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With the progress of science and technology and the development of city measurement datum, high resolution and high precision level city like the geoid has become a modern surveying and mapping development, especially the information necessary to the city fundamental conditions. Using GPS technology and modern determination of the planet's gravitational field theory and method, to build good precision, high resolution areas like the geoid, have special major scientific significance, social significance and economic benefits.

This paper first introduces GPS to determine the level of legal in like the geoid, the application of the conventional geometric intends to legal divided into function model method, statistical model method, integrated model method three categories, detailed introduces their principle and features are introduced in this paper with GPS leveling data earth gravity field model and topographic correction model, a move to a unity to refining geoid recovery act the theory and implementation procedures.

Finally, in our country mainly studied a new generation like the geoid CQG2000 as the platform, combined with GPS leveling data refine the area like geoid theory and method. Will it as a platform, combined with high level of GPS data, from the recovery act to remove the principle to improve regional (like) geoid calculation accuracy. In addition, this paper gives the specific ideas and calculation steps, and to remove the feasibility and advantage of recovery method is analyzed and discussed, and the GPS leveling point number and the spacing to refine the affect the result.

Keywords:Like the geoid; GPS level; Remove-recovery technology ;CQG2000


第一章绪论 (1)

1.1 引言 (1)

1.1.1大地水准面似大地水准面 (1)

1.1.2研究的目的及意义 (1)

1.2国内外研究的现状 (3)

1.2.1国外研究现状 (3)

1.2.2国内的研究现状 (5)

1.3本文主要研究内容 (7)

第二章城市区域似大地水准面精化的误差分析 (9)

2.1各种起算面及其相互关系 (9)

2.1.1参考椭球面、大地高系统与大地高 (9)

2.1.2 大地水准面、正高系统与正高 (10)

2.1.3似大地水准面、正常高系统与正常高 (10)

2.2区域似大地水准面精化的误差分析 (12)

2.2.1 GPS水准精度及分辨率对高程异常的影响 .. 12

2.2.2重力异常精度和分辨率对高程异常的影响 .. 13

2.2.3 DTM精度和分辨率对似大地水准面的精度的影响


2.3小结概述 (17)

第三章利用GPS水准数据精化似大地水准面的方法 (19)

3.1函数模型法 (19)

3.1.1平面拟合法 (20)

3.1.2多项式拟合法 (20)

3.1.3多面函数拟合法 (21)

3.1.4移动曲面法 (22)

3.1.5神经网络法 (22)

3.2统计模型法 (23)

3.3综合模型法 (23)
