动词ing和 ed作形容词

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excited I had an ____________look on my face when I heard the news.
excited excite ) by the smell of the food. 1. The dog was _________( interesting interest) subject. 2. I think history is a very __________( 3. Nothing happens in the book. It’s veryboring _________(bore). bored 4. It rained all day, and I was very ___________(bore). relaxed 5. She felt _________(relax) after a cup of coffee. surprising 6. The news was very _____________(surprise). exciting 7. Driving a fast car is ____________(excite).
annoyed They have an __________look on their faces because they annoyed so their look is ____________. annoyed feel___________, exciting 1. Xiao Li told me an _____________news. exciting 2. The news was_____________ to me. excited 3. I felt /was ____________by / about the exciting news. excited • The news really ______________me. (vt.) •
Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed
If you cannot decide between “I’m excited” and “I’m exciting”, just think of : “feel” . If we can say “ I feel excited.” then it must be “ I’m excited.” If you hesitate over completing the sentence “The film was very excited / exciting”, decide whether “The film excites someone” or “The film is excited by something”If so, exciting People who make a lot of noise are____________. annoying annoying They annoy people, so they are ___________people. annoying These people are ____________ to others. (annoy)
annoying The noise these people make is_______________.
annoy It is an ______________noise. annoying annoys The noise_____________people.
Leabharlann Baidu
annoyed People are ____________by the noise.
disappointing 8. Your exam results are very _______________(disappoint).
annoyed annoy) by your rudeness. 9. I was ___________( surprised 10. I was ___________( surprise ) by her hairstyle. 11. I’m very interested ___________(interest) in history.
satisfied 7. The employer seemed ____________(satisfy) with her work.
8. Mr. Young gave Simon an _____________(encourage) encouraging smile. encouraged 9. Simon felt ____________(encourage) at /by his words. frightened 10. Girls usually are ____________(frighten) of dogs.
1. They were __________(worry worried ) that the hijackers will make further demands.
worrying 2. We are now experiencing a very ____________(worry) situation. tired 3. I’m ________( tire) of watching TV; let’s go to bed. troubled trouble ) ; is anything worrying you? 4. You look _________( troubling trouble ) news kept them awake all night. 5. The __________( tiring 6. The __________(tire) work made them lose their temper.