







教材特点1. 主题广泛《大学英语泛读第四册第三版》涵盖了多个领域的主题,如科技、医学、社会学、环境保护等,旨在培养学生的跨学科思维和阅读能力。

2. 文章多样本教材选取了多种形式和风格的文章,包括新闻报道、科学论文、社论、散文等。


3. 任务指导每篇文章都配有任务指导,帮助学生在阅读过程中更好地理解文章内容。


4. 词汇与语法练习《大学英语泛读第四册第三版》还包括词汇与语法练习部分,帮助学生巩固和扩展他们在阅读过程中所学到的词汇和语法知识。


使用方法1. 课堂教学教师可以根据教材提供的课堂活动和教学指导,设计相应的课堂教学方案。


2. 自主学习学生可以根据教材提供的任务指导和习题进行自主学习。


3. 辅助工具除了教材本身,学生还可以利用网络和词典等辅助工具来扩展阅读材料和查阅生词。




一、教学目标1. 知识目标:- 学生能够理解并掌握泛读的基本技巧,包括略读、寻读、扫读等。

- 学生能够识别并理解文章的主旨和大意,抓住主要论点或情节。

- 学生能够理解并运用文章中的生词和短语,提高词汇量。

2. 能力目标:- 学生能够通过阅读提高自己的英语语感,增强阅读理解能力。

- 学生能够进行批判性思考,对阅读材料进行评价和分析。

- 学生能够将所学知识应用于实际生活,提高英语实际应用能力。

3. 情感目标:- 学生能够对英语阅读产生兴趣,养成阅读习惯。

- 学生能够增强文化意识,拓展国际视野。

- 学生能够通过阅读活动,培养团队协作精神和沟通能力。

二、教学内容1. 课程名称:大学英语泛读2. 课程代码:ENGL1013. 适用对象:大学英语一年级学生4. 学时:32学时5. 学分:2学分三、教学过程1. 导入(Warming-up)- 通过日常话题的讨论,激发学生的学习兴趣。

- 引导学生复习上一节课所学的内容,为新的阅读内容做准备。

2. 预读(Pre-reading)- 让学生快速浏览文章,了解文章的大致内容和结构。

- 引导学生预测文章的主题和可能出现的观点。

3. 阅读理解(While-reading)- 采用多种阅读策略,如略读、寻读、扫读等,提高学生的阅读速度和理解能力。

- 针对文章中的难点,进行详细讲解和讨论,帮助学生突破阅读障碍。

- 引导学生进行批判性思考,对文章内容进行评价和分析。

4. 写作与讨论(Writing and Discussion)- 鼓励学生将阅读内容与实际生活相结合,撰写读后感或评论。

- 组织学生进行小组讨论,分享各自的观点和见解。

- 针对学生的写作和讨论成果,进行评价和指导。

5. 总结与拓展(Summary and Extension)- 总结本节课的主要内容和知识点,帮助学生巩固所学。

- 布置课后阅读任务,拓展学生的阅读面和知识面。

四、教学评价1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的表现,如提问、回答问题、参与讨论等。



教学对象:大学英语专业本科一年级学生教学目标:1. 让学生了解英语阅读的重要性,培养阅读兴趣。

2. 提高学生的阅读速度和阅读理解能力。

3. 培养学生运用阅读策略,提高阅读效果。

4. 培养学生批判性思维和跨文化交际能力。

教学内容:1. 英语阅读的重要性2. 阅读策略与技巧3. 阅读理解练习4. 跨文化交际案例分析教学过程:一、导入(5分钟)1. 老师简要介绍英语阅读的重要性,激发学生的阅读兴趣。

2. 学生分享自己阅读的经历和感受。

二、讲解阅读策略与技巧(10分钟)1. 老师讲解常见的阅读策略,如快速浏览、略读、精读等。

2. 老师讲解阅读技巧,如预测、推断、寻找关键信息等。

3. 学生练习运用阅读策略和技巧进行阅读。

三、阅读理解练习(15分钟)1. 老师发放阅读材料,学生进行阅读。

2. 老师提出问题,引导学生思考。

3. 学生分组讨论,分享自己的观点。

4. 老师总结讨论结果,点评学生的回答。

四、跨文化交际案例分析(10分钟)1. 老师讲解跨文化交际的背景和意义。

2. 学生阅读案例分析材料,了解不同文化背景下的交际方式。

3. 学生分组讨论,分析案例中的交际问题。

4. 老师总结讨论结果,点评学生的回答。

五、总结与作业(5分钟)1. 老师总结本节课的重点内容,强调阅读策略和技巧的重要性。

2. 布置课后作业,要求学生阅读指定材料,并完成相关练习。

教学评价:1. 学生对英语阅读的兴趣和积极性。

2. 学生阅读速度和理解能力的提高。

3. 学生运用阅读策略和技巧的熟练程度。

4. 学生在跨文化交际案例分析中的表现。

教学反思:1. 根据学生的反馈,调整教学方法和内容。

2. 注重培养学生的阅读兴趣和阅读习惯。

3. 提高课堂互动,激发学生的思考。

4. 关注学生的个体差异,因材施教。



Text a第一自然段Disappointed失望的; 沮丧的,失意的When things go wrong, all of us naturally feel disappointed and frustrated.出问题时,我们大家自然都感到失望和沮丧。

She will be disappointed if her feelings are not returned.如果她的感情得不到回报,她会感到非常失望。

Curse诅咒; 咒骂; 使苦恼,使困苦; 把(某人)逐出教门He shot her an angry look and a curse.他生气地看了她一眼,骂了一句。

He cursed himself for having been so careless.他骂自己怎么那么不小心。

Maybe there is a curse on my family...可能我的家族受到了诅咒。

Disputed有争议的辩论,争论(dispute的过去式和过去分词); 争夺; 阻止; 就…进行辩论Russia and Ukraine have been disputing the ownership of the fleet...俄罗斯和乌克兰一直在争夺舰队的所有权。

Fishermen from Bristol disputed fishing rights with the Danes.布里斯托尔的渔民与丹麦人争夺捕鱼权。

...a disputed border region.有争议的边境地区referee裁判员; 证明人; 公断人; (专业性强的文章的)审阅人be appointed to被任命为An independent regulator will be appointed to ensure fair competition.将会指定一个独立的管理机构来保证公平竞争。

Who will be appointed to the chairmanship when Mr. Bell leaves ?贝尔先生离职以后,谁会被派来担任主席?第二自然段Tournament锦标赛,联赛; 中世纪的骑士比武; 锦标赛a sporting competition in which contestants play a series of games to decide the winnerJarvis took the wooden spoon in the first tournament.贾维斯在第一次锦标赛上垫底。






一、教学目标1. 帮助学生提高英语泛读能力和文章理解能力;2. 扩大学生的英语词汇量和背景知识;3. 培养学生积极阅读英语文献的习惯。

二、教材分析1. 难度:适合大学英语学生阅读;2. 内容:文学、科技、政治、艺术等多个领域的文章;3. 词汇:涵盖不同难度的词汇,包括易懂的普通词汇和高级词汇。


以下为几种常见的教学方法:1. 阅读理解练习:通过回答问题、填空、翻译等练习,提高学生对文章的理解力和记忆力。

2. 词汇学习:通过单词表和词汇练习,增加学生的生词量和词汇积累。

3. 朗读讲解:教师或学生选取文章进行朗读和讲解,加深学生对文章的理解和记忆。

4. 课堂讨论:教师或学生组织讨论,引导学生深入思考文章的主题和观点。

5. 文学杂志阅读:让学生订阅英语文学杂志,鼓励学生自主阅读和分享。

四、教学步骤1. 选择合适的文章教师可根据学生的阅读兴趣和程度,筛选出适合的文章。



2. 阅读理解练习学生阅读完文章后,可以进行以下练习:(1)问题回答。






3. 词汇学习教师可以根据文章的难度和知识点,设计不同的词汇练习,例如:(1)单词表。




课程名称:大学英语泛读教程(第三版)授课对象:大学英语专业学生授课时间:2课时教学目标:1. 提高学生的英语阅读理解能力,培养学生的英语阅读兴趣。

2. 培养学生的批判性思维和跨文化交际能力。

3. 增强学生的英语词汇量和语法知识。

4. 培养学生的自主学习能力和合作学习能力。

教学重点:1. 理解文章的主旨大意和细节内容。

2. 掌握文章的写作技巧和修辞手法。

3. 学会运用英语进行批判性思考和表达。

4. 了解跨文化背景知识。

教学难点:1. 理解文章的深层含义和作者的写作意图。

2. 灵活运用语法知识进行英语表达。

3. 提高学生的跨文化交际能力。

教学方法和手段:1. 讲授法:讲解文章的背景知识、写作技巧和修辞手法。

2. 讨论法:引导学生进行小组讨论,分享观点,提高学生的口语表达能力。

3. 案例分析法:通过分析典型文章,让学生掌握阅读技巧。

4. 角色扮演法:让学生模拟文章中的角色,提高学生的英语实际运用能力。

5. 多媒体教学:利用PPT、视频等手段,丰富教学内容。

教学内容和过程:第一课时:一、导入1. 介绍课程背景和教学目标。

2. 引导学生思考阅读的重要性。

二、课文讲解1. 介绍文章的背景和作者。

2. 分析文章的主旨大意和细节内容。

3. 讲解文章的写作技巧和修辞手法。

三、课堂活动1. 小组讨论:让学生分组讨论文章的主题,分享各自的观点。

2. 角色扮演:让学生模拟文章中的角色,提高学生的英语实际运用能力。

四、作业布置1. 完成课后练习题,巩固所学知识。

2. 预习下一课内容。

第二课时:一、复习上节课内容1. 复习课文中的重点词汇和短语。

2. 复习文章的写作技巧和修辞手法。

二、阅读理解练习1. 阅读一篇新的英语文章,分析文章的主旨大意和细节内容。

2. 学生互相讨论,分享阅读心得。

三、语法讲解1. 讲解与课文相关的语法知识。

2. 布置语法练习题。

四、课堂活动1. 小组讨论:让学生分组讨论文章的主题,分享各自的观点。

2. 角色扮演:让学生模拟文章中的角色,提高学生的英语实际运用能力。



课程名称:大学英语泛读课时:2课时教学目标:1. 理解课文内容,掌握文章主旨和大意。

2. 培养学生的阅读速度和理解能力。

3. 增强学生的跨文化交际意识,提高语言应用能力。

4. 培养学生的批判性思维和自主学习能力。

教学重点:1. 课文内容理解2. 阅读技巧训练3. 跨文化交际意识教学难点:1. 难句理解2. 阅读速度提高3. 跨文化交际能力培养教学准备:1. 教材:大学英语泛读教材2. 多媒体课件3. 阅读练习材料教学过程:第一课时一、导入1. 提问:同学们,你们认为阅读的重要性是什么?2. 引出课题:《大学英语泛读课文讲解》二、课文阅读1. 学生自主阅读课文,了解文章大意。

2. 教师引导学生关注文章的标题、导语、段落主题句等关键信息。

3. 学生分享阅读心得,教师点评并纠正错误。

三、难句解析1. 教师挑选课文中的难句,引导学生分析句子结构、语法和语义。

2. 学生跟读、模仿,提高语言表达能力。

四、阅读技巧训练1. 教师讲解略读、寻读等阅读技巧。

2. 学生练习阅读练习材料,提高阅读速度和理解能力。

五、课堂小结1. 教师总结本节课的收获,强调阅读技巧的重要性。

2. 学生提出疑问,教师解答。

第二课时一、复习导入1. 回顾上一节课的内容,检查学生的掌握情况。

2. 引出本节课的阅读材料。

二、课文阅读1. 学生自主阅读课文,关注文章结构和主题。

2. 教师引导学生关注文化背景和作者观点。

3. 学生分享阅读心得,教师点评并纠正错误。

三、跨文化交际意识培养1. 教师讲解跨文化交际的相关知识,如文化差异、交际礼仪等。

2. 学生讨论课文中的文化现象,提高跨文化交际能力。

四、课堂小结1. 教师总结本节课的收获,强调跨文化交际意识的重要性。

2. 学生提出疑问,教师解答。

五、课后作业1. 完成课后阅读练习。

2. 拓展阅读,撰写读书笔记。




大学英语泛读课程二、授课对象:大学二年级学生三、课时安排:共8课时四、教学目标:1. 提高学生的英语阅读速度和理解能力。

2. 培养学生的批判性思维和综合分析能力。

3. 扩大学生的词汇量和语法知识。

4. 增强学生对不同文化背景的理解。

五、教学内容:1. 阅读材料选择:选取不同主题和风格的英语文章,包括新闻报道、文学作品、社会科学论文等。

2. 阅读技巧讲解:教授快速阅读、略读、精读等技巧。

3. 文化背景介绍:针对文章涉及的文化背景进行讲解,帮助学生更好地理解文章内容。

六、教学重点与难点:重点:1. 阅读速度和理解能力的提高。

2. 批判性思维和综合分析能力的培养。

难点:1. 不同阅读技巧的灵活运用。

2. 对复杂文章内容的深入理解。

第一课时:课程导入与阅读技巧介绍1. 课程导入:简要介绍泛读课程的目的和重要性,激发学生的阅读兴趣。

2. 阅读技巧讲解:- 快速阅读:教授学生如何快速浏览文章,获取主要信息。

- 略读:指导学生如何通过标题、副标题、图表等快速了解文章结构。

- 精读:讲解如何深入阅读文章,理解细节和作者观点。

第二课时:文章阅读与技巧实践1. 阅读材料:选取一篇新闻报道,让学生进行快速阅读和略读练习。

2. 技巧实践:教师引导学生运用所学技巧,分析文章结构和内容。

第三课时:文化背景介绍与文章分析1. 文化背景介绍:针对所选文章的文化背景进行讲解。

2. 文章分析:引导学生对文章进行批判性分析,提出自己的观点。

第四课时:文学作品阅读与欣赏1. 阅读材料:选取一篇文学作品,让学生进行精读。

2. 欣赏与讨论:引导学生分析文学作品的艺术特点,分享阅读感受。

第五课时:社会科学论文阅读与理解1. 阅读材料:选取一篇社会科学论文,让学生进行快速阅读和略读。

2. 理解与讨论:引导学生理解论文的研究方法和结论。

第六课时:阅读技巧巩固与测试1. 技巧巩固:复习之前所学的阅读技巧,进行针对性练习。

2. 测试:进行阅读理解测试,检验学生的学习成果。

















全学期有三次未交作业或未达到教师提出的要求(晚交做业一周以上按不交作业论),将取消期末考试资格, 成绩以0分计。






课程总成绩依据下列比例评定: 作业占15%;平时和期中考试共占15%;期末考试占70%。





大学英语泛读课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 学生能够掌握并运用大学英语泛读课程中出现的关键词汇和常用短语,理解文章大意。

2. 学生能够识别并分析文章的基本结构和写作特点,如段落划分、主旨句识别等。

3. 学生能够理解并运用阅读策略,如预测、扫描、略读等,提高阅读效率。

技能目标:1. 学生通过大量泛读练习,提高阅读速度和准确性,达到每分钟阅读速度提高10%。

2. 学生能够运用所学阅读策略,提高阅读理解能力,正确率提升至80%。

3. 学生能够进行口头和书面表达,就文章内容进行讨论和总结。

情感态度价值观目标:1. 学生培养对英语阅读的兴趣,提高自主学习能力,形成良好的阅读习惯。

2. 学生通过阅读不同文化背景的文章,增强跨文化交际意识,尊重并理解不同文化。

3. 学生在小组合作学习中,培养团队合作精神,学会分享和倾听他人意见。



二、教学内容本课程以《新视野大学英语泛读》教材为蓝本,结合课程目标,选择以下教学内容:1. 阅读策略:预测、扫描、略读等,帮助学生提高阅读效率。

2. 词汇和短语:教材中出现的关键词汇和常用短语,扩大学生词汇量。

3. 阅读理解:教材中的文章,涵盖不同题材和体裁,提高学生的阅读理解能力。

4. 文化背景:通过文章涉及的不同文化背景,培养学生的跨文化交际意识。





教学内容与教材章节对应如下:1. 第一至第四单元:涵盖教材中的文章,分别涉及故事、说明文、议论文等不同体裁。

2. 每单元词汇表:挑选关键词汇和常用短语,进行讲解和练习。



大学英语泛读教学教学教案大学英语泛读教学教案一、教学目标通过泛读教学,使学生掌握以下技能:1. 提高听力技能,能够听懂常见的日常对话和简单的新闻报道。

2. 增强阅读理解能力,在有限时间内,能够阅读文章并准确回答相关问题。

3. 培养学生的交际能力,使其能够流利地进行简单对话和口头表达。

4. 培养学生独立学习的能力,掌握一定的学习方法和技巧。

二、教学内容1. 听力训练使用真实的英文录音素材,包括日常对话、新闻报道等,帮助学生提高听力技能。


2. 阅读理解提供英文文章,包括新闻报道、故事、科普知识等,通过阅读材料并回答问题,帮助学生提高阅读理解能力。


3. 口语表达通过模拟对话、角色扮演等活动,培养学生的交际能力,提高口语表达能力。


4. 学习方法指导教师可以向学生介绍一些学习方法和技巧,如如何快速有效地阅读文章、如何借助词典等,帮助学生提高学习效率和自主学习能力。

三、教学步骤1. 导入通过与学生的互动对话,激发学生对英语泛读的兴趣,了解他们的学习需求和问题,为后续教学做好铺垫。

2. 听力训练播放相关的录音素材,让学生倾听,理解录音内容,并回答提出的问题。


3. 阅读理解教师提供一篇英文文章,让学生阅读并回答问题。



4. 口语表达设置一些情境,让学生进行对话练习。



5. 学习方法指导教师向学生介绍一些学习方法和技巧,如如何快速有效地阅读文章、如何借助词典等。




考生姓名:___________学号层次专业Part One: Reading Comprehension (70%)Passage 1In the following story the writer’s father broke an important date when he was young. How did it happen? Read the story and find the answer.It happened in one of those colorful Danish inns which offer service especially for tourists and where English is spoken. I was with my father on a business-and-pleasure trip, and in our leisure hours we were having a wonderful time.“I wish Mother were here,”said I.“If your mother had come with us,”said Father “it would have been wonderful to show her around.”He had visited Denmark when he was a young man. I asked him, “How long is it since you were here?”“Oh,about thirty years. I remember being in this very inn, by the way.”He looked around, remembering. “Those were pleasant and enjoyable days…”He stopped suddenly, and I saw that his face was pale. I followed his eyes and looked across the room to a woman who was setting a tray of drink before some customers. She might have been pretty once, but now she was stout and her hair was untidy. “Do you know her?” I asked.“I did once.” he said.The woman came to our table. “Drinks?” she asked.“We’ll have beer,” I said. She nodded and went away.“How she has changed! Thank heaven she didn’t recognize me,”father said in a low voice, mopping his face with a handkerchief. “I knew her before I met your mother,” he went on. “I was a student, on a tour. She was a lovely young thing, very graceful. I fell madly in love with her, and she with me.”“Does Mother know about her?” I said suddenly, without thinking.“Of course,” Father said gently. He looked at me a little anxiously. I felt embarrassed for him.I said, “Dad, you don’t have to …”“Your mother would tell you if she were here. I don’t want you wondering about this. I was a foreigner to her family. I was dependent on my father. If she had married me, she wouldn’t have had any prospects. So her father objected to our romance. When I wrote to my father that I wanted to get married he cut off my allowance. And I had to go home. But I met the girl once more, and told her I would return to America, borrow enough money to get married on, and come back for her in a few months.”“We knew,” he continued, “that her father might stop and seize our letter, so we agreed that I would simply mail her a slip of paper with a date on it, the time she was to meet me at a certain place; then we’d get married. Well I went home, got the loan and sent her the date. She received the note. She wrote me: ‘I’ll be there.’but she wasn’t. Then I found that she had been married about two weeks before, to a local innkeeper. She hadn’t waited.”Then my father said, “Thank God she didn’t. I went home, met your mother, and we’ve been completely happy. We often joke about that youthful love romance. I suggest that one day you write a story about it.”The woman appeared with our beer.“You are from America?” she asked me.“Yes,” I said.She smiled happily, “A wonderful country, America.”“Yes, a lot of your countrymen have gone there. Did you ever think of it?”“Not me. Not now,”she said. “I thought so one time, a long time ago. But I stayed here. It’s much better here.”We drank our beer and left. Outside I said, “Father, just how did you write that date on which she was to meet you?”He stopped, took out an envelope and wrote on it. “Like this,” he said. “12/11/13, which was, of course, December 11, 1913.”“No!” I exclaimed. “It isn’t in Denmark or any European country. Over here they write the day first, then the month. So that date wouldn’t be December 11 but the 12th of November!”Father passed his hand over his face. “ So she was there!” he exclaimed, “ and it was because I didn’t show up that she got married.”He was silent a while. “Well,” he said, “I hope she’s happy. She seems to be.”As we resumed walking I said, “It’s a lucky thing it happened that way. You wouldn’t have met Mother.”He put his arm around my shoulders, looked at me with a heartwarming smile, and said, “I was doubly lucky, young fellow, for otherwise I wouldn’t have met you, either!”Simplified from Reader’s Digest, 1975.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false.1.Father and son went to Denmark to pay a visit to their old friends.2.They happened to stay in very inn where father had once been thirty years before.3.When they went to have a drink, they saw the woman with whom father had been madly in love.4.Father had planned to marry that girl.5. A few days later father changed his mind and broke the date with the young lady.Do the following multiple-choice questions.6.Father’s attitude on recognizing the woman as his old lover was one of ______.A)great boyB)great sadnessC)mild shock and surpriseD)regret7.When the woman went to fetch beer, father mopped his face with a handkerchief because_______.A)he didn’t want to see herB)he feared that she might recognize himC)he felt sorry that he had not kept the dateD)he was puzzled why she hadn’t recognized him8.Which of the following can best complete the son’s words “Dad,you don’t have to…”?A)tell the truthB)be worriedC)tell motherD)explain9.How was the woman when father and son saw her at the inn?A)She had forgotten all about her youthful romance.B)She was rather happyC)She was angry that she had been cheated by that young American.D)She was tired of her life in Denmark.10.Which of the following can support your choice in Question 4?A)Now she was stout and her hair was untidy.B)She had married a local innkeeper.C)The woman’s words: “ A wonderful country, America.”D)The woman’s words: “It’s much better here.”Passage 2People differ greatly in their characters and interests. Is it possible for people with entirely different characters and backgrounds to become great friends? Read the story and find the answer.F red Ames and I haven’t much in common. I sometimes wonder why we are friends at all. Perhaps it is Fred’s skill as a craftsman that I find so attractive. He’s always busy making things. Everything he makes is so perfect that I sometimes feel a bit jealous of him. If I happen to mention that one of my books is so old and torn that I shall have to throw it away, Fred takes it home with him and returns it a few days later beautifully bound. If I knock over a vase and it is broken into a thousand pieces, Fred puts it together again in such a way that only an expert would see the difference.My trouble is that I’m one of those hopelessly impractical and incurably lazy people. Outside my work at the office (which is dull enough, God knows), the only thing that interests me is listening to classical music. I have a big collection of records and all day long the only thing I can think about is when I am going to get home to a new concerto.I’ve often tried to get Fred interested in music. When I’m in the mood and would like to find someone to talk to (which isn’t often, by the way), I always have Fred with me. I spend hours pointing out the beauties of a certain piece. I look at him as he’s gazing at that little black statue of monkey I keep on the shelf and wonder if he’s heard anything at all. When I look into those big, blue, expressionless eyes of his, I realize that he hasn’t been listening to a word I’ve said. “I’d love to make a copy of that some day,” he says and makes a sign that he is referring to the statue.One Saturday afternoon I came home from work even earlier than usual. Getting home from work is one of the few things I’m good at. It’s certainly the only time I ever hurry. But this day I left the office in an even greater hurry than usual. I had just bought a new recording of Schumann’s piano concerto and I could hardly wait to listen to it.I had already played the record twice over when Fred came in. Perhaps because of the effect the music had on me, I was more than usually pleased to see him. I started talking excitedly about the record: how perfect it was, how marvelous; how he just had to listen to it. He said nothing and after he had sat down, he asked me where the little black monkey had got to. I answered that the cleaner had knocked it off the shelf and I had throw it aw ay. “What a pity,” Fred exclaimed.After I had put the record on, I left the living room to make some tea. I gave Fred strict instructions to listen to the music as I was sure he would like it.It took me some time to get the tea ready, and when I returned with a tray, the second movement had just begun. I immediately started singing loudly and did not stop till the movement had come to an end. Then I remembered that I wanted Fred to listen to the concerto, not to my remarkable version of it, so I kept quiet.Later, when I took the tea things out, I could not help thinking that there had been a different expression in Fred’s face this time. His eyes had lit up in a curious way. He looked as if he had just discovered something. Once he even smiled to himself. He had been listening!I got back to the living room to find Fred holding the record in his hands. It was so strange to see such a delicate object in his big, rough hands that for a moment I felt like telling him to be careful. But I was too pleased with myself to do that.“Did you enjoy it?” I asked eagerly.“Oh, yes…yes.” he answered vaguely.I don’t know what came over me, but at that moment I said, “Well, you can have it.”Fred was astonished. “What, the record? No, I couldn’t,” he answered,”You’ve only just…”“Go on, take it!” I insisted.“Well, thanks very much. I will.”A few days later Fred arrived with a little box under his arm. He gave it to me smiling as soon as he came in. “A little present,” he said.When I opened it, I was astonished to find an exact copy of the little monkey which my cleaner had broken.“Did you make this, Fred?” I couldn’t believe it and asked.“Yes,” answered Fred simply with a big smile all over his face.“But however did you manage it?” I asked.“Oh, it was quite easy rea lly,”Fred answered, “I got the idea from a magazine. You just melt down an old record and then you can mould it into any shape you like.”Simplified from Essay and Letter Writing,ed., L .G. Alexander, Longman, 1965.Do the following multiple-choice questions.11.What does the author say about Fred?A)He is easy to get along with.B)He is attractive.C)He is often busy.D)He is always helpful.12. Which of the following is true of Fred?A)He doesn’t like classical music.B)He doesn’t understand much music.C)He has no interest in music at all.D)He doesn’t have time for music.13. When they sat together, listening to the record, Fred was thinking of _______ .A)his own businessB)his friend’s explanation of musicC)the little black statue of monkey on the shelfD)getting a record14. Fred’s eyes had lit up because_______ .A)he had a new idea of making use of the recordB)he enjoyed the music very muchC)he wanted to take the record with himD)he was eager to listen to the record once more15. In answering the author’s question “Did you enjoy it”, Fred said “ Oh, yes …yes.” He meant_______A)he enjoyed the musicB)he liked the recordC)he enjoyed the teaD)he liked the tea things16. Seeing the little present, the author was_______ .A)ashamedB)excitedC)angryD)confusedPassage 3Have you ever taken a trip by airplane? If not, read this article and it will tell you about the good and courteous services on board a plane.The large airplane is en route to a country which most of its passengers have never visited before. “En route”means on the way. The passengers are the people riding in the airplane. Most of these passengers are tourists- people who travel to see another place, area, or country. Most tourists travel for pleasure. They enjoy seeing different places and meeting other people.The long flight, or trip by air, is almost over. The passengers have finished their dinner. Most of them are resting or relaxing-sleeping, reading, or talking. But for Miss Brown and Mr. Green, who are going home, there are still many things to do before their arrival.Sue Brown is a stewardess and Sam Green is a steward for their country’s airline (the company that operates the airplanes). Their job is to look after the comfort and safety of the passengers who ride in the passenger cabin of the airplane during the flight. They are also called cabin or flight attendants.Passenger safety is the main job of flight attendants. Miss Brown and Mr. Green must make sure the passengers are sitting safely. The things passengers bring on the plane with them must be put away safely so that they will not slide around during the flight. If the plane should move or turn suddenly, a loose object could hit and injure someone.Before the flight begins, the flight attendants tell the passengers: “Please stow all hand or carry-on luggage under the seat in front of you or in the overhead compartments.”The things passengers bring aboard (on) the plane are called hand or carry-on luggage. “To stow”these means to put them away. Carry-on luggage can fit either under the seat or in a special compartment (enclosed space) above the seats over the heads of the passengers. Cabin attendants must make sure these compartments are closed properly during the flight.En route, the cabin attendants serve food and beverages (drinks) to the passengers. This keeps the attendants busy and on their feet during most of the flight. On a flight of five hours or more, Miss Brown and Mr. Green walk between 10 and 15 miles—or 16 to 24 kilometers—as part of their jobs.Their duties also include welcoming the passengers aboard the airliner and helping them to find their seats. A flight attendant must show the passengers where the emergency exits are and explain how to use the oxygen masks.The flight attendants also give out pillows and blanks to help make passengers comfortable. They give passengers magazines to read. They must be able to answer questions about the times of flights and the services of the airline.“It’s an interesting job,” Mr. Green says, “and we meet many interesting people. We get to see different places. But it’s not all fun. We live out of suitcases, and we serve hundreds of meals each day.A flight attendant has to enjoy taking care of and serving people.”“Even under the best conditions,” Miss Brown adds, “taking care of a plane full of hungry, thirsty people is not easy. But we have to stay calm and pleasant at all times. This is especially important when bad weather makes a flight rough or bumpy, when a plane is late, or when there is an emergency.”Flight attendants must learn about the safety equipment of the airplane in which they are flying. They must know how to get passengers out quickly and safely if there should be an accident. And, most important, they must be able to keep the passengers calm in an emergency.All flight attendants must be able to give first-aid. This is the help that is given to a sick or hurt person before regular medical treatment from a doctor can be obtained. Such treatment can often save a person’s life if it is given quickly. Learning to give first-aid is an important part of a flight attendant’s training.“A flight attendant,” Mr. Green says, “has to be able stay calm and courteous at all times. This is important for the safety of the passengers.”Miss Brown adds, “Passengers spend more time with flight attendants than with any other airline employee. The service the passengers receive on board the plane determines whether or not they will fly again on one of our airplanes. We want them to continue to be customers of our airline. So it is important that we give them good, courteous services.”From English for the Travel Industry, McGraw-Hill Inc., 1992.Do the following multiple-choice questions.17. Passenger safety is the main job of flight attendants. However, this does not include_______ .A) making sure passengers are sitting safelyB) stowing away all hand or carry-on luggage.C) showing passengers how to operate the oxygen makesD) showing the passengers how to do first-aid18. Each of the following proves that a flight attendant’s job is not easy , except_____A) he gets to know different peopleB) he has to look after hundreds of passengersC) he is always on his feetD) he must be calm if there is an emergency19. What is most important for flight attendants?A) To know how to use oxygen masksB) To be calm at all timesC) To enjoy taking care of and serving peopleD) To be able to answer all questions about their company20. What do we learn about Miss Brown and Mr. Green from their words?A) They are tired of their jobB) They don’t see the importance of their jobC) They enjoy living out of suitcasesD) They like their job21. Good flight attendants are very important to an airline company because______A) they can meet all the requirements of the passengersB) they can attract more passengers by giving good serviceC) they can help the pilot to avoid emergenciesD) they can guarantee the safety of the passengersPut the following into English22. 乘坐飞机的人23. 外出游玩24. 乘客随身带上飞机的东西25. 没放好的东西会打着并伤着人26. 紧急出口27. 氧气面罩28. 回答有关该航空公司航班的时刻及服务事项的问题29.了解飞机的安全装置30.客在该飞机上得到的服务Passage 4Cambridge University is one of the oldest and most famous universities in the world. This article tells about its history and development as well as what it is like today.When we say that Cambridge is a university town, we do not mean just that it is a town with a university in it. Manchester and Milan have universities, but we do not call them university town. A university town—like Uppsala, Coimbra, Salamanca or Heidelberg—is one where there is no clear separation between the university building and the rest of the city. The university is not just one part of the town; it is all over the town. The heart of Cambridge has its shops, pubs, market-place and so on, but most of it is university staff and students. Students fill the shops, cafes, banks , and churches ,making these as well part of the university .The town was there first. Two Roman roads crossed there, and there are signs of building before Roman times (earlier than A.D.43). Trouble in Oxford in 1209 caused some students and their teachers to move. Cambridge became a centre of learning, and the authority of the university , the chancellor , was recognized by the king in 1226 .At that time many of the students were very young (about fifteen), and many of the teachers were not more than twenty-one. At first they found lodgings where they could, but this led to trouble between “town and gown”, and many students were too poor to afford lodgings. Colleges were opened so that student could live cheaply. This was the beginning of the college system which has continued at Cambridge up to the present day.The colleges were built with money from kings, queen, religious houses, or other sources. One example is Clare College. It was first founded in 1326 as University Hall. After the Black Death (a disease which killed nearly half the population of English between 1349 and 1350) it was refounded with money from the Countess of Clare. In providing it, the Countess stated that the college was to be for the education of priests and scholars. Today there are nearly thirty Colleges. The newest are University College, founded in 1965, and Clare Hall, founded in 1996, both for graduates. Very few students can now live in college for the whole of their course; the numbers are too great. Many of them live in lodgings –“digs”—at first and move into college for their final year. But every student is a number of his college from the beginning. While he is in “digs” he must eat a number of meals in the college, although he will also join various university societies and clubs. To make this clear, take the imaginary case of John Smith.He is an undergraduate at Queen’s College. His rooms are on E staircase, not far from his tutor’s rooms on C staircase. He has dinner in the fine old college hall four times a week. He plays rugger for Queen’s and hopes to be chosen to play for the university this year. His other favorite sport is boxing, and he is a member of the university club. He is “reading” history, and goes once a week to Emmanuel College to see his supervisor to discuss his work and his lectures. He belongs to several university societies—and to a number of college societies.With about 8,250 undergraduates like John Smith and over 2,000 postgraduates, the city is a busy place in “full term”. Undergraduates are not allowed to keep cars in Cambridge, so nearly all of them use bicycles. Don’t try to drive though Cambridge, so nearly all of them use bicycles. Don’t try to drive though Cambridge during the five minutes between lectures. On Mondays John Smith has a lecture in Downing College ending at 9:55 and another in Trinity at 10. His bicycle must get him there through a boiling sea of other bicycles hurrying in all directions. If you are in Cambridge at five minutes to the hour any morning of full term, you know that you are in a university town. Stop in some safe place and wait.From Reading for Adults, ed,. R.D. Lewis, Longman, 1973. Do the following multiple –choice questions.31. We call Cambridge a university town because______A)over 10000 students are studying thereB)all the shops , cafes , and banks are run by the universityC)the university is all over the townD)it has nearly thirsty colleges32. The main problem facing the early Cambridge students was______A)how to guard against town peopleB)how to find a cheap living placeC)how to get a place in one of the colleges as soon as they entered the universityD)how to find experienced teachers33. We learn from the text that student at Cambridge ______A)are encouraged to live in the college all through the four years .B)are required to eat all their meals in the college hallC)have a very active social life apart from their regular studiesD)are allowed to use cars34. The imaginary case of John Smith shows_______A)an undergraduate at Cambridge leads a full lifeB)students at Cambridge chiefly study on their ownC)social activity is the main part of a student’s school lifeD) a rugger player can be a good student at Cambridge35. The last paragraph tells us that______A)it is impossible for a student to get to his classroom in timeB)it is hard for a stranger to drive in CambridgeC)it is not safe to walk on Cambridge streetsD)it is almost impossible to drive through the busy , crowded streets at 5 minutes to thehour in full termPart Two: Translate the following phrases into Chinese (30%)1. show somebody around __________2. by the way ___________3. object to _________4. cut off __________5. show up _________6. God knows _________7. all day long _________ 8. be in the mood __________9. be good at _________ 10. tea things __________11. can not help (doing) _________ 12. feel like (doing) __________13. come over __________ 14. all over __________15. as well __________。



课程名称:大学英语泛读课时:2课时教学对象:大学一年级学生教学目标:1. 提高学生的英语阅读理解能力。

2. 培养学生的快速阅读技巧。

3. 拓展学生的文化视野。

4. 增强学生的英语口语表达能力。

教学内容:1. 阅读文章:《The Secret to a Happy Life》2. 快速阅读技巧:略读、扫读、寻读3. 口语表达:讨论文章主题,分享个人观点教学步骤:第一课时:一、导入1. 课前5分钟,教师与学生进行简短的英语对话,营造轻松愉快的课堂氛围。

2. 介绍本次课的主题:The Secret to a Happy Life。

二、阅读文章1. 学生阅读文章,了解文章大意。

2. 教师提问,检查学生对文章的理解程度。

三、快速阅读技巧1. 教师讲解略读、扫读、寻读的技巧。

2. 学生进行练习,提高阅读速度。

四、讨论文章主题1. 学生分组讨论文章主题,分享个人观点。

2. 教师引导学生进行深入讨论,拓展学生的文化视野。

第二课时:一、复习1. 教师检查学生对第一课时内容的掌握情况。

2. 学生进行快速阅读练习,提高阅读速度。

二、口语表达1. 学生分组,就文章主题进行讨论。

2. 每组选派一名代表,用英语陈述个人观点。

3. 教师点评,纠正发音、语法等方面的错误。

三、总结1. 教师总结本次课的主要内容,强调阅读技巧和口语表达的重要性。

2. 学生分享学习心得,提出疑问。

教学评价:1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的发言、提问、讨论等情况,评价其参与度。

2. 阅读理解能力:通过提问和练习,评价学生对文章的理解程度。

3. 快速阅读技巧:通过练习,评价学生掌握略读、扫读、寻读等技巧的情况。

4. 口语表达能力:通过小组讨论和陈述,评价学生的口语表达能力。

教学反思:1. 教师在讲解阅读技巧时,应注重理论与实践相结合,让学生在实际操作中掌握技巧。

2. 在口语表达环节,教师应鼓励学生积极参与,给予充分的肯定和指导。

3. 结合学生的实际情况,调整教学内容和进度,确保教学效果。








三、教学要求1.一般要求:阅读速度:1级65 wpm;2级70wpm;3级70wpm;4级75wpm词汇量:60002.高级要求:阅读速度: 1级85wpm;2级90wpm;3级95wpm;4级105wpm词汇量:80003.语篇分析能力1)篇章结构:文章主题、段落、层次、主题句等2)作者意图、目的、态度、写作手法4.能阅读中等难度的科普文章、各种应用文及新闻报道等。


五、教学内容1)教材中每单元课后所附的Part B与Part C2)本院所补充的阅读材料3)英美报刊选读4)科普英语阅读4)应用文选编5)英美概况六、教学安排课内泛读,在《精读》教学中安排;课外泛读,在老师指导下由学生自主完成七、教学方法1.结合精读教学,把握每单元文章的“主题”,向学生讲授阅读方法和技巧。








课程名称:大学英语泛读课程目标:1. 培养学生广泛的阅读兴趣和良好的阅读习惯。

2. 提高学生的阅读速度和理解能力,增强英语语感。

3. 增强学生的文化意识,拓宽知识面。

4. 提高学生的思辨能力和批判性思维。

教学对象:大学英语专业二年级学生教学时间:10课时教学内容:第一课时:课程导入与阅读技巧介绍1. 课程导入(5分钟)- 简要介绍泛读课程的目的和重要性。

- 引导学生思考如何通过泛读提高英语水平。

2. 阅读技巧介绍(15分钟)- 阅读策略:略读、扫读、寻读等。

- 阅读理解技巧:主旨大意、细节理解、推理判断等。

- 阅读笔记方法:如何做笔记、如何整理信息。

第二课时:泛读材料介绍与讨论1. 材料介绍(10分钟)- 介绍泛读材料的选择标准,如题材、难度、文化背景等。

- 选择一篇适合学生水平的泛读材料进行介绍。

2. 阅读与讨论(20分钟)- 学生阅读材料,教师监督并解答疑问。

- 小组讨论材料内容,分享阅读感受和收获。

第三课时:阅读理解与写作练习1. 阅读理解练习(15分钟)- 进行阅读理解练习,巩固所学阅读技巧。

- 分析文章结构,提取关键信息。

2. 写作练习(15分钟)- 基于阅读材料,要求学生写一篇短文,如读书笔记、观点评论等。

第四课时:文化背景知识拓展1. 文化背景介绍(10分钟)- 介绍与阅读材料相关的文化背景知识。

- 引导学生思考文化差异对阅读理解的影响。

2. 小组讨论(20分钟)- 学生分组讨论文化背景知识,分享个人见解。

第五课时:主题阅读与批判性思维1. 主题阅读(15分钟)- 选择一个与课程相关的主题,进行主题阅读。

- 学生阅读相关材料,了解不同观点。

2. 批判性思维训练(15分钟)- 学生针对阅读材料提出自己的观点,进行批判性思考。

第六课时:泛读材料分析与写作1. 材料分析(10分钟)- 分析泛读材料,探讨文章主题和作者意图。

2. 写作指导(15分钟)- 教师针对写作练习进行点评和指导。

第七课时:阅读反思与总结1. 阅读反思(10分钟)- 学生反思自己的阅读过程,总结经验教训。



Key to lesson 1Comprehension of the text.1. 1) T 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) T 6) F 7) T 8) T2.1) D 2) B 3) D 4) D 5) B 6) D3.1) 他安静,性情温和,时常心不在焉,对待金钱像个孩子。

2) 连Theo也不得不承认,即便他自己读,也不大可能读得像他一样流利。

3) 他的情绪受到很大干扰,无法换一种方式来表达同样的思想。

4) 他既困惑又高兴,简直摸不着头脑了。

Learning to use phrases and expressions from the text.1.1) applause 2) candidate 3) all the same 4) impressed 5) interview6) memorize 7) getting on with 8) Leaning 9) sense 10) choice2.1) Faced with a lot of evidence, the man had to admit that he was the head of the drug ring.2) Tommy offered to drive us to the seaside in his car, but insisted we should share the petrolcosts.3) On-the-job smoking is not allowed in our company. So many employees have to give up smokingor reduce the amount they smoke.4) When you apply for a job, the first thing the employer sees is your resume.5) When you find yourself often upset about small matters, you’d better cultivate a hobby.Key to lesson 2Comprehension of the text.1.1) T 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) T 6) T 7) F 8) T2.1) C 2) C 3) B 4) B 5) B3.1) 时间绰绰有余。



大学英语泛读期末试题答案一、阅读理解(一)阅读理解选择题1. 根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案。

A. 作者对全球化持积极态度。

B. 作者认为全球化对发展中国家有利。

C. 全球化导致了文化同质化。

D. 文章主要讨论了全球化的负面影响。

正确答案:C2. 文章中提到的“hybrid culture”指的是什么?A. 完全由一种文化主导的文化。

B. 由两种或多种文化融合形成的新文化。

C. 保持各自独立特征的文化。

D. 被全球化影响而消失的文化。

正确答案:B3. 根据文章,以下哪项不是全球化的影响?A. 经济增长。

B. 文化交流。

C. 环境破坏。

D. 社会稳定。

正确答案:D(二)阅读理解简答题1. 简述作者对全球化的看法。


2. 文章中提到的“cultural identity”是什么意思?答:“cultural identity”指的是一个群体或个体所具有的独特文化特征和属性,这些特征和属性使得他们在文化上有所区分和认同。

3. 根据文章内容,全球化对文化多样性的影响有哪些?答:全球化促进了不同文化之间的交流与融合,但同时也导致了文化同质化,使得一些独特的文化特征逐渐消失,从而对文化多样性产生了负面影响。


In today's world, the Internet has become an indispensablepart of our daily lives. It has 1 our access to information and 2 the way we communicate. However, the Internet is also a double-edged sword. While it 3 us to stay connected with friends and family, it can also lead to issues such as cyberbullying and privacy concerns.1. A) expanded B) limited C) complicated D) replaced正确答案:A2. A) accelerates B) disrupts C) restricts D) reduces正确答案:B3. A) tempts B) compels C) enables D) deters正确答案:C三、英汉互译(一)将下列英文句子翻译成汉语1. The rapid development of technology has brought about significant changes in our society.答:技术的快速发展给我们的社会带来了重大变化。



课程名称:大学英语泛读授课班级: 2023级英语专业1班授课教师: [教师姓名]授课时间: 2023年X月X日教学目标:1. 知识目标:通过阅读理解,学生能够掌握文章的主要内容和细节,提高词汇和语法水平。

2. 能力目标:培养学生的阅读速度和理解能力,提高学生分析和评价文章的能力。

3. 情感目标:激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,培养学生的跨文化意识。

教学内容:- 文章主题: [选择一篇文章,例如《The Power of Positive Thinking》]- 阅读材料: [教材或课外阅读材料]教学重点:1. 理解文章的主旨大意。

2. 掌握文章中的关键信息和细节。

3. 分析作者的观点和态度。

教学难点:1. 理解文章中的复杂句型。

2. 分析作者使用的修辞手法。

3. 跨文化背景下的文化差异理解。

教学过程:一、导入 (5分钟)1. 热身活动:通过提问或小组讨论,引导学生回顾与文章主题相关的背景知识。

2. 引出主题:简要介绍文章的主题和作者。

二、阅读理解 (20分钟)1. 快速阅读:学生快速浏览文章,了解文章的大致内容。

2. 精读:a. 学生仔细阅读文章,完成以下任务:- 找出文章的主旨句和论点。

- 标记并解释生词和短语。

- 分析文章的段落结构。

b. 教师巡回指导,解答学生疑问。

3. 讨论:学生分组讨论以下问题:- 文章的主要观点是什么?- 作者为什么提出这个观点?- 文章中有哪些支持观点的证据?- 文章中有哪些修辞手法?- 你对文章的观点有何看法?三、巩固练习 (10分钟)1. 词汇练习:学生完成词汇练习题,巩固文章中的生词和短语。

2. 语法练习:学生完成语法练习题,巩固文章中的语法知识。

四、总结 (5分钟)1. 回顾:教师引导学生回顾文章的主要内容、观点和论据。

2. 反思:学生反思自己的阅读过程,总结自己的收获和不足。

3. 作业:布置以下作业:- 阅读相关材料,了解文章主题的更多背景知识。

- 撰写一篇关于文章主题的短文。








阅读泛听模式的亮点特点阅读泛听模式是基于现代语言学理论和现代教育技术的发展而来的一种教学模式,它的亮点特点主要有以下几个:1. 多渠道的阅读:阅读泛听模式注重多种读物的利用,包括报纸、杂志、小说、科技类文章、论文等。


2. 多层次的阅读:阅读泛听模式从单词、句子和段落的层面来指导学生阅读,同时强调更高层次的理解,如主题、概括、总结、归纳和推理等。

3. 综合的语言技能:阅读泛听模式注重学生语言能力的整合,既在语音、语调、语法、词汇等语言技能上下功夫,也在听、说、读、写等方面进行培养。

4. 革新的教学模式:阅读泛听模式采用了新的教学模式,包括小组合作学习、互动授课和线上教学等,并且更注重学生的学习主体地位,让学生在学习中发挥主动性。

阅读泛听模式的实践应用阅读泛听模式在大学英语教学中的应用,主要分为两个方面:1. 教师的指导:阅读泛听模式的要素包括材料的选取、阅读目的的设定、分层次的阅读指导、朗读练习以及思维导图等辅助工具的使用。



2. 学生的实践:在阅读泛听模式中,学生应按照教师的指导和要求去进行文学阅读,科技阅读,或是学术论文阅读,在阅读的同时还要听音频和观看视频。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Text a第一自然段Disappointed失望的; 沮丧的,失意的When things go wrong, all of us naturally feel disappointed and frustrated.出问题时,我们大家自然都感到失望和沮丧。

She will be disappointed if her feelings are not returned.如果她的感情得不到回报,她会感到非常失望。

Curse诅咒; 咒骂; 使苦恼,使困苦; 把(某人)逐出教门He shot her an angry look and a curse.他生气地看了她一眼,骂了一句。

He cursed himself for having been so careless.他骂自己怎么那么不小心。

Maybe there is a curse on my family...可能我的家族受到了诅咒。

Disputed有争议的辩论,争论(dispute的过去式和过去分词); 争夺; 阻止; 就…进行辩论Russia and Ukraine have been disputing the ownership of the fleet...俄罗斯和乌克兰一直在争夺舰队的所有权。

Fishermen from Bristol disputed fishing rights with the Danes.布里斯托尔的渔民与丹麦人争夺捕鱼权。

...a disputed border region.有争议的边境地区referee裁判员; 证明人; 公断人; (专业性强的文章的)审阅人be appointed to被任命为An independent regulator will be appointed to ensure fair competition.将会指定一个独立的管理机构来保证公平竞争。

Who will be appointed to the chairmanship when Mr. Bell leaves ?贝尔先生离职以后,谁会被派来担任主席?第二自然段Tournament锦标赛,联赛; 中世纪的骑士比武; 锦标赛a sporting competition in which contestants play a series of games to decide the winnerJarvis took the wooden spoon in the first tournament.贾维斯在第一次锦标赛上垫底。

She had been videoing the highlights of the tournament.她一直在制作锦标赛集锦的录像。

Match比赛; 对手; 相配的人(或物); 火柴He missed the catch and the match was lost.他没有接住球,比赛输了。

He was watching a football match...他正在观看一场足球比赛。

in charge主管,看管,在…看管下He is in charge of the civilian side of the UN mission.他在联合国使团中负责平民方面的事务。

第三自然段note down记下Please note down what I'm about to say.请把我下面要说的内容记录下来。

Note down her telephone number in case you forget.把她的电话号码记下来,以防忘记.You can note down your comments on the margin.你可以把意见写在边儿上.Convertvt.(使)转变; 使皈依; 兑换,换算; 侵占We would like to convert the loft into another bedroom.我们想把阁楼改造成又一间卧室。

He was a recent Catholic convert, and very zealous.他最近才皈依天主教,是一名狂热的信徒。

Christians were arrested for trying to convert people, to proselytise them.基督徒因为试图改变他人信仰而被捕。

Remarkable异常的,引人注目的,; 卓越的; 显著的; 非凡的,非常(好)的He made a remarkable recovery from a shin injury.他的胫骨伤恢复得相当不错。

He has displayed remarkable courage in his efforts to reform the party.在政党改革中,他表现出了非凡的勇气。

He was a remarkable man...他是个不同寻常的人。

It was a remarkable achievement...那是一项非凡的成就。

It is quite remarkable that doctors have been so wrong about this.医生们对此有过如此错误的认识真是很不寻常。

第四Videotape录像带,录影带The incident was captured on videotape.事件被拍成了录像。

The police think the videotape may hold some vital clues to the identity of the killer.警方认为那盘录像带可能录有能确认凶手身份的一些重要线索。

in detail详细地It wasn't a spur-of-the-moment decision. We discussed it in detail beforehand.这可不是头脑一热作出的决定。


We examine the wording in detail before deciding on the final text.我们彻底仔细地检查了措词后才最终定稿。

Optimumadj.最适宜的the optimum use of resources对资源的充分利用Do you know the optimum temperature for the growth of plants?你知道庄稼生长的最佳温度吗?Now your advice is very optimum.现在你的建议是很适宜的.第五keep up不减弱,(天气)持续不变; 保持; 保养; (使)不倒下; 保持不衰退If you don't keep up payments you could be evicted.如果不继续交费,你会被赶出去。

He lengthened his stride to keep up with her.他迈大步追上她。

She shook her head and started to walk on. He kept up with her.她摇了摇头开始往前走。


Text b2型糖尿病锁定2型糖尿病原名叫成人发病型糖尿病,多在35~40岁之后发病,占糖尿病患者90%以上。



















Diabetes<医>糖尿病; 多尿症; 中消第一自然段DiabetesMy doctor wants me to be tested for diabetes.我的医生要我去做个检查,看是否患有糖尿病。

People with high blood pressure are especially vulnerable to diabetes.有高血压的人尤其易患糖尿病。

He suffered from diabetes and gastric ulcers.他患有糖尿病和胃溃疡。

Insulin胰岛素Diabetes is caused by a fault in the insulin production of the body. 糖尿病是由体內胰岛素分泌失调引起的.brisk快的; 轻快的; 爽快而清新的; 兴隆的She went for a brisk walk to work off her frustration.她快步走了一会儿,以排解心中的沮丧。

轻快的, 活泼的The actress is walking at a brisk pace.那位女演员正以轻快的步伐走着。

As they started up again, the horse broke into a brisk trot.当他们又重新骑上马时,马突然轻快地小跑起来。

He felt strangely exhilarated by the brisk, blue morning.那个凉爽而晴朗的早晨让他异常兴奋。
