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灾民flood victims; flood-stricken people/

载人卫星manned satellite/

宰(客)to swindle money out of our customers

宰人rip off

再贷款re-lending; subloan

再就业服务中心re-employment service center

再就业工程re-employment projectprogram/

在孵(孵化器)企业incubated enterprises (incubator)

在途资金fund in float/

在线(计算机) on-line/

在线网上书店online bookstore/

在职博士生on-job doctorate

在职研究生on-job postgraduates/

在字面上兜圈子festoons of words/

赃款赃物proceeds of crime/


早恋puppy love

早市morning session

造假帐falsified accounts

造林运动afforestation drive (campaign)/

噪声治理noise abatement/

责任编辑editor in charge/ 招商局China Merchants Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. (China Merchants)

增发股票increase issues in stocks

增加信任,减少麻烦,发展合作,不搞对抗enhance trust, reduce trouble, develop cooperation and avoid confrontation/

增强人民体质build up people's health/

增值税value added tax(V A T)/

渣打银行The Chartered Bank/

斋月(伊斯兰教) Ramadan/ month of fast/

债台高筑become debt-ridden/

债转股debt-to-equity swap

沾光benefit from one's association

占便宜profit at others' expense/

占着茅坑不拉屎be a dog in the manger/

战俘prisoner of war (POW)/

战俘营prisoner-of-war (POW) camp/

战斧式巡航导弹Tomahawk cruise missile/

战略防御计划Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)/

战略伙伴关系strategic partnership

站得住脚hold water/

站票standing-room-only ticket

站台票platform ticket

涨落线advance balance line

掌上电脑palm computer

招标invite a bid

招标投标制the system of public bidding for project

招财进宝Money and treasures will be plentiful/


招商引资attract/bid for/invite investments (from overseas)

招生就业指导办公室enrolment and vocation guidance office

折旧费depreciation charge/

折衷方案a compromise proposal/

珍爱之人或物apple of one's eyes

珍稀濒危植物rare or endangered species/

真空包装vacuum packing

真善美the true, the good and the beautiful; truth, good and beauty

振兴经济revitalize the economy/

振兴中华make China powerful and strong; revitalize the Chinese nation/

争端解决机构dispute settlement body

争议地区disputed area/

正气uprightness; integrity; probity; rectitude/

正式照会formal note


证券监督管理委员会securities supervision commission/

证券营业部stock exchange; security exchange

政策性贷款policy-based lending; policy-related loan/

政策性亏损policy-related losses; losses incurred due to policy decisions/

政策性住房policy-related house, policy-based house

政策银行policy banks/

政策组合policy mix/

政法委politics and law committee

政府采购government procurement

政府搭台,部门推动,企业唱戏Governments set up the stage, various departments cooperate
