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• 不要空等负面情绪自然而然好起来,你必须做些 事情来改变它。当你需要正能量时,做一些令你 振奋的事情十分有益,如跟狗狗玩、跳绳或者做 瑜伽等。
4.Change your mind.改变想法。
• The best way to get rid of your bad feelings is to change how you think about what’s bothering you. Instead of dwelling on what went wrong, identify what you can do with that knowledge to make your next moment better.
• 就算发生了什么事情使你情绪受影响,如果你试 着去理解他人,事情往往会容易得多。例如,与 其对朋友生气,不如同情一下他/她的处境,或是 想想每个人都会遇到不顺心的日子。
Baidu Nhomakorabea
6.Uplift yourself.振作起来。
• Get rid of your negative feelings by generating positive ones. Watch something funny on the Internet, or watch something inspirational that reminds you people are good and life is good.
• 产生正能量来驱散你的负面情绪吧。在网上看些 有趣的东西,或是看些具有启发性的内容,提醒 自己相信人性本善、生活很美好。
• 要想赶走坏情绪,最好的办法就是改变你看待烦 心事的态度。与其对错误念念不忘,还不如看看 自己学到了什么,并且怎样用学到的东西在下次 做得更好。
5.Understand others. 理解他人
• Even if something happened to create your bad mood, it will probably get easier if you try understanding others. For example, instead of fueling your anger for your friend, feel compassion for the pain he or she must be in or just think that everyone has bad days.
Overcome a negative state of mind
• “Every day may not be good, but there’s something good in every day.”
People get in bad moods. Here are
some ways to overcome a negative
• 心情不好却假装若无其事是毫无意义的。 表达出自己心中的想法十分必要,这样你 就 会感觉心情开朗许多
1.Got to the root.找到根源。
• When you are in a bad mood, it’s time to get honest to find the root.
• Lashing out won’t solve the problems that are creating your negative feelings.
state of mind:
• “不一定每天都很美好,但每天定有美好 之处。”话虽如此,但哪怕是最乐观的人 也会有情绪不佳的时候。下面一些方法有 助于消极情绪:
2.Be real.真实面对。
• There’s no point in pretending you’re full of sunshine when you dwell in negativity. It is very necessary to express what’s on your mind and you’ll feel better when you do it.
• 心情不佳时,你应该坦诚分析,找到根源。 疯狂发泄不会解决造成你负面情绪的问题。
3.Take actions.积极行动。
• You can’t sit around waiting for the negative mood to naturally change. You have to do something to change it. It’s really helpful to do some cheerful things when you need positive energy: playing roping or playing yoga.