演示文稿1[1].ppt(oral presentation)
学术会议OralPresentationSkills ppt课件

– My name is... – I am a student at the INT – I am a doctoral candidate, – I am X. Y. from 3 Com. I'm the manager of… – I am a researcher from … I've been working on the
speech for a discussion. – You may interrupt me at any moment to ask
questions or make comments. – Please stop me if you don't understand any
thing I say but could you keep any specific questions until after I've finished.
members of the board
– Fellow colleagues Mr. Chairman/Chairwoman
– Thank you for your kind introduction
Introduce oneself, (name, position, and company)
practical example...
Questions and comments from the audience.
powerpoint presentation的介绍

PowerPoint Presentation,简称PPT,是一种演示文稿,通常用于展示和介绍信息。
总的来说,PowerPoint Presentation是一种强大的演示工具,能够帮助演示者制作专业、有趣和有说服力的演示。
演示文稿1[1].ppt(oral presentation)
![演示文稿1[1].ppt(oral presentation)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/15ccd81afad6195f312ba644.png)
How to deal with cultural differences
We are often expected to give oral presentations to our classmates and teachers. To some teachers, our performance in oral presentations will form an important part of the overall assessment of our work.
• One World • 1. In what sense do you think we can regard the world we live in as One World? • 2. Do you think people in the world are largely similar? • 3. Do you know any traditions of other people in the world( Especially birthday celebrations between China and Western countries)?
Oral Presentation: 我们应该和(心地)善良、有同情心、关心他 人、诚实、体贴的人交朋友,因为他们是真诚 的、可信赖的。因此不要只想靠礼物来赢得朋 友。结交朋友的唯一方法是成为对方的朋友。 We should make friends with those who are kind-hearted, compassionate, caring, honest and thoughtful, because they are sincere and reliable. So don’t try to win a friend with gifts only. The only way to have a friend is to be one.
oral practice

What is most people’s attitude toward drug users in our society? • 人们往往认为吸毒者道德败坏/有性格缺陷/缺 少明智的判断。许多吸毒者丢了工作/靠偷盗获 得的钱财购买毒品/忍受着因戒毒带来的种种痛 苦的折磨。吸毒者受到以前的朋友甚至家人的 躲避/回避/抵制/看不起。
• Drugs have strong addictive power. Those who try may get addicted within the first few uses. Some people even get addicted from the very first use. Drug abuse can cause physical and psychological dependence on the drug. Once physical dependence has developed, one needs to increase doses to achieve the desired effects. Drug addiction often leads to serious health disorders and sometimes to death. A drug addict will resort to crime and violence or any means to get money to buy drugs.
3. Do you think it is necessary for your university to start a drug education program? Why or why not?
Yes, I do. Drug abuse has become a serious social problem in this country and many people are being affected by it. Only by more education will people become fully aware of the danger of doing drugs. University students have the responsibility to fight drug abuse. With more knowledge about the problem, they will not become victims of drug abuse themselves, and will also be able to do their bit in the nation's effort to wipe out drug abuse.

然而随着人越来越老,生日也变的不那么重要了。 因为每过一个生日,人们就会被提醒自己又老了 一岁。毕竟人们都喜欢年轻,不喜欢变老。这也 是人之常情。不管怎么说,记住生日可以让我们 珍惜生命,而不至于虚度光阴。
However, as people grow older, birthdays are no longer that important, for each birthday reminds them that they are turning a year older. After all, everyone likes being young, not old. It’s human nature. Anyway, remembering birthdays can help us treasure our lives and not fritter them away.
Human nature is essentially the same everywhere, as first, the world in which we live gives birth to and nurtures our human race. Second, all human beings have the need to eat, to have shelter, and to work. They also need to love others and be loved. Third, we, people of the world, are one big family, for together we exist, and together we try to make the world better for all.

通过“开发工具”选项卡中的 “录制宏”功能,记录一系列操 作步骤,以便后续快速执行相同
在VBA编辑器中对录制的宏进行编 辑和优化,提高自动化处理的效率 和准确性。
通过快捷键、按钮或自定义菜单等 方式快速执行宏命令,实现一键式 操作。
将需要展示的数据导入到图表中, 确保数据的准确性和完整性。
对图表进行样式设置,包括颜色、 字体、背景等,使其更加美观且 易于理解。
为图表添加动态效果,如数据动 画、交互式效果等,增强演示的
PowerPoint支持将演示文稿分 享到Web上,以便其他人可以 在线查看或编辑。可以通过“文 件”菜单下的“分享”选项,选 择“上传到Web”并按照提示 进行操作。
如果想要在移动设备上查看或编 辑演示文稿,可以使用 PowerPoint的移动应用。可以 将演示文稿保存到OneDrive或 SharePoint等云存储服务中, 然后在移动设备上使用 PowerPoint应用进行访问和编 辑。
根据幻灯片布局和内容 重要性,合理设置字号 大小,确保观众能够清
适当调整行距和段距, 使文本内容更加易读且
采用合适的对齐方式, 如左对齐、居中对齐等, 使文本排版更加整齐。
1[1](oral presentation)PPT课件
Oral Presentation 3:
不了解文化差异会引发许多问题。一方面不 了解文化差异的人在与不同文化背景的生意 伙伴交流时会有障碍。 另一方面不能识别文 化差异会使相互之间难以理解。总之不了解 文化差异会导致不同国家或种族的人之间在 日常生活中产生许多误解和烦恼。
Oral Presentation:
我们应该和(心地)善良、有同情心、关心他 人、诚实、体贴的人交朋友,因为他们是真诚 的、可信赖的。因此不要只想靠礼物来赢得朋 友。结交朋友的唯一方法是成为对方的朋友。
We should make friends with those who are kind-hearted, compassionate, caring, honest and thoughtful, because they are sincere and reliable. So don’t try to win a friend with gifts only. The only way to have a friend is to be one.
Cultural Difference
1. What is cultural difference?
2. What problems may be caused by our failure to recognize cultural differences?
3. How to deal with cultural difference?
1. What is friendship? 2. The importance of friends. 3. How to make friends and

powerpoint演示文稿(powerpoint presentation)Control of series cyclic slidesQ: I've done a lot of PowerPoint slides that need to be shown on the client that doesn't install PowerPoint, and some of the fragments or all of them need to be automatically recycled. How should I control it?Answer: you can create playlists first, and then play them with the Ppview32.exe player provided in the PowerPoint cd. The playlist creation method is as follows:Open Notepad or open a new empty document in any word processor. In the document, enter the filename of the presentation to be displayed (including file extensions). Note that each file name is entered into different rows. If the presentation is in a different folder, enter the path to the file location. For example: "C:\My Documents\Pres1.ppt"". Finally, save the document as a text file that extends to lst. If all of the presentations are in the same folder, then save the document to this folder. Otherwise, you can save the document to any folder you want.Note: if the name of the presentation file contains spaces, the file name will contain quotation marks, such as "Sales Presentation.ppt"".For playback loops, you can use the command line options to control the presentation of the presentation in the playlist. For example, to run the PRES1 slide repeatedly and press the Esc key until the PRES2 slide is repeated, until the Esc keyis pressed, the following format can be used:/l Pres1.ppt/l Pres2.pptAgain, you need to run each presentation once, and then start again at the end of the last presentation. You can use the following format:/l "Pres1.ppt", "Pres2.ppt", "Pres3.ppt""Four methods of playing PowerPoint presentations in different placesIn practical work, we often work reports, experience specific content made presentations, reporting to courseware form, sometimes encountered in PowerPoint made a presentation to another machine, because there is no software installation PowerPoint or PowerPoint fault and not playing. How should we deal with this situation, and what are the methods of dealing with it? Here will be the author summed up some of the experience in practical application and share with you.Direct copy methodIn general, the direct copy method is a simple and convenient method, but also one of the most dangerous method, because this method copies out of the presentation because there is no self playback, so only in those PowerPoint already installed computer playback. Therefore, it is recommended that you do notmake clear whether Power is installed in other computersDo not use this method in the case of Point.Two. Show slides directlyIn addition to playing the presentation in PowerPoint, we can also save it as a slide show file so that it can be shown directly in Windows.The method is: open the existing presentation, click the file menu, select "save as command, save as dialog, in which the" save type "drop-down list, select the" PowerPoint show ", then" save ", the current file extension PPS show file. After you want to play, just double-click this file, you can show this presentation. It is important to note that this file cannot be displayed in a machine without PowerPoint installed.Three 、 use PowerPoint playerSome friends may never have heard of PowerPoint players, and it's not surprising at all, because in PowerPoint2000, Microsoft has just added this feature. With it, we can not install PowerPoint can play the demo, and play in the player and the effect of the demonstration in PowerPoint exactly the same effect.To play a presentation on a machine without a PowerPoint, first copy the player file and the produced presentation on the floppy disk, and the player file is in "Microsoft/Office /Offic"EXlators "file name is Ppview32.exe (or directly in the Office2000 installation disk, suggest that you find) in the execution of the player and the presentation files are copied to the hard disk, otherwise the playback speed is too slow. The specific methods of use are as follows:The first to find the Ppview32.exe file, double-click to open the PowerPoint player.The selected file to play from the player window, then select the changing way in "changing" option, if you want to set the relevant options, click the options set, in which, if the demo files your own settings, select "use the saved settings, click OK after setting".C. note that if the password protected a slide show ", and select the presentation, when you click" display "button, the dialog box will pop up, ask you to enter the password, the password is to prevent others free to quit playing presentation.Four, the presentation packageSometimes we made the presentation may be larger, which contains a lot of pictures or links to the TrueType font, then using the three methods described above may be difficult to completely copy all internal links, and the package can be related to the presentation of all the content is preserved, even if the linked file or TrueType font is not afraid. Then will generate the Pngsetup.exe file package (package file name to copy) to other computers to unpack. The specific packaging process is as follows:I want to open the package of the presentation, the implementation of the "file / package" command system, "the packaging Wizard dialog box will pop up.Click the "next" button to enter the "select files" dialog box, which has two choices, we can browse to select other presentations, and allowed to pack multiple files at once.C. select the file, click "next" button, enter the "target" Wizard dialog box, the default is the floppy drive, but suggest that you select the hard disk access, which not only fast, but not easy to failure, when in need can also be copied to the floppy disk.Click the "next" button to enter the "link" in the dialog box, note that the link file must be packaged. For embedded TrueType fonts, one is best not to choose, because the selection will greatly increase the capacity of the package file. If you want to use some special fonts for beauty, it's better to use pictures instead of fonts directly.Click the "next" button to enter the "player" dialog box, if you want to play the presentation in Power Point is not installed on the machine, select the "player" Windows95 or NT a.Click the "next" button to enter the "complete" dialog box, click the finish button to begin the process of packaging, packaging after the end of the work, will give the package success tips, click OK to complete the work package.To pack the presentation broadcast on the other computer, must be generated to pack unpack the file to the destination computer. The specific process is as follows:The double Pngsetup.exe program, running the program will display the dialog box, select the unpacked files required position.The input of the target folder, click "OK", the system will prompt the user, if there is a file with the same name in the destination folder, unpack the file will overwrite it, click yes".At this time, began to unpack process, after completion will give a presentation has been successfully installed,If you want to run slide show now, click "yes" to play. (unit: Department of management of Armed Police Academy)。

务窗格,在任务窗格中可根据需要选择一种幻灯片布 局。如标题、组织结构图等。
2 幻灯片内容的输入
– 在占位符中输入文本 • PowerPoint 会随着文本输入的多少调整其大小, 以适应占位符的大小 。
5 录制旁白
选中第一张幻灯片,选择“幻灯片放映”→“录制 旁白”命令,打开“录制旁白”对话框。在对话框 中设置话筒级别和声音质量,显示有磁盘可用空间 及最大录制时间,单击“确定”按钮开始录制旁白, 这时将进入幻灯片放映的界面,放映的同时录制旁 白。
幻灯片浏览视图:以缩览图形式显示演示文稿中的全 部幻灯片。
幻灯片放映视图:以全屏幕播放演示文稿中的幻灯片, 可以播放声音、动画效果和幻灯片切换效果。
9.1.2 演示文稿的创建
1 创建演示文稿
– 从“新建演示文稿”任务窗格中选择“新建|根据内容提示 向导”选项,在“内容提示向导”对话框中选择一种演示 文稿类型,并按照向导的提示一步步操作。
– 在“换片方式”栏中,选中“单击鼠标时”,可手动 控制换页;也可以设置换片时间间隔,进行自动换页。
– 单击“播放”按钮预览切换效果。单击“应用于所有 幻灯片”按钮,可使切换效果应用到演示文稿的所有 幻灯片上。
2 自定义动画
为幻灯片上的某个对象,如一段文本或一幅 图片,单独设置动画效果。
选择“幻灯片放映”→“自定义动画”命令, 单击“添加效果”按钮,选择进入、强调、 退出的效果。

1.1 功能概述在使用PowerPoint制作演示文稿之前,我们首先要了解它的基本功能。
1.2 界面介绍打开PowerPoint后,我们会看到一个由多个工具栏组成的界面。
1.3 快捷键操作使用快捷键可以大大提高制作演示文稿的效率。
例如,Ctrl + N 可以新建演示文稿,Ctrl + S可以保存演示文稿,Ctrl + C可以复制选中内容,Ctrl + V可以粘贴内容等等。
2.1 创建新幻灯片在PowerPoint的主界面上,点击“新建演示文稿”按钮或者按下Ctrl + N即可创建新的幻灯片。
2.2 幻灯片布局PowerPoint提供了多种不同的幻灯片布局,包括标题布局、文字布局、图片布局、图表布局等。
2.3 幻灯片设计PowerPoint还提供了许多精美的幻灯片设计,用户可以通过点击“设计”选项卡,选择合适的主题、配色方案和字体样式来美化演示文稿。

用简洁明了的语言和流畅 的表达方式,使演示文稿 的讲述过程更加流畅和易 于理解。
3 控制演讲的时间
合理安排演讲的时间,确 保在规定时间内充分传达 演示文稿的核心内容。
演示文稿制作总结和 反思
总结此次演示文稿的制作过程 和经验,反思并提出改进的建 议。
评估演示文稿的展示效果和实 用性,确保演示文稿能够达到 预期的目标。
演示文稿可以激发观众的兴 趣、增加信息的可视化、提 高演讲的效果和影响力。
选择适当的配色方案、字体和 布局,确保演示文稿整体美观, 视觉效果突出。
通过合理的布局和排版,使内 容清晰有序,提高观众对演示 文稿的理解和记忆。
选择合适的配色方案 和字体
根据主题和目标受众选择适合 的配色方案和字体,提升演示 文稿的视觉吸引力。
《演示文稿讲义》PPT课 件
向世界分享您对演示文稿的专业知识。设计一个引人入胜且易于理解的演示 文稿,提供详细丰富的信息。利用图片和布局使您的演示文稿脱颖而出。
演示文稿是一种用于展示信 息和观点的工具,通常用于 演讲和展示。
演示文稿通过视觉效果和文 字内容来向观众传达信息, 使观众更好地理解和记忆。
提升演示文稿的质量 和有效性
寻找并采纳反馈意见,不断改 进演示文稿的质量和有效性, 提升演示效果。
优化演示效果添加动画效果源自通过适当的动画效果,增强演示 文稿的视觉吸引力和展示效果。
使用音频、视频、超链接等多媒 体和交互元素,使演示文稿更加 生动和互动。
合理安排演示的顺序和时间,确 保每个部分都得到适当的展示。

点击输入您的文字内容,用简洁的文字进行阐述, 详细内容应在演说过程中用语言来表达;点击输入 您的文字内容,用简洁的文字进行阐述,详细内容 应在演说过程中用语言来表达
点击输入您的文字内容,用简洁的文字进行阐述, 详细内容应在演说过程中用语言来表达;点击输入 您的文字内容,用简洁的文字进行阐述,详细内容 应在演说过程中用语言来表达
点击输入您的文字内容,用简洁的文字进行阐述, 详细内容应在演说过程中用语言来表达;点击输入 您的文字内容,用简洁的文字进行阐述,详细内容 应在演说过程中用语言来表达
3 这里是标题
标题在此 标题在此
点击输入您的文 字内容,用简洁 的文字进行阐述, 详细内容应在演 说过程中用语言
点击输入您的文字内容,用简洁的文字进行阐述, 详细内容应在演说过程中用语言来表达;点击输入 您的文字内容,用简洁的文字进行阐述,详细内容 应在演说过程中用语言来表达
点击输入您的文字内容,用简洁的文字进行阐述, 详细内容应在演说过程中用语言来表达;点击输入 您的文字内容,用简洁的文字进行阐述,详细内容 应在演说过程中用语言来表达
• 点击输入您的文字内容,用简洁 的文字进行阐述,详细内容应在 演说过程中用语言来表达;点击 输入您的文字内容,用简洁的文 字进行阐述,详细内容应在演说 过程中用语言来表达
• 点击输入您的文字内容,用简洁 的文字进行阐述,详细内容应在 演说过程中用语言来表达;点击 输入您的文字内容,用简洁的文 字进行阐述,详细内容应在演说 过程中用语言来表达
4 这里是标题
标题在此 标题在此
Giving_oral_Presentation 33页PPT文档

Shifting to the next main point e.g.
The first problem I’d like to focus on is ~~~ The second problem is ~~~ Well. Let’s move on to the next point. We will now come to the second problem. Next. I would like to turn to~~~~ ~~~~~brings me to my second point.
"Good morning / afternoon / evening, ladies and gentlemen."
"Welcome to my presentation." "The topic of my presentation is..." "The aim of my presentation today is" "The main points I will be talking about are,
Write out the draft for presentation, and review it. If You will find things that are irrelevant - delete them.
If there are things you cannot easily express, possibly because of doubt about your understanding, it is better to leave them unsaid.

口腔单纯性疱疹 口腔念珠菌病 复发性阿弗他溃疡 天疱疮 口腔白斑病 口腔扁平苔藓
某些全身系统疾病在口腔中的表现:性传播疾病 (梅毒、淋病、艾滋病等)在口腔的表现
第一节 口腔单纯性疱疹 (herpes simplex virus, HSV)
全身抗真菌药物治疗:酮康唑、氟康唑、伊曲 康唑
增强机体免疫力:胸腺肽、转移因子。 手术治疗:对于癌前损害,严格观察,若疗效
第三节 复发性阿弗他溃疡 (recurrent aphthous ulcer, RAU)
免疫因素:细胞免疫异常;体液免疫异常和自 身免疫异常
4. 物理疗法:氦氖激光 5. 对症和支持疗法 6. 中医中药治疗
第二节 口腔念珠菌病 (oral candidosis)
是由念珠菌属感染所引起的口腔粘膜疾病。 随着抗生素和免疫抑制剂的广泛使用,造成
菌群失调或免疫力降低,使口腔黏膜念珠菌 病发病率相应增高。
【病因】: 单纯疱疹病毒(HSV) 【临床表现】
原发性疱疹性口炎:多表现为急性疱疹性龈口炎。 6岁以下儿童较多见。
复发性疱疹性口炎:一般复发感染的部位在口唇处, 又称复发性唇疱疹。
前驱期:发病前常有与疱疹病患者接触史。 出现发热、头痛、咽喉肿痛等急性症状。1-2 天后口腔黏膜、附着龈广泛充血水肿。
好发于婴幼儿的唇、舌、颊、软腭处黏膜 初时黏膜充血,布有针尖大小白色小点,很快融
合成界限清楚的白色丝绒状斑块 白色覆盖物与黏膜紧密相连,斑块附着不十分紧
PowerPoint Presentation(1).ppt

经济预测报告是指根据过去和现在的 资料,对未来一定时期内经济发展过程及 其变化趋势进行预见、分析和推理而写成 的书面报告。
经济预测报告以经济调查为前提,以 科学的分析研究为依据,以正确的经济理 论为指导,采用大量翔实的调查、统计数 字,对未来一定时期经济活动的演变进行 预计和推测。经济预测报告有利于经济管 理机构正确决策,有利于企业发展生产、 改善经营,有利于引导消费。
写作广告文时,必须要研究商品和服务, 研究市场,研究消费者。在写作广告文时,常 常要调动文学创作的一些表现手法,把广告文 写得生动、有趣、形象、具体,富有艺术感染 力。可以运用比喻、夸张、对偶、排比等修辞 手法,但又绝对要遵循真实性原则。这些都决 定了广告文的写作具有极为明显的特殊性。
第七章 经济管理文书
2、要在平等协商,取得一致意见的基础上确定 各项条款
合同内容应是当事人意愿的共同体现。在合同写 作中必须遵守平等互利、协商一致、等价有偿的原则, 在平等的基础上,达成一致意见,任何一方不得把自 己的意志强加给对方。采取欺诈、胁迫等手段所签订 的经济合同,应被视为无效经济合同。
经济合同要周全、严密,条款规定要具体、 细致,不能有任何遗漏和疏忽。比如,购销合 同中的标的物,不仅要写明数量,还要明确计 量单位;不仅要标明品种、规格型号,而且要 说明质量的技术要求和标准。价款和酬金,要 有计算标准、结算方式和程序。包装材料,包 装方法,运输方式,保管、验收、交货日期, 合同双方承担的风险等条款要完备。像产品重 量,是计毛重,还是计净重?产品是按日、按 旬交货,还是按月、按季交货?包装材料能否 反复使用,费用如何计算?在合同中这些条款 都要具体规定,否则,纠纷的出现就在所难免 了。

制作图示:介绍如何使用“SmartArt”工具创 建各种图示,如流程图、组织结构图等。
打印演示文稿:介绍如何设置打印参 数,如纸张大小、打印份数等,并指
上发布:指导用户如何将演示文稿上传到云端存储或分享给其他人。 其他发布方式:介绍如何将演示文稿转换为其他格式,如PDF或视频,以方便 在不同平台上发布和共享。
高级动画技巧:介绍一些高级动画技巧,如使用触发器、时间线等,以制作更 为复杂的动画效果。 数据透视表和宏的使用:指导用户如何使用数据透视表和宏来增强 PowerPoint的功能,如自动化任务、数据分析等。
文本的编辑与格式化:指导用户如何编辑文本内 容、添加批注形
PowerPoint的安装 和启动:指导用户 如何下载、安装和 启动PowerPoint。
PowerPoint的窗口 结构和功能:详细 介绍PowerPoint的 各个窗口、面板和 工具栏的功能和使 用方法。
如何创建、保存与 打开文档:指导用 户如何新建、保存、 打开和关闭 PowerPoint文档。
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Oral Presentation: Friendship involves affection and intimacy. Friendship is based on warmth, trust and shared experience. True friendship is a plant of slow growth, the value of which can stand the test of time. True friendship is like health, the value of which is seldom known until it is lost.
There are many ways to deal with cultural differences. First, we can avoid unintentionally offending others by learning the basic characteristics of other cultures. Second, don’t not criticize or embarrass people from other cultures in public. What is more, understanding can only be reached if we are willing to treat people from other cultures with respect and as equals.
• 无论在何处,人的本性基本上都是一样的。 因为,所有的人都必须有食物吃、有地方 住、有活儿干;也必须爱别人,被人爱。 同时,我们全世界各地的人都生活在一个 大家庭中,我们一起生存,一起尽力把世 界变的更好。
• Human nature is essentially the same everywhere, because all human beings have the need to eat, to have shelter, and to work. They also need to love others and be loved. At the same time, We, people of the world, are one big family, for together we exist, and together we try to make the world better for all.
虽然不同的国家的人们有着不同的传统, 全世界很多人都庆祝的日子之一是生日.在中 国,人们会在午餐时为过生日的人准备特别的 面条以示庆贺.这些面条特别长,象征着长寿. 在其他一些国家的文化中,人们用插着点燃着 蜡烛的蛋糕来庆祝生日,蜡烛的数量代表过生 日的人就要达到的岁数.大家高兴地庆祝生日 并准备许多食物.记住生日能使我们珍惜生命, 不虚度光阴.
We are often expected to give oral presentations to our classmates and teachers. To some teachers, our performance in oral presentations will form an important part of the overall assessment of our work.
Oral Presentation: 我们应该和(心地)善良、有同情心、关心他 人、诚实、体贴的人交朋友,因为他们是真诚 的、可信赖的。因此不要只想靠礼物来赢得朋 友。结交朋友的唯一方法是成为对方的朋友。 We should make friends with those who are kind-hearted, compassionate, caring, honest and thoughtful, because they are sincere and reliable. So don’t try to win a friend with gifts only. The only way to have a friend is to be one.
• One World • 1. In what sense do you think we can regard the world we live in as One World? • 2. Do you think people in the world are largely similar? • 3. Do you know any traditions of other people in the world( Especially birthday celebrations between China and Western countries)?
Oral Presentation 1:
不同文化背景的人们会有不同的信念、不同的 宗教、不同的风俗习惯。这些不同之处通常被 称作为文化差异。文化差异很细微,常常不被 人们所察觉或会被忽视。
Oral Presentation 1: Cultural differences People from different cultural backgrounds may have different beliefs, religions, customs and habits. These differences are generally called cultural differences. Cultural differences are subtle and are often unrecognized or overlooked.
1. What is friendship? 2. The importance of friends. 3. How to make friends and promote friendship?
Oral Presentation: 友谊离不开关爱与亲密。友谊是以热情,信 任以及共同的经历为基础的。真正的友谊如 同慢慢生长的植物,其价值能经得起时间的 考验。真正的友谊犹如人的身体健康,只有 失去了才能知道它的宝贵。
• 我们经常有必要在一些场合做口头陈述, 比如有时候在课堂上讲给老师和同学听。 对于某些老师来说,我们在口头陈述中的 表现很可能会成为我们总成绩的一部分。
那么该如何完成一次口头陈述呢?首先我 们要将信息连贯地组合起来;其次在做口 头陈述的时候要条理清晰,尽量做到生动 活泼;此外,使用表格、照片或者电脑也 可以让我们的陈述变的生动有趣,容易记 忆。
Problems caused by failure to recognize cultural differences
Failure to recognize cultural differences may cause many problems. On the one hand, those who are uninformed about cultural differences may have difficulty communicating with their business associates from other cultures. On the other hand, inability to recognize cultural differences can make mutual understanding difficult. (to be continued)
Cultural Difference 1. What is cultural differ may be caused by our failure to recognize cultural differences?
3. How to deal with cultural difference?
Oral Presentation 4-1: 如何应对文化差异 应对文化差异有许多方法。首先,相互了解其它 文化的基本特点可以避免无意间得罪他人。其次, 不要在公共场合批评来自不同文化的人或使他们 感到尴尬。更重要的是我们要尊重来自其它文化 的人并与他们平等相待才能达到相互理解。
How to deal with cultural differences
Oral Presentation:
与朋友同甘共苦能增强友谊,使友谊保持活力。 与朋友保持联系能增进友谊,使友谊长存。 记住朋友们生活中的一些重要日子能促进友谊, 使友谊记忆犹新。
Oral Presentation: Sharing your joy and sorrow with your friends can nurture friendship and keep friendship alive; keeping your friends informed about yourself can improve friendship, and make friendship permanent; remembering important days in your friends’ lives can promote friendship and keep friendship fresh in our minds.
• Explaining Processes • 1. What’s the purpose of an oral presentation? • 2. Do you have to give oral presentations to your classmates and teachers sometimes? • 3. How can we make our presentations more effective?
Problems caused by failure to recognize cultural differences