
7.已知字符 A 的 ASCII 代码值为 65,以下程序运行时若从键盘输入:B33<回车>。输出结
果是 A
#include "stdio.h"
新视野教育全国计算机等级考试二级 C 语言教程习题
char a,b;
a=getchar(); scanf("%d",&b);
2. 以下选项中不合法的标识符是 C
3. 以下叙述中错误的是 A
第四节 数制转换
1.十进制整数 360 的八进制为_550_,十六进制为_168_。
第五节 整数和实数
1.以下选项中正确的整型常量是 C
2.以下关于 long、int 和 short 类型数据占用内存大小的叙述中正确的是 D
A)均占 4 个字节
6.以下程序运行时若从键盘输入:10 20 30<回车>。输出结果是____。A
#include <stdio.h>
int i=0,j=0,k=0;

第二章 C程序设计的初步知识 一、选择题 2.1 以下选项中正确的整型常量是 A)12. B)-20 C)1,000 D)4 5 6 答案:B 2.2 以下选项中正确的实型常量是 A)0 B)3. 1415 C)0.329×10(2)(10的2次方) D).871 答案:D 2.3 以下选项中不正确的实型常量是 A)2.607E-1 B)0.8103e 2 C)-77.77 D)456e-2 答案:B 2.4 以下选项中不合法的用户标识符是 A)abc.c B)file C)Main D)PRINTF 答案:A 2.5 以下选项中不合法的用户标识符是 A)_123 B)printf C)A$ D)Dim 答案:C 2.6 C语言中运算对象必需是整型的运算符是 A)% B)/ C)! D)** 答案:A 2.7 可在C程序中用作用户标识符的一组标识符是 A)void define WORD B)as_b3 _123 If C)For -abc case D)2c DO SIG 答案:B 2.8 若变量已正确定义并赋值,符合C语言语法的表达式是 A)a=a+7; B)a=7+b+c,a++ C)int(12.3%4) D)a=a+7=c+b 答案:B 2.9 以下叙述中正确的是 A)a是实型变量,C允许进行以下赋值a=10,因此可以这样说:实型变量中允许存放整型值。 B)在赋值表达式中,赋值号右边既可以是变量也可以是任意表达式。 C)执行表达式a=b后,在内存中a和b存储单元中的原有值都将被改变,a的值已由原值改变为b的值,b的值由原值变为0。 D)已有a=3,b=5。当执行了表达式a=b,b=a之后,已使a中的值为5,b中的值为3。 答案:B 2.10 以下叙述中正确的是 A)在C程序中无论是整数还是实数,只要在允许的范围内都能准确无误的表示。 B)C程序由主函数组成。 C)C程序由函数组成。 D)C程序由函数和过程组成。 答案:C 2.11 TURBO C中int类型变量所占字节数是

《全国计算机等级考试二级教程——C语言程序设计》习题分析与详细解答第一章程序设计基本概念习题分析与解答1.1 【参考答案】EXE1.2 【参考答案】[1].C [2].OBJ [3].EXE1.3 【参考答案】[1]顺序结构[2]选择结构[3]循环结构第二章C程序设计的初步知识习题分析与解答一、选择题2.1 【参考答案】B)2.2 【参考答案】D)2.3 【参考答案】B)2.4 【参考答案】A)2.5 【参考答案】C)2.6 【参考答案】A)2.7 【参考答案】B)2.8 【参考答案】B)2.9 【参考答案】D)2.10 【参考答案】C)2.11 【参考答案】B)2.12 【参考答案】B)2.13 【参考答案】A)二、填空题2.14 【参考答案】[1]11 [2]122.15 【参考答案】[1]4.2 [2]4.22.16 【参考答案】[1]{ [2]} [3]定义[4]执行2.17 【参考答案】[1]关键字[2]用户标识符2.18 【参考答案】[1]int [2]float [3]double2.19 【参考答案】float a1=1.0, a2=1.0;或float a1=1, a2=1;(系统将自动把1转换为1.0)2.20 【参考答案】存储单元2.21 【参考答案】 3.52.22 【参考答案】[1]a*b/c [2]a/c*b [3]b/c*a2.23 【参考答案】把10赋给变量s2.24 【参考答案】[1]位[2]1位二进制数据(0或1)2.25 【参考答案】[1]8 [2]127 [3]01111111 [4]-128 [ 5 ] 10000000 2.26 【参考答案】[1]32767 [2]-32768 [3]100002.27 【参考答案】[1]十[2]八[3]十六三、上机改错题2.28 【分析与解答】第1行的错误:(1) include是一个程序行,因此在此行的最后不应当有分号(;)。

《全国计算机等级考试二级教程--C语言程序设计》课后习题答案第一章1.1 EXE1.2 C OBJ EXE1.3 顺序选择循环第二章一. 选择题2.1 B 2.2 D 2.3 B 2.4 A 2.5 C 2.6 A 2.7 B2.8 B 2.9 D 2.10 C 2.11 B 2.12 B 2.13 A二. 填空题2.14 11 122.15 4.2 4.22.16 { } 定义执行语句2.17 关键字用户标识符2.18 int float double2.19 float a1=1; float a2=1;2.20 存储单元2.213.52.22 (a*b)/c a*b/c a/c*b2.23 把常量10赋给变量s2.24 位1或02.25 8 127 0111111 -128 100000002.26 32767 -32768 10000000000000002.27 10 8 16三. 上机改错题2.28#include "stdio.h"; 删除行尾的";"main(); / * main function * / 删除")"后的";",注释中的*要紧靠“/”,即应为“/*”和“*/”函数开始处遗失了一个“{”float r,s ; /*/*r is radius*/,/* s is area of circuilar*/*/ 注释符号不可嵌套使用r = 5.0 ;s = 3.14159 * r * r ;printf("%f\n",s) 行尾遗失了“;”函数结束处遗失了一个“}”2.29#include "stdio.h"main /* main function */ main后遗失了“()”{float a,b,c,v; /*a,b,c are sides, v is volume of cube */a=2.0; b=3.0; c=4.0 行尾遗失了“;”v=a*b*c;printf("%f\n", v) 行尾遗失了“;”}第三章一. 选择题3.1 C 3.2 C 3.3 D 3.4 C 3.5 D 3.6 B 3.7 C 3.8 D 3.9 A 3.10 B3.11 C 3.12 D 3.13 D 3.14 A 3.15 C 3.16 C 3.17 C 3.18 无答案3.19 C 3.20 B二. 填空题3.21 (1)-2002500(2)i=-200,j=2500(3)i=-200j=25003.22 12 0 03.23 一条语句;3.24 ;3.25 100,25.81,1.89234 100 25.81 1.89234 100 25.81 1.89234 3.26 x=127,x= 127,x= 177,x= 7f,x= 1273.27 x=127,x=127 ,x=$127 ,x=$000127,x=%06d3.28 a=513.789215,a= 513.79,a= 513.78921500,a= 513.78921500三. 编程题和改错题3.29 修改后的程序如下:main(){double a,b,c,s,v;printf("input a,b,c:");scanf("%lf%lf%lf",&a,&b,&c);s =a*b;v=a*b*c;printf("a=%f,b=%f,c=%f\n", a,b,c);printf("s=%f,v=%f\n",s,v);}3.30#includemain(){int a=560,b=60;printf("560 minute is %d hour and %d minute.\n",a/b,a%b); }3.31#includemain(){int a,b;a=1500;b=350;printf("a div b is : %d\n",a/b);printf("a mod b is : %d\n",a%b);}3.32#includemain(){double a,b,c,ave;printf ("input 3 double number : \n");scanf ("%lf%lf%lf",&a,&b,&c);printf ("%.1f\n",(a+b+c)/3);}3.33#includevoid main()int a,b,c,t;printf("请依次输入整数a,b,c:");scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c);printf("\n你输入的值是: a=%d,b=%d,c=%d\n",a,b,c);t=b;b=a;a=c;c=t;printf("交换之后的值是:a=%d,b=%d,c=%d\n",a,b,c);}第四章一. 选择题4.1 A 4.2 A 4.3 A 4.4 D 4.5 C 4.6 A 4.7 B 4.8 C 4.9 D 4.10 C二. 填空题4.11 非0 04.12 < > >= <=同级== !=同级4.13 ! && ||4.15 !4.16 a == b || a < c x > 4 || x < -44.17 14.18 x <= 0 1 > 04.19 3 2 24.20 *#三. 编程题4.21 略#include/* 检查日期的合法性*/int checkdate(int year, int month, int day) {if(year < 1900 || year > 2005){printf("输入的年份无效!\n");return 0;}else if(month < 0 && month > 12){printf("输入的月份无效!\n");return 0;}else if(day <= 0 && day > 31){printf("输入的日期无效!\n");return 0;}else{switch(month){case 4:case 9:case 11:if(day > 30){printf("输入的日期无效!\n");return 0;}break;case 2:if((year%4 == 0 && year%100 != 0) || year%400 == 0) {if(day > 29){printf("输入的日期无效!\n");return 0;}}else{if(day > 28){printf("输入的出生日期无效!\n");return 0;}}}/* end of switch(m0)*/}return 1;}void main(){int y0, m0, d0; /* 生日*/int y1, m1, d1; /* 当前日期*/int years, months, days; /* 实足年龄*/printf("请输入学生的生日:");scanf("%d%d%d", &y0,&m0,&d0);if(checkdate(y0, m0, d0)){printf("请输入当前日期:");scanf("%d%d%d", &y1,&m1,&d1);/*当前日期合法性检查*/if(!checkdate(y1, m1, d1)){return;}else if(y0 > y1){printf("出生年份比当前年份晚!\n"); return;}else if(y0 == y1){if(m0 > m1){printf("出生年月比当前年月晚!\n"); return;}else if(m0 == m1){if(d0 > d1){printf("出生年月日比当前年月日晚!\n"); return;}}}}/* 计算实足年龄*/years = y1 - y0;months = m1 - m0;days = d1 - d0;/* 修正实足年龄天数*/if(days < 0){months--;switch(m1){case 1:case 5:case 7:case 10:case 12:days += 30;break;case 2:case 4:case 6:case 8:case 9:case 11:days += 31;break;case 3:if((y1%4 == 0 && y1%100 != 0) || y1%400 == 0) {days += 29;}else{days += 28;}break;}/* end of switch(m1) */}/* end of if(days < 0) *//* 修正实足年龄月数*/if(months < 0){months += 12;years--;}/* end of if(months < 0) */printf("出生日期: %d年%d月%d日\n", y0, m0, d0);printf("当前日期: %d年%d月%d日\n", y1, m1, d1);printf("实足年龄: %d年%d月%d日\n", years, months, days);return;}4.23#includevoid main(){int a;printf ("请输入一个整数:"); scanf ("%d",&a);if (a%2==0){printf ("%d 是偶数\n", a);}else{printf ("%d 是奇数\n", a);}}4.24#includevoid main(){int a,b,c,temp,max;printf ("请输入三个整数:"); scanf ("%d %d %d",&a,&b,&c); temp=(a>b)? a:b;max=(temp>c)? temp:c;printf ("\n");printf ("你输入的数中最大的是%d.\n",max); }4.25(1)不嵌套的if语句#includevoid main(){int x,y;printf("input x :");scanf("%d",&x);if ( x>-5 && x<0 ){printf("y is %d\n",y=x);}if ( x==0 ){printf("y is %d\n",y=x-1);}if ( x>0 && x<10 ){printf("y is %d\n",y=x+1);}if ( x>=10 || x<=-5){printf("error\n");}}(2)嵌套的if语句#includevoid main(){int x,y;printf("input x :");scanf("%d",&x);printf("\n");if(x < 0){if(x > -5){printf("y is %d.\n",y=x); }else{printf("error!\n");}}if(0 == x){printf("y is %d.\n",y=x-1);if(x > 0){if(x < 10){printf("y is %d.\n",y=x+1); }else{printf("error!\n");}}}(3)if_else语句#includevoid main(){int x,y;printf("input x :");scanf("%d",&x);if( x>-5 && x<0 ){printf("y is %d.\n",y=x); }else if( x==0 )printf("y is %d.\n",y=x-1); }else if( x>0 && x<10 ) {printf("y is %d.\n",y=x+1); }else{printf("error!\n");}}(4)switch语句#includevoid main(){int x,y;printf("input x : ");scanf("%d",&x);switch (x){case -4:case -3:case -2:case -1:printf("y is %d.\n",y=x);break;case 0:printf("y is %d.\n",y=x-1);break;case 1:case 2:case 3:case 4:case 5:case 6:case 7:case 8:case 9:printf("y is %d.\n",y=x+1);break;default:printf("error!\n");}}第五章一. 选择题5.1 D 5.2 C 5.3 B 5.4 C 5.5 C 5.6 B 5.7 D 5.8 A 5.9 D 5.10 D二. 填空题5.11 5 4 65.12 死循环5.13 -15.14 115.15 d=1.0 k++ k<=n5.16 x>=0 x三. 编程题5.17#includevoid main(){int i;int sig = 1;int sum = 0;for(i=1; i<=101; i++,i++) {sum += sig*i;sig *= -1;}printf("sum=%d\n", sum); }5.18(1)#includevoid main(){int i;double m=1.0; double e = 1.0;for(i=1; i<50; i++) {m *= i;e += 1/m;}printf("e=%f\n",e); }(2)#includevoid main(){int i=1;double m=1.0; double e = 1.0; while(1/m >= 0.0004) {m *= i;e += 1/m;i++;}printf("e=%f\n",e);}5.19#includevoid main(){int year;int col = 0;for(year=1600; year<=2000; year++){if((year%4 == 0 && year%100 != 0) || year%400 == 0) {printf("%d\t", year);col++;if(col%5 == 0){printf("\n");}}}printf("\n");}5.20#include#define N 7void main(){int i;int j;int m;int k = N/2;for(i=0; i {m = i-k;if(m < 0){m *= -1;}for(j=0; j {printf(" ");}for(j=0; j<2*(k-m)+1; j++) {printf("*");}printf("\n");}第六章一. 选择题6.1 B 6.2 D 6.3 A 6.4 A 6.5 B 6.6 D 6.7 D 6.8 B 6.9 A 6.10 A 6.11 C二. 填空题6.12 -16.13 16.14 ctype.h6.15 16.16 10A 20B 30C 40D6.177.29 101.298AB6.18 A7.29B101.2986.19 A B C (每个字符后有三个空格)三. 编程题6.20#include#define N 80void main(){char str[N];int iLoop = 0;gets(str);while(str[iLoop]){printf("%c-%d\t", str[iLoop],str[iLoop]); iLoop++;if(iLoop%3 == 0){printf("\n");}}printf("\n");}6.21#include#define N 80void main(){char str[N];int num = 0;int iLoop = 0;gets(str);while(str[iLoop]){if(str[iLoop] >= '0' && str[iLoop] <= '9') {num = 10*num + (str[iLoop] - '0');}iLoop++;}printf("%d\n",num);}6.22#include#include#define N 80void main(){char str[N];int num = -1;do{gets(str);num++;}while(strcmp(str, "EOF"));printf("您输入了%d行字符!\n",num); }#include#define N 80void main(){char str[N];int iLoop = 0;int num = 0;gets(str);while(str[iLoop] && iLoop < N){if(str[iLoop] >= 'a' && str[iLoop] <= 'z'){num++;}iLoop++;}printf("您输入了字符中有%d个小写字母!\n",num); }6.24#includevoid main(){int iLoop1;int iLoop2;printf("请输入图案的行数(不大于26):");scanf("%d", &line);for(iLoop1 = 0; iLoop1 < line; iLoop1++){for(iLoop2 = 0; iLoop2 < line - iLoop1; iLoop2++) {printf(" ");}for(iLoop2 = 0; iLoop2 < 2*iLoop1+1; iLoop2++) {printf("%c",iLoop1 + 'A');}printf("\n");}}第七章一. 选择题7.1 C 7.2 C 7.3 B 7.4 C 7.5 A 7.6 D 7.7 A二. 填空题7.8 127.9 9.0000007.10 47.11 n=1 s7.12 <=y z*x7.13 1 s*i 0 f(k)三. 程序调试和编程题7.14fun(int n){ int k,yes;for(k=2; k<=n/2; k++){if(n%k == 0) { yes = 0; break;} else yes = 1;}return yes;}7.15int mymod(int a, int b){return a%b;}7.16double fun(int n){double sum = 0;int iLoop;int sig = -1;for(iLoop=1; iLoop<=n; iLoop++) {sig *= -1;sum += sig*1.0/iLoop;}return sum;}7.17double fun(int n){double t = 1.0;int iLoop;long tmp;for(iLoop=2; iLoop<=n; iLoop++) {tmp = iLoop*iLoop;t -= 1.0/tmp;}return t;}7.18#includedouble fun(double x){return x*x + 5*x + 4;}void main(){int x = 2;printf("y1=%f\n", fun(x));printf("y2=%f\n", fun(x+15));printf("y3=%f\n", fun(sin(x)));}第八章一. 选择题8.1 A 8.2 B 8.3 B 8.4 C 8.5 B 8.6 B 8.7 C 8.8 D 8.9 B 8.10 C 8.11 C 8.12 C二. 填空题8.13 1108.14 7 18.15 (1)char *p=&ch; (2) p=&ch; (3)scanf("%c",p); (4)*p='A'; (5)printf("%c",*p);8.16 (1)s=p+3; (2)s=s-2 (3)50 (4)*(s+1) (5)2 (6)10 20 30 40 50三. 编程题8.17void fun(double x, double y, double *sum, double *div){*sum = x + y;*div = x - y;return;}8.18void fun(double x, double y, double z, double *max, double *min){*max = x;*min = x;if(*max < y){*max = y;}if(*max < z){}if(*min > y){*min = y;}if(*min > z){*min = z;}return;}第九章一. 选择题9.1 D 9.2 A 9.3 A 9.4 C 9.5 C 9.6 A 9.7 B 9.8 D 9.9 C 9.10 C 9.11 C 9.12 D 9.13 D 9.14 A 9.15 A 9.16 A 9.17 C 9.18 C二. 填空题9.19 9 09.20 69.21 129.22 39.23 27219.24 -850,2,09.25 k=p k9.26 (c=getchar()) c-'A'三. 编程题9.27#include#define N 81int main(){int counter[10] = {0};int iLoop = 0;char str[N];gets(str);while(str[iLoop]){if(str[iLoop] >= '0' && str[iLoop] <= '9'){counter[str[iLoop] - '0']++;}iLoop++;}for(iLoop=0; iLoop < 10; iLoop++){printf("%d - %d\n", iLoop, counter[iLoop]); }return 0;}9.28void fun(int array[], int arraysize, int start) {int iLoop;if(start < arraysize-1){if(start <=0){start = 1;}for(iLoop = start; iLoop < arraysize; iLoop++) {array[iLoop-1] = array[iLoop];}}for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < arraysize; iLoop++) {printf("No.%d = %d\n", iLoop, array[iLoop]); }}9.29int fun(int arry1[], int arry2[], int arrysize) {int iLoop;int counter = 0;for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < arrysize; iLoop++) {if(arry1[iLoop] % 2){arry2[counter++] = arry1[iLoop];}}return counter;}9.30void fun(char array[], int arraysize){int iLoop1;int iLoop2;char temp;/* 冒泡排序*/for(iLoop1 = 0; iLoop1 < arraysize - 1; iLoop1++){for(iLoop2 = 0; iLoop2 < arraysize - 1 - iLoop1; iLoop2++) {if(array[iLoop2] < array[iLoop2 + 1]){temp = array[iLoop2];array[iLoop2] = array[iLoop2 + 1];array[iLoop2 + 1] = temp;}}}}9.31#includevoid fun(int array[], int arraysize, int inertNumber){int iLoop;int iLoop2;if(array[0] < array[arraysize-1]){for(iLoop = 0; iLoop< arraysize; iLoop++){if(array[iLoop] > inertNumber){for(iLoop2 = arraysize - 1; iLoop2 >= iLoop; iLoop2--) {array[iLoop2 + 1] = array[iLoop2];}array[iLoop] = inertNumber;break;}}if(iLoop >= arraysize){array[arraysize] = inertNumber;}}else{for(iLoop = 0; iLoop< arraysize; iLoop++){if(array[iLoop] < inertNumber){for(iLoop2 = arraysize - 1; iLoop2 >= iLoop; iLoop2--) {array[iLoop2 + 1] = array[iLoop2];}array[iLoop] = inertNumber;break;}}if(iLoop >= arraysize){array[arraysize] = inertNumber;}}}int main(){int iLoop;int a[20] = {7,6,5,3,2,1};for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < 6; iLoop++){printf("%d ", a[iLoop]);}printf("\n");fun(a, 6, 0);for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < 7; iLoop++){printf("%d ", a[iLoop]);}printf("\n");fun(a, 7, 4);for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < 8; iLoop++){printf("%d ", a[iLoop]);}printf("\n");fun(a, 8, 8);for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < 9; iLoop++){printf("%d ", a[iLoop]);}printf("\n");return 0;}9.32int fun(int number, int array[]){int iLoop = 0;int iLoop2;int binLen;int midNumber;int div;int remain;midNumber = number;do{div = midNumber/2;remain = midNumber%2;midNumber = div;array[iLoop++] = remain;}while(midNumber);binLen = iLoop;for(iLoop2 = 0, iLoop = binLen - 1; iLoop2 < iLoop; iLoop2++, iLoop--) {midNumber = array[iLoop2];array[iLoop2] = array[iLoop];array[iLoop] = midNumber;}return binLen;}9.33#include#include#define N 15void fun(int array[], int arraysize){int x;int iLoop2;for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < arraysize; iLoop++){iLoop2 = 0;x = rand()%20;do{if(x == array[iLoop2] && iLoop > 0){x = rand()%20;iLoop2 = 0;}iLoop2++;}while(iLoop2 < iLoop);array[iLoop] = x;}}int main(){int a[N];int iLoop;fun(a, N);for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < N; iLoop++){printf("%d\n", a[iLoop]);}return 0;}第十章一. 选择题10.1 C 10.2 B 10.3 C 10.4 B 10.5 C 10.6 A 10.7 C 10.8 A 10.9 C 10.10 C二. 填空题10.11 GFEDCB10.12 XYZ10.13 SO10.14 1010.16 strlen(str)-1 j--10.17 310.18 goodgood!三. 编程题10.19char* mygets(char *str){int iLoop = 0;char ch;while((ch=getchar()) != '\n'){str[iLoop++] = ch;}str[iLoop] = '\0';return str;}char * myputs(char *str){int iLoop = 0;while(str[iLoop]){putchar(str[iLoop++]);}putchar('\n');return str;}10.20#include#includeint fun(char *str){int len;int iLoop1;int iLoop2;int result = 1;len = strlen(str);for(iLoop1 = 0, iLoop2 = len - 1; iLoop1 < iLoop2; iLoop1++, iLoop2--) {if(str[iLoop1] != str[iLoop2]){break;}}return result;}int main(){char a[20] = "ABCDCBA";char b[20] = "ABCDEBA";printf("%d\n", fun(a));printf("%d\n", fun(b));return 0;}10.21char fun(char *str, int pos){int len;int iLoop;char ch;len = strlen(str);if(pos > len){return NULL;}ch = str[pos];for(iLoop = pos; iLoop < len - 1; iLoop++) {str[iLoop] = str[iLoop + 1];}str[len-1] = '\0';return ch;}第十一章一. 选择题11.1 D 11.2 B 11.3 A 11.4 C二. 填空题11.5 IJKLEFGHABCD11.6 711.7 811.8 *(s+j) i+1 i11.9 1711.10 (*fun)() (*fun)(a+i*h)/h mypoly三. 编程题11.11#include#include#define N 81int main(int argc, char **argv){char sig;int dig;int pos;char str[N] = {'\0'};char outStr[N] = {'\0'};if(argc < 2){sig = '-';dig = 10;}else{sig = argv[1][0];dig = argv[1][1] - '0';}printf("请输入一个字符串:");gets(str);if(sig == '-'){pos = strlen(str) - dig;if(pos <= 0){pos = 0;}strcpy(outStr, str + pos);}else if(sig == '+'){strcpy(outStr, str);pos = strlen(outStr);if(pos > dig){pos = dig;}outStr[pos] = '\0';}printf("处理后的字串为:");printf("%s\n", outStr);return 0;}11.12#include#includevoid movebin(char *bin){int len;int iLoop;len = strlen(bin);for(iLoop = len; iLoop > 0; iLoop--) {bin[iLoop] = bin[iLoop - 1];}return;}void fun(int n, char *bin){int pos;pos = strlen(bin);if(n == 0){return;}if(n == 1){movebin(bin);bin[0] = '1';return;}movebin(bin);bin[0] = (n%2) + '0';n /= 2;fun(n, bin);return;}int main(){int a = 4;char bin[50] = {""};fun(a, bin);printf("%s\n", bin);return 0;}11.13#includelong fun(int n){if(n == 1){return n;}else{return fun(n-1) + n;}}int main(){int num;int sum;printf("请输入一个自然数:"); scanf("%d", &num);sum = fun(num);printf("结果是:%d\n", sum); return 0;}11.14#includeint fun(int n){if(n == 0 || n == 1){return 1;}else{return fun(n-1) + fun(n-2);}}int main(){int num;int result;printf("请输入一个自然数:");scanf("%d", &num);result = fun(num);printf("斐波拉契级数为:%d\n", result);return 0;}第十二章一. 选择题12.1 B 12.2 B 12.3 A 12.4 C 12.5 D 12.6 B 12.7 A 12.8 A二. 填空题12.9 2,5,1,2,3,-212.10 2468第十三章一. 选择题13.1 A 13.2 C 13.3 B 13.4 C 13.5 D 13.6 D 13.7 D二. 填空题13.8 ar=9 ar=9 ar=1113.9 int* s *b三. 编程题13.10#define MYALPHA(C) ((C>='A' && C<='Z') || (C>='a' && C<='z')) ? 1 : 0 13.11#define SWAP(t,x,y) {t tmp; tmp=x; x=y; y=tmp;}13.12#include#includeint main(){int *p;int tmp;int iLoop;int iLoop2;p = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*3);scanf("%d%d%d", p,p+1,p+2);for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < 2; iLoop++){for(iLoop2 = 0; iLoop2 < 2 - iLoop; iLoop2++){if(*(p + iLoop2) > *(p + iLoop2 + 1)){tmp = *(p + iLoop2);*(p + iLoop2) = *(p + iLoop2 + 1);*(p + iLoop2 + 1) = tmp;}}}printf("%d %d %d\n", *p, *(p+1), *(p+2));free(p);p = NULL;return 0;}第十四章一. 选择题14.1 D 14.2 D 14.3 D 14.4 A 14.5 C 14.6 C 14.7 C 14.8 B14.9 struct link *next14.10 p->next m>p->data14.11 (struct list*) struct list struct list* struct list return h三. 编程题14.12#include#define N 3struct stud{char num[5], name[10];int s[4];double ave;};void readrec(struct stud array[], int size){int iLoop;for(iLoop=0; iLoop {scanf("%s%s%d%d%d%d", array[iLoop].num, array[iLoop].name, &array[iLoop].s[0], &array[iLoop].s[1],&array[iLoop].s[2], &array[iLoop].s[3]);array[iLoop].ave = (array[iLoop].s[0] + array[iLoop].s[1] +array[iLoop].s[2] + array[iLoop].s[3])/4.0;}return;}void writerec(struct stud array[], int size){int iLoop;for(iLoop=0; iLoop{printf("%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%f\n",array[iLoop].num,array[iLoop].name,array[iLoop].s[0],array[iLoop].s[1],array[iLoop].s[2],array[iLoop].s[3],array[iLoop].ave);}return;}{struct stud stu[N];readrec(stu, N);writerec(stu, N);return 0;}14.13#include#include#define N 100struct node{int data;struct node* next;};int seekMaxValue(struct node *pNode){int max;struct node* pMove;pMove = pNode;max = pMove->data;pMove = pMove->next;while(pMove){if(max < pMove->data){max = pMove->data;}pMove = pMove->next;}return max;}struct node* seekMaxValueAddress(struct node *pNode) {int max;struct node* maxAddress;struct node* pMove;pMove = pNode;max = pMove->data;maxAddress = pMove;pMove = pMove->next;while(pMove){if(max < pMove->data){max = pMove->data;maxAddress = pMove;}pMove = pMove->next;}return maxAddress;}int main(){struct node* head;struct node* pNode;int iLoop;head = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); pNode = head;pNode->next = NULL;for(iLoop=0; iLoop {pNode->next = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); pNode = pNode->next;pNode->next = NULL;pNode->data = iLoop;}printf("%d\n", seekMaxValue(head->next));printf("%d\n", seekMaxValueAddress(head->next));return 0;}第十五章一. 选择题15.1 D 15.2 A 15.3 B 15.4 A二. 填空题15.5 1111000015.6 a^a15.7 a|0xffff15.8 x|0xff0015.9 a=(012500>>2)15.10 ch|0x20第十六章一. 选择题16.1 B 16.2 C二. 填空题16.3 3 !feof(f1) f2 fclose(f1) fclose(f2) 16.4 fopen(fname,"w") ch16.5 "r" !feof(fp) fgetc(fp)16.6 CCCCBBBBAAAA三. 编程题16.7#include#define N 10#define LEN 81int main(){char *str[N] = {"AAAAAAAAA", "BBBBBBBBB", "CCCCCCCCC", "DDDDDDDDD", "EEEEEEEEE", "FFFFFFFFF", "GGGGGGGGG", "HHHHHHHHH","IIIIIIIII","JJJJJJJJJ"};char str2[N][LEN];FILE *fp;int iLoop;fp = fopen("str.txt", "w");if(fp == NULL){printf("创建文件失败!\n");return 1;}else{for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < N; iLoop++) {fputs(str[iLoop], fp);fputs("\n",fp);}}fclose(fp);fp = fopen("str.txt", "r");if(fp == NULL){printf("打开文件失败!\n"); return 1;}else{for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < N; iLoop++) {fgets(str2[iLoop], LEN - 1, fp);}}fclose(fp);for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < N; iLoop++) {printf("%s", str2[iLoop]);}return 0;}16.8#include#define N 10int main(){float num;int iLoop;FILE *fp;fp = fopen("num.bin", "wb+");if(fp == NULL){printf("创建文件失败!\n");return 1;}/* 从键盘读入10个数并写文件*/ printf("请输入%d个数:", N);for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < N; iLoop++) {scanf("%f", &num);fwrite(&num, sizeof(num), 1, fp);}/* 文件指针回到开始处*/rewind(fp);/* 从文件读出10个数并显示*/for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < N; iLoop++) {fread(&num, sizeof(num), 1, fp); printf("%f\n", num);}/* 移文件指针到第四个数开始处*/ fseek(fp, 3L*sizeof(num), SEEK_SET); /* 读入一个新数据*/printf("请输入一个新数据:");scanf("%f", &num);fwrite(&num, sizeof(num), 1, fp);/* 文件指针回到开始处*/rewind(fp);/* 从文件读出10个数并显示*/for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < N; iLoop++) {fread(&num, sizeof(num), 1, fp); printf("%f\n", num);}/* 关闭文件*/fclose(fp);return 0;}她含着笑,切着冰屑悉索的萝卜,她含着笑,用手掏着猪吃的麦糟,她含着笑,扇着炖肉的炉子的火,她含着笑,背了团箕到广场上去晒好那些大豆和小麦,大堰河,为了生活,在她流尽了她的乳液之后,她就用抱过我的两臂,劳动了。

《全国计算机等级考试二级教程--C语言程序设计》课后习题答案第一章1.1 EXE1.2 C OBJ EXE1.3 顺序选择循环第二章一. 选择题2.1 B 2.2 D 2.3 B 2.4 A 2.5 C 2.6 A 2.7 B2.8 B 2.9 D 2.10 C 2.11 B 2.12 B 2.13 A二. 填空题2.14 11 122.15 4.2 4.22.16 { } 定义执行语句2.17 关键字用户标识符2.18 int float double2.19 float a1=1; float a2=1;2.20 存储单元2.213.52.22 (a*b)/c a*b/c a/c*b2.23 把常量10赋给变量s2.24 位1或02.25 8 127 -1282.26 32767 -32768 000002.27 10 8 16三. 上机改错题2.28#include "stdio.h"; 删除行尾的";"main(); / * main function * / 删除")"后的";",注释中的*要紧靠“/”,即应为“/*”和“*/”函数开始处遗失了一个“{”float r,s ; /*/*r is radius*/,/* s is area of circuilar*/*/ 注释符号不可嵌套使用r = 5.0 ;s = 3.14159 * r * r ;printf("%f\n",s) 行尾遗失了“;”函数结束处遗失了一个“}”2.29#include "stdio.h"main /* main function */ main后遗失了“()”{float a,b,c,v; /*a,b,c are sides, v is volume of cube */a=2.0; b=3.0; c=4.0 行尾遗失了“;”printf("%f\n", v) 行尾遗失了“;”}第三章一. 选择题3.1 C 3.2 C 3.3 D 3.4 C 3.5 D 3.6 B 3.7 C 3.8 D 3.9 A 3.10 B3.11 C 3.12 D 3.13 D 3.14 A 3.15 C 3.16 C 3.17 C 3.18 无答案3.19 C 3.20 B二. 填空题3.21 (1)-(2)i=-200,j=2500(3)i=-200j=25003.22 12 0 03.23 一条语句;3.24 ;3.25 100,25.81,1.89234 100 25.81 1.89234 100 25.81 1.892343.26 x=127,x= 127,x= 177,x= 7f,x= 1273.27 x=127,x=127 ,x=$127 ,x=$,x=%06d3.28 a=513.,a= 513.79,a= 513.,a= 513.三. 编程题和改错题3.29 修改后的程序如下:main(){double a,b,c,s,v;printf("input a,b,c:");scanf("%lf%lf%lf",&a,&b,&c);s =a*b;v=a*b*c;printf("a=%f,b=%f,c=%f\n", a,b,c);printf("s=%f,v=%f\n",s,v);}3.30#includemain(){int a=560,b=60;printf("560 minute is %d hour and %d minute.\n",a/b,a%b);}3.31#includemain(){a=1500;b=350;printf("a div b is : %d\n",a/b);printf("a mod b is : %d\n",a%b);}3.32#includemain(){double a,b,c,ave;printf ("input 3 double number : \n");scanf ("%lf%lf%lf",&a,&b,&c);printf ("%.1f\n",(a+b+c)/3);}3.33#includevoid main(){int a,b,c,t;printf("请依次输入整数a,b,c:");scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c);printf("\n你输入的值是: a=%d,b=%d,c=%d\n",a,b,c);t=b;b=a;a=c;c=t;printf("交换之后的值是:a=%d,b=%d,c=%d\n",a,b,c);}第四章一. 选择题4.1 A 4.2 A 4.3 A 4.4 D 4.5 C 4.6 A 4.7 B 4.8 C 4.9 D 4.10 C二. 填空题4.11 非0 04.12 < > >= <=同级== !=同级4.13 ! && ||4.15 !4.16 a == b || a < c x > 4 || x < -44.17 14.18 x <= 0 1 > 04.19 3 2 24.20 *#三. 编程题4.21 略4.22/* 检查日期的合法性*/int checkdate(int year, int month, int day){if(year < 1900 || year > 2005){printf("输入的年份无效!\n");return 0;}else if(month < 0 && month > 12){printf("输入的月份无效!\n");return 0;}else if(day <= 0 && day > 31){printf("输入的日期无效!\n");return 0;}else{switch(month){case 4:case 6:case 9:case 11:if(day > 30){printf("输入的日期无效!\n");return 0;}break;case 2:if((year%4 == 0 && year%100 != 0) || year%400 == 0) {if(day > 29){printf("输入的日期无效!\n");return 0;}}elseif(day > 28){printf("输入的出生日期无效!\n"); return 0;}}break;}/* end of switch(m0)*/}return 1;}void main(){int y0, m0, d0; /* 生日*/int y1, m1, d1; /* 当前日期*/int years, months, days; /* 实足年龄*/printf("请输入学生的生日:");scanf("%d%d%d", &y0,&m0,&d0);if(checkdate(y0, m0, d0)){printf("请输入当前日期:");scanf("%d%d%d", &y1,&m1,&d1);/*当前日期合法性检查*/if(!checkdate(y1, m1, d1)){return;}else if(y0 > y1){printf("出生年份比当前年份晚!\n"); return;}else if(y0 == y1){if(m0 > m1){printf("出生年月比当前年月晚!\n"); return;}else if(m0 == m1)if(d0 > d1){printf("出生年月日比当前年月日晚!\n");return;}}}}/* 计算实足年龄*/years = y1 - y0;months = m1 - m0;days = d1 - d0;/* 修正实足年龄天数*/if(days < 0){months--;switch(m1){case 1:case 5:case 7:case 10:case 12:days += 30;break;case 2:case 4:case 6:case 8:case 9:case 11:days += 31;break;case 3:if((y1%4 == 0 && y1%100 != 0) || y1%400 == 0) {days += 29;}else{days += 28;break;}/* end of switch(m1) */}/* end of if(days < 0) *//* 修正实足年龄月数*/if(months < 0){months += 12;years--;}/* end of if(months < 0) */printf("出生日期: %d年%d月%d日\n", y0, m0, d0);printf("当前日期: %d年%d月%d日\n", y1, m1, d1);printf("实足年龄: %d年%d月%d日\n", years, months, days);return;}4.23#includevoid main(){int a;printf ("请输入一个整数:");scanf ("%d",&a);if (a%2==0){printf ("%d 是偶数\n", a);}else{printf ("%d 是奇数\n", a);}}4.24#includevoid main(){int a,b,c,temp,max;printf ("请输入三个整数:");scanf ("%d %d %d",&a,&b,&c);temp=(a>b)? a:b;max=(temp>c)? temp:c;printf ("\n");printf ("你输入的数中最大的是%d.\n",max); }4.25(1)不嵌套的if语句#includevoid main(){int x,y;printf("input x :");scanf("%d",&x);if ( x>-5 && x<0 ){printf("y is %d\n",y=x);}if ( x==0 ){printf("y is %d\n",y=x-1);}if ( x>0 && x<10 ){printf("y is %d\n",y=x+1);}if ( x>=10 || x<=-5){printf("error\n");}}(2)嵌套的if语句#includevoid main(){int x,y;printf("input x :");scanf("%d",&x);printf("\n");if(x < 0){if(x > -5){printf("y is %d.\n",y=x); }else{printf("error!\n");}}if(0 == x){printf("y is %d.\n",y=x-1); }if(x > 0){if(x < 10){printf("y is %d.\n",y=x+1); }else{printf("error!\n");}}}(3)if_else语句#includevoid main(){int x,y;printf("input x :");scanf("%d",&x);if( x>-5 && x<0 ){printf("y is %d.\n",y=x); }else if( x==0 ){printf("y is %d.\n",y=x-1); }else if( x>0 && x<10 ) {printf("y is %d.\n",y=x+1); }else{printf("error!\n");}}(4)switch语句#includevoid main(){int x,y;printf("input x : ");scanf("%d",&x);switch (x){case -4:case -3:case -2:case -1:printf("y is %d.\n",y=x); break;case 0:printf("y is %d.\n",y=x-1); break;case 1:case 2:case 3:case 4:case 5:case 6:case 7:case 8:case 9:printf("y is %d.\n",y=x+1); break;default:printf("error!\n");}}第五章一. 选择题5.1 D 5.2 C 5.3 B 5.4 C 5.5 C 5.6 B 5.7 D 5.8 A 5.9 D 5.10 D二. 填空题5.11 5 4 65.12 死循环5.13 -15.14 115.15 d=1.0 k++ k<=n5.16 x>=0 x三. 编程题5.17#includevoid main(){int i;int sig = 1;int sum = 0;for(i=1; i<=101; i++,i++){sum += sig*i;sig *= -1;}printf("sum=%d\n", sum);}5.18(1)#includevoid main(){int i;double m=1.0;double e = 1.0;for(i=1; i<50; i++){m *= i;e += 1/m;}printf("e=%f\n",e);}(2)#includevoid main(){int i=1;double m=1.0;double e = 1.0;while(1/m >= 0.0004){m *= i;e += 1/m;i++;}printf("e=%f\n",e);}5.19#includevoid main(){int year;int col = 0;for(year=1600; year<=2000; year++){if((year%4 == 0 && year%100 != 0) || year%400 == 0) {printf("%d\t", year);col++;if(col%5 == 0){printf("\n");}}}printf("\n");}5.20#include#define N 7void main(){int i;int j;int m;int k = N/2;for(i=0; i {m = i-k;if(m < 0){m *= -1;}for(j=0; j {printf(" ");}for(j=0; j<2*(k-m)+1; j++){printf("*");}printf("\n");}}第六章一. 选择题6.1 B 6.2 D 6.3 A 6.4 A 6.5 B 6.6 D 6.7 D 6.8 B 6.9 A 6.10 A 6.11 C二. 填空题6.12 -16.13 16.14 ctype.h6.15 16.16 10A 20B 30C 40D6.177.29 101.298AB6.18 A7.29B101.2986.19 A B C (每个字符后有三个空格)三. 编程题6.20#include#define N 80void main(){int iLoop = 0;gets(str);while(str[iLoop]){printf("%c-%d\t", str[iLoop],str[iLoop]); iLoop++;if(iLoop%3 == 0){printf("\n");}}printf("\n");}6.21#include#define N 80void main(){char str[N];int num = 0;int iLoop = 0;gets(str);while(str[iLoop]){if(str[iLoop] >= '0' && str[iLoop] <= '9') {num = 10*num + (str[iLoop] - '0');}iLoop++;}printf("%d\n",num);}6.22#include#include#define N 80void main(){char str[N];do{gets(str);num++;}while(strcmp(str, "EOF"));printf("您输入了%d行字符!\n",num);}6.23#include#define N 80void main(){char str[N];int iLoop = 0;int num = 0;gets(str);while(str[iLoop] && iLoop < N){if(str[iLoop] >= 'a' && str[iLoop] <= 'z'){num++;}iLoop++;}printf("您输入了字符中有%d个小写字母!\n",num); }6.24#includevoid main(){int line;int iLoop1;int iLoop2;printf("请输入图案的行数(不大于26):");scanf("%d", &line);for(iLoop1 = 0; iLoop1 < line; iLoop1++){for(iLoop2 = 0; iLoop2 < line - iLoop1; iLoop2++){printf(" ");}for(iLoop2 = 0; iLoop2 < 2*iLoop1+1; iLoop2++) {printf("%c",iLoop1 + 'A');}printf("\n");}}第七章一. 选择题7.1 C 7.2 C 7.3 B 7.4 C 7.5 A 7.6 D 7.7 A二. 填空题7.8 127.9 9.7.10 47.11 n=1 s7.12 <=y z*x7.13 1 s*i 0 f(k)三. 程序调试和编程题7.14fun(int n){ int k,yes;for(k=2; k<=n/2; k++){if(n%k == 0) { yes = 0; break;}else yes = 1;}return yes;}7.15int mymod(int a, int b){return a%b;}7.16double fun(int n){double sum = 0;int iLoop;int sig = -1;for(iLoop=1; iLoop<=n; iLoop++){sig *= -1;sum += sig*1.0/iLoop;}return sum;}7.17double fun(int n){double t = 1.0;int iLoop;long tmp;for(iLoop=2; iLoop<=n; iLoop++){tmp = iLoop*iLoop;t -= 1.0/tmp;}return t;}7.18#include#includedouble fun(double x){return x*x + 5*x + 4;}void main(){int x = 2;printf("y1=%f\n", fun(x));printf("y2=%f\n", fun(x+15));printf("y3=%f\n", fun(sin(x)));}第八章一. 选择题8.1 A 8.2 B 8.3 B 8.4 C 8.5 B 8.6 B 8.7 C 8.8 D 8.9 B 8.10 C 8.11 C 8.12 C8.13 1108.14 7 18.15 (1)char *p=&ch; (2) p=&ch; (3)scanf("%c",p); (4)*p='A'; (5)printf("%c",*p);8.16 (1)s=p+3; (2)s=s-2 (3)50 (4)*(s+1) (5)2 (6)10 20 30 40 50三. 编程题8.17void fun(double x, double y, double *sum, double *div){*sum = x + y;*div = x - y;return;}8.18void fun(double x, double y, double z, double *max, double *min){*max = x;*min = x;if(*max < y){*max = y;}if(*max < z){*max = z;}if(*min > y){*min = y;}if(*min > z){*min = z;}return;}第九章一. 选择题9.1 D 9.2 A 9.3 A 9.4 C 9.5 C 9.6 A 9.7 B 9.8 D 9.9 C 9.10 C9.11 C 9.12 D 9.13 D 9.14 A 9.15 A 9.16 A 9.17 C 9.18 C二. 填空题9.20 69.21 129.22 39.23 27219.24 -850,2,09.25 k=p k9.26 (c=getchar()) c-'A'三. 编程题9.27#include#define N 81int main(){int counter[10] = {0};int iLoop = 0;char str[N];gets(str);while(str[iLoop]){if(str[iLoop] >= '0' && str[iLoop] <= '9') {counter[str[iLoop] - '0']++;}iLoop++;}for(iLoop=0; iLoop < 10; iLoop++){printf("%d - %d\n", iLoop, counter[iLoop]); }return 0;}9.28void fun(int array[], int arraysize, int start) {int iLoop;if(start < arraysize-1){if(start <=0){start = 1;}for(iLoop = start; iLoop < arraysize; iLoop++){array[iLoop-1] = array[iLoop];}}for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < arraysize; iLoop++){printf("No.%d = %d\n", iLoop, array[iLoop]);}}9.29int fun(int arry1[], int arry2[], int arrysize){int iLoop;int counter = 0;for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < arrysize; iLoop++){if(arry1[iLoop] % 2){arry2[counter++] = arry1[iLoop];}}return counter;}9.30void fun(char array[], int arraysize){int iLoop1;int iLoop2;char temp;/* 冒泡排序*/for(iLoop1 = 0; iLoop1 < arraysize - 1; iLoop1++){for(iLoop2 = 0; iLoop2 < arraysize - 1 - iLoop1; iLoop2++) {if(array[iLoop2] < array[iLoop2 + 1]){temp = array[iLoop2];array[iLoop2] = array[iLoop2 + 1];array[iLoop2 + 1] = temp;}}}}#includevoid fun(int array[], int arraysize, int inertNumber) {int iLoop;int iLoop2;if(array[0] < array[arraysize-1]){for(iLoop = 0; iLoop< arraysize; iLoop++){if(array[iLoop] > inertNumber){for(iLoop2 = arraysize - 1; iLoop2 >= iLoop; iLoop2--) {array[iLoop2 + 1] = array[iLoop2];}array[iLoop] = inertNumber;break;}}if(iLoop >= arraysize){array[arraysize] = inertNumber;}}else{for(iLoop = 0; iLoop< arraysize; iLoop++){if(array[iLoop] < inertNumber){for(iLoop2 = arraysize - 1; iLoop2 >= iLoop; iLoop2--) {array[iLoop2 + 1] = array[iLoop2];}array[iLoop] = inertNumber;break;}}if(iLoop >= arraysize){array[arraysize] = inertNumber;}}int main(){int iLoop;int a[20] = {7,6,5,3,2,1};for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < 6; iLoop++) {printf("%d ", a[iLoop]);}printf("\n");fun(a, 6, 0);for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < 7; iLoop++) {printf("%d ", a[iLoop]);}printf("\n");fun(a, 7, 4);for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < 8; iLoop++) {printf("%d ", a[iLoop]);}printf("\n");fun(a, 8, 8);for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < 9; iLoop++) {printf("%d ", a[iLoop]);}printf("\n");return 0;}9.32int fun(int number, int array[]) {int iLoop = 0;int iLoop2;int binLen;int midNumber;int div;int remain;midNumber = number;dodiv = midNumber/2;remain = midNumber%2;midNumber = div;array[iLoop++] = remain;}while(midNumber);binLen = iLoop;for(iLoop2 = 0, iLoop = binLen - 1; iLoop2 < iLoop; iLoop2++, iLoop--) {midNumber = array[iLoop2];array[iLoop2] = array[iLoop];array[iLoop] = midNumber;}return binLen;}9.33#include#include#define N 15void fun(int array[], int arraysize){int x;int iLoop;int iLoop2;for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < arraysize; iLoop++){iLoop2 = 0;x = rand()%20;do{if(x == array[iLoop2] && iLoop > 0){x = rand()%20;iLoop2 = 0;}iLoop2++;}while(iLoop2 < iLoop);array[iLoop] = x;}}int main(){int a[N];int iLoop;fun(a, N);for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < N; iLoop++){printf("%d\n", a[iLoop]);}return 0;}第十章一. 选择题10.1 C 10.2 B 10.3 C 10.4 B 10.5 C 10.6 A 10.7 C 10.8 A 10.9 C 10.10 C二. 填空题10.11 GFEDCB10.12 XYZ10.13 SO10.14 1010.15 Itis10.16 strlen(str)-1 j--10.17 310.18 goodgood!三. 编程题10.19char* mygets(char *str){int iLoop = 0;char ch;while((ch=getchar()) != '\n'){str[iLoop++] = ch;}str[iLoop] = '\0';return str;}char * myputs(char *str)int iLoop = 0;while(str[iLoop]){putchar(str[iLoop++]);}putchar('\n');return str;}10.20#include#includeint fun(char *str){int len;int iLoop1;int iLoop2;int result = 1;len = strlen(str);for(iLoop1 = 0, iLoop2 = len - 1; iLoop1 < iLoop2; iLoop1++, iLoop2--) {if(str[iLoop1] != str[iLoop2]){result = 0;break;}}return result;}int main(){char a[20] = "ABCDCBA";char b[20] = "ABCDEBA";printf("%d\n", fun(a));printf("%d\n", fun(b));return 0;}10.21char fun(char *str, int pos){int len;int iLoop;char ch;len = strlen(str);if(pos > len){return NULL;}ch = str[pos];for(iLoop = pos; iLoop < len - 1; iLoop++) {str[iLoop] = str[iLoop + 1];}str[len-1] = '\0';return ch;}第十一章一. 选择题11.1 D 11.2 B 11.3 A 11.4 C二. 填空题11.5 IJKLEFGHABCD11.6 711.7 811.8 *(s+j) i+1 i11.9 1711.10 (*fun)() (*fun)(a+i*h)/h mypoly三. 编程题11.11#include#include#define N 81int main(int argc, char **argv){char sig;int dig;int pos;char str[N] = {'\0'};char outStr[N] = {'\0'};if(argc < 2){sig = '-';dig = 10;}else{sig = argv[1][0];dig = argv[1][1] - '0';}printf("请输入一个字符串:"); gets(str);if(sig == '-'){pos = strlen(str) - dig;if(pos <= 0){pos = 0;}strcpy(outStr, str + pos);}else if(sig == '+'){strcpy(outStr, str);pos = strlen(outStr);if(pos > dig){pos = dig;}outStr[pos] = '\0';}printf("处理后的字串为:"); printf("%s\n", outStr);return 0;}11.12#include#includevoid movebin(char *bin){int len;int iLoop;len = strlen(bin);for(iLoop = len; iLoop > 0; iLoop--) {bin[iLoop] = bin[iLoop - 1];}return;}void fun(int n, char *bin){int pos;pos = strlen(bin);if(n == 0){return;}if(n == 1){movebin(bin);bin[0] = '1';return;}movebin(bin);bin[0] = (n%2) + '0';n /= 2;fun(n, bin);return;}int main(){int a = 4;char bin[50] = {""};fun(a, bin);printf("%s\n", bin);return 0;}11.13long fun(int n){if(n == 1){return n;}else{return fun(n-1) + n;}}int main(){int num;int sum;printf("请输入一个自然数:"); scanf("%d", &num);sum = fun(num);printf("结果是:%d\n", sum);return 0;}11.14#includeint fun(int n){if(n == 0 || n == 1){return 1;}else{return fun(n-1) + fun(n-2); }}int main(){int result;printf("请输入一个自然数:");scanf("%d", &num);result = fun(num);printf("斐波拉契级数为:%d\n", result);return 0;}第十二章一. 选择题12.1 B 12.2 B 12.3 A 12.4 C 12.5 D 12.6 B 12.7 A 12.8 A二. 填空题12.9 2,5,1,2,3,-212.10 2468第十三章一. 选择题13.1 A 13.2 C 13.3 B 13.4 C 13.5 D 13.6 D 13.7 D二. 填空题13.8 ar=9 ar=9 ar=1113.9 int* s *b三. 编程题13.10#define MYALPHA(C) ((C>='A' && C<='Z') || (C>='a' && C<='z')) ? 1 : 0 13.11#define SWAP(t,x,y) {t tmp; tmp=x; x=y; y=tmp;}13.12#include#includeint main(){int *p;int tmp;int iLoop;int iLoop2;p = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*3);scanf("%d%d%d", p,p+1,p+2);for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < 2; iLoop++){for(iLoop2 = 0; iLoop2 < 2 - iLoop; iLoop2++){if(*(p + iLoop2) > *(p + iLoop2 + 1)){tmp = *(p + iLoop2);*(p + iLoop2) = *(p + iLoop2 + 1);*(p + iLoop2 + 1) = tmp;}}}printf("%d %d %d\n", *p, *(p+1), *(p+2));free(p);p = NULL;return 0;}第十四章一. 选择题14.1 D 14.2 D 14.3 D 14.4 A 14.5 C 14.6 C 14.7 C 14.8 B二. 填空题14.9 struct link *next14.10 p->next m>p->data14.11 (struct list*) struct list struct list* struct list return h三. 编程题14.12#include#define N 3struct stud{char num[5], name[10];int s[4];double ave;};void readrec(struct stud array[], int size)int iLoop;for(iLoop=0; iLoop {scanf("%s%s%d%d%d%d", array[iLoop].num, array[iLoop].name, &array[iLoop].s[0], &array[iLoop].s[1],&array[iLoop].s[2], &array[iLoop].s[3]);array[iLoop].ave = (array[iLoop].s[0] + array[iLoop].s[1] +array[iLoop].s[2] + array[iLoop].s[3])/4.0;}return;}void writerec(struct stud array[], int size){int iLoop;for(iLoop=0; iLoop{printf("%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%f\n",array[iLoop].num,array[iLoop].name,array[iLoop].s[0],array[iLoop].s[1],array[iLoop].s[2],array[iLoop].s[3],array[iLoop].ave);}return;}int main(){struct stud stu[N];readrec(stu, N);writerec(stu, N);return 0;}14.13#include#include#define N 100struct node{int data;struct node* next;int seekMaxValue(struct node *pNode){int max;struct node* pMove;pMove = pNode;max = pMove->data;pMove = pMove->next;while(pMove){if(max < pMove->data){max = pMove->data;}pMove = pMove->next;}return max;}struct node* seekMaxValueAddress(struct node *pNode) {int max;struct node* maxAddress;struct node* pMove;pMove = pNode;max = pMove->data;maxAddress = pMove;pMove = pMove->next;while(pMove){if(max < pMove->data){max = pMove->data;maxAddress = pMove;}pMove = pMove->next;}return maxAddress;}int main()struct node* head;struct node* pNode;int iLoop;head = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); pNode = head;pNode->next = NULL;for(iLoop=0; iLoop {pNode->next = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); pNode = pNode->next;pNode->next = NULL;pNode->data = iLoop;}printf("%d\n", seekMaxValue(head->next));printf("%d\n", seekMaxValueAddress(head->next));return 0;}第十五章一. 选择题15.1 D 15.2 A 15.3 B 15.4 A二. 填空题15.515.6 a^a15.7 a|0xffff15.8 x|0xff0015.9 a=(>>2)15.10 ch|0x20第十六章一. 选择题16.1 B 16.2 C二. 填空题16.3 3 !feof(f1) f2 fclose(f1) fclose(f2)16.4 fopen(fname,"w") ch16.5 "r" !feof(fp) fgetc(fp)16.6 CCCCBBBBAAAA三. 编程题16.7#include#define N 10#define LEN 81int main(){char *str[N] = {"AAAAAAAAA", "BBBBBBBBB", "CCCCCCCCC", "DDDDDDDDD", "EEEEEEEEE", "FFFFFFFFF", "GGGGGGGGG", "HHHHHHHHH","IIIIIIIII","JJJJJJJJJ"};char str2[N][LEN];FILE *fp;int iLoop;fp = fopen("str.txt", "w");if(fp == NULL){printf("创建文件失败!\n"); return 1;}else{for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < N; iLoop++) {fputs(str[iLoop], fp);fputs("\n",fp);}}fclose(fp);fp = fopen("str.txt", "r");if(fp == NULL){printf("打开文件失败!\n"); return 1;}else{for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < N; iLoop++) {fgets(str2[iLoop], LEN - 1, fp);}}fclose(fp);for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < N; iLoop++) {printf("%s", str2[iLoop]);}return 0;}16.8#include#define N 10int main(){float num;int iLoop;FILE *fp;fp = fopen("num.bin", "wb+");if(fp == NULL){printf("创建文件失败!\n"); return 1;}/* 从键盘读入10个数并写文件*/ printf("请输入%d个数:", N);for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < N; iLoop++) {scanf("%f", &num);fwrite(&num, sizeof(num), 1, fp); }/* 文件指针回到开始处*/ rewind(fp);/* 从文件读出10个数并显示*/ for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < N; iLoop++) {fread(&num, sizeof(num), 1, fp); printf("%f\n", num);}/* 移文件指针到第四个数开始处*/ fseek(fp, 3L*sizeof(num), SEEK_SET); /* 读入一个新数据*/printf("请输入一个新数据:");scanf("%f", &num);fwrite(&num, sizeof(num), 1, fp);/* 文件指针回到开始处*/rewind(fp);/* 从文件读出10个数并显示*/for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < N; iLoop++) {fread(&num, sizeof(num), 1, fp); printf("%f\n", num);}/* 关闭文件*/fclose(fp);return 0;}。

一单项选择题1.逻辑运算符两侧运算对象的数据类型是〔D 〕。
A〕只能是0或1B〕只能是0或非0正数C〕只能是整型或字符型数据D〕可以是任何类型的数据2.x=43,ch='A',y=0;那么表达式〔x>=y&&ch<'B'&&!y〕的值是〔C 〕。
A〕0B〕语法错C〕1D〕“假〞3. int x=10,y=20,z=30;以下语句执行后x,y,z的值是〔B 〕。
y〕z=x;x=y;y=z;A〕x=10,y=20,z=30B〕x=20,y=30,z=30C〕x=20,y=30,z=10D〕x=20,y=30,z=204.执行以下语句后a的值为〔 C 〕,b的值为〔〕。
int a,b,c;a=b=c=1;++a|| ++b && ++c;A〕错误 1B〕 2 2C〕2 1D〕 1 1当A的值为奇数时,表达式的值为“真〞,A的值为偶数时,表达式的值为“假〞,那么以下不能满足要求的表达式是〔C 〕。
A〕A%2==1B〕!〔A%2==0〕C〕!〔A%2〕D〕A%26.设有:int a=1,b=2,c=3,d=4,m=2,n=2;执行〔m=a>D〕后n的值是〔B 〕。
A〕0B〕 2C〕3D〕 4断char型变量cl是否为小写字母的正确表达式是〔 D 〕。
A〕‘a’<=cl<=‘z’=a〕&&〔cl<=z〕C〕〔‘a’>=cl〕||〔‘z’<=cl〕=‘a’〕&&〔cl<=‘z’〕语句形式是〔C 〕。
y&&x!=y〕;B〕if〔x==y〕x+=y;C〕if〔x!=y〕scanf〔“%d〞,&x〕else scanf〔“%d〞,&y〕D〕if〔x<y〕{x++;y++;}9.请阅读以下程序:main〔〕{int a=5,b=0,c=0;if〔a=b+C〕printf〔“***\n〞〕;else printf〔“$$$\n〞〕;}以上程序〔D 〕。

一单项选择题1.逻辑运算符两侧运算对象的数据类型是(D )。
A)只能是0或1B)只能是0或非0正数C)只能是整型或字符型数据D)可以是任何类型的数据2.已知x=43,ch='A',y=0;则表达式(x>=y&&ch<'B'&&!y)的值是( C )。
A)0B)语法错C)1D)“假”3.已知int x=10,y=20,z=30;以下语句执行后x,y,z的值是( B )。
y)z=x;x=y;y=z;A)x=10,y=20,z=30B)x=20,y=30,z=30C)x=20,y=30,z=10D)x=20,y=30,z=204.执行下列语句后a的值为( C ),b的值为()。
int a,b,c;a=b=c=1;++a|| ++b && ++c;A)错误 1B) 2 2C)2 1D) 1 15.若希望当A的值为奇数时,表达式的值为“真”,A的值为偶数时,表达式的值为“假”,则以下不能满足要求的表达式是(C )。
A)A%2==1B)!(A%2==0)C)!(A%2)D)A%26.设有:int a=1,b=2,c=3,d=4,m=2,n=2;执行(m=a>D)后n的值是(B )。
A)0B) 2C)3D) 47.判断char型变量cl是否为小写字母的正确表达式是(D )。
A)‘a’<=cl<=‘z’=a)&&(cl<=z)C)(‘a’>=cl)||(‘z’<=cl)=‘a’)&&(cl<=‘z’)8.以下不正确的if语句形式是(C )。
y&&x!=y);B)if(x==y)x+=y;C)if(x!=y)scanf(“%d”,&x)else scanf(“%d”,&y)D)if(x<y){x++;y++;}9.请阅读以下程序:main(){int a=5,b=0,c=0;if(a=b+C)printf(“***\n”);else printf(“$$$\n”);}以上程序(D )。

main()ﻫ{ﻫint a,b; ﻫa=1500;b=350;ﻫprintf("a divb is: %d\n",a/b);
printf("a mod bis :%d\n",a%b);ﻫ}
{ ﻫdoublea,b,c,ave;ﻫprintf("input 3 double number:\n"); ﻫscanf ("%lf%lf%lf",&a,&b,&c);ﻫprintf ("%.1f\n",(a+b+c)/3); ﻫ}ﻫ3.33 ﻫ#include
ﻫ第四章ﻫ一.选择题ﻫ4.1 A4.2 A 4.3 A4.4D 4.5C4.6A4.7 B 4.8C4.9 D4.10 C
4.11非00ﻫ4.12 <> >=<=同级== !=同级ﻫ4.13! && ||
4.15 ! ﻫ4.16a ==b ||a<cx>4|| x <-4 ﻫ4.171 ﻫ4.18x<=01>0ﻫ4.193 22
floata,b,c,v; /*a,b,c aresides, v isvolume ofcube */ ﻫa=2.0; b=3.0; c=4.0行尾遗失了“;”ﻫv=a*b*c;
1.3顺序 选择 循环
ﻫ第二章ﻫ一.选择题ﻫ2.1 B 2.2 D 2.3 B 2.4A 2.5 C2.6A2.7 B

《全国计算机等级考试二级教程——C语言程序设计》习题分析与详细解答第一章程序设计基本概念习题分析与解答1.1 【参考答案】 EXE1.2 【参考答案】[1] .C [2] .OBJ [3] .EXE1.3 【参考答案】[1]顺序结构[2]选择结构[3]循环结构第二章 C程序设计的初步知识习题分析与解答一、选择题2.1 【参考答案】 B)2.2 【参考答案】 D)2.3 【参考答案】 B)2.4 【参考答案】 A)2.5 【参考答案】 C)2.6 【参考答案】 A)2.7 【参考答案】 B)2.8 【参考答案】 B)2.9 【参考答案】 D)2.10 【参考答案】 C)2.11 【参考答案】 B)2.12 【参考答案】 B)2.13 【参考答案】 A)二、填空题2.14 【参考答案】[1] 11 [2] 122.15 【参考答案】[1] 4.2 [2] 4.22.16 【参考答案】[1] { [2] } [3]定义[4]执行2.17 【参考答案】[1]关键字[2]用户标识符2.18 【参考答案】[1] int [2] float [3] double2.19 【参考答案】 float a1=1.0, a2=1.0;或float a1=1, a2=1;(系统将自动把1转换为1.0)2.20 【参考答案】存储单元2.21 【参考答案】 3.52.22 【参考答案】[1] a*b/c [2] a/c*b [3] b/c*a2.23 【参考答案】把10赋给变量s2.24 【参考答案】[1]位[2] 1位二进制数据(0或1)2.25 【参考答案】[1] 8 [2]127 [3]01111111 [4]-128 [ 5 ] 10000000 2.26 【参考答案】[1] 32767 [2] -32768 [3] 10000000000000002.27 【参考答案】[1]十[2]八[3]十六三、上机改错题2.28 【分析与解答】第1行的错误:(1) include是一个程序行,因此在此行的最后不应当有分号(;)。

说明:1、原先的少部分题目有错,请用红色的部分替换掉;2、如果红色部分有文字“删除该行”,就直接删除该行;第一章C语言的基础知识第一节对C语言的初步认识习题1. 下列叙述中错误的是BA)任何一个C程序都必须有且仅有一个main函数,C语言总是从main函数开始执行。
第二节熟悉Visual C++习题1. C语言源程序名的后缀是 BA).exe B).c C).obj D).cp 2. 下列叙述中错误的是DA)计算机不能直接执行用C语言编写的源程序B)C程序经C编译后,生成后缀为.obj的文件是一个二进制文件C)后缀为.obj的文件,经连接程序生成后缀为.exe的文件是一个二进制文件D)后缀为.obj和.exe的二进制文件都可以直接运行3. 用C语言编写的代码程序BA)可立即执行B)是一个源程序C)经过编译即可执行D)经过编译解释才能执行第三节标识符习题1. 按照C语言规定的用户标识符命名规则,不能出现在标识符中的是BA)大写字母B)连接符C)数字字符D)下划线2. 以下选项中不合法的标识符是 CA)print B)FOR C)&a D)_003. 以下叙述中错误的是AA)用户所定义的标识符允许使用关键字B)用户所定义的标识符应尽量做到“见名知意”C)用户所定义的标识符必须以字母或下划线开头D)用户定义的标识符中,大、小写字母代表不同标识4. 可在C程序中用作用户标识符的一组标识符是AA)and B)Date C)HiD)case_2007 y-m-d Dr.TomBigl5. 以下不合法的用户标识符是CA)j2_KEY B)Double C)4d D)_8_6. 以下不能定义为用户标识符的是DA)Main B)_0 C)_int D)sizeof7. 下列选项中,不能用作标识符的是DA)_1234_ B)_1_2 C)int_2_ D)2_int_8. 以下4组用户定义标识符中,全部合法的一组是AA)_main B)If C)txt D)intenclude -max REAL k_2sin turbo 3COM _001第四节数制转换习题1.十进制整数360的八进制为__________,十六进制为_____________。

12. B.—20 C.1,000 D.4 5 62.以下选项中正确的实型常量是().A。
0 B。
3. 1415 C。
329×102 D. .8713。
2.607E—1 B.0.8103e 2 C。
77 D.456e—24。
abc.c B.file C。
Main D.PRINTF5. 以下选项中不合法的用户标识符是().A._123B.printf C。
A $ D.Dim6。
% B。
/ C.! D.* *7。
void define WORD B。
as_b3 _123 IfC.For —abc case D。
2c DO SIG8.若变量已正确定义并赋值,符合C语言语法的表达式是()。
A.a=a+7;B.a=7+b+c,a++ C。
int(12.3%4) D。
A.1 B。
2 C.3 D。
0 B。
028 C.-077 D.01。

二级C语言课本课后习题参考答案第一章程序设计基本概念**************************************************(1) exe(2) C,obj , exe(3) 顺序,选择,循环***************End of Chapter 1*******************第二章C程序设计的初步知识**************************************************一、选择题(1) B (2) D (3) B (4) A (5) C(6) A (7) B (8) B (9) A (10) C(11)B (12)B (13)A二、填空题(14)11,12(15) 4.2,4.2(16) { ,} 说明,执行(17) 关键字,用户标识符(18) int ,float ,double(19) float a1=1,a2=1 ;(20) 存储单元(21) 3.5(22) a*b/c a/c*b a*(b/c)(23) 10赋给变量s(24) 位,0或1(25) 8 ,255 ,11111111,0,00000000(26) 32767 ,-32768 ,10000000 00000000(27)十,八,十六三、上机改错题——————————————————————————————————————(28) 请指出以下C程序的错误所在#include stdio.h ;main( ); / * main function * /float r, s; /* /*r is radius*/,/*s is area of circular*/*/r = 5.0 ;s=3.14159 * r * r ;printf("%f\n",s);※正确应为:#include 或#include"stdio.h"main( ) /* main function */{float r,s; /*r is radius, s is area of circular*/r = 5.0 ;s = 3.14159 * r * r ;printf("%f\n",s);} ——————————————————————————————————————(29) 请指出以下C程序的错误所在#include stdio.hmain /* main function */{float a,b,c,v; /*a,b,c are sides, v is volume of cube*/a = 2.0 ;b = 3.0 ;c = 4.0v = a * b * c;printf("%f\n",v);}※正确应为:#include"stdio.h"main( ) /* main function */{float a,b,c,v; /*a,b,c are sides, v is volume of cube*/a = 2.0 ;b = 3.0 ;c = 4.0;v = a * b * c;printf("%f\n",v);}***************End of Chapter 2*******************第三章顺序结构**************************************************一、选择题(1) C (2) C (3) D (4) C (5) D(6) B (7) C (8) D (9) A (10)B(11)C (12)D (13)D (14)A (15)C(16)C (17)C (18)均不对,应为scanf( “%6f”,&c) (18) C (20) B二、填空题(21) ①-200,2500 ②i=-200, j=2500 ③i = -200 , j = 2500(22) 12 ,0 ,0(23) 语句块,{ ;}(24) ;(25) 100<空格>25.81<空格>1.89234 /*可用一个或几个空格作为输入时的间隔符*/ 10025.811.89234 /*Tab(制表符)也可以作为输入时的间隔符*/10025.811.89234 /*CR(回车符)也可以作为输入时的间隔符*/(26) x = 127,x =ццц127,x=ццц177, x=цццц7f, x=ццц127。

(3) i=-200
{ int a, b, c, t;
printf(″Enter a, b, c :\n″);
4.9【参考答案】D)4.Biblioteka 0【参考答案】A)二、填空题

printf(″(1) a=%d,b=%d,c=%d\n″,a,b ,c);
t=c; c=b; b=a; a=t;
printf(″(2) a=%d,b=%d,c=%d\n″,a,b,c);
{ double a,b,c,ave;
printf(″Enter a ,b ,c :″);
scanf(″%lf%lf%lf″, &a, &b, &c );
2.19【参考答案】float a1=1.0, a2=1.0;
或float a1=1, a2=1;(系统将自动把1转换为1.0)
3.27【参考答案】x=127, x=127 , x=$127 ,x=$000127, x=%06d

3.20 以下程序的输出结果是
A) 9 8 B) 8 9 C) 6 6 D) 以上三个都不对 #include "math.h" main() { double a=-3.0, b=2; printf("%3.0f %3.0f\n",pow(b,fabs(a)),pow(fabs(a),b)); } 答案:B 来源:
3.23 复合语句在语法上被认为是____。空语句的形式是____。
答案:一条语句、 ;
3.24 C语句的最后用____结束。 答案:;
3.25 以下程序段,要求通过scanf语句给变量赋值,然后输出变量的值。 写出运行时给k输入100,给a输入25.81,给x输入1.89234时的三种可能 的输入形式____、_____、____。 int k; float a; double x; scanf("%d%f%lf",&k,&a,&x); printf("k=%d,a=%f,x=%f\n",k,a,x); 答案: (1) 100 25.81 1.89234 (2) 100 25.81<CR>1.89234 (3) 100<CR> 25.81<CR> 1.89234<CR>
3.19 若变量已正确说明,要求用以下语句给a赋予
3.12□□9.0<CR> B) a=□□3.12b=□□□9<CR> C) a=3.12,b=9<CR> D)
a=3.12□□,b=9□□□□<CR> scanf("a=%f,b=%f",&a,&b); <CR>表示Enter键

2.29 {注释符号不可嵌套使用后遗失了“ () ”全国计算机等级考试二级教程 --C 语言程序设计》课后习题答案第一章1.1EXE1.2 C OBJ EXE1.3顺序选择循环第二章一.选择题2.1 B 2.2 D 2.3 B 2.4 A 2.5 C 2.6 A 2.7 B 2.8 B 2.9 D 2.10 C 2.11 B 2.12 B 2.13 A 二. 填空题2.1411 122.15 4.2 4.22.16{ } 定义执行语句2.17关键字用户标识符2.18int float double2.19float a1=1; float a2=1;2.20存储单元2.213.52.22(a*b)/c a*b/c a/c*b2.23把常量10 赋给变量s2.24位1 或02.258 127 0111111 -128 100000002.2632767 -32768 10000000000000002.2710 8 16 三. 上机改错题2.28 #include "stdio.h"; 删除行尾的";"main(); / * main function * / 删除")"后的";",注释中的*要紧靠“ / ” ,即应为“ /* ”和“ */ ”函数开始处遗失了一个“ { ”float r ,s ; /*/*r is radius*/,/* s is area of circuilar*/*/ r = 5.0 ;s = 3.14159 * r * r ;printf("%f\n",s) 行尾遗失了“ ; 函数结束处遗失了一个“ } ”#include "stdio.h" main /* main function */ main float a,b,c,v; /*a,b,c are sides, v is volume of cube */a=2.0; b=3.0; c=4.0 行尾遗失了“ ;} 3.31{3.11 C 3.12 D 3.13 D 3.14 A 3.15 C 3.16 C 3.17 C 3.18v=a*b*c;printf("%f\n", v) 行尾遗失了“ ; ”第三章一.选择题3.1 C 3.2 C 3.3 D 3.4 C 3.5 D 3.6 B 3.7 C 3.8 D 3.9 A 3.10B 无答案3.19C 3.20 B二.填空题3.21 (1)-2002500(2)i=-200,j=2500 (3)i=-200 j=2500 3.22 12 0 03.23一条语句;3.24;3.25100,25.81,1.89234 100 25.81 1.89234 100 25.81 1.892343.26x=127,x= 127,x= 177,x= 7f,x= 1273.27x=127,x=127 ,x=$127 ,x=$000127,x=%06d3.28a=513.789215,a= 513.79,a= 513.78921500,a= 513.78921500三. 编程题和改错题3.29修改后的程序如下:main() double a,b,c,s,v;printf("input a,b,c:");scanf("%lf%lf%lf",&a,&b,&c);s =a*b;v=a*b*c;printf("a=%f,b=%f,c=%f\n", a,b,c);printf("s=%f,v=%f\n",s,v);3.30 #include main() int a=560,b=60;printf("560 minute is %d hour and %d minute.\n",a/b,a%b);#include main() int a,b;a=1500;b=350;printf("a div b is : %d\n",a/b);printf("a mod b is : %d\n",a%b);3.32 #include main(){4.19 3 2 2三. 编程题4.22double a,b,c,ave;printf ("input 3 double number : \n");scanf ("%lf%lf%lf",&a,&b,&c);printf ("%.1f\n",(a+b+c)/3);3.33 #include void main(){ int a,b,c,t;printf(" 请依次输入整数a,b,c:");scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c);printf("\n 你输入的值是: a=%d,b=%d,c=%d\n",a,b,c);t=b;b=a;a=c;c=t;printf(" 交换之后的值是:a=%d,b=%d,c=%d\n",a,b,c);第四章一.选择题4.1 A 4.2 A 4.3 A 4.4 D 4.5 C 4.6 A 4.7 B 4.8 C 4.9 D 4.10 C二.填空题4.11 非0 0 4.12 < > >= <= 同级== != 同级4.13 ! && ||4.15!4.16 a == b || a < c x > 4 || x < -44.17 14.18x <= 0 1 > 04.20 *#4.21 略#include /* 检查日期的合法性*/ int checkdate(int year , int month, int day) if(year < 1900 || year > 2005) {printf(" 输入的年份无效!\n");return 0;else if(month < 0 && month > 12){printf(" 输入的月份无效!\n");return 0;return 0; }} else else if(day <= 0 && day > 31){printf(" 输入的日期无效!\n");return 0;else switch(month) case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11: if(day > 30){printf(" 输入的日期无效!\n");return 0;break;case 2: if((year%4 == 0 && year%100 != 0) || year%400 == 0) if(day > 29) {printf(" 输入的日期无效!\n");else if(m0 == m1)if(day > 28)return 0; break; }/* end of switch(m0)*/ return 1; void main()printf (" 请输入学生的生日 :"); scanf("%d%d%d", &y0,&m0,&d0); if(checkdate(y0, m0, d0)) { printf (" 请输入当前日期 :"); scanf("%d%d%d", &y1,&m1,&d1); /* 当前日期合法性检查 */ if(!checkdate(y1, m1, d1)) { return; else if(y0 > y1) { printf (" 出生年份比当前年份晚 !\n"); return; else if(y0 == y1) { if(m0 > m1) { printf (" 出生年月比当前年月晚 !\n"); return;{ printf (" 输入的出生日期无效 !\n"); int y0, m0, d0; /* 生日 */ int y1, m1, d1; /* int years, months, days; /* 当前日期 */ 实足年龄 */} else {if(d0 > d1){printf(" 出生年月日比当前年月日晚!\n"); return;/* 计算实足年龄*/ years = y1 - y0;months = m1 - m0;days = d1 - d0;/* 修正实足年龄天数*/ if(days < 0){ months--;switch(m1) case 1 case 5 case 7 case 10: case 12: days += 30;break;case 2: case 4: case 6: case 8: case 9: case 11: days += 31;break;case 3: if((y1%4 == 0 && y1%100 != 0) ||y1%400 == 0) {days += 29;days += 28;{ break;}/* end of switch(m1) */ }/* end of if(days < 0) */ /* 修正实足年龄月数 */ if(months < 0) {months += 12;years--;}/* end of if(months < 0) */return; 4.23 #include void main() int a; printf (" 请输入一个整数 :"); scanf ("%d",&a); if (a%2==0) { printf ("%d 是偶数 \n", a); else { printf ("%d 是奇数 \n", a); 4.24 #include void main() int a,b,c,temp,max;printf(" 出生日期 : %d printf(" 当前日期 : %d 年%d 年%d 月 %d 月 %d 日 \n", y0, m0, d0); 日 \n", y1, m1, d1); printf(" 实足年龄 : %d 年%d 月%d 日 \n", years, months, days);printf (" 请输入三个整数:");scanf ("%d %d %d",&a,&b,&c);temp=(a>b)? a:b;max=(temp>c)? temp:c;printf ("\n");printf (" 你输入的数中最大的是%d.\n",max);4.25(1)不嵌套的if 语句#include void main() int x,y;printf("input x :");scanf("%d",&x);if ( x>-5 && x<0 ) {printf("y is %d\n",y=x);if ( x==0 ) printf("yis %d\n",y=x-1);if ( x>0 && x<10 ) printf("yis %d\n",y=x+1); }if ( x>=10 || x<=-5)printf("error\n");}(2)嵌套的if 语句#include void main(){int x,y;scanf("%d",&x);printf("\n");if(x < 0)printf("input x :");printf("y is %d.\n",y=x-1); {if(x > -5) printf("y is %d.\n",y=x);else printf("error!\n");}if(0 == x) printf("yis %d.\n",y=x-1);if(x > 0) if(x < 10){printf("y is %d.\n",y=x+1);else printf("error!\n");}(3)if_else 语句#include void main() int x,y; printf("input x :");scanf("%d",&x);if( x>-5 && x<0 ) printf("yis %d.\n",y=x);}else if( x==0 ) else if( x>0 &&x<10 ) printf("y is %d.\n",y=x+1); else printf("error!\n");}(4)switch 语句#include void main() int x,y; printf("input x : ");scanf("%d",&x);switch (x) case -4 case -3 case -2 case -1 printf("y is %d.\n",y=x);break;case 0: printf("y is %d.\n",y=x-1); break;case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: printf("y is %d.\n",y=x+1);break;default: printf("error!\n");第五章printf("e=%f\n",e);(2)一. 选择题5.1 D 5.2 C 5.3 B 5.4 C 5.5 C 5.6 B 5.7 D 5.8 A 5.9 D 5.10 D二.填空题5.11 5 4 65.12死循环5.13-15.14115.15d=1.0 k++ k<=n5.16x>=0 x 三. 编程题5.17 #include void main() int i;int sig = 1; int sum = 0;for(i=1; i<=101; i++,i++) sum += sig*i;sig *= -1;printf("sum=%d\n", sum);5.18 (1) #include void main() int i; double m=1.0;double e = 1.0;for(i=1; i<50; i++){ m *= i;e += 1/m;#include void main() int i=1; double m=1.0;double e = 1.0;while(1/m >= 0.0004) {m *= i;e += 1/m;i++;printf("e=%f\n",e);5.19 #include void main() int year; int col = 0;for(year=1600; year<=2000;year++) if((year%4 == 0 &&year%100 != 0) || year%400 == 0)printf("%d\t", year); col++;if(col%5 == 0) printf("\n");printf("\n");5.20 #include #define N 7void main()void main() {int i;int j;int m;int k = N/2;for(i=0; i { m = i-k;if(m < 0){m *= -1;for(j=0; j { printf(" ");for(j=0; j<2*(k-m)+1; j++) printf("*");} printf("\n");第六章一. 选择题6.1 B 6.2 D 6.3 A 6.4 A 6.5 B 6.6 D 6.7 D 6.8 B 6.9 A 6.10 A 6.11 C二. 填空题6.12-16.13 16.14ctype.h6.15 16.1610A 20B 30C 40D6.177.29 101.298AB6.18A7.29B101.2986.19 A B C (每个字符后有三个空格)三. 编程题6.20 #include #define N 80void main() {int iLoop = 0;gets(str);while(str[iLoop]) printf("%c-%d\t",str[iLoop],str[iLoop]);iLoop++;if(iLoop%3 == 0) {printf("\n");printf("\n");6.21 #include #define N 80 void main() char str[N];int num = 0;int iLoop = 0;gets(str);while(str[iLoop]) if(str[iLoop] >= '0' && str[iLoop] <= '9') {num = 10*num + (str[iLoop] - '0');iLoop++;printf("%d\n",num);6.22 #include #include #define N 80 char str[N];scanf("%d", &line); {do gets(str);num++;}while(strcmp(str , "EOF"));printf(" 您输入了%d 行字符!\n",num);6.23 #include #define N 80 void main() char str[N]; int iLoop = 0;int num = 0;gets(str);while(str[iLoop] && iLoop < N) if(str[iLoop] >= 'a' && str[iLoop] <= 'z') num++;iLoop++;}printf(" 您输入了字符中有%d 个小写字母!\n",num);6.24 #include void main() int line;int iLoop1;int iLoop2;printf(" 请输入图案的行数(不大于26):");for(iLoop1 = 0; iLoop1 < line; iLoop1++) for(iLoop2 = 0; iLoop2 < line - iLoop1; iLoop2++)printf(" ");for(iLoop2 = 0; iLoop2 < 2*iLoop1+1; iLoop2++)printf("%c",iLoop1 + 'A');printf("\n");}第七章一. 选择题7.1 C 7.2 C 7.3 B 7.4 C 7.5 A 7.6 D 7.7 A二. 填空题7.8127.99.0000007.10 47.11n=1 s7.12<=y z*x7.13 1 s*i 0 f(k)三.程序调试和编程题7.14 fun(int n) { int k,yes;for(k=2; k<=n/2; k++) if(n%k == 0) { yes = 0; break;}else yes = 1;return yes;7.15 int mymod(int a, int b) {return a%b;7.16 double fun(int n){double sum = 0;int iLoop;int sig = -1;for(iLoop=1; iLoop<=n; iLoop++) sig *= -1;sum += sig*1.0/iLoop;return sum;7.17 double fun(int n) double t = 1.0;int iLoop;long tmp;for(iLoop=2; iLoop<=n; iLoop++){tmp = iLoop*iLoop;t -= 1.0/tmp;return t;7.18 #include #include double fun(double x) {return x*x + 5*x + 4;void main() int x = 2;printf("y1=%f\n", fun(x));printf("y2=%f\n", fun(x+15));printf("y3=%f\n", fun(sin(x))); }第八章一. 选择题8.1 A 8.2 B 8.3 B 8.4 C 8.5 B 8.6 B 8.7 C 8.8 D 8.9 B 8.10 C 8.11 C 8.12 C二. 填空题8.131108.147 18.15(1)char *p=&ch; (2) p=&ch; (3)scanf("%c",p); (4)*p='A';(5)printf("%c",*p);8.16(1)s=p+3; (2)s=s-2 (3)50 (4)*(s+1) (5)2 (6)10 20 30 40 50三.编程题8.17 void fun(double x, double y, double *sum, double *div) sum = x + y; *div = x - y;return;8.18 void fun(double x, double y, double z, double *max, double *min)*max = x;*min = x;if(*max < y) max = y;if(*max < z) max = z;if(*min > y) {*min = y;if(*min > z) *min = z;return;第九章一. 选择题9.1 D 9.2 A 9.3 A 9.4 C 9.5 C 9.6 A 9.7 B 9.8 D 9.9 C 9.10 C 9.11 C 9.12 D9.13 D 9.14 A 9.15 A 9.16 A 9.17 C 9.18 C二. 填空题{ { }9.199 09.20 69.21129.22 39.2327219.24-850,2,09.25k=p k9.26(c=getchar()) c-'A'三. 编程题9.27 #include #define N 81 int main() int counter[10] = {0};int iLoop = 0;char str[N];gets(str);while(str[iLoop]) if(str[iLoop] >= '0' && str[iLoop] <= '9')counter[str[iLoop] - '0']++;iLoop++;}for(iLoop=0; iLoop < 10; iLoop++) printf("%d - %d\n", iLoop,counter[iLoop]);return 0;9.28 void fun(int array[], int arraysize, int start) int iLoop;if(start < arraysize-1) if(start <=0) start = 1;for(iLoop = start; iLoop < arraysize; iLoop++) array[iLoop-1] =array[iLoop];for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < arraysize; iLoop++) printf("No.%d = %d\n", iLoop, array[iLoop]); }9.29 int fun(int arry1[], int arry2[], int arrysize) int iLoop;int counter = 0;for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < arrysize; iLoop++) if(arry1[iLoop] % 2) {arry2[counter++] = arry1[iLoop];return counter;} } } }9.30 void fun(char array[], int arraysize) int iLoop1;int iLoop2;char temp;/* 冒泡排序*/ for(iLoop1 = 0; iLoop1 < arraysize - 1; iLoop1++)for(iLoop2 = 0; iLoop2 < arraysize - 1 - iLoop1; iLoop2++){if(array[iLoop2] < array[iLoop2 + 1]) temp = array[iLoop2]; array[iLoop2] = array[iLoop2 + 1];array[iLoop2 + 1] = temp;9.31 #include void fun(int array[], int arraysize, int inertNumber) int iLoop;int iLoop2;if(array[0] < array[arraysize-1]) {for(iLoop = 0; iLoop< arraysize; iLoop++) if(array[iLoop] > inertNumber) for(iLoop2 = arraysize - 1; iLoop2 >= iLoop; iLoop2--) array[iLoop2 + 1] = array[iLoop2];array[iLoop] = inertNumber; break;if(iLoop >= arraysize) array[arraysize] = inertNumber;else{for(iLoop = 0; iLoop< arraysize; iLoop++) if(array[iLoop] < inertNumber) for(iLoop2 = arraysize - 1; iLoop2 >= iLoop; iLoop2--) array[iLoop2 + 1] = array[iLoop2];array[iLoop] = inertNumber;break;if(iLoop >= arraysize) array[arraysize] = inertNumber;int main() int iLoop;int a[20] = {7,6,5,3,2,1};for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < 6; iLoop++) {printf("%d ", a[iLoop]);printf("\n");fun(a, 6, 0);for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < 7; iLoop++) printf("%d ", a[iLoop]);printf("\n"); fun(a, 7, 4);for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < 8; iLoop++) printf("%d ", a[iLoop]);printf("\n");fun(a, 8, 8);for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < 9; iLoop++) printf("%d ", a[iLoop]); } printf("\n");return 0;9.32 int fun(int number , int array[]) int iLoop = 0;int iLoop2;int binLen;int midNumber;int div;int remain;midNumber = number;doarray[iLoop] = x; } }div = midNumber/2;remain = midNumber%2;midNumber = div;array[iLoop++] = remain;}while(midNumber);binLen = iLoop;for(iLoop2 = 0, iLoop = binLen - 1; iLoop2 < iLoop; iLoop2++, iLoop--) midNumber = array[iLoop2];array[iLoop2] = array[iLoop];array[iLoop] = midNumber;return binLen;9.33 #include #include #define N 15 void fun(int array[], int arraysize) int x;int iLoop;int iLoop2;for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < arraysize; iLoop++) iLoop2 = 0;x = rand()%20;do if(x == array[iLoop2] && iLoop > 0) x = rand()%20;iLoop2 = 0;}iLoop2++;}while(iLoop2 < iLoop);str[iLoop] = '\0'; }int main() int a[N];int iLoop;fun(a, N);for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < N; iLoop++) {printf("%d\n", a[iLoop]);return 0;第十章一. 选择题10.1 C 10.2 B 10.3 C 10.4 B 10.5 C 10.6 A 10.7 C 10.8 A 10.9 C 10.10 C二. 填空题10.11GFEDCB10.12XYZ10.13SO10.141010.15Itis10.16strlen(str)-1 j--10.17 310.18goodgood !三. 编程题10.19 char* mygets(char *str) int iLoop = 0;char ch;while((ch=getchar()) != '\n'){str[iLoop++] = ch;return str;char * myputs(char *str)int iLoop = 0;while(str[iLoop]) putchar(str[iLoop++]);putchar('\n');return str;10.20 #include #include int fun(char *str) int len;int iLoop1;int iLoop2;int result = 1;len = strlen(str);for(iLoop1 = 0, iLoop2 = len - 1; iLoop1 < iLoop2; iLoop1++, iLoop2--)if(str[iLoop1] != str[iLoop2]) result = 0;break;return result;int main(){char a[20] = "ABCDCBA";char b[20] = "ABCDEBA";printf("%d\n", fun(a));printf("%d\n", fun(b));return 0;10.21}char fun(char *str , int pos) int len;int iLoop;char ch;len = strlen(str);if(pos > len){return NULL;ch = str[pos];for(iLoop = pos; iLoop < len - 1; iLoop++) str[iLoop] = str[iLoop + 1];str[len-1] = '\0';return ch;第十一章一. 选择题11.1 D 11.2 B 11.3 A 11.4 C二. 填空题11.5IJKLEFGHABCD11.6711.7811.8*(s+j) i+1 i11.91711.10(*fun)() (*fun)(a+i*h)/h mypoly三. 编程题11.11 #include #include #define N 81 int main(int argc, char **argv) {char sig;int dig;int pos;char outStr[N] = {'\0'};char str[N] = {'\0'};}if(argc < 2) sig = '-';dig = 10;else{sig = argv[1][0];dig = argv[1][1] - '0';printf(" 请输入一个字符串:");gets(str);if(sig == '-') pos = strlen(str) - dig; if(pos <= 0) pos = 0; strcpy(outStr , str + pos);else if(sig == '+') strcpy(outStr , str);pos = strlen(outStr); if(pos > dig) pos = dig;outStr[pos] = '\0';printf(" 处理后的字串为:");printf("%s\n", outStr);return 0;11.12 #include #includefun(a, bin); }void movebin(char *bin) int len;int iLoop;len = strlen(bin);for(iLoop = len; iLoop > 0; iLoop--) bin[iLoop] = bin[iLoop - 1]; } return;void fun(int n, char *bin) int pos;pos = strlen(bin);if(n == 0) return;if(n == 1) movebin(bin);bin[0] = '1';return;movebin(bin);bin[0] = (n%2) + '0'; n /= 2;fun(n, bin);return;int main() int a = 4;char bin[50] = {""};printf("%s\n", bin);return 0;11.13{#include long fun(int n) if(n == 1) return n;} else return fun(n-1) + n;int main() int num;int sum;printf(" 请输入一个自然数:");scanf("%d", &num);sum = fun(num);printf(" 结果是:%d\n", sum);return 0;11.13 #include int fun(int n) if(n == 0 || n == 1) return 1;else{return fun(n-1) + fun(n-2);int num;int result;printf(" 请输入一个自然数:");scanf("%d", &num);result = fun(num);printf(" 斐波拉契级数为:%d\n", result);return 0;第十二章一. 选择题12.1 B 12.2 B 12.3 A 12.4 C 12.5 D 12.6 B 12.7 A 12.8 A二. 填空题12.92,5,1,2,3,-212.102468int main()第十三章一. 选择题13.1 A 13.2 C 13.3 B 13.4 C 13.5 D 13.6 D 13.7 D二. 填空题13.8ar=9 ar=9 ar=1113.9int* s *b三.编程题13.10 #define MYALPHA(C) ((C>='A' && C<='Z') || (C>='a' &&C<='z')) ? 1 : 013.11 #define SWAP(t,x,y) {t tmp; tmp=x; x=y; y=tmp;}13.12 #include #include int main(){int *p;int iLoop;int iLoop2;int tmp;p = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*3);scanf("%d%d%d", p,p+1,p+2);for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < 2; iLoop++) for(iLoop2 = 0; iLoop2 < 2 - iLoop; iLoop2++) if(*(p + iLoop2) > *(p + iLoop2 + 1)) {tmp = *(p + iLoop2);*(p + iLoop2) = *(p + iLoop2 + 1);*(p + iLoop2 + 1) = tmp;printf("%d %d %d\n", *p, *(p+1), *(p+2));free(p); p = NULL;return 0;第十四章一. 选择题14.1 D 14.2 D 14.3 D 14.4 A 14.5 C 14.6 C 14.7 C 14.8 B二. 填空题14.9struct link *next14.10p->next m>p->data14.11(struct list*) struct list struct list* struct list return h三. 编程题14.12 #include #define N 3 struct stud{char num[5], name[10];int s[4];double ave;};void readrec(struct stud array[], int size)int iLoop;for(iLoop=0; iLoop { scanf("%s%s%d%d%d%d", array[iLoop].num,array[iLoop].name, &array[iLoop].s[0], &array[iLoop].s[1],&array[iLoop].s[2], &array[iLoop].s[3]);array[iLoop].ave = (array[iLoop].s[0] + array[iLoop].s[1] +array[iLoop].s[2] + array[iLoop].s[3])/4.0; }return;void writerec(struct stud array[], int size) int iLoop;for(iLoop=0; iLoop{ printf("%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%f\n",array[iLoop].num,array[iLoop].name,array[iLoop].s[0],array[iLoop].s[1],array[iLoop].s[2],array[iLoop].s[3], array[iLoop].ave);return;int main(){struct stud stu[N];readrec(stu, N);writerec(stu, N);return 0;14.13 #include #include #define N 100 struct node struct node* next; int data;}}};int seekMaxValue(struct node *pNode) int max;struct node* pMove;pMove = pNode; max = pMove->data;pMove = pMove->next;while(pMove) if(max < pMove->data) max = pMove->data; pMove = pMove->next;return max;struct node* seekMaxValueAddress(struct node *pNode) int max; struct node* maxAddress;struct node* pMove;pMove = pNode; max = pMove->data;maxAddress = pMove;pMove = pMove->next;while(pMove) if(max < pMove->data) max = pMove->data; maxAddress = pMove;}pMove = pMove->next;return maxAddress;int main()struct node* head;struct node* pNode;int iLoop;head = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));pNode = head;pNode->next = NULL; for(iLoop=0; iLoop { pNode->next = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));pNode = pNode->next;pNode->next = NULL;pNode->data = iLoop;printf("%d\n", seekMaxValue(head->next));printf("%d\n", seekMaxValueAddress(head->next));return 0;第十五章一. 选择题15.1 D 15.2 A 15.3 B 15.4 A二. 填空题15.51111000015.6ay15.7a|0xffff15.8x|0xff0015.9a=(012500>>2)15.10ch|0x20第十六章一. 选择题16.1 B 16.2 C二. 填空题16.3 3 !feof(f1) f2 fclose(f1) fclose(f2)16.4fopen(fname,"w") ch16.5"r" !feof(fp) fgetc(fp)16.6CCCCBBBBAAAA三. 编程题16.7 #include #define N 10 #define LEN 81 int main(){char *str[N] = {"AAAAAAAAA", "BBBBBBBBB", "CCCCCCCCC","DDDDDDDDD", "EEEEEEEEE", "FFFFFFFFF", "GGGGGGGGG","HHHHHHHHH", "IIIIIIIII", "JJJJJJJJJ"}; char str2[N][LEN];FILE *fp;int iLoop;fp = fopen("str .txt", "w");if(fp == NULL){printf(" 创建文件失败!\n");return 1;} else for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < N; iLoop++) fputs(str[iLoop], fp);fputs("\n",fp);fclose(fp);fp = fopen("str .txt", "r");if(fp == NULL){printf(" 打开文件失败!\n");return 1;else for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < N; iLoop++) fgets(str2[iLoop], LEN - 1, fp);fclose(fp);for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < N; iLoop++) printf("%s", str2[iLoop]);return 0;16.8 #include #define N 10 int main() float num;int iLoop;FILE *fp;fp = fopen("num.bin", "wb+");if(fp == NULL){}printf(" 创建文件失败!\n");return 1;/* 从键盘读入10 个数并写文件*/ printf(" 请输入%d 个数:", N);for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < N; iLoop++) scanf("%f", &num);fwrite(&num, sizeof(num), 1, fp); }/* 文件指针回到开始处*/ rewind(fp);/* 从文件读出10 个数并显示*/ for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < N; iLoop++) {fread(&num, sizeof(num), 1, fp);printf("%f\n", num);}/* 移文件指针到第四个数开始处*/ fseek(fp, 3L*sizeof(num),SEEK_SET);/* 读入一个新数据*/ printf(" 请输入一个新数据:");scanf("%f", &num); fwrite(&num, sizeof(num), 1, fp); /* 文件指针回到开始处*/ rewind(fp);/* 从文件读出10 个数并显示*/ for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < N; iLoop++)fread(&num, sizeof(num), 1, fp);printf("%f\n", num);}/* 关闭文件*/ fclose(fp);return 0;}。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
B.-20 C。
1,000 D。
4 5 62。
以下选项中正确的实型常量是( )。
0 B。
1415 C.0.329×102 D. .8713。
607E-1B.0.8103e 2C.—77。
77 D。
abc.c B。
file C。
Main D。
PRINTF5. 以下选项中不合法的用户标识符是()。
A._123B.printfC.A $D.Dim6。
% B。
/ C.! D.**7.可在C程序中用作用户标识符的一组标识符是()。
void define WORD B.as_b3 _123 IfC。
For -abc case D.2c DO SIG8。
a=a+7; B.a=7+b+c,a++ C.int(12.3%4) D.a=a+7=c+b9。
1 B。
2 C。
3 D。
0 B.028 C.—077 D。
不合法的十六进制数是( )。
A.oxffB.0Xabc C。
0x11 D。
请指出以下C程序的错误所在:#include stdio.h;main(); /*main function */float r,s; /*/*r is radius */,/* s is area of circular */*/r=5。
请指出以下C程序的错误所在:main /*main function */{float a,b,c,v; /*a,b,c are sides,v is volume of cube */a=2.0;b=3.0;c=4。
A.a=b=c=100;B.d++; C。
c+b; D.d=(c=32)—(b++);2.下列选项中不是C语句的是( ).A。
{int i;i++;printf(“%d\n",i);}B。
a=5,c=10 D.{;}3。
a=b=58 B。
a=58,b=58 D.——i;4.有以下程序:#include 〈stdio.h〉main(){int x=10,y=3;printf(“%d\n”,y=x/y);}执行后的输出结果是()。
0 B。
1 C.3 D。
read(a,b,c); B。
scanf(“%D%D%D”,&a,%b,%c); D. scanf(“%d%d%d”,&a,&b,&c);6。
若变量已正确定义为float型,要通过输入语句:scanf(“%f %f %f”,&a,&b,&c);给a赋值11.0,b赋值22.0,c赋值33。
0回车22.0 33.0 D。
11 22回车337。
a=t;t=b;b=a; D.t=b;b=a;a=t;8。
若有正确定义语句:double x=5.16894;语句printf(“%f\n”,(int)(x*1000+0.5)/(double)1000);的输出结果是()。
若有以下程序段:int c1=1,c2=2,c3;c3=c1/c2;printf(“%d\n”,c3);执行后的输出结果是()。
若有以下程序段:int a=0,b=0,c=0;c=(a—=a-5),(a=b,b+3);printf(“%d,%d,%d\n",a,b,c);执行后的输出结果是( )。
A.3,0,—10B.0,0,5 C。
—10,3,—10 D。
int i=-200,j=2500;printf(“(1)%d,%d”,i,j);printf(“(2)i=%d,j=%d\n”,i,j);printf(“(3)i=%d\nj=%d\n”,i,j);12。
变量i、j、k已定义为int型并均有初值0,用以下语句进行输入时:scanf(“%d”,&i); scanf (“%d”,&j); scanf(“%d”,&k);从键盘输入:12。
int k;float a;double x;scanf(“%d%f%lf",&k,&a,&x);printf(“k=%d,a=%f,x=%lf\n”,k,a,x);三、编程题和改错题16。
若指定必须按下面的形式输入数据,并且必须按下面指定的形式输出数据,请对该程序做相应的修改.main{double a,b,c,s,v;printf(input a,b,c:\n);scanf(“%d %d %d”,a,b,c);s=a*b;v=a*b*c;printf(“%d %d %d",a,b,c);printf(“s=%f\n”,s,"v=%d\n",v);}当程序执行时,屏幕的显示和要求输入形式如下:input a,b,c:2。
0 2。
0 3.0a=2。
下列运算符中优先级最高的运算符是( )。
! B.% C。
-= D.&&2。
下列运算符中优先级最低的运算符是( )。
A.|| B。
!= C.<= D。
(x>=y)&&(y>=z) B。
(x〉=y)AND(y〉=x)C.(x>=y〉=z) D。
a&&b B.a<=b C.a||b+c&&b—c D.!((a〈b)&&!c||1)5。
有以下程序:#include <stdio.h〉main(){int a=2,b=-1,c=2;if(a<b)if(b〈0) c=0;else c+=1;printf(“%d\n",c);}程序的输出结果是()。
0 B。
1 C.2 D.36.有以下程序:#include <stdio。
h〉main(){int w=4,x=3,y=2,z=1;printf(“%d\n”,(w〈x?w:z〈y?z:x));程序的输出结果是( )。