公路路线设计毕业论文外文Design of Highway RouteIntroductionHighway transportation plays a vital role in modern society, enabling the efficient movement of goods and people. The design of a highway route is a crucial aspect that ensures safe and convenient travel for users. This paper aims to explore the key elements involved in the design of a highway route and provide an overview of the international practices and guidelines inthis field.Key Elements in Highway Route DesignInternational Practices and GuidelinesDifferent countries have developed their own practices and guidelines for highway route design. The United States, for example, follows the standards outlined in the "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets" manual, also known as the Green Book. This manual provides detailed guidance on various design elements, such as alignment, cross-section, and geometrics. It emphasizes the importance of considering safety, mobility, and economic factors in the design process.The European Union has developed the "Eurocodes," a set of European standards for highway design. These codes provide guidelines for the design of various aspects, includingalignment, cross-section, and slope. They also emphasize the consideration of sustainability and environmental impact in the design process.ConclusionThe design of a highway route involves various key elements, including alignment, cross-section, slope, and geometrics. International practices and guidelines, such as the Green Book, Eurocodes, and Austroads design guidelines, provide valuable guidance in this field. It is essential for highway route designers to consider factors such as safety, environmental impact, and economic factors in the design process. By following these practices and guidelines, highway routes can be designed to ensure safe and convenient travel for users.。
外文文献翻译原文:Asphalt Mixtures-Applications, Theory and Principles1 、ApplicationsAsphalt materials find wide usage in the construction industry、The use of asphalt as a cementing agent in pavements is the most common of its applications, however, and the one that will be consid ered here、Asphalt products are used to produce flexibl e pavements for highways and airports、The term “fl exible” is used to distinguish these pavements from those made with Portland cement, which are classified as rigid pavements, that is, having beam strength、This distinction is important because it provid es they key to the design approach which must be used for successful flexibl e pavement structures、The flexibl e pavement classification may be further broken d own into high and l ow types, the type usually depending on whether a solid or liquid asphalt product is used、The l ow types of pavement are mad e with the cutback, or emulsion, liquid products and are very widely used throughout this country、Descriptive terminol ogy has been developed in various sections of the country to the extent that one pavement type may have several names、However, the general process foll owed in construction is similar for most l ow-type pavements and can be described as one in which the aggregate and the asphalt product are usually applied to the roadbed separately and there mixed or all owed to mix, forming the pavement、The high type of asphalt pavements is made with asphalt cements of some sel ected penetration grad e、Fig、·1 A modern asphalt concrete highway、Shoul der striping is used as a safely feature、Fig、·2 Asphalt concrete at the San Francisco International Airport、They are used when high wheel l oads and high volumes of traffic occur and are, therefore, often designed for a particular installation、2 、Theory of asphalt concrete mix designHigh types of flexible pavement are constructed by combining an asphalt cement, often in the penetration grad e of 85 to 100, with aggregates that are usually divided into three groups, based on size、The three groups are coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, and mineral filler、These will be discussed in d etail in later chapter、Each of the constituent parts mentioned has a particular function in the asphalt mixture, and mix proportioning or d esign is the process of ensuring that no function is negl ected、Before these individual functions are examined, however, the criteria for pavement success and failure should be consid ered so that d esign objectives can be established、A successful fl exible pavement must have several particular properties、First, it must be stable, that is to resistant to permanent displacement under l oad、Deformation of an asphaltpavement can occur in three ways, two unsatisfactory and one desirable、Plastic deformation of a pavement failure and which is to be avoid ed if possible、Compressive deformation of the pavement results in a dimensional change in the pavement, and with this change come a l oss of resiliency and usually a d egree of roughness、This d eformation is less serious than the one just described, but it, too, leads to pavement failure、The desirable type of deformation is an elastic one, which actually is beneficial to flexibl e pavements and is necessary to their long life、The pavement should be durable and should offer protection to the subgrade、Asphalt cement is not impervious to the effects of weathering, and so the design must minimize weather susceptibility、A durable pavement that d oes not crack or ravel will probably also protect the roadbed、It must be remembered that flexible pavements transmit loads to the subgrad e without significant bridging action, and so a dry firm base is absolutely essential、Rapidly moving vehicl es d epend on the tire-pavement friction factor for control and safety、The texture of the pavement surfaces must be such that an adequate skid resistance is developed or unsafe conditions result、The design procedure shoul d be used to select the asphalt material and aggregates combination which provid es a skid resistant roadway、Design procedures which yield paving mixtures embodying all these properties are not available、Sound pavements are constructed where materials and methods are selected by using time-tested tests and specifications and engineering judgments al ong with a so-call ed design method、The final requirement for any pavement is one of economy、Economy, again, cannot be measured directly, since true economy only begins with construction cost and is not fully determinable until the full useful life of the pavement has been record ed、If, however, the requirements for a stable, durable, and safe pavement are met with a reasonable safety factor, then the best interests of economy have probably been served as well、With these requirements in mind, the functions of the constituent parts can be examined with consideration give to how each part contributes to now-established objectives or requirements、The functions of the aggregates is to carry the load imposed on the pavement, and this is accomplished by frictional resistance and interl ocking between the individual pieces of aggregates、The carrying capacity of the asphalt pavement is, then, related to thesurface texture (particularly that of the fine aggregate) and the density, or “compactness,”, of the aggregates、Surface texture varies with different aggregates, and while a rough surface texture is desired, this may not be available in some l ocalities、Dense mixtures are obtained by using aggregates that are either naturally or artificially “well graded”、This means that the fine aggregate serves to fill the voids in the coarser aggregates、In addition to affecting density and therefore strength characteristics, the grading also influences workability、When an excess of coarse aggregate is used, the mix becomes harsh and hard to work、When an excess of mineral filler is used, the mixes become gummy and difficult to manage、The asphalt cement in the fl exibl e pavement is used to bind the aggregate particl es together and to waterproof the pavements、Obtaining the proper asphalt content is extremely important and bears a significant influence on all the items marking a successful pavement、A chief objective of all the design methods which have been devel oped is to arrive at the best asphalt content for a particular combination of aggregates、3 、Mix design principl esCertain fundamental principles underlie the design procedures that have been developed、Before these procedures can be properly studied or applied, some consid eration of these principles is necessary、Asphalt pavements are composed of aggregates, asphalt cement, and voids、Considering the aggregate alone, all the space between particles is void space、The volume of aggregate voids depends on grading and can vary widely、When the asphalt cement is add ed, a portion of these aggregate voids is filled and a final air-void volume is retained、The retention of this air-void volume is very important to the characteristics of the mixture、The term air-void volume is used, since these voids are weightless and are usually expressed as a percentage of the total volume of the compacted mixture、An asphalt pavement carries the applied load by particl e friction and interlock、If the particl es are pushed apart for any reason , then the pavement stability is d estroyed、This factor indicates that certainly no more asphalt shoul d be ad ded than the aggregate voids can readily hold、However ,asphalt cement is susceptibl e to volume change and the pavement is subject to further compaction under use、If the pavement has no air voids when placed, or if it loses them under traffic, then the expanding asphalt will overfl ow in a condition known asbleeding、The l oss of asphalt cement through bleeding weakens the pavement and also reduces surface friction, making the roadway hazard ous、Fig、·3 Cross section of an asphalt concrete pavement showing the aggregate framework bound together by asphalt cement、The need for a minimum air-void volume (usually 2 or 3 per cent ) has been established、In addition, a maximum air-void volume of 5 to 7 per cent shoul d not be exceed、An excess of air voids promotes raveling of the pavement and also permits water to enter and speed up the deteriorating processes、Also, in the presence of excess air the asphalt cement hardens and ages with an accompanying loss of durability and resiliency、The air-void volume of the mix is determined by the d egree of compaction as well as by the asphalt content、For a given asphalt content, a lightly compacted mix will have a large voids volume and a l ower d ensity and a greater strength will result、In the laboratory, the compaction is controlled by using a specified hammer and regulating the number of bl ows and the energy per blow、In the field, the compaction and the air voids are more difficult to control and tests must be made no specimens taken from the compacted pavement to cheek on the d egree of compaction being obtained、Traffic further compact the pavement, and all owance must be mad e for this in the design、A systematic checking of the pavement over an extended period is need ed to given factual information for a particular mix、A change in density of several per cent is not unusual, however、Asphalt content has been discussed in connection with various facets of the ix design problem、It is a very important factor in the mix design and has a bearing an all the characteristics ld a successful pavement: stability, skid resistance, durability, and economy、As has been mentioned, the various d esign procedures are intended to provide a means for selecting the asphalt content 、These tests will be considered in detail in a future chapter ,but the relationship between asphalt content and the measurable properties of stability, unit weight, and air voids will be discussed here、Fig、4 Variations in stability, unit weight, and air-void content with asphalt cement content、If the gradation and type of aggregate, the degree of compaction, and the type of asphalt cement are controll ed, then the strength varies in a predictable manner、The strength will increase up to some optimum asphalt content and then decrease with further additions、The pattern of strength variation will be different when the other mix factors are changed, and so only a typical pattern can be predicted prior to actual testing、Unit weight varies in the same manner as strength when all other variabl e arecontroll ed、It will reach some peak value at an asphalt content near that determined from the strength curve and then fall off with further additions、As already mentioned, the air-void volume will vary with asphalt content、However, the manner of variation is different in that increased asphalt content will d ecrease air-void volume to some minimum value which is approached asymptotically、With still greater additions of asphalt material the particles of aggregate are only pushed apart and no change occurs in air-void volume、In summary, certain principles involving aggregate gradation, air-void volume, asphalt content, and compaction mist be understood before proceeding to actual mix d esign、The proper design based on these principl es will result in sound pavements、If these principles are overlooked, the pavement may fail by one or more of the recognized modes of failure: shoving, rutting, corrugating, becoming slick when the max is too ‘rich’; raveling, cracking,having low durability when t he mix is too ‘l ean’、It should be again emphasized that the strength of flexible is, more accurately, a stability and d oes not indicate any ability to bridge weak points in the subgrade by beam strength、No asphalt mixture can be successful unless it rests on top of a properly designed and constructed base structure、This fact, that the surface is no better than the base, must be continually in the minds of those concerned with any aspect of fl exible pavement work、译文:沥青混合料的应用、理论与原则1、应用沥青材料如今在建筑行业广泛使用。
中英术语对照公路highway道路road公路工程highway engineering公路网highway network公路网密度highway density公路等级highway classification公路自然区划climatic zoning for highway公路用地highway right-of-way高速公路freeway等级公路classified highway辅道relief road干线公路arterial highway支线公路feeder highway专用公路accommodation highway国家干线公路(国道)national trunk highway省级干线公路(国道)provincial trunk highway县公路(县道)county road乡公路(乡道)township road辐射式公路radial highway环形公路ring highway绕行公路bypass交通结构traffic structure交通组成traffic composition混合交通mixed traffic交通流traffic flow交通流理论traffic flow theory车流vehicle stream交通密度traffic density车头间距space headway车头时距time headway车间净距vehicular gap延误delay地点速度spot speed行驶速度running speed运行速度operating speed临界速度critical speed平均速度average speed计算行车速度(设计车速)design speed 交通量traffic volume年平均日交通量annual average daily traffic月平均日交通量monthly average daily traffic年第30位最大小时交通量thirtieth highest annualhourly volume年最大小时交通量maximum annual hourly 设计小时交通量design hourly volume 通行能力traffic capacity基本通行能力basic traffic capacity 可能通行能力possible traffic capacity 设计通行能力design traffic capacity 道路服务水平level of service公路交通规划traffic planning交通调查traffic survey交通量调查traffic volume survey交通量观测站traffic volume observationstation起迄点调查(OD调查)origin-destination study出行trip境内交通local traffic过境交通through traffic交通发生traffic generation交通分布traffic distribution交通分配traffic assignment交通预测traffic prognosis行车道carriageway分离式行车道divided carriageway车道lane变速车道speed-change lane加速车道acceleration lane减速车道deceleration lane爬坡车道climbing lane停车道parking lane错车道turn-out lane自行车道cycle path路侧人行道sidewalk分隔带lane separator中央分隔带median divider中间带central strip路肩shoulder;verge路缘带marginal strip路缘石kerb;curb侧向余宽lateral clearance路拱camber;crown路拱横坡crown slope公路建筑限界clearance of highway公路路线highway route公路线形highway alignment平面线形horizontal alignment纵面线形vertical alignment线形要素alignment elements平曲线horizontal curve极限最小平曲线半径limited minimum radius of horizontal curve复曲线compound curve反向曲线reverse curve断背曲线broken-back curve回头曲线switch-back curve缓和曲线transition curve竖曲线vertical curve弯道加宽curve widening加宽缓和段transition zone of curve 超高superelevation超高缓和段superelevation runoff纵坡longitudinal gradient最大纵坡maximum longitudinal gradient 最小纵坡minimum longitudinal gradient 变坡点grade change point平均纵坡average gradiant坡长限制grade length limitation高原纵坡拆减highland grade compensation缓和坡段transition grading zone合成坡度resultant gradient视距sight distance停车视距non-passing sight distance, stopping sight distance超车视距passing sight distance道路交叉road intersection;道口railroad grade crossing平面交叉at-grade intersection;grade crossing正交叉right-angle intersection 斜交叉skew intersection环形交叉rotary intersection十字形交叉"+"T形交叉T intersection错位交叉offset intersection; staggered junctionY形交叉Y intersection立体交叉grade separation分离式立体交叉simple grade separation, separate grade crossing互通式立体交叉interchange苜蓿叶形立体交叉full cloverleaf interchange部分苜蓿叶形立体交叉cloverleaf interchange菱形立体交叉diamond interchange定向式立体交叉directional interchange喇叭形立体交叉three-Leg interchange 环形立体交叉rotary interchange匝道ramp交叉口road crossing;intersection交叉口进口intersection entrance交叉口出口intersection exit加铺转角式交叉口intersection with widened corners拓宽路口式交叉口flared intersection 分道转弯式交叉口channelized intersection渠化交通channelization交织weaving交织路段weaving section合流converging分流diverging冲突点conflict point交通岛traffic island导流岛channelization island中心岛central island安全岛refuge island沿线设施roadside facilities交通安全设施traffic safety device人行横道crosswalk人行地道pedestrian underpass人行天桥pedestrian overcrossing护栏guard fence防护栅guard fence,safety barrier遮光栅anti-dizzling screen应急电话emergency telephone反光标志reflective sign反光路钮reflective button弯道反光镜traffic mirror道路交通标志road traffic sign警告标志warning sign禁令标志regulatory sign指示标志guide sign指路标志information sign辅助标志auxiliary sign可变信息标志changeable message sign 路面标线pavement marking防雪设施snow protection facilities 防沙设施sands protection facilities 隔音墙acoustic barrier停车场parking area踏勘reconnaissance可行性研究feasibility study线形设计highway alignment design公路景观设计highway landscape design 选线route selection路线控制点control point定线location比较线alternative line展线line development初测preliminary survey定测location survey地貌topographic feature地物culture地形topography台地terrace垭口pass;saddle back平原区plain terrain微丘区rolling terrain重丘区hilly terrain山岭区mountainous terrain沿溪线valley line山脊线ridge line山坡线hill-side line越岭线ridge crossing line土方调配cut-fill transition 土方调配图cut-fill transition program 土方调配经济运距economical hauling distance导线traverse导线测量traverse survey中线center line中线测量center line survey施工测量construction survey竣工测量final survey(路线)平面图plan交点intersection point虚交点imaginary intersection point 转点turning point转角intersection angle方位角azimuth angle象限角bearing方向角direction angle切线长tangent length曲线长curve length外(矢)距external secant测站instrument station测点observation point中桩center stake加桩additional stake护桩reference stake断链broken chainage水准测量leveling survey水准点bench mark绝对基面absolute datum高程elevation地面高程ground elevation设计高程designed elevation(路线)纵断面图profile中桩填挖高度cut and fill at center stake地形测量topographic survey基线base line地形图topographic map等高线contour line横断面测量cross-sectional survey横断面图cross-section坑探pit test钻探boring摄影测量photogrammetry航空摄影测量aerial photogrammetry地面立体摄影测量ground stereophoto grammetry地面控制点测量ground control-point survey航摄基线aerophoto base影像地图photographic map像片索引图(镶辑复照图)photo index航摄像片判读aerophoto interpretation 综合法测图planimatric photo全能法测图universal photo微分法测图differential photo像片镶嵌图photo mosaic路基subgrade路堤embankment路堑cutting半填半挖式路基part cut-partfill subgrade台口式路基benched subgrade路基宽度width of subgrade路基设计高程design elevation of subgrade(路基)最小填土高度minimum height of fill边坡side slope边坡坡度grade of side slope(边)坡顶top of slope(边)坡脚toe of slope护坡道berm边坡平台plain stage of slope碎落台berm at the foot of cutting slope护坡slope protection挡土墙retaining wall重力式挡土墙gravity retaining wall 衡重式挡土墙balance weight retaining wall悬臂式挡土墙cantilever retaining wall 扶壁式挡土墙counterfort retaining wall柱板式挡土墙column-plate retaining wall锚杆式挡土墙anchored retaining wall by tie rods 锚碇板式挡土墙anchored bulkhead retaining wall石笼rock filled gabion抛石riprap路基排水subgrade drainage边沟side ditch截水沟intercepting ditch排水沟drainage ditch急流槽chute跌水drop water蒸发池evaporation pond盲沟blind drain渗水井seepage well透水路堤permeable embankment过水路面ford填方fill挖方cut借土borrow earth弃土waste取土坑borrow pit弃土堆waste bank回填土back-filling黄土loess软土soft soil淤泥mud泥沼moor泥炭peat盐渍土salty soil膨胀土expansive soil冻土frozen soil多年冻土permafrost流砂quicksand软弱地基soft ground强夯法dynamic consolidation预压法preloading method反压护道loading berm砂井sand drain路基砂垫层sand mat of subgrade压实compaction压实度degree of compaction(标准)最大干容重maximum dry unit weight相对密实度relative density毛细水capillary water土石方爆破blasting procedure抛掷爆破blasting for throwing rock 爆破漏斗blasting crater松动爆破blasting for loosening rock 爆破作用圈acting circles of blasting 路面pavement弹性层状体系理论elastic multilayer theory(回弹)弯沉deflection加州承载比(CBR)California bearing ratio,(CBR)路面宽度width of pavement路槽road trough刚性路面rigid pavement柔性路面flexible pavement路面结构层pavement structure layer 面层surface course磨耗层wearing course联结层binder course基层base course垫层bed course隔水层aquitard隔温层thermal insulating course封层seal coat透层prime coat保护层protection course补强层strengthening layer高级路面high type pavement次高级路面sub-high type pavement中级路面intermediate type pavement 低级路面low type pavement水泥混凝土路面cement concrete pavement沥青路面bituminous pavement沥青混凝土路面bituminous concrete pavement沥青碎石路面bituminous macadam pavement沥青贯入碎(砾)石路面bituminous penetration pavement沥青表面处治bituminous surface treatment块料路面block pavement石块路面stone block pavement 泥结碎石路面clay-bound macadam pavement水结碎石路面water-bound macadam pavement级配路面graded aggregate pavement稳定土基层stabilized soil base course 工业废渣基层industrial waste base course块石基层Telford base层铺法spreading in layers拌和法mixing method厂拌法plant mixing method路拌法road mixing method热拌法hot mixing method冷拌法cold mixing method热铺法hot laid method冷铺法cold laid method贯入法penetration method铺砌法pitching method缩缝contraction joint胀缝expansion joint真缝true joint假缝dummy joint横缝transverse joint纵缝longitudinal joint施工缝construction joint传力杆dowel bar拉杆tie bar路面平整度surface evenness路面粗糙度surface roughness路面摩擦系数friction coefficient of pavement附着力adhesive force水滑现象hydroplaning phenomenon桥梁bridge公路桥highway bridge公铁两用桥highway and rail transit bridge人行桥pedestrian bridge跨线桥overpass bridge高架桥viaduct永久性桥permanent bridge半永久性桥semi-permanent bridge临时性桥temporary bridge钢筋混凝土桥reinforced concrete bridge预应力混凝土桥prestressed concrete bridge钢桥steel bridge圬工桥masonry bridge木桥timber bridge正交桥right bridge斜交桥skew bridge弯桥curved bridge坡桥bridge on slope斜桥skew bridge正桥right bridge上承式桥deck bridge中承式桥half-through bridge下承式桥through bridge梁桥beam bridge简支梁桥simple supported beam bridge 连续梁桥continuous beam bridge悬臂梁桥cantilever beam bridge联合梁桥composite beam bridge板桥slab bridge拱桥arch bridge双曲拱桥two-way curved arch bridge 空腹拱桥open spandrel arch bridge实腹拱桥filled spandrel arch bridge 系杆拱桥bowstring arch bridge桁架桥truss bridge刚构桥rigid frame bridgeT形刚构桥T-shaped rigid frame bridge 连续刚构桥continuous rigid frame bridge斜腿刚构桥rigid frame bridge with inclined legs斜拉桥(斜张桥)cable stayed bridge悬索桥suspension bridge漫水桥submersible bridge浮桥pontoon bridge开启桥movable bridge装配式桥fabricated bridge装拆式钢桥fabricated steel bridge涵洞culvert管涵pipe culvert拱涵arch culvert 箱涵box culvert盖板涵slab culvert无压力式涵洞non-pressure culvert压力式涵洞pressure culvert半压力式涵洞partial pressure culvert 倒虹吸涵siphon culvert上部结构superstructure主梁main beam横梁floor beam纵梁longitudinal beam, stringer挂梁suspended beam拱圈archring拱上结构spandrel structure腹拱spandrel arch拱上侧墙spandrel wall桥面系floor system, bridge decking 桥面铺装bridge deck pavement伸缩缝expansion and contraction joint 桥面伸缩装置bridge floor expansion andcontraction installation安全带safety belt桥头搭板transition slab at bridge head 下部结构substructure桥墩pier墩身pier body墩帽coping盖梁bent cap破冰体ice apron重力式桥墩gravity pier实体桥墩solid pier空心桥墩hollow pier柱式桥墩column pier排架桩墩pile bent pier柔性墩flexible pier制动墩braking pier单向推力墩single direction thrusted pier桥台abutment台身abutment body前墙front wall翼墙wing walls台帽coping锥坡conical slope耳墙wing wallsU形桥台U-shaped abutment八字形桥台flare wing wall abutment 一字形桥台head wall abutment, straight abutment重力式桥台gravity abutment埋置式桥台buried abutment扶壁式桥台counterforted abutment锚锭板式桥台anchored bulkhead abutment支撑式桥台supported type abutment地基subsoil加固地基consolidated subsoil天然地基natural subsoil基础foundation扩大基础spread foundation沉井基础open caisson foundation管柱基础cylindrical shaft foundation 桩基础pile foundation桩pile预制桩precast pile就地灌注桩cast-in-place concrete pile 摩擦桩friction pile支承桩bearing pile承台bearing platform支座bearing固定支座fixed bearing活动支座expansion bearing索塔cable bent tower索鞍cable saddle调治构造物regulating structure丁坝spur dike顺坝longitudinal dam桥位bridge site桥梁全长total length of bridge主桥main bridge引桥approach span跨径span桥涵计算跨径computed span桥涵净跨径clear span矢跨比rise span ratio计算矢高calculated rise of arch桥下净空clearance of span桥面净空clearance above bridge floor 桥梁建筑高度construction height of bridge荷载load永久荷载permanent load可变荷载variable load偶然荷载accidental load荷载组合loading combinations车辆荷载标准loading standard for design vehicle设计荷载design load施工荷载construction load梁beam简支梁simple-supported beam连续梁continuous beam悬臂梁cantilever beam板slab拱arch桁架truss刚构rigid frame柱column强度strength刚度stiffness rigidity抗裂度crack resistance稳定性stability位移displacement变形deformation挠度deflection预拱度camber流域catchment basin集水面积runoff area径流runoff水文测验hydrological survey河床river bed河槽river channel主槽main channel边滩side shoal河滩flood land河床宽度bed width河槽宽度channel width过水断面discharge section水位water level最高(或最低)水位maximum (minimum)water level通航水位navigable water level设计水位design water lever水面比降water surface slope河床比降gradient of river bed湿周wetted perimeter糙率coefficient of roughness水力半径hydraulic radius水文计算hydrological computation设计流量designed discharge设计流速designed flow velocity行近流速approach velocity洪水调查flood survey洪水频率flood frequency设计洪水频率designed flood frequency 潮汐河流tidal river悬移质suspended load推移质bed material load水力计算hydraulic computation水头water head冲刷scour桥下一般冲刷general scour under bridge桥墩(或台)局部冲刷local scour near pier自然演变冲刷natural scour冲刷系数coefficient of scouring淤积silting壅水back water流冰ice drift先张法pretensioning method后张法post-tensioning method缆索吊装法erection with cableway悬臂拼装法erection by protrusion悬臂浇筑法cast-in-place cantilever method移动支架逐跨施工法span by span method 纵向拖拉法erection by longitudinal pulling method顶推法incremental launching method 转体架桥法construction by swing浮运架桥法erecting by floating顶入法jack-in method围堰cofferdam护筒pile casing隧道tunnel 洞门tunnel portal衬砌tunnel lining明洞open cut tunnel围岩surrounding rock隧道建筑限界structural approach limit of tunnels明挖法open cut method矿山法mine tunnelling method盾构法shield tunnelling method沉埋法(沉管法)immersed tunnel导坑heading隧道支撑tunnel support构件支撑element support喷锚支护lock bolt support with shotcrete隧道通风tunnel ventilation隧道照明tunnel lighting养护maintenance定期养护periodical maintenance巡回养护patrol maintenance大中修周期maintenance period小修保养routine maintenance中修intermediate maintenance大修heavy maintenance改善工程road improvement抢修emergency repair of road加固strengthening of structure回砂sand sweeping罩面overlay of pavement路面翻修pavement recapping路面补强pavement strengthening车辙rutting路面搓板surface corrugation路面网裂net-shaped cracking路面龟裂alligator cracking路面碎裂pavement spalling反射裂缝reflection crack路面坑槽pot holes路面冻胀surface frost heave路面沉陷pavement depression路面滑溜surface slipperiness露骨surface angularity啃边edge failure泛油bleeding拥包upheaval拱胀blow up错台faulting of slab ends错法slab staggering滑坡slide坍方land slide崩塌collapse碎落debris avalanche沉降settlement沉陷subsidence泥石流mud avalanche(振动)液化liquefaction翻浆frost boiling岩溶karst沙害sand hazard雪害snow hazard水毁washout好路率rate of good roads养护质量综合值general rating of maintenance quality路容road appearance路况road condition路况调查road condition survey路政管理road administration民工建勤civilian labourers working on public project养路费toll of road maintenance养路道班maintenance gang粒料granular material集料(骨料)aggregate矿料mineral aggregate矿粉mineral powder砂sand砾石gravel砂砾sand gravel卵石cobble stone碎石broken stone, crushed stone片石rubble块石block stone料石dressed stone石屑chip工业废渣industrial solid waste结合料binder有机结合料organic binding agent 沥青bitumen地沥青asphalt天然沥青natural asphalt石油沥青petroleum asphalt煤沥青coal tar乳化沥青emulsified bitumen氧化沥青oxidized asphalt路用沥青road bitumen有机结合料inorganic binding agent粉煤灰fly ash混合料mixture沥青混合料bituminous mixture沥青混凝土混合料bituminous concrete mixture沥青碎石混合料bituminous macadam mixture沥青砂asphalt sand沥青膏asphalt mastic水泥砂浆cement mortar石灰砂浆lime mortar水泥混凝土混合料cement concrete mixture水泥混凝土cement concrete钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete预应力(钢筋)混凝土prestressed concrete早强混凝土early strength concrete干硬性混凝土dry concrete贫混凝土lean concrete轻质混凝土light-weight concrete纤维混凝土fibrous concrete外掺剂admixture减水剂water reducing agent加气剂air entraining agent早强剂early strength agent缓凝剂retarder钢筋steel bar预应力钢材prestressing steel高强钢丝high tensile steel wire钢铰线stranded steel wire冷拉钢筋cold-stretched steel bar冷拔钢丝cold-drawn steel wire高强螺栓high strength bolt空隙率porosity孔隙比void ratio粒径grain size颗粒组成grain composition细度fineness筛分sieve analysis级配gradation级配曲线grading curve最佳级配optimum gradation含水量water content最佳含水量optimum water content稠度界限consistency limit液限liquid limit塑限plastic limit缩限shrinkage limit塑性指数plasticity index水泥标号cement mark水泥混凝土标号cement concrete mark 水泥混凝土配合比proportioning of cement concrete水灰比water cement ratio和易性workability坍落度slump硬化hardening水硬性hydraulicity气硬性air hardening离析segregation徐变creep老化ageing(沥青)稠度consistency(of bitumen)针入度penetration粘(滞)度viscosity软化点softening point延度ductility闪点flash point溶解度dissolubility热稳性hot stability水稳性water stability油石化asphalt-aggregate ratio含油率bitumen content压碎率rate of crushing磨耗度abrasiveness弹性模量modulus of elasticity回弹模量modulus of resilience劲度(模量)stiffness modulus 模量比modulus ratio泊松比Poisson's ratio疲劳试验fatigue test劈裂试验splitting test三轴试验triaxial test击实试验compaction test触探试验cone penetration test弯沉试验deflection test环道试验circular track test承载板试验loading plate test透水性试验perviousness test车辙试验wheel tracking test马歇尔试验Marshall stability test压实度试验compactness test铺砂法sand patch method硬练胶砂强度试验earth-dry mortar strengthtest软练胶砂强度试验plastic mortar strengthtest(水泥)安定性试验soundness test(of cement)击实仪compaction test equipment长杆贯入仪penetration test equipment 承载板loading plate杠杆弯沉仪beam lever deflectometer 路面曲率半径测定仪surface-curvature apparatus路面平整度测定仪viameter路面透水度测定仪surface permeameter 五轮仪fifth-wheel tester制动仪skiddometer速度检测器speed detector万能试验机universal testing machine 三轴(剪切)仪triaxial shear equipment 加州承载比(CBR)测定仪California bearing ratiotester标准筛standard sieves(沥青)针入度仪penetrometer(沥青)粘度仪viscosimeter(沥青)延度仪ductilometer(沥青)软化点仪(环-球法)softening point tester(ring-ball method)闪点仪(开口杯式)flash point tester (open cup method)马歇尔稳定度仪Marshall stability apparatus(沥青混合料)抽提仪bitumen extractor 砂浆稠度仪mortar penetration tester 坍落度圆锥筒slump cone标准工业粘度计standard concrete consistometer饱和面干吸水率试模saturated-surface-dried moisture retention tester撞击韧度试验机impact toughness machine圆盘耐磨硬度试验机wear hardness machine狄法尔磨耗试验机Deval abrasion testing machine洛杉矶磨耗试验机Los Angeles abrasion testing machine压碎率试模crushing strength tester 单斗挖掘机single-bucket excavator推土机bulldozer除根机rootdozer铲运机scraper平地机grader挖沟机trencher耕耘机cultivator松土机ripper松土搅拌机pulvi-mixer稳定土拌和机stabilizer凿岩机rock breaker碎石机stone crusher碎石撒布机stone spreader装载机loader羊足压路机sheep-foot roller手扶式单轮压路机walk behind single drum蛙式打夯机frog rammer内燃夯实机internal combustion compactor铁夯(铁撞柱)tamping iron压路机roller振动压路机vibratory roller沥青加热器asphalt heater沥青泵asphalt pump 沥青洒布机asphalt sprayer沥青洒布车asphalt distributor沥青混合料拌和设备asphalt mixing plant沥青混合料摊铺机asphalt paver散装水泥运输车cement deliver truck 水泥混凝土混合料拌和设备concrete mixing plant(水泥混凝土混合料)搅拌concrete deliver truck运输车水泥混凝土混合料摊铺机concrete paver 振捣器concrete vibrator水泥混凝土混合料整面机concrete finisher真空泵vacuum pump水泥混凝土路面切缝机concrete joint cutter水泥混凝土路面锯缝机concrete saw水泥混凝土路面清缝机concrete joint cleaner水泥混凝土路面填缝机concrete joint sealer水泵pump泥浆泵mud pump张拉钢筋油泵prestressed steel bar drawing oil pump砂浆泵mortar pump水泥混凝土混合料泵concrete pump钢筋切断机bar shear钢筋冷轧机cold-rolling mill钢筋冷拉机steel stretcher钢筋冷拔机steel bar cold-extruding machine钢筋冷镦机steel bar heading press machine钢筋拉伸机steel extension machine钢筋弯曲机steel bar bender钢筋调直机steel straighten machine 对焊机butt welder钻孔机boring machine打桩机pile driver拔桩机pile extractor千斤顶jack张拉预应力钢筋千斤顶prestressed steel bar drawing jack手拉葫芦chain block起重葫芦hoisting block卷扬机hoister缆索吊装设备cableway erecting equipment起重机crane架桥机bridge erection equipment砂筒sand cylinder盾构shield全气压盾构compressed air shield半盾构roof shield隧道掘进机tunnel boring machine全断面隧道掘进机tunnel boring machine for full section喷枪shotcrete equipment装碴机mucker盾构千斤顶main jack拉合千斤顶pull-in jacks复拌沥青混合料摊铺机asphalt remixer 路面铣削机pavemill回砂车sand sweeping equipment除雪机snow plough装雪机snow Loader洗净剂喷布车detergent spray truck清扫车sweeper洒水车water truck划标线机Line maker振动筛vibrating screen撒布机spreader输送机conveyer提升机elevator翻斗车dump-body car自卸汽车dumping wagon牵引车tow truck拖车头tractor truck挂车trailer平板车flat truck工程车shop truck万能杆件fabricated universal steel members交通规则traffic rules交通事故traffic accident 交通事故率traffic accident rate人口事故率population accident rate 车辆事故率vehicle accident rate运行事故率operating accident rate 交通控制traffic control中央控制台central control unit点控制spot control线控制line control面控制area control交通信号traffic signal交通信号灯traffic signal lamp信号周期signal cycle绿信比split ratio信号相位signal phase相位差phase difference绿波green wave交通监视系统traffic surveillance 交通公害vehicular pollution 英汉术语对照索引abrasiveness磨耗度absolute datum绝对基面abutment桥台abutment pier制动墩acceleration lane加速车道accidental load偶然荷载 accommodation lane专用车道acoustic barrier隔音墙acting circles of blasting爆破作用圈 additional stake加桩adjacent curve in one direction同向曲线admixture外加剂adverse grade for safety反坡安全线 aerial photogrammetry航空摄影测量 aerophoto base航摄基线aerophoto interpretation航摄像片判读 ageing老化aggregate集料(骨料)air hardening气硬性alignment design(城市道路)平面设计,线形设计alignment element线形要素alligator cracking路面龟裂allowable rebound deflection容许(回弹)弯沉alternative line比较线anchored bulkhead abutment锚锭板式桥台anchored bulkhead retaining wall锚锭板式挡土墙anchored retaining wall by tie rods 锚杆式挡土墙anionic emulsified bitumen阴离子乳化沥青annual average daily traffic年平均日交通量anti-creep heap(厂矿道路)挡车堆anti-dizzling screen防炫屏(遮光栅) antiskid heap(厂矿道路)防滑堆 approach span引桥aquitard隔水层arch bridge拱桥arch culvert拱涵arch ring拱圈arterial highway干线公路arterial road(厂内)主干道,(城市)主干路asphalt distributor沥青洒布车 asphalt mixing plant沥青混合料拌和设备asphalt paver沥青混合料摊铺机 asphalt remixer复拌沥青混合料摊铺机 asphalt sand沥青砂asphalt sprayer沥青洒布机asphaltic bitumen地沥青at-grade intersection平面交叉 auxiliary lane附加车道average consistency(of soil)(土的)平均稠度average gradient平均纵坡azimuth angle方位角balance weight retaining wall衡重式挡土墙base course基层base line基线basic traffic capacity基本通行能力 beam bridge梁桥beam level deflectometer杠杆弯沉仪 bearing支座bearing angle象限角bearing pile支承桩bearing platform承台bed course垫层bench mark水准点benched subgrade台口式路基bending strength抗弯强度 Benkelman beam杠杆弯沉仪(贝克曼弯沉仪)bent cap盖梁berm护坡道binder结合料binder course联结层bitumell 沥青bitumen extractor(沥青混合料)抽提仪 bitumen-aggregate ratio油石比 bituminous concrete mixture沥青混凝土混合料bituminous concrete pavement沥青混凝土路面bituminous macadam mixture沥青碎石混合料bituminous macadam pavement沥青碎石路面bituminous mixture沥青混合料 bituminous pavement沥青路面 bituminous penetration pavement沥青贯入式路面bituminous surface treatment(沥青)表面处治blasting crater爆破漏斗blasting for loosening rock松动爆破 blasting for throwing rock抛掷爆破 blasting procedure土石方爆破 bleeding泛油blind ditch盲沟blind drain盲沟block pavement块为路面block stone块石blow up拱胀boring钻探boring log(道路)地质柱状图boring machine钻孔机borrow earth借土borrow pit取土坑boundary frame on crossing道口限界架 boundary frame on road道路限界架 boundary line of road construction道路建筑限界bowstring arch bridge系杆拱桥box culvert箱涵branch pipe of inlet雨水口支管 branch road(城市)支路,(厂内)支道 bridge桥梁bridge decking桥面系bridge deck pavement桥面铺装bridge floor expantion and contraction installation桥面伸缩装置 bridge girder erection equipment架桥机bridge on slope坡桥bridge site桥位bridge road驮道broken chainage断链broken stone碎石broken back curve断背曲线buried abutment埋置式桥台bus bay公交(车辆)停靠站bypass公交绕行公路cable bent tower索塔cable saddle索鞍cable stayed bridge斜拉桥(斜张桥) cableway erecting equipment缆索吊装设备california bearing ratio(CBR)加州承载比(CBR)california bearing ratio tester加州承载比(CBR)测定仪camber curve路拱曲线cantilever beam bridge悬臂梁桥 cantilever retaining wall悬臂式挡土墙 capacity of intersection交叉口通行能力capacity of network路网通行能力 capillary water毛细水carriage way车行道(行车道)cast-in-place cantilever method悬臂浇筑法cationic emulsified bitumen阳离子乳化沥青cattle-pass畜力车道cement concrete水泥混凝土cement concrete mixture水泥混凝土混合料cement concrete pavement水泥混凝土路面center-island中心岛center lane中间车道center line of road道路中线center line survey中线测量center stake中桩central reserve 分隔带channelization渠化交通 channelization island导流岛channelized intersection分道转弯式交叉口chip石屑chute急流槽circular curve圆曲线circular road环路circular test环道试验city road城市道路civil engineering fabric土工织物 classified highway等级公路classified road等级道路clay-bound macadam泥结碎石路面 clearance净空clearance above bridge floor桥面净空 clearance of span桥下净空climatic zoning for highway公路自然区划climbing lane爬坡车道cloverleaf interchange苜蓿叶形立体交叉coal tar煤沥青cobble stone卵石coefficient of scouring冲刷系数 cohesive soil粘性土cold laid method冷铺法cold mixing method冷拌法cold-stretched steel bar冷拉钢筋 column pier柱式墩combination-type road system混合式道路系统compaction压实compaction test击实试验compaction test apparatus击实仪 compactness test压实度试验 composite beam bridge联合梁桥 composite pipe line综合管道(综合管廊) compound curve复曲线concave vertical curve凹形竖曲线 concrete joint cleaner(水泥混凝土)路面清缝机concrete joint sealer(水泥混凝土)路面填缝机concrete mixing plant水泥混凝土(混合料)拌和设备concrete paver水泥混凝土(混合料)摊铺机concrete pump水泥混凝土(混合料)泵 concrete saw(水泥混凝土)路面锯缝机 cone penetration test触探试验 conflict point冲突点conical slope锥坡consistency limit(of soil)(土的)稠度界限consolidated subsoil加固地基 consolidation固结construction by swing转体架桥法 construction height of bridge桥梁建筑高度construction joint施工缝 construction load施工荷载 construction survey施工测量 continuous beam bridge连续梁桥 contour line等高线contraction joint缩缝control point路线控制点converging合流convex vertical curve凸形竖曲线 corduroy road木排道counterfort retaining wall扶壁式挡土墙counterfort abutment扶壁式桥台 country road乡村道路county road县公路(县道),乡道creep徐变critical speed临界速度cross roads十字形交叉cross slope横坡cross walk人行横道cross-sectional profile横断面图 cross-sectional survey横断面测量 crown路拱crushed stone碎石crushing strength压碎值culture地物culvert 涵洞curb路缘石curb side strip路侧带curve length曲线长curve widening平曲线加宽curved bridge弯桥cut挖方cut corner for sight line(路口)截角 cut-fill transition土方调配cut-fill transition program土方调配图 cutting路堑cycle path自行车道cycle track自行车道deceleration lane减速车道deck bridge上承式桥deflection angle偏角deflection test弯沉试验degree of compaction压实度delay延误density of road network道路(网)密度 depth of tunnel隧道埋深design elevation of subgrade路基设计高程design frequency(排水)设计重现期 design hourly volume设计小时交通量 design of elevation(城市道路)竖向设计 design of vertical alignment纵断面设计design speed计算行车速度(设计车速) design traffic capacity设计通行能力 design vehicle设计车辆design water level设计水位designed elevation设计高程designed flood frequency设计洪水频率 dislicking treatment防滑处理Deval abrasion testing machine狄法尔磨耗试验机(双筒式磨耗试验机) diamond interchange菱形立体交叉 differential photo微分法测图 direction angle方向角directional interchange方向式立体交叉diverging分流dowel bar传力杆drain opening泄水口 drainage by pumping station(立体交叉)泵站排水drainage ditch排水沟dressed stone料石drop water跌水dry concrete干硬性混凝土ductility(of bitumen)(沥青)延度 ductilometer(沥青)延度仪dummy joint假缝dynamic consolidation强夯法 economic speed经济车速economical hauling distance土方调配经济运距element support构件支撑elevation高程(标高)embankment路堤emergency parking strip紧急停车带 emulsified bitumen乳化沥青erecting by floating浮运架桥法 erection by longitudinal pulling method纵向拖拉法erection by protrusion悬臂拼装法 erection with cableway缆索吊装法 evaporation pond蒸发池expansion bearing活动支座expansive soil膨胀土expantion joint胀缝expressway(城市)快速路external distance外(矢)距fabricated bridge装配式桥fabricated steel bridge装拆式钢桥 factories and mines road厂矿道路 factory external transportation line 对外道路factory-in road厂内道路factory-out road厂外道路fast lane内侧车道faulting of slab ends错台feeder highway支线公路ferry渡口fibrous concrete纤维混凝土field of vision视野fill填方filled spandrel arch bridge 实腹拱桥。
英文翻译Flexible pavement designGenerally speaking,pavements(and bases) may be divided into two broad classifications or tipes:rigid and flexible. As commonly used in the United States,the term “rigid pavement”is applied to wearing surfaces constructed of Portland-cement concrete. A pavement constructed of concrete is assumed to possess considerable flexural strength that will permit it to act as a beam and allow it to bridge over minor irregularities which may occor in the base or subgrade on which it rests;hence the term “rigid”.Similarity,a concrete base that supports a brick or block layer might be described as “rigid”.All other types of pavement have traditionally been classed as “flexible”.A commonly used definition is that “a flexible pavement is a structure that maintains contact with and distributes loads to the subgrade and depends on aggregate interlock,particlefriction,and cohesion for stability”.Thus,the classical flexible pavement include primarily those pavement that are composed of a series of granular layers topped by a relatively thin high-quality bituminous wearing surface .Typically,the highest-quatily materials are at or near the surface.It should be pointed out that certain pavementsthat have an asphalt surface may behave more like the classical “rigid”pavement,for example, pavement that have very thick asphalt surface or that have base courses composed of aggregate treated with asphalt,cement, or lime-fly ash. However,for convenience of presentation,these pavements will be considered to be in the flexible class.The structure of flexible pavement is composed of a “wearing surface”, base, subbase(not always used), and subgrade . The wearing surface and the base often comprise two or more layers that are somewhat different in composition and that are put down in separate construction operations.On many heavy-duty pavements,asubbase of select material is often placed between the base and subgrade.the wearing surface may range in thickness from less than 1 in. in the case of a bituminous surface used for low-cost, light-traffic loads to 6 in. or more of alphaltconcrete used for heavily traveled routes. The wearing surface must be capable of withstanding the wear and abrasive effects of moving vehicles and must possess sufficient stability to prevent it from shoving and rutting under traffic loads. In addition,it serves a useful purpose in preventing the entrance of excessive quantities of surface water into the base subgrade from directly above.The base is a layer (or layers) of very high stability and density. Its principle purpose is to distribute or “spread” the stresses created by wheel loads acting on the wearing surface so that the stresses transmitted to the subgrade will not be sufficiently great to result in excessive deformation or displacement of that foundation layer. The base must also be of such character that it is not damaged by capillary water and/or frost action. Locally available materials are extensively used for base construction, and materials preferred for this type of construction vary wwidely in different sections of the country. For example, the base may be composed of gravel or crushed rock or it may bae a granular material treated with asphalt,cement,or lime-fly ash stabilizing agents.Asubbase of granular material or stabilized material may be used in areas where frost action is severe, in locations where the subgrade soil is extremely weak. It may also be used , in the interests of economy ,in locations where suitable subbase material are cheap than base materials of higher quality.The subgrade is the foundation layer, the structure that must eventually support all the loads which come onto the pavement. In some cases this layer will simply be the natural earth surface. In other or more usual instances it will be compacted soil existing in a cut section or the upper layer of an embankment section. In the fundamental concept of the action of flexible pavement,the combined thickness of subbase (if used), base, and wearing surface must be great enough to reduce the stresses occuring in the subgrade to values that are not sufficiently great to cause excessive distortion or displacement of the subgrade soil layer.The principle factors entering into the problem of the thickness design of flexible pavement are:(1)Traffic loading.(2)Climate or environment.(3)Material characteristics.A number of other elements must also be considered in order to arrive at a final thickness design. This include cost, construction, maintenance,an design period. Thus, the students should realize that the design process is complex, and it is highly unlikely that any extremely simple method of approach will prove entirely successful under all conditions.Protection of the subgrade from the loading imposed by traffic is one of the primariy functions of a pavement structure. The designer must privide a pavement that can withstand a large number of repeated applications of variable-magnitude loading.The magnitude of maximum loading is commonly controlled by legal load limits. Traffic surveys and loadometer studies are often used to establish the relative magnitude and occurrence of the various loading to which a pavement is subjected. Prediction or estimation of the total traffic that will use a pavement during its design ife is a very difficult but obviously important task.The climate or environment in which a flexible pavement is to be established has an important influence on the behavior and performance of the various in the pavement and subgrade. Probablly the two climate factors of major significance are temperature and moisture.The magnitude of temperature and its fluctuations affect the properties of certain materials. For example, high temperatures cause asphaltic concrete to lose stability whereas at low temperatures asphaltic concrete becomes very hard and stiff. Low temperature and temperature fluctuations are also associated with frost heave and freeze-thaw damage.Granular materials, if not properly graded, can experience frost heave. Likewise, the subgrade can exhibit extensive loss in strength if it becomes frozen. Certain stabilized materials (lime, cement, and lime-fly ash treated) can suffer substantial damage if a large number of freeze-thaw cycles occur in the material.Moisture also has an important influence on the behavior and performance ofmany materials. Moisture is an important ingredient in frost-related damage. Subgrade soils and other paving materials weaken appreciably when saturated, and certain clayey soil exhibit substantial moisture-included volume change.Subgrade moisture conditions change is affecting road structural strength, stiffness and stability of the important factors. Subgrade moisture influence has the following main factors: atmospheric precipitation and evaporation, infiltration of surface water, groundwater impact, temperature changes caused by humidity. Cyclical atmospheric temperature changes throughout the year, day and night temperatures for each day a certain extent cyclical changes. Surface directly exposed to the air, and experiencing the impact of these changes, in particular surface material most affected. Road surface temperature change with the weather temperature is roughly synchronized. Surface layer temperature at different depths within the same generation as the cyclical changes in atmospheric temperature, but the magnitude of change increases with the depth gradually decreased.One of frost damage is frozen, it not only affects the normal running of vehicles, and sometimes the destruction of the pavement structure. Produce frost heave for two reasons: First, as water is frozen, the volume will increase by 9%; second is due to the weak foundation soil to freeze the area with water movement results. Subgrade frost heaving caused by three factors: the sensitivity of frozen soil subgrade; temperature decreased slowly; groundwater supply of water to keep the frozen zone.The advent of spring, began to melt the frozen roadbed, will lose their bearing capacity of soil, leading to road damage, a phenomenon known as the spring melt boil, boil and mainly due to the melting process is top down, when the embankment top soil begins to melt, the water can not be excluded, so the soil has been saturated melting. If by this time a large number of heavy vehicles, road structure would be seriously damaged.Of the road is a sticky, elastic-plastic materials and the combination of mineral aggregate particles consisting of roads, including the addition of cement concrete as a surface layer and the surface structure of a variety of other grass-roots level. Flexible pavement design including pavement layer combination of design, structuralcalculation and the road pavement material mix design. This chapter elaborates the following aspects: elastic layered system theory, the pavement layer combination of design principles, road design standards and parameters, calculation of pavement thickness and the bending stress check.In reality, the road base material and the soil is not in any case have elastic properties. Non-linear elastic - viscous - plastic theory, under certain conditions more accurately describe the stress state of the road, but taking into account the role of the transient driving wheels in the pavement structure, the stress was small, so you can road as each layer is an ideal elastic body, multi-layer linear elastic theory to application to design calculations. Multi-layer linear elastic theory must be used the following basic assumptions:yers of material are continuous, homogeneous, isotropic and to obey Hooke's law, and the displacement and deformation is small;2. The next level (soil basis) in the horizontal direction and vertical direction down to infinity, The elastic layer is above all have a certain thickness, but the horizontal direction is infinite;3. layers of infinite distance in the horizontal direction and the next layer down to infinite depths, the stress, strain and displacement is zero;4. layers the contact conditions between fully continuous;5. do not count weight.Flexible Pavement Structure Design's mission is to design principles in general under the guidance of the road, according to the road level, requirements and design life of the cumulative equivalent standard axle load axle, considering the supply of road materials, the degree of influence of natural factors and the specific construction conditions, determine a reasonable level of the pavement structure and select the appropriate economic composition materials, combined into both withstand traffic loads and the role of natural factors, but also give full play to the maximum performance of structural materials, subgrade layer pavement system. Combination of flexible pavement structural design should follow the following basic principles:1, route, embankment, road do take into consideration the overall design;2, according to the structure, function and transport layer characteristics of selected structural levels;3, the strength to adapt to traffic load and stiffness combination;4, pay attention to its own characteristics each layer, make layer combination;5, the appropriate number of layers and thickness;6, to consider the impact of water temperature conditions to ensure stability.柔性路面设计一般来讲,路面(和路基)可以分为两种类型:刚性路面和柔性路面。
道路路桥工程中英文对照外文翻译文献Asphalt Mixtures: ns。
and Principles1.nsXXX industry。
The most common n of asphalt is in the n of XXX "flexible" XXX them from those made with Portland cement。
XXX2.XXXXXX the use of aggregates。
or gravel。
and a binder。
XXX for the pavement。
The quality of the asphalt XXX to the performance of the pavement。
as it must be able to XXX。
with each layer XXX layers typically include a subgrade。
a sub-base。
a base course。
and a surface course。
The subgrade is the natural soil or rock upon which the pavement is built。
while the sub-base and base courses provide nal support for the pavement。
The surface course is the layer that comes into direct contact with traffic and is XXX。
In n。
the use of XXX.The n of flexible pavement can be subdivided into high and low types。
道路毕业设计英文翻译Road Graduation Design: English TranslationIntroductionRoads play a crucial role in our daily lives, connecting people, places, and goods. As a civil engineering student, I had the opportunity to work on a graduation design project focused on road infrastructure. In this article, I will share the key aspects of my project and discuss the importance of road design and its impact on society.The Significance of Road DesignRoad design is a multidisciplinary field that encompasses various aspects, including engineering, urban planning, and environmental considerations. A well-designed road network ensures efficient transportation, reduces traffic congestion, and enhances road safety. Moreover, it contributes to economic growth by facilitating the movement of goods and services.Designing Sustainable RoadsSustainability is a crucial factor in road design. As our society becomes more conscious of environmental issues, it is essential to consider the environmental impact of road construction and operation. During my graduation project, I focused on incorporating sustainable practices into road design.One aspect of sustainable road design is the use of environmentally friendly materials. For example, I explored the possibility of using recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) in road construction. RAP not only reduces the demand forvirgin materials but also minimizes waste and energy consumption. Additionally, I studied the implementation of green infrastructure along roads. Green infrastructure refers to the integration of vegetation and natural elements into the road design. This approach helps mitigate the urban heat island effect, improves air quality, and enhances the aesthetic appeal of the road network. Innovative Technologies in Road DesignAdvancements in technology have revolutionized road design and construction. During my project, I explored the application of various innovative technologies that can improve road performance and durability.One such technology is the use of intelligent transportation systems (ITS). ITS utilizes sensors, cameras, and communication networks to monitor traffic conditions, manage congestion, and enhance road safety. Integrating ITS into road design helps optimize traffic flow, reduces travel time, and minimizes accidents.Another technology I investigated was the use of 3D modeling and visualization. By creating virtual models of roads, engineers can better assess the design's feasibility, identify potential challenges, and make informed decisions. This approach improves the accuracy and efficiency of the design process.The Role of Public ParticipationRoad design is not solely a technical endeavor; it also involves the community and its needs. Public participation plays a vital role in ensuring that road projects meet the expectations and requirements of the people.During my graduation project, I conducted surveys and organized public consultations to gather feedback from the community. This input helped me understand the local context, identify concerns, and incorporate them into the road design. By involving the public, we can create roads that are more user-friendly, inclusive, and responsive to the community's needs.ConclusionRoad design is a complex and multifaceted discipline with significant implications for society. By focusing on sustainability, incorporating innovative technologies, and involving the public, we can create road networks that are efficient, environmentally friendly, and meet the needs of the community. As a civil engineering student, my graduation project allowed me to gain valuable insights into the world of road design and its potential to shape our future.。
外文文献翻译(含:英文原文及中文译文)文献出处:Y Hassan. Geometric Design of Highways[J] Advance s in Transportation Studies, 2016, 6(1):31-41.英文原文Geometric De s ign of Highway sYHassanA.Alignment De s i gnThe alignment of a road is shown on the plane view and is a s erie s of straight line s called tangen ts connected by circular curve s. In modem practice it is common to interpo s e tran s ition or s piral curve s between tangent s and circular curve s.The line s hape should be continuou s, s udden changes from flat line to small radiu s curve or s udden change of long line end connected to s mall radius curve s hould be a v oided, otherwise a traffic accident may occur. Similarly, arc s with different radii end-to-end (complex curves) or s hort straight line s between two arcs with different radii are bad line s unle ss an easing curve is in s erted between arcs. The long, s mooth curve is alwa ys a good line becau s e it is beaut 血lly lined and will not be abandoned in the future. However, it is not ideal that the two-way road line s hape is compo s ed entirely of curve s, becau s e s ome driver s alway s he s itate to pas s through curved road s egment s. The long and s low curve is used in thesmaller comer s. If you u s e a s hort curve, you will s ee "kinks." In addition, the de s ign of the flat and v ertical s ections of the line s hould be con s idered comprehen s ively and s hould not be only one. No matter which, for example, when the s tarting point of the flat curve is near the vertex of the vertical curve, s eriou s traffic accident s will o ccur.Vehicle s driving on curved s ection s are s ubjected to centrifugal force, and they need a force of the s ame magnitude in the oppo s ite direction due to the height and lateral friction to off s et it. From the viewpoint of highway de s ign, the high or horizontal friction cannot exceed a certain v alue. Them 邸imum, the s e control v alues for a certain design s peed may limit the curvature of the curve. In generai the curvature of a c 订c u lar curve is repre s ented by it s radius. For the linear de s ign, the curvature is often de s cribed by the curvature, ie, the central angle corre s ponding to the 100-foot curve, which is in v er s ely proportional to the radiu s of the curve.A normal road arch is s et in a s traight s ection of the road, and the curve section is s et to a super high, and an exces s i v ely gradual road s ection must be s et between the norn 叫s ection and the s uper high s ection. The usual practice is to maintain the de s ign elevation of each midline of the road unchanged.B y raising the outer edge and lowering the inner edge to form a s uper high, for the line s hape where the s traight line is d 汀ec tly connected with the c 虹le curve, the s uper high s hould ne v er s tart on the straight line before reaching the curve. At the other end of the curve at acertain distance to reach all the ultra-high.If the vehicle is driving at a high speed on a restricted section of road, such as a straight line connected with a small radius circle curve, driving will be extremely uncomfortable. When the car enters the curve section, the super high starts and the vehicle tilts inward, but the passenger must maintain the body because it is not subjected to centrifugal force at this time. When the car reaches the curve section, centrifugal force suddenly occurs, forcing passengers to m狄e further posture adjustments. When the car leaves the curve, the above process is just the opposite. After inserting the relaxation curve, the radius gradually transitions from infinity to a certain fixed value on the circle curve, the centrifugal force gradually increases, and ultra-high levels are carefully set along the relaxation curve, and the centrifugal force is gradually increased, thereby avoiding driving bumps.The easement curve has been used on railways for many years, but it has recently been applied on highways. This is understandable. The train must follow a precise orbit, and the uncomfortable feeling mentioned above can only be eliminated after the ease curve is used. However, the driver of a car can change the lateral position on the road at will, and he can provide a relaxation curve for himself by m 咄ing a roundabout curve. But doing this in one lane (sometimes in other lanes) is very dangerous. A well-designed relaxation curve makes the above roundaboutnessunneces s ary. Multi-cluster s afety is a meas ure, and roads are widely u s ed as transition cUIVe s .For a circular c 田v e with the same radius, adding an ea s ing cUIVe at the end will change the relative po s itions of the c 田ve and the s traight line. Therefore, whether or not to use an easing cUIVe s ho uld be determined before final alignment sUIVe y. The s tarting point of the general cUIVe is labeled PC or BC and the end point is labeled PT or EC. For cUIVe s with transition c 田ve s, the u s ual marker configuration s are: TC, SC, CS, and ST. For two-way roads, the road width s hould be increased at sharp bend s. This is mainly based on the following factor s: 1. The dri v er is afraid to get out of the edge of the road. 2. Due to the difference in the driving trajectory of the front and rear wheels of the vehicle, the effective lateral width of the vehicle increa s es; 3. The width of the front of the vehicle that is inclined relative to the centerline of the road. For road s that are 24 feet wide, the added width is negligible. Onl y if the de s ign s peed is 30 mil / h and the cUIVature is up to 2 ft. Howe v er, for narrow road s, widening is very important e v en on s mooth cUIVe s ec tio ns . The recommended widening value s and widened de s ign s are s hown in ". Highway linear de s ign."B.Longitudinal s lope lineThe v ertical alignment of the highway and its impact on the s afety andeconomy of vehicle operation constitute one of the mo s t important element s in highway de s ign. Vertical line s consist of s traight line s and vertical parabola s or circular line s called vertical s lope line s. When a grade line rise s gradually from a horizontal line, it is called an uphili and vice ver s a, it is called a downhill slope. In the analy s is of s lope and s lope controi 如igner s usuall y have to s tud y the effect of change s in slope on the midline profile. In determining the s lope, the ideal s ituation is the balance of e x ca v ation and filling, and there is no large amount of borrower s and abandoned partie s. All the earth moving is carried down as far a s po ss ible and the distance is not long. The s lope s hould change with the terrain and be consistent w ith the direction of ascent and de s cent of the existing drainage s ystem In the mountains, the s lop e-5 s h ould be balanced to minimize the total co s t In the plain or gra ss land areas, the slope is approximatel y parallel to the s urface, but higher than the s urface at a s ufficient height to facilitate drainage of the s urface. If necessary, wind s can be used to remove s urface s no w. If the road is approaching or running along a ri v er, the current height of the s lope is determined by the expected flood le v el In any case, the gentle s lope s hould be s et at the excavation s ection compared to the s hort vertical s ection connecting the short vertical curve due to the up s lope down s lope, and the s ection from the downslope up s lope s hould be s et at the fill. Road s ection. Such a good linear de s ign can often avoid the forn 沮tion of a mound or depre ss ionopposite to the current landscape. Other consideration s are much more important when determining the vertical slope line than when filling the balance. Study and make more detailed adjustments to advanced is s ues. In general, the slope of the design that is consistent with the existing condition s is better, which can avoid some unnecessary c osts.In s lope analy s is and control, the impact of slope on motor vehicle operating co s ts is one of the most important con s iderations. As the s lope increase s, the fuel con s umption will obviously increase and the s peed will slow down. A more economical solution can balance the annual increase in the annual co s t of reducing the s lope and increasing the annual co s t of running the vehicle without increasing the s lope. The exact solution to this problem depends on the under s tanding of traffic flow and traffic type, which can only be known through traffic inve s tigation s.In different states, where the maximum longitudinal gradient is also very different, AASHTO recommend s that the maximum longitudinal slope be selected based on the time and terrain. The current de s ign ha s a maximum longitudinal gradient of 5% at a de s ign speed of 70 mil / h. At a de s ign speed of 30 mil / h, the maximum longitudinal slope is generally 7% - 12% depending on the topograph y.When using longer s ustained climb s, the s lope length cannot exceed the critical s lope length when no slow-moving v ehicle is provided. The critical s lope length can vary from 1700 ft in 3% grade to 500 ft in 8%grade. The slope of the continuou s long s lope must be le s s than the maximum slope of any end s urface of the highwa y. U s uall y the long continuou s s ingle slope is disconnected and the lower part is de s igned as a steep s lope, w hile approaching the top of the slope allow s the s lope to decrease. At the s ame time, it is nece ss ary to a v oid ob s truction of the view due to the inclination of the longitudinal s ection.The m 邸imum longitudinal gradient of the highwa y is 9%. Only when the drainage of the road is a problem, if the water must be drained to the s ide ditch or the drainage ditch, the minimum gradient criterion is of importance. In this c ase, 心HTO recommend s a minimum gradient of0.35%.C.s ight distanceIn order to en s ure the s afety of driving, the road must be designed to have a sufficient distance in front of the driver's line of s ight, s o that they can avoid ob s tacle s other than the ob s tacles, or safely overtake. The line-of-s ight is the length of the road visible to the driver of the vehicle. Two meaning s: "parking distance" or "non-pa ss ing s ight distance" or "o v ertaking s ight distance."No matter what happens, reasonable de s ign require s the dri v er to s ee this danger outside a certain distance, and brake the car before hitting it. In addition, it is not s afe to think that the v ehicle can avoid danger by leaving the driving lane. Becau s e this can cause the v ehicle to lo s e controlor to collide with another car.The parking distance is composed of two parts: The first part is the distance that the driver takes before the driver finds an obstacle and brakes. In this detection and reaction phase, the vehicle travels at its initial speed; the second part is the driver's Part of the parking distance depends on the speed of the vehicle and the driver's visual time and braking time. The second part of the parking distance depends on the speed, the brakes, the tires, the conditions of the road surface, and the line shape and slope of the road.Otherwise, the capacity of the highway will be reduced, and the accident will increase, because the irritable driver would risk a collision and overtake the vehicle if he cannot safely overtake the vehicle. The minimum distance in front of which the driver can safely be seen is called the overtaking distance.When making a decision on whether to pass or not, the driver must compare the visibility distance ahead and the distance required to complete the overta 耟ng movement. The factors that influence him to m昢e a decision are the degree of caution in driving and the acceleration performance of the vehicle. Due to the significant differences between humans, the overtaking behavior, which is mainly determined by human judgments and actions rather than the mechanical theorem, varies greatly from driver to driver. In order to establish the line-of-sight value forovertaking, engineer s ob s erved many drivers' overtaking behavior. Between 1938 and 1941, a basic survey was e s tablished to e5tablish a standard of over- sight distance. As s ume that the operating condition s area s follow s:1.It is driven at a uniform s peed by the o v ertaking v ehicle.2.Overtaking When entering the overtaking area, decelerate after being overtak:en.3.When arriving at the o v ertaking area, the driver need s to ob s erve the pas s ing area for a s hort time and start o vertaking.4.In the face of the oppo s ite vehicle, the overtaking is completed in a delayed s tart-up and a hurried turn. In the o v ertaking proce ss, o v ertaking accelerate s in the overtaking lane and the average s peed is 10 mil / h faster than being overtaken.5.When o v ertaking returns to its original lane, there must be a safe distance between it and the opposite vehicle on the other lane.The s um of the above five items is the over sight distance.中文译文公路线形设计作者:Y Has s anA.平面设计道路的线形反映在平面图上是由一系列的直线和与直线相连的圆曲线构成的。
原文Highway Design and Construction: The Innovation Challenge Author: Robert E. Skinner Jr.Innovations and advances in research are changing the way highways are built in America.The Egyptians were pouring concrete in 2500 BC, and the Romans used it to construct the Pantheon and the Colosseum. By the mid-1800s, Europeans were building bridges with concrete, and the first “modern” concrete highway pavements appear ed in the latter part of the 19th century. Naturally occurring asphalts, which have been used for waterproofing for thousands of years, came into common use in road construction in the 1800s. The first iron bridge was constructed in 1774, but by the end of the 19th century steel had largely replaced iron in bridge construction. These materials—concrete, asphalt, and steel—are now the mainstays of highway and bridge construction throughout the world, as well as of most types of public works infrastructure. Concrete and steel, the most versatile of these materials, are used for bridges and other highway structures; concrete and asphalt are used for roadway pavements.Everyone is familiar with concrete, asphalt, and steel, and some of us have worked with them, perhaps on home improvement projects. This familiarity, coupled with the long history of their many uses, has led many otherwise technically savvy people to believe that these materials are well understood, that their performance can be easily and reliably predicted, and that the technical challenges in using them for highways were overcome long ago. However, such notions are largely incorrect and misleading.For example, consider concrete, which is a mixture of portland cement, sand, aggregate (gravel or crushed stone), and water. Its performance characteristics are determined by the proportions and characteristics of the components, as well as by how it is mixed and formed. The underlying chemical reactions of concrete are surprisingly complex, not completely understood, and vary with the type of stone. Steel may be added for tensile strength (reinforced concrete), and a variety of additives have been identified to improve the workabilityand performance of concrete in particular applications and conditions. Damage and deterioration to concrete can result from excessive loadings and environmental conditions, such as freeze-thaw cycles and chemical reactions with salts used for deicing._________________________Many factors contribute to theurgent need for innovation inhighway construction._________________________Concrete is the most heavily used substance in the world after water (Sedgwick, 1991). Worldwide, concrete construction annually consumes about 1.6 billion tons of cement, 10 billion tons of sand and crushed stone, and 1 billion tons of water (M.S. Kahn, 2007). Given transportation costs, there is a huge financial incentive to using local sources of stone, even if the properties of that stone are less than ideal. Thus concrete is not a homogenous material. In truth, an unlimited number of combinations and permutations are possible.Much the same can be said of asphalt—technically, asphaltic concrete—which is also a mixture of aggregate (gravel or crushed stone), sand, and cement (asphalt binder); economics promote the use of locally available materials; and the underlying chemistry is not well understood. The characteristics of asphalt binder, for instance, vary depending on the source of crude oil from which it is derived.The metallurgy of steel is probably better understood than the chemistry of either asphalt or concrete, but it too is a mixture with virtually limitless combinations. Strength, toughness, corrosion resistance, and weldability are some of the performance characteristics that vary with the type of steel alloy used and the intended applications.As uses evolve and economic conditions change, we have a continuing need for a more sophisticated understanding of these common materials. Even though they are “mature” products, there is still room for significant incremental improvements in their performance. Because fundamental knowledge is still wanting, there is also considerable potential for breakthroughs in their performance.Factors That Affect Highway ConstructionAll other things being equal, stronger, longer lasting, less costly highway materials are desirable and, given the quantities involved, there are plenty of incentives for innovation. In highway transportation, however, all other things are not equal. A number of other factors contribute to the urgent and continuing need for innovation.First, traffic volume and loadings continue to increase. Every day the U.S. highway network carries more traffic, including heavy trucks that were unimagined when the system wasoriginally conceived and constructed. The 47,000-mile interstate highway system today carries more traffic than the entire U.S. highway system carried in 1956 when the interstates were laid out. The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) estimates that in metropolitan areas the annual cost of traffic congestion for businesses and citizens is nearly $170 billion (PB Consult, Inc., 2007).On rural interstates, overall traffic more than doubled between 1970 and 2005; at the same time, the loadings on those highways increased six-fold, mainly due to the increase in the number of trucks and the number of miles they travel. (Truck traffic increased from about 5.7 percent of all vehicle-miles traveled on U.S. highways in 1965 to 7.5 percent in 2000 [FHWA, 2005]).Second, traffic disruptions must be kept to a minimum during construction. Our overstressed highway system is not very resilient. Thus disruptions of any sort, such as lane and roadway closings, especially in major metropolitan areas and on key Interstate routes, can cause massive traffic snarls. This means that repair and reconstruction operations must often be done at night, which introduces a variety of additional complexities and safety issues. Occasionally, heroic measures must be taken to keep traffic moving during construction. For example, during construction of the “Big Dig” in Boston, the elevated Central Artery was in continuous service while cut-cover tunnels were constructed directly below it.Third, environmental, community, and safety requirements have become more stringent. For many good reasons, expectations of what a highway should be, how it should operate, and how it should interact with the environment and adjacent communities are constantly evolving. Designs to promote safety, measures to mitigate a growing list of environmental impacts, and attention to aesthetics have fundamentally changed the scope of major highway projects in the United States. For example, on Maryland’s $2.4 billion Intercounty Connector project in suburban Washington, D.C., which is now under construction, environmental mitigation accounts for 15 percent of project costs, or about $15 million per mile (AASHTO, 2008). Fourth, costs continue to rise. Building and maintaining highways cost effectively is an ever-present goal of good engineering. But cost increases in highway construction have been extraordinary due in part to the expanded scope of highway projects and construction in demanding settings. In addition, the costs of the mainstay materials—portland cement, asphalt binder, and steel—have risen dramatically as the world, particularly China, has gone on a construction binge. The Federal Highway Administration’s cost indices for portland cement concrete pavement, asphalt pavement, and structural steel increased by 51 percent, 58 percent, and 70 percent respectively between 1995 and 2005 (FHWA, 2006).Fortunately, research and innovation in construction have never stopped, although they are not always sufficiently funded and they seem to fly beneath the radar of many scientists and engineers. Nevertheless, there have been great successes, which are cumulatively changing how highways are built in America.The Superpave Design SystemIn response to widespread concerns about premature failures of hot-mix asphalt pavements in the early 1980s, a well funded, congressionally mandated, crash research program was conducted to improve our understanding of asphalt pavements and their performance. The seven-year Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP), which was managed by the National Research Council, developed a new system of standard specifications, test methods, andengineering practices for the selection of materials and the mix proportions for hot-mix asphalt pavement.The new system has improved matches between combinations of asphalt binder and crushed stone and the climatic and traffic conditions on specific highways. State departments of transportation (DOTs) spend more than $10 billion annually on these pavements, so even modest improvements in pavement durability and useful life can lead to substantial cost savings for agencies and time savings for motorists (TRB, 2001).SHRP rolled out the Superpave system in 1993, but it took years for individual states and their paving contractors to switch to the new system, which represents a significant departure, not only in design, but also in the procedures and equipment used for testing. Each state DOT had to be convinced that the benefits would outweigh the modest additional costs of Superpave mixes, as well as the time and effort to train its staff and acquire necessary equipment.A survey in 2005 showed that 50 state DOTs (including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico) were using Superpave (Figure 1). The remaining two states indicated that they would be doing so by the end of 2006. Throughout the implementation period, researchers continued to refine the system (e.g., using recycled asphalt pavements in the mix design [TRB, 2005]).It may be years before the cost benefits of Superpave can be quantified. A 1997 study by the Te xas Transportation Institute projected that, when fully implemented, Superpave’s annualized net savings over 20 years would approach $1.8 billion annually—approximately $500 million in direct savings to the public and $1.3 billion to highway users (Little et al., 1997).Moreover, analyses by individual states and cities have found that Superpave has dramatically improved performance with little or no increase in cost. Superpave is not only an example of a successful research program. It also demonstrates that a vigorous, sustained technology-transfer effort is often required for innovation in a decentralized sector, such as highway transportation.Prefabricated ComponentsThe offsite manufacturing of steel and other components of reinforced concrete for bridges and tunnels is nothing new. But the need for reconstructing or replacing heavily used highway facilities has increased the use of prefabricated components in startling ways. In some cases components are manufactured thousands of miles from the job site; in others, they are manufactured immediately adjacent to the site. Either way, we are rethinking how design and construction can be integrated.When the Texas Department of Transportation needed to replace 113 bridge spans on an elevated interstate highway in Houston, it found that the existing columns were reusable, but the bent caps (the horizontal connections between columns) had to be replaced. As an alternative to the conventional, time-consuming, cast-in-place approach, researchers at the University of Texas devised new methods of installing precast concrete bents. In this project, the precast bents cut construction time from 18 months to slightly more than 3 months (TRB, 2001).As part of a massive project to replace the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, the California Department of Transportation and the Bay Area Toll Authority had to replace a 350-foot, 10-lane section of a viaduct on Yerba Buena Island. In this case, the contractor, C.C. Myers, prefabricated the section immediately adjacent to the existing viaduct. The entire bridge was then shut down for the 2007 Labor Day weekend, while the existing viaduct was demolished and the new 6,500-ton segment was “rolled” into place (Figure 2). The entire operation was accomplished 11 hours ahead of schedule (B. Kahn, 2007).Probably the most extensive and stunning collection of prefabricated applications on a single project was on the Central Artery/Tunnel Project (“Big Dig”) in Boston. For the Ted Williams Tunnel, a dozen 325-foot-long steel tunnel sections were constructed in Baltimore, shipped to Boston, floated into place, and then submerged. However, for the section of the tunnel that runs beneath the Four Points Channel, which is part of the I-90 extension, bridge restrictions made this approach infeasible. Instead, a huge casting basin was constructed adjacent to the channel where 30- to 50-ton concrete tunnel sections were manufactured The basin was flooded and the sections winched into position with cables and then submerged.An even more complicated process was used to build the extension tunnel under existing railroad tracks, which had poor underlying soil conditions. Concrete and steel boxes were built at one end of the tunnel, then gradually pushed into place through soil that had been frozen using a network of brine-filled pipes (Vanderwarker, 2001).Specialty Portland Cement ConcretesNew generations of specialty concretes have improved one or more aspects of performance and allow for greater flexibility in highway design and construction. High-performance concrete typically has compressive strengths of at least 10,000 psi. Today, ultra-high-performance concretes with formulations that include silica fume, quartz flour, water reducers, and steel or organic fibers have even greater durability and compressive strengths up to 30,000 psi. These new concretes can enable construction with thinner sections and longer spans (M.S. Kahn, 2007).Latex-modified concrete overlays have been used for many years to extend the life of existing, deteriorating concrete bridge decks by the Virginia DOT, which pioneered the use of very early strength latex-modified concretes for this application. In high-traffic situations, the added costs of the concrete have been more than offset by savings in traffic-control costs and fewer delays for drivers (Sprinkel, 2006).When the air temperature dips below 40, costly insulation techniques must be used when pouring concrete for highway projects. By using commercially available admixtures that depress the freezing point of water, the U.S. Cold-Weather Research and Engineering Laboratory has developed new concrete formulations that retain their strength and durability at temperatures as low as 23?F. Compared to insulation techniques, this innovation has significantly decreased construction costs and extended the construction season in cold weather regions (Korhonen, 2004).As useful as these and other specialty concretes are, nanotechnology and nanoengineering techniques, which are still in their infancy, have the potential to make even more dramatic improvements in theperformance and cost of concrete.Waste and Recycled MaterialsHighway construction has a long history of using industrial waste and by-product materials. The motivations of the construction industry were simple—to help dispose of materials that are otherwise difficult to manage and to reduce the initial costs of highway construction. The challenge has been to use these materials in ways that do not compromise critical performance properties and that do not introduce substances that are potenti-ally harmful to people or the environment. At the same time, as concerns about sustainability have become more prominent in public thinking, the incentives to use by-product materials have increased. In addition, because the reconstruction and resurfacing of highways create their own waste, recycling these construction materials makes economic and environmental sense.Research and demonstration projects have generated many successful uses of by-product and recycled materials in ways that simultaneously meet performance, environmental, and economic objectives. For example, “crumb rubber” from old tires is increasingly being used as an additive in certain hot-mix asphalt pavement designs, and a number of patents have been issued related to the production and design of crumb rubber or asphalt rubber pavements (CDOT, 2003; Epps, 1994).Several states, notably California and Arizona, use asphalt rubber hot mix as an overlay for distressed flexible and rigid pavements and as a means of reducing highway noise. Materials derived from discarded tires have also been successfully used as lightweight fill for highway embankments and backfill for retaining walls, as well as for asphalt-based sealers and membranes (Epps, 1994; TRB, 2001).Fly ash, a residue from coal-burning power plants, and silica fume, a residue from metal-producing furnaces, are increasingly being used as additives to portland cement concrete. Fly-ash concretes can reduce alkali-silica reactions that lead to the premature deterioration of concrete (Lane, 2001), and silica fume is a component of the ultra-high-performance concrete described above.After many years of experimentation and trials, reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) is now routinely used in virtually all 50 states as a substitute for aggregate and a portion of the asphalt binder in hot-mix asphalt, including Superpave mixes. The reclaimed material typically constitutes 25 to 50 percent of the “new” mix (TFHRC, 1998). The National Asphalt Pavement Association estimates that 90 percent of the asphalt pavement removed each year is recycled and that approximately 125 millions tons of RAP are produced, with an annual savings of $300 million (North Central Superpave Center, 2004).Visualization, Global Positioning Systems, and Other New Tools For more than 20 years, highway engineers have used two-dimensional, computer-aided drafting and design (CADD) systems to accelerate the design process and reduce costs. The benefits of CADD systems have derived essentially from automating the conventional design process, with engineers doing more or less what they had done before, although much faster and with greater flexibility.New generations of three- and four-dimensional systems are introducing new ways of designing roads, as well as building them (Figure 4). For example, three-dimensional visualization techniques are clearly useful for engineers. But, perhaps more importantly, they have improved the communication of potential designs to affected communities and public officials; in fact, they represent an entirely new design paradigm. Four-dimensional systems help engineers and contractors analyze the constructability of proposed designs well in advance of actual constructionGlobal positioning systems are being used in surveying/layout, in automated guidance systems for earth-moving equipment, and for monitoring quantities. Other innovations include in situ temperature sensors coupled with data storage, transmission, and processing devices that provide onsite information about the maturity and strength of concrete as it cures (Hannon, 2007; Hixson, 2006).ConclusionThe examples described above suggest the wide range of exciting innovations in the design and construction of highways. These innovations address materials, roadway and bridge designs, design and construction methods, road safety, and a variety of environmental, community, and aesthetic concerns. Looking to the future, however, challenges to the U.S. highway system will be even more daunting—accommodating more traffic and higher loadings; reducing traffic disruptions during construction; meeting more stringent environmental, community, and safety requirements; and continuing pressure to reduce costs. Addressing these challenges will require a commitment to innovation and the research that supports innovation.中文翻译高速公路设计与施工:创新的挑战作者:小罗伯特·E·斯金纳研究方式的创新和进步正在改变着美国公路建设的方式。
毕业论文(外文翻译)(2012届)学院名称土木与水利工程学院专业(班级)土木工程七班姓名(学号)李小润(20083650)指导教师扈惠敏系(教研室)负责人方诗圣PavementHighway pavements are divided into two main categories: rigitand flexible.The wearing surfaceof a rigid pavement is usually constructed of Portland cement concrete such that it acts like a beam over any irregularities in the underlying supporting material.The wearing surface of flexible pavements, on the other hand, is usually constructed of bituminous material such that they remain in contact with the underlying material even when minor irregularities occur.Flexible pavements usually consist of a bituminous surface underlaid with a layer of granular material and a layer of a suitable mixture of coarse and fine materials.Coarse aggregatesFine aggregatesTraffic loads are transferred by the wearing surface to the underlying supporting materials through the interlocking of aggregates, the frictionaleffect of the granular materials, and the cohesion of the fine materials.Flexible pavements are further divided into three subgroups: high type, intermediate type, and low type. High-type pavements have wearing surfaces that adequately support the expected traffic load without visible distress due to fatigue and are not susceptible to weather conditions.Intermediate-type pavements have wearing surfaces that range from surface treated to those with qualities just below that of high-type pavements. Low-type pavements are used mainly for low-cost roads and have wearing surfaces that range from untreated to loose natural materials to surface-treated earth.✹The components of a flexible pavement include the subgradeor prepared roadbed, the subbase, basecourse, and the surface course (Fig.11.1).✹Upper surface courseMiddle surface courseLower surface courseThe performance of the pavement depends on the satisfactory performance of each component, which requires proper evaluation of the properties of each component separately.✹The subgrade is usually the natural material located along the horizontal alignment of the pavement and serves as the foundation of the pavement structure.✹The subgrademay also consist of a layer of selected borrow materials, well compacted to prescribedspecifications.✹Compacting plantCompaction deviceCompactnessIt may be necessary to treat the subgrade material to achieve certain strength properties required for the type of pavement being constructed.Located immediately above the subgrade, the subbase component consists of a superior quality to that which generally is used for subgrade construction. The requirements for subbase materials are usually given in terms of the gradation, plastic characteristics, and strength. When the quality of the subgrade material meets the requirements of the subbase material, the subbase component may be omitted.In cases where suitable subbase material is not readily available ,the available material can be treated with other materials to achieve the necessary properties. This process of treating soils to improve their engineering properties is know as stabilization.✹The base course lies immediately above the subbase. It is placed immediately above the subgrade if a subbase course is not used.✹This course usually consists of granular materials such as crushed stone, crushed or uncrushed.The specifications for base course materials usually include stricter requirements than those for subbase materials, particularly with respect to their plasticity, gradation, and strength.Materials that do not have the required properties can be used as base materials if they are properly stabilized with Portland cement, asphalt, or lime .In some cases, high-quality base course materials may also be treated with asphalt or Portland cement to improve the stiffness characteristics of heavy-duty pavementsThe surface course is the upper course of the road pavement and is constructed immediately above the base course. The surface course in flexible pavement usually consists of a mixture of mineral aggregates and asphaltic materials.It should be capable of withstanding high tire pressures, resisting the abrasive forces due to traffic, providing a skid-resistant driving surface, and preventing the penetration of surface water into the underlying layers.✹The thickness of the wearing surface can vary from 3 in. to more than 6 in.(inch,英寸,2.54cm), depending on the expected traffic on the pavement.It was shown that the quality of the surface course of a flexible pavement depends on the mix design of the asphalt concrete used.✹Rigid highway pavements usually are constructed to carry heavy traffic loads, although they have been used for residential and local roads. Properly designed and constructed rigid pavements have long service lives and usually are less expensive to maintain than the flexible pavements.✹The Portland cement concrete commonly used for rigid pavements consists of Portland cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, and water. Steel reinforcing rods may or may not be used, depending on the type of pavement being constructed.Rigid highway pavements be divided into three general type: plain concrete pavements, simply reinforced concrete pavements, and continuously reinforced concrete pavement. The definition of each pavement type is related to the amount of reinforcement used.Plain concrete pavement has no temperature steel or dowels for load transfer.However, steel tie bars are often used to provide a hingeeffect at longitudinal joints and to prevent the opening of these joints. Plain concrete pavements are used mainly on low-volume highways or when cement-stabilized soils are used as subbase.Joints are placed at relatively shorter distances (10 to 20 ft) than with the other types of concrete pavements to reduce the amount of cracking.In some case, the transverse joints of plain concrete pavements are skewed about 4 to 5 ft in plan, such that only one wheel of a vehicle passes through the joint at a time. This helps to provide a smoother ride.Simply reinforced concrete pavements have dowels for the transfer of traffic loads across joints, with these joints spaced at larger distances, ranging from 30 to 100 ft. Temperature steel is used throughout the slab, with the amount dependent on the length of the slab. Tie bars are also commonly used in longitudinal joints.Continuously reinforced concrete pavements have no transverse joints, except construction joints or expansion joints when they are necessary at specific positions, such as at bridges.These pavements have a relatively high percentage of steel, with the minimum usually at 0.6 percent of the cross section of the slab. They also contain tie bars across the longitudinal joints.h/2h/25~10cm填缝料 横向施工缝构造填缝料平缝加拉杆型Bituminous Surface CoursesThe bituminous surface course has to provide resistance to the effects of repeated loading by tyres and to the effects of the environment.✹In addition, it must offer adequate skid resistance in wet weather as well as comfortable vehicle ride. It must also be resistant to rutting and to cracking.✹It is also desirable that surface course is impermeable, except in the case of porous asphalt.Hot rolled asphalt (HRA) is a gapgraded material with less coarse aggregate. In fact it is essentially a bitumen/fine aggregate/filler mortar into which some coarse aggregate is placed.The mechanical propertiesare dominated by those of the mortar. This material has been extensively used as the wearing course on major road in the UK, though its use has recently declined as new materials have been introduced.✹It provides a durablelayer with good resistance to cracking and one which is relatively easy to compact. The coarse aggregate content is low (typically 30%) which results in the compacted mixture having a smooth surface. Accordingly, the skid resistance is inadequate and precoated chippings are rolled into the surface at the time of laying to correct this deficiency.In Scotland, HRA wearing course remains the preferred wearing course on trunk roads including motorway but,since 1999 thin surfacings have been the preferred option in England and Wales. Since 1999 in Northern Ireland, HRA wearing course and thin surfacings are the preferred permitted options.Porous asphalt (PA) is a uniformly graded material which is designed to provide large air voids so that water can drain to the verges within the layer thickness. If the wearing course is to be effective, the basecourse below must be waterproof and the PA must have the ability to retain its open textured properties with time.Thick binder films are required to resist water damage and ageing of the binder. In use, this material minimizes vehicle spray, provides a quiet ride and lower rolling resistance to traffic than dense mixtures.✹It is often specified for environmental reasons but stone mastic asphalt (SMA) and special thin surfacings are generally favoured in current UK practice.There have been high profile instances where a PA wearing course has failed early in its life. The Highways Agency does not recommend the use of a PA at traffic levels above 6000 commercial vehicles per day.✹Asphaltic concrete and dense bitumen macadam (DBM) are continuously graded mixtures similar in principle to the DBMs used in roadbases and basecourses but with smaller maximum particle sizes. Asphaltic concrete tends to have a slightlydenser grading and is used for road surfaces throughout the world with the excepting of the UK.✹It is more difficult to meet UK skid resistance Standards with DBMs than HRA, SMA or PA. This problem can be resolves by providing a separate surface treatment but doing so generally makes DBM economically unattractive.✹Stone mastic asphalt (SMA) material was pioneeredin Germany and Scandinavia and is now widely used in the UK. SMA has a coarse, aggregrate skeleton, like PA, but the voids are filled with a fine aggregate/filler /bitumen mortar.✹In mixtures using penetration grade bitumen , fibres are added to hold the bitumen within the mixture (to prevent “binder drainage”).Bitumen✹oil bitumen( earth oil)✹natural bitumen✹TarWhere a polymer modified bitumen is used, there is generally no need for fibres. SMA is a gap-graded material with good resistance to rutting and high durability. modified bitumen✹SBS✹SBR✹PE\EV A✹It differs from HRA in that the mortar is designed to just fill the voids in the coarse aggregate whereas, in HRA, coarse aggregate is introduced into the mortar and does not provide a continous stone matrix. The higher stone content HRAs ,however, are rather similar to SMA but are not wide used as wearing courses in the UK, being preferred for roadbase and basecourse construction.A variety of thin and what were called ultra thin surfacings (nowadays, the tendency is to use the term ‘thin surfacings’ for both thin and ultra thin surfacings ) have been introduced in recent years, principally as a result of development work concentrated in France.These materials vary in their detailed constituents but usually have an aggregate grading similar to SMA and often incorporate a polymer modified bitumen.They may be used over a high stiffness roadbase and basecourse or used for resurfacing of existing pavements. For heavy duty pavements (i .e those designed to have a useful life of forty years), the maintenance philosophy is one of minimum lane occupancy, which only allows time for replacement of the wearing course to these ‘long life’ pavement structures. The new generation of th in surfacings allows this to be conveniently achieved.The various generic mixture types described above can be compared with respect to their mechanical properties and durability characteristics by reference to Fig.12.1. This shows, in principle, how low stone content HRA, asphaltic concrete, SMA and PA mixtures mobilize resistance to loading by traffic.Asphaltic concrete (Fig.12.1a)) presents something of a compromise when well designed, since the dense aggregate grading can offer good resistance to the shear stresses which cause rutting, while an adequate binder content will provide reasonable resistance to the tensile stresses which cause cracking.In general, the role of the aggregate dominates. DBMs tend to have less dense gradings and properties which, therefore, tend towards good rutting resistance andaway from good crack resistance.HRA (Fig.12.1b)) offers particularly good resistance to cracking through the binder rich mortar between the coarse aggregate particles. This also provides good durability but the lack of coarse aggregate content inhibits resistance to rutting.SMA and PA are shown in the same diagram ( Fig.c)) to emphasis the dominant role the coarse aggregate. In both case, well coated stone is used. In PA, the void space remains available for drainage of water, whilst in SMA, the space is occupied by a fine aggregate/ filler/ bitumen/ fibre mortar.Both materials offer good rutting resistance through the coarse aggregate content. The tensile strength of PA is low whilst that of SMA is probably adequate but little mechanical testing data have been reported to date.Drainage for Road and Airports✹Provision of adequate drainage is important factor in the location and geometric design of road and airports. Drainage facilities on any highway, street and airport should adequately provide for the flow of water away from the surface of the pavement to properly designed channels.Inadequate drainage will eventually result in serious damage to the structure.✹In addition, traffic may be slowed by accumulated water on the pavement, and accidents may occur as a result of hydroplaning and loss of visibility from splash and spray. The importance of adequate drainage is recognized in the amount of highway construction dollars allocated to drainage facilities. About25 percent of highway construction dollars are spent for erosion control anddrainage structures, such as culverts, bridges, channels, and ditches.✹Highway Drainage Structures✹One of the main concerns of the highway engineer is to provide an adequate size structure, such that the waterway opening is sufficiently large to discharge the expected flow of water.Inadequately sized structures can result in water impounding, which may lead to failure of the adjacent sections of the highway due to embankments being submerged in water for long periods.✹The two general categories of drainage structures are major and minor. Major structures are those with clear spans greater than 20 feet, whereas minor structures are those with clear spans of 20 feet or less .✹Major structures are usually large bridges, although multiple-span culverts may also be included in this class. Minor structures include small bridges and culverts.Emphasis is placed on selecting the span and vertical clearancerequirements for major structures. The bridge deck should be located above the high water mark .The clearance above the high water mark depends on whether the waterway is navigable ✹If the waterway is navigable, the clearance above the high water mark should allow the largest ship using the channel to pass underneath the bridge without colliding with the bridge deck. The clearance height, type, and spacing of piers also depend on the probability of ice jams and the extentto which floating logs and debris appear on the waterway during high water.✹An examination of the banks on either side of the waterway will indicate the location of the high water mark, since this is usually associated with signs of erosion and debris deposits. Local residents, who have lived near and observed the waterway during flood stages over a number of years, can also give reliable information on the location of the high water mark. Stream gauges that have been installed in the waterway for many years can also provide data that can be used to locate the high water mark.Minor structures, consisting of short-span bridges and culverts, are the predominant type of drainage structures on highways. Although openings for these structures are not designed to be adequate for the worst flood conditions, they shouldbe large enough to accommodate the flow conditions that might occur during the normal life expectancy of the structure.✹Provision should also be made for preventing clogging of the structure due to floating debris and large boulders rolling from the banks of steep channels.✹Culverts are made of different materials and in different shapes. Materials used to construct culverts include concrete(reinforced and unreinforced), corrugated steel, and corrugatedaluminum. Other materials may also be used to line the interiorof the culvert to prevent corrosion and abrasionor to reduce hydraulic resistance. For example, asphaltic concrete may be used to line corrugated metal culverts. The different shapes normally used in culvert construction include circular, rectangular (box), elliptical, pipe arch, metal box, and arch.✹The drainage problem is increased in these areas primarily for two reasons: the impervious nature of the area creates a very high runoff; and there is little room for natural water courses. It is often necessary to collect the entire storm water into a system of pipes and transmit it over considerable distances before it can be loosed again as surface runoff. This collection and transmission further increase the problem, since all of the water must be collected with virtually no pending, thus eliminating any natural storage; and through increased velocity the peak runoffs are reached more quickly.Also, the shorter times of peaks cause the system to be more sensitive to short-duration,high intensive rainfall.Storm sewers,like culverts and bridges,are designed for storms of various intensity-return-period relationships, depending upon the economy and amount of ponding that can be tolerated.✹Airport Drainage✹The problem of providing proper drainage facilities for airports is similar in many ways to that of highways and streets. However, because of the large and relatively flat surface involved, the varying soil conditions, the absence of natural water courses and possible side ditches, and the greater concentration of discharge at the terminus of the construction area, some phases of the problem are more complex. For the average airport the over-all area to be drained is relatively large and an extensive drainage system is required. The magnitude of such a system makes it even more imperative that sound engineering principles based on all of the best available data be used to ensure the most economical design.Overdesigning of facilities results in excessive money investment with no return, and underdesigning can result in conditions hazardous to the air traffic using the airport. In order to ensure surfaces that are smooth, firm, stable, and reasonably free from flooding, it is necessary to provide a system which will do several things.It must collect and remove the surface water from the airport surfaces; intercept and remove surface water flowing toward the airport from adjacent areas; collect and remove any excessive subsurface water beneath the surface of the airport facilities and in many cases lower the ground-water table; and provide protection against erosion of the sloping areas.路面公路的路面被分为两类:刚性的和柔性的。
道路工程专业术语way, road ----- 路,道路street --------- 街道road , high way ------- 道路,公路road with limited access ------------ 控制出入道路motorway , freeway , superhighway(USA), expressway ------ 高速公路,汽车(专用)路road n etwork ------ 道路网by-pass ------ 过境公路cross-tow n link -------- 穿城公路ring road --------- 环路pedestria n un derpass --------- 人行地道sin gle carriageway --------- 单幅公路road with 2 ,3,4 Ianes ------ 2,3 或4 车道公路road with 2 ,3,4 separate carrageways ---------- 2,3 或4 幅车行道的公路on e-way street --------- 单行街道cul-de-sac ,dead end (USA)---- 尽头路through road ------- 直达道路service road ,frontage road (USA -----------服务性道路,辅道major road ---------- 主要道路primary distributor road --- 主要支线道路local distributor road ---- 地区支线道路estate road --------- 小区道路rural road ----------- 乡村道路urba n road --------- 城市道路moun tai n road -------- 山区道路forestry road ------------ 林区道路rural motorway --------- 乡区高速公路,乡区汽车(专用)路motorway with tolls ------------- 收费高速公路,收费汽车(专用)路trunk road ----------- 干线公路bridle path ---------- 马道桥梁bridge公路干道highway工程工程学engineering公路工程highway engineering路基roadbase路面paveme nt构造物建造构成制造con struct施工(名)con structi on试验室laboratory现场检测field test(名)试验检验(不)进行试验experime nt试验检测测量test质量上流社会的quality合格,取得资格qualify材料material沥青柏油以沥青铺(一般指沥青路)asphalt 沥青(指原材料)bitumen沥青的bituminous沥青混合料bituminous mixture 混凝土concrete钢筋混凝土RC (reinforced concrete)信誉信用贷款credit进度快慢tempo计戈U plan评定evaluati on检查(名)检验in spection标准水准规格标准的合格的standard 技术性的工业的technical 技术技巧技术的工艺的专门的technic 水泥cement 碎石路碎石路macadam砂砾碎石砂砾层gravel辛冈筋reinforcing steel bar 或reinfored steel 石石头石场石的石制的stone 检查员inspector 测量(名)measuri ng测量(及)检测(及)勘测测绘(名)survey设备仪器装置device申请applicati on铺路工人paver经理man ager加强reinforce (被加强的reinforced )sig n 签字署名通知list 表名册目录列举tabulation 制表列表表格mapping绘图制图camera照相机photo照片给。
道路勘测设计专业英语词汇与短语表道路勘测设计专业英语词汇与短语表第一章绪论道路 road公路 highway城市道路 city road;urban road厂矿道路 factories and mines road林区道路 forest road乡村道路 country road车辆换算系数 vehicle conversion factor城间道路 interurban road城市出入口公路 city approach highway道路工程 road engineering丝绸之路 the silk road道路网 road metwork道路(网)密度 density of road network道路技术标准 technical standard of road设计车辆 design vehicle特种车辆 special vehicle计算行车速度(设计车速) design speed道路建筑限界 boundary line of road construction道路用地范围 right of way净空 clearance等级道路 classified road辅道 relief road高速公路 free way;motorway部分控制进入 partial control of access等级公路 classified highway等外公路 substandard highway干线公路 arterial highway支线公路feeder highway国家干线公路(国道) natilnal trunk highway 省干线公路(省道) provincial trunk highway 县公路(县道) county road乡公路(乡道) township road (county road) 绕行公路bypass公路自然区划clinatic zoning for highway (城市)快速路expressway(城市)主干路arterial road(城市)次干路secondary trunk road(城市)支路branch road街道street郊区道路suburban road居住区道路residential street工业区道路industial district road厂外道路ractory-out road厂内道路factory-in road(厂内)主干道arterial road(厂内)次干道secondary trunk road(厂内)支道branch road露天矿山道路opencast mine road生产干线prductive arterial road生产支线productive branch road联络线linking-up road林区公路fores thighway运材道路haul road集材道路skid road护林防火道路protection forest fire-proof road 连接道路linking-up road冻板道路 freeze road木排道 corduroy road自行车道 cycle track;cycle path畜力车道 cattle-pass驮道 bridler road项目建议书 project Proposal可行性研究 feasibility study项目任务书 Project charter设计规范 design specification初步设计 Preliminary Design施工图设计 construction documents design 交通组成 traffic composition混合交通 mixed traffic交通流 traffic flow车流 vehicle stream交通密度 traffic density车头间距 spachead way车头时距 time headway车(辆)间净距 vehicular gap延误 delay点速度 spot speed行驶速度 running speed区间速度 overall speed运行速度 operating speed临界速度 iptimum speed;critical speed时间平均速度 time mean speed空间平均速度 space mean speed经济车速 economic speed自由车速 free-flow speed交通量 traffic volume年平均日交通量 annual average daily traffic月平均日交通量 monthly average daily traffic年第30位最大小时交通量 thirtieth highest annual hourly volume 年最大小时交通量 maximum annual hourly volume高峰小时交通量 peak hourly volume设计小时交通量 design hourly volume通行能力 traffic capacity基本通行能力 basic trsffic capacity可能通行能力 possible traffic capacity设计通行能力 design traffic capacity道路服务水平 level of servic e交叉口通行能力 capacity of imtersection道路交通规划 traffic planning交通调查 traffic survey交通量调查 traffic volume survey交通量观测站 traffic volume observation起迄点调查 origin-destination study出行 trip境内交通 local traffic过境交通 through traffic出境交通 outbound traffic入境交通 inboud traffic交通发生 traffic generation交通分布 traffic distribution交通方式划分 model split交通量分配 traffic assignment交通量预测 traffic volume prognosis路网通行能力 capacity of metwork道路网规划 road network planning棋盘式道路系统 gridiron road systim环形辐射式道路系统 ring and radial road system 自由式道路系统 free style road system混合式道路系统 combination-type road system (城市)道路面积率 road area ratio(城市)人均道路面积 road area ratio第二章汽车行驶理论牵引力 tractive effort行驶阻力 driving resistance滚动阻力 rolling resistance空气阻力 air friction;air resistance坡度阻力 slope resistance;grade resistance第三章平面设计(城市道路)平面设计 alignment design;plane design 道路中线 center line of road道路轴线 road axis道路路线 route of road道路线形 road alignment平面线形 horizontal alignment横向力系数 lateral force ratio缓和曲线 transition curve;easement curve离心加速度 centrifugal acceleration回旋线 spiral curve;clothoid交点 intersection point, IP主点 major point偏角 angle of deflection偏角法 method of deflection angle几何要素 geometry element圆曲线参数 parameter of circular curve切线支距法 tangent offset method缓和曲线参数 parameter of easement curve急弯 sharp curve缓弯 flat curve坐标 coordinate线形要素 alignment elment平曲线 horizontal curve最小平曲线半径 minimum radius of horizontal xurve汽车最小转弯半径 minimum turning radius圆曲线 circular curve复曲线 compound curve复曲线点 point of compound curve, PCC反向曲线 reverse curve同向曲线 adjacent curve in one direction断背曲线 broken-back curve回头曲线 switch-back curve;reverse loop卵形曲线 ovoid curve视线 sight line视距 sight distance停车视距 stopping sight distance超车视距 overtaking sight distance[司机]反应距离 [driver]reaction distance[司机]感觉反应距离 [driver] perception-reaction distance [司机]感觉反应时间 [driver] perception-reaction time[司机]判断时间 [driver] judgement time[司机]识别距离 [driver] decipherment distance侧向视野 field of lateral vision侧向余宽 lateral clearance侧向最小安全间距 minimum safe lateral clearance第四章纵断面设计纵断面设计 profile design;design of vertical alignment 纵面线形 vertical alignment高程(标高) elevation地面高程 groud elevation设计高程 designed elevation(路线)纵断面图 vertical profile map中桩填挖高度 height of cut and fill at center stake纵坡 longitudinal gradient最大纵坡 maximum longitudinal gradient最小纵坡 minimum longitudinal gradient变坡点 grade change point平均纵坡 average gradient坡长限制 grade length limitation纵坡折减 grade compensation缓和坡段 transitional gradient竖曲线 vertical curve凸形竖曲线 convex vertical curve凹形竖曲线 concave vertical curve第五章横断面设计路幅 roadway车行道(行车道) carriage way车道 lane内侧车道 fast lane中间车道 cemter lane外侧车道 nearside lane附加车道 auxiliary lane变速车道 speed-change lane加速车道 acceleration lane减速车道 deceleration lane超车车道 overtaking lane爬坡车道 climbing lane停车车道 parking lane紧急停车带 emergency parking strip;lay-by 错车道 passing bay回车道(回车场) turmaround loop专用车道 accommodation lane错车洞 passing bay in tunnel单行路 one-way road车道宽度 lane-width人行道 side walk;foot way分隔带 separator;central reserve路缘带 marginal strip路肩 shoulder;verge硬路肩 hard shoulder路缘石 curb平缘石 flush curb立缘石(侧石) vertical curb平石 gutter apron街沟(偏沟) gutter路侧带 curb side strip绿化带 green belt横坡 cross slope路拱 crown路拱曲线 camber curve合成坡度 resultant gradient平曲线加宽 curve widening加宽过渡段 transition zone of curve widening 超高 superelevation超高缓和段 superelevation runoff断面渐变段 transition zone of cross section 超高横坡度 superelevation slope土方调配 cut-fill transition土方调配图 cut-fill transition program土方调配经济运距 economical hauling distance 横断面图 cross-cectional profile路基 subgrade路堤 embankment路堑 cutting半填半挖式路基 part-cut part-fill subrade台口式路基 benched subgrade路基宽度 width of subgrade路基设计高程 design elevation of subgrade (路基)最小填土高度 minimum height of fill边坡 side slope边坡平台 plain stage of slope边坡坡度 grade of side slope边坡修整 slope trimming(边)坡顶 top of slope(边)坡脚 toe of slope护坡道 berm边坡平台 plain stage of slope碎落台 stage for heaping soil and brocken rock 护坡 slope protection挡土墙 retaining wall重力式挡土墙 gravity retaining wall衡重式挡土墙 balance weight retaining wall悬臂式挡土墙 cantilever retaining wall扶壁式挡土墙 counterfort retaining wall柱板式挡土墙 pile and plank retaining wall锚杆式挡土墙 anchored retaining wall by tie rods 锚锭板式挡土墙 anchored bulkhead retaining wall 加筋土挡土墙 reinforced earth retaining wall石笼 rock rilled gabion抛石 riprap护栏 guard rail护墙 guard wall标柱 guard post防护栅 safety fence防炫屏(遮光栅) anti-dizzling screen隔音墙 acoustic防沙设施 sand protection facilities防雪设施 snow protection facilities道路限界架 boundary frame on road道路照明设施 ighting facilies of road交通广场 traffic square停车场 parking lot反坡安全线 adverse grade for safety公交(车辆)停靠站 bus bay ;parking station综合管道(综合管廊) composite pipe line渡口 ferry道路绿化 road planting街道绿化 street planting行道树 street trees绿篱 hedge;living fence功能栽植 function planting护路林 shelter belt里程碑 ki lometer stone百米桩 hectometer stake第六章道路选线与定线踏勘 reconnaissance(道路工程)方案图 road project(道路)平面示意图 plane sketch线形设计 alignment design公路景观设计 highway landscape design(城市道路)竖向设计 design of elevation选线 route selection路线控制点 control point定线 location of line如有帮助,欢迎下载支持纸上定线 paper location比较线 alternative line展线 route deveopment初测 preliminary survey定测 location survey地貌 topographic feature地物 culture地形 topographyf台地 terrace垭口 pass;saddle back平原区 plain terrain微丘区 rolling terrain重丘区 hilly terrain山岭区 mountainous terrain沿溪线 valley line山脊线 ridge line山坡线(山腰线) hill-side line越岭线 ridge line(道路)隧道 tunnel半山洞 half tunnel明洞 open cut tunnel导线 traverse中线测量 center line survey施工测量 construction survey竣工测量 final survey(路线)平面图 plan view交点 intersection point虚交点 inaginary intersection point 转点 turning point转角 intersection angle偏角 deflection angle方位角 azimuth angle象限角 bearing angle方向角 direction angle切线长 tangent length曲线长 curve length外(矢)距 external distance测站 instrument station测点 observation point中桩 center stake加桩 additional stake护桩 reference stake断链 broken chainage水准点 bench mark绝对基面 absolute datum地形测量 topographic survey基线 base line地形图 topographic map等高线 comtour line横断面测量 cross-sectional survey坑探 intersection plan钻探 boring(道路)地质剖面图 geological section(道路)地质柱状图 boring log地下水位 uderground water level摄影测量 photogrammetry航空摄影测量 aerial photogrammetry地面立体摄影测量 ground stereophotogrammetry 地面控制点测量 ground control-point survey航摄基线 aerophoto base影像地图 ohotographic map航摄像片判读 aerophto interpretation综合法测图 planimetric photo全能法测图 universal photo微分法测图 differential photo像片镶嵌图 photo mosaic第七章道路平交叉设计(平面)交叉口 intersection;road crossing交叉口进口intersection entrance,approach交叉口出口 intersection exit加宽转角式交叉口 intersection with widende corners 拓宽路口式交叉口 flaredintersection分道转弯式交叉口 channelized intersection渠化交通 channelization交织 weaving交织路段 weaving section合流 converging分流 diverging冲突点 conflic t point交织点 weaving point交通岛 traffic island导流岛 channelization island中心岛 center-island安全岛 refug island道口铺面 paved crossing道口限界架 boundary frame on crossing交通安全设施 traffic safety device人行横道 cross walk斑马线 zebra crossing人行地道 pedestrian underpass人行天桥 pedestrian overcrossing分隔设施 separate facilities视距三角形 sight triangle路口视距 sight distance of intersection标志视认性 sign legibility(平曲线)横净距 lateral elear distance of curve道路曲线最内侧的车道行车 (路口)截角cut corner for sight line 视野 field of vision道路交叉(路线交叉) Road intersection,crossing, junction交叉角 intersection angle(铁路)道口 railroad grade crossing平面交叉 at-grade intersection;grade crossing多岔交叉 multiple-leg intersection环形交叉 rotary intersection;roundabout微形环交 mini-roundabout十字形交叉 cross roads丁字形交叉(T形交叉) T intersection错位交叉 staggered junctionY形交叉 Y intersection交叉口平面图 intersection plan第八章道路立体交叉设计立体交叉 grade-separated junction上跨铁路立体交叉 overpass grade separation下穿铁路立体交叉 underpass grade separation简单立体交叉 grade separation互通式立体交叉 interchange苜蓿叶形立体交叉 clover-leaf interchange半苜蓿叶形立交 partial clover-leaf interchange定向式立体交叉 directional interchange半定向式立交 semi-directional interchange菱形立体交叉 diamond in terchange喇叭形立体交叉 trumpet interchange环形立体交叉rotary interchange分隔式立体交叉 interchange woth special bicycle track 匝道 ramp单向匝道 one-wayramp双向匝道 two-way ramp环形匝道 loop ramp车道分布 lane distribution车道分界线 lane line车道平衡 lane balance车道收费机 lane toll machine车道通行能力 lane capacity车道系数 coefficient of lanes车道占有率 lane occupancy ratio出口匝道控制 exit ramp control第七章道路排水设计路基排水 subgrade drainage地表水 surface water地下水 underground water毛细水 capillary water边沟 intercepting ditch截水沟 intercepting ditch排水沟 drainage ditch急流槽 chute跌水 drop water蒸发池 evaporation pond盲沟 blind drain;blind ditch渗水井 seepage well过水路面 ford暴雨强度 intensity of rainstorm(排水)设计重现期 design frequency街道排水 street drainage管道排水 pipe drainage渠道排水 gutter drainage(立体交叉)泵站排水 drainage by pumping station雨水口 inlet;gully检查井 manhole雨水口支管 branch pipe of inlet泄水口 drain opening取土坑 borrow pit弃土堆 waste bank管线综合设计 under-ground pipes comprehensive design 路面 pavement暗涵 buried culvert饱和流量 saturation volume饱和流率 saturation volume rate暴雨径流 rainstorm run-off暴雨强度 rainstorm intensity。
道路工程英语词汇abrasiveness 磨耗度absolute datum 绝对基面abutment 桥台abutment pier 制动墩acceleration lane 加速车道accidental load 偶然荷载accommodation lane 专用车道acoustic barrier 隔音墙acting circles of blasting爆破作用圈additional stake加桩adjacent curve in one direction同向曲线admixture外加剂adverse grade for safety反坡安全线aerial photogrammetry航空摄影测量aerophoto base航摄基线aerophoto interpretation航摄像片判读aging 老化aggregate集料(骨料)air hardening气硬性alignment design(城市道路)平面设计,线形设计alignment element线形要素alligator cracking路面龟裂allowable rebound deflection容许(回弹)弯沉alternative line 比较线anchored bulkhead abutment锚锭板式桥台anchored bulkhead retaining wall锚锭板式挡土墙anchored retaining wall by tie rods锚杆式挡土墙anionic emulsified bitumen阴离子乳化沥青annual average daily traffic年平均日交通量anti-creep heap(厂矿道路)挡车堆anti-dazzling screen防炫屏(遮光栅) antiskid heap(厂矿道路)防滑堆approach span引桥aquitard 隔水层arch bridge拱桥arch culvert拱涵arch ring拱圈arterial highway干线公路arterial road(厂内)主干道,(城市)主干路asphalt distributor沥青洒布车asphalt mixing plant沥青混合料拌和设备asphalt paver沥青混合料摊铺机asphalt remixer复拌沥青混合料摊铺机asphalt sand沥青砂asphalt sprayer沥青洒布机asphaltic bitumen地沥青at-grade intersection平面交叉auxiliary lane附加车道average consistency(of soil)(土的)平均稠度average gradient 平均纵坡azimuth angle方位角balance weight retaining wall衡重式挡土墙base course基层base line基线basic traffic capacity基本通行能力beam bridge梁桥beam level deflectometer杠杆弯沉仪bearing支座bearing angle象限角bearing pile支承桩bearing platform承台bed course垫层bench mark水准点benched subgrade台口式路基bending strength抗弯强度Benkelman beam杠杆弯沉仪(贝克曼弯沉仪)bent cap盖梁berm护坡道binder结合料binder course联结层bitumen沥青bitumen extractor(沥青混合料)抽提仪bitumen-aggregate ratio油石比bituminous concrete mixture沥青混凝土混合料bituminous concrete pavement沥青混凝土路面bituminous macadam mixture沥青碎石混合料bituminous macadam pavement沥青碎石路面bituminous mixture沥青混合料bituminous pavement沥青路面bituminous penetration pavement沥青贯入式路面bituminous surface treatment(沥青)表面处治blasting crater爆破漏斗blasting for loosening rock松动爆破blasting for throwing rock抛掷爆破blasting procedure土石方爆破bleeding泛油blind ditch盲沟blind drain盲沟block pavement块为路面block stone块石blow up拱胀boring钻探开孔boring log(道路)地质柱状图boring machine钻孔机borrow earth借土borrow pit取土坑boundary frame on crossing道口限界架boundary frame on road道路限界架boundary line of road construction道路建筑限界bowstring arch bridge系杆拱桥box culvert箱涵branch pipe of inlet雨水口支管branch road(城市)支路,(厂内)支道bridge桥梁bridge decking桥面系bridge deck pavement桥面铺装bridge floor expansion and contraction installation桥面伸缩装置bridge girder erection equipment架桥机bridge on slope坡桥bridge site桥位bridge road驮道broken chainage断链broken stone碎石broken back curve断背曲线buried abutment埋置式桥台bus bay公交(车辆)停靠站bypass公交绕行公路cable bent tower索塔cable saddle索鞍cable stayed bridge斜拉桥(斜张桥) cableway erecting equipment缆索吊装设备California bearing ratio(CBR)加州承载比(CBR) California bearing ratio tester加州承载比(CBR)测定仪camber curve路拱曲线cantilever beam bridge悬臂梁桥cantilever retaining wall悬臂式挡土墙capacity of intersection 交叉口通行能力capacity of network路网通行能力capillary water毛细水carriage way车行道(行车道)cast-in-place cantilever method悬臂浇筑法cationicemulsified bitumen阳离子乳化沥青cattle-pass畜力车道cement concrete水泥混凝土cement concrete mixture水泥混凝土混合料cement concrete pavement水泥混凝土路面center-island中心岛center lane中间车道center line of road道路中线center line survey中线测量center stake中桩central reserve分隔带channelization渠化交通channelization island导流岛channelized intersection分道转弯式交叉口chip石屑chute急流槽circular curve圆曲线circular road环路circular test环道试验city road城市道路civil engineering fabric土工织物classified highway等级公路classified road等级道路clay-bound macadam泥结碎石路面clearance净空clearance above bridge floor桥面净空clearance of span桥下净空climatic zoning for highway公路自然区划climbing lane爬坡车道cloverleaf interchange苜蓿叶形立体交叉coal tar煤沥青cobble stone卵石coefficient of scouring冲刷系数cohesive soil粘性土cold laid method冷铺法cold mixing method冷拌法cold-stretched steel bar冷拉钢筋column pier柱式墩combination-type road system混合式道路系统compaction压实compaction test击实试验compaction test apparatus击实仪compactness test压实度试验composite beam bridge联合梁桥composite pipe line综合管道(综合管廊) compound curve复曲线concave vertical curve凹形竖曲线concrete joint cleaner(水泥混凝土)路面清缝机concrete joint sealer(水泥混凝土)路面填缝机concrete mixing plant水泥混凝土(混合料)拌和设备concrete paver水泥混凝土(混合料)摊铺机concrete pump水泥混凝土(混合料)泵concrete saw(水泥混凝土)路面锯缝机cone penetration test触探试验conflict point冲突点conical slope锥坡consistency limit(of soil)(土的)稠度界限consolidated subsoil 加固地基consolidation固结construction by swing转体架桥法construction height of bridge桥梁建筑高度construction joint施工缝construction load施工荷载construction survey施工测量continuous beam bridge连续梁桥contour line等高线contraction joint缩缝control point路线控制点converging合流convex vertical curve凸形竖曲线corduroy road木排道counterfort retaining wall扶壁式挡土墙counterfort abutment 扶壁式桥台country road乡村道路county road县公路(县道),乡道creep徐变critical speed临界速度cross roads十字形交叉cross slope横坡cross walk人行横道cross-sectional profile横断面图cross-sectional survey横断面测量crown路拱crushed stone碎石crushing strength压碎值culture地物culvert涵洞curb路缘石curb side strip路侧带curve length曲线长curve widening平曲线加宽curved bridge弯桥cut挖方cut corner for sight line(路口)截角cut-fill transition土方调配cut-fill transition program土方调配图cutting路堑cycle path自行车道cycle track自行车道deceleration lane减速车道deck bridge上承式桥deflection angle偏角deflection test弯沉试验degree of compaction压实度delay延误density of road network道路(网)密度depth of tunnel隧道埋深design elevation of subgrade路基设计高程designfrequency(排水)设计重现期design hourly volume设计小时交通量design of elevation(城市道路)竖向设计design of vertical alignment纵断面设计design speed计算行车速度(设计车速) design traffic capacity设计通行能力design vehicle设计车辆design water level设计水位designed elevation设计高程designed flood frequency设计洪水频率dislicking treatment 防滑处理Deval abrasion testing machine狄法尔磨耗试验机(双筒式磨耗试验机)diamond interchange菱形立体交叉differential photo微分法测图direction angle方向角directional interchange方向式立体交叉diverging分流dowel bar传力杆drain opening泄水口drainage by pumping station(立体交叉)泵站排水drainage ditch排水沟dressed stone料石drop water跌水dry concrete干硬性混凝土ductility(of bitumen)(沥青)延度ductilometer(沥青)延度仪dummy joint假缝dynamic consolidation强夯法economic speed经济车速economical hauling distance土方调配经济运距element support构件支撑elevation高程(标高)embankment路堤emergency parking strip紧急停车带emulsified bitumen乳化沥青erecting by floating浮运架桥法erection by longitudinal pulling method纵向拖拉法erection by protrusion悬臂拼装法erection with cableway缆索吊装法evaporation pond蒸发池expansion bearing活动支座expansive soil膨胀土expansion joint胀缝expressway(城市)快速路external distance外(矢)距fabricated bridge装配式桥fabricated steel bridge装拆式钢桥factories and mines road 厂矿道路factory external transportation line对外道路factory-in road 厂内道路factory-out road厂外道路fast lane内侧车道faulting of slab ends错台feeder highway支线公路ferry渡口fibrous concrete纤维混凝土field of vision视野fill填方filled spandrel arch bridge实腹拱桥final survey竣工测量fineness细度fineness modulus细度模数fixed bearing固定支座flare wing wall abutment八字形桥台flared intersection拓宽路口式交叉口flash point闪点flash point tester(open cup method)闪点仪(开口杯式) flexible pavement柔性路面flexible pier柔性墩floor system桥面系flush curb平缘石foot way人道道ford过水路面forest highway林区公路forest road林区道路foundation基础free style road system自由式道路系统free way高速公路free-flow speed自由车速freeze road冻板道路freezing and thawing test冻融试验frost boiling翻浆frozen soil冻土full depth asphalt pavement全厚式沥青(混凝土)路面function planting功能栽植general scour under bridge opening桥下一般冲刷geological section(道路)地质剖面图geotextile土工织物gradation级配gradation of stone(路用)石料等级grade change point变坡点grade compensation纵坡折减grade crossing平面交叉grade length limitation坡长限制grade of side slope边坡坡度grade separation简单立体交叉grade-separated junction立体交叉graded aggregate pavement级配路面grader平地机grain composition颗粒组成granular material粒料gravel砾石gravity pier(abutment)重力式墩、台gravity retaining wall重力式挡土墙green belt绿化带gridiron road system棋盘式道路系统ground control-point survey地面控制点测量ground elevation地面高程ground stereophotogrammetry地面立体摄影测量guard post标柱guard rail护栏guard wall护墙gully雨水口gutter街沟(偏沟)gutter apron平石gutter drainage渠道排水half-through bridge中承式桥hard shoulder硬路肩hardening硬化hardness硬度haul road运材道路heavy maintenance大修hectometer stake百米桩hedge绿篱height of cut and fill at center stake中桩填挖高度high strength bolt高强螺栓high type pavement高级路面highway公路highway landscape design公路景观设计hill-side line山坡线(山腰线)hilly terrain重丘区horizontal alignment平面线形horizontal curve平曲线hot laid method热铺法hot mixing method热拌法hot stability(of bitumen)(沥青)热稳性hydraulic computation 水力计算hydraulicity水硬性imaginary intersection point虚交点immersed tunnelling method沉埋法inbound traffic入境交通incremental launching method顶推法industrial district road 工业区道路industrial solid waste(路用)工业废渣industrial waste base course工业废渣基层inlet雨水口inlet submerged culvert半压力式涵洞inlet unsubmerged culvert无压力式涵洞inorganic binder无机结合料instrument station测站intensity of rainstorm暴雨强度intercepting ditch截水沟interchange互通式立体交叉interchange with special bicycle track分隔式立体交叉intermediate maintenance中修intermediate type pavement中级路面intersection(平面)交叉口intersection angle交叉角,转角intersection entrance交叉口进口intersection exit交叉口出口intersection plan交叉口平面图intersection point交点intersection with widened corners 加宽转角式交叉口jack-in method顶入法kilometer stone里程碑land slide坍方lane车道lane-width车道宽度lateral clear distance of curve(平曲线)横净距lay-by紧急停车带level of service道路服务水平leveling course整平层leveling survey水准测量light-weight concrete轻质混凝土lighting facilities of road道路照明设施lime pile石灰桩line development展线linking-up road联络线、连接道路liquid asphaltic bitumen液体沥青liquid limit液限living fence绿篱load荷载loading berm反压护道loading combinations荷载组合loading plate承载板loading plate test承载板试验local scour near pier桥墩局部冲刷local traffic境内交通location of line定线location survey定测lock bolt support with shotcrete喷锚支护loess黄土longitudinal beam纵梁longitudinal gradient纵坡longitudinal joint纵缝loop ramp环形匝道Los Angeles abrasion testing machine洛杉面磨耗试验机(搁板式磨耗试验机)low type pavement低级路面main beam主梁main bridge主桥maintenance养护maintenance period大中修周期manhole检查井marginal strip路缘带Marshall stability apparatus马歇尔稳定度仪Marshall stability test马歇尔试验masonry bridge圬工桥maximum annual hourly volume年最大小时交通量maximum dry unit weight(标准)最大干密度maximum longitudinal gradient最大纵坡mine tunnelling method矿山法mineral aggregate矿料mineral powder矿粉mini-roundabout微形环交minimum height of fill(路基)最小填土高度minimum longitudinal gradient最小纵坡minimum radius of horizontal curve最小平曲线半径minimum turning radius汽车最小转弯半径mixed traffic混合交通mixing method拌和法mixture混合料model split交通方式划分modulus of elasticity弹性模量modulus of resilience回弹模量modulus ratio模量比monthly average daily traffic月平均日交通量motor way高速公路mountainous terrain山岭区movable bridge开启桥mud淤泥multiple-leg intersection多岔交叉national trunk highway国家干线公路(国道) natural asphalt天然沥青natural scour自然演变冲刷natural subsoil天然地基navigable water level通航水位nearside lane外侧车道net-shaped cracking路面网裂New Austrian Tunnelling Method新奥法observation point测点one-way ramp单向匝道open cut method明挖法open cut tunnel明洞open spandrel arch bridge空腹拱桥opencast mine road露天矿山道路operating speed运行速度optimum gradation最佳级配optimum moisture content最佳含水量optimum speed临界速度organic binder有机结合料origin-destination study起迄点调查outbound traffic出境交通outled submerged culvert压力式涵洞outlet inlet main road 城市出入干道overall speed区间速度overlay of pavement罩面overpass grade separation上跨铁路立体交叉overtaking lane超车车道overtaking sight distance超车视距paper location 纸上定线paraffin content test含蜡量试验parent soil原状土parking lane停车车道parking lot停车场parking station公交(车辆)停靠站part-put part-fill subgrade半填半挖式路基pass垭口passing bay错车道patrol maintenance巡回养护paved crossing道口铺面pavement路面pavement depression路面沉陷pavement recapping路面翻修pavement slab pumping路面板唧泥pavement spalling路面碎裂pavement strengthening路面补强pavement structure layer 路面结构层pavemill路面铣削机(刨路机)peak hourly volume高峰小时交通量pedestrian overcrossing 人行天桥pedestrian underpass人行地道penetration macadam with coated chips上拌下贯式(沥青)路面penetration method贯入法penetration test apparatus长杆贯入仪penetration(of bitumen)(沥青)针入度penetrometer(沥青)针入度仪periodical maintenance定期养护permafrost多年冻土permanent load永久荷载perviousness test透水度试验petroleum asphaltic bitumen石油沥青photo index像片索引图(镶辑复照图) photo mosaic像片镶嵌图photogrammetry摄影测量photographic map影像地图pier桥墩pile and plank retaining wall柱板式挡土墙pile bent pier排架桩墩pile driver打桩机pipe culvert管涵pipe drainage管道排水pit test坑探pitching method铺砌法plain stage of slope边坡平台plain terrain平原区plan view(路线)平面图plane design(城市道路)平面设计plane sketch(道路)平面示意图planimetric photo综合法测图plant mixing method厂拌法plastic limit塑限plasticity index塑性指数poisson's ratio泊松比polished stone value石料磨光值pontoon bridge浮桥porosity空隙率portable pendulum tester摆式仪possible traffic capacity可能通行能力post-tensioning method后张法pot holes路面坑槽preliminary survey初测preloading method预压法prestressed concrete预应力混凝土prestressed concrete bridge预应力混凝土桥prestressed steel bar drawing jack张拉预应力钢筋千斤顶pretensioning method先张法prime coat透层productive arterial road生产干线productive branch road生产支线profile design纵断面设计profilometer路面平整度测定仪proportioning of cement concrete水泥混凝土配合比protection forest fire-proof road护林防火道路provincial trunk highway省干线公路(省道) railroad grade crossing(铁路)道口ramp匝道rebound deflection回弹弯沉reclaimed asphalt mixture再生沥青混合料reclaimed bituminous pavement再生沥青路面reconnaissance踏勘red clay红粘土reference stake护桩reflection crack反射裂缝refuge island安全岛regulating structure调治构造物reinforced concrete钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete bridge钢筋混凝土桥reinforced concrete pavement钢筋混凝土路面reinforced earth retaining wall加筋土挡土墙relative moisture content(of soil)(土的)相对含水量relief road辅道residential street居住区道路resultant gradient合成坡度retaining wall挡土墙revelling of pavement路面松散reverse curve反向曲线reverse loop回头曲线ridge crossing line越岭线ridge line山脊线right bridge正交桥right bridge正桥rigid frame bridge刚构桥rigid pavement刚性路面rigid-type base刚性基层ring and radial road system环形辐射式道路系统ripper松土机riprap抛石road道路road alignment道路线形road appearance路容road area per citizen(城市)人均道路面积road area ratio(城市)道路面积率road axis道路轴线road bed路床road bitumen路用沥青road condition路况road condition survey路况调查road crossing(平面)交叉口road crossing design交叉口设计road engineering道路工程road feasibility study(道路工程)可行性研究road improvement 改善工程road intersection道路交叉(路线交叉) road mixing method路拌法road network道路网road network planning道路网规划road planting道路绿化road project(道路工程)方案图road trough路槽road way路幅rock breaker凿岩机rock filled gabion石笼roller压路机rolled cement concrete碾压式水泥混凝土rolling terrain微丘区rotary interchange环形立体交叉rotary intersection环形交叉roundabout环形交叉route development展线route of road道路路线route selection选线routine maintenance小修保养rubble片石running speed行驶速度rural road郊区道路saddle back垭口safety belt安全带safety fence防护栅salty soil盐渍土sand砂sand drain(sand pile)砂井sand gravel砂砾sand hazard沙害sand mat of subgrade排水砂垫层sand patch test铺砂试验sand pile砂桩sand protection facilities防沙设施sand ratio砂率sand sweeping回砂sand sweeping equipment回砂机sandy soil砂性土saturated soil饱和土scraper铲运机seal coat封层secondary trunk road(厂内)次干道,(城市)次干路seepage well渗水井segregation离析semi-rigid type base半刚性基层separate facilities分隔设施separator分隔带sheep-foot roll羊足压路机(羊足碾)shelter belt护路林shield盾构(盾构挖掘机)shield tunnelling method盾构法shoulder路肩shrinkage limit缩限side ditch边沟side slope边坡side walk人行道sieve analysis筛分sight distance视距sight distance of intersection路口视距sight line视线sight triangle视距三角形silty soil粉性土simple supported beam bridge简支梁桥single direction thirsted pier单向推力墩single-size aggregate同粒径集料siphon culvert倒虹涵skew bridge斜交桥skew bridge斜桥skid road集材道路slab bridge板桥slab culvert盖板涵slab staggering错位slide滑坡slope protection护坡slump坍落度snow hazard雪害snow plough除雪机snow protection facilities防雪设施soft ground软弱地基soft soil软土softening point tester(ring ball method)(沥青)软化点仪(环—球法)softening point(of bitumen)(沥青)软化点solubility (of bitumen)(沥青)溶解度space headway车头间距space mean speed空间平均速度span跨径span by span method移动支架逐跨施工法spandrel arch腹拱spandrel structure拱上结构special vehicle特种车辆speed-change lane变速车道splitting test劈裂试验spot speed点速度spreading in layers层铺法springing弹簧现象stabilizer稳定土拌和机stabilized soil base course稳定土基层stage for heaping soiland broken rock碎落台staggered junction错位交叉standard axial loading标准轴截steel bar heading press machine钢筋冷墩机steel bridge钢桥steel extension machine钢筋拉伸机stiffness modulus劲度stone coating test石料裹覆试验stone crusher碎石机stone spreader碎石撒布机stopping sight distance停车视距stopping truck heap(厂矿道路)阻车堤street街道street drainage街道排水street planting街道绿化street trees行道树strengthening layer补强层strengthening of structure加固stringer纵梁striping test for aggregate集料剥落试验structural approach limit of tunnel隧道建筑限界sub-high type pavement次高级路面subgrade路基subgrade drainage路基排水submersible bridge漫水桥subsidence沉陷subsoil地基substucture下部结构superelevation超高superelevation runoff超高缓和段superstructure上部结构supported type abutment支撑式桥台surface course面层surface evenness路面平整度surface frost heave路面冻胀surface permeameter路面透水度测定仪surface roughness路面粗糙度surface slipperinness路面滑溜surface water地表水surface-curvature apparatus路面曲率半径测定仪surrounding rock围岩suspension bridge悬索桥switch-back curve回头曲线T intersection丁字形交叉(T形交叉) T-shaped rigid frame bridge T形刚构桥tack coat粘层tangent length切线长tar焦油沥青technical standard of road道路技术标准Telford锥形块石Telford base(锥形)块石基层terrace台地thermal insulation berm保温护道thermal insulation course 隔温层thirtieth highest annual hourly volume年第30位最大小时交通量through bridge下承式桥through traffic过境交通tie bar拉杆timber bridge木桥time headway车头时距time mean speed时间平均速度toe of slope(边)坡脚tongue and groove joint企口缝top of slope(边)坡顶topographic feature地貌topographic map地形图topographic survey地形测量topography地形township road乡公路(乡道)traffic assignment交通量分配traffic capacity通行能力traffic composition交通组成traffic density交通密度traffic distribution交通分布traffic flow交通流traffic generation交通发生traffic island交通岛traffic mirror道路反光镜traffic planning道路交通规划traffic safety device交通安全设施traffic square交通广场traffic stream车流traffic survey交通调查traffic volume交通量traffic volume observation station交通量观测站traffic volume prognosis交通量预测traffic volume survey交通量调查transition curve缓和曲线transition slab at bridge head桥头搭板transition zone of cross section断面渐变段transition zone of curve widening加宽缓和段transitional gradient缓和坡段transverse beam横梁transverse joint横缝traverse导线traverse survey导线测量trencher挖沟机triaxial test三轴试验trip出行true joint真缝trumpet interchange喇叭形立体交叉trunk highway干线公路truss bridge桁架桥tunnel(道路)隧道tunnel boring machine隧道掘进机tunnel lining衬砌tunnel portal洞门tunnel support隧道支撑turnaround loop回车道,回车场turning point转点two-way curved arch bridge双曲拱桥two-way ramp双向匝道type of dry and damp soil base土基干湿类型U-shaped abutment U形桥台under-ground pipes comprehensive design管线综合设计underground water地下水underground water level地下水位underpass grade separation下穿铁路立体交叉universal photo全能法测图urban road城市道路valley line沿溪线variable load可变荷载vehicle stream车流vehicular gap车(辆)间净距verge路肩vertical alignment纵面线形vertical curb立缘石(侧石)vertical curve竖曲线vertical profile map(路线)纵断面图viameter路面平整度测定仪vibratory roller振动压路机viscosimeter(沥青)粘度仪viscosity(of bitumen)(沥青)粘(滞)度void ratio孔隙比washout水毁waste弃土waste bank弃土堆water cement ratio水灰比water content含水量water level水位water reducing agent减水剂water stability水稳性water-bound macadam水结碎石路面wearing course磨耗层weaving交织weaving point交织点weaving section交织路段wheel tracking test车辙试验width of subgrade路基宽度workability和易性Y intersection Y形交叉。
公路建设外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)PavementHighway pavements are divided into two main categories: rigitand flexible.The wearing surfaceof a rigid pavement is usually constructed of Portland cement concrete such that it acts like a beam over any irregularities in the underlying supporting material.The wearing surface of flexible pavements, on the other hand, is usually constructed of bituminous material such that they remain in contact with the underlying material even when minor irregularities occur.Flexible pavements usually consist of a bituminous surface underlaid with a layer of granular material and a layer of a suitable mixture of coarse and fine materials.Coarse aggregatesFine aggregatesTraffic loads are transferred by the wearing surface to the underlying supporting materials through the interlocking of aggregates, the frictionaleffect of the granular materials, and the cohesion of the fine materials.Flexible pavements are further divided into three subgroups: high type, intermediate type, and low type. High-type pavements have wearing surfaces that adequately support the expected traffic load without visible distress due to fatigue and are not susceptible to weather conditions.Intermediate-type pavements have wearing surfaces that range from surface treated to those with qualities just below that of high-type pavements. Low-type pavements are used mainly for low-cost roads and have wearing surfaces that range from untreated to loose natural materials to surface-treated earth.✹The components of a flexible pavement include the subgradeor prepared roadbed, the subbase, basecourse, and the surface course (Fig.11.1).✹Upper surface courseMiddle surface courseLower surface courseThe performance of the pavement depends on the satisfactory performance of each component, which requires proper evaluation of the properties of each component separately.✹The subgrade is usually the natural material located along the horizontal alignment of the pavement and serves as the foundation of the pavement structure.✹The subgrademay also consist of a layer of selected borrow materials, well compacted to prescribedspecifications.✹Compacting plantCompaction deviceCompactnessIt may be necessary to treat the subgrade material to achieve certain strength properties required for the type of pavement being constructed.Located immediately above the subgrade, the subbase component consists of a superior quality to that which generally is used for subgrade construction. The requirements for subbase materials are usually given in terms of the gradation, plastic characteristics, and strength. When the quality of the subgrade material meets the requirements of the subbase material, the subbase component may be omitted.In cases where suitable subbase material is not readily available ,the available material can be treated with other materials to achieve the necessary properties. This process of treating soils to improve their engineering properties is know as stabilization.✹The base course lies immediately above the subbase. It is placed immediately above the subgrade if a subbase course is not used.✹This course usually consists of granular materials such as crushed stone, crushed or uncrushed.The specifications for base course materials usually include stricter requirements than those for subbase materials, particularly with respect to their plasticity, gradation, and strength.Materials that do not have the required properties can be used as base materials if they are properly stabilized with Portland cement, asphalt, or lime .In some cases, high-quality base course materials may also be treated with asphalt or Portland cement to improve the stiffness characteristics of heavy-duty pavementsThe surface course is the upper course of the road pavement and is constructed immediately above the base course. The surface course in flexible pavement usually consists of a mixture of mineral aggregates and asphaltic materials.It should be capable of withstanding high tire pressures, resisting the abrasive forces due to traffic, providing a skid-resistant driving surface, and preventing the penetration of surface water into the underlying layers.✹The thickness of the wearing surface can vary from 3 in. to more than 6 in.(inch,英寸,2.54cm), depending on the expected traffic on the pavement.It was shown that the quality of the surface course of a flexible pavement depends on the mix design of the asphalt concrete used.✹Rigid highway pavements usually are constructed to carry heavy traffic loads, although they have been used for residential and local roads. Properly designed and constructed rigid pavements have long service lives and usually are less expensive to maintain than the flexible pavements.✹The Portland cement concrete commonly used for rigid pavements consists of Portland cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, and water. Steel reinforcing rods may or may not be used, depending on the type of pavement being constructed.Rigid highway pavements be divided into three general type: plain concrete pavements, simply reinforced concrete pavements, and continuously reinforced concrete pavement. The definition of each pavement type is related to the amount of reinforcement used.Plain concrete pavement has no temperature steel or dowels for load transfer.However, steel tie bars are often used to provide a hingeeffect at longitudinal joints and to prevent the opening of these joints. Plain concrete pavements are used mainly on low-volume highways or when cement-stabilized soils are used as subbase.Joints are placed at relatively shorter distances (10 to 20 ft) than with the other types of concrete pavements to reduce the amount of cracking.In some case, the transverse joints of plain concrete pavements are skewed about 4 to 5 ft in plan, such that only one wheel of a vehicle passes through the joint at a time. This helps to provide a smoother ride.Simply reinforced concrete pavements have dowels for the transfer of traffic loads across joints, with these joints spaced at larger distances, ranging from 30 to 100 ft. Temperature steel is used throughout the slab, with the amount dependent on the length of the slab. Tie bars are also commonly used in longitudinal joints.Continuously reinforced concrete pavements have no transverse joints, except construction joints or expansion joints when they are necessary at specific positions, such as at bridges.These pavements have a relatively high percentage of steel, with the minimum usually at 0.6 percent of the cross section of the slab. They also contain tie bars across the longitudinal joints.h/2h/25~10cm填缝料 横向施工缝构造填缝料平缝加拉杆型Bituminous Surface CoursesThe bituminous surface course has to provide resistance to the effects of repeated loading by tyres and to the effects of the environment.✹In addition, it must offer adequate skid resistance in wet weather as well as comfortable vehicle ride. It must also be resistant to rutting and to cracking.✹It is also desirable that surface course is impermeable, except in the case of porous asphalt.Hot rolled asphalt (HRA) is a gapgraded material with less coarse aggregate. In fact it is essentially a bitumen/fine aggregate/filler mortar into which some coarse aggregate is placed.The mechanical propertiesare dominated by those of the mortar. This material has been extensively used as the wearing course on major road in the UK, though its use has recently declined as new materials have been introduced.✹It provides a durablelayer with good resistance to cracking and one which is relatively easy to compact. The coarse aggregate content is low (typically 30%) which results in the compacted mixture having a smooth surface. Accordingly, the skid resistance is inadequate and precoated chippings are rolled into the surface at the time of laying to correct this deficiency.In Scotland, HRA wearing course remains the preferred wearing course on trunk roads including motorway but,since 1999 thin surfacings have been the preferred option in England and Wales. Since 1999 in Northern Ireland, HRA wearing course and thin surfacings are the preferred permitted options.Porous asphalt (PA) is a uniformly graded material which is designed to provide large air voids so that water can drain to the verges within the layer thickness. If the wearing course is to be effective, the basecourse below must be waterproof and the PA must have the ability to retain its open textured properties with time.Thick binder films are required to resist water damage and ageing of the binder. In use, this material minimizes vehicle spray, provides a quiet ride and lower rolling resistance to traffic than dense mixtures.✹It is often specified for environmental reasons but stone mastic asphalt (SMA) and special thin surfacings are generally favoured in current UK practice.There have been high profile instances where a PA wearing course has failed early in its life. The Highways Agency does not recommend the use of a PA at traffic levels above 6000 commercial vehicles per day.✹Asphaltic concrete and dense bitumen macadam (DBM) are continuously graded mixtures similar in principle to the DBMs used in roadbases and basecourses but with smaller maximum particle sizes. Asphaltic concrete tends to have a slightlydenser grading and is used for road surfaces throughout the world with the excepting of the UK.✹It is more difficult to meet UK skid resistance Standards with DBMs than HRA, SMA or PA. This problem can be resolves by providing a separate surface treatment but doing so generally makes DBM economically unattractive.✹Stone mastic asphalt (SMA) material was pioneeredin Germany and Scandinavia and is now widely used in the UK. SMA has a coarse, aggregrate skeleton, like PA, but the voids are filled with a fine aggregate/filler /bitumen mortar.✹In mixtures using penetration grade bitumen , fibres are added to hold the bitumen within the mixture (to prevent “binder drainage”).Bitumen✹oil bitumen( earth oil)✹natural bitumen✹TarWhere a polymer modified bitumen is used, there is generally no need for fibres. SMA is a gap-graded material with good resistance to rutting and high durability. modified bitumen✹SBS✹SBR✹PE\EV A✹It differs from HRA in that the mortar is designed to just fill the voids in the coarse aggregate whereas, in HRA, coarse aggregate is introduced into the mortar and does not provide a continous stone matrix. The higher stone content HRAs ,however, are rather similar to SMA but are not wide used as wearing courses in the UK, being preferred for roadbase and basecourse construction.A variety of thin and what were called ultra thin surfacings (nowadays, the tendency is to use the term …thin surfacings‟ for both thin and ultra thin surfac ings ) have been introduced in recent years, principally as a result of development work concentrated in France.These materials vary in their detailed constituents but usually have an aggregate grading similar to SMA and often incorporate a polymer modified bitumen.They may be used over a high stiffness roadbase and basecourse or used for resurfacing of existing pavements. For heavy duty pavements (i .e those designed to have a useful life of forty years), the maintenance philosophy is one of minimum lane occupancy, which only allows time for replacement of the wearing course to these …long life‟ pavement structures. The new generation of thin surfacings allows this to be conveniently achieved.The various generic mixture types described above can be compared with respect to their mechanical properties and durability characteristics by reference to Fig.12.1. This shows, in principle, how low stone content HRA, asphaltic concrete, SMA and PA mixtures mobilize resistance to loading by traffic.Asphaltic concrete (Fig.12.1a)) presents something of a compromise when well designed, since the dense aggregate grading can offer good resistance to the shear stresses which cause rutting, while an adequate binder content will provide reasonable resistance to the tensile stresses which cause cracking.In general, the role of the aggregate dominates. DBMs tend to have less dense gradings and properties which, therefore, tend towards good rutting resistance andaway from good crack resistance.HRA (Fig.12.1b)) offers particularly good resistance to cracking through the binder rich mortar between the coarse aggregate particles. This also provides good durability but the lack of coarse aggregate content inhibits resistance to rutting.SMA and PA are shown in the same diagram ( Fig.c)) to emphasis the dominant role the coarse aggregate. In both case, well coated stone is used. In PA, the void space remains available for drainage of water, whilst in SMA, the space is occupied by a fine aggregate/ filler/ bitumen/ fibre mortar.Both materials offer good rutting resistance through the coarse aggregate content. The tensile strength of PA is low whilst that of SMA is probably adequate but little mechanical testing data have been reported to date.Drainage for Road and Airports✹Provision of adequate drainage is important factor in the location and geometric design of road and airports. Drainage facilities on any highway, street and airport should adequately provide for the flow of water away from the surface of the pavement to properly designed channels.Inadequate drainage will eventually result in serious damage to the structure.✹In addition, traffic may be slowed by accumulated water on the pavement, and accidents may occur as a result of hydroplaning and loss of visibility from splash and spray. The importance of adequate drainage is recognized in the amount of highway construction dollars allocated to drainage facilities. About25 percent of highway construction dollars are spent for erosion control anddrainage structures, such as culverts, bridges, channels, and ditches.✹Highway Drainage Structures✹One of the main concerns of the highway engineer is to provide an adequate size structure, such that the waterway opening is sufficiently large to discharge the expected flow of water.Inadequately sized structures can result in water impounding, which may lead to failure of the adjacent sections of the highway due to embankments being submerged in water for long periods.✹The two general categories of drainage structures are major and minor. Major structures are those with clear spans greater than 20 feet, whereas minor structures are those with clear spans of 20 feet or less .✹Major structures are usually large bridges, although multiple-span culverts may also be included in this class. Minor structures include small bridges and culverts.Emphasis is placed on selecting the span and vertical clearancerequirements for major structures. The bridge deck should be located above the high water mark .The clearance above the high water mark depends on whether the waterway is navigable ✹If the waterway is navigable, the clearance above the high water mark should allow the largest ship using the channel to pass underneath the bridge without colliding with the bridge deck. The clearance height, type, and spacing of piers also depend on the probability of ice jams and the extentto which floating logs and debris appear on the waterway during high water.✹An examination of the banks on either side of the waterway will indicate the location of the high water mark, since this is usually associated with signs of erosion and debris deposits. Local residents, who have lived near and observed the waterway during flood stages over a number of years, can also give reliable information on the location of the high water mark. Stream gauges that have been installed in the waterway for many years can also provide data that can be used to locate the high water mark.Minor structures, consisting of short-span bridges and culverts, are the predominant type of drainage structures on highways. Although openings for these structures are not designed to be adequate for the worst flood conditions, they shouldbe large enough to accommodate the flow conditions that might occur during the normal life expectancy of the structure.✹Provision should also be made for preventing clogging of the structure due to floating debris and large boulders rolling from the banks of steep channels.✹Culverts are made of different materials and in different shapes. Materials used to construct culverts include concrete(reinforced and unreinforced), corrugated steel, and corrugatedaluminum. Other materials may also be used to line the interiorof the culvert to prevent corrosion and abrasionor to reduce hydraulic resistance. For example, asphaltic concrete may be used to line corrugated metal culverts. The different shapes normally used in culvert construction include circular, rectangular (box), elliptical, pipe arch, metal box, and arch.✹The drainage problem is increased in these areas primarily for two reasons: the impervious nature of the area creates a very high runoff; and there is little room for natural water courses. It is often necessary to collect the entire storm water into a system of pipes and transmit it over considerable distances before it can be loosed again as surface runoff. This collection and transmission further increase the problem, since all of the water must be collected with virtually no pending, thus eliminating any natural storage; and through increased velocity the peak runoffs are reached more quickly.Also, the shorter times of peaks cause the system to be more sensitive to short-duration,high intensive rainfall.Storm sewers,like culverts and bridges,are designed for storms of various intensity-return-period relationships, depending upon the economy and amount of ponding that can be tolerated.✹Airport Drainage✹The problem of providing proper drainage facilities for airports is similar in many ways to that of highways and streets. However, because of the large and relatively flat surface involved, the varying soil conditions, the absence of natural water courses and possible side ditches, and the greater concentration of discharge at the terminus of the construction area, some phases of the problem are more complex. For the average airport the over-all area to be drained is relatively large and an extensive drainage system is required. The magnitude of such a system makes it even more imperative that sound engineering principles based on all of the best available data be used to ensure the most economical design.Overdesigning of facilities results in excessive money investment with no return, and underdesigning can result in conditions hazardous to the air traffic using the airport. In order to ensure surfaces that are smooth, firm, stable, and reasonably free from flooding, it is necessary to provide a system which will do several things.It must collect and remove the surface water from the airport surfaces; intercept and remove surface water flowing toward the airport from adjacent areas; collect and remove any excessive subsurface water beneath the surface of the airport facilities and in many cases lower the ground-water table; and provide protection against erosion of the sloping areas.路面公路的路面被分为两类:刚性的和柔性的。
中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)英文原文:The Basics of a Good RoadWe have known how to build good roads for a long time. Archaeologists have found ancient Egyptian roadsthat carried blocks to the pyramids in 4600 BCE. Later,the Romans built an extensive road system, using the same principles we use today. Some of these roads are still in service.If you follow the basic concepts of road building, you will create a road that will last. The ten commandments of a good road are:(1)Get water away from the road(2)Build on a firm foundation(3)Use the best materials(4)Compact all layers properly(5)Design for traffic loads and volumes(6)Design for maintenance(7)Pave only when ready(8)Build from the bottom up(9)Protect your investment(10)Keep good records1.Get water away from the roadWe can’t overemphasize the importance of good drainage.Engineers estimate that at least 90% of a road’s problems can be related to excess water or to poor waterdrainage. Too much water in any layer of a road’sstructure can weaken that layer, leading to failure.In the surface layer, water can cause cracks and potholes. In lower layers it undermines support, causing cracks and potholes. A common sign of water in an asphalt road surface is alligator cracking — an interconnected pattern of cracks forming small irregular shaped pieces that look like alligator skin. Edge cracking, frost heaves, and spring breakup of pavements also point to moisture problems.To prevent these problems remember that water:• flows downhill• needs to flow someplace• is a problem if it is not flowingEffective drainage systems divert, drain and dispose of water. To do this they use interceptor ditches and slopes,road crowns, and ditch and culvert systems.Divert —Interceptor ditches, located between the road and higher ground along the road, keep the water from reaching the roadway. These ditches must slope so they carry water away from the road.Drain —Creating a crown in the road so it is higher along the centerline than at the edges encourages water to flow off the road. Typically a paved crown should be 1⁄4" higher than the shoulder for each foot of width from the centerline to the edge. For gravel surfaces the crown should be 1⁄2" higher per foot of width. For this flow path to work, the road surface must be relatively water tight. Road shoulders also must be sloped away from the road to continue carrying the flow away. Superelevations (banking) at the outside of curves will also help drainthe road surface.Dispose —A ditch and culvert system carries water away from the road structure. Ditches should be at least one foot lower than the bottom of the gravel road layer that drains the roadway. They must be kept clean and must be sloped to move water into natural drainage. If water stays in the ditches it can seep back into the road structure and undermine its strength. Ditches should also be protected from erosion by planting grass, or installing rock and other erosion control measures. Erosion can damage shoulders and ditches, clog culverts, undermine roadbeds, and contaminate nearby streams and lakes. Evaluate your ditch and culvert system twice a year to ensure that it works. In the fall, clean out leaves and branches that can block flow. In spring, check for and remove silts from plowing and any dead plant material left from the fall.2.Build on a firm foundationA road is only as good as its foundation. A highway wears out from the top down but falls apart from the bottom. The road base must carry the entire structure and the traffic that uses it.To make a firm foundation you may need to stabilize the roadbed with chemical stabilizers, large stone called breaker run, or geotextile fabric. When you run into conditions where you suspect that the native soil is unstable, work with an engineer to investigate the situation and design an appropriate solution.3.Use the best materialsWith all road materials you “pay now or pay later.” Inferior materials may require extensive maintenance throughout the road’s life. They may also force you to replace the road prematurely.Crushed aggregate is the best material for the base course. The sharp angles of thecrushed material interlock when they are compacted. This supports the pavement and traffic by transmitting the load from particle to particle. By contrast, rounded particles act like ballbearings, moving under loads.Angular particles are more stable than rounded particles.Asphalt and concrete pavement materials must be of the highest quality, designed for the conditions, obtained from established firms, and tested to ensure it meets specifications. 4.Compact all layersIn general, the more densely a material is compacted, the stronger it is. Compaction alsoshrinks or eliminates open spaces (voids) between particles. This means that less water can enter the structure. Water in soil can weaken the structure or lead to frost heaves. This is especially important for unsurfaced (gravel) roads. Use gravel which has a mix of sizes (well-graded aggregate) so smaller particles can fill the voids between larger ones. Goodcompaction of asphalt pavement lengthens its life.5.Design for traffic loads and volumesDesign for the highest anticipated load the road will carry. A road that has been designed only for cars will not stand up to trucks. One truck with 9 tons on a single rear axle does as much damage to a road as nearly 10,000 cars.Rural roads may carry log trucks, milk trucks, fire department pumper trucks, or construction equipment. If you don’t know what specific loads the road will carry, a good rule of thumb is to design for the largest piece of highway maintenance equipment that will be used on the road.A well-constructed and maintained asphalt road should last 20 years without major repairs or reconstruction. In designing a road, use traffic counts that project numbers and sizes of vehicles 20 years into the future. These are only projections, at best, but they will allow you to plan for traffic loadings through a road’s life.6.Design for maintenanceWithout maintenance a road will rapidly deteriorate and fail. Design your roads so they can be easily maintained. This means:• adequate ditches that can be cleaned regularly• culverts that are marked for easy locating in the spring• enough space for snow after it is plowed off the road• proper cross slopes f or safety, maintenance and to avoid snow drifts• roadsides that are planted or treated to prevent erosion• roadsides that can be mowed safelyA rule of thumb for adequate road width is to make it wide enough for a snowplow to pass another vehicle without leaving the travelled way.Mark culverts with a post so they can be located easily.7.Pave only when readyIt is not necessary to pave all your roads immediately. There is nothing wrong with a well-built and wellmaintained gravel road if traffic loads and volume do not require a paved surface. Three hundred vehicles per day is the recommended minimum to justify paving.Don’t assume that laying down asphalt will fix a gravel road that is failing. Before you pave, make sure you have an adequate crushed stone base that drains well and is properly compacted. The recommended minimum depth of crushed stone base is 10" depending on subgrade soils. A road paved only when it is ready will far outperform one that is constructed too quickly.8.Ê Build from the bottom upThis commandment may seem obvious, but it means that you shouldn’t top dress or resurface a road if the problem is in an underlying layer. Before you do any road improvement, locate the cause of any surface problems. Choose an improvement technique that will address the problem. This may mean recycling or removing all road materials down to the native soil and rebuilding everything. Doing any work that doesn’t solve the problem is a waste of money and effort.9.Ê Protect your investmentThe road system can be your municipality’s biggest investment. Just as a home needs painting or a new roof, a road must be maintained. Wisconsin’s severe climate requires more road maintenance than in milder places. Do these important maintenance activities: Surface —grade, shape, patch, seal cracks, control dust, remove snow and iceDrainage —clean and repair ditches and culverts; remove all excess materialRoadside —cut brush, trim trees and roadside plantings, control erosionTraffic service —clean and repair or replace signsDesign roads with adequate ditches so they can be maintained with a motor grader. Clean and grade ditches to maintain proper pitch and peak efficiency. After grading, remove all excess material from the shoulder.10.Keep good recordsYour maintenance will be more efficient with good records. Knowing the road’s construction, life, and repair history makes it much easier to plan and budget its future repairs. Records can also help you evaluate the effectiveness of the repair methods and materials you used.Good record keeping starts with an inventory of the system. It should include the history andsurface condition of the roadway, identify and evaluate culverts and bridges, note ditch conditions, shoulders, signs, and such structures as retaining walls and guardrails.Update your inventory each year or when you repair or change a road section. A formal pavement management system can help use these records and plan and budget road improvements.ResourcesThe Basics of a Good Road#17649, UW-Madison, 15 min. videotape. Presents the Ten Commandments of a Good Road. Videotapes are loaned free through County Extension offices.Asphalt PASER Manual(39 pp), Concrete PASER Manual (48 pp), Gravel PASER Manual (32 pp). These booklets contain extensive photos and descriptions of road surfacesto help you understand types of distress conditions and their causes. A simple procedure for rating the condition helps you manage your pavements and plan repairs.Roadware, a computer program which stores and reports pavement condition information. Developed by the Transportation Information Center and enhanced by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, it uses the PASER rating system to provide five-year cost budgets and roadway repair/reconstruction priority lists.Wisconsin Transportation Bulletin factsheets, available from the Transportation Information Center (T.I.C.).Road Drainage, No. 4. Describes drainage for roadways, shoulders, ditches, and culverts.Gravel Roads, No. 5. Discusses the characteristics of a gravel road and how to maintain one.Using Salt and Sand for Winter Road Maintenance,No. 6. Basic information and practical tips on how to use de-icing chemicals and sand.Culverts—Proper Use and Installation, No. 15. Selecting and sizing culverts, designing, installing and maintaining them.Geotextiles in Road Construction/Maintenance andErosion Control, No. 16. Definitions and common applications of geotextiles on roadways and for erosion control.T.I.C. workshops are offered at locations around the state.Crossroads,an 8-page quarterly newsletter published by the T.I.C. carries helpful articles, workshop information, and resource lists. For more information on any of these materials, contact the T.I.C. at 800/442-4615.译文:一个良好的公路的基础长久以来我们已经掌握了如何铺设好一条道路的方法,考古学家发现在4600年古埃及使用建造金字塔的石块铺设道路,后来,罗马人使用同样的方法建立了一个庞大的道路系统,这种方法一直沿用到今天。
S y n c h r o在交通控制与设计中的应用在城市的较小的区域内,可以对区域内的所有交叉口进行控制;在城市较大的区域,可以对区域进行分区分级控制。
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道路设计外文翻译摘要部分的翻译:各种断面形状钢管混凝土的单轴应力应变关系K.A.S. Susantha ,Hanbin Ge, Tsutomu Usami*土木工程学院,名古屋大学, Chikusa-ku ,名古屋464-8603, 日本收讫于2000年5月31日; 正式校定于2000年12月19日; 被认可于2001年2月14日¬¬摘要一种预测受三轴压应力混凝土的完全应力-应变曲线的方法被提出,这种三轴压应力是由环形、箱形和八角形的钢管混凝土中的限制作用导致的轴向荷载加测向压力所产生的。
FEM(有限元)分析法和混凝土-钢箍交互作用模型已被用来估计施加于箱形和八角形柱的混凝土侧向压版权所有2001 Elsevier科学技术有限公司。
•关键词: 钢管混凝土;限制;混凝土强度;延性;应力应变关系;纤维分析Uniaxial stress–strain relationship of concrete confined by various shaped steel tubesK.A.S. Susantha, Hanbin Ge, Tsutomu Usami *Department of Civil Engineering, Nagoya University, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya464-8603, JapanReceived 31 May 2000; received in revised form 19 December 2000; accepted 14 February 2001AbstractA method is presented to predict the complete stress–strain curve of concrete subjected to triaxial compressive stresses caused by axial load plus lateral pressure due to the confinement action in circular, box and octagonal shaped concrete-filled steel tubes. Available empirical formulas are adopted to determine the lateral pressure exerted on concrete in circular concrete-filled steel columns. To evaluate the lateral pressure exerted on the concrete in box and octagonal shaped columns, FEM analysis is adopted with the help of a concrete–steel interaction model. Subsequently, an extensive parametric study is conducted to propose an empiricalequation for the maximum average lateral pressure, which depends on the material and geometric properties of the columns. Lateral pressure so calculated is correlated to confined concrete strength through a well known empirical formula. For determination of the post-peak stress–strain relation, available experimental results are used. Based on the test results, approximated expressions to predict the slope of the descending branch and the strain at sustained concrete strength are derived for the confined concrete in columns having each type of sectional shapes. The predicted concrete strength and post-peak behavior are found to exhibit good2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. agreement with the test results within the accepted limits. The proposed model is intended to be used in fiber analysis involving beam–column elements in order to establish an ultimate state prediction criterion for concrete-filled steel columns designed as earthquake resisting structures. •Keywords: Concrete-filled tubes; Confinement; Concrete strength; Ductility; Stress–strain relation; Fiber analysis1. IntroductionConcrete-filled steel tubes (CFT) are becoming increasingly popular in recent decades due to their excellent earthquake resisting characteristics such as high ductility and improved strength. As a result, numerous experimental investigations have been carried out in recent years to examine the overall performance of CFT columns [1–11]. Although the behavior of CFT columns has been extensively examined, the concrete core confinement is not yet well understood. Many of the previous research works have been mainly focused on investigating the performance of CFT columns with various limitations. The main variables subjected to such limitations were the concrete strength, plate width-to- thickness (or radius-to-thickness) ratios and shapes of the sections. Steel strength, column slenderness ratio and rate of loading were also additionally considered. It is understandable that examination of the effects of all the above factors on performances of CFTs in a wider range, exclusively onexperimental manner, is difficult and costly. This can be overcome by following a suitable numerical theoretical approach which is capable of handling many experimentally unmanageable situations. At present, finite element analysis (FEM) is considered as the most powerful and accurate tool to simulate the actual behavior of structures. The accurate constitutive relationships for materials are essential for reliable results when such analysis procedures are involved. For example, CFT behavior may well be investigated through a suitable FEM analysis procedure, provided that appropriate steel and concrete material models are available. One of the simplest yet powerful techniques for the examination of CFTs is fiber analysis. In this procedure the cross section is discretized into many small regions where a uniaxial constitutive relationship of either concrete or steel is assigned. This type of analysis can be employed to predict the load–displacement relationships of CFT columns designed as earthquake resisting structures. The accuracy involved with the fiber analysis is found to be quite satisfactory with respect to the practical design purposes.At present, an accurate stress–strain relationship for steel, which is readily applicable in the fiber analysis, is currently available [12]. However, in the case of concrete, only a few models that are suited for such analysis can be found [3,8,9]. Among them, in Tomii and Sakino’s model [3], which is applicable to square shaped columns, the strength improvement due to confinement has been neglected. Tang et al. [8] developed a model for circular tubes by taking into account the effect of geometry and material properties on strength enhancement as well as the post-peak behavior. Watanabe et al. [9] conducted model tests to determine a stress–strain relationship for confined concrete and subsequently proposed a method to analyze the ultimate behavior of concrete-filled box columns considering local buckling of component plates and initial imperfections. Among the other recent investigations, the work done by Schneider [10] investigated the effect of steel tube shape and wall thickness on the ultimate strength of the composite columns. El-Tawil and Deierlein [11] reviewed and evaluated the concrete encased composite design provisions of the American Concrete Institute Code (ACI 318) [13], the AISC-LRFD Specifications [14] and the AISC Seismic Provisions [15], based on fiber section analyses considering the inelastic behavior of steel and concrete.In this study, an analytical approach based on the existing experimental results is attempted to determine a complete uniaxial stress–strain law for confined concrete in relatively thick-walled CFT columns. The primary objective of the proposed stress–strain model is its application in fiber analysis to investigate the inelastic behavior of CFT columns in compression or combined compression and bending. Such analyses are useful in establishing rationalstrength and ductility prediction procedures of seismic resisting structures. Three types of sectional shapes such as circular, box and octagonal are considered. A concrete–steel interaction model is employed to estimate the lateral pressure on concrete. Then, the maximum lateral pressure is correlated to the strength of confined concrete through an empirical formula. A method based on the results of fiber analysis using assumed concrete models is adopted to calibrate the post-peak behavior of the proposed model. Finally, the complete axial load–average axial strain curves obtained through the fiber analysis using the newly proposed material model are compared with the test results. It should be noted that a similar type of interaction model as used in this study has been adopted by Nishiyama et al. [16], which has been combined with a so called peak load condition line in order to determine the maximum lateral pressure on reinforced concrete columns.Meanwhile, previous researches [17,18] indicate that the stress–strain relationship of concrete under compressive load histories produces an envelope curve identical to the stress–strain curve obtained under monotonic loading. Therefore, in further studies, the proposed confined uniaxial stress–strain law can be extended to a cyclic stress–strain relationship of confined concrete by including a suitable unloading/reloading stress–strain rule.。