Thomas hardy 托马斯哈代

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In many of Hardy’s novels, the conflict between the traditional and the modern is brought to the center of the stage.
-Main characters Tess of the 'UDrbervilles
与他相爱。新婚之夜,安琪儿了解到苔丝的失贞,便离她而去,远走巴西, 苔丝转到另一个农场做工。父亲死后,房东将她家住的房子收回。为了不
来找她,苔丝心情十分痛苦,用刀子将阿列克杀死。小说结束时,苔丝作 为杀人犯被处以绞刑。
a woman of high social status. She had a very interesting personality and was always remember by visitors to the Hardy household. She died in 1912.
His poems
2.Romances and Fantasies
A Pair of Blue Eyes(1873) 《一双蓝眼睛》
Two on a Tower(1882) 《塔里的两个人》 The Well-Beloved(1897) (first published As a serial from 1892) 《心爱的人》
Alec d'Urberville — The son of Mrs. d'Urberville. He either rapes or seduces Tess when she is no more than sixteen or seventeen years old, and later pursues her relentlessly. John Durbeyfield— Tess's father, a pedlar in Marlott village who is a lazy alcoholic.
Tess Durbeyfield — The protagonist, eldest daughter in a poor rural working family.
Angel Clare — The third son of a clergyman; Tess's husband and true love. He rejects Tess on their wedding night when she confesses that she isn't a virgin, even though he, neither, has engaged in premarital sex.
托马斯 ·哈代
Achievement Masterpiece
Thomas Hardy’s Life
Hardy died on January Thomas Hardy was born on 11, 1928. June 2, 1840 in Dorset, England. Throughout his life, he would remember this house and frequently visit it.
Hardy himself divided his novels into three groups: 1Novels of Character & Environmet
2Novels of Romances & Fantasies
罗曼史和幻想小说 机敏和经验小说
3)Novels of Ingenuity
《德伯家的苔丝》讲述的是一个纯洁质朴、聪明美丽的农村姑娘被逼得 走头无路,终于杀人的故事。小说一开始,苔丝替她父亲赶马车去城里送
出于一种赎罪心理,来到杜伯维尔家去做工,以贴补家用。杜伯维尔家少 爷阿列克在林中将她奸污。苔丝失贞以后,选择离开阿列克,回到家生下
Hardy spent his early life in the church choir with his father.
Son of a village builder in Dorset, southwest of England which used to be a Saxon kingdom names Wessex (韦塞克 斯), a name Hardy used proudly in his writing. In 1962, he study architecture in London for five years In 1967,he begin his literary career as a poet. In1867,he turn to writing novels At about 60 return to poetry writing.
Hardy’s Novels
• Hardy’s novels are all Victorian in date. Most of them are set in Wessex, the fictional primitive and crude rural region which is really the home place he both loves and hates. They are known for the vivid
Hardy’s first wife
Emma Gifford :
his second wife
In 1914, Hardy married his secretary Florence Emily Dugdale, who was 39 years his junior. Due to Florence’s care, Hardy could remain healthy and continue his writing career.
Joan Durbeyfield — Tess's hardworking mother who has a practical outlook on life. This includes being prepared to use her daughter for her own gains .
The Shadow on the Stone
Snow in the Suburbs 郊外雪景 Wessex Poems 《韦塞克斯诗集》 Poems Present and Past 《今昔诗集》 Early and Late Lyric Poetry《早期与晚期抒情诗》
His novels
3.Novels of Ingenuity (机巧和实验小说 )
Desperate Remedies(1871) 《铤而走险》 The Hand of Ethelberta(1876) 《埃塞尔伯塔的婚姻》 A Laodicean(1881) 《冷漠的人》
Thomas Hardy became known as a prominent novelist and poet in British and American literature,and he is the most important representative of the English literature.
Hardy’s poetry is commonly referred to as pessimistic and was not received well during his lifetime. One of the most common elements seen throughout Hardy’s poetry is his use of autobiographical information within the poems.
1.Novels of Character and Environment (性格与环境小说)
Under the Greenwood Tree(1872) 《绿树荫下 》
Far from the Madding Crowd(1874) 《远离尘嚣》
The Mayor of Casterbridge(1886) Tess of the d'Urbervilles(1891) Jude the Obscure(1895) 《卡斯特桥市长》 《德伯家的苔丝》 《无名的裘德》
Tess is a 16-year-old beautiful country girl, the daughter of John
Tess of the D’Urbervilles Analysis: Tess, as a pure woman brought with traditional idea of womanly virtues(贞操 ), is abused and destroyed by both Alec and Angel, agents of the destructive force of the society. And the misery, the poverty and the heartfelt pain she suffers and her final tragedy give rise to a most bitter cry of protest and denunciation of the society. As Hardy say at the end of the story ,“Justice was done, and the President of the Immortals had ended his sport with Tess.” To fully understand the novel, one has take into consideration both its critical realist and naturalistic 20
description of the vicissitudes(变迁;兴衰 ) of people
who live in an agricultural setting menaced by the
forces of invading capitalism.
His best local-colored works are his later ones, which are known as “novels of character and en of him as both a naturalistic and a critical realist writer.
Tess of the D’Urbervilles
Main plot:
It came into conflict with Victorian morality. explored the dark side of his family connections in Berkshire. In the story the poor villager girl Tess Durbeyfield is seduced and raped by the wealthy Alec D’Urberville. Then, she became pregnant but the child died in infancy. After that Tess left her home and found work as a dairymaid on a farm in another village and fell in love with Angel Clare, a clergyman’s son. They married but when Tess told Angel about her past, he hypocritically(伪善地 ) deserted her. Tess became Alec’s mistress. Angel returned from Brazil, repenting his harshness, but found her living with Alec. Tess killed Alec in desperation, she was arrested and hanged.