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∗ Sophia Stella, a sophomore at Columbia School of Engineering, is one of many undergraduates (who become involved, one way or another, in research performed at the university). ∗ 哥伦比亚大学工程学院二年级学生索菲亚是众多以 各种方式在校参与研究工作的学生之一。
∗ 4. 认真核对,润色文字 ∗ 在对译文进行翻译后,要认真核对,核实译文与原 文内容,避免漏译,改正错误,同时要保证译文文 体表达的一致性。
∗ 举例: ∗ Thank you for your purchase of our Buick car at shanghai GM(上海通用汽车公司).we try our best to provide you with world-class service . To better ensure your rights, please complete and return the owner information form to shanghai GM marketing department within 30 days form the date of the car delivery. You will receive our Buick owner newsletter with the latest information on our product ,after-sales service, car care.
∗ 2.找准段落中得翻译要点,确定某些关键词或者词 语的含义 ∗ 在对段落有内容有了大致的了解,考生要把握好句 与句之间的联系。对于某些关键词或者词语不仅依 靠搭配关系,更多的是要与上下文进行联系,根据 语境来确定词汇的含义。有些时候可以意译。
∗ 3. 通过适当的翻译技巧, 用规范的汉语来表达译 文 ∗ 无论是正确理解原文还是通顺表达译文都要和恰当 的翻译技巧结合起来。比如用到 词性转化,增词法 等等。总而言之,写出来的中文要通顺,符合中国 人说话习惯。
∗ 购买保险是人们保护自己免于重大损失的一种方式。 火险是保险的一种。许多人支付保险公司一小笔费 用。虽然有成千上万的人购买了火险,但只有少部 分人的房子会遭受火灾。保险公司就从他们收取的 大笔保险费中取出一小部分来赔偿损失。
∗ “dove “ brand chocolate are made of superior material by up to date scientific method. The product is allowed to leave the factory only after strict examination of its quality . Owing to the influence of tropical climate on raw material used. White spots may occasionally appear on the surface of the product, but the quality remains unchanged.
∗ 理想的情况下,大学生从事研究是一种深入学习的 机会,这能够使得学生拓展思维,而这又是传统教 学无法做到的。 ∗ 经济学家爱迪生说过,要真正学好一门课程,你必 须认识(意识)到,知识不是现成的,等着你去被 动吸收的,而是再不断地创新的,因此,我们不得 不断的进行思考。。
∗ Her fond memories of work as an undergraduate researcher played an important role in her decision to leave her Wall Street programming job and return to Columbia as a graduate student. ∗ 大学时期从事研究工作的美好回忆使她下定决心离 开华尔街编程的工作,继续回到哥伦比亚大学读研 究生。
∗ 德芙巧克力是用上等材料以最新科学方法配制而成。 其质量经过严格检查后方可出厂。由于巧克力原料 品质受热带地区影响,偶尔出现产品表面有白色斑 点的现象,但它的品质不变。
∗ 感谢您选购了上海通用汽车公司的别克车。本公司 将全力为您提供一流的服务。为了更好地保障您的 权益,请将车主的信息表填好,并从汽车交货之日 起30天内将表格寄回到上海通用汽车公司营销部。 您将会收到我们公司的别克车主通讯录,它将为您 提供汽车公司产品、售后服务、车辆维护等方面的 最新信息。
∗ Buying insurance is a way in which people can protect themselves against large losses. Protection against fire is one kind of insurance. A large number of people pay small sums of money to an insurance company . Although thousands of people have paid fire insurance , only a few will lose their homes by fire. The insurance company will pay for these homes out of the small sums of money it had collected .
∗ It has to remain an extraordinary undertaking for extraordinary people in extraordinary circumstances. 它是特别的环境下为特别的人准备的特别的任务。
∗ 怎么样做段落翻译 ∗ 1. 判断文体 ∗ 考试时在做翻译时,首先要通读一遍段落了解大意, 抓住主题,从而保证整个语段的主题思想和主要信 息的准确性。
∗ Taken simply as a form of employment , it’s one of the most desirable jobs available to undergraduates . ∗ 把大学生研究简单的看成一种就业形式,它是大学 生所能得到的最理想的工作之一。
∗ He also describe how creating a piece of original research instilled a “pride of authorship” in work, something he hasn’t found in his regular class. ∗ 他还把大学生从事研究描述成一项独特有创意的研 究,这种研究会让你的工作充满“作家创作的自 豪”,这是他再常规课程中从来没有感受到的。
∗ Ideally, undergraduate research is an opportunity for the kind of intensive study that can expand the mind in ways traditional courses can’t. Economics professor Ralph Edison says: “ To really understand a discipline you have to get the feeling that knowledge isn’t just out there and you passively have to absorb it, but rather that it’s constantly being created and we’re constantly rethinking things…