国际经贸高级英语 精读与翻译 第7课 中英对照课文翻译

Learn General Secretary on "two to learn a" strengthening "four Consciousnesses" important speech caused a strong reaction in the country. Time, watching "red treasure", the origin of building the party back to power, how to strengthen services for the masses, improve party cohesion, fighting to become the grass-roots party members and masses hot topic. Grass-roots party organizations "two" is to strengthen the service of party members and cadres, the pioneer spirit. Distribution of grass-roots party organizations in all walks of people, clothing, shelter, which belongs to the nerve endings of the party organization and comments reputation has a direct perception of the masses. Strengthen the party ahead of the "pedal" spirit; strengthen the party members and cadres "success does not have to be me" and "the first to bear hardships, the last to" service spirit to set the party's positive image among the people is important. Grass-roots party organizations "two" is to cleanse all people not happy not to see "stereotypes", establish the honest faithful, diligent faith for the people. No need to avoid mentioning that, some members of our party can not stand the "money," corrosion of temptation, thin, Xu Zhou, such abuse and corrupt bribery, malfeasance borers, and rats. Two, is to clean up, thin, Xu, Zhou's solution to restore the party's fresh and natural, solid and honest work style. Cleansing "take, eat, card," undesirable and behaviour, "cross, hard and cold, push" attitude. Grass-roots party organizations "two" is to strengthen the sense of ordinary party members, participating in consciousness, unity consciousness. For reasons known, members of grass-roots party branches less mobile, less resources, and the construction of party organizations have some lag. Two studies, is to focus on the grass-roots party branches "loose, soft, loose" problem, advance the party members and cadres, "a gang working", "Hong Kong report." Strong cleanup actions, style and rambling, presumptuous "unqualified" party members, pays special attention to party members and cadres "joining party of thought" problem. "Party building" is obtained in the long-term development of our party's historical experience accumulated. Two is our party under the new historical conditions, strengthen the party's construction of a new "rectification movement." Grass-roots party organizations should always catch the hard work, results-oriented. Two educational outcomes are long-term oriented and become an important impetus for the work. "Two" should have three kinds of consciousness "two" study and education, basic learning lies in the doing. Only the Constitution address the series of party rules, and do solid work, be qualified party members had a solid ideological basis. Only the "learning" and "do" real unity, to form a "learn-learn-do-do" the virtuous cycle, and ultimately achieve the fundamental objective of education. This requires that the Organization《高级英语》第一册课文翻译及词汇章美芳第七课神奇的集成电路片时代 (1)第八课互相作用的生活 (1)第九课马克•吐温——美国的一面镜子 (6)第十课震撼世界的审判 (13)第十一课词典的用途究竟何在? (21)第十二课潜水鸟 (29)第十三课大不列颠望洋兴叹 (40)第十四课阿真舍湾 (46)第十五课海上无路标 (62)learning education, need three kinds of consciousness: one is to establish an integrated awareness. "Learning" and "do" what car isTwo-wheel, bird wings, need to go hand in hand, one end can be neglected. Communist theoretician and man. Only by closely combining theory and practice together in order to truly realize their value. "Learning" is the Foundation, the Foundation is not strong, shaking; " "Is the key to net to net thousands of accounts. "Two" education, "" lay the basis, going to "do" the key grip, so that the "learning" and "doing" back to standard, so that the majority of party members "learn" learning theory of nutrients, in the "doing" practice party's purposes. Second, to establish a sense of depth. "Learning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organic unity of the whole. "Two" learning education, we need to explore integrating "learning" in "do", exhibit "do" in "Science". To avoid the "learning" into simple room instruction, "do" into a monotone for doing. Should exploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "learn" of education and practice of carrier, makes general grass-roots members can in "learn" in the has "do" of achievements sense, in "do" in the has "learn" of get sense, real makes party of theory brain into heart, put for people service concept outside of Yu shaped. Third, to adhere to long-term the awareness. Style construction on the road forever, "two" had to catch the long-term. "Two" study and education, by no means, assault-style wind-sport, but the recurrent education within the party. In recent years, the party's mass line education practice and "three-three" special education in grass-roots borne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and cadres withstood the baptism of the spirit. "Two" greater need to focus on longer hold long-term, to establish and perfect the effective mechanism of the education, focusing on the creation of long-term education, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintain their vanguard Color, maintain the party's advanced nature and purity. Awareness-raising, antennas and atmosphere – a discussion on how leading cadres of party members "two" current, "two" activity is in full swing up and down the country, party cadres as a "key minority" is both a barometer and impetus. The "two" meaning enough deep, is to determine the party cadres can resolve to study hard first. In the "two" in the process, some cadres of himself, standing long, high awareness, that Constitution Party rules is simple, its not worth bothering some party cadres think speak series has nothing to do with the grass-roots work, water business learning series of speeches seen as window dressing. These "lazy, casual, and decadent" ideas learning lacks motivation, a serious impediment to "two" effect. John Stuart Mill once said, only a basic element of human thought patterns change dramatically, human destiny can make great improvement. The same, only party members and第七课神奇的集成电路片时代(节选)新生的微型技术将使社会发生巨变1这是一个极小的薄片,只有大约四分之一英寸见方。

法国人和英国人It is obvious that there is a great deal of difference between being international and being cos-mopolitan. All good men are international. Nearly all bad men are cosmopolitan. If we are to be international we must be national. And it is largely because those who call themselves the friends of peace have not dwelt sufficiently on this distinction that they do not impress the bulk of any of the nations to which they belong. International peace means a peace between nations,not a peace after the destruction of nations, like the Buddhist peace after the destruction of personality. The golden age of the good European is like the heaven of the Christian: it is a place where people will love each other; not like the heaven of the Hindu, a place where they will be each other. And in the case of national character this can be seen in a curious way. It will generally be found, I think, that the more a man really appreciates and admires the soul of another people the less he will attempt to imitate it; he will be conscious that there is something in it too deep and too unmanageable to imitate.The Englishman who has a fancy for France will try to be French; the Englishman who ad-mires France will remain obstinately English. This is to be particularly noticed in the case of our relations with the French, because it is one of the outstanding peculiarities of the French that their vices are all on the surface, and their extraordinary virtues concealed. [3] One might almost say that their vices are the flower of their virtues.在国际化和见多识广中存在着非常大的差异,这是显而易见的。


2.利益与社会责任 企业社会责任和企业利益之间,德隆克曾经讲商业组织的 目的是创造顾客。作为企业如果要创造更多的顾客,顾客确实 为企业本身带来商业利益。作为责任来讲他本身所有的方式是 参与到全过程,企业本身的利益也是和社会各个关系人联系在 一起的,一直以来应该是利润最大化,要对股东负责,但事实 上企业要保持一个能够持续成长的趋势,实际上不应该仅仅局 限于为股东负责,实际上是站在利润最大化上面。 所以我们认为,企业就像一棵种子,社会就是一块土地,如果 这个企业本身能够种入到土地中间去,这个企业不是纯粹站在 企业自身的利益,种子在土里死掉才能产生新的生物,长出更 多的树木回馈社会。所以企业更多的时候在利益和社会责任之 间找到平衡。
Unit 15 Business EthicsOnce Sold, Caveat Emptor.
• 本单元的要点 • 本单元主要是一篇关于商业的社会责任的不同观 点的文章,以及讨论某些商业做法的论理问题的 练习。有些人认为,商业的目的以及经理的作用 就是为公司所有者、股份或股票持有者获取最大 的利润;另外一些人认为公司绝对不能欺骗顾客, 但是这只是出于商业考虑而不是出于道德上的考 虑:一个对公司失望的顾客以后不再购买该公司 的产品。还有一些人坚持认为公司对顾客、员工、 生意上的伙伴、当地的社区、整个社会以及自然 环境具有社会和道德上的责任,这种责任与为股 份持有者创造金钱的回报一样重要,甚至更加重 要。从课文中可以看到这些不同的观点。

高级英语第7课 The Libido for the Ugly[精]
![高级英语第7课 The Libido for the Ugly[精]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b25dfb27e518964bce847c2f.png)
His Style
He employed a huge vocabulary and liked to insert unusual or unexpected words, for surprise or comic effect, into otherwise normal sentences. Although his style is occasionally difficult to read, Mencken is still considered one of the best and liveliest essayists of this century.
"The American Language"
a) It examined the development of the English language in America,
b) It contrasted English and American expressions and usage.
Description is painting a picture in words of a person, place, object and scene.
It conveys the sensations, emotions and impressions that affect a writer experiencing a person, place, object or idea. The writer describes what he sees, hears, smells, feels or tastes, and it often includes his emotional reactions to the physical sensation of the experience.
国际经贸高级英语 精读与翻译 第7课 中英对照课文翻译

然而,在19世纪后期,古 典经济学家(的观点)受到 马克思主义和社会主义构 想的威胁.再分配被加入政 府的合法功能,要求一些国 家引导的从富者到欠富者 的财富转移.在那时,公众 基础教育已经占主导地位. 在19世纪八十年代,只是 (给公众)带来最小的合适 的利益,社会保障制度首先 在德国引入.尽管如此,政 府的职责还是相当局限的.
In the later part of the nineteenth century, however,classical economists were challenged by Marxian and socialist thinking .Redistribution was added to the legitimate functions of government ,demanding some state-induced transfer of wealth from the rich to the less fortunate.By that time ,public primary education was already predominant ,and the first social security system,albeit with minimal eligibility and benefits ,was introduced in Germany in the 1880s.Nevertheless, the role of government remained limited.
The period after WWII .The post-WWII period,and particularly the period between 1960 and 1980,saw an unprecedented enthusiasm for activist expenditure policies.Various factorssuch as Keynesian economics,the challenge of socialism,and the theory of public goods and externalities-contributed to this development.
[英语学习]高级英语第七课The Libido for The Ugly
![[英语学习]高级英语第七课The Libido for The Ugly](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9aa2ec1eeefdc8d376ee32b7.png)
Chen Huanhong
Mencken's Creeds
• I believe that the evidence for immortality is no better than the evidence of witches, and deserves no more respect. • I believe in the complete freedom of thought and speech... • I believe in the reality of progress.
Chen Huanhong
His Style
– He is well-known for his bombastic style and acid tongue.
Chen Huanhong
His Style
• He wrote with strong feeling, eager enjoyment
Chen Huanhong
• He was a central figure in American intellectual life during the 1920's. He launched the most cutting attacks of any writer against America's middle class culture. • He invented the word "booboisie", combining the two words "bourgeoisie" and "booby" (an awkward, foolish person).

Unit OneⅠ/1.对经济增长必不可少的实物资本的积累the accumulation of physical capital indispensable to economic growth2. 引进国外的先进设备和技术诀窍to import advanced equipment and know-how from abroad3.占世界技术贸易总量90%的许可证贸易license trade accounting for 90 per cent of the total volume of the worldstrade of technology4.经济发展中所反映出来的人力资本的匮乏lack of human capital reflected in economic development5. 高科技对产业调整的重大影响the great impact of high technology on the adjustment of industries6.推动经济增长的关键因素key factors driving economic growth7. 从一个农业国向工业国的转型the transformation from an agricultural nation into an industrial one8. 构成全要素生产率增长的有形和无形要素the tangible and intangible factors making up the total factor productivitygrowth9. 隐藏在技术进步之后的教育系统的改善the improvement of educational systems lurking in technological progress10.该产业中资本与劳动力的比率the ratio of capital to labour in this industry11. 增加劳动力数量并提高其教育培训程度expand the labour force and increase its education and training12. 研发部门在跨国公司经营中的作用the role of the R&D department in the operations of multinational corporations13. 一份对多国技术进步情况进行分析的报告 a study report analyzing variations in technical progress across a largenumber of countries14. 把计量和模型结合引入经济分析to incorporate quantity and models into economic analysis15. 发达国家和发展中国家在收入上的巨大差距great gap in incomes between developed and developing nationsⅡ/1.不少经济学家认为,像香港、新加坡这样土地稀少的地区,其经济的快速发展应该主要归功于教育程度的提高。
高级英语1 Unit7 French and English翻译

法国人和英国人It is obvious that there is a great deal of difference between being international and be- ing cosmopolitan. All good men are international. Nearly all bad men are cosmopolitan. If we are to be international we must be national. And it is largely because those who callthemselves the friends of peace have not dwelt sufficiently onthis distinctionthat they donot impress the bulk of any of the nations to which they belong. International peace means a peace between nations,not a peace after the destruction of nations, like the Buddhist peace after the destructionof personality. The goldenage of the good Europeanis like theheavenof the Christian: it is a place where people will love eachother; not like the heavenof the Hindu, a place where they will be each other. And in the case of national characterthis can be seen in a curious way. It will generally be found, I think, that the more a man re- ally appreciates and admires the soul of another people the less he will attempt to imitate it; he will be conscious that there is somethinginit too deep and too unmanageable to imi -tate.The Englishmanwho has a fancy for France will try to be French; the Englishmanwhoadmires France will remainobstinately English. This is to be particularly noticed inthe caseof our relations with the French,because it is one of the outstanding peculiarities of the Frenchthat their vices are all onthe surface, and their extraordinary virtues concealed. [3]One might almost say that their vices are the flower of their virtues.在国际化和见多识广中存在着非常大的差异,这是显而易见的。

Unit7课文翻译课文ASurviving an economic crisis经济危机中求生存1.许许多多的人正经历的这场经济萧条发端于美国。
高级英语Lesson7 the age of miracle chips

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evolve v. (cause to) develop naturally and (usu) gradually versatile a. having many different kinds of skill or ability or use, all-sided 虽然绝大多数美国人对于这种惰性小薄片尚不熟悉, 但它却具有相当惊人的威力,并且正在使我们的社会 发生着巨变。这种被称作“神奇的集成电路片”的东 西具有等同于25年前的足有一间房大的老式计算机的 运算能力。那种老式电脑由许许多多真空管和错综交 错的导线组成,体积庞大笨重,犹如一个怪物。虽然 是在老式电脑的基础上发展而来的,但所不同的是, 集成电路片造价低廉,易于大规模生产,计算速度快, 用途广泛,而且使用方便。 mass produce:mass n-状语 The seedings are machine planted.
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Background information
The Time magzine
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Brief introduction to Time
Time is an American newsmagazine published weekly.
The European edition (Time Europe) is published from Introduction London and covers the Middle East, Africa and, since 2003, Latin America. Strategy An Asian edition (Time Asia) is based in Hong Kong. Challenges covering The South Pacific edition,Forward Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands, is based in Sydney. Conclusion The magazine has suggested that, through a backronym, the letters T-I-M-E stand for The International Magazine of Events.
unit 7

Sec 2
Sec 3
Section 2
Practice for Sight Interpreting
7. At the same time, competition from Asian manufactures and price cuts by Nokia have put pressure on Sony Ericsson, which lost its position as the world’s fifth biggest maker to LG Electronics. 8. Men become desperate for work, any work, which will help them to keep alive their families. 9. She was very patient towards the children, which her husband seldom was.
Sec 2
Sec 3
Section 2
Practice for Sight Interpreting
Scripts: 5. Those small factories are still lavish consumers and wasters of raw materials. 6. Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study. 7. After careful investigation they found the design behind. 8. It is officially announced that only 25 sports will be played in the 2009 Southeast Asian Games Reference Version: 5. 6. 7. 8. 那些小工厂还在极大地消耗和浪费原材料。 独立思考对学习是绝对必需的。 经过仔细研究,他们发现这个设计落后了。 官方宣布在2009年东南亚运动会上只有25项体育比赛。
《国际贸易实务》课文译文Unit 7


(完整版)高级英语第七课课件第三版EverydayUseforYourGrandmamaEveryday Use for Your GrandmamaIn order to understand this passage better, we can watch a movie---”The Color of Purple”故事发生于1909年美国南部。
年复一年,西莉在门口的邮筒中找寻南蒂的音讯,她始终期盼有一天能与南蒂再次重逢……(从中大家可以看到当时的整个社会的缩影,以及黑人生活的社会环境和社会地位,黑人女性的崛起和黑人女性的反抗精神也从有深刻得展现)Everyday Use for Your GrandmamaCharacters:Maggie: a shy,young woman made even more self-concious by scars she got in a house fire years ago. She hasn` t has much formal education but has learned traditional skills, such as quilting, from her familiy.Mama(Mrs johnson):the narrator of the story. She is a middle-aged or even older African American woman living with her younger daugter, Maggie. Athough poor, she is strong and independent, and takes great pride in her way of life.Dee(Wangero):Dee is Mama` s older daugher. She is attractive, well-educated and sophisticated. Moreover, she is selfish and she may even has caused the fire that disfigured (损毁···的外貌)her sister. Mama(Mrs johnson) called her Dee or Wangero.Asalamalakim: a young muslim man who accompanies Dee on her visit. Mama, unable to pronounce his name , called him “Hakim-a- Baber”. The muslim greeting he gives to her means “peace and happiness to you. ” This maybe ironic because their visit disturbs the peaceful lives of Maggie and Mama. The relationship between him and Dee is unknown. He may be a friend, a boyfriend, husband or spiritual adviser.Main content:The story begins when the mother and Maggie wait for Dee to come back home.Dee goes back home with her lover. She asks for some traditional household appliances, especially two old quilts made by their grandma. The mother refuses. Instead, she sends the two quilts to Maggie. Dee leaves angrily.In her eyes, two old quilts(百纳被) are the cultural heritage of blacks. Maggie inherits the black tradition and she should own them.The text:I. para1-2 The prelude: the three family members.II. Para3-16 The mother’s recollections / flashback:the three persons’relationships——mother; Maggie; DeeIII. Para17- 82 The process of Dee going back home.Detailed study of the text:Paragraph 1---16:Paragraph1:1,...Maggie and I made so clean and wavy...(wavy:波动起伏的。