



2.定义:2.1疵点defects纺织品上呈现的削弱其质量性能及影响外观的缺陷.2.2纱疵Yarn defects纱线上存在的疵点.2.3织疵woven defects在织造过程中产生的织物疵点.2.4经向疵点 warp direction defect由经纱形成或在织物经向上呈现的疵点.2.5纬向疵点 weft direction defects由纬线形成或在织物纬向上呈现的疵点.2.6边部疵点 selvedge defects在布边或距布边一定距离内呈现的疵点.同义词:边疵,布边疵点2.7整修疵点repaired defects对织物上疵点经整修后留下痕迹形成的疵点.2.8染整疵点defects due to dyeing, printing or finishing染色、印花、整理工艺过程中产生的疵点.2.9局部性疵点local defects在织物上所占部位较小或仅在一处,易于计量其尺寸数量的疵点.2.10散布性疵点spread defects在织物上分散面积较大,不易计量其尺寸、数量的疵点.2.11破损性疵点damaging defects织物经纬纱断裂,组织受到破坏的疵点.2.12线状疵点line织物上呈现的粗细如线条状的疵点.2.13条状疵点streak织物上呈现有一定宽度的条、块状疵点.2.14严重疵点serious defects在性质程度上对织物外观质量有较大影响的疵点.3.由纱疵形成的织物疵点3.1粗节slub牵伸不良的纱织入,致织物上呈现一根中部较粗、两端呈锥形的纱线,其中部直径数倍于邻近正常纱线.连续的粗节纱片段称为竹节.同义词:枣核纱3.2偏细纱fine yarn, thin pick, thin end织物上一根或数根纱线的细度明显小于邻近纱线.同义词:细径,细纬3.3扭结纱cockled yarn牵伸过程中意外夹入一些纤维或形成扭结或卷曲等原因,使织物上呈现有可拉伸的小粗节纱段3.4裂纱split yarn纱线受磨损或张力过大,使一根纱线的一部分如长丝中的一根单丝,双股线中的一股断裂,织物上呈现一根纱线部分偏细.同义词:单头3.5毛丝broken filaments络筒或织造过程中长丝的单根丝断裂,织物局部或散布性地呈现纤维端突出或茸毛状外观.3.6亮丝bright yarn纺丝过程加工不良,如消光剂分布不匀等原因,织物上一根纱线的光泽比邻近的纱线亮. 3.7结头不良ending mark结头不合规格的纱织入,织物单根经纱或纬纱上有尘污、油污等污迹.3.8污渍纱soiled yarn带有尘污、油污或其他污迹的纱织入,织物单根经纱或纬纱上有尘污、油污等污迹.3.9杂物织入gout纺纱或织造过程中,有回丝等杂物夹入,使织物上有杂乱的块状疵点.3.10膨体变形不良faulty texturing织物上一根膨体纱部分卷曲程度和变形特征不同于正常膨体纱.3.11布面条干不匀unevenness of textile strands条干不匀的纬纱织入,织物纬向部分辐宽内呈现纱粗细不匀.4.经向疵点4.1直条痕strip织物经向一根或几根相邻或不相邻纱线异于邻近正常纱线,形成经向直条痕迹.4.2粗经coarse end, thick end织物上一根经纱比邻近的经纱粗.4.3松经slack end单根经少张力松弛织入,布面上一根经纱外表起皱.4.4紧经tight end单根经纱捻度过多,使织物上部分经纱屈曲程度比邻近正常经纱低,常形成纬纱突出于表面.4.5吊经draw-back, tie-back, warp holding place织物上部分经纱张力过大,致织物上呈现经纱拉紧,其旁纬纱突起.4.6缺经broken end, missing end, end out经纱断裂未接复,织物通匹或一段长度缺少一根经纱.同义词:断经4.7断疵lappers经纱断头纱尾织入布内.4.8经缩shrinked end经纱张力失调,织物经向呈现块状或条状起伏不平,程度较轻的为经缩波纹,较重的为经缩浪纹.4.9双经double end织物上呈现不应有的两根经纱并列或重叠.4.10筘痕reed mark钢筘不良或损坏,织物局部辐宽或全部辐宽呈现经纱排列不匀的小空隙.4.11筘路reeediness筘齿排列不匀致织物上相邻两根经纱之间有明显的空隙.4.12穿错misdraw, wrong draft, wrong draw经纱穿综、筘未按工艺要求,次序错乱、致织物上组织紊乱或经纱排列不匀,分为综穿错及筘穿错.4.13错经wrong end织物上呈现部分经纱与邻近正常经纱明显不同.4.14针路pin marks断纬自停装置针头不良,造成经向密集的针痕.4.15布辊痕sand roller marks坯布经过卷布辊时,张力不当,织物在布辊中间部位处形成经向折痕.同义词:木辊皱5.纬向疵点5.1纬档weft bar, filling bar织物纬向呈现一条边缘明显,外观不同于相邻正常织物的档子.同义词:横档5.2开关档set marks, starting place织机停车或重新启动时操作不当,织物纬向呈现出一条或稀或密的横档,开始界限清晰,逐渐趋于与正常织物一致.同义词:开关痕,开车档5.3粗纬coarse weft, thick weft织物上一根纬纱明显比相邻纬纱粗.5.4松纬slack filling, slack seft一根纬纱的引纬张力低于相邻纬纱,织物上一根纬纱比相邻纬纱稍呈起皱.5.5紧纬tight filling, tight weft一根纬纱的引纬张力高于相邻纬纱,织物上一根纬纱比相邻纬纱较紧直,屈曲波小.5.6弓纬bow weft织物全辐宽或部分辐宽纬纱过度弯曲,呈弓形.5.7断纬broken pick, dropped pick织物部分辐宽缺少一根纬纱.5.8拖纬dragged-in-weft, jerked-in-weft换纬管后松散纱尾被其后的纬纱带入梭口,致一段额外纬纱引入织物部分辐宽内,一般5.9稀纬weft crackiness织物全辐宽或部分辐宽呈现纬向隙缝.5.10纬缩kinky weft, weft kinks纬纱扭结织入布内,或起圈呈现于布面上.5.11双纬double pick织物上呈现与组织纹路不符的两根并列纬纱.5.12脱纬sloughed-off weft卷绕松弛的纬管滑下几根纬纱误织入,织物上呈现与组织纹路不符的三根及以上纬纱. 5.13缺纬missing pick, missing weft自停装置失灵,致织物全辐宽有条未引入纬纱的横档.5.14纬向棱纹repping织机停车过程中,上下经片松弛程度不同等原因,致织物纬向呈现一条明显凸纹.同义词:纬向开车经缩5.15亮纬shiner一根长丝引纬张力高于相邻纬纱,织物纬向一根长丝的反射率高于邻近纱线.5.16错纬wrong weft织物上呈现部分纬纱与相邻正常弓起纬纱明显不同.5.17拆痕pick out mark, pulling back place拆去织物上原来纬纱重织,织物上呈现纱线擦伤痕,或绒毛状的横档.同义词:拆布档5.18厚段thick place织物上呈现一段纬密过大的横档.同义词:密档,密路5.19薄段thin place织物上呈现一段纬密过小的横档.同义词:稀档,稀路5.20厚薄段thick-and-thin places织物上明显的呈现一段密一段稀的横档.5.21云织uneven weaving织物呈现短片纬纱稀密不匀,似云雾状.5.22百脚mis-pick斜纹和缎纹织物的一个完全组织中缺少一根及以上纬纱,织物上呈现锯齿或线条状纹路.6.边部疵点6.1松边baggy selvedge, loose selvedge布边经纱在织造过程时张力太小,在长度方向上布边与布身相比较长,织物边呈浅波浪形,且比邻近织物段的边宽.6.2紧边tight selvedge布边经纱在织造时张力太大,在长度方向上布边与布身相比较短,布边内凹,比邻近的织物段的边狭.6.3破边cracked selvedge织物边相依两根或两根经上经纱不包括锁边纱断裂.6.4豁边burst selvedge, ripped selvedge织物边组织内相邻三根及以上纱线包括锁边纱断裂,或数根纬纱未织进边组织.6.5烂边torn selvedge引纬不畅,织物边组织内多根纬纱断裂,经纱未断,边不平整.6.6毛边rough selvedge换梭纱尾未消除,被带入织口等原因,纱头纱尾露出于布边外,似布边发毛.6.7锯齿边toothed selvedge纬纱张力忽大忽小,使布边间隔呈锯齿状.6.8荷叶边scallops布边经纱张力较小或横向拉辐过度或不足,织物边缘呈起伏波浪状.同义词:木耳边6.9毛圈边loopy edge, loopy selvedge梭子内纬纱张力太小,织物纬纱呈圈状突出于布边外.6.10卷边beaded selvedge, corded selvedge布边经纱张力过大或织口布边控制不良,织物边部卷起呈绳状.6.11边撑疵temple mark边撑调节,织物边撑部位织纹变形或纱线被擦伤起毛.同义词:边撑痕6.12边撑疵temple cutting边撑针太粗或损坏,成钩状,使织物边部纱线断裂或有小洞.同义词:边撑破损6.13凹边concave selvedge部分纬纱张力过大,边部经纱张力小,形成织物边部内凹.同义词:勒边6.14左右宽狭边uneven selvedge对织轴上边纱处理不当,织物两边的边组织宽狭不一.7.整修疵点7.1整修不良improper repair织物疵点整修操作不良,织物局部表面起毛、起皱或经纬纱交叉不匀、留下空隙等.7.2织补痕mending mark织物疵点织补处表面不平整.7.3洗痕washer mark清洗织物上斑渍后留下的痕迹.7.4钳损burl mark修除织物上的杂质疵点时,钳子损及邻近纱线.7.5补洞痕hole-mending mark织物上破洞经织补后留下的明显痕迹.8染色、印花、整理疵点8.1染色疵点8.1.1渗色color bleeding印染织物色牢度不良,在与液体接触时,染料流失,渗至周围部分.8.1.2色污经纱color contaminated warp yarns经纱准备或染色时,经轴的部分经纱被污染,织物上数根经纱呈现色污.8.1.3折皱色条crease streak织物在有折叠时进行染整,于折叠处产生条痕,通常在经向.折叠内颜色较淡,边缘颜色较深.8.1.4染料迹dye mark, dye spot, dye stain受到过浓染料或助剂的污染,匹染织物局部呈现颜色与邻近部位有差异的分散色块痕迹.8.1.5铜翳bronzing染料过多或染料沉淀,织物表面呈现铜的光泽.8.1.6晕疵halo染色织物上较厚部位粗节、杂物织入等疵点周围上色较少呈现淡色.8.1.7纱头印痕hang tread织物表面残留或粘附纱头,影响上染,染色织物上呈现有粗细与纱头相仿的浅色短条纹.8.1.8斑纹外观mottled appearance染料施加或渗透不匀,染色织物上呈现局部或散布性的颜色变异8.1.9水渍water spot织物染前局部受水污染,或染整过程中,设备滴水于织物上,在轧染或着色时,染液吸收减少,致织物局部呈现不应有的浅色.8.1.10水损迹water damage染料、污物或整理剂的沉淀物随水渗进,织物上呈现一块边缘清晰的异常颜色.8.1.11染色斑点skitteriness纤维之间或同根纤维各部位之间染色有深浅差异,致染色织物局部或其一根纱线上呈现不应有的颜色斑点.8.1.12经向条花streaky warp退浆不匀,纤维混合均匀度差,或细度、捻度不匀等原因,经纱上浆率有差异,或后整理不当使染色织物经向呈现不规则条状的轻微色差.8.1.13夹花混纺织物染色后因不同纤维吸色不一,织物上呈现色泽差异.8.1.14布端色差ending连续染色中染液过早被吸尽,致一匹织物的前后端颜色有差异.8.1.15布边色差listing染整中,布上卷不匀,布身与布边有温差,致织物门辐中部与布边有色差.8.1.16左中右色差shading沿织物全辐宽从一边到另一边颜色有差异.8.1.17头尾连续色差tailing染液浓度或温度逐渐改变等原因,使一匹染色织物沿纵向颜色逐渐变化.8.1.18翻边selvedge doubling, selvedge trundown织物在边部有翻转时染色,翻转处形成条痕,与布身有色差或表面受损.8.1.19经向条痕warp stripe络纱或整经时引入了不同性质的其他纱线,在染整中吸色有不同反应,致匹染织物上呈现单根或多根经纱错色、异色.8.1.20雨状条影部分经纱条干不匀,织物经染色后,经向呈现似雨丝状条纹.8.2印花疵点8.2.1印染污斑blot色浆误落在织物上,或由于印花辊筒筛网沾污等原因,使印花织物上图案上呈现一块不应有的颜色斑.8.2.2脱浆color out筛网眼孔堵塞或给浆不当等原因,致印花织物上部分花纹颜色.8.2.3拖浆color smear印花色浆粘度不当、机械失调、或刮刀损坏、装置不当,致色浆拖沾在印花织物的花型以外部分.8.2.4刮刀条花doctor blade streak, doctor streak刮刀损坏或装置不当,印花织物上呈现多余色浆或形成纵向长条痕.8.2.5色档color bar花筒不圆整,或烘燥不当等原因,织物上呈现过深或过浅的档子.8.2.6深色档heavy color, machine stop印花机停车时,多于正常运行的色浆渗入织物,形成一条色浆过多的纬向横档.8.2.7对花不准misregister, out of Register印花辊筒或筛网运行不同步等原因,印花织物上呈现花纹彼此相对位置没有对准.同义词:印花错位8.2.8未上色折皱undyed crease织物在有折皱情况下,通过印花机,形成印花织物纵向呈现一条边缘清晰未上色的狭长条.8.2.9嵌花筒花筒凹处被杂物嵌进,印花织物图案部分残缺.8.2.10溅浆spewing印花机车速过快引起振动等原因,使色浆细点飞溅,织物上呈现无规则色点.8.2.11渗化bleeding前套色浆未收清或未干,与后套色浆相接,致印花织物部分图案模糊.8.2.12第三色third color印花织物相邻两种颜色在分界处相互渗化,呈现第三种颜色.8.2.13衬布印back grey mark印花橡皮衬布有凹凸不平,致织物上呈现颜色深浅印痕.8.3整理疵点8.3.1毛毯痕blanket mark整理时,使用毛毯或包布等控制织物.由于受到热量、压力、水分作用,使织物留下毛毯等组织凸纹或其他表面特征的压痕.同义词:包布印8.3.2防缩印shrink-proof mark防缩整理加工不匀,织物上呈现皱印,或布边有折痕.同义词:防缩皱8.3.3失光blinding织物湿加工时,纤维内染料、涂料粒子等使光散射,纤维失去光泽.8.3.4擦伤痕bruise染整中,织物受挤压致擦伤,局部呈现挤压擦伤痕迹.8.3.5起毛pilling整理过程中织物受磨擦,表面呈现毛茸或小的纤维堆.8.3.6压痕pressure mark整理过程中压力不匀,织物上有一部位比邻近正常部位较亮或较薄.8.3.7绳状擦伤痕rope mark绳状湿处理时机械超载,整理液渗透不匀,形成折皱,沿折皱磨损或起毛,织物上呈现位置不规则移动的纵向长条痕迹.8.3.8分条痕section marks分条整理时,各分条间张力有差异,或由于纱的细度或染色性能有差异,织物全辐宽或部分辐宽上呈现规律性间隔的经向条痕.8.3.9针洞眼stenter marks, tenter marks拉辐针倒钩、钝尖、或调节不当,平行或靠近布边有一小串针孔或几根纱线断裂.同义词:拉辐针痕8.3.10深针痕deep pinning针板拉辐机的喂布不正确等原因,使拉辐针痕深入布身,减少了有效辐宽.8.3.11布铗痕clip mark拉辐布铗调节不当,织物靠近布边处呈现一有擦伤亮光、异色的长方形痕迹.8.3.12预缩布面粗糙cockling, corrugation, sanforize roughenss机械预缩整理中,织物超喂,出现大于织物结构所能相容的收缩,或由于含水控制不当等原因,织物上呈现折纹、波纹等皱纹.8.3.13鸡爪印crow’s feet织物上呈现不同程度、不同大小皱纹汇集成的似鸡爪状皱纹.8.3.14纬斜bias weft, skew平辐整理时控制不当等原因,使织物纬纱倾斜,与经纱的垂直度有较大偏差.8.3.15不合色样off color印染织物色样与原指定的色号、色样颜色不符.9.一般疵点9.1跳纱float织物上-2根经纬纱不按组织起伏跳过5根及以上纬经纱,呈现不应有的浮纱, 称为跳纱.经向跳纱沉在反面时称为沉纱.9.2跳花group float, skips织物上经纬纱各三根粗梳毛织物为单根及以上不按组织起伏,呈现连续或断续地无规则状的浮纱.9.3蛛网tangle织物上经纬各三根精梳毛织物为两根及以上不按组织起伏,跳成块状.9.4星跳 stitch织物上一根经纬纱,不按组织起伏跳过2-4根纬经纱, 跳成星点状.同义词:小跳花9.5纬移 cannage, tear drop织物上纬纱呈现不规则的偏移.9.6缝头压痕 emboss mark, impression mark, seam mark加工时辊压过大,使缝接织物段的线头在织物上明显突出一条或一块压痕面积.9.7钩丝 snag织物上纱线或纤维被凸物钩出,成圈状或头端露出于织物表面.9.8轧梭 smash梭子轧在织口,造成织物上经纬纱断裂或形成破洞.9.9轧梭痕 shuttle trap mark梭子轧在筘与织口之间,致织物组织破坏或局部有皱纹痕,其面积与梭子尺寸相当.9.10磨损痕 abrasion mark, chafe mark织物受到粗硬物的摩擦或斜向冲击,表面磨损,呈现毛茸或纤维裸露.9.11起球 pilling织物经受摩擦,纤维端突出在织物表面卷缠成球状.9.12纤维球 buttons, skin back经纱受筘、综眼或停经片摩擦产生的短纤维成9.13花纹错色broken color pattern织机停车后,花纹复位控制失灵,织物上呈现染色纬纱顺序错乱.9.14色纤维织入coloured flecks, coloured fly小量有色纤维误织入,织物上呈现异色纤维.9.15异纤维织入foreign fibres不同类型的纤维在纺纱或织造过程中掺混,染色整理后织物上呈现异状.9.16破洞hole织物上三根及以上相邻经纬纱线断裂,呈现孔洞.9.17挂纬hang pick打纬时,纬纱被凸出的经纱结子拉住或一直至结子拉到织口,织物表面数根纬纱呈毛圈状或三角形小洞.9.18撕破 tear织物被撕开,数根纱线断裂.9.19雾状斑fog marking因空气中尘埃沉积因静电作用吸附尘污,织物局部呈现雾状污迹,多在边部及折叠部分.同义词:折布痕9.20污迹 stain织物受到尘埃/油/锈等沾染,呈现变色的斑迹.同义词:斑疵9.21缩拢t rammage引纬时S捻和Z捻的纬纱未按要求顺序排列,绉织物上呈现一块皱面积.9.22不良气味bad odour整理树脂、淀粉的分解、发霉或其他污染,使织物有种异常气味.9.23多粒结织物nappy fabric纤维梳理不当或纺纱受到污染等,织物表面呈现一些蛛网疵或纤维结.9.24错织纹stitched place织物上经纬交织与设计的组织花纹不符合.9.25毛圈突出loopy pile毛圈织物上一些毛圈比相邻正常的毛圈长而突出.9.26毛圈混色mingled pile毛圈织物反面异色毛圈误出现在织物的正面.9.27缺毛圈terry off毛圈织物应起毛圈部位呈现一条出毛圈的档子.9.28平布起毛圈terry on plain毛圈织物的平布部分呈现毛圈9.29起绒不匀uneven raising起绒织物局部起绒不足,局部起绒过度,造成绒面不匀整.9.30起绒不足under-raised起绒织物局部起绒不足,覆盖不良.9.31起绒过度over raised起绒织物表面绒毛过多,或底布结构损坏.9.32直剪印longitudinal shear mark由于织物经向折皱,经剪毛后,绒面上呈现短绒毛直条痕.同义词:剪毛痕9.33倒绒 pressed pile绒类织物局部绒毛倒斜.9.34绒不齐uneven raising绒类织物绒面上有长茸毛突出,绒毛长短不齐.9.35毛刀r ough cutter割绒时刀刃不锋利,形成绒面上部分绒毛斜乱松散,绒毛不清晰.9.36皱档 crease bar织物纬向起皱,拉绒时未拉到,织物表面呈现不起绒的横档.9.37横折印traverse织物经卷筒横折时,受外力挤压过度,造成损伤变形,织物上呈现横向条痕.9.38稀弄c rack织物相邻两根纬经纱之间有明显的空隙.9.39局部纬密不匀finger mark小范围机械性干扰.织物局部辐宽内的单位长度纬纱根数发生变化,出现不规则的点纹.9.40水纹印water mark凸纹或梭纹织物受到过度的湿热及压力,织物上呈现浅色或深色波纹.9.41裙子皱 crepe fault混纺织物湿热定型时产生不同收缩,织物纬向呈现似裙裥折皱.9.42折痕 crease mark织物折皱时引起纱线变形,在加工除去折皱后留下的痕迹.9.43死折痕 Crease在湿热加工中,织物局部折叠,纱线产生永久变形,织物上呈现难以加工除去的硬折皱.。



服装疵点中英文对照armhole pucker 袖窿皱,夹圈皱back vent unmeet 背叉豁bad join stitching,poor repair stitching 驳线不良,接线不良broken hole 破洞broken stitching 断线broken yarn 断纱bubble 起泡bump at placket edge 筒边钮门位突起center back ride up 后中起吊center back seam pulling 后中起吊checks not match 不对格collar points high / low 领尖高低collar stand away from neck 领离脖color deviation 色差color fading 褪色color fastness problem 褪色问题color fibre woven in 杂色纤维织入color shading within one garment 衣服裁片色差color shading 色差color thread end left inside 藏色线color too dull / bright 颜色太哑/闪color yarn 杂色纱crease line leans to inside 烫迹线内撇crease line leans to outside 烫迹线外撇crease mark 摺痕crossed back vent 背叉搅crotch cross unmatch 下裆十字骨错位crumple at top collar 领面起泡cuff edge not level 鸡英袖口高低dart point crumple 省尖起泡dirty dot (较小的)污点dirty mark,dirty stain 污渍,污迹dirty spot (较大的)污点drop needle 漏针,抽针,抽条,抽窿empty hem 边缘缺棉excess extension 突咀excessive thread end 多余的线头fabric defect 布疵fabric too close to zipper 面布车得太贴近拉链facing leans out from front edge 前襟止口反吐fly up 飞起,翘起glaze mark (熨烫)起镜grin 露齿笑,裂口笑hem not level 高低脚hiking up 起吊horizontal seams not level 水平缝骨不对称incorrect linking 错误的连接inner cuff visible/exposed 介英反光(止口反吐)iron mark 烫痕knot 结头lapel roll line not straight 驳口不直lining too full / tight 里布太多/太紧loom fly飞花织入looping 起耳仔major defect 大疵,严重疵点material defect 布疵minor defect 小疵,轻微疵点mix color yarn 杂色纱织入neck drop pucker 筒顶起皱needle damage 车针导致的(布料)损坏needle hole 针孔off grain 布纹歪oil stain 油渍open seam 爆口outseam / inseam pulling 吊脚overlapping collar 叠领overlapping lips 叠唇overlapping stitching 驳线overpress 熨烫过度overwash 洗水过度padded cotton uneven 絮棉不均pilling 起球placket bottom spread open 筒脚张开placket wavy 门筒起波浪pleated sewing 车缝打褶pocket flap stick up 袋盖反翘pocket opening spray open 口袋“笑口”pockets high / low 高低袋poor back-stitching 回针不佳poor ironing 烫工不良pressing mark 烫痕,压痕printing scrimp 印花裂痕pucker 起皱raw edge 散口run off stitching (车缝)落坑rust 锈迹seam gapping 藏木虱,藏止口(烫工)seam overturn 止口反骨seam slippage 爆口seam twist 缝骨扭seam wavy 缝骨起波浪sewn in waste 车缝时混有杂物shiny (烫)起镜shoulder pucker 小肩皱skip stitching 跳线skirt flares uneven 裙浪不匀slanting pocket 歪袋sleeve leans to back 袖子偏后sleeve leans to front 袖子偏前slub 毛粒smiling pocket 袋“笑口”stitching not in seam shadow 露暗线stitching density uneven 线迹密度不均匀stitching tension uneven 线迹张力不均匀stripes not match 不对条support stitching visible 辅助线外露thick yarn 粗纱thread end 线头top collar too tight 领面紧total different color 颜色完全不同trapped color thread end 藏色线twist leg 扭髀扭脚twist 扭under placket exposed 底筒外露under ply exposed 反光,止口反吐under ply turn out 反光,止口反吐under press 熨烫不够undesirable odor 臭味,不可接受的气味uneven collar 歪领uneven color 深浅色uneven dying 染色不均匀uneven length of plackets 长短筒uneven length of sleeves 长短袖uneven lips 大小唇uneven plaids 格仔不均匀washing streak 洗水痕water stain 水渍wrinkle 起皱wrinkles at collar band facing 下级领底皱wrinkles at top collar 领面松wrong color combo 颜色组合错误wrong pattern 图案错误wrong seam type 错误的缝骨类型wrong size indicated 错码yarn drawn out 抽纱zipper not movable 拉链难以开合zipper wavy 拉链起波浪服常用英文缩写A/H, A.H.= armhole 夹圈a/c, acc.= account 账单a/w., aw= actual weight 实际重量ABS= area bounded staple fabric 面粘非织造布add.= address 地址ADL= acceptable defect level 允许疵点标准agt.= agent 代理商,代理人amt.= amount 总计,合计,总额AOP=all over printing 全身印花approx.= approximately 约计Apr.= april 四月AQL= acceptable quality level 质量接受标准art.= article (欧洲)款式asap.= as soon as possible 尽快ATTN.= attention 注意,收件人aud.= audit 稽查Aug.= august 八月av.= average 平均awb. no.= air way bill no. 运单号b.= back 后b.= bust (女)胸围BUT=button 钮扣 BTN.= button 钮扣B.L.= back length 后长B.N.P.= back neck point 后颈点B.P.= bust point 胸高点,乳峰点B.T.= bust top 乳围B.W.= back width 后背宽b/l= bill of lading 提单,提货单bk.= black 黑色BMS.= body measurement system 人体尺寸测量系统BMT.= basic motion time 基本动作时间BNL.= back neckline 后领圈线BNP, BNPT.= back neck point 后领点BOC.= band of china 中国银行BSP.= back shoulder point 后肩颈点BTM.= bottom 下摆bx.= boxes 箱,盒c.&d. = collected and delivered 货款两清C.= chest (男)胸围c.a = circa 大约C.A.D.= cash against documents 凭单据付款C.B., C/B= centre back 后中C.F., C/F = centre front 前中C.F., C&F= coat and freight 离岸加运费价格C.P.L.= collar point length 领尖长c.v.c.= chief value of cotton 以棉为主的混纺物c/d.= certificate of delivered 交货证明书C/O, C.O.= country of origin 原产国,产地证c/o label= country of origin label 产地唛CAD= computer aided design 电脑辅助设计CAE= computer aided engineering 电脑辅助工程CAL= computer aided layout 电脑辅助排料CAM= computer aided manufacture 电脑辅助制造CAP= computer aided pattern 电脑辅助画样cat.= catalogue 样品目录cbd.= cash before delivery 付款交货CBL.= center back line 后中线CBN-W= center back neck point to waist 后颈点至腰CECF= chine export commodities fair 中国出口商品交易会(广交会)cell.= cellular phone 手机cert.= certificate 证书,执照CFS.= container freight station 走拼箱CI= corporate identify 企业标识CIF= cost, insurance & freight 到岸价clr.= color 颜色CMPT.= cut, make, pack, trimCMT.= cutting, making, trimming 来料加工col.= color 颜色coo. label= country of origin label 原产唛COM= confirm 确定'批准Cord. = corduroy 灯心绒CS= commercial standards 商业标准ctn.= cotton 棉ctn. no.= carton no. 纸箱编号CY.= container yard 走整柜d. & k.= damaged & kept 染厂对疵布的认赔d.= denier 旦d/y= delivery 出货,交付date of dispatch 出货日期ex-factory date 离厂日期dbl.= double 双dbl. ndl.= double needles 双针dept.= department 部门dk.= dark 深色doz.= dozen 打DTM= dye to match 配色dtmsa.= dye to match surrounding area 配所在部位颜色e.g.= (拉丁)exampli gratia, for example 例如e.p.= elbow point 肘点el.= elastane fiber (西欧)弹力纤维emb.= embroidery 绣花,车花eq.= excluding quota 不包括配额eta.= estimated to arrival, estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间etc.= (拉丁)et cetera等等etd.= estimated to departure 预计开船时间etd.= estimated time of delivery 预计出货时间exp.= export 出口ext.= extension number分机号F.= front 前F.L.= front length 前长F.N.P.= front neck point 前颈点F.O.A.= feed off arm 埋夹fab.= fabric 布料faq.= fair average quality 中等品fb.= freight bill 装货清单FCL.= full container load 走整柜fluo.=fluorescence 荧光FNP.= front neck point 前颈点FOB.= free on board 离岸价FYR.= for your reference 供参考FQC.= field quality control 现场质量控制fty.= factory 工厂fyi. = for your informationG.W.= gross weight 毛重GBP=great britain pound 英镑GL.= grain line 布纹GOH.= garment on hanger 走挂装KG= kilogram 千克;公斤H.= hip 坐围HSP=high shoulder point 肩顶点h/s= 手擦HTM=how to measure 量度方法imag. line= imaginary line 参考线in.= inch 英寸iq.= including quota 包括配额irre. L/C= irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证jkt.= jacket 夹克k.= knit 针织l.= large 大号l.= left 左l.= length 长度L=ligne 莱尼,号。




2.2纱疵Yarn defects纱线上存在的疵点。

2.3织疵woven defects在织造过程中产生的织物疵点。

2.4经向疵点 warp direction defect由经纱形成或在织物经向上呈现的疵点。

2.5纬向疵点 weft direction defects由纬线形成或在织物纬向上呈现的疵点。

2.6边部疵点 selvedge defects在布边或距布边一定距离内呈现的疵点。

同义词:边疵,布边疵点2.7整修疵点repaired defects对织物上疵点经整修后留下痕迹形成的疵点。

2.8染整疵点defects due to dyeing, printing or finishing染色、印花、整理工艺过程中产生的疵点。

2.9局部性疵点local defects在织物上所占部位较小或仅在一处,易于计量其尺寸数量的疵点。

2.10散布性疵点spread defects在织物上分散面积较大,不易计量其尺寸、数量的疵点。

2.11破损性疵点damaging defects织物经纬纱断裂,组织受到破坏的疵点。



2.14严重疵点serious defects在性质程度上对织物外观质量有较大影响的疵点。



同义词:枣核纱3.2偏细纱fine yarn, thin pick, thin end织物上一根或数根纱线的细度明显小于邻近纱线。

同义词:细径,细纬3.3扭结纱cockled yarn牵伸过程中意外夹入一些纤维或形成扭结或卷曲等原因,使织物上呈现有可拉伸的小粗节纱段3.4裂纱split yarn纱线受磨损或张力过大,使一根纱线的一部分(如长丝中的一根单丝,双股线中的一股)断裂,织物上呈现一根纱线部分偏细。







2坏地(Bad Place)-对于那些难以用语言来描述的织物缺陷而言,这是一个十分方便的术语。





6、断头疵(Broken End)-这种缺陷指的是经纱断裂后并经过修补的地方,它的常见特点是可以看见织到织物当中的断头。

7、花纹错色疵(Broken ColorPattern)-对梭织织物而言,这种情况指的是花纹的不连续性,在用织布机通丝描绘彩色图案时产生错误或者在纬纱断裂时对织布机进行维修以后对图像填充链的重新设置不正确都可能会导致这种缺陷的产生;对针织织物而言,这种情况是由梭换筒错误而产生的。

8、断纬疵(Broken pick)-这种情况指的是,由于纬纱断裂而导致在织物的部分宽度上缺少纬纱。


11、斑点疵(Burl mark)-这是一种由于某些物质过量而导致的变形,这些物质包括粗纺线,废物以及正在用修补工具来去除的飘头纱。




1.H O R I Z O N T A L L I N E S水平线(纹) (3)Causes and prevention of horizontal lines (3)2.S H A D E V A R I A T I O N色花 (3)Causes and prevention of shade variation (3)3.D I R T/S T A I N S污迹 (4)Causes and prevention of dirt/stains (4)4.U N E V E N D Y E I N G/P R I N T I N G/D Y E M A R K S (5)染色/印花/染色痕迹不均匀 (5)Causes and prevention of dyeing/printing/dye marks (5)5.D R O P S T I T C H E S漏针 (5)Causes and prevention of drop stitching (5)6.M I S P R I N T I N G,O F F P R I N T I N G O R A B S E N C E O F P R I N T I N G (6)印刷错误/印刷不清/漏印刷 (6)Causes and prevention of misprinting (6)7.C R E A S E M A R K S褶皱/折痕 (7)Causes and prevention of crease mark (7)8.B A R R E横档 (7)Causes and prevention of barre (7)9.N E P S/K N O T S棉(纱)结/结头 (8)Causes and prevention of neps (8)10.A B R A S I O N M A R K S磨损痕 (8)Causes and prevention of abrasion marks (9)11.S P L I C I N G驳布位(接头) (9)Causes and prevention of splicing (9)12.H O L E S破洞 (10)Causes and prevention of hole (10)13.D E F E C T I V E S E L V A G E(C U T,W A V E D O R C R E A S E D) (10)残边(剪裁、波浪或折痕) (10)Causes and prevention of defective selvage (10)14.S N A G S抽丝 (11)Causes and prevention of snag (11)15.T H I C K P L A C E/T H I N P L A C E厚/薄位 (11)Causes and prevention of thick place/thin place (12)16.B O W I N G A N D S K E W I N G纬斜(弓) (12)Causes and prevention of bowing and skewing (12)17.N E E D L E L I N E S针线 (13)Causes and prevention of needle lines (13)18.C O A R S E P I C K粗纬(粗纱) (13)Causes and prevention of coarse pick (14)19.C O A R S E E N D粗经(粗纱) (14)Causes and prevention of coarse end (14)20.B R O K E N P I C K断纬 (15)Causes and prevention of broken pick (15)21.B R O K E N E N D断经 (15)Causes and prevention of broken end (15)22.M I S S I N G E N D/E N D O U T缺经 (16)Causes and prevention of missing end (16)23.F I L L I N G B A R纬档(条) (16)Causes and prevention of filling bar (16)1.H O R I Z O N T AL L I N E S水平线(纹)This fabric defect is defined by irregular lines that run from side to side. Horizontal lines are generally caused by:•Faults in the bobbin (the barrel used to hold yarn in place)•Irregular thread tensionCauses and prevention of horizontal linesPreventing the appearance of horizontal lines in fabric is quite straightforward. Regularly replace the bobbin and frequently check thread tension and positioning.2.S H AD E V A R I AT I O N色花One of the more obvious visual defects that can be found on raw textiles, shade variation is defined by a difference in depth of shade and color from roll to roll or piece to piece. Shade variation in fabric is caused by:•Mixing of fabrics used in production•Variations in the production process with regard to time and speed•Improper cutting, bundling and/or numbering•Unequal fabric stretchingCauses and prevention of shade variationUsing the same base material and set of parameters for each production lot can effectively prevent shade variation.When visiting a factory that manufactures raw textiles, it’s critical to ensure workers are only combining garments of the same color and not taking shortcuts when cutting and bundling. Properly numbering textile types prevents mistakenly combining cuts that vary in shade.3.D I R T/S T A I N S污迹Stains are fairly common among dyed textiles and are defined as spots or patches of differing color. Textiles are never truly safe from stains because they can occur anytime during or after production if they’re not kept in an area with adequate protection.Stains can appear on fabrics from just about any source. Dirt from the factory floor, oil from machinery and dyes are all known sources. Stains are relatively easy to identify and prevent so long as suppliers are vigilant about fabric quality.Causes and prevention of dirt/stainsYour manufacturer can prevent stains during production by regularly cleaning production machines and equipment to ensure no random oils, grease or dyes make their way onto the textile.Wrapping the finished rolls of fabric in plastic and storing them in a separate area away from the dying area can help avoid post-production stains.4.U N E V E N D Y E I N G/P R I N T I N G/D Y E M AR K S染色/印花/染色痕迹不均匀Dye marks are irregular patches on the surface of raw textiles. Dye marks are typically the result of:•Low quality base fabric•Improper leveling agents•Incorrect pH in the production process•Dye machine entanglementCauses and prevention of dyeing/printing/dye marksEnsuring there are no initial problems with the base fabric prior to stitching can help prevent dye marks. Any issues missed will be present in later production processes.Other preventative measures include maintaining the correct pH level, using an appropriate dying agent and using a backup power generator to ensure production machines don’t shut down during use.5.D R O P S T I T C H E S漏针One of the most common quality issues found in raw textiles, drop stitches are holes or missed stitches that appear randomly in the fabric. Drop stitches are typically caused by:•Incorrect set-up of yarn carriers•Slubs and knots•Yarn overfeeding or underfeeding•Loose stitching during the production processCauses and prevention of drop stitchingChecking the yarn car rier and any other machines to verify they’re set to the right tension during production can prevent drop stitches. You can minimize the occurrence of drop stitching in your fabric or textile by regulating the yarn feed rate.Resetting the pattern chain can fix this issue.6.M I S P R I N T I N G,O F F P R I N T I N G O R A B S E N C E O F P R I N T I N G印刷错误/印刷不清/漏印刷Misprint defects are only relevant to printed fabrics. Misprint is when the print of the fabric does not match your specified design. This is usually displayed in one of the following ways:•Colors and/or patterns are completely or partially missing•Colors and patterns are incorrectly positioned relative to each otherCauses and prevention of misprintingMisprints are most often the result of:•Wrong dyeing recipe•Wrong leveling agent•Incorrect dye combinations in lots•Improper scouring of grey fabricImplementing uniform dyeing, leveling and scouring processes can help prevent misprinting.If you’re sourcing a printed fabric, make sure to provide clear specifications regardi ng the colors and patterns of your printed fabric to your factory. Consider providing pantone color numbers and design files as a guide for your supplier.7.C R E A S E M AR K S褶皱/折痕A crease mark is a visible deformation in fabric. A crease mark differs from a crease streak, as it’s unlikely to appear for an entire roll. Rather, it appears in just one spot on the fabric.If final pressing cannot restore fabric to the original condition, a crease mark will be left on the final product. Discoloration can also be a problem associated with this fabric defect.Causes and prevention of crease markCrease marks often happen when fabric passes through squeeze rollers in the dyeing process. Creasing is inevitable as fabric is fed through machines in rope form. But if properly handled, crease marks should not be permanent.Crease marks can be caused by:•Inadequate preparation, relaxation or bulking of fabric•Poor quality of fabric: a tight construction, high twist yarns or dense weight•Poor suitability of machine: not moving folds properly•Incorrect loading of fabric into machine, resulting in twisted or knotted rope•Excessively rapid heating or cooling ratesAlong with rectifying these issues, using anti-crease agents during the scouring process prior to dyeing can help prevent crease marks.8.B A R R E横档A barre is an unintentional, repetitive visual pattern of continuous bars and stripes.Barre will typically appear as a horizontal streak of light or dark bars running the width of the fabric. The bars must appear in a repetitive pattern to be considered barre. Barre is typically found parallel to the filling of woven fabric or to the courses of circular knit fabric.Barre is usually not detected until after the processing of fabric at the end of production. Causes and prevention of barreBarre is a result of physical, optical or dye differences in yarns or geometric differences in fabric structure. Any combination of these differences can cause this fabric defect.Like many fabric defects, it’s easier to prevent barre than to try and rectify it after production. Consistency in raw material organization and labeling can help prevent mix-ups leading to barre, as well as continual equipment maintenance. Following a First In First Out (FIFO) inventory system can help ensure consistent material flow and usage.9.N E P S/K N O T S棉(纱)结/结头Neps are small, tightly tangled knot-like masses of unorganized fibers that form a pinhead shape. These knots are usually comprised of dead or immature fibers.Neps can be categorized into three types:•Biological: Found in raw materials, these neps contain foreign material such as seed coat fragments, leaf or stem materials. The manufacturer can usually remove themthrough wet processing.•Mechanical: Found in ginned lint, card web, yams and cloth, these neps are largely a result of mechanical processing.•White speck neps: Generally not visible until dyeing, white speck neps contain immature clusters of fibers and are considered the most severe type of neps.Causes and prevention of nepsNeps are caused when spools of yarn are tied together. This might be a result of:•Accumulation of fly and fluff on machinery•Poor lint cleaning•Poor carding and incomplete removal of neps before processingTo prevent neps and knots, ensure proper maintenance and cleaning of machinery and roller clearers. Neps can be removed through combing before processing, so early detection of neps is critical to preventing neps in finished fabrics.10.AB R A S I O N M A R K S磨损痕An abrasion mark is a discolored area damaged by friction or rubbing. Abrasion marks are sometimes also referred to as chafe marks or bruised places.Causes and prevention of abrasion marksChafing or impact with a hard or rough surface usually causes abrasion marks. For instance, scratches on the breast beam of the loom might cause chafing.Abrasion resistance is the ability of a fabric to withstand surface wear and rubbing. Fiber, yarn and fabric properties and finishing processes are the main factors that determine abrasion resistance.Using fabrics that are more abrasion resistant can help reduce abrasion marks. Nylon is generally regarded as having the best abrasion resistance, followed by polyester.11.S P L I C I N G驳布位(接头)Splicing is the overlapping of the cut ends of two pieces of fabric (the end of one length of fabric and the beginning of another) to ensure continuous spreading. Splicing is necessary as one roll of fabric finishes and the next is taken into use.But these overlapping ends of fabric produce a waste material in manufacturing. Splicing losses can vary up to five percent of total fabric usage. Importers can ensure greater manufacturing efficiency by minimizing splicing in their fabric.Many importers assign four penalty points under the 4-point system for each splice found during fabric inspection.Causes and prevention of splicingThe position of the splice in a roll of fabric often depends on the overall fabric quality. Splicing is often used to compensate for other fabric defects, like stains or holes, by removing these from the final roll.So improving overall fabric quality and preventing other fabric defects can often help to minimize splicing losses.Setting a maximum length tolerance for splicing in each roll of fabric with your supplier can help to clarify your expectations (e.g. no more than one splice every 30 meters). Be sure to consult your supplier on this tolerance before production to ensure it is achievable.12.H O L E S破洞A hole is an imperfection where one or more yarns are sufficiently damaged to create an opening in the fabric.Holes are typically treated as a major defect in the fabric and are assigned either two or four penalty points during fabric inspection, depending on their size.Causes and prevention of holeHoles are usually caused by an accidental cut or tear to the fabric. Broken needles or rough mechanical parts are common culprits for fabric tearing during manufacturing.Prevent future holes by ensuring your supplier has procedures in place to regularly check needles and machinery prior to production.13.D E F E C T I V E S E L V AG E(C U T,W A V E D O R C R E A S E D)残边(剪裁、波浪或折痕)Selvage is the densely woven edge of a piece of fabric. Most often used in reference to woven fabrics, the selvage is supposed to keep the fabric from unraveling or fraying.Selvage can be defective in a number of ways, including cut, waved or creased. Cut selvage might also be referred to as broken selvage or ripped selvage.Causes and prevention of defective selvageThere are two main culprits for defective selvage:•An incorrect loom adjustment during weaving•Improper edge constructionCorrectly adjusting the loom and properly constructing the edges of the fabric should prevent this defect.14.S N A G S抽丝A snag is a part of the yarn that is accidentally pulled or plucked from the surface. Usually it appears as a large loop of yarn above the surface of the fabric.In warp knits, the snag occurs in the wale direction. In weft knits, the snag occurs in the course direction.Causes and prevention of snagIn the case of continuous filament yarns, snagging is typically caused by mechanicalstrain during knitting. Sharp points and objects can cause the fabric snag at any time. Inspect the fabric contact points on all the processing machines to identify and fix any sharp points.Some fabrics are more prone to snagging than others due to their composition. You can conduct a mace snag test to determine a fabric’s resistance to snagging. During this test, a miniature mace (a spiked ball) will track randomly across a fabric sample to predict actual wear and snagging.15.T H I C K P L A C E/T H I N P L AC E厚/薄位These are unintentional changes in fabric appearance as compared to adjacent construction. If the thick or thin place is more than one inch wide, it is typically classified as a major defect in fabric inspection.A thick place will appear as a small area of more closely spaced yarns or by a congregation of thick yarns. A thin place is the opposite, as the fabric will appear to have loosely spaced yarns or a congregation of thin yarns.Causes and prevention of thick place/thin placeMain causes of thick and thin places include:•Irregular let-off•Incorrect setting of holding and releasing pawls on the ratchet wheel of take-up motion•Gears of take-up motion not meshing properly•Gear wheel teeth worn out or brokenEnsuring proper training of factory personnel to set the let-off and/or take-up motion properly can help prevent this fabric defect.16.B O W I N G AN D S K E W I N G纬斜(弓)Bowing is a condition in woven textiles where filling yarns are displaced from a line perpendicular to the selvages and lie in an arc across the width of the fabric. Bowing appears as rows of courses or yarn-dyed stripes forming a bow shaped curvature along the fabric width.Skewing is a similar condition in which filling yarns are angularly displaced from a line perpendicular to the edge or side of the fabric.Bowing and skewing affects striped or patterned fabric quality more than for solid color fabrics, as the greater contrast in patterns makes the distortion more prominent.Causes and prevention of bowing and skewingBowing and skewing can be caused by an uneven distribution of tension across the fabric width during dyeing or finishing processes. Improper stretching during scouring, dyeing or finishing might also cause bowing or skewing.Correcting the tension settings on processing machines should rectify these defects. You can also ask your supplier to fix bowing and skewing found during fabric inspection by reprocessing the fabric through a compactor or straightening machine.17.N E E D L E L I N E S针线Needle lines appear in weft knit fabrics, and appear as prominent vertical streaks or lines in the fabric.Causes and prevention of needle linesDefective needles are a direct cause for needle lines. Needle latches, hooks or stems might be:•Mixed•New•Dirty or contaminated with lint•Bent•WornIf needle lines occur individually, you’ll likely only need to trace the needle line to the associated defective needle and replace it to prevent further needle lines. If needle lines appear in a band, you’ll likely need to replace multiple defective needles.An improper dial or cylinder condition with the machine might also cause needle lines. Verify that your supplier has established and maintained proper maintenance and cleaning policies to prevent future issues with needles and equipment.18.C O A R S E P I C K粗纬(粗纱)A coarse pick is where the filling yarn used in the fabric is unusually large in diameter. This defect is also known as coarse filling or thick filling.Coarse pick is usually classified as a major defect during fabric inspection.Causes and prevention of coarse pickProbable causes for coarse pick include:•Lashing of broken end with adjoining end at roving frame•Disturbed weight of back-top rollers at roving frame and ring frame cause the material to slip under the back-top roller and crease a coarse yarn19.C O A R S E E N D粗经(粗纱)Coarse end appears in fabric with warp yarn.Also known as heavy end, this is when the warp end is larger than normal in diameter, even sometimes double in size. The opposite is a fine end, when the warp end is smaller in diameter than normal.The diameter of the yarn is too large, irregular or contains foreign material, which inhibits a smooth, even fabric.Causes and prevention of coarse endCoarse end is caused when two bobbins of roving (wool that has been run through a mill on a carding machine) are running together during spinning. The process of running two bobbins together during spinning is commonly referred to as doubling and is used to remove variations in thickness.To prevent coarse ends, ensure there are no knots, irregularities or foreign materials in the roving prior to doubling.20.B R O K E N P I C K断纬This defect appears as a broken filling yarn in the fabric weaving. It appears as a sharp discontinuity in the weave pattern over the pick length.Causes and prevention of broken pickA broken pick is the result of a break or cut in filling yarn, which results in the insertion of a partial pick in the fabric. This can happen after weft break, weft exhaustion or a faulty weft fork mechanism. Correcting weft stop motion will ensure broken picks are detected before they’re inserted into the fabric.Ensuring weaving personnel are trained to identify and replace a broken pick during production can also help prevent the appearance of this defect in the finished goods.21.B R O K E N E N D断经A broken end appears as a broken, untied warp end of a fabric. The yarn is usually broken during weaving or finishing. Broken ends appear as equidistant horizontal lines along the fabric width.Causes and prevention of broken endThis defect is caused by yarn breakage. When the yarn breaks during weaving or finishing and is then woven into fabric the result is a broken end.Some possible causes for broken ends include:•Poor preparation•Weak or irregular yarn•Excessive warp tension22.M I S S I N G E N D/E N D O U T缺经This defect will appear in fabric as a fine warp-way crack until the weaver rectifies it.A missing end typically appears at the selvage of the fabric. Missing end is also known as “end out” and is typically classified as a major defect during fabric inspection.Causes and prevention of missing endA missing end occurs when an extra piece of filling yarn is jerked into the fabric by the shuttle. This happens when a warp yarn is broken or missing during weaving.Your fabric may end up with missing ends if a weaver improperly draws broken ends in place or the warp stop motion isn’t properly functioning. Weaving should stop immediately when a yarn breaks to prevent introducing missing ends into the fabric.23.F I L L I N G B AR纬档(条)A filling bar, also known as a weft bar, is a visual band or bar across the full width offabric. The area will contain less than the normal number of picks, appearing different from the rest of the fabric.Causes and prevention of filling barThere are three main causes of a filling bar:•Defective spinning processes that lead to a variation in the count of weft yarn•Mixing of different counts or different twist yarns•Faulty take up motion on the loomsEnsure your supplier has proper controls and organizational processes to eliminate mix-ups and segregate yarn to prevent this fabric defect. In addition, ensure proper operation of spinning and loom machinery to eliminate mechanical causes.。



1 粗纱 Rough yarn2 染色不均 Uneven dye3 部件色差 Shaded parts4 裤腰跳线 Waistband stitch skipped5 腰头高低 High/how waistband ends6 裤腰与前门襟不贴合 Waistband end not close to front fly7 大身毛边 Raw edge at body8 裤袢尺寸不均 Uneven belt-loop size9 裤袢遗漏 Missing belt-loop10 套接缝在袋布上 Pocketing caught in bar-tacking11 袋布太短 Too short of pocket-bag12 内缝跳线 Inseam skipped stitch13 底层暴露 Under layer exposed14 口袋错位 Pocket setting misplaced15 口袋边不直 Pocket edge not straight16 袋缝头太大 Too much seam allowance in setting pocket17 后约克大小不均 Uneven size of back yoke18 不正确的布层外露 Improper layer shown out19 后约克十字缝不对称 Mismatched meet point of back yoke20 袋布未延伸至前门襟位 Pocket-bag not extend to front fly21 口袋缉线张力不均匀 Uneven tension at pkt. Topstitch22 工字纽扣不牢 Press stud insecure23 前门襟宽度不均匀 Uneven front fly width24 前门襟太长 Front fly length too long25 裤腰扭曲 Waistband twisted26 裤腰高度错误 Wrong waistband height27 每英寸针迹比标准少 Stitch per inch less than specified28 后袋形状不正确 Incorrect shape of back pocket29 下摆扭曲 Twisted bottom30 里襟边为散口 Fraying the end of catch facing31 钻孔外露 Exposed drill holes32 (右)左门襟缉线不均匀 Uneven topstitch at left fly(right)33 裤袢和样衣不一样 Belt-loop not as sample34 套结遗漏 Missing bartack35尺寸超出公差 Measurement out of tolerance36 洗水标错误 Wrong care lable37 裆底十字缝不对位 The under crotch meet point do not matched38 拉链没延伸至顶端 Zipper cannot reach at top39 外缝缉线高低不平(落坑) Outseam run off stitchEyelet 气眼Zipper pull 拉链头Thread 线1领边不对称 Collar edge asymmetric2领座不均匀 Uneven collar stand3领尖露齿(底)针迹 Collar tip grinning stitch4底层外露 Under layer exposed5领辑面线张力不均匀 Uneven tension of topstitch at collar6门襟起泡 Placket bubbling7领子由于熨烫不均匀而起泡 Collar bubbling by uneven pressing8门襟扭曲 Twisted placket9口袋尺寸不正确 Incorrect pocket size10领子辑面线后底层外露 Under collar appeared after collar topstitching11纽扣有疵点 Defective buttons12领子尺寸不正确 Collar size incorrect13袖头边断裂 Seam broken of cuff edge14领尖不均匀 Uneven of collar tip15前门襟长度不均匀 Uneven length of front placket16绱袖起褶 Pleated at sleeve joining17熨烫欠佳 Improperly pressed18领尖缝线断裂 Collar tip seam broken19止口错误 Wrong edge margin20袖头两边高度不均匀Uneven height in both sides of cuff21缝纫线粘进领子内 Thread fused into collar22口袋边位超出袋盖边位 Side edge of pkt.exposed heyond side of flap23扣眼线迹太窄 Buttonholes stitching too narrow24袖头辑线张力不均匀 Uneven tension of topstitch on cuff25上领形状不均 Uneven shape in collar fall handing26机织商标便离后中1.3CM(1/2英寸)或更大Woven label 1.3CM(1/2”)or more off center back 27袖子褶裥距离不均匀 Uneven distance of slv. pleat28绱袖头与袖子不贴合 Cuff assembling to slv.not closed29绱领子与衣身不贴合 Collar assembling to body not closed30下摆缝线滑移 Seam slippage at bottom hemming31由于处理不正确导致领子起泡 Collar budding due to incorrect handling32下领嘴缝线断裂 Seam broken at collar stand end33表面打褶或起皱严重影响外形 Pleats or puckers outside seriously affecting appearance 34纽扣缝制未穿过所有孔眼 Button sewn on face down35纽扣缝制时正面翻转 Buttonholes cut in opposite direction to specification 36扣眼开口方向与规格相反 One or both collar stays missing37 1个或2个领子插片遗漏 Wrong type of seam38 缝型错误 Wrong type of seam39口袋及袋盖有高低 High/Low pkts. & flaps40袖衩缝线断裂 Seam broken in sleeve placket41袖头下层 Fullness on the under ply of the cuff42折边不正确 Incorrect folded edge43袖头扭曲 Twisted cuff领子有点小了—请根据尺寸表修改,确保领型好、顺滑。





1横裆疵 (Barre) - 对针织织物而言,这种缺陷的特点是在织物横列或在织物横向上通常会出现一些不均匀的花纹图案。


2坏地 (Bad Place) - 对于那些难以用语言来描述的织物缺陷而言,这是一个十分方便的术语。


3斜纹疵 (Bias) (参考纬斜) - 对梭织织物而言,这种缺陷指的是纬纱与经纱发生尺寸偏斜的地方;对针织织物而言,这种情况指的是织物横列与织物纵行发生尺寸偏斜的地方。

4、鸟眼花纹疵 (BirdseyeDefect) - 对针织织物而言,这种情况指的是偶尔无规律出现的与织物设计相反的集圈组织。

5弓弧 (Bow) - 对梭织织物而言,这种情况指的是纬纱以弧线方式位于织物的宽度方向上;对针织织物而言,这种情况指的是线圈横列以弧线方式位于织物的宽度方向上。

6、断头疵 (Broken End) - 这种缺陷指的是经纱断裂后并经过修补的地方,它的常见特点是可以看见织到织物当中的断头。

7、花纹错色疵 (Broken ColorPattern) - 对梭织织物而言,这种情况指的是花纹的不连续性,在用织布机通丝描绘彩色图案时产生错误或者在纬纱断裂时对织布机进行维修以后对图像填充链的重新设置不正确都可能会导致这种缺陷的产生;对针织织物而言,这种情况是由梭换筒错误而产生的。

8、断纬疵 (Broken pick) - 这种情况指的是,由于纬纱断裂而导致在织物的部分宽度上缺少纬纱。

9、擦伤疵 (Bruise) - (参考边撑疵) - 这种情况指的是:由于正在进行编织的纱线或者已经编织完毕的织物受到磨损,从而导致纤维失去方向感并导致织物外观失真。



服装中英文疵点描述服装QC英语/中文1、Appearance外观Dirty mark 污渍Water spot 水斑点water stain 水渍Cleaning mark 枪水渍(打枪痕渍)oil stain 油渍rust 锈迹undesirable odor 臭味There is dirty mark on garment 衣服上有脏迹dirty dot (较小的)污点dirty spot (较大的)污点color fibre woven in 杂色纤维织入(面料上有杂色纱线)color yarn 杂色纱mix color yarn 杂色纱织入(面料中)loom fly飞花织入color thread end left inside,trapped color thread end 藏色线(撞色线头被车在衣服封闭部位内)broken yarn 断纱thick yarn 粗纱yarn drawn out 抽纱knot 结头slub 毛粒looping 起耳仔bubble 起泡pilling 起球broken hole 破洞off grain 丝缕歪(布纹歪)streaky mark 起横fabric defect 布疵knit fault 织疵major defect 大疵,严重疵点(大鸡)minor defect 小疵,轻微疵点(细鸡)thread end 线头yarn end 毛头fly up 飞起,翘起right side 正面wrong side 反面wrong seam type 缝骨类型错poor hand feel of product- not as specified 手感与确认样不符X is 1”smaller than spec 某部位比尺寸表小1英寸X is 1”above than spec 某部位比尺寸表大1英寸The proportion of 60% 比例达60%2、Stitching quality缝制stitching quality is not good 缝制不良stitch seam is uneven双轨接线stitch seam leans out line 线路偏移bad join stitching,poor repair stitching 接线不良(驳线不良) overlap stitching 接线(驳线)poor back stitch 回针不良(返针差)poor linking 连接不良broken stitch 断线run off stitch (车缝)落坑raw edge,raw-edge 散口open seam,seam opening 开缝,裂缝(爆口)seam slippage 线缝松脱(爆口)stitch not in seam shadow 露暗线skipping stitch 跳线skipping跳针drop needle 漏针,抽针,抽条,抽窿needle hole 针洞,针孔seam overturn 缝头方向错(止口反骨)pleated sewing 车缝打褶pucker 起皱seam puckering 线缝皱缩(骨位皱)seam twist 缝骨扭seam wavy 缝骨起波浪(缝骨起蛇)sewn in waste 车缝时混有杂物needle damage (缝针导致的)面料损坏stitch density uneven 线迹密度不均匀stitch tension uneven 线迹张力不均匀3、Collar领Uneven collar 歪领collar deviates from front center line 倘领偏斜creases below neckline 领窝不平bunches below back neckline 后领窝起涌wrinkles at top collar 领面松top collar appears tight 领面紧crumples at top collar 领面起泡collar band is longer than collar 底领伸出collar band is shorter than collar 底领缩进wrinkles at collar band facing内领座起皱(内下级领起皱)collar band lean out of collar 底领外露collar edge appears loose领外口松collar edge appears tight 领外口紧collar points high/low 领尖高低,领尖不对称(不在同一水平线)overlap collar 叠领tight neckline 领卡脖collar stand away from neck 领离脖wrinkles at top lapel 驳头起皱top lapel appears tight 驳头反翘lapel edge appears loose 驳头外口松lapel edge appears tight 驳头外口紧lapel roll line is uneven 驳口不直gorge line is uneven 串口不直Broken collar / cuff and hem 烂領Looping at neckline 领圈起耳仔4、Shoulder小肩puckers at shoulders 小肩起皱wrinkles at shoulder 塌肩shoulder pucker 肩缝皱5、Armhole袖隆armhole pucker 袖窿起皱,夹圈起皱puckers at underarm seam 袖隆缝起皱diagonal wrinkles at sleeve cap 绱袖不圆顺6、Sleeve袖子sleeve leans to front 袖子偏前sleeve leans to back 袖子偏后inseam leans to front 前袖缝外翻diagonal wrinkles at sleeve lining 袖里拧inner cuff visible/exposed 袖头止口反吐,袖头内层外露wrinkles at sleeve opening 袖口起皱cuff edge not level 袖口边不平齐uneven length of sleeves 左右袖长不等,长短袖7、Placket门襟grin 露齿,裂口wrinkles at zip fly 拉链起皱zipper not movable 拉链难以开合zipper wavy 拉链起波浪,拉链起蛇placket wavy 前筒起蛇(皱)neck drop pucker 门襟顶部起皱placket bottom spread open 门襟豁(筒脚张开)facing leans out from front edge 前襟止口反吐(里料外露)bump at placket edge 门襟边扣眼位凸起(筒边钮门位不顺直) placket wavy 门襟起波浪(不平伏)creases at right fly 里襟里起皱under placket exposed 里襟外露、底筒外露uneven length of plackets 里外襟长短fabric too close to zipper 面布车得太贴近拉链lining too full/tight 里布太多/太紧horizontal seams not level 水平缝骨(左右)没对齐hem not level 下摆边不平齐wrinkles at hem 底边起皱8、Pockets口袋slanting pocket 歪袋uneven lips (袋口)嵌线宽不均匀(大小唇)overlap lips 叠唇pockets high/low (左右)口袋不对称(高低袋)flap lining leans out of edge 袋盖反吐flap edge is uneven 袋盖不直pocket flap stick up 袋盖反翘creases on two ends of pocket mouth 袋口角起皱split at pocket mouth 袋口裂smiling pocket 袋口豁,(口袋)笑口underply exposed,underply turn out 止口反吐,里层外露Rock / sand inside pockets 袋內有石9、Rides up起吊back of coat rides up 后身起吊center back ride up,center back seam pulling 后中起吊hiking up 起吊hiking at bottom of placket 前筒吊脚outseam/inseam pulling (侧缝/内缝)吊脚split hem line rides up 裙身吊10、Pants裤子wrinkles at waistband facing 腰缝起皱bunches below waistline seam 腰缝下口涌support stitch visible 辅助线外露,定位线外露end of waistband is uneven 腰头探出crotch cross unmatch 裤裆十字骨错位wrinkles at front rise 前浪不平slack seat 后裆下垂tight crotch 夹裆short seat 短裆bursting of crotch seam 裆缝断线twist leg 扭髀扭脚two legs are uneven 裤脚前后leg opening is uneven 脚口不齐11、Skirt裙子split at lower part of skirt裙裥豁开skirt flare is uneven 裙浪不匀12、Vent 衩lack of fullness at chest 塌胸dart point crumple 省尖起泡,省尖起皱back vent unmeet 背衩豁(张开)crossed back vent 背衩搅(重叠太多)crossing at back vent 背衩搭叠过多13、Printing印花printing scrimp 印花起裂wrong color combo 颜色组合错误wrong pattern 图案错误uneven color 深浅色,颜色不均匀uneven dying 染色不均匀color too dull/bright 颜色太哑/闪total different color 颜色完全不同color fading 褪色、甩色stripy 色挡,色花marking off 搭色color shade, off shade, color deviation 色差color shading within one garment (同件衣服内)裁片色差shading garment to garment 衫与衫之间色差embroidery design out line is uncovered 绣花不良14、Stripes条格stripes not match 对条不良checks not match 对格不良uneven plaids 格仔不均匀mismatched stripe/plaid,side seam1/8”-1/4”对格对条不佳,侧缝处偏差1/8-1/415、Front edge止口front edge is uneven 止口不直front edge is out of square 止口缩角front edge is upturned 止口反翘facing leans out of front edge 止口反吐split at front edge 止口豁crossing at front edge 止口下部搭叠过多16、Puckers行棉puckers at quilting 绗棉起皱padded cotton is uneven 絮棉不均empty hem 边缘缺棉17、Washing 洗水Uneven washing effect 洗水效果不均Different washing effect 洗水效果不同washing quality is not good 洗水不良washing streak 洗水痕Streaky mark 洗水条纹痕Crease mark 洗水摺痕overwash 洗水过度,洗水太重Pilly / hairy on garment surface 洗水后表面有毛粒或起毛Sandy on garment surface 衣服表面有沙的感觉Mildew or heavily odor garment. 霉味或很重的味在衣服上18、Pressing整烫poor ironing 烫工不良underpress 熨烫不够overpress 熨烫过度、烫过火iron-shine 极光Melt 熔化Glazing / shinny pressed 起鏡Sheer / glossy 起鏡面glaze mark (熨烫)起镜,起极光Crease mark 摺痕印Burn mark 燒焦印pressing mark 烫痕,压痕Pleated press 熨褶痕seam gapping藏木虱,藏止口(烫工)Color stain 顏色斑点Wet 潮湿crease line leans to outside 烫迹线外撇crease line leans to inside 烫迹线内撇Seam not fully pressed open 骨位沒有完全熨开Zip / button mark made by improper pressing 熨工欠佳致有拉链痕纽痕Elastic is not pre-shrinkage before setting 橡筋未烫縮水Poor pressing / fusing of interlining 烫籿压籿效果不佳19、Trims辅料Production status 生产情况Missing price ticket / hangtag / label 欠价钱牌Wrong placement of price ticket / hangtag / label 价钱牌、挂牌、唛头位置错误Wrong size / color in assortment 尺碼顏色分配错误Carton/casepack assortment incorrect 包装搭配不正确wrong size indicated 错码off size 尺寸不合Improper folding 摺法不正确Dirty polybag 胶带污渍Broken export carton 外箱烂Carton over weight 外箱過重Incorrect carton size 外箱尺寸不合規格。





Scallops 门幅布的有效宽度。

Fabric Width门幅小实际布封比要求的布封小。

Narrow Width磨毛痕布面因坯布时已经有针路在磨毛时使针路更加明显。

Sand Mark 起毛织物在实际穿用与洗涤过程中,不断经受摩擦,使织物表面的纤维端露出于织物,在织物表面呈现许多令人讨厌的毛茸,即为起毛。


Pilling 树脂印过树脂的布在过树脂时产生的印记。

Resin Mark停车痕定型工艺中停机造成,类似色档 Stop Mark纬斜布面纬向纹路与水平方向不一致,形成一定角度的倾斜。

Slanting 循环大循环比订单要求的数值大。

Repeat Bigger油污机器上的油或空中飘浮的灰尘污染布面所导致的黑色油点为油污 Oil 预缩痕由于预缩调节的张力太松,而导致布在进入橡胶辊之前打槢在经过辊压后形成的预缩痕。

Compact Mark抓毛痕抓毛时出现痕迹。

Brush Mark软油印工艺中用了柔软迹定型过程中泛于布面类似油污 Softener 纬斜布面纬向纹路与水平方向不一致,形成一定角度的倾斜。

Skewing 错花织布时穿错纱,造成织物花型错误的情况。

Pattern Error 错纱换纱时上错纱 Missing Yarn错组织调试过程中工艺错误,使得织出的坯布组织同要求的不一致 Wrong Construction 断拉架 LYCRA在生产过程中被拉断。

Broken Lycra 断纱生产过程中纱线被拉断,在布面上呈现为沿纬向纹路裂开。

Broken Yarn 断针在布面上呈现为沿经向纹路裂开一般在末端形成一个破洞。

Broken Needle 反拉架 lycra在编织过程中同棉纱的位置翻转,表面形成一段段的横纹效果 Reverse Lycra 飞花织布过程中不同颜色的纤维被织进织物中。


*2+16s/1 72% combed+CTN 28% polyester fleece 30 S/1 80% cotton+20% 100D polyterry towelling 30 S/1*2+10s/1 100% carded cotton french terry 40 S/2 pretwist 100% cotton Y.D stripe 1*1 rib 20 S/1 100% CTN 1*1 rib 40 S/1*2 rib 26 S/1 100% CTN 1*1 rib 75 D/144F+75D/36F polyester micro fleece two side 32 S interlock 32 S/1 yarn dyed terry 40 S lacoste 32 S picewe jaceward 26 S 1*1 rib printed 40 S yarn dyed 1*1 rib 32 single jersey 32 S 1*1 rib 32 S terry 20 S/1 combed cotton flat back thermal 20 S/1 100% cotton knitted mini wattle with Dlopollshing 30 S/1+70D 99% cotton 1% spandex waffle 40 S/2 pretwist Y.D auto stripe 2*2 rib 20 S/1 OE+70D spandex 2*2 rib 32 S/1 CTN+70D spandex 1*1 rib 20 S/1 3*1 yarigated flag back rib 26 S/1 15G38" 100% combed cotton 1*1 rib 20 S/1 15G33" 100% combed cotton 1*1 rib 26 S/1 15G33" 100% combed cotton 1*1 rib 20 S/1 18G30" 100% combed cotton pique 40 S/1 28G33" 100% cotton interlock 32 S+30D 1*1 lycra rib suecled 32 S/1+30D 40 S/1 28G33" 100% combed cotton interlock 40 S/1 28G30" 100% combed cotton interlock 20 S/1 16G30" 100% cotton pretwisted single jersey 32 S/2 24G34" 96% cotton 4% spandex single jersey 32 S/1 24G30" 93% cotton 7% spandex single jersey 32 S/1 15G33" 100% combed cotton single jersey 32 S/4+15D poly fleece 由利毛巾布 毛巾布 卫衣布 40S/2精棉排间1*1罗纹布 20S 1*1罗纹 40S/2罗纹 26S 1*1 罗纹 Micro由利毛巾布 32S双面布 32S/1 28% poly横间剪毛毛巾 40S双珠地 32S拉架提花布 26S印花罗纹布 40S排间罗纹布 32S平纹布 32S罗纹布 32S剪毛布 20S十字罗纹 20S细孔十字罗纹布 30S+70D十字罗纹布 40S/2色纱2*2罗纹 20S OE+70D拉架2*2罗纹 32S+70D拉架罗纹 20S/3抽1抽条罗纹 26S 1*1 罗纹 20S 1*1罗纹 26S 1*1 罗纹 20S 单珠地 40S 双面 磨毛拉架罗纹 40S 双面 40S 双面 20S 平纹 32S拉架平纹 32S拉架平纹 32S单平纹 由利毛巾布



5. Defect List for Garment 5.1 Woven Garment:Code Defect description Chinesename CriticalMajor MinorMaterial DefectsWG001 Weaving faults - (Broken yarn) 布疵(断纱) xWG002 Weaving faults - (Missed yarn) 布疵(缺纱) xWG003 Weaving faults - (Coarse yarn) 布疵(粗纱) x x WG004 Weaving faults - (Slub) 布疵(大肚纱) x WG005 Weaving faults - (Neps) 布疵(棉结) xWG006 Weaving faults - (Colour dyebars) 布疵(染色横条)xWG007 Weaving faults - (Colour stripes) 布疵(染色竖条)xWG008 Weaving faults - (Thick place) 布疵(密路) x WG009 Weaving faults - (Thin place) 布疵(稀路) x WG010 Weaving faults - (Thick bar) 布疵(厚档) x WG011 Weaving faults - (Thin bar) 布疵(薄档) x WG012 Holes 破洞x WG013 Fabric torn 布烂x WG014 Permanent creases lines in fabric 死皱痕xWG015 Permanent fold lines in fabric 死折痕xCleanlinessWG051 Stain 污渍x x WG052 Oil spots 油点x x WG053 Oil stain 油渍x x WG054 Water spots 水点x WG055 Water stain 水渍x x WG056 Rust stain 锈渍xWG057 Pen mark 钢(圆)笔痕xWG058 Pencil mark 铅笔痕x x WG059 Chalk mark 粉笔痕x x WG060 Glue stain 胶水渍x x WG061 Glue mark 胶水痕x x WG062 Untrimmed thread ends线头未剪清x WG063 Loose thread 松缝线xWG064 Dust fibers attached on fabricsurface 脏污纤维附在织物表面xWG065 Loose fibers attached on fabricsurface 松散纤维附在织物表面xAppearanceWG101 Colour shade variation 色差x xWG102 Colour off tone脱色xWG103 Glaze 起镜(反光) xWG104 Poor ironing 熨烫不良xWG105 Creases mark 皱痕xWG106 Wrinkle mark 起皱xWG107 Fold mark 折痕x x WG108 Unmatched checks 不对格x x WG109 Unmatched stripes 不对条x x WG110 Sewn in wrong fabric direction 布纹用错xWG111 Sewn in wrong fabric side 布正反面用错xWG112 Washing mark 洗水痕x x WG113 Uneven washing effect 洗水不良xWG114 Burned 烧毛过度xWG115 Scorched 焦痕xWG116 Over pressed (seam impressions) 熨烫过度xxWG117 Stretched shape due to pressing 熨烫不良(伸长)WG118 Distorted shape due to pressing 熨烫变形xxWG119 Bubbles due to improper fusing 里衬不良造成起泡Stitching DefectsWG151 Broken stitches 断线xWG152 Skipped stitches 跳线x x WG153 Run-off stitching 线落坑x x WG154 Uneven stitching 线迹不匀x x WG155 Irregular stitching 线迹不规则x x WG156 Wavy stitching 线迹起波浪x x WG157 Insecured back stitching 回针不良xWG158 Loose stitch tension 线迹张力松x x WG159 Uneven stitch tension 线迹张力不匀x x WG160 Uneven stitch density 线迹密度不匀x x WG161 Missed stitching 漏车缝xWG162 Missed bar tack 欠打枣xWG163 Unmatched join stitching驳线不良x x WG164 Missed sewing operation 漏车缝工序xWG165 Needle chewing 针痕x xSeaming DefectsWG201 Open seam 开缝xWG202 Puckered seam 缝起皱x x WG203 Pleated seam 缝打折xWG204 Twisted seam 扭缝xWG205 Puckering 起皱x x WG206 Frayed edges 散口xWG207 Folded seam 车缝折叠xWG208 Seams folded opposite to specify缝折向错误x directionWG209 Unaligned seam 缝不对称xWG210 Unmatched seam 缝不相配xWG211 Uneven pleats length 折长度不对称x x WG212 Uneven darts width 摺宽不对称x x WG213 Misplaced bar tacks 错打枣位置xWG214 Uneven seam length 缝长不对称x xCollarWG241 Uneven collar points 领尖不对称xWG242 Mis-shaped collar points 错领尖xWG243 Unbalanced collar 领型不对称xWG244 Overlapping collar 领重叠太多xWG245 Bubble in collar fall 上级领起泡xWG246 Bubble in collar stand 下级领起泡xxWG247 Uneven collar end 下级领尖不对称Front PlacketWG271 Uneven placket width 门襟宽不对称x x WG272 Incorrect placket width 门襟宽不对xWG273 Uneven placket length 门襟长不对称x x WG274 Visible under placket 露底襟x xButton & ButtonHoleWG301 Missed button 欠钮xWG302 Broken button 烂钮xWG303 Insecured button stitching 钮扣车线不牢xWG304 Wrong button 错钮xWG305 Omitted button hole 欠钮门xWG306 Incomplete stitching 车缝不全xWG307 Uncut button hole 钮门未开xWG308 Unaligned button & button hole 钮与钮门位置不相对x x WG309 Misplaced button & button hole 钮与钮门错位x x WG310 Button stitch not properly locked 钮线打结不良xSleeve & CuffWG341 Uneven sleeve length 袖长不对称x x WG342 Uneven sleeve placket length 袖口襟长度不x x对称x x WG343 Uneven sleeve placket width 袖口襟宽度不对称WG344 Notches exposed at sleeve slit 袖叉定位口外x露WG345 Wrong attach of sleeve lining 袖里不对xWG346 Uneven cuff width 袖口宽不对称x xWG347 Uneven cuff height 袖口长不对称x x Front / Back Yoke /ShoulderWG381 Excess gatherings at yoke seam 担干多余褶位x x WG382 Unmatched seams at armhole 袖窿缝不对称x x WG383 Improper gatherings at sleeve cap 袖山打褶不对称x xPocket & PocketFlapWG401 Unaligned front pockets(Hi-Lowpocket)高低袋x x WG402 Slanted pocket 袋斜x x WG403 Excess tightness of pocket 袋口太紧x x WG404 Excess fullness of pocket 袋口太松x xWG405 Pocket cloth not smooth whenbar tacking 袋布打枣口不平顺x xWG406 Twisted pocket cloth 袋布扭曲xWG407 Poorly shaped pocket 袋形不好xWG408 Poorly shaped pocket corner 袋角形不好xWG409 Misplaced pocket position 袋位不正x x WG410 Incorrect pocket position 错袋位xWG411 Exposing pocket corner 袋角外露xWG412 Incorrect position of pocket flap 袋盖位不对xHemWG451 Torn at rib 烂罗纹xWG452 Holes at rib 罗纹破洞xWG453 Uneven hem 下摆不对称x x WG454 Twisted hem 下摆扭曲xWG455 Wavy hem 下摆起波浪x xLiningxWG481 Lining too short or too long 里料太短或太长WG482 Puckering at lining seam 里料缝口起皱x x WG483 Twisted lining 里料扭曲xWaistband & Belt Loop高低腰带x x WG501 Uneven waistband(Hi-Lowwaistband)WG502 Poor waistband finishing 腰带成形不良x x WG503 Uneven belt loop 腰耳仔不对称x x WG504 Improper position of belt loop 耳仔错位xWG505 Missed belt loop 欠耳仔xFlyWG531 Uneven fly width 钮牌宽不匀xWG532 Curved fly edge 钮牌边弯曲xWG533 Exposed zipper tape when fly is露拉链x closedLegWG571 Twisted leg 扭脚xWG572 Uneven leg 长短脚xWG573 Side seam turned wrongly 侧缝方向错xWG574 Irregular hem width 脚口宽不对称x xEmbroideryWG601 Missed embroidery 欠绣花xWG602 Misplaced embroidery 绣花错位xWG603 Broken embroidery stitches 断绣线x绣线密度不对xWG604 Incorrect embroidery stitchdensityWG605 Uneven embroidery stitching 绣线不均x x绣线脱色xWG606 Colour off shade or not asspecifiedWG607 Wrong embroidery 错绣花xPrinting DefectsWG641 Missed printing 欠印花xWG642 Misplaced printing 印花错位xWG643 Printing faults - (Printing印疵(印污迹) x x stain/color smear)WG644 Printing faults - (Off printing/ out of register ) 印疵(印花移位)xWG645 Colour off shade or not asspecified印花脱色xWG646 Wrong printing 错印花xLabels & HangtagsWG681 Missed label 欠商标xWG682 Missed hangtag 欠挂牌xWG683 Wrong label 错商标xWG684 Wrong hangtag 错挂牌xWG685 Label insecurely stitched 商标车缝不牢xWG686 Label folded by stitching 商标车折x x WG687 Part of label sewn inside seam 商标部份被车入缝xWG688 Label sewn inverted(Labelup-side-down)商标颠倒xWG689 Label sewn reversed(Labelup-side-down)商标车反xAccessoriesWG701 Scratches 挂花x x WG702 Poor plating 电镀不良xWG703 Sharp points 利点xWG704 Sharp edges 利边xWG705 Rust 生锈xWG706 Wrong accessories 错附件xWG707 Colour discharged 脱色xWG708 Malfunction of zipper 拉链失灵xWG709 Zipper slider running notsmoothly拉链不顺畅x xWG710 Missed zipper teeth 拉链掉齿xWG711 Missed zipper puller 掉拉链头xWG712 Wavy zipper 拉链起波x x WG713 Poor setting of zipper 拉链安装不良xWG715 Zipper tape too close to fly seamaffecting zipper function 拉链带近骨口影响功能xWG716 Detached snap 按钮掉xWG717 Detached rivet 铆钉掉xWG718 Detached stud 按钮掉xWG719 Snap too tight to close or open 按钮开关太紧x x WG720 Snap too loose to close or open 按钮开关太松x x WG721 Fabric torn around snaps 按钮位置布烂xWG722 Missed shoulder pads 欠肩衬xWG723 Misplaced shoulder pads 肩衬错位x x WG724 Missed velcro tapes 欠魔术带xWG725 Misplaced velcro tapes 魔术带错位x xPacking DefectsWG751 Wrong folding size 折叠尺寸不对xWG752 Wrong folding method 折叠方法不对xWG753 Wrong hangtag 挂牌错xWG754 Wrong tissue paper 垫纸用错xWG755 Missed hangtag 欠挂牌xWG756 Missed tissue paper 欠垫纸xWG757 Missed Silica gel 欠防潮剂xWG758 Missed spare button 欠备用钮xWG759 Polybag torn 胶袋破xMiscellaneousDefectsWG801 Wrong size label 错尺码商标xWG802 Odor 异味xWG803 Mildew 发霉xWG804 Wet item 受潮xW805 Damp item 受湿x5.2 Knitted GarmentCode Defect description Chinesename CriticalMajorMinorMaterial DefectsKG001 Knitting faults - (Broken yarn) 布疵(断纱)x布疵(编织纱线不匀)xKG002 Knitting faults - (Uneven knittingyarn)KG003 Knitting faults - (Coarse yarn) 布疵(粗纱)x x KG004 Knitting faults - (Slub) 布疵(大肚纱)x KG005 Knitting faults - (Neps) 布疵(棉结)x KG006 Knitting faults - (Colour yarn) 布疵(色纱)xKG007 Knitting faults - (Dye bars) 布疵(染色横条)xKG008 Knitting faults - (Stripes) 布疵(染色竖条)x布疵(漏针)xKG009 Knitting faults - (Runstitches+B55)KG010 Knitting faults - (Needle line) 布疵(针路) xKG011 Knitting faults - (Laddering) 布疵(漏针)xKG012 Knitting faults - (Drop stitches) 布疵(漏针)xKG013 Knitting faults - (Loose stitches) 布疵(松针)xKG014 Holes 破洞xKG015 Fabric torn 布烂xKG016 Permanent creases lines in fabric 死皱痕xKG017 Permanent fold lines in fabric 死折痕xCleanlinesKG051 Stain 污渍x xKG052 Oil spots 油点x x KG053 Oil stain 油渍x x KG054 Water spots 水点x KG055 Water stain 水渍x x KG056 Rust stain 锈渍xKG057 Pen mark 钢(圆)笔痕xKG058 Pencil mark 铅笔痕x x KG059 Chalk mark 粉笔痕x KG060 Glue stain 胶水渍x x KG061 Glue mark 胶水痕x x KG062 Untrimmed thread ends 线头未剪清x KG063 Loose thread 松缝线xKG064 Dust fibers attached on fabricsurface 脏污纤维附在织物表面xKG065 Loose fibers attached on fabric surface 松散纤维附在织物表面xAppearanceKG101 Colour shade variation 色差x x KG102 Colour off tone 脱色xKG103 Glaze 起镜(反光) xKG104 Poor ironing 熨烫不良xKG105 Creases mark 皱痕xKG106 Wrinkle mark 起皱xKG107 Fold mark 折痕x x KG108 Unmatched checks 不对格x x KG109 Unmatched stripes 不对条x x KG110 Sewn in wrong fabric direction 布纹用错xKG111 Sewn in wrong fabric side 布正反面用错xKG112 Washing mark 洗水痕x x KG113 Uneven washing effect 洗水不良xKG114 Burned 烧毛过度xKG115 Scorched 焦痕xKG116 Over pressed(seam impressions) 熨烫过度xxKG117 Stretched shape due to pressing 熨烫不良(伸长)KG118 Distorted shape due to pressing 熨烫变形xKG119 Bubbles due to improper fusing 里衬不良造成起泡xStitching DefectsKG151 Broken stitches 断线xKG152 Skipped stitches 跳线x x KG153 Run-off stitching 线落坑x x KG154 Uneven stitching 线迹不匀x x KG155 Irregular stitching 线迹不规则x x KG156 Wavy stitching 线迹起波浪x xKG157 Insecured back stitching 回针不良xKG158 Loose stitch tension 线迹张力松x x KG159 Uneven stitch tension 线迹张力不匀x x KG160 Uneven stitch density 线迹密度不匀x x KG161 Missed stitching 漏车缝xKG162 Missed bar tack 欠打枣xKG163 Unmatched join stitching 驳线不良x x KG164 Missed sewing operation 漏车缝工序xKG165 Needle chewing 针痕x xSeaming DefectsKG201 Open seam 开缝xKG202 Puckered seam 缝起皱x x KG203 Pleated seam 缝打折x x KG204 Twisted seam 扭缝xKG205 Puckering 起皱x x KG206 Frayed edges 散口xKG207 Folded seam 车缝折叠x缝折向错误xKG208 Seams folded opposite to specifydirectionKG209 Unaligned seam 缝不对称xKG210 Unmatched seam 缝不相配xKG211 Uneven pleats length 折长度不对称x xKG212 Uneven darts width 摺宽不对称x x KG213 Misplaced bar tacks 错打枣位置xKG214 Uneven seam length 缝长不对称x x KG215 Linking seam cannot stand for链缝拉伸强度不够x stretchCollar / NeckKG251 Collar shape not as approved 领型不对xKG252 Little recovery or no elasticity at领松紧不良x neck领口太小xKG253 Neck opening too small forwearingButton & Button HoleKG301 Missed button 欠钮xKG302 Broken button 烂钮xKG303 Insecured button stitching 钮扣车线不牢xKG304 Wrong button 错钮xKG305 Omitted button hole 欠钮门xKG306 Incomplete stitching 车缝不全xKG307 Uncut button hole 钮门未开xKG308 Unaligned button & button hole 钮与钮门位置不相对x x KG309 Misplaced button & button hole 钮与钮门错位x x KG310 Button stitch not properly locked 钮线打结不良xSleeve & CuffKG351 Uneven sleeve length 袖长不对称x xxKG352 Notches exposed at sleeve slit 袖叉定位口外露KG353 Wrong attach of sleeve lining 袖里不对xKG354 Uneven cuff width 袖口宽不对称x x KG355 Uneven cuff height 袖口长不对称x xBodyKG401 Excess gatherings at yoke seam 担干多余褶位x x KG402 Unmatched seams at armhole 袖窿缝不对称x xx x KG403 Improper gatherings at sleeve cap 袖山打褶不对称KG404 Deformed shape 变形xPocket & Pocket Flap高低袋x x KG451 Unaligned front pockets(Hi-Lowpocket)KG452 Slanted pocket 袋斜x x KG453 Excess tightness of pocket 袋口太紧x x KG454 Excess fullness of pocket 袋口太松x x袋布打枣口不平顺x x KG455 Pocket cloth not smooth whenbar tackingKG456 Twisted pocket cloth 袋布扭曲xKG457 Poorly shaped pocket 袋形不好xKG458 Poorly shaped pocket corner 袋角形不好xKG459 Misplaced pocket position 袋位不正x x KG460 Incorrect pocket position 错袋位xKG461 Exposing pocket corner 袋角外露xKG462 Incorrect position of pocket flap 袋盖位不对xHem / RibbingKG501 Torn at ribbing 烂罗纹xKG502 Holes at ribbing 罗纹破洞xKG503 Little recovery or no elasticity at罗纹弹性不好x ribbingKG504 Uneven hem 下摆不对称x x KG505 Twisted hem 下摆扭曲xKG506 Wavy hem 下摆起波浪x xWaistband高低腰带x x KG551 Uneven waistband(Hi-Lowwaistband)KG552 Poor waistband finishing 腰带成形不良x xxKG553 Waistband stitching broken when 腰带拉伸后断线StretchedKG554 Little recovery or no elasticity at 腰带无弹性xwaistbandLegKG601 Twisted leg 扭脚xKG602 Uneven leg 长短脚xKG603 Side seam turned wrongly 侧缝方向错xKG604 Irregular hem width 脚口宽不对称x xEmbroideryKG651 Missed embroidery 欠绣花xKG652 Misplaced embroidery 绣花错位xKG653 Broken embroidery stitches 断绣线x绣线密度不对xKG654 Incorrect embroidery stitchdensityKG655 Uneven embroidery stitching 绣线不均x x KG656 Colour off shade or not as绣线脱色x specifiedKG657 Wrong embroidery 错绣花xPrinting DefectsKG701 Missed printing 欠印花xKG702 Misplaced printing 印花错位x印疵(印污迹) x x KG703 Printing faults - (Printing stain/color smear)KG704 Printing faults - (Off printing/ out 印疵(印花移xof register) 位)KG705 Colour off shade or not as印花脱色x specifiedKG706 Wrong printing 错印花xLabels & HangtagsKG751 Missed label 欠商标xKG752 Missed hangtag 欠挂牌xKG753 Wrong label 错商标xKG754 Wrong hangtag 错挂牌xKG755 Label insecurely stitched 商标车缝不牢xKG756 Label folded by stitching 商标车折x x商标部份被车入缝xKG757 Part of label sewn inside seam(invisible)KG758 Label sewn inverted (Label商标颠倒x up-side-down)商标车反xKG759 Label sewn reversed (Labelup-side-down)AccessoriesKG801 Scratches 挂花x x KG802 Poor plating 电镀不良xKG803 Sharp points 利点xKG804 Sharp edges 利边xKG805 Rust 生锈xKG806 Wrong accessories 错附件xKG807 Colour discharged 脱色xKG808 Malfunction of zipper 拉链失灵xKG809 Zipper slider running notsmoothly拉链不顺畅x xKG810 Missed zipper teeth 拉链掉齿xKG811 Missed zipper puller 掉拉链头xKG812 Wavy zipper 拉链起波x x KG813 Poor setting of zipper 拉链安装不良xKG815 Zipper tape too close to fly seam affecting 拉链带近骨口影响功能xzip functionKG816 Detached snap 按钮掉xKG817 Detached rivet 铆钉掉xKG818 Detached stud 按钮掉xKG819 Snap too tight to close or open 按钮开关太紧x x KG820 Snap too loose to close or open 按钮开关太松x x KG821 Fabric torn around snaps 按钮位置布烂xKG822 Missed shoulder pads 欠肩衬xKG823 Misplaced shoulder pads 肩衬错位x x KG824 Missed velcro tapes 欠魔术带xKG825 Misplaced velcro tapes 魔术带错位x xPacking DefectsKG851 Wrong folding size 折叠尺寸不对xKG852 Wrong folding method 折叠方法不对xKG853 Wrong hangtag 挂牌错xKG854 Wrong tissue paper 垫纸用错xKG855 Missed hangtag 欠挂牌xKG856 Missed tissue paper 欠垫纸xKG857 Missed Silica gel 欠防潮剂xKG858 Ploybag torn 胶袋破xKG859 Missed spare button 欠备用钮xKG860 Missed spare yarn 欠备用纱xMiscellaneous DefectsKG901 Wrong size label 错尺码商标xKG902 Odor 异味xKG903 Mildew 发霉xKG904 Wet item 受潮xKG905 Damp item 受湿x修补不良xKG906 Visible or disturbing mendingplaces。






Fabric Width门幅小实际布封比要求的布封小。

Narrow Width磨毛痕布面因坯布时已经有针路在磨毛时使针路更加明显。

Sand Mark起毛织物在实际穿用与洗涤过程中,不断经受摩擦,使织物表面的纤维端露出于织物,在织物表面呈现许多令人讨厌的毛茸,即为起毛。


Pilling 树脂印过树脂的布在过树脂时产生的印记。

Resin Mark停车痕定型工艺中停机造成,类似色档Stop Mark纬斜布面纬向纹路与水平方向不一致,形成一定角度的倾斜。


Repeat Bigger油污机器上的油或空中飘浮的灰尘污染布面所导致的黑色油点为油污Oil预缩痕由于预缩调节的张力太松,而导致布在进入橡胶辊之前打槢在经过辊压后形成的预缩痕。

Compact Mark抓毛痕抓毛时出现痕迹。

Brush Mark软油印工艺中用了柔软迹定型过程中泛于布面类似油污Softener纬斜布面纬向纹路与水平方向不一致,形成一定角度的倾斜。


Pattern Error错纱换纱时上错纱Missing Yarn错组织调试过程中工艺错误,使得织出的坯布组织同要求的不一致Wrong Construction断拉架LYCRA在生产过程中被拉断。

Broken Lycra断纱生产过程中纱线被拉断,在布面上呈现为沿纬向纹路裂开。

Broken Yarn断针在布面上呈现为沿经向纹路裂开一般在末端形成一个破洞。

Broken Needle反拉架lycra在编织过程中同棉纱的位置翻转,表面形成一段段的横纹效果Reverse Lycra飞花织布过程中不同颜色的纤维被织进织物中。



纺织术语中英文对照(续)纺织英语(系列十二) 疵点用英语疵点:DEFECT/FAULT经柳:STREAKY WARP断经:BROKEN END急经:RIGHT END粗纬:COARSE PICKS粗经:COARSE END断纬:BROKEN PICKS纬斜:SKEWING/SLOPE横档:FILLING BAR污迹:STAIN/DIRT异型丝:GOAT/FOREING YARN破洞:HOLE色花:SHADE VARIATION/COLOR DIFFERENCE/COLOR DIVIATION 色柳:COLOR STRIPE渗色:COLOR BLEEDING褪色:COLOR FADING/DISCOLOR擦伤:SCRATCH/BARASION/WINCH MARK松板印:MOIRE EFFECTS折痕:CREASE MARK纺织英语(系列十三)染色织疵用英语frosting 霜白疵、起霜花(印染引起)blur 剪毛不良barring 条痕、条花bare cloth 稀布Broken figures 错花Crack 稀弄Cracked ends 筘痕Defective lift 夹起Darts and steels 刀线Decating mark 布头纬向皱横Duvet 小环结Fag 粗粒Facing 拖浆、罩色(印花疵点)Felter 跳花、跳纱harness skip跳花、跳纱Gout 飞花织入Loom fly飞花织入Hard size 浆斑Joining stencil mark搭头印(手工印花疵点)Keel 红印色Marking off 搭色Mildew 霉、生霉Minor defects 普通瑕疵、中类Major defects次要瑕疵、大类Super major defects 主要瑕疵、特大类Mispick 错纬Weaving under 花纹少织(多梭箱织机的换纬运动不良造成)Starch lump 浆斑Start-up marks 开车痕Stripy defects 条花疵点Reed mark 筘痕Shuttle mark 局部纹路不明(主要由于开口运动或投梭失常所致)Snap/snappers 拖浆Stain warp 渍经Staining 斑点染色、染斑。






Fabric Width门幅小实际布封比要求的布封小。

Narrow Width磨毛痕布面因坯布时已经有针路在磨毛时使针路更加明显。

Sand Mark起毛织物在实际穿用与洗涤过程中,不断经受摩擦,使织物表面的纤维端露出于织物,在织物表面呈现许多令人讨厌的毛茸,即为起毛。


Pilling 树脂印过树脂的布在过树脂时产生的印记。

Resin Mark停车痕定型工艺中停机造成,类似色档Stop Mark纬斜布面纬向纹路与水平方向不一致,形成一定角度的倾斜。


Repeat Bigger油污机器上的油或空中飘浮的灰尘污染布面所导致的黑色油点为油污Oil预缩痕由于预缩调节的张力太松,而导致布在进入橡胶辊之前打槢在经过辊压后形成的预缩痕。

Compact Mark 抓毛痕抓毛时出现痕迹。

Brush Mark软油印工艺中用了柔软迹定型过程中泛于布面类似油污Softener纬斜布面纬向纹路与水平方向不一致,形成一定角度的倾斜。


Pattern Error错纱换纱时上错纱Missing Yarn错组织调试过程中工艺错误,使得织出的坯布组织同要求的不一致Wrong Construction断拉架LYCRA在生产过程中被拉断。

Broken Lycra断纱生产过程中纱线被拉断,在布面上呈现为沿纬向纹路裂开。

Broken Yarn断针在布面上呈现为沿经向纹路裂开一般在末端形成一个破洞。

Broken Needle反拉架lycra在编织过程中同棉纱的位置翻转,表面形成一段段的横纹效果Reverse Lycra飞花织布过程中不同颜色的纤维被织进织物中。



1 粗纱 Rough yarn2 染色不均 Uneven dye3 部件色差 Shaded parts4 裤腰跳线 Waistband stitch skipped5 腰头高低 High/how waistband ends6 裤腰与前门襟不贴合 Waistband end not close to front fly7 大身毛边 Raw edge at body8 裤袢尺寸不均 Uneven belt-loop size9 裤袢遗漏 Missing belt-loop10 套接缝在袋布上 Pocketing caught in bar-tacking11 袋布太短 Too short of pocket-bag12 内缝跳线 Inseam skipped stitch13 底层暴露 Under layer exposed14 口袋错位 Pocket setting misplaced15 口袋边不直 Pocket edge not straight16 袋缝头太大 Too much seam allowance in setting pocket17 后约克大小不均 Uneven size of back yoke18 不正确的布层外露 Improper layer shown out19 后约克十字缝不对称 Mismatched meet point of back yoke20 袋布未延伸至前门襟位 Pocket-bag not extend to front fly21 口袋缉线张力不均匀 Uneven tension at pkt. Topstitch22 工字纽扣不牢 Press stud insecure23 前门襟宽度不均匀 Uneven front fly width24 前门襟太长 Front fly length too long25 裤腰扭曲 Waistband twisted26 裤腰高度错误 Wrong waistband height27 每英寸针迹比标准少 Stitch per inch less than specified28 后袋形状不正确 Incorrect shape of back pocket29 下摆扭曲 Twisted bottom30 里襟边为散口 Fraying the end of catch facing31 钻孔外露 Exposed drill holes32 (右)左门襟缉线不均匀 Uneven topstitch at left fly(right)33 裤袢和样衣不一样 Belt-loop not as sample34 套结遗漏 Missing bartack35尺寸超出公差 Measurement out of tolerance36 洗水标错误 Wrong care lable37 裆底十字缝不对位 The under crotch meet point do not matched38 拉链没延伸至顶端 Zipper cannot reach at top39 外缝缉线高低不平(落坑) Outseam run off stitchEyelet 气眼Zipper pull 拉链头Thread 线1领边不对称 Collar edge asymmetric2领座不均匀 Uneven collar stand3领尖露齿(底)针迹 Collar tip grinning stitch4底层外露 Under layer exposed5领辑面线张力不均匀 Uneven tension of topstitch at collar6门襟起泡 Placket bubbling7领子由于熨烫不均匀而起泡 Collar bubbling by uneven pressing8门襟扭曲 Twisted placket9口袋尺寸不正确 Incorrect pocket size10领子辑面线后底层外露 Under collar appeared after collar topstitching11纽扣有疵点 Defective buttons12领子尺寸不正确 Collar size incorrect13袖头边断裂 Seam broken of cuff edge14领尖不均匀 Uneven of collar tip15前门襟长度不均匀 Uneven length of front placket16绱袖起褶 Pleated at sleeve joining17熨烫欠佳 Improperly pressed18领尖缝线断裂 Collar tip seam broken19止口错误 Wrong edge margin20袖头两边高度不均匀Uneven height in both sides of cuff21缝纫线粘进领子内 Thread fused into collar22口袋边位超出袋盖边位 Side edge of pkt.exposed heyond side of flap23扣眼线迹太窄 Buttonholes stitching too narrow24袖头辑线张力不均匀 Uneven tension of topstitch on cuff25上领形状不均 Uneven shape in collar fall handing26机织商标便离后中1.3CM(1/2英寸)或更大Woven label 1.3CM(1/2”)or more off center back 27袖子褶裥距离不均匀 Uneven distance of slv. pleat28绱袖头与袖子不贴合 Cuff assembling to slv.not closed29绱领子与衣身不贴合 Collar assembling to body not closed30下摆缝线滑移 Seam slippage at bottom hemming31由于处理不正确导致领子起泡 Collar budding due to incorrect handling32下领嘴缝线断裂 Seam broken at collar stand end33表面打褶或起皱严重影响外形 Pleats or puckers outside seriously affecting appearance 34纽扣缝制未穿过所有孔眼 Button sewn on face down35纽扣缝制时正面翻转 Buttonholes cut in opposite direction to specification 36扣眼开口方向与规格相反 One or both collar stays missing37 1个或2个领子插片遗漏 Wrong type of seam38 缝型错误 Wrong type of seam39口袋及袋盖有高低 High/Low pkts. & flaps40袖衩缝线断裂 Seam broken in sleeve placket41袖头下层 Fullness on the under ply of the cuff42折边不正确 Incorrect folded edge43袖头扭曲 Twisted cuff领子有点小了—请根据尺寸表修改,确保领型好、顺滑。



梭織wovenballing up 起球lint ball起球pilling 起球ballooning 布面小圈flaw 織疵、疵點flying threads 布面拖紗float loop蛛網entering draft 蛛網excessive lift 多起bore 破洞duck eye 小洞(針織疵點)holes 破洞、破孔cut across 開匹(疵布)curling selvedge 卷邊rolled selvedge卷邊baggy selvedge 松邊loose edge/ selvedge松邊tight list/selvedge 緊邊dog-legged selvedge 彎曲布邊(由緯紗退繞張力引起)cut listing/ selvedge 破邊broken selvedge 破邊ripped selvedge 破邊torn selvedge 破邊edge end break 壞邊pilled-in selvedge 縮邊uneven selvedge 寬窄不勻布邊rough selvedge 毛邊hang pick 三角形破洞narrow width 布幅不足uneven cover 布面不勻rowdy布面不勻wavy face 波浪形布面thick and thin places 厚薄段thick filling 粗經thread out 斷經tight end/thread緊經、急經tight filling/pick 緊緯、急經ridgy cloth 起伏不平的布slack selvedge 起伏不平的布邊selvedge float 布邊浮經絲silkGum knots 膠著類(生絲疵點)Gummed books 絲把發硬Gummed skeins 絲膠發硬Double flat 雙經/緯(生絲疵點)Double skeins 雙片絲(生絲疵點)break-mark 灰點(綢緞疵點)broken course 斷緯(絲)Cut ends 切絲Corkscrews 螺旋類(生絲疵點)Corkscrew twist 螺旋疵(撚絲疵點)Corkscrews yarn 螺旋線(並線疵點)Hairiness 毛羽類Heavy end 粗經Heavy filling/pick 粗緯Improper making of book 打把不正Improper skein lacking 扣絲失當Improper skein twisting 打絞不正Irregular pick 緯疵Irregular pile bar 長短絨檔Irregular skeins 絲絞不正Irregular traverse 絡交不正Irregular twist streak 松緊撚檔Knots 長結Knub 缫絲下腳,小糙疵Loops 環結Marriages 雙絲Nap 絨毛、拉絨Pin hole 針洞Raised threads 浮絲其它othersfrosting 霜白疵、起霜花(印染引起)blur 剪毛不良barring 條痕、條花bare cloth 稀布Broken figures 錯花Crack 稀弄Cracked ends 筘痕Defective lift 夾起Darts and steels 刀線Decating mark 布頭緯向皺橫Duvet 小環結Fag 粗粒Facing 拖漿、罩色(印花疵點)Felter 跳花、跳紗harness skip跳花、跳紗Gout 飛花織入Loom fly飛花織入Hard size 漿斑Joining stencil mark 搭頭印(手工印花疵點)Keel 紅印色Marking off 搭色Mildew 黴、生黴Minor defects 普通瑕疵、中類Major defects次要瑕疵、大類Super major defects 主要瑕疵、特大類Mispick 錯緯Weaving under 花紋少織(多梭箱織機的換緯運動不良造成)Starch lump 漿斑Start-up marks 開車痕Stripy defects 條花疵點Reed mark 筘痕Shuttle mark 局部紋路不明(主要由于開口運動或投梭失常所致)Snap/snappers 拖漿Stain warp 漬經Staining 斑點染色、染斑百花刺繡花邊廠整理-。

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Fabric Width门幅小实际布封比要求的布封小。

Narrow Width磨毛痕布面因坯布时已经有针路在磨毛时使针路更加明显。

Sand Mark起毛织物在实际穿用与洗涤过程中,不断经受摩擦,使织物表面的纤维端露出于织物,在织物表面呈现许多令人讨厌的毛茸,即为起毛。



Resin Mark停车痕定型工艺中停机造成,类似色档Stop Mark纬斜布面纬向纹路与水平方向不一致,形成一定角度的倾斜。


Repeat Bigger油污机器上的油或空中飘浮的灰尘污染布面所导致的黑色油点为油污Oil 预缩痕由于预缩调节的张力太松,而导致布在进入橡胶辊之前打槢在经过辊压后形成的预缩痕。

Compact Mark抓毛痕抓毛时出现痕迹。

Brush Mark软油印工艺中用了柔软迹定型过程中泛于布面类似油污Softener纬斜布面纬向纹路与水平方向不一致,形成一定角度的倾斜。


Pattern Error错纱换纱时上错纱Missing Yarn错组织调试过程中工艺错误,使得织出的坯布组织同要求的不一致Wrong Construction断拉架LYCRA在生产过程中被拉断。

Broken Lycra断纱生产过程中纱线被拉断,在布面上呈现为沿纬向纹路裂开。

Broken Yarn断针在布面上呈现为沿经向纹路裂开一般在末端形成一个破洞。

Broken Needle反拉架lycra在编织过程中同棉纱的位置翻转,表面形成一段段的横纹效果Reverse Lycra飞花织布过程中不同颜色的纤维被织进织物中。

Flying飞拉架lycra在编织过程中没有被织针吃到,浮在坯布外面Missing Lycra 飞纱/漏织纱线在编织过程中没有被织针吃到Missing Stitch黑油针由于机台供油不足,使得指针在运转中磨损,磨损的金属混在润滑油中,跟随织针的运转污染坯布,形成纵向油针。

Dark Oil Needle横条在圆筒针织物中出现一些不正常的连续的横间循环。

Barre花针由于织针未正常成圈,而吃纱造成的纵向疵点Pin Holes坏针在布面上呈现为沿经向纹路裂开一般在末端形成一个破洞。

Ladderin g黄白纱原料本身质地不同而形成Yellow White Yarn黄油针由于机台供油不足,使得指针在运转中磨损,磨损的金属混在润滑油中,跟随织针的运转污染坯布,形成纵向油针。

Yellow Oil Needle结头/棉结/纱结由于纱线驳接或扭转缠绕造成织物表面突起线头。

Knot紧拉架lycra在编织过程中受到的牵引力过大,在坯布表面形成类似于横纹的纬向疵点Tight Lycra紧纱纱线在编织过程中受到的牵引力过大,在坯布表面形成类似于横纹的纬向疵点Tight Yarn卷边领边不平整,有卷起来的现象Edge Roll烂边领边纱线脱落或断裂造成的裂开的现象Ragged Edge亮油针由于机台供油过多或者漏油,跟随织针的运转污染坯布,形成纵向油针。

Bright Oil Needle露底织物正面的纱覆盖不了底面的纱,从织物正面的缝隙看大了底面的棉纱,如果底面的颜色和正面的颜色不同,则在正面形成很多色点,称为露底。

对花灰纱的毛圈布,此种问题也叫露白点Yarn exchange bet ween face and back捻度纱原料捻度不匀,引起的横纹疵点Twist yarn色纤原料中混有不同颜色的其他纤维Jute纱横原料本身色差引起的横纹疵点Straight Yarn松紧纱针织织布时中力过大或过小,类似横条。

Strain Barre跳纱布底含针钩不住纱,浮在布底上,形成一段浮线Float脱边布边在拉幅时,有时布边会因为没有吃上边或没有吃好而脱离针链。

Scalloped Selvedge脱布开幅线不齐或布边破损或严重变形,影响门幅。

Press Off脱圈线圈脱落Missing Circle污渍纱纱线受到油污或其他物质的污染后被织入坯布中形成的疵点Soiled Yarn异纤原料中混有不同颜色的其他纤维Foreign Yarn油针可以在布面任何位置且连续性出现,类似针路Oil Needle张力横条/张力不匀纱线在编织中受到的张力不平均,造成表面横纹疵点T ension Line折痕坯布在卷布辊处受到外力挤压后形成的纵向折痕Crease Mark面料疵点及英语对译(连载)粗纱由于纱线粗细不匀造成的织物表面的突起或凹陷,属纬向疵点。

Coar se Yarn粗细纱由于纱线粗细不匀造成的织物表面的突起或凹陷,属纬向疵点。

T hick And Thin黑星由于浅色花灰纱配棉中深色棉纤维分布不匀或积聚成团。

导致局部发深发黑Black Neps回捻纱线在织造或退绕过程中,由于捻度过大,在纤维内应力作用下,纱线会卷曲在一起形成小辫子形状。



Yarn u niformization油纱因原纱带有油剂或脏剂产生的,在布面会形成纬向长条状疵点。

Oil Yarn白痕/白印布面出现的点状或块状的斑点White Mark白痕条布面出现不规则的发白折条痕White Barre摆布痕布面纬向有平行移动等距离的痕Warg Causes Mark边压痕在布边产生的褶皱。

Selvedge Press Mark风痕干布(敏感颜色)接触空气中的氧气邓造成的颜色变化,使暴露在空气的地方出现颜色变浅或变色Wind mark干布印类似染花Dry Mark横向色差左中右色差,同一门幅内的颜色差异Lateral Chromatic Aberratio n化学斑点因为助剂软油破乳或相互反应而在布面形成的斑点Chemical Sta in卷差(色差)匹差,同缸染色每匹布之间存在颜色差异Roll to Roll(Sh ading)领角变形领光边(或称顶边)不直。


Collar Horn Transmutation落布痕落布时布碰到卷布棍两边的脏渍或布拖地时形成的污渍。

Drop Ma rk酶斑局部发生纤维发白,斑块状发白Enzyme mark中间痕出现在布面正中间位置的纵向条痕Center Mark纵向色差布面没有明显的纵向有颜色的差异Longitudinal Chromatic Aberration丝光痕呈现在丝光布面上的色痕,较折痕宽,由丝光过程造成。

Merc Mark 花纱原料染色不匀,织成成品后同色布面颜色不同。

Uneven Yarn擦痕针织织物受到硬物摩擦而留下的诸如起毛,发白等痕迹,但大致上有两种擦痕:A 不规则的呈现大块发白的为PD擦痕;B 竞边同一位置不变,而且布头位置是相连的为FN擦痕;Friction Mark短码一卷布实际的码长比标签上标记的码数少Short Length破洞布面上的洞孔,纱线已断Hole非氯漂牢度测定织物耐非氯漂色牢度Color Fastness to non Chlorine Bleach 摩擦牢度因磨擦造成有色织物表面的颜色转移的程度Color Fastness to Crocking汗渍牢度汗液对色纱和色织物的影响Color Fastness to Prespiration克重测定织物单位面积(G/M2)的重量Fabric W eight氯漂含氯漂白剂对织物、服饰及服装用品的影响Chlorine Pool Water/chlorine Bleach(Color change)密度CPI:用1英寸内线圈横列方向的线圈纵行数表示。


Construction/Thread Count(CPI x WPI)扭曲洗水后布组织发生扭转。

Skewness/T wist/Spirality/Torque日晒牢度测试颜色纺织品上的染料或印花等对阳光日晒的抵抗性Color Fastness to Light弯曲测试间条织物的弯曲程度。


Appearance after Wash拉伸测试低弹力针织物在一定力作用下的伸长和恢复性能。

Stretch & Recovery拉破强力测定导致织物破裂所需的张力,从而评价织物抗拉破的能力。

Tensile Strength斜度测定织物纱线的走向。


Bursting StrengthpH值测试经过湿加工(练漂)织物的pH值PH of the Water-extract可燃性测定织物阻止燃烧的能力。


Color fastness to oxidative bleach damage甲醛含量测定织物经过树脂整理后,可能释放出的甲醛含量。


Phenolic Yellow干洗牢度评价由于干洗剂的作用而引起织物颜色变化和沾色的程度。

Color Fastness to Drycleaning纱线支数测定纱线的英制支数,测试样可以是纱样或者是织物。

Y arn Count 吸湿性测量水在织物上的爬湿距离,观察织物毛细作用下的吸湿性能。

Dri fit/Moistrue Management水渍牢度评价衣物潮湿时与其它织物接触时可能出现的颜色变化和颜色转移。

color Fastness to Water缩水织物经洗水、干燥后的尺寸变化率Shrinkage/Demensional Stability07accessory/trimmings辅料09shipping date/delivery date落货期10flow chart流程图11quota配额13license许可证14woven梭织物15plant厂房16tops上装17bottoms下装18blouse女式罩衫19shirt衬衫20pants/trousers/slacks裤子21shorts短裤22skirt裙子23fashion时装28bottleneck阻塞,瓶颈33merchandiser跟单员37sample room板房38sewing缝制39pressing/ironing熨烫40packing/package包装41quality control品质控制42spreading拉布43marker唛架,辅料44cutter裁剪工45warehouse keeper仓管员46purchase采购47operator操作员48inspector检查员49trimming剪线52non-woven非织物54knit针织物55raw material原材料67turnover流失,变动85Ref./reference参考109quantity/Qty.数量114cost sheet成本单116pattern design纸样设计117size label尺码唛133retail price零售价格134size range尺码范围136shell fabric面布137interlining衬/朴138source mill加工厂140lining里布141pocketing袋布144snap按钮,按扣145thread缝线146hanger衣架147eyelet穿带孔,扣眼148style款式150 C.M.T./cut,make & trim来料加工151 F.O.B./free on board离岸价152 C.I.F./cost,insurance,freight到岸价153transportation运输154charge费用155design sketch效果图156production sketch生产图157sales contract销售合同159target market目标市场166Ref. No.参考编号168description描述169linen亚麻170closed-fit贴身171fully opening全开口172magyar sleeve原身出袖173garment wash成衣洗水174button closure纽扣开口175unit price单价176size assortment尺码分配177measurement chart尺码表178payment付款方式179poly-bag胶袋180plastic塑胶181tissue paper拷贝纸183specification细则,规则,规格184collar stay领插竹185label商标186shoulder pad垫肩187buckle皮带扣188hang-tag吊牌189stitching线迹,针步190shoulder肩宽,肩部191export出口192import进口193sample样板194garment成衣197customs fee关税198exceed超越,胜过203express速递204side mark侧唛205shipping mark箱唛206carton/ctn.纸箱207package/pkg.包装208destination目的地209NT.WT./N.W.净重210GR.WT./G.W.毛重211waist tag腰卡212back neck后领圈213main/brand label主商标,主唛214care label洗水商标215sewing车缝216measurement尺寸219piping/insert嵌条220binding tape捆条221buckle loop扣耳222belt-loop裤耳223cotton string棉绳224elastic松紧带225eyes & hoops乌蝇扣227fusible interlining粘衬228non-fusible interlining非粘衬229lace饰边,蕾丝230rivet包头钉231rib罗纹232stripe/tape带条233velcro魔术贴234zipper/zip.拉链247yard/yardage码数248initial sample初版249approval sample核准板,批板250bulk production大量生产251model No.型号252supplier供应商253letter of credit (L/C)信用证254shipping department船务部276complaint投诉278fabric swatch布板280shipping Qty.出货数量287sizing上浆288sample swatch样板289authorized signature经认可的签名290shipping document船务文件291cargo船货293packing list包装单294shipping company船务公司295invoice发票296account department会计部门297sailing No.航行编号301textile纺织302telex电传308routine work日常工作327overtime work超时工作328extra hours超时,加班329timer打卡钟331labor cost劳工成本333bundle system执扎系统337operation break-down分工序338material handling物料运输339piece rate计件工资340overhead通常开支,厂皮342wage card工资卡345production department生产部门351delivery schedule落货排期362block pattern基本纸样363marker making排料,排唛架366work-in-process/WIP半制品368pressing/ironing熨烫372quality质量374material材料,物料375garment衣服,服装379showroom陈列室390lining里布391lined落里的392buckle皮带扣393shoulder pad垫肩394style description款式描述395button纽扣396cuff袖级,介英397belt皮带399INCL./including包括402woven fabric梭织布403fibre纤维404filament长纤丝405staple短纤丝406interlacing交织408rope绳索409braid饰带410tufting裁绒411polymer高聚物412cellulose纤维素413natural fibre天然纤维414polystyrene聚苯乙烯415mohair马海毛416cashmere山羊绒,开士米毛418jute黄麻419fiax亚麻纤维420bast树内皮421textured yarn变形纱422rayon人造丝423carbon fibre碳质纤维424glass fibre玻璃纤维425metal fibre金属纤维426silica fibre矽石纤维427aliginate fibre藻酸纤维428protein蛋白质429cellulose ester醋,人造丝430modal fibre莫代尔纤维431nylon尼龙432cuprous亚铜的433polyolefin聚烯烃纤维434mixed yarn混纺纱435double end双经436duoble pick双纬437polyamide聚酰胺纤维438duoubling并线,双线439elastomer弹性纤维440polypropylene丙纶441cotton棉442viscose粘胶纤维443polyester聚脂纤维,涤纶444synthetic合成纤维445acetate醋酸纤维446triacetate三醋酸纤维447man-made fibre人造纤维448regenerated fibre再生纤维452asbestos fibre石棉纤维453kapok木棉454silk丝455wool羊毛460absorbent有吸收性的461towel毛巾463scorches & flame烧毛467lightweight轻身的468moisture含水量469plasticize使成为可塑体470clammy湿冷的471suiting西装料472coating外衣料473dress-goods服装产品474knitwear针织服装475rug厚毯,小地毯481yarn纱线483strand一股,股数484pliability可弯曲的487slippage滑移488twist捻度489mechanical机械的490worsted精纺491carded粗梳492combed精梳493diameter直径494crimp波浪,卷曲495density密度498multiply yarn多股纱500linear assemble直线装配501end-use最后用途503bulk yarn膨体纱506shrinkage缩水509loop formation线圈形成512spun捻成丝状的515counts棉纱支数516spinning纺纱517spun yarn纺成纱518mono-filament单股长丝519multi-filament多股长丝520camel hair骆驼毛521rabbit hair兔毛522wrap包裹528woolen粗纺羊毛529worsted精纺羊毛530blazering色彩鲜艳的运动上衣531robes长袍532jacket夹克533overcoat外套534trousers西裤535bedford cord.经条灯心绒536stuffing填充料537wale纵行线圈538loop pile毛圈织布539duck帆布540flannel法兰绒541twill斜纹布542gabardine斜纹呢543seam pucker缝骨皱褶544transparency透明548bias cut纵纹裁剪,斜纹裁剪551seam twist缝骨扭曲558edge-finishes边脚处理561leather皮革562beachwear沙滩装563stripes条子布564printed fabric印花布565needle heating针热566corduroy灯心绒567flameproof fabric防火布568carpet地毯569Aberdeen阿巴丁布570canvas马尾衬布,帆布571crepe绉布572chiffon雪纺573fur皮裘574rib/double jersey罗纹织物/双面平纹575gray cloth / calico胚布576melton领底绒577steel fibre钢质纤维578taffeta塔府绸579towel cloth毛巾布580waterproof fabric防水布581sweater羊毛衫582selvedge布边583fabric width布封584chambray绉布585vrepe de-chine双绉布586dobby织花布587terry knit厚绒针织布588perspiration resistant finish防汗加工589shrink-resistant/preshrunk finish防缩加工590antistatic finish防静电加工591atmospheric fading resistant finish防褪色加工592crease & wrinkly resistant finish防绉加工593resin finish树脂加工594antiseptic finish防蛀加工595battik蜡染596opaque finish防透光加工597odorless&perfumed finish防臭加工598loops线圈599glazed finish压光加工600bleeding洗水后褪色602fly纽牌603front panel前幅604back panel后幅605side panel小身,侧片606 6 panel skirt6片裙607waistband/W.B.裤腰608close side-seam埋侧骨609in-seam内浪610belt-loop裤耳611hemming车脚,还脚612pkt./pocket口袋613T-shirt/Tee shirt T恤衫614tape带条615rib tape罗纹带条616inspect检查617trim剪线618fully fashioned sweater全成型针织衫619panel knitting织片620panel pressing烫片621lingking & cup seaming缝盘缝制622clean finish/turn finish还口623notch刀口,刻口,扼位624slit opening袖侧625gathers碎褶626quilt衍缝627men's tailored jacket男西装628single breasted单襟629double breasted双襟630back vent后叉631floating chest piece活胸衬632scye/armhole夹圈633breast welt pkt.胸袋634fully lined全里635front part前片636back part后片637top sleeve面袖,大袖638under sleeve底袖,小袖639pkt. flap袋盖640front facing前襟贴,挂面643adhesive tape粘衬条644chest piece胸衬645shoulder piece肩衬646dart省647counter stitch对称线迹649reverse相反650cuffed bottom hem翻贴边裤脚651pattern纸样654fusible粘合性的657S.P.I./stitches per inch每英寸线迹数658bartack打枣,套结660horizontal水平的661vertical垂直的662fly facing钮牌663antique旧式的,古代的664brass coating镀黄铜的665catch facing纽子贴666zipper tape拉链贴668overlock包缝669pocketing/pocket bag袋布672single jetted pocket单嵌线袋674 5 threads safety overlock stitch五线保险包缝线迹675W./width宽度676H./height高度677L./length长度678single needle stitch单针线迹679out-seam /side seam侧骨,外缝682center crease line中骨线10size sample码数板,尺寸板11counter sample柜台板,回板12yarn纱线13count支数14Spec. No.尺码编号15supplier供应商16CLR./color颜色18POS./position位置19hem衣脚20LHD side /left hand side左手边21NK./neck领圈22CB/C.B./center back后中23BTM/bottom衣脚25kim-ball电脑牌26THRU./through通过,穿过27plastic pin胶针28 C.F./center front前中29SNL/single thread单线/单针30DBL/double thread双线/双针31OVRLK./over-lock包缝32FM./from由,从33flat package扁装36production cycle生产周期38circumference全围39perpendicular直角40pants裤子41chest/bust胸围42shoulder肩宽43hemming卷边45sleeve/slv.length袖长46collar/neck band领围47neck-opening领开口48neck-drop领深49collar stand width下级领高51neck band width领贴阔52grading放码,放样53sample card样板卡54sales sample销售样板55shipment sample船头板56FAB./fabric布料57act./actual size实际尺寸59LBL./label商标61assemble line装配线/组合线62thigh脾围63special effect特殊效果64over-lock/serge包缝65seam缝骨,止口67button-hole扣眼68tailored洋裁,裁缝69jacket夹克,上衣70piecework计件工71work-ticket/cutting ticket工票72hangter衣架73hang tag吊牌74mass-producing大量生产78garment construction成衣结构79plastic bag塑料袋80client顾客81size specification/size spec.尺码表82trimmings辅料83shell fabric面料84waist tag腰卡85seat/hips坐围86FR/front rise前浪87BR/back rise后浪88body rise直浪89warehouse仓库91hood帽围92knee膝围93in-seam内长94out-leg/out-seam外长95raw material原材料96upper hips上坐围97sweep下摆围98C/B length后中长99across back后背宽100slv. opening袖开口101under bust girth下胸围102yoke育克,担干,机头103head girth头围104nape to waist腰直105front pkt.前袋106back pkt.后袋108seat-seam后浪缝骨109side-seam侧缝骨110placement位置111body衫身112top-stitching间线113run-stitching运线114edge-stitching间边线115Emb./embroidery刺绣116metal-ware金属附件120piping/insert嵌边121ribbing罗纹,凸纹织物122staple garment固定款式服装123typical method典型的方法124operation break-down工序细分128bundle list执扎表131close fitted贴身132linen亚麻布134size range尺码范围135navy海军蓝136low wt./low weight/light weight轻重量139dozen一打(12件)140sized-multiple混码141ply stratum底层布料142spared quantity损耗量143apparel company成衣公司146capacity容量,能力147engineering department工程部148machinery机械设备149labor劳工154style款式155production order生产制造单157slant pocket斜袋158casual wear便装159leisure wear休闲装160pleat/knife pleat活褶161dart省道162box-pleat工字褶163inverted-pleat内工字褶164tuck省裥165pin tuck针裥166accordion风琴褶167sunray太阳褶168gather缩碎褶169frill小绉边褶170ruffle大皱边171regular规则的172garment wash成衣洗水173crotch/crutch裤裆176size assortment尺码分配177carton纸板箱179plaids格子布180khaki卡其色181matching color配色182sketch图样183measurement/meas.尺寸184facing贴边185bearer袋衬,背带187over-lock stitch包缝线迹188edge-stitched缉边线191panel小身192seam allowance/S.A.子口193belt-loop裤耳195catch facing纽子196cross crotch十字浪,十字裆197straight pocket直袋198tape卷尺,胶带,带条199curved pocket弯袋200coin/cash pkt.表袋201jetted/welt pkt嵌边袋202hexagonal pocket六角袋203"J"shaped pkt.J型袋204patch pocket贴袋205peach shaped pkt.杏型袋206ruler shaped pkt.曲尺袋207round cornered pkt.圆角袋208bellows pocket风琴袋209square shaped pkt.方角袋210seam pocket缝骨袋211three pointed pkt.三尖袋212zipper pocket拉链袋213conceal zipper隐形拉链215thread tacking打线结217pkt. flasher袋卡218price tag/ticket价钱牌219packing method包装方法221crease line中骨线222cardboard纸板223button-holing打扣眼224poly-warp胶纸包225side-seam pkt.侧口袋226pkt.-bag depth袋布深231packing list包装表232covering stitch绷缝线步233chain stitch锁链线步234blind stitch挑脚线步235flat-seam平缝236solid color单色237solid size单码238inscription paper横贴纸239case pack label外箱贴纸240wrap-seam包缝缝型241zig-zag stitch人字线步242joining crotch埋裤裆243pins / clips针/夹244folding size折衣尺寸247manufacturer工厂248broken yarn断纱249fabric runs走纱254piped滚边的255bound包边的258thick yarn粗纱262stripes条子263checks格子265canvas帆布,马尾衬266fullness抛位267easing容位269back stitching回针271stitch density线步密度272slipped stitches落坑线273tension appearance外形拉紧274distortion变形275puckering起皱的276pleating打褶277soiled污渍280color shading色差281pilling起毛头282additional附加的283specification规格284pairing left & right左右一对285skipped stitches跳线286lay garment flat摆平服装287measure量度288tape软尺289across shoulder肩宽290shoulder seam肩缝291fold to fold折线到折线292free of wrinkles除去皱褶293contour of body体型294hood height帽高295neck seam领圈缝骨296upper arm上臂围298elastic松紧带299neck scoop领圈300sweep下摆围301tops上装302bottoms下装303relaxed放松304back armhole后夹圈307button-hole扣眼308elbow手肘309size chart尺码表310across back后背宽311bottoms脚围314crotch point裤裆顶315back rise后浪316inspection report查货报告317audit report检查报告318fabric defects布料疵点323trade department贸易部门324quality report品质报告325audit level/Aud.L.稽查水平326remedy action修补行为327in-line audit生产中检查328final audit最后检查329lot No.批量编号330accept/Acc.接受331reject/Rej.拒绝332fabric flaws布料瑕疵333water spots水渍334general appearance一般外形335workmanship手工艺336garment workshop成衣习训室337hand feel手感338twisting leg扭脾340 B.mid. arm-hole后背宽341 F.mid. arm-hole前胸宽342shoulder slope肩斜346confirmation批准,确定348evaluation report评定报告350letter of guarantee,L/G担保走货351laboratory test实验室测试352content label成分商标353flammability test防火测试354soiling污物356uneven dyeing不均匀染色357wavy stitches波浪纹线步358incorrect link错误连接359thread ends线头360major defect主要疵点361minor defect微小疵点362uneven hem不均匀边脚363missing parts部件遗失364uneven plaids格子不均匀365misaligned排列不整齐366tolerance宽容量367jeans牛仔裤369run-off stitching线落坑370skipped stitching跳线371broken stitching断线372seam broken爆口373bubbling起泡374bundle code扎号377grinning stitch线步松378asymmetric不对称379Mat./material原材料380off-pressing大烫,终烫381under-pressing中烫382burns烫糊383shiny起镜面384oil stain油渍385seam twist扭缝骨386uneven tension张力不均匀387slv. placket三尖袖叉388twisted placket扭前筒389collar stand下级领390collar fall上级领391seam slippage散口393wrinkles皱褶394missed stitch漏针395broken needle断针396label misplace商标错位397broken end/warp断经398barre横裆399open seam烫开缝骨400weak seam不牢的缝骨401raw edge毛边,散口402puckering起皱403broken pick/weft断纬404crease line折痕405knot纱结407fuzz balls起毛球408affect appearance影响外型410thread tension缝线张力411crotch meet point十字裤裆骨413S.A.子口414insecure不牢固415over-lapping stitch驳线416misaligned不成一直线417omitted遗漏418misplace错位419missing parts错失420up side down倒转421opposite direction相反方向422collar point/tip领尖423asymmetric不对称424incorrect不正确425front fly钮牌427run off stitches缝线落坑428stud装饰纽扣429exposed暴光的,暴露的430under layer下层431reverse反面,倒转432mismatch不配合433catch facing纽子贴434front placket前筒435glaring shine marks起镜面,反光437hided jet pkt.暗袋438not closing凸嘴,不紧贴439front facing前襟贴440hem facing脚贴441twist扭曲,歪曲442irregular不规则的,不整齐的443back panel后幅444inter pocket内袋,暗袋445press marks烫痕446poor pressing烫工差447out of tolerance超出松容位449face down向下451placement位置452flap袋盖453sleeve joining上袖454vent叉位455edge margin/S.A.子口456wrong type seam缝骨类型错误457uneven不均匀458polyethylene聚乙烯纤维459acrylic腈纶460modacrylic变性腈纶461warp float浮经462chloro fibre氯纶464temperature温度465wrinkle recovery褶皱回复466polyvinyl alcohol维纶467tenacity固强度468denier旦尼尔(旦)469tensile可伸长的470creamy乳脂色471bluish-white青白色472print fabric印花布475artificial人造的479blend fibre混合纤维481woolen粗纺482stretch伸展483elastic有弹性的,橡筋带484scrap碎片485percentage百分比486shiny起镜面487furry毛皮制品488water repellent防水489warp-knitting经编针织490weft-knitting纬编针织492durability耐用的494non-woven非织物495web网状497density密度499metallic decoration金属装饰品503blanket毛毯504suits套装505coatings衣料506diagonal斜纹的507herringbone人字斜纹508zig-zag人字纹509hopsack方平织物510plain weave平布511panama巴拿马薄呢512serge哔叽呢514tweed毛绒布516Scotland苏格兰517denim牛仔布518traditionally传统的519venetian直贡呢,威尼斯缩绒呢520stockings长袜521lustrous有光泽的522sateen纬向缎纹/色丁523satin经向缎纹/色丁524dry-cleaned干洗525outerwear外套526washing instruction洗水指令528sizing上浆529rinsed洗涤,漂洗530vinegar醋531solution解决,溶解532sweat-shirt羊绒衬衫533sweater羊毛衫534laundry洗衣535make up制作536delicate精致的537pants裤子538baste假缝539hem/bottom衣脚边540handling处理,执手541stitch formation针步形成542suede小山羊皮544pile knit毛圈针织布545stitch type线步种类546mechanism机械结构550velour knit棉绒针织布551interlock双面针织布552jersey平面针织553looped fabric起圈布554pile fabric起毛织布555poplin府绸,毛葛556purl双反面针织布557raschel经织舌针布558sucker泡状布,泡泡纱559tricot经织弹簧针织布560rugs地毯561velveteen仿天鹅绒562velvet天鹅绒563bleaching漂白564brocade织锦565mildrew resistant finish防霉加工566moth resistant finish防虫加工568dress shirt传统男衬衫569pattern图样,纸板570solid color净色,单色571single needle lockstitch machine单针平车572flat m/c单针平车573thread trimmer剪线刀574double needle lockstitch machine双针平缝机575overlock machine包缝机576bartacker打结机,打枣车577button holing machine扣眼机578button sewer钉纽机579chain stitch machine锁链车580cuff turning & pressing machine反袖口机581pocket creasing machine烫袋机582collar pressing & turning machine反领机583collar turner反领机584attachment附件585guide比尺586hemmer卷边器587binder滚边器588folder拉筒589hemmer foot卷边靴590piper镶边器591sewing sequence车缝顺序592semi-assembling section半合并部分593serge还口,锁边594crease pkt. shape烫袋形595op./operation工序596top & under collar底面领597topstitching缉面线602set pocket装袋603fix pleats打褶,打裥604yoke育克,旦干,机头605placket前筒,三尖袖叉606join shoulder seam缝肩线,纳膊607set in sleeve绱袖608attach collar绱领609attach cuff绱袖级610sew hem / hemming车衣脚611zig-zag lockstitch machine人字平缝机612blinding挑缝613break line / fold line反领线,反襟线614underarm-seam袖底缝骨615under-pressing中烫616neckline领圈线617off-pressing / final pressing终烫619seat seam后浪骨620belt-loop裤耳621final inspection终检622in-process inspection中检623covering stitch拉覆线步624join crotch埋裤裆625cross crotch十字裤裆骨626fold back facing原身出贴627elastic waistband橡筋裤头629corner边脚631press open seam烫开缝骨633right side/R.S.正面634wrong side/W.S.反面635hemming foot包边压靴638fix固定639piping pkt. / jetting pkt.嵌线袋642top collar面领643under collar底领,领里644lapel挂面,襟贴645sleeve vent袖叉646shell fabric面料647hanger loop挂耳648easing容位649eyelet孔眼,凤眼650basting假缝,绷缝651blind stitch暗线652wadding弹袖653button shank钮脚655hemline衣脚线,下摆线657off-white非纯白色,黄白色658white on white白底上有白花样659fabric construction布料结构660polyester/cotton涤棉混纺织物661woven label织唛,梭织商标662main label主商标,主唛663care label洗水商标,洗水唛664size label码数商标,尺码唛665content label成分商标,成分唛666fold pants折叠裤子667hang-tag吊牌668bar coded sticker条形码标签669sealed封口的670plain平的,平纹布672shipping carton装运箱,出口箱673cuff-less bottom不翻边裤脚674short-ship短数/少出货675water streak洗水痕676pure silk纯丝677navy海军蓝678flounce荷叶边679bias斜纹,纵纹680straight line直纹681sleeveless无袖的682off grain布纹歪斜。
