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1.Mary is my best friend.She teaches English in a school.
2.David is a manager.Now he is reading the emails in his office・
3・ What about seeing a film tonight?
4. ----- C an I speak to Franco,pj ease? --- .One moment lease •
5・Mary runs to the bu s stop and gets on the bus No.4.
6.T here is no rice left ・We __ decide to get som e from the shop・
7.BeijingLondonThe gym is ope n ・colder __ ,or ?
8. ----- W hat's the matte r? ------- I've g ot a pain in my che st.
9.Theyar e very hap py togethe r. They Io ve each other •
三种时态之1:一般过去时(unit 19 )从你学过的动词中各找出两个规则动词和不规则动词, 写出动词原形和过去式:规则动词:work worked want w anted
不规贝9动词:g£ w ent be gin beg an
写出下面句子的否定句和疑问句:To m went to see his pa rents in t he country .否定句:Tom didn't go to see hi s parents in the cou ntry.疑问句:Did Tom g o to see h is parents in the co untry?三种时态之2:用现在进行时will和be go ing to表示将來
将下面三个句子翻译成汉语:Dave's picking u p the van tomorrow.戴维明天要去接货车。

I'm going to buy him a violin for his bi rthdaty.我打算买一把小提琴给他过生Fl.
I'm t ired. I'll take a ta xi to go t here.我累了,我要坐出租车去那儿.
3: 现在完


例:She h as lost he r wallet.她丢了钱包。


(2) 表示某人的经历例:l、e b een to Bei jing.我曾经到过北京.
三组近义词语的区分:(选择正确答案)prefer;r ent;do;pla y prefer和rather
Would you like to g o to the c in ema?
----- l z dpr efer(rath er, prefer) to go to the theat re.
Rent 和h ire
I'm goi ng torent (rent, hi re ) a fla t.
Play, do , go与运动项目搭配时的区别
I do_(do,play,go) KungFu every Fri day.
He lik es toplay ( do, pla y, go) che ss in his free time.
两个句型的用法:(翻译下面的句子) 他直到10 点才起床.He didn't ge tup until ten o'clo ck.A:这件衬衫太小了.This shirt is t oo small. B:不,我觉得够大了.No (I do n't think so), I fee I it's big enough.
I 'll have a steak, pl
女口何点餐・Could we have the goat's che ese and gr een salad,please?
ease.The seafood pi e for me, please. I' d like fri ed cod, pl ease. 提111 建
议.Shall we go to the theatre to night? Ok. 日积月累:动词st op/begin/s tart/finis h/like/lov
e/consider /think abo ut 等后面用以直接跟动名词作宾语•不规则变化的形容词的比较级和最级:good-b etter-best ;bad-worse -worst;man y/much-mor e-most
T spoke (speak) wit h Max las tn ight.
Chinalla veyou eve rbeen (be ) to?
Iha vealready seen ( se e) the f i 1 m.
翻译下面两句话:1. I have d rving alon g the moto rway when my car bro ke down.我在髙速公路上驱车前行时,车子抛锚了。

2 . Whi lei was having a cup of tea, somco ne stole m y wal let.我在喝茶时有人偷了我的钱包。

“两者之一”、“两者都”和“两者都不”:从either/eitherof-/ eith er...or.... ne讥her/nei th er of •••/ne it her … nor …;both/ bo th of •••/ bo t h***a nd … 中选词填空。

The new web page can beei t her blue o rred.新的网页可以是蓝色的,也可以是红色的
A: Which of the two books do you 1 ik e?两本书你喜欢哪本?
B: Neither ofthem , thanks.两本都不喜欢。

Both the Eiffe land the Corcorde h ave email facilities . Eiffel 和Concorde 酒店都有收发电子邮件设施。

翻译含有h ave/get st h done句型的句子
I have t he car ser viced ever y three mo nths.我每隔三个月计人维护一I、汽车。

lam gett ing the TV repaired tomorrow.明天我得修一下电视。

写出所有的反身代词:单数mysel f , yoursel f, himsel f, he rsel f, itsc If 复数ours elves, your selves, the mselves介词用来描述地理位置(u
nit25, unit 29)、表示移动方向(unit26): the hotel is surroun ded by fie Ids and wo ods. 这家旅店周围是Hl地和树林。

M y home is far from t he cith ce ntre.我家离市屮心很远。

he wa Iks toward s the wind ow.他向窗户走去。

They went clown the road.他们沿着小路走下去。

Bei ji ng is an hour' s dri v e from Tia njing 从北京到天津乘车要一个小时。

Chengdu is northwest of Chongq ing •成都在重庆的西北方向。

1 • Shall we see a movi e tonight?See your 1 ater. (wrong )
(Rig ht)
4. Do you 1 ike your j ob?
5. What a re you goi ng to do t his evenin g?I went t here with some frien ds (wro ng)
6. Hello , Xiaoya n. How was t he party? Hi, Jack ・ Wc had a great time (r ight)
7. Ilowareyo u feeling today? I ,d rath er stay at home, (wrong)
8. Il ow old are you Y es, I am. (wrong)
9. Can I ge t you some thing to d rink? Yes, please. A coca-cola for me (right)
10・ How c an I book a cheap ho tel? If I were you, I , d phonc a travel a gent (right )
11. Are you ready to order?Y es. T' 11 h ave a stea k, pl ease (righ t)
12. Is th ere a bank near here ?Yes> Ther e is one j ust down t he road (wr ong)
America 13. Wh en did he go to —Two years ago. (right)
1 4.… I went to a fashion sh ow last ni ght.What w as it like (wrong )
15. Have you been t o America 、T' ve nc ver bee n the re but T h ope to go there in t he future ・
16 • Have you ever trie dwi ndsurf ing? wrong
ChinaXi' anGuilinl7. Where d id you go in?I went to and w rong
18. Ca n you reme mber the d octor" s te lephone nu mber?Yes. It" s 68256 12 r ight
19. Can I hel p you?Ye s, please. T' d 1 ike t o reserve a room, right
20. How do you like the film?It' s very good. I li ke it. Right
6. Tod ay is busy . Let" s di scuss it §ome ti me next week.
7・A: I’ m s orry to ha ve kept yo u wai ting.B: Oh, not at al 1, I have bcc n here
on ly a few m inutes ・
8. H i s grandfa ther is ve ry heal thy . He nei ther, nor _______ smokes.
9・ A s she was reading ___________ the newspa per, Gra nn y _ fell _ asleep .
10. The bo ok was rat her expens ive, but 1 bought it ©nyw ay .
11. T he buses, 』hich _ were fu 11 of p eople, cou ldn" t go v ery fast ・
1 2. I have no idea wh o stole hi s wallet. It coul d have bee n anv one.
13. Ma ry said sh e had b een to ________ all over the world.
14. Mary" s father is very pleas ed wi th her .
15. Yo 『 d better ha ve your ha ir _cu t bef ore going to your fr iend' s wed ding. 2. what w ould you 1
ike to dri nk, madam?Can lhave a glass o f white wi ne? China3. When did you f i :rst come t o? 10 ye ars ago. (right )
T ' m anurse (wrong )
16.H e stopped watchi ng ____________ T V when th e di nner w as ready.
17. Nice we ather, _i sn‘ t it _______ _______ ?
18. Mike off ered to he lp and so did J oh n.
19・ Mary tol d Little T om not _______ t o spcnt _______ al 1 the money ・
20.A: Ha ve you fin ished your homework?B: \o , I haven,t. ___ ____ .
21. He used to wor k _______ very hard when he was young.
22.He has j ust _________ g one out.
23 . We enjoy §wimmi ng very much, bee ause it is good to o ur health.
24.March t he 8,h is Womcn ' s Da y.
25.A con cert will be held in the schoo 1 hall ______________ Tuesday .
6. Sally is lookin g for a ne w job. She has been bored _w ith_ her job as a s ecretary.
7 . A: a vc you sc c匕my g lasses?B: Yes, I saw them on y our bod a
minute ago .
8. An appl i cat ion fo rm wil 1 be se nt to y ou on r equest •
9・ I was wa tch ing TV whe n _ the tel eph one ran g.
10.They named the island after its disc overer.
11.Could you please tel 1 us what kind of wo rk t ha, you have got experience ?
12.You ca n remember wha t you do if you keep a di ary •
13- This mo rning I ha d my f inge r _ cut_ when I w as prepari ng breakfa st<
14.A: T hank you f or lending me your d ictionary.
B: You" re welcome・ B ut could yougivc i t bacR_to me tomorro w?
15.He is really go od man, t he_ ?
16.m go ing to buy Mary a bi rt hday gif t. Do you have anyt hi ng speci a in min d?
17・My fa ther told me about his tri p to Xin J iang.
18.I' ve always enjoyed _ swimming ・
19.We use d to yi dg bicyc les to go to work・
20. Don,t d isturb h im. He is writing a letter now .
21.A car hit her wh en she was walking _ across, the road.
22. A: Have you typed the letter for me?B: Yes , I have. .
23.We havet se ensuch a beautiful fi lm __for the past『our year—・
24.My p arents hav e ―never been to the Great Wai 1.
China25. Shirley wa s writ,ing 8 book abo utlast y ear but I don' t know whether s he has fin ished il・
6. Tom hel ped her mo ther w ith the cooking.
7 • I was on my way to sch ool when I saw the a ccident.
8・ A: Wh o is at th e door?B:lt must be our new n eighbou^Mrs Jones.
9 ・ It's a long way to get the re. This i s whv we starte d so early •
10.A: I ha verft eate n all day.B: You must be ve ry hungry.
11.I don't want to w atch any thing sad ・
12.1 a m going to rent a flat near the compa ny Km wor king at.
13 • Football is so popu lar that i t is playe d by more than 20 m illion peo pie in mor e than 140 countries ・
14.The boy is wea ring a long baggy T・ shirt.
15.They are friend s of m ine , Pie ase be nic e to them.
Guili nChin al6 .is in the west of.
17.Mr smit h has j ust gone out to mee tan old f riend.
18.He loved playing basketba II when he was you ng ・
19.A: Which on e is yours , Julie? B : The blue one with flowers on it.
20.Sh e went to town last week .
21.Get up ! Mary. To m has al ready cal led you th ree times this morni ng.
22.Some one stole his camera wh ile he is lying on t he beach.
23」dorft know h ow to e xplain it to her.
24」len t him my bike last weekend・
2 5. Ne ither of her broth ers came t o the wedd ing. They don't like her new h unsband. 单选
6. Is the s upermarket _ oq_ t he right o r left?
Scotiand7・ My brother told me about h is trip to ・
8. He is a good fri end of ours •
9・ A : Have you hadyour b reakfast?B: No, I havet ha d it y e匸•
10.I ' m really looking fo rward to hearing from you .
11.Is it difficult to learn to do TaiChi?
1 2. I have to go now. I have to pick u p my son from schoo 1・
13.T am having th e TV r epai red tomorrow・
14-1 had a sandwich before I p layed bask etball, _ but_ I’ m very hungr y now.
15.The hotel is famous fo, it s deliciou s food・
16.The docto r toldMr .Smith that he wou 1 d n , t get bet ter if he did n, t gi ve up sm oki ng.
17.She ordere d the fish , didn' t she ?
18.A: Which jacket do you like?B: Theb lue on e 一over there-
19.This idea hit me when I wo ke up thi s morning.
20.There was n‘ t _ any body in the hou se who n she got hom c.
21.Mr ・ Hi Ito n is not good at music. Nei ther 」s his chil dren.
22.T love trav el ling. I have be en to mo st places in the world.
23- The manager t old all th e empoyees 』ot to be_ late for meetin gs.
24.We built the house ou rselves , Nobody hel ped us.
25.Sorry, I’ m not free this even ing. will havjdinner with Mike・
26.Tim d idn,t stay intheme eting. He left the o ffice.
(用instead of 将两句练成一句)11 e left the office in stead of s taying in the meetin g.
27・ Wher e is the r estaurant?
(用asked 改写成间接疑问句)He asked wher e the rest aurant was .
28. That c in ema i s very nice. The t icke ts are qui te expensi ve>
(用but 连成一句)That ci nema is ve ry nice bu t the tick ets are qu ite expens ive.
Shanghai29・ He' s gone to . He' s ne gotiating a new cont ract.
(用动词不定式连成一句)Ho' s gone to Shanghai t o ncgot iat c a new co ntract・
30.He didn, t run fast .He did n, t catch the bus ・
(用eno ugh …to 连成一句)IIedidn,t run fast enough.
2 6・ I went shopping. I needed a new pair of shoes.
1went sho pping beca use I need ed a new p air of sho es.
27・“Ca n you phon e me later , Susan?” s aid David.David aske d Susan to phone him later.
28. I m a t ea cher and s he is also a teacher . I m a tea cher and so is she.
29. Ilisnei ghborhear d them. Th ey made a noise. His neighborh card them making a n oise. 26.I was too h ot・ I coul dn, t open the window ・ I was too hot but I couldn, t open the window.
27.Although it rained, the visit was a sue cess. In sp ite of rai n, the vis it was sue cess.
28.I ' tall and thin・ My mother is too. 1' m ta 11 and thi n and so i s my mothe r・
29.They are goin g to look a f ter the c at. What ar e they going to look after.
30.He distur bed the bu rglars ・ The burglars were dis tu rbed by him ・
26.lie stole th e laptop. The laptop was stole n by him.
27.Tim did n,t go to work the n ext day. H e cleared up the fla t. He clear ed up the flat in ste ad of going to work ・
28."I ca t find m y notebook ” , she said . She said she couldn ' t find he r notebook •
29.It was a place. He wanted to go. It w as a place his wher e he wante d to go.
30 • Tim has lost his c amera. I h ave lost m y camera・T im has los t his came ra and so have I.
Mary bega n playing the violin when she was only s ix. Her fat her came a cross a re ally old i nstrument at his aun t' s house, and he br ought it b ack home w ith him
31.Mary,s father got the violin from his aunt ・
David: What s happcne d about th e tickets?
Xiaoyan; I "ve got th em. Susan has just g iven them to me. She collected them
on h er way to work this morning. ...................
31.Sus an _ got_ the tick et this mo rning.
32.Debbie has prepar edthehan douts for Xiaoyan.
33 ・ We have to be at t he airport by _6 ________ .
34.David will have a tow hou r meeting with Guy and Rosq •
35.Dav id won,the free for lunch unt i 1 j< 00
T vydale Gue sthouse **** Ba th Tourist Associati on Approve d
Ron and Arm welcom e you to I vydale, wh ere moder n comforts and trad it ional hosp itality me et. .................................................................................
31.The owner of the gu esthouse i s/are on and Ann
32.The guesthous e is ________ n ear t() th e city cen ter.
33.Guests can make tea in the ir room • 34. The gu esthouse i
s _peace ful and qu iet_ •35. People _______ are not a 1 lowed to_ smoke in the guest house. 31-35 题:阅读下列短文,选择
From: Xi aoyanLin@l 63. com
To; Sharon Hol mes2yahoo・ com
Subject : Coming h ome
England!" ve only got 10 days le ft in. Ca n you beli eve I’ ve already be en here fo r a year? T here" s so much to do before I leave! I r eally must buy prese nts for
England31. Xiao van has be en inf or 0 year •
32.Fran co is goin g to _hav e a newte nant_
33.Xi aoyan need s to buy a new su itcase -
34 ・ Xiaoya n going to b e back in Sha n^hai _”arly the e nd of ApriL
Sharon35. X iaoyan is going to s ee to ) alk about what has happened to them

Tim: Hello- Where hav e you been ? You look hot.
Xiaoy an: Yes, 1 am. I’ ve been to th e tennis c lub. I’ ve had a tenn is lesso n.
36.Xi aoyan has had a tenn is lesson. Right
37 . She has had a less o n at t he publ i c tennis courts . Wrong
China38. She ha s played a lot of te nnis in. Wrong
1.he has eaten a sandwich before sh e played・ Right
2.ar y and Tim haven‘ t ea ten yet. Wrong
Xiaoya n,I’ m thou ght you" d like to kn ow what ha s happened to your r eport abou t improving the webs ite.
Last w eek I had a meeting with desig ners ・ I ga ve them a copy of yo u report and T tol d them that we needed to have th e websi te redesigned •
36.David had a meeting with the d esigners y esterday. Right
37・ Dav i d had made th e ico ns la rgcr ・ r i gh t
38・ Th e speed of access ha s been mad e quicker, wrong
Paris39 .David is going to make a prese ntation in. ri ght
40.David woul d like som e help fro m Xiaoyan. right
Last week Polly decided t o give up her job. S he is fed up with it • She find s it
borin g and she wants to c hange her career. He r employer s, 'Lucky Shops” , are
not too b ad・ They g ive her qu ite good b enefits, ...........................
36.Polly has decid ed to ask for a high er salary. W rong
37.S he doesn, t 1 ike her boss. Right
38. Iler frie nds ageed that she s hould resi gn. Righ t
39・ She h as expcrie nee of banking. Wrong
40. She, s worrie d about he r lack of experience ・Right
When I lea ve univers ity in Jul y, I don" t want to g et ajob s traightawa y. r ve wo rked hard for 3 year s, and now I need a long holid ay. I’11 h ave to wor k for the rest of my life, so now is a g ood time t o take a b reak ..............
36 . I want t o get a jo b as soon as possibl e. Wrong ・
37.He h ad already told his mother abo ut the shoes. Right.
38.lie didn" t want his mother to know he wa s worried. Wrong.
39・ He thou ght his sh oes were m uch better than the boy" s Right
40・ Tom w ould goho me to tell his mothe r about wh at had hap pened・ Ri ght

41 . Although it is very enjoyable , the film is too lo ng.尽管电影非常有趣,但是

Sandy42 . is weari ng a long, black, si lk dress.桑迪穿了条黑色的长丝裙。

43.T nee d to be at the airpo rt by 6. 00 o' clock.我得在六点前到达机场。

44.I must have left the camera in a shop .我一定是把相机丢在那家商店里了。

1. Th e accounts , which ar e in a bit of a mess , have to be ready f or next mo nth.

41. We have enough mon ey to impr ove the we bsite.我们有足够的钱改进网站。

42 . Do you ta ke after y our mother or father ?你像你的母亲或父亲吗?
43.I ha ve to move out of my room on F riday beca use Fra neo has got a n other ten ant.我周五得从房子里搬出来,因为佛朗哥又招了一位房客。

44.One of the bigge st sport in g even ts i n the worl d is the 0 1 ympic Gam es。


45.It wo uld be gre at to see you to cat ch up on all our new s.至!J时见了面咱们把这些日子发生的事聊一聊,会多开心啊。

41.1 had the windo ws cleaned yesterday .我昨天叫人来擦了窗户。

42.He used to play baskctbal 1 every Su nday.他过去每周星期日常常去打篮球.
43.They en joyed them selves at the party.他们在聚会上玩得很高兴。

44.She d oesn' t lik e swimming and neith er does he r sister.她不喜欢游泳,她妹妹也是。

45.1' ve been learn ing Englis h for thre e years.我L L经学英语有三年了。

41. He studi es in a un iversity w est of Bei jing.他在北京西面的一所大学读书。

42. He came across an old painti ng at his friend, s h ouse 他在他朋友家里发现了幅旧画。

4 3. She woul d buy a la rge house if she won the lotte ry.如果她中奖的话,她会买一间大房子的。

44.The fl at was in a bit of m ess.公寓房间有点舌L
45.Both of the boy s are good at singin g.两个男孩都很擅长唱歌。
