2011托福(TOEFL)考试 托福口语 托福听力 托福阅读 托福写作(4)

我把康老师机经上的摘抄下来了,大家看看:有一部分讲到species breed,然后是一些理论。
倒数第二段提到Darwin 的进化论对这个问题的解释,但是作者的态度是质疑Darwin的解释的,同时提了一个问题反驳他的理论(有题),最后作者提到应该是物种在同类内Breed 比较有题,在同属内就有缺陷。
第二篇、大陆漂移nonscientist注意到AFRICA和australia 大陆的相似,但是一直是个疑问。
德国科学家Wegener 提出了大陆漂移的理论。
当时大家一致认为大陆的运动都是垂直运动,up and down的,但是W认为大陆运动是水平的。
当时提出这个理论在德国是很震撼的,但是很快就set aside了。
这个理论在AFRICA和AUSTRALIA 是很受支持的,然后当时的主流学术期刊是欧洲发行的,欧洲科学家并不受支持(有考题),最后这个理论还是不被大众所接受。

2011年全年TOEFL写作真题汇总目录2011年1月8日 (3)2011年1月22日 (3)2011年1月30日 (4)2011年2月12日 (4)2011年2月20日 (5)2011年2月26日 (6)2011年3月12日 (6)2011年3月20日 (8)2011年3月26日 (8)2011年4月9日 (9)2011年4月23日 (9)2011年5月14日 (10)2011年5月28日 (11)2011年5月29日 (11)2011年6月11日 (12)2011年6月19日 (12)2011年6月25日 (13)2011年7月9日 (14)2011年7月23日 (15)2011年8月13日 (15)2011年8月21日 (16)2011年8月27日 (17)2011年9月18日 (17)2011年9月24日 (18)2011年9月25日 (19)2011年10月16日 (19)2011年10月22日 (20)2011年10月30日 (21)2011年11月12日 (21)2011年11月13日 (22)2011年11月20日 (22)2011年11月26日 (23)2011年12月10日 (24)2011年12月11日 (24)2011年12月18日 (25)2011年1月8日【综合写作】READING:农业的一项规定,可以帮助降低农产品价格,使消费者收益;可以以低廉的价格卖给贫穷国家,帮助他们解决饥饿问题;可以减少农民的失业率;LISTENING:1.每年国家要花大笔钱来支持这项规定,这些钱必定要从税收中来,税收又来自于消费者,所以消费者并没有受到什么实惠;2.富裕的国家向贫穷国家低价出售食品,则贫穷国家自己的农民会失业。
2011年1月22日【综合写作】READING:昆虫的original purpose of proto-wings。

1. 独立作文现在的爹妈养孩子比50年前更容易了。
2. 综合写作说美国的一种动物prairie dogs该不该保护。
(图片里面出现的是一种像松鼠之类的东西,不过这个不重要,呵呵) 阅读说不该保护因为1. 他们和人们养的牛啊羊这些牲畜都吃草,他们把草吃光了,牛羊就没啥吃了。
2. 他们身上有一种dangerous disease 会危害人类。
3. 他们不应该收到保护,那些处在食物链顶端的动物才应该被保护(the top of food chain)而且他们对于生态系统也没啥大影响。
听力,教授说你这不在那扯呢么,到底学没学过生物啊1. 现在谁还那样养牛养羊,牛羊都改吃饲料了,也不随便跑了,都待在相对固定的地方了,所以根本谈不上竞争草的问题。
2. 那种在prairie dog 身上的disease 不会在人身上存活(live),所以这种担心是多余的。
3. 虽然这种动物处不在食物链的顶层,但对其他动物的影响是很大的,比如说以他们为食的那些动物,如果他们减少了,那么那些动肯定也受影响。
阅读1 其实这个不是第一题,但是这个我记得最清,所以先说了。
2. 讲的好像是美国一个峡谷的形成,原谅我这篇里有好多地质学科的名词,偏偏我又对地址的名词不感冒,所以不精确,但大意应该差不多。

2011托福考试(TOEFL)托福写作全攻略(1)TOEFL写作高手心得:写作27完全攻略考托者应记住的几条公理1,托福作文就是新八股文2,托福作文只要练好了人人可以拿27+3,托福作文得高分不意味着你英语水平有多高4,提高英语水平靠多听多读多背多说多写多练多译首先让我们全面剖析新托福作文:(以下要求均为我自己的理解,非官方版本,官方要求请参照OG)integrated writing/综合写作:要求考生在3分钟内读一篇文章,然后听一个lecture,在20分钟内根据文章和lecture内容写一篇250字左右文章比较两者的观点。
)综合写作的八股在于:第一段指出reading passage和lecture内容是对立的;第二、三、四段从三个方面/点来说明他们的内容是怎样对立的;第五段总结一下他们之间确实是对立关系。
independent writing/独立写作:给定一个题目,要求考生在30分钟内写出400字左右的文章,要求逻辑清晰,论述有力,无明显的语法和词法错误。
2,20分钟!开玩笑,怎么凑到300字?当然要用模板!3,阅读听力我都不怕,就怕作文,写三句话错两句,我怎么得26+?当然还是用模板,既然是模板就意味着是你精挑细选的句子,保证了写作的质量!提醒:1,模板要富于变化,一篇只能用5句那你就要准备10句!2,模板不能一味照搬别人的,避免重复!3,保证模板里的句子没有语法和用词错误!一般来说,大家把一下几个句子稍微变形,即完成了综合写作第一步1.The lecturediscusses…which differs from the main idea in the reading that…(用于第一段)2.The professormade the point that…The reading,in contrast,held a different view。

2011年10⽉22⽇托福考试真题回忆版本⼀ 听⼒ 听⼒⼀ : 41(23)(13)2,434211,24(12)3(23)4 听⼒⼆:43212 ,23(24)144 ,4314(23)2 第⼀篇说的是⼀个男同学被⼥教授叫到办公室,说他paper的素材有问题,同学的素材是征服者威廉,应该多加⼀些别的材料,解释原因的时候⽀⽀吾吾地说,学⽣有点蒙,说他参考的资料很权威还是怎么(可能有偏差)因为那本书是根据⼤多数亲历那场战争的幸存者叙述纪录⽽来的,结结巴巴(这使我感到很好笑)教授结结巴巴地说,学⽣⽆奈⼜不知道说啥,最后终于解释明⽩:原来编这书的⼈好像是⼀个William Bishop他是征服者威廉的兄弟,再说胜者为王败者为寇,很难说清到底历史是不是真是那样。
(就记了这些,还有可能错,再次请见谅!) 第三篇考古学说的是古⼈类迁徙与定居的事,在20000年前怎么着,⼜在11500年前再次定居下来,然后说找到了不少考古证据,教授说什么⽓候影响⼈们是否迁徙还是定居,在西地中海地区,然后⼜说他们的古代建筑带floor,是⽤来储存grain 的,记不清了,最后⼜⼗分猥琐地提及这些房⼦是由⽯头建的,⽯头从哪来呢?从离建筑很远的地⽅。
阅读 阅读⼀ 32341,13441,224(135) 阅读⼆ 22132,2(24)142,131(456) 阅读三 34311,41433,212(234) 阅⼀:测地球年龄的,⽤⼀个理论叫actualism,但是它有缺陷。

2011年新托福考试大陆区独立作文题库2011年1月8日In the past people ate food that was better for their health than people today.2011年1月15日Some people think university professors should spend more time doing research while others think they should spend more time educating students. What is your view?2011年1月22日In order to celebrate important events such as graduation or a special birthday, some of them prefer to a large party, while some others prefer a small party with only a few close friends and family members. What is your choice?2011年1月30日Since the society is developing fast, do you agree that people now are less happy or less satisfied with their lives than people in the past?2011年2月12日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?In the busy and crowded world, we should not expect people to be polite to others.2011年2月20日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People who move out of their native village or town are happier and more successful than those who stay in native village or town for all their life.2011年2月26日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Young people have no influence the decisions that determine the future of the society as a whole.2011年3月12日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People should buy things made by their own country, even if things of other countries may cost less.2011年3月13日Should children only play and study without doing any housework.2011年3月20日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People today would be happier if they had fewer possessions.2011年3月26日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Young people should try several different jobs before they decide which job or career they will do in the long term.It is more important for government to spend money to build art museums and music performance center than to build recreational facilities such as swimming pool and playgrounds.2011年4月23日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time. 2011年5月14日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?In the past, it was easier for people to identify what types of career or job would lead to a secure, successful future.2011年5月28日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The way of a person’s dress is an indication of his or her personality or character.2011年5月29日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It was easier to succeed in the past than it is today.2011年6月11日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Although many people in many countries care about environmental problems such as pollution and global warming, the environment will not be better in the future.2011年6月19日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?All high school students should have basic economics class.2011年6月25日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Movies and televisions should always show audience good people are being rewarded and bad people are being punished.2011年7月9日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People should take time to relax with hobbies or physical activities that are very different from what they do at work.2011年7月23日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?When teachers assign projects on which students must work together, students will learn much more effectively than ask them to do alone.The personal and work-related challenges we face now are different from those our parents and grandparents faced when they were young.2011年8月21日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?For successful development of a country, a government should focus its budget more on very young children education rather than on universities.2011年8月27日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People who develop many different skills are more successful than people who focus on one skill only. 2011年8月28日It is only worth watching movies that can teach us something about real life, agree or disagree?2011年9月18日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The rapid growth of cities has a mostly positive impact on the development of the society.2011年9月24日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Children education is a more difficult task than before due to the cell phone, internet connection and social interaction.2011年9月25日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is much easier for parents to raise children nowadays than it was 50 years ago.2011年10月16日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Young people in today are less dependent on their parents than in the past.2011年10月20日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Printed books have greater effects on society than television has.2011年10月22日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Famous entertainers and athletes deserve more privacy than they have now.2011年10月27日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most business people are motivated only by the desire of money.The most important characteristic of a good political or business leader is an ability to accept the responsibility of the mistakes.2011年11月12日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Improving schools is the most important factor for the successful development of a country.2011年11月13日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?One can learn a lot about a person from the types of friends the person has.2011年11月20日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The most important characteristic of a successful politician or leader is good communication skill.2011年11月26日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is better to work at home by using one’s own c omputer and telephone than to do the same work in the company’s office.2011年12月10日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The best way to improve the quality of education in a country is to increase the teachers' salaries.2011年12月11日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Improving schools is the most important factor for the successful development of a country.2011年12月18日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is more important for the government to spend money on building new houses than preserving the historic or traditional buildings and homes.。

真题讲解2011年01月08日新托福口语考试真题Directions: The following Speaking section of the test will last approximately 20 minutes. To complete it, you will need a recording device that you can play back to listen to your response.During the test, you will answer 6 speaking questions. Two of the questions ask about familiar topics. Four questions ask you about short conversations, lectures, and reading passages. You may take notes as you listen to the conversations and lectures. The questions and the reading passages are printed in this test book. The time you will have to prepare your response and to speak is printed below each question. You should answer all of the questions as completely as possible in the time allowed. The preparation time begins immediately after you hear the question. On the actual exam, you will be told when to begin to prepare and when to begin speaking.At the end of each Practice Test you’ll find scripts for the audio tracks, directions for listening to sample spoken responses.TOEFL iBT Test -- Case ExampleQuestions1.You will now be asked a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak.Audio Track - MP3Among action, romantic and science movies, which do you dislikemost? Explain why.Preparation Time: 15 SecondsResponse Time: 45 Seconds2.You will now be asked a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak.Audio Track - MP3Some believes that students should have work experience such asdoing a part-time job before attending college. Do you agree ordisagree?Preparation Time: 15 SecondsResponse Time: 45 Seconds3.You will now read a short passage about a campus situation and then listen to atalk on the same topic. You will then answer a question using information from both the reading passage and the talk. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.Read the proposal about the expansion of class interval.You will have 45 seconds to read the proposal. Begin reading now.Reading Time: 45 SecondsA Proposal for the Interval ExpansionThe class interval at Selmo University has long been criticized for being too short. A student writes a proposal to suggest the University extending the break between classes from the current 10 minutes to 20 minutes. So most students are able to get to their class building on time, because some classes are far away from each other, and10 minute break is not enough to travel on campus. The message also suggests that longer break allows students the time they need to ask professors’ questions.Now listen to two students as they discuss the proposalThe man expresses his opinion of the proposal for the interval expansion. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.Preparation Time: 30 SecondsResponse Time: 60 Seconds4.In this question you will read a short passage on an academic subject and thenlisten to a talk on the same topic. You will then answer a question using information from both the reading passage and the talk. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.Now read the passage about stimulus discrimination. You have 45 seconds to read the passage. Begin reading now.Reading Time: 45 SecondsStimulus DiscriminationStimulus discrimination refers to the ability of animals to differentiate between similar stimuli. This trait was described by the scientist Ivan Pavlov, who discovered that he could create links between behaviors and stimuli. By ringing a bell before he gave a dog food, he could make the dog salivate just by ringing the bell. But he also discovered that animals don’t respond to stimuli if there are no rewards, even though they are similar. The same dog would not respond to a bell that was louder or softer than the original bell if it didn’t provide food.Today we know that animals use their ability to discriminate between stimuli all the time, sometimes to find their pack, other times to escape predators. All animals transmit information through sound and knowing how to distinguish friendly soundsfrom unfriendly ones can mean life or death in the wild.Now listen to a lecture on this topic in a zoology class.Using information from the lecture and the reading, explain stimulus discrimination and how fur seals use it to avoid danger.Preparation Time: 30 SecondsResponse Time: 60 Seconds5.In this question, will now listen to a conversation. You will then be asked to talkabout the information in the conversation and to give your opinion about the ideas presented. After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.Briefly summarize the problem and two possible solutions. Then state which solution you recommend and explain why.Preparation Time: 20 SecondsResponse Time: 60 Seconds6.In this question, you will now listen to part of a lecture. You will then be askedto summarize important information from the lecture. After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.Now listen to part of a talk in a business class.Using examples and points in the lecture, describe the two drawbacks of comparative advertising.Preparation Time: 20 SecondsResponse Time: 60 SecondsStop. This is the end of the Speaking section of TOEFL iBT TestSolution1. Independent Speaking TaskTask 1 - Personal PreferenceDirection: In this question, you will be told when to begin to prepare your response and when to begin speaking. After the question is read, a “Preparation Time”clock will appear below the question and begin to count down from 15 seconds (00:00:15). At the end of 15 seconds you will hear a short beep. After the beep, the clock will change to read “Response Time”and will begin to count down from 45 seconds (00:00:45). When the response time has ended, recording will stop and a new screen will appear alerting you that the response time has ended. (文字来源:托福官方指南第三版p167)本题难点:1)思路2)看笔记复述答案本题考点:1)答题逻辑清晰、有理有据2)无明显语法错误,如:She/He 混用,“单三”没有“s”,时态不统一3)发音清晰移动Among action, romantic and science movies, which do you dislikemost? Explain why.Preparation Time: 15 SecondsResponse Time: 45 Seconds- 解题秘籍1、准确把握问题意图Among action, romantic and science movies, which do you dislike most? Explain why.(注:本题要求找出“你不喜欢的电影类型“,并给出理由。

一个好像是土地不够自给自足的经济搞不下去了,但是为了满足人口的增长就只能以牺牲环境作为代价了,然后又讲climate 不好了balabala,最后一段说有的地方虽然没有上面两个问题,但是战争。
说有些地方自己没粮了就进口,然后他们的问题就转嫁到了进口国身上,然后引起了摩擦……第二篇是讲 the history of the physical geography (应该是)。
就讲啊,以前发展挺好的,有个人在埃及,虽然哪儿也没去过,但是就通过观察角度 of sunspot(有题,问观察的是什么)居然就推测出地球是圆的(有题,好像是排异,问哪个不能推测出,我选的是地球是flat 的,其他选项还有什么说他地图很牛什么的),而且更可怕的是,他居然能推测出地球上有不同的温度带,靠近赤道的地方热,在两极的地方很冷。
然后就说欧洲后来在这方面就萎了,因为进入了Dark Age, 然后这个时候波斯和China 在这方面进步很快,但是这些进步没能传到欧洲。
(有题,问这一段回答了什么问题,有选项说解释了欧洲萎掉的原因,有选项说波斯和中国很牛B的原因,记不清了……)再然后就说,后来就revive 了(有词汇题,revive = start , recover , 还是其他),说这个时候哥伦布什么的又重新掀起Physical geography 发展,特别提到一个人,说这个人很牛啊,写了30本书(有个句子插入题),然后他观察了岸边的洋流,发现chill 边上这洋流是从南极洲来的(有个句子改写题在这里。
下一段讲虽然方法很好,但是有局限性,原因有四,一、二、三、四最后又讲了个什么……忘了听力:第一个section:说这个男学生去BOOKSTORE买书,结果木有啊,(女服务员查的时候男的就说他要用什么方法,说advisor 建议,然后combine 比较好,有题),然后男囧,说咋能没有啊,老师不是把书单给你们了吗(mainly about 题问男的来干嘛,有选项是说来看看老师书单到了没,应该是错的),然后店员说,我们换New policy了,男惑,为嘛啊这是,女的就说,啊,我们竞争不过Online 的价格,然后只能换了,以前老师的书单来了我们就进货,现在不了,然后女的一段(有题,问女的态度,A觉得书店能像以前一样好,B从长远看不利于书店的利益,D觉得书店这样做理由很充分)。

2011年新托福考试写作预测(四)07.10.27CNDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? Observing and studying animals’ behavior are useful for knowing more about humans.07.11.09NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement? The car has a greater influence on our society than the airplane has.07.11.11CNDo you agree or disagree Most of the advertisements make products appear better than they really are.07.12.08CNDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising is a waste of time and money because customers already know what they want.08.08.08NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement? All university students should take basic science courses, regardless of their field of concentration.08.08.23NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement? A serious and strict teacher is more effective than a teacher who is humorous and easygoing.2008.10.17NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement? People benefit more from travelling in their own country than travelling in a foreign country.08.11.09CNDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and televisions have more negative effects than positive effects on young people’s behavior.08.11.22NA (TPO18已收录,不会再考)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students are more influenced by teachers than by their friends.08.11.30CNDo you agree with the following statement? Those who don't need to work because they have enough money barely feel happy.08.12.07NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement: Spending time alone is the best way to relieve stress.09.03.21NA(10年10月9日大陆已考)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To remain happy and optimistic when you fail is more important than achieving success.09.03.27NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should not show their social or political views in the classroom.。

2011托福写作机经(优秀范文五篇)第一篇:2011托福写作机经2009年1月23日北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Young people should take several different kinds of jobs before they decide which career to take in the long term.2009年2月14日北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?In order to become well-informed, one has to get information from different news resources.2009年2月27日北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A job with more vacation time is better than a job with high salary but less vacation time.2009年2月28日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Teachers should be paid at least as much as doctors, lawyers or business leaders are paid.2009年3月28日(2009年3月27日北美)Do you agree or disagree with the statement?Teachers should make their political or social views known in the classroom.(Teachers should not show their political or social views known in the classroom.)04.03 北美The best way to improve the quality of education is to increase teachers' salaries.2009年6月27日For future career success, is relating well to other people more important than studying hard at school?2009年08月22日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is more important to working quickly and risking making mistakes than to work slowly and making sure everything is09.11 北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Only movies can teach us something about real life worth watching.2009年09月12日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Some people think children should study and play, other people think children should help with household chores.09.19 北美Do you agree or disagree that with the following statement?It's more important for the government to spend money to build art museums and music performance center than to build recreational facilities(such as swimming pool, playground) 2009年10月10日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is easier to succeed nowadays than in the past.10.10 北美现在人多,到处busy and crowed,没必希望别人将礼貌.10.17 北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and televisions should always show audience good people are being rewarded and bad people are being punished.2009年10月24日(2009年10月24日北美)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?One of the best ways for parents to help their teenage children prepare for adult life is to encourage them to take the part-time job.10.31 北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is often not a good thing to move to a new city or a new country because of the lose of old friends2009年11月07日北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? For successfuldevelopment of a country, should a government focus itsbudget more on very young children education rather than on universities?2009年11月14日(完全重复08年3月29日的北美考题)Agree or disagree: it is more important to have the rules about the types of clothing that people are allowed to work and school.2009年11月21日北美(重复08-10-17 / 09-11-20北美考题)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People benefit more from travelling in their own country than travelling in a foreign country.11.21 北美Whether parents should give money to praise their child for high marks, you agree or disagree that parents should give school-age children money for get a high mark(grade)they get in the school.第二篇:2009新托福写作机经2009年新托福写作机经ps: 红色的部分是重复以往的,黄色部分是在中国考试的题目,剩余部分是在北美考试的题目。

考试日期:2011.02.20 Task 1INTEGRAED讨论一种在北美沙漠出现的叫“Reglythp”的东西出现的原因,在岩石上画了个图,棕色背景的圆圈里加一竖,像个音符。
阅读材料观点:1. 早期西班牙淘金者用来记录路线的记号;2. Native American捕鸟用的;3. 美国天文学家用来观察天文现象的;听力材料对其进行了反驳:1. 美国的一些建筑上也有类似图案,而且比西班牙早几百年;2. 美国土著徒手抓鸟,不用工具,而且就抓那些还不会飞的小鸟;3. 如果是用于天文观测的,那些圆中的line应该是方向一致的,可遗迹上的方向不一致。
话题类别:社会类考题文字:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People who move out of their native village or town are happier and more successful than those who stay in native village or town for all their life.2011年2月26日TOEFL写作真题回忆:综合写作1960s,俄罗斯潜艇发现奇怪的噪声“quacker”。
1,可能是一种叫做Orca whale的鲸鱼,说这鲸鱼通过叫声来寻求配偶,他们的叫声可能正好在声纳探测范围内。
2.说还有可能是另一种giant squid的声音,giant squid特别柔软而且很大,没有骨头,而且intelligence很发达,可能对潜艇感兴趣。
教授质疑说潜艇记录表示声音只在1960s~1980s 出现过,后来突然就消失了。
2011托福(TOEFL)考试 托福口语 托福听力 托福阅读 托福写作(8)

2011托福(TOEFL)考试托福口语托福听力托福阅读托福写作(8)2011年托福考试(TOEFL)经常考的词组小结(1)托福考试常考词组小结abundant—plentiful 丰富的-丰富的accelerate—increase 加速-增加编辑推荐accessible—reachable 可到达的-可到达的accordingly—for that reason因此-因此account for—explain说明accumulate—collect积聚-收集acute—intense急性的-剧烈的adhere—stick粘附-粘附adjunct—addition辅助-附加adorn—decorate装饰--装饰adverse—negative相反的-负面的advocate—proponent提倡者-支持者aesthetical—artistic审美的-艺术的astound—surprise令人极为惊讶的-令人惊讶attachment (to)—preference (for)喜爱-喜爱attain—achieve获得-获得attendant—accompanying伴随的-伴随的attire—clothing衣服-衣服attribute—characteristic特征aviation—navigation航空-航空barren—infertile贫瘠的-贫瘠的bias—prejudice偏见-偏见bizarre—odd-奇异的-奇怪的boost—raise促进-提高bound—limit限制-限制break (with)—departure (from)与…相分离-与…相分离bring about—cause导致-导致calculate—determine计划-决定carry—support支撑-支撑cast off—get rid of丢弃-抛弃cease—stop终止-停止celestial—astronomical天上的-天文的chance—unplanned偶然的-未计划的characterized—distinguished具有特色的-杰出的classify—categorize分类-分类coarse—rough 粗糙-粗糙cohesion—unity凝聚-结合,统一coin—create创造,杜撰-创造collectively—together共同的-一起comparably—similarly类似-同样地compile—put together收集-收集compose—create创作-创作,创造comprise—consist of 由…组成-由…组成conceal—hide 隐藏-隐藏concentrate—cluster集中-集中conclusive—definitive最后的,结论性的-最后的,确定性的concomitant with—in conjunction with与…相一致-与…相一致condone—mercy宽恕-宽恕confined—limited被限制的-限制的conflict—opposition冲突-相反conjectural—based on guessing 推测的-给予猜测的consciously—on purpose 有意识地-有目的地conserve—retain保存-保存considerable—great(数量、程度)巨大的-巨大的considerable—much大量的-大量的,坚实的considerable—substantial 大量的-大量的,坚实的consort—associate合伙人,伴侣-合伙人,伙伴2011年托福考试(TOEFL)经常考的词组小结(2) 托福考试常考词组conspicuous—noticeable明显的-明显的constituent—component组成部分-成分constitute—make up构成-构成consult—counsel商量-商量consumption—eating消费-吃contemporary—existing 当代的-现存的counteract—negate 抵消-取消,否定counterpart—version副本-版本crucial—essential重要的,关键的-重要的,基本的cumbersome—burdensome麻烦的-麻烦的customary—usual习俗的-一般的dampen—moisten使潮湿-使潮湿daring—bold大胆的-大胆的deft—skilled灵巧的-熟练的deliberate—careful深思熟虑的-小心的demand—order要求-命令demonstrate—show 证明-显示dense—thick 密集的-稠密的depress—lower降低-降低depressed—saddened沮丧的-悲伤的,沮丧的derive—obtain取得,获得-获得detect—discover the presence of 发现-发现…的存在detectable—measurable可察觉的,可测出的-可测量的detectable—sizable可察觉的,可测出的-巨大的devastate—ruin损坏-毁灭devote—dedicate投身-致力dictate—determine规定-确定diffuse—travel扩散-传播dirt—soil土壤-土壤disaster—catastrophe灾祸-大灾祸提高2011年托福考试听力的三种超能力从老托到新托的改革,最大的变化就是凸显了听说的重要性。

2011年托福独立作文题(重新整理1月到12月全)第一篇:2011年托福独立作文题(重新整理1月到12月全) 2011年新托福考试大陆区独立作文题库2011年1月8日In the past people ate food that was better for their health than people today.2011年1月15日Some people think university professors should spend more time doing research while others think they should spend more time educating students.What is your view?2011年1月22日In order to celebrate important events such as graduation or a special birthday, some of them prefer to a large party, while some others prefer a small party with only a few close friends and family members.What is your choice?2011年1月30日Since the society is developing fast, do you agree that people now are less happy or less satisfied with their lives than people in the past?2011年2月12日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In the busy and crowded world, we should not expect people to be polite to others.2011年2月20日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People who move out of their native village or town are happier and more successful than those who stay in native village or town for all their life.2011年2月26日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people have no influence the decisions that determine the future of the society as a whole.2011年3月12日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should buy things made by their own country, even if things of other countries may cost less.2011年3月13日Should children only play and study without doing any housework.2011年3月20日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People today would be happier if they had fewer possessions.2011年3月26日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people should try several different jobs before they decide which job or career they will do in the long term.2011年4月9日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for government to spend money to build art museums and music performance center than to build recreational facilities such as swimming pool and playgrounds.2011年4月23日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.2011年5月14日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In the past, it was easier for people to identify what types of career or job would lead to a secure, successful future.2011年5月28日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The wa y of a person’s dress is an indication of his or her personality or character.2011年5月29日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It was easier to succeed in the past than it is today.2011年6月11日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Although many people in many countries care aboutenvironmental problems such as pollution and global warming, the environment will not be better in the future.2011年6月19日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All high school students should have basic economics class.2011年6月25日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and televisions should always show audience good people are being rewarded and bad people are being punished.2011年7月9日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should take time to relax with hobbies or physical activities that are very different from what they do at work.2011年7月23日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? When teachers assign projects on which students must work together, students will learn much more effectively than ask them to do alone.2011年8月13日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The personal and work-related challenges we face now are different from those our parents and grandparents faced when they were young.2011年8月21日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? For successful development of a country, a government should focus its budget more on very young children education rather than on universities.2011年8月27日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People who develop many different skills are more successful than people who focus on one skill only.2011年8月28日It is only worth watching movies that can teach us somethingabout real life, agree or disagree?2011年9月18日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The rapid growth of cities has a mostly positive impact on the development of the society.2011年9月24日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children education is a more difficult task than before due to the cell phone, internet connection and social interaction.2011年9月25日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is much easier for parents to raise children nowadays than it was 50 years ago.2011年10月16日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people in today are less dependent on their parents than in the past.2011年10月20日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Printed books have greater effects on society than television has.2011年10月22日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Famous entertainers and athletes deserve more privacy than they have now.2011年10月27日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most business people are motivated only by the desire of money.2011年10月30日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important characteristic of a good political or business leader is an ability to accept the responsibility of the mistakes.2011年11月12日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Improving schools is the most important factor for the successfuldevelopment of a country.2011年11月13日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One can learn a lot about a person from the types of friends the person has.2011年11月20日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important characteristic of a successful politician or leader is good communication skill.2011年11月26日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to work at home by using one’s own computer and telephone than to do the same work in the company’s office.2011年12月10日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to improve the quality of education in a country is to increase the teachers' salaries.2011年12月11日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Improving schools is the most important factor for the successful development of a country.2011年12月18日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for the government to spend money on building new houses than preserving the historic or traditional buildings and homes.第二篇:托福独立写作常用词汇词组总(超全)独立写作七类核心词汇总结一、媒体类比背词汇paparazzi 狗仔队mass media 大众媒体entertainment 娱乐 journalism 新闻业 journal 期刊the latest news 最新消息exclusive news 独家新闻news agency 新闻社 news block out 新闻封锁 news censorship 新闻是审查 freedom of the press 新闻自由 coverage 新闻报道do reportage on … 报道… hit the headlines 上头条 issue 出版,发行 newsstand 报摊free-lancer writer 自由撰稿人 chief editor 总编 editorial 社论newsworthy 值得报道的 barometer 晴雨表the barometer of public opinion 舆论的晴雨表 live broadcast 直播quiz show 智力竞赛节目 game show 游戏节目 variety show 综合节目 talk show 脱口秀 sitcom 情景喜剧 soap opera 肥皂剧 movie star 电影明星movie king 影帝movie queen 影后affair 绯闻celebrity 名人 fame 名声rise to fame 声名鹊起 fan 热心追求者invade one’s privacy 侵扰了…的隐私misleading 误导性的cheating 欺骗性的 popularity 知名度 scandal 丑闻sensational 轰动的prevalent 普遍的,流行的 imperative 重要的,必要的 audience ratings 收视率 propaganda 宣传be abducted by 受…诱导purify one’s soul 净化心灵live in a virtual world 生活在一个虚拟世界中be a great comfort to somebody 对…来说是一个巨大安慰meet different tastes 满足不同口味provide somebody with something 给…提供… follow the fashion blindly 盲目追求时尚 commit crimes 犯罪be inconceivable to somebody 对…来说是难以想象的impressive 给人印象深刻的 right to know 知情权in the disguise of… 打着…的幌子endanger social stability and safety 危害社会稳定和安全information era 信息时代keep one informed about something 是某人了解… audience/viewers 观众have unhealthy and harmful effects on… 对…有不良影响information-explosion society 信息爆炸的社会 influential 有影响的revolutionize the way we acquire information 彻底改变我们获取信息的方式 blessing 福 curse 祸various thrilling programs 各种各样激动人心的节目poor-quality programs 低质量节目ever-accelerated 不断发展的exaggerate 夸张enjoyable 令人享受的 fashionable 时尚的electromagnetic radiation 电磁辐射 psychological illnesses 心理疾病 isolated 孤僻的unimaginative 缺乏想象力的 unsociable 不好社交的deprive somebody of one’s imagination and creativity 使…失去想象力和创造力jeopardize one’s health 危害健康be exposed to … 了解到…,接触到…find its way into every family 进入千家万户 global village 地球村be in dulged in … 沉溺于…be addicted to… 对…上瘾be fascinated by … 被…所吸引be dependent on… 依赖…second-hand information 二手信息 go astray 误入歧途embark on the criminal road 走上犯罪道路 irresistible 无法抵制的 hallmark 标志create topics of discussion 制造交谈话题 critical thinking 批判性思维powerful means of communication 有力的交流工具main cause 主因tempting 有诱惑力的 reliable 可靠的family attachment 家庭归属感 mutual understanding 相互了解alienation of affection 感情疏远be sick of … 对…厌倦generation gap 代沟exchanges of feelings 感情交流 emotional bond 感情纽带strengthen family ties 加强家庭纽带关系be detached from reality 与现实隔绝 distinguish right from wrong 明辨是非 edifying有教育意义的 couch potato 电视迷be harmful to… 对…有害 imitate 模仿inexpressible 难以形容的physical and mental healthy 身心健康stimulate one’s imagination and creativity 激发某人的想象力和创造力 unwholesome lifestyle 不健康的生活方式 a great deal of information 大量的信息二、工作类必背词汇ambitious 雄心壮志的,野心勃勃的 adaptability 适应性adapt oneself to… 使自己… prosperity 繁荣be disadvantageous to … 对…不利 flow of personnel 人才流动mechanism of personnel flow 人才流动机制survival of the fittest 适者生存 a sense of accomplishment 成就感potentiality 潜能learn to cooperate and compromise 学习合作和妥协be deeply impressed with… 对…印象很深 company philosophy 企业文化 flexibility灵活性competitive 竞争激烈的 arena 舞台team–work spirit 团队合作精神 treasure opportunity 珍惜机会a fat salary 收入颇丰a harmonious interpersonal relationship 和谐的人际关系a sense of responsibility 责任感 material gains 物质待遇promising future 光明的前途 bright prospect 光明的前景a challenging job 一份具有挑战性的工作 turning point 转折点be closely related to… 与…息息相关get advanced in the society 出人头地 a decent job 一份体面的工作 a chance of promotion 升迁机会stability and satisfaction 稳定感和满足感keep skills fresh and up-to-date 使技能可以不断更新 expand one’s horizon 开阔视野balance work and life平衡工作和生活 from-nine-to-five 朝九晚五一族shoulder/undertake one’s resp onsibility 承担自己的责任upgrade oneself 提升自我a well-paid job 高收入工作creative work创造性工作stand up to / meet the challenge 迎接挑战 realize the value of life 实现人生价值enrich one’s social experience 丰富一个人的社会阅历cultivate one’s independence and toughness 培养自己的独立性和坚韧性 seek for personal development 追求个人发展 display one’s talent 展示才能a sense of self-fulfillment 自我实现感 a promotion opportunity 提升机会meet one’s personalized needs 满足某个人个性化需求 define one’s role 确定自己的角色social recognition 社会认可accumulate experience 获取经验 inspiring 鼓舞人心的 motivation 动机workaholic 工作狂working environment 工作环境 work overtime 加班improve one’s capabilities 提高某人能力develop one’s talents 培养才智 ideal workplace 理想工作场所master interpersonal skills 掌握人际交往技能三、社会类必背词汇 urbanization 城市化 centralization 集中化imbalance 不平衡in the long run 从长远角度而言infrastructure 基础设施booming 繁荣发展的tertiary industry 第三产业tranquility 宁静revenue 税收commercialization 商业化traffic congestion 交通拥挤water scarcity 水短缺the environmental pollution 环境污染over-industrialization 过度工业化over-crowdedness 过度拥挤unemployment 失业wealth distribution 财富分配social instability 社会动荡urban construction 城市建设population explosion 人口激增a rising crime rate 犯罪率上升drain of energy and resources 能源和资源消耗offer more job opportunities 提供更多的就业机会a rapid pace of life 快节奏生活stress-related illnesses 与压力有关的疾病high cost of living 高额生活费用pastoral life 田园生活class polarization 阶级两极分化social welfare 社会福利give special care to… 给予…特殊关照urban sprawl 城市扩张convenient transportation means 便捷的交通工具better medical services 更好的医疗服务pressure of modern life in city 城市生活压力be vulnerable to… 易于患上…melting pot 熔炉on the brink of… 处于…边缘pollutant 污染性物质waste disposal 废物处理put the blame on… 归咎于…be attributable to…归因于…ways of consumption 消费方式suffer heavy losses 遭受重大损失citizen 居民be confronted with… 面临着…breed crimes 滋生犯罪vicious cycle 恶性循环a feasible measure 一种可行的措施give priority to… 优先考虑…city planners 城市规划者save resource 节省资源flourishing 繁荣昌盛speed up 加速relieve the pressure of… 缓解…的压力advocate the management of resources 倡导资源管理benefit from 从中受益put forward valuable suggestions 提出宝贵意见play a major role in easing traffic 在缓解压力上扮演了重要角色participate in the reconstruction of the city 参与城市重建raise the environmental management level 提高环境管理水平create a pleasant ecological environment 创造出一种和谐的生态环境give priority to 优先关注catch much attention 引起很大关注resource allocation 资源配置perfect the construction of urban infrastructure 完善城市基础设施建设reduce the number of vehicles 减少车辆implement strict vehicle emission standards 制定严格的汽车排放标准reduce waste 减少浪费eliminate poverty and backwardness 消除贫穷与落后prevent and control pollution 预防和控制污染reinforce the conservation of water and soil 加强水土保护keep ecological balance 维持生态平衡adopt environmental protection technique 采取环保技术create a healthy culture environment 创造出一种健康的文化氛围strengthen the regulation and monitoring 加强监督和管理enhance the governmental intrusion 加大政府干预性措施promote the legislative regulations 促进立法管理establish and perfect the social security system 建立和完善社会的安全体系give special care to 给某人和某物特别的关照map out(work out)a blueprint of… 制定出…的发展蓝图impose some restrictions on… 对…实施限制increase the inputs in… 加大对…的投入arouse people’s awareness of 唤醒人们的…意识take some preventive(remedial)measures 采取一些预防(补救)措施enforce on-the-spot penalties 采取立即惩罚性措施play the role of media 发挥媒体的作用take proper guidance and support 采取恰当的引导和支持impose heavier penalty on 对…采取更加严格的惩罚set down effective laws 制定积极有效的法律urban planning 城市规划result in shortage of energy and natural resources 导致能源和自然资源的短缺break the ecological balance 破坏生态平衡be harmful to our physical and mental health 对我们的身心健康有害contaminate the environment 污染环境promote the sustainable development of the city 促进城市的可持续发展greenhouse effect 温室效应strengthen pollution control 加强污染控制popularize environmental protection knowledge 普及环保知识burning 迫在眉睫四、文化类必背词汇cultural diversity 文化多元化cultural treasures 文化宝藏cross-cultural communication 跨文化交流cultural reconstruction 文化重建spiritual civilization 精神文明heritage 遗产achievements of art 艺术成就tear down 拆除humane historical sites 人文历史遗址preserve the cultural relics 保护文化遗产blueprint 蓝图skyscraper 摩天大楼high-rise office buildings 高层写字楼city construction 城市建设well-structured 结构良好的 crystallization 结晶visual enjoyment 视觉享受driving force 驱动力reconstruct 重建destruct 破坏architectural industry 建筑工业map out 制定出city designing 城市设计beautify our life 美化我们的生活human civilization 人类文明cradle of culture 文化摇篮mainstream culture 主流文化cultural traditions 文化传统national pride 民族自豪感local customs and practices 风土人情attract people’s eyes 吸引人们的眼球artistic taste 艺术品味cornerstone 基石be closely interrelated with… 与…有密切关系adhere to the tradition 坚持传统architectural vandalism 破坏建筑行为carry forward… 弘扬…cultural needs 文化需求reputation 声望maintain the world peace 维护世界和平artistic reflection 艺术反应give publicity to… 宣传…burden 负担cause irreversible damage 造成不可逆转的损失national identity and value 民族特性和价值观remove prejudice and misunderstanding 消除偏见和误解symbol 象征artistic standards 艺术水准enjoy great popularity 广受欢迎cultural devolution 文化退化cultural insights 文化视觉learn about the world 了解世界a thrilling experience 一段令人激动的经历abstract 抽象的 concrete 具体的move somebody to tears 使…感动流泪get relaxed and entertained 得到放松和娱乐venue 场所have its value 有自己的价值inspiration 灵感scope of knowledge 知识面lasting artistic works 永恒的艺术作品abstruse 深奥的break with old customs 抛弃传统carry down from generation to generation 代代相传advocate the new lifestyle 倡导新的生活方式entertainment 娱乐be different from… 与…不同direct experience 直接经验echo 共识satiate people’s psychological demands 满足心理需求attach more importance to… 更重视…spiritual enhancement 精神升华a mirror of… …的一面镜子determinant 决定性因素eclipse 使…相形见绌contribute to… 有助于…a sense of cool and satisfaction 一种惬意的感觉pastimes 消遣方式nurture imagination 培养想象力meditation 沉思the essence of immortality 永恒的精髓instructive 有启发性的 edification 熏陶arouse one’s curiosity about something 引发某人对某事的好奇心enrich one’s knowledge 丰富某人知识value of knowledge 知识的价值cultural differences 文化差异Time is fleeting and art is long.时光飞逝,艺术永恒。

1. 说出你认为对你最有用的一本书,并解释原因。
(Q1:物)2. 电视对于现代社会有正面作用还是负面作用,选择其中之一并解释原因。
(Q2:优缺点)3. Describe the most important decision that you made in your life.(Q1:事)4. Do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic science?(Q2:观点)5. 空闲时间用来做什么?(Q1:事,假设)6. 打手机该不该在一些地方禁止?(Q2:观点)7. 描述一件自己印象深刻的celebration或者moment。
(Q1:事,经历)8. Which one acts more influence on you newspaper, TV or teachers?(Q2:偏好)9. Describe a social or politics celebration events in your culture.(Q1:事)10.政府是否应该资助建博物馆和剧院。
(Q1:物)12.你和朋友在一起的时候喜欢去哪个地方?为什么?(Q1:物)13.你是喜欢自己在家里吃还是去外面餐馆吃?为什么?(Q2:偏好)14.你通常喜欢去什么park或者public area。
(Q2:偏好)16.杂志,小说,诗歌,喜欢哪个(Q2:偏好)17.喜欢一个人住还是和室友住(Q2:偏好)18.和朋友在一起,喜欢在restaurant,café还是在家(Q2:偏好)puter have improved our lives while others think computers have caused problems(Q2:优缺点)20.老师的character(Q1:人)21.是说愿意在办公室工作还是在家工作,为什么。


总的来说2011.2.26TOEFL听⼒预测还是⽐较正常的!全新出现的⽐例仍然很少!绝⼤部分的考试都是以两旧两新为主!所以,2011年TOEFL听⼒预测可以参照2009年和2010年TOEFL写作预测,恭祝考友们考试顺利!2009年10⽉24⽇TOEFL听⼒机经第⼀篇1. ⼥學⽣找教授,說教授指定的書,圖書館中找不到了。
校园⽣活:⼥学⽣去找教授,说下次课要quiz的内容中插图书,写培根的,在图书馆没得借了.教授说,可以在上看电⼦图书..然后教授开始讲培根的⼀些理论观点,学⽣听了说,⽼师您提醒了我下次课要考的问题,实际上,这次我来找您就是想问问您,图书馆没这个书了,考试能不能推迟..教授说,不⾏,它有电⼦版,⽽且这样对其他同学不公平.第⼆篇2. botany。
教授說明⼀個term” Columbian change”(⾳似,不確定是否這樣拼,但與Columbus有關,稍後內容就會提到),說的是⼀種mutual change。

2009年10月17日托福口语机经1、最近你感兴趣的新闻或是故事Describe a news or a story that you are interested in recently. And explain why you think it was interesting. Include reasons and details in your response.I am interested in the new series movies recently. I am a big fan of novel series of and I never missed any of the series. But I never watched the movie before. I heard that those fantastic films are produced based on the story written in the novel . Therefore, I really want to watch the movie and find the differences between the films and the novels. Besides, I heard that some part of the story in the novel were cut in order to make the film, So I am interested in rea
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口语第一题Task 1考试形式:陈述时间:45s准备时间:15s,可以列提纲话题:一件重要的事情,一次喜爱的活动,一个对自己有影响的人?要求:详细描述;给出理由-------(要对题目做出全面的回答------细节描述或事例)?TIPS:熟悉话题------准备段子背段子?关于例子------不要列举过多例子?答案没有对错之分?这道题是一定要经过准备的,因为它考查的题目范围并不是日常生活的话题,即使是熟练使用英语的美国人,如果没有经过准备,在15s之内也很难准备出来一个逻辑清楚,有理有据的论述。
口语第二题 Task 2考试形式:陈述时间:45s准备时间:15s话题:更喜欢的行为,情景或观点;或认为哪种更合理(涉及话题:与学生的日常生活和兴趣爱好息息相关的)要求:说明观点,解释原因(理由,解释,细节和事例)TIPS:一定要对问题的各个部分做出全面的回答一定要对自己的观点十分清楚--------必须先清楚说明认同哪一个观点一定要给出做出某个选择的相应理由-------理由必须支持观点答案没有对错之分这道题也是独立口语,相对第一题来说,这道题要容易一些,因为它不会涉及很宽泛的范围,通常是让同学们从题目中二选一,表达自己的观点。
举个例子:题目:100年内哪个发明发现最有用15秒笔记:1. get a large amount of information2. decrease pollution -- paper, ink3. provide entertainment -- games, chat回答范例:As far as I am concerned, internet is the most useful tool. First of all,we get a large amount of information from it. Equally important reason is that it decreases pollution, for we won‘t use paper and ink any more, thus, less trees will be cut down and less river will be polluted. However, these are not the only two reasons. Internet also provides entertainment such as online games and chat. Therefore, in conclusion, I consider internet is the most useful tool.同学们可以根据上述的文章备考托福独立口语第一题和口语第二题新托福口语备考:综合口语第三题模版新托福口语考试备考及模版之综合口语第三题,这部分的考试是基于阅读和听力的基础。
具体介绍如下:形式:阅读+听力+应答阅读:时间: 40秒至45秒阅读内容:校园生活话题(75至100words)(大学的政策,规定或者办事程序,大学的计划,校园设施或校园内生活质量)听力:时间:60s至80s内容:话题同阅读,说话者会针对相关话题持鲜明观点,观点分支持反对两种作答:依据阅读和听力材料说明学生的观点和学生所给出的理由,考生不需要说明自己的观点!考察的关系:阅读和听力中综合信息的能力:听力必然和阅读相关;答题必须与听力相关,必须清楚听力和阅读之间的关系时间:准备时间:30s;陈述时间:60sTIPS:注意逻辑组织:OGP216:开始可以表明说话者的观点 agree or disagree,然后陈述理由。
备考模版:注:模版只是参考,请同学们自己总结1、“The school has implemented a new policy that……due to……And the man/woman holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement.The first reason s/he gives is that……And the second one is based on the fact that……"2、From the reading material, we know that (the college) is going to……Obviously, the man/woman in the conversation thinks that this is a great/bad idea, due to the following reasons.。
One reason is that…… Another is……(万一有时间)So that‘s all the reasons s/he has to form that opinion. (尽量记,听为主)3、The man/woman’s opinion about STH is that……(选择方案型:听选择的原因。
1.Firstly, the man/woman states that…….2.And then he/she states that……。
1.Firstly, the man/woman talks about the positive aspect of this issue. He/she states that…….2.On the other hand, the man/man also talks about the negative aspect of this question. He/she points out that……。
)4、阅读引用部分的模版(1) In the readingmaterial,(2) There is a/anannouncement/message/notice/proposal about ****(填入记下的关键词)(3) The university/college is going to****(稍稍展开下)(4) In the listeningmaterial, two students discussabout the***(填入关键词)听力中人物表达观点的模版:(1) The man/woman is against/supporting the***(2) He or she feels unhappy/less satisfied about***(3) He or She thinks the*** is unfair/inconvenient/unaffordable for the following reasons:(4) The man/woman’s opinion about STH is that……。
理由展开部分的模版:(1) First, he thinks/says**** ; Also, he points out that****(2) Firstly, the man/woman states that……。
; And then he/she states that……。
(3)支持+反对Firstly, the man/woman talks about the positive aspect of this issue. He/she states that…….On the other hand, the man/man also talks about the negative aspect of this question. He/she points out that……。
5、范例:看OG的范例回答Bus Service Elimination PlannedImportant Points(字数102)The university plans to eliminate the bus service because it is too expensive to run and too few students use it. (一句话概括阅读材料的内容)The man disagrees with the university plan. (谈话人态度)He believes the reason few students take the bus is that the route goes to neighborhoods where students do not live. If the routes were changed, many more students would ride the bus. (两句话讲谈话人的第一个观点:校车路线。