



国际招标与投标英语词汇翻译招标人/业主 Employer投标人Tenderer投标邀请书 Invitation to Bid投标押金 Bid Bond招标单位 Procuring Entity投标文件 Tender Documents做标/编标 Work out Tender Documents投标书 Form of Tender投标评估 Evaluation of Bids合同条款Conditions of Contract工程量清单Bill of Quantities招标图纸Tender Drawings资格预审 Prequalification合格的投标人Eligible Tenderers询价 Inquiry询价请求/询价单 Requisition for Inquiry报价 Quotation报价表格 Form of Quotation提交报价 Submission of Quotation升价,提价 Escalation标底 Base Price limit on Bids报标 Bid Quotation评标 Evaluation of Tender议标 Tender discussion决标 Tender decision开标 Bid opening中标have won the biddingin…中标函 Letter of Acceptance投标文件原件Original Tender投标文件副本Copy of Tender履约保证金Performance Bond投标保函Tender Security预付款保函 Guarantee for Advance Payment履约保函 Performance Bank Guarantee愿意,不愿意参加投标be wi11ing,unwilling to participate in the bid 我们拟参加……的投标。

We wish to tender for…我们同意遵守以上规定的投标条款。



常见国际投标用英文 Document number:BGCG-0857-BTDO-0089-2022国际招标与投标英语词汇翻译标的物 Subject matter招标通告 call for bid招标通知 tender notice招标文件 bid documents招标条件 general conditions of tender招标截止日期 date of the closing of tender招标方 tenderer投标 submission of tenders投标方,投标商tenderer, bidder投标邀请书 Invitation to Bid投标押金,押标金 Bid Bond投标文件 tender documents做标,编标 work out tender documents投标书 Form of Tender投标评估 evaluation of bids愿意/不愿意参加投标be wi11ing/unwilling to participate in the bid 三人行英语我们拟参加……的投标。

We wish to tender fro…我们同意遵守以上规定的投标条款。

We agree to abide by the conditions of Tender specified above. 资格预审 prequalification询价 inquiry询价请求,询价单 Requisition for Inquiry报价 quotation报价表格 Form of Quotation提交报价 submission of quotation升价,提价 escalation不适当的(如用电话)或不负责任的报价将被拒收。

An inadequate. by telephone) or unresponsive quotation may be reason forrejecting the quotation标底 base price limit on bids报标 bid quotation评标 evaluation of tender议标 tender discussion决标 tender decision开标 bid opening中标has/have won the bidding in …中标者 the winning/successful bidder, the successful tenderer 未中标者 the unsuccessful tenderer中标函 Letter of Acceptance常用招投标术语,采购术语(按中文拼音排序)赛凌翻译保密性??confidentiality保证金??advance payment, security报价??quotation备选方案投标??alternative bid标准招标文件??Standard Bidding Documents SBDs 不可抗力??force majeure采购??procurement采购代理??procurement agent采购公告??procurement notice采购计划??procurement plan采购决定??procurement decision撤标??withdrawal of bid承包商??contractor澄清要求??requests of clarification迟到的标书??late bid初步描述??preliminary description初步设计??preliminary design错误纠正??correction of error单一招标或局限性招标??single or restricted tendering 到岸价??Cost, Insurance, and Freight, CIF非政府组织??Nongovernmental organization, NGO分包商??subcontractor封标??sealing of bid腐败??corruption付款方式??methods of payment付款条件??terms of payment附件??appendix工厂交货价 Ex works, Ex factory, or Off the Shelf, EXW 工程范围??scope of works工程量清单??bill of quantities工程量清单报价??priced bill of quantities工期??days for construction公开招标??open tendering公司总部??principal place购买??purchase固定总价??fixed lump sum国际复兴开发银行(世界银行) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank),IBRD国际复兴开发银行贷款和国际开发协会信贷采购指南??GUIDELINES PROCUREMENT UNDER IBRD LOANS AND IDA CREDITS国际竞争性招标??international comparative bidding国际开发协会??International Development Agency,IDA国民生产总值??Gross National Product, GNP国内竞争性招标??National Competitive Bidding, NCB合格标准??eligibility criteria合格的投标人??eligible bidder合同价格??contract price合同金额??contract amount核标??examination of bid换标??substitution of bid货交承运人(指定地点) Free Carrier (named place),FCA 货物清单??list of goods计划完工日期??intended completion date技术规范??specifications监理??supervisor检验代理??inspection agent建设-拥有-经营??Build, own, operate, BOO建设-拥有-经营-转让??Build, own, operate, transfer, BOOT 建设-拥有-转让??Build, operate, transfer, BOT建筑工程??construction works交货时间??delivery time接受函??letter of acceptance截止时间??deadline截至日期??deadline解释要求??requests of explanation局限性招标??limited tendering开标??bid opening, tender opening, opening of tender开标地点??place of bid opening开工日期??date of commence联合国??United Nations, UN联合国发展商业报??United Nations Development Business, UNDB 联营体??joint venture两步法招标??two-stage bidding履约保证金??performance security每投标人一标??one bid per bidder评标??bid evaluation, evaluation of bid, tender evaluation 评标标准??evaluation criteria评标委员会??group of adjudicator, bid evaluation committee欺诈??fraud潜在的投标人??potential bidder施工机械??construction equipment, construction plant实质性响应??substantial response, be substantially responsive to事后情况说明??debriefing事后审查??post review事前审查??prior review适用法律??applicable law授权书??letter of authorization授权书(被授权人必须是律师)power of attorney授予合同??award of contract替代方案??alternative solution替代建议??alternative proposal通用条款??general terms and conditions投标保证金??bid security, tender security 投标保证金??bid security投标费用??cost of bidding投标函??bid letter投标价格??bid price投标人??bidder, tenderer投标人合格性??eligibility of bidder投标人须知??instruction to bidders, instruction to tenderers 投标人资质??qualifications of the bidder投标书??bid, tender投标书澄清??clarification of bid投标书的提交??submission of bid, submission of tender投标书有效期??validity of bid投标书有效期延长??extension of validity of bid投标书语言??language of bid投标书组成??documents comprising the bid投标邀请??invitation for bids, invitation to tenders投标有效性??bid availability图纸??drawings土建承包商??civil construction contractor完工日期??date of completion, completion date 完税后交货??Delivered Duty Paid, DDP违约赔偿??liquidated damages现场参观??site visit现场查勘??site survey现场管理人员??site management personnel现场技术人员??site technical personnel响应性??responsiveness项目评估文件??Project Appraisal Document, PAD项目时间表,项目计划??project schedule修改标书??modification of bid选择性招标??selective tendering询价采购??shopping银行保函??bank guarantee应标??response to the bidding documents有限国际招标??Limited International Bidding, LIB预付款??prepayment运费付至(指定目的地) Carriage Paid To (named place of destination), CPT运费及保险费付至(目的地) Carriage and Insurance Paid (place of destination),CIP招标代理??bidding agency招标附录??appendix to tender招标公告??notification of bidding, tender notice招标号??bidding no., tendering no.招标人??tenderer, contracting party, contracting authority, employer招标文件??bidding documents, tender documentations, tender documents招标文件澄清??clarification of bidding documents招标文件修改??amendment of bidding documents招标资料表??bidding data sheet, tendering data sheet招投标范围??scope of bid争端解决??settlement of dispute政府采购法??government procurement law政府采购协议??government procurement agreement政府采购指令??government procurement directives直接签订合同??direct contracting中标标准??award criteria中标通知??notification of award, award of tender注册地点??place of registration专用条款??special terms and conditions专用账户??Special Account, SA准备投标书??preparation of bid, preparation of tender资格后审??postqualification资格预审??prequalification资格预审招标??prequalified tendering 资金来源??source of fund资质信息??qualification information 自营工程??force accounting。






1. 招标(Tender)招标是指需求方(采购方)向潜在供应商发出邀请,要求他们按照一定的标准和要求提交商业提案。


2. 投标(Bid)投标是指供应商根据招标文件的要求,编制并提交投标文件,表达其对需求方项目的兴趣和愿意承担的商业条件。


3. 中标(Winning Bid)中标是指招标过程中,需求方从所有投标供应商中选定一家中标供应商,与其签订合同并执行项目。


4. 招标文件(Tender Document)招标文件是需求方发布给供应商的文件,其中包含了对项目的详细要求、参与投标的条件和程序、合同条款等。


5. 投标文件(Bid Document)投标文件是供应商根据招标文件要求编制的文件,用于表达其对项目的兴趣和愿意承担的商业条件。


6. 招标公告(Tender Notice)招标公告是需求方发布的一种公告,公示招标项目的基本信息和要求,以邀请符合条件的供应商参与投标。


7. 开标(Bid Opening)开标是指在招标截止日期后,需求方公开拆开投标文件以评审和比较各供应商的投标内容和条件。

国际招标和投标术语 中英文对照

国际招标和投标术语 中英文对照

国际招标和投标术语中英文对照International Tender and Bid Technical Terms招标: Invitation to Tender (Call for Tender)招标人(招标方): Purchaser投标人(投标方):Bidder招标邀请函: Invitation for Bid (IFB)招标书(招标文件): Bidding Documents投标书(投标文件):Bidding Proposal (Bidding Documents)正本: Original副本: Copy招标保证金(投标保函): Bid Bond (Bid Security)银行保函: Letter of Guaranty (L/G)履约保证金: Performance Bond (Performance Security)质保金:Warranty Bond (Warranty Security)制造商授权书: Manufacturer’s Authorization招标公告:Announcement of Tender截标期限: Deadline of Bid Submission投标指引: Instructions of Bidders (ITB)开标时间: Bid Opening Time投标有效期:Bid Validity递标:Submission of Bid开标纪要:Bid Opening Record开标结果:Bid Opening Result评标: Bid Evaluation资格预审: Pre-qualification评标委员会: Bid Evaluation Board (Bid Evaluation Committee, Bid Evaluation Group)中标通知(公告):Notification of Award (Awarding Announcement)供货范围: Scope of Supply技术保证残素质(数据表):Guaranteed Technical Particulars (Data Sheet)投标函:Bid Form授权书(法人): Power of Attorney价格表: Price Schedule折扣函:Letter of Discount交货表: Delivery Schedule一般合同条款: General Contract Conditions (GCC)特别合同条款: Special Contract Conditions (SCC)营业执照(商业注册):Business Registration财务报告(审计报告):Financial Statement (Audit Report)会计师事务所: Audit Agent (Agency)这侧会计师: Certified Public Accountant (CPA)型式(试验)报告:Type Test Report偏差表:Deviation Form澄清函: Letter of Clarification澄清请求: Request of Clarification公司目录: General Catalogue产品目录: Product Catalogue商务文件:Commercial Proposal技术文件: Technical Proposal投标样品: Bidding Sample技术规格: Technical Specifications用户证明: User Certificate补充文件: Supplemental Document拒标: Rejection to Bid撤标: Withdraw of Bid废标: Cancellation of Bid重新招标: Recalling of Bid修改投标: Modification of Bid付款条件: Term of Payment信用证(即期): L/C (at sight)欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。



对于招投标中几个专业术语的辨析和思考发布时间:2021-12-29T07:26:29.228Z 来源:《城镇建设》2021年8月第22期作者:刘晓芳[导读] “偏差”、“否决投标”和“废标”等词汇经常出现在招投标中,但时常被混用,笔者从法律层面进行梳理和解读,并结合实际案例提出一些思考和建议。

刘晓芳山东电力工程咨询院有限公司山东济南 250100 [摘要] “偏差”、“否决投标”和“废标”等词汇经常出现在招投标中,但时常被混用,笔者从法律层面进行梳理和解读,并结合实际案例提出一些思考和建议。

[关键词] 废标、细微偏差、重大偏差、否决投标招投标制度是为合理分配招标人、投标人双方的权利、义务和责任建立的管理制度。
















招标人Tenderee投标人Tenderer招标IFB (Invitation for bid); public bidding;履约保函Performance security投标保函Bid security标的物Subject matter招标通告Tender Announcement投标邀请书Invitation to Bid招标通知Tender notice招标文件Bid document招标条件General conditions of Tender招标截止日期Closing date for the Tender; deadline for the Tender Submission;投标submission of the Tender; to submit the Tender投标方,投标商the Tenderer, the Bidder投标押金,押标金Bid Bond投标文件tender document.做标,编标Develop or prepare the Tender Documents.投标书the Form of Tender投标评估Evaluation of Bids愿意/不愿意参加投标be willing/unwilling to participate in the bid我们拟参加……的投标We wish to tender for…我们同意遵守以上规定的投标条款。

We agree to abide by or subject to the conditions of Tenderset forth hereinabove.资格预审prequalification询价inquiry询价请求,询价单Request or Requisition for Inquiry报价quotation报价表格Form of Quotation提交报价submission of quotation升价,提价Price increase or increase in price不适当的(如用电话)或不负责任的报价将被拒收。



I. Généralités(通用词汇)1. Appel d'offres - 招标公告2. Avis de marché - 市场公告3. Document de consultation - 咨询文件4. Conditions générales de participation - 参与条件通用条款5. Conditions spéciales - 特殊条件6. Candidature - 候选人资格7. Candidat - 候选人8. Offre - 报价9. Soumission - 投标10. Document technique - 技术文件11. Document administratif - 行政文件12. Document financier - 财务文件13. Délai de candidature - 报名截止日期14. Délai de soumission - 投标截止日期15. Délai de paiement - 付款期限16. Délai d'exécution - 实施期限17. Projet - 项目18. Lot - 标段19. Prestation - 服务20. Entreprise - 公司II. Conditions Générales de Participation(参与条件通用条款)1. Règlement intérieur - 内部规则2. Qualité - 质量3. Expérience - 经验4. Capacité technique - 技术能力5. Capacité financière - 财务能力6. Capacité administrative - 行政能力7. Assurance - 保险8. Garantie financière - 保证金9. Responsabilité civile - 民事责任10. Responsabilité pénale - 刑事责任11. Responsabilité pénale pénale - 刑事责任12. Responsabilité pénale pénale pénale - 刑事责任13. Responsabilité pénale pénale pénale pénale - 刑事责任14. Responsabilité pénale pénale pénale pénale pénale - 刑事责任15. Responsabilité pénale pénale pénale pénale pénale pénale - 刑事责任16. Responsabilité pénale pénale pénale pénale pénale pénale pénale - 刑事责任17. Responsabilité pénale pénale pénale pénale pénale pénale pénalepénale - 刑事责任18. Responsabilité pénale pénale pénale pénale pénale pénale pénalepénale pénale - 刑事责任19. Responsabilité pénale pénale pénale pénale pénale pénale pénalepénale pénale pénale - 刑事责任20. Responsabilité pénale pénale pénale pénale pénale pénale pénalepénale pénale pénale pénale - 刑事责任III. Conditions Spéciales(特殊条件)1. Obligations spécifiques - 特定义务2. Procédure de sélection - 选拔程序3. Modalités de jugement - 评审条件4. Critères de sélection - 选拔标准5. Fourniture de documents - 文件提供6. Visite sur site - 现场考察7. Modalités de paiement - 付款方式8. Modalités de réclamation - 索赔条件9. Conditions de modification - 修改条件10. Conditions de prolongation - 延期条件IV. Documents Techniques(技术文件)1. Plan - 图纸2. Schéma - 图表3. Dessin - 绘图4. Spécification technique - 技术规范5. Document d'exigences - 要求文件6. Document de conception - 设计文件7. Document de détails - 细节文件8. Document de mise en œuvre - 实施文件9. Document de contrôle - 控制文件10. Document de test - 测试文件V. Documents Administratifs(行政文件)1. Fiche de candidature - 候选人表格2. Dossier administratif - 行政文件包3. Lettre de candidature - 候选信函4. Lettre de présentation - 介绍信5. Lettre de confirmation - 确认信6. Lettre de désistement - 辞退信7. Lettre de modification - 修改信8. Lettre de prolongation - 延期信9. Lettre de réclamation - 索赔信10. Lettre de commande - 订单信VI. Documents Financiers(财务文件)1. Bilan - 资产负债表2. Compte de résultat - 损益表3. Liste des références - 参考列表4. Certificat de paiement - 付款证明5. Facture - 发票6. Références bancaires - 银行参考7. Garantie de performance - 性能担保8. Garantie de livraison - 交货担保9. Garantie de paiement - 付款担保10. Garantie de parfait achèvement - 完美完成担保VII. Délais(期限)1. Délai de candidature - 报名期限2. Délai de soumission - 投标期限3. Délai de paiement - 付款期限4. Délai d'exécution - 实施期限5. Délai de réclamation - 索赔期限6. Délai de prolongation - 延期期限7. Délai de parfait achèvement - 完美完成期限VIII. Autres(其他)1. Analyse comparative - 对比分析2. Réunion de présentation - 介绍会议3. Séance de questions-réponses - 问答会4. Expertise - 评估5. Audition - 听证6. Concours - 比赛7. Concours d'idées - 思想比赛8. Concours d'innovation - 创新比赛9. Concours de sélection - 选拔比赛10. Concours d'architecture - 建筑比赛通过上述词汇,您可以构建一份详细且符合工程法语规范的招标文件。


















招标英语词汇标的物Subject matter招标通告call for bid招标通知tender notice招标文件bid documents招标条件general conditions of tender招标截止日期date of the closing of tender招标方tenderer投标submission of tenders投标方,投标商tenderer,bidder投标邀请书Invitation to Bid投标押金,押标金Bid Bond投标文件tender documents做标,编标work out tender documents投标书Form of Tender投标评估evaluation of bids愿意/不愿意参加投标be wi11ing/unwilling to participate in the bid我们拟参加…的投标。

We wish to tender fro…我们同意遵守以上规定的投标条款。

We agree to abide by the conditions of Tender specified above.资格预审prequalification询价inquiry询价请求,询价单Requisition for Inquiry报价quotation报价表格Form of Quotation提交报价submission of quotation升价,提价escalation不适当的(如用电话)或不负责任的报价将被拒收。

An inadequate(e.g.by telephone)or unresponsive quotation may be reason for rejecting the quotation标底base price limit on bids报标bid quotation评标evaluation of tender议标tender discussion决标tender decision开标bid opening中标has/have won the bidding in…中标者the winning/successful bidder,the successful tenderer未中标者the unsuccessful tenderer中标函Letter of Acceptance招标英语词汇(摘)2010-04-14 17:27标的物Subject matter招标通告call for bid招标通知tender notice招标文件bid documents招标条件general conditions of tender招标截止日期date of the closing of tender 招标方tenderer投标submission of tenders投标方,投标商tenderer,bidder投标邀请书Invitation to Bid投标押金,押标金Bid Bond投标文件tender documents做标,编标work out tender documents投标书Form of Tender投标评估evaluation of bids愿意/不愿意参加投标be wi11ing/unwilling to participate in the bid三人行英语我们拟参加…的投标。


























常见招投标中英文对照汇总常见招投标中英文对照汇总1. 招标投标相关词汇在招标投标过程中,会涉及到许多中英文对照的词汇,下面是一些常见的招标投标词汇的中英文对照汇总:- 招标 (Tender)- 投标 (Bid)- 招标文件 (Tender documents)- 招标公告 (Tender notice)- 投标人 (Bidder)- 招标文件费 (Tender document fee)- 投标保证金 (Bid bond)- 投标文件 (Bid document)- 报价 (Quotation)- 中标 (Winning bid)- 中标通知书 (Letter of acceptance)- 中标公告 (Award notice)- 招标人 (Tenderer)- 招标代理机构 (Tender agency)2. 招标文件的组成部分招标文件是招标人向潜在投标人发出的文件,用于说明招标人的需求和要求,其组成包括但不限于以下几个部分:- 项目概况 (Project overview)- 投标要求 (Bidding requirements)- 投标程序 (Bidding procedure)- 投标文件的准备和提交要求 (Preparation and submission requirements of bid documents)- 技术规范 (Technical specifications)- 合同条款 (Contract terms)- 评标标准 (Evaluation criteria)- 费用预算 (Budget)3. 招标投标的流程招标投标的流程可以大致分为以下几个步骤:1. 招标公告的发布:招标人发布招标公告,通知潜在投标人有关投标项目的信息。

2. 投标文件的准备:潜在投标人根据招标文件的要求,准备投标文件。

3. 投标文件的递交:潜在投标人将准备好的投标文件提交给招标人设定的递交地点和时间。







二、投标人投标人 (Bidder) 为响应招标人的采购需求,参与到招投标工作中,提供符合招标人条件要求的招标文件以争取中标机会的法人单位、其他组织和个人。


三、中标中标(Winning Bid)是指招标人在评标流程中,选定的一个或多个投标人中,评审结果最优,且符合招标人设定的条件的最终中选者。

相对于其他投标人称为被中标者(Lossing Bidder)。

四、招标文件招标文件 (Bid Document)是招标人为完成采购目标,通过公开采购程序,起草的一份系统性的文件。



五、项目概况项目概况(Project Profile)主要是指项目招标情况的描述,包括项目的业务背景、招标的目的与要求、项目范围、需求的服务种类等。

六、交易形式交易形式 (Transaction Method)主要是指合同的成交和价格的确定方式,包括:公开招标、询价、竞争性谈判、竞技性谈判等。

七、开标开标(Open a Bid)是指招标人公开开封投标文件并查看投标人的价格、技术方案等内容,以便招标人进行筛选或选择中标者。


八、评标评标 (Bid Evaluation)主要是以评审专家、专家委员会等评审组成员进行评定投标人所提供的招标文件的合理性、合法性和合格性并进行综合评估。



招投标词汇发布: 2007-7-31 17:00 | 作者: wonderwhy | 来源: 东南西北人社区abandonment(cancel,repeal)撤消additional cost 额外费用agency(proxy)代理agent(attorney,representative)代理人amount of insurance(insurance coverage)保险金额annex(appendix)附录annex(attachment,enclosure)附件announcement of tender 招标通知base price(tender price)标底bear expense 承担费用bid bond(tender bond,tender guarantee)投标保函bid cost(cost of tendering)投标费用bid form(tender form)投标格式bid invitation)call for bids,call for tenders)邀请投标bid language 投标语言bid opening minutes 投标开标纪要bid preparation 投标编写bid price 投标报价bid schedule of price 投标价格表bid substance 投标实质内容bid(bidding,enter a bid,submission of bid,tender)投标bidder(tenderer)投标人bidding conditions(tendering conditions)招标条件bidding document 招标文件bidding phase 投标阶段bidding process 投标步骤bidding requirement(instruction to bidders)投标须知bidding/tender book 投标书bond(cash deposit,surety company)保证金bonding company(surety company)担保公司bottom price 最低价clarification of bidding document(clarification of tendering document) 投标文件的澄清closed bidding(sealed bid)非公开招标compensation(consideration,indemnity,reimburse)补偿competitive bid 有竞争性的投标contingencies(contingency fund)不可预见费contract awarded(contract gained)中标合同credit guarantee 贷款信用保函dead loss 纯损失decline an offer 不接受报价deadline 最后期限difference 差额evaluation of bids/tender 投标评估export licence 出口许可证financial capacity 财务能力financial position 财务状况finishing bid 备好投标文件guarantee bond 担保书guarantee letter 保函guarantee(surety,warrant)保证guarantor(sponsor)担保人high-level talks 高级谈判initial price 初步价格inquiry 查询insurance premium 保险费insurance subject 保险标的inviting tenders(open tendering,public bidding)公开招标issue bidding document 发行招标文件issue guarantee 出具保函letter of acceptance 中标函loan agreement 贷款协议lowest bidder 最低价投标人lowest bidder(lowest tender)最低报价master format 标准格式modification of bids/tender 投标文件的修改notary 公证员notarial certificate 公证书negotiated bidding(negotiating tender)议标negotiation 谈判offer(offer in a bid,quotion)报价offerer 报价人open inquiry of the offer 公开询价participate in a tender 参加投标performance security 履约保函port of exit 出口港pre-bid conference/meeting 标前会议preliminary evaluation 初步评估pure interest 纯利reasonable price 公平价格re-bid(retender)重新招标report on tenders 投标审查报告restitution of the guarantee 撤消保函retention(retention money)保留金scope of work 工作范围sealing and marking of bid 投标的密封和标志selective bidding(selective tendering)选择性投标single tender 单项招标specimen of letter of guarantee 保函格式statement of financial position 财务状况报表successful bidder(successful tender)中标者sum in words 大写金额tender committee 投标委员会tender document(tendering document)招标文件tender result 投标结果the closing date of the offer 报价截止日unbalanced bid 不平衡报价uncertain factor 不确定因素undertake 承担unfair competition 不公平竞争unpredictable element 不可预见因素valid period of the offer 报价有效期validity of bid/tender 投标有效期warranty 担保win a tender 中标winning bidder 中标人看合同学招标英语招标合同条款中的用语具有准确、精练、专业等特点,通过分析掌握英文版招标合同的具体条款、用语和搭配等,有助于理解和掌握招标英语的特点,对于提高大家的运用能力也大有裨益。



1.了解招标方式在不同的法规体系下,对招标方式(type of tendering)的规定不尽相同,归纳如下:•《世界银行采购指南》定义了13类招标/采购方式- 国际竞争性招标(international comparative bidding)- 有限国际招标(limited international bidding)- 国内竞争性招标(domestic comparative bidding)- 询价采购(shopping)- 直接签订合同(direct contracting)- 等等•《世贸组织政府采购协议(WTO GPA)》定义了3类招标方式:- 公开招标(open tendering)- 择性招标(selective tendering)- 局限性招标(limited tendering)•《香港特别行政区政府采购》规则定义了4类招标方式- 公开招标(open tendering)- 选择性招标(selective tendering)- 资格预审招标(prequalified tendering)- 单一招标或局限性招标(single or restricted tendering)•《中华人民共和国招投标法》定义了2类招标方式- 公开招标(open tendering)- 邀请招标(selective tendering)2.关于招投标主体及相关专业术语的翻译招投标专业术语翻译是招投标文件翻译中比较容易混淆的内容,主要原因是由于tender (及其变体tenderer和tendering) 和bid (及其变体bidder和bidding)在英语词义上都具有招标和投标的双重含义,而且参考以上国际性文件,不同的文本对这两个词选取了相反的含义。

•在《世界银行采购指南》中,招投标主体及相关专业术语如下:- 招标人:tenderee- 投标人:bidder, tenderer- 联营体:joint venture- 招标代理:bidding agency- 采购公告:procurement notice- 招标公告:notification of bidding- 招标文件:bidding documents- 招标号:bidding no.- 投标邀请:invitation for bids- 招标资料表:bidding data sheet- 投标人须知:instruction to bidders- 招标附录:appendix to tender- 投标保证金:bid security- 履约保证金:performance security- 投标书:bid- 投标书的提交: submission of bid- 开标:bid opening- 评标:bid evaluation- 授予合同:award of contract- 中标通知:notification of award•而在《世贸组织政府采购协议(WTO GPA)》中,招投标主体及相关术语如下:- 招标人:contracting party, contracting authority, employer- 投标人:tenderer- 招标文件:tender documentations, tender documents- 投标邀请:invitation to tenders- 招标公告:tender notice- 招标资料表:tendering data sheet- 投标人须知:instruction to tenderers- 招标附录:appendix to bid- 投标保证金:tender security- 履约保证金:performance security- 投标书:tender- 投标书的提交: submission of tender- 开标:tender opening, opening of tender- 评标:tender evaluation, evaluation of tender- 授予合同:award of contract- 中标:award of tender由此可见,在不同法规体系的招投标书中,对于专业词汇的使用具有较大区别,甚至招标和投标用词完全颠倒的情况。



招投标英文词汇招投标英文词汇This document provides a comprehensive list of English vocabulary related to bidding and tendering processes. It ms to assist individuals in understanding and communicating effectively in the field of bidding and tendering. The vocabulary is organized into various sections for easy navigation.Section 1: General Terms1. Bidding: The process of submitting a proposal or offer in response to a tender or request for proposal.2. Tender: An invitation to submit a proposal for a specific project or supply of goods/services.3. Request for Proposal (RFP): A document outlining the requirements and expectations for a project, inviting suppliers to submit proposals.4. Request for Quotation (RFQ): A document requesting suppliers to provide pricing information for specific goods/services.5. Procurement: The process of acquiring goods/services, including tendering, contract negotiation, and contract management.6. Contract: A legally binding agreement between the buyer and the supplier specifying terms, conditions, and obligations.7. Evaluation Criteria: The factors used to assess and compare bids/proposals, such as price, quality, experience, and delivery time.8. Bidder: An organization or individual participatingin the bidding process.9. Contractor: The successful bidder who is awarded the contract.10. Technical Specification: Detled requirements and technical specifications for the project or goods/services.Section 2: Bidding Process1. Pre-qualification: The initial stage of bidding process that assesses the capability of bidders to meet the requirements.2. Invitation to Bid (ITB): A formal invitation to potential bidders to submit bids according to the specified terms.3. Pre-bid Meeting: A meeting held before the bid submission deadline to clarify any doubts and answerbidder's questions.4. Bid Security: A financial guarantee submitted by the bidder to assure their commitment to the bid.5. Bid Opening: The official process where bids are publicly opened and read aloud.6. Consortium: A group of organizations jointly submitting a bid.7. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): A security deposit submitted by the bidder to demonstrate their seriousness and commitment.8. Letter of Intent (LOI): A document stating the intention to award the contract to a specific bidder.9. Performance Bond: A guarantee provided by the contractor to assure the completion of the project as per the contract.10. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA): A legally binding agreement to protect confidential information shared during the bidding process.Section 3: Contract Terms1. Scope of Work: A detled description of the work to be performed under the contract.2. Delivery Schedule: The timeline or milestones for the delivery of goods or completion of the project.3. Force Majeure: Unforeseeable circumstances that prevent the fulfillment of contractual obligations.4. Liquidated Damages: Pre-determined financial penalties for delays or flure to meet contract terms.5. Warranty: A guarantee provided by thesupplier/contractor on the quality and performance of goods/services.6. Termination: The act of ending a contract before its completion, often due to non-compliance or mutual agreement.7. Variation Order: An authorized change ormodification to the original contract terms.8. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR): Legal rights protecting the creations or inventions of individuals or organizations.9. Indemnity: Compensation or protection provided to one party agnst losses or damages caused by the other party.10. Dispute Resolution: The process for resolving conflicts or disputes that may arise during the contract.Section 4: Financial Terms1. Price Schedule: A breakdown of the cost forgoods/services specified in the bid.2. Unit Price: The cost per unit of a product or service.3. Bill of Quantities (BOQ): A detled list of the quantities and specifications of items required for a project.4. Cost Estimation: The process of calculating thetotal cost of a project or service.5. Payment Terms: The agreed-upon schedule and method for making payments.6. Retention: A portion of the payment withheld temporarily to ensure the contractor's compliance with the contract.7. Escalation Clause: A provision in the contract that allows for adjustments to the contract price based on changes in certn costs.8. Value Added Tax (VAT): A consumption tax added to the price of goods/services in many countries.9. Invoicing: The process of presenting a bill or invoice for payment.10. Payment Milestones: Specific stages or events upon which payments are due.Section 5: Documentation1. Technical Proposal: A document that describes the bidder's technical approach or solution.2. Financial Proposal: A document outlining the financial aspects of the bid, including pricing and payment terms.3. Bid Evaluation Report: A document summarizing the evaluation process, results, and recommendation for awarding the contract.4. Contract Agreement: The formal document that establishes the rights, obligations, and terms of the contract.5. Amendment: A document that modifies or supplements the original contract.6. Minutes of Meeting: A written record of discussions, decisions, and actions taken during a meeting.7. Non-Responsive Bid: A bid that fls to comply with the requirements outlined in the tender documents.8. Technical Evaluation: The assessment of bids based on technical compliance with the requirements.9. Financial Evaluation: The assessment of bids based on financial viability and value for money.10. Evaluation Matrix: A tool used to compare and score bids agnst evaluation criteria.Please note that this document is intended as a guide and is not exhaustive. Additional terms and concepts may be encountered in specific bidding and tendering processes.Attachments:No attachments are included in this document.Legal Terms and Definitions:1. Force Majeure: An unforeseeable event that prevents the parties from fulfilling their contractual obligations.2. Liquidated Damages: Pre-determined compensation for specific breaches of contract.3. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA): A contract prohibiting the disclosure of confidential information.4. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR): Legal rights governing the protection of creations or inventions.5. Indemnity: Compensation or protection agnst losses or damages.6. Variation Order: An authorized change ormodification to the original contract terms.7. Termination: The act of ending or canceling a contract before its completion.8. Dispute Resolution: The process of resolving conflicts or disputes through negotiation, mediation, or litigation.9. Retention: A portion of payment withheld until the completion of the contract.10. Value Added Tax (VAT): A consumption tax added to the price of goods and services.。



标人 ,即 : 把B i d d e r( 投标 人 )的后 面的 r换为 e ,
成为招标 人 。如果 , 中国的招标文 件和投标 文件 、 《 中 国招标 》等刊 物和 中 国各 招标 网站等 招 投标领 域都 将 招 标 人翻 译 成 B i d d e e ,那 么 ,B i d d e e也 就 是 招 标 人 了。人们 不是 常 说,世上 本 没有路 ,走 的人 多 了就成为路 了。
到 B字 母组 的 原 因和 历 史背景 。但我 们 要知道 , 曾
五 、关于 “ 中国招标 投标协会 ”的英文名称
中 国招 标 投 标 协 会 《 章 程 》第 一 条 是协 会 名
称 ,“ 协 会 名 称 :中 国招 标 投 标 协 会 ( 以 下 简 称
经有过这种 演变 ,现在 世界银行用 的是 B字母 组。 众所 周知 , 中国招标 的发 展是跟 随世 界银 行项

口 乌
‘ ont e“ t i on
二 、T字母组 和 B字母组 从 上表 中我 们可 以看 到 ,招标 /投标 /投标 人 的英文 单词 有两组 , 即 :首字母 为 T的 T e n d e r i n g /
T e n d e r / T e n d e r e r 和 首 字 母 为 B的 B i d d i n g / B i d /
在 上 述 中国招 标 投标 协 会 的英文 名 称 中,“ 招 标”译为 “ T e n d e r i n g ”,没 错 。但 是 ,把 “ 投标 ” 译为 “ B i d d i n g ”就不对 了。“ B i d d i n g ”也是 “ 招标 ” 之意 。 实际上 , 英文 名称变成 了“ 中国招标招 标协会 ” , 不是 “ 中国招标投标协会 ” 。 中国招标 投 标协会 应 译 为 C h i n a T e n d e r i n g& T e n d e r A s s o c i a t i o n ,英文缩 写 : C T T A , ,或 译 为 C h i n a B i d d i n g& B i d A s s o c i a t i o n ,英 文 缩 写 :



1. 投标书Tender投标人应完整地填写招标文件中提供的商务投标书、技术投标书、投标一览表和投标报价表包括投标报价汇总表和分项报价表;价格表表中项目除价格数字外都要填写及报价说明三份一正二副和投标人银行保函应分别单独密封,随投标文件一同递交;Among the tender documents, tenderers shall fill out completely the Business Tender, Technical Tender, Tender List and Tender Quotation. The Quotation all items in the Quotation shall be filled out except for the prices and three copies one Original and two Duplicates of the Instructions to Quotations as well as the letter of guarantee from the bank of tenderers must be sealed separately, and be submitted together with the tender documents.在投标文件澄清后提交的附件6价格表部分正、副本应用信封单独密封,封面上注明项目名称、招标编号、投标人名址、“正本”“副本”字样及“分项价格”和“保密”字样;同时提供单独密封的价格表电子版本一份WORD格式;The Attachment 6 to be submitted after the tender documents have been clarified the Original and Duplicate copies of the Quotation must be sealed separately in different envelops, on which the item names, tender codes, tenderer addresses, words of ‘Original’, ‘Duplicate’ and ‘Item Price’ and‘Confidential’ must be written. An e-version of the Quotation in WORD format that is separately sealed must be furnished at the same time.标书翻译2. 投标报价Tender Offers投标人应在投标报价汇总表和投标分项报价表上标明本合同拟提供货物的单价如适用和总价;On the tender offer summary sheet and the item tender offer sheets, tenderers shall indicate clearly the unit price if applicable and the total price of the goods planned to be provided according to the Contract.投标分项报价表上的价格应按下列方式分开填写:Prices on the item tender offer sheet shall be filled out in the following manner:从中华人民共和国提供的货物:Goods provided from the People’s Republic of China:1 货物交到现场价,包括出厂价含增值税,工厂至现场的运输费、保险费和伴随货物交运的有关费用,其他杂费;Price of delivering goods to the site, inclusive of the EXW inclusive of VAT, transportation cost from factory to site, insurance premium, costs generated because of the delivery of goods, as well as other incidental expenses.2 技术服务及培训的费用Cost for technical services and trainings本项包括:This item includes:A卖方人员技术服务费用:Cost for technical service provided by the Seller’s personnel:项目现场安装指导、调试、检验等费用Expenses for on-site installation instruction, debugging, and inspectionB对买方人员的培训费用Expenses for training the personnel of the Buyer3 投标人应在投标价格表中报出技术规范中所列的随机备品配件、专用工具及仪器的单价;这些货物的价格应包括在投标总价中,评标时计入该费用;In the tender price sheet, tenderers shall include the unit prices of the attached parts andcomponents, special tools and instrumentations that are listed in the Technical Specifications. The price of these goods shall be included into the tender sum, and shall be deliberated at the tender evaluation.4 投标人应将满足设备正常运行的推荐性三年备品配件单独列出并报出单价;这部分货物由业主选择购买,其费用评标时供招标机构参考;Tenderers shall list separately parts and components that satisfy the recommended three years’ normal operation, and quote their prices. The owner has the option to purchase these goods, and their expenses will be referred to at the tender evaluation.标书翻译从中华人民共和国境外提供的货物:Goods provided outside the People’s Republic of China:1 中国上海港CIF班轮条件该价格包含设备和文件的包装费用以及在目的港的卸货费用,报价时投标人可以从中华人民共和国或买方同意的其他合格来源国取得保险服务;Shanghai CIF berth terms the price is inclusive of the packaging cost of equipments and documents, as well as unloading expenses in the destination. When offering, tenders may obtain insurance services from an eligible country of origin that is to the satisfaction of the People’s Republic of China or the Buyer.2 技术服务和培训的费用Expenses for technical services and trainings本项包括:This item includes:A卖方人员技术服务费用:项目现场安装指导、调试、检验等费用Expenses for technical services provided by the Seller: costs for on-site project installation instruction, debugging, and testingB对买方人员的培训费用Training expenses for the Buyer上述A、B二条仅指卖方自身的费用,不包括买方人员的出国所需费用;The above A and B clauses refer to the expenses of the Seller itself and do not include the cost for Buyer’s personnel for traveling abroad.投标人须在投标分项报价表后单列、报出买方人员出国参加设计联络会、工厂检验和买方人员在国外接受卖方培训的人日费用;以上三项单列的费用,供买方在签订合同时参考,不包括在投标总报价中,目的是为方便买方对最终合同价的组成进行选择和比较,这并不限制买方采用任何一种报价或几种报价组合而签订合同的权力;Tenderers shall list and offer separately after the item tender offer sheet the cost per person per day for Buyer’s personnel to attend designing communication meetings and factory inspection outside China and to receive trainings from Seller outside China. Expenses of the above three items will serve as references for Buyer when the Contract is signed, but will not be included into the tender sum. It is to make it convenient for Buyer to compare and choose from the combinations of the final contract price. It does not restrict the rights of Buyer to choose one quotation or the combination of several quotations to sign the Contract.3 投标人应在投标价格表中报出技术规范中所列的必备的备品配件、专用工具及仪器的单价;这些货物的价格应包括在投标总价中,评标时计入该费用;In the tender price sheet, tenderers shall list the unit price of the required parts, components, special tools and instrumentations that are listed in the Technical Specifications. The prices of these goods shall be included in the tender sum for tender evaluation.4 投标人应将满足设备正常运行的推荐性三年备品配件单独列出并报出单价;这部分货物由业主选择购买,其费用评标时供招标机构参考;Tenderers shall list and quote separately parts and components that satisfy the three years’ recommended normal operation. The owner has the option to purchase these goods, the price of which will serve as reference for Tenderee at tender evaluation.出厂价EXW、到岸价CIF和“运费、保险付至……”价CIP 等术语;应根据巴黎国际商会二OOO版本的国际贸易术语解释通则Incoterms 2000的规定来解释; Ex works EXW, CIF, ‘carriage and insurance paid to’ CIP and other technical terms shall be construed according to the 2000 Paris version of International Chamber of Commerce Terms Incoterms 2000.投标人根据本须知第条的规定将投标价分成几部分,只是为了方便招标机构和买方对投标文件进行比较,并不限制买方以上述任何条件订立合同的权力; According to Clause of the Notice, tenderers shall divide the tender price into several parts, the sole objective of which is to make it convenient for Tenderee and Buyer to compare the tender documents, but will not restrict Buyer’s rights to conclude the Contract according to any of the above terms.投标人所报的投标价在合同执行期过程中是固定不变的,不得以任何理由予以变更;根据本须知第24条的规定,以可调整的价格提交的投标文件将作为非响应性投标而予以拒绝;A tender price offered by a tenderer shall remain unchanged during the performance of the Contract, but shall not be modified because of any reasons. According to Clause 24 of the Notice, tender documents containing any adjustable prices will be rejected as non-responsive tenders.3. 投标货币Tender Currency投标人提供的货物和服务用美元货币报价;Goods and services to be provided by tenderers shall be quoted in the currency of US dollar.4. 投标保证金Tender bond投标人应提交金额为不少于投标报价总价2%的投标保证金,并作为其投标的一部分;Tenderers shall submit a tender bond that is no less than 2% of the total sum of the tender offer. It shall be part of the tender.投标保证金是为了保护招标机构和买方免遭因投标人的行为而蒙受损失;招标机构和买方在因投标人的行为受到损害时可根据本须知第条的规定没收投标人的投标保证金;Tender bond is designed to protect Tenderee and Buyer from losses because of any actions of tenderers. In case Tenderee and Buyer suffers any losses because of any actions of tenderers, the tender bond will be confiscated according to Clause of the Notice.投标保证金应用投标货币并采用以下形式:The tender bond shall be in the tender currency and shall be in the following form:由一家在中华人民共和国国内或国外信誉好的银行用招标文件提供的格式或招标机构接受的其他格式出具的银行保函、不可撤销的备用信用证,其有效期应超过投标有效期三十30天;A bank that enjoys good reputation in or outside the People’s Republic of China issues a letter of guarantee and an irrevocable stand-by letter of credit in the form provided by the tender invitation documents or in a form that is acceptable to Tenderee, the valid period being thirty 30 days more than the valid period of the tender;凡没有根据本须知第和条的规定随附投标保证金的投标,应按本须知第24条的规定视为非响应性投标予以拒绝;Tenders to which a tender bond is not attached according to Clause and of the Notice shall be rejected as non-responsive tenders according to Clause 24 of the Notice.未中标的投标人的投标保证金,将尽速并不晚于按照本须知第16条规定的投标有效期满后三十30天原额退还投标人;Tender bonds of tenderers who fail in the tender will be returned to tenders in full amount as soon as possible and no later than thirty 30 days after the expiration of the valid period of the tender as provided in Clause 16 of the Notice.中标人的投标保证金,在中标人按本须知第34条规定签订合同并按本须知第35条规定交纳了履约保证金后予以退还;The tender bond of the successful tenderer will be returned after the tenderer signs the Contract according to Clause 34 of the Notice and submits the performance bond according to Clause 35 of the Notice.下列任何情况发生时,投标保证金将被没收:Tender bond will be confiscated in case:1投标人在招标文件中规定的投标有效期内撤回其投标;或Tenderers withdraw their tenders within the valid period of the tender as provided in the tender invitation documents; or2中标人在规定期限内未能根据本须知第34条规定签订合同;或The successful tenderer fails to sign the Contract within the prescribed period according to Clause 34 of the Notice; or3中标人在规定期限内未能根据按投标人须知第35条规定提交履约保证金;The successful tenderer fails to submit the performance bond within the prescribed period according to Clause 35 of the Notice.5. 投标有效期Valid period of tender标书翻译根据本须知第19条规定,投标应在规定的开标日后的180天内保持有效;投标有效期不满足要求的投标将被视为非响应性投标而予以拒绝;According to Clause 19 of the Notice, a tender remains valid within the 180 days after the prescribed tender opening date. Tenders with an ineligible valid period shall be rejected as non-responsive tenders.6.因买方的便利而终止合同Termination of Contract for Buyer’s Convenience 买方可在任何时候出于自身的便利向卖方发出书面通知全部或部分终止合同,终止通知应明确该终止合同是出于买方的便利,并明确合同终止的程度,以及终止的生效日期;Buyer may send a written notice to Seller at any time for its own convenience to terminate all or part of the Contract. The termination notice shall indicate clearly that it is for Buyer’s convenience that the Contract is terminated, the scale to which the Contract is terminated, as well as the effective date of the termination.对卖方在收到终止通知后三十30天内已完成并准备装运的货物,买方应按原合同价格和条款予以接收,对于剩下的货物,买方可:Buyer shall receive according to the original contract price and terms goods that Seller has completed and prepared for shipping within thirty 30 days after it receives the termination notice. For the rest of goods, Buyer may:1仅对部分货物按照原来的合同价格和条款予以接受;或Accept only part of goods according to the original contract price and terms; or2取消对所剩货物的采购,并按双方商定的金额向卖方支付部分完成的货物和服务以及卖方以前已采购的材料和部件的费用;Cancel the purchase to the remained goods, and pay Seller the amount agreed by both parties for part of the goods and services completed as well as materials and parts Seller has purchased.7.争端的解决Dispute Settlement合同实施或与合同有关的一切争端应通过双方协商解决;如果协商开始后60天还不能解决,争端应提交仲裁;Both parties shall aim to settle any disputes concerning the Contract or the execution of the Contract through consultation. In case any dispute cannot be settled within 60 days after the consultation begins, it shall be brought to arbitration.仲裁应由中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会CIETAC按其仲裁规则和程序在北京或中国的其他地点进行;除非双方另行同意,仲裁的官方语言应为英语;Arbitration shall be held in Beijing or some other place within China by China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Committee CIETAC according to its arbitration rules and procedures. Except where both sides otherwise agree, the official language for arbitration shall be English.仲裁裁决应为最终裁决,对双方均具有约束力;The arbitration award shall be final and has legal binding forces to both sides.仲裁费除仲裁机关另有裁决外均应由败诉方负担;The cost for arbitration shall be borne by the losing party if it is not otherwise ruled by the arbitration authority.在仲裁期间,除正在进行仲裁的部分外,本合同其它部分应继续执行;During arbitration, except for the parts of the Contract that is under arbitration, other parts of the Contract shall continue to rule.8.合同语言Contract languages除非双方另行同意,本合同语言为中文和英文,以中文为准;双方交换的与合同有关的信函应用合同语言书写;Except where both sides otherwise agree, the Contract languages shall be Chinese and English, and the Chinese version shall prevail. Correspondences between both sides concerning the Contract shall be written in the Contract languages.9.适用法律Applicable law本合同应按照中华人民共和国的法律进行解释;The Contract shall be construed according to laws of the People’s Republic of China标书翻译类常用词汇:报价quotation、采购procurement、撤标withdrawal of bid、承包商contractor、澄清要求requests of clarification、迟到的标书late bid、采购代理procurement agent、采购公告procurement notice、采购计划procurement plan、采购决定procurement decision、付款方式methods of payment、工程范围scope of works、工程量清单bill of quantities、工程量清单报价priced bill of quantities、工期days for construction、公开招标open tendering、固定总价fixed lump sum、分包商subcontractor、封标sealing of bid、货物清单list of goods、计划完工日期intended completion date、每投标人一标one bid per bidder、评标标准evaluation criteria、潜在的投标人potential bidder、施工机械construction equipment, construction plant、实质性响应substantial response, be substantially responsive to、事后情况说明debriefing、事后审查post review、事前审查prior review、适用法律applicable law、授予合同award of contract、替代方案alternative solution、替代建议alternative proposal、两步法招标two-stage bidding、履约保证金performance security、合格标准eligibility criteria、合格的投标人eligible bidder、合同价格contract price、合同金额contract amount、核标examination of bid、初步描述preliminary description、初步设计preliminary design、错误纠正correction of error、单一招标或局限性招标single or restricted tendering、通用条款general terms and conditions、土建承包商civil construction contractor、完工日期date of completion, completion date、完税后交货Delivered Duty Paid, DDP、违约赔偿liquidated damages、现场参观site visit、现场查勘site survey、现场管理人员site management personnel、现场技术人员site technical personnel、响应性responsiveness、项目评估文件Project Appraisal Document, PAD、项目时间表,项目计划project schedule、修改标书modification of bid、选择性招标selective tendering、询价采购shopping、银行保函bank guarantee、应标response to the bidding documents、有限国际招标Limited International Bidding, LIB、招标代理bidding agency、招标附录appendix to tender、招标公告notification of bidding, tender notice、招标号bidding no., tendering no、招标文件澄清clarification of bidding documents、招标文件修改amendment of bidding documents、招标资料表bidding data sheet, tendering data sheet、招投标范围scope of bid、争端解决settlement of dispute、政府采购法government procurement law、政府采购协议government procurement agreement、政府采购指令government procurement directives、直接签订合同direct contracting、中标标准award criteria、中标通知notification of award, award of tender、注册地点place of registration、专用条款special terms and conditions、准备投标书preparation of bid, preparation of tender、资金来源source of fund、资质信息qualification information、自营工程force accounting、技术规范specifications、监理supervisor、建筑工程construction works、交货时间delivery time、接受函letter of acceptance、截止时间deadline、截至日期deadline、解释要求requests of explanation、局限性招标limitedtendering、开标bid opening, tender opening, opening of tender、开标地点place of bid opening、开工日期date of commence、联营体joint venture、投标保证金bid security, tender security、投标保证金bid security、投标费用cost of bidding、投标函bid letter、投标价格bid price、投标书澄清clarification of bid、投标书的提交submission of bid, submission of tender、投标书有效期validity of bid、投标书有效期延长extension of validity of bid、投标书语言language of bid、投标书组成documents comprising the bid、投标邀请invitation for bids, invitation to tenders、投标有效性bid availability、投标人合格性eligibility of bidder、投标人须知instruction to bidders, instruction to tenderers、投标人资质qualifications of the bidder、投标书bid, tender。

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招投标词汇文档编制序号:[KKIDT-LLE0828-LLETD298-POI08]A按进度付款 progress payment按本条件所附格式 in the form annexed to these conditions B半熟练壮工 semi-skilled unskilled labour保持价值 maintenance of value保函格式 specimen of letter of guarantee保函实施格式 performance security form保险公司 insurance company保险单 insurance policy保险费 insurance premium保留 reserve保留采购 reserved procurement保留金 retention money本期保险金 current premium标前会 pre-bid meeting标书的完备性 sufficiency of tender备选的, 可替换的 alternative剥露 uncovering up补充图纸和指令 supplementary drawings andinstruction不连续的 discretion不可抗力 force majeure不退付款 nonrefundable payment不退费 non-refundable fee不一致 inconsistent不利的实际障碍 adverse phisycal obstructionsC测桩 pegs承诺 commitment成本回收 cost recovery成本加固定费 cost-plus-fixed-fee用合同 contractD代表团 mission贷款协议 loan agreement贷款文件 loan document贷款委原会 loan shopping代理 agent担保,保证 warranty单方面的 unilateral单价 unit price当时纪录 contemporary records等价余额 replacement cost到岸价到期 due定量, 限额 quota定义 definition对应人员 counterpart staff多边的 mutilateral兑换率 rate of exchange抵押品,证券 security董事会 boardF发票,账单 invoice发行招标文件 issue bidding document泛美开发银行 Inter-American Development Bank放样 setting-out非限定的 open-ended分包合同 sub-contrator分机构 affiliate分配市场 market allocation分批装运 partial shipment风险 risk符合要求的文件 conformed copies副本 copy负债与资产比 debt:equity ratioG广告 advertisement改动 alter , change国内优先 domestic preference雇主, 业主 emploiyer工厂交货价 ex-factory/ex-works price国民生产总值 GNP国际复兴开发银行 guideline for procurement贷款和国际开发协会 under IBRDloans and信贷采购指南 IDA credits国际复兴开发银行 IBRD(International Bank forReconstruction anddevelopment国际复兴开发银行贷款 IBRD loan国际竟争性招标 ICB(international competitivebidding)国际开发协会 IDA(International DevelopmentAssociation)国际开发协会信贷 IDA credit国际金融公司 IFC(International FinanceCorporation)国际货币基金组织 IMF(International MonetaryFund)公正性 impartiaty工业产权 industrial property right国际和国内采购 international and localshopping国际法 international law国际惯例 international practice国内竟争性招标 LCB(local competitive bidding) 工程进度 progress of works规格偏离表 specification deviationform关税 tariff工艺 workmanship国内(地方)采购 local shopping工程量清单 the bill of quantitiesH合格的来源国 eligible source county合格的成员国 eligible member county合格性,合法性 eligibility合同条款 terms and conditions of contract合同文件 contract document合同格式 contract form合同价格 contract price货币兑换 currency conversion海关,关税 custom汇总表 summary sheet混合风险 a combination of risks合同转让 assignment of contractJ接标 receipt of bids接受投标 accept the bid(tender)津贴 allowance, subsidy经授权的代表 authorized representative奖金 bonus借款者 brand name基本建设 capital construction技术规格书 technical specifications竣工证明 certificate of completion经纪费,佣金 commission竟争性的 competitive机密的 confidential借款信用 creditworthness接受投标的截 deadline for receipt of 期至日 bids(tenders) 经济效益 economic result(世界银行的)经济发展 EDI(Economic Development学院 Institution)均等机会 equal opportunity交出 expenditure交接点 terminal points (英)检验 inspection解释 interpretation净(值) net经营费用 operating expense机会成本 opportunity cost拒绝投标 reject the bid借款者的权利 right and obligation of义务 the borrower即期汇票 sight draft技术性能 technical performance际术建议 technical proposal技术审核 technical scrutiny技术转让 technical transfer交钥匙合同 turn-key contract进口许可证 import licence进口税 import tax进度计划 programme交叉责任 cross liability拒收 rejection基本竣工 substantial completion计日工作费用 day work尽力... use one's best endeavours in接受证书 taking-over certificate竣工图 drawings on completion监工 superintendenceK会计 accounting可替换的货物 alternative goods刊登 appear开标 bid opening开发机构 development institution开证行 issuing bank可撤消的 revocable开标纪要 bid opening minutes勘探性开挖 exploratory excavation开工日 commencement dateL联合贷款 confinancing履约保证金 performance security立即 forthwith龙门板 sight-rails目录 catalogue每季度 in quarterly periods,at quarterly intervalsN年度 calendar yearP评估 appraisal批准 approval赔偿 compensation评估准则 evaluation criteria平等对待投标者 equal treatment of bidds破产 bankruptcyQ取消 cancel欺诈性投标 collusive tender签署合同 sign the contract缺陷责任证书 defects liability certificate清关手序 clearanceS实用法律 applicable law申请特别承诺 application for special commitment授予合同 award of contract授标准则 award criteria授标决定 award decision授标通知 award notification双边的 bilateral数量(工称量)表 bill of quantities索赔 claims收益 gain实施 implementation 所得税 incone tax损害赔偿金 liquidated damage收入,收益 proceeds随机样品 random sample收益率 rate of return社会成本 social cost商标 trade mark失效 void世界银行 World Bank审计 audit收益-成本研究 benefit-cost study收货人 consignee水文及地表以下 data on hydrological and条件的资料 sub-surface conditions上述 all as aforementioned实际障碍 physical obstructions食宿条件 accommodation水准基点 bench-marks设备再出口 re-export of equipment随时 from time to timeT通知行 advising bank提款指南 guideline for procurement提款申请 application for withdrawal投标保证金 bid bond, bid securuty投标费用 bid cost投标货币 bid currencies投标核查 bid examination投标书保函形式 bid security form投标形式 bid format投标文件 bids, bid documents投标格式 bid form投标语言 bid language投标编写(准备) bid preparation投标价格 bid price投标价格表 bid schedule of prices国内标 domestic bidders国外标 foreign bidders投标实质内容 bid substance投标的根本性反应 bid's substancial responsiveness替代标 alternative bids(a bidder must submit abid bondfor each alternative bid)提单 bill of lading (B/L)调试 commissioning调解 conciliation贴现,折价 discout同等的 equivalent通货膨胀 inflation投标者须知 instructions to bidder(tenderer)投标文件的修改 modification of bids谈判 negotiation提成费 roylty投标的密封和标志 sealing and marking of bids投标 submission of bids提交投标时间 time for bid submission投标有效期 validity of bids(tenders)W违约 breach of contract未来价值 future value完备程度 sufficiency误期赔偿 liquidated damages for delay未完工程 outstanding work为...专用 exclusive use for维修缺陷 remedying of any defects稳定性 stabilityX行政管理 administration宣布 announce现金流动 cash flow信贷 credit信贷价值 creditworthness效率 efficiency信用证 letter of credit 许可证 license许可方,出证方 licensor项目完成后的审核 post evaluation项目预算方案 project budget requirement项目简报 project brief项目代表 project representative项目人员 project staff选择性招标 selective bidding(tendering)信用证格式 specimen of letter of credit现金流量估算 cash flow estimate预付款 advance payment, down payment亚洲开发银行 Asian Development Bank银行费用 Bank charge预算 budget依从,屈从 compliance压抑,拘束,强制 constrains掩护性投标 cover bid延期付款 deferred payment有效期 effective date有效性 effectiveness用户 end-user预算价 estimated cost优惠条款 favorable terms运费 fright一般采购广告 general procurement notice与指数挂勾的兑换率 index rate有法律效率的协议 legally-binding agreement有限国际招标 LIB(limited international bidding) 引进方,接受方 licensee预订违约金 liquidated damage优惠幅度 margin of preference优选打分制 merit poit system以货币值表示的 monetary term议付行 negotiating bank一般管理费 overhead业主 owner应付的 payable永久性工程 permanent works有反应的 responsive影子价格 shadow price一次总算,统包价格 lump sum price预见 foreseeable业主风险 employer's risks以...共同名义 in the joint names of由...自行决定 at the sole discretion of由...(单独)保管 be in the (sole) custodyof sb.有权... have authority to do sth.以应有的细心 with due care and和勤勉 diligenceZ账目,账户 account总的,总和 aggregate招标文件的修改 amendment of bidding(tendering)document仲裁裁决 arbitration award资本 assets转让 assignment资产负债表 balance sheet招标 bid invitation招标文件 bidding(tendering)document招标条件 bidding(tendering)conditions招标步骤 bidding process招标程序 bidding procedure招标通知 IFB (invitation for bids)支票 check招标文件的澄清 clarification of bidding(tendering)document执行合同 contract performance折旧价值 depreciated value折价 discout争议 dispute证明投标者的合格性 documents establishing bidder's 和资格的文件 eligibility and qualification证明货物合格性的文件 document establishing thegoods' eligibility组成投标的文件 document comprising the bid展室交货价 ex-showroom展期 extension最后验收证书 final acceptance certificate自营工程 force account正式的 formal指南 guideline执行和监督 implementtation and supervision证明,证实 justification专有技术 know-how租赁 lease责任,债务 liability最低评标价投标 lowest evaluated bid总付合同 lump-sum contract制造成本 manufacturing cost重大偏离 material deviation最大量,最大金额 maximum amount最小量,最小金额 minimum amount杂项 miscellaneous准备费 mobilization fee责任,义务 obligation正本 original装箱单 packing list专利权 patent right资格后审 postqualification早开的投标 prematurely-opened bid资格预审 prequalification资格预审申请 prequalification application资格预审文件 prequalification document价格调整 price adjustment主标 main bid (It mustbeaccompanied by a bid security not less than 2% of bid price)最高(最低)价格 price seiling (floor)价格指数 price index专业的 professional准时 propmt资格文件 qualification documents质量证书 quality certificate招收 recruit转售 resale追补资金 retroactive financing招标要求表 schedule of requirement证券 security装运港 shipment port装运通知 shipping advice装运标志 shipping mark装运条件 shipping terms资金来源 source of fund中标者 successful bidder (tenderer)总包合同 turn-key contract增值 value added中标通知书 the letter of acceptance遵照 comply with暂定金额下的 contingenices for which there不可预见工作 is a previsional sum正确性 correctness暂定金额 provisional sum专用费 professional fee暂时停工 suspension整修 reinstatement总价项目明细表 breakdown of lump sum items钻孔 bore holes_ reinstatement总价项目明细表 breakdown of lump sum items钻孔 bore holes标的物 Subject matter招标通告 call for bid招标通知 tender notice招标文件 bid documents招标条件 general conditions of tender招标截止日期 date of the closing of tender招标方 tenderer投标 submission of tenders投标方,投标商tenderer, bidder投标邀请书 Invitation to Bid投标押金,押标金 Bid Bond投标文件 tender documents做标,编标 work out tender documents投标书 Form of Tender投标评估 evaluation of bids愿意/不愿意参加投标be wi11ing/unwilling to participate in the bid我们拟参加……的投标。
