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答案:1. 按时间顺序展开 2. 按过程展开 3. 按空间顺序展开 4. 举例 5. 按过程展开
3. 按过程展开 描述涉及多个步骤,应该按照过程的发展顺序把这些步 骤交代清楚,在这一类文章里常常用祈使句和不定代词“你” 来表达。 描述过程的常用衔接词和短语 (1)Firstly. . . Secondly. . . Thirdly. . . Finally. . . (2)First, Then, Next, After this, Lastly. . . (3)Afterwards, Furthermore, Moreover, In addition to. . .
for you, we can makeΒιβλιοθήκη Baiduit _t_h_e_w__ee_k_e_n_d__a_f_te_r__n_e_x_t (下下个周末), or you may make the choice, OK? ( )
2. As a matter of fact, there’re many ways for us to deal with our mental problems. _F_ir_s_t_o_f_a_l_l(首先), we can turn to our teachers for help, including our psychology teacher. _S_e_c_o_n_d_(其 次), communication is of vital importance. When we have a talk or discussion about our problems with our friends or classmates, we can feel greatly relieved. _L_a_s_t_b_u_t_n_o_t__le_a_s_t(最后但同样重要 的), we need to develop a positive attitude towards our studies and our life. Wearing a smile is not only a sign of friendliness but also a cure for bad feelings. ( )
写作点拨系列(四) 段落写作之段落的展开
【核心点拨】 段落的发展技巧较常用的有以下几种:按时间顺序展开、
按空间顺序展开、按过程展开、举例等。 1. 按时间顺序展开 在叙述一个故事或者一系列事件时,通常按事件发生的
先后顺序排列句子。在说明文中叙述做一件事应该遵循的程 序或步骤时,也常用时间顺序法。
常用衔接词和短语 首环节:first, at first, first of all, in the first place, to begin with等。 中间环节:second, secondly, in the second place, next, afterwards, after that, then, later, another, third, thirdly, still another, in addition, besides, furthermore等。 末环节:lastly, at last, finally, eventually, in the end 等。
【对点训练】 下面有五篇短文,在段落的展开方面各有侧重,请补全句子并 标明属于哪类情况的展开技巧。
1. I was far too happy that we made an appointment to visit Beijing together _n_e_x_t_w_e_e_k_e_n_d_(下周末). How I appreciate the opportunity to be your guide in Beijing! But I’m afraid we’ll have to make it _a_n_o_th_e_r__ti_m__e(下次), because I’ll be meeting my uncle at the airport. He is on business from Australia, and will be home _fo_r__o_n_ly__t_w_o_d__a_y_s(仅有两天). It’s a rare chance for our family to get reunited since he left home ten years ago. I hope you’ll forgive me for not keeping my word. If it’s convenient
4. 举例 举例法是一种常见的展开段落的方法,它用典型、具体 而生动的事例来证明、阐述一个观点,支持主题句,使段落 主题句具体化,使文章通俗易懂。但是,段落中必须精选例 子,要做到恰如其分、准确地说明问题。 举例法常用的衔接词 (1)介词短语:for example, for instance, by way of examples等。 (2)形容词短语:such as, such. . . as. . . 等。 (3)副词:as等。 (4)动词短语:take an example, take. . . for example, draw an example等。
2. 按空间顺序展开 空间顺序指按物体的空间位置(自左至右,由近到远, 由上至下,由下到上,由里到外,由外到里,由中间到两边 等顺序)来展开段落。 常用的衔接词和短语 be situated/located in/on/at, be surrounded by, next to, to the east/south/west/north of, close to, from. . . to. . . , above, over, under, below, between, across, opposite等。
3. Australia _li_e_s_o_n__th__e_w_e_s_t_o_f_t_h_e__P_a_c_if_ic__O_c_e_a_n_(坐落在太 平洋的西部). It covers an area of 7-6 million square kilometers. It has a small population of over 10 million. _M__o_s_t _o_f_th__em___li_v_e_i_n_ t_h_e__e_a_st_o_f__th_e__c_o_u_n_t_ry__b_y__th_e__s_ea_(多数人靠海生活在这个国家 的东部). Canberra, the capital of Australia, is a beautiful city. Sydney is one of the biggest cities in Australia. It has many places of interest. The Opera House is famous throughout the world.
5. Do you want to live in a beautiful world? So it is our obligation to maintain the ecological balance. To fulfill this task, we should bear the following ecological codes in mind. _F_i_rs_t_, _st_i_c_k_t_o_t_h_e_h__a_b_it_o_f__w_a_l_k_in_g__to__s_c_h_o_o_l (首先坚持步行去学校的 习惯), and we should eat at least five kinds of fruits and vegetables a day. It’s also important to recycle everything recyclable and cherish our school’s environment by picking up any litter and turning off the taps and lights. _L_e_t’_s_a_l_l_t_a_k_e_a_c_t_io_n_ _n_o_w_ (让我们现在都采取行动)and contribute to the prosperity of our mother—the earth. ( )
4. Some high school graduates see a year off as a chance to recover after twelve years of required education, but it can also give students a chance to explore their interests. Students hoping to be doctors, _f_o_r_e_x_a_m_p__le_(例如), could learn about the profession by volunteering in a hospital. ( )