二、目标1. 加强客户关系管理,建立稳定、持久的客户关系。
2. 提高客户满意度,实现客户的长期忠诚度。
3. 提升企业的品牌形象和市场竞争力。
三、工作内容1. 客户分析和分类管理a. 对现有客户进行分类管理,根据客户价值和忠诚度,制定不同的服务策略和计划。
b. 定期对客户数据库进行更新和维护,确保客户信息的准确性和完整性。
2. 建立客户服务体系a. 设立客户服务团队,包括销售代表、客户经理和客户服务专员,负责处理客户的需求和问题。
b. 设立客户服务热线和在线客服平台,提供24小时快速响应和解决客户问题的渠道。
c. 提供个性化的客户服务,包括定制产品、增值服务和贴身顾问等,满足不同客户的需求。
3. 客户沟通与互动a. 定期组织客户沟通会议和座谈会,听取客户意见和反馈,并及时回应和解决问题。
b. 定期发送客户满意度调查问卷,了解客户对产品和服务的评价和需求,针对性地改进和优化。
4. 建立客户回访制度a. 对新客户进行定期回访,了解他们的使用情况和满意度,并提供相关的培训和支持。
b. 对老客户进行定期回访,了解他们的购买意向和需求,挖掘潜在的销售机会。
5. 建立客户投诉处理机制a. 设立客户投诉处理团队,负责接收和处理客户的投诉和不满意情况。
b. 建立快速响应机制,确保客户投诉能得到及时解决和回应,并制定相应的改进措施。
6. 提升客户满意度的培训与考核a. 对客户服务团队进行定期的培训和考核,提升他们的专业素质和服务意识。
b. 设立客户满意度考核指标,并根据考核结果,对个人和团队进行奖励和激励。
四、预期效果通过实施以上的工作方案,我们预计能够达到以下效果:1. 客户满意度提升:通过加强客户关系管理和提供个性化的客户服务,提高客户对企业的满意度。
二、目标设定1. 提高客户满意度:通过了解客户需求、及时解决问题和提供个性化服务,实现客户满意度的持续提升。
2. 加强客户忠诚度:通过建立长期稳定的合作关系和积极参与客户关怀计划,提升客户对企业的忠诚度。
3. 挖掘潜在客户:通过市场调研和潜在客户开发策略,扩大客户基础,提高销售机会和市场份额。
4. 提高客户口碑:通过提供优质产品和服务,争取客户口碑的积极传播,为企业赢得更多口碑营销机会。
三、关键措施1. 建立客户数据库:建立客户数据库,包括客户基本信息、购买记录、投诉与建议等内容,以便更好地了解客户需求和购买行为模式。
2. 客户分类管理:根据客户价值和潜力,将客户分类为重点客户、潜力客户和一般客户,有针对性地制定相应的管理策略。
3. 提供个性化服务:通过客户调研和数据分析,针对客户需求和偏好,提供个性化的产品推荐、定制化服务和售后支持。
4. 建立客户关怀计划:制定客户关怀计划,包括定期回访、生日关怀、假日祝福等,加强与客户的互动和交流。
5. 加强客户投诉处理:建立快速、准确的客户投诉处理机制,对客户反馈的问题进行及时解决,保护并恢复客户关系。
6. 市场调研和潜在客户开发:定期进行市场调研,了解行业和竞争对手的动态,同时挖掘潜在客户,扩大市场份额。
7. 联合销售和合作伙伴关系:与相关合作伙伴进行联合销售和营销活动,共同开发客户资源,实现合作共赢。
8. 市场推广和口碑营销:通过多种渠道进行市场推广,包括传统媒体、社交媒体和线下宣传,积极塑造企业形象和口碑。
四、执行与监控1. 确定责任人和团队:明确客户关系管理计划的执行责任人和相关团队,确保计划的顺利实施。
2. 持续培训与提升:定期组织培训,提升团队成员的客户服务意识和专业能力,以确保计划的有效执行。
客户关系管理范本一、引言客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM)是指企业通过建立良好的客户关系,以实现客户满意度提升、客户忠诚度提高、销售额增长等目标的一种管理策略和方法。
二、客户分类1. 新客户新客户是指尚未与企业建立业务关系的潜在客户。
2. 活跃客户活跃客户是指已经与企业建立业务关系并保持良好合作的客户。
3. 沉睡客户沉睡客户是指曾经与企业有过业务往来,但目前处于休眠状态的客户。
4. 流失客户流失客户是指曾经与企业有过业务关系,但因某种原因而放弃合作的客户。
三、客户关系管理流程1. 客户信息收集企业需要建立完善的客户信息数据库,包括客户的基本信息、购买记录、偏好等。
2. 客户分类与分析根据客户的不同特征和需求,将客户进行分类,并进行深入分析。
3. 客户关系建立企业需要与客户建立良好的业务关系,包括建立客户信任、提供优质的产品和服务、及时回应客户需求等。
4. 客户维护与管理企业需要定期与客户进行沟通,了解客户的意见和反馈,并及时解决客户问题。
5. 客户挽回与发展对于流失客户或沉睡客户,企业需要采取积极的措施进行挽回和发展。
客户关系管理方案模板一、简介客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM)是企业与客户之间建立和维护良好关系的有效方法。
二、目标1. 提高客户满意度:通过精准的沟通和个性化的服务,满足客户需求,增强客户忠诚度。
2. 提升销售绩效:通过有效管理客户数据和销售渠道,提高销售效率和业绩。
3. 加强客户互动:通过多渠道的沟通和互动,深化客户关系,增加交易机会。
三、方案实施步骤1. 设定明确的目标:确立具体的客户关系管理目标,包括提升客户满意度、增加销售额等。
2. 收集客户数据:建立客户数据库,包括客户基本信息、购买历史、互动记录等。
3. 客户分类与分析:根据客户价值、购买行为等指标,对客户进行分类和分析,以便更好地了解他们的需求和偏好。
4. 建立互动渠道:通过电话、邮件、社交媒体等渠道与客户建立联系,提供个性化的服务和定制化的推荐。
5. 销售机会管理:跟踪和管理销售机会的全过程,包括销售线索的获取、跟进、签约等,确保销售过程的顺利进行。
6. 客户体验改进:收集和分析客户反馈,及时改进产品和服务,提升客户满意度和品牌形象。
7. 定期评估和调整:定期审查和评估CRM系统的效果,并根据评估结果进行相应的调整和改进。
四、数据保护与隐私政策1. 数据保护:企业应采取必要的安全措施,保护客户数据的安全性和机密性,防止信息泄露和滥用。
2. 隐私政策:企业应制定明确的隐私政策,并向客户提供充分的信息和选择权,确保合法、透明、安全地使用客户数据。
五、培训与支持1. 员工培训:组织相关部门的员工参加CRM系统的培训,提升他们的技能和意识,确保系统的正确使用。
2. 技术支持:通过内部或外部技术专家提供CRM系统的技术支持,解决系统使用中遇到的问题和困难。
客户关系管理(CRM)解决方案7第2页The last component of a CRM solution is interaction management. As organizations have grown and technologies have advanced, the numbers of potential touchpoints between customer and company have grown as well. Before 1990, I would suggest that 75% of all interactions consisted of phone calls, with the remainder being split between letters and FAX transmissions. Today, customers can call, email, FAX, chat, page…the list is rather extensive. To be truly service-oriented, and to preserve a common representation of customer, all of these touchpoints should connect into the customer repository, recording each interaction and its intent.Note that I make a distinction between Interaction Management and Account Management. Account Management is a more macro process, whereby customer account-level information is shared across multiple business units within the same company. For example, the typical bank may have a mortgage department, a financial services department, and an insurance department in addition to the basic bank branch department. In account management, all these departments share information about the customer using a common customer accounts database. I am reminded of an ad campaign where a mortgage applicant expresses his frustration at his mortgage company’s inability to view his checking account information (held at that same bank) by making a large withdraw and closing his account. Account management would prevent this.Interaction management, on the other hand, involves recording the details of each contact no matter what the medium into a centralized or non-centralized database. Each email, phone call, FAX, chat, etc. is recorded in a logical thread so that the history of that customer can be recreated at any point. Note that it is eminently possible to have Interaction Management without Account Management and vice versa. Many companies have specific call centers associated with specific departments. The best efficiencies arise when Interaction Management is combined with Account Management.Data Analysis and Legacy IntegrationAs ancillary/supporting functions, Data Analysis and Legacy Integration can play large or small roles in the context of a CRM implementation. Analytics is becoming more and more critical to the understanding of customer behavior. As the granularity of data collection and monitoring increases, the ability to detect trends and patterns within that data becomes more and more important but more and more difficult. Highly complex CRM implementations require highly complex analytics capabilities. The more advanced CRM packages either contain this functionality or partner with companies that provide such functionality. Likewise, CRM packages are starting to extend tendrils to other parts of the organization outside of the traditional front office functions. CRM/ERP implementations are not atypical and indeed any company that has made a large investment in ERP should closely link CRM activities to thatinvestment. This function is typically filled by Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) packages, but some of the more advanced CRM software vendors are including hooks into specific external applications such as SAP, Peoplesoft, or Oracle. This function also serves to tie new functionality into existing infrastructure architectures, primarily around PBX/ACD systems and email systems. This becomes important for companies that have large investments in call center equipment.Note that this viewpoint basically treats each major set of components as a series of Lego™blocks. You can examine a package based on a joined set of blocks, or select the best block for each and examine the fit between the blocks. Similarly, the data analysis layer and the legacy integration layer allow you to isolate those functions and use third-party packages as desired to meet those specific needs.Evaluation MethodologyProduct Evaluation V ALUE OF REQUIREMENT = Requirement Priority * Vendor Capability to Deliver Requirement WHERE Requirement Priority is: HIGH (3 points) MEDIUM (2 points) LOW/NICE TO HA VE (1 point) and Vendor Capability is: DELIVERED WITH PRODUCT (4 points) REQUIRES SLIGHT MODIFICATION (3 points) REQUIRES HEA VY CUSTOMIZATION (1 point) NOT A V AILABLE/POSSIBLE (0 points) Allowing for a range of 0 to 12 points per function.Finally, when I get to the actual evaluation process,I use a general two- parameter matrix to evaluate functional requirements against product capability. Thelist of functional requirements provides a baseline. The project team creates the first parameter. Each functional requirement is weightedas “must-have’, “nice-to- have,”and “optional.”The project teamevaluates the weightingassociated with eachrequirement. The functional requirements also serve as the basis for the RFI/RFP process. The vendors create the second parameter. Each vendor is asked to indicate whether their product incorporates the function,requires slight customization to incorporate the function, requires extensive customization or third-party products to support the function, or does not support the function. In the evaluation process, the weight of the function is applied to the vendor’s ability to support that function to give a weighted value for each functional requirement. The sum total of each vendor’s weighted scores provides a way to evaluate the overall functionality of the product against the team’s specific needs. In addition, the functionalrequirements can be grouped into function sets, and the function sets given weights of their own. Thus, if interaction management functionality is more important than marketing program management, the functions associated with interaction management can be super-weighted accordingly.The advantage of this approach is that it’s general enough to be used for just about any product but can be made specific enough to drill down to very low levels of detail. Good luck in your selection!About the AuthorJay Chang has over ten years of information technologyexperience focusing on the pharmaceuticals industry. He has worked for consulting organizations and Fortune 500 companies, serving a variety of roles from developer to architect. He currently works as an independent consultant focusing on project management, technology assessment, and business process analysis. Jay can be reached at****@***.c*mM ULTI-F UNCTION CRM S UITES FOR M EDIUM TO L ARGE E NTERPRISESBy Applix (iCRM)Applix seems to have repositioned itself as a half CRM, half analytics company. Since customer data is often at the core of any company’s data analysis, synergies exist between its two product lines –iCRM and iPlanning. iCRM has four main subcomponents –iSales, iService, iHelpdesk and iCustomerInsight. Sales force automation and some marketing functionality are offered in the iSales suite. iService delivers basic service and support functionality along with a web self-service option that gives customers access to a knowledge base. iHelpdesk is an internally focused application designed for IT staffs. Lastly, Applix recently introduced iCustomerInsight, an integrated customer analysis application. The company touts its low total cost of ownership (TCO) derived from its ease of customization, simple implementation, and “zero-client”feature. Lacking from Applix’s application offerings is support for e-commerce, partners, field service, and e-marketing. Analytics are the company’s real differentiator. Traditionally focused on the small business segment of the market, Applix’s low TCO positioning works nicely in this space –though a word of warning, Microsoft recently announced plans to target this segment with its own CRM suite. Chordiant (Chordiant 5)Chordiant targets its CRM solution at global business-to-consumer enterprises (B2C). Its suite of applications includes Chordiant 5 Marketing, Chordiant 5 Selling & Services, and Chordiant 5 Enterprise Platform. Chordiant 5 Marketing includes support for marketing campaigns that can be deployed across any media channel (direct mail, telesales, and print and broadcast advertising). Additionally, it includes an optimization tool as well as a business intelligence module. Chordiant 5 Selling & Services is composed of two suites: Chordiant 5 Advisor and Chordiant 5 Call Center Advisor. The company’s core strength has been its high volume capacity call center applications. The applications are built on “JX Architecture,”which Chordiant describes as a hybrid of XML and J2EE. This open architecture is meant to make the applications easier to integrate with existing applications and quicker to implement. Through a robust integration layer, Chordiant 5 is able to extract and integrate data from external sources to create a unified customer database. Unlikemost of its competitors, Chordiant focuses significant sales efforts outside the United States with over 70% of its revenue coming from Canada, Europe, and Australia. Clarify (Amdocs Clarify CRM)Once one of the high-flyers in the CRM market (along with Siebel and Vantive), Clarify’s future is somewhat questionable. In late 2001, Amdocs acquired the assets of Clarify from Nortel Networks for $200 million in cash. Amdocs is a billing, order management and directory systems solution provider focused exclusively on the communications market. It will integrate Clarify’s eFrontOffice suite with its existing CRM applications and target opportunities in the communications and IP industry exclusively. This, in effect, removes Clarify as a competitor outside this narrow industry focus. Therefore, going forward, Amdocs Clarify CRM should only be evaluated by communications companies. Additionally, existing Clarify customers who are not in the communications industry may well seek an alternative CRM vendor. Prior to the acquisition, Clarify was known as a leading CRM vendor with strong support for sales, marketing and service functions. Its one weakness has historically been in analytics that the company has handled through partnerships with companies such as Broadbase and Business Objects. eGain (E3)eGain positions itself as a customer interaction managementapplications provider. Its offering remains focused on the customer service aspects of CRM and within this area, email management (the company’s origin) stands out as a strength. The overall offering is branded eGain eService Enterprise (E3); offering a set of solutions that enhance traditional phone-based call centers with integrated web self-service, email management, and live web collaboration. The web self-service application is enhanced by the addition of a virtual assistant to guide users through the system. Facets of the email management system seem fairly robust. It includes global functionality that allows a single system to be deployed in multiple languages, a campaign feature that can be used for email-based service and marketing activities, and a commerce bridge for accessing data both within and outside an enterprise. The collaboration application lets an agent guide a customer through a website or through the completion of a form or order. It can also be used for virtual meetings. eGain customers have several purchase options –licensed, hosted, or hosted license, though the vast majority of customers have licensed the software. Although its eService offering has several unique aspects, it remains a point solution – a position that can be exploited by its larger CRM competitors. Epicor (eFrontOffice powered by Clientele)Epicor concentrates on delivering its applications to small and medium sized companies. Its eFrontOffice application is available only for the Microsoft Windows 2000/NT platform. The companyoffers a fairly robust set of CRM applications: Epicor eSales and eMarketing, Epicor eSupport, Epicor eFrontOffice HelpDesk, Epicor eFrontOffice Conductor (workflow automation), and Epicor eFrontOffice Connector (data synchronization). The company maintains a confusing delineation between its Epicor brand and its Clientele brand. One website describes Epicor CRM products “powered by Clientele”and another separate website describes “Clientele –by Epicor.”Drilling down on more detailed product information reveals identical information on each site. From a marketing perspective, the company may want to consider cleaner positioning. In addition to its CRM products, Epicor offers a complete back-office suite (manufacturing, financials, e-commerce, etc.), thus it can offer customers the advantage of easy front-office/back-office integration. Lastly, Epicor eIntelligence offers users a set of analysis tools that can access data throughout Epicor’s eApplications. E.piphany (E.piphany E.6)E.piphany’s current tag line uses the term “Smart CRM.”This is indicative of the approach thatE.piphany used to enter the CRM market. Originally a CRM analytics company, E.piphany (primarily through a series of acquisitions) has added operational CRM functionality as well, but continues to emphasize its analytics as a point of differentiation.E.piphany offers four product suites: Marketing, Sales, Service, and Insight. Multi-channel integration is a focus for this vendor –claiming it can deliver personalized customer interactions over traditional and electronic channels, including direct mail, email, call center, Web, chat, fax, and wireless. E.piphany E.6, released in March 2002, was two years in the making and represents the company’s broadest operational CRM offering yet –much of which came from its March 2000 acquisition of Octane. In operational functionality, however, E.piphany continues to lag many of its larger, traditional CRM competitors. For example, E.piphany does not deliver partner relationship management (PRM) or interactive selling functionality that some Tier 1 CRM vendors (e.g. Siebel and Oracle) currently offer. In analytics, however, E.piphany is virtually unmatched delivering advanced functionality such as time-series projection, anomaly detection, segmentation, visualization, regression, self-learning data mining algorithms and collaborative filtering. Firstwave (eCRM 7.0)Firstwave concentrates on delivering its CRM solution to mid-market, B2B companies in the financial, technology, manufacturing and distribution industries. It claims to offer both the ease and simplicity of an ASP model along with the option to customize the solution to a company’s specific needs. The Firstwave eCRM solution is divided into four distinct applications –eMarketing, eSales, eService and u.Dialog. The eMarketing suite provides basic campaign development, execution and tracking functionality. However, missing from the suite is support for emailbased outbound marketing activities. The eSales suite includes support for both direct and channel sales people. The eService suite offers standard customer support features with some customer self-service options. Unlike the products of many of its competitors, Firstwave’s eService does not offer live chat. The u.Dialog application focuses on communication and information flow. The application scans data throughout the system and compares it to pre-written action-based scripts that trigger the system to send an automated email, a letter, prompt a phone call, or execute whatever the desired action is to a computer, pager, etc. The eCRM suite automatically includes Crystal Reports for querying and report writing. J.D. Edwards (J.D. Edwards CRM v 1.1)J.D. Edwards recently boosted its CRM offering with its November 2001 acquisition of YOUcentric. The YOUrelate suite of applications included sales force automation, contact center, customer service, and marketing campaign management. The company is working aggressively to integrate these solutions with its existing systems. Prior to this acquisition, JD Edward’s CRM solution was fairly “lite,”comprised primarily of customer self-service and inbound call management. Like other ERP vendors who have entered the CRM market, J.D. Edwards is able to leverage its existing back office applications to broaden the definition of CRM functionality. It uses the phrase “lead to cash”to encapsulate the breadth of its functionality –from the creation of a lead toprospecting, quoting, order creation, inventory checking, order tracking, delivery and finally collections. Data integration is another bragging point. A feature known as Data Model Inheritance allows the vendor’s CRM and ERP applications to share data, so that all users operate on the same information. J.D. Edwards focuses on B2B companies, and fitting its target market, the solution does include Partner Relationship Management (PRM) functionality. The newness of J.D. Edward’s CRM solution (less than one year since acquiring YOUcentric) may be a disadvantage in the short term when competing against more established CRM vendors. Kana (iCARE Suite)Kana positions itself in the eCRM space touting its iCARE suite as a link between contact centers and marketing departments. The company offers its products as separate components or bundled in suites. The three suites are the Service Solution, the Marketing Solution and the Commerce Analytics Solution. As a result of its roots as an eService applications vendor, Kana’s Service Solution is by far the most robust of the three. Included in it are modules for contact center, email response management, self-service, knowledge management, outbound email notifications, and analytics. The Marketing Solution consists of only campaign automation and analytics. The Commerce Analytics Solution seems more like a feature than a full-fledged “solution.”It delivers information on customer behavior and patterns by combining information fromonline sources, such as customer behavior and click stream data, and offline data such as purchasing and demographic information. Kana’s current offering is the result of several years of acquisitions, the most recent was its 2001 purchase of Broadbase. As a result, tight integration across its product lines should not be expected for sometime. Integration with external systems, however, is an important element of Kana’s offering. The Web-architected solution provides integration capabilities for EAI, CTI and e-commerce engine integration. 客户关系管理(CRM)解决方案7 T HEC U S T O M E RR E L A T I O N S H I P M A N A G E M E N TS O L U T I O N S G U I D E Independent Reviews of CRM ProductsJune 2002Published byThe CRM Solutions Guide is a free report for CRMGuru’smembers. Since we published the first Guide in October 2000, we’ve continued to update our coverage of CRM products, plus added advice to select products to best meet the needs of your business.These are independent reviews of important vendors, which were picked based on the expert opinions of the reviewers and CRMGuru editorial staff. Please note that there are dozens of other CRM vendors that could be considered “leading”in their target markets. This Guide does not include vendors specializing in all application niches or industry verticals.While believes the vendors included in this Guide are options worth considering in your CRM projects, please don’t view this report as a “preferred vendor list”or an endorsement of any kind. It’s not. Furthermore, CRM vendors should not use their inclusion in this Guide for any marketing purposes whatsoever.Regards,Bob ThompsonFounder, ****@***.c*mThis report contains trademarked names of both companies and products.While believes the information presented isaccurate, the opinions expressed are the sole responsibility of the reviewers. Front Line Solutions and accept no liability for decisions made based on the information presented in this report. Contact vendors forcurrent product information.© 2002 and Front Line Solutions. All Rights Reserved.Reproduction and Distribution Strictly Prohibited.For reprint permission and fees, contact ****@***.c*m. is a service of Front Line Solutions.Table of ContentsA Guide to Evaluating CRM Software (1)Multi-Function CRM Suites for Medium to Large Enterprises (5)Applix (iCRM) (5)Chordiant (Chordiant 5) (5)Clarify (Amdocs Clarify CRM) (5)eGain (E3) (6)Epicor (eFrontOffice powered by Clientele) (6)E.piphany (E.piphany E.6) (6)Firstwave (eCRM 7.0) (7)J.D. Edwards (J.D. Edwards CRM v 1.1) (7)Kana (iCARE Suite) (7)Onyx (Onyx Enterprise) (8)Oracle (CRM 11i) (8)Optima (ExSellence) (8)PeopleSoft (PeopleSoft 8.4 CRM) (9)Pivotal (eBusiness and CRM Suite) (9)Point Information Systems (e-point 6)/S1 Corporation (9) RightNow (eService Center) (10)SAP (mySAP CRM 3.0) (10)Siebel (Siebel 7) (10)Talisma (Talisma CRM) (11)White Pajama (CRM Contact Center) (11)CRM Solutions For a Small to Medium Businesses (12) Introduction (12)Interact Commerce Corp. (ACT!2000) (14)Front Range Solutions (Goldmine Front Office) (14)Multiactive (Maximizer 7.0 Enterprise) (15)Commence (Commence RM) (15)SuperOffice ASA (SuperOffice 5) (16)SalesLogix (Interact Commerce Corporation) (16) software AG (marketing manager®) (17)CRM Software for Rent : UpShot, Salesforce and Salesnet (17)A G UIDE TO E V ALUATING CRM S OFTWAREby Jay Chang, Structured Chaos, Inc.One of the most popular questions I receive is some variation on “How do I evaluate CRM software?”Many seek a detailed checklist of functional specifications against which every package can be measured and weighed, and the winner easily quantified and defended. This is a typically IT-oriented viewpoint. The easy part of a CRM evaluation is boiling down a wish list of functional capability into a series of yes/no responses. The hard part is trying to figure out that list in the first place. A product may have everything you want on that checklist, and more. Like they say on TV, “It slices! It dices! It cuts through cans!”Of course, such lists are typically missing the most important question, which is “what isthe business need?”CRM projects are highly complex. With CRM, you are attempting a sea change in the way you relate to your customer, much like ERP was a sea change in how you organize and operate your business.However, unlike ERP, which dealt with primarily back-office functions that required customization of a set of fairly structured systems, CRM deals with a series of processes and functions that every company considers unique. After all, there are only so many ways to manage your supply chain and a generalledger is a general ledger no matter what the industry. But how a company markets, sells, and manages its most important asset –its customers –is highly variable. This can be seen in the wide variety of vendors in the space, and the variation between similar products in the same market niche.The Evaluation ProcessSo how do you evaluate a universe as varied as that of CRM? The most important evaluation criteria have nothing to do with server platform, processor requirements, or any of the other usual “techie”criteria. Instead, CRM requirements definition starts with business need. More importantly, it requires anenvisioning of “to-be”processes rather than “as-is”processes. Once the envisioning process is stable, you can begin todecide what the product-specific functional needs may be. Product selection is almostancillary compared to the process change that a large scale CRM implementation will bring to multiple organizations within your company. Once those are resolved, it becomes a matter of wading through the CRM product marketplace in search of appropriate vendors.This figure represents CRM functionality as it applies to a prototypical enterprise. While simplistic, it allows youto focus on either specific aspects of CRM or look atoverall functionality. It also shows how the various organizations fit with each other and illustrates whyCRM projects are so complex. Note that the traditionalfront office stovepipes can (if desired) have common butseparate definitions of “customer,”and that thestovepipes can be extended thru to all levels of thegraphic. Thus, for example, I can examine a marketingpackage in terms of its interaction managementcapabilities, its marketing-specific workflow functions,and its data repository. I can also look at that package’sability to do marketing-specific analysis and integrate with legacy sales, CSS, and back-end applications.However, it is the merging of these definitions and functions into one common repository that bringsCRM’s true power to light. The areas in blue are whatare typically viewed as being CRM functions; the gray areas are expansions of CRM that some vendors are using to sell their packages. I’ll start with the areas in blue and then discuss the gray areas later.At the heart of the CRM solution is data. That data represents an organization’s customers and it is vital to the success of a CRM effort that everyone has the same understanding and definition of “customer.”A simple concept, but long hours and many dollars have been spent defining this to the satisfaction of the various data silos that comprise most companies. Supported by the customer data are the functions that are specific to Marketing, Sales, and Customer Service/Support (CSS). Each has a stake in what comprises a customer. Each views customers through different lenses. And each has specific requirements around what it takes to properly manage and support the business processes surrounding their view of “customer.”Marketing, Sales, and Customer ServiceMarketing tends to look at customers through macro lenses.Despite all the talk about one-to-one marketing, marketing campaigns are targeted at relatively large classes of people. The granularity of these classes can vary, but they are still aggregated groups of demographic characteristics. No marketing department ever created a campaign for Jay Chang –they created a campaign that targeted Asian males between the ages of 25 and 35 who have a propensity for buying the latest electronic gadgets, much to the consternation of the family budget. It just so happens that I fall into that demographic and so am highly susceptible to those types of pitches. While personalization is an aspect of marketing, it is not marketing in the true sense –crafting a specific, individualized pitch to woo the prospect. Personalization is more like targeted browsing. From a marketing perspective, it allows the marketer to simulate a closer bond between the company and the prospect.Sales functions tend to be much more individually focused. To the sales rep, it’s all one-to-one interaction and a good salesman is a master of personalization as well as targeted pitches. Sales reps only care about tools that help them sell. Tell a rep a tool will help the central office track his activities and I can almost guarantee that tool will never be used. But tell a rep the tool will let her make three extra calls a day or spend an extra five hours a week in the field meeting her customers and you stand a fighting chance of getting her to use that tool. The biggest bane of SFA projects has been that the tools don’t aid in the selling per-se –rather, it assists in the management of the sale, an important but distinct concept.CSS agents look at how to maximize their time. Since call centers are typically monitored by throughput (number of calls per hour and the like), agents want to be able to close calls as efficiently as possible. Secondary measures such as cross sales presentations and up-sell volumes can also be used, but outside of the financial services industry, these are not common. Thus, for CSS organizations, the critical components are those that present relevant contextual information quickly and efficiently. Also critical are simple interfaces that allow rapid training. This is due to the high levels of turnover associated with many CSS organizations. To the agent, a customer can exist in a total vacuum –with no prior knowledge, the good CSS agent establishes a connection with the customer, resolves their issue and cements a solid relationship association to the corporate entity. This is a huge challenge since most interactions start out non-committal at best and antagonistic at worst.Workflow Automation and Interaction ManagementWithin and between these various functions is the concept of workflow automation. Workflow is the linkage both within each set of organizational functions as well as the linkage between organizations. These are typified by paper or electronic transfers. Old-line companies tend to use paper processes (whether the papershuffling is done online or off doesn’t matter). More advanced companies use intelligent routing of information to make informed decisions. Using workflow allows business rules to be encapsulated。
三、策略与措施1. 精细化客户分析:根据客户特点,将客户按价值、需求进行分类,针对不同分类的客户制定相应的销售策略和服务方案。
2. 客户拓展与发展:除了与现有客户之间的维护工作外,还要积极寻求新客户,扩大公司的客户群体。
3. 专业化服务队伍:加强培训,提高员工的专业素质和服务水平,使其能够提供更好的客户服务。
4. 客户反馈机制:建立客户意见反馈渠道,及时收集客户的意见和建议,对客户意见进行分析并及时改进相关的产品和服务。
5. 营销与推广活动:通过有吸引力的营销和推广活动来提高企业的品牌知名度和企业形象。
五、预期效果通过实施本客户关系管理工作方案,我们预期实现以下效果:1. 提高客户满意度:通过精细化客户服务,有效解决客户问题,提高客户满意度。
2. 增加客户黏性:通过专业化的服务和针对性的销售策略,增加客户对公司的信任和忠诚度,提高客户的黏性。
3. 增强市场竞争力:优化客户关系管理体系,增加市场份额,提高公司在市场中的竞争力。
二、目标和战略1. 目标- 提高客户满意度- 培养客户忠诚度- 提升客户回购率- 扩大客户群体2. 战略- 建立客户数据库:收集客户信息,包括基本信息、购买历史和偏好等。
- 个性化服务:根据客户需求和偏好定制服务,提供个性化的产品推荐。
- 持续沟通:建立有效的沟通渠道,定期与客户进行互动,满足其需求并获得反馈。
- 培养客户忠诚度:开展客户关怀计划,例如赠送礼品、提供会员特权等。
- 运用技术工具:利用CRM软件或系统,管理客户信息、跟踪交互记录和进行数据分析。
三、执行计划1. 数据收集与分析- 收集客户基本信息:姓名、性别、年龄、职业等。
- 记录购买历史:产品、数量、价格、购买时间等。
- 分析数据:根据购买行为和偏好进行分类和分析,以便个性化服务和精准营销。
2. 维护客户关系- 定期沟通:通过电子邮件、短信、电话等方式与客户保持联系,并提供有价值的信息和优惠。
- 赠送礼品:根据客户生日、纪念日等重要时刻,给予客户特别礼遇,增强客户的归属感。
- 专属客户活动:定期举办针对VIP客户的活动,提供独特的优惠和体验,增进客户忠诚度。
3. 个性化服务- 推荐产品:根据客户购买历史和偏好,主动向其推荐可能感兴趣的产品。
- 场景化定制:针对特定客户,提供与其需求相关的个性化定制方案,例如定制旅游线路、定制购物清单等。
4. 数据分析与改进- 分析客户行为:通过分析客户购买行为、互动记录等,发现潜在的需求和机会。
- 优化策略:根据数据分析结果,调整和改进客户关系管理策略,以提高效果和效率。
四、组织与资源1. 管理团队- CRM经理:负责制定和执行客户关系管理计划,协调各个部门的合作。
(完整版)客户关系管理工作实施方案客户关系管理工作实施方案1. 背景随着市场竞争的加剧和客户需求的不断变化,公司意识到必须加强对客户关系的管理,以提高客户满意度和忠诚度,从而增强企业竞争力。
2. 目标- 提高客户满意度和忠诚度。
- 增加销售和业务发展机会。
- 加强客户关系管理流程和系统。
- 建立良好的客户关系管理团队。
3. 实施策略3.1 建立客户档案建立客户档案是客户关系管理的基础。
3.2 客户分类与维护我们将对客户进行分类,根据客户的价值和潜力制定不同的维护策略。
3.3 客户反馈与改进通过主动收集客户的反馈意见和建议,我们将及时了解客户的需求和不满意之处,并积极改进我们的产品和服务。
3.4 团队培训与激励我们将对客户关系管理团队进行持续培训,提升他们的专业知识和技能。
4. 实施计划我们将按照以下计划实施客户关系管理工作:- 第一阶段(1个月):建立客户档案,培训团队成员。
- 第二阶段(3个月):对客户进行分类和维护,进行客户满意度测评。
- 第三阶段(6个月):持续进行客户反馈与改进,推广客户关系管理理念。
5. 评估与调整为了确保客户关系管理工作的持续改进,我们将定期进行评估和调整。
为此,明基逐鹿特基于微软Dynamics TM 3.0专业版,结合明基逐鹿多年的客户关系管理经验,为企业提供了一个完整的客户关系管理解决方案,帮助企业管理与客户的第一次接触到实现交易到售后服务的整个客户管理过程,更好的理解客户需求,并对客户需求做出及时地响应,最终改善客户关系,提高企业竞争力。
特点以客户为中心开展您的业务客户关系是企业业务的核心? 微软CRM提供了强大的CRM功能,针对中小企业的需求并充分利用其现有资源,提供方便的培训、定制和维护,以便您高效而经济地定制、整合和维护的客户关系管理解决方案。
提高雇员生产率易于学习和使用- 微软CRM提供了熟悉、直观的用户界面,集中的活动管理,以及单击访问信息、报告、销售和客户服务功能。
通过微软CRM,无论是否在线,销售和服务人员都可以在微软Outlook中使用所有的功能,或利用Web 浏览器在任何地方工作;查看和更新关于各项活动和内部新闻的关键信息;在一个中心站点上管理任务、约会和相互沟通;迅速访问您的E-mail、行程安排、销售和客户服务模块和报告。
二、目标设定1. 构建完整的客户信息数据库,实现客户信息统一管理。
2. 提高客户满意度,提升客户忠诚度。
3. 优化客户服务流程,提高服务效率。
4. 降低客户投诉率,减少客户流失。
三、核心策略1. 客户细分:根据客户属性、消费行为、需求特征等因素,将客户划分为不同细分市场,实现精准营销和服务。
2. 个性化服务:针对不同客户群体,提供定制化的产品和服务,满足客户个性化需求。
3. 客户关怀:定期与客户保持沟通,关注客户需求变化,提供有针对性的关怀措施。
4. 持续改进:通过客户反馈,不断优化产品和服务,提升客户满意度。
四、实施方案1. 客户信息管理- 建立客户信息数据库,记录客户基本信息、消费记录、服务记录等。
- 定期更新客户信息,确保信息准确性和完整性。
- 加强客户信息安全管理,遵守相关法律法规,保护客户隐私。
2. 客户细分与营销策略- 根据客户属性、消费行为等因素,将客户分为不同细分市场。
- 针对每个细分市场,制定相应的营销策略和产品推广方案。
3. 个性化服务与客户关怀- 针对不同客户群体,提供个性化服务方案。
- 定期开展客户满意度调查,了解客户需求和满意度,及时调整服务策略。
- 关注客户重要时刻,提供有针对性的关怀措施。
4. 客户服务与支持- 优化客户服务流程,简化服务环节,提高服务效率。
- 建立多渠道客户服务体系,包括电话、线上客服、社交媒体等。
- 加强客户培训与支持,提升客户使用产品和服务的能力。
5. 客户反馈与持续改进- 设立客户反馈渠道,鼓励客户提出意见和建议。
- 定期分析客户反馈,找出问题原因,制定改进措施。
- 将客户反馈纳入企业持续改进体系,形成闭环管理。
客户关系管理系统解决方案1 XX公司客户关系管理系统(CRM)解决方案目录一、CRM理论概述(2)1.问题的提出(2)2.问题的解决方案(3)3.CRM概念(3)4.CRM的发展和现状(4)5.CRM系统在企业应用系统中的地位(5)6、CRM给企业带来什么(6)二、P IVOTAL E R ELATIONSHIP功能简介(9) 1市场营销-功能模块清单(9)1.1运作功能(10)1.2管理功能(13)2.销售队伍自动化- 功能模块清单(14)2.1运作功能(16)2.2管理功能(21)3.客户支持- 功能模块清单(23)三、P IVOTAL R ELATIONSHIP 的体系结构(31)1 Pivotal 系统结构(31)2 Pivotal Relationship 的DNA体系结构(32)3.Pivotal Relationship系统运行平台(33)四、P IVOTAL R ELATIONSHIP 的定制开发(34)1定制开发工具(Customization Toolkit)和方法(34)2 Pivotal Relationship应用系统的定制开发流程(38)五、总结(39)1.选择CRM (39)2.选择Pivotal Relationship解决方案(39)3.选择东大阿尔派作为CRM方案提供商(39)一、CRM理论概述1.问题的提出在信息经济时代,对企业来说谁对市场反应速度快,谁将在激烈的市场竞争中占据有利的地位。
客户关系管理范本在现代商业社会中,客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management, CRM)被视为一种重要的商业策略,用于建立和维护与客户之间的良好关系。
业务员对客户每次报价的内容和过程一目了 然,避免了由于沟通渠道不畅造成的报价混乱。
投入产出分析 通过对市场活动从参与客户、销售机会、销售任 务直到销售订单进行全程跟踪,定量分析市场活动的 投入与产出。
通过对产品销售进行特征分析,根据产品的不 同特征与销量的内在联系和发展趋势,发现市场的 需求热点。
服务管理 决策支持
客户信息整理 通过对客户档案信息、交往记录、报价记录、交 易记录、反馈情况等信息的动态获取和分析,使企业 多角度地把握客户需要,全面透视客户情况。
挖掘老客户 根据交易历史分析分析老客户的购买倾向,帮 助企业在老客户中挖掘新的销售机会,提高客户资 源的整体价值。
联想IT 1for1客户关系管理解决方案提供了一个统一 的工作平台,市场营销人员和客户服务人员可以实时共 享客户的信息资源,通过对客户快速准确的服务响应实 现新的销售,通过客户关怀和客户跟踪赢得潜在客户, 通过“一对一”的营销方式获得客户个性化的信息,提 高服务满意度。
如何不断改善客户关系,掌握更多的客户信息, 提高客户满意度?
如何在日益激烈的市场竞争中把握机会,占有更 大的市场份额?
如何建立高效业务流程,降低运营成本,获取更 多的利润? 以上问题已成为企业生存、发展的三大核心问题。
高新科技、医药及医疗器械、电子设备、信息 通讯、咨询服务、家电、汽配、食品百货、建材装 饰、交通运输、旅游、保险、房地产、金融证券、 网络产业。
客户关系管理方案范文1. 背景介绍随着市场竞争的日益激烈,企业越来越意识到客户关系的重要性。
2. 客户分类为了更好地管理客户关系,首先需要对客户进行分类。
根据客户的特征和需求,将客户分为以下几类:2.1 潜在客户潜在客户是指对企业产品或服务感兴趣,但尚未成为正式客户的个人或机构。
针对潜在客户,我们可以采取以下策略:- 开展市场调研,了解潜在客户的需求和偏好;- 提供针对潜在客户的优惠活动,吸引他们与企业建立联系;- 定期发送营销邮件或短信,向潜在客户介绍企业的产品和服务。
2.2 新客户新客户是指最近加入企业客户群体的个人或机构。
对于新客户,我们应该:- 欢迎新客户加入,发送个性化的欢迎邮件或短信;- 提供新客户专属的优惠活动,鼓励他们继续购买和使用产品或服务;- 定期与新客户进行沟通,了解他们的使用体验和反馈。
2.3 保留客户保留客户是指已经成为忠实客户并持续购买和使用企业产品或服务的个人或机构。
对于保留客户,我们应该:- 提供个性化的客户服务,解决他们的问题和需求;- 定期与保留客户进行互动,了解他们的满意度和建议;- 推出客户奖励计划,鼓励保留客户继续选择我们的产品或服务。
3. 客户关系管理工具为了更有效地管理客户关系,我们可以借助一些客户关系管理工具。
以下是几种常用的客户关系管理工具:3.1 客户关系管理软件客户关系管理软件可以帮助企业集中管理客户信息、销售数据和营销活动等。
3.2 社交媒体平台社交媒体平台如微博、微信公众号等也是管理客户关系的有效工具。
3.3 客户调研工具客户调研工具可以帮助企业了解客户对产品和服务的满意度、需求和期望。
客户关系管理模板(正文开始)一、引言在当今竞争激烈的市场环境中,客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM)成为企业提升竞争力、实现可持续发展的重要策略之一。
三、模板结构1. 客户信息管理该模板包含一个客户信息管理系统,用于记录和管理客户的基本信息,包括姓名、联系方式、所属公司、职位等。
2. 交互记录该模板还包括交互记录功能,用于记录与客户的沟通和互动情况。
3. 销售机会管理客户关系管理模板中还包含了销售机会管理功能,帮助企业跟踪和管理与客户相关的销售机会。
4. 客户服务管理客户关系管理模板还提供了客户服务管理功能,帮助企业提供高质量的客户服务。
5. 绩效分析客户关系管理模板还包含了绩效分析功能,用于评估客户关系管理活动的效果。
客户关系管理方案模板一、引言在当今竞争激烈的商业环境中,客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM)成为企业提升竞争力和实现可持续发展的关键因素之一。
二、目标和目的1. 目标:建立稳固的客户关系,提升客户满意度,增加客户忠诚度和购买频率。
2. 目的:实现销售增长,提高市场份额,提升企业竞争力。
三、关键要素1. 人员:拥有专业的客户关系管理团队,包括销售人员、客户服务人员和市场营销人员。
2. 流程:建立清晰的销售流程、客户服务流程和市场营销流程,确保各个环节衔接顺畅。
3. 技术:采用先进的CRM系统和工具,实现客户信息的集中管理和分析。
4. 数据:收集、整理和分析客户数据,为决策提供准确的客户洞察。
5. 沟通:建立良好的沟通机制,确保与客户的沟通畅通无阻。
四、策略与实施1. 客户分析:通过市场调研和数据分析,对客户进行细分,确定不同细分市场的需求和特点。
2. 客户接触:建立客户接触计划,包括电话、邮件、社交媒体等多种方式,与客户保持频繁的互动。
3. 客户关怀:制定客户关怀计划,包括生日祝福、节日问候、专属优惠等,增强客户对企业的好感和忠诚度。
4. 售后服务:建立完善的售后服务体系,及时解决客户问题和投诉,提供高质量的客户支持。
5. 数据分析:利用CRM系统和工具对客户数据进行分析,发现潜在机会和问题,并制定相应的策略和措施。
6. 绩效评估:设立客户关系管理的关键绩效指标,定期评估和调整策略,确保客户关系管理方案的有效实施。
五、预期效果1. 提升客户满意度:通过有效的客户关系管理,提供个性化的产品和服务,满足客户的需求和期望。
2. 增加销售额:通过客户细分和精准营销,提高销售转化率和客户购买频率。
3. 促进业务增长:建立稳固的客户关系,增加客户忠诚度和口碑传播,吸引新客户并扩大市场份额。
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金蝶客户关系管理解决方案方案概述客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM),其核心思想是将企业的客户(包括最终客户、分销商和合作伙伴)作为最重要的企业资源,通过完善的客户服务和深入的客户分析来满足客户的需求,保证实现客户的终生价值。
面向成长型企业的客户关系管理解决方案金蝶 CRM整体定位于为成长型企业提供完整的客户关系管理解决方案。
金蝶 CRM的产品市场定位于优先满足中小企业CRM复杂应用和大中型企业CRM的中端应用,逐步向部分行业的高端应用渗透。
金蝶 CRM侧重于运营型,分析型CRM,并可以和协作型CRM良好地集成运作。
企业绩效管理(Business Performance Management)就是管理者通过一定的方法和制度确保企业及其子系统(部门、流程、工作团队和员工个人)的绩效成果能够与企业的战略目标保持一致,并促进企业战略目标实现的过程。
它通过一组全球普遍采用的工具和方法,来辅助企业正确地制定战略,并将企业战略逐渐分解为部门和个人的关键绩效指标(Key Performance Indication,简称KPIs),制定相应的行动计划,在执行过程中进行有效监控,并协助企业恰当地调整战略。
基于BPM的客户绩效管理系统:全面贯彻BPM核心思想,提供一套流程与方法管理客户绩效,帮助企业顺利实施CRM 战略。