



The brief of SnookerSnooker is a pocket billiards game originated by British officers stationed in India during the 19th century, based on earlier pool games such as black pool and life pool. The name of the game became generalized to also describe one of its prime strategies: to "snooker" the opposing player by causing that player to foul or leave an opening to be exploited.In the United Kingdom, snooker is by far the most popular cue sport at the competitive level, and major national pastime along with association football and cricket. It is played in many Commonwealth countries as well, especially in Asia. Snooker is uncommon in North America, where pool games such as eight-ball and nine-ball dominate, and Latin America and Continental Europe, where carom games dominate. The first World Snooker Championship was held in 1927, and it has been held annually since then with few exceptions. The World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association (WPBSA) was established in 1968 to regulate the professional game, while the International Billiards and Snooker Federation (IBSF) regulates the amateur games.Snooker gamesTechnically a form of pocket billiards, snooker has its own world-wide sporting community separate from that of pool.Snooker (a major world cue sport)Six-red snookerAmerican snookerBrazilian snookerV olunteer snookerSnooker plusSee also golf billiards, above.Famous international competitions●世界职业锦标赛(WORLD PROFESSIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP)● F.U.T.国际赛(FIDELITY UNIT TRUSTS INTERNATIONAL)●ROTHMANS大奖赛(ROTHMANS GRAND PRIX)●MERCANTILE CREDIT经典赛(MERCANTILE CREDIT CLASSIC)●UK公开赛(UNITED KINGDOM OPEN)●英国公开赛(BRITISH OPEN)●BCE加拿大大师赛(BCE CANADIAN MASTERS)●ICI欧洲公开赛(ICI EUROPEAN OPEN)Professional snooker players can play on the World Snooker main tour ranking circuit. Ranking points, earned by players through their performances over the previous two seasons, determine the current world ranking. The elite of professional snooker is generally regarded as the "Top 16" ranking players, who are not required topre-qualify for three of the tournaments, namely the Shanghai Masters,Australian Open and the World Snooker Championship.The most important event in professional snooker is the World Championship.The status of winning the World Championship is great, and it is the most highly valued prize in professional snooker, both in terms of financial reward (£300,000 for the winner, formerly £250,000) as well as ranking points and prestige. The World Championship is televised extensively in the UK by the BBC and gains significant coverage in Europe on Eurosport and in the Far East.There are also other tournaments that have less importance, earn no world ranking points and are not televised. These can change on a year-to-year basis depending on calendars and sponsors.。



The balls of Snooker are divided into a white ball, 15 red balls and 6 colored balls (yellow, green, brown, blue, pink, black) of 22 balls.
That’s all
Thank you for your attention
147: 11 times
Judd Trump Born in England Birthday:1989/8/20 Champions:
2011 China Open 2011 UK Championship 2011 PTC2 2011 PTC9
Steven Hendry Nick name: Emperor of Snooker He keeps the record of the youngest champion of “World Championship”, 21 years and 4 months. 147: 10 times He retired this year.
Super Stars 丁俊晖
Born in Yixing jiangsu province Birthday: 1987/4/1 Champions:
2005年:中国公开赛(9-5亨德利) 2005年:英国锦标赛(10-6戴维斯) 2006年:北爱尔兰杯(9-6奥沙利文) 2009年:英国锦标赛(10-8希金斯) 2010年:球员巡回赛第五站(4-1吉米·琼斯) 2011年:温布利大师赛(10:4傅家俊) 2012年:威尔士公开赛(9:6塞尔比) 2012年:冠军联赛(3:1特鲁姆普)
147: 4 times



04 Rules
1)ball rules
Blackspot:the vertical distance is 324 mm to the foot of table.
Bluespot:in the center of the table. Pinkspot:the midpoint of bluespot and foot of table connections. Coffcespot:the midpoint of serve line. Look from the "D",the right intersection of serve line and the "D" is yellowspot, the left is greenspot.
2)rules of play
Generally, every time the first one striken is the red ball until all the red are into the pocket, then the colour ball can be one by one hit in order.
The player will continue to hit colour ball when the red one falls pocket .The red couldn't be taken out ,but the colour one should be taken and put on the original spot.
03 Terms
Cue ball:white ball, the only one can be hit by cue.



If a player fails to hit a red ball into a pocket or commit a foul, the other player gets a chance to clear the remaining red balls and earn points
Snooker Celebrity
Precise and accurate striking of the cue ball, allowing for accurate placement and maneuvering of the ball This skill is essential for maintaining positions of the ball and for setting up future shots
The World Snooker Championship is open to all professional snooker players, and it is the only tour that uses the best of 17 frame format The price money for the tour is very high, and it attracts the best players in the world to compete for the championship
The game gained popularity in the UK and then spread to other parts of the world, specifically in countries with a strong Anglo Saxon influence



Snooker is a senior gentleman movement without sweat.
Even in the most difficult long-Board game, players were still smiling, keep classy demeanor. Etiquette, demeanor and temperament is enjoyment the snooker Masters give us.
stringent adj.
meaning: demanding strict attention to rules and procedures
e.g. stringent requirements 苛刻的要求
Critical adj.
Meaning: extremely important because a future situation will be affected by it.
demeanor n.
meaning: the way that somebody looks or behaves
e.g. classy demeanor 优雅的举止
Think you
Snooker is the will and mind of the competition. Snooker on inner emotional intelligence has stringent requirements, The more critical time the more players need to be calm, hit the ball with a tiny psychological changes can lead to reversal.





斯诺克英语术语中最基本的就是拍下母球(break shot),就是由台上玩家比赛开始时要拍下的球,决定游戏的经过。

另外,还包括其他表达,比如break building(制造有利局面)、potting(将球放入洞中)、safety玩家尝试妨碍对方,使自己处于有利状态)、out of position(玩家未能预料到对方拍出球的方向)等术语。

一般斯诺克游戏分为几个阶段,第一阶段就是把球放入缺口,称为potting;第二阶段就是想办法牢牢把握局势,称为positioning;第三阶段就是尝试妨碍对方来获得有利局面,称为safety;最后一阶段就是为了获得最后的胜利而作出的有效把握,称为break building。

此外,在斯诺克大厅中有许多细节性的术语,比如介绍斯诺克桌贴、桌布、桌角等表达,前后牙角(baulk corner)、正直必来(straight in)、长的绝杀(long pot)、马车(D)球打法等,以及其他很多有关仪式、打球技巧、比赛规则等多种术语。





• John Higgins • Scotland • 4 World Championships • 3 UK Championships • 147 for 7 times • One shoot over 100 for 530 times • Wizard of Wishaw
• • • •
pack of red green baize
The Ball
• balls are made of plastic. • there are 21 balls on a snooker table, besides the white cue ball. • 15 red-1 point each yellow-2 points green-3 points brown-4 points blue-5 points pink-6 points black-7points
• Until all the reds are potted and only the 6 colours are left on the table; at that point the aim is to pot the colours in the order yellow 2, green 3, brown 4, blue 5, pink 6, black 7, with the balls not being returned to play.
• Extension-----Is used for shots where the cue-ball is a long distance from the player. • Rest-----A stick with an X-shaped head that is used to support the cue when the cue ball is out of reach at normal extension.

高中英语作文 运动 斯诺克snooker

高中英语作文 运动 斯诺克snooker

Gentleman's Game——SnookerAs a increasingly prevalent sport in the world,billiards has a long and rich history dated from the 15th century.Snooker,one form of billiards,is generally regarded as a gentleman's game.It is played with a cue stick which is used to strike billiard balls, aiming to push the specified balls into the pocket to score.In my perspective,this kind of sports can appeal to so many people due to its richness in technique,quiet but splendidness.When it comes to snooker,the name passing through our mind is Ding Junhui,a talented Chinese player.So far,he has won quite a few matches around the world,but it's a pity that he hasn't won the World Snooker Championship.The match which moves me a lot is the Wembley Masters in 2007.Ding first shone as a young player despite his failure in the finals with "Rocket" Ronnie O'Sullivan.We felt sorry about it that Ding shed tears for his immaturity after the game.However,he gained the high praise from both O'Sullivan and Stephen Hendry,who believed that he was sure to become an outstanding player via a series of trails and tribulations.So do we and we all hope that Ding will work more wonders.Different from football or basketball games,we can appreciate snooker peacefully.Now it starts again.Let's make a cup of tea and view this booming game.。



像台面,重心放到右脚上 • 2.手臂自然弯曲贴于台面,右肩完
shoulder ,right feet bolt upright, bending your left foot, the body's natural stick to the desk, focus on the right foot
• He keep the record of the youngest champion of “World Professional Championship” (世界锦标赛),21 years and 4 months, and the record of most clearance in the world.
• 3 Open palm to press with desk, the
• 4.握杆,把握好力度,主要用拇指
palm approach on, form a v-shape
和食指紧握球杆 • 5.试杆,球杆尽量放平,握杆的拳
• 4 grasp the potency dimension exactly, mainly with his thumb and forefinger hold cue
Pink ball (粉球) 1 Black ball (黑球) 1
1 score 2 scores 3 scores 4 scores 5 scores 6 scores 7 scores
It is played using a cue and snooker balls: one white cue ball, 15 red balls worth one point each, and six balls of different colours yellow (2 points), green (3), brown (4), blue (5), pink (6) and black (7).



斯诺克需要球员具备准确的击球技巧、精确的球路 判断等。
斯诺克需要球员制定战略,包括选择合适的击球策 略、保护自己的优势位置等。
斯诺克历史上涌现出许多杰出的世界冠军,他 们通过卓越的技能和竞技表现获得了举世称赞。
斯诺克是一项迷人而有趣的运动,拥有丰富的历史和精彩的比赛。它需要球员具备技巧和战略,是一项值得探 索和享受的运动。Fra bibliotek名人堂
斯诺克的名人堂收录了许多对这项运动做出杰 出贡献的人士,他们的成就将永远被铭记。
斯诺克在中国的发展起步于20世纪80年代,随着国内赛事的兴起逐渐受到更多 人的关注。
斯诺克的发展受到了许多因 素的影响,包括社会背景、 文化交流等。
斯诺克通过电视转播和互联 网的普及,迅速传播到全球 范围。
斯诺克是一种台球运动,规模庞大且受欢迎,它要求球员在长方形桌面上用 手中的球杆击球,通过控制和规划击球的方式来获得分数。

















斯诺克比赛在国际台联(World Snooker)的组织下进行,吸引了众多的职业球员和广大的爱好者。

以下是关于斯诺克(Snooker)的一些常见名词解释:1. 球台(Table):斯诺克比赛使用的长方形台面,通常由绿色呢毯覆盖,上面有六个袋子。


2. 球(Ball):斯诺克比赛使用22颗球,其中15颗为红色,每颗红球的分值为1分;还有6颗有不同颜色的球,它们的分值分别为:黄球(2分)、绿球(3分)、棕球(4分)、蓝球(5分)、粉球(6分)和黑球(7分)。



白球(手球) 黄球
15个红球和6个彩球(黄、绿、咖啡、蓝、 粉、黑)共22个。 击球顺序为一个红球、一个彩球, 直到红球全部落袋, 然后以黄、绿、 咖啡、蓝、粉红、黑的顺序逐个击球, 最后以得分高者为 咖啡球
winner. 胜。 蓝球
The rules
Among them, the red, yellow, green, blue, pink, black, Coffee respectively correspond to 1 points, 2 points, 3 points, 4 points, 5 points, 6 points and 7 points. After the game the highest score wins. The highest score is 147 points.
At the moment of contact, because it's
too far will appear to reach the situation, then we must use the frame rod for hitting the club support.
张伯伦及其伙伴 + “黑入袋打法” = 斯诺克
乔· 戴维斯 现代斯诺克台球之父 斯诺克职业化推手
斯诺克重获新生 ——电视转播
Snooker, the continuation of the British gentleman culture (斯诺克——英国绅士文化的延续)


Snooker Star
Dennis Taylor
Stephen Hendry
Ronnie O'Sullivan “火箭”奥沙利文
Judd Trump 特鲁姆普
Mark Williams 马克·威廉姆斯丁俊晖和特鲁姆普(JuFra bibliotekd Trump)
• The Snooker means "obstacle", so sometimes the snooker is also referred to as barrier billiards. This motion using table 3569 mm long, 1778 mm wide, table four corners and two long side center locations each having a hole, the ball used is divided into 1 white balls, 15 red balls and 6 balls (yellow, green, brown, blue, pink, black) 22 a ball. Batting order for a red ball, a ball until the ball all pocket, and then to yellow, green, brown, blue, pink, black Order batting last one by one, with high scores for victory. The popular in England, Ireland, Canada, Australia and Commonwealth countries such as India and Hong Kong.



The origin of snooker
The origin of snooker, a more credible argument is: in the late 19th century, billiards sports popular in the British army stationed in India, the then popular play is the black ball into the bag (Black Pool). These games are played with a white ball, 15 red balls and one black ball. One day in 1875, stationed in India, Jabalpur (Jubbulpore) of the British Army Colonel Neville Chamberlain (Neville Chamberlain) and his comrades feel that this play is too simple and boring, we decided to increase the yellow, green and pink three balls up. Soon, they do not have enough, coupled with the brown and blue ball. This new play soon became popular, which led to the birth of snooker. The word snooker is when the British army on the prevalence of military name for freshmen. This makes the snooker by these military people used to call this new play for beginners and eventually became the name of the sport. 斯诺克起源,在19世纪晚期,台球运动风行于驻扎在印度的英国军队中, 当时流行的玩法是黑球入袋(Black Pool)。这种玩法用1个白球15个 红球和1个黑球。1875年的一天,驻扎在印度贾巴尔普尔 (Jubbulpore)的英国陆军上校内维尔.张伯伦和他的战友们觉得这种 玩法过于简单、乏味,便决定增加黄色、绿色和粉色3个彩球上去。不久, 又嫌不够,再加上了棕色和蓝色球。这种新玩法很快流行开来,从而导致 了斯诺克台球的诞生。而斯诺克一词则是当时英国军队中对军校一年级新 生的流行叫法。这使得斯诺克被这些军人们用来称呼这种新玩法的初学者, 最终则成为了这项运动的名称。



斯诺克英文作文介绍英文回答:Snooker is a cue sport that is played with a cue stick and 22 balls on a large rectangular table covered with a green cloth. The objective of the game is to score points by potting (pocketing) the balls in a specific order. The player with the highest score at the end of the game wins.Snooker is governed by the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association (WPBSA). The sport is most popular in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and China, but it is also played in many other countries around the world.There are two types of snooker balls: the cue ball and the object balls. The cue ball is white, and it is used to strike the object balls. The object balls consist of 15 red balls, six colored balls (one yellow, one green, one brown, one blue, one pink, and one black), and a black ball.The game is played on a rectangular table that is 12feet long and 6 feet wide. The table is covered with agreen cloth, and it has six pockets, one at each corner and one in the middle of each long side.To start the game, the object balls are placed in a specific pattern on the table. The player takes the cueball in hand and hits it to strike the white ball. Theobject of the game is to score points by potting (pocketing) the balls in a specific order. The player must pot all of the red balls first, then the colored balls in ascending order of value (yellow, green, brown, blue, pink, and black). The black ball is potted last.The player scores points for potting each ball. The points are as follows:Red ball: 1 point。



2、Touching Ball
If the cue ball comes to touching another ball or balls,the referee(裁判) shall state TOUCHING BALL and indicate which ball or balls the cue ball is touching.
147 :12
world champion:26
Name Alias Age
:Stephen Hendry (Retired in 2012) : The emperor billiards :39
nationality :Scotland
world champion:36
A foul is a shot or action by the striker which is against the rules of the game. hitting a colour first when the player was attempting to hit a red. potting the cue ball. failing to escape from "a snooker". some other situations.
Name Alias Age
:Ding Junhui :Xiao Ding/Prodigy :27
nationality :China 147 :5
world champion:18
Name Alias Age
:Ronnie O'Sullivan :The Rocket :39



架杆(Rest):用于支撑球杆的具 有铜制的X形头部的木杆,当选 手的非持杆手手臂不够长时,可 将球杆靠在架杆上,以稳定地击 打主球。还有一种特殊架杆,有 一个弯头能绕过球击打,杆头与 架杆相同。
三角架(Tripod):也叫高架杆。 类似架杆,但头部是拱形的,而 且头部更大,可架在另一只球上 方以便挥杆击球。
每轮次的第一击以红球(或指定自 由球)为活球,直至所有红球全 部离台为止。一击球之内每个入 袋活球的分值均应记入得分记录。 在同一次击球进袋的每一红球与 任何被指定当作红球的自由球, 它们的分值应记入得分记录。
如一红球或一被指定当作红球的自由球 被击进袋,该运动员可继续进行下一 击球,且下一个活球应是该运动员所 选的一个彩球。如该彩球被击进袋, 可得分。然后再将彩球放回置球点。
每个红球为1分,各种彩球分值从2至7分,黄 球2分,绿球3分,咖啡球4分,蓝球5分,粉球6 分,黑球7分。单杆最高分为147。
02 工具
用于涂在球杆杆头以 增强球杆和主球 (白球)之间的摩 擦力。
球杆(Cue):用于击打主 球的木制用具。
加长杆(Extension):也 叫后手,加在球杆尾部的一 根短棒用于增加球杆长度, 当主球远离选手时帮助选手 击打主球。
2023最新整理收集 do something
01 介绍
1. 介绍
斯诺克,台球的一种。斯诺克(Snooker) 的意思是“阻碍、障碍”,所以斯诺克台球有时 也被称为障碍台球。其一共有22个球,分别为1 个白球,15个红球和6个彩球(黄、绿、咖啡、 蓝、粉、黑)。击球顺序为一个红球、一个彩球, 直到红球全部落袋,然后以黄、绿、咖啡、蓝、 粉红、黑的顺序逐个击球,最后以得分高者为胜。



Snooker is a cue sport that is played on a large green baize-covered table with pockets in each of the four corners and in the middle of each of the long side cushions. A regular (full-size) table is 12 × 6 ft (3.7 × 1.8 m). It is played using a cue and snooker balls: one white cue ball, 15 red balls worth one point each, and six balls of different colours: yellow (2 points), green (3), brown (4), blue (5), pink (6) and black (7).[1] A player (or team) wins a frame (individual game) of snooker by scoring more points than the opponent(s), using the cue ball to pot the red and coloured balls. A player wins a match when a certain number of frames have been won.Snooker, generally regarded as having been invented in India by British Army officers, is popular in many of the English-speaking and Commonwealth countries,[2] with top professional players attaining multi-million pound career earnings from the game.[3]The sport is particularly and increasingly popular in Japan and China.[4]he object of the game is to score more points than the opponent by potting object balls in a predefined order. At the start of a frame, the balls are positioned as shown and the players take it in turns to hit a shot in a single strike from the tip of the cue, their aim being to pot one of the red balls and score a point. Whenever a red ball is potted, the shooter is allowed to pot one of the colours. If successful, they score the value of the colour potted, and it is returned to its correct position on the table. This process continues until they fail to pot the desired ball, at which point their opponent comes back to the table to play the next shot. The game continues in this manner until all the reds are potted and only the 6 colours are left on the table; at that point the aim is to pot the colours in the order yellow 2, green 3, brown 4, blue 5, pink 6, black 7, with the balls not being returned to play. When the final ball is potted, the player with the most points wins.[1]Points may also be scored in a game when a player's opponent fouls. A foul can occur for numerous reasons, such as hitting a colour first when the player was attempting to hit a red, potting the cue ball, or failing to escape from "a snooker" (a situation where the previous player finished their turn leaving the cue ball in a position where the object ball cannot be hit directly). Points gained from a foul vary from a minimum of 4 to a maximum of 7 if the black ball is involved.[1]One game, from the balls in their starting position until the last ball is potted, is called a frame. A match generally consists of a predefined number of frames and the player who wins the most frames wins the match overall. Most professional matches require a player to w in five frames, and are called 'Best of Nine' as that is the maximum possible number of frames. Tournament finals are usually best of 17 or best of 19, while the World Championship uses longer matches –ranging from best of 19 in the qualifiers and the first round proper, up to 35 frames in length (first to 18), and is played over two days.[18]Professional and competitive amateur matches are officiated by a referee who is the sole judge of fair play. The referee also respots the colours on to the table and calls out how many points the player has scored during a break. Professional players usually play the game in a sporting manner, declaring fouls the referee has missed, acknowledging good shots from their opponent, or holding up a hand to apologise for fortunate shots.Other terminology used in snooker includes a player's break, which refers to the total number of consecutive points a player has amassed (excluding fouls) when at one visit to the table. A player attaining a break of 15, for example, could have reached it by potting a red then a black, then a redthen a pink, before failing to pot the next red. The traditional maximum break in snooker is to pot all reds with blacks then all colours, which would yield 147 points; this is often known as a "147" or a "maximum".[19]Accessories used for snooker include chalk for the tip of the cue, rests of various sorts (needed often, due to the length of a full-size table), a triangle to rack the reds, and a scoreboard. One drawback of snooker on a full-size table is the size of the room (22' x 16' or approximately 5 m x 7 m), which is the minimum required for comfortable cueing room on all sides.[20] This limits the number of locations in which the game can easily be played. While pool tables are common to many pubs, snooker tends to be played either in private surroundings or in public snooker halls. The game can also be played on smaller tables using fewer red balls. The variants in table size are: 10' x 5', 9' x 4.5', 8' x 4', 6' x 3' (the smallest for realistic play) and 4' x 2'. Smaller tables can come in a variety of styles, such as fold away or dining-table convertible.Ronald Antonio "Ronnie" O'Sullivan (born 5 December 1975 in Wordsley, West Midlands),[4][5] is an English professional snooker player known for his rapid playing style and nicknamed "The Rocket".[6] He has been World Champion on three occasions (2001, 2004 and 2008), and is second on the all-time prize-money list, with career earnings of over £6 million,[7] behind only Stephen Hendry. O'Sullivan has been the world's no. 1 player on five occasions, has won a total of 22 ranking titles, and is second, again behind Hendry, on the list of competitive century breaks. O'Sullivan has compiled a record 11 maximum breaks in professional competition.O'Sullivan is considered by many fans, critics and fellow professionals, including Hendry and Steve Davis, as the most naturally talented player in the history of the game.[8] He has also been involved in a number of controversial incidents during his career.[8]。



1.死角球( ANGLED ) 当角袋边缘挡住了主球,使主球不能直接击打台面上的目标球,被称为死角球。

2.手中球( BALL IN HAND ) 在美式台球规则中,手中球的概念是主球可以摆放在比赛台面的任何地方。

3.活球( BALL ON ) 在斯诺克台球中,运动员可合法打一个彩色球(没有红球情况下)入袋,这颗彩球叫活球。

4.开球( BREAK ) 在美式台球的开球中,要求必须使四球碰岸,方被认为是合法开球。

5.手桥( BRIDGE ) 用于架住球杆和调整杆头瞄准方法的手,称为手桥。

6.指球( CALLED BALL ) 在美式台球中,运动员在击球前必须向裁判员指明(口头或用杆指出)所要击打的目标球是哪一颗。

7.定袋( CALLED POCKET ) 在美式台球中,运动员在击球前必须向裁判员指明(口头或用杆指出)要击入哪个球袋。

8.联合击法( COMBINA TION ) 主球撞击目标球后,被主球撞击的目标球又去撞击其它目标球,并以此方法来击球入袋。

9.主球( CVE BALL ) 主球在比赛中,经常被杆击打的球,它是白色的并且无号码。

10.手中球置在开球线后( CVE BALL IN HAND THE HEAD STRINC ) 在美式台球中,主球被放在开球线与顶岸之间的任何地方。

11.岸( CUSHION ) 一种用织物包住的橡胶制品在球台台边内边沿上,并和它外部周围的木质物一起构成12.双击( DOUBLE HIT ) 在一次击球中,主球被杆头两次击打,称为双击。

13.侧旋球( ENGLISH ) 通过球杆头部击打主球的左右侧,产生出侧旋球。

14.薄击球( FEATHE SHOT ) 主球仅仅擦碰目标球,被称为薄击球。

15.得分( COUNT )一分或是成功的一击。

16.击球点( CONTACT POINT ) 当主球被击出后,主球与目标球相碰击时的入球点,叫做击球点。

17.球杆( CVE) 一种由木质材料造成的锥形体,并用其击打主球。

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基本技巧:basic skills
• • 1 pay attention to your Pose , separate your feet and as wide as your shoulder ,right feet bolt upright, bending your left foot, the body's natural stick to the desk, focus on the right foot 2 The natural bent arm stuck on the desk, set up the right shoulder completely, forearm vertical to the earth into ninety degrees naturally 3 Open palm to press with desk, the palm approach on, form a v-shape 4 grasp the potency dimension exactly, mainly with his thumb and forefinger hold cue 5 Cue as far as possible put it flat, your fist ,chin, hand frame and the target into a straight line, steady rhythm 6 .focus on your eyes to the cue ball,target ball and luar 7 Control your arm, use your forearm to contral and wrist relaxed
English Ronnie O„Sullivan keep the record of the fastest clearance(满杆) in the television and the record of the most clearence,10 times as well as Hendry.
1 score 2 scores 3 scores 4 scores 5 scores 6 scores 7 scores
It is played using a cue and snooker balls: one white cue ball, 15 red balls worth one point each, and six balls of different colours yellow (2 points), green (3), brown (4), blue (5), pink (6) and black (7).
• 1.姿势要对,两脚分开略与肩同宽, 右脚蹬直,左脚弯曲,身体自然贴 像台面,重心放到右脚上 • 2.手臂自然弯曲贴于台面,右肩完 全立起,小臂自然下垂于地面成九 十度 • 3.张开手掌按与台面,手掌拢起, 形成一个v字形 • 4.握杆,把握好力度,主要用拇指 和食指紧握球杆 • 5.试杆,球杆尽量放平,握杆的拳 头,下巴,手架和目标球成直线, 节奏平稳 • 6.瞄准,目光在母球的击点,目标 球的击撞点和袋口之间来回 • 7.出杆,控制大臂,小臂发力,手 腕自然放松
斯洛克(snooker) 意思是“阻碍,障 碍”有时被称为 “障碍台球”
Cue ball 母球白球 1
22 Balls
Red ball (红球) 15 Yellow ball (黄球) 1 Green ball (绿球) 1 Object ball Brown ball (咖啡球) 1 目标球 21 Blue ball (蓝球) 1 Pink ball (粉球) 1 Black ball (黑球) 1
• •

• •
斯蒂芬•亨德利爵士 Stephen Hendry 约翰•希金斯 John Higgins 罗尼•奥沙利文 Ronnie O'Sullivan 马克•威廉姆斯 Mark Willams
排名 1
球员 希金斯 罗伯森 奥沙利文 卡特 丁俊晖 马奎尔 墨菲
积分 57820 48405 47835 46620 40975 40495 38655
• • • •
Chinese Birthday:l 1st,1987 “The star of the east”. 冠军
2005:中国公开赛(9-5亨德利) 2005:英国锦标赛(10-6戴维斯) 2006:北尔兰杯(9-6奥沙利文) 2009:英国锦标赛(10-8希金斯) 2010:球员巡回赛第五站(4-1吉 米· 琼斯) 2011:温布利大师赛(11:4傅家俊)
2014 斯 诺 克 选 手 年 终 世 界 排 名
2 3 4 5 6 7
9 10 11
塞尔比 艾伦 亨德利
35455 35380 33785
13 14
瑞恩戴 傅家俊
30890 29635
• Irish • Stephen hendry is rewarded as “emperor of snooker”(“台球 皇帝”) • He keep the record of the youngest champion of “World Professional Championship” (世界锦标赛),21 years and 4 months, and the record of most clearance in the world.
主要装备:Major equipment
1:巧粉(chalk)俗称“滑石粉” 2:球杆(cue) 3:加杆(extension)也叫“后手”,加在球杆 尾部的一根用于增加球杆长度,当主球远离选手 时帮助选手击打主球 4:架杆(rest) 5:三脚架(tripod)也叫高脚架 6:定位器(narker)一种有角形卡球开口或半圆 形卡球开口的装置,用于帮助裁判确定球的准备 位置 7:三脚框(triangle,rock)开赛前用于将所有的 红球排成标准的正三角形的框架