托马斯哈代 the man he killed

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IF I had met the "enemy" at an inn, than we would have sat down for a drink and drunk many a glass as friends.
We are both firing at each other and I manage to kill him.
托马斯 哈代
倘若我与他相遇 在一家老字号的酒馆里 我们就会坐下来 喝上几杯再分离。 可是身在枪林弹雨中 大家面对面,目光交逼、 同时都把扳机相扣, 要把对方当场击毙。
我要杀死他是因为一一 因为他是我的敌人。 就是这样,我的仇敌当然是他 这是明显不过的事,虽说
他认为他的服现役,或许 同我一样,由于游手好闲, 丢了工作,卖光了家当, 没有其它什么道理可讲。 不错,战争古怪又离奇! 你把一个同类射倒在地, 若相遇在酒吧定会盛情相邀 说不定还借他半克朗钱币。
Hardy’s Poetry
• The Photograph (1890) (照片) • Wessex Poems and Other Verses (1898) (威塞克斯诗集及其他诗篇) • Poems of the Past and Present (1901) () • The Man He Killed (1902) • Time's Laughingstocks and Other Verses (1909) • The Voice (1912) • Satires of Circumstance (1914) • Moments of Vision (1917) • Collected Poems (1919)
The Man He Killed
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Had he and I but met By some old ancient inn, We should have set us down to wet Right many a nipperkin!
这相当清楚;虽说是 “他可能认为:他参军 也像我是出于无奈—— 或因失业,或已当光卖尽
No other reason why.
Yes; quaint and curious war is! You shoot a fellow down You'd treat, if met where any bar is, Or help to half a crown. “对呀,打仗真古怪! 被你射倒的那对方,
The man he killed
Had he and I but met
“要是他同我相逢在 一家古老的酒店中, 我们会坐下来,并且很快
By some old ancient inn,
We should have set us down to wet Right many a nipperkin!
Shakespeare of English Novel Tess of the D‘urbervilles 德伯家的苔丝 Jude the Obscure 无名的裘德

Hardy as a poet
showed a sharp observation of his surrounding
and nature and wrote poems that displayed his affection for natural world. Although like his novels, his poems also carry strain of irony of life, cruel fate and regrets.
I shot him dead because— Because he was my foe,
“我射杀了他,只因——— 只因他是我的仇敌,
Just so: my foe of course he was;
That's clear enough; although He thought he'd 'list, perhaps, Off-hand like—just as I— Was out of work—had sold his traps—
This poem seems sad and confused because
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
the man in the singing the poem must not like killing people. He feels like he had to do it. He saw no joy in it. It was for self defense. He also thinks to himself on how the man he shot would have done the same thing. The man singing the poem is being realistic. These things have to happen and they all happen for a reason.
But ranged as infantry, And staring face to face, I shot at him as he at me, And killed him in his place.
I shot him dead because— Because he was my foe, Just so: my foe of course he was; That's clear enough; although
I falter while try to justify my actions. I tell myself that I have to kill him as he was my "enemy". I wonder if he enlists in a casual manner for the same reason as mine, that is he was unemployed and joined the army for money. How strange the war is! I am forced to kill another man, but if we had met somewhere else at a peaceful time, I might have bought him a drink or lent him some money.
But ranged as infantry,
And staring face to face,
I shot at him as he at me,
And killed him in his place.
“可既在步兵队伍里, 又瞪视着彼此面庞, 我像他一样,朝对方射击, 把他击毙在那地方。
The man he killed
Thomas Hardy, (2 June 1840 – 11
January 1928) was an English novelist and poet. A Victorian realist in the tradition of George Eliot, he was influenced both in his novels and in his poetry by Romanticism, especially William Wordsworth. He was highly critical of much in Victorian society, though Hardy focused more on a declining rural society.
He thought he'd 'list, perhaps, Off-hand like—just as I— Was out of work—had sold his traps— No other reason why.
Yes; quaint and curious war is! You shoot a fellow down You'd treat, if met where any bar is, Or help to half a crown.
The poem is made up of short lines using a simple rhyme scheme and everyday language. These format choices make the poem almost like a nursery rhyme in its simplicity, providing an ironic contrast to its unpleasant subject. The heavy irony of terms compared to the events narrated in the poem contrast in purposeful ways that emphasize the senselessness of how war seems.
The poem's form is a dramatic monologue in the voice of a returned soldier. There are five stanzas with four lines, following a regular metre and an ABAB rhyme scheme in each stanza. The first, second and last line of each verse is about six syllables long. and the third line is a little longer with eight syllables. This gives the poem a sort of conversational tone, setting up the scene and portraying the dark themes of the poem.