IJSH editorial board and Dr. Jong Hyuk Park for his supports throughout the whole publication processes. Finally, the Guest Editors wish to gratefully acknowledge all those who have generously given their time to review the papers submitted to the workshop as well.Guest Editors of Part 2Hsu-Chun YenDept. of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University,TaiwanHan-Chieh ChaoDept. of Electronic Engineering, National Ilan University,TaiwanWhai-En Chen Institute of Computer Science & Information Engineering, National Ilan University,TaiwaniiiEditorial Board of IJSHEditor in ChiefSajal K. DasUniversity Texas at Arlington, USAEmail:***********Managing EditorJong Hyuk ParkKyungnam University, KoreaEmail:**********************Associate EditorTaihoon KimHanman University, KoreaEmail:******************Ilsun YouKorean Bible University, KoreaEmail:****************Advisory Board (AB)Ching-Hsien Hsu (Chung Hua University, Taiwan)Daqing ZHANG (Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), Singapore) Javier Lopez (University of Malaga, Spain)Jianhua Ma (Hosei University, Japan)Jiannong Cao (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong) Laurence T. Yang (St Francis Xavier University, Canada)Witold Pedrycz (University of Alberta, Canada)General Editors (GE)Eun-Sun Jung (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Korea) George Roussos (University of London, UK)ivHesham H. Ali (University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA)Im Yeong Lee (SoonChunHyang University, Korea)Kia Makki (Florida International University, USA)Michael Beigl (University of Karlsruhe, Germany)Niki Pissinou (Florida International University, USA)Editorial Board (EB)Alex Zhaoyu Liu (University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA)Ali Shahrabi (Glasgow Caledonian University, UK)Andry Rakotonirainy (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)Anind K. Dey (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)Antonio Coronato (ICAR-CNR, Italy)Antonio Pescape' (University of Napoli “Federico II”, Italy)Arek Dadej (University of South Australia, Australia)Bessam Abdulrazak (University of Florida, USA)Biplab K. Sarker (University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada)Bo Yang (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China)Bo-Chao Cheng (National Chung-Cheng University, Taiwan)Borhanuddin Mohd Ali (University of Putra Malaysia, Malaysia)Byoung-Soo Koh (DigiCAPS Co., Ltd, Korea)Chunming Rong (University of Stavanger, Norway)Damien Sauveron (University of Limoges, France)Debasish Ghose (Indian Institute of Science, India)Deok-Gyu Lee (ETRI, Korea)Eung-Nam Ko (Baekseok University, Korea)Fabio Martinelli. (National Research Council - C.N.R., Italy)Fevzi Belli, (University of Paderborn, Germany)Gerd Kortuem (Lancaster University, UK)Geyong Min (University of Bradford, UK)Giuseppe De Pietro ( ICAR-CNR, Italy)Hakan Duman (British Telecom, UK)Hans-Peter Dommel (Santa Clara University, USA)Hongli Luo (Indiana University, USA)Huirong Fu (Oakland University, USA)vHung-Chang Hsiao (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)HwaJin Park (Sookmyung Women's University , Korea)Hyoung Joong Kim (Korea University, Korea)Ibrahim Kamel (University of Sharjah, UAE)Irfan Awan (University of Bradford, UK)Jiann-Liang Chen (National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan)Jianzhong Li (Harbin Inst. of Technology, China)Jin Wook Lee (Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Korea)Joohun Lee (Dong-Ah Broadcasting College,Korea)Jordi Forne (Universitat Politecnica de Cataluny, Spain)Juan Carlos Augusto (University of Ulster at Jordanstown, UK)Karen Henricksen (NICTA, Australia)Kuei-Ping Shih (Tamkang University, Taiwan)LF Kwok (City University of Hong Kong, HK)Liudong Xing (University of Massachsetts - Dartmouth, USA)Marc Lacoste (France Télécom Division R&D, France)Mei-Ling Shyu (University of Miami, USA)Mounir Mokhtari (INT/GET, France)Nicolas Sklavos (Technological Educational Institute of Mesolonghi, Greece) Paris Kitsos (Hellenic Open University, Greece)Pedro M. Ruiz Martinez (Univ. of Murcia, Spain)Phillip G. Bradford (The University of Alabama, USA)Pilar Herrero (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)Qi Shi (Liverpool John Moores University, UK)Rodrigo de Mello(University of Sao Paulo, Brazil )Serge Chaumette (Université Bordeaux 1,France)Shaohua TANG (South China University of Technology, China)Stefanos Gritzalis (University of the Aegean, Greece)Tatsuya Yamazaki (NICT, Japan)Toshihiro Tabata (Okayama University, Japan)Tsung-Chuan Huang (National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan)Tsutomu Terada (Osaka University, Japan)Umberto Villano (Universita' del Sannio, Italy)Vincenzo De Florio (University of Antwerp, Belgium)viVipin Chaudhary (Wayne State University to University at Buffalo, SUNY)Wen-Shenq Juang (Shih Hsin University, Taiwan)Xinwen Fu (Dakota State University, USA)Yang Guangwen (Tsinghua University, P.R.China)Yoshiaki HORI (Kyushu University, Japan)Young Yong Kim (Yonsei University, Korea)viiviii。



AbstractThe development of Internet technology to promote the progress of the intelligent era.Smart home based on artificial intelligent is gradually changing our lives.Traditional human labor is being replaced by intelligent machines.Internet of things as the expansion of Internet technology has great positive promotion to the intelligent home,which makes the information exchange between the machines or equipments more convenient and effective.The communication between intelligent devices may be wired or wireless.However,for the sake of convenience in home applications,wireless communication is more paring to radio communication,white LED-based visible light communication is more favourable to be used in home since the advantages of non-radiation,energy saving,and ultrahigh rate of modulation.Intelligent home equipment can be divided into service-oriented intelligent devices and smart home appliances,this study of intelligent flower conservation system is a service-oriented intelligent equipment.In this thesis,intelligent flower conservation system is the use of humidity sensors to detect plant soil moisture,the humidity information through wireless communication to the intelligent watering equipment,when the intelligent watering equipment to detect the receiving information for the water shortage signal,intelligent watering equipment automatic analysis of the location of the water shortage of plants, according to the location information in accordance with the default route to the water shortage of plants,according to the plant properties began to carry out watering tasks, to achieve intelligent plant conservation.In the experiment,the information transmission adopts the wireless transmission mode of the white LED visible light communication.Intelligent watering equipment will be visible light communication receiver and intelligent car design combined to achieve the information received at the same time also completed the task of watering.The study of intelligent flowerIIconservation system compared with the traditional siphon principle of watering way,to achieve on demand watering,according to the plant variety needs watering,can be more intelligent control of plant soil moisture,more conducive to plant growth.Keywords:smart home;smart flowers curing system;the internet of things;visible light communicationIII目录中文摘要 (I)Abstract (II)第1章绪论 (1)1.1课题研究的背景和意义 (1)1.2国内外研究现状 (3)1.3本论文研究的主要内容和结构安排 (6)第2章智能浇水系统的设计与实现 (7)2.1系统总体结构 (7)2.2湿度传感器 (8)2.3调压电路的设计 (9)2.4智能浇水控制设备的设计 (12)2.5本章小结 (13)第3章可见光通信的设计与实现 (14)3.1可见光通信系统简介 (14)3.2可见光通信系统发射端的设计 (14)3.2.1发射端信号的产生 (15)3.2.2LED驱动电路的设计 (17)3.3可见光通信系统接收端的设计 (18)3.3.1接收电路的介绍 (18)3.3.2接收信息的处理 (18)3.4可见光通信系统测试 (19)3.5本章小结 (20)第4章基于物联网的智能花卉养护系统实验 (21)4.1物联网系统的介绍 (21)IV4.2智能花卉养护系统物联网 (22)4.3系统实验中程序设计 (23)4.3.1信息采集发送端程序设计 (23)4.3.2信息接收处理端程序设计 (24)4.3.3智能浇水设备导航的设计 (26)4.4系统实验测试 (28)4.4.1通信数据传输测试 (28)4.4.2信息采集发送端测试 (29)4.4.3信息接收处理端测试 (31)4.5实验测试结果及分析 (33)4.6本章小结 (35)结论 (36)参考文献 (38)致谢 (43)独创性声明 (44)V第1章绪论1.1课题研究的背景及意义21世纪是一个信息化时代,网络技术、计算机技术、控制技术及人工智能技术的飞速发展,极大地改变了人们的工作和生活方式。



第38卷第2期2021年4月Vol.38No.2Apr.2021土木工程与管理学报Journal of Civil Engineering and Management智能建造系统基础理论与体系结构尤志嘉,郑莲琼,冯凌俊(福建工程学院a.土木工程学院;b.福建省土木工程新技术与信息化重点实验室,福建福州350118)摘要:随着第四次工业革命的来临,新一代信息技术与人工智能技术正在推动传统建筑业向着“智能建造”的时代迈进。

然而,目前各类新兴技术仍局限于碎片化地解决特定工程问题,如何将其整合到高度集成的体系 架构中以提高整体施工组织能力,进而推动建筑业智能化转型升级是一个有待解决的难题。



关键词:智能建造;工业4.0;信息物理系统;精益建造;体系结构中图分类号:TU375.4文献标识码:A文章编号:2095-0985(2021)02-0105-07Basic Theory and Architecture of Intelligent Construction SystemYOU Zhijia,ZHENG Lianqiong,FENG Lingjun(a.School of Civil Engineering; b.Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Advanced TechnologyInformatization in Civil Engineering,Fujian University of Technology,Fuzhou350118,China) Abstract:With the advent of the fourth industrial revolution,the new generation of information tech­nologies and artificial intelligence is promoting traditional construction industry to the era of"Intelli­gent Construction".However,the applications of multiple emerging technologies are currently still limited to solve some specific engineering problems in a fragmented way.It is meaningful to learn how to integrate them into a highly integrated architecture for improving the overall construction organiza­tion ability,and then promoting the intelligent transformation and upgrading of the construction indus­try.This paper introduces the conception of“Cyber-Physical”integration on the basis of lean con­struction theory,establishes the basic theory and architecture of the Intelligent Construction System, and analyzes its five basic characteristics of ubiquitous connection,digital twin,data-driven,service-oriented and system autonomy,and then establishes an evaluation mechanism for its technological e­volution path and capability maturity.As a forward-looking research,this paper aims to solve the key scientific problems restricting the development of intelligent construction,to break through the techno­logical bottleneck of the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry,and then to provide theoretical basis for establishing of a new generation of intelligent construction system.Key words:intelligent construction;Industry4.0;cyber-physical systems;lean construction;archi­tecture长期以来,我国建筑业仍延续着劳动密集型的组织机制,粗放式的生产管理方式导致施工效率低下、资源浪费严重、环保问题突出、安全事故频发、工程质量难以保障等诸多问题,因此迫切需要向精益化管理模式转型升级,实现建筑业高质量发展。


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University,Wuhan 430072,China)1
Education,Wuhan 430205,Chins)2
Semantic Web Service is designed
effective automation of Web Service discovery,composition,and
第37卷第5期 2010年5月
V01.37 No.5 May 2010
崔华1 (武汉大学软件工程国家重点实验室 应时1袁文杰1 胡罗凯1’2 武汉430205)2 武汉430072)1 (湖北第二师范学院计算机学院
摘要语义web服务的目标是,利用语义web技术将Web服务的静态描述和动态行为与功能有机地结合起来,解 决web服务的自动发现、组合和执行等问题。语义Web服务组合是服务资源重用的一种重要方式,也是语义web服 务研究领域的一个重要内容,它以现有的语义Web服务资源为基础,通过服务组合为基于Intemet的大规模复杂应 用提供新的、更多的可用资源。首先对语义Web服务相关的基本概念进行归纳和总结,概述语义web服务组合的研 究内容和目标,然后根据语义web服务组合中使用的方法学对其进行分类并分析这些方法的实现过程和特点,最后 总结全文,指出下一步的研究方向。 关键词组舍方法,语义Web服务,本体,语义推理
高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20060486045)资助。 崔华(1977一),男。博士生,主要研究方向为面向服务的软件开发、形式化方甚,E-mail:cuihua~oom@126.com;应 时(1965一),男,博士,教



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基于学科核心素养的高中英语教学设计------ 以“Smart Homes To Make Life Easier”一课为例发布时间:2022-07-20T07:35:52.202Z 来源:《教育学文摘》2022年3月第5期作者:金惠娜[导读] 普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版2020年修订)要求:普通高中英语课程的具体目标是培养和发展学生在接受高中英语教育后应具备的语言能力、文化意识、思维品质、学习能力等学科核心素养。


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二、教学流程与情景设计1. 文本分析:本单元的话题是“展望未来”。

阅读文本“Smart Homes to Make life Easier” 旨在通过介绍技术发展可能给未来家居生活带来的便利,让学生感受科技发展对生活的影响,并引发学生对科技与未来家居生活的关系这个主题的兴趣和思考。




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Service-Oriented Smart-Home Architecture Based on OSGi and Mobile-Agent Technology Chao-Lin Wu,Member,IEEE,Chun-Feng Liao,Member,IEEE,and Li-Chen Fu,Fellow,IEEEAbstract—The architecture of a conventional smart home is usu-ally server-centric and thus causes many problems.Mobile devices and dynamic services affect a dynamically changing environment, which can result in very difficult interaction.In addition,how to provide services efficiently and appropriately is always an im-portant issue for a smart home.To solve the problems caused by traditional architectures,to deal with the dynamic environment, and to provide appropriate services,we propose a service-oriented architecture(SOA)for smart-home environments,based on Open Services Gateway Initiative(OSGi)and mobile-agent(MA)tech-nology.This architecture is a peer-to-peer(P2P)model based on multiple OSGi platforms,in which service-oriented mecha-nisms are used for system components to interact with one an-other,and MA technology is applied to augment the interaction mechanisms.Index Terms—Agent-based system,mobile agent(MA),multi-agent system,Open Services Gateway Initiative(OSGi),smart home,service-oriented architecture(SOA).I.I NTRODUCTIONA TRADITIONAL smart home is often implemented un-der a centralized architecture,as shown in Fig.1.The home appliances are connected by the home network and con-trolled by the home gateway,which is the platform for service providers(SPs)to provide services to residents.However,as information appliances with computing capabilities and intelli-gent services are ubiquitous,the system can naturally distribute its functionalities over these devices in the home environment, which thus leads to a possible architecture designed based on ubiquitous computing devices.Another critical problem within smart homes is the dynamically varying home environment. Mobile devices are not always connected to the system,and the services configuration in the smart home is usually dynamic. Therefore,dealing with the interaction between the system and these mobile resources is not an easy task.In addition,the system should not only wait for the execution of commands given by the residents,but also collect information from the surrounding environment,infer the current situation based on the collected information,and react based on the scenario it actively infers.Manuscript received September5,2005;revised January23,2006and May5, 2006.This work was supported by the National Science Council under Project NSC93-2752-E-002-007-PAE.This paper was recommended by Guest Editor F.Wang.C.-L.Wu and C.-F.Liao are with the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering,National Taiwan University,Taipei10617,Taiwan, R.O.C.(e-mail:f89922042@.tw;d9*******@.tw).L.-C.Fu is with the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering and the Department of Electrical Engineering,National Taiwan University,Taipei10617,Taiwan,R.O.C.(e-mail:lichen@.tw). Digital Object Identifier10.1109/TSMCC.2006.886997In the light of the requirements mentioned above,it turns out that the architecture of a smart home should be changed,thus,to comply with emerging computer technologies and to appropri-ately fulfill human requirements.To build such a smart home, this paper proposes a service-oriented architecture(SOA)based on Open Services Gateway Initiative(OSGi)[1]and mobile-agent(MA)technology.To develop a smart home,it is important to conform to open standards.Otherwise,a variety of proprietary systems will cause incompatibility,which can be harmful to the mass potential con-sumer market[2].In this regard,OSGi,which is an emerging open standard for deploying services to smart-home environ-ments,appears to be a good choice.The OSGi standard is essen-tially a service-oriented component model.Managed software components deployed in the OSGi platform are called“bun-dles,”and the bundles can be installed,updated,or removed on thefly without having to disrupt the operation of the device. Bundles are libraries or applications that can dynamically dis-cover other services from the service directory or can be used by other bundles[3].The architecture of a smart home based on OSGi is usually designed according to the client–server paradigm,as shown in Fig.1[4].However,since this is a server-centric model,there is a risk of single point of failure in the home gateway.Some research has pointed out that the architecture of MAs is superior to the traditional client–server architecture in distributed computing [5],and others have suggested combining the MA architecture with the traditional smart home to solve problems caused by the client–server paradigm[6],[7],[42]–[45].According to the requirements or different situations,an MA can dynamically migrate to ubiquitous devices in the home environment and use the associated resources to accomplish its assigned tasks,thus taking full advantage of ubiquitous computing.SOA is a style of distributed computing that helps organiza-tions share logic and data among multiple applications and usage modes.The basic architecture of SOA is shown in Fig.2.There are three components interacting with one another,namely,the service consumer,the SP,and the service directory.By using the service-oriented approach,the system will have aflexible infrastructure,which can easily adapt to user requirements.To-gether with OSGi and the MA technology mentioned above, SOA completes our architecture.SOA coordinates these plat-forms and treats every interaction among them as a service requesting/provision,thus playing the role of the middleware so that these platforms can communicate with one another.As a consequence,these OSGi platforms can access system informa-tion,gather environment status,use services provided by others, and dynamically create MAs to perform tasks.1094-6977/$25.00©2007IEEEFig.1.Typical architecture of traditional smarthome.Fig.2.Service-oriented architecture.The rest of this paper is organized as follows.Section II overviews related works,and Section III describes the overall system architecture.Section IV will address issues regarding the design of the basic system platform,and a more thorough system examination will be presented in Section V.In Section VI,the system is evaluated by demonstrating an application scenario and the experimental results.Conclusions are made and some future works are suggested in Section VII.II.R ELATED W ORKSA.OSGi-Related WorksIn recent years,there has been a lot of research related to the construction of middleware based on the OSGi stan-dard [8]–[12].However,the initial plan of OSGi is to develop home gateways,which makes the models adopted by these re-searches server-centric.As a result,there is only one OSGi platform in the proposed architectures,so that all the services and computation tasks are managed at the gateway in a cen-tralized manner,and all the other information appliances can only be controlled by the home gateway instead of being op-erated autonomously.However,there will be more and more OSGi-compliant devices besides the OSGi gateway in the home environment in the future such as the cell phones,automo-biles,and so on [13].The server-centric architecture cannot take full advantage of the full capabilities of the ubiquitouscomputing devices and is not suitable for ubiquitous computing environments.B.MAsMAs were first proposed by White at General Magic in 1994[14].The concept of an MA was implemented as the Telescript,while a runtime environment was also constructed for the execution and migration of MAs.The Telescript was patented in the U.S.in 1997[15].Chess et al.[5]authors pro-posed “Itinerant Agents”in 1995,which are agents that are generated and dispatched by computers and that execute some management tasks over the network.The platforms of MAs con-sist of the runtime environments and development application program interfaces (APIs),and many different platforms were proposed after 1997[16]–[19].The most well known among them is the “Aglets”platform [18]developed by the IBM Tokyo Research Center [20],and the most recent one is Tracy proposed by Braun et al.[19].Plant automation based on distributed sys-tems (PABADIS)[21]is a project that aims to provide a plug-and-participate environment,based on a platform with multiple MAs,in production plants.In a typical PABADIS system,a product agent (PA)is an MA that represents a work piece being produced,and it migrates to several cooperative manufacturing units (CMUs)to perform specific tasks.Because there are a variety of heterogonous platforms of MAs,some efforts toward standardization,like [22]and [23],have been attempted,but none of them have been widely accepted.To apply MA technology in a dynamic environment like a smart home,there remain some problems.First of all,a prereq-uisite for MAs is an agent host,the purpose of which is to let every MA in an environment run its assigned tasks;but in fact it is difficult to request that each device have an agent host embed-ded in it in advance.Second,most of the current MA systems lack interoperability,because their implementations are based on a specific customized protocol.The third problem is the tight coupling of MAs and the services they use.This means devel-opers of MAs have to be aware of remote services and bind theWU et al.:SERVICE-ORIENTED SMART-HOME ARCHITECTURE195Fig.3.P2P model of a smart-home environment.agent to these services at development time.This tight coupling is usually not desirable since it makes MAs lack robustness. For example,if a remote host happens to remove some services which are exactly those to which MAs are bound to,the MAs will crash because of the abrupt exception.III.A RCHITECTUREThe OSGi framework was originally designed for a home gateway.However,the OSGi specification does not preclude the use of multiple platforms in an environment.Recent progress in the computing power of embedded systems has made it possible to embed the OSGi platform inside intelligent appliances such as the Interactive Television or home entertainment stations.The OSGi whitepaper[13]also pointed out that in addition to home gateways,more and more OSGi-based devices will appear in our living spaces,such as cell phones and automobiles.Con-sequently,instead of the traditional client–server architecture, we propose in this paper to use a more distributed peer-to-peer (P2P)model[24]for intelligent appliances(see Fig.3),where the OSGi platform appears in several devices,thus distributing device-dependent services over several devices.The loading of the home gateway is reduced due to the distributed deployment of the bundles,and these local device-dependent bundles still operate normally if the gateway crashes.Based on this P2P model,the MA technology can be very useful.When some OSGi service bundles can only be accessed locally or certain data cannot be processed remotely,the OSGi platform can embed the processing schedule into an MA and send it to the target OSGi platform to perform tasks.The MA can also dynamically choose its behavior according to pre-embedded logic if the remote execution environment changes the status,thus avoiding some erroneous actions and enhancing the system’s capabilities.Our proposed system architecture for smart-home environ-ments is shown in Fig.4.There are several components in this architecture,and each component is an OSGi bundle.According to our P2P model for OSGi,these components are distributed over multiple OSGi platforms in the home environment.These distributed platforms can communicate with one another based on the service-oriented approach.As for the MA technology,it facilitates the cooperation among these components.Detailed information is given in Sections III-A–I,including the function-alities of each component,and how they interact with others.A.Interface Agent1)Functionalities:This agent is responsible for interaction between the user and other components.The status of the smart home is,after being determined by this agent,presented to the user,who then manages the smart home according to such col-lected information.Next,this agent interacts with other agents relevant to the management requests.2)Interaction:Atfirst,the interface agent queries the agent directory to retrieve information about all the registered ser-vices in the smart home.After that,when the user requests services,the interface agent will:1)call bundles directly if they are located at the same platform;2)send requests to the remote platform like calling a web service if services are provided by remote bundles;or3)use an MA generator(MAG)to create an MA which will migrate to a remote platform to consume the services provided by bundles at a remote platform.With the help of the MAG,a user can package some semantic scenario, a series of actions,into an MA.As for the preference agent,a user can use the interface agent to set his/her inference rules or adjust his/her preference model,and subsequently the interface agent will receive the service recommendation provided by the preference agent according to the related setting and context.B.Device Agent1)Functionalities:This agent is the only one connected to the devices and is responsible for direct communication with all the ually,it will be a device-dependent bundle, whose tasks are to control the devices,to monitor their status, and to cooperate with other components,such as to receive their service requests and/or to report to them the device status.It will also monitor the status of the environment and transform the observed phenomena into the raw data.2)Interaction:The device agent will register itself at the agent directory to provide the information about how other bun-dles can interact with it,and it will receive service requests from other components.Raw data will be sent to a context agent for some inference purpose.3)Devices:The devices controlled by the device agent can be classified into two categories:sensor and appliance.The difference between these two kinds of devices is that the latter can be controlled to serve users,whereas the former can only be used to collect data.C.Service Agent1)Functionalities:The service agent is usually a device-independent bundle consisting of predefined basic functions.It performs high-level control management by controlling several device agents,or transforms raw data to high-level semantic data,which are much more meaningful to human beings,by integrating data extracted from Device Agents.Every service agent is responsible for a specific function,like security management,energy saving,etc.Note that although both web196IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS,MAN,AND CYBERNETICS—PART C:APPLICATIONS AND REVIEWS,VOL.37,NO.2,MARCH2007Fig.4.System architecture.services bundles and agent host bundles both belong to the service agent,to simplify the presentation they are not explicitly shown in Fig.4,as they exist in almost every communication.2)Interaction:The service agent also registers itself at the agent directory to provide interaction information and receive service requests from other components.Through the agent di-rectory,every service agent retrieves information on related De-vice Agents,and thus knows how to interact with them to per-form the specified services.High-level semantic data are sent to the context agent for inference purposes also.D.Agent Directory1)Functionalities:This component is a registry of service bundles,which is the service directory in the SOA.The inter-action information of public bundles,including where they are, what services they provide,and what information is necessary for other bundles to request their services,are stored in the agent directory.In our architecture,this component is a univer-sal descripition,discovery,and integration(UDDI)service in the home domain.2)Interaction:Any service bundle managing to provide ser-vices to remote clients publishes itself as an agent to the agent directory.Specifically,the bundlefirst registers itself on the reg-istry of the web services bundle at its own OSGi platform,and then the web services bundle publishes these registries to the agent directory.The agent directory also provides information for the agent coordinator to solve problems.E.MAG1)Functionalities:According to related information,this component creates an MA by specifying trips and tasks in the schedule of the MA based on the document type definition (DTD)of the MA specification markup language(MASML), which is be described in the following section.2)Interaction:Based on the semantic scenario from the in-terface agent or the preference agent,the MAG queries the interaction information from the agent directory,and then trans-forms the semantic scenario into an MASML document.After that,the MAG returns this document,which is an MA,to the agent requiring it,for the agent to dispatch this MA to perform its tasks.3)MA:An MA migrates to agent hosts in the smart home to perform tasks according to its schedule.These tasks include requesting services from bundles and processing data retrieved from previous tasks.When an MAfinds that the task conflicts with some task of another MA,or that ambiguous information exists in the schedule,it seeks help from the agent coordinator, which solves conflicts or ambiguity by providing the current status of the system.F.Context Agent1)Functionalities:This component plays the role of the data aggregator.It transforms raw data and semantic data into context data,provides context data for related queries,creates events based on these data,and delivers these data-related events.WU et al.:SERVICE-ORIENTED SMART-HOME ARCHITECTURE1972)Interaction:The context agent registers itself in the agent directory for other components tofind it.Based on the informa-tion provided by the agent directory,the context agent knows how to interact with the Device Agent and the service agent in the smart home,and then gathers data from these agents.Sub-sequently,these data are transformed into context data based on the preference model and inference rules,and are then sent to the database agent for storage.When interpreting context data, related messages are created and sent to the preference agent to trigger events.Context data are provided to an MA to perform computations,or to the agent coordinator to solve problems caused by dynamically changing contexts.G.Database Agent1)Functionalities:This is the only agent connected to the database,and its purpose is to manage all kinds of data in the smart-home environment,including raw data,semantic data,and context data.It also provides the interface for other components to store or access data in the database.2)Interaction:The database agent registers itself in the agent directory for other components,especially the context agent and the preference agent,tofind it.It receives data from the context agent and stores it,provides data query services for an MA dispatched by other components,and provides the pref-erence agent with all the necessary data for learning purposes.3)Database:All kinds of data are stored here,including raw data,semantic data,and context data.H.Preference Agent1)Functionalities:A home environment usually accommo-dates several residents and each may have their preferences toward different kinds of services.This agent preserves indi-vidual preferences for various services.The preference agent creates a preference model for each resident,customizes this model through learning procedures,and updates the model whenever possible.The preference agent also sets Inference Rules according to requests from each resident.Moreover,ac-cording to events as well as the preference model and infer-ence rules,the preference agent reasons about semantic scenar-ios and then performs related tasks or recommends service to residents[25].2)Interaction:The preference agent publishes itself in the agent directory for the Interface Agent tofind it and sends re-quests to update the Inference Rules.It retrieves all the necessary data from the database agent and learns the optimal preference model.Based on the messages from the context agent,the pref-erence agent looks up the preference model and inference rules to create semantic scenarios if necessary.If there is an existing scenario,the preference agent requests the MAG to create an MA to perform tasks based on this scenario.3)Preference Model and Inference Rules:The model and rules are built and set for each resident.In general,the Infer-ence Rules are usually static and set by the user,whereas,the preference model is often dynamic and frequently updated.In our system,the preference model is created and trained based on the Bayesian belief network,and it builds a relationship among the raw data,semantic data,and context data[25].This model is adopted by the context agent to check whether an event has to be triggered after certain data changes and is used by the preference agent to decide if a service has to be provided.I.Agent Coordinator1)Functionalities:This component is mainly used for solv-ing problems that arise from MAs.Since there are two sources that create MAs,namely the Interface Agent and the preference agent,the tasks of one MA may conflict with those of another MA if these two sources have different requirements,hence causing a feature interaction problem[26],[27].The agent co-ordinator can help solve this kind of conflict by checking the current status of the environment.In addition,the environment status triggering MA may have changed by the time the MA is ready to fulfill its assigned mission,thus requiring the MA to change its behavior accordingly.If the change in the situation is predictable,embedded logic can help the MA to solve this problem.However,the change is not always predictable.So,the MAG may need to generate aflexible schedule for the MA and allow the MA to consult the agent coordinator for a resolution. If the problem cannot be solved,the agent coordinator will not do anything,thus leaving the problem to be solved amongst the residents.Because the MA carries error messages back to the user,the user can always directly interact with the smart home via the Interface Agent.2)Interaction:The agent coordinator registers itself in the agent directory for MAs tofind it.It also queries the agent directory,context agent,and database agent to retrieve related information to solve problems for MAs as mentioned in the previous section.IV.I NTEROPERABLE MA M IGRATION M ECHANISMThe MA is a crucial component in our architecture,but the OSGi specification does not explicitly define standard inter-OSGi communicating mechanisms,thus causing agent hosts deployed by each individual OSGi platform to be isolated across different platforms.In order to deal with the problem related to MAs mentioned above,we propose a new architecture for MAs, in which their migration mechanisms are based on extensible markup language(XML)and web services.The core idea is to encode the plans,behaviors,and states of MAs into XML-based scripting documents,the MASML,which can be pulled or pushed with the web services and transmitted over the hypertext transfer protocol(HTTP)and simple object access protocol(SOAP)[28].For example,an agent host can initialize an MA by acquiring the MASML from a web service. The agent host then starts to interpret the MASML and executes several tasks or invokes external services,after which the results or unexpected errors such as network failure are written back to the document.Finally,this agent host is either directed to let the MA migrate to the next agent host or returns the above-mentioned document back to the original agent host after the MA hasfinished all of its assigned tasks.Detailed design issues are described in the later sections.198IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS,MAN,AND CYBERNETICS—PART C:APPLICATIONS AND REVIEWS,VOL.37,NO.2,MARCH2007Fig.5.Inter-OSGi interaction via web services bundles.A.Inter-OSGi Interaction with Web ServicesAs mentioned earlier,the major issue in our P2P model for smart-home environments is the communicating mechanisms, or protocol among OSGi platforms.The service-oriented ap-proach we proposed to deal with this issue is that,in each OSGi service platform,we deploy a web service gateway bundle.By doing so,each OSGi platform can publish its services,which makes other OSGi platforms aware of and able to utilize those services.Each OSGi service that registers itself to this bundle is able to interact with other web services through the SOAP, which is a web services standard proposed by the World Wide Web Consortium(W3C).The major benefit of using the web services standard is that it provides interoperability between OSGi and non-OSGi plat-forms.For example,in Fig.5,the OSGi platforms can publish their local services as public web services via a web service bundle,and consume the web services that are published by other OSGi or J2EE[29]SPs.However,due to security reasons and data issues,a service bundle may publish itself,but cannot provide services to re-mote clients,or it will limit access only to bundles at local platforms.Under this circumstance,system environments with multiple OSGi platforms,which are connected by web services mechanisms,are in a configuration as shown in Fig.6.It then fol-lows that any client located at a remote platform cannot request those constrained services directly,and hence,the MA technol-ogy,which is discussed in next section,is used to solve this problem.B.MA Architecture for OSGi PlatformsBased on OSGi specifications,an agent host can be imple-mented as a service bundle,and each OSGi-compliant device can dynamically download it if necessary,thus fulfilling re-quirements to set up execution environments for the MAs.As a result,by incorporating the inter-OSGi interaction mechanism, the agent host cannot only be deployed on the OSGi platform, but also interact with an external environment via web services. Note that the proposed approach here is based on openstandards,Fig.6.OSGi platforms connecting with the web servicesmechanism.Fig.7.MA architecture for an OSGi platform.and the services can be discovered and bound to the caller at runtime in a typical OSGi environment.Fig.7shows the proposed MA architecture for the OSGi platform.In this architecture,the MAs can migrate to a number of agent hosts deployed on different OSGi platforms and can carry out some services provided by the target platform.By doing this,nonpublic local service bundles can be called by MAs via agent hosts,thus solving the problem mentioned at the end of the previous section.From a technical point of view, the migrating behavior of an MA is actually the transportation of MASML documents over web services mechanisms,and the service-execution behavior of an MA is actually realized by the service manager component,which is instructed by the interpreter according to the MASML document.WU et al.:SERVICE-ORIENTED SMART-HOME ARCHITECTURE199The web services bundle is the gateway to facilitate commu-nication with external OSGi platforms.The agent hosts publish their services by registering themselves on the registry of the web services bundle.When the web services bundle receives a request for the registered services,it delegates control of the execution to the associated agent host bundle.Note that an agent host bundle is composed of four components,namely,the MASML interpreter,the agent specification,the service man-ager,and the migration manager.The MASML interpreter an-alyzes and executes the incoming MASML documents accord-ing to the agent specification interpretation algorithm(ASIA), the details of which are discussed later.When the interpreter finds that services have to be executed,the service manager is responsible for looking up the references for these services and invoking them.Finally,if the MA needs to migrate to another host,the migration manager performs the migration service by calling the target agent host bundle registered as a remote web service.The architecture supports both the pull and push model on the acquirement of MASML.In the push model,the agent host bun-dle plays a more passive role and waits for MASML documents to be executed.The syntax of MASML also supports the hyper-linked feature,which is the nature of web documents.For exam-ple,in order to enhance reusability,an MASML document may import one or more remote documents by providing the uniform resource locator(URL)as a reference.The HTTP client module is responsible for fetching this type of remote document from an MASML provider,which is usually a web server or an ap-plication server responsible for hosting or generating MASML documents.Note that the pull model also implies that MASML can be dynamically generated at runtime by server-side script-ing languages provided by the web servers,e.g.,the hypertext preprocessor(PHP)provided by Apache web servers or active server pages(ASP)provided by the internet information server (IIS)web server.The server-side scripting technologies greatly increase theflexibility of MASML because the servers can pro-duce personalized documents according to different requests.C.MASMLThe core concepts of MASML can be expressed via a concep-tual object model in the unified modeling language(UML)class diagram(see Fig.8).In this model,the behaviors and states of an MA are specified through the MA specification.Here,an MA is created for fulfilling a specific request by migrating through a series of agent hosts.We call this type of migration process a “trip,”and within each agent host,a number of tasks have to be carried out.Accordingly,an MA specification consists of one or more Trips,and each Trip consists of one or more tasks.There are two types of Task in the MASML object model,namely,“logic”and“service.”A“service”means an external function call to OSGi services,whereas“logic”stands for an inference procedure for internal data processing in an agent. According to the object model,we propose an XML-based markup language,MASML,to reify this conceptual object model.The DTD below also provides a formal definition of this markup language(see Fig.9).Fig.8.Conceptual object model of a mobile-agentspecification.Fig.9.DTD of the MASML.Fig.10is an example of a valid MASML document,which represents a“turn on lamp”MA.We do not include the headers and DTD declarations of a standard XMLfile so that only the major content of the MASML is focused upon.In this document, the agent’s ID and URL are provided whereby the MA can return to the original agent host.In this example,the MA migrates from。
