PageLeft() Or PageRight() 方法使用



17.Shortcuts: markers(标记)
* (乘以号)数字小键盘上
Alt+* (乘以号)数字小键盘上
Ctrl+Down Arrow
Ctrl+Up Arrow
End or Ctrl+Alt+Right Arrow
Page Down or Ctrl+Right Arrow








3.创建参与者的方式有两种:(1)直接写名字;(2)“名字”;4.关键字autonumber可以用来自动的添加消息的数量Autonumber n:消息从第N个数开始Autonumber n ,m:消息从第n个数开始,增量为m.Antonumber “”:可以再双引号里设置字体的格式<b>黑体[000]显示数字的方式;()将数字括起来<u>表示下划线<font color=red><b>Message 0设置显示的字体,颜色,消息等等5.title 后直接加题名6.newpage 表示将一个图划分成多个小图Newpage 后可直接加图名7. (不懂)•alt/else•opt•loop•par•break•critical•group, followed by a text to be displayed8.note left or note right 表明在左侧添加一个note或在右侧添加一个notenote left of,note right of ornote over p1(p2 or p1,p2) #color 可以同时添加两个参与者,中间用逗号隔开表示将note添加在参与者的左边,右边还是中间9.•<b>: 黑体字</b>设置结束的范围,后边一样•<u>:下划线•<i>:斜体•<s>, <del>, <strike>:字体•<font color="#AAAAAA"> or <font color="colorName">•<color:#AAAAAA> or <color:colorName> 设置字体的颜色•<size:nn> to change font size•<img src="file"> or <img:file> : the file must be accessible by the filesystem插入文件或者是图片这些属性均可用在title的设置上10.==将图按逻辑分层11.activate A #COLOR激活参与者A的生命期,可以在其后添加属性设置deactivate A 结束参与者A的生命期destroy C 参与者C的生命线结束12.Create 创建参与者13.“[”用来表示图的左边“]”放在图的右边14. box "Internal Service" #LightBlue 开始一个画一个盒子,引号里是盒子的名字,后边是盒子的颜色participant Bobparticipant Alice 盒子里的两个参与者end box 结束盒子15.hide footbox 移除图的脚15.<< (C,#ADD1B2) Testable >> #EEEEEE《》给参与添加状态或者添加一些标志的属性(C,#ADD1B2)表示圆Testable为属性名16.Skinparam 设置颜色一些主要的参数:backgroundColor 背景颜色sequenceArrowColor 序列箭头的颜色sequenceParticipantBorderColor 序列参与者的边框颜色sequenceActorBorderColor User者的线条颜色sequenceLifeLineBorderColor 生命线的线条颜色sequenceParticipantBackgroundColor 参与者的背景颜色sequenceParticipantFontName 参与者名字的字体sequenceParticipantFontSize 参与者名字字体的大小sequenceParticipantFontColor 参与者字体的颜色skinparam sequenceActorBackgroundColor aqua Actor的背景颜色sequenceActorFontColor “User”字的颜色sequenceActorFontSize “User”字体大小sequenceActorFontName “User”字体sequenceLifeLineBackgroundColor 生命线的背景颜色17.Skin BlueModern Rose(默认)可以理解为两种皮肤模式第二部分:用例图从用户的角度描述系统的功能,是用户所能观察到的系统功能的模型图。




ACDSee 2.44越来越不给力,Picasa不支持gif动画播放,Xnview快捷键不习惯,再次试用Irfanview后果断转投阵营。

下面是为了方便使用翻译的快捷键说明快捷键IrfanView可用的键盘快捷键:键:功能:+放大=放大-缩小↑向上滚动图像↓向下滚动图像→向右滚动图像OR 目录中的下一张图像(假如没有选中的区域)←向左滚动图像OR 目录中的上一张图像(假如没有选中的区域)Arrows假如没有可见的滚动条: 移动选区Page Up载入目录中的上一个文件OR 向上滚动图像Page Down载入目录中的下一个文件OR 向下滚动图像CTRL + Page Up显示多页图像中的前一页OR 载入目录中的上一个文件CTRL + Page Down显示多页图像中的后一页OR 载入目录中的下一个文件Space载入目录中的下一个文件Backspace载入目录中的上一个文件CTRL + Arrow按比例调整选区SHIFT + Arrow移动选区ALT + Arrow改变选区的宽度和高度Browsing mode假如按住CTRL : 增加或减少5个文件索引(默认: 1 = 前一个/后一个文件), 用于Space, Backspace, →,←, etc.假如按下CTRL + Number (0 - 9), 增加相应数目的文件索引(0 = 10, 1 = 1etc.)假如按下CTRL + SHIFT + Number (0 - 9), 减少相应数目的文件索引(0 =10, 1 = 1 etc.)ESC关闭当前窗口(主窗口, 幻灯片, 全屏, 缩略图or 对话框)Enter在全屏模式和窗口模式间切换TAB在主窗口和缩略图窗口间切换(假如可见)CTRL + TAB在缩略图窗口中切换控制Pause/Break暂停自动播放的幻灯片. 再次按另外的任何键恢复幻灯片播放.DEL删除文件INSERT从剪贴板粘贴图像Home滚动至起始(水平滚动) OR 载入目录中第一个文件CTRL + Home载入目录中第一个文件SHIFT + Home载入多页图像的第一张图End滚动至末尾(水平滚动) OR 载入目录中最后一个文件CTRL + End载入目录中最后一个文件SHIFT + End载入多页图像的最后一张图F1帮助F2 or F6重命名文件F3十六进制显示图像F4当前文件添加到当前幻灯片F5 or U刷新(显示and 文件列表)SHIFT + F5刷新+ 高质量重采样(假如重采样在查看->显示选项中已激活)F7移动文件F8复制文件F9启用OCR 插件(对于全尺寸图像or 选区)F10打开多页文件预览对话框F11在全屏/幻灯片模式中显示/隐藏鼠标F12显示绘制对话框A"About IrfanView" 对话框B批量转换/重命名C捕获对话框D编辑-> 删除E当EXIF 信息可用时为JPGs 显示EXIF 对话框F在"窗口/图像适应桌面" 和"窗口适应图像" 之间切换G停止GIF or ANI 动画H水平翻转I显示图像信息K"滤镜工厂" 对话框L向左旋转图像M最小化IrfanView 窗口- 老板键;-)N切换全屏/幻灯片文本显示O打开对话框P程序设置对话框R向右旋转图像S"另存为" 对话框T缩略图模式(浏览器模式)V垂直翻转W幻灯片对话框X浏览(窗口or 全屏模式): 标记当前文件CTRL + A选中/取消选中所有图像or 选中所有缩略图(假如当前窗口为缩略图窗口) CTRL + B打开"浏览子文件夹" 对话框CTRL + C复制图像到剪贴板CTRL + D图像-> 添加边框CTRL + E特效设置CTRL + F搜索文件CTRL + G创建灰度图像CTRL + H原始尺寸(无缩放)CTRL + I为JPGs 显示IPTC 对话框CTRL + J编辑-> 重做CTRL + K Adobe 8BF 滤镜对话框CTRL + M打开目录中的随机图像CTRL + N在另一个IrfanView 窗口中打开当前图像CTRL + P打印对话框CTRL + Q编辑多页TIFCTRL + R调整尺寸/重载样对话框CTRL + S保存对话框CTRL + T编辑-> 在选区中插入文字CTRL + U图像-> 自定义/精确旋转CTRL + V从剪贴板粘贴图像CTRL + W幻灯片播放当前目录中的文件CTRL + X剪切选区CTRL + Y裁剪选区CTRL + Z编辑-> 撤销CTRL + number浏览(窗口or 全屏)模式:通过数字键(0-9)增加文件索引CTRL + Print以自定义矩形/区域模式开始捕捉/截图SHIFT + A开始/停止自动播放(幻灯片窗口)SHIFT + C编辑-> 创建自定义选区SHIFT + E用外部浏览器/编辑器打开SHIFT + F仅大图像适应桌面SHIFT + G增强色彩SHIFT + J JPG 无损操作SHIFT + L锁定/取消锁定缩放(全屏幕模式同时生效)SHIFT + M通过email 发送图像SHIFT + N创建新图像SHIFT + OSHIFT + P复制当前文件名到剪贴板SHIFT + Q浏览(窗口or 全屏模式): 在缩略图窗口中显示被标记的文件SHIFT + R重新打开文件SHIFT + S锐化SHIFT + T跳转到工具栏编辑区域SHIFT + U自动色彩校正SHIFT + V增加画布(改变画布大小)SHIFT + W图像适应窗口SHIFT + X浏览(窗口or 全屏模式): 取消当前文件的标记SHIFT + Y消除红眼Alt + SHIFT + S显示/隐藏状态栏Alt + SHIFT + T显示/隐藏工具栏Alt + SHIFT + M显示/隐藏菜单栏Alt + SHIFT + C显示/隐藏标题CTRL + SHIFT + A捕获/批量扫描设置CTRL + SHIFT + J无损JPG 裁剪CTRL + SHIFT + M显示JPGs 评论对话CTRL + SHIFT + L无线JPG 旋转- 向左CTRL + SHIFT + R无线JPG 旋转- 向右CTRL + SHIFT + C设为墙纸- 居中CTRL + SHIFT + T设为墙纸- 平铺CTRL + SHIFT + S设为墙纸- 拉伸CTRL + SHIFT + P设为墙纸- 前一张墙纸CTRL + SHIFT + W在所有显示器上拉伸图像(切换)CTRL + SHIFT + X设为墙纸- 拉伸- 比例CTRL + SHIFT + Y自动裁剪边界CTRL + SHIFT +浏览(窗口or 全屏)模式:通过数字键(0-9)减少文件索引numberCTRL + ALT + P打印图像, 隐藏打印对话框(直接打印)1全屏模式: 显示图像/视频原始尺寸(1:1)2全屏模式: 适合屏幕: 仅适用于大图片3全屏模式: 适合屏幕: 所有图像/视频4全屏模式: 按屏幕拉伸所有图像/视频5全屏模式: 图像宽度适应屏幕宽度6全屏模式: 图像高度适应屏幕高度Numpad 5滚动图像到中央IrfanView 可用的选区快捷方式:Left button click/hold/move 绘制选区CTRL + Left button click/hold/move 按"创建自定义选区" 对话框中设置的比例绘制选区Left button click 放大选区Right button click/hold/move 移动选区Arrows移动选区(假如没有可见的滚动条)SHIFT +arrows移动选区CTRL +arrows按比例调整选区ALT +arrows改变选区高度/宽度IrfanView 可用的鼠标快捷方式:普通模式:Left button click/hold 在标题栏显示鼠标坐标and 像素颜色(or 放大选区) SHIFT + Left button click/hold 显示坐标and 像素颜色+ 拷贝十六进制颜色值到剪贴板Left button click + drag 形成一个选区CTRL + Left button click + drag 使用实际的长宽比调整选区Right button click 滚动图片or 显示上下文菜单(假如是活动的).CTRL + Right button click + drag 按拖动方向滚动图像,即使上下文菜单被激活.Right button click + drag 按拖动方向滚动图像. 假如在选区内,移动选区.Left button double click 切换到全屏模式Wheel up 载入目录中的上一个文件OR 向上滚动图像Wheel down 载入目录中的下一个文件OR 向下滚动图像CTRL + Wheel up 放大CTRL + Wheel down 缩小SHIFT + Wheel 水平滚动图像全屏or 幻灯片模式:Left button click 载入目录中的上一个图像Right button click 载入目录中的下一个图像Left button click ...在屏幕的左上角or 右上角= 退出全屏模式F更改/循环全屏幕显示/适应选项↓载入目录中的下一个图像↑载入目录中的上一个图像F11显示/隐藏鼠标全屏/幻灯片模式下视频播放控制条(DirectShow 模式) 快捷键:B隐藏/显示播放控制条Y隐藏/显示播放控制条中的文件名Left/right arrow跳转10% 视频进度CTRL +Left/right arrow跳转5% 视频进度SHIFT +Left/right跳转1% 视频进度arrowMouse move视频底部: 隐藏/显示播放控制条EXE 幻灯片:E从EXE 幻灯片中释放所有文件T or N显示/隐藏图像中的文本F改变/循环全屏显示/适应选项F1显示帮助信息F11显示/隐藏鼠标rfanView 是一款小巧、快速、强大、免费、有中文版的图像查看器/浏览器/转换器,适用于Win9x - Vista版本。



主要命名介绍“container“就是将页面中的所有元素包在一起的部分,这部分还可以命名为: “wrapper“, “wrap“, “page“.“header”是网站页面的头部区域,一般来讲,它包含网站的logo 和一些其他元素。

这部分还可以命名为:“page-header” (或pageHeader).“navbar“等同于横向的导航栏,是最典型的网页元素。

这部分还可以命名为:“nav”, “navigation”, “nav-wrapper”.“Menu”区域包含一般的链接和菜单,这部分还可以命名为: “subNav “, “links“,“sidebar-main”.5. Main“Main”是网站的主要区域,如果是博客的话它将包含的日志。

这部分还可以命名为: “content“, “main-content”(或“mainContent”)。

“Sidebar”部分可以包含网站的次要内容,比如最近更新内容列表、关于网站的介绍或广告元素等…这部分还可以命名为: “subNav “, “side-panel“, “secondary-content“.“Footer”包含网站的一些附加信息,这部分还可以命名为: “copyright“.ID命名(1)页面结构容器: container页头:header内容:content页面主体:main页尾:footer导航:nav侧栏:sidebar栏目:column左右中:left right center页面外围控制整体布局宽度:wrapper(2)导航导航:nav主导航:mainbav子导航:subnav顶导航:topnav边导航:sidebar左导航:leftsidebar 右导航:rightsidebar 菜单:menu子菜单:submenu标题: title摘要: summary(3)功能标志:logo广告:banner登陆:login登录条:loginbar注册:regsiter搜索:search功能区:shop标题:title加入:joinus状态:status按钮:btn滚动:scroll标签页:tab文章列表:list提示信息:msg当前的: current小技巧:tips图标: icon注释:note指南:guild服务:service热点:hot新闻:news下载:download投票:vote合作伙伴:partner友情链接:link版权:copyright网站公用相关Container div #container 容器Header or banner div #header 页头部分Main or global navigation div #main-nav 主导航Menu #menu 菜单Sub Menu #submenu 子菜单Left or right side columns #sidebar-a, #sidebar-b 左边栏或右边栏Main div #main 页面主体Content div #content 内容部分The main content area #content-main 主要内容区域Footer div #footer 页脚部分Tag #tag 标签Message #msg #message 提示信息Tips #tips 小技巧Vote #vote 投票Friend Link #friendlink 友情连接Title #title 标题Summary #summary 摘要Sub-navigation list #sub-nav 二级导航Search input #search-input 搜索输入框Search output #search-output 搜索输出和搜索结果相似Search #search 搜索Search results #search-results 搜索结果Copyright information #copyright 版权信息brand #branding 商标branding-logo #branding-logo LOGOSite information #siteinfo 网站信息Copyright information etc. #siteinfo-legal 法律声明Designer or other credits #siteinfo-credits 信誉Join us #joinus 加入我们Partnership opportunities #partner 合作伙伴Services #service 服务Regsiter #regsiter 注册Status #status 状态电子贸易相关Products .products 产品Products prices .products-prices 产品价格Products description .products-description 产品描述Products review .products-review 产品评论Editor's review .editor-review 编辑评论New release .news-release 最新产品Publisher .publisher 生产商Screen shot .screenshot 缩略图FAQ .faqs 常见问题Keyword .keyword 关键词Blog .blog 博客Forum .forum 论坛注意事项-使用技巧元素居中{margin:0 auto; text-align:center;}text-align:center;这句是为了适应IE6以下版本的浏览器而加的,IE6以下对margin:0 auto;不能解析为居中,所以用这种方式来补救,所以在写代码时把两句都写上。



快捷键⼤全(MacWindows)常⽤快捷键基本的快捷键描述Windows Mac OS编辑菜单Alt + E Ctrl + F2 + F⽂件菜单Alt + F Ctrl + F2 + E视图菜单Alt + V Ctrl + F2 + V全选⽂本Ctrl + A Cmd + A复制⽂本Ctrl + C Cmd + C查找⽂本Ctrl + F Cmd + F查找替换⽂本Ctrl + H Cmd + F新建⽂档Ctrl + N Cmd + N打开⽂件Ctrl + O Cmd + O打印选项Ctrl + P Cmd + P保存⽂件Ctrl + S Cmd + S粘贴⽂本Ctrl + V Cmd + V剪切⽂本Ctrl + X Cmd + X重做⽂本Ctrl + Y Shift + Cmd + Z撤销⽂本Ctrl + Z Cmd + Z⽂本编辑描述Windows Mac OS 光标移动将⽂本插⼊光标向右移动或者移动到下⼀⾏⾏⾸Right Arrow Right Arrow将⽂本插⼊光标向左移动或者移动到上⼀⾏⾏尾Left Arrow Left Arrow将⽂本插⼊光标向上移动⼀⾏Up Arrow Up Arrow将⽂本插⼊光标向下移动⼀⾏Down Arrow Down Arrow将⽂本插⼊光标移动到当前⾏的⾏⾸Home Cmd + Left Arrow将⽂本插⼊光标移动到当前⾏的⾏尾End Cmd + Right Arrow将⽂本插⼊光标移动到⽂档的开头Ctrl + Home Cmd + Up Arrow将⽂本插⼊光标移动到⽂档的结尾Ctrl + End Cmd + Down Arrow将⽂本插⼊光标移动到上⼀个⽂本框Page Up Fn + Up Arrow将⽂本插⼊光标移动到下⼀个⽂本框Page Down Fn + Down Arrow将⽂本插⼊光标向左移动到前⼀个词的开头Ctrl + Left Arrow Option + Left Arrow将⽂本插⼊光标向右移动到后⼀个词的开头Ctrl + Right Arrow Option + Right Arrow将⽂本插⼊光标移动到⾏⾸Ctrl + Up Arrow Cmd + Left Arrow将⽂本插⼊光标移动到⾏尾Ctrl + Down Arrow Cmd + Right Arrow⽂本选择选择⽂本插⼊光标左边的字符Shift + Left Arrow Shift + Left Arrow选择⽂本插⼊光标右边的字符Shift + Right Arrow Shift + Right Arrow向上选择⼀⾏⽂本Shift + Up Arrow Shift + Up Arrow向下选择⼀⾏⽂本Shift + Down Arrow Shift + Down Arrow选择⽂本插⼊光标左边的字Shift + Ctrl + Left Shift + Opt + Left选择⽂本插⼊光标右边的字Shift + Ctrl + Right Shift + Opt + Right向左选择⼀段⽂本Shift + Ctrl + Up Shift + Opt + Up向右选择⼀段⽂本Shift + Ctrl + Down Shift + Opt + Down选择⽂本插⼊光标与当前⾏⾏⾸之间的⽂本Shift + Home Cmd + Shift + Left Arrow选择⽂本插⼊光标与当前⾏⾏尾之间的⽂本Shift + End Cmd + Shift + Right Arrow选择⽂本插⼊光标与⽂档开头之间的⽂本Shift + Ctrl + Home Cmd + Shift + Up Arrow or Cmd + Shift + Fn + Left Arrow选择⽂本插⼊光标与⽂档结尾之间的⽂本Shift + Ctrl + End Cmd + Shift + Down Arrow or Cmd + Shift + Fn + Right Arrow向上选择⼀个⽂本框Shift + Page Up Shift + Fn + Up Arrow向下选择⼀个⽂本框Shift + Page Down Shift + Fn + Down Arrow全选⽂本Ctrl + A Cmd + A查找⽂本Ctrl + F Cmd + F⽂本排版将所选⽂本设置为粗体Ctrl + B Cmd + B将所选⽂本设置为斜体Ctrl + I Cmd + I将所选⽂本加下划线Ctrl + U Cmd + U将所选⽂本设置为上标Ctrl + Shift + =Cmd + Shift + =将所选⽂本设置为下标Ctrl + =Cmd + =⽂本编辑删除⽂本插⼊光标左边的字符Backspace Backspace删除⽂本插⼊光标右边的字符Delete Fn + Backspace删除⽂本插⼊光标右边的字Ctrl + Del Cmd + Backspace删除⽂本插⼊光标左边的字Ctrl + Backspace Cmd + Fn + Backspace增加缩进量Tab Tab减少缩进量Shift + Tab Shift + Tab复制⽂本Ctrl + C Cmd + C查找替换⽂本Ctrl + H Cmd + F粘贴⽂本Ctrl + V Cmd + V剪切⽂本Ctrl + X Cmd + X重做⽂本Ctrl + Y Shift + Cmd + Z撤销⽂本Ctrl + Z Cmd + Z描述Windows Mac OSWeb 浏览器描述Windows Mac OS Navigation向下滚动框Space or Page Down Space or Fn + Down Arrow向上滚动框Shift + Space or PageUpShift + Space or Fn + Up Arrow定位到页⾯底部End Cmd + Down Arrow 定位到页⾯头部Home Cmd + Up Arrow回退Alt + Left Arrow orBackspaceCmd + Left Arrow前进Alt + Right Arrow orShift + Backspace Cmd + Right Arrow刷新⽹页F5Cmd + R刷新⽹页(⽆缓存)Ctrl + F5Cmd + Shift + R 停⽌Esc Esc全屏切换F11Cmd + Shift + F 放⼤Ctrl + +Cmd + +缩⼩Ctrl + -Cmd + -重置 100% (默认)Ctrl + 0Cmd + 0打开主页Alt + Home Option + Home or Option + Fn + Left Arrow查找⽂本Ctrl + F Cmd + F标签/窗⼝管理打开⼀个新的标签页Ctrl + T Cmd + T关闭当前标签页Ctrl + W Cmd + W关闭所有标签页Ctrl + Shift + W Cmd + Q关闭除当前标签页以外的其它标签页Ctrl + Alt + F4Cmd + Opt + W定位到下⼀个标签页Ctrl + Tab Control + Tab or Cmd + Shift + Right Arrow定位到上⼀个标签页Ctrl + Shift + Tab Shift + Control + Tab or Cmd + Shift + Left Arrow定位到指定编号的标签页Ctrl + 1-8Cmd + 1-8定位到最后⼀个标签页Ctrl + 9Cmd + 9重新打开最后⼀个关闭的标签页Ctrl + Shift + T Cmd + Shift + T打开⼀个新窗⼝Ctrl + N Cmd + N关闭当前窗⼝Alt + F4Cmd + W定位到下⼀个窗⼝Alt + Tab Cmd + Tab定位到上⼀个窗⼝Alt + Shift + Tab Cmd + Shift + Tab重新打开最后⼀个关闭的窗⼝Ctrl + Shift + N在背景的标签页中打开链接Ctrl + Click Cmd + Click在前景的标签页中打开链接Ctrl + Shift + Click Cmd + Shift + Click打印当前⽹页Ctrl + P Cmd + P保存当前⽹页Ctrl + S Cmd + S地址栏在⼯具栏、搜索栏和页⾯元素间进⾏循环定位Tab Tab定位到浏览器的地址栏Ctrl + L or Alt + D Cmd + L聚焦并选中浏览器的搜索栏Ctrl + E Cmd + E / Cmd + K在新的标签页打开地址栏位置Alt + Enter Cmd + Enter显⽰⼀系列之前访问过的地址F4在地址栏输⼊⽂本的开头增加"www.",结尾增加".com"。

AD9 DXP 快捷键

AD9 DXP 快捷键

1.1Common Schematic / PCB Editor ShortcutsSHIFT While autopanning to pan at higher speed 自动平移时加速平移Y While placing an object to flip it along the Y-axis 放置物体时沿Y轴翻转X While placing an object to flip it along the X-axis 放置物体时沿X轴翻转CTRL + SHIFT + ↑ ↓ ← →Move selection ten grid increments in direction of arrow key 将被选择的物体向箭头的方向移动十个网格的增量SHIFT + ↑ ↓ ← →Move cursor ten grid increments in direction of arrow key 将光标向箭头的方向移动十个网格的增量CTRL + ↑ ↓ ← →Move selection one grid increment in direction of arrow key 将被选择的物体向箭头的方向移动一个网格的增量↑ ↓ ← →Move cursor one grid increment in direction of arrow key 将光标向箭头的方向移动一个网格的增量ESC Escape from current process 退出当前项目END Redraw the screen 刷新屏幕HOME Redraw screen with center at the cursor point 以光标点为中心刷新屏幕CTRL + HOME Jump to absolute origin (lower left corner of workspace) 跳到绝对原点(工作区左下角)CTRL + Mouse-wheel down (orPAGE DOWN)Zoom out 缩小CTRL + Mouse-wheel up (or PAGE UP) Zoom in around cursor (zooms around cursor, position the cursor first) 围绕光标放大(先定位光标,再进行缩放)Mouse-wheel Pan up/down 向上或下平移SHIFT + Mouse-wheel Pan left/right 向左或右平移A Display Align sub-menu 显示排列子菜单B Display Toolbars sub-menu 显示工具栏子菜单J Display Jump sub-menu 显示跳转子菜单K Display Workspace Panels sub-menu 显示工作区面板子菜单M Display Move sub-menu 显示移动子菜单O Pop-up right-click Options menu 弹出右键单击的选项菜单S Display Select sub-menu 显示选择子菜单X Display DeSelect sub-menu 显示取消子菜单Z Pop-up menu with zoom commands 弹出缩放命令菜单CTRL + Z Undo 复原CTRL + Y Redo 重做CTRL + A Select all 全选CTRL + C (or CTRL + INSERT) Copy 复制CTRL + X (or SHIFT + DELETE) Cut 剪切CTRL + V (or SHIFT + INSERT) Paste 粘贴CTRL + R Copy to clipboard and repeat paste selected objects (RubberStamp) 复制到剪贴板和重复粘贴选定对象(橡皮图章)CTRL + R then ESC Re-enters Rubber Stamp mode using the current clipboardcontent 使用当前剪贴板的内容重新进入橡皮图章模式CTRL + Q Access the Selection Memory dialog 进入选择性存储对话框ALT Constrain object movement horizontally or vertically 水平或垂直约束物体移动DELETE Delete selection 删除物体V, D View document 查看文档V, F View fit placed objects 查看适合放置物体X, A De-select all 取消全选Right-click & hold Display slider hand & slide view 显示滑动手型&滑动显示Left-click Select/deselect object under cursor 选择或取消光标下的物体Right-click Pop-up floating menu, or escape from current operation 弹出浮动菜单,或者退出当前操作Right-click on object, select Find Similar Load object under cursor into Find Similar Objects dialog 选择光标下的物体进到查找相似对象对话框Left-click, hold & drag Select inside area 选择内部区域Left-click & hold Move object/selection under cursor 移动光标下物体或对象Left Double-click Edit object 编辑对象SHIFT + Left-click Add/remove object from selection set 从选择设置里添加或删除对象TAB Edit attributes while placing 放置对象时编辑属性SHIFT + C Clear current Filter 清除当前过滤器SHIFT + F Click on object to display Find Similar Objects dialog 单击对象显示查找相似对象对话框Y Pop-up Quick Queries menu 弹出快速查询菜单F11 Toggle Inspector panel on/off 切换检查面板开启或关闭F12 Toggle Filter panel on/off 切换过滤器面板开启或关闭SHIFT + F12 Toggle List panel on/off 切换列表面板开启或关闭ALT + F5 Toggle full screen mode 切换全屏模式, Left-click Cross probe to matching object on target document, stay remaining in source document 在目标文件交叉探测匹配对象,其余的留在源文件, CTRL + Left-click Cross probe and jump to matching object on target, jumping to target document 交叉探测并跳转到匹配的目标对象,跳转到目标文件SHIFT + CTRL + T Align selected objects by top edges 沿上边缘排列选择对象SHIFT + CTRL + L Align selected objects by left edges 沿左边缘排列选择对象SHIFT + CTRL + R Align selected objects by right edges 沿右边缘排列选择对象SHIFT + CTRL + B Align selected objects by bottom edges 沿底边缘排列选择对象SHIFT + CTRL + H Distribute selected objects equally in horizontal plane 在水平面上均匀分布SHIFT + CTRL + V Distribute selected objects equally in vertical plane 在垂直面上均匀分布SHIFT + CTRL + D Align selected objects to grid 选择的对象与网格对齐CTRL + n (n=1 to 8) Store current selection in memory location n 在n位置内存中存储当前选择ALT + n (n=1 to 8) Recall selection from memory location n 从n位置内存中调用选择SHIFT + n (n=1 to 8) Add current selection to selection already stored in memorylocation n 添加当前选择到已存储的n位置内存中SHIFT + ALT + n (n=1 to 8) Recall selection from memory location n and add it to currentselection in workspace 从n位置内存中调用选择并且添加到工作区中当前的选择上SHIFT + CTRL + n (n=1 to 8) Apply filtering based on selection set in memory location n. 基于n位置内存中的选择应用过滤1.2Schematic Editor Only ShortcutsG Cycle through snap grid settings 通过单元格设置循环F2 Edit in-place 在适当的位置编辑CTRL + PAGE DOWN Fit all objects into view 查看所有对象SPACEBAR Rotate counterclockwise by 90 degrees while moving an object移动物体时逆时针旋转90度SPACEBAR Toggle start/end mode while placing a wire/bus/line 放置线/总线/线条时切换开始或结束模式, SPACEBAR Toggle pen color while using highlighting pens 使用高亮笔时切换笔的颜色SHIFT + SPACEBAR Rotate clockwise by 90 degrees while moving an object 移动物体时顺时针旋转90度SHIFT + SPACEBAR Cycle Step through placement modes while placing awire/bus/line 放置线/总线/线条时通过放置模式循环步骤CTRL + SPACEBAR Rotate counterclockwise by 90 degrees while dragging an object拖动对象时逆时针旋转90度SHIFT + CTRL + SPACEBAR Rotate clockwise by 90 degrees while dragging an object 拖动对象时顺时针旋转90度, CTRL + Left-click on port or sheet entry Highlight connection/net on target sheet while using highlighting pens 使用高亮笔时在目标表格上高亮连接或网络SHIFT + CTRL + C Clear all highlighting applied by highlighting pens 使用高亮笔清除所有高亮应用BACKSPACE Remove the last vertex when placing a wire/bus/line/polygon 放置线/总线/线条/铜皮时移除上一个顶点Left-click, hold + DELETE When a wire is selected to delete a vertex 选中线时删除顶点Left-click, hold + INSERT When a wire is selected to add a vertex 选中线时添加顶点CTRL + Left-click & drag Drag object 拖动对象Left-click in Navigator panel Cross probe to object on schematic document 在原理图上交叉探测对象ALT + Left-click in Navigator panel Cross probe to object on both schematic document and PCB 在原理图和PCB上同时交叉探测对象ALT + Left-click on net object Highlight all elements in net on sheet 把网络上所有元素高亮CTRL + Double Left-click On sheet symbol to descend hierarchy 在图表符号上降低层次CTRL + Double Left-click On port to ascend hierarchy 在端口上上升层次+ (numeric keypad) Enlarge IEEE symbol size during placement or movement 放置或移动时增大IEEE符号大小- (numeric keypad) Reduce IEEE symbol size during placement or movement 放置或移动时减小IEEE符号大小CTRL + F Find text 查找文本CTRL + H Find and replace text 查找和重新放置文本F3 Find next occurrence of searched text 查找下一个出现的搜索文本INSERT Copy attributes of object under the cursor while placing an objectof the same type 放置相同类型的对象时复制光标下对象的属性S Swap sheet entry side while moving one or more selected sheetentries 移动一个或多个选择图表入口时交换图表入口V Reverse sheet entry order while moving two or more selectedsheet entries 选择两个或者多个选择图表入口时翻转图表入口命令T Toggle sheet entry IO type while moving one or more selectedsheet entries 移动一个或多个选择图表入口时切换图表入口IO类型T Toggle all sheet entry IO types while resizing selected sheetsymbol 调整选择图表符号时切换所有图表入口IO类型T, P Access Schematic - General page of Preferences dialog 进入原理图一般页面的选项对话框1.3PCB Editor Only ShortcutsSHIFT + R Cycle through three routing modes (ignore, avoid or pushobstacle) 通过三个路径模式循环(忽略,避免或者推挤)SHIFT + E Toggle electrical grid on/off 切换电子网格开启或关闭SHIFT + B Build Query 建立查询SHIFT + PAGE UP Zoom-in in small increments 小增量放大SHIFT + PAGE DOWN Zoom-out in small increments 小增量缩小CTRL + PAGE UP Zoom-in to 400% 放大到400%CTRL + PAGE DOWN Fit document into view 适应查看文件CTRL + END Jump to defined relative origin for the workspace 在工作区跳到已定义的相对原点ALT + END Redraw current layer only 只刷新当前板层ALT + INSERT Paste on current layer 粘贴到当前板层CTRL + G Pop up Snap Grid dialog 弹出对齐网格对话框G Pop up Snap Grid menu 弹出对齐网格菜单N Hide the ratsnest while moving a component 移动元件时隐藏激光L Flip component being moved to other side of board 把移到电路板的另一侧的元件翻转SHIFT + F1 Pressed while routing, displays the appropriate interactive routingshortcut keys 布线时按下,显示相对应的交互式布线快捷键TAB Pressed while routing, length tuning, component or stringplacement displays appropriate interactive editing dialog 布线,等长,放置元件或线时按下,显示相对应的交互式编辑对话框F2 Display Board Insight and Heads Up display options 显示板的洞察和显示选项CTRL + Left-click Highlight routed net under cursor (repeat in free space to clear)高亮光标下的网络(在自由空间里重复清除)CTRL + SPACEBAR Cycle through connection lines modes during interactive routing在交互式布线时通过连接线模式循环BACKSPACE Remove last track corner during interactive routing 交互式布线时移除上一个轨道角SHIFT + S Toggle single layer mode on/off 切换单层模式开启或关闭O, D, D, O, ENTER Set all primitives to display in draft mode 将所有图元显示在草稿模式O, D, F, O, ENTER Set all primitives to display in final mode 将所有图元显示在最终模式O, D (or CTRL + D) Access Show/Hide page of View Configurations dialog 进入显示/隐藏页面的查看配置对话框。




⽬录playwright主要的选择器:Locator Descriptiontext⽂本值css selector CSS 选择器xpath xpath表达式React selector React选择器Vue selector Vue 选择器id, data-testid, data-test-id, data-test属性值,只⽀持这4种属性。


其中Vue selector和React selector⽬前还是实验性的功能,这⾥不做更多介绍。

Text 定位通过⽂本值定位点击【学术】'text="学术"')# 或者'"学术"')属性值定位只⽀持id, data-testid, data-test-id, data-test这4种属性值,其它属性需要使⽤css表达式。

page.fill("id=kw", "test")"id=su")其它属性值定位:page.fill('css=[id="kw"]', "test")page.fill('css=[class="s_ipt"]', "test")page.fill('css=[name="wd"]', "test")# 也可以简化为page.fill('[id="kw"]', "test")page.fill('[class="s_ipt"]', "test")page.fill('[name="wd"]', "test")xpath定位xpath 定位语法介绍可参考:。



l o g i c使用快捷键使用方法本页仅作为文档封面,使用时可以删除This document is for reference only-rar21year.March以前用过NUENDO等软件,Logic Pro 9的快捷键适应不了,怎么设置快捷键?启动Logic Pro 9,点击桌面左上角Logic Pro菜单,找到Preferences,找到key commands,在这里设置。


方法:在key commands窗口左上角,找到Option下拉菜单。


Logic Pro 9录音以后再录音,怎么会“顿”一下?在Logic Pro 9底部,transport (传送条)上,在录音按钮上单击鼠标右键,勾选“punch on the fly",好了,整个世界清净了。


在Logic Pro 9中怎样精细制作渐快、渐慢速度a 首先在刻度尺上选择你要变速的范围。

b将播放光标定位到范围的最右边c按键盘上的“T”键,打开LIST窗口d点击Create,程序将在播放光标位置,创建新的速度标记e在TEMPO栏下,输入你想要的新速度f在这个窗口上方,找到Options下来菜单,找到Tempo operations,在curve type出选择适合的渐变模式,如果从此以后就用新的速度,那么勾选“Continue with New Tempo",如果变速后还想马上回到原有速度则不要勾选,注意density这个下拉菜单,它可以让你的变速曲线像楼梯一样有棱有角,也可让曲线像丝绸一般顺滑。






滚动条分为水平滚动条(Horizontal Scroll Bar)和垂直滚动条(Vertical Scroll Bar)两种。




像列表框和组合框设置了WS_HSCROLL 或WS _VSCROLL风格以后出现的滚动条,不是一个独立的窗口,而是这些窗口的一部分,这就是标准滚动条。





CScrollBar类的成员函数Create的函数原型如下:virtual BOOL Create(DWORD dwStyle,const RECT& rect,CWnd* pParentWnd,UINT nID);此函数与其他控件类的Create函数原型基本相同。






FEI Quanta 200扫描电子显微镜操作标准操作规程说明书

FEI Quanta 200扫描电子显微镜操作标准操作规程说明书

Standard Operating ProcedureFEI Quanta 200 Scanning Electron Microscope This document is intended as a guide to the operation of the FEI Quanta 200ESEM by certified users. It provides details on sample loading, bringing the microscope up to operating conditions, normal operation procedures, sample removal, and returning the microscope to a powered down state. This guide is not intended for novice users.*Please fill out the log sheet before beginning using the microscope.1. Specimen Preparation and HandlingThe Quanta 200 has three operating vacuum modes to deal with different types of samples. High Vacuum (HiVac) is the conventional operating mode associated with all scanning electron microscopes. High Vacuum mode typically requires that the sample be conductive or properly mounted and coated for conduction. Coating reduces beam penetration and allows for a sharper image; however, it may mask elements of interest forX-ray analysis. The two other operating modes are Low Vacuum (LowVac) and ESEM.In these modes the column is under high vacuum and the specimen chamber is at higher pressures of 0.1 to 30 Torr. Observation of outgassing or highly charging materials can be made using one of these modes without the need to coat the sample with a conductive material. In some cases, a PLA (Pressure Limiting Aperture) cone placed on the conical objective maybe useful in LowVac mode because the gas in the chamber may cause “skirting” of the incident beam. ESEM mode is used primarily for any specimens that are considered “wet” and contain volatile components such as water or oil.The microscope is currently used in High Vacuum (HiVac) mode. If you want to use Low Vacuum please contact before Claudia Ojeda-Aristizabal or Rick Behl.Specimens should be clean, fixed, and properly mounted before loading them onto the specimen stage. The specimen must be electrically grounded to the sample holder with conductive tape or paint to minimize specimen charging.2. Computer User Interface (UI)The SEM is controlled by means of a Windows-based user interface (UI) program, calledxT Microscope Control.The primary SEM controls are accessed via the consoles on the right hand side of the screen. There are various tabs at the upper right hand side corresponding to different“pages”. The Work Page(Figure 1) contains the “Vacuum”console, the “Electron Column”console, the “Detectors”console, and the “Stage”console, with maps, coordinates, and tilt correction tabs, and finally, the “Status” console. The Options Page (Figure 2) contains the “Imaging” console. The various pages are accessed by selecting the desired tab from the top of the console.Images are displayed in the main window on the computer screen. The main windowis divided in to 4 quadrants (quads). The bottom right quadrant, quad 4, shows an infrared camera view of the inside of the SEM chamber. The upper right quadrant, quad 2, is typically used to display the secondary electron image. Quadrant 1 (upper left) may be used for the backscatter detector, and quadrant 3 (lower left) may be used to mix images from quad 1 and2.The SEM can be controlled by making selections from the Menu, clicking icons onthe Toolbar (Figure 3), or with keyboard commands (Figure 4). The mouse is also used tocontrol various functions on the SEM. The controls are discussed in detail in the following sections.Figure 1. The Work Page, located on the right side of the xT Microscope Control window.Figure 2. The Options Page, located on the right side of the xT Microscope Control window.Figure 3. The Toolbar, located on the top of the xT Microscope Control window.Figure 4. Keyboard shortcuts.3. Start up Procedure*Users must wear latex gloves when handling detectors or loading specimens.1.Fill out the Logsheet. Fill out the Date, User, Supervisor, Sample material,Acceleration Voltage, Time In, Time Out and any comments regarding the SEM (for ebeam lithography include spot sizes used and measured currents). Refer to the previous entry on the Logsheet to confirm the SEM status.2.From the xT microscope control user interface (UI), enter your Username andPassword. The general username is “supervisor”, and the password is “supervisor”.3.The column and specimen chamber are kept under vacuum when not in use to preventcontamination therefore first the system must be brought to atmospheric pressure to open the specimen chamber. First bring the stage to “Home stage” while watching the camera image, checking that the stage will not hit anything. In case of doubt, click “Stop”. Vent via the computer interface by clicking the “Vent” button on the “Vacuum” console. The program will display a prompt asking “Really vent the chamber?”. Click yes to vent the chamber.4.As the system vents, the Vacuum Status Indicator on the “Status” console willchange from green, to yellow while venting, and finally to red when vented. At this point, as you watch the camera image, open the chamber door by pulling the door carefully straight out. Check in the camera image that the stage is far from the eyepiece.5.After mounting your specimen to a specimen stub, insert the pin on the underside ofthe specimen mount into the opening in the top of the stage (see Figure 5). Use gauge to test the height of the sample before closing the door of the chamber.6.Close the chamber door as you watch the camera image and click the “Pump” buttonon the Vacuum console in the computer interface.7.Wait for 15min.During this time a green light will appear next to the vacuumpressure on the “Status” console. After 15min pumping, the accelerating voltage may be turned on by clicking on the “HV” button on the “Electron Column” console.(Even if the software allows to click “HV” before the 15min have passed, please wait.We suspect that the pressure gauge is not reading an accurate pressure in the chamber)Figure 5. Inserting the specimen stub into the stage.4. Adjusting Working Distance, Accelerating Voltage and Spot Size1.Set the highest point on the specimen to a working distance of approximately 10 mmby adjusting the z-axis on the stage. The z-axis can be changed by clicking on the camera view window or in quad 4, then clicking and holding the middle scroll button up or down over the yellow bar which will appear on the screen. It can also be changed by changing the relative coordinates in the stage menu. Approach to the 10mm mark on the screen little by little. Be prepared to stop the stage in case it gets too close to the eyepiece. Do a rough focusing on the highest point of the specimen.Once on focus, click on the icon . This couples the specimen height to the working distance.2.The accelerating voltage can be set between 0-30 kV via the “Electron column”console however, 10 kV will be adequate for most materials. For polymer and glass samples 2-6kV works well and for metals or highly conductive surfaces 30kV will provide high resolution.3.To obtain an image, click on the desired quadrant, 1, 2 or 3, and then click the rabbiticon on the toolbar for fastest render.4.Demagnify as far out as possible when setting up an image by pressing the “-“ key5.Adjust the magnification, focus, stigmator, contrast and brightness to desiredlevels as described below.6.Adjust the contrast and brightness, located on the “Detectors” console, to thedesired levels, or press F9 for the auto contrast brightness (ACB) function.7.Once the brightness and contrast have been adjusted, increase the magnificationusing the “+” key on the keyboard. Other magnification adjustments are• Higher/Lower = (+/-on num pad)• Coarse control = (Crtl key + mouse wheel up/down)• Fine control = (Shift key + mouse wheel up/down)• Round value = (*on num pad)• Select preset value from Magnification menu on the Option page8.Focus the image by holding the right mouse button and moving the mouse left orright.9.The “Spot size” on the “Electron column” console should be adjusted to improvethe image quality; however, in turn the brightness and contrast will need to be readjusted. In general, smaller spot sizes are used for high magnification/resolution while larger spot sizes are more suitable for low magnification and X-ray analysis.10.An area of interest can be moved to the center by locating the mouse pointer over itand double-clicking. To move the sample, the arrow keys, the center scroll button, the stage console, or the x, y and z knobs on the SEM chamber door can also be used.11.To optimize very high magnification imaging, the stigmator can be adjusted byholding the “Shift” key and the right mouse button simultaneously.5. Image Capture1.To capture an image, click on the desired quadrant, 1, 2 or 3.2.By clicking the “-“ button in between the “turtle” and “rabbit” buttons on the toolbarthe render speed can be decreased, thereby increasing the image quality shown on the screen and allowing for a better idea of how the final image will actually look. It is good technique to adjust the brightness and contrast a few times while switching back and forth between fast and slow raster speeds until the extremely bright regions are minimized and muddy looking regions show detailed contrast.3.To have good resolution in your saved image, the image size, located to the rightof the rabbit button, should be 1024x884. This results in an image of around 900kB.4.Now click the “camera” button on the toolbar to initiate a slow scan and capture afinal image.5.File – Save As… to save the image to the “Data” folder.All pictures should besaved under a subfolder with your Supervisor’s name.6.Transfer your images through the internet using the DELL black computer on theground (at the far left). Never insert a USB memory to the SEM computer8. Shut-down Procedure1.Reduce the magnification to its lowest value and turn off the accelerating voltage byclicking the “HV” button on the “Column” console.2.Bring the stage to home while you watch the camera image, checking that the stagewon’t hit anything inside the chamber. In cause of doubt, click “Stop”3.Once the accelerating voltage has been turned off, click the “Vent” button on the“Vacuum” console to bring the system back to ambient pressure.4.Once the system is fully vented, the “Vacuum Status” on the “Vacuum” consolewill display a red box.5.The specimen chamber can now be opened and the sample can be removed. Open thedoor carefully as you watch the camera image to check that the stage won’t hit anything, in particular the eyepiece. Remember user must wear latex gloves when unloading specimens or handling detectors.6. Remove the specimen stub from the socket.7.Now that the sample has been unloaded shut the specimen chamber door. The systemis kept under high vacuum when not in use, so click the “Pump” button on the “Vacuum” console as the door is hold closed. (If the system is in LowVac or ESEM mode, the environmental backing valve(EBV) should be shut when prompted by the computer)8.Wait until the vacuum indicator on the “Vacuum” console has turned green, a fewminutes after pump down has commenced, and record the pressure on the log sheet.9.Under File, log off from the system.1.Close the XT Microscope Control Program and click STOP UI. Shut down thecomputer by clicking the Windows Start button, then selecting Shut Down.puter. Don’t turn off the monitor, as it has a delicate switch.11.Make sure that the door is left locked when you leave9. Troubleshooting9.1 Shut Down Procedure for the SEMIf the program becomes unstable (for example the xT Microscope Control program windowis not updating, or the program crashes), you may need to shut down and restart the computerand/or the SEM. If you are unsure about any of these procedures, contact the Tom Douglass before proceeding.2.Close the xT Microscope Control program, click File, and select Exit. Stop UI.3.Shut down the computer by clicking the Windows Start button, then selecting ShutDown.4.Turn on the computer by pressing the power button.5.Log on. The user name is “supervisor” and the password is “supervisor”6.Double click the shortcut “xT microscope Server”7.Press Start on the xT microscope Server8.Press Start UI9.Again enter “supervisor” as both the user name and password9.2 Blown FilamentIf these is no picture with the HV on, check the Status console. If the filament or emission current reads zero, then the filament may be blown. Contact SEM manager (Tom Douglass)for replacement.9.3 Venting (currently the system is vented with air. A nitrogen dewar will be hooked up in the close future)The system is hooked up to a nitrogen dewar, which provides a clean, dry gas which is letinto the SEM chamber during venting. The gas pressure should be not more than 1-2 psi, to prevent damage to the EDS system. If the dewar is empty, then the vacuum may not be released completely after the system has been vented. In this case, the nitrogen tank pressurewill read zero (or close to zero), and the tank level may show empty (or close to empty).In this case, take an adjustable wrench and remove the plastic hose from the gas regulator fitting. This will allow a path for room air to enter the chamber. Click “pump” and wait untilthe system begins pumping. Then, click “vent” to vent the system. The chamber door should open easily when the vent cycle is completed.Do not force the door. Should you continue to have problems, contact the SEM Manager.9.4 Help FileFurther information is available in the help file. Press F1 to access the online help file, or open the pdf file shortcut on the desktop.10. References10.1 Print referencesScanning Electron Microscopy and X-ray Microanalysis, Goldstein, J., Springer (2003). Scanning Electron Microscopy: A Student's Handbook, Postek, Michael T., et al., Ladd Research Industries (1980).Scanning Electron Microscopy, X-Ray Microanalysis, and Analytical Electron Microscopy: A Laboratory Workbook, Lyman, C., et al, Springer (1990).Electron Optics, Grivet, P., Pergamon Press (1972)10.2 Electronic references for Electron Microscopy/Resources/StudentLearning/tabid/91/language/en-US/Default.aspx/wiki/Scanning_electron_microscope/microscopy/home.html/CMRAcfem/em.htm/CMRAcfem/em.htm/microscopy/guide.aspxPlease contact Prof. Rick Behl (**********************) for Low Vacuum mode or ESEM modeAppendix A – Low Vacuum ModeLow vacuum mode allows a non-conductive or “wet” sample to be imaged by creating a water-vapor-containing atmosphere in the SEM chamber. The pressureallowed range from 0.8 to 1 torr. To operate in LowVac mode the Large Field Detector(LFD), shown in Figure A1, must be installed. The LFD is inserted into the blackconnecter in the rear of the specimen chamber, as shown in Figure A2. The LFD isnormally left in the microscope to enable the user to switch between low and high vacuummode without venting the chamber. When using LowVac mode a PLA cone can be used,if desired. The PLA is installed onto the conical objective (Figure A3).After installing the LFD and PLA and closing the chamber, select “Low Vacuum”on the Vacuum console area of the computer interface. Set the desired starting pressure(0.8 to 1.0 torr), and click “Pump”. Before pumping down, the computer will ask if anycone accessories are being used. Click beside the picture of the accessory being used sothat the system is aware of it presence.The environmental backing valve (EBV), located on the left side of the SEM column, must also be opened (see figure A4). The computer interface will display aprompt when it is time to open this valve.Figure A1. Underside of the Large Field Detector (LFD).Figure A2. Installing the LFD or GSED into the connector in the rear of the chamber can be awkward; be sure to match up the slots in the card with the connector properly.Figure A3. Inserting the GSED or PLA aperture into the conical objective opening where the beam is emitted.Figure A4. Open the environmental backing valve (EBV) only when prompted by the computer system.Appendix B – ESEM ModeESEM mode is used when a higher water vapor pressure than is allowed in low vacuum mode is needed. The pressure in this case can go up to 30 torr. When using ESEM mode the Gaseous Secondary Electron Detector (GSED)must be installed.The GSED has an integrated flexible pc board that must be inserted into the signal connector behind the conical lens (Figures B1 and B2) and an aperture that must be plugged into the conical objective opening were the beam is emitted. This aperture is inserted over the conical objective in the same way a PLA is in Low Vac mode (see figure A3 in the previous section).When using ESEM mode, select “ESEM” on the “Vacuum”console area of the computer interface. The environmental backing valve (EBV) located on the left side of the column must also be opened (see Figure A4 in the previous section). The computer interface will display a prompt when it is time to open this valve.Installing the Gaseous Secondary Electron Detector (GSED)Figure B1. Gaseous Secondary Electron Detector (GSED).Figure B2. Inserting the GSED card into the connector slot.。

ThinkPad 触控板设定说明

ThinkPad 触控板设定说明

技 術 週 報第二十六期一、技術分享1. ThinkPad 觸控板設定說明。

1二、修正空間1. T23 無法從待命狀態中回復。

122. 移除Ultrabay時,沒有出現[可以放心移除硬體]訊息。

133. Windows XP SP2 內建防火牆被設定關閉。

14Ver.04ON26IBM 台灣網址:/tw/IBM 驅動程式下載網址:一、技術分享1. ThinkPad 觸控板設定說明。

IBM ThinkPad 部分機種含有 TouchPad 觸控版,如果要進行設定請執行 開始 Æ 控制台 Æ 滑鼠,再點選 UltraNav。


-Enable TouchPad:開啟觸控板功能。

Use as pointing device with advanced features:使用多功能的設定。

Use pointing device for slow motion pointer only:使用於慢動作的滑鼠控制。

Use pointing device for scrolling and tap zones only:使用於捲動畫面控制。


A. Overview:概要說明。

B. Tapping:輕敲設定。

畫面說明:Enable Tapping:開啟輕敲設定。

B-1. Tap and Drag:輕敲和拖曳。

畫面說明:Tap again and hold to drag:再敲一次停止拖曳。

Locking Drags:鎖定拖曳。

B-2. Tap Zones:輕敲設定。

畫面說明:Enable Tap Zones:啟動輕敲設定,可依照不同需求來設定功能。

-Bottom Left Action:觸控板左下角。

-Bottom Right Action:觸控板右下角。

-Top Left Action:觸控板左上角。

-Top Right Action:觸控板右上角B-2a. 四個角落的動作設定。




键盘事件有三种:KeyPress、KeyDown、KeyUpKeyPress:按了键盘的某键时触发,返回键盘的Ascii码值KeyDown:按下键盘的某键触发,返回键盘的直接状态,即该键的"扫瞄码"值KeyUp:释放键盘的某键触发,返回键盘的直接状态,即该键的"扫瞄码"值上下左右键按下和松开事件#Region "快捷键上下左右按钮对应键盘"Private Sub FormJog_KeyDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown If e.KeyCode = Keys.Left Then'左按下响应End IfIf e.KeyCode = Keys.Right Then'右按下响应End IfIf e.KeyCode = Keys.Up Then'上按下响应End IfIf e.KeyCode = Keys.Down Then'下按下响应End IfIf e.KeyCode = Keys.PageUp Then'PageUp按下响应End IfIf e.KeyCode = Keys.PageDown Then'PageDown按下响应End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub FormJog_KeyUp(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyUp If e.KeyCode = Keys.Left Or e.KeyCode = Keys.Right ThenEnd IfIf e.KeyCode = Keys.Up Or e.KeyCode = Keys.Down ThenEnd IfIf e.KeyCode = Keys.PageDown Or e.KeyCode = Keys.PageUp ThenEnd IfEnd Sub#End Region。



序号快捷键操作(英文)操作(中文)A$$$ Global Commands $$$ ¥¥¥全局命令¥¥¥1 R Record 录音2 ⌅Play 播放3 ⌘⌅Pause 暂停4 ↩Stop 停止5 ˽ Play or Stop 播放或停止6 , Rewind 倒回7 . Forward 向前8 ⇧, Fast Rewind 快倒9 ⇧. Fast Forward 快进10 J Swap Left and Right Locator 左右定位符互换11 ⇧⌅•Play from Selection ·从选择位置播放12 ⇧↩•Go to Selection Start ·跳到选定部分开头13 ⌃K Create Marker 创建标记14 ⇧K Create Marker by Regions 按片段创建标记15 ⌘⌫Delete Marker 删除标记16 ⌥M Open Marker List 打开标记列表17 ⌃, Go to Previous Marker 跳到上一个标记18 ⌃. Go to Next Marker 跳到下一个标记19 ⌃↩Rename Marker 给标记重新命名20 C Cycle Mode 循环模式21 S Solo Mode 独奏模式22 ⌥M MIDI/Monitor Metronome Click MIDI/监视节拍器咔嗒声23 ⇧1 Recall Screenset 1 恢复屏幕设置124 ⇧2 Recall Screenset 2 恢复屏幕设置225 ⇧3 Recall Screenset 3 恢复屏幕设置326 ⇧4 Recall Screenset 4 恢复屏幕设置427 ⇧5 Recall Screenset 5 恢复屏幕设置528 ⇧6 Recall Screenset 6 恢复屏幕设置629 ⇧7 Recall Screenset 7 恢复屏幕设置730 ⇧8 Recall Screenset 8 恢复屏幕设置831 ⇧9 Recall Screenset 9 恢复屏幕设置932 ⌃1 Recall Screenset 1x 恢复屏幕设置1x33 ⌃2 Recall Screenset 2x 恢复屏幕设置2x34 ⌃3 Recall Screenset 3x 恢复屏幕设置3x35 ⌃4 Recall Screenset 4x 恢复屏幕设置4x36 ⌃5 Recall Screenset 5x 恢复屏幕设置5x37 ⌃6 Recall Screenset 6x 恢复屏幕设置6x38 ⌃7 Recall Screenset 7x 恢复屏幕设置7x39 ⌃8 Recall Screenset 8x 恢复屏幕设置8x40 ⌃9 Recall Screenset 9x 恢复屏幕设置9x41 ⌥R Region Inspector Float 片段检查器浮动42 ⌘, Open Preferences... 打开偏好设置…43 ⌘0 Open Event List... 打开事件列表…44 F1 Open Mixer... 打开调音台…45 F4 Open Score Editor... 打开乐谱编辑器…46 ⌘4 Open Transform 打开变换47 F5 Open Hyper Editor... 打开Hyper Editor…48 F3 Open Piano Roll... 打开钢琴卷帘窗…49 ⌘7 Open Transport... 打开走带窗口…50 ⌘8 Open Environment... 打开环境…51 ⌘9 Open Bin... 打开媒体夹…52 F6 Open Library... 打开资源库…53 F2 Open Sample Editor... 打开样本编辑器…54 ⌥E Toggle Event Float 开关事件浮动窗口55 E Toggle Event List 开关事件列表56 X Toggle Mixer 开关调音台57 N Toggle Score Editor 开关乐谱编辑器58 Y Toggle Hyper Editor 开关Hyper Editor59 P Toggle Piano Roll 开关钢琴卷帘窗60 B Toggle Bin 开关媒体夹61 O Toggle Loop Browser 开关循环浏览器62 ⌥L Toggle Library 开关资源库63 F Toggle File Browser 开关文件浏览器64 W Toggle Sample Editor 开关样本编辑器65 K Toggle Marker List 开关标记列表66 T Toggle Tempo List 开关速度列表67 ⇧W Open in External Sample Editor 在外部样本编辑器中打开68 ⌥X Open System Performance... 打开系统性能…69 ⌥K Open Key Commands... 打开键盘命令…70 ⌥C Open Color Palette... 打开调色板…71 ⌥⌘O Open Movie... 打开影片…72 ⌃⌘O Toggle Current Track Automation Off/Read 开关当前轨道自动化关闭/读73 ⌃⌘A Toggle Current Track Automation Latch/Read 开关当前轨道自动化闩锁/读74 ⌥⌘G Open Group Settings... 打开组设置…75 ⌘W Close Window 关闭窗口76 ↑ •Select Previous Track ·选定上一个轨道77 ↓ •Select Next Track ·选定下一个轨道78 ⌘N New... 新建…79 ⌘O Open... 打开…80 ⌥⌘W Close Project 关闭项目81 ⌘S Save 存储82 ⇧⌘S Save Project as... 将项目存储为…83 ⌘P Print 打印84 ⌘I Import... 导入…85 ⌘E Export Track as Audio File... 将轨道导出为音频文件…86 ⇧⌘E Export All Tracks as Audio File... 将所有轨道导出为音频文件…87 ⌘Q Quit 退出88 ⌘Z Undo 还原89 ⇧⌘Z Redo 重做90 ⌥Z Undo History... 还原历史记录…91 ⌘X Cut 剪切92 ⌘C Copy 拷贝93 ⌘V Paste 粘贴94 ⌘A Select All 全选95 ⌘M Minimize Window 最小化窗口96 ⇧⌘M Zoom Window 缩放窗口97 ⇧⌘I Import Audio File... 导入音频文件…98 ⌥⌘C Copy Channel Strip Setting 拷贝通道条设置99 ⌥⌘V Paste Channel Strip Setting 粘贴通道条设置100 ⌥⌘→ Next Ch annel Strip or Plug-in Setting or EXS Instrument 下一个通道条或插件设置或EXS 乐器101 ⌥⌘← Previous Channel Strip or Plug-in Setting or EXS Instrument 上一个通道条或插件设置或EXS 乐器102 V Hide/Show All Plug-in Windows 隐藏/显示所有插件窗口B Global Control Surfaces Commands 全局控制表面命令1 ⌘K Open Controller Assignments 打开控制器分配2 ⌘L Learn new Controller Assignment 学习新的控制器分配C $$$ Various Windows $$$ ¥¥¥不同窗口¥¥¥1 ` •Show Tool Menu ·显示工具菜单2 = •Set Next Tool ·设定下一个工具3 - •Set Previous Tool ·设定上一个工具4 1 •Set Pointer Tool ·设定指针工具5 3 •Set Scissors Tool ·设定剪刀工具6 4 •Set Glue Tool ·设定胶水工具7 5 •Set Eraser Tool ·设定橡皮工具8 7 •Set Text Tool·设定文字工具9 2 •Set Pencil Tool ·设定铅笔工具10 8 •Set Crosshair Tool ·设定十字线工具11 6 •Set V elocity Tool ·设定力度工具12 ⌥G Configure Global Tracks 配置全局轨道13 G Zoom Horizontal Out 水平缩小14 H Zoom Horizontal In 水平放大15 ⌃↓ Zoom V ertical Out 垂直缩小16 ⌃↑ Zoom V ertical In 垂直放大17 ⌃⌥Z Zoom to fit Selection vertically and horizontally, store Navigation Snapshot垂直和水平缩放以适合选定部分并储存导航快照18 ⌃Z Navigation: Back 导航:向后19 ⇞Page Up 向上翻页20 ⇟Page Down 向下翻页21 ↖Page Left 页左22 ↘Page Right 页右23 I Hide/Show Inspector 隐藏/显示检查器24 ⌃O MIDI Out Toggle MIDI 出开关25 M Mute Notes/Regions/Folders on/off 让音符/片段/折叠夹静音打开/关闭26 + •Increase Last Clicked Parameter by 1 ·将上一个点按的参数增大127 - •Decrease Last Clicked Parameter by 1 ·将上一个点按的参数减小128 ⇧+ •Increase Last Clicked Parameter by 10 ·将上一个点按的参数增大1029 ⇧- •Decrease Last Clicked Parameter by 10 ·将上一个点按的参数减小10D $$ Windows showing audio files $$ ¥显示音频文件的窗口¥1 ˽ Play/Stop Selection 播放/停止选定部分E $$ Arrange and Various Editors$$ ¥¥编配和各种编辑器¥¥1 ⇧⌘A Deselect All 取消全选2 ⇧T Invert Selection 反选3 ⇧F Select All Following 选定以下全部4 ⌥⇧F Select All Following of Same Track/Pitch 选定所有后面的相同轨道/音高5 ⇧I Select Inside Locators 选定定位符以内的6 ⇧G Deselect Global Tracks 取消选定全局轨道7 ⇧P Select Equal Subpositions 选定同等子位置8 ⇧M Select Muted Regions/Events 选定静音的片段/事件9 ⇧C Select Equal Colored Regions/Events 选定同等着色的片段/事件10 ← •Select Previous Region/Event, or Set Marquee End to Previous Transient ·选择上一个片段/事件,或者将选取框末端设定到上一个瞬变11 → •Select Next Region/Event, or Set Marquee End to Next Transient ·选择下一个片段/事件,或者将选取框末端设定到下一个瞬变12 ⇧← •Toggle Previous R egion/Event, or Set Marquee Start to Previous Transient ·切换上一个片段/事件,或者将选取框开头设定到上一个瞬变13 ⇧→ •Toggle Next Region/Event, or Set Marquee Start to Next Transient ·切换下一个片段/事件,或者将选取框开头设定到下一个瞬变14 L Loop Regions/Folders on/off 循环片段/折叠夹打开/关闭15 Q Quantize Selected Events 量化选定事件16 ⇧↑ Select Highest Notes 选定最高音符17 ⇧↓ Select Lowest Notes 选定最低音符18 D Delete Duplicated Events 删除重复事件19 ⌥→ •Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Nudge V alue ·将片段/事件位置向右挪动 1 个挪动值的距离20 ⌥← •Nudge Region/Event Position Left by Nudge V alue ·将片段/事件位置向左挪动 1 个挪动值的距离21 ⌥↑ •Event Transpose +1 ·事件移调+122 ⌥↓ •Event Transpose -1 ·事件移调-123 ⌥U Event Position and Length in SMPTE Units 以SMPTE 为单位的事件位置和长度24 U Secondary Ruler 第二标尺25 ⌘⇞Unlock SMPTE Position 解锁SMPTE 位置26 ⌘⇟Lock SMPTE Position 锁定SMPTE 位置F $$$ Arrange Window $$$ ¥¥¥编配窗口¥¥¥1 ← •Select Previous Region on Selected Track ·在所选轨道上选定上一个片段2 → •Select Next Region on Selected Track ·在所选轨道上选定下一个片段3 ⌃⌘⌫Delete Visible Automation on Selected Track 删除所选轨道上可见的自动化4 ⌃⇧⌘⌫Delete All Automation on Selected Track 删除所选轨道上的所有自动化5 ⌘D New Track with Duplicate Setting 使用重复设置新建轨道6 ⌥⌘N New Tracks... 新建轨道…7 ⌃H Hide Current Track and Select Next Track 隐藏当前轨道并选定下一个轨道8 ⌃M Toggle Track Mute 开关轨道静音9 ⌃R Record Enable Track 录音启用的轨道10 ⌃S Toggle Track Solo 开关轨道独奏11 Z Auto Track Zoom 自动轨道缩放12 ⇧A Select All Aliases of Region 选定片段的所有替身13 ⌃⌘X Snip: Cut Section Between Locators (Global) 剪开:剪切定位符之间的部分(全局)14 ⌃⌘Z Insert Silence Between Locators (Global) 在定位符之间插入无声片段(全局)15 ⌃⌘V Splice: Insert Snipped Section at Playhead (Global) 接合:在播放头处插入剪开的部分(全局)16 ⌃⌘R Repeat Section Between Locators (Global) 重复定位符之间的部分(全局)17 ⌃X Strip Silence... 剥离无声…18 ⌃N Normalize Region Parameters 正常化片段参数19 ⌃Q Apply Quantization Destructively 破坏性地应用量化20 ⌃L Convert Loops to Real Copies 将循环转换成真实拷贝21 ⌃B Set Optimal Region Sizes Rounded by Bar 设定最适宜的片段大小(按小节取整)22 A Hide/Show Track Automation 隐藏/显示轨道自动化G$$ Mixer $$ ¥¥调音台¥¥1 ⇧X Cycle Through Mixer Modes (Single, Arrange, All) 在调音台模式之间循环(单个、编配、全部)2 ← Select Previous (Left) Channel Strip 选择上一个(左侧)通道条3 → Select Next (Right) Channel Strip 选择下一个(右侧)通道条4 ⌥⌘N Create New Auxiliary Channel Stri ps 创建新的辅助通道条H $$ Environment Window $$ ¥¥环境窗口¥¥1 ⌃⌫Clear Cables only 仅清除电缆2 ⌃C Hide/Show Cables 隐藏/显示电缆3 ⌃P Protect Cabling/Positions 保护连线/位置4 ⇧T Invert Selection 反选5 ⇧U Select Unused Instruments 选定未使用的乐器6 ⇧→ Select Cable Destination 选定电缆的目的位置7 ⇧← Select Cable Origin 选定电缆的起始位置I $$ Score Window $$ ¥¥乐谱窗口¥¥1 ⌃P Page V iew 页面视图2 ⌃N Hide/Show Instrument Names 隐藏/显示乐器名称3 ⌃R Hide/Show Page Rulers 隐藏/显示页面标尺4 → •Next Event ·下一个事件5 ← •Previous Event ·上一个事件6 ↓ •Next Staff ·下一个五线谱7 ↑ •Previous Staff ·上一个五线谱8 ⌃B Beam Selected Notes 给所选音符加符杠9 ⌃U Unbeam Selected Notes 去掉所选音符的符杠10 ⌃C Assign Channels based on Score Split 基于乐谱分离来分配通道J $$ Event Window $$ ¥¥事件窗口¥¥1 ↑ •Select Previous Event ·选定上一个事件2 ↓ •Select Next Event ·选定下一个事件3 ⌃A Length as Absolute Position 长度为绝对位置4 ⇧V •Copy V alue to All Following Events ·将值拷贝到接下来的所有事件K $$ Hyper Editor $$ (不知道怎么翻译)1 ⌥⌘N Create Event Definition 创建事件定义2 ⌃⌫Delete Event Definition 删除事件定义3 ⌃C Copy Event Definition 拷贝事件定义4 ⌃V Paste Event Definition 粘贴事件定义5 ⌃A Toggle Auto Define 开关自动定义L $$ Audio Bin $$ ¥¥音频媒体夹¥¥1 ↑ Select Previous Audio File 选定上一个音频文件2 ↓ Select Next Audio File 选定下一个音频文件3 ⌃F Add Audio File... 添加音频文件…4 ⌃R Add Region 添加片段5 ⌃⌫Delete File(s) 删除文件6 ⌃C Copy/Convert File(s)... 拷贝/转换文件…7 ⇧U Select Unused 选定未使用的8 ⌃X Strip Silence... 剥离无声…9 ⌃G Create Group... 创建组…M $$ Sample Edit Window 样本编辑窗口1 ⌥⌘S Save Selection As... 将选定部分存储为…2 ← Go to Selection Start 跳到选定部分开头3 → Go to Selection End 跳到选定部分末尾4 ↓ Go to Region Anchor 跳到片段锚点5 ⌃N Normalize 正常化6 ⌃G Change Gain... 更改增益…7 ⌃I Fade In 淡入8 ⌃O Fade Out 淡出9 ⌃⌫Silence 无声10 ⌃P Time and Pitch Machine... Time and Pitch Machine…N $$ EXS24 Instrument Editor $$ ¥¥EXS24 采样器¥¥1 ⇧T Invert Selection 反选2 ⌃F Load Audio Sample... 载入音频样本…3 ⌃Z New Zone 新区域4 ⌃G New Group 新组5 ⌃O Load Multiple Samples... 载入多个样本…。

Windows 和 Mac 的键盘快捷键

Windows 和 Mac 的键盘快捷键

Windows 和 Mac 的键盘快捷键在现代操作系统中和计算机软件程序中,键盘快捷键经常被使用。


基本的快捷键描述Windows Mac OS 编辑菜单Alt + E Ctrl + F2 + F文件菜单Alt + F Ctrl + F2 + E视图菜单Alt + V Ctrl + F2 + V全选文本Ctrl + A Cmd + A复制文本Ctrl + C Cmd + C查找文本Ctrl + F Cmd + F查找替换文本Ctrl + H Cmd + F新建文档Ctrl + N Cmd + N打开文件Ctrl + O Cmd + O打印选项Ctrl + P Cmd + P保存文件Ctrl + S Cmd + S粘贴文本Ctrl + V Cmd + V剪切文本Ctrl + X Cmd + X重做文本Ctrl + Y Shift + Cmd + Z 撤销文本Ctrl + Z Cmd + Z文本编辑描述Windows Mac OS光标移动将文本插入光标向右移动或者移动到下一行行首Right Arrow Right Arrow 将文本插入光标向左移动或者移动到上一行行尾Left Arrow Left Arrow 将文本插入光标向上移动一行Up Arrow Up Arrow将文本插入光标向下移动一行Down Arrow Down Arrow将文本插入光标移动到当前行的行首 Home Cmd + Left Arrow将文本插入光标移动到当前行的行尾 End Cmd + Right Arrow将文本插入光标移动到文档的开头Ctrl + Home Cmd + Up Arrow将文本插入光标移动到文档的结尾Ctrl + End Cmd + Down Arrow将文本插入光标移动到上一个文本框 Page Up Fn + Up Arrow将文本插入光标移动到下一个文本框 Page Down Fn + Down Arrow将文本插入光标向左移动到前一个词的开头Ctrl + Left ArrowOption + LeftArrow将文本插入光标向右移动到后一个词的开头Ctrl + RightArrowOption + RightArrow将文本插入光标移动到行首Ctrl + Up Arrow Cmd + Left Arrow将文本插入光标移动到行尾Ctrl + DownArrowCmd + RightArrow文本选择选择文本插入光标左边的字符Shift + LeftArrowShift + LeftArrow选择文本插入光标右边的字符Shift + RightArrowShift + RightArrow向上选择一行文本Shift + Up Arrow Shift + Up Arrow向下选择一行文本Shift + DownArrowShift + DownArrow选择文本插入光标左边的字Shift + Ctrl +LeftShift + Opt +Left选择文本插入光标右边的字Shift + Ctrl +RightShift + Opt +Right向左选择一段文本Shift + Ctrl + Up Shift + Opt + Up向右选择一段文本Shift + Ctrl +DownShift + Opt +Down选择文本插入光标与当前行行首之间的文本Shift + HomeCmd + Shift +Left Arrow选择文本插入光标与当前行行尾之间的文本Shift + EndCmd + Shift +Right Arrow选择文本插入光标与文档开头之间的文本Shift + Ctrl +HomeCmd + Shift +Up ArroworCmd + Shift +Fn + Left Arrow选择文本插入光标与文档结尾之间的文本Shift + Ctrl +EndCmd + Shift +Down ArroworCmd + Shift +Fn + RightArrow向上选择一个文本框Shift + Page Up Shift + Fn + Up Arrow向下选择一个文本框Shift + PageDownShift + Fn +Down Arrow全选文本Ctrl + A Cmd + A 查找文本Ctrl + F Cmd + F文本排版将所选文本设置为粗体Ctrl + B Cmd + B 将所选文本设置为斜体Ctrl + I Cmd + I将所选文本加下划线Ctrl + U Cmd + U将所选文本设置为上标Ctrl + Shift + = Cmd + Shift + = 将所选文本设置为下标Ctrl + = Cmd + =文本编辑删除文本插入光标左边的字符Backspace Backspace删除文本插入光标右边的字符Delete Fn + Backspace删除文本插入光标右边的字Ctrl + Del Cmd + Backspace删除文本插入光标左边的字Ctrl +BackspaceCmd + Fn +Backspace增加缩进量Tab Tab减少缩进量Shift + Tab Shift + Tab复制文本Ctrl + C Cmd + C查找替换文本Ctrl + H Cmd + F粘贴文本Ctrl + V Cmd + V剪切文本Ctrl + X Cmd + X重做文本Ctrl + Y Shift + Cmd + Z 撤销文本Ctrl + Z Cmd + ZWeb 浏览器描述Windows Mac OS Navigation向下滚动框Space or PageDownSpace orFn +Down Arrow向上滚动框Shift + Space orPage UpShift + SpaceorFn + Up Arrow定位到页面底部End Cmd + DownArrow定位到页面头部Home Cmd + Up Arrow回退Alt + Left Arrow orBackspaceCmd + LeftArrow前进Alt + RightArrow orShift +BackspaceCmd + RightArrow刷新网页F5 Cmd + R刷新网页(无缓存)Ctrl + F5 Cmd + Shift + R 停止Esc Esc全屏切换F11 Cmd + Shift + F 放大Ctrl + + Cmd + +缩小Ctrl + - Cmd + -重置 100% (默认)Ctrl + 0 Cmd + 0打开主页Alt + Home Option + Home or Option + Fn + Left Arrow查找文本Ctrl + F Cmd + F标签/窗口管理打开一个新的标签页Ctrl + T Cmd + T关闭当前标签页Ctrl + W Cmd + W关闭所有标签页Ctrl + Shift + W Cmd + Q关闭除当前标签页以外的其它标签页 Ctrl + Alt + F4 Cmd + Opt + W定位到下一个标签页Ctrl + Tab Control + Tab orCmd + Shift + Right Arrow定位到上一个标签页Ctrl + Shift +TabShift + Control +Tab orCmd +Shift + LeftArrow定位到指定编号的标签页Ctrl + 1-8 Cmd + 1-8定位到最后一个标签页Ctrl + 9 Cmd + 9重新打开最后一个关闭的标签页Ctrl + Shift + T Cmd + Shift + T 打开一个新窗口Ctrl + N Cmd + N关闭当前窗口Alt + F4 Cmd + W定位到下一个窗口Alt + Tab Cmd + Tab定位到上一个窗口Alt + Shift + Tab Cmd + Shift + Tab重新打开最后一个关闭的窗口Ctrl + Shift + N在背景的标签页中打开链接Ctrl + Click Cmd + Click在前景的标签页中打开链接Ctrl + Shift +ClickCmd + Shift +Click打印当前网页Ctrl + P Cmd + P 保存当前网页Ctrl + S Cmd + S地址栏在工具栏、搜索栏和页面元素间进行循环定位Tab Tab定位到浏览器的地址栏Ctrl + L or Alt +DCmd + L聚焦并选中浏览器的搜索栏Ctrl + E Cmd + E / Cmd + K在新的标签页打开地址栏位置Alt + Enter Opt + Enter 显示一系列之前访问过的地址F4在地址栏输入文本的开头增加"www.",结尾增加".com"。



S e r v o R o b o t K i t(S R K)U s e r G u i d eRevision: August 1, 2012 1300 NE Henley Court, Suite 3Pullman, WA 99163(509) 334 6306 Voice | (509) 334 6300 FaxOverviewThe Digilent Servo Robot Kit (SRK) provides the perfect starting point for those new to robotics, but has the power to be used for advanced designs and applications as well. The SRK pairs our powerful Cerebot™ MX3cK microcontroller development board with a rugged steel platform and all the motors, wheels, and other parts needed to build a complete robot.This document demonstrates a simple design that will get your SRK up and running, able to move forward, backwards, and pivot left or right – all depending on which button is pressed. Using your SRK’s powerful Cerebot MX3cK microcontroller, you’ll be able to add all sorts of functionality to your robot. Add some of our extensive line of peripheral modules (Pmods™) and you can design almost anything!Your Cerebot MX3cK can be programmed with either Microchip MPLAB® IDE or chipKIT™ MPIDE. Microchip MPLAB IDE can be downloaded for free from . chipKIT MPIDE can be downloaded for free from /chipKIT32/chipKIT32-MAX/downloads.The demo project used in this design can be downloaded from the Servo Robot Kit product page at . For more information on programming the Cerebot MX3cK with MPLAB or MPIDE, see the Cerebot MX3cK Reference Manual, available from the Cerebot MX3cK product page at .Included parts:•Cerebot MX3cK•standoffs for mounting MX3cK•battery holder (4xAA)•2” Velcro Strip•one two pin MTE battery cable•rugged Metal Platform with Holes on ½-inch Center•two continuous rotation GWS servos•two servo brackets•rugged plastic wheels and tail skid•two Pmod brackets•PmodCON3•PmodBTN•one 6” 6-pin cable•8/32 Machine Screws•8/32 Hex Machine NutsFunctional DescriptionThe rugged steel components have holes on ½-inch centers allowing Digilent circuit boards and other vendors’ products to be easily attached.The following tools are recommended for robot assembly:•regular and small Phillips head screwdrivers•pliersExample Assembly1. Attach the servo brackets to the main plate as shown.2. Attach the rear tail skid.3. Add the standoffs to the robotic kit as shown below. Set four extra screws aside to mount theMX3cK in a later step.4. Attach the two Pmod clips with the hardware included in the Pmod clip bags.5. Peel off one side of the Velcro and stick it to the main plate.6. First, remove the white servo wheel by unscrewing the black screw, and set them aside.Mount the servos using the remaining hardware that came with the servo mounts.7. Take out the two wheels and the rubber traction bands. Stretch the rubber band around theoutside of the wheel. Then, attach the wheels to the servos, and secure them using the small black screws that were removed in the previous step.8. Attach the MX3cK to the standoffs using the four screws that were set aside in step 3. If thethrough-holes on the MX3cK and the standoffs do not line up, loosen the standoffs, and re-tighten them after the MX3cK is attached.9. Connect the Pmods as shown below. The PmodCON3 connects to JC 6-10 (the bottome row)and the PmodBTN connects to JD 1-4 (the top row). Take care that the pins are all connected in the correct orientation. See below. The symbol that looks like a flower should only be visible on one end of the 6 pin cable, as you look down on the RDK.10. Connect the right servo to J4 and the left servo to J5 on the PmodCON3. The white cablemust be connected to the pin labeled “SIG”.11. Remove the other piece of backing from the Velcro and attach the battery case.12. Connect the open ends of the two pin MTE battery cable to the blue screw terminal on thePmodCON3 (J6). Take care that the red wire goes in the ‘+’ side of the screw terminal, and that the black wire goes in the ‘-‘ side of the screw terminal. Then, attach the connector side of the two pin MTE battery cable to the two pin header J6 on the MX3cK as shown below. Take care that the red cable connects to the ‘+’ pin (V) and that the black cable connects to the ‘-‘ pin (G).13. When you are ready to power the MX3cK, add four AA batteries to the battery pack, andattach the connector end of the MTE cable to the two pin header J5 on the MX3cK. Take care that the red cable connects to the ‘+’ pin (V) and that the black cable connects to the ‘-‘ pin (G).MPIDE can now be used to program the ServoRobot demo project to the board. Again, this project can be downloaded from the Servo Robot Kit product page at . Once the board is programmed, pressing BTN0 will move the robot forward, pressing BTN1 will make the robot pivot right, pressing BTN2 will move the robot backward, and pressing BTN3 will make the robot pivot left. The robot will not move unless a button is pressed. If the robot is moving in the opposite direction than expected, then check that step 10 above has been followed correctly.。



Key Command List 关键命令列表General 一般功能EscEnd mission 结束使命PausePause 暂停Z - LCtrlTime accelerate 加快游戏速度Z - LAltTime decelerate 减速游戏速度Z - LShiftTime normal 正常游戏速度'Score window 得分窗口`Multiplayer chat - mode All 多人聊天窗口- 全员模式` - RCtrlMultiplayer chat - mode Allies 多人聊天窗口- 盟军模式Y - LCtrlInfo bar view toggle 信息条视图切换(显示开关)Tab - RCtrl - RShiftGet new plane - respown 获取新的飞机- 复合UShip Take Off Position 船舶起飞位置J - RAltJump into other aircraft 跳到其他飞机(进入飞机座舱)SysRQScreenshot 截图Pause - RCtrlFrame rate counter - Service info 帧速率计数器显示帧数- 服务资讯Y - LAltInfo bar coordinate units toogle 切换信息栏坐标位置C - LAltMouse cursor cockpit mode 座舱鼠标模式S - LCtrlSound On/Off 静音/取消静音Flight Control 飞行控制UpAircraft Down 飞机迫降DownAircraft Up 飞机提升LeftAircraft Bank Left 飞机向左侧滚RightAircraft Bank Right 飞机向右侧滚ZAircraft Rudder Left 飞机左舵XAircraft Rudder Right 飞机右舵. - RCtrlTrim Up 向上配平; - RCtrlTrim Down 向下配平, - RCtrlTrim Left 向左配平/ - RCtrlTrim Right 向右配平Z - RCtrlTrim Left Rudder 左舵配平X - RCtrlTrim Right Rudder 右舵配平T - LCtrlTrim Reset 取消配平Num+Power Up 通电Num-Power Down 断电PageUpThrust Up 增加引擎推力PageDownThrust Down 降低引擎推力Num+ - RAltPower Up Left 通左电Num- - RAltPower Down Left 断左电PageUp - RAltThrust Up Left 增加左推力PageDown - RAltThrust Down Left 减小右推力Num+ - RShiftPower Up Right 通右电Num- - RShiftPower Down Right 断右电PageUp - RShiftThrust Up Right 增加右推力PageDown - RShiftThrust Down Right 减小左推力Autopilot 自动驾驶仪AHAutopilot - Barometric Altitude Hold 'H' 开关高度锁定1 - LAltAutopilot - Attitude Hold 保持高度2 - LAltAutopilot - Altitude And Roll Hold 保持高度和翻滚姿态3 - LAltAutopilot - Transition To Level Flight Control 转为水平飞行4 - LAltAutopilot - Barometric Altitude Hold 保持气压5 - LAltAutopilot - Radar Altitude Hold 保持雷达高度6 - LAltAutopilot - 'Route following' 自动导航模式9 - LAltAutopilot Disengage 取消自驾模式Systems 系统BAirbrake 开关减速板B - LShiftAirbrake On 开减速板B - LCtrlAirbrake Off 关减速板RFuel Dump 放油TSmoke 拉烟LIllumination Cockpit 座舱照明开关L - RCtrlNavigation lights 导航灯开关L - RAltGear Light Near/Far/Off 着陆近光/远光/关闭FFlaps Up/Down 放下/收起襟翼F - LShiftFlaps Landing Position 放下襟翼至着陆状态F - LCtrlFlaps Up 收起襟翼GLanding Gear Up/Down 放下起落架G - LCtrlLanding Gear Up 收起起落架G - LShiftLanding Gear Down 放下起落架WWheel Brake On 机轮刹车C - LCtrlCanopy Open/Close 着舰勾收放开关PDragging Chute 释放减速伞N - RShiftAudible Warning Reset 重设语音告警W - LCtrlWeapons Jettison 抛弃武器E - LCtrlEject (3 times) 弹弹连按三次C - RShiftFlight Clock Start/Stop/Reset 时钟开始停止重设Home - RShiftEngines Start 启动引擎End - RShiftEngines Stop 关闭引擎Home - RAltEngine Left Start 启动左引擎End - RAltEngine Left Stop 关闭左引擎Home - RCtrlEngine Right Start 启动右引擎End - RCtrlEngine Right Stop 关闭右引擎H - RCtrlHUD Color 切换HUD颜色Modes 模式` - LCtrl(`) Next Waypoint, Airfield Or Target 下一个路径点机场目标1(1) Navigation Modes 导航模式2(2) Beyond Visual Range Mode 超视距空战模式3(3) Close Air Combat Vertical Scan Mode 近距空战-垂直扫描模式4(4) Close Air Combat Bore Mode 近距空战-孔径扫描模式5(5) Close Air Combat HMD Helmet Mode 近距空战-头盔瞄准模式6(6) Longitudinal Missile Aiming Mode 导弹引导头扫描模式7(7) Air-To-Ground Mode 对地模式8(8) Gunsight Reticle Switch 升起瞄准分划板Sensors 传感器EnterTarget Lock 目标锁定BackTarget Unlock 解除锁定IRadar On/Off 雷达打开I - RAltRadar RWS/TWS Mode Select 目标跟踪雷达模式切换I - RCtrlTarget Designator To Center 目标指示框归中I - RShiftRadar Pulse Repeat Frequency Select 雷达频率选择OElectro-Optical System On/Off 光电扫描仪(开/关);Target Designator Up 目标指示框向上.Target Designator Down 目标指示框向下,Target Designator Left 目标指示框向左/Target Designator Right 目标指示框向右; - RShiftScan Zone Up 向上移动雷达. - RShiftScan Zone Down 向下移动雷达, - RShiftScan Zone Left 向左移动雷达/ - RShiftScan Zone Right 向右移动雷达=Display Zoom In 减小显示范围-Display Zoom Out 扩大显示范围W - LAltLaunch Permission Override 强制解锁武器- - RCtrlRadar Scan Zone Decrease 减小减小显示范围= - RCtrlRadar Scan Zone Increase 扩大小显示范围= - RAltTarget Specified Size Increase 减小炮位间距- - RAltTarget Specified Size Decrease 扩大炮位间距R - RShiftRWR/SPO Mode Select 威胁告警切换, - RAltRWR/SPO Sound Signals Volume Down 威胁告警音量调低. - RAltRWR/SPO Sound Signals Volume Up 威胁告警音量调高Weapons 武器SpaceWeapon Fire 发射武器DWeapon Change 切换武器CCannon 机炮选择V - LCtrlSalvo Mode 齐射模式开关C - LShiftCut Of Burst select 机炮点射模式切换CountermeasuresQ - LShiftCountermeasures Continuously Dispense 自动释放干扰弹QCountermeasures Release 手动释放干扰弹DeleteCountermeasures Flares Dispense 释放干扰红外制导导弹InsertCountermeasures Chaff Dispense 释放干扰雷达制导导弹EECMRadio Communications 电子干扰开关E - LWinFlight - Complete mission and RTB 命令同僚机执行任务,完后返回R - LWinFlight - Complete mission and rejoin 完成任务后重新加入编队T - LWinToggle Formation 切换编队形态Y - LWinJoin Up Formation 加入编队Q - LWinAttack My Target 攻击我的目标W - LWinCover Me 掩护我U - LWinRequest AWACS Home Airbase 呼叫预警机--请求机场方位,距离I - LWinRequest AWACS Available Tanker 呼叫预警机--请求加油机方位,距离G - LWinFlight - Attack ground targets 攻击地面目标D - LWinFlight - Attack air defenses 攻击防空目标\Communication menu 无线电通讯启动键View 视角Num4View Left slow 慢速左看Num6View Right slow 慢速右看Num8View Up slow 慢速上看Num2View Down slow 慢速下看Num9View Up Right slow 慢速右上看Num3View Down Right slow 慢速右下看Num1View Down Left slow 慢速左下看Num7View Up Left slow 慢速左上看Num5View Center 视角置中Num*Zoom in slow 慢速拉近Num/Zoom out slow 慢速推远NumEnterZoom normal 恢复正常Num* - RCtrlZoom external in 外部视角放大Num/ - RCtrlZoom external out 外部视角缩小NumEnter - RCtrlZoom external normal 外部视角恢复正常Num* - LAltF11 Camera moving forward F11 视角向前移Num/ - LAltF11 Camera moving backward F11 视角向后移F1F1 Cockpit view 座舱视角F1 - LCtrlF1 Natural head movement view 自然头部运动视角F1 - LAltF1 HUD only view switch HUD视角开关F2F2 Aircraft view 飞机视角F2 - LCtrlF2 View own aircraft 查看我方飞机F2 - RAltF2 Toggle camera position 视野位置切换F2 - LAltF2 Toggle local camera control 切换当前视野控制F3 Fly-By view 飞跃视角F3 - LCtrlF3 Fly-By jump view 从其他视角转为飞跃视角F4F4 Look back view 机尾视角F4 - LCtrlF4 Chase view 尾随视角F5F5 nearest AC view 最近飞机视角F5 - LCtrlF5 Ground hostile view 地面对抗视角F6F6 Released weapon view 武器视角F6 - LCtrlF6 Weapon to target view 从武器到目标视角F7F7 Ground unit view 地面单位视角F8F8 Target view 目标视角F8 - RCtrlF8 Player targets/All targets filter 玩家目标/所有目标筛选F9 Ship view 船舶视角F9 - LAltF9 Landing signal officer view 着陆信号官视角F10F10 Theater map view 战区地图视角F10 - LCtrlF10 Jump to theater map view over current point 从当前点跳转到地图视角F11F11 Airport free camera 机场自由视角F11 - LCtrlF11 Jump to free camera 跳转到自由视角F12F12 Static object view 静态目标视角F12 - LCtrlF12 Civil traffic view 民用设施视角F12 - LShiftF12 Trains/cars toggle 火车/汽车切换F1 - LWinF1 Head shift movement on / off 头部转向移动开关] - LShiftKeyboard Rate Fast 加快按键速度] - LCtrlKeyboard Rate Slow 减缓按键速度] - LAltKeyboard Rate Normal 按键速度恢复正常[ - LShiftMouse Rate Fast 加快鼠标速度[ - LCtrlMouse Rate Slow 加快鼠标速度[ - LAltMouse Rate Normal 恢复鼠标速度View CockpitNum0Cockpit panel view in 查看座舱面板Num0 - RCtrlCockpit panel view toggle 座舱面板视角切换Num0 - RAltSave Cockpit Angles 保存座舱角度Num8 - RShiftView up 向上看Num2 - RShiftView down 向下看Num4 - RShiftView left 向左看Num6 - RShiftView right 向右看Num9 - RShiftView up right 右上看Num3 - RShiftView down right 右下看Num1 - RShiftView down left 左下看Num7 - RShiftView up left 左上看Num8 - RCtrl - RShiftCockpit Camera Move Up 座舱视野上移Num2 - RCtrl - RShiftCockpit Camera Move Down 座舱视野下移Num4 - RCtrl - RShiftCockpit Camera Move Left 座舱视野左移Num6 - RCtrl - RShiftCockpit Camera Move Right 座舱视野右移Num* - RCtrl - RShiftCockpit Camera Move Forward 座舱视野前移Num/ - RCtrl - RShiftCockpit Camera Move Back 座舱视野后移Num5 - RCtrl - RShiftCockpit Camera Move Center .... 居中Num8 - RCtrlGlance up 向上扫视Num2 - RCtrlGlance down 向下扫视Num4 - RCtrlGlance left 左....Num6 - RCtrlGlance right 右.....Num7 - RCtrlGlance up-left 左上扫视Num1 - RCtrlGlance down-left 左下..Num9 - RCtrlGlance up-right 右上...Num3 - RCtrlGlance down-right 右下...Z - LAlt - LShiftCamera pan mode toggle 视角模式切换Num8 - RAltCamera snap view up 视角向上缓慢移动Num2 - RAltCamera snap view down 视角向下.... Num4 - RAltCamera snap view left 向左缓慢.... Num6 - RAltCamera snap view right 向右缓慢..... Num7 - RAltCamera snap view up-left 左上..... Num1 - RAltCamera snap view down-left 左下.... Num9 - RAltCamera snap view up-right 右上.... Num3 - RAltCamera snap view down-right 右下... Num5 - RShiftCenter Camera View 视野归中Num5 - RCtrlReturn Camera 返回视野Num5 - RAltReturn Camera Base 返回基本视野Num0 - LWinCustom Snap View 0 捕捉视角0Num1 - LWinCustom Snap View 1 捕捉视角1 Num2 - LWinCustom Snap View 2 (2)Num3 - LWinCustom Snap View 3 (3)Num4 - LWinCustom Snap View 4 (4)Num5 - LWinCustom Snap View 5 (5)Num6 - LWinCustom Snap View 6 (6)Num7 - LWinCustom Snap View 7 (7)Num8 - LWinCustom Snap View 8 ..8Num9 - LWinCustom Snap View 9 (9)N - RAltMirror Left On 左观后镜开启M - RAltMirror Right On 右观后镜开启Num* - RShiftZoom in 视角放大Num/ - RShiftZoom out 视角缩小View Extended 高级视角控制J - LShiftCamera jiggle toggle 视角微调K - LAltKeep terrain camera altitude 保持地景视角高度Home - RCtrl - RShiftView friends mode 友军视角模式End - RCtrl - RShiftView enemies mode 敌军视角模式Delete - RCtrlView all mode 所有视角模式Num+ - RCtrlToggle tracking fire weapon 跟踪武器PageDown - LCtrlObjects switching direction forward 目标变换方向前移PageUp - LCtrlObjects switching direction reverse 目标变换方向反转Delete - LAltObject exclude 去除目标Insert - LAltObjects all excluded - include 去除所有目标View PadlockNum.Lock View (cycle padlock) 锁定视角NumLockUnlock view (stop padlock) 解锁视角Num. - RShiftAll missiles padlock 跟踪所有导弹Num. - RAltThreat missile padlock 跟踪威胁导弹Num. - RCtrlLock terrain view 锁定地景视角Labels 标签F10 - LShiftAll Labels 所有标签F2 - LShiftAircraft Labels 飞行器标签F6 - LShiftMissile Labels 导弹标签F9 - LShiftVehicle & Ship Labels 载具和舰船标签Simplifications 简易模式F5 - RAltAuto lock on nearest aircraft 自动锁定最近的飞机F6 - RAltAuto lock on center aircraft ......中间的....F7 - RAltAuto lock on next aircraft ...下一个...F8 - RAltAuto lock on previous aircraft ..上一个...F9 - RAltAuto lock on nearest surface target .... 地面目标F10 - RAltAuto lock on center surface target ...中间地面目标F11 - RAltAuto lock on next surface target ...下一个地面目标F12 - RAltAuto lock on previous surface target ... 上一个地面目标。



word如何插入页码(How does word insert page numbers)Word insert page numberSummaryThe page number property settings dialog box pops up when we select Insert > page options".Page top (header)For some books or newspapers, will be at the top of each page to make his name or publication is an important chapter in the issue, use the insert page number in the top of the page, and then double-click the page number will be changed to the name of the publication of text can be done.Page bottom (footer)The general page numbers are inserted at the bottom of the page, where the location of the page can be edited again.Vertical center of pageLongitudinal medialLongitudinal lateralThese three items are the application of some side binding documents and Book page numbers and corner descriptions. These three items can be used to edit the pages of the side binding journals or the pages of the positive and negative pages.I. insert the page number directlyStart Word2002 (other versions, please imitate the operation) to open the add page document, the implementation of the "Insert page" command, open the "page" dialog box, set the relevant options, determine the return, can be inserted into the corresponding location on the page page.Tip: click the format button in the page number dialog box and open the page format dialog box. You can set some advanced formats for page numbers.Two, page decorationExecute the view, header, and footer commands, enter the header and footer edit status, and expand the header and footer toolbar (Figure 1).Click the "toggle between header and footer" button on the tool box, and switch to the footer edit area (we are used to place the page number in the footer).Click the insert page number button on the toolbar, insert the page number into the footer, and adjust the alignment.Calibrate the light to the front (back) of the page number and insert the characters used for the correction.Click the "close" button on the toolbar to return.Three, one page displays multiple page numbersSometimes we divide documents into columns (such as editing a test paper, usually divided into two columns) and want to display page numbers below each column.Enter the footer edit area.The insertion of "domain" according to the operation in the footer at the left column corresponding: press the "Ctrl+F9" key combination to insert the field mark (a pair of braces {}), the input is equal to "=" number, click the "Insert page" button, then enter the "*2-1" character.The insertion of "domain" according to the operation in the footer at the right column corresponding: press the "Ctrl+F9" key combination to insert the field mark, the input is equal to "=" number, click the "Insert page" button, then enter the "*2" character.When the input is complete, press the "Alt+F9" combination key and switch to "domain result". Preview the page number. If appropriate, click the "close" button on the toolbar to exit.Four, Word document, double print, place page numberHave you ever thought about placing a page number when you're typing out a document with Word? Is it still in the middle of the footer or is it a bit of a personality? For example, put the page number on the outer side of each page.To do so: click File > page settings, in the open page settings dialog box, tick the symmetric page margin entry on the margins tab, and prepare double sided printing.Click Insert > page number, in the open page number dialog box, in the location box, select the page vertical center entry (Figure 2), and select the outer item in the alignment box.Click the format button, select a favorite format, and finally click the OK button.If you are not satisfied with the location, effect, or format of your page number, you can also select other combinations in the location and alignment box and in the format. I didn't expect it!Five, the ability to add pagination in Word documentsSet the column in the Word document, although a page has two columns or columns of text, but the use of "Insert page" command, but can only be inserted into the same page in the page. But in our daily usage, we encounter special situations, such as adding page numbers to each column of a document, or having custom pages that start adding page numbers. How should these be achieved?Multi column page numberThe following method is for a page divided into two columns, which means that there are two parts in a page, adding page numbers to them.1. click the header and footer under the View menu to switch to the footer of the first page.2. in the right position corresponding to the left column of the row by two under the "Ctrl+F9" button, two braces "{{}}".3. then the "{}" input character, formed like this:{={page}*2-1} (with English state, when you lose "{{}}" don't lose, with the original).If the display page, the left column lose the right column: {={page}*2-1}: {={page}*2}; if you want to display, page X or - * - the left column lose: the {{}} page? {{}}-4. after complete, select {={page}*2-1}, right-click, and select the update field in the shortcut menu".5. in the right position input "corresponds to the right column of the page will be inserted in the middle of the word" cursor, continuous Ctrl+F9 according to two keys, two braces "{{}}". Then in braces "{}" input the following characters:"{={page}*2}".6. after completion, select {={page}*2}, right-click, and select the update field in the shortcut menu (Figure 1).If your document is divided into three columns, and to display the page number in each column, can domain code between "page" changes to "{={page}*3-2}" and "{={page}*3-1}" and"{={page}*3}" (as more columns when).When you update the field by using the method described above, you can display the correct page number of each column. To modify the domain code after the update field,You can select the field code by selecting it, right-click, and select the "toggle domain code" command in the shortcut menu.If a page is divided into three columns, the formulas are: {={page}*3-2}{={page}*3-1}, {={page}*3}The corresponding values are: 123Tip: set the page number to the right placeIn the page settings, adjust the position of the footer, page settings, footer, footer to about 1.5 cm (according to their actual switch to the footer position: View > header and footer (H). Insert the 1 x 2 form a line of not more than 1 cm and page width (table two, column must be equal) and make the table all the text in the left column middle center, implementation of the above 3, the implementation of the 5.Set page number on any pageWhat should we do when we edit an article (including a directory) and want to start a page number from the next third pages of the catalog? There are two methods.Method: firstly, finally the cursor to the second page, click "insert, delimiter, segmented character type" select "nextpage", then click "view" open "headers and footers" toolbar, the cursor will adjust to the third page that you are ready to start the page number, will "header and footer" Toolbar "link to the previous button to be selected, and then click the" settings page format "button in the pop-up dialog box, select the page numbering in the starting page number 1", click OK button, insert page number and page footer eyebrow Toolbar "finally, click finish.Method two: by setting different headers and footers, you need to segment the documents that need to be inserted into the page number. How to segment it? First, insert the cursor into the document where it needs to be segmented, and then open the Insert menu, and then click the separator command, and then a "separator" dialog box appears.There are four types of section characters in this section: the next page, continuous, even number page, singular page. "The text page" said after the section break from the beginning of a new page; "continuous" said the text section breaks after appear on the same page; even page text section breaks from the next page even start; "odd page" said the text section breaks after the start the next page. Select one according to your own layout, and click "OK" to return to the document. You can divide the document into several different sections as required.Now you can set different headers and footers in a different way in a different section. Just from the beginning of the second day, when you open the header and footer toolbar, in the header - second day there will be a day with the same "message, you must click on the Toolbar" with (link to previous) "button,the removal of the" same "and a day a few words, and then set the header, the header and the header after a different day. Footer settings are the same.Finally, in the header, footer, toolbar, click the drop triangle in the automatic drawing book, and then select Page number.Six, Word page number arbitraryWhen we use Word, we often have to set the page number according to the actual situation. Then, as long as we master the arrangement of several common page numbers listed below, we can make the word page number arbitrary:A, page number begins at page second1, select Insert page number, and open the page number dialog box.2, cancel the "home page display page" check box in the "hook", and then click the format button, open the page format dialog box.3, after the start page number, enter the number "0" in the box".4, press "OK" exit.B, page number starts from any page1, put the cursor in the top position need to start pagination.2, select Insert separator, open the delimiter dialog box, and under the separator type, click the radio button on the next page.3, select the view header and footer, and locate the cursor at the footer.4. Do the following in turn in the header and footer toolbar:The click "with" button, disconnect with a section of the link.Click the insert page number button, and then click the page format button to open the page format dialog box.Enter the corresponding starting number in the box after the start page number.Click the close button.C and pagination is not continuousIf the directory and the text page are individually arranged, you can follow the following steps:1, put the cursor in need to start page numbering the top position.2, select Insert separator, open the delimiter dialog box, and click type in the separator type to select the next page check button.3, select Insert page number, and open the page number dialog box. Click the format button to open the page format dialog box.4, after the start page number, enter the number "1" in the box"5, press "OK" exit.D, page number shows in each columnDocument columns after routine insert a page number, only one page of a page. How to realize each column a separate page? You can use domain functionality to implement:1, select the view header and footer, and position the cursor in the left column of the footer where the page number is placed.2, press the Ctrl+F9 function key at the same time, the cursor position will appear a shadow of "{}", this is the mark of the domain.3, in "{}" enter "=", and then press the "Ctrl+F9" function key, in the presence of curly braces enter "page" (to insert the current page) domain code.4. Move the cursor to the inside of a pair of curly braces, and then enter "*2-1", at this point,This line of field code is obtained at the footer:"{={page}*2-1}}."".5. Leave the cursor on this field code and right-click on the update field to see the page number in the left column of the current page.6. Select the field code you just entered, copy it, and paste the page number in the right column at the footer.7. Select the field that you just pasted, right-click the "toggle domain code", change the domain code "{={page}*2-1}}" to "{={page}*2}}", and right-click "update domain".[edit this section,]Excel page settingsFirst, Excel multiple worksheet, page number settingsYou need to set page numbers before printing the Excel 2002 worksheet. If the page numbers of multiple worksheets must be arranged continuously, you must use some special page setting techniques. Suppose you have three worksheets named Sheet1, Sheet2, and Sheet3, which can print 2, 3, and 5 pages, and each worksheet should be linked together when printing. You can set page numbers in the following way:First, open the worksheet "Sheet1", click the "page settings" command under the file menu, open the dialog box, and then print the direction and size of the paper according to the conventional method. Next, see whether the page in the options page is "automatic" in the start page number box, and if so, then open the header / footer option. According to the page number setting, you need to open the header or footer drop-down list, select the first page of it, and click the OK button toclose the dialog box.Then switch to the work table Sheet2, according to the same method to open the page setup dialog box "page" option, the starting page number box "automatic" to "3" (because Sheet1 has two pages, so the starting page number should be 3 Sheet2). Then open the header / footer option and start the header or footer drop-down list, select the first page, and click the OK button to close the dialog box, depending on the page number. You can then print preview to see that the initial page number of Sheet2 is "third pages".By the same method, the start page number of table Sheet3 is changed to "6", and the page number of the three worksheet can be ranged from 1 to 10.To print multiple sheets with a continuous page number, you should first select all the tables that need to be printed, and then click the print command on the file menu.Two, clever use of Excel printing uninterrupted pages1. Ask questionsHow do you print multiple Excel files?The Excel page setting is achieved by setting the header / footer in the page settings. First, open the page settings, select the header / footer option, and generally select the custom footer, and open the footer settings dialog box (Figure 1). Figure second button in the "#" is used to set the numberof automatic input "& click & Page:"; ". The third button is used to set the total number of pages, and then enter "& & [[total page]], the default is to use" Arabia digital ". The three edit boxes "left", "middle" and "right" in the figure indicate whether the page number will appear on the left, middle, or right side of the footer.Page Excel file is usually calculated from "1", in order to make the number of consecutive, first considered by each page are set, namely printing a page in the page setup "footer settings insert the corresponding digital Arabia. Facing more than 60 pages, this method is too cumbersome, let alone 1 hours, that is 3 hours can not complete the task, there seems to be looking for other ways.2, solve the problemThe key to solving this problem is to find a way to make the page number of the document start at greater than 1, and arrange it automatically and continuously. Then you can set each file separately. No, I don't know. Under one use, I found two ways.For the sake of convenience, I introduce my home page number "5".In the "footer" dialog box, click the first button "#", "&; &;" page ", then" &; &; "page" followed by "+4", namely "& & +4;;" page number ", is the home page will change to 5" the page behind the page sequence, each page should be set to.The first step is to insert a page number in the "footer"; thesecond step, in the page setup "page" option, at the bottom of the starting page number "enter" 5 ", is the home page will be changed to" 5 ", and turn down the arranged.3, the extension of the problemThe page number setting method described above, the page numbers are expressed in Arabia figures, such as "5", if you want to change the format, a little small tricks, such as "third pages" can be achieved? By the first method of enlightenment, minor changes can be realized. "There & click button" # "&";; page ", in" & &;; "before and after the page" were added to the "third" and "page" two words, it became the &; &; the number of pages, then the page number will become the "x page" form.For in the custom footer dialog box directly into the digital method of page settings, although each page set is clumsy, but the format is flexible, versatile, what what input shows, such as "three", "third", "third page 5" etc..The display desktop in the Quick Launch barClick "start" - "run" enter "Regsvr32 /n /i:u shell32".At the pop-up box, "OK."。



英语中的各种左右如何说 通常汉语中的“左膀右臂”和“左右⼿”,都是⽤来⽐喻“得⼒的助⼿”。

英语⽤right-hand man表⽰。

“左”和“右”可以⽤来表⽰⼈体器官和部位,例如: left/right eye左/右眼 left/ right ear左/右⽿ left/right part of the face左/右脸; left/righ hand左/右⼿ left/right arm左/右臂; left/right shoulder 左/右肩; left/right leg左/右腿; left/right foot 左/右脚。





例如: 1)He has got two left hands.他⼿笨。

=He is very clumsy with his hands. 2)I can't dance. I've got two left feet. =I am very clumsy with my feet. 我不会跳舞,我脚笨。

left-hand和left-handed表⽰“⽤左⼿的”; right-hand 和 right-handed 表⽰“⽤右⼿的”。

类似的表达法还有: left-hand blow/left-hand stroke ⽤左⼿打的⼀拳; 左撇⼦ left-handed person left-hander lefty southpaw left-handed golfer左⼿打⾼尔夫球的⼈; left-handed scissors左⼿⽤的剪⼦; left-hand glove左⼿的⼿套; left-handed shot左⼿的⼀击; right-hand blow/ right-hand stroke ⽤右⼿打的⼀拳; right—handed person/right-hander ⽤右⼿的⼈; right-handed golfer右⼿打⾼尔夫球的⼈; righ-handed scissors右⼿⽤的剪⼦; right-hand glove右⼿的⼿套; right-handed shot右⼿的⼀击。

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string SourceStr="101";
string DestinationStr;

重载1:public string PadLeft(int totalWidth);
重载2public string PadLeft(int totalWidth, char paddingChar);

String.PadLeft (Int32)

String.PadRight (Int32)
右对齐此实例中的字符,在左边用指定的Unicode 字符填充以达到指定的总长度。

String.PadRight (Int32, Char)
左对齐此字符串中的字符,在右边用指定的Unicode 字符填充以达到指定的总长度。
