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南大网院 期末考试 管理名解、简答

近年来被高能物理研究证明是真实的3、心物转化规律: 能量守恒定律的延伸。


2022年南京大学工商管理专业《管理学》科目期末试卷A(有答案)一、选择题1、依据情景领导理论,当下属有能力但无意愿干领导希望他们干的工作时,以下哪种领导风格最为合适?()A.告知 B.推销 C.参与 D.授权2、管理者在制定决策时,面临这样一种条件:在这种条件下,决策者能够估计出每一种备择方案的可能性或者结果。
A.确定性 B.不确定性 C.风险性 D.概率性3、当企业发现自己生产的产品存在安全隐患时,主动召回该产品是在实践()。
A.社会响应 B.道德准则C.社会义务 D.社会责任4、以下哪一个不是激发组织创新力的因素?()A.结构因素 B.人力资源因素C.技术因素 D.文化因素5、管理中与激励问题有关的公平理论是由()提出的。
在这种情况下,最适合采用哪种沟通网络?()A.Y式沟通网络 B.全通道式沟通网络C.轮式沟通网络 D.环式沟通网络7、“奖金”在双因素理论中称为()。
A.表现出自我服务偏见 B.犯了基本归因错误C.曲解了员工的控制点 D.犯了假设相似性的错误10、20世纪以前,有两个重要的事件促进了管理研究的发展,其中一个是()。
A.亚当·斯密出版《国富论》B.泰勒出版《科学管理原理》C.文艺复兴 D.霍桑实验二、名词解释11、领导者(leader)与管理者(manager)12、非程序化决策13、组织文化14、组织变革15、管理者与领导者16、工作专门化与部门化17、SWOT分析18、跨职能团队三、简答题19、描述最为普遍的四种团队类型。

(1) 管理是人类有意识有目的的活动 (2) 管理应当是有效的 (3) 管理的本质是协调 (4) 协调是运用各种管理职能的过程
二、管理的基本职能 决策、组织、领导、控制、创新
三、管理的自然属性 管理的出现是由人类活动的特点决定的。 管理也是社会劳动过程中的一种特殊职能。 管理也是生产力。 管理的上述性质并不以人的意志为转移,也不因社会制度意识形态的不 同而有所改变,这完全是一种客观存在。
是实施其他各种管理方法的必要手段 可以强化管理作用,便于发挥管理职能,使全局、各部门和各单位密 切配合,前后衔接 3、经济方法 内容:根据客观经济规律,运用各种经济手段,调节各种不同经济主体 之间的关系,以获取较高的经济效益与社会效益的管理方法 实质:围绕着物质利益,运用各种经济手段正确处理好国家、集体与劳 动者个人三者之间的经济关系,最大限度地调动各方面的积极性、主动 性、创造性和责任感。 特点:利益性、关联性、灵活性、平等性 4、教育方法 内容: 5、技术方法 二、五种管理方法的内容与实质
管理的社会属性 管理是为了达到预期目的而进行的具有特殊职能的活动。管理从来就是 为统治阶级、为生产资料的所有者服务的。
四、管理者的角色:人际角色、信息角色、决策角色 管理者的技能:技术技能、人际技能、概念技能
第二章 管理思想的发展
一、 二、泰罗的科学理论
1.科学管理的根本目的是谋求最高工作效率 2.达到最高工作效率的重要手段,是用科学的管理方法代替旧的经验 管理 3.实施科学管理的核心问题,是要求管理人员和工人双方在精神上和 思想上来一个彻底变革 泰罗提出的管理制度:
第三章 管理的基本原理 一、管理原理的主要特征 1、客观性 2、概括性 3、稳定性 4、系统性
南大网院 期末考试 管理考前辅导



《管理学原理》考试(B 卷)说明: 1.适用班级:2.闭卷,满分100分。
共8题,每题1分,共8分) 1. 某公司的组织机构设置包括生产部、营销部、采购部、财务部和人力资源部,则该公司采用的部门划分方式是 ( )A. 按产品划分B. 按职能划分C. 按顾客划分D. 按工艺划分 2. 下列哪个决策过程的先后顺序是正确的?( )A. 发现问题―确定目标―拟订方案―比较选择方案―执行方案―检查处理B. 发现问题―拟订方案―确定目标―比较选择方案―执行方案―检查处理C. 发现问题―确定目标―比较选择方案―拟订方案―执行方案―检查处理D. 发现问题―拟订方案―确定目标―执行方案―比较选择方案―检查处理 3.被称为是科学管理之父( )A.亚当·斯密B.泰罗C.赫伯特·西蒙D.亨利·法约尔4. 汪力是一民营企业的职员,他工作中经常接到来自上边的两个有时甚至相互冲突的命令。
以下哪种说法指出了导致这一现象的最本质原因?( ) A.该公司在组织设计上采取了职能型结构 B.该公司在组织运作中出现了越级指挥问题 C.该公司的组织层次设计过多D.该公司组织运行中有意或无意地违背了统一指挥原则5. 俗话说:“一山难容二虎”、“一条船不能有二个船长”。
从管理的角度看,对这些话的如下解释,哪一种最恰当? ( )A 在领导班子中,如果有多个固执己见的人物最终会降低管理效率。
B 对于需要高度集权管理的组织不能允许有多个直线领导核心。
C 一个组织中的能人太多必然会造成内耗增加从而导致效率下降。
D 组织中不能允许存在两种以上的观点,否则易造成管理混乱。
6. 假设你召集下属开会,研究解决领导所布置的一项紧急任务,结果有位比较罗嗦的人在会场大讲特讲与主题无关的理论,耽误了很多时间。

【教材练习题】治理的职能图1-1 6 (结合案例董明珠俞敏洪史玉柱等)治理者的角色 6 (《波士堂》俞敏洪)治理者的技能8 治理者应该具备的差不多素养治理的差不多咨询题(课堂笔记,格力改革、三株、脑白金)请简述治理学的差不多内容。
(围绕治理的差不多职能,自己总结)科学治理的差不多内容(五点)13人际关系学讲的差不多内容(三点)19治理团队的打造(拓展培训,《赢在中国》商业实战,懂得)治理的道德:超越法律29 中国的法律环境辩论(课堂笔记)社会责任与利润取向38 (道德、法律与利润的权衡、博弈)全球战略的选择(四种,仅作了解)55有用信息的特点61 信息的反馈67 (素养拓展训练:数字传递)决策的原则:最优原则与次优原则85决策的过程87 (拓展培训,《赢在中国》商业实战,懂得)决策方法:头脑风暴法95 (课堂训练)打算的类型115 (拓展培训,《赢在中国》商业实战,专门应该懂得:(1)队长和职员各自的职责;(2)战略性打算与战术性打算(即战略与细节)116 )决策形式:战略118 政策118 规则119 方案119 (专门要懂得政策、规则)目标治理的差不多思想133 过程136(拓展培训,《赢在中国》商业实战,懂得)目标治理法作为绩效评估方法192 251组织的部门化:职能部门化163 产品或者服务部门化(即事业部制)164 地域部门化(即区域制)人力资源治理程序图(了解)177职员的聘请与解聘(拓展培训,《赢在中国》商业实战,《绝对挑战》,《社会需要什么样的大学生》,懂得)比较治理人员内部晋升与外部聘请的优点和局限性。

2.自然属性:管理与生产力,社会化大生产相联系的性质,表现为管理过程就是对人、财、物、信息、时间等资源进行组合、协调、和利用的过程;社会属性:管理者和被管理者存在于一定的生产关系中,必然受到生产关系和社会文化的影响,管理与生产关系,社会制度相联系的性质,执行着维护和巩固生产关系的特殊职能. 意义:(1)明确管理是生产力和生产关系的辨证统一(2)大胆地引进吸收(3)批判地吸收(4)因地制宜,因时制宜3.科学性:反映管理实践活动的客观规律.管理理论来自于实践,又指导实践,有一套分析,解决问题的方法论.艺术性:即实践性,创造性.是指在实践中创造性地运用管理理论知识的技巧,必须将管理理论与具体的实践活动相结合.到目前为止,管理是否是一门科学这一问题仍未得到回答.因为,管理面对的不是一次又一次可以设定完全相同条件的实验环境,而是分分秒秒都在变化着的内外环境,因而不存在可以一次又一次重复验证的规律.4.做出具体安排的一项活动。
它有三个要点: 1)它揭示了领导的本质,即影响力。

南京大学管理学原理真题参考答案1. 富士康员工发生十多起员工跳楼事件,引起社会广泛关注,富士通的管理模式也引发相关人士广泛讨论,甚至有媒体称之为“铁血管理”,对于这一管理模式,请问你如何评价?你从中得到什么启示?1.”铁血管理”的本质是科学管理制度,泰罗的科学管理理论的主要观点、管理制度、评价(略);2.管理的人本原理(职工是企业的主体;职工参与式有效管理的关键;使人性得到最完美的发展是现代管理的核心;服务于人是管理的根本目的)。
3. 企业是人的集合体。
2. 试运用激励理论分析薪酬保密制度实施过程中可能产生的效果和问题,如何提高薪酬保密制度的实施效果?激励是指根据人的行为规律来提高积极性,西方激励理论主要马斯洛的需要层次理论,弗鲁姆的期望理论,亚当斯的社会公平理论和斯金纳的强化理论等,波特和劳勒的激励模式则全面地说明了各种激励理论的内容,其五个基本点是:①个人是否努力以及努力的程度不禁取决于奖励的价值,还受到个人觉察出来的努力和受到奖励的概率的影响;②个人实际达到的绩效不仅取决于努力的程度,还受到个人能力大小,以及任务的理解和理解的程度的影响;③个人所应得到的报酬应当以事迹达到的工作绩效为价值标准;④个人对于受到的奖励是否满意以及满意的程度如何,取决于受激励者对所获报酬公平性的感觉;⑤个人是否满意以及满意的程度将会反馈到其完成下一个任务的努力过程中。

Part I. True/False Question If the statement is true, write T at the end the statement. Otherwise write F.1. Supervisors and foremen may both be considered first-line managers. ( T )2. Vroom would say that if a person values an outcome, their effort to obtain thatoutcome will always be great. ( F )3. Effectiveness refers to the relationship between inputs and outputs. ( F )4. "Principles of Scientific Management" was written by Frederick Taylor. ( T )5. The three original partners of NAFTA are the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. ( T )6. The business group that is characterized by having Iow growth but high market share is known as a cash cow. (T )7. According to the text, the goal of efficiency is to minimize resource costs. ( T )8. Industry conditions is an example of an organization's general environment. (F )9. According to equity theory, a person who earns $50,000 will be less satisfied with their pay than a person who earns $100,000. ( F )10. The four contemporary functions of management are planning, organizing, leading and controlling. (T )11. Innovators need the efficiency, stability, and tight controls of the mechanistic structure. (F )12. Standing plans are created in response to programmed decisions that managers make and include policies, rules, and procedures. (T13. A nontaxable organization, such as the Boy Scouts, cannot be considered an organization. (F )14. Clan control emphasizes organizational authority. (F)Part II. Multiple Choice For each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.15. The power utilized when a boss threatens to dismiss an employee if he/she does not comply with a demand is __A. reward powerB. coercive powerC. expert powerD. referent powerE. legitimate power16. The goal of __ is to minimize resource costs. AA. efficiencyB. effectivenessC. budgetingD. planningE. coordinating17. __ is the basis on which jobs are grouped in order to accomplish organizational goals.A. DepartmentalizationB. CentralizationC. FormalizationD. CoordinationE. Efficiency18. __ entitles a manager to direct the work of a subordinate.A. ResponsibilityB. Legitimate powerC. RankD. Operating responsibilityE. Authority19. To whom a worker reports concerns which aspect of organizational structure?A. Chain of command.B. Departmentalization.C. Pay structure.D. Line of command.E. Authority framework.20. Which of the following managers typically are responsible for the business-level strategies?A. Supervisors.B. Lower level managers. C'. Middle level managers. D. Top level managers. E. Outside consultants.21. In the systems approach, an example of inputs would be which of the following?A. Information.B. Technology.C. Management activities.D. Employee job satisfaction.E. Profits.22. __ are positive external factors; __ are negative.A. Strengths; weaknessesB. Opportunities; threatspetencies; competitors Strategies; objectivesD. SWOTs; SBUs23. Examples of an organization's __ power include performance appraisals, promotions, and interesting work assignments.A. legitimateB. statusC. expertD. coerciveE. rewardScenarios and QuestionsA Look Back (Scenario)Cindy Schultz, tired from working with customers all day, decided to take a fifteen-minute nap to help clear her head before the 4:15 managers' meeting. Her company had recently begun a re-engineering process as well as other changes requiring copious management input. As she leaned back in her chair, she wondered if management science had always been this way and how it all began. As she napped, she dreamed that, along with "Mr. Peebodi" as her guide, she was traveling in the Management Way Back Machine" that took her back through management history!24 One of the earliest sites Cindy visited was Adam Smith's home, author of The Wealth of Nations, which suggested that organizations and society would gain fromA, time management B. division of labor C.group work D. quality management E time and motion studies25.Cindy visited a bookstore where there was a book signing occurring. She looked that the title of the book was Principles of Scientific anagement and concluded that the author must beA. Adam Smith.B. Frank Gilbreth.C. Henry Gantt.D. Frederick Taylor.E. Henri Fayol.26. Cindy admired the works of Taylor and Gilbreth. two advocates of __A. scientific managementB. organizational behaviorC. human resource managementD. motivationE. leadership27. Cindy spent some time visiting with , a researcher she previously knew little about but who also contributed tomanagement science by being among the first to use motion picture films to study hand-and-body motions and by devising a classification scheme known as a "therblig."A. Henry GanttB. Max WeberC. Chester Bamard D: Frank Gilbreth E. Mary Parker FolletThe Perfect Manager (Scehario)Brenda Kelly has proven herself to be an able manager. Her section has a high project completion rate with the highest quality product and the lowest defects in her division. In addition, she does it with fewer full-time people than other managers. Some say that the secret of her success is in her ability to delegate responsibility and her understanding of the basic "management functions."28. Brenda's ability to get activities completed efficiently and effectively with and through other people is known as __A. managementB. supervisionC. coercionD. delegationE. top-down communication29. Brenda's ability to get the same amount of product completed with fewer people is a reflection of herA. effectivenessB. process skillsC. leadershipD. managementE. efficiency30. Getting her projects completed is an indication of Brenda's as a manager.A. leadershipB. effectivenessC. efficiencyD. attention to detailE. total quality management style31. If Brenda accomplished her project on time with high-quality results, but she took more time than other managers to complete it, you could say that as a manager she was A. efficient, but not effective B. a leader, but not a top manager C. project oriented, but not effective D. effective, but not efficien t E. profitable, but not quality driven32. The "management ['unctions" exemplified by Brenda include all but which of the following?A. planningB. controllingC. organizingD. leadingE. delegatingPart III. Essay Questions33. In a short essay, discuss the equity theory and list three probable behavior responses that may occur when employees perceive an inequity.The equity theory proposes that employees perceive what they get from a job situation (outcomes) in relation to what they put into it (inputs) and then compare their inputs-outcomes ratios of relevant others. If an employee perceives his or her ratio to be equal to those of relevant others a state of equity exits. In other words, he or she perceives that the situation is fair. However, if the ratio is unequal, inequity exists and he or she views themselves as underrewarded or overrewarded. When inequities occur, employees attempt to do something about it. The equity theory prop oses that employees might (1) distort either their own or others’ inputs or outcomes, (2) behave in some way to induce others to change their inputs or outcomes, (3) behave in some way to change their own inputs or outcomes, (4) choose a different comparison person, or (5) quit their job.34. In a short essay, list and discuss the three levels of strategy that an organization must develop.a.Corporate-level strategy –this strategy seeks to determine what businesses a company should be in or wants to bein. Corporate-level strategy determines the direction that the organization is going and the roles that each business unit in the organization will plan in pursuing that direction.b.Business-level strategy –this strategy seeks to determine how an organization should compete in each of its businesses. For a small organization in only one line of business or the large organization that has not diversified into different products or markets, the business-level strategy typically overlaps with the orga nization’s corporate strategy.For organizations with multiple businesses, however, each division will have its own strategy that defines the products or services it will offer and the customers it wants to reach.c.Functional-level strategy –this strategy seeks to determine how to support the business-level strategy. For organizations that have traditional functional departments such as manufacturing, marketing, human resources, research and development, and finance, these strategies need to support the business-level strategy35. In a short, essay, deescribe and provide examples of first-line, middle, and top management positions.1. First-line managers are the lowest level of management and manage the work of non-managerial individuals who are directly involved with the production or creation of the organization’s products.They are often called supervisors but may also be called line managers, office managers, or even foremen.2. Middle managers include all levels of management between the first-line level and the top level of the organization. These managers manage the work of first-line managers and may have titles such as department head, project leader, plant manager, or division manager.3. Top managers are responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing the plans and goals that affect the entire organization. These individuals typically have titles such as executive vice president, president, managing director, chief operating officer, chief executive officer, or chairman of the board.PartIV.论述题此题请用中文回答)36,请论述系统论观点对企业管理的启示?系统论观点对企业管理的意义是非常重要的,人们对企业管理活动进行全面评价,也是离不开系统概念的。

现代管理原理期末复习题及答案单选题1. ()的最大的优点在于它持久、有形、可以核实。
C.书面沟通2. ()决策方法也叫思维共振法、畅谈会法。
C.头脑风暴法3. ()引起管理界的轰动,从此建立学习型组织、进行五项修炼成为管理理论与实践的热点。
D.彼得·圣吉的《第五项修炼—学习型组织与实务》 4. (A需要层次理论)认为人的需要由高到低分为五个层次…5. “凡是预则立,不预则废” D计划6. “管理的十四项原则”是由()提出来的。
B.亨利·法约尔7. “管理就是决策”是下列哪位经济学家的观点?()C.西蒙8. “一个组织的成败,与其所具有高成就需要的人数有关”,这是()理论的观点。
D.成就需要9. 1993年,海默和钱皮合著了《企业再造工程》一书,该书总结了过去几十年来世界成功企业的经验,提出了应变市场变化的新方法,即()。
C.企业流程再造10. M型结构又称为多部门结构,亦即()。
B.事业部制结构11. 按照组织明文规定的原则、方式进行的信息传递与交流的沟通方式是() A.正式沟通 12. 被称为“组织理论之父”的管理学家是()。
D.马克斯·韦伯13. 不能以实物又不能以货币来衡量的标准,如用于衡量管理人员的创新能力、协调能力、责任感的标准,用于衡量广告效果的标准等,被称为()。
D.无形标准14. 不属于克服沟通障碍的组织行动有(D使用反馈技巧)15. 常见的风险型决策方法有(B决策树法)16. 成就需要理论一般适用于()的研究。
C.主管人员17. 当领导者面对一个非处理不可的事情时,这种调适人际关系的方法就是(D转移法)18. 当外部环境具有很高的不确定性时,计划应是指导性的,同时计划期限也应该()。
B.更短19. 当信息接受者对信息发送者的信息做出发应时,就出现了反馈。
B.双向性20. 当信息接受者对信息发送者的信息做出发应时,就出现了反馈。

一.总论1. 什么是管理:管理是管理者为了有效地实现组织目标、个人发展和社会责任,运用管理职能进行协调的过程(1)管理是人类有意识有目的的活动(2)管理应当是有效的(3)管理的本质是协调(4)协调是运用各种管理职能的过程2. 管理的职能(1)决策与计划:组织对未来的活动以及未来的资源供给与使用进行的一种预先的筹划(2)组织:管理者创建一个有助于实现组织目标的工作关系结构,组织设计、人员配备、权力配置,着重于合理的分工与明确的协作关系的建立(3)领导:管理者利用所赋予的职权和自身拥有的权利去指挥、影响、激励组织成员(4)控制:监视各项活动以保证它们按组织计划进行并纠正各种重要偏差(5)创新:创新是各项管理职能的灵魂实用文档3. 管理职能相互之间的关系:每一项管理工作一般都是从计划开始,经过组织、领导到控制结束。
4. 管理的思想和理论(1)亚当·斯密的劳动价值论与劳动分工论(1776《国民财富的性质和原因研究》)1)劳动是国民财富的源泉2)劳动分工论:分工是增进劳动生产力的重要因素①劳动者专门从事一种单纯的操作,能提高熟练程度、增进技能②减少由于工作转换所损失的时间③使劳动简化,劳动者注意力集中在一种特定的对象上,有利于发现更优的工作方法、促进工具的改良和机器的发明(2)泰罗的科学管理理论《科学管理原理》1)基本内容:①工作定额:制定“合理的日工作量”②作业环境与作业条件标的准化:工艺规程、工具、机器、材料、作业环境的标准化实用文档③对工人进行科学的选择、培训和提高,保证能力与工作相适应④在工资制度上实行差别计件工资制:a.通过时间和动作研究来制订有科学依据的工作定额b.计件工资率随完成定额的程度而上下浮动⑤计划职能与执行职能相分离(计划职能的人为管理者,执行计划职能的人为劳动者)2)对其评价:①从经验管理上升为科学管理。
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Part I. True/False Question If the statement is true, write T at the end the statement. Otherwise write F.1. Supervisors and foremen may both be considered first-line managers. ( T )2. Vroom would say that if a person values an outcome, their effort to obtain thatoutcome will always be great. ( F )3. Effectiveness refers to the relationship between inputs and outputs. ( F )4. "Principles of Scientific Management" was written by Frederick Taylor. ( T )5. The three original partners of NAFTA are the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. ( T )6. The business group that is characterized by having Iow growth but high market share is known as a cash cow. (T )7. According to the text, the goal of efficiency is to minimize resource costs. ( T )8. Industry conditions is an example of an organization's general environment. (F )9. According to equity theory, a person who earns $50,000 will be less satisfied with their pay than a person who earns $100,000. ( F )10. The four contemporary functions of management are planning, organizing, leading and controlling. (T )11. Innovators need the efficiency, stability, and tight controls of the mechanistic structure. (F )12. Standing plans are created in response to programmed decisions that managers make and include policies, rules, and procedures. (T13. A nontaxable organization, such as the Boy Scouts, cannot be considered an organization. (F )14. Clan control emphasizes organizational authority. (F)Part II. Multiple Choice For each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.15. The power utilized when a boss threatens to dismiss an employee if he/she does not comply with a demand is __A. reward powerB. coercive powerC. expert powerD. referent powerE. legitimate power16. The goal of __ is to minimize resource costs. AA. efficiencyB. effectivenessC. budgetingD. planningE. coordinating17. __ is the basis on which jobs are grouped in order to accomplish organizational goals.A. DepartmentalizationB. CentralizationC. FormalizationD. CoordinationE. Efficiency18. __ entitles a manager to direct the work of a subordinate.A. ResponsibilityB. Legitimate powerC. RankD. Operating responsibilityE. Authority19. To whom a worker reports concerns which aspect of organizational structure?A. Chain of command.B. Departmentalization.C. Pay structure.D. Line of command.E. Authority framework.20. Which of the following managers typically are responsible for the business-level strategies?A. Supervisors.B. Lower level managers. C'. Middle level managers. D. Top level managers. E. Outside consultants.21. In the systems approach, an example of inputs would be which of the following?A. Information.B. Technology.C. Management activities.D. Employee job satisfaction.E. Profits.22. __ are positive external factors; __ are negative.A. Strengths; weaknessesB. Opportunities; threatspetencies; competitors Strategies; objectivesD. SWOTs; SBUs23. Examples of an organization's __ power include performance appraisals, promotions, and interesting work assignments.A. legitimateB. statusC. expertD. coerciveE. rewardScenarios and QuestionsA Look Back (Scenario)Cindy Schultz, tired from working with customers all day, decided to take a fifteen-minute nap to help clear her head before the 4:15 managers' meeting. Her company had recently begun a re-engineering process as well as other changes requiring copious management input. As she leaned back in her chair, she wondered if management science had always been this way and how it all began. As she napped, she dreamed that, along with "Mr. Peebodi" as her guide, she was traveling in the Management Way Back Machine" that took her back through management history!24 One of the earliest sites Cindy visited was Adam Smith's home, author of The Wealth of Nations, which suggested that organizations and society would gain fromA, time management B. division of labor C.group work D. quality management E time and motion studies25.Cindy visited a bookstore where there was a book signing occurring. She looked that the title of the book was Principles of Scientific anagement and concluded that the author must beA. Adam Smith.B. Frank Gilbreth.C. Henry Gantt.D. Frederick Taylor.E. Henri Fayol.26. Cindy admired the works of Taylor and Gilbreth. two advocates of __A. scientific managementB. organizational behaviorC. human resource managementD. motivationE. leadership27. Cindy spent some time visiting with , a researcher she previously knew little about but who also contributed tomanagement science by being among the first to use motion picture films to study hand-and-body motions and by devising a classification scheme known as a "therblig."A. Henry GanttB. Max WeberC. Chester Bamard D: Frank Gilbreth E. Mary Parker FolletThe Perfect Manager (Scehario)Brenda Kelly has proven herself to be an able manager. Her section has a high project completion rate with the highest quality product and the lowest defects in her division. In addition, she does it with fewer full-time people than other managers. Some say that the secret of her success is in her ability to delegate responsibility and her understanding of the basic "management functions."28. Brenda's ability to get activities completed efficiently and effectively with and through other people is known as __A. managementB. supervisionC. coercionD. delegationE. top-down communication29. Brenda's ability to get the same amount of product completed with fewer people is a reflection of herA. effectivenessB. process skillsC. leadershipD. managementE. efficiency30. Getting her projects completed is an indication of Brenda's as a manager.A. leadershipB. effectivenessC. efficiencyD. attention to detailE. total quality management style31. If Brenda accomplished her project on time with high-quality results, but she took more time than other managers to complete it, you could say that as a manager she was A. efficient, but not effective B. a leader, but not a top manager C. project oriented, but not effective D. effective, but not efficien t E. profitable, but not quality driven32. The "management ['unctions" exemplified by Brenda include all but which of the following?A. planningB. controllingC. organizingD. leadingE. delegatingPart III. Essay Questions33. In a short essay, discuss the equity theory and list three probable behavior responses that may occur when employees perceive an inequity.The equity theory proposes that employees perceive what they get from a job situation (outcomes) in relation to what they put into it (inputs) and then compare their inputs-outcomes ratios of relevant others. If an employee perceives his or her ratio to be equal to those of relevant others a state of equity exits. In other words, he or she perceives that the situation is fair. However, if the ratio is unequal, inequity exists and he or she views themselves as underrewarded or overrewarded. When inequities occur, employees attempt to do something about it. The equity theory prop oses that employees might (1) distort either their own or others’ inputs or outcomes, (2) behave in some way to induce others to change their inputs or outcomes, (3) behave in some way to change their own inputs or outcomes, (4) choose a different comparison person, or (5) quit their job.34. In a short essay, list and discuss the three levels of strategy that an organization must develop.a.Corporate-level strategy –this strategy seeks to determine what businesses a company should be in or wants to bein. Corporate-level strategy determines the direction that the organization is going and the roles that each business unit in the organization will plan in pursuing that direction.b.Business-level strategy –this strategy seeks to determine how an organization should compete in each of its businesses. For a small organization in only one line of business or the large organization that has not diversified into different products or markets, the business-level strategy typically overlaps with the orga nization’s corporate strategy.For organizations with multiple businesses, however, each division will have its own strategy that defines the products or services it will offer and the customers it wants to reach.c.Functional-level strategy –this strategy seeks to determine how to support the business-level strategy. For organizations that have traditional functional departments such as manufacturing, marketing, human resources, research and development, and finance, these strategies need to support the business-level strategy35. In a short, essay, deescribe and provide examples of first-line, middle, and top management positions.1. First-line managers are the lowest level of management and manage the work of non-managerial individuals who are directly involved with the production or creation of the organization’s products.They are often called supervisors but may also be called line managers, office managers, or even foremen.2. Middle managers include all levels of management between the first-line level and the top level of the organization. These managers manage the work of first-line managers and may have titles such as department head, project leader, plant manager, or division manager.3. Top managers are responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing the plans and goals that affect the entire organization. These individuals typically have titles such as executive vice president, president, managing director, chief operating officer, chief executive officer, or chairman of the board.PartIV.论述题此题请用中文回答)36,请论述系统论观点对企业管理的启示?系统论观点对企业管理的意义是非常重要的,人们对企业管理活动进行全面评价,也是离不开系统概念的。