SHT1x / SHT7x 系列温湿度 温度传感器
图 6 测量时序概览 (TS = 启动传输)
2.3 状态寄存器 SHTxx 的某些高级功能可以通过状态寄存器实现。下 面的章节概括介绍了这些功能。 详情可参阅应用说明“状态寄存器”。
图 7 状态寄存器写
Bit 类型 说明
0.3 1 µA 0 20% Vdd
75% 100% Vdd
0 20% Vdd
80% 100% Vdd
1 µA 4 mA
三态门 10 µA
SHTxx DC 特性
Min Typ Max 单位
两线 数字接口
CRC 校验
时 钟线 数据线
SHT1x / SHT7x 系列温湿度 温度传感器
1 传感器性能说明
Min. Typ. Max. 单位
湿度 分辨率 (2)
0.5 0.03 0.03 %RH
SHT 1x / SHT 7x
_ 相对湿度和温度测量 _ 露点测量 _ 全标定输出,无需标定即可互换使用 _ 卓越的长期稳定性 _ 两线制数字接口,无需额外电路 _ 基于请求式测量,低能耗 _ 表面贴片或 4 针引脚安装 _ 超小尺寸 _ 自动休眠 _ 超快响应时间
TV DATA 有效时间
250 ns
100 ns
用Visual C++作为开发平台,采用MFC 类库,利用VC6.0基于对话框的模板,Microsoft Access作为后台开发数据库,并利用MSComm控件完成串口通信设计了一个实时监测上位机软件系统。
关键词:温湿度,数据采集,串口通信,MFC,上位机,MSCommTemperature and humidity measurement system design(PC software design)ABSTRACTApproach is PC through RS_485 bus and provisions of the communication protocol under orders to send out a machine, lower level computer according to this command to explain again into corresponding timing signal directly control sensor. From lower level computer equipment state data, converted into digital signal feedback to the PC. PC docking receive data processed, in upper machine display and storage and database medium. Meanwhile PC user management, the convenient user for the collected data in view of historical data and the query etc.Introduced the temperature and humidity measurement system of software constitutes upper machine. Use Visual C + + as a development platform, using MFC libraries, using VC6.0 dialog-based templates, Microsoft Access as a background, and by using the development of database MSComm control design for a complete serial communication real-time monitoring PC software system. This paper, starting from the PC software by using object-oriented, database, serial communication technology complete system information and data storage, data and curve real-time display, lasted inquiry, and other functions, realized the PC system monitoring task. Given the general design of the software solutions and the function module design, shows the software's main function is presented, and the operation of the system interface and application mode.KEY WORDS: Temperature and humidity,Serial communication,Data acquisition,MFC,PC,MSComm目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT (II)1绪论 (1)1.1 课题意义及目的 (1)1.2 课题主要研究的内容 (1)2 面向过程与面向对象 (2)2.1 面向过程与面向对象技术 (2)2.2 面向对象的程序设计 (4)2.3本章小结 (5)3系统相关技术介绍 (6)3.1 Visual C++开发平台 (6)3.1.1 Windows编程模型 (6)3.1.2 VC++应用程序创建过程 (7)3.1.3 VC++集成开发环境介绍 (8)3.2数据库技术 (9)3.2.1 VC++6.0开发数据库技术的特点 (9)3.2.2 SQL语言概述 (10)3.2.3 ADO数据库访问技术 (12)3.3 单片机与PC串口通信技术 (17)3.3.1 数据通信的概念 (17)3.3.3 串行通信的通信方式 (18)3.3.4 串行通信的过程及通信协议 (19)3.4 实时数据显示技术 (20)3.5 VC++串口通信技术 (20)3.3.1 事件驱动方式 (21)3.3.2 查询方式 (21)3.6 MSComm控件串口编程基本流程 (23)3.6.1 在当前Project 中插入MSComm控件 (24)3.6.2 初始化并打开串口 (24)3.6.3 捕捉串口事项 (25)3.6.4 串口读写 (25)3.6.5 关闭串口 (26)3.7本章小结 (26)4系统总体设计 (27)4.1系统功能描述 (27)4.2系统总体设计 (27)4.3系统的通信协议 (28)4.3.1模块接口协议格式 (28)4.3.2上位机命令帧数据格式 (29)3.3.3下位机上传数据帧格式 (29)4.4本章小结 (30)5上位机软件设计与各模块的实现 (31)5.1 系统功能模块划分 (31)5.1.1 用户登录的设计 (31)5.1.2系统软件程序设计 (34)5.2 相关数据库的设计 (39)5.2.1 数据库配置 (39)5.2.2 使用访问数据库 (39)5.2.3 VC++到数据库的连接 (40)5.3 数据库中表的设计 (43)5.4 本章小结 (43)6 结束语 (44)致谢 (45)参考文献 (46)1绪论1.1 课题意义及目的在工农业生产、日常生活以及科学研究等诸多领域中,温度和湿度是两个很普遍而又非常重要的参数。
实验一 温湿度传感器
图 1-1-6 传感器件位置
(8) 测试完成后, 按下 Sensors 键蓝色按钮, 即关闭传感器板卡电源。 此时传感器断电, 在母板的显示屏上显示“请给传感器模块上电! ” ;再次按下蓝色按钮,即关闭单片机电源。 二. 完成程序并重新烧写程序,并观察显示效果
(1)利用 keil2 软件,打开目录“D:\传感器实验箱资料\传感器实验箱程序资料\C51\ 完成部分程序\完成部分程序”中的 SHT10.Uv2 文件。 (2) 双击打开左侧的“wenshi.c”文件,根据提示完成部分程序。
图 1-1-3 仿真器
3. 烧写程序并观察效果 (1) 切换频率, 把母版右侧上红色的 1、2 按钮都拨到 ON 的位置。 (2) 打开母版电源:即把黑色按钮向上拨动,如图 1-1-4 所示。
图 1-1-4 母板电源开关
(3) 当 (2)中的电源打开时, 观察母板上的显示屏幕中显示的内容。 其显示的内容为 “请 给传感器模块上电! ” 。 (4) 打开 D:\传感器实验箱资料\实验箱系统软件及驱动\STC 手动下载\STC-ISP.exe 烧 写软件,进行烧写,步骤如下。 1 选择 MCU TYPE:STC12LE5A60S2; ○ 2 打开文件: ○ 选择 D:\传感器实验箱资料\传感器实验箱程序资料\C51\SHT10_温湿度传
表 1-1-4 相对湿度的温度补偿转换系数 SORH 12 位 8位 t1 0.01 0.01 t2 0.00008 0.00128
2. 温度 温度计算公式如下所示。
T = d1 + d 2 *SO T
温度转换系数 d1 如下表所示。
表 1-1-5 温度转换系数 d1 VDD 5V 4V 3.5V 3V 2.5V d1(C) -40.1 -39.8 -39.7 -39.6 -39.4 d1(F) -40.2 -39.6 -39.5 -39.3 -38.9
US B驱 动程 序 堆 栈体 系 结 构 框 图 , 图 中 出现 了微
软推 出的US B 设 备通 用 驱动 程 序Wi n US B,它基 于
Wi n d o ws D r i v e r F r a me wo  ̄s( WDF ) 开 发 , 由内核 模 式驱 动程 序( Wi n u s b . s y s ) 与用 户模 式DL L ( wi n u s b .
供 了重要参 考。 关键词 :WI n U S B;I N F;P I C;U S B 接 口 ;C#;S H T 7 5 ;仿真 中圈分 类号 :T P 3 6 8 . 2 ; T P 3 1 1 . 1 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1 0 0 9 -0 1 3 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 8 ( 上) - 0 1 2 9 - 0 5
具 有 高 传输 速 率 ,高 可 靠 性 等 ,上 述 诸 多 优 点使
US B成 为 了最 成功 的P C机 接 口 。微 软 为 大 量 US B
d l 1 ) 共 两个 基 本 组 件 构 成 。W i n US B( Wi n u s b . s y s ) 可 作 为 单 一 us B设 备 或 复 合 设 备 功能 驱 动 程 序 安 装 在 设 备 内 核 模 式 堆 栈 中 。 用 户 程 序 通 过 调 用
彭 伟
( 武汉城 市职 业学院 电子信息工 程学 院,武汉 4 3 0 0 6 4 )
摘 要 :研究了微软Wi n U S B 通用驱 动程序框架 ,解析了Wi n U S B  ̄ E 动包构成及其I N F 文件关键条目 ,以 C#为上位机 软件开发 平台设计 了基 于Wl n U S B 的接 口软件 ,使用代 理实现 了数据包 的异步 收 发 ,下位机 基于Ml c r o c h l p U S B 接口系统 固件框架 ,以P I C 1 8 F 4 5 5 微控制器 及S H T 7 5 传感器为 核 心 ,设计了温湿度 数据采集与控制 系统并进行仿真测试 ,为基于WI n U S B 的接 口系统开发提
关键词:药品库房;JenNet-IP;6LoWPAN;温湿度中图分类号:TP274+.2 文献标识码:AThe research and implementation of the drug warehouse temperature and humidity detection systemAbstract:Aiming at the low level of supervision, monitoring points and data more poor reliability and other characteristics of the pharmaceutical industry and drug storage environment, puts forward a method of wireless monitoring in drugstorehouse interior temperature and humidity. The temperature and humidity sensors placed in the appropriate location of drug storehouse.At first ,the Coordinator control sensors collecting temperature and humidity in the drug storehouse, then the collector back the data to coordinator. The system through the JenNet - IP network protocol stack in networking and implements 6 lowpan wireless communication standard. The article introduces the implementation of hardware circuit design and JenNet-IP network protocol stack,finally write PC software to control the whole system through the C# language,to achieve the coordination of the purpose of running.The results show that the system solves the real-time drug monitoring of the environment monitoring problem,and has the advantages of low cost,low power consumption,high reliability.Key words: drug warehouse; JenNet-IP; 6LoWPAN; temperature and humidity0 引言药品作为一种特殊商品,储存环境的好坏会严重影响药品的质量,并直接影响到对疾病的治疗效果,甚至关系到人民的生命健康问题。
数字温湿度传感器 SHT 1x SHT 7x 产品手册说明书
数字温湿度传感器 SHT 1x / SHT 7x(请以英文为准,译文仅供参考)_ 相对湿度和温度测量 _ 露点测量 _ 全标定输出,无需标定即可互换使用 _ 卓越的长期稳定性 _ 两线制数字接口,无需额外电路 _ 基于请求式测量,低能耗 _ 表面贴片或4针引脚安装 _ 超小尺寸 _ 自动休眠 _ 超快响应时间 SHT1x / SHT7x 产品概述 SHTxx系列产品是一款高度集成的温湿度传感器芯片,提供全量程标定的数字输出。
它采用专利的CMOSens? 技术,确保产品具有极高的可靠性与卓越的长期稳定性。
SHT7xSHT1x1 传感器性能说明参数 条件 Min. Typ. Max. 单位 湿度 分辨率 (2) 0.5 0.03 0.03 %RH 8 12 12 bit 重复性 ±0.1 %RH 精度 (1) 不确定性 线性化 参见图 1 互换性 可完全互换 原始数据 ±3 %RH 非线性度 线性化 <<1 %RH 量程范围 0 100 %RH 响应时间 1/e (63%) 缓慢流动空气 4 s 迟滞 ±1 %RH 长期稳定性 典型值 < 1 %RH/yr 温度 0.04 0.01 0.01 °C 0.07 0.02 0.02 °F 分辨率 (2) 12 14 14 bit ±0.1 °C 重复性 ±0.2 °F 精度 参见图 1 -40 123.8 °C 量程范围 -40 254.9 °F 响应时间 1/e (63%) 5 30 s 表 1 传感器性能说明 2接口说明SHT1x(slave)图 2 典型应用电路 2.1电源引脚 SHTxx的供电电压为2.4 ̄5.5V。
关键词:ZigBee 温湿度 CC2530 多点检测中图分类号:TN47;TP212.11 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-9416(2013)10-0082-02武器的精良是部队战斗力的体现,而武器的战斗力取决于弹药的威力,所以弹药的存储尤为重要。
1 Zigbee技术Zigbee技术是一种新兴的、高可靠性的无线数据传输网络,通信距离可以达到30~70m 甚至几百米到几公里。
2 系统总体设计该系统通过温湿度传感器采集弹药库的温湿度数据,将数据通过ZigBee协议传递给中心模块,中心模块在接收到数据后,对数据进行相应的处理,判断弹药库内部局部温湿度的情况是否符合标准要求。
3 系统的硬件设计3.1 终端模块设计终端模块是由温湿度传感器SHT75,CC2530芯片,电源模块及其LCD组成,当温湿度传感器检测到温度时,CC2530对数据进行处理,然后检测到的数据通过LCD将数据进行显示出来,便于弹药库管理者观察,同时将数据通过天线发送给中心模块处理。
关键字:AT89C51单片机,SHT11,LM016L,光电耦合器ABSTRACTThe temperature and humidity control to the requirements of the bedroom is people important indexes, and also one of the important factors affect human health of one. In order to guarantee to the temperature and humidity good monitoring and control, this paper using digital temperature and humidity sensors to design SHTll bedroom temperature and humidity monitoring system, in order to achieve the simplified the hardware and software system design, improve the accuracy of measurement purposes. First introduced the structure characteristics of the SHTll, interface circuit, and the temperature and humidity measurement system hardware and software design scheme, then based on AT89C51 single-chip microcomputer and photoelectric coupling control circuit design the simple circuit, save the I/O mouth of temperature and humidity control system resources bedroom, ensure the electricity output by AT89C51 single-chip microcomputer to control in the outer reaches of the high voltage circuit, this design is not just in principle on feasible, but also in the practical application of the bedroom can realize to people the precise measurement of the temperature and humidity and control, the circuit is simple and stable operation, high level of integration, convenient operation, flexible, to meet the requirements of the people bedroom environment has certain practical value and meaning. Keywords:AT98C51,SHT11,LM016L ,Photoelectric coupled circuit目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT (II)1绪言 (3) (3) (3) (5)2 系统设计方案的研究 (6) (6) (7)3 硬件的设计89C51芯片 (7)SHT11传感器 (8)LCD LM016L显示模块 (10) (11)4 软件系统与实现 (12)P ROTEUS简介 (18)C语言介绍 (18)K EIL 软件介绍 (19)仿真结果 (19) (19) (19) (20)5 总结与展望 (21)致谢 (22)参考文献 (23)附录 (24)1 绪言改革开放以来,人们对生活质量要求显著提高,对自己居室的环境要求也越来越高,这对以从事居室装修工人来说是一个机遇,同时也是一个挑战,而基于单片机的温湿度控制系统对解决这个问题有着非常重大的意义。
SENSIRION SHT7x (SHT71, SHT75) 数字温湿度传感器 数据手册
Datasheet SHT7x (SHT71, SHT75)数字温湿度传感器•完全标定•数字输出•低功耗•卓越的长期稳定性•插针型封装 – 便于集成尺寸图 1: SHT7x 包装结构图(适用于SHT71 和 SHT75) ,尺寸单位mm (1mm = 0.039inch). 连接引脚:1: SCK, 2: VDD, 3: GND, 4: DATA. HPCB 后面的阴影部分是一个 100nF 电容– 更多信息请参阅2.1传感器芯片此说明书适用于SHT7x-V4。
SHT7x-V4 是第四代硅传感芯片,除了湿度、温度敏感元件以外,还包括一个放大器,A/D 转换器,OTP 内存和数字接口。
材质传感器的核心为CMOS芯片,外围材料顶层采用环氧LCP ,底层为FR4。
引脚由Cu/Be 合金制成,外层镀 Ni 和 Au. 传感器符合ROHS 和WEEE 标准,因此不含Pb, Cd, Hg, Cr(6+), PBB,PBDE。
产品简介SHT1x (包括 SHT71和 SHT75) 属于Sensirion温湿度传感器家族中的插针型封装系列。
传感器采用专利的CMOSens® 技术,确保产品具有极高的可靠性与卓越的长期稳定性。
传感器包括一个电容性聚合体测湿敏感元件、一个用能隙材料制成的测温元件,并在同一芯片上,与14 位的A/D 转换器以及串行接口电路实现无缝连接。
每个传感器芯片都在极为精确的湿度腔室中进行标定,校准系数以程序形式储存在OTP 内存中,用于内部的信号校准。
相对温度 和湿度传感器 , 有数字输 出、 具 免调
试、 免标定 、 外 围 电路 及 全 互 换 的特 点 [ , 免 2 为 ]
分辨率为 0 0 ℃。每个传感器芯片都在极 为 .1 精确 的湿度室中进行标定 , 校准 系数 以程序形 式储存 在 O P内存 中, T 在测量过程 中可对相 对湿度 自动校准 , S T 5 使 H 7 具有 10 的互换 0 性 。其测量原理是首先利用两 只传感器分别产
精度高 、 稳定 性好 等特点 。
关键词 : 室 ; 湿度传感器 ; 导体 制冷 ; 片机 ; 氡 温 半 单 测控 系统
中 图分 类 号 : T 2 2 9 P 1. 文献标识码 : A 文 章 编 号 : 0 5-9 4 2 0 )40 8—3 2 80 3 ( 0 8 0 -7 30
源 电压为 5 温度传感器为 1 位时 , V, 4 公式为 :
T一 -4 0+ 00M 。S .1 HT7 相 对湿 度输 出特 5 性 呈 一 定 的非 线 性 , 用 公 式 补偿 相 对 湿度 读 可 数 N 的 非 线性 , 于 1 对 2位 的湿 度传 感 器 的公
式 为 :RHL ( 4 0 0 0 N 一 2 8× 1 一 一 + . 45 . 0
) , % 而且 还 需 要 对 相 对 湿 度 传 感 器 进 行 温
升沿有效 。S l 上 电后进入休眠模式 , HT l 首先
应发 送 一 个 “ 动” 序 , 醒 芯 片 , 在 S K 启 时 唤 即 C
度补偿, 公式 为: RHT H+( ~2 ) 0 0 —R T 5 (. 1 + 00 0N) 从而得到最终的实际湿度值 。 . 08 %,
关键词:虚拟仪器;LabVIEW;温度;湿度中图分类号:TP311.1 文献标识码:B文章编号:1004-373X(2009)01-120-02System of Temperature and Humidity Measurement Based on LabVIEWYAN Yuanyuan,ZHANG Hongqun(College of Electronic & Information Engineering,Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology,Nanjing,210044,China)Abstract:With the rapid development of virtual instruments and meteorological automation,combining virtual technology and meteorological measurement is possible.It can realize the data acquisition of temperature and humidity as well as data transmission,analysis and display,with the development software of virtual instruments-LabVIEW,sensors,data acquisitions and so on,in addition to provide users with historic data inquire.It saves a lot of labor power and material resources so that it makes measurement more convenient and fast.Keywords:virtual instruments;LabVIEW;temperature;humidity0 引言计算机和仪器的密切结合是目前仪器发展的一个重要方向。
Sensirion SHTxx 湿度与温度传感器操作指南说明书
Handling InstructionsFor SHTxx Humidity and Temperature SensorsAbstractSensirion SHTxx are relative humidity and temperature sensors of high quality. For taking advantage of their outstanding performance some precautions must be taken during storage, assembly and packaging. Therefore, please read the following instructions carefully - preferably during design-in phase and before production release of the respective device. Special attention is required regarding the exposure to volatile organic compounds, i.e. high concentration and long exposure time to respective gases shall be avoided. Such conditions are known to occur in manufacturing environment and/or during storage. Therefore, proper handling and choice of materials are crucial. Applying sensors in the field in ambient environment is not critical.ApplicabilityThis document is applicable to all Sensirion SHTxx humidity and temperature sensors.ESD protectionThe sensor shall be protected from ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) and only be handled in ESD protected areas (EPA) under protected and controlled conditions (ground all personnel with wrist-straps, ground all non-insulating and conductive objects, exclude insulating materials from the EPA, operate only in grounded conductive floor, etc.). Protect sensor outside the EPA using ESD protective packaging.Protection against ESD is mandatory. Exposure to chemicalsHumidity and Temperature sensors are highly accurate environmental sensors and as such they are not ordinary electronic components. The opening in the package exposes the sensor to the environment and makes it susceptible to pollutants. While applying sensors in the field in ambient environment is not critical, pollutants are known to occur in manufacturing environments and during storage. Please carefully follow the guidelines in this application note to ensure that you can benefit of the sensor’s outstand ing performance.The sensor shall not get in close contact with volatile chemicals such as solvents or other organic compounds. Especially high concentration and long exposure must be avoided. Ketenes, Acetone, Ethanol, Isopropyl Alcohol, Toluene, etc. are known to cause drift of the humidity reading –irreversibly in most of the cases. Please note that such chemicals are integral part of epoxies, glues, adhesives, etc. and outgas during baking and curing. These chemicals are also added as plasticisers into plastics, used for packaging materials, and do out-gas for some period.Acids and bases may affect the sensor irreversibly and shall be avoided: HCl, H2SO4, HNO3, NH3etc. Also Ozone in high concentration or H2O2have the same effect and therefore shall be avoided. Please note, that above examples represent no complete list of harmful substances.The sensor shall not get in contact with cleaning agents (e.g. PCB board wash after soldering) or strong air blasts from an air-pistol (not oil-free air). Applying cleaning agents to the sensor may lead to drift of the reading or complete breakdown of the sensor.Ensure good ventilation (fresh air supply) to avoid high concentrations of volatile chemicals (solvents, e.g. ethanol, isopropanol, methanol, acetone, cleaning solutions, detergents…).Packaging and storagePrior to assembly or use of the sensors it is strongly recommended to store the sensors in the original sealed ESD bag at following conditions: Temperature shall be in the range of 10°C – 50°C (0 – 125°C for limited time) and humidity at 20 – 60%RH (sensors that are not stored in ESD bags).Store sensors in original, unopened ESD bag. Place additional stickers only on the outside of the ESD bag.Once sensors have been removed from the original ESD bag we recommend to store the individual sensors as well as devices with assembled sensors in metal-in antistatic shielded ESD bags. In particular, it is recommended not to use any adhesive or adhesive tapes to reseal the sensor bag after opening. Following ESD Bags can be recommended (no polluting effect on humidity sensor):ESD Bag Manufacturer ProductStroebel"Topshield" BagsSensors as a component or mounted into the final product shall not be packaged in outgassing plastic materials which could cause sensor pollution. Besides metal-in antistatic shielded ESD bags, paper or cardboards based packaging, deep drawn plastic trays (PE, PET, PP) may be considered. Do not use antistatic polyethylene bags (light blue, pink or rose color); be very careful with bubble foils and foams.Be careful about stickers present inside the packing (e.g. on the housing of the device). Sticker size should be kept to a minimum, and the sticky side shall fully adhere onto a surface.Please note that many packaging materials may be provided with additives (plasticizers) which may have a polluting effect on the sensor. Generally speaking, if a material emits a strong odour you should not use it. Additives may also be added to materials which are listed for recommended use. For high safety, device housing and shipment packaging must be qualified. Such a qualification test may contain exposure of the final device with sensor in its shipment packaging to temperature ≥65°C for at least 168 hours. (If shipping or storage conditions are expected to be harsh, the qualification test conditions for the packing material have to be customized.) The sensor reading then shall showno changed deviation against a reference compared to same measurements before the exposure.Do not use polyethylene antistatic bags (light blue, pink or rose color). Do not use adhesive tapes inside packaging.For guidance on simple and straight-forward testing of humidity sensors please consult the Testing Guide for humidity sensors.Assembly - SolderingFor soldering, standard reflow soldering ovens may be used. The sensors are designed to withstand soldering profile according to IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 with peak temperatures at 260°C during up to 30sec for Pb-free assembly in IR/Convection reflow ovens (see Error! Reference source not found.).Make sure that maximum temperatures and exposure times are respected. In case the PCB passes through multiple solder cycles (as is the case for e.g. PCB that are assembled on top and bottom side), it is recommended to assemble the SHTxx only in the last solder cycle. This is to reduce risks of sensor pollution.Figure 1 Soldering profile according to JEDEC standard. T P ≤ 260°C and t P ≤ 30sec above 255°C for Pb -free assembly. T L < 220°C and t L < 150sec. Ramp-up rate <3°C and ramp-down rate < 6°C/sec for temperatures > T L .SHT31 – 500pcsInspectedT e m p e r a t u r eTimet P T PT L T S (max)t Lpreheatin liquid phaseThe use of “no clean” type ≥3 solder paste 1 is strongly recommended as no board wash can be applied to SHTxx humidity sensors. An appropriate amount of solder paste shall be used, to result in a stand-off height (clearance between the package body and any part of the substrate) of 50μm to 75μm. Please consult the appropriate sensor data sheet for device specific information on the metal land pattern and recommendations on solder paste printing stencils. Standard pick & place equipment and vacuum nozzles for standard QFN packages may be used for assembly of SHTxx and STSxx sensors.Manual soldering is not recommended. For rework soldering, contact time must be limited to 5 seconds at up to 350°C.Immediately after the exposure to high temperatures SHTxx humidity sensors may temporarily read a negative humidity offset (typ. -1 to -2 %RH after reflow soldering). This offset slowly disappears again by itself when the sensor is exposed to ambient conditions (typ. within 1-3 days). If RH testing is performed immediately after reflow soldering, this offset should be considered when defining the test limits.It is important to note that the diced edge or side faces of the I/O pads may oxidise over time, therefore a solder fillet may or may not form. Hence there is no guarantee for solder joint fillet heights of any kind.Assembly – OthersSensors in SMT packages are classified as Moisture Sensitivity Level 1 (IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020). It is recommended to process the sensors within 1 year after date of delivery.Before developing the assembly process, please read the User ’s Guide and the Datasheets carefully. In the following, crucial items are underlined plus additional items are given:No mechanical force shall be applied to any part of the sensor during assembly or usage.No board wash shall be applied to SHTxx humidity sensors. Therefore, and as mentioned in the previous section , it is strongly recommended to use “no -clean” solder paste.1 Solder types are related to the solder particle size in the paste: Type 3covers the size range of 25 – 45 µm as specified in IPC J-STD-005A .Do not apply board wash.For application in corrosive environment – such as condensed water or corrosive gases – it may be necessary to protect the electronic assembly including the soldered contacts of the sensor with a passivation. Such passivation may be achieved by conformal coating or by applying adhesive.Low viscose conformal coatings or potting materials may flow into the inside the sensor cap, cover the sensor element and thus make the humidity sensor inoperative. Use only high viscose conformal coatings or potting materials, or seal the interface between sensor cap and sensor PCB before applying conformal coating. In any case, covering the humidity sensor opening with any kind of coating must be avoided. Therefore, the top surface of the sensor should remain free of coating.If conformal coating is applied, the top surface of the sensor must remain free of coating.Solvent vapors are produced during curing and processing of the coating. Ensure good ventilation throughout the application, staging and curing to prevent pollution of the sensor. Ventilation shall be established in such a way that the concentration of these gaseous substances remains low, e.g. by using ovens with fresh air supply.XXXCoating thickness and curing times shall be chosen according to respective datasheets and application notes of the manufacturer. If a time frame for curing is provided it is recommended to apply the upper time limit. This is especially true if the PCB design features large components with undercuts where high layer thicknesses on/under components or drain-off edges can form. Please note that the tack-free state of the coating is no indication of full curing. For full curing refer to application notes of the manufacturer. Ensure process stability for coating thickness and apply corresponding safety margins for curing times.The following table lists conformal coatings which have been tested regarding pollution of the humidity sensorand are known to be suitable if applied and fully cured under good ventilation and according to respective datasheet.Conformal CoatingsManufacturer ProductPeters Elpeguard SL 1301 ECO-FLZ Electrolube AFA (Aromatic Free Acrylic) Coating Chase HumiSeal 1B51NSLUDow Corning Dow corning 1-2620Do not apply spray to unprotected sensor. Whenever using spray coating techniques (e.g. to apply varnish or conformal coating, etc.) the SHT3x with protective cover option can be used or the SHTxx sensor has to be covered by the adhesive tape to prevent coating of the humidity sensor opening. The following table lists adhesive tapes which have been tested regarding pollution of the humidity sensor and are known to be suitable.Adhesive TapesManufacturer Product3M Electrical Tape 92Do not apply any other adhesive tapes such as Scotch Tape, Sello Tape, Tesa Film, etc. In conjunction with the sensor, use only recommended Kapton® tape Electrical Tape 92 by 3M™.Regarding adhesives and encapsulants the material in the following tables may be used –according to respective datasheets, applied and fully cured in well ventilated environment (fresh air supply). Materials and brands not listed in the following tables may be harmful and shall be tested carefully before applying.Epoxy AdhesivesManufacturer ProductEPO-TEK H70E/SEPO-TEK T6067EPO-TEK 93-86Lord MD-130Eccobond E3503-1Ablebond 84-3Epoxy Glob Top EncapsulantsManufacturer ProductStycast 50300 / 50400 seriesHysol EO1061/EO1062Silicone AdhesivesManufacturer ProductRTV 6424 (Momentive)Dow Corning 732Silicone Glob Top EncapsulantsManufacturer ProductStycast S 7503Instant AdhesivesManufacturer ProductLoctite 401PUR (Polyutherane) Casting Compounds Manufacturer ProductPeters VU 4457-61Hot melts may absorb water and thus may have an impact on the response time of the sensor in the device. Therefore, hot melt shall be applied sparingly.The sensor shall be mounted into the device, if possible, after all materials that are used in the assembly process have completely cured or dried out. Otherwise ensure good ventilation (fresh air supply) in curing ovens and assembly lines.Prevent any dust or particles from entering the sensor opening (sensor performance may be affected).Wear clean gloves or finger cots while handling the sensor and avoid touching the sensor opening.Ensure recommendations in this application note are equally considered during repair and rework of assemblies containing sensors. During repair and rework, it may be recommendable to cover the sensor with Kapton tape (specific recommendation see above). Be particularly careful when using strong cleaning agents (e.g. detergents, alcohols, brominated or fluorinated solvents). Cleaning any part of a product might lead to high concentration of cleaning agents on the sensor. Please remove any sensors or devices containing sensors before cleaning the production area and tools. Ensure good ventilation (fresh air supply) and that any solvents have evaporated before resuming production.Prevent sensor from exposure to cleaning agents. Application in extreme environment Some applications require the exposure of humidity and temperature sensors to harsh environments. In many of the cases the sensor is uncritical to be used. However, some precautions must be taken.For exposure to extreme conditions with regards to humidity and temperature please consult the datasheet 275%RH can conveniently be generated with saturated NaCl solution. of respective product. Please make sure that exposure time of the sensor to maximum range of operating conditions is limited as given in datasheet. Exposure to volatile organic compounds at high concentration and long exposure time is critical not only in assembly but also in the field. Such application needs to be carefully tested and qualified.Exposure to acids or bases may be critical, too. In order to be critical, the concentration must be such that polymers are attacked. For bases there is a rule of thumb that pH<9 are uncritical. Etching substances such as H2O2, NH3, etc. at high concentrations are critical to the sensor, too.Corrosive substances at very low concentrations are not critical to the sensor itself. However, they may attack the solder contacts. Therefore, the contacts must be well protected (passivated) in case of an application to such environment –compare also Section “Assembly”. Application of Sensirion humidity and temperature sensors to harsh environment must be carefully tested and qualified. Sensirion qualifies its humidity and temperature sensors to work properly within ambient clean air – qualification for use in harsh environment is duty of the user of the sensor. Reconditioning procedureAs stated above extreme conditions or exposure to solvent vapors may offset the sensor. The following reconditioning procedure may bring the sensor back to calibration state:Baking: 100 – 105°C at < 5%RH for 10hRe-Hydration: 20 – 30°C at ~ 75%RH for 12h 2. DisclaimerThe above given restrictions, recommendations, materials, etc. do not cover all possible cases and items. The material recommendations are given with regard to pollution of SHTxx sensors and assume optimal processing for avoiding VOC in process – the materials were not tested regarding other properties like reliability, performance, usability or mechanical properties. The material recommendations have been compiled with our best knowledge at the time of writing. Manufacturers may change the compounds without notice, which can lead to reduced Sensor performance due to outgassing.This document is not to be considered complete and is subject to change without prior notice.Revision historyImportant NoticesWarning, Personal InjuryDo not use this product as safety or emergency stop devices or in any other application where failure of the product could result in personal injury. Do not use this product for applications other than its intended and authorized use. Before installing, handling, using or servicing this product, please consult the data sheet and application notes. Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.If the Buyer shall purchase or use SENSIRION products for any unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless SENSIRION and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates and distributors against all claims, costs, damages and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if SENSIRION shall be allegedly negligent with respect to the design or the manufacture of the product.ESD PrecautionsThe inherent design of this component causes it to be sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). To prevent ESD-induced damage and/or degradation, take customary and statutory ESD precautions when handling this product.See application note “ESD, Latchup and EMC” for more information.WarrantySENSIRION warrants solely to the original purchaser of this product for a period of 12 months (one year) from the date of delivery that this product s hall be of the quality, material and workmanship defined in SENSIRION’s published specifications of the product. Within such period, if proven to be defective, SENSIRION shall repair and/or replace this product, in SENSIRION’s discretion, free of charge to the Buyer, provided that:•notice in writing describing the defects shall be given to SENSIRION within fourteen (14) days after their appearance;•such defects shall be found, to SENSIRION’s reasonable satisfaction, to have arisen from SENSIRION’s faulty design, material, or workmanship;•the defective product shall be returned to SENSIRION’s factory at the Buyer’s expense; and•the warranty period for any repaired or replaced product shall be limited to the unexpired portion of the original period.This warranty does not apply to any equipment which has not been installed and used within the specifications recommended by SENSIRION for the intended and proper use of the equipment. EXCEPT FOR THE WARRANTIES EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN, SENSIRION MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT. ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED AND DECLINED.SENSIRION is only liable for defects of this product arising under the conditions of operation provided for in the data sheet and proper use of the goods. SENSIRION explicitly disclaims all warranties, express or implied, for any period during which the goods are operated or stored not in accordance with the technical specifications.SENSIRION does not assume any liability arising out of any application or use of any product or circuit and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. All operating parameters, including without limitation recommended parameters, must be validated for each customer’s applications by customer’s technical experts. Recommended parameters can and do vary in different applications.SENSIRION reserves the right, without further notice, (i) to change the product specifications and/or the information in this document and (ii) to improve reliability, functions and design of this product.Copyright© 2021, by SENSIRION. CMOSens® is a trademark of Sensirion. All rights reservedHeadquarters and SubsidiariesSensirion AG Laubisruetistr. 50CH-8712 Staefa ZH Switzerlandphone: +41 44 306 40 00 fax: +41 44 306 40 30 ****************** Sensirion Inc., USAphone: +1 312 690 5858*********************Sensirion Korea Co. Ltd.phone: +82 31 337 7700~3*********************/krSensirion Japan Co. Ltd.phone: +81 3 3444 4940*********************/jpSensirion China Co. Ltd.phone: +86 755 8252 1501*********************/cnSensirion Taiwan Co. Ltdphone: +886 3 5506701******************To find your local representative, please visit /distributors。
3.测量精度:湿度测量精度为±1.8%RH,温度测量精度为±0.3℃4.工作电压:2.4V~5.5V(注:不同工作电压下的温度系数不同)5.引脚连接:SCK接I2C总线的时钟,VCC GND电源和地,SDA 数据引脚6.通信时序基本符合I2C的通信时序,通信过程分为:启动传感器、发送命令、测温和复位4个步骤。
(3)温度、湿度测量过程:发送一组测量命令(“00000101”表示测量相对湿度RH,“00000011”表示测量温度T)后,51单片机等待测量结束,该过程大约20/80/320ms(最多可能有30%的变化),分别对应8/12/14 bit测量。
【关键词】Proteus;温湿度;SHT7X;单片机;测量Simulation Realization of Temperature and Humidity Measurement System Based on ProteusCheng Wei,Gu Guoliang,Liu Yuhai,Chen Jiang(Yancheng City electronic equipment factory,Yancheng Jiangsu,224051)Abstract:This paper introduces the principle and communication protocl of temperature and humidity sensor SHT7x,and describes the usage of it.The program flow is piven.On the simulation platform of Proteus,the system’s core is the microprocessor a nd SHT7x.In order to usie fewer I/O ports,a serially interfaced,8-Digit LED display drivers MAX7219 was selected to drive 8 LEDs.The temperature and humidity measurement system was realized and the simulation result was displayed based proteus software.This realization of simulation is worthy of the design of industrial computer control systems.Keywords:Proteus;Temperature and humidity;SHT7x;MCU;Measurement1.引言温湿度物理量的测量在工农业生产和日常生活的很多领域应用非常广泛。
理 2 1 H 7的 特点 . S T 5
瑞 士S N I 0 E SR1 N传 感 器 公 司 采用 了 C MO sn R 利 数 字 传感 技术 研 制 的新 型 温 湿 es 专
以确 认 每 个 字节 。 有 的数 据 从MS 开 所 B 换 后 的传 感 器信 号 和 校验 存 储 器里 的数 据 平 ,
S K时 钟 起 算 作MS 而 对 于 8i 据 , C B; bt 数 首 字节则 无 意 义) 收 到C 的确认 位之 后 , 。 在 RC
S T7 的读 写 时序 由启动 传 输命 令 、 H 5 读 表 明通 讯 结 束 。 果不 使用 C 一 校验 , 如 RC 8 控
等 读 S后 通 度传感器芯片, 因此它具有极高的可靠性 状态 命 令 、 待 测量 完 成 、 取 测量 数 据 等 制器 可 以在 测量 值L B , 过保 在 测量 和 有 两 线 数字 接 口, 与单 片机 直 接相 连 , 可 大
安 全生 产 。 文 介 绍 了 一 种 基 于S n i o 原理 是 : 先 , 个传 感器 测量 元 件 分别 将 本 e sr n i 首 两
放 大 , 将放 火后 的信号 进入 l位 的A/) 输 2 字节 的测量 数 据和 1 字节 的 C 奇 再 4 1转 个 个 RC 转 最 微 转 偶校验。 单片机需要通过下拉D T A A为低电 2 S T 5 的内部 结构 及工 作原 换 器 进 行AD 换 ; 后 , 控 制 器将 AD H 7
22 H 7 的 内部 结构 . ”和五个命令位( 如表l 所 示) ; 在一组测量温度或者测量湿度命令结
S HT7 的 内部 包 括 一 个 电容 性 聚 合 体 束 后 , 制器 要 等 待 测量 结束 , 个过 程 需 5 控 这 一个 用 能隙材 料 制成 的测 温 要 大约 2/ 0 3 0 , 别 对应 8 1/ 4 i 0 8/ 2 ms分 / 2 1bt 验 仪有 助 于在 全国 范 围 内开展 煤 矿 井下 的 测 湿敏感 元件 、 温 度类 传感 器 定 期 校准 、 量 检 定工 作 , 计 确 元件 , 同一 芯片上 与 1位的 A 1转 换器 测量 。 切 的 时 间 随 内部 晶振 速 度 , 多可 并在 4 /) 确 最 它 3% S 7通 A A 保矿用 温度 传感 器 量值 准确 可靠 , 障煤 矿 以及 串行 接 口电路 实现 无缝 连接 。 的工 作 能有 一 0 的 变 化 。 HT 5 过 下拉 D T 保 至 低 电 平 并 进 入 空 闲 模 式 , 示 测 量 的结 表 控 C 必 公司的数字温湿度传感器芯片S 7 的矿 温度 和 湿度 值 转 换 为 电信 号 ; 后 , 这 两 束 。 制 器 在再 次触 发S K时 钟 前 , 须 等 HT 5 然 将 井温度现场校验仪。 个微 弱 的 电信 号 进入 运 算 放大 器 进 行信 号 待 这个 “ 据备 妥” 号来 读 出数据 。 数 信 接着 传
(10)申请公布号 CN 102324537 A(43)申请公布日 2012.01.18C N 102324537 A*CN102324537A*(21)申请号 201110254614.9(22)申请日 2011.08.31H01M 8/04(2006.01)(71)申请人上海尧豫实业有限公司地址201111 上海市闵行区元江路5500号第1幢B379室(72)发明人不公告发明人(74)专利代理机构上海汉声知识产权代理有限公司 31236代理人郭国中(54)发明名称燃料电池的增湿系统(57)摘要本发明公开了一种燃料电池的增湿供气系统,包括与风机、水泵、温度探头相连的控制器和增湿器;所述增湿器内设有隔板将其分成不相通的上、下部,所述上部构成空气进气通道,一侧与所述风机通过管路连接,另一侧与燃料电池电堆的进气口管路连接;所述下部构成尾气排放通道,一侧与燃料电池电堆的出气口通过管路连接,另一侧直接排空;温湿度探头设置在增湿器上部与燃料电池电堆的进气口相连接的管路上,所述水泵的进口与所述尾气排放通道相连,所述水泵的出口与设置在所述空气进气通道上方的增湿管路相连,所述增湿管路朝向增湿器内部方向设置有喷淋头。
(51)Int.Cl.(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)发明专利申请权利要求书 1 页 说明书 3 页 附图 2 页1.一种燃料电池的增湿供气系统,包括风机,其特征在于:还包括增湿器、水泵、温湿度探头以及与所述风机、水泵、温湿度探头相连的控制器;所述增湿器内设有隔板将其分成不相通的上、下部,所述增湿器上部构成空气进气通道,一侧与所述风机通过管路连接,另一侧与燃料电池电堆的进气口管路连接;所述增湿器的下部构成尾气排放通道,一侧与燃料电池电堆的出气口通过管路连接,另一侧直接排空;所述温湿度探头设置在所述增湿器上部与燃料电池电堆的进气口相连接的管路上,所述水泵的进口与所述增湿器的下部构成的尾气排放通道相连,所述水泵的出口与设置在所述增湿器上部构成的空气进气通道上方的增湿管路相连,所述增湿管路朝向增湿器内部方向设置有喷淋头。
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基于SHT75温湿度传感器的设计与应用Design and Application of Temperature and Humidity Sensors Based onSHT75作者:刘锋王平付蔚重庆邮电大学网络控制技术与智能仪器仪表重点实验室来源: 电子产品世界摘要:系统基于SHT75温湿度传感器,利用EPA总线技术,实现有线网络的通信和对工业现场温度与湿度的监测,为用户提供一个适时性与便利性的远程监测系统。
图1 温湿度测量系统框图处理器C8051F120C8051F120是美国Cygnal公司的一款控制芯片,它使用Silicon Lab 的专利CIP-51 微控制器内核,具有64个数字I/O 引脚、片内VDD 监视器、看门狗定时器和时钟振荡器,它使C8051F120器件成为真正能独立工作的片上系统;FLASH 存储器具有在系统重新编程能力,可用于非易失性数据存储,并允许现场更新8051固件;片内JTAG 调试电路允许使用安装在最终应用系统上的产品MCU 进行非侵入式(不占用片内资源)、全速、在系统调试,该调试系统支持观察和修改存储器和寄存器,支持断点、观察点、单步及运行和停机命令;它能在工业温度范围(-45℃到+85℃)处工作,这些完全满足在工业现场使用的要求。
传感器模块SHTxx 系列单芯片传感器是由瑞士Sensirion的一款含有已校准数字信号输出的温湿度复合传感器。
传感器包括一个电容式聚合体测湿元件和一个能隙式测温元件,并与一个14 位的A/D 转换器以及串行接口电路在同一芯片上实现无缝连接。
SHTxx采用串行接口,它的分辨率可以根据对现场的采集速率而进行调整,一般情况下默认的测量分辨率分别为14bit(温度)、12bit(湿度),如果在高速采集中就可分别降至12bit 和8bit,对温度的量程范围:-40~123.8℃,湿度的量程范围:0~100%RH。
它操作比较简单,只需用一组“ 启动传输”时序,就能实现传感器数据传输的初始化,同时,在测量和通讯结束后,SHTxx 会自动转入休眠模式,这大大的减少了功耗。
图2 SHT75结构框图SHT75与微处理器的连接,是通过C8051F120的两个I/O口来分别与传感器SHT10的SCK引脚和DATA引脚相连,来实现数据的交换;VDD与3.3V电压相连。
为避免信号冲突,微处理器应驱动DATA 在低电平,所以还必须在I/O电路中,DATA引脚上加上一个上拉电阻将信号提拉至高电平,用一个10KΩ的电阻接至3.3V电压。
RTL8019AS 是REALTEK公司的高度集成以太网控制器,它能够简单的解答即插即用NE2000兼容适配器,这种适配器具有二重和功率下降特性。
通过三电平控制特性,RTL8019AS是对网络设备GREEN PC 理想的选择。
此外,8条IRQ 总线和16条基本地址总线为大资源情况下提供了宽松的环境。
RTL8019AS用16k字节SRAM 设计在单片芯片上,它的设计不仅提供了更友好的功能,而且节省了SRAM 存储资源。
图3 程序结构在本系统数据传递过程中,主要经过的是启动传输、字节的读与写、状态寄存器的读与写、最终数据的读取和通信的复位几部分。
下面列出温湿度数据的读取程序的部分代码:BYTE shtMeasure(BYTE *ptr,BYTE mode){BYTE error,crc; BYTE i;switch(mode) {case SHT_MODE_TEMP: //读温度数据do {error = 0;shtTransstart(); //启动传输,传感器开始工作error += shtWriteByte(SHT_MEASURE_TEMP); //写字节函数,写一个字节} while (error);break;case SHT_MODE_HUMI: //读湿度数据do {error = 0;shtTransstart(); //启动传输,传感器开始工作error += shtWriteByte(SHT_MEASURE_HUMI); //写字节函数,写一个字节} while (error);break;default:break;}for (i=0;i<65535;i++) { if (SHT_DATA==0) {break;}}Delay100us(20); //不需要定时器的延时*ptr = shtReadByte(SHT_ACK); //读字节函数,读一个字节Delay100us(10);*(ptr+1) = shtReadByte(SHT_ACK);crc = shtReadByte(SHT_NOACK);crc = crc;return error;}温湿度传感器在工业现场中的应用图4它是一个网络拓扑图,设备挂在集线器上,集线器在给温湿度传感器供电的同时,还对传感器采集的数据信息进行传递;集线器通过工业以太网来与上位机相连,数据信息就通过工业以太网传送到上位机。
图4 监测拓扑图在工业现场,此设备是直接通过工业以太网的有线网络进行数据传输的,通过在重庆重钢集团的一个月试用结果来看,它的稳定性和精确度满足要求。
图5 监测曲线图图5是一监测曲线图,通过直观的曲线图来显示工业现场的温湿度变化,它具有报警功能,用户可以根据现场的具体要求自主设定上限与下限,当温湿度值超过限制时,就会显示红色,并闪烁不定,以示报警。
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