
放卷机构测厚机构CPC 纠偏A 面涂布A 面烘干EPC 纠偏测厚机构牵引机构CPC 纠偏B 面涂布B 面烘干EPC 纠偏牵引机构测厚机构EPC 纠偏收卷机构供料系统陶瓷涂布CCD 测宽供料系统陶瓷涂布CCD 测宽CCD 缺陷双层挤压涂布机运行流程图(2)双层挤压涂布机布局图(96000X4700X5400)。
(3)涂布方式•连续涂布:一般动力电池(EV)涂布方式•间隙涂布:一般为消费型电池(CE)涂布方式•斑马涂布:一般为消费型电池(CE)涂布方式连续涂布间隙涂布斑马涂布(4)设备相关参数•设备外形尺寸:96000(长)X4700(宽)X5400(高)•机械速度:100m/min、涂布速度:70m/min•烤箱长度:70m(5/m一节X14)、油加热、主动辊传动•涂布钢辊圆跳动:≤2um、过辊圆跳动:≤30um/m、模头唇口直线度≤2um/m •型腔平面度:≤4um/m、光栅尺分辨率:0.1um•过辊平行度•过辊水平度机构内过辊间平行度0.04mm 机构与机构之间辊间平行度0.04mm 烤箱内主动辊间平行度0.15mm涂布钢辊水平度0.02mm 机构内过辊水平度0.04mm 机构内主动辊水平度0.06mm 胶压辊水平度0.1mm(5)涂布基材、浆料相关参数•锂电池有正负极,所以涂布浆料也分正极和负极•正极有点胶,负极无点胶名称正极(阴极)负极(阳极)AT9/AT11材料(基材)铝箔铜箔/厚度8-20um4-20um/硅碳/石墨氧化铝/勃姆石材料(浆料)NCM(镍钴锰酸锂)/LFP(磷酸铁锂)/钴酸锂/三元溶剂NMP去离子水NMP固含量40-80%30-80%15-30%粘度3000-16000Pa.s2000-10000Pa.s600-3000Pa.s黏度:液体受外力作用而流动,分子间所呈现的内摩擦或流动内阻力。

Applicator roll swivelling
Operating position
Standby position
1 roller applicator unit(辊式涂布装置) 2 hydraulic cylinder(液压缸) 3 pivot bearing(旋转轴承)
Applicator roll swivelling
Applicator roll
1 color pan(颜料盘) 2 color distribution pipe(颜料分配管) 3 applicator roll(涂布辊)
Applicator roll speed approx. 20% of backing roll speed.(涂布辊的速度大约 为背辊速度的20%)
operating position 工作位置
cleaning position 清洗位置
Applicator roll gap
1 screw jack element(螺旋千斤顶) 2 handwheel with position indicator(操纵 轮和位置指示器) 3 limit stop(限位器) 4 Stand(支架)
Metering beam
1 spacer unit 2 cross member 3 hydraulic cylinder 4 device for adjusting metering beam angle 5 bearing arm 6 metering beam bearing arm 7 blade holder
A Technological part B Technical components C Operation D Maintenance E Safety

1.3设备主要配置设备主要配置:序号名称品牌1.空气开关知名品牌2.PLC3.彩色触摸屏国际知名品牌4.模块5.中间继电器6.伺服电机7.行星减速机8.断路器9.交流接触器10.固态继电器11.热保护12.温控器13.全自动纠偏光电纠偏14.前张力全自动张力15.后张力伺服张力16.主放(收)料电机17.光纤电眼18.无杆气缸19.推动汽缸CKD20.深沟球轴承(机头)1.4、设备功能:1.5、各部分结构介绍:1.5.1、放卷机构1.5.4、牵引机构:1.5.5、收卷机构:功能与放卷一样,增加如下1.5.6、控制系统:.5.7、涂布设备外型尺寸及质量:25000X1800X2500mm5T1.5.8、配件及辅助设施:涂布辊、背辊、刮刀每台各1件,般运小车2台,;1.6、外观除不锈钢部分,设备主体颜色买方指定,其它表示和标志性颜色按相关标准1.7、设备精度:间歇式涂布机主要验收指标要求涂覆精度配套设施1)电源:3PH380V,50HZ,电压波动范围:+8%~–8%;电源总功率120KW,正常使用功率总功率的(正常运行耗电量为50%~65%,与浆料固含量等有关);压缩空气:经干燥、过滤和稳压后:出气压力大于5.0kg/cm2;Welcome To Download !!!欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!。
Strongway 150-Lb. Drywall and Panel Hoist 产品说明书

150-Lb. Drywall and Panel HoistOwner’s ManualWARNING: Read carefully and understand all ASSEMBLY AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS before operating. Failure to follow the safety rules and other basic safety precautions may result in serious personal injury.Item #57395Thank you very much for choosing a Strongway™ product!For future reference, please complete the owner’s record below:Serial Number/Lot Date Code: ________________________________ Purchase Date: ____________________________________________ Save the receipt, warranty, and this manual. It is important that you read the entire manual to become familiar with this product before you begin using it.This hoist is designed for certain applications only. Northern Tool and Equipment is not responsible for issues arising from modification or improper use of this product such as an application for which it was not designed. We strongly recommend that this product not be modifiedand/or used for any application other than that for which it was designed. For technical questions, please call 1-800-222-5381.Intended Use (4)Technical Specifications (4)Important Safety Information (4)Specific Operation Warnings (6)Assembly Instructions (7)Operating Instructions (11)Maintenance (13)Troubleshooting (13)Parts Diagram (15)Parts List (15)Replacement Parts (16)Limited Warranty (17)The Strongway 150-Lb. Drywall and Panel Hoist is a manual tool for lifting panels for ceilings and false ceilings. The gears and pulley system allow you to exert less physical effort when working.1. Install the two shelves onto the cradle with a butterfly nut.2. Install the two side shelves onto the shelves with a butterfly nut.3. Insert the legs into the leg housing of the central column.4. Pull the anchor when inserting the leg and release it. Make sure it fits into the hole of the leg. Alsomake sure that the legs do not slip from the housing when pulled.5. Place the rack into the central column.6. When the rack is inserted into the central column completely, it should look like this:7. Place the control handle into the rack and attach with a butterfly nut.8. Push the white button to release the control handle from the unit. Push the handle up and hold itcarefully.9. Place the cradle onto the control handle.1. Lock the brakes on the castors while in position.2. Place the board on the extension of the cradle.3. Pull the control handle down to the horizontal position.4. To raise the cradle by turning the rotating crank, turn the handle clockwise, keeping the otherhand firmly on the handlebars. Lift up to the desired height with the desired direction. Now the board can be attached to the ceiling.Maintain the product by adopting a program of conscientious repair and maintenance in accordance with the following recommended procedures. It is recommended that the general condition of any tool be examined before it is used. Keep your tool in good repair. Keep handles dry, clean, and free from oil and grease. The following chart is based on a normal operation schedule.Use the table below to troubleshoot problems before contacting service personnel or your local dealer. If the problem continues after troubleshooting, call your local dealer for assistance.The control handle is locked as shown here. Release the control handle.∙For replacement parts and technical questions, please call Customer Service at 1-800-222-5381. ∙Not all product components are available for replacement. The illustrations provided are a convenient reference to the location and position of parts in the assembly sequence.∙When ordering parts, the following information will be required: item description, item model number, item serial number/item lot date code, and the replacement part reference number.∙The distributor reserves the rights to make design changes and improvements to product lines and manuals without notice.Northern Tool and Equipment Company, Inc. ("We'' or "Us'') warrants to the original purchaser only ("You'' or "Your") that the Strongway product purchased will be free from material defects in both materials and workmanship, normal wear and tear excepted, for a period of one year from date of purchase. The foregoing warranty is valid only if the installation and use of the product is strictly in accordance with product instructions. There are no other warranties, express or implied, including the warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. If the product does not comply with this limited warranty, Your sole and exclusive remedy is that We will, at our sole option and within a commercially reasonable time, either replace the product or product component without charge to You or refund the purchase price (less shipping). This limited warranty is not transferable.Limitations on the WarrantyThis limited warranty does not cover: (a) normal wear and tear; (b) damage through abuse, neglect, misuse, or as a result of any accident or in any other manner; (c) damage from misapplication, overloading, or improper installation; (d) improper maintenance and repair; and (e) product alteration in any manner by anyone other than Us, with the sole exception of alterations made pursuant to product instructions and in a workmanlike manner.Obligations of PurchaserYou must retain Your product purchase receipt to verify date of purchase and that You are the original purchaser. To make a warranty claim, contact Us at 1-800-222-5381, identify the product by make and model number, and follow the claim instructions that will be provided. The product and the purchase receipt must be provided to Us in order to process Your warranty claim. Any returned product that is replaced or refunded by Us becomes our property. You will be responsible for return shipping costs or costs related to Your return visit to a retail store.Remedy LimitsProduct replacement or a refund of the purchase price is Your sole remedy under this limited warranty or any other warranty related to the product. We shall not be liable for: service or labor charges or damage to Your property incurred in removing or replacing the product; any damages, including, without limitation, damages to tangible personal property or personal injury, related to Your improper use, installation, or maintenance of the product or product component; or any indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any kind for any reason.Assumption of RiskYou acknowledge and agree that any use of the product for any purpose other than the specifieduse(s) stated in the product instructions is at Your own risk.Governing LawThis limited warranty gives You specific legal rights, and You also may have other rights which vary from state to state. Some states do not allow limitations or exclusions on implied warranties or incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations may not apply to You. This limited warranty is governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota, without regard to rules pertaining to conflicts of law. The state courts located in Dakota County, Minnesota shall have exclusive jurisdiction for any disputes relating to this warranty.Distributed by:Northern Tool & Equipment Company, Inc.Burnsville, Minnesota 55306Made in China。

涂布机知识讲义锂离子动力电池就是 20 世纪开发成功得新型高能电池。
70 年代进入实用化。
大容量锂离子电池已在电动汽车中试用,将成为 21 世纪电动汽车得主要动力电源之一,并将在人造卫星、航空航天与储能方面得到应用。
Quanser QNET 2.0 VTOL板说明书

TEACH CONTROLS FOR VERTICAL TAKE-OFF AND LANDING The Quanser QNET 2.0 Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL) board is a versatile system designed to teach and demonstrate the fundamentals of flight dynamics and vertical take-off and landing control. Designed exclusively for NI ELVIS platform and LabVIEW™ software, the system can easily be configured to demonstrate various control techniques, including PID and cascade control.HOW IT WORKSThe QNET 2.0 VTOL board consists of a high air flow DC fan with a safety guard, attached to a solid aluminum arm. An adjustable counterweight is attached on the other end of the arm. This allows the position of the weight to be changed, which in turn affects the dynamics of the system. The arm assembly pivots about a single-ended optical encoder shaft. The encoder measures the angular position of the arm, i.e. the VTOL pitch position.Demonstrate the basic principles of flight dynamics and control, using NI ELVIS platform and LabVIEW™ software.QNET 2.0 VERTICAL TAKE-OFF AND LANDING (VTOL) WORKSTATION COMPONENTS• Q NET 2.0 VTOL board • N I ELVIS II or ELVIS II +1•A BET-aligned course resources with comprehensive lab exercises,fully documented system models, and pre-designed VIsQNET VTOL board introduces students to fundamentals of aerospace engineering topics, such as flight dynamics and control.Free-body diagram of QNET VTOLSystem specifications on reverse page.NI Part No. 783652-01P. 2 OF 2 |+1-905-940-3575|****************P. 1 OF 2 Teach MechatronicsTeach ControlTeachPower ElectronicsACCELERATE DISCOVERY WITH NI ELVIS PLATFORMThe NI Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite (NI ELVIS) presents a modular teaching platform suitable for any engineering lab. Integrating 12 most commonly used instruments, including an oscilloscope, digital multimeter, function generator, dynamic signal analyzer in one device allows for quick and easy measurement, design and prototyping in an educational laboratory setting.With a wide range of Quanser plug-and-play add-on boards for NI ELVIS, you can give students a great lab experience, and increases the value of your investment in NI ELVIS and LabVIEW software. Plus the comprehensive courseware reduces your lab planning time and allows you to focus on higher-value tasks.For the full range of Quanser QNET boards, visit ¹*************************************************************************************SYSTEMSPECIFICATIONSQNET 2.0 VTOL BOARDAbout Quanser:Quanser is the world leader in education and research for real-time control design and implementation. We specialize in outfitting engineering control laboratories to help universities captivate the brightest minds, motivate them to success and produce graduates with industry-relevant skills. Universities worldwide implement Quanser’s open architecture control solutions, industry-relevant curriculum and cutting-edge work stations to teach Introductory, Intermediate or Advanced controls to students in Electrical, Mechanical, Mechatronics, Robotics, Aerospace, Civil, and various other engineering disciplines.Products and/or services pictured and referred to herein and their accompanying specifications may be subject to change without notice. Products and/or services mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Quanser Inc. and/or its affiliates. LabVIEW™ is a trademark of National Instruments. ©2016 Quanser Inc. All rights reserved.v. 1.0|+1-905-940-3575|****************P. 2 OF 2Variable-speed fan with safety guardHigh resolution encoder。

ISO720-3-01-04(第1版)Messrs.SPECIFICATIONfor"HIRANO" Coating Machine( for Battery )DWG. NO.Aug.,20,2010.HIRANO TECSEED Co., Ltd.Coating Machinery, Dept101-1 Kawai, Kawai-choKitakatsuragi-gun, Nara Pref. 636-0051 JAPANTel: (81) 745-57-0685 , Fax: (81) 745-57-10751. General1. Outline:This machine is designed to coat battery slurry on one side of copper/aluminum foil continuously and intermittently and to rewind coated substrate after drying. 2. Scope of work:Design and engineering for the machine.Manufacturing of the machine.HIRANO supplies only hardware and holds the property of all software including but not limited to patents and all drawings of the machine.3. All electric components and panels will comply with followingRequirements .General Area:Electric components: When available, components conforming to JIS standard.4. Mechanical Equipment:The machine is designed and manufactured in Metric System.2. General Technical Data:Coating Condition:1) Raw materials:Kind of material : Aluminum foil. Copper foil.Width of material : 650mm-550mm. 650mm-550mm.Thickness of material: 12-30 µm. 10-30 µm.2) Slurry:Kind of slurry : The slurry should be well disposed and not becoagulated.Solid content : S.C. 65%±5%. S.C. 50%±5%.Viscosity : 3,000-9,000 cps. 3,000-9,000 cps.Solvent : NMP. NMP.Coating weight : 75-150µ per side(dry). 75-150µ per side(dry).Coating width : Max. 630 mm Max. 630 mmCoating speed : Max 10 m/min. Max 10 m/min.(not coating area ≥10mm)3) Mechanical:Mechanical speed : 1.5-15 m/min.Machine speed is not the production speed Roll width : 750 mm.Compressed air : 5 kg/cm² ,non-oil air 120NL/min (supplied by customer).Elecitricity : 380V * 50HZ*3 Phases.Heat source : Heated oil.Explosion-proof : Motors meet Class d2G4,Coating area meet Class eG3.Other Parts: Increased safety or Air Purge Type.Electric Panels: Air Purge Type.4) Calculation base:Base web : Cu.foil/Al. Foil.Weight : 180 g/m2 (20µm).Width : 650 mm.Resin : Slurry.Solid content : Cathode: 65±5% Anode: 50 ±5%Solvent : NMP.Coating thickness : 120µm (single side, dry)Machine speed : 15 m/min.Density of exhaust : L.E.L. 1/4.Temperatrue of air : No. 1-3 zone=120 deg.C.No. 4-6 zone=150 deg.C.Note: These data are used only for calculating out the required heater capacity and exhaust volume and have no relation with actual production speed norproduct quality.5) Coating quality and accuracy:5.1 The outboad edges of coating shall be of the same thickness as in the centerpart so that no ridges will develop on the rewind roll.5.2 Thickness consistency: ≤±2µm for single side and ≤±4µm double sided.5.3 The coating length and width: the coating length and width both for 1st and 2ndsides are measured separately by ruler to meet the tolerance range: <±1mm. 5.4 First-to-second side registration at the initiation and termination ≤±1mm.5.5 First-to-second side alignment at outboard edges (Left and Right)≤±1mm.5.6 Squareness of coating: The maximum distance between initiation or terminationand the line (perpendicular to the foil edge) to be ≤±1mm.5.7 See attached drawingSPECIFICATIONof1) Unwinding DeviceType : Duplex axial fixed type with manual splicer.Unwinding dia : Max. 680 mm.Core I.D. : 3” core.Unwinding direction : From bottom and top.Frame : Made of steel.Chucking system : Mechanical shaft, manual chucking.Side lay : +/- 15mm.Breaking system : Powder clutch with motor. 2 pcsTension: 5-20 kg/full width.Guide roll : 117 mmφmade of Al. with Hcr. Plated. 1 pcE.P.C. unit : Unwiding station body moves, hydraulically 1 setActuated with 0.4 Kw motor, air detection system. Counter : Digital display, 1 set pre-setting. 2 sets Splice table : Table : Made of SUS, with cut guide line.Restrained bar: Arm type.Specificationof2) Coating DeviceType :Comma reverse coating system with intermittent coatingfunction.Intermittent coating:at10 m/min.blank length more than 10mm.Frame :Made of steel.Comma roll :160 mmφmade of steel with Hcr. Plated. 1 pc.Comma roll up/down :AC servo motor with functions including:preset andnumeric display of the gap between comma rolland c-roll, preset and numeric display of commaroll up/down speed.C-roll :160 mm dia. Made of chilled casting with Hcr. Plated, 1pc.driven by servo motor.B-roll :160mm dia.made of steal.covered with EPDM, 1pc.driven by servo motor.Slurry through :Bottom plated made of sus.with scale.Side plate made of foamed polyethylene. 1set.With the traverse function for agitation.Tools to make side plates. 1set. Catch pan :made of stainless steel. 1pc.Feed roll : 160mmΦ made of steel with Hcr.plated. 1pc.120mmΦ coverde with EPDM 1pc. Guide roll : 117mmΦ made of Al.with H cr.plated. 1set.Cleaning doctor : For C-roll cleaning,ON/OFF by air cylinder. 1set. Working stage : Made of steel with checker plates. 1set.Level control : static capacity system level sensor, 1set.the level accuracy to be ≤±3mm.Pattern coating : coating: 200-999mm.Hirano promised to reach 200-2000mmcontrol unit Blank : Min. 10mm. Max. 99mm. 1set. Pattern sensor : for backside coat 1set.Hood for coater : entire coating header area to be fully covered 1set.by means of an explosion proof glass safetyenclosure with clean air purging.Specificationof3) Drying Device(No.1,2&3zone)Type :roll support type.Dryer :3M X 3 zone = 9 Meters.Hot air temperature :40-120 deg.C.Temperature accuracy :set point ±1°C,hot air ±3°C at the mouth of nozzle. Temperature monitoring: 2 in one zone,one above the foil,and oneSensors :below,both to be positioned close to the foil.Dryer body :Inside wall :Made of stainless steel plate.Outside wall :Made of surface treated steel plate.Insulation :75mm thickness glass-wool.Below surface temperature 50 deg.C.(Except for themetal part that connects it with in side.Atmosphere temperature be 20-25 deg.C.)Door :Door with glass window at operator side. 2pcs/zone.Circulating fan :LL type No.3 fan,made of stainless steel,non-spark typeWith inverter control motor.5.5KW explosion proof. 1set/zoneInverter : HIRANO supply 1set/zoneCirculation duct :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for Manufacturing.Nozzle :Made of stainless steel.Upper nozzle: Jet nozzle.Lower nozzle: Punching plate nozzle.Air speed: 3-10M/Sec.Heater :Heater unit are located next to dryer. 1set/zoneMade of SUS.Filter :VILEDON filter at fresh air intake.Explosion vent :Included.Dryer support :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for manufacturing.Guide roll (inside dryer) :98mmΦ made of steel with Hcr.plated. 10pcs/zoneOil piping :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for Manufacturing.Exhaust duct :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for Manufacturing.Fresh air duct :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for Manufacturing.Specificationof4) Drying Device(No.4,5&6zone)Type :Air floatation type.Dryer length :5.25M X 3 zone = 15.75 Meters.Hot air temperature :70-150 deg.C.Temperature accuracy :set point ±1°C,hot air ±3°C at the mouth of nozzle.Temperature monitoring sensors: 2 in one zone,one above the foil,and onebelow,both to be positioned close to the foil.Dryer body :Inside wall : Made of stainless steel plate.Outside wall : Made of surface treated steel plate.Insulation : 75mm thickness glass-wool.Below surface temperature 50 deg.C.(Except for themetal part that connects it with in side.Atmosphere temperature be 20-25 deg.C.)Door :Door with glass window at operator side. 4pcs/zone.Circulating fan :LL type No.3 fan,made of stainless steel,non-spark typeWith inverter control motor.7.5KW explosion proof. 1set/zoneInverter : HIRANO supply 1set/zone Circulation duct :Made of stainless steel. 1set/zoneNozzle :Made of stainless steel,floatation nozzle.Air speed: 9-27M/Sec.Heater :Heater unit are located next to dryer. 1set/zoneFilter :VILEDON filter at fresh air intake.lExhaust duct :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for Manufacturing.Explosion vent :Included.Dryer support :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for manufacturing.Exhaust fan : Made of steel,non-spark type,with inverter. 1setControl motor : 11kw,explosion proof.Oil piping :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for Manufacturing.Fresh air duct :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for Manufacturing.Manometer : 1pc/zone5) Outfeed DeviceE.P.C. unit :Steering roller type,hydraulically actuated.With 0.4KW motor,air detection system. 1setFeed roll :210mmΦ made of steel with Hcr.plated. 1pc.(driven)120mmΦ covered with EPDM. 1pc.W ith cylinder and pneumatic instruments.Guide roll :117mmΦ made of Al.with Hcr.plate d. 1set Dancer roll :117mmΦ made of Al.with Hcr.plated. 1pc. Frame :Made of steel.6) Rewinding DeviceType :Duplex axial fixed type.Rewinding dia. :Max.680mmNote: Depending on the material,shape of would rollmay be telescoped.Specially when winding over Approx.400mm diameter,This is likely to occur.Core I.D. :3”core.Rewinding direction :From bottom and top.Frame :Made of steel.Chucking system :Mechanical shaft,manual chucking. 4pcs Side lay :+/-15mm.Drive system :Dancer control by AC servo motor,Axial change by Clutch.1pc. Tension :5-30 kg/full width,with taper tension control.Touch roll :120mmΦ,made of steel covered with EPDM.Guide roll :117mmΦ made of Al.with Hcr.plated. 1pc.E.P.C.unit :Rewinding station body moves,hydraulically 1setActuated with 0.4kw motor,air detection system. Counter :Two-step pre-setting. 2setsRewind Accuracy :Rolls at diameter 400mm to be rewind with the edgeaccuracy ≤±0.5mm.7) Driving DeviceType : Sectional drive system with AC servo motor.Motor : “B”roll+Infeed1set“C”roll1setGuide roll inside dryer 1setOutfeed roll 1setRewinder 1set“B”roll(Back&Front) 2setsComma roll (up/down) 2sets Transmission parts : Reducer,pulley,belt and etc. 1set8) AttachmentControl pane :Self-standing type,for drive and dryer 1setLocal operation panel :For Unwinder,Coater and Rewinder. 3setsAir purge type.Temperature controller ;With thermo-resistance bulb 6pcsTemperature test display : 2 for each zone,one above the foil 12pcsand one belowRecorder :6-points. 1setGas density meter :Single point (each dryer zone installated one 7setmeter And another meter is installated at inlet1# dryer) Air purge blower : 40M³/min 1set Temperature control valve: 6pcs Pressure difference adjustment device for Thermal Oil. 1pc Air piping : 1set Emergency : 1 on each control panel.9) Spare PartsOne set as in the following:9.1 Bearing for c-roll 2pcs 9.2 Bearing for b-roll 2pcs 9.3 Guide roll 1pc 9.4 belts for driving 1line 9.5 Electric parts 1set 9.6 Control value 1pc 9.7 Filter for dryer 3pcs 9.8 polyethylene foam(500mmX500mm) 50sheets 9.9 Optical fiber of coating senser(two sets total) 1pc 9.10 Doctor for C-roll(750mm type,two sets total) 20pcsSpecificationOf10) Buyer’s ResponsibilityThe following items are not included in HIRANO’s Supply scope:12.1 Foundation works.12.2 Electric wiring works & materials for primary side.12.3 Primary side: From the electric at your side to the main control panel.12.4 Secondary side: From the main control panel to the local Panels, electriccomponent to the junction boxes, and between junction boxes themselves. 12.5 From 1# to 6# exhaust duct and the exhaust duct from the main body to theopen air.12.6 Connection piping works and materials for oil and air, oil piping and fresh airduct from 1# to 6# dryer.12.7 Heat insulation works and materials for piping of oil and for all duct.12.8 Clean air ducts for the coating room works and material; intake purge airducts for coating header enclosure.12.9 Circulation duct of 1#, 2#, 3# dryer.12.10 Dryer support from 1# to 6# dryer.12.11 Exhaust gas treatment device (incinerator or solvent recovery device,etc.)12.12 Air, oil&power source.12.13 Resin mixing & feeding device.12.14 Partial exhaust device.12.15 Hoist or hand fork lift for Unwinder & Rewinder.12.16 Material & energy for trial test.12.17 Ducts after exhaust fan, between machine bodies and the exhaust fan.12.18 Other items not included in the specifications.。

辊与涂辊的相对转动将浆料转移到基材上,然后通过干燥加热蒸发浆 料中的溶剂,使固体物质粘结于基材上。
刮刀 浆料
Amperex Technology Limited
Surpassing customer’s expectation
基材 浆料 A面涂布 干燥 检查:重量、厚度、外观、粘接 浆料 B面涂布 干燥 检查:重量、厚度、外观、粘接
Amperex Technology Limited
Surpassing customer’s expectation
1,浆料: 阴极:锂盐+PVDF+NMP+C粉 的混合悬浊液 阳极:石墨+SBR ( 或PVDF)+DI水(或NMP)+C粉 的混合悬浊液 PVDF:聚偏氟乙烯 SBR:苯乙烯聚丁橡胶 DI水:去离子水 NMP:N-甲基吡喏烷酮 CMC:羟甲基纤维素钠
为保持所生产的极片的一致性,在涂布过程中需要控制的重要参数有: 1,涂布重量 2,涂布尺寸 3,涂布外观

O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N SPower TrowelHGM60WARNING !To reduce the risk of injury, all operators and maintenance personnel must read and understand these instructions, before operating, changing accessories, or performing maintenance on our equipment. All possible situations can not be covered in these instructions. Care must be exercised by everyone using, maintaining or working near this equipment.I. ApplicationThe high-efficient, easily-operated combustion trowel, are used to floating and polishing the surface of concrete with ideal effect. Floating weight, speed choice of blades and the height control handhold can produce the excellent high output.II. Warning1. To be safe, Notice must be set up on the spot to keep non-expert (especially for kids) from the working area 2 meters at least. In case of happening, the machine must be shut down at once.2. Operating the trowel with level or keeping angle of inclination less then 20 degrees to stop oil running over from tank so as to it could work well.3. Not to be injured, when it is working, please do not step on the protection cover of trowel.4. When starting, operator must keep controlling with a safe working distance.5. Please wear the special shoes to protect yourself when working.6. Adding oil in airiness place and screwing down the cover tightly after finishing. Please check if the tank is leaked each time, if did, please do not start it before repairing.7. No adding oil when engine is little hot even or it is running. Keeping oil clean and making sure oil is not too full otherwise it would be run over and jam carburetor, once oil run over please clean it before starting.III. Inspection before starting1. Check the engine lubricating oilScrew the oil scale and clean the oil on the oil scale. Then insert the oil scale again to check the oil level. If the engine oil is low, it should be refilled to the proper position. Its volume is 0.6L.2. Recommendation engine lubricating oilUsually type SAE10W-30 lubricating oil is recommended. It is applied to normal temperature environment. If single-viscosity oil is used, please choose the viscosity in accord with the average temperature in different area.3. Check the bolts and screwsCheck all bolts and screws on the machine and make sure all bolts and screws are tight.4. Check the oil boxMake sure it has enough oil in the box. More than 90# without lead gas must be used and 93# gas is strongly recommended without lead. The gas and engine oil mixed can not be used. Please keep the gas from dirt, water and sundries etc.IV. Operation1. Start1.1 Turn on the engine switch.1.2 Screw the fuel valve to “ON”.1.3 Close the choke valve. If the machine is hot or in high temperature weather, no needto close the choke valve.1.4 Please also turn throttle lever handle right a little.1.5 Gently pulling the handle up till feeling converse power and then immediately andrapidly pull the handle rope to start engine.1.6 Notice for altitude:In the altitude area, when the standard carburetor is applied, in that case, because of less oxygen in the air, thickness of oil too high in mixed gas cause the engine work with low efficiency and consuming oil much more than normal. Therefore carburetor with a smaller aperture should be used and idle speed of carburetor should readjust in order to improve capability of engine running efficiency. However, in this case, engine power will reduce about 3.5% on the average when the altitude of work spot is heightened about 300 meters every time.2. Usage of trowel2.1 After starting, when it is warming up, please move the handle of choke valve to “OPEN”.2.2 Set throttle lever right end.2.3 Trowel is designed for working on the surface of watered and compacted concrete inlevel o r in little inclination. Trowel’s working principle adopted the acentric-clutchsystem to drive gear box. The clutch begins to drive belt to work when you change the idle speed of engine to accelerate. Controlling the rotating of trowel by the lever of accelerograph on the machine handrail is to adjust rotating of trowel.2.4 Operation of trowel on watered and compaction concrete area, you should stress thehandrail down to control its working direction. As operator, you should know that you stress the handrail down its working direction towards right side, handrail up, and then it is towards left. If working forward or afterward, you should use the rotated power on handrail. If you put it in order power, machine will work forwards, conversely it will be backwards.2.5 Inclination of trowel will be regulated by handwheel of the top of handrail. Thehandwheel rotated in order will cause the angle of inclination increased. Oppositely, it will be decreased.3. Power offIn emergency, switch could be off directly. Normally to operate it as followed3.1 Put controlling lever of accelerograph to the left end.3.2 Move the switch of engine to “OFF”3.3 Set the oil valve on “OFF”4. Replacing blade (the original blade will still be used by opposite site)4.1 Put the trowel on the ground.4.2 Screw off the bolt of fixed blade4.3 Take up protection cover and install new blade, make sure the fixed blade bolt tightened.V.Malfunction list and correctionToo much lubrication in eccentric block Adjust the lubrication to the proper levelMalfunction of eccentric block Repair it VI. Parts listHGM60 PARTS LIST 1HGM60 PARTS LIST 311。

2. PLC
3. 彩色触摸屏国际知名品牌
4. 模块
5. 中间继电器
6. 伺服电机
7. 行星减速机
8. 断路器
9. 交流接触器
10. 固态继电器
11. 热保护
12. 温控器
13. 全自动纠偏光电纠偏
14. 前张力全自动张力
15. 后张力伺服张力
16. 主放(收)料电机
17. 光纤电眼
18. 无杆气缸
19. 推动汽缸 CKD 20.深沟球轴承(机头)1.4、设备功能:
.5.7、涂布设备外型尺寸及质量: 25000 X 1800 X 2500 mm 5T 1.5.8、配件及辅助设施:
1) 电源:3PH 380V,50HZ, 电压波动范围:+8%~–8%;电源总功率120KW,正常使用功率总功率的(正常运行耗电量为50%~65%,与浆料固含量等有关);

在进行维护保养时,应穿戴相应的安 全护具,如防护服、手套、鞋帽等, 以保护人身安全。
涂布速度是涂布机的重要性能参数 之一,根据生产工艺要求不同,涂 布速度可以有所不同。
涂布精度是衡量涂布质量的重要指 标,包括厚薄均匀性、色泽一致性 等方面。
不同涂布机适用于不同的材料,如 纸张、布料、皮革等。
生产能力是衡量涂布机效率的重要 指标,包括单位时间内可生产的涂 布面积和生产批量等方面。
随着国家对环保要求的不断提高 ,涂布机制造过程中也更加注重 环保和节能,比如采用更加环保 的涂料和生产工艺,减少对环境 的污染。
涂布边缘不齐通常是由于涂布辊没有正确对齐、 涂布液没有均匀地分布在涂布辊上等原因引起的 。
涂布机在运行过程中产生的噪音通常是由于机械 故障或操作不当引起的。例如,轴承异响、电机 噪音等。
可以通过调整涂布辊的对齐方式、检查涂布液的 流速和均匀性等方式解决。同时,定期检查和维 护涂布机也是避免各种问题的关键。
当发现涂布不均匀时,需检查 涂料的质量以及涂布辊是否清 洁。若涂料有问题,需更换涂 料;若涂布辊不清洁,需对其
当发现涂布机漏油时,需检查 油封是否磨损或老化。若油封

ISO720-3-01-04(第1版)Messrs.SPECIFICATIONfor"HIRANO" Coating Machine( for Battery )DWG. NO.Aug.,20,2010.HIRANO TECSEED Co., Ltd.Coating Machinery, Dept101-1 Kawai, Kawai-choKitakatsuragi-gun, Nara Pref. 636-0051 JAPANTel: (81) 745-57-0685 , Fax: (81) 745-57-10751. General1. Outline:This machine is designed to coat battery slurry on one side of copper/aluminum foil continuously and intermittently and to rewind coated substrate after drying. 2. Scope of work:Design and engineering for the machine.Manufacturing of the machine.HIRANO supplies only hardware and holds the property of all software including but not limited to patents and all drawings of the machine.3. All electric components and panels will comply with followingRequirements .General Area:Electric components: When available, components conforming to JIS standard.4. Mechanical Equipment:The machine is designed and manufactured in Metric System.2. General Technical Data:Coating Condition:1) Raw materials:Kind of material : Aluminum foil. Copper foil.Width of material : 650mm-550mm. 650mm-550mm.Thickness of material: 12-30 µm. 10-30 µm.2) Slurry:Kind of slurry : The slurry should be well disposed and not becoagulated.Solid content : S.C. 65%±5%. S.C. 50%±5%.Viscosity : 3,000-9,000 cps. 3,000-9,000 cps.Solvent : NMP. NMP.Coating weight : 75-150µ per side(dry). 75-150µ per side(dry).Coating width : Max. 630 mm Max. 630 mmCoating speed : Max 10 m/min. Max 10 m/min.(not coating area ≥10mm)3) Mechanical:Mechanical speed : 1.5-15 m/min.Machine speed is not the production speed Roll width : 750 mm.Compressed air : 5 kg/cm² ,non-oil air 120NL/min (supplied by customer).Elecitricity : 380V * 50HZ*3 Phases.Heat source : Heated oil.Explosion-proof : Motors meet Class d2G4,Coating area meet Class eG3.Other Parts: Increased safety or Air Purge Type.Electric Panels: Air Purge Type.4) Calculation base:Base web : Cu.foil/Al. Foil.Weight : 180 g/m2 (20µm).Width : 650 mm.Resin : Slurry.Solid content : Cathode: 65±5% Anode: 50 ±5%Solvent : NMP.Coating thickness : 120µm (single side, dry)Machine speed : 15 m/min.Density of exhaust : L.E.L. 1/4.Temperatrue of air : No. 1-3 zone=120 deg.C.No. 4-6 zone=150 deg.C.Note: These data are used only for calculating out the required heater capacity and exhaust volume and have no relation with actual production speed norproduct quality.5) Coating quality and accuracy:5.1 The outboad edges of coating shall be of the same thickness as in the centerpart so that no ridges will develop on the rewind roll.5.2 Thickness consistency: ≤±2µm for single side and ≤±4µm double sided.5.3 The coating length and width: the coating length and width both for 1st and 2ndsides are measured separately by ruler to meet the tolerance range: <±1mm. 5.4 First-to-second side registration at the initiation and termination ≤±1mm.5.5 First-to-second side alignment at outboard edges (Left and Right)≤±1mm.5.6 Squareness of coating: The maximum distance between initiation or terminationand the line (perpendicular to the foil edge) to be ≤±1mm.5.7 See attached drawingSPECIFICATIONof1) Unwinding DeviceType : Duplex axial fixed type with manual splicer.Unwinding dia : Max. 680 mm.Core I.D. : 3” core.Unwinding direction : From bottom and top.Frame : Made of steel.Chucking system : Mechanical shaft, manual chucking.Side lay : +/- 15mm.Breaking system : Powder clutch with motor. 2 pcsTension: 5-20 kg/full width.Guide roll : 117 mmφmade of Al. with Hcr. Plated. 1 pcE.P.C. unit : Unwiding station body moves, hydraulically 1 setActuated with 0.4 Kw motor, air detection system. Counter : Digital display, 1 set pre-setting. 2 sets Splice table : Table : Made of SUS, with cut guide line.Restrained bar: Arm type.Specificationof2) Coating DeviceType :Comma reverse coating system with intermittent coatingfunction.Intermittent coating:at10 m/min.blank length more than 10mm.Frame :Made of steel.Comma roll :160 mmφmade of steel with Hcr. Plated. 1 pc.Comma roll up/down :AC servo motor with functions including:preset andnumeric display of the gap between comma rolland c-roll, preset and numeric display of commaroll up/down speed.C-roll :160 mm dia. Made of chilled casting with Hcr. Plated, 1pc.driven by servo motor.B-roll :160mm dia.made of steal.covered with EPDM, 1pc.driven by servo motor.Slurry through :Bottom plated made of sus.with scale.Side plate made of foamed polyethylene. 1set.With the traverse function for agitation.Tools to make side plates. 1set. Catch pan :made of stainless steel. 1pc.Feed roll : 160mmΦ made of steel with Hcr.plated. 1pc.120mmΦ coverde with EPDM 1pc. Guide roll : 117mmΦ made of Al.with H cr.plated. 1set.Cleaning doctor : For C-roll cleaning,ON/OFF by air cylinder. 1set. Working stage : Made of steel with checker plates. 1set.Level control : static capacity system level sensor, 1set.the level accuracy to be ≤±3mm.Pattern coating : coating: 200-999mm.Hirano promised to reach 200-2000mmcontrol unit Blank : Min. 10mm. Max. 99mm. 1set. Pattern sensor : for backside coat 1set.Hood for coater : entire coating header area to be fully covered 1set.by means of an explosion proof glass safetyenclosure with clean air purging.Specificationof3) Drying Device(No.1,2&3zone)Type :roll support type.Dryer :3M X 3 zone = 9 Meters.Hot air temperature :40-120 deg.C.Temperature accuracy :set point ±1°C,hot air ±3°C at the mouth of nozzle. Temperature monitoring: 2 in one zone,one above the foil,and oneSensors :below,both to be positioned close to the foil.Dryer body :Inside wall :Made of stainless steel plate.Outside wall :Made of surface treated steel plate.Insulation :75mm thickness glass-wool.Below surface temperature 50 deg.C.(Except for themetal part that connects it with in side.Atmosphere temperature be 20-25 deg.C.)Door :Door with glass window at operator side. 2pcs/zone.Circulating fan :LL type No.3 fan,made of stainless steel,non-spark typeWith inverter control motor.5.5KW explosion proof. 1set/zoneInverter : HIRANO supply 1set/zoneCirculation duct :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for Manufacturing.Nozzle :Made of stainless steel.Upper nozzle: Jet nozzle.Lower nozzle: Punching plate nozzle.Air speed: 3-10M/Sec.Heater :Heater unit are located next to dryer. 1set/zoneMade of SUS.Filter :VILEDON filter at fresh air intake.Explosion vent :Included.Dryer support :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for manufacturing.Guide roll (inside dryer) :98mmΦ made of steel with Hcr.plated. 10pcs/zoneOil piping :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for Manufacturing.Exhaust duct :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for Manufacturing.Fresh air duct :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for Manufacturing.Specificationof4) Drying Device(No.4,5&6zone)Type :Air floatation type.Dryer length :5.25M X 3 zone = 15.75 Meters.Hot air temperature :70-150 deg.C.Temperature accuracy :set point ±1°C,hot air ±3°C at the mouth of nozzle.Temperature monitoring sensors: 2 in one zone,one above the foil,and onebelow,both to be positioned close to the foil.Dryer body :Inside wall : Made of stainless steel plate.Outside wall : Made of surface treated steel plate.Insulation : 75mm thickness glass-wool.Below surface temperature 50 deg.C.(Except for themetal part that connects it with in side.Atmosphere temperature be 20-25 deg.C.)Door :Door with glass window at operator side. 4pcs/zone.Circulating fan :LL type No.3 fan,made of stainless steel,non-spark typeWith inverter control motor.7.5KW explosion proof. 1set/zoneInverter : HIRANO supply 1set/zone Circulation duct :Made of stainless steel. 1set/zoneNozzle :Made of stainless steel,floatation nozzle.Air speed: 9-27M/Sec.Heater :Heater unit are located next to dryer. 1set/zoneFilter :VILEDON filter at fresh air intake.lExhaust duct :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for Manufacturing.Explosion vent :Included.Dryer support :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for manufacturing.Exhaust fan : Made of steel,non-spark type,with inverter. 1setControl motor : 11kw,explosion proof.Oil piping :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for Manufacturing.Fresh air duct :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for Manufacturing.Manometer : 1pc/zone5) Outfeed DeviceE.P.C. unit :Steering roller type,hydraulically actuated.With 0.4KW motor,air detection system. 1setFeed roll :210mmΦ made of steel with Hcr.plated. 1pc.(driven)120mmΦ covered with EPDM. 1pc.W ith cylinder and pneumatic instruments.Guide roll :117mmΦ made of Al.with Hcr.plate d. 1set Dancer roll :117mmΦ made of Al.with Hcr.plated. 1pc. Frame :Made of steel.6) Rewinding DeviceType :Duplex axial fixed type.Rewinding dia. :Max.680mmNote: Depending on the material,shape of would rollmay be telescoped.Specially when winding over Approx.400mm diameter,This is likely to occur.Core I.D. :3”core.Rewinding direction :From bottom and top.Frame :Made of steel.Chucking system :Mechanical shaft,manual chucking. 4pcs Side lay :+/-15mm.Drive system :Dancer control by AC servo motor,Axial change by Clutch.1pc. Tension :5-30 kg/full width,with taper tension control.Touch roll :120mmΦ,made of steel covered with EPDM.Guide roll :117mmΦ made of Al.with Hcr.plated. 1pc.E.P.C.unit :Rewinding station body moves,hydraulically 1setActuated with 0.4kw motor,air detection system. Counter :Two-step pre-setting. 2setsRewind Accuracy :Rolls at diameter 400mm to be rewind with the edgeaccuracy ≤±0.5mm.7) Driving DeviceType : Sectional drive system with AC servo motor.Motor : “B”roll+Infeed1set“C”roll1setGuide roll inside dryer 1setOutfeed roll 1setRewinder 1set“B”roll(Back&Front) 2setsComma roll (up/down) 2sets Transmission parts : Reducer,pulley,belt and etc. 1set8) AttachmentControl pane :Self-standing type,for drive and dryer 1setLocal operation panel :For Unwinder,Coater and Rewinder. 3setsAir purge type.Temperature controller ;With thermo-resistance bulb 6pcsTemperature test display : 2 for each zone,one above the foil 12pcsand one belowRecorder :6-points. 1setGas density meter :Single point (each dryer zone installated one 7setmeter And another meter is installated at inlet1# dryer) Air purge blower : 40M³/min 1set Temperature control valve: 6pcs Pressure difference adjustment device for Thermal Oil. 1pc Air piping : 1set Emergency : 1 on each control panel.9) Spare PartsOne set as in the following:9.1 Bearing for c-roll 2pcs 9.2 Bearing for b-roll 2pcs 9.3 Guide roll 1pc 9.4 belts for driving 1line 9.5 Electric parts 1set 9.6 Control value 1pc 9.7 Filter for dryer 3pcs 9.8 polyethylene foam(500mmX500mm) 50sheets 9.9 Optical fiber of coating senser(two sets total) 1pc 9.10 Doctor for C-roll(750mm type,two sets total) 20pcsSpecificationOf10) Buyer’s ResponsibilityThe following items are not included in HIRANO’s Supply scope:12.1 Foundation works.12.2 Electric wiring works & materials for primary side.12.3 Primary side: From the electric at your side to the main control panel.12.4 Secondary side: From the main control panel to the local Panels, electriccomponent to the junction boxes, and between junction boxes themselves. 12.5 From 1# to 6# exhaust duct and the exhaust duct from the main body to theopen air.12.6 Connection piping works and materials for oil and air, oil piping and fresh airduct from 1# to 6# dryer.12.7 Heat insulation works and materials for piping of oil and for all duct.12.8 Clean air ducts for the coating room works and material; intake purge airducts for coating header enclosure.12.9 Circulation duct of 1#, 2#, 3# dryer.12.10 Dryer support from 1# to 6# dryer.12.11 Exhaust gas treatment device (incinerator or solvent recovery device,etc.)12.12 Air, oil&power source.12.13 Resin mixing & feeding device.12.14 Partial exhaust device.12.15 Hoist or hand fork lift for Unwinder & Rewinder.12.16 Material & energy for trial test.12.17 Ducts after exhaust fan, between machine bodies and the exhaust fan.12.18 Other items not included in the specifications.。

2.5 间隔涂布异常及阀门调整
原因分析: 1、GAP过大 2、模头有气体未排净 3、浆料粘度过高
解决措施: 1、减小GAP值 2、模头循环排气 3、降低下一批浆料粘度
原因分析: 1、起涂压力太小 2、首位置缩料
解决措施: 1、延迟回流阀打开时间 2、箔材烘干或电晕处理
二面涂布 头、供料系
面密度 检测1
面密度 检测2
面密度 检测3
1.2 涂布控制参数
前3坡度,后3 前3坡度,后5
拱形,拱高 拱形,拱高 ≥200mm ≥600mm
托辊悬浮方式 前3主动辊托辊 前3主动辊托辊 前5托辊,后5 前3主动辊托辊 前4托辊,后6气
柴油加热导热油 天然气加热导热 天然气加热导
3.6 NMP回收 转轮式NMP回收主要利用分子筛的物理吸附原理,具体工艺流程如右图所示:
最新造纸涂布技术 ppt课件

使涂料盘外形与上涂辊一致,消除死角, 浆系统内的涂料降低到最低限度
用水冷壁冷却表面促使结露水,以防止 溢出物与喷溅物结垢硬化,从而方便清 洗
支持刮刀架的横梁要有较大的截面以防 止下弯,用水循环控制温度
从车速小于500米/分钟——1500米/分钟 都能适应
组成-上涂辊 背辊 涂料盘和刮刀片
由两个不同直径的辊子组成,辊子表面被橡胶 覆盖,均是主动
背辊(BACK ROLL)直径大,速度=纸机车速
在计量阶段,纸张上的涂料组成分两个 部分:
1、几微米厚的涂料滤饼 2、在滤饼表面的液体层
滤饼层的厚度为2-4微米,相当于3-5克/平方米 涂料;大约3-6层颜料积层!
所以,辊式上料也称为 ---长驻留上料涂布
随着纸机车速的增加,进入压区、通过压区或回流到涂料盘的 涂料增加,容易导致飞溅SPLASH和漏涂现象的发生!
短驻留回流压区与计量刮刀之间的距离 为30-50mm
当纸机车速为1000-1500m/min时,驻留时间为 1.2-3毫秒;与600mm长驻留相比,驻留时间只有 其1/10
短驻留原纸回湿现象少 在涂布头处纸张的强度损失少
【VIP专享】high speed film coating machine model TB-1100S

Main technical parameters for high speed film coating machine model TB-1100STB-1100S薄膜涂布机主要技术参数1. Application用途This machine is applying to all kinds of coating operations of BOPP, PET etc winding up material, strong adaptable gravure web roller directly ration coating head system, coating weight 1-8g/m2, suitable viscosity range: coating No.4 cup 15-25S.本机器适用于BOPP、PET 等卷筒状材料的各种涂布作业,适应性强的凹版网线辊直接定量涂布头系统,涂布量1-8g/m2,适应涂料粘度范围:涂4 号杯15-25S。
2. Characteristic特点1).The complete machine control system adopts advanced industrial PLC programmable controller, engineering level AC inverter closed-loop vector drive and executing high precision speed and tension control, it has been forming advanced control system with high automation degree, stable performance and high control precision, it linked up international standard, and reached international advanced technological level.整机控制系统采用先进的工业可编程序控制器,工程级交流变频闭环矢量驱动执行高精度速度、张力控制,形成与国际标准相衔接的自动化程度高、性能稳定、控制精度高的先进控制系统,达到国际先进技术水平。
Interpon 100 Product Data Sheet说明书

Product Data SheetAkzoNobel Powder CoatingsInterpon 100Product Description Interpon 100 is a series epoxy based powder coatings that exhibit excellent corrosionprotection and chemical resistance when applied over a properly prepared metalsubstrate.Interpon 100 is designed for interior application only. Interpon 100 powders areavailable in gloss, satin, matte and texture finishes in a wide range of colors.Density (g/cm3) 1.2-1.8 g/cm³depending on color and effectApplication Suitable for electrostatic sprayStorage Under dry, cool (≤ 25°C) conditions(open boxes must be resealed)Shelf life12 monthsCuring schedule 15 minutes at 180°C10 minutes at 190°C5 minutes at 200°C(a) For full matt powders add 5 minutes to the times. Forhigh reactivity (HR) powders see overleafTest Conditions The results shown below are based on mechanical and chemical tests which (unlessotherwise indicated) have been carried out under laboratory conditions and are given forguidance only. Actual product performance will depend upon the circumstances underwhich the product is used.Substrate Polished steelPretreatment Zinc PhosphateFilm Thickness 60-70 micronsCuring Schedule5 minutes at 200ºC (object temperature)(Object Temperature)Mechanical Tests Adhesion ISO 2409(2mm crosshatch)Flexibility ISO 6860Pass 3 mm(Conical Mandrel)Hardness ISO 1518Pass - no penetration to substrate(2000g)Erichsen Cupping ISO 1520 ≤ 7 mmImpact ISO 6272-2 Pass 2,5 Joules reverse & direct(20 in lb)Chemical and durability tests Whilst maintaining the general protective and anti-corrosive properties of powder coatings, aluminum and copper/bronze metallic finishes, when submitted to the listed tests, may rapidly show a loss of metallic aspect.The results shown are based on tests which (unless otherwise indicated) have been carried out under laboratory conditions and are given for advice only, actual performance depends upon the circumstances under which the product is used.Salt Spray(500 hours)ISO 9227 Pass - no corrosion creep morethan 3 mm from scribeCyclic Humidity(1000 hours)ISO 6270-1 Pass - no blistering or loss of glossDistilled WaterImmersion(240 hours)ISO 2812 Pass - no blistering or loss of glossExterior Durability Some chalking and loss of gloss after 3-6 monthscontinuous outdoor exposure. Protective propertiesretained. Not recommended for outdoor applications. Chemical Resistance Generally excellent resistance to most acids, alkalis and oilsat normal temperatures.Pretreatment Aluminium, steel or Zintec surfaces to be coated must be clean and free from grease.Iron phosphate and particularly lightweight zinc phosphating of ferrous metals improvescorrosion resistance. Aluminium substrates may require a chromate conversioncoating.Application Interpon 100 powders can be applied by manual or automatic electrostatic sprayequipment. Unused powder can be reclaimed using suitable equipment and recycledthrough the coating system.In all application processes the aspect obtained is subject to variation, depending onthe method of application (type of gun, nozzle, etc) and the shape/type of component.We recommend that the actual application parameters are adapted and adjusteddepending on the type of component and with each powder batch to give a finish inaccordance with our color card.The following procedure is given as a guideline when using these finishes. Werecommend the use of flat jet spray nozzles. To ensure powder homogeneity, thecomplete content of the boxes should be emptied completely into the feed hopper. Formanual application it is essential to ensure that an even film thickness is applied, and,in all Instances, sinusoidal gun movements should be avoided.All powders can show small color differences from batch to batch, this is normal andunavoidable. While AkzoNobel take every precaution to minimize visible differences,this cannot be guaranteed. Applicators and fabricators are advised to use a singlebatch for parts that will be assembled together. Differences are more likely with specialeffect powders.Bonded products have better application properties than blended products (morestable) but attention should still be paid to line settings to avoid “marble effect” andchanges in aspect after recycling. For more details it is suggested to read the “MetallicApplication Guideline”.Different substrates (Aluminium, steel, galvanized steel, etc.), use of primer, and bigchanges in film thickness may give a different aspect. Products with different codesshould not be mixed even if same color and gloss.curing temperature or shorter curing schedule is required.Sales code B-SeriesCuring schedule 30 minutes at 130°C (object temperature)15 minutes at 150°C5 minutes at 180°CShelf life 6 monthsFor further details on powder properties and film performance of Interpon 100 HRplease contact AkzoNobel.Safety Precautions This product is intended for use only by professional applicators in industrialenvironments and should not be used without reference to the relevant health andsafety data sheet which Akzo Nobel has provided to its customers.Disclaimer IMPORTANT NOTE: The information in this data sheet is not intended to be exhaustive and is based on thepresent state of our knowledge and on current laws: any person using the product for any purpose other thanthat specifically recommended in the technical data sheet without first obtaining written confirmation from us asto the suitability of the product for the intended purpose does so at his own risk. It is always the responsibility ofthe user to take all necessary steps to fulfil the demands set out in the local rules and legislation. Always readthe Material Data Sheet and the Technical Data Sheet for this product if available. All advice we give or anystatement made about the product by us (whether in this data sheet or otherwise) is correct to the best of ourknowledge but we have no control over the quality or the condition of the substrate or the many factors affectingthe use and application of the product.Therefore, unless we specifically agree in writing otherwise, we do not accept any liability whatsoever for theperformance of the product or for any loss or damage arising out of the use of the product. All products suppliedand technical advices given are subject to our standard terms and conditions of sale. You should request a copyof this document and review it carefully. The information contained in this data sheet is subject to modificationfrom time to time in the light of experience and our policy of continuous development. It is the user'sresponsibility to verify that this data sheet is current prior to using the product.Brand names mentioned in this data sheet are trademarks of or are licensed to AkzoNobel./contact-us/Copyright © 2021 Akzo Nobel Powder Coatings Ltd. Interpon is a registered trademark of AkzoNobelInterpon 100 - Issue #11Last Revision Date: 08.09.2021 Author: Como Lab。
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ISO720-3-01-04(第1版)Messrs.SPECIFICATIONfor"HIRANO" Coating Machine( for Battery )DWG. NO.Aug.,20,2010.HIRANO TECSEED Co., Ltd.Coating Machinery, Dept101-1 Kawai, Kawai-choKitakatsuragi-gun, Nara Pref. 636-0051 JAPANTel: (81) 745-57-0685 , Fax: (81) 745-57-10751. General1. Outline:This machine is designed to coat battery slurry on one side of copper/aluminum foil continuously and intermittently and to rewind coated substrate after drying. 2. Scope of work:Design and engineering for the machine.Manufacturing of the machine.HIRANO supplies only hardware and holds the property of all software including but not limited to patents and all drawings of the machine.3. All electric components and panels will comply with followingRequirements .General Area:Electric components: When available, components conforming to JIS standard.4. Mechanical Equipment:The machine is designed and manufactured in Metric System.2. General Technical Data:Coating Condition:1) Raw materials:Kind of material : Aluminum foil. Copper foil.Width of material : 650mm-550mm. 650mm-550mm.Thickness of material: 12-30 µm. 10-30 µm.2) Slurry:Kind of slurry : The slurry should be well disposed and not becoagulated.Solid content : S.C. 65%±5%. S.C. 50%±5%.Viscosity : 3,000-9,000 cps. 3,000-9,000 cps.Solvent : NMP. NMP.Coating weight : 75-150µ per side(dry). 75-150µ per side(dry).Coating width : Max. 630 mm Max. 630 mmCoating speed : Max 10 m/min. Max 10 m/min.(not coating area ≥10mm)3) Mechanical:Mechanical speed : 1.5-15 m/min.Machine speed is not the production speed Roll width : 750 mm.Compressed air : 5 kg/cm² ,non-oil air 120NL/min (supplied by customer).Elecitricity : 380V * 50HZ*3 Phases.Heat source : Heated oil.Explosion-proof : Motors meet Class d2G4,Coating area meet Class eG3.Other Parts: Increased safety or Air Purge Type.Electric Panels: Air Purge Type.4) Calculation base:Base web : Cu.foil/Al. Foil.Weight : 180 g/m2 (20µm).Width : 650 mm.Resin : Slurry.Solid content : Cathode: 65±5% Anode: 50 ±5%Solvent : NMP.Coating thickness : 120µm (single side, dry)Machine speed : 15 m/min.Density of exhaust : L.E.L. 1/4.Temperatrue of air : No. 1-3 zone=120 deg.C.No. 4-6 zone=150 deg.C.Note: These data are used only for calculating out the required heater capacity and exhaust volume and have no relation with actual production speed norproduct quality.5) Coating quality and accuracy:5.1 The outboad edges of coating shall be of the same thickness as in the centerpart so that no ridges will develop on the rewind roll.5.2 Thickness consistency: ≤±2µm for single side and ≤±4µm double sided.5.3 The coating length and width: the coating length and width both for 1st and 2ndsides are measured separately by ruler to meet the tolerance range: <±1mm. 5.4 First-to-second side registration at the initiation and termination ≤±1mm.5.5 First-to-second side alignment at outboard edges (Left and Right)≤±1mm.5.6 Squareness of coating: The maximum distance between initiation or terminationand the line (perpendicular to the foil edge) to be ≤±1mm.5.7 See attached drawingSPECIFICATIONof1) Unwinding DeviceType : Duplex axial fixed type with manual splicer.Unwinding dia : Max. 680 mm.Core I.D. : 3” core.Unwinding direction : From bottom and top.Frame : Made of steel.Chucking system : Mechanical shaft, manual chucking.Side lay : +/- 15mm.Breaking system : Powder clutch with motor. 2 pcsTension: 5-20 kg/full width.Guide roll : 117 mmφmade of Al. with Hcr. Plated. 1 pcE.P.C. unit : Unwiding station body moves, hydraulically 1 setActuated with 0.4 Kw motor, air detection system. Counter : Digital display, 1 set pre-setting. 2 sets Splice table : Table : Made of SUS, with cut guide line.Restrained bar: Arm type.Specificationof2) Coating DeviceType :Comma reverse coating system with intermittent coatingfunction.Intermittent coating:at10 m/min.blank length more than 10mm.Frame :Made of steel.Comma roll :160 mmφmade of steel with Hcr. Plated. 1 pc.Comma roll up/down :AC servo motor with functions including:preset andnumeric display of the gap between comma rolland c-roll, preset and numeric display of commaroll up/down speed.C-roll :160 mm dia. Made of chilled casting with Hcr. Plated, 1pc.driven by servo motor.B-roll :160mm dia.made of steal.covered with EPDM, 1pc.driven by servo motor.Slurry through :Bottom plated made of sus.with scale.Side plate made of foamed polyethylene. 1set.With the traverse function for agitation.Tools to make side plates. 1set. Catch pan :made of stainless steel. 1pc.Feed roll : 160mmΦ made of steel with Hcr.plated. 1pc.120mmΦ coverde with EPDM 1pc. Guide roll : 117mmΦ made of Al.with H cr.plated. 1set.Cleaning doctor : For C-roll cleaning,ON/OFF by air cylinder. 1set. Working stage : Made of steel with checker plates. 1set.Level control : static capacity system level sensor, 1set.the level accuracy to be ≤±3mm.Pattern coating : coating: 200-999mm.Hirano promised to reach 200-2000mmcontrol unit Blank : Min. 10mm. Max. 99mm. 1set. Pattern sensor : for backside coat 1set.Hood for coater : entire coating header area to be fully covered 1set.by means of an explosion proof glass safetyenclosure with clean air purging.Specificationof3) Drying Device(No.1,2&3zone)Type :roll support type.Dryer :3M X 3 zone = 9 Meters.Hot air temperature :40-120 deg.C.Temperature accuracy :set point ±1°C,hot air ±3°C at the mouth of nozzle. Temperature monitoring: 2 in one zone,one above the foil,and oneSensors :below,both to be positioned close to the foil.Dryer body :Inside wall :Made of stainless steel plate.Outside wall :Made of surface treated steel plate.Insulation :75mm thickness glass-wool.Below surface temperature 50 deg.C.(Except for themetal part that connects it with in side.Atmosphere temperature be 20-25 deg.C.)Door :Door with glass window at operator side. 2pcs/zone.Circulating fan :LL type No.3 fan,made of stainless steel,non-spark typeWith inverter control motor.5.5KW explosion proof. 1set/zoneInverter : HIRANO supply 1set/zoneCirculation duct :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for Manufacturing.Nozzle :Made of stainless steel.Upper nozzle: Jet nozzle.Lower nozzle: Punching plate nozzle.Air speed: 3-10M/Sec.Heater :Heater unit are located next to dryer. 1set/zoneMade of SUS.Filter :VILEDON filter at fresh air intake.Explosion vent :Included.Dryer support :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for manufacturing.Guide roll (inside dryer) :98mmΦ made of steel with Hcr.plated. 10pcs/zoneOil piping :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for Manufacturing.Exhaust duct :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for Manufacturing.Fresh air duct :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for Manufacturing.Specificationof4) Drying Device(No.4,5&6zone)Type :Air floatation type.Dryer length :5.25M X 3 zone = 15.75 Meters.Hot air temperature :70-150 deg.C.Temperature accuracy :set point ±1°C,hot air ±3°C at the mouth of nozzle.Temperature monitoring sensors: 2 in one zone,one above the foil,and onebelow,both to be positioned close to the foil.Dryer body :Inside wall : Made of stainless steel plate.Outside wall : Made of surface treated steel plate.Insulation : 75mm thickness glass-wool.Below surface temperature 50 deg.C.(Except for themetal part that connects it with in side.Atmosphere temperature be 20-25 deg.C.)Door :Door with glass window at operator side. 4pcs/zone.Circulating fan :LL type No.3 fan,made of stainless steel,non-spark typeWith inverter control motor.7.5KW explosion proof. 1set/zoneInverter : HIRANO supply 1set/zone Circulation duct :Made of stainless steel. 1set/zoneNozzle :Made of stainless steel,floatation nozzle.Air speed: 9-27M/Sec.Heater :Heater unit are located next to dryer. 1set/zoneFilter :VILEDON filter at fresh air intake.lExhaust duct :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for Manufacturing.Explosion vent :Included.Dryer support :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for manufacturing.Exhaust fan : Made of steel,non-spark type,with inverter. 1setControl motor : 11kw,explosion proof.Oil piping :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for Manufacturing.Fresh air duct :HIRANO supplies drawing and the customer isresponsible for Manufacturing.Manometer : 1pc/zone5) Outfeed DeviceE.P.C. unit :Steering roller type,hydraulically actuated.With 0.4KW motor,air detection system. 1setFeed roll :210mmΦ made of steel with Hcr.plated. 1pc.(driven)120mmΦ covered with EPDM. 1pc.W ith cylinder and pneumatic instruments.Guide roll :117mmΦ made of Al.with Hcr.plate d. 1set Dancer roll :117mmΦ made of Al.with Hcr.plated. 1pc. Frame :Made of steel.6) Rewinding DeviceType :Duplex axial fixed type.Rewinding dia. :Max.680mmNote: Depending on the material,shape of would rollmay be telescoped.Specially when winding over Approx.400mm diameter,This is likely to occur.Core I.D. :3”core.Rewinding direction :From bottom and top.Frame :Made of steel.Chucking system :Mechanical shaft,manual chucking. 4pcs Side lay :+/-15mm.Drive system :Dancer control by AC servo motor,Axial change by Clutch.1pc. Tension :5-30 kg/full width,with taper tension control.Touch roll :120mmΦ,made of steel covered with EPDM.Guide roll :117mmΦ made of Al.with Hcr.plated. 1pc.E.P.C.unit :Rewinding station body moves,hydraulically 1setActuated with 0.4kw motor,air detection system. Counter :Two-step pre-setting. 2setsRewind Accuracy :Rolls at diameter 400mm to be rewind with the edgeaccuracy ≤±0.5mm.7) Driving DeviceType : Sectional drive system with AC servo motor.Motor : “B”roll+Infeed1set“C”roll1setGuide roll inside dryer 1setOutfeed roll 1setRewinder 1set“B”roll(Back&Front) 2setsComma roll (up/down) 2sets Transmission parts : Reducer,pulley,belt and etc. 1set8) AttachmentControl pane :Self-standing type,for drive and dryer 1setLocal operation panel :For Unwinder,Coater and Rewinder. 3setsAir purge type.Temperature controller ;With thermo-resistance bulb 6pcsTemperature test display : 2 for each zone,one above the foil 12pcsand one belowRecorder :6-points. 1setGas density meter :Single point (each dryer zone installated one 7setmeter And another meter is installated at inlet1# dryer) Air purge blower : 40M³/min 1set Temperature control valve: 6pcs Pressure difference adjustment device for Thermal Oil. 1pc Air piping : 1set Emergency : 1 on each control panel.9) Spare PartsOne set as in the following:9.1 Bearing for c-roll 2pcs 9.2 Bearing for b-roll 2pcs 9.3 Guide roll 1pc 9.4 belts for driving 1line 9.5 Electric parts 1set 9.6 Control value 1pc 9.7 Filter for dryer 3pcs 9.8 polyethylene foam(500mmX500mm) 50sheets 9.9 Optical fiber of coating senser(two sets total) 1pc 9.10 Doctor for C-roll(750mm type,two sets total) 20pcsSpecificationOf10) Buyer’s ResponsibilityThe following items are not included in HIRANO’s Supply scope:12.1 Foundation works.12.2 Electric wiring works & materials for primary side.12.3 Primary side: From the electric at your side to the main control panel.12.4 Secondary side: From the main control panel to the local Panels, electriccomponent to the junction boxes, and between junction boxes themselves. 12.5 From 1# to 6# exhaust duct and the exhaust duct from the main body to theopen air.12.6 Connection piping works and materials for oil and air, oil piping and fresh airduct from 1# to 6# dryer.12.7 Heat insulation works and materials for piping of oil and for all duct.12.8 Clean air ducts for the coating room works and material; intake purge airducts for coating header enclosure.12.9 Circulation duct of 1#, 2#, 3# dryer.12.10 Dryer support from 1# to 6# dryer.12.11 Exhaust gas treatment device (incinerator or solvent recovery device,etc.)12.12 Air, oil&power source.12.13 Resin mixing & feeding device.12.14 Partial exhaust device.12.15 Hoist or hand fork lift for Unwinder & Rewinder.12.16 Material & energy for trial test.12.17 Ducts after exhaust fan, between machine bodies and the exhaust fan.12.18 Other items not included in the specifications.。