托马斯·杰斐逊 ( 1801-1809 )第一次就职演说

从华盛顿到奥巴马,历任总统有格言!第1任美国总统:乔治·华盛顿(George Washington 1789-1797)由于剑是维护我们自由的最后手段,一旦这些自由得到确立,就应该首先将它放在一旁。
第2任美国总统:约翰·亚当斯(John Adams 1797-1801)我的一生是一个连着一个的失望。
第3任美国总统:托马斯·杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809)不要因为别的人相信或否定了什么东西,你也就去相信它或否定它。


First Inaugural Address
Essential Principles of Government Cont…
“a well disciplined militia” honest payment of debts maintaining a sound economy proper distribution of information freedom of religion freedom of the press
12th Amendment ratified 1804 stipulates that electors make a choice between selections of President and Vice President
Louisiana Purchase Greatest real estate deal in history $15 million (4 cents an acre)
Designed by TJ
He was a violinist, architect, farmer, scholar, a horseman, and an inventor
Moldboard Plow of Least Resistance
Polygraph machine for copying documents
One of the things he’s most proud of… Founder of
The University of Virginia
The only university to be founded by a President

中文名: 托马斯·杰斐逊别名:人民的人、革命斗士、民主巨擎国籍: 美利坚合众国 出生地: 维吉尼亚夏洛茨维尔出生日期:1743年4月13日逝世日期: 1826年7月4日 毕业院校: 威廉与玛丽学院 信仰: 自然神论 代表作品: 《独立宣言》,《弗吉尼亚日记》,《弗吉尼亚自由宗教法案》一、人物简介托马斯·杰斐逊(1743~1826)Jefferson ,Thomas总统(1801~1809)。

First Inaugural AddressMarch 4, 1801FRIENDS AND FELLOW-CITIZENS,Called upon to undertake the duties of the first executive office of our country, I avail myself of the presence of that portion of my fellow-citizens which is here assembled to express my grateful thanks for the favor with which they have been pleased to look toward me, to declare a sincere consciousness that the task is above my talents, and that I approach it with those anxious and awful presentiments which the greatness of the charge and the weakness of my powers so justly inspire. A rising nation, spread over a wide and fruitful land, traversing all the seas with the rich productions of their industry, engaged in commerce with nations who feel power and forget right, advancing rapidly to destinies beyond the reach of mortal eye -- when I contemplate these transcendent objects, and see the honor, the happiness, and the hopes of this beloved country committed to the issue and the auspices of this day, I shrink from the contemplation, and humble myself before the magnitude of the undertaking. Utterly, indeed, should I despair did not the presence of many whom I here see remind me that in the other high authorities provided by our Constitution I shall find resources of wisdom, of virtue, and of zeal on which to rely under all difficulties. To you, then, gentlemen, who are charged with the sovereign functions of legislation, and to those associated with you, I look with encouragement for that guidance and support which may enable us to steer with safety the vessel in which we are all embarked amidst the conflicting elements of a troubled world.During the contest of opinion through which we have passed the animation of discussions and of exertions has sometimes worn an aspect which might impose on strangers unused to think freely and to speak and to write what they think; but this being now decided by the voice of the nation, announced according to the rules of the Constitution, all will, of course, arrange themselves under the will of the law, and unite in common efforts for the common good. All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression. Let us, then, fellow-citizens, unite with one heart and one mind. Let us restore to social intercourse that harmony and affection without which liberty and even life itself are but dreary things. And let us reflect that, having banished from our land that religious intolerance under which mankind so long bled and suffered, we have yet gained little if we countenance a political intolerance as despotic, as wicked, and capable of as bitter and bloody persecutions. During the throes and convulsions of the ancient world, during the agonizing spasms of infuriated man, seeking through blood and slaughter his long-lost liberty, it was not wonderful that the agitation of the billows should reach even this distant and peaceful shore; that this should be more felt and feared by some and less by others, and should divide opinions as to measures of safety. But every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. We have called by different names brethren of the same principle. We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists. If there be anyamong us who would wish to dissolve this Union or to change its republican form, let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it. I know, indeed, that some honest men fear that a republican government can not be strong, that this Government is not strong enough; but would the honest patriot, in the full tide of successful experiment, abandon a government which has so far kept us free and firm on the theoretic and visionary fear that this Government, the world's best hope, may by possibility want energy to preserve itself? I trust not. I believe this, on the contrary, the strongest Government on earth. I believe it the only one where every man, at the call of the law, would fly to the standard of the law, and would meet invasions of the public order as his own personal concern. Sometimes it is said that man can not be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the forms of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question.Let us, then, with courage and confidence pursue our own Federal and Republican principles, our attachment to union and representative government. Kindly separated by nature and a wide ocean from the exterminating havoc of one quarter of the globe; too high-minded to endure the degradations of the others; possessing a chosen country, with room enough for our descendants to the thousandth and thousandth generation; entertaining a due sense of our equal right to the use of our own faculties, to the acquisitions of our own industry, to honor and confidence from our fellow-citizens, resulting not from birth, but from our actions and their sense of them; enlightened by a benign religion, professed, indeed, and practiced in various forms, yet all of them inculcating honesty, truth, temperance, gratitude, and the love of man; acknowledging and adoring an overruling Providence, which by all its dispensations proves that it delights in the happiness of man here and his greater happiness hereafter -- with all these blessings, what more is necessary to make us a happy and a prosperous people? Still one thing more, fellow-citizens -- a wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities.About to enter, fellow-citizens, on the exercise of duties which comprehend everything dear and valuable to you, it is proper you should understand what I deem the essential principles of our Government, and consequently those which ought to shape its Administration. I will compress them within the narrowest compass they will bear, stating the general principle, but not all its limitations. Equal and exact justice to all men, of whatever state or persuasion, religious or political; peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none; the support of the State governments in all their rights, as the most competent administrations for our domestic concerns and the surest bulwarks against antirepublican tendencies; the preservation of the General Government in its whole constitutional vigor, as the sheet anchor of our peace at home and safety abroad; a jealous care of the right of election by the people -- a mild and safe corrective of abuses which are lopped by the sword of revolution where peaceable remedies are unprovided; absoluteacquiescence in the decisions of the majority, the vital principle of republics, from which is no appeal but to force, the vital principle and immediate parent of despotism; a well-disciplined militia, our best reliance in peace and for the first moments of war till regulars may relieve them; the supremacy of the civil over the military authority; economy in the public expense, that labor may be lightly burthened; the honest payment of our debts and sacred preservation of the public faith; encouragement of agriculture, and of commerce as its handmaid; the diffusion of information and arraignment of all abuses at the bar of the public reason; freedom of religion; freedom of the press, and freedom of person under the protection of the habeas corpus, and trial by juries impartially selected. These principles form the bright constellation which has gone before us and guided our steps through an age of revolution and reformation. The wisdom of our sages and blood of our heroes have been devoted to their attainment. They should be the creed of our political faith, the text of civic instruction, the touchstone by which to try the services of those we trust; and should we wander from them in moments of error or of alarm, let us hasten to retrace our steps and to regain the road which alone leads to peace, liberty, and safety.I repair, then, fellow-citizens, to the post you have assigned me. With experience enough in subordinate offices to have seen the difficulties of this the greatest of all, I have learnt to expect that it will rarely fall to the lot of imperfect man to retire from this station with the reputation and the favor which bring him into it. Without pretensions to that high confidence you reposed in our first and greatest revolutionary character, whose preeminent services had entitled him to the first place in his country's love and destined for him the fairest page in the volume of faithful history, I ask so much confidence only as may give firmness and effect to the legal administration of your affairs. I shall often go wrong through defect of judgment. When right, I shall often be thought wrong by those whose positions will not command a view of the whole ground. I ask your indulgence for my own errors, which will never be intentional, and your support against the errors of others, who may condemn what they would not if seen in all its parts. The approbation implied by your suffrage is a great consolation to me for the past, and my future solicitude will be to retain the good opinion of those who have bestowed it in advance, to conciliate that of others by doing them all the good in my power, and to be instrumental to the happiness and freedom of all.Relying, then, on the patronage of your good will, I advance with obedience to the work, ready to retire from it whenever you become sensible how much better choice it is in your power to make. And may that Infinite Power which rules the destinies of the universe lead our councils to what is best, and give them a favorable issue for your peace and prosperity.【中文译文】:同心同德地团结起来托马斯-杰斐逊第一次就职演讲华盛顿,星期三,1801年3月4日朋友们、同胞们:我应召担任国家的最高行政长官,值此诸位同胞集会之时,我衷心感谢大家寄予我的厚爱,诚挚地说,我意识到这项任务非我能力所及,其责任之重大,本人能力之浅簿,自然使我就任时忧惧交加。
美国第四任总统第4任 詹姆斯·麦迪逊第一次就职演说



Inaugural Address of Harry S. TrumanTHURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1949Mr. Vice President, Mr. Chief Justice, and fellow citizens, I acceptwith humility the honor which the American people have conferred uponme. I accept it with a deep resolve to do all that I can for thewelfare of this Nation and for the peace of the world.In performing the duties of my office, I need the help and prayers ofevery one of you. I ask for your encouragement and your support. Thetasks we face are difficult, and we can accomplish them only if we worktogether.Each period of our national history has had its special challenges.Those that confront us now are as momentous as any in the past. Todaymarks the beginning not only of a new administration, but of a periodthat will be eventful, perhaps decisive, for us and for the world.It may be our lot to experience, and in large measure to bring about,a major turning point in the long history of the human race. The firsthalf of this century has been marked by unprecedented and brutalattacks on the rights of man, and by the two most frightful wars inhistory. The supreme need of our time is for men to learn to livetogether in peace and harmony.The peoples of the earth face the future with grave uncertainty,composed almost equally of great hopes and great fears. In this time ofdoubt, they look to the United States as never before for good will,strength, and wise leadership.It is fitting, therefore, that we take this occasion to proclaim tothe world the essential principles of the faith by which we live, andto declare our aims to all peoples.The American people stand firm in the faith which has inspired thisNation from the beginning. We believe that all men have a right toequal justice under law and equal opportunity to share in the commongood. We believe that all men have the right to freedom of thought andexpression. We believe that all men are created equal because they arecreated in the image of God.From this faith we will not be moved.The American people desire, and are determined to work for, a worldin which all nations and all peoples are free to govern themselves asthey see fit, and to achieve a decent and satisfying life. Above allelse, our people desire, and are determined to work for, peace onearth--a just and lasting peace--based on genuine agreement freelyarrived at by equals.In the pursuit of these aims, the United States and other like-minded nations findthemselves directly opposed by a regime withcontrary aims and a totally different concept of life.That regime adheres to a false philosophy which purports to offerfreedom, security, and greater opportunity to mankind. Misled by thisphilosophy, many peoples have sacrificed their liberties only to learnto their sorrow that deceit and mockery, poverty and tyranny, are theirreward.That false philosophy is communism.Communism is based on the belief that man is so weak and inadequatethat he is unable to govern himself, and therefore requires the rule ofstrong masters.Democracy is based on the conviction that man has the moral andintellectual capacity, as well as the inalienable right, to governhimself with reason and justice.Communism subjects the individual to arrest without lawful cause,punishment without trial, and forced labor as the chattel of the state.It decrees what information he shall receive, what art he shallproduce, what leaders he shall follow, and what thoughts he shall think.Democracy maintains that government is established for the benefit ofthe individual, and is charged with the responsibility of protectingthe rights of the individual and his freedom in the exercise of hisabilities.Communism maintains that social wrongs can be corrected only by violence.Democracy has proved that social justice can be achieved through peaceful change.Communism holds that the world is so deeply divided into opposing classes that war is inevitable.Democracy holds that free nations can settle differences justly and maintain lasting peace.These differences between communism and democracy do not concern theUnited States alone. People everywhere are coming to realize that whatis involved is material well-being, human dignity, and the right tobelieve in and worship God.I state these differences, not to draw issues of belief as such, butbecause the actions resulting from the Communist philosophy are athreat to the efforts of free nations to bring about world recovery andlasting peace.Since the end of hostilities, the United States has invested itssubstance and its energy in a great constructive effort to restorepeace, stability, and freedom to the world.We have sought no territory and we have imposed our will on none. Wehave asked for no privileges we would not extend to others.We have constantly and vigorously supported the United Nations andrelated agencies as a means of applying democratic principles tointernational relations. We have consistently advocated and relied uponpeaceful settlement of disputes among nations.We have made every effort to secure agreement on effectiveinternational control of our most powerful weapon, and we have workedsteadily for the limitation and control of all armaments.We have encouraged, by precept and example, the expansion of world trade on a sound and fair basis.Almost a year ago, in company with 16 free nations of Europe, welaunched the greatest cooperative economic program in history. Thepurpose of that unprecedented effort is to invigorate and strengthendemocracy in Europe, so that the free people of that continent canresume their rightful place in the forefront of civilization and cancontribute once more to the security and welfare of the world.Our efforts have brought new hope to all mankind. We have beaten backdespair and defeatism. We have saved a number of countries from losingtheir liberty. Hundreds of millions of people all over the world nowagree with us, that we need not have war--that we can have peace.The initiative is ours.We are moving on with other nations to build an even strongerstructure of international order and justice. We shall have as ourpartners countries which, no longer solely concerned with the problemof national survival, are now working to improve the standards ofliving of all their people. We are ready to undertake new projects tostrengthen the free world.In the coming years, our program for peace and freedom will emphasize four major courses of action.First, we will continue to give unfaltering support to the UnitedNations and related agencies, and we will continue to search for waysto strengthen their authority and increase their effectiveness. Webelieve that the United Nations will be strengthened by the new nationswhich are being formed in lands now advancing toward self-governmentunder democratic principles.Second, we will continue our programs for world economic recovery.This means, first of all, that we must keep our full weight behindthe European recoveryprogram. We are confident of the success of thismajor venture in world recovery. We believe that our partners in thiseffort will achieve the status of self-supporting nations once again.In addition, we must carry out our plans for reducing the barriers toworld trade and increasing its volume. Economic recovery and peaceitself depend on increased world trade.Third, we will strengthen freedom-loving nations against the dangers of aggression.We are now working out with a number of countries a joint agreementdesigned to strengthen the security of the North Atlantic area. Such anagreement would take the form of a collective defense arrangementwithin the terms of the United Nations Charter.We have already established such a defense pact for the Western Hemisphere by the treaty of Rio de Janeiro.The primary purpose of these agreements is to provide unmistakableproof of the joint determination of the free countries to resist armedattack from any quarter. Each country participating in thesearrangements must contribute all it can to the common defense.If we can make it sufficiently clear, in advance, that any armedattack affecting our national security would be met with overwhelmingforce, the armed attack might never occur.I hope soon to send to the Senate a treaty respecting the North Atlantic security plan.In addition, we will provide military advice and equipment to freenations which will cooperate with us in the maintenance of peace andsecurity.Fourth, we must embark on a bold new program for making the benefitsof our scientific advances and industrial progress available for theimprovement and growth of underdeveloped areas.More than half the people of the world are living in conditionsapproaching misery. Their food is inadequate. They are victims ofdisease. Their economic life is primitive and stagnant. Their povertyis a handicap and a threat both to them and to more prosperous areas.For the first time in history, humanity possesses the knowledge and the skill to relieve the suffering of these people.The United States is pre-eminent among nations in the development ofindustrial and scientific techniques. The material resources which wecan afford to use for the assistance of other peoples are limited. Butour imponderable resources in technical knowledge are constantlygrowing and are inexhaustible.I believe that we should make available to peace-loving peoples thebenefits of our store oftechnical knowledge in order to help themrealize their aspirations for a better life. And, in cooperation withother nations, we should foster capital investment in areas needingdevelopment.Our aim should be to help the free peoples of the world, throughtheir own efforts, to produce more food, more clothing, more materialsfor housing, and more mechanical power to lighten their burdens.We invite other countries to pool their technological resources inthis undertaking. Their contributions will be warmly welcomed. Thisshould be a cooperative enterprise in which all nations work togetherthrough the United Nations and its specialized agencies whereverpracticable. It must be a worldwide effort for the achievement ofpeace, plenty, and freedom.With the cooperation of business, private capital, agriculture, andlabor in this country, this program can greatly increase the industrialactivity in other nations and can raise substantially their standardsof living.Such new economic developments must be devised and controlled tobenefit the peoples of the areas in which they are established.Guarantees to the investor must be balanced by guarantees in theinterest of the people whose resources and whose labor go into thesedevelopments.The old imperialism--exploitation for foreign profit--has no place inour plans. What we envisage is a program of development based on theconcepts of democratic fair-dealing.All countries, including our own, will greatly benefit from aconstructive program for the better use of the world's human andnatural resources. Experience shows that our commerce with othercountries expands as they progress industrially and economically.Greater production is the key to prosperity and peace. And the key togreater production is a wider and more vigorous application of modernscientific and technical knowledge.Only by helping the least fortunate of its members to help themselvescan the human family achieve the decent, satisfying life that is theright of all people.Democracy alone can supply the vitalizing force to stir the peoplesof the world into triumphant action, not only against their humanoppressors, but also against their ancient enemies-- hunger, misery,and despair.On the basis of these four major courses of action we hope to helpcreate the conditions that will lead eventually to personal freedom andhappiness for all mankind.If we are to be successful in carrying out these policies, it isclear that we must havecontinued prosperity in this country and wemust keep ourselves strong.Slowly but surely we are weaving a world fabric of international security and growing prosperity.We are aided by all who wish to live in freedom from fear--even by those who live today in fear under their own governments.We are aided by all who want relief from the lies of propaganda-- who desire truth and sincerity.We are aided by all who desire self-government and a voice in deciding their own affairs.We are aided by all who long for economic security--for the security and abundance that men in free societies can enjoy.We are aided by all who desire freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom to live their own lives for useful ends.Our allies are the millions who hunger and thirst after righteousness.In due time, as our stability becomes manifest, as more and morenations come to know the benefits of democracy and to participate ingrowing abundance, I believe that those countries which now oppose uswill abandon their delusions and join with the free nations of theworld in a just settlement of international differences.Events have brought our American democracy to new influence and newresponsibilities. They will test our courage, our devotion to duty, andour concept of liberty.But I say to all men, what we have achieved in liberty, we will surpass in greater liberty.Steadfast in our faith in the Almighty, we will advance toward a world where man's freedom is secure.To that end we will devote our strength, our resources, and ourfirmness of resolve. With God's help, the future of mankind will beassured in a world of justice, harmony, and peace.【中文译文】:四项主要的行动方针哈里-杜鲁门就职演讲星期四,1949年1月20日我国历史上的各个时期都面临过特殊的挑战。

边疆经 济与 文化
No .8 . 2 O l 4
G e n e r a 1 . No . 1 2 8
【 历史文化 】
简析托马斯 ・ 杰斐逊的扩张思想
作 者简 介 :李 欢 ( 1 9 9 0 一 ) ,女 ,江苏徐 州人 ,硕 士研 究 生 ,从事 美 国史 研究 。
收稿 日期 :2 0 1 4 - 0 5 . 1 5
逊领土扩张的出发点。杰斐逊就任总统之后 ,他的 思 想发生 了明显 的变化 ,他 的使 命 观更加 积极 ,即 从 致力于维 护美 国的 民主扩 大到 向外 推广 ,为 他 的 扩张思想注入 了新 的活力 。
二 、杰斐逊 的农业主义思 想
李 欢
( 哈尔滨师范大学 社会与历史学 院,哈尔滨 1 5 0 0 2 5 )
要 :托 马斯 ・ 杰 斐逊 时 期是 美国 的 一个 关键 性 时期 ,美 国在 这一 时期 开始 走 向 了 大陆 扩 张的 道路 。杰 斐
进 的 扩 张思 想 以他 的使命 观 、民 主理 想 以及 农 业 主 义 为基 础 ,并与 孤 立 主 义 紧 密交 织 ,通 过路 易斯 安 那购 买扩 大 了美 国的版 图 ,维护 了美 国的独 立 与 民主制 度 ,对 美 国历 史的发展 产 生 了深 远 的影 响 。 关键 词 :杰 斐逊 ;扩张 思 想 ;民主 ;农 业 主义
杰斐逊 是一位农 业主义 者 ,这 种 以农 立 国 的思 想对他 的扩张思想 产生 了十分重要 的影 响 。在 他 的
“ 农 业帝 国” 的设想 中 ,美 国是 一个 以小农 为 主体 的国家 ,人 们 自食 其力 ,创 造财 富 ,享 受着充 分 的 民主和 自由。杰斐逊在他的著作 吉尼亚笔记》 中 ,描绘 了美 国优 美 的 自然 风光 ,勾勒 出一 幅农 民 安居乐业 的 图画。他认为农 民是上 帝 的选 民 ,他 们 通过 自己的辛勤耕作获取财富 , 具有高 尚的道德感 和真 正的美德 。而商人则投 机取 巧 、唯利是 图 ,会 扼杀美德的萌芽。因此 , 杰斐逊主张美国成为一个 以小 农为 主体 的农 业共 和 国 ,在这 样 一个 国家下 , 美 国将成 为世 界 的 “ 道 德 的典 范 ” ,美 国的 民主 制 度才 能永葆生机 。此外 ,杰 斐逊还 认 为 ,农 业可 以 使美 国避免 战争 。他在致霍金杜普 的信 中提 到 : “ 我 希望 他们 既不 经商 ,也 不 从事 航 运 的希 望 ,美 国的这块 民主试验 田的成功 ,将 预示 民 主将来 在 全世 界 的成 功 。 ”在 杰斐逊 的政治 生涯 中 ,他 不遗余力 地维 护和 巩 固美

杰弗逊于1801年 至1809年间担任总 统,为首位于白宫任 职并离任的总统。这 也是民主共和党党员 首次选上总统。截至 目前为止,杰弗逊为 唯一担任过美国副总 统后又选上总统,且 任满两个任期者。
你的任务目标是探索密苏里河和极 其主要支流,例如,其河道和通达 太平洋的水道……可作为商业用 途、横跨大陆的直接和实用的交通 水路。 ——托马斯·杰斐逊
任 内 事 件
第一次巴巴利战争 (1801‐1805) 路易西安纳购地 (1803) 成立奥勒冈属地 (1804) 伯尔谋叛 (1805) 批准美国宪法第廿修正案 (1804) 刘易斯与克拉克探勘 (1804‐1806) 废除国内奴隶贸易(1808)
杰弗逊逝于 1826年7月4日, 当日为独立宣言通 过五十周年纪念 日,与约翰·亚当 斯同日弃世。
• April 13, 1743 – July 4, 1826
托马斯·杰弗逊(Thomas Jefferson,1743年4月13日 ─1826年7月4日) 为美利坚合众国第三任总统 (1801年─1809年)。同时也 是美国独立宣言(1776年)主 要起草人,及美国开国元勋中 最具影响力者之一。其任期中 之重大事件包括路易西安那购 地案(Louisiana Purchase, 1803年)、1807年禁运法案 (Embargo Act of 1807 年)、以及路易斯与克拉克探 勘(Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804–1806 年)。

美国开国元勋汉密尔顿亚历山大·汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton,1757年1月11日- 1804年7月12日)美国的开国元勋之一,也是宪法的起草人之一,他是财经专家,是美国的第一任财政部长。
虽然他也身为美国建国之父之一,却始终没能象别的人那样做上美国总统,而且在与其主要政治对手托马斯·杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson)的竞争中更似乎是输得惨不忍睹,可孰料——历史的戏剧性就在于此——在其过世之后,他的政治遗产,包括“工业建国之路”和建立一个强有力的中央政府等等,却在此后的美国历史中起着越来越显著的作用。
甚至一些影响了美国历史进程的总统,如林肯和西奥多·罗斯福(Theodore Roosevelt),他们所施行的政策就是建立在汉密尔顿的遗产基础上的。
汉密尔顿的战绩和政绩都非常显赫,我们可以随便就列举出一大堆来:作为华盛顿的侍从武官(aide-de-camp),他对独立战争的贡献巨大,其中最著名的是1781年的约克镇战役(Battle of Yorktown);他是《联邦党人文集》(the Federalist Papers)最主要的执笔者;在华盛顿任总统时,他作为财政部长(1789-1795)政绩非凡,并创建了美联储的前身――合众国第一银行(the First Bank of the United States);作为联邦党人的首领,他为美国两党制的出现奠定了基础,……,等等。




1、乔治·华盛顿(George Washington,1789-1797年):美国历史上第一位总统,出生于弗吉尼亚州的普朗克特。
2、约翰·亚当斯(John Adams,1797-1801年):在华盛顿卸任后,亚当斯成为美国的第二位总统。
3、托马斯·杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson,1801-1809年):作为美国独立宣言的主要起草人之一,托马斯·杰斐逊成为了美国第三任总统。
4、詹姆斯·麦迪逊(James Madison,1809-1817年):麦迪逊是美国第四任总统,他主持了美国对英国的战争,这场战争通常被称为“1812年战争”。
5、詹姆斯·门罗(James Monroe,1817-1825年):作为美国的第五任总统,门罗发表过一篇被称为“门罗主义”的重要重要声明,宣告了美国领导下的西半球区域为美洲国家的独立地域。
6、约翰·昆西·亚当斯(John Quincy Adams,1825-1829年):在美国历史上,约翰·昆西·亚当斯是唯一一位响应来自国会的投票获选总统的人。
#036 - 托马斯.杰斐逊(之一:就职演说)

THE MAKING OF A NATION #36- 托马斯.杰斐逊(之一:就职演说)一八○一年三月四日,美国第三任总统托马斯.杰斐逊步行去国会山参加就职仪式。
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我们品格高尚,不能容忍他人的堕落; 们天赐良邦,其幅员足以容纳子孙万代;我们充分认识到在发挥个人才干、以勤劳换取收入、受到同胞的尊敬与信赖上,大家享有平等的权利,但这种尊敬和信赖不是出于门第,而是出于我们的行为和同胞的评判;我们受到仁慈的宗教的启迪,尽管教派不同,形式各异,但它们都教人以正直、忠诚、节制、恩义和仁爱;我们承认和崇拜全能的上帝,而天意表明,他乐于使这里的人们得到幸福,今后还将得到更多的幸福——我们有了这些福祉,还需要什么才能够使我们成为快乐而兴旺的民族呢?公民们,我们还需要一件,那就是贤明而节俭的政府,它会制止人们相互伤害,使他们自由地管理自己的实业和进步活动,它不会侵夺人们的劳动果实。这就是良好政府的集粹,这也是我们达到幸福圆满之必需。
Wednesday, March 4, 1801
Friends and Fellow-Citizens:
Called upon to undertake the duties of the first executive office of our country, I avail myself of the presence of that portion of my fellow-citizens which is here assembled to express my grateful thanks for the favor with which they have been pleased to look toward me, to declare a sincere consciousness that the task is above my talents, and that I approach it with those anxious and awful presentiments which the greatness of the charge and the weakness of my powers so justly inspire. A rising nation, spread over a wide and fruitful land, traversing all the seas with the rich productions of their industry, engaged in commerce with nations who feel power and forget right, advancing rapidly to destinies beyond the reach of mortal eyewhen I contemplate these transcendent objects, and see the honor, the happiness, and the hopes of this beloved country committed to the issue, and the auspices of this day, I shrink from the contemplation, and humble myself before the magnitude of the undertaking. Utterly, indeed, should I despair did not the presence of many whom I here see remind me that in the other high authorities provided by our Constitution I shall find resources of wisdom, of virtue, and of zeal on which to rely under all difficulties. To you, then, gentlemen, who are charged with the sovereign functions of legislation, and to those associated with you, I look with encouragement for that guidance and support which may enable us to steer with safety the vessel in which we are all embarked amidst the conflicting elements of a troubled world.
During the contest of opinion through which we have passed the animation of discussions and of exertions has sometimes worn an aspect which might impose on strangers unused to think freely and to speak and to write what they think; but this being now decided by the voice of the nation, announced according to the rules of the Constitution, all will, of course, arrange themselves under the will of the law, and unite in common efforts for the common good. All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression. Let us, then, fellow-citizens, unite with one heart and one mind. Let us restore to social intercourse that harmony and affection without which liberty and even life itself are but dreary things. And let us reflect that, having banished from our land that religious intolerance under which mankind so long bled and suffered, we have yet gained little if we countenance a political intolerance as despotic, as wicked, and capable of as bitter and bloody persecutions. During the throes and convulsions of the ancient world, during the agonizing spasms of infuriated man, seeking through blood and slaughter his long-lost liberty, it was not wonderful that the agitation of the billows should reach even this distant and peaceful shore; that this should be more felt and feared by some and less by others, and should divide opinions as to measures of safety. But every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. We have called by different names brethren of the same principle. We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists. If there be any among us who would wish to dissolve this Union or to change its republican form, let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it. I know, indeed, that some honest men fear that a republican government can not be strong, that this Government is not strong enough; but would the honest patriot, in the full tide of successful experiment, abandon a government which has so far kept us free and firm on the theoretic and visionary fear that this Government, the world's best hope, may by possibility want energy to preserve itself? I trust not. I believe this, on the contrary, the strongest Government on earth. I believe it the only one where every man, at the call of the law, would fly to the standard of the law, and would meet invasions of the public order as his own personal concern. Sometimes it is said that man can not be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the forms of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question.