



2012级试题一、选择题 ( 共15题 30分 )1. 2 分 (0592) 当一个化学反应处于平衡时,则………………………………( ) (A) 平衡混合物中各种物质的浓度都相等 (B) 正反应和逆反应速率都是零(C) 反应混合物的组成不随时间而改变 (D) 反应的焓变是零2. 2 分 (4604) 根据价层电子的排布,下列化合物中为无色的是……………………( )(A) CuCl(B) CuCl 2 (C) FeCl 3 (D) FeCl 23. 2 分 (1454) 下列各组化合物热稳定性关系正确的是………………………… ( ) (A) Na 2CO 3 > Na 2SO 4 (B) K 2CO 3 > Ag 2CO 3 (C) NaHCO 3 > Na 2CO 3 (D) (NH 4)2CO 3 > ZnCO 34. 2 分 (4017) 能和钠形成最强离子键的单质是…………………………………… ( )(A) H 2(B) O 2 (C) F 2 (D) Cl 25. 2 分 (4040) 下列各组离子中,离子的变形性最大的是………………( ) (A) I -,S 2- (B) F -,Br - (C) Cl -,O 2- (D) N 3-,H -6. 2 分 (0867) 对 2SO 2(g) + O 2(g)−→−2SO 3(g),它的化学反应速率可以表示为( )(A)-=-=d O d d SO d d SO d 223()()()t t t (B) -=-=d O d 2d SO d 2d SO d 223()()()t t t (C)-=-=d O d d SO 2d d SO 2d 223()()()t t t (D) d O d d SO 2d d SO 2d 223()()()t t t==7. 2 分 (0554) 对于反应2CO(g) + O 2(g)2CO 2(g),m r H ∆= -569kJ ·mol -1,提高CO 的理论转化率的措施是………………………………………………………… ( ) (A) 提高温度 (B) 使用催化剂(C) 充惰性气体以提高总压力 (D)增加O 2的浓度8. 2 分 (3466) 下列单质中,m f G ∆不为零的是……………………………………( )(A) 石墨 (B) 金刚石 (C) 液态溴 (D) 氧气9. 2 分 (1085) 在NaCl 晶体中,Na + (或Cl -)离子的最大配位数是……………………( ) (A) 2(B) 4(C) 6 (D) 810. 2 分 (6721) 已知H 2O 2的电势图:酸性介质中 O 2 ───── H 2O 2 ───── H 2O 碱性介质中 O 2 ───── H 2O 2 ───── 2OH -说明H 2O 2的歧化反应…………………………………………………………………( ) (A) 只在酸性介质中发生 (B) 只在碱性介质中发生(C) 无论在酸碱介质中都发生 (D) 无论在酸碱介质中都不发生11. 2 分 (4375) 在下列无机含氧酸中,其酸性强弱次序正确的是…………………( )(A) H 2SO 4 > HClO 4 >H 3PO 4 > H 2SiO 3 (B) H 2SO 4 > HClO 4 > H 2SiO 3 > H 3PO 4 (C) HClO 4 > H 2SO 4 > H 3PO 4 > H 2SiO 3 (D) HClO 4 > H 3PO 4 > H 2SiO 3 > H 2SO 4 12. 2 分 (3915)属于主量子数n = 3的一个电子的四个量子数n 、l 、m 、m s 取值正确的是( ) (A) 3,2,1,0 (B) 3,2,-1,21 (C) 3,3,1,21 (D) 3,1,2,21 13. 2 分 (1250)下列各对元素中化学性质最相似的是……………………………………………… ( ) (A) Na ,Mg(B) Al ,Si (C) Be ,Al (D) H ,Li14. 2 分 (3939) 下列电子构型的原子中, 第一电离能最小的是……………………( ) (A) ns 2np 3(B) ns 2np 4 (C) ns 2np 5 (D) ns 2np 615. 2 分 (3697) BaF 2在0.40 mol ·dm -3 NaF 溶液中的溶解度为………………… ( )(K sp (BaF 2) = 2.4 ⨯ 10-5,忽略F - 水解)(A) 1.5 ⨯ 10-4 mol ·dm -3 (B) 6.0 ⨯ 10-5 mol ·dm -3 (C) 3.8 ⨯ 10-6 mol ·dm -3 (D) 9.6 ⨯ 10-6 mol ·dm -3二、填空题 ( 共 9题 25分 )16. 2 分 (4020) 按从大到小的顺序排列以下各组物质: (A)按离子极化大小排列MnCl 2,ZnCl 2,NaCl ,CaCl 2____________________________;0.67 V 1.77 V-0.08 V 0.87 V(B) 按键的极性大小排列NaCl,HCl,Cl2,HI__________________________________。



1.Scientific discovery has brought about many negative effects to our life at the same time ofpromoting our life. Some people think that the development of science has disastrous sideeffects so that we should not live in modern society. What’s your point o f view?科学发现给我们的生活带来了许多负面影响,同时也提高了我们的生活质量。


你的观点是什么呢?Scientific discovery plays significant role in our modern life. But nowadays, it turned into a huge monster. Scientific discovery cause numerous harmful consequences and seriously damagepeople’s health and life style.First, scientific discovery is bad for your health. People spend hours and hours to play them, so they are under very high risk of becoming overweight and obese.Second, the modern technology promotes unhealthy eating choices, especially among theteenagers and adolescents. Because they are usually addicted to it, forget the time.Third, people nowadays spend more time and pay more attention on modern technology, it can cause mental disorders or disturbances. Sometimes it will make you unhappy, tiresome andweariness, all of these are dangerous for people s’ health.Fourth, people pay too much attention on the scientific discovery, is lack of concentration,insomnia, restlessness, depressive thoughts, etc. It also will steal the time to be spent for many other important activities, like reading, playing with friend, traveling, and so on. Children are especially affected by the negative sides.Fifth, some kind of modern technology will make children failure in schools and low grades,slow-down in intellectual development, lack of social skills and others.However, for many people, modern scientific such as television, cell phone, computer are still the primary source for receiving the information. It can satisfy their needs.In addition, scientific discovery provides us with perfect entertainment for any taste, you can watch movie, talk to your friend on line or by the cellphone and so on. All these positive factors is useful for us.I am in favor it, it helps students learn more information and learn it more quickly. We can learnmore things in less time. We should enjoy the advantages of modern scientific, and try to solve the problems which modern technology has brought. The key is to make the best use of them ina proper way.科学发现在我们的现代生活中起着重要的作用。



高2012级第一次月考数 学 试 题(理科卷)数学试题卷共4页。




2.答选择题时,必须使用2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。



第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共50分) 一.选择题:(本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.函数sin 4y x =的周期是 A.2π B.2π C.4πD.4π 2.在α的终边上取一点为()3,4P -,则cos α= A.45 B.35 C.45- D.35- 3.若3cos 2α=,其中(02)απ<<,则角α所有可能的值是A.6π或116π B.6π或76π C.3π或23π D.3π或53π4.已知定义在[1,1]-上的函数()y f x =的值域为[2,0]-,则函数(cos 2)y f x =的值域为 A.[1,1]- B.[3,1]-- C.[2,0]- D.不能确定5.在等差数列{}n a 中,首项14a =-,2d =,则12345a a a a a ++++= A.0 B.10 C.-10 D.126.函数lg(sin )y x =的定义域为 A.2,22k k k Z πππ⎛⎫+∈ ⎪⎝⎭B.()2,2k k k Z πππ+∈ C.2,22k k k Z πππ⎡⎤+∈⎢⎥⎣⎦D.[]2,2k k k Z πππ+∈7.已知函数()213f x ax ax =+-的定义域是R ,则实数a 的取值范围是 A. 13a > B.13a ≤ C.120a -<< D.120a -<≤ 8.函数2cos 1y x =-2()33x ππ-≤≤的值域是 A.[]2,0- B.[]3,0- C.[]2,1- D.[]3,1- 9.函数)62sin(π+-=x y 的单调递减区间是A.2,263k k k Z ππππ⎡⎤-++∈⎢⎥⎣⎦B.52,266k k k Z ππππ⎡⎤++∈⎢⎥⎣⎦ C.,63k k k Z ππππ⎡⎤-++∈⎢⎥⎣⎦D.5,66k k k Z ππππ⎡⎤++∈⎢⎥⎣⎦10.已知1sin cos 5θθ+=,且θ是第二象限的角,则44sin cos θθ-= A .125 B .725- C .725± D .725第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共100分)二.填空题(本大题共5小题,每题5分,满分25分,把答案填写在答题卡相应位置上) 11.在等比数列{}n a 中,24a =,5256a =,则公比q = . 12.54sin 28tan 45tan 62tan 36sin 22++= . 13.若3()log (1)f x x =+的反函数为1()y fx -=,则方程1()8f x -=的解x = .14.设扇形的周长为8cm ,面积为24cm ,则扇形的圆心角的弧度数是 . 15.给出下列命题:○1不等式12x≥的解集是12x x ⎧⎫≤⎨⎬⎩⎭; ○2若,αβ是第一象限角,且αβ>,则sin sin αβ>;○3tan 20tan 403tan 20tan 403++=;○4()()2sin 31f x x =+的图象可由2sin 3y x =的图象向左平移1个单位得到; ○5函数()cos 2cos sin xf x x x=-的值域是()2,2-.其中正确的命题的序号是____________________(要求写出所有正确命题的序号).三.解答题:(本大题共6小题,共75分,解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤) 16.(本小题满分13分)已知()()tan tan sin()cos()2f x x x x x πππ⎛⎫=-++-+⎪⎝⎭. (1)化简()f x ;(2)当tan 2x =时,求()f x 的值.17. (本小题满分13分)已知3sin()5αβ+=,5cos 13β=-;且α为锐角,β为钝角. (1)求cos()αβ+和sin β; (2)求αsin 的值.18. (本小题满分13分)已知函数()sin()cos()f x x x θθ=+++的定义域为R . (1)当0θ=时,求()f x 的单调递减区间; (2)若(0,)θπ∈,当θ为何值时,()f x 为奇函数.19.(本小题满分12分)已知函数()22sin 2sin cos 3cos f x x x x x =++其中x R ∈. (1)求函数()f x 的最小正周期; (2)当0,2x π⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦时,求()f x 的值域;20.(本小题满分12分)一般地,对于函数()y f x =,若存在0x R ∈,使00()f x x =成立,则称0x 为()f x 的不动点.若函数2()(1)1f x ax b x b =+++-其中0a ≠. (1)当1a =,2b =-时,求()f x 的不动点;(2)若对于任意实数b ,函数()f x 恒有两个相异的不动点,求a 的取值范围.21. (本小题满分12分)已知函数()44(4)f x x x x =-+≥的反函数为1()fx -,数列{}n a 满足:11a =,()11n n a f a -+=,*n N ∈,数列121321,,,,n n b b b b b b b ----是首项为1,公比为13的等比数列.(1)求证:数列{}na 为等差数列;(2)求数列{}n b 的通项公式;(3)若n n n c b a =,求数列{}n c 的前n 项和n S .数学试题参考答案2010.4.8一.选择题:ABACD BDCCD二.填空题:11.4; 12.2; 13.2; 14. 2; 15.○3、○5 三.解答题: 文16、理16解:(1)()()()cot tan sin cos f x x x x x =+-- 1sin cos x x =+---------------------6分 (2)()22sin cos 1sin cos x x f x x x =++2tan 1tan 1xx =++2271215=+=+---------------------13分 文17、理17 解:(1)0,22ππαβπ<<<<322παβπ∴<+< 又3sin()5αβ+=,5cos 13β=- 4cos()5αβ∴+=-,12sin 13β=---------------------7分 (2)由(1)可知:()()sin()sinααββ=+-354123351351365⎛⎫⎛⎫=⨯---⨯= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭---------------------13分 文18解:(1)由77S =,1575S =得()17772a a +⨯=,()11515752a a +⨯= 41a =,85a =---------------------6分 (2)由(1)知:8451144a a d --=== ()()441413n a a n d n n ∴=+-=+-⨯=- 12a ∴=-()()1223152222n n a a n n n S n n +-+-∴===----------------------13分文19、理18解:(1)0θ=时,()sin cos 2sin 4f x x x x π⎛⎫=+=+ ⎪⎝⎭又由322242k x k πππππ+≤+≤+,得 52244k x k ππππ+≤≤+ ∴()f x 的单调递减区间为52,244k k ππππ⎡⎤++⎢⎥⎣⎦k Z ∈---------------------6分 (2)()2sin 4f x x πθ⎛⎫=++ ⎪⎝⎭,又若()f x 为奇函数,则(0)0f =sin 04πθ⎛⎫∴+= ⎪⎝⎭又0θπ<<,从而5444ππθπ<+< 4πθπ∴+=即34θπ∴=---------------------12分(理科13分) 文20、理19 解:(1)1cos 21cos 2()sin 2322x xf x x -+=++⨯ sin 2cos 22x x =++2sin 224x π⎛⎫=++ ⎪⎝⎭∴函数()f x 的最小正周期22T ππ==---------------------6分 (2)由(1)知:()2sin 224f x x π⎛⎫=++ ⎪⎝⎭又 0,2x π⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,则 52,444x πππ⎡⎤+∈⎢⎥⎣⎦ 所以 当242x ππ+=,即 8x π=时,()max 22f x =+当5244x ππ+=,即 2x π=时,()min 1f x = 所以,()f x 的值域为1,22⎡⎤+⎣⎦---------------------12分文21、理20解:(1)当1a =,2b =-时,2()3f x x x =--从而00()f x x =可化为20003x x x --=即01x =-或3所以()f x 的不动点为1-或3---------------------4分 (2)由00()f x x =可化为20010ax bx b ++-=函数()f x 恒有两个相异的不动点∴关于0x 的方程20010ax bx b ++-=恒有两不等实根从而0a ≠且()2410b a b ∆=-->对任意实数b 都成立---------------------8分即关于b 的不等式2440b ab a -+>恒成立216160a a ∴∆=-<即01a <<---------------------12分 理21(1)证明:()2()442f x x x x =-+=-由4x ≥,得()0f x ≥ 所以()21()2f x x -=+所以()211()2n n n a f a a -+==+即:12n n a a +=+故数列{}na 是以11a =为首项,2为公差的等差数列---------------------4分(2)由题意知,11b =,1113n n n b b --⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭所以121321()()()n n n b b b b b b b b -=+-+-++-21111311133323n n -⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=++++=- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭所以数列{}n b 的通项公式为31123n n b ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭---------------------8分 (3)由(1)得:()12121n a n n =+-=-,即:()221n a n =-由(2)得:31123n n b ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭所以()3121123n n n n c b a n ⎛⎫==-- ⎪⎝⎭12n n S c c c =+++()233135211352123333nn n ⎡-⎤⎛⎫=++++--++++⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎣⎦------------------10分 令23135213333n n n T -=++++ 则234111352321333333n n n n n T +--=+++++ 得:23412111112123333333n n n n T +-⎛⎫=+++++- ⎪⎝⎭ 111112113333n n n -+-⎛⎫=+-- ⎪⎝⎭ 所以113n nn T +=- 又()213521n n ++++-=所以231123n n n S n +⎛⎫=-+ ⎪⎝⎭---------------------12分。




高2012级高三上第一次月考 理科试题+答案[1]

高2012级高三上第一次月考 理科试题+答案[1]

北师大什邡附校高2012级高三上期第一次月考数 学 试 题(理科)时间:120分钟 总分:150分一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,满分50分。



1、已知全集{0,1,2,3,4},{1,2,3},{2,4},()U U A B C A B ===集合则为( )A .{4}B .φC .{0,2,4}D .{1,3}2、已知a 是实数,iia -+1是纯虚数,则a 等于( )A .1-B .1C .2 D.3、如图是一个空间几何体的三视图, 则该几何体的体积为( ) A. 12π B. 8π C. 6π D. 4π4、已知函数()sin()(,0)4f x x x R πωω=+∈>的最小正周期为π,为了得到函数()cos g x x ω=的图象,只要将()y f x =的图象( )A.向左平移8π个单位长度B. 向右平移8π个单位长度 C .向左平移4π个单位长度 D .向右平移4π个单位长度5、已知x ,y 满足不等式组28,28,0,0,x y x y x y +≤⎧⎪+≤⎪⎨≥⎪⎪≥⎩ 则目标函数3z x y =+的最大值为( )A .332B .12C .8D .24 6、在ABC ∆中,60=∠BAC °,2,1,AB ACEF ==、为边BC 的三等分点,则⋅等于( )A.35 B.45 C.910 D.815俯视图∙左视图正视图7、已知C B A ).0,2(),0,2(-是圆1)1(22=+-y x 上及其内部的点,则满足ABC ∆的面积大于1的概率是( ) A .π4331- B. 3123+π C. π2332-D.21 8、数列{}n a 满足111,n n a a r a r +==⋅+(*,n r ∈∈N R 且0r ≠),则“1r =”是“数列{}n a 成等差数列”的( )A.充分不必要条件B. 必要不充分条件C.充分必要条件D. 既不充分也不必要条件9、将甲、乙、丙、丁、戊共五位同学分别保送到北大、上海交大和浙大3所大学,若每所大学至少保送1人,且甲不能被保送到北大,则不同的保送方案共有( )种. A .150 B . 114 C . 100 D .7210、定义域为R 的偶函数)(x f 满足对x R ∀∈,有)1()()2(f x f x f -=+,且当]3,2[∈x 时,18122)(2-+-=x x x f ,若函数)1|(|log )(+-=x x f y a 在),0(+∞上至少有三个零点,则a 的取值范围是( ) A .)22,0( B .)33,0( C .)55,0( D .)66,0( 二、填空题:本大题共5题,每小题5分,共25分。



Part I Writing (30 minutes) 上。


How Will Our Life Go 30 minutes to write a short easy entitled Directions: For this part,you are allowed 120 words following the outline given below on without Internet. You should write at least in Chinese:1. 网络提供给了人们丰富多彩和便捷的生活网络提供给了人们丰富多彩和便捷的生活2. 很多人开始感觉离开网络寸步难行3. 你对网络依赖症的看法你对网络依赖症的看法How Will Our Life Go on without Internet _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Part II Reading Comprehension (skimming and scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions . For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Time Off from Work Gains in ImportanceAmerican workers are saying they need a break. As their number of hours clocked on the job has crept higher, more time off has become a bigger priority. In the past few years, human resources experts say time off has consistently placed among the top three employee concerns, along with compensation and staffing levels, whereas it used to be farther down the list. In a  poll taken online in November 2004, 39% of workers said if given the choice, they would choose time off over the equivalent in additional base salary. Of course, most of the 4,600 respondents are still opting for the bigger paycheck, but the desire for time off is up almost 20% from just three years ago when  conducted a similar poll. The reasons for this shift are many and varied. Some have to do with the way a new generation is thinking about work, while others are driven by how companies are responding to recent economic pressures. A New GenerationThe results may in part represent the needs of a new breed of workers. The average American is working one month (160 hours) more each year than a generation ago. According to recruiting and human capital management expert John Sumser, younger workers work for meaning first and money second. He goes on to warn employers that these are the people who are the foundation for the next workforce and they may not buy the existing paradigm (范例). A study released in late 2004 by the New York-based Families and Work Institute concludes that the new brand of young workers is rejecting the work-centric  past 25 style of their parents’ generation. The study, which examines changes in the workforce over theyears, found that younger workers are more likely to be “family-centric” or “dual-centric” (with equal -centric” when compared to members of the priorities on both career and family) rather than “workBoomer Generation. September 11th and the End of the Roaring NinetiesThe impact of the terrorist attacks of September 11th cut across all age groups of the workforce. We collectively entered a new era, reevaluating life’s priorities and making changes in our attitude toward started looking at things completely differently. I’ve time spent at work versus hobbies and family. “Ihour days necessary to get noticed and climb the corporate ladder,” been far less willing to put in the 14-said Tony Jackson, a 43-year-old employee of a New York City-based financial services company. “Frankly, I can’t see that changing.”Even before September 11th, some experts say the slow shift in worker attitudes was already underway due to the end of the roaring 1990’s, when hours were long and significant personal wealth was created. For those who fared well financially, some opted for careers of contract work where they could call more of the shots pertaining to (与……有关的) time off, or new occupations with greater personal rewards. For others, even if their bank accounts were not spilling over from America’s economic heyday (全盛时期), their own energy had been depleted due to unrelenting (毫不松懈的) years of work hours and high stress. They were ready for something less taxing. Families and Work Institute President and co-founder Ellen Galinsky agrees. She says the  poll numbers show evidence of an increase in need for time off and a shift in thinking due to the fact that workers have been pushed to their limit in recent years. “This new generation of workers is at the edge of how long they can work. It just feels like too much. They are not slackers (懒虫); they just don’t want more,” says Galinsky.Monetary Needs Less Intense Due to Dual Income Households“We’ve decided we prefer to have more time to ourselves,” says Carol Kornhaber, a New England software programmer in her late twenties. Kornhaber and her husband are both working but have sought out jobs where they are not pressed to put in long hours. Instead, they have insisted upon eight-hour days and having enough vacation time to travel, a major interest they share. Financial pressures are eased by both of them working and keeping a careful watch on their expenses. “We are lucky in a lot of ways to have found bosses who understand our needs.”BurnoutTrying to squeeze more productivity out of workers may be nothing new, but it has become particularly acute in recent years. This has been due in large measure to recession-induced layoffs and other trends such as the rising cost of healthcare benefits. After a layoff, workers who remain behind are often asked to pick up most or even all the load of the people who were let go, requiring more and more hours at the office. As new corporate initiatives are planned, the inverse is also true. As Sumser observes, “the additional workload, which runs across the economy from the office worker to the manufacturing line, seems to be a function of the cost of benefits. The regulations make it cheaper to add workload for existing employees than to hire new players.” The Families and Work Institute reports that nearly one third of U.S. employees often or very often feel overworked or overwhelmed by how much work they have to do. Nearly three out of four report that they frequently dream about doing something different from their current job. Show Me the MoneyOverworked or not, the majority in the  poll still chose to fatten their paycheck if given the choice. For many, it was a practical matter. Says Peggy Jones, an accountant in a Boston area business year that I can’t use up because I’m so busy. I’d definitely services company, “I already get three weeks ago for the extra money to pay some bills or make a big purchase I’ve been holding off on.” For Jones, the realities of running a household and saving up for college for her children simply need to take precedence over extra free time. Companies Are Already RespondingTo many human resources experts it is inevitable that, given the growing health of the economy and the upcoming population-driven labor shortages as the Boomer Generation moves into retirement, the pendulum of control in the employee-employer relationship will swing back to the employee side. That is expected to begin in just a few years. According to human resources expert, Larry Schumer, at , “since most companies succeed based on a motivated and capable workforce, they have offered and will continue to offer more paid flexibility, whether it be through tried and tested time-off programs or the next lie? Time, or perhaps time great idea.” Where will that new balance of employer versus employee needs off, surely will tell. 1. Which of the following has been rising in importance in the past few years? A) Compensation. B) Time off. C) Right to vote. D) Staffing levels. 2. According to the passage, we know that the Boomer Generation is concerned ________. A) about family and work equally B) more about work C) more about family D) about neither work nor family 3. What can be inferred about Tony Jackson? A) He is 43 years old. B) He works in a financial services company. C) He has changed his life and work attitude. D) He spends 14 hours a day on his work. 4. When did American workers gradually begin to change their attitudes towards work? A) After September 11. B) In November 2004. C) In late 2004. D) At the end of the roaring 1990’s.5. According to Ellen Galinsky, why did workers change their mind about work? A) They have been pushed to the limit of their working hours. B) They increased their need to enjoy life. C) They have more rights than before. D) They don’t want to work for a living.6. Carol Kornhaber and her husband don’t have too much financial pressure because ___________.A) they have parents who are rich B) they don’t have children to feedC) they both have a high salary D) they both have work and they are thrifty 7. After a layoff, the employees who keep their jobs usually have to ___________. A) find another job in case they are fired B) do what their bosses tell them to C) work longer hours to avoid being fired D) do the work left by the laid-off workers 8. 8. According According According to to to , , compared compared with with with three three three years years years ago, ago, ago, the the the desire desire desire for for for time time time off off off is is is up up up almost almost ________________________. 9. According to the poll from , the majority of employees preferred to ________________________ if they had the choice. 10. Larry Schumer said that most companies succeeded based on a motivated and capable __________________________. Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)Section A注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。



第九章 9.1—9.4测试题姓名: 学号: 一、选择题(每小题6分,共48分)1、已知点A 、B 、C ;直线l 和平面α、β;下列命题中假命题是 ( ) A 、若A ∈l ,A ∈α,B ∈l ,B ∈α,则 l ⊂α;B 、若A ∈α,A ∈β,B ∈α,B ∈β,则α∩β=AB ;C 、若l ⊄α ,A ∈l ,则A ∉αD 、若A 、B 、C ∈α,A 、B 、C ∈β,且A 、B 、C 不共线,则α与β重合。

2、下列各图是正方体或正四面体,P ,Q ,R ,S 分别是所在棱的中点,这四个点中不共面的一个图是 ( )PSPRRS PPPQRSSPPQRSA 、B 、C 、D 、3、一个平面四边形ABCD 的斜二测直观图是一个底角为45,腰和上底边均为1的等腰梯形,则该四边形ABCD 的面积是( ) A.122+B. 2+C. 1+D. 12+4、如图AC 、BD 是位于平面α两侧的异面线段,且AC ∥α,BD ∥α, AB 、CD 分别交α于E 、F ,且E 、F 为AB 、CD 中点,若AC=2cm ,BD=4cm , EF 的值可能为( )A.3cmB. 2cmC. 1cmD. 1cm 或者3cm5、正方体A 1B 1C 1D 1—ABCD ,点E 1、F 1 分别是A 1B 1、A 1C 1的中点, BE 1与AF 1所成角的余弦值是( ) A1030 B21 C1530 D10156.如图,在四面体A B C D 中,截面PQMN 错误..的为( ) A . A C B D ⊥ B . A C ∥截面PQMNC . A C BD = D . 异面直线PM 与B D 所成的角为457、已知直线,,m n l 和平面,αβ;下列四个命题中错误的个数是 ( ) (1),,,m l A A m αα⊂⋂=∉点则l 与m 不共面; (2)l 、m 是异面直线,ααα⊥⊥⊥n m n l n m l 则且,,,//,//;C 1A (3)若m l m l //,//,//,//则βαβα;(4)若,,,//,//l m l m A l m ααββ⊂⊂⋂= ,则βα//,A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个8、正方体ABCD-A 1B 1C 1D 1中,点P 在侧面BCC 1B 1及其边界上运动,并且总保持AP ∥面D A 1C 1,则动点P 的轨迹是 ( )A.面BCC 1B 1 B.点C C.线段B 1C D.线段BC二、填空题(每小题6分,共12分)9、正方体ABCD-A 1B 1C 1D 1所有面对角线中与BD 1垂直的条数是 条10、三棱锥A —BCD ,底面为正三角形BCD,且AB=AC=AD ;若E 、F 、G 、H 顺次为AB 、BC 、CD 、DA 的中点,且EG=4,则AC BD ⋅的最大值为 三、解答题(每小题20分,共40分)11、已知正方体ABCD —A 1B 1C 1D 1,H 点是AB 中点,点N 在BD 上,点M 在B 1C 上,且CM=DN ,求证:(1)MN ∥面AA 1B 1B 。











()9. 为避免副作用的产生,可减少用药剂量。

()10. 变态反应的发生与剂量无关,与药物原有作用无关,不易预知三、单项选择题(每题1分,共70分)1、药物作用的两重性是指 CA、治疗作用与预防作用B、原发作用与继发反应C、治疗作用与不良反应D、对症治疗与对因治疗E、治疗作用与毒性反应2、容易受首关消除影响的药物应该避免哪种给药方法CA、静脉注射B、肌内注射C、口服D、直肠给药E、舌下给药3、药物在治疗量时出现与治疗目的无关的作用称为CA、治疗作用B、预防作用C、副作用D、局部作用E、“三致”反应4、药物血浆半衰期是指BA、药物被机体吸收一半所需的时间B、药物在血浆中的浓度下降一半所需的时间C、药物被代谢一半所需的时间D、药物排泄一半所需的时间E、药物毒性减小一半所需的时间5、最常用的给药方法是AA、口服给药B、舌下给药C、直肠给药D、肌内给药E、皮下注射6、对胃肠道有刺激性的药物服药时间宜在CA、饭前B、饭时C、饭后D、空腹时E、睡前7、硝酸甘油舌下给药的目的在于CA、避免刺激胃肠道B、增加吸收C、避免首过消除D、减慢药物代谢E、避免胃肠道破坏8、注射庆大霉素后出现永久性耳聋,属于 DA、特异质反应B、变态反应C、副作用D、毒性反应E、后遗效应9、某药的治疗指数大,则说明该药物 CA、作用强B、毒性强C、毒性弱D、安全性大E、安全性小10、药物的半衰期长说明此药 EA、易吸收B、生物转化快C、作用强D、起效快E、消除慢11、青霉素G属杀菌剂是因为 BA、影响细菌蛋白质合成B、抑制细菌细胞壁合成C、抑制核酸合成D、影响细菌叶酸合成E、影响细胞膜的通透性12、青霉素类共同具有的特点是 EA、耐酸口服有效B、耐ß-内酰胺酶C、主要用于G+菌感染D、大多用于G—菌感染E、可能发生过敏性休克,并有交叉过敏反应13、下列哪项不是头孢菌素的不良反应 CA、过敏反应B、肾损害C、肝损害D、二重感染E、胃肠绞痛14、不属于大环内酯类的药物是 BA、红霉素B、林可霉素C、乙酰螺旋霉素D麦迪霉素E、克拉霉素15、红霉素对下列哪种细菌无效 DA、百日咳鲍特菌B、流感嗜血杆菌C、支原体D、铜绿假单胞菌E、白喉棒状杆菌16、下列何药不能用生理盐水溶解 BA、链霉素B、红霉素C、青霉素D、庆大霉素E、头孢呋辛17、G+菌感染对青霉素过敏者可选用 BA、苯唑西林B、红霉素C、氨苄西林D、羧苄西林E、头孢氨苄18、下列哪种药物不是氨基糖苷类抗生素 AA、螺旋霉素B、妥布霉素C、阿米卡星D、卡那霉素E、大观霉素19、过敏性休克发生率最高的氨基糖苷类药物是 DA、庆大霉素B、妥布霉素C、阿米卡星D、链霉素E、大观霉素20、四环素的抗菌谱不包括 CA、肺炎球菌B、霍乱孤菌C、真菌D、立克次体E、衣原体21、小儿禁用喹诺酮类的原因在于该类药物易引起 AA、骨、关节病变B、胃肠道反应C、过敏反应D、肝功能损害E、肾功能损害22、易透过血-脑脊液屏障,脑脊液中能达到有效抑菌浓度的磺胺药是 BA、磺胺甲噁唑B、磺胺嘧啶C、柳氮磺吡啶D、磺胺米隆E、磺胺醋酰23、对各部位各类型结核病均为首选药物的是 AA、异烟肼B、乙胺丁醇C、链霉素D、对氨基水杨酸E、卡那霉素24、应用异烟肼时常合用维生素B6,其目的是 BA、增强疗效B、治疗外周神经炎C、延缓抗药性D、减轻肝损害E、以上都不是25、主要毒性为视神经炎的药物是EA、利福平B、链霉素C、异烟肼D、吡嗪酰胺E、乙胺丁醇27、抗恶性肿瘤药长期大量应用最严重的不良反应是 BA、胃肠道反应B、骨髓抑制C、脱发D、周围神经炎E、肾脏损害28、过量使用可导致出血性膀胱炎的药物是 BA、白消安B、环磷酰胺C、雄激素D、长春新碱E、阿糖胞苷29、胆碱能神经兴奋时不出现 DA、抑制心脏B、舒张血管C、腺体分泌D、瞳孔散大E、支气管收缩30、毛果芸香碱的作用原理是 AA、激动M受体B、阻断M受体C、激动N受体D、阻断N受体E、抑制胆碱酯酶31、毛果芸香碱对眼睛的作用是 AA、瞳孔缩小、眼压降低、调节痉挛B、瞳孔散大、眼压降低、调节痉挛C、瞳孔缩小、眼压升高、调节痉挛D、瞳孔散大、眼压升高、调节麻痹E、瞳孔散大、眼压降低、调节麻痹32、阿托品用于麻醉前给药的主要目的是CA、防止手术中出血B、镇静C、减少呼吸道腺体分泌D、抑制排尿、排便E、协助改善心脏功能42、利多卡因一般不用于 CA、表面麻醉B、浸润麻醉C、腰麻D、传导麻醉E、硬膜外麻醉43、丁卡因常用作表面麻醉主要是因为 CA、麻醉效力强B、毒性较大C、黏膜的穿透力强D、作用持久E、比较安全44、关于地西泮的叙述,正确的是 DA、安全范围大,久用无成瘾性B、禁用于麻醉前给药C、高血压者慎用D、青光眼患者禁用E、可用于重症肌无力45、地西泮与苯巴比妥共有的作用是 CA、抗精神病B、中枢性肌松C、抗癫痫D、镇痛E、麻醉46、下列何药不属于苯二氮卓类 CA、艾司唑仑B、地西泮C、水合氯醛D、奥沙西泮E、氯氮卓47、常用于治疗焦虑症的药物是BA、苯妥英钠B、地西泮C、苯巴比妥D、乙琥胺E、异戊巴比妥51、氯丙嗪用于人工冬眠主要由于其具有 CA、安定作用B、抗精神病作用C、对体温调节中枢的抑制作用D、对内分泌影响E、加强中枢抑制药的作用55、心源性哮喘应选用 DA、肾上腺素B、麻黄碱C、异丙肾上腺素D、哌替啶E、氢化可的松56、吗啡中毒致死的主要原因是CA、昏睡B、震颤C、呼吸麻痹D、血压降低E、心律失常57、吗啡的拮抗剂是 BA、罗通定B、纳洛酮C、曲马朵D、喷他佐辛E、哌替啶58、下列药物中无抗炎、抗风湿作用的是BA、阿司匹林B、对乙酰氨基酚C、吲哚美辛D、布洛芬E、萘普生59、阿司匹林不适用于 AA、缓解胆绞痛B、缓解关节痛C、神经痛D、牙痛E、预防血栓形成60、为减轻阿司匹林对胃的刺激,可采取 AA、餐后服药或同服抗酸药B、餐前服药C、餐前服药或同服抗酸药D、合用乳酶生E、合用镇痛药。



高中2012级第一学期末教学质量测试数学试题参考答案及评分意见一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题4分,共48分.1—5 BADCC 6—10 BDCAA 11—12 DB二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题3分,共12分.13.在∅,{1},{2},{1,2}中任填一个均正确 14.30°15.[)∞+,0 16.③④三、解答题:本大题共4小题,每小题10分,共40分.解答应写出必要的文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.17.解:(Ⅰ)如图, 设矩形熊猫居室的宽为a m ,由x +(3a -2)=30,得到()x a -=3231, ∴()23231x x y ⋅-=,整理得21(32)6y x x =--.………………………3分又0>x ,()x a -=3231≥2,故0<x ≤26.∴ 21(32)6y x x =--,x ∈(]026,. ……………………………………5分(Ⅱ)由(Ⅰ),21128(16)63y x =--+,,x ∈(]026,,………………7分∴ 函数在区间(0,16)上单调递增,在区间[16,26]上单调递减,∴ 当x =16时,3128max =y ,即x =16.0m 时,y max ≈42.6m 2.故当x =16m 时,使所建造的每间熊猫居室面积最大;每间熊猫居室的最大面积约是42.6m 2. ………………………………………………………10分18.解:(Ⅰ)11111)1()1(1)1()(2222222=+++=+++=+a a a aa a a a f a f .…………4分(Ⅱ)f (x )在[)∞+,0上是增函数.证明:设0≤x 1<x 2,则1)(21211+=x xx f ,1)(22222+=x x x f , ∴ 11)()(2222212121+-+=-x x x x x f x f )1)(1()1()1(222121222221+++-+=x x x x x x )1)(1())((22212121+++-=x x x x x x , ∵ 0≤x 1<x 2, ∴ x 1-x 2<0,x 1+x 2>0,0121>+x ,0122>+x , ∴ f (x 1)-f (x 2)<0,即f (x 1)<f (x 2), ∴ f (x )在[)∞+,0上是增函数.…………………………………………10分 19.解:(Ⅰ)由题知32-=--A A ,解得A =2. 又由)83(82ππ--=T ,解得T=π. 于是ωππ2=,得ω=2. 若2)83(2πϕπ=+-⋅,得ππϕ>=45(不符合条件,舍去), 若282πϕπ=+⨯,得4πϕ=,满足条件. ∴ 1)42sin(2)(-+=πx x f .………………………………………………4分 (Ⅱ)由题知)64sin(2)(π+=x x h .………………………………………7分∵ 247π-≤x ≤0, ∴ π-≤64π+x ≤6π. ∴ -1≤)64sin(π+x ≤21. ∴ -2≤)64sin(2π+x ≤1. 即h (x )在]0247[,π-上的值域为[-2,1]. ………………………………10分 20.解:(Ⅰ)由f (x +6)=f (x ),得f (9)=f (3), 即n n m m +=+----|3||9|33,解得m =6. 又∵ f (6)=111, 即1113|66|=+--n ,解得n =110.…………………………………………3分(Ⅱ)由(Ⅰ)知,当3≤x ≤9时,|6|()3110x f x --=+.当0≤x 0<3时,则6≤x 0+6<9, ∴33311103)6(|66|00>+=+-+-x x f . 整理得1||330-->x ,即|x 0|<1,解集-1<x 0<1. 综合得0≤x 0<1时满足3331)(0>x f . 当3≤x ≤6时,33311103)(|6|00>+=--x x f , 整理得|x 0-6|<1,解得5<x 0<7, 综合得5<x 0≤6时满足3331)(0>x f . 综上所述知满足条件的x 0的取值范围是[)10,∪(]65,.………………7分 (Ⅲ)∵ )21(2log 16log log 333,∈+==m ,∴ 33|6log 66|log 633(log )(6log 6)31103110f m f -+--=+=+=+=11106. 又∵ 110log log 33=n ,而81<110<243, ∴ 243log 110log 81log 333<<,即5110log 43<<. ∴ 33110log |log 1106|7293110(log )31103110110729f n --=+=+=. ∵ 11101101106729>, ∴ )(log )(log 33n f m f >. …………………………………………。



(5 分)
(3 分)
(2 分)
(3 分)
(3 分)
(5 分) (5 分) (2 分)
(2 分)

M max W
M max W

6Pl1sin bh2
6Pl1sin Pcos 148.7 MPa [ ] (2 分)
(4 分)
二、 是非题:在题后括号内,正确划“√”,错误划“×”(共 10 分,每 小题 1 分)
A. ρ1=r,ρ2=D/2
C. ρ1=∞,ρ2= D/2
6. 从受力角度考虑,椭圆形封头、碟形封头、半球形封头和折边球面封头四种凸形
封头中, 的受力情况最好。
1. 设计压力为 2.5MPa 的容器属于 。
A.低压容器 B. 中压容器 C.高压容器 D. 超高压容器
2. 钢材的强度随温度的升高而 ,韧性和塑性随温度的降低而 。 (A)
A.下降,升高 B.下降,下降 C.升高,下降 D.升高,升高
3. 不锈钢材料 0Cr18Ni9 牌号中的“0”表示其含碳量低于 。
2012 级《化工设备设计基础》期末试题及答案
一、力学部分计算题:(共 50 分)
1、(10 分) 1、图示三角形支架 ABC,A、B、C 三处为铰链链接。在两杆的连接处 B 悬挂有重 物 G=30kN。杆 AB 和 BC 材料相同,许用应力[σ]=120MPa。AB、BC 两杆直径 d 分 别为 25mm、30 mm。试校核此支架是否安全。(已知 A、B、C 三处均为铰接)。(AB 和 BC 两杆的重量不计)(本题 15 分)










A.阳光和雨露把这石头漂白磨光了 B.这石头被阳光和雨露漂白磨光了C.阳光和雨露已把这石头漂白磨光了的 D.这石头是被阳光和雨露漂白磨光了的4、下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(4分)A.具有自动化生产、智能识别和系统操控等功能的工业机器人,正成为国内不少装备制造企业提高生产效率,解决人力成本上涨的利器。






2012高考语文全国卷一、(12分,每小题3分)1.下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是( B )。

A. 颀长(qí)悚然(sù)彰善瘅恶(dàn)韬光养晦(huì)B. 人寰(huán)攫取(juã)寻瑕伺隙(xì)啮臂为盟(niâ)C.抵牾(yǔ)横亘(gân)造福桑梓(zǐ)筋疲力尽(jīn)D.鞭挞(tà)骨骼(gã)辗转反侧(niǎn)蜚声中外(fēi)【答案】B【解析】A项“悚”读作sǒng;C项“牾”读作wǔ;D项“辗”读作zhǎn。

2.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一项是( D )。














3.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( A )。




2012年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试语文(山东卷)一.(15分,每小题3分)1.下列词语中加点的字,每对读音都相同的一组是A.星宿/乳臭搭讪/赡养费粗犷/旷日持久B.着实/斟酌砾石/沥青路鞭挞/纷至沓来C.呜咽/奖掖瞋目/撑门面诘难/殚精竭虑D.畜养/体恤锁钥/管弦乐迸发/屏气凝神2. 下列词语中,没有特别字的一组是A. 镶嵌精萃休闲装轻描淡写B.瑕疵鄙薄邀请赛赔礼道歉C. 怃然琵琶和稀泥玲珑剔透D. 推辞观摩元霄节伶牙俐齿3.依次填入下列横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是①春天的脚步近了,大草原上的冰雪渐渐成了朵朵白色的“大蘑菇”煞是壮观。



A. 溶化沟通喧哗B.溶化勾通喧闹C. 融化勾通喧哗D.融化沟通喧闹4.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一项是A. 在这次演讲比赛中,来自基层单位的选手个个表现出色,他们口若悬河,巧舌如簧,给大家留下了深刻印象。

B. 陶渊明早年曾几度出仕,后来因为不满当时黑暗腐败的政治而走上归隐之路,过起了瓜田李下的田园生活。

C. 抗洪救灾形势严峻,各级领导都坚守岗位,没有擅离职守,久假不归现象,确保了人民群众生命财产的安全。

D. 五四时期,革命青年为救亡图存、振兴中华而奔走呼号,奋不顾身,表现出高尚的爱国情操和不屈的斗争精神。


B. 本市国税局绘制出“税源分布示意略图”,解决了税源管理辖区划分不清、争议扯皮等问题的发生。





Part II Reading comprehension (skimming and scanning)Universities Branch OutAs never before in their long history, universities have become instruments of national competition as well as instruments of peace. They are the place of the scientific discoveries that move economies forward, and the primary means of educating the talent required to obtain and maintain competitive advantage. But at the same time, the opening of national borders to the flow of goods, services, information and especially people has made universities a powerful force for global integration, mutual understanding and geopolitical stability.In response to the same forces that have driven the world economy, universities have become more self-consciously global: seeking students from around the world who represent the entire range of cultures and values, sending their own students abroad to prepare them for global careers,offering course of study that address the challenges of an interconnected world and collaborative (合作的)research programs to advance science for the benefit of all humanity.Of the forces shaping higher education none is more sweeping than the movement across borders. Over the past three decades the number of students leaving home each year to study abroad has grown at an annual rate of 3.9 percent, from 800,000 in 1975 to 2.5 million in 2004.Most travel from one developed nation to another, but the flow from developing to developed countries is growing rapidly. The reverse flow, from developed to developing countries, is on the rise, too. Today foreign students earn 30 percent of the doctoral degrees awarded in the United States and 38 percent of those in the United Kingdom. And the number crossing borders for undergraduate study is growing as well, to 8 percent of the undergraduates at America‘s best institutions and 10 percent of all undergraduates in the U.K.In the United States,20 percent of the newly hired professors in science and engineering are foreign-born, and in China many newly hired faculty members at the top research universities received their graduate education abroad.Universities are also encouraging students to spend some of their undergraduate years in another country. In Europe, more than 140,000 students participate in the Erasmus program each year, taking courses for credit in one of 2,200 participating institutions across the continent. And in the United States, institutions are helping place students in the summer internships (实习)abroad to prepare them for global careers. Yale and Harvard have led the way, offering every undergraduate at least oneinternational study or internship opportunity—and providing the financial resources to make it possible.Globalization is also reshaping the way research is done. One new trend involves sourcing portions of a research program to another country. Yale professor and Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator Tian Xu directs a research center focused on the genetics of human disease at Shanghai‘s Fudan University, in collaboration with faculty colleagues from both schools. The Shanghai center has 95 employees and graduate students working in a 4,300-square-meter laboratory seminars with scientists from both campuses. The arrangement benefits both countries; Xu’s Yale lab is more productive, thanks to t he lower costs of conducting research in China, and Chinese graduate students, postdoctors and faculty get on-the-job training from a world -class scientist and his U.S. team.As a result of its strength in science, the United States has consistently led the world in the commercialization of major new technologies, from the mainframe computer and the integrated circuit of the 1960s to the Internet infrastructure (基础设施)and applications software of the 1990s.the link between university-based science and industrial application is often indirect but sometimes highly visible: Silicon Valley was intentionally created by Stanford University, and Route 128 outside Boston has long housed companies spun off from MIT and Harvard. Around the world, governments have encouraged copying of this model, perhaps most successfully in Cambridge, England, where Microsoft and scores of other leading software and biotechnology companies have set up shop around the university.For all its success, the United States remains deeply hesitant about sustaining the research -university model. Most politicians recognize the link between investment in science and national economic strength, but support for research funding has been unsteady. The budget of the National Institutes of Health doubled between 1998 and 2003,but has risen more slowly than inflation since then. Support for the physical sciences and engineering barely kept pace with inflation during that same period. The attempt to make up lost ground is welcome, but the nation would be better served by steady, predictable increases in science funding at the rate of long-term GDP growth, which is on the order of inflation plus 3 percent per year.American politicians have great difficult recognizing that admitting more foreign students can greatly promote the national interest by increasing international understanding. Adjusted for inflation, public funding for international exchanges and foreign-language study is well below the levels of 40 years ago, in the wake ofSeptember 11,changes in the visa process caused a dramatic decline in the number of foreign students seeking admission to U.S. universities, and a corresponding surge in enrollments in Australia, Singapore and the U.K. Objections from American university and the business leaders led to improvements in the process and reversal of the decline, but the United States is still seen by many as unwelcoming to international students.Most Americans recognize that universities contribute to the nation‘s well-being through their scientific research, but many fear that foreign students threaten American competitiveness by taking their knowledge and skills back home. They fail to grasp that welcoming foreign students to the United States has two important positive effects: first, the very best of them stay in the States and—like immigrants throughout history—strengthen the nation; and second, foreign students who study in the United States become ambassadors for many of its most cherished (珍视)values when they return home. Or at least they understand them better. In America as elsewhere, few instruments of foreign policy are as effective in promoting peace and stability as welcoming international university students.1. From the first paragraph we know that present-day universities have become ________.A)more popularized than ever beforeB)in-service training organizationsC)a powerful force for global integrationD)more and more research-oriented2. Over the past decades, the enrollment of overseas students has increased ________.A)at an annual rate of 8 percentB)at an annual rate of 3.9 percentC)by 800,000D)by 2.5 million3. In the United States, how many of the newly hired professors in science and engineering are foreign-born?A)38% B)10% C)30% D)20%4. How do Yale and Harvard prepare their undergraduates for global careers?A)They give them chances for international study or internship.B)They arrange for them to participate in the Erasmus program.C)They offer them various courses in international politics.D)They organize a series of seminars on world economy.5. An example illustrating the general trend of universities ‘globalization is ________.A)Yale‘s establishing branch campuses throughout the worldB)Yale‘s student exchange program with E uropean institutionsC)Yale‘s helping Chinese universities to launch research projectsD)Yale‘s collaboration with Fudan University on genetic research.6. What do we learn about Silicon Valley from the passage?A)It is known to be the birthplace of Microsoft Company.B)It was intentionally created by Stanford University.C)It is where the Internet infrastructure was built up.D)It houses many companies spun off from MIT and Harvard.7. What is said about the U.S. federal funding for research?A)It has increased by 3 percent.B)It doubled between 1998 and 2003.C)It has been unsteady for years.D)It has been more than sufficient.8. The dramatic decline in the enrollment of foreign students in the U.S. after September 11 was caused by ________.9. Many Americans fear that American competitiveness may be threatened by foreign students who will ________.10. The policy of welcoming foreign students can benefit the U.S. in that the very best of them will stay and ________.PartⅢ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(15 minutes)Section A11.A) He has proved to be a better reader than the woman.B) He has difficulty understanding the book.C) He cannot get access to the assigned book.D) He cannot finish his assignment before the deadline.12.A) She will drive the man to the supermarket.B) The man should buy a car of his own.C) The man needn't go shopping every week.D) She can pick the man up at the grocery store.13.A) Get more food and drinks.B) Ask his friend to come over.C) Tidy up the place.D) Hold a party.14.A) The talks can be held any day except this Friday.B) He could change his schedule to meet John Smith.C) The first-round talks should start as soon as possible.D) The woman should contact John Smith first.15.A) He understands the woman's feelings.B) He has gone through a similar experience.C) The woman should have gone on the field trip.D) The teacher is just following the regulations.16.A) She will meet the man halfway.B) She will ask David to talk less.C) She is sorry the man will not come.D) She has to invite David to the party.17.A) Few students understand Prof. Johnson's lectures.B) Few students meet Prof. Jonson's requirements.C) Many students find Prof. Johnson's lectures boring.D) Many students have dropped Prof. Johnson's class.18.A) Check their computer files.B) Make some computations.C) Study a computer program.D) Assemble a computer.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19.A) It allows him to make a lot of friends.B) It requires him to work long hours.C) It enables him to apply theory to practice.D) It helps him understand people better.20.A) It is intellectually challenging.B) It requires him to do washing-up all the time.C) It exposes him to oily smoke all day long.D) It demands physical endurance and patience.21.A) In a hospital.B) At a coffee shop.C) At a laundry.D) In a hotel.22.A) Getting along well with colleagues.B) Paying attention to every detail.C) Planning everything in advance.D) Knowing the needs of customers.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.23.A) The pocket money British children get.B) The annual inflation rate in Britain.C) The things British children spend money on.D) The rising cost of raising a child in Britain.24.A) It enables children to live better.B) It goes down during economic recession.C) It often rises higher than inflation.D) It has gone up 25% in the past decade.25.A) Save up for their future education.B) Pay for small personal things.C) Buy their own shoes and socks.D) Make donations when necessary. 来源:考试大-英语四级考试Section BPassage OneQuestions 26 to 29 are based on the conversation you have just heard.26.A) District managers.B) Regular customers.C) Sales directors.D) Senior clerks.27.A) The support provided by the regular clients.B) The initiative shown by the sales representatives.C) The urgency of implementing the company's plans.D) The important part played by district managers.28.A) Some of them were political-minded.B) Fifty percent of them were female.C) One third of them were senior managers.D) Most of them were rather conservative.29.A) He used too many quotations.B) He was not gender sensitive.C) He did not keep to the point.D) He spent too much time on details.Passage TwoQuestions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.30.A) State your problem to the head waiter.B) Demand a discount on the dishes ordered.C) Ask to see the manager politely but firmly.D) Ask the name of the person waiting on you.31.A) You problem may not be understood correctly.B) You don't know if you are complaining at the right time.C) Your complaint may not reach the person in charge.D) You can't tell how the person on the line is reacting.32.A) Demand a prompt response.B) Provide all the details.C) Send it by express mail.D) Stick to the point.Passage ThreeQuestions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.33.A) Fashion designerB) Architect.C) City planner.D) Engineer.34.A) Do some volunteer work.B) Get a well-paid part-time job.C) Work flexible hours.D) Go back to her previous post.35.A) Few baby-sitters can be considered trustworthy.B) It will add to the family's financial burden.C) A baby-sitter is no replacement for a mother.D) The children won't get along with a baby-sitter.Section CAlmost every child, on the first day he sets foot in a school building, is smarter, more (36)______, less afraid of what he doesn't know, better at finding and (37) ______ things out, more confident, resourceful (机敏的), persistent and (38) ______ than he will ever be again in his schooling – or, unless he is very (39) ______ and very lucky, for the rest of his life. Already, by paying close attention to and (40) ______ with the world and people around him, and without any school-type (41)______ instruction, he has done a task far more difficult, complicated and (42)______ than anything he will be asked to do in school, or than any of his teachers has done for years. He has solved the (43) ______ of language. He has discovered it – babies don't even know that language exists –and (44) ________________________________________________. He has done it by exploring, by experimenting, by developing his own model of the grammar of language, (45) ________________________________________________ until it does work. And while he has been doing this, he has been learning other things as well, (46) ________________________________________________, and many that are more complicated than the ones they do try to teach him.Part ⅣReading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)(25 minutes)Section AQuestions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.If our society ever needed a reading renaissance(复兴), it's now. The National Endowment for the Arts released “Reading at Risk” last year, a study showing that adult reading47 have dropped 10 percentage points in the past decade, with the steepest drop among those 18 to 24. “Only one half of young people read a book of any kind in 2002. We set the bar almost on the ground. If you read one short story in a teen—ager magazine, that would have 48 ,” laments a director of research and analysis. He49 the loss of readers to the booming world of technology, which attracts would—be leisure readers to E—mail, IM chats, and video games and leaves them with no time to cope with a novel.“These new forms of media undoubtedly have some benefits,” says Steven Johnson, author of Everything Bad Is Good for You.Video games50 problem—solving skills; TV shows promote mental gymnastics by 51 viewers to follow complex story lines. But books offer experience that can't be gained from these other sources, from52 vocabulary to stretching the imagination. “If they're not reading at all,” says Johnson, “that's a huge problem.”In fact, fewer kids are reading for pleasure. According to data53 last week from the National Center for Educational Statistic's long—term trend assessment, the number of 17—year—olds who reported never or hardly ever reading for fun54 from 9 percent in 1984 to 19 percent in 2004. At the same time, the55 of 17—year—olds who read daily dropped from 31 to 22.This slow but steady retreat from books has not yet taken a toll on reading ability. Scores for the nation's youth have56 constant over the past two decades with an encouraging upswing among 9—year—olds. But given the strong apparent correlation between pleasure reading and reading skills, this means poorly for the future.A. percentB. remainedC. roseD. ratesE. percentageF. countedG. relievedH. presentI. BelievingJ. releasedK. forcing L. improve M. Styles N. building O. attributesSection BPassage OneQuestions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.There is a new type of small advertisement becoming increasingly common in newspaper classified columns. It is sometimes placed among “situations vacant”, alth ough it does not offer anyone a job, and sometimes it appears among “situations wanted”, although it is not placed by someone looking for a job, either. What it does is to offer help in applying for a job.“Contact us before writing your application”, or “Make use of our long experience in preparing your curriculum vitae or job history”, is how it is usually expressed. The growth and apparent success of such a specialized service is, of course, a reflection on the current high levels of unemployment. It is also an indication of the growing importance of the curriculum vitae (or job history), with the suggestion that it may now qualify as an art form in its own right.There was a time when job seekers simply wrote letters of application. “Just put down your n ame, address, age and whether you have passed any exams”, was about the average level of advice offered to young people applying for their first jobs when I left school. The letter was really just for openers, it was explained, everything else could and should be saved for the interview. And in those days of full employment the technique worked. The letter proved that you could write and were available for work. Your eager face and intelligent replies did the rest.Later, as you moved up the ladder, something slightly more sophisticated was called for. The advice then was to put something in the letter which would distinguish you from the rest. It might be the aggressive approach. “Your search is over. I am the person you are looking for”, was a widely used trick that occasionally succeeded. Or it might be some special feature specially designed for the job interview.There is no doubt, however, that it is increasing number of applicants with university education at all points in the process of engaging staff that has led to the greater importance of the curriculum vitae.57. The new type of advertisement which is appearing in newspaper columns.A)informs job hunters of the opportunities availableB)promises to offer useful advice to those looking for employmentC)divides available jobs into various typesD)informs employers of the people available for work58. Nowadays a demand for this specialized type of service has been created because. A)there is a lack of jobs available for artistic peopleB)there are so many top level jobs availableC)there are so many people out of workD)the job history is considered to be a work of art59. In the past it was expected that first job hunters would.A)write an initial letter giving their life historyB)pass some exams before applying for a jobC)have no qualifications other than being able to read and writeD)keep any detailed information until they obtained an interview60. Later, as one went on to apply for more important jobs, one was advised to include in the letter.A)something that would distinguish one from other applicantsB)hinted information about the personality of the applicantC)one's advantages over others in applying for the jobD)an occasional trick with the aggressive approach61. The curriculum vitae has become such an important document because.A)there has been an increase in the number of jobs advertisedB)there has been an increase in the number of applicants with degreesC)jobs are becoming much more complicated nowadaysD)the other processes of applying for jobs are more complicatedPassage TwoQuestions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.In cities with rent control, the city government sets the maximum rent that a landlord can charge for an apartment. Supporters of rent control argue that it protects people who are living in apartments. Their rent cannot increase; therefore, they are not in danger of losing their homes. However, the critics say that after a long time,rent control may have negative effects. Landlords know that they cannot increase their profits. Therefore, they invest in other businesses where they can increase their profits. They do not invest in new buildings which would also be rent—controlled. As a result, new apartments are not built. Many people who need apartments cannot find any. According to the critics, the end result of rent control is a shortage of apartments in the city.Some theorists argue that the minimum wage law can cause problems in the same way. The federal government sets the minimum that an employer must pay workers. The minimum helps people who generally look for unskilled, low—paying jobs. However, if the minimum is high, employers may hire fewer workers. They will replace workers with machinery. The price, which is the wage that employers must pay, increases. Therefore, other things being equal, the number of workers that employers want decreases. Thus, critics claim, an increase in the minimum wage may cause unemployment. Some poor people may find themselves without jobs instead of with jobs at the minimum wage.Supporters of the minimum wage say that it helps people keep their dignity. Because of the law, workers cannot sell their services for less than the minimum. Furthermore, employers cannot force workers to accept jobs at unfair wages. Economic theory predicts the results of economic decisions such as decisions about farm production, rent control, and the minimum wage. The predictions may be correct only if “other things are equal”. Economists do not agree on some of the predictio ns. They also do not agree on the value of different decisions. Some economists support a particular decision while others criticize it. Economists do agree, however, that there are no simple answers to economic questions.62. There is the possibility that setting maximum rent may.A)cause a shortage of apartmentsB)worry those who rent apartments as homesC)increase the profits of landlordsD)encourage landlords to invest in building apartment63. According to the critics, rent control.A)will always benefit those who rent apartmentsB)is unnecessaryC)will bring negative effects in the long runD)is necessary under all circumstances64. The problem of unemployment will arise.A)if the minimum wage is set too highB)if the minimum wage is set too lowC)if the workers are unskilledD)if the maximum wage is set65. The passage tells us.A)the relationship between supply and demandB)the possible results of government controlsC)the necessity of government controlD)the urgency of getting rid of government controls66. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A)The results of economic decisions can not always be predicted.B)Minimum wage can not always protect employees.C)Economic theory can predict the results of economic decisions if other factors are not changing.D)Economic decisions should not be based on economic theory.Part ⅤCloze (15 minutes)Rumor is the most ___67___way of spreading stories—by passing them on from mouth___68___mouth. But civilized countries in normal times have better ___69___ of news than rumor. They have radio, television, and newspapers. In times of stress and___70___, ___71___, rumor ___72__ and becomes widespread. At such ___73___ the different kinds of news are in___74___,the press, television, and radio versus the grapevine.Especially ___75___ rumors spread when war requires censorship(审查,检查) on many important matters. The customary news sources no longer ___76___ enough information. Since the people cannot learn ___77___ legitimate(合法的,正规的) channel s all ___78___ they are anxious to learn, they pick up “news”___79___they can and when this ___80___, rumor thrives.Rumors are often repeated ___81___ by those who do not believe the tales. There is a fascination about them. The reason is ___82___the cleverly designed rumor gives expression to something deep in the hearts of the victims—the fears, suspicions, forbidden hopes, or daydreams which they hesitate to___83___directly. Pessimistic(悲观的) rumors about defeat and disasters show that the people who repeat them are___84___and anxious. ___85___rumors about record production orpeace soon coming point to complacency(满足,自得) or confidence—and often to ___86___.67. A) primitive B) important C) impossible D) outstanding68. A) till B) to C) for D) by69. A) means B) ways C) sources D) resource70. A) confusion B) peace C) prosperity D) worried71. A) and B) however C) so D) therefore72. A) emerges B) immerge C) immerse D) immense73. A) time B) the times C) times D) the time74. A) compete B) competition C) common D)harmony75. A) do B) did C) are D) were76. A) give up B) give off C) give out D) send off77. A) through B) by C) in D) across78. A) what B) why C) which D) that79. A) wherever B) where C) whatever D) what80. A) happened B) would happen C) happens D) happen81. A) ever B) even C) forever D) much82. A) that B) what C) why D) how83. A) act B) voice C) behave D) do84. A) happy B) relieved C) crazy D) worried85. A) Bad B) Pessimistic C) Optimistic D) Good86. A) overconfidence B) overweight C) overconsiderate D) overproducePart ⅥTranslation (5 minutes)Direction:Complete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.87.There are so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that __________________________ (我都拿不定主意买哪一种).88. The light in the office is still on._________________________ (他忘记关了).89. His composition was so confusing that _____________________________ (我简直看不懂).90.As the saying goes, reading without reflecting is like __________________________ (吃饭不消化).91._______________________ (他的回答是这样) that he didn’t say yes and he didn’t say no.。












(式9.4.10)信号量噪比:(S/N)dB=20lg M=20lg2N (N为编码位数)编码位数增加一位,(S/N)dB=20lg M=20lg2(N+1)-20lg2N=20lg2=6dB6、改善FM系统抗噪声性能的有效措施是(采用预加重技术和去加重技术)7、若信息速率为Wbit/s,则2PSK、4PSK信号的谱零点带宽分别为()和()HzPSK信号为双极性不归零码,对基带信号R B=1/Ts=fs=R b/log2M, B=fs= R b/log2M对调制信号:带宽为B=2B=2 R b/log2M=2W/ log2M调对2PSK:带宽为:2W对4PSK:带宽为:2W/ log2M =2W/2=W8、设基带系统使用了五抽头的预置式自动均衡器,则此系统冲激响应的抽样值等于0的个数最少为(4),不等于0的个数最少为(1)8、通过眼图,可以观察到(码间串扰)和(噪声)的大小9、调频信号20cos(2*108π+8cos400πt)的最大频偏为(1600)Hz,带宽为(3600)HzP1 05:m f为最大相位偏移,由调频信号可知其最大相位偏移为8,m f=8,调制信号的频率:f m=400π/2π=200×f m=8200=1600.所以最在频偏Δf=mfB=2(m f+1)f m=3600Hz10、当无信号时,加性噪声是否存在?(存在),乘性噪声是否还存在?(不存在)11、设基带信号的最高频率为3.4kHz的语音信号,则AM信号带宽为(6.8kHz),SSB信号带宽为(3.4kHz),DSB信号带宽为(6.8kHz)。



绵阳市高2012级第一次诊断性考试数学(文史类)参考解答及评分标准一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.BBDDC BACCA二、填空题:本大题共5小题,每小题5分,共25分.11.53- 12.-1 13.-2 14.15 15.(0,2)三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共75分. 16.解:(Ⅰ)=)(x f 2m·n -11cos 2cos sin 22-+⋅=x x x ωωω =)42sin(22cos 2sin πωωω+=+x x x . ……………………………6分 由题意知:π=T ,即πωπ=22,解得1=ω.…………………………………7分 (Ⅱ) 由(Ⅰ)知)42sin(2)(π+=x x f , ∵ 6π≤x ≤4π,得127π≤42π+x ≤43π, 又函数y =sin x 在[127π,43π]上是减函数, ∴ )34sin(2127sin 2)(max πππ+==x f ……………………………………10分 3sin 4cos 23cos 4sin 2ππππ+= =213+.…………………………………………………………12分 17.解:(Ⅰ) 由题知⎩⎨⎧≥->-,,0102t t 解得21<≤t ,即)21[,=D .……………………3分 (Ⅱ) g (x )=x 2+2mx -m 2=222)(m m x -+,此二次函数对称轴为m x -=.……4分 ① 若m -≥2,即m ≤-2时, g (x )在)21[,上单调递减,不存在最小值;②若21<-<m ,即12-<<-m 时, g (x )在)1[m -,上单调递减,]2(,m -上递增,此时22)()(2min ≠-=-=m m g x g ,此时m 值不存在;③m -≤1即m ≥-1时, g (x )在)21[,上单调递增,此时221)1()(2min =-+==m m g x g ,解得m =1. …………………………11分 综上:1=m . …………………………………………………………………12分18.解:(Ⅰ) 51cos 5=∠=ABC AB ,,4BC =,又(0,)ABC π∠∈,所以562cos 1sin 2=∠-=∠ABC ABC , ∴645624521sin 21=⨯⨯⨯=∠⋅⋅=∆ABC BC BA S ABC . ………………6分 (Ⅱ) 以BC BA ,为邻边作如图所示的平行四边形ABCE ,如图, 则51cos cos -=∠-=∠ABC BCE ,BE =2BD =7,CE =AB =5, 在△BCE 中,由余弦定理:BCE CE CB CE CB BE ∠⋅⋅-+=cos 2222. 即)51(5225492-⨯⨯⨯-+=CB CB ,解得:4=CB . ………………………………………………………………10分 19.解:(Ⅰ) 由832539a a a S ⋅==,, 得:⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧+⋅+=+=⨯+,,)7()2()4(9223311211d a d a d a d a 解得:121==d a ,.∴ 1+=n a n ,n n n n S n 2322)12(2+=++=. …………………………………5分 (Ⅱ) 由题知=n c )1(2++n n λ. ………………………………………………6分 若使}{n c 为单调递增数列,则=-+n n c c 1-+++)2()1(2n n λ)]1([2++n n λ=012>++λn 对一切n ∈N *恒成立,即: 12-->n λ对一切n ∈N *恒成立, ………………………………… 10分 又12)(--=n n ϕ是单调递减的,∴ 当1=n 时,max )(n ϕ=-3,∴ 3->λ. …………………………………………………………………12分20.(Ⅰ)证明: 由1)(--=ax e x f x ,得a e x f x -=')(.…………………………1分由)(x f '>0,即a e x ->0,解得x >ln a ,同理由)(x f '<0解得x <ln a ,∴ )(x f 在(-∞,ln a )上是减函数,在(ln a ,+∞)上是增函数,于是)(x f 在a x ln =取得最小值.又∵ 函数)(x f 恰有一个零点,则0)(ln )(min ==a f x f , ………………… 4分 即01ln ln =--a a e a .………………………………………………………… 5分化简得:1ln 1ln 01ln -=-==--a a a a a a a a a 于是,即,, ∴ 1-=a a e a . ………………………………………………………………… 6分 (Ⅱ)解:由(Ⅰ)知,)(x f 在a x ln =取得最小值)(ln a f ,由题意得)(ln a f ≥0,即1ln --a a a ≥0,……………………………………8分 令1ln )(--=a a a a h ,则a a h ln )(-=', BC DA E由0)(>'a h 可得0<a <1,由0)(<'a h 可得a >1.∴ )(a h 在(0,1)上单调递增,在(1,+∞)上单调递减,即0)1()(max ==h a h , ∴ 当0<a <1或a >1时,h (a )<0,∴ 要使得)(x f ≥0对任意x ∈R 恒成立,.1=a∴a 的取值集合为{1}……………………………13分21.解:(Ⅰ) 1==b a 时,x x x x f ln 21)(2+-=,x x x f 11)(+-=', ∴21)1(-=f ,1)1(='=f k ,…………………………………………………2分 故)(x f 点()1(1f ,)处的切线方程是2230x y --=.……………………3分(Ⅱ)由()()∞+∈+-=,,0ln 22x x bx x a x f ,得x bx ax x f 1)(2+-='. (1)当0=a 时,xbx x f -='1)(. ①若b ≤0,由0>x 知0)(>'x f 恒成立,即函数)(x f 的单调递增区间是)0(∞+,.………………………………………………5分②若0>b , 当b x 10<<时,0)(>'x f ;当bx 1>时,0)(<'x f . 即函数)(x f 的单调递增区间是(0,b 1),单调递减区间是(b1,+∞). ……………………………………………7分 (2) 当0<a 时,0)(='x f ,得012=+-bx ax ,由042>-=∆a b 得a a b b x a a b b x 24242221--=-+=,. 显然,0021><x x ,,当20x x <<时,0)(>'x f ,函数)(x f 的单调递增,当2x x >时,0)(<'x f ,函数)(x f 的单调递减,所以函数)(x f 的单调递增区间是(0,a a b b 242--),单调递减区间是(aa b b 242--,+∞).………………………………………………………………9分综上所述:当a =0,b ≤0时,函数)(x f 的单调递增区间是)0(∞+,;当a =0,b >0时,函数)(x f 的单调递增区间是(0,b 1),单调递减区间是(b1,+∞); 当0<a 时,函数)(x f 的单调递增区间是(0,aa b b 242--),单调递减区间是(aa b b 242--,+∞). ……………………………………………………………10分 (Ⅲ)由题意知函数)(x f 在2=x 处取得最大值.由(II)知,aa b b 242--是)(x f 的唯一的极大值点, 故aa b b 242--=2,整理得a b 412--=-. 于是ln()(2)ln()(14)ln()14a b a a a a ---=----=-++令()ln 14(0)g x x x x =+->,则1()4g x x '=-. 令0)(='x g ,得14x =,当1(0)4x ∈,时,0)(>'x g ,)(x g 单调递增;当1()4x ∈+∞,时,0)(<'x g ,)(x g 单调递减.因此对任意0x >,)(x g ≤11()ln044g =<,又0a ->, 故()0g a -<,即041)ln(<++-a a ,即ln()142a a b -<--=-, ∴ ln()2a b -<-.……………………………………………………………14分。




















2012 级高等代数Ⅰ试题及答案一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共10分)1. 下列说法正确的是()A . 任何多项式都不整除零多项式B . 零多项式与任何多项式都互素C . 零次多项式与任何多项式都互素D . 零次多项式与零多项式不互素2. 设 (),(),()[] f x g x p x P x Î , 且 () p x 在数域P 上不可约,如果 ) ( ) ( ) ( x g x f x p ,则 一定成立的是 ( )A . ) ( ) ( x f x p 且 ) ( ) ( x g x pB . ) ( ) ( x f x p 但 ) ( | ) ( x g x p /C . ) ( | ) ( x f x p / 且 ) ( | ) ( xg x p / D . ) ( ) ( x f x p 或 )( ) ( x g x p 3. 设A 和B 都是n 阶方阵,O 表示零矩阵,若AB O = ,则一定成立的是( )A . A 和B 都是可逆矩阵 B .A O = 或B O =C . ||0AB = D .A 可逆,B 不可逆4.已知齐次线性方程组 O X A n m = ´ 只有零解,下列结论一定成立的是( )A . A 的秩为mB . A 的行秩为nC . A 的列向量组线性相关D . A 的行向量组线性无关5. 设A 是n 阶方阵,k 是一个非零常数,若 0 kA = ,则一定成立的是( )A . 0A =B . A 可逆C . A 是零矩阵D . A 的秩等于n二、判断题(每小题2分,共10分)6. 任意多项式都定义有次数.()7. 任意两个不全为零的多项式都有首项系数是1 的最大公因式.( )8. 任意矩阵经过一系列初等行变换总能变成阶梯形矩阵.( )9. 任意齐次线性方程组不一定总有解.()10. 任意一个极大线性无关组都与向量组本身等价.()三、填空题(每小题2分,共10分)11. 含有n 个未知量,系数矩阵的秩为r 的齐次线性方程组有非零解,则基础解系所 含解的个数等于____________.12.以纯虚数i 为根的非零实系数多项式中次数最低的首1多项式为_______________. 13. 如果一个 4 阶矩阵的秩为1,那么此矩阵的任意两行.14. 方程个数和未知量个数相等的齐次线性方程组有非零解的充分必要条件是系数行列 式_____ _____.15. 多项式 () f x 被x c - 所除得到的余式为.四、计算题(每小题10分,共50分)16. 如果 1 ) 1 ( 2 4 2 + + - Bx Ax x ,求 A ,B .17. 计算n 阶行列式:n aa a a na a a a na a a a n aaa a D + + + + = 1 3 2 1 3 1 2 1 32 1 13 2 1 1 L M O M M M L LL .18. 设 1(2,1,2,2,4) a =- , 2 (1,1,1,0,2) a =- , 3 (0,1,2,1,1) a =- , , 1 , 1 , 1 ( 4 - - - = a ), 1 , 1 - 5 (1,2,1,1,1) a = .试确定向量组 ,,,, 12345 a a a a a 的一个极大线性无关组与秩.19. 用导出组的基础解系表出下列非齐次线性方程组的全部解:31 22461 x y z w x y z w x y z w --+= ì ï-+-= í ï --+=- î. 20. 已知矩阵 100 011 111 A æö ç÷= ç÷ ç÷ - èø, 22 37 22 B æöç÷ =- ç÷ ç÷ èø,若( )A E XB += ,求矩阵X . 五、证明题(每小题10分,共20分)21. 证明: ) ( | ) ( 2 2 x f x g 当且仅当 ()|() g x f x .22. 设向量组 ,, 123 a a a 线性无关,向量组 ,, 234 a a a 线性相关,试证: 1 a 不能 由 ,, 234 a a a 线性表示.高等代数Ⅰ参考答案及评分标准一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共10分)1. C2. D 3. C 4. B5. A二、判断题(每小题2分,共10分)6. × 7. √ 8. √ 9. × 10. √三、填空题(每小题2分,共10分)11. rn - 12. 12+ x 13. 线性相关 14. 为零15. )(c f 四、计算题(每小题10分,共50分)16. 解 设 1 ) ( 24+ +Bx Ax x f = ,则 Bx Ax x f 2 4 ) ( 3+ = ¢ . (2分)由一次因式和根的关系及重因式知îíì = + = ¢ = + + = 0 2 4 ) 1 ( 0 1 ) 1( B A f B A f , (8 分) 解得 1 = A , 2 - = B .(10 分)17. 解n aaa n a a a naa a n a a a na aa n a a a n aaa n a a a D ncc c c c c + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + = + + + 1 32 2 1 1 31 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 131 21 L L M O MM M L L LL L L M (2分)n aaa naa a na aa n a aa na a a na a a c + + + + + + + = + + + + ¸ 1 32 13 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 3 2 1 ) 2 1 1 ( )1 ( 211L M O M M M L LL L L (8 分)na a a na a a c a c c a c c a c n n+ + + + = + + + + = - - - L L M O M M M L L L L M2 1 1 10 0 10 1 0 10 1 10 0 1) 2 1 1 ( 113 3 12 2 .(10 分) 18. 解 按列拼成矩阵÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ øö ç ç çç ç ç èæ - - - - - - - = ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ 1 11 2 4 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 11 1 0 12 ) , , , , ( 5 43 2 1 a a a a a . (2 分)用行初等变换化简得÷ ÷ ÷÷ ÷÷øöç ç çç ç ç è æ - - - - ® ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 02 1 1 1 1) , , , , ( 5 4 3 2 1 a a a a a . (8 分)由初等变换不改变列向量组的线性关系得原向量组的一个极大线性无关组为 3 2 1 , , a a a ,向 量组 ,,,, 12345 a a a a a 的秩为 3.(10 分)19. 解 构造增广矩阵并作行初等变换得÷ ÷÷ ÷ øö ç ç ç ç è æ - - - ® ÷ ÷ ÷ø ö ç ç ç è æ - - - - - - - = 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 6 4 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 A .(2分)得到原线性方程组的一般解为ï î ï í ì + = + + = w z wy x 2 212 1. 令 0 , 0 = = w y ,得原方程组的一个特解 ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷÷ øöç ç ç ç ç è æ = 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 g .(5 分)对应齐次线性方程组的一般解为î íì = + = w z wy x 2. 令 0 , 1 = = w y ,得 ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ø ö ç ç ç ç ç è æ = 0 0 1 1 1 h ,令 1 , 0 = = w y ,得 ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷÷ øöç ç ç ç ç è æ = 1 2 0 1 2 h .(9 分)原方程组的全部解为{} R k k k k Î + + = 2 1 2 21 1 0 ,h h g g . (10分)20. 解 构造分块矩阵÷ ÷ ÷øöç ç ç è æ - - = + 2 2 2 1 1 7 3 1 2 0 2 2 0 0 2 ) , ( B E A .(2 分)作初等行变换得÷ ÷ ÷øö ç ç ç è æ - - ® + 1 1 1 0 0 3 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 ) , ( B E A .(6 分)由初等变换与初等矩阵的联系知÷ ÷ ÷ øö ç ç ç è æ - - = 1 1 3 1 1 1 X .(10 分)五、证明题(每小题10分,共20分)21. 证 充分性 若 ()|() g x f x ,则存在多项式 ) (x h ,使得 ) ( ) ( ) ( x h x g x f = .两端 平方得 ) ( ) ( ) ( 2 2 2 x h x g x f = ,即 ) ( | ) ( 22 x f x g .(4 分)必要性 若 0 g = ,则 0 f = ,结论成立. 若g 为非零常数,易知结论也成立.若 1 ) ( ³ ¶ g ,由多项式的因式分解定理,设 f g , 标准分解式为12 12 s r r r s g ap p p = L , 12 12 , sm m m s f bp p p = L i p 是不可约多项式。




对于这种说法,你认为:A. 正确B. 错误正确答案:A2,下列选项中,不属于创业的本质的是:A. 创新B. 承担风险C. 赚钱D. 超前认知和行动正确答案:C3,企业指从事生产、流通或服务等活动,为满足社会需要进行自主经营、自负盈亏、承担风险、实行独立核算的基本经济单位,它不一定具有法人资格。


A. 正确B. 错误正确答案:B4,创业,就是创建一个( )组织。

A. 团队B. 经济C. 社会D. 公益正确答案:B5,设立股份有限公司,董事会应当于创立大会结束后多少日内向公司登记机关申请设立登记?A. 15B. 30C. 60D. 90正确答案:B6,法律、行政法规规定,设立有限责任公司必须报经审批。

应当自批准之日起多少日内向公司登记机关申请设立登记?A. 30B. 15C. 60D. 90正确答案:D7,知识素质对创业起着举足轻重的作用。


创业者应该具有哪些方面的知识,下面选项正确的是:①了解相关政策及有关法律,能够依法行事,用法律保护自己的合法权益②了解科学的经营管理知识和方法,提高管理水平③掌握与本行业相关的科技知识,依靠科技进步增强竞争能力④具备市场经济方面的知识,如财务会计、市场营销等A. ①②③B. ②③④C. ①③④D. ①②③④正确答案:D8,解除劳动合同需要:A. 用人单位同意B. 劳动者同意C. 与劳动合同当事人协商一致D. 劳动主管部门同意正确答案:C9,关于大学生自主创业政策,以下说法正确的是:A. 高校毕业生(含大学专科、大学本科、研究生)从事个体经营的,自批准经营日起,1年内免交个体户登记注册费、个体户管理费、经济合同示范文本工本费等。

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2012级试题一、选择题 ( 共15题 30分 )1. 2 分 (0592) 当一个化学反应处于平衡时,则………………………………( ) (A) 平衡混合物中各种物质的浓度都相等 (B) 正反应和逆反应速率都是零(C) 反应混合物的组成不随时间而改变 (D) 反应的焓变是零2. 2 分 (4604) 根据价层电子的排布,下列化合物中为无色的是……………………( )(A) CuCl(B) CuCl 2 (C) FeCl 3 (D) FeCl 23. 2 分 (1454) 下列各组化合物热稳定性关系正确的是………………………… ( ) (A) Na 2CO 3 > Na 2SO 4 (B) K 2CO 3 > Ag 2CO 3 (C) NaHCO 3 > Na 2CO 3 (D) (NH 4)2CO 3 > ZnCO 34. 2 分 (4017) 能和钠形成最强离子键的单质是…………………………………… ( )(A) H 2(B) O 2 (C) F 2 (D) Cl 25. 2 分 (4040) 下列各组离子中,离子的变形性最大的是………………( ) (A) I -,S 2- (B) F -,Br - (C) Cl -,O 2- (D) N 3-,H -6. 2 分 (0867) 对 2SO 2(g) + O 2(g)−→−2SO 3(g),它的化学反应速率可以表示为( )(A)-=-=d O d d SO d d SO d 223()()()t t t (B) -=-=d O d 2d SO d 2d SO d 223()()()t t t (C)-=-=d O d d SO 2d d SO 2d 223()()()t t t (D) d O d d SO 2d d SO 2d 223()()()t t t==7. 2 分 (0554) 对于反应2CO(g) + O 2(g)2CO 2(g),m r H ∆= -569kJ ·mol -1,提高CO 的理论转化率的措施是………………………………………………………… ( ) (A) 提高温度 (B) 使用催化剂(C) 充惰性气体以提高总压力 (D)增加O 2的浓度8. 2 分 (3466) 下列单质中,m f G ∆不为零的是……………………………………( )(A) 石墨 (B) 金刚石 (C) 液态溴 (D) 氧气9. 2 分 (1085) 在NaCl 晶体中,Na + (或Cl -)离子的最大配位数是……………………( ) (A) 2(B) 4(C) 6 (D) 810. 2 分 (6721) 已知H 2O 2的电势图:酸性介质中 O 2 ───── H 2O 2 ───── H 2O 碱性介质中 O 2 ───── H 2O 2 ───── 2OH -说明H 2O 2的歧化反应…………………………………………………………………( ) (A) 只在酸性介质中发生 (B) 只在碱性介质中发生(C) 无论在酸碱介质中都发生 (D) 无论在酸碱介质中都不发生11. 2 分 (4375) 在下列无机含氧酸中,其酸性强弱次序正确的是…………………( )(A) H 2SO 4 > HClO 4 >H 3PO 4 > H 2SiO 3 (B) H 2SO 4 > HClO 4 > H 2SiO 3 > H 3PO 4 (C) HClO 4 > H 2SO 4 > H 3PO 4 > H 2SiO 3 (D) HClO 4 > H 3PO 4 > H 2SiO 3 > H 2SO 4 12. 2 分 (3915)属于主量子数n = 3的一个电子的四个量子数n 、l 、m 、m s 取值正确的是( ) (A) 3,2,1,0 (B) 3,2,-1,21 (C) 3,3,1,21 (D) 3,1,2,21 13. 2 分 (1250)下列各对元素中化学性质最相似的是……………………………………………… ( ) (A) Na ,Mg(B) Al ,Si (C) Be ,Al (D) H ,Li14. 2 分 (3939) 下列电子构型的原子中, 第一电离能最小的是……………………( ) (A) ns 2np 3(B) ns 2np 4 (C) ns 2np 5 (D) ns 2np 615. 2 分 (3697) BaF 2在0.40 mol ·dm -3 NaF 溶液中的溶解度为………………… ( )(K sp (BaF 2) = 2.4 ⨯ 10-5,忽略F - 水解)(A) 1.5 ⨯ 10-4 mol ·dm -3 (B) 6.0 ⨯ 10-5 mol ·dm -3 (C) 3.8 ⨯ 10-6 mol ·dm -3 (D) 9.6 ⨯ 10-6 mol ·dm -3二、填空题 ( 共 9题 25分 )16. 2 分 (4020) 按从大到小的顺序排列以下各组物质: (A)按离子极化大小排列MnCl 2,ZnCl 2,NaCl ,CaCl 2____________________________;0.67 V 1.77 V-0.08 V 0.87 V(B) 按键的极性大小排列NaCl,HCl,Cl2,HI__________________________________。

17. 5 分(1106)配位化合物H[PtCl3(NH3)]的中心离子是_________,配位原子是________,配位数为________,它的系统命名的名称为______________________________。

18. 5 分(1670) 在单质金属中,最软的固体是________,最硬的是________;熔点最高的是________,最低的是________;密度最大的是________,最小的是________。

19. 3 分(4057)在极性分子之间存在着_______________________力;在极性分子和非极性分子之间存在着________________________力;在非极性分子之间存在着_____________________力。

20. 2 分(4400) 下列四种硫的含氧酸盐中:A. Na2SO4B. Na2S2O3C. Na2S4O6D. K2S2O8氧化能力最强的是_____________,还原能力最强的是______________。

21. 2 分(4056) 离子的相互极化作用导致离子间距离缩短和轨道重叠,使得__________键向__________键过渡,这使化合物在水中的溶解度__________,颜色_________。

22. 2 分(1424) Na2HPO4的水溶液显__________性,加入AgNO3溶液生成________________沉淀(化学式表示),溶液的pH值变________。

23. 2 分(1511) Ag3PO4和AgCl都难溶于水,然而在HNO3溶液中,____________能溶解。


24. 2 分(1015)OF2分子的中心原子是采用________杂化轨道成键的。


三、计算题( 共4题20分)25. 5 分(4185)已知:在25℃时,H2S的K a1 = 5.7 ⨯ 10-8,K a2 = 1.2 ⨯ 10-14,HCN的K a = 4.93 ⨯ 10-10,ZnS的K sp = 1.2 ⨯ 10-23,[Zn(CN)4]2-的K稳= 1.0 ⨯ 1016求反应:[Zn(CN)4]2- + H2S ZnS + 2HCN + 2CN-的K。

26. 5 分 (9634)100 cm 3 1.0 mol ·dm -3的某一元酸与50 cm 3 0.40 mol ·dm -3 NaOH 溶液混合后,将此溶液稀释至200 cm 3,则得溶液的pH = 4,求该弱酸的电离常数。

27. 5 分 (6612)0.010 mol ·dm -3 Fe 2+ 溶液通H 2S 至饱和时(浓度为0.10 mol ·dm -3),欲控制FeS 不沉淀,溶液中H +浓度应控制在多大?(已知:K sp (FeS) = 3.7 ⨯ 10-9,H 2S 的K a1 = 9.1 ⨯ 10-8,K a2 = 1.1 ⨯ 10-12) 28. 5 分 (0454)通过热力学近似计算,说明下列反应: ZnO(s) + C(s) = Zn(s) + CO(g) 约在什么温度时才能自发进行?25℃,100 kPa 时 ZnO(s)CO(g) Zn(s) C(s)mf H ∆/ kJ ·mol -1 -348.3 -110.5 0 0m S / J ·mol -1·K -1 43.6 197.6 41.6 5.7四、问答题 ( 共 5题 25分 ) 29. 5 分 (3544)Ag 2SO 4(s)2Ag +(aq) +-24SO (aq)反应达平衡时,Ag 2SO 4(s)的量将会发生什么变化?(1) 加入过量水 (2) 加入 AgNO 3(3) 加入NaNO 3 (4) 加入 NaCl ,有一些 AgCl 将沉淀 (5) 加入NH 3·H 2O ,Ag + + 2NH 3Ag(NH 3)+2生成银氨配离子30. 5 分 (1333)写出下列离子的分子轨道表示式,计算它们的键级,并判断它们的磁性。

N 2+O 22-H 2-31. 5 分 (1224)为什么LiF 在水中的溶解度比AgF 小,而LiI 在水中的溶解度比AgI 大。

32. 5 分 (3926)写出原子序数为24、47的元素的名称、符号、电子排布式,说明所在的周期和族。

33. 5 分 (0708)用离子—电子法配平方程式 (要求写出两个半反应式)-4MnO + H 2O 2−−−→−42SO H Mn 2++ O 22012期末考试(A 卷)答案 一、选择题 ( 共15题 30分 ) 1. 2 分 (0592) (C) 2. 2 分 (4604) (A) 3. 2 分 (1454) (B) 4. 2 分 (4017) (C) 5. 2 分 (4040) (A) 6. 2 分 (0867) (C) 7. 2 分 (0554) (D) 8. 2 分 (3466) (B) 9. 2 分 (1085) (C) 10. 2 分 (6721) (C) 11. 2 分 (4375) (C) 12. 2 分 (3915) (B) 13. 2 分 (1250) (C) 14. 2 分 (3939) (B) 15. 2 分 (3697) (A)二、填空题 ( 共 9题 25分 )16. 2 分 (4020) (1) ZnCl 2 > MnCl 2 > CaCl 2 > NaCl (2) NaCl > HCl > HI > Cl 2 17. 5 分 (1106) Pt 2+; N ,Cl ; 4; 三氯·一氨合铂(Ⅱ)(氢)酸 18. 5 分 (1670) Cs , Cr ; W , Hg ; Os , Li 。
