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曾经一部《又见一帘幽梦》中浪漫的普罗旺斯薰衣 草,成为了朦胧少女心中的一个梦想,同时也让更 多的情侣知道了普罗旺斯,并喜欢上了普罗旺斯的 薰衣草,喜欢上了那的一切。 Have a "Dreams Link" in the romantic Provence lavender has become a dream of the hazy girls hearts, but also so that more couples know Provence, and in love with Provence’s lavenders on there.
• 三月到七月是最适合旅游的月份。不仅有 蓝蓝的天空、甜甜的橄榄枝味儿,还有绽 放的薰衣草使普罗旺斯弥漫着浪漫的气息。
• 薰衣草 花语 • 等待爱情(To waiting for love) • 只要用力呼吸,就能看见奇迹!(As long as hard to breathe, you can see the miracle!) • 等待无望的爱(Waiting for the love of hopeless) • 心心相印 (Heart Balls) • 浪漫(romantic)
• May to July are the best tourist months .Not only the blue sky ,the sweet smell of olive ,but also the blaming lavenders make Provence sends out the breath of romantic .
Provence is the hometown of lavenders and sunflowers
普罗旺斯是薰衣草和太阳花的 故乡
Lavender is the symbol of “waiting for love” .It also means beautiful , pure , elegant and expectation.
• • • • • • • fragrance:n香味,气味 incense:n 熏香,熏香的烟。Vt 激怒 apprehension:n 担忧;理解,领悟 hastily:adv 匆忙地,草率地。 pour:v 灌注,涌入,倾泻。 hence:adv 因此,从此。 braze:n 火焰,火光;vi 燃烧,激发;vt 在 树皮上刻路标,公开宣布。
• These bluish purple flowers, • 这淡蓝紫色的小花,到 flowering season, and their 了开花时节,其香远在 fragrance far away as ten 十里之外都能够闻到; miles outside of smell; more 而更绝妙的是,就是站 wonderful, is standing on a 在一片大花田里边,嗅 large Hanada inside, the 到的香依然还是淡远温 smell of incense still Apprehension mild, unlike 和,不像其他的香花, other of fragrant flowers, 急急地想要把人薰倒。 hastily want to people 闲闲地信步从花间走过, smoked pour. Blazing within 衣角就留着一种冷香, walking distance from 悠远的像初恋时的心情。 walking among the flowers, 据说薰衣草就因此而得 clothing keep a Lengxiang, distant, like first love when 名 the mood. It is said that lavender, hence the name.