Final Exam Java Programming Language
JAVA语言常用英语汇总1. Class: 类2. Object: 对象3. Method: 方法4. Variable: 变量5. Interface: 接口6. Inheritance: 继承7. Abstraction: 抽象8. Polymorphism: 多态性9. Encapsulation: 封装10. Constructor: 构造函数11. Access Modifier: 访问修饰符12. Public: 公开的13. Private: 私有的14. Protected: 受保护的15. Static: 静态的16. Final: 最终的17. Return: 返回18. Parameter: 参数19. Null: 空20. Array: 数组21. List: 列表22. Set: 集合23. HashMap: 哈希表24. TreeMap: 树图25. Iterator: 迭代器26. Loop: 循环27. If statement: 如果语句28. Switch statement: 多分支语句29. While loop: while循环30. For loop: for循环31. Try-catch: 异常处理32. Throw: 抛出33. Exception: 异常36. Break: 跳出循环37. Continue: 继续循环38. Package: 包39. Import: 导入40. Main method: 主函数41. Thread: 线程42. Runnable: 可运行的43. Synchronized: 同步的44. Lock: 锁45. Semaphore: 信号量46. Deadlock: 死锁47. Garbage collection: 垃圾回收48. Heap: 堆49. Stack: 栈50. String: 字符串51. StringBuilder: 字符串构建器52. StringBuffer: 字符串缓冲区55. Overloading: 重载56. Overriding: 重写57. Method signature: 方法签名58. Generic: 泛型59. Type casting: 类型转换60. Assertion: 断言61. Annotation: 注解62. Reflection: 反射63. Lambda expression: Lambda 表达式64. Stream: 流65. File: 文件66. Exception handling: 异常处理67. Serialization: 序列化68. Deserialization: 反序列化69. JUnit: 单元测试70. JDBC: Java 数据库连接71. URL: Uniform Resource Locator72. FTP: File Transfer Protocol73. HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol74. JSON: JavaScript Object Notation75. API: Application Programming Interface76. GUI: Graphical User Interface77. IDE: Integrated Development Environment78. JVM: Java Virtual Machine79. JDK: Java Development Kit81. OOP: Object-Oriented Programming82. JDK: Java Development Kit83. Bytecode: 字节码85. Debugging: 调试86. Documentation: 文档87. FTP: File Transfer Protocol88. Inheritance: 继承89. IDE: Integrated Development Environment90. JVM: Java Virtual Machine91. JDK: Java Development Kit93. OOP: Object-Oriented Programming94. Pointer: 指针95. Protocol: 协议96. Race condition: 竞态条件97. Regular expression: 正则表达式98. Stack trace: 堆栈跟踪99. TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol 100. XML: eXtensible Markup Language101. SQL: Structured Query Language102. JDBC: Java Database Connectivity103. ORM: Object-Relational Mapping104. API: Application Programming Interface 105. GUI: Graphical User Interface106. HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol107. HTML: Hypertext Markup Language108. CSS: Cascading Style Sheets109. JavaScript: JavaScript110. JSON: JavaScript Object Notation111. AJAX: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML112. DOM: Document Object Model113. Servlet: Servlet114. JSP: JavaServer Pages115. JSTL: JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library 116. EJB: Enterprise JavaBeans117. JPA: Java Persistence API118. JSF: JavaServer Faces119. Spring: Spring framework。
Java内存模型-jsr133规范介绍最近在看《深⼊理解Java虚拟机:JVM⾼级特性与最佳实践》讲到了线程相关的细节知识,⾥⾯讲述了关于java内存模型,也就是jsr 133定义的规范。
系统的看了jsr 133规范的前⾯⼏个章节的内容,觉得受益匪浅。
什么是内存规范在jsr-133中是这么定义的A memory model describes, given a program and an execution trace of that program, whetherthe execution trace is a legal execution of the program. For the Java programming language, thememory model works by examining each read in an execution trace and checking that the writeobserved by that read is valid according to certain rules.也就是说⼀个内存模型描述了⼀个给定的程序和和它的执⾏路径是否⼀个合法的执⾏路径。
⽬前所有的运算都是处理器来执⾏的,我们在⼤学的时候就学习过⼀个基本概念程序 = 数据 + 算法,那么处理器负责计算,数据从哪⾥获取了?数据可以存放在处理器寄存器⾥⾯(⽬前x86处理都是基于寄存器架构的),处理器缓存⾥⾯,内存,磁盘,光驱等。
Java Language Programming Basics Sixth EditionTeaching DesignIntroductionJava is a high-level object-oriented programming language that is widely used around the world. It is an important skill to understandJava programming in order to be a successful software developer. This document presents a teaching design approach for the Java Language Programming Basics Sixth Edition book in order to assist instructors in teaching Java concepts to their students.ObjectiveIn teaching this material, the goal is to have students attn a basic understanding of Java programming. By teaching the foundational concepts, students will develop the skills needed to create simple applications. They will learn to use variables, control structures, arrays, and loops. Additionally, we m to develop critical thinking and problem-solvingskills in students. These skills will be utilized throughout their software development careers.Target AudienceThis instructional guide is created primarily for students who are novices in the field of programming. The recommended target audience includes high school and undergraduate students who have no prior programming experience.Learning OutcomesThe following learning outcomes are expected for students who successfully complete this course:•Ability to write and read basic Java code•Fostering problem-solving abilities•Development of critical thinking•Understanding of fundamental concepts of object-oriented programmingLearning ResourcesThe teaching resources and materials for this course include: •Java Language Programming Basics Sixth Edition textbook•Oracle’s Java Development Kit (JDK) and Integrated Development Environment (IDE)•Online resources and tutorialsCourse Assessment and GradingThe course assessment and grading structure are as follows: •Class Participation: 20%•Assignments: 30%•Mid-term Exam: 25%•Final Exam: 25%Curriculum OutlineWeek One: Introduction to Java•Java Background•Java Programming Environment•The Structure of a Java Program Week Two: Basic Concepts•Identifiers and Keywords•Variables and Constants•Data TypesWeek Three: Operators and Expressions •Assignment operators•Arithmetic operators•Logical operatorsWeek Four: Control Structures•Decision Structures•Loop StructuresWeek Five: Arrays•Introduction to Arrays•Array Processing•Sorting ArraysWeek Six: Object-Oriented Programming •Classes and Objects•Encapsulation•InheritanceWeek Seven: Exception Handling•Fundamentals of Exception Handling•Determining Error Types•Exception Handling in A Java ProgramWeek Eight: Java Applets and Graphic User Interface•Basics of Java Applets•Building a Simple Java Applet•Developing a Graphical User Interface in Java ConclusionBy following the teaching design approach outlined in this document, instructors can help novice students grasp the basics of Java programming. With these foundational skills, students will be better positioned to advance their studies and seek a career in software development.。
湖南农业大学课程考核试卷 课程名称(全称):Java 程序设计(双语) 课程代码:20638B0 考核时间:2011 年01月 04 日 试卷号: B 考核对象:电子商务08-1、电子商务08-2A . public B. true C. friendly D. transient 2. Choose the valid identifier from those listed below. ( ) A. MyMethod B. 3byte C. 5_const D.true 3. ( ) is a set of primitive instructions built into every computer? A. The machine language B. Assembly language C. The low-level language D. The high-level language 4. What is the return value of the main() method in Java? ( ) A. String B. int C. char D. void 5. Which is not valid Java keyword? ( ) A. const B. NULL C. false D. this 6. Which of the following assignments is NOT legal? ( ) A.float a = 2.0 B.double b = 2.0 c = 2 D.long d = 27. Which is not a high-level language? ( )A. c languageB. BASIC languageC. Visual BASIC languageD. Assembly language8. Given the following code:switch (m){case 0: System.out.println(Condition 0);I 、Choose one correct answer (Total 20 points ,each question 2 points )case 1: System.out.println(Condition 1);case 2: System.out.println(Condition 2);case 3: System.out.println(Condition 3);break;default: System.out.println(Other Condition);}Which values of m will cause Condition 2 is output? ( )A. 0,1 and 2B. only 1C. 3D. 49. Which modifier is NOT legal in Java? ( )A. privateB. publicC. protectedD. protect10. There are three editions of the Java API except ( )A. J2SEB. J2EEC. J2MED. J2NE1、√Java is a kind of Object-oriented programming language.(√ )2、basic is a high-level language.(√ )3、A local variable must be declared before it can be used.(√)4、The solution of overloading methods is to create another method with the same name but different parameters.(√)5、compilation errors occur when a program does not perform the way it was intended to.( X )6、You can declare a local variable with the same multiple times in different non-nesting blocks in a method.( √ )7、“==” and “euqals()” are the same.(√)8、break immediately ends the innermost loop that contain it.(√)9、Letter A and letter a are the same in Java.(X )10、You can use the keyword …new ‟ to create an instance object of aclass.( √ )1.Public class TestMax{public static void main(String[] args){int i=5;II 、Decide correct or wrong (Total 20 points ,each question2 points , “√”means right, “X ” means wrong )III 、Fill the following blanks (Total 20 points ,each blank 2points )int j=2;int k=max(i,j)System.out.println(“The maximum between ” + i + “and “ + j +”is ” + k);}public static int max (int num1, int num2) {int result;if (num1 > num2)result = num1 ;elseresult = num2 ;return result ;}}2.switch(m){case 0: System.out.println("case 0! "); case 1: System.out.println("case 1! "); break;default: System.out.println("default!");}(1)when m=0 , the result is : case 0! case 1!.(2)when m=1, the result is : case 1! .(3)when m =3, the result is : default! .int i=0;while (i < =10){i++;}System.out.println("i is " + i);IV 、Write the results after code is executed.(Total 10 points ,each question 5 points )The result of question 1 is : i is 112.public class TestpassByValue {public static void main ( String[] args) {int num1=1;int num2=2;swap(num1,num2);System.out.println(num1,num2)}public static void swap(int n1, int n2) {int temp=1;n1=n2;n2=temp;}The result of question 2 is : 1 21. Answer the characteristics of Java briefly .2. Answer the rule of evaluating an expression.V 、answer questions briefly (Total 10 points ,each question 5 points )VI、programming(Total 10 points,each question 10 points)1.Please write a Java program,用for语句求1,2,3……,n的累加和并显示计算公式。
《JAVA语言程序设计》期末考试试题及答案(应考必备题库)一、单选择题1、编译Java Application 源程序文件将产生相应的字节码文件,这些字节码文件的扩展名为( )。
A. javaB. .classC. htmlD. .exe2、设 x = 1 , y = 2 , z = 3,则表达式 y+=z--/++x 的值是( )。
A. 3B. 3. 5C. 4D. 53、不允许作为类及类成员的访问控制符的是( )。
A. publicB. privateC. staticD. protected4、为AB类的一个无形式参数无返回值的方法method书写方法头,使得使用类名AB作为前缀就可以调用它,该方法头的形式为( )。
A. static void method( )B. public void method( )C. final void method( )D. abstract void method( )二、填空题1、开发与运行Java程序需要经过的三个主要步骤为编辑源程序、编译生成字节码和解释运行字节码。
3、设 x = 2 ,则表达式 ( x + + )/3 的值是0 。
4、若x = 5,y = 10,则x < y和x >= y的逻辑值分别为true和false。
5、抽象(abstract) 方法是一种仅有方法头,没有具体方法体和操作实现的方法,该方法必须在抽象类之中定义。
6、创建一个名为 MyPackage 的包的语句是package MyPackage ; ,该语句应该放在程序的位置为:应该在程序第一句。
7、设有数组定义:int MyIntArray[ ] = { 10 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 60 , 70}; 则执行以下几个语句后的输出结果是120。
1.1 識別子..........................................................................................................................2 1.2 キーワード...................................................................................................................2 1.3 ファイル名...................................................................................................................3 1.4 パッケージ名・クラス/インタフェース名・メソッド名..........................................3
他社登録商標/商標にva 及び全 Java 関 米国及びその他の国における米国 Sun Mycrosystems,Inc.
連の商標及びロゴ の商標または登録商標
2024年等级考试-计算机二级-Java语言程序设计考试历年真题常考点试题带答案(图片大小可任意调节)第1卷一.单选题(共20题)1.编译JavaApplet源程序文件产生的字节码文件的扩展名为()A.javaB.classC.htmlD.exe2.获取 InetAddress 对象的 IP 地址所用到的方法是A.etHostlPAddress()B.getHostlP()C.getHostAddress()D. getHost()3.下列叙述中正确的是哪一个( ) 。
A.在面向对象的程序设计中,各个对象之间具有密切的关系B.在面向对象的程序设计中,各个对象都是公用的C.在面向对象的程序设计中,各个对象之间相对独立,相互依赖性小D.上述 3种说法都不对4.有整型数组: int[] x={12,35,8,7,2};, 则调用方法 Arrays.sort(x)后,数组 x 中的元素值依次是 ( ).A.2 7 8 12 35B.12 35 8 7 2C.35 12 8 7 2D.8 7 12 35 25.定义类头时能使用的修饰符是A. privateB.staticC.abstractD.protected6.开发软件时对提高开发人员工作效率至关重要的是 ( ) 。
A.操作系统的资源管理功能B.先进的软件开发工具和环境C.程序员的数量D.计算机的并行处理能力7.下列有关Java的叙述错误的是A.是—种强类型语言B.与平台无关C.可以使用汉字变量名D.不检查数组下标越界8.下述概念中不属于面向对象方法的是 () 。
A.对象、消息B.继承、多态C.类、封装D.过程调用9.设 int 型变量 a、b,float 型变量 x、y,char 型变量 ch 均已正确定义并赋值,正确的 switch 语句是A.switch (x + y) { ...... }B.switch ( ch + 1 ) { ...... }C. switch ch D) { ...... }D.switch ( a + b ) { ...... }10.关于包的描述错误的是A.包可以将相关的类和接口组织在一起,便于识别和管理B.包中的类可以访问同一包的其它类的私有成员C.不同包中的相同命名,不会产生冲突D.用修饰的顶级类和接口对包外代码可见11.在 Java 中, 表示换行符的转义字符是 () 。
请将选择题答案填入下方的表格内)1.编译java Applet源程序文件将产生相应的结果文件,这些结果文件的扩展名是什么?()。
A.435.B.-34C.34,000D.4 5 64.下列整型的最终属性 i 的定义中,正确的是()。 i;B.static int i;C.static final int i=234; float i=3.14f;5.下列运算符中,优先级最高的是()。
A.( )B.++C.&&D.=6.表达式!(x>0&&y>0)等价于()。
A. ! (x>0) || ! (y>0)B. !x>0 || !y>0C. !x>0 && !y>0D. !(x>0) && ! (y>0)7.以下能正确定义变量m、n,并且它们的值都为4的是()。
A. int m=n=4;B. int m, n=4;C. m=4,n=4;D. int m=4,n=4;8.设有定义 int a = 12 ;则执行以下语句a *= 12;后,a 的值为()。
A. 144B. 12C. 24D. 09.算术表达式1+2/3-4*5的值为()。
A. 1B. -19C. -5D. 010.能构成多分支的语句是()。
A. for语句B. while语句C. switch语句D. do-while语句11.下面程序的输出结果是。
public class ex2{public static void main(String[] args){for(int cnt=0;cnt<10;cnt++){if(cnt==5)break;System.out.print(cnt);}}}A.0 1 2 3 4B.6 7 8 9C.0 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9D.512.下面的是关于类及其修饰符的一些描述,不正确的是()。
答案:正确17.在接口中定义的常量具有public, static, final的属性。
3. 下列代码的执行结果是什么? String s1 = ”aaa”; s1。concat(”bbb”); System。out.println(s1); A。 The string "aaa"。 B。 The string ”aaabbb". C。 The string "bbbaaa". D。 The string "bbb”.
} 答案:读取键盘输入,显示到屏幕上,直到键盘输入为空为止。
2、 读下列程序,写出正确的运行结果。 class test {
public static void main (String [] args ){ int x=9, y; if (x〉=0) if (x〉0) y=1; else y=0; else y=-1; System.out。println(y);
2。 请描述 AWT事件模型。 答: 结合AWT事件模型并举例来说: import java。awt.event。*; 1。 监听对象必须实现对应事件监听器的接口 class MyFirstFrame extends Frame implements ActionListener {...} 2.明确事件监听器的接口形式 public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent event) {…} 3. MyFirstFrame 类必须实现接口ActionListener中的所有方法。 4. 注册监听对象. 为了把MyFirstFrame对象注册为两个按钮的事件监听对象,必须在MyFirstFrame 的构造函数中添加语句如下: cancelButton。addActionListener(this); okButton。addActionListener(this);
Java Programming Fundamentals, 10th Edition CourseDesign (English Version)IntroductionJava Programming Fundamentals is a comprehensive course that covers the basic concepts and principles of Java programming. In this course, students will learn to design, code, and test Java programs while developing a strong foundation in programming logic and object-oriented programming concepts. This course is designed for students who are new to programming and want to learn Java programming from scratch.Course ObjectivesThe mn objective of this course is to provide students with a solid foundation in programming using the Java language. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:•Understand the basic syntax and structure of the Java programming language•Design, code, and test simple Java programs•Use decision structures and loops in Java programming•Work with arrays and arraylists•Understand object-oriented programming concepts•Implement inheritance and polymorphism in Java programming•Understand Java class libraries and use them in Java programming•Develop event-driven programs using graphical user interfacesCourse OutlineThe course is divided into several chapters, each covering adifferent aspect of Java programming fundamentals. The following is a detled outline of the course:Chapter 1: Getting Started with Java•Introduction to Java programming language•Understanding the basic structure of a Java program•Writing and running a Java program•Understanding variables, data types, and constants•Basic Input/Output operationsChapter 2: Control Structures•Understanding decision structures•Using if statement, if-else statement, and nested if statements•Understanding loops and using while, do-while, and for loops•Understanding break and continue statements•Using switch statementChapter 3: Arrays and Arraylists•Understanding arrays•Declaring and initializing arrays•Multidimensional arrays•Understanding arraylist•Using arraylist class methodsChapter 4: Object-Oriented Programming Concepts•Introduction to object-oriented programming•Understanding classes and objects•Encapsulation: Access modifiers, getters, and setters•Constructors and overloading•Methods and method overloadingChapter 5: Inheritance and Polymorphism•Understanding inheritance•Using superclass and subclass•Polymorphism: Method overloading and overriding•Casting objects•Abstract classes and interfacesChapter 6: Java Class Libraries•Understanding Java class libraries•Using the String class•Using the Math class•Using the Date class•Using the File classChapter 7: Graphical User Interfaces•Understanding event-driven programming•Using the Swing library•Designing a user interface using JFrame, JDialog, and JPanel •Using event listeners•Designing a GUI-based applicationCourse Requirements•Basic computer skills•Basic understanding of programming concepts is helpful but not required•Java Development Kit (JDK) version 8 or later•Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as Eclipse or NetBeansGrading PolicyThe final grade for this course will be calculated based on the following components:•Assignments (50%)•Midterm Exam (20%)•Final Exam (30%)ConclusionJava Programming Fundamentals, 10th Edition course is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in Java programming language and object-oriented programming concepts. By the end of this course, students will be able to write simple Java programs, use decision constructs and loops, work with arrays and arraylists, implement inheritance and polymorphism, understand Java class libraries, and develop graphical user interfaces. This course is intended for anyone who is interested in learning Java programming from scratch.。
java期末考试题及答案解析一、选择题1. Java语言是一种:A. 编译型语言B. 解释型语言C. 编译型和解释型语言D. 汇编语言答案:C2. 下列哪个不是Java的基本数据类型?A. intB. floatC. doubleD. string答案:D3. Java中的main方法必须定义为:A. public static void main(String args[])B. private static void main(String args[])C. protected static void main(String args[])D. public static int main(String args[])答案:A二、填空题1. Java程序的执行入口是________。
答案:main方法2. Java语言支持的两种继承方式是单继承和________。
答案:接口继承3. 在Java中,用于定义常量的关键字是________。
答案:final三、简答题1. 简述Java语言的跨平台特性。
2. 描述Java集合框架中List、Set和Map三者的区别。
四、编程题1. 编写一个Java程序,实现计算两个整数相加的结果。
```javapublic class SumCalculator {public static void main(String[] args) {int num1 = 10;int num2 = 20;int sum = num1 + num2;System.out.println("The sum is: " + sum);}}```2. 编写一个Java程序,实现对一个字符串进行反转。
Java基础常见英语词汇(共70个) ['ɔbdʒekt]['ɔ:rientid]导向的['prəʊɡræmɪŋ]编程OO: object-oriented ,面向对象OOP: object-oriented programming,面向对象编程[dɪ'veləpmənt][kɪt]工具箱['vɜːtjʊəl]虚拟的JDK:Java development kit, java开发工具包JVM:java virtual machine ,java虚拟机['dʒɑːvə][mə'ʃiːn]机器[kəm'paɪl]Compile:编绎Run:运行['veərɪəb(ə)l] [ɒpə'reɪʃ(ə)n] [pə'ræmɪtə]variable:变量operation:操作,运算parameter:参数['fʌŋ(k)ʃ(ə)n]function:函数member-variable:成员变量member-function:成员函数[dɪ'fɔːlt] ['ækses] ['pækɪdʒ] [ɪm'pɔːt] ['stætɪk]default:默认access:访问package:包import:导入static:静态的[vɔid] ['peər(ə)nt] [beɪs] ['sjuːpə]void:无(返回类型) parent class:父类base class:基类super class:超类[tʃaɪld] [di'raivd] [əʊvə'raɪd] [əʊvə'ləʊd] child class:子类derived class:派生类override:重写,覆盖overload:重载['faɪn(ə)l] ['ɪmplɪm(ə)nts]final:最终的,不能改变的implements:实现[rʌn'taim] [æriθ'metik][ik'sepʃən]Runtime:运行时ArithmeticException:算术异常[ə'rei]['indeks] [baundz][ik'sepʃən] [nʌl] ['pɔintə]指针ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:数组下标越界异常Null Pointer Exception:空引用异常ClassNotFoundException:类没有发现异常['nʌmbə]['fɔ:mæt]NumberFormatException:数字格式异常(字符串不能转化为数字)[θrəuz]Throws: (投掷)表示强制异常处理Throwable:(可抛出的)表示所有异常类的祖先类[læŋ]['læŋɡwidʒ][ju'til] [,dis'plei] [ə'rei] [list]Lang:language,语言Util:工具Display:显示ArrayList:(数组列表)表示动态数组[hæʃ][mæp]HashMap: 散列表,哈希表[swiŋ] ['æbstrækt] ['windəu] ['tu:lkit]Swing:轻巧的Awt:abstract window toolkit:抽象窗口工具包[freim] ['pænl] ['leiaut] [skrəul] ['və:tikəl] Frame:窗体Panel:面板Layout:布局Scroll:滚动Vertical:垂直['hɔri'zɔntəl] ['leibl] [tekst] ['fi:ld]Horizontal:水平Label:标签TextField:文本框['εəriə] ['bʌtən] [tʃek] [bɔks]TextArea:文本域Button:按钮Checkbox:复选框['reidiəu] ['kɔmbəu] ['lisənə]Radiobutton:单选按钮Combobox:复选框Listener:监听['bɔ:də] [fləu] [ɡrid] ['menju:] [bɑ:]Border:边界Flow:流Grid:网格MenuBar:菜单栏['menju:] ['aitəm] ['pɔpʌp]Menu:菜单MenuItem:菜单项PopupMenu:弹出菜单['daiəlɔɡ] ['mesidʒ] ['aikɔn] [nəud]Dialog:对话框Message:消息Icon:图标Node:节点['dʒa:və]['deitəbeis] [,kɔnek'tivəti]Jdbc:java database connectivity :java数据库连接[draivə] ['mænidʒə] [kə'nekʃən] ['steitmənt]DriverManager:驱动管理器Connection:连接Statement:表示执行对象[pri'peəd] [ri'zʌlt]Preparedstatement:表示预执行对象Resultset:结果集['eksikju:t] ['kwiəri]executeQuery:执行查询Jbuilder中常用英文(共33个)[kləuz] [ik'sept] [peinz]Close all except…:除了..全部关闭Panes:面板组[bi:n] ['prɔpətiz] [meik] [bild] [,ri:'bild]Bean:豆子Properties:属性Make:编绎Build:编绎Rebuild:重编绎[ri'freʃ] ['prɔdʒekt] [di'fɔ:lt]Refresh:刷新Project properties:项目属性Default project properties:默认的项目属性[di:'bʌɡ] ['prefərənsiz] [kən'fiɡə] ['laibrəriz] Debug:调试Preferences:参数配置Configure:配置Libraries:库JSP中常用英文[,ju:ni'və:səl] [ri'sɔ:s] [ləu'keiʃən]URL: Universal Resource Location:统一资源定位符['intənet] [ik'splɔ:rə] ['dʒa:və] ['sə:və] [peidʒ]IE: Internet Explorer 因特网浏览器JSP: java server page:java服务器页面['mɔdəl] [kən'trəulə] ['tɔmkæt]Model:模型C:controller:控制器Tomcat:一种jsp的web服务器['mɔdju:l] ['sə:vlet][i'niʃəlaiz] ['sta:tʌp] WebModule:web模块Servlet:小服务程序Init: initialize,初始化Startup:启动['mæpiŋ][pə'ræmitə] ['seʃən] [,æpli'keiʃən] Mapping:映射Getparameter:获取参数Session:会话Application:应用程序['kɔntekst] [,ri:di'rekt] [dis'pætʃ] ['fɔ:wəd]Context:上下文redirect:重定向dispatch:分发forward:转交['ætribju:t] ['kɔntent] [taip]setattribute:设置属性getattribute:获取属性contentType:内容类型[tʃɑ:] [in'klu:d] [tæɡ][lib]charset:字符集include:包含tag:标签taglib:标签库[ik'spreʃən] ['læŋɡwidʒ][skəup] ['empti] EL:expression language,表达式语言Scope:作用域Empty:空['stændəd][tæɡ] ['laibrəri]JSTL:java standard tag library :java标准标签库[di'skripʃən] [kɔ:]TLD:taglib description,标签库描述符Core:核心Foreach:表示循环[va:(r)] ['vεəriəbl] ['steitəs] ['aitəm]Var:variable,变量Status:状态Items:项目集合['fɔ:mæt] [filtə]Fmt:format,格式化Filter:过滤器(报错英文['strʌktʃəz]Data Structures 基本数据结构['dikʃənəriz]Dictionaries 字典[prai'ɔrəti] [kju:z]Priority Queues 堆[ɡrɑ:f] ['deɪtə] ['strʌktʃəz]Graph Data Structures 图[set] ['deɪtə]['strʌktʃəz]Set Data Structures 集合[tri:s]Kd-Trees 线段树[nju:'merikəl] ['prɔ:bləms]Numerical Problems 数值问题[sɔlviŋ] ['liniə] [i'kweiʃənz]Solving Linear Equations 线性方程组['bændwidθ] [ri'dʌkʃən]Bandwidth Reduction 带宽压缩['meitriks] [,mʌltipli'keiʃən]Matrix Multiplication 矩阵乘法[di'tə:minənt] ['pə:mənənt]Determinants and Permanents 行列式[kən'streind] [ʌnkən'streɪnd] [,ɔptimai'zeiʃən]Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization 最值问题['liniə] ['prəuɡræmiŋ]Linear Programming 线性规划['rændəm] ['nʌmbə] [,dʒenə'reiʃən]Random Number Generation 随机数生成['fæktərɪŋ] [prai'mæləti] ['testɪŋ]Factoring and Primality Testing 因子分解/质数判定['ɑːbɪtrərɪ][prɪ'sɪʒən][ə'rɪθmətɪk]Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic 高精度计算['næpsæk] ['prɒbləm]Knapsack Problem 背包问题[dɪ'skriːt] ['fʊriər][træns'fɔːm]Discrete Fourier Transform 离散Fourier变换Combinatorial Problems 组合问题Median and Selection 中位数Generating Permutations 排列生成Generating Subsets 子集生成Generating Partitions 划分生成Generating Graphs 图的生成Calendrical Calculations 日期Job Scheduling 工程安排Satisfiability 可满足性Graph Problems -- polynomial 图论-多项式算法Connected Components 连通分支Topological Sorting 拓扑排序Minimum Spanning Tree 最小生成树Shortest Path 最短路径Transitive Closure and Reduction 传递闭包Matching 匹配Eulerian Cycle / Chinese Postman Euler回路/中国邮路Edge and Vertex Connectivity 割边/割点Network Flow 网络流Drawing Graphs Nicely 图的描绘Drawing Trees 树的描绘Planarity Detection and Embedding 平面性检测和嵌入Graph Problems -- hard 图论-NP问题Clique 最大团Independent Set 独立集Vertex Cover 点覆盖Traveling Salesman Problem 旅行商问题Hamiltonian Cycle Hamilton回路Graph Partition 图的划分Vertex Coloring 点染色Edge Coloring 边染色Graph Isomorphism 同构Steiner Tree Steiner树Feedback Edge/Vertex Set 最大无环子图Computational Geometry 计算几何Convex Hull 凸包Triangulation 三角剖分V oronoi Diagrams V oronoi图Nearest Neighbor Search 最近点对查询Range Search 范围查询Point Location 位置查询Intersection Detection 碰撞测试Bin Packing 装箱问题Medial-Axis Transformation 中轴变换Polygon Partitioning 多边形分割Simplifying Polygons 多边形化简Shape Similarity 相似多边形Motion Planning 运动规划Maintaining Line Arrangements 平面分割Minkowski Sum Minkowski和Set and String Problems 集合与串的问题Set Cover 集合覆盖Set Packing 集合配置String Matching 模式匹配Approximate String Matching 模糊匹配Text Compression 压缩Cryptography 密码Finite State Machine Minimization 有穷自动机简化Longest Common Substring 最长公共子串Shortest Common Superstring 最短公共父串DP——Dynamic Programming——动态规划recursion ——递归)报错英文第一章:JDK(Java Development Kit) java开发工具包JVM(Java Virtual Machine) java虚拟机Javac 编译命令java 解释命令Javadoc 生成java文档命令classpath 类路径Version 版本static 静态的String 字符串类JIT(just-in-time) 及时处理第二章:第三章:OOP object oriented programming 面向对象编程Object 对象Class 类Class member 类成员Class method 类方法Class variable 类变量Constructor 构造方法Package 包Import package 导入包第四章:Base class 基类Super class 超类Overloaded method 重载方法Overridden method 重写方法Public 公有Private 私有Protected 保护Static 静态Abstract 抽象Interface 接口Implements interface 实现接口第五章:RuntimeExcepiton 运行时异常ArithmeticException 算术异常IllegalArgumentException 非法数据异常ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 数组索引越界异常NullPointerException 空指针异常ClassNotFoundException 类无法加载异常(类不能找到)NumberFormatException 字符串到float类型转换异常(数字格式异常)IOException 输入输出异常FileNotFoundException 找不到文件异常EOFException 文件结束异常InterruptedException (线程)中断异常throws 投、掷、抛print Stack Trace() 打印堆栈信息get Message()获得错误消息get Cause()获得异常原因method 方法able 能够instance 实例Byte (字节类)Character (字符类)Integer(整型类)Long (长整型类)Float(浮点型类)Double (双精度类)Boolean(布尔类)Short (短整型类)Digit (数字)Letter (字母)Lower (小写)Upper (大写)Space (空格)Identifier (标识符)Start (开始)String (字符串)length (值)equals (等于)Ignore (忽略)compare (比较)sub (提取)concat (连接)trim (整理)Buffer (缓冲器)reverse (颠倒)delete (删除)append (添加)Interrupted (中断的)第七章:toString 转换为字符串GetInstance 获得实例Util 工具,龙套Components 成分,组成Next Int 下一个整数Gaussian 高斯ArrayList 对列LinkedList 链表Hash 无用信息,杂乱信号Map 地图Vector 向量,矢量Collection 收集Shuffle 混乱,洗牌RemoveFirst 移动至开头RemoveLast 移动至最后lastElement 最后的元素Capacity 容量,生产量Contains 包含,容纳InsertElementAt 插入元素在某一位置第八章:io->in out 输入/输出File 文件isFile 是文件isDirectory 是目录getPath 获取路径getAbsolutePath 获取绝对路径lastModified 最后修改日期Unicode 统一的字符编码标准, 采用双字节对字符进行编码FileInputStream 文件输入流FileOutputStream文件输出流IOException 输入输出异常fileobject 文件对象available 可获取的BufferedReader 缓冲区读取FileReader 文本文件读取BufferedWriter 缓冲区输出FileWriter 文本文件写出flush 清空close 关闭DataInputStream 二进制文件读取DataOutputStream二进制文件写出EOF 最后encoding 编码Remote 远程release 释放第九章:JBuider Java 集成开发环境(IDE)Enterprise 企业版Developer 开发版Foundation 基础版Messages 消息格Structure 结构窗格Project 工程Files 文件Source 源代码Design 设计History 历史Doc 文档File 文件Edit 编辑Search 查找Refactor 要素View 视图Run 运行Tools 工具Window 窗口Help 帮助Vector 矢量addElement 添加内容Project Winzard 工程向导Step 步骤Title 标题Description 描述Copyright 版权Company 公司Aptech Limited Aptech有限公司author 作者Back 后退Finish 完成version 版本Debug 调试New 新建ErrorInsight 调试第十章:JFrame 窗口框架JPanel 面板JScrollPane 滚动面板title 标题Dimension 尺寸Component 组件Swing JA V A轻量级组件getContentPane 得到内容面板LayoutManager 布局管理器setVerticalScrollBarPolicy 设置垂直滚动条策略AWT(Abstract Window Toolkit)抽象窗口工具包GUI (Graphical User Interface)图形用户界面VERTICAL_SCROLLEARAS_NEEDED 当内容大大面板出现滚动条VERTICAL_SOROLLEARAS_ALWAYS 显示滚动条VERTICAL_SOROLLEARAS_NEVER 不显示滚动条JLabel 标签Icon 图标image 图象LEFT 左对齐RIGHT 右对齐JTextField 单行文本getColumns 得到列数setLayout 设置布局BorderLayout 边框布局CENTER 居中对齐JTextArea 多行文本setFont 设置字体setHorizontalAlignment 设置文本水平对齐方式setDefaultCloseOperation 设置默认的关闭操作add 增加JButton 按钮JCheckBox 复选框JRadioButton单选按钮addItem 增加列表项getItemAt 得到位置的列表项getItemCount 得到列表项个数setRolloverIcon 当鼠标经过的图标setSelectedIcon 当选择按钮的图标getSelectedItem 得到选择的列表项getSelectedIndex 得到选择的索引ActionListener 按钮监听ActionEvent 按钮事件actionPerformed 按钮单击方法(编程词汇A2A integration A2A整合abstract 抽象的abstract base class (ABC)抽象基类abstract class 抽象类abstraction 抽象、抽象物、抽象性access 存取、访问access level访问级别access function 访问函数account 账户action 动作activate 激活active 活动的actual parameter 实参adapter 适配器add-in 插件address 地址address space 地址空间address-of operator 取地址操作符ADL (argument-dependent lookup)ADO(ActiveX Data Object)ActiveX数据对象advanced 高级的aggregation 聚合、聚集algorithm 算法alias 别名align 排列、对齐allocate 分配、配置allocator分配器、配置器angle bracket 尖括号annotation 注解、评注API (Application Programming Interface) 应用(程序)编程接口app domain (application domain)应用域application 应用、应用程序application framework 应用程序框架appearance 外观append 附加architecture 架构、体系结构archive file 归档文件、存档文件argument引数(传给函式的值)。
Java_Programming_Final_Exam_Question_08W_PaperA 《J a v a程序设计》期末试题试卷(A)(考试形式:闭卷考试时间: 1.5⼩时)Total 8 pages《中⼭⼤学授予学⼠学位⼯作细则》第六条考试作弊不授予学⼠学位班级:___________ 姓名: ______学号:__________注意:答案⼀定要写在答卷中,写在本试题卷中不给分。
Section 1. Choose the best answer 20 x 1 (mark each) = 20 marks1.In Java, arguments are always passed by ________.A. nameB. valueC. pointerD. array2.In Java, we can define multiple methods with the same name. This is called _____.A. method overridingB. This is not allowedC. method overloadingD. method hiding3.Which type of objects are immutable?B.StringBufferStringA.C. char [] [] s14. A thread’s entry point is its distroy5.Given any URL object urlobj, which method can be used to retrieve its constitute parts? urlobj.getHost()B.A.urlobj.Method.urlobj.openStream()D.C.urlobj.start()6.The best way to peform custom painting is to override ____?A.repaint()B.paintComponent()C.update()D.paint()E.other method7.Which one can be used for an event source to register a listener?A. actionPerformed.B. addActionListener()C. ActionListenerD. MouseAdapter8.Which is not a benefit of encapsulation?A.Clarity of code.B.Code efficiency.C.The ability of add functionality later onD.Modifications require fewer coding changes9.OutputStreamWriter is a subclass of _ ?A.ReaderB.OutptuStreamC.PrintWriterD.BufferedWriterE.Writer10.Which one cannot help achieve plug compatibility in Java program?A.Synchronized Method.C.Access only uniform public interfaceD.Run-time method overriding11.A compile error occurs ifA.A static method in a subclass has the same signature with a static method in superclass.B. A subclass static method has the same signature as asuperclass instance method.C. A subclass field has the same name as a field used in a superclassD.Appendant member calls a method in superclassE. A superclass has a protected member12.Which of the following is a component of an event handling model?A. object registryB. proxyC. event listenerD. web client13.The GUI program execution envitonment does not suppliesA. event monitoringB. input focusingC. window renderingD. creating a POST query14.Which statement is true about wrapper or String classes?A.if x and y refer to instances of different wrapper classes, then the fragment x.equals(y) will cause a compiler failure.B.If x and y refer to instances of different wrapper classes, then x == y can sometimes be true.C.If x and y are String references and if x.equals(y) is true, then x == y is true.D.If x, y and z refer to instances of wrapper classes and x.equals(y) is true and y.equals(z) is true, then z.equals(x) will be always true.E.If x and y are String references and x == y is true, but y.equals(x) will not be true.15.Which of the following does not concern with a method signature?A.Method name.B.The number of its formal parameters.C.The order of its formal parametersD.The types of its formal parametersE.The return type16.Which statement is true?garbage collector.B.Objects with at least one reference will never be garbage collected.C.Objects from a class with the finalize() method overridden will never be garbage collected.D.Objects instantiated within anonymous inner classes are placed in the garbage collectible heap.E.Once an overridden finalize() method is invoked, there is no way to make that object ineligible for garbage collection.17.A reference variable can ?A.Hold the constant value 546B.Can be a primitive typeC.Be an array variableD.Be converted to a primitive typeE.Hold a reference to an object18.Which one of the layout can be used to arrange the components in specified rows and columns?A.FlowLayoutB.GridLayoutC.BorderLayoutD.CardLayout19.In a Java interfaceA.members can be public or privateB.All members are abstractC.Fields can be final or instanceD.Methods must be implemented20.Which method is not supplied by a URL objectA.Methods to parse the URLB.paint()C.Methods to open network connectionD.Method to retrieve information1. A dead thread can be restarted.2. Java objects are always created with new operation.3. In Java, a class can extend at most one superclass and can implemen at mostone interface.5. A thread is in the ready state after it has been created and started6. The main() method takes an argument of the String[ ].7. A double value can be cast to a byte.8. Window, Frame, Dialog, FileDialog, Panel, Applet are not container classes –False9. In Java, a class is implicitly of any superinterfave type.10. The Java overriding mechanism ensures that the calls on methods in superclass and subclass invoke the appropriate overriding methods.Section 3. Answer the Following Questions 5 x 4 (mark each) = 20 marks1. What operations will be performed when a thread calls a synchronized instance method?2. How is the method call resolution performed by Java compiler when a call is made to an overloaded method in class extension?3. What is plug-compatible object? What is polymorphism?4. In the event-handling model, what is an event source? An event listener? An event client? An event object?5. To program an Internet client using stream socket to access TCP-based server, what things you should do in your program?1. In GUI program, if you want to have a JPanel custom painting, you usually override method ____2. To add a byte buffer to a FileInputStream stream, you use _______________3. In Java, every object and class can potentially function as a ___________ anda monitor.4. In Java, the event-handling model describes how to represent, how to report, and how to ___________the events.5. A constructor can also call another constructor in its own class to help perform initializations. This can be done by calling __________6. The same identifier can be used in ________name spaces without conflict.7. It is a compile-time error if a subclass instance method has the same signature as___________________.8. In Java, a class with no declared superclass implicitly extends ____________.9. Run-time overriding is one of the conditions to help the polymorphic transfer in achieving ______________.10. The main advantage of an interface over an abstract class is thatSection 5. Write the output for the following programs 5 x 2 (mark each) = 10 marks 1. Given the following, public class runtimexceptiondemo {public static void throwit() {“);System.out.print(“throwitthrowRuntimeException();new}public static void main(String args[ ]) {try {System.out.print(“hello“);throwit();e){}catch(Exception“);System.out.print(“caughtfinally {}“);System.out.print(“finally}“);System.out.print(“after}}2. Given the following,public class switchdemo {final static short x = 2;public static int y = 0;for(int z = 0; z < 3; z++) {switch(z) {“);System.out.print(“0x:case“);System.out.print(“1x-1:case“);System.out.print(“2casex-2:}}}}class MyThread extends Thread { {MyThread() MyThread”);System.out.print(“}{run()publicvoidbar”);System.out.print(“}public void run(String s) { baz”);System.out.println(“public class TestThreads {public static void main(String [ ] args) { Thread t = new MyThread() {{publicrun()voidfoo”); System.out.print(“}};t.start();}}4. Given the following,public class commandargs {public static void main(String args[ ]) { args[1];=s1Stringargs[2];=s2Stringargs[3];=s3Stringargs[4];=s4StringSystem.out.print(“ args[2] = “ + s2);And the command line invocation, as java commandargs 1 2 3 4class test {ints;staticpublic static void main(String args[]) { new=test();testpp.start();System.out.println(s);}{voidstart()7;=xInttwice(x);“);“+System.out.print(x}void twice(int x) {x*2;x=s = x;Section 6. Programming 3 x10 (mark each) = 30 marks1.Write an applet that displays “over” when the mouse is over its display area and displays“leave” when the mouse leaves the area.2.Write a class for a mutual exclusion object in which the reading and the writing of aninternal integer X are synchronized.3.Define a base class for just displaying an integer in the screen. Then extend this baseclass to obtain a class for displaying a float number in the screen. Write a polymorphic program to demonstrate the interchangable objects of these two classes.。
java期末考试题库及答案解析Java期末考试题库及答案解析一、选择题1. Java语言属于以下哪种类型的编程语言?A. 编译型语言B. 解释型语言C. 汇编语言D. 机器语言答案:B2. 下列哪个关键字用于定义Java类?A. classB. structC. interfaceD. enum答案:A3. Java中的main方法的返回类型是什么?A. voidB. intC. StringD. Object答案:B4. 以下哪个是Java的集合框架中的接口?A. ArrayListB. LinkedListC. SetD. HashMap答案:C5. Java中的异常处理机制使用哪个关键字来实现?A. tryB. catchC. finallyD. all of the above答案:D二、填空题1. Java语言是_________设计的,它具有跨平台的特性。
答案:James Gosling2. 在Java中,一个类可以继承另一个类的_______方法和变量。
答案:非私有3. Java的垃圾回收机制是用于_______内存的。
答案:自动管理4. Java中的_______关键字用于定义接口。
答案:interface5. Java中的_______关键字用于实现多态。
答案:override三、简答题1. 请简述Java语言的三大特性。
2. 什么是Java的封装性,它有什么好处?答案:封装性是Java面向对象编程的核心概念之一,它允许将数据(属性)和操作数据的方法组合在一起,形成一个“对象”。
3. 请解释Java中的继承机制,并举例说明。
JAVA程序员常用英语源自:ZTE♥李保民♥SIFE 261干程序员这行实在是离不开英语,干程序员是一项很辛苦的工作,要成为一个高水平的程序员尤为艰难.这是因为计算机软件技术更新的速度越来越快,而这些技术大多来源于英语国家,我们在引进这些技术时往往受到语言障碍的制约,严重影响到对新技术的理解和消化.首先编程本身就依赖于英语,虽然现在技术的发展,可以使得某些开发工具在变量名和字段名中支持中文,但还未发现能够完全使用中文的编程语句.这并不代表我们英语差,就不能编程了,下面提供一点入门级的程序员常用英语,以此为开始,迈出我们学习英语的第一步,努力学习英语吧,英语会使你的编程事半功倍.下面是JAVA语言常用英语汇总,java常用名词解释,计算机常用英语汇总。
JAVA语言常用英语汇总:A. array数组apple苹果add 增加accessible 可存取的area面积audio 音频addition 加法action 行动arithmetic 算法adjustment 调整actual 真实的argument 参量abstract 抽象ascent 提升already 已经AWT(Abstract Window Toolkit)抽象窗口工具API(Application Programming Interface)应用程序接口array apple add accessible area audio addition action arithmetic adjustment actual argument abstractB. byte 字节Boolean 布尔banana香蕉base 基础buffer缓冲器button 按钮break 中断body 身体C。
color 颜色class 类count 计数client 客户code 代码calculation 计算cell 单元circle圆capital首都catch捕获check 检查container容器component 组件command 命令cube立方,三次方char(=character)字符cancel取消case 情况choice选择click 单击center 中心compile编译clone克隆,复制continue 继续create建立D。
1. 以下代码片段的输出结果是什么?```javapublic class Main {public static void main(String[] args) {String str1 = "Hello";String str2 = new String("Hello");String str3 = "Hello";System.out.println(str1 == str2);System.out.println(str1 == str3);System.out.println(str1.equals(str2));}}```答案:truetrue解析:`str1`和`str3`是使用字符串字面量赋值的,它们指向的是同一个字符串常量。
2. 以下代码的输出结果是什么?```javapublic class Main {public static void main(String[] args) {int a = 5;int b = 2;double result = (double) a / b;System.out.println(result);}}答案:2.5解析:`a`和`b`都是整型变量,进行整数除法运算时结果会被截断为整数部分。
《JA V A语言程序设计》期末考试试卷及答案5(应考必备题库)一、单选题1、当某一线程正处于休眠状态,而另一个线程用 Thread 类中的 interrupt() 方法中断它时,抛出的异常类型是()。
A) IOException B) RuntimeExceptionC) InterruptedExceptionD) ClassNotFoundException2、下面的程序段的功能是( )。
File file1=new File("d:\\xxx\\yyy\\zzz")。
A)在当前目录下生成子目录:\xxx\yyy\zzz B)生成目录: e:\xxx\yyy\zzzC)在当前目录下生成文件xxx.yyy.zzz D)以上说法都不对3、应用程序的main方法中有以下语句,则输出的结果是 ( )。
String s="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx#123#456#zzzzz"。
int n=s.indexOf("#")。
int k=s.indexOf("#",n+1)。
String s2=s.substring(n+1,k)。
A)123456 B)123 C) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx D) zzzzz4、关于下面的程序Test.java说法正确的是( )。
public class Test {String x="1"。
int y。
public static void main(String args[]) {int z=2。
}}A)3 B)102 C) 12 D)程序有编译错误5、应用程序的main方法中有以下语句,则输出的结果是 ( )。
int b[][]={{1, 1, 1}, {2,2}, {3}}。
《JAVA 语言程序设计》期末考试试题及答案6(应考必备题库)一、填空题1.定义类的保留字是(class ),定义接口的保留字是(interface ) 2.Socket 通常也称为(套接字),用于描述(IP 地址)和(端口) 3.线程的优先级在( 1 )至(10 )之间,数值越大(任务越紧急)。
1.定义类的保留字是(class ),定义接口的保留字是(interface )。
2.Socket 通常也称为(套接字),用于描述(IP 地址)和(端口)。
3.线程的优先级在( 1 )至(10 )之间,数值越大(任务越紧急)。
5. Java语言只允许单继承,指每个类只能有一个(父类)。
6. Java源程序的扩展名是(.java ),经过编译后的程序的扩展名是(.class )。
7. 在一个时间只能由一个线程访问的资源称为(临界资源)。
8. 在多线程系统中,多个线程之间有(同步)和(互斥)两种关系。
二、选择题1. 关于选择结构下列哪个说法正确?()A. if 语句和else 语句必须成对出现B. if 语句可以没有else 语句对应C. switch结构中每个case语句中必须用break语句D. switch结构中必须有default语句2. while循环和do…while循环的区别是:()A .没有区别,这两个结构任何情况下效果一样B. while循环比do…while循环执行效率高C. while 循环是先循环后判断,所以循环体至少被执行一次D . do…while循环是先循环后判断,所以循环体至少被执行一次3.关于for 循环和while 循环的说法哪个正确?()A.while 循环先判断后执行,for 循环先执行后判断。
B.while 循环判断条件一般是程序结果,for 循环的判断条件一般是非程序结果C •两种循环任何时候都不可以替换D. 两种循环结构中都必须有循环体,循环体不能为空4.下列修饰符中与访问控制无关的是()A. private C. protected B.public D.final5. void 的含义:( )A.方法没有返回值B.方法体为空C.没有意义D. 定义方法时必须使用6 .return 语句:( )A .只能让方法返回数值B.方法都必须含有C .方法中可以有多句return D.不能用来返回对象7.关于对象成员占用内存的说法哪个正确?()A•同一个类的对象共用同一段内存B、同一个类的对象使用不同的内存段,但静态成员共享相同的内存空间C •对象的方法不占用内存D.以上都不对8.下列说法哪个正确?A .不需要定义类,就能创建对象B. 对象中必须有属性和方法C. 属性可以是简单变量,也可以是一个对象D. 属性必须是简单变量9.下列说法哪个正确?()A、一个程序可以包含多个源文件B、一个源文件中只能有一个类C、一个源文件中可以有多个公共类D、一个源文件只能供一个程序使用10.关于方法ma in ()的说法哪个正确?(A •方法main ()只能放在公共类中B ma in()的头定义可以根据情况任意更改C • 一个类中可以没有main()方法D .所有对象的创建都必须放在 mai n()方法中11.构造函数何时被调用? ( )A 、创建对象时c 、使用对象的方法时12. 抽象方法: ( )A 、 可以有方法体B 、 可以出现在非抽象类中C 、是没有方法体的方法D 、抽象类中的方法都是抽象方法13.关于继承的说法正确的是: ( )A 、 子类将继承父类所有的属性和方法。
Final Exam Java Programming Language
Final Exam: Java Programming LanguageName: ___________________ Date: April 26, 2022I declare that I have worked independently on this exam, that the work being submitted is my own, and that I have not discussed the questions with other students nor given other students answers to the questions. I understand that I am allowed to discuss course material (notes, readings, group projects, etc.) with other students, but not specifically these questions.Signature: _________________________________Multiple ChoiceIdentify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.___d_ 1. The body of a class must be enclosed in ____.a. asterisks c. forward slashesb. braces d. parentheses____ 2. The System class extends methods from its superclass, the ____ class.a. Array c. Objectb. Exception d. JavaBean____ 3. A string of characters in quotation marks is called a string ____.a. array c. quoteb. literal d. object____ 4. A missing semicolon at the end of a Java statement is an example of a ____ error.a. logic c. syntaxb. semantic d. semantic____ 5. A ____ error is an error that changes the meaning of the code.a. logic c. syntaxb. semantic d. system____ 6. The ____ is a wildcard symbol to tell a program to import all necessary classes from a package.a. asterisk c. periodb. comma d. semicolon____ 7. When a method refers to an instance of an object with a variable, the variable is called a(n) ____.a. data variable c. object variableb. instance variable d. reference variable____ 8. Which of the following methods is called by a reference variable?a. drawImage() c. getImage()b. getDocumentBase() d. setBackground()____ 9. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using Applet Viewer rather than a browser?a. Applet Viewer ignores irrelevant HTML codeb. Applet Viewer does not have to be Java-enabledc. Applet Viewer uses less memory than a browserd. Applet Viewer catches incorrect references to an applet____ 10. Which of the following is not a reference type in Java?a. array c. floatb. BufferedReader d. String____ 11. The ____ class decodes bytes into characters.a. BufferedInputStream c. InputStreamReaderb. BufferedReader d. System.in____ 12. Which of the following is an equality operator?a. != c. >=b. = d. <=____ 13. In the order of operator precedence for numeric expressions, ____ operations are performed first.a. addition and/or subtraction c. modular divisionb. integer division d. multiplication and/or division____ 14. ____ is a class used to display standard dialog boxes.a. Box c. JOptionPaneb. JFrame d. JWindow____ 15. The System class provides a(n) ____ method to terminate an application with a GUI.a. abort() c. quit()b. exit() d. terminate()____ 16. Pressing ____ when a window is active saves an image of the current screen to the Windows Clipboard.a. ALT+CTRL c. ALT+PRINT SCREENb. ALT+INSERT d. ALT+SHIFT____ 17. A listener interface becomes ____ with its event source at compile time.a. buffered c. instantiatedb. defined d. registered____ 18. ____ is a characteristic of a program in which a larger program’s source code is broken down into modules.a. Encapsulation c. Modularityb. Looping d. Repetition____ 19. The ____ statement identifies a block of statements that potentially may throw an exception.a. catch c. throwb. finally d. try____ 20. Which of the following is the logical NOT operator?a. ! c. ||b. != d. &&True/FalseIndicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.____ 21. Java programmers conventionally use underlines to distinguish words in class names.____ 22. During compilation, the compiler adds a new file to the disk containing bytecode and ending with a .java extension.____ 23. Applets can run only within a browser or viewer.____ 24. An applet uses the println() method to display text.____ 25. Java applet images must be GIF files.____ 26. The logic of assigning a value to a variable in Java works from left to right.____ 27. Java will allow the programmer to store a double in a float location, but there may be loss of precision.____ 28. Expressions cannot contain methods.____ 29. Comparing different data types in a conditional expression will result in an error.____ 30. The System.out.println() method cannot concatenate different data types into an argument.____ 31. Swing components are implemented with native code.____ 32. Java provides specific rules about coding conventions.____ 33. When a method is complete, execution always passes back to the next sequential line that follows the call.____ 34. The expression, !(a == a), evaluates to true.____ 35. A method may not be called twice in the same program.____ 36. The values or operands used in a logical expression must be boolean.____ 37. Both operands of a logical expression must be evaluated before the expression can produce a result.____ 38. The default case in a switch statement is required.____ 39. The DecimalFormat class does not include support for scientific notation.____ 40. The switch statement can only accept an integer value as an argument.CompletionComplete each sentence or statement.41. The Date class is part of the ____________________ package.42. ____________________ refers to the amount of storage allocated to hold the fractional part of a number.43. A(n) ____________________ language enforces a set of rules about how you use the objects you create,especially when using different types of data.44. The ____________________ operation forces the conversion of one primitive data type to another.45. A listener interface has methods called _________________________ that specify what will happen when anevent is sent to the listener interface.46. When sending multiple arguments in a method call, the arguments are separated by one or more____________________.47. The expression, (3 > 7) || (1 > 0), evaluates to the value of ____________________.48. Before a catch statement is executed, a program should perform a(n) ____________________ check, whichinvolves testing data to ensure it uses the correct data type.49. The process of repeating (iterating) a certain section of code is referred to as ____________________.50. A(n) ____________________ is used to group together several Checkbox components.。
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Final Exam: Java Programming LanguageName: ___________________ Date: April 26, 2022I declare that I have worked independently on this exam, that the work being submitted is my own, and that I have not discussed the questions with other students nor given other students answers to the questions. I understand that I am allowed to discuss course material (notes, readings, group projects, etc.) with other students, but not specifically these questions.Signature: _________________________________Multiple ChoiceIdentify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.___d_ 1. The body of a class must be enclosed in ____.a. asterisks c. forward slashesb. braces d. parentheses____ 2. The System class extends methods from its superclass, the ____ class.a. Array c. Objectb. Exception d. JavaBean____ 3. A string of characters in quotation marks is called a string ____.a. array c. quoteb. literal d. object____ 4. A missing semicolon at the end of a Java statement is an example of a ____ error.a. logic c. syntaxb. semantic d. semantic____ 5. A ____ error is an error that changes the meaning of the code.a. logic c. syntaxb. semantic d. system____ 6. The ____ is a wildcard symbol to tell a program to import all necessary classes from a package.a. asterisk c. periodb. comma d. semicolon____ 7. When a method refers to an instance of an object with a variable, the variable is called a(n) ____.a. data variable c. object variableb. instance variable d. reference variable____ 8. Which of the following methods is called by a reference variable?a. drawImage() c. getImage()b. getDocumentBase() d. setBackground()____ 9. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using Applet Viewer rather than a browser?a. Applet Viewer ignores irrelevant HTML codeb. Applet Viewer does not have to be Java-enabledc. Applet Viewer uses less memory than a browserd. Applet Viewer catches incorrect references to an applet____ 10. Which of the following is not a reference type in Java?a. array c. floatb. BufferedReader d. String____ 11. The ____ class decodes bytes into characters.a. BufferedInputStream c. InputStreamReaderb. BufferedReader d. System.in____ 12. Which of the following is an equality operator?a. != c. >=b. = d. <=____ 13. In the order of operator precedence for numeric expressions, ____ operations are performed first.a. addition and/or subtraction c. modular divisionb. integer division d. multiplication and/or division____ 14. ____ is a class used to display standard dialog boxes.a. Box c. JOptionPaneb. JFrame d. JWindow____ 15. The System class provides a(n) ____ method to terminate an application with a GUI.a. abort() c. quit()b. exit() d. terminate()____ 16. Pressing ____ when a window is active saves an image of the current screen to the Windows Clipboard.a. ALT+CTRL c. ALT+PRINT SCREENb. ALT+INSERT d. ALT+SHIFT____ 17. A listener interface becomes ____ with its event source at compile time.a. buffered c. instantiatedb. defined d. registered____ 18. ____ is a characteristic of a program in which a larger program’s source code is broken down into modules.a. Encapsulation c. Modularityb. Looping d. Repetition____ 19. The ____ statement identifies a block of statements that potentially may throw an exception.a. catch c. throwb. finally d. try____ 20. Which of the following is the logical NOT operator?a. ! c. ||b. != d. &&True/FalseIndicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.____ 21. Java programmers conventionally use underlines to distinguish words in class names.____ 22. During compilation, the compiler adds a new file to the disk containing bytecode and ending with a .java extension.____ 23. Applets can run only within a browser or viewer.____ 24. An applet uses the println() method to display text.____ 25. Java applet images must be GIF files.____ 26. The logic of assigning a value to a variable in Java works from left to right.____ 27. Java will allow the programmer to store a double in a float location, but there may be loss of precision.____ 28. Expressions cannot contain methods.____ 29. Comparing different data types in a conditional expression will result in an error.____ 30. The System.out.println() method cannot concatenate different data types into an argument.____ 31. Swing components are implemented with native code.____ 32. Java provides specific rules about coding conventions.____ 33. When a method is complete, execution always passes back to the next sequential line that follows the call.____ 34. The expression, !(a == a), evaluates to true.____ 35. A method may not be called twice in the same program.____ 36. The values or operands used in a logical expression must be boolean.____ 37. Both operands of a logical expression must be evaluated before the expression can produce a result.____ 38. The default case in a switch statement is required.____ 39. The DecimalFormat class does not include support for scientific notation.____ 40. The switch statement can only accept an integer value as an argument.CompletionComplete each sentence or statement.41. The Date class is part of the ____________________ package.42. ____________________ refers to the amount of storage allocated to hold the fractional part of a number.43. A(n) ____________________ language enforces a set of rules about how you use the objects you create,especially when using different types of data.44. The ____________________ operation forces the conversion of one primitive data type to another.45. A listener interface has methods called _________________________ that specify what will happen when anevent is sent to the listener interface.46. When sending multiple arguments in a method call, the arguments are separated by one or more____________________.47. The expression, (3 > 7) || (1 > 0), evaluates to the value of ____________________.48. Before a catch statement is executed, a program should perform a(n) ____________________ check, whichinvolves testing data to ensure it uses the correct data type.49. The process of repeating (iterating) a certain section of code is referred to as ____________________.50. A(n) ____________________ is used to group together several Checkbox components.。