营销渠道第五章 渠道差距分析

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整张专辑:批量拆分SOD>SOS 实体店:花色品种SOD>SOS 实体店:客户服务SOS>SOD
1.3差距的类型:供应方差距(Types of gaps:supply-side gaps) 供应方差距是指供应方提供的服务产出符合顾客的要求,但提供这些 产出所花费的成本太高。如果供应方共同执行所有渠道流的成本高于 必要的成本,就产生了供应方差距。 如果某个渠道流执行成本很高,但所有渠道流的共同执行成本低,则 不会产生供应方渠道差距。
1 渠道差距的原因和类型(source and type of channel gaps) 1.1差距的原因 Gaps in channel design can come about simply because management has not thought carefully about target end-user’s demands for service outputs or about managing the cost of running their channel. The advice in this situation is simple: channel managers must pay attention to both the demand and the supply side in designing their channel to avoid these gaps.
第五章 差距分析(gap analysis)
Using the analysis of service output demands, marketing channel planner has a good idea of the ideal channel structure to meet target segments’ needs. The obvious next step is to build the channel that both meets service output demands and does so at minimum cost of performing the necessary channel flows. We call such a channel the zerobased channel.
不足差距:服务产 出供应低于需求 1)顾客的服务需 求没有被满足
无差距:服务产出 供应等于需求 2)无需求方差距 也无供应方差距
管理约束managerial bounds 管理约束是指由公司内部规则引起的对分销结构的限制。 管理约束可能来自于知识的缺乏、渠道成员之间的信任缺乏等等。
一家通过网络销售计算 机的公司发现退货率很 高,为了减少退货率, 公司规定只有当产品损 坏时,才能得到退款。
1.2差距的类型:需求方差距(Types of gaps:demand-side gaps) 如果差距存在于需求方,我们称之为服务-价值差距.(sos<sod;sos>sod) (1)服务产出供应低于服务产出需求 即供应给目标市场的服务产出水平太低了,达不到目标市场的要求。
环境约束environmental bounds 渠道运营所处的市场环境特征会限制零基渠道的建立。 Characteristics of the marketplace environment in which the channel operates can constrain the establishment of a zerobased channel. 环境约束有两种关键的因素:地方法律约束、地方物质和零售基础设施 的完善程度。Two key instances of environmental bounds are local legal constrains and the sophistication of the local physical and retailing infrastructure.
But gaps can also arise because of bounds placed on the bestintentioned channel manager. That is the manager seeking to design a zero-based channel for the company’s product may face certain constrains on his or her actions that prevent the establishment of the best channel design. Before diagnosing the types of gaps, then, it is useful to discuss the bounds that create these gaps. We concentrate on two such sources: environmental bounds and managerial bounds.
电子商务使渠道执行 信息流成本高,但由 于信息提供,使运输 、储存等成本下降, 渠道总成本不高,因 而没有供应方差距。
1.4联合渠道差距(combined channel gaps)
经常存在的情况是,渠道服务既存在着需求方差距,也同时存在着供应方差 距。综合来看,渠道服务的需求方差距和供应方差距存在6种情况
供应给目标市场的服务产出水平太低能否通过降低价格来弥补, 以实现顾客满意呢?有的产品可以,如农贸市场上购物环境比超 市差,但蔬菜价格比超市便宜,所以百姓能够接受。
(2)服务产出供应高于服务产出需求 提供高于市场需求的服务产出,会导致产品加上服务后价格过高,不 被消费者认可;或者渠道承担没有价值的服务的生产成本,导致利润下 降。