市场营销学第六章_客户驱动型营销战略 ppt课件

摒弃魔鬼的方法包括:减少相关的激励措施,和 吸引他们的营销手段,设置一定的退货费。一句 话,委婉的让他们别来了。
为了更好的为客户创造价值,过往的散弹般的市 场营销方法逐渐被放弃,现在更倾向用一下方式 为客户更好的服务。
通过进行市场细分,能够开展更加强有力的营销。 四个重要的市场细分话题:
如:采用价格-性能维度,来对车辆进行差异化定 位。
6.3.2 选择差异化和定位策略
对于同一组差异化,可能会被不同的公司选择, 所以必须通过建立一组独特的利益组合来区分自 己的产品。具体步骤包括:
辨别可能的价值差异和竞争优 势
营销人员需要思考顾客与公司产品或服务进行解 除的整个过程,聪明的公司可以在与顾客的每一 个接触点上实现差异化。
市场细分不是一成不变的,营销者必须尝试用一 种或者多种组合变量去细分,寻找观察市场结构 的最佳途径(分水平高低的地方),具体有:
6.1.2 商业及国际市场细分
6.1.3 有效细分的要求
通过上述方法,能够将市场进行细分,接下来要 从这些细分市场中进行选择,并决定公司要去服 务哪些市场。
决定服务哪个细分市场后,公司需要决定一个价 值主张:需要怎么创造差异化的价值和在差异化 市场中占据什么位置。
同样,消费者也会根据各种获得的信息,来对产 品进行脑海中的排位。
所以,营销者要主动让产品定位在消费者的心智 中,让他们记住公司产品的特点。
6.3.1 差异化定位图
设计差异化和定位策略时,营销人员会准备感知 定位图,它能够显示与竞争产品相比顾客对他们 的品牌在一些重要维度上的感知。
为了更好的为客户创造价值,过往的散弹般的市 场营销方法逐渐被放弃,现在更倾向用一下方式 为客户更好的服务。
通过进行市场细分,能够开展更加强有力的营销。 四个重要的市场细分话题:
如:采用价格-性能维度,来对车辆进行差异化定 位。
6.3.2 选择差异化和定位策略
对于同一组差异化,可能会被不同的公司选择, 所以必须通过建立一组独特的利益组合来区分自 己的产品。具体步骤包括:
辨别可能的价值差异和竞争优 势
营销人员需要思考顾客与公司产品或服务进行解 除的整个过程,聪明的公司可以在与顾客的每一 个接触点上实现差异化。
市场细分不是一成不变的,营销者必须尝试用一 种或者多种组合变量去细分,寻找观察市场结构 的最佳途径(分水平高低的地方),具体有:
6.1.2 商业及国际市场细分
6.1.3 有效细分的要求
通过上述方法,能够将市场进行细分,接下来要 从这些细分市场中进行选择,并决定公司要去服 务哪些市场。
决定服务哪个细分市场后,公司需要决定一个价 值主张:需要怎么创造差异化的价值和在差异化 市场中占据什么位置。
同样,消费者也会根据各种获得的信息,来对产 品进行脑海中的排位。
所以,营销者要主动让产品定位在消费者的心智 中,让他们记住公司产品的特点。
6.3.1 差异化定位图
设计差异化和定位策略时,营销人员会准备感知 定位图,它能够显示与竞争产品相比顾客对他们 的品牌在一些重要维度上的感知。

Data Driven Decision Making: The availability of big data has enabled businesses to make data driven decisions in marketing By analyzing customer data, businesses can understand consumer preferences and behaviors and customize their offers accordingly
Marketing helps businesses differentiate their products and services from those of their competitors It enables them to establish a unique position in the market and attract customers
These consumers are early adopters of new products and services and are attracted to novelty and uniqueness They are often open to trying new brands or products and are willing to pay higher prices for the latest trends
Consumer decision making process
Evaluation of alternatives
Once information is gathered, consumers evaluate different product or service options to determine which one best suits their needs and budget Consumers consider factors like price, quality, functionality, and brand reporting

User’s Needs
MIS Offerings
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Chapter 4- slide 8
Developing Marketing Information
Marketers obtain information from
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Chapter 4- slide 7
Assessing Marketing Information Needs
Characteristics of a Good MIS
Internal data Marketing intelligence Marketing research
– Real value: How to use information
Red Bull: Vitamin water, low sugar
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Chapter 4- slide 5
Marketing Information and Customer Insights
Marketing Information Systems (MIS)
Marketing information system (MIS) consists of people and procedures for:
– Assessing the information needs – Developing needed information – Helping decision makers use the information
MIS Offerings
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Chapter 4- slide 8
Developing Marketing Information
Marketers obtain information from
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Chapter 4- slide 7
Assessing Marketing Information Needs
Characteristics of a Good MIS
Internal data Marketing intelligence Marketing research
– Real value: How to use information
Red Bull: Vitamin water, low sugar
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Chapter 4- slide 5
Marketing Information and Customer Insights
Marketing Information Systems (MIS)
Marketing information system (MIS) consists of people and procedures for:
– Assessing the information needs – Developing needed information – Helping decision makers use the information

Case Study
• Harley “Hogs” account for 1/5 of U.S. cycle sales
• Sales have exceeded supply for years
• 1986-2000: Four stock splits, increase of 7,100%
▪ Activities, interests, and opinions
▪ Lifestyle segmentation
• Personality and selfconcept
▪ Brand personality
6 - 11
Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior
Few Differences
Dissonancereducing buying
Habitual buying behavior
6 - 15
The Buyer Decision Process
• Five Stages:
▪ Need recognition ▪ Information search ▪ Evaluation of alternatives ▪ Purchase decision ▪ Postpurchase behavior
• Cultural • Social • Personal • Psychological
• Motivation
▪ Needs provide motives for consumer behavior
▪ Motivation research ▪ Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Case Study
• Harley “Hogs” account for 1/5 of U.S. cycle sales
• Sales have exceeded supply for years
• 1986-2000: Four stock splits, increase of 7,100%
▪ Activities, interests, and opinions
▪ Lifestyle segmentation
• Personality and selfconcept
▪ Brand personality
6 - 11
Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior
Few Differences
Dissonancereducing buying
Habitual buying behavior
6 - 15
The Buyer Decision Process
• Five Stages:
▪ Need recognition ▪ Information search ▪ Evaluation of alternatives ▪ Purchase decision ▪ Postpurchase behavior
• Cultural • Social • Personal • Psychological
• Motivation
▪ Needs provide motives for consumer behavior
▪ Motivation research ▪ Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

The means by which a company communicates its value proposition to customers This includes advertising, public relationships, sales promotion, and personal selling
Marketing Overview
Definition of Marketing
Marketing Definition
The process of creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers through the satisfaction of their needs and wants
Product differentiation
Market Segmentation
Developing unique features or services that differentiate a product from its competitors
Targeting specific customer groups with products that meet their unique needs
It helps businesses identify the most profitable target market and develop marketing strategies that are detailed to the specific needs and preferences of that market segment

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Chapter 4- slide 7
Assessing Marketing Information Needs
Characteristics of a Good MIS
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Chapter 4- slide 13
Consider a local business near campus. . .
How would they conduct exploratory research?
WhatDmeigvhtetlhoeypwinangt tMo fiandrkoeuttiinndgesIcnripftoivremresaetairochn?
What relationships might they explore in causal research?
Marketing Research Defining the Problem and Research Objectives
Internal Data
Internal databases are electronic collections of consumer and market information obtained from data sources within the company network
• Cookies
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

First Stop: Dunkin’ Donuts Targeting the Average Joe
Dunkin’ Donuts targets everyday Joes who just don’t get what Starbucks is all about.
Learning Objective 6-1
Demographic Segmentation
Age and life-cycle segmentation
• Dividing a market into different age and life-cycle
groups Gender segmentation
• Dividing a market into different segments based on
– Social class – Lifestyle – Personality characteristics
• The products people buy reflect their lifestyles.
Psychographic Segmentation (2 of 2)
VF Corporation offers a closet full of more than 30 premium lifestyle brands.
6-1. Define the major steps in designing a customer value-driven marketing strategy: market segmentation, targeting, differentiation, and positioning
6-2. List and discuss the major bases for segmenting consumer and business markets.
第6章 市场营销调研与预测 《市场营销学》PPT课件

信息:事物运动状态及运动方式的表象。广 义的信息由数据、文本、声音和图像等4种 形态组成,主要与视觉和听觉相关。
可扩 散性
可共 享性
可存 贮性
可扩 充性
可转 换性
多因 指数法
借助与区域购 买力有关的各 种指数以估算 其市场潜量。
行业销售额:反映某一行业产品(服务)项 目的成交数据。 市场占有率:也叫市场份额,指一个企业的 销售量在市场同类产品中所占的比重。
行业销售额可通过统计、 新闻、行业主管、行业协 会等途径来了解。而市场 占有率可通过对比计算。
及时 性
目的 性
MIS 信息
广泛 性
Information System简称MIS
分析 计划 执行 控制
评估 信息 需求
分配 信息
内部 报告
营销 分析
营销 情报
营销 调研
宏观 微观
市场营销调研:系统地设计、搜集、分析和 提交关于组织的具体营销情况的数据报告。
含义:通过听取销售人员的意见预测 市场需求。
较简捷无需复 杂计算
受个人认识水 平等主观因素
信息:事物运动状态及运动方式的表象。广 义的信息由数据、文本、声音和图像等4种 形态组成,主要与视觉和听觉相关。
可扩 散性
可共 享性
可存 贮性
可扩 充性
可转 换性
多因 指数法
借助与区域购 买力有关的各 种指数以估算 其市场潜量。
行业销售额:反映某一行业产品(服务)项 目的成交数据。 市场占有率:也叫市场份额,指一个企业的 销售量在市场同类产品中所占的比重。
行业销售额可通过统计、 新闻、行业主管、行业协 会等途径来了解。而市场 占有率可通过对比计算。
及时 性
目的 性
MIS 信息
广泛 性
Information System简称MIS
分析 计划 执行 控制
评估 信息 需求
分配 信息
内部 报告
营销 分析
营销 情报
营销 调研
宏观 微观
市场营销调研:系统地设计、搜集、分析和 提交关于组织的具体营销情况的数据报告。
含义:通过听取销售人员的意见预测 市场需求。
较简捷无需复 杂计算
受个人认识水 平等主观因素

• National well-being most important
Trade Disputes
• WTO dispute resolution process
Political Risks of Global Business 1 of 6
• Seizing of a company’s assets without payment
• Minor harassment and controls of foreign investment are supported
• Restrictions on imports, tariffs, other barriers to trade • Encouragement of citizens to buy domestic products only
6-7 How and why governments encourage foreign investment
The Sovereignty of Nations
• Powers exercised by state in relation to other countries • Supreme powers exercised over country’s own members • Characteristics of a sovereign state
1. Inherent instability 2. Political shifts during elections impact trade conditions 3. Nationalism 4. Animosity toward specific countries 5. Trade disputes
Trade Disputes
• WTO dispute resolution process
Political Risks of Global Business 1 of 6
• Seizing of a company’s assets without payment
• Minor harassment and controls of foreign investment are supported
• Restrictions on imports, tariffs, other barriers to trade • Encouragement of citizens to buy domestic products only
6-7 How and why governments encourage foreign investment
The Sovereignty of Nations
• Powers exercised by state in relation to other countries • Supreme powers exercised over country’s own members • Characteristics of a sovereign state
1. Inherent instability 2. Political shifts during elections impact trade conditions 3. Nationalism 4. Animosity toward specific countries 5. Trade disputes
市场营销讲稿(英文版)(ppt 36页)

The aim of Marketing is to make selling superfluous. The aim is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or services fits… and sells itself. (Drucker, 1973)
Journal of Marketing
Marketing News
Harvard Business Review
International Journal of Research in Marketing
Journal of Advertising 《营销导刊》 《销售与市场》 《市场营销》(人大复印资料)
•What is marketing?
Core Concepts
Needs, wants, and demands
Core Marketing Concepts
Value, satisfaction, and quality Exchange, transactions, and relationships
consists of all activities that bring buyers and sellers together
Analysis, Plan, implement, control
Marketing mix(4ps)
Managing Products and Services(Product) Distributing Products and Services(Place) Pricing Products and Services(Price) Promotion Products and
Journal of Marketing
Marketing News
Harvard Business Review
International Journal of Research in Marketing
Journal of Advertising 《营销导刊》 《销售与市场》 《市场营销》(人大复印资料)
•What is marketing?
Core Concepts
Needs, wants, and demands
Core Marketing Concepts
Value, satisfaction, and quality Exchange, transactions, and relationships
consists of all activities that bring buyers and sellers together
Analysis, Plan, implement, control
Marketing mix(4ps)
Managing Products and Services(Product) Distributing Products and Services(Place) Pricing Products and Services(Price) Promotion Products and

Understanding the Marketplace and Customer Needs
Copyright ◎ 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 1- slide 7
Understanding the Marketplaceand Customer NeedsCustomer Value and SatisfactionExpectations
Copyright ◎ 2010 Pearson Education,Inc.
12Chapter 1- slide 12
to go after
Designing a Customer-Driven Marketing StrategySelecting Customers to ServeDemarketing is marketing to reduce demand temporarily or permanently; the aim is not to destroy demand but to reduce or shift it
Copyright ◎2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 1- slide 14
Designing a Customer-Driven Marketing StrategyMarketing Management Orientations
15Chapter 1- slide 15
Capture value from
superioபைடு நூலகம் value
customers in return
and wants
Understanding the Marketplace and Customer NeedsCore Concepts· Customer needs, wants, and demands · Market offerings● Value and satisfaction· Exchanges and relationships● Markets
Copyright ◎ 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 1- slide 7
Understanding the Marketplaceand Customer NeedsCustomer Value and SatisfactionExpectations
Copyright ◎ 2010 Pearson Education,Inc.
12Chapter 1- slide 12
to go after
Designing a Customer-Driven Marketing StrategySelecting Customers to ServeDemarketing is marketing to reduce demand temporarily or permanently; the aim is not to destroy demand but to reduce or shift it
Copyright ◎2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 1- slide 14
Designing a Customer-Driven Marketing StrategyMarketing Management Orientations
15Chapter 1- slide 15
Capture value from
superioபைடு நூலகம் value
customers in return
and wants
Understanding the Marketplace and Customer NeedsCore Concepts· Customer needs, wants, and demands · Market offerings● Value and satisfaction· Exchanges and relationships● Markets
市场营销知识培训(英文版)(ppt 273页)

sensitive) • Offer feedback • Reduce transaction costs
Customer Development
First-time customers
Repeat customers
Clients Advocates Partners
• Tracking & Identifying Opportunities in the Macroenvironment
• Demographic, Economic, Natural, Technological, Political, & Cultural Developments
management • Demand measurement and forecast
A marketing information system (MIS) consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers.
Simple Marketing System
Industry (a collection
of sellers)
Goods/services Money
Market (a collection
Customer Development
First-time customers
Repeat customers
Clients Advocates Partners
• Tracking & Identifying Opportunities in the Macroenvironment
• Demographic, Economic, Natural, Technological, Political, & Cultural Developments
management • Demand measurement and forecast
A marketing information system (MIS) consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers.
Simple Marketing System
Industry (a collection
of sellers)
Goods/services Money
Market (a collection

Chapter Learning Objectives
4. The impact of political and social activists, violence and terrorism on international business
5. Assessing and reducing the effect of political vulnerability
Reducing Political Vulnerability
Relations between governments and MNCs are generally positive if the investment: improves the balance of payments by increasing exports or reducing imports through import substitution uses locally produced resources transfers capital, technology, and/or skills creates jobs, and/or makes tax contributions
Reducing Political Vulnerability
MNC’s can use the following strategies to minimize -political vulnerability and risk:
Joint Ventures Expanding the Investment Base
Other Political Risks of Global Business 1. Political Sanctions 2. Political and Social Activists

Buyer-Seller Relationships and Supply Partnerships
Supply Partnership
Sustainable Procurement
Business Marketing
Business marketing involves the marketing of goods and services to companies, governments, or not-for-profit organizations for use in the creation of goods and services that they can produce and market to others.
NAICS code 51 (abbreviated)
FIGURE 6-2 Key characteristics and dimensions of organizational buying behavior
Derived Demand
Size of Order or Purchase
FIGURE 6-B Key organizational buying criteria
Organizational Buying Criteria
Harley-Davidson’s Supplier Collaboration Creates Customer Value…and a Great Ride
Buyer-Seller Relationships and Supply Partnerships
Supply Partnership
Sustainable Procurement
Business Marketing
Business marketing involves the marketing of goods and services to companies, governments, or not-for-profit organizations for use in the creation of goods and services that they can produce and market to others.
NAICS code 51 (abbreviated)
FIGURE 6-2 Key characteristics and dimensions of organizational buying behavior
Derived Demand
Size of Order or Purchase
FIGURE 6-B Key organizational buying criteria
Organizational Buying Criteria
Harley-Davidson’s Supplier Collaboration Creates Customer Value…and a Great Ride
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• Requirements for effective segmentation
– Measurable, accessible, substantial, differentiable, and actionable
Learning Objective 6-3
Explain how companies identify attractive market segments and choose a market-targeting strategy.
– Geographic location – Economic factors – Political and legal factors – Cultural factors
• Intermarket (cross-market) segmentation: Grouping consumers with similar needs and buying behaviors irrespective of their location
Multiple Segmentation Bases
• Segmentation bases help companies to
– Identify smaller, better-defined target groups – Identify and understand key customer segments – Reach customers more efficiently by tailoring market
Learning Objective 6-1 Summary
• Customer value-driven marketing strategy
– Identifying which customers to serve – Determining a value proposition
• Market segmentation and market targeting • Differentiating the market offering • Positioning in the minds of target customers • Right relationships with the right customers
Segmentation Variable
Psychographic Behavioral
Nations, regions, states, counties, cities, neighbourhoods, population density (urban, suburban, rural), climate Age, life-cycle stage, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, ethnicity, generation Social class, lifestyle, personality Occasions, benefits, user status, usage rate, loyalty status
• Benefit segmentation: Segments divided according to the different benefits that consumers seek from the product.
Behavioral Segmentation (2 of 3)
Schwinn makes bikes for every benefit segment.
Requirements for Effective Segmentation
• Measurable • Accessible • Substantial • Differentiable • Actionable
Learning Objective 6-2 Summary
• Consumer market segmentation
First Stop: Dunkin’ Donuts Targeting the Average Joe
Dunkin’ Donuts targets everyday Joes who just don’t get what Starbucks is all about.
Learning Objective 6-1
gender Income segmentation
• Dividing a market into different income segments
Psychographic Segmentation (1 of 2)
• Marketers segment their markets using variables such as
Marketing: An Introduction
Thirteenth Edition
Chapter 6
Customer ValueDriven Marketing
Strategy: Creating Value for Target Customers
Learning Objectives (1 of 4)
Demographic Segmentation
Age and life-cycle segmentation
• Dividing a market into different age and life-cycle
groups Gender segmentation
• Dividing a market into different segments based on
• Demographic segmentation: Dividing a market into segments based on variables
– Such as age, life-cycle stage, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, ethnicity, and generation
Define the major steps in designing a customer valuedriven marketing strategy: market segmentation, targeting, differentiation, and positioning.
Figure 6.1 - Designing a Customer Value-Driven Market Strategy
Segmenting Business Markets
• Consumer and business markets use many of the same variables for segmentation.
• Variables used by business marketers for segmentation include
– Social class – Lifestyle – Personality characteristics
• The products people buy reflect their lifestyles.
Psychographic Segmentation (2 of 2)
VF Corporation offers a closet full of more than 30 premium lifestyle brands.
– Geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral
• Business market segmentation
– Demographics, operating characteristics, purchasing approaches, situational factors, and personal characteristics
Geographic and Demographic Segmentation
• Geographic segmentation: Dividing a market into different geographical units
– Such as nations, states, regions, counties, cities, or neighborhoods
Behavioral Segmentation (3 of 3)
• User status: Markets can be segmented into nonusers, ex-users, potential users, first-time users, and regular users.
offerings and messages to customers’ specific needs
• Segmentation systems help marketers segment people and locations into marketable groups of likeminded consumers.
– Operating characteristics – Purchasing approaches – Situational factors – Personal characteristics
Segmenting International Markets
• Variables include
Behavioral Segmentation (1 of 3)
• Occasion segmentation: Segments divided according to occasions, when the buyers
– Measurable, accessible, substantial, differentiable, and actionable
Learning Objective 6-3
Explain how companies identify attractive market segments and choose a market-targeting strategy.
– Geographic location – Economic factors – Political and legal factors – Cultural factors
• Intermarket (cross-market) segmentation: Grouping consumers with similar needs and buying behaviors irrespective of their location
Multiple Segmentation Bases
• Segmentation bases help companies to
– Identify smaller, better-defined target groups – Identify and understand key customer segments – Reach customers more efficiently by tailoring market
Learning Objective 6-1 Summary
• Customer value-driven marketing strategy
– Identifying which customers to serve – Determining a value proposition
• Market segmentation and market targeting • Differentiating the market offering • Positioning in the minds of target customers • Right relationships with the right customers
Segmentation Variable
Psychographic Behavioral
Nations, regions, states, counties, cities, neighbourhoods, population density (urban, suburban, rural), climate Age, life-cycle stage, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, ethnicity, generation Social class, lifestyle, personality Occasions, benefits, user status, usage rate, loyalty status
• Benefit segmentation: Segments divided according to the different benefits that consumers seek from the product.
Behavioral Segmentation (2 of 3)
Schwinn makes bikes for every benefit segment.
Requirements for Effective Segmentation
• Measurable • Accessible • Substantial • Differentiable • Actionable
Learning Objective 6-2 Summary
• Consumer market segmentation
First Stop: Dunkin’ Donuts Targeting the Average Joe
Dunkin’ Donuts targets everyday Joes who just don’t get what Starbucks is all about.
Learning Objective 6-1
gender Income segmentation
• Dividing a market into different income segments
Psychographic Segmentation (1 of 2)
• Marketers segment their markets using variables such as
Marketing: An Introduction
Thirteenth Edition
Chapter 6
Customer ValueDriven Marketing
Strategy: Creating Value for Target Customers
Learning Objectives (1 of 4)
Demographic Segmentation
Age and life-cycle segmentation
• Dividing a market into different age and life-cycle
groups Gender segmentation
• Dividing a market into different segments based on
• Demographic segmentation: Dividing a market into segments based on variables
– Such as age, life-cycle stage, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, ethnicity, and generation
Define the major steps in designing a customer valuedriven marketing strategy: market segmentation, targeting, differentiation, and positioning.
Figure 6.1 - Designing a Customer Value-Driven Market Strategy
Segmenting Business Markets
• Consumer and business markets use many of the same variables for segmentation.
• Variables used by business marketers for segmentation include
– Social class – Lifestyle – Personality characteristics
• The products people buy reflect their lifestyles.
Psychographic Segmentation (2 of 2)
VF Corporation offers a closet full of more than 30 premium lifestyle brands.
– Geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral
• Business market segmentation
– Demographics, operating characteristics, purchasing approaches, situational factors, and personal characteristics
Geographic and Demographic Segmentation
• Geographic segmentation: Dividing a market into different geographical units
– Such as nations, states, regions, counties, cities, or neighborhoods
Behavioral Segmentation (3 of 3)
• User status: Markets can be segmented into nonusers, ex-users, potential users, first-time users, and regular users.
offerings and messages to customers’ specific needs
• Segmentation systems help marketers segment people and locations into marketable groups of likeminded consumers.
– Operating characteristics – Purchasing approaches – Situational factors – Personal characteristics
Segmenting International Markets
• Variables include
Behavioral Segmentation (1 of 3)
• Occasion segmentation: Segments divided according to occasions, when the buyers