八年级英语下Unit10 It's a nice day isn't it?复习课

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3. 陈述句部分是there be句型时,简短 问句部分也用there be。 例如:There are some people in the room,aren’t there? 教室里有人,是吗? 4. 在英语口语中,I am后面的简短问句 用aren't I? 例如:I’m late,aren’t I? 我迟到了,是吗?
19.帮助某人干、、、:help sb. do/to do/with would help me with my math sth.: He said he project. 他说他将帮助我数学。
20.使干某事怎么样:make it+形容词to do sth.: 有像你这样的朋友在陌生的地方与人相处就变得 容易多了:Friends like you make it a lot/much easier to get along in a new place. 21.高兴干某事:be happy to do sth.: I am happy to have the tickets.我很高兴弄到了票。 22.要求某人干某事:ask sb. to do sth.:。I’m going to with me.我要我表弟 ask 和我一起去 my cousin to go 23.观看某人干某事:watch sb. do sth.: I’ll think of you as we watch the Black Socks win the game.我们一看到黑短袜队赢得比赛就会想 到你
7. 在 I think,I believe,I suppose,I guess等结构中,简短问句的主语往往与从 句的主谓保持一致,例如: I think she’s out,isn’t she? 我想她出去了,是吗? I don’t think it’s true,is it?我认为那 不是真的,对吗? 注意:在回答反意疑问 句的问题时,如果回答是肯定的,要用yes, 否定的要用no,在第一部分是否定形式时要 特别注意,这时的英语回答与汉语回答是有 区别的。例如:This isn’t yours,is it?这
Unit10 It’s a nice day,isn’t it? (Revision)
知识目标:1.复习并掌握Unit10的单词、短 语和重点句型。 2.复习并掌握语法:学习并掌握反 意疑问句。 3.复习并学会写感谢信。 能力目标: 学会与人聊天沟通情感. 学会写 感谢信。 情感目标:通过闲聊加强人际交往,并注 意在闲聊中注意回避他人隐私。
A open B close C opened D closed
二、根据句意及首字母提示,填写适当的单词。 mbrella 1. —It’s rainy today, take your u with you. —I will, Mom. ross 2. Go straight on and c the bridge, you’ll find the post office. 3. —Oh, Dick, you’re late again. raffic —I am so sorry. But the t is really busy this morning. levator 4. He lives on the 25th floor and takes the e up and down every day. 5. —Did you tell your mother that you would be home late in the evening? ote —Of course. I left a n on her dresser.
复习并掌握Unit10的单词、短语和重点句 型。
【英汉互译 突击单词】
cost 花 费 穿过 cross low 低 的 多沙的 sandy slow 慢 的 交通 traffic note短信,笔记 电梯 elevator bookstore书 店 中午 noon

【小组合作 句型探究】
1.看样子要下雨,不是吗?It looks like rain ,_______________? doesn't it 2.你认为到中午时雨会停吗?Do you think it’ll stop by noon ? I 3.我希望这样。我想去游泳。 hope soI want to go swimming . 4.天对我来说有点热。It’sa little hot for me. 5.在书店看书: look throughbooks in a bookstore.
16.干某事费劲:have a hard time doing sth.: I was having a hard time finding until you came it along(出现).直到你出现我一直在费劲地找它。 17.喜欢干某事:enjoy doing sth.: I enjoyed meeting Carlos.我喜欢与卡洛斯见面 18.擅长、、、:be good at: is good at ,isn’t he?他擅长数学,对吗? He
【达标训练 自我检测】
一、从各题后所给的三个选项中选择最佳答案。 C ( )1. This is______ terrible weather. A. a B. an C. / B ( )2. —He is an outstanding violinist, isn’t he? — . A. Sure is he B. He sure is C. He is sure ( )3. —I’ll go to the beach with my sister tomorrow. A —Have a day! A. good B. well C. betterA ( )4. We three are good friends. We like skating. A. all B. either C both C. ( )5. They had a hard time the taxi.
5. 当陈述句部分含有否定词如 nothing,nobody等不定代词时,简短 问句部分应用肯定结构。为避免重复, 用代词it来代替nothing;用they或he 来代替nobody。例如: Everything goes well,doesn’t it? 一切顺利,是吗? Everyone is here,aren’t they? (注意:此句问句与前句动词的数不一 致。)
I saw him C
basketball on the playground on my way home .
A to play B plays C playing D played 4. This is the most beautiful park I have A visited .
A ever B never C not D yet 5.It’s cold . We’d better keep the door D .
一. 选择题
1.Have you ever ____D_____ Dong ping Lake?
A went to B gone to C been in D been to 2.----I usually go to bed late at night . And you ? ----A .
A So do I B SO I do C So I am D So I am
【同位互助 短语过关】
1. look like看起来像… 2. 到中午为止 by noon 3. on the weekend 在周末 4. 浏览 look through 5. wait in line排队等候 6. 球迷 a ball game fan 7. have a wonderful time过得愉快 on Saturday night 8. 在周六晚上
【自学语法 共克疑难】 反意疑问句
1)定义:提出情况和看法,询问对方 是否同意的句子叫反意疑问句。 2)结构:陈述句+简略疑问句 3)用法:a.前肯后否;前否后肯。 b.反问部分的时态和人称与陈述部分 的人称和时态一致。 c.本身表否定的
Mary likes reading,doesn’t she? 玛丽喜欢读书,是吧? (前一部分为肯定形式,后一部分用否 定形式)
6.排队等候 wait in line 7.你认为学校怎么样?What do you think of the school?=How do you like the school?It’s great.好 极了。 cost 8.那件衬衣多少钱?How much did that shirt ? 9.“当/成为、、、、怎么样?”It is +形容词 It’s not easy +being…… eg.有时成为学校的一名新生不容易: being an actor. a being new kid at school. 当一名演员是有趣的:It’s interesting . not easy 当一名工程师是不容易的;It’s had a wonderful time being an engineer.
Mary doesn’t like reading,does she? 玛丽不喜欢读书,是吧? (前一部分为否定形式,后一部分就用 肯定形式)
1. 如果陈述句有一个助动词(包括can, must,need等情态动词),其简短问 句用同一个助动词。例如:He can swim,can’t he?他会游泳,对吗? 2. 如果陈述部分包含no,never, hardly,few,little,seldom等否定词, 简短问句部分应用肯定形式。 例如:You have no time on Monday, have you? 星期一你没有时间,是吗?
为…而非常感谢你 9. thank you so much for … 10. 对..友好 be friendly to feel like 感觉像… 11. 12. …的一部分 part of
13. have a hard time doing… 做…时很费劲 14. 出现, come along 15. enjoy doing 享受做…的乐趣 16.擅长于… be good at … 17. help sb. with sth=help sb. (to) do sth.. 帮助某人做某事 18. 容易的多 a lot easier 19. get along 相处 20. 小心去做某事 be careful to do sth. 21. at least 至少 22. 此时
at this time
三 1 2
请快速说出英语及其用法。 雨伞 中午 , 一把雨伞 , 在中午 。 。
再见 sb 。
,跟某人告别 say
, 查找

6 7 8 9
花费 相处 至少 假日


, 与某人相处融洽 , 最多 at ,度假 most 。 。

10 小心
6. 祈使句后面的简短问句使用 will you? shall we?它们不是真正的疑问句(意为 请),但常用升调。will,would,can, can’t及shall we用来告诉人们该做什么事, 表请求。 例如:Give me a pen,will you? 请给我一支笔。 Open the door,will you? 请打开门好吗? Let’s go together,shall we? 咱们一起走吧。
Thank you so much 11.多谢你如此盛情地邀请我: for inviting me. 12.、、、、中的一些:some of…..: some of 我不认识其中的一些女孩I didn’t know the girls. 13.对、、、友好:be friendly to sb.: 他们对我很友好They were all friendly to me . 14.感觉像、、、、:feel like …: 我感觉是小组的一部分了I feel likepart of the group now. 15.领某人参观、、、:show sb.around、、、: showing me around 多谢令我参观学校Thanks for the school.