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分别观察两组患者治疗前,第三天,第六天,第十天J0A评分,McGill 疼痛询问量表评分,VAS评分的变化情况及治疗前后血浆N0的变化,并对患者治疗依从性和PPI积分进行动态图表分析,参照中国中医学会痹证疗效判断标准进行疗效评估,数据处理采用SPSS16.0统计软件。




【英文摘要】:To explore the therapeutical effect of therapeutic effect、symptoms、inflammatory indicators on lumbar intervertebral disc with electro-acupuncture and moxa-grain moxibustion, provide clinical evidence for better treatment program.Methods:eighty lumar intervertebral disc patients were randomly divided into two groups, forty in observation group and the other in control group. In observation group the main acupuncture points were Jiaji, Yanglingquan, Huantiao and Weizhong. The XS-998B electro-acupuncture equipment was used to treat the patients. The frequency of electro-acupuncture was 2Hz-10Hz-100Hz. The points for electro-acupuncture were Huantiao, Jiaji, Ashi point.then combine with moxa-grain moxibustion on Shenshu,Dachangsu,Ashi point.The control group didn’t use moxibustion,the other treatment was the same as the observation group. The patients’ scores of JOA, Micgill, and VAS were observed before treatment, after 3 days,6 days and after treatment respectively. To two groups patients’treatment compliance and PPI use dynamic state comparison analysis.NO was observed before treatment and after treatment respectively. SPSS 16.0 software was performed in the statistical analysis.Result:(1)The two groups both could reduce the
patients’ JOA pain points. The significant difference of the points was found between pretreatment and posttreatment
(P<0.01). The observation group is better than the control group.(2)The two groups both could release the degree of patients’pain.Reduce the scores of VAS. The
electro-acupuncture combine with moxa-grain moxibustion was better than the electro-acupuncture group (P<0.01).(3) The two groups both could reduce the points of NO. The chang of observation group was bigger than the control group
(P<0.01).(4)The two groups both could reduce the patients’MicGill’s points, To the degree of patients’pain reduction and the time of disease improvement, observation group was better (P<0.01).(5)The observation group’s tendency of emotional points (PPI) descent obviously-approximate and patients’treatment compliance ascent obviously. The control group was slower than it.The treatment of observation group was more popular in patients.(6)The total effective rate of the observation group was 94.59% and the control group was 90.91%. The excellence rate of observation group was 40.54% and the control group was 18.18% electro-acupuncture combine with moxa-grain moxibustion group was better on the excellence rate (P<0.05). Conclusion:Electro-acupuncture combine with
moxa-grain moxibustion is an effectual method to treat patients
of lumbar intervertebral disc, and can improve the patients’
clinical symptoms and reduce the secretion of NO. It has the
function to reduce the body’s inflammation and release the pain,
adjust all over the body. The observation group is better than
the control group.
【关键词】腰椎间盘突出症电针治疗麦粒灸治疗 NO
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【英文关键词】Lumbar intervertebral disc
electro-acupuncture therapeutics moxa-grain
moxibustion NO
12-27 1 现代医学文献研究12-14 1.1 腰椎间盘突出症的临床
表现12 1.2 腰椎间盘突出症的发病机制研究12-13 1.3 腰椎
间盘突出症的主要治疗措施13 1.4 腰椎间盘突出症与血浆一氧
化氮之间的联系13-14 2 中医古今文献研究14-27 2.1 中医对
腰突症的症状描述及分类14 2.2 中医对腰突症病因病机的认识
14-16 2.3 针灸治疗腰椎间盘突出症的研究16-23 2.4 电针与
麦粒灸的效应研究23-27第二部分临床研究27-40 1 资料
27-28 1.1 一般资料27 1.2 诊断标准27-28 1.3 病例选择28 2 方法28-30 2.1 病例分组28 2.2 治疗方法
28-29 2.3 观察指标29 2.4 疗效标准29-30 2.5 统计方法30 3 结果30-33 3.1 治疗前后临床症状变化情况
30-32 3.2 治疗前后情感指标变化情况32-33 3.3 两组治疗后临床疗效比较33 4 讨论33-40 4.1 本研究治疗方案基本要素讨论33-36 4.2 两组治疗对腰突症临床症状改变的影响
36-37 4.3 两组治疗对实验研究指标的影响37-38 4.4 两组治疗的临床疗效分析38 4.5 两组治疗效应差异的可能原因分析
38-40结语40-41 1 结论40 2 展望40-41参考文献
