authentic toefl ibt practice 2 Question

1. 考试内容:
- 阅读:考查考生理解学术性英语文章的能力。
- 听力:评估考生在学术环境中理解口语的能力。
- 口语:考查考生在学术和校园环境中有效交流的能力。
- 写作:考查考生在学术环境中使用英语进行写作的能力。
2. 考试方式:
- 阅读:考生需要在规定时间内阅读文章并回答问题,注意理解文章的主旨、细节和作者的观点。
- 听力:考生在听录音的同时,需要做笔记来帮助回答问题,考查对学术英语听力的理解能力。
- 口语:考生需要在计算机上录制回答,注意语言的流畅性、发音的清晰度和逻辑性。
- 写作:考生需要在计算机上直接输入答案,注意文章结构的合理性、论点的明确性和论据的充分性。
3. 考试形式:
- 托福考试通常采用计算机考试(CBT)的形式,考生在计算机终端上完成所有题目。
- 考试时间为4小时左右,中间有短暂的休息时间。
4. 评分方式:
- 阅读和听力部分采用客观评分,由计算机自动评分。
- 口语和写作部分采用主观评分,由经过培训的评分员评分。

12 2
Question 5 of 6
The speakers discuss two possible solutions to the woman’s problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then explain what you think the woman should do and why.
12 2
Question 3 of 6
You may have to wait a few seconds for the audio to load and play.
12 2
Question 3 of 6
The man expresses his opinion of the university’s plan to eliminate the bus service. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
12 2
Question 6 of 6
Using points and examples from the talk, explain the two definitions of money presented by the professor.
Preparation Time: 20 Seconds
Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time:
45 Seconds
Please listen carefully.

TOEFL IBT PRACTICE TEST 2READINGDirections: This section measures your ability to understand academic passages in English.The reading section is divided into separately timed parts.Most questions are worth 1 point, but the last question for each passage is worthmore than 1 point. The directions for the last question indicate how many points youmay receive.You will now begin the Reading section. There are three passages in the section. Youshould allow 20 Minutes to read each passage and answer the questions about it.You should allow 60 Minutes to complete the entire section.At the end of this Practice Test you’ll find an answer key and information to help you determine your score.FEEDING HABITS OF EAST AFRICAN HERBIVORESBuffalo, ze bras, wildebeests, topi, and Thomson’s gazelles live in huge groups thattogether make up some 90 percent of the total weight of mammals living on theSerengeti Plain of East Africa. They are all herbivores (plant-eating animals), and theyall appear to be living on the same diet of grasses, herbs, and small bushes. This appearance, however, is illusory. When biologist Richard Bell and his colleagues analyzedthe stomach contents of four of the five species (they did not study buffalo), theyfound that each species was living on a different part of the vegetation. The different vegetational parts differ in their food qualities: lower down, there are succulent, nutritious leaves; higher up are the harder stems. There are also sparsely distributed,highly nutr itious fruits, and Bell found that only the Thomson’s gazelles eat much ofthese. The other three species differ in the proportion of lower leaves and higherstems that they eat: zebras eat the most stem matter, wildebeests eat the most leaves,and topi are intermediate.Directions: Mark your answer by filling in the oval next to your choice.1. The word illusory in the passage is closest in meaning to_ definite_ illuminating_ misleading_ exceptional2. The word sparsely in the passage is closest in meaning to_ widely_ thinly_ clearly_ freshly3. Which of the following questions about Richard Bell’s research is NOT answered in paragraph 1?_ Which of the herbivores studied is the only one to eat much fruit?_ Which part of the plants do wildebeests prefer to eat?_ Where did the study of herbivores’ eating habits take place?_ Why were buffalo excluded from the research study?。

头脑风暴:全英文探秘新托福口语朗阁托福考试研究中心The question II of TOEFL iBT is about Personal Preference. It asks you to express your preference from a given pair of choices. In this task, the questions mostly ask you to express an opinion and support it. Some other questions let you take a position and defend it.When responding to this question, you are to give some details and examples as well as reasons to rationalize your answer. A candidate will be given a preparation time of 15 seconds and have to make a response for 45 seconds.As a test taker, it is most important to have good skills before taking the test. And you should practice every day in order to improve yourselves. Moreover, it will be the key to success in this English proficiency test. Imagine that if a test taker review and study TOEFL iBT regularly, the more skillful test takers become, the more test takers can concentrate to do efforts and do their best work the better result you will have. The following are questions in TOEFL iBT and its answers.PeopleWho do you want to spend your time with? Explain why you would to spend the day with him or her?In this question you should tell about a person who you would want to spend time with, like your family members, classmates, neighbors and friends. And you can say the reason why you want to spend the time with them. Themost common thing you can talk about are the things that you have in common such as going shopping, going to the park, bar or restaurant hopping, going to massage in a spa. And explain why you want to do these things with them. For example, Me and my classmate likes to go bar hopping in downtown because we can drink all kinds of alcohol from beer to vodka and likes the feeling of being drunk. And also, you can also use some adjectives about their characters and personalities like charming, reserved, generous, pessimistic to describe them.Example answer:I would like to spend my time with my family members especially my cousin Jamie. She is working in a Mobile company as a sales representative. We usually spend a lot of time together because we both like going to spa every weekend to have a whole body massage to refresh ourselves from an exhausting whole –week- job. The work we have is really very stressful so it is necessary for us to find a way to unwind ourselves. Being very generous is one trait that I really like about her. She always treats me every time we go to the spa and never nag about it. So I can save some money and at the same time enjoy a relaxing massage. However, she would still save some money and be able to invest some money even if she is very generous to me.Describe an important person that is your role model. Please give your explanation and details.Test takers should talk about a specific reason why this person becomes his/her role model. Talented, Diligent, Heroic are usually the common reasons why we admire a person and becomes our role model. Excellent in singing or dancing, can memorize a hundred words in a minute or excel in cooking are good examples of talents that can be used in this question. Sleepinglate doing homework, non-stop working can describe a diligent role model or helping out in saving people during disasters, such as typhoons and earthquake can best describe heroic deeds.Example answer:An important person I want to talk about is Henry Li who is the most heroic person I really admire and I really look up to as a role model. He saved hundreds of survivors from the earthquake in Japan last year. After the disaster, he was courageous enough to save people although it was really dark and dirty. Most of the people would prefer giving donations or offer prayres from their houses but he really took the courage to go out in the actual field to help. A role model is really someone who can do extraordinary things like what he did ,and I hope one day I can do something heroic things too like Henry LI and become a role model for other people.Describe a person whom you’d like to talk with. Explain why you would like to talk with this person and what topic do you usually talk about?There are variety of topics in question II such as personal life, society and things and school. Below are examples of personal life topics:Personal Life1.Some people go straight to their destination when they travel. Other peoplevisit the nearby sights as they go to their destination. Which kind of traveling do you prefer to do and why?2.Some people work at home by themselves. Other people work at a companywith coworkers. Which method of work do you prefer and why?3.Is it better to have friends with different interests that oneself. Do you agreeor disagree?4.Some people enjoy eating familiar food. Others like to try new kinds of food.Which kind of food do you prefer and why?5.Some people lead relaxed lives. Others lead active and busy lives. Whichkind of life do you prefer to lead and Why?Example TOEFL questionSome people prefer to make many friends. Others prefer to have a small number of close friends. Which approach do you think is better and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your preference.Reasons for making many friends:1.Some people would want to make many friends simply because they like tosocialize and mingle with other people.2.All people have different personalities. When you are friends with manydifferent kinds of people, new personality traits emerge, and you decide whether you like yourself with a certain type of people or not.3.Interacting with friends can help them gain variety of knowledges andinformations about different fields, places and things.4.Many friends can help them fulfill their ambitions and dreams since theycould receive help from them especially if they have friends working in the government or people who has high social status.5.They like to build sport teams such as basketball team, volleyball team orfrisbee that needs many people on it so they can invite their friends to join.6.When you have many friends you can share your passion around andpersuade them to like it too. For example, passion in playing on-line games, passion in teaching, passion in singing and dancing.7.If you have many friends you can compare or share your collection with themor they can help you to collect you collections such as stamps, shoes, coins.8.People with many friends can feel that they belong to the society, they canadapt to different characters, habits and thinking and at the same time learning from them.9.Some people think they are famous or feel very popular when they havemany friends because wherever they go they would meet people they know and that makes them feel good.10.W hen you have a large group of friends, you don't have to stifle yourcreativity as much because of everyone's differences in opinion. Learning how to make friends is an important skill, and one should be friends with a person because they are interesting and make one feel good, whether they have the exact same interests as you or not.11.T rue friendships are important to everyone. People hang out with theirfriends when they feel bored, they have fun together, they share each other's joys and triumphs, and confide to them.12.I t is nice to always have a shoulder to cry on, and having more friends meansthat you will be able to receive more interesting perspectives on things. 13.H aving a large group of friends will ensure that you have a life full of plans,fascinating conversations, and situations. It will help mold you as a person, teach you social skills, and expand your mind.14.S ome people want to have a huge circle of friends because they want to builda networking company.Reasons for having small number of friends:1.Having a small group of friends is maybe better because you focus moreeasily on them. Throughout your life you have different kinds of friendship as well as different stages. Those who claim that they have a large group of friends are deluding themselves. They have a lot of acquaintances but real friends are few.2.You concentrate more easily with them. You have more quality time to spendwith them. You always have time for them.3.Your friendships are more intense, honest and beautiful because you havetime for each one of them. Juggling among large group of friends is difficult 4.When you have small group of friends, you get to know your friend graduallyand through spending your time together in many situations. Thus, it is important to have friends who are unique and there for you.5. The concept of friendship is more recognized and appreciated through asmall circle of friends. A large group is more superficial. You simply cannot have time for all of them if you want to have a real and loving friendship.6. If you have small number of friends, you can remember their faces, smiles,words. And this is absolutely charming! To have them all in your heart! And knowing that they really love you and accept you!7. Size does not matter and that less is more! Sometimes small group is moreintimate and tight.Sample ResponseMy preference is to have many different friends. For starters, I have many different interests. By maintaining a large group of friends, I can maintain all of them. For example, I can watch movies with some friends, visit museums with others, and hang out at home with even more friends. If I only had a small circle of friends, I probably w ouldn’t be able to engage in as many activities as I do now. Another important thing is that I love meeting all kinds of people. My friends all have different personalities. This means I get to associate with people who are completely different from one another. So, depending upon my mood, I can choose which of my friends I’ll talk to or go out with that day.What kind of topic you talk about with this person should be tackled in this question. Subjects like magazine/newspaper articles, Stories of movieswatched or information heard are usually talked about in the society. For magazine and newspaper articles test takers can give details like sports articles, love articles, educational articles. Romantic ending or sad endings c an be affiliated with stories of movies watched. Information such as rising electric/ phone bill or decreasing water resources can be used to explain the information heard that you will talk about with the person you want to talk to.Example answer:Francis is a person I would really like to talk to because we have a lot of topics that we can talk about. Francis and me always chat in the phone or in a coffee shop until the wee hours of the morning. We usually talk about the articles that we read in the magazine about our basketball idol Kobe Bryant. In those articles we have learned about his basketball skills, lifestyle and his ambition in life. We often exchange information about him. I really enjoy talking with this guy because he is amazingly witty. He will not only tell me news about Kobe but he would also express his opinions and ideas about him. By talking with him, I think that not only I can know information about our idol but also learn from his knowledge.Which characteristic is the most important for a student to succeed? High-motivated, hardworking, intelligent?In this question,test takers should choose between high-motivated, hardworking and intelligent.High motivated students usually want to have a high score and to have a perfect score in all exams. He/she would do their homework very well and aim for the best. Hardworking students would always go to libraries to find different reference for their researches, essays or thesis. Maybe they are not very clever but they can achieve excellent marksthrough hard work. Intelligent students are those born with good brains, they may not do a lot or work but they will naturally have an ideal grades in school.Example answer:Of course, being an intelligent student is the most important characteristic a student should have to succeed. If a student is born clever, he/she would not need to excel a lot of effort to achieve an ideal mark in school. Intelligent students do not have to depend on books or teachers to learn because they can find a way to gain information and knowledge by themselves. And also, they can think of ways to solve questions or task in academics such as Mathematics or Science. Most of the intelligent students can also think of better ideas, give opinions and have their own way in solving academic task.What kind of qualities should a good leader possess? Please state your opinion and give specific details and examples in your explanation?Special characteristic should be said in this question because you have to talk about a leader. First, you have to talk about what kind of leader you want talk about. It can be a government leader, a community leader or a religion group leader. Whatever leader you choose you should be able to talk about why they can lead this group or this place. For example, being powerful, loyal, and knowledgeable can best describe leaders. Plus , test takers can also say special traits about them that can allow them to be a leader such us being keen in leading ,have strong principles or being very religious They can also state if they think he/she is a good leader or not.Example answer:A good leader should principled and disciplined person like my father Jimmy whois the leader of our community here in Xiamen. He has principles that he would want people who live in our community to follow to let us have a better place to live in. My father believes that the cleanliness and safety of our community depends on the discipline of the people who lives in it. He leads us to donate some money to be able to hire a cleaner to clean the community and also buy some garbage cans so that people would not throw anywhere. And also have some money to hire a security guard for our safety during day in and day out. I think he was a very successful leader because all the people in our community donated a fare amount of money and the money was really wisely used to obtain a better environment.(本文来自朗阁教育SAT培训教研组,供广大考生学习使用,转载请注明出处)。
toefl ibt词汇 2.0

toefl ibt词汇2.0
托福ibt 词汇 2.0 指的是托福网考(Internet-Based Test)所需的词汇量在 2.0
具体来说,托福ibt 词汇 2.0 包括以下几个方面:
1.阅读部分:需要掌握约1 万个词汇,其中学术词汇约有3000 个左右。
2.听力部分:需要掌握约1 万个词汇,其中学术词汇约有4000 个左右。
3.写作部分:需要掌握约8000 个词汇,其中学术词汇约有2000 个左右。
4.口语部分:需要掌握约6000 个词汇,其中学术词汇约有1500 个左右。
需要注意的是,托福ibt 词汇 2.0 只是一个大致的参考数字,实际考试中所需
TPO4writing (2)

Toefl iBT Practice Test TPO 4 WritingNo. of Questions: 2Time: approx. 60 minutesBegin TestNow put on your headsetClick on CONTINUE to go on CONTINUEBegin reading You have 3 minutes to read the passage.Click to begin reading now .Endotherms are animals such as modern birds and mammals that keeptheir body temperatures constant. For instance, humans are endothermsand maintain an internal temperature of 37°C, no matter whether theenvironment is warm or cold. Because dinosaurs were reptiles, andmodern reptiles are not endotherms, it was long assumed that dinosaurswere not endotherms. However, dinosaurs differ in many ways frommodem reptiles, and there is now considerable evidence that dinosaurswere, in fact, endotherms.Polar dinosaursOne reason for believing that dinosaurs were endotherms is that dinosaurfossils have been discovered in polar regions. Only animals that canmaintain a temperature well above that of the surrounding environmentcould be active in such cold climates.Leg position and movementThere is a connection between endothermy and the position andmovement of the legs. The physiology of endothermy allows sustainedphysical activity, such as running. But running is efficient only if an animal'slegs are positioned underneath its body, not at the body's side, as they arefor crocodiles and many lizards. The legs of all modern endotherms areunderneath the body, and so were the legs of dinosaurs. This stronglysuggests that dinosaurs were endotherms.Haversian canalsThere is also a connection between endothermy and bone structure. Thebones of endotherms usually include structures called Haversian canals.These canals house nerves and blood vessels that allow the living animalto grow quickly, and rapid body growth is in fact a characteristic ofendothermy. The presence of Haversian canals in bone is a strongindicator that the animal is an endotherm, and fossilized bones ofdinosaurs are usually dense with Haversian canals.You may have to wait a few seconds for the audio to load and play.Directions: You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and their relationship to the reading passage. Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.Question: Summarise the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they challenge the specific points made in the reading passage..Write your response here. Endotherms are animals such as modern birds and mammals that keep their body temperatures constant. For instance, humans are endotherms and maintain an internal temperature of 37°C, no matter whether theenvironment is warm or cold. Because dinosaurs were reptiles, andmodern reptiles are not endotherms, it was long assumed that dinosaurswere not endotherms. However, dinosaurs differ in many ways frommodem reptiles, and there is now considerable evidence that dinosaurswere, in fact, endotherms.Polar dinosaursOne reason for believing that dinosaurs were endotherms is that dinosaurfossils have been discovered in polar regions. Only animals that canmaintain a temperature well above that of the surrounding environmentcould be active in such cold climates.Leg position and movementThere is a connection between endothermy and the position andmovement of the legs. The physiology of endothermy allows sustainedphysical activity, such as running. But running is efficient only if an animal'slegs are positioned underneath its body, not at the body's side, as they arefor crocodiles and many lizards. The legs of all modern endotherms areunderneath the body, and so were the legs of dinosaurs. This stronglysuggests that dinosaurs were endotherms.Haversian canalsThere is also a connection between endothermy and bone structure. Thebones of endotherms usually include structures called Haversian canals.These canals house nerves and blood vessels that allow the living animalto grow quickly, and rapid body growth is in fact a characteristic ofendothermy. The presence of Haversian canals in bone is a strongindicator that the animal is an endotherm, and fossilized bones ofdinosaurs are usually dense with Haversian canals. 换行请按Ctrl+EnterWrite your response here.Question:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?In twenty years, there will be fewer cars in use thanthere are today.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.Directions: Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write,and revise your essay. Typically, an effective response will contain aminimum of 300 words. 换行请按Ctrl+EnterYou have completed this practice test.Review answerRestart test。
新托福考试TOEFL iBT考试内容

新托福考试TOEFL iBT考试内容美国教育考试服务中心ETS在全球推出了一种全新的综合英语测试方法,即能够反映在一流大专院校教学和校园生活中对语言实际需求的新托福考试,即TOEFLiBT(InterBasedTest)。

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Question: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship between people. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Toefl iBT Practice Test TPO 2 Writing
No. of Questions: 2 Time: approx. 60 minutes
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You have 3 minutes to read the passage. Click to begin reading now .
You may have to wait a few seconds for the audio to load and play.
Directions: You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and their relationship to the reading passage. Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words. Question: Summarise the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on specific points made the reading passage..

一、托福听力资料推荐1.《Barron's TOEFL iBT with Audio CDs and MP3s》这本教材是备考托福听力的经典教材之一,它包含了丰富多样的听力练习题目,可以帮助我们熟悉托福听力考试的题型和格式。
2.《Official TOEFL iBT Tests Volume 1》这是由托福考试官方出版的备考资料,里面包含10套真实的托福考试听力部分的题目。
二、托福阅读资料推荐1.《Official TOEFL iBT Tests Volume 2》同样由托福考试官方出版的备考资料,这本书包含了5套真实的托福考试阅读部分的题目。
2.《The Official Guide to the TOEFL Test with DVD-ROM, Fifth Edition》这本书是托福考试官方推荐的备考资料,它不仅包含了阅读部分的练习题,还有其他三个部分(听力、口语和写作)的练习题。
三、托福口语资料推荐1.《Speaking and Writing Strategies for the TOEFL iBT》这本书重点讲解了托福口语部分的备考技巧和策略,同时提供了大量的口语练习题目,可以帮助我们熟悉托福口语考试的题型和要求。

托福区蓄势已久的版主团队将为大家倾情献上SWU新托福(IBT)口语——OG官方评分标准解析在这儿,我们会毫无保留地分享攻克托福和英语学习的心得体会;在这儿,我们将耐心解答所有蚂蚁们的提问,排疑解惑;在这儿,我们是supporter,在各位crack TOEFL的路上,需要的支持和帮助......我们充当的就是这个角色!IBT中最核心的两个部分:听力和口语,如同一对并不矛盾的“矛”与“盾”。
听力帮助你保证listening section的高分,帮助你在口语部分说得准确,有的放矢,帮助你在integrated writing中挥毫游刃有余,它是基础,是赖以抵抗IBT凶猛攻势的“盾”;口语则直接决定你在IBT中究竟走多远,是所有希望冲击115分,确保110分的考生所必需修筑的“矛”。
Share with U的托福版主们将和你们一起铸造最锋利的“矛”和最坚固的“盾”,完成crack IBT 的愿望!——序是否一直听别人说IBT的口语很难?Or自己老是摸不着窍门?Or觉得OG的评分标准是泛泛而谈?虽是老调重弹,但“知己知彼,百战不殆”的古训却用到哪里都屡试不爽。
OG 虽看似简单,仔细研究下就会发现简单的语句里隐藏着的都是ETS折磨我们的关键法宝。
如今我也以我的绵薄之力,来帮助后来的征途上的兄弟姐妹们,把火炬传递下去!我们的斑竹们有着强大的高分经验,更重要的是我们有满腔热情!”驴子:“感谢share with u给我机会和大家分享一路奋斗走来的心得。
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TOEFL-TPO官方研究组制作Version:2.50[TOEFL-TPO官方研究组]E-mail:webmaster@Saavedro---Spark an Inspiration:Saavedro---Spark an Inspiration论坛:Saavedro Practice_Online For TOEFL_iBT TEST在线考试TOEFL-TPO官方研究组组长:SaavedroTOEFL-TPO官方研究组副组长:啊呆NEONEO♂♂TOEFL_TPO官方研究组人事部长:翠花TOEFL_TPO O官方研究组全新开发集成Saavedro Practice_Online For TOEFL_iBT TEST在线考TOEFL_TP试系统。
想轻松取得新托福100+?想尽快熟悉IBT机考式备考策略?答案尽在该考试系统永久免费开放!!!鸣谢:参与制作TPO15套题目人员(参与此次TPO15套题目听力部分编制工作的人员统计):NEO♂♂家家☆yoonjae我是chineselady jiang08s左岸右转.?1 Saavedro啊呆NEO点50分baca Bela gaofei melody Mia半夏之北raccoonly Stefena toeflsimple Tracy*水水wobaobao519ZZZ回声浪迹天涯/tp跑跑千阳無老师炫冰季节杨磊-Leon旸旸/ty银落紫薇花开草木也知愁Darken(FateStayMind)zhhmt86(澎恰恰)名字是个词儿(FloraQ)花拉子密24Kait dabora hulinlin24karen_0315(晗)Light Happy03丫头Roger帆Nathan某Pet Fatrui狐狐狸雪候鸟明日萌NEO♂♂Saavedro家家☆yoonjae無老师TPO后期校稿:啊呆NEO友情支持:無老师杨磊-Leon toeflsimple草木也知愁刘文勇ConversationQuestionsDirections:Mark your answer by filling in the oval or square next to your choice.1.Why does the student go to see the professor?_For suggestions on how to write interview questions_For assistance in finding a person to interview_To ask for advice on starting a business_To schedule an interview with him2.Why does the student mention her high school newspaper?_To inform the professor that she plans to print the interview there_To explain why the assignment is difficult for her_To show that she enjoys writing for school newspapers_To indicate that she has experience with conducting interviews3.How does the professor help the student?_He gives her a list of local business owners._He allows her to interview business owners in her hometown._He suggests that she read the business section of the newspaper._He gives her more time to complete the assignment.4.What does the professor want the students to learn from the assignment?_That starting a business is risky_Why writing articles on local businesses is important_How to develop a detailed business plan_What personality traits are typical of business owners5.Listen again to part of the conversation by playing Track. Then answer the question.What does the student imply?_She is surprised by the professor’s reaction._The professor has not quite identified her concern._The professor has guessed correctly what her problem is. _She does not want to finish the assignment.LectureQuestions6.What does the professor mainly discuss?_Various errors in early calendars_Why people came to believe that Earth moves around the Sun_Examples of various types of calendars used in different cultures_The belief that the position of planets and stars can predict future events7.The professor discusses various theories on how Stonehenge was used.What can be inferred about the professor’s opinion?_She is sure Stonehenge was used as a calendar._She believes the main use for Stonehenge was probably as a temple or a tomb._She thinks that the stones were mainly used as a record of historical events._She admits that the purpose for which Stonehenge was constructed may never be known.8.According to the professor,how was the Mayan calendar mainly used?_To keep track of long historical cycles_To keep track of the lunar months_To predict the outcome of royal decisions_To allow priests to compare the orbits of Earth and Venus9.According to the professor,what was the basis of the ancient Chinese astrological cycle? _The cycle of night and day_The orbit of the Moon_The cycle of the seasons_The orbit of the planet Jupiter10.How did the Romans succeed in making their calendar more precise?_By changing the number of weeks in a year_By adding an extra day every four years_By carefully observing the motion of the planet Jupiter_By adopting elements of the Chinese calendar11.How does the professor organize the lecture?_By mentioning the problem of creating a calendar,then describing various attempts to deal with it_By speaking of the modern calendar first,then comparing it with earlier ones_By discussing how a prehistoric calendar was adapted by several different cultures_By emphasizing the advantages and disadvantages of using various time cyclesLectureQuestions12.What is the lecture mainly about?_How dolphins produce the sounds they make_How dolphins teach their young to identify signature whistles_The professor’s experience with dolphins on a research boat_Various ways dolphins communicate with one another13.According to a theory the professor mentions,why do dolphins travelside by side?_To view each other’s bubble streams_To hear each other’s signature whistles_To avoid interfering with other dolphins’sonar clicks_To keep mothers close to their young14.What does the professor imply about bubble streams?_They help protect dolphins from predators._Their function is similar to that of signature whistles._They do not appear to serve a communicative function._Dolphins use them to sense the movement of the water.15.Why does the professor mention the time she spent on a boat doing research?_To encourage students to do field work_To inform students about a paper she wrote_To show how scientists collect data on marine life_To illustrate that dolphins are difficult to locate16.Listen again to part of the lecture by playing Track.Then answer the question.What does this example illustrate?_The differences between land and marine mammals_The importance of burst pulses as a way dolphins communicate _One reason dolphins travel in large groups_One way dolphins use signature whistlesConversationQuestions17.Why does the student go to Professor Kirk’s office?_To find out if he needs to take a certain class to graduate_To respond to Professor Kirk’s invitation_To ask Professor Kirk to be his advisor_To ask Professor Kirk to sign a form18.Why is the woman surprised at the man’s request?_He has not tried to sign up for Introduction to Biology at the registrar’s office. _He has waited until his senior year to take Introduction to Biology._A journalism student should not need a biology class._Professor Kirk no longer teaches Introduction to Biology.19.What does the man say about his advisor?_She encouraged the man to take a science class._She encouraged the man to major in journalism._She is not aware of the man’s problem._She thinks very highly of Professor Kirk.20.How will the man probably try to communicate his problem toProfessor Kirk?_By calling her_By sending an e-mail to her_By leaving her a note_By visiting her during office hours21.Listen again to part of the conversation by playing Track49.Why does the man say this to the woman?_To thank the woman for solving his problem_To politely refuse the woman’s suggestion_To explain why he needs the woman’s help_To show that he understands that the woman is busyLectureQuestions22.What is the lecture mainly about?_Various theories explaining why Mars cannot sustain life _Various causes of geological changes on Mars_The development of views about the nature of Mars_Why it has been difficult to obtain information about Mars23.According to the professor,what was concluded about Mars after the first spacecraft flew by it in1965?_It had few geological features of interest._It was similar to Earth but colder._It had at one time supported life._It had water under its surface.24.What does the professor imply about conditions on Mars billions of years ago?Choose2answers._Mars was probably even drier than it is today._The atmospheric pressure and the temperature may have been higher than they are today._Mars was inhabited by organisms that have since become fossilized._Large floods were shaping the planet’s surface.25.What is the possible significance of the gullies found on Mars in recent years?_They may indicate current volcanic activity on Mars._They may indicate that the surface of Mars is becoming increasingly drier._They may indicate the current existence of water on Mars._They may hold fossils of organisms that once existed on Mars.26.Listen again to part of the lecture by playing Track51.Why does the professor say this?_To stress that Mars is no longer interesting to explore_To describe items that the spacecraft brought back from Mars_To share his interest in the study of fossils_To show how much the view of Mars changed based on new evidence27.Listen again to part of the lecture by playing Track.Why does the student say this:“What were they thinking?”_To ask for clarification of a previous statement_To convey his opinion_To rephrase an earlier question_To express his approvalLectureQuestions28.What does the professor mainly discuss?_The design and creation of the Statue of Liberty_The creators of two colossal statues in the United States_The purpose and symbolism of colossal statues_The cost of colossal statues in ancient versus modern times29.What evidence does the professor give that supports the idea that modern-day colossal statues are valued social and political symbols?_They are very costly to build._They are studied in classrooms around the world._They are designed to last for thousands of years._They are inspired by great poetry.30.According to the professor,what was one result of the Great Depressionof the1930’s?_International alliances eroded._Immigration to the United States increased._The public experienced a loss of confidence._The government could no longer provide funds for the arts.31.According to the professor,why did the state of South Dakota originally want to create a colossal monument?_To generate income from tourism_To symbolize the unity of society_To commemorate the Great Depression_To honor United States Presidents32.Listen again to part of the lecture by playing Track.Then answer the question.Why does the professor discuss the poem by Emma Lazarus?_To emphasize the close relationship between literature and sculpture_To illustrate how the meaning associated with a monument can change_To stress the importance of the friendship between France and the United States_To point out a difference between Mount Rushmore and the Statue of Liberty33.What does the professor imply about the poem by Emma Lazarus?_It is one of his favorite poems._Few people have read the entire poem._He does not need to recite the full text of the poem._Lazarus was not able to complete the poem.。